Assignment Awp I
Assignment Awp I
Assignment Awp I
College of Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
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(a) e A (b) e k e (c) E e ( e ) k e
2 2 2
3. (a) Find the radiation resistance of an infinitesimal (Hertzian ) dipole whose overall length is l =
(b) Caluclate the dimensions of a half-wave dipole antenna operating at 100MHz in the free space.
What is its radiation resistance? Give the total power radiated if it fed with a current of amplitude
4. Find the radiation resistance and directivity of a circular loop antenna of radius 0.3183m
operating at 1 MHz. The radius of a wire used is 0.4mm, conductivity of the wire is 57mS/m and
relative permeability =1.
5. If the maximum current in the dipole antenna is 20 amp, find the field intensity at a distance of 2
kms along the axis perpendicular and at angle 300 from the antenna?