Ac Rupt
Ac Rupt
Ac Rupt
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3 authors, including:
Edmund Bailey
Queen Mary, University of London
All content following this page was uploaded by Edmund Bailey on 03 May 2016.
Edmund Bailey
Fortunately, needle fracture is a rare disposable needles in the 1960s, along Case report
complication following the administration with improvements in metal alloys and
A 32-year-old medically well
of dental local anaesthetic injections.1 manufacturing processes, needle fracture
female attended her dentist for routine
Evidence seems to suggest that needle has become even less common.2 On
mandibular dental extractions, for which
fracture is more common when giving reviewing historical literature, we came
an inferior dental nerve block on the
an inferior dental nerve block than it is across a 1924 study by Blum,3 documenting
right-hand side was required. While using
with other dental infiltration and block 65 cases of broken needles over a 10-year
a disposable 23 mm 30 gauge dental
techniques. Since the introduction of period.
needle, and during administration of a
Needle fracture may occur due
second block, the needle fractured in the
soft tissues and the dentist was unable to
Poor technique;
Edmund Bailey, MFDS, MOralSurg, visualize the fragment in order to retrieve
Patient movement during administration;
MPhil, Specialty Doctor in Oral Surgery, it. The proposed treatment was abandoned
Needle manufacturing faults.
University Dental Hospital of Manchester, and the patient was referred urgently to the
Jeethendra Rao, FRCS, MFDS, Locum maxillofacial department by her GDP. On
Consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon, Royal Needle selection presentation, the patient was somewhat
Blackburn Hospital and Alka Saksena, distressed by the situation. On examination,
Commonly used needles in
MSurgDent(UK), MFDS RCS(Eng), there was tenderness in the retromolar
dental practice in the UK include:4
MFGDP(UK), Consultant Oral Surgeon, region, trismus, but no sign of the needle.
23 mm (short) 30 gauge (narrow) for
University Dental Hospital of Manchester, Orthopantomogram and posterior-anterior
infiltration anaesthesia; and
Higher Cambridge Street, Manchester mandibular radiographs revealed a linear
35 mm (long) 27 gauge (wide) for
M156FH, UK. radio-opaque object with a bend, in the
regional block anaesthesia.
pterygomandibular space, representing
270 DentalUpdate April 2015