Industrial Engg
Industrial Engg
Industrial Engg
Introduction: Evolution of Industrial Engineering - Fields of application of
Industrial Engineering - Functions of Industrial Engineer - Organisational structure
of Industrial Engineering Department.
Production and Productivity: Types of production-continuous production-
intermittent production. Productivity-productivity index-factors affecting
productivity-techniques for productivity improvement.
Value Engineering: Historical perspective-reasons for poor values-types of values-
the different phases of value analysis-applications of value analysis.
Module 2
Plant design: Plant location-factors influencing plant location. Plant layout-types of
plant layout-introduction to layouts based on group technology, just in time and
cellular manufacturing systems.
Material handling: Principles of material handling-selection of material handling
devices-types of material handling equipments.
Maintenance and replacement of equipments: Types of maintenance.
Depreciation-methods of calculating depreciation. Selection of equipments-methods
for replacement studies.
Module 3
Methods Engineering: Process charts and flow diagrams-Micro motion study-Work
measurement techniques.
Job evaluation and merit rating: Objectives of job evaluation-Methods of job
evaluation. Objectives and uses of merit rating-Merit rating plans.
Module 4
Industrial relations: Fatigue - Communication in industry - Industrial disputes -
Trade unions - Quality circles - BIS - ISO - Labour Welfare - Industrial safety
-Statutory provisions in labour legislations.
Ergonomics: Objectives and applications.
Module 5
Inventory control: Determination of Economic order quantity and reorder level.
Quality control: Destructive and nondestructive testing methods. Statistical quality
control-process control charts-acceptance sampling.
Cost accounting and control: Elements of cost - Selling price of a product - Types
of cost - Allocation of overheads.
1. Production system - Riggs
2. Production control - Hiejet
3. Human factors in Engg design - Mc Cormic E.J.
4. Industrial Engg & Management - O.P.Khanna
5. Industrial Organisation & Management - Banga & Sarma
6. Industrial Engg - A.P.Verma
7. Value Engg - Mudge
8. Manufacturing organization & Management - Amrine
9. Time & Motion Study - Lowry
10. Quality Control - Hansen
Industrial engineering is the applied science that deals with the design,
improvement and installation of production systems. These are integrated systems of
people, materials, equipments and energy for the production and delivery of goods
and services. (The American Institute of Industrial Engineers)
The history of Industrial engineering is considered to start with the industrial
revolution in the eighteenth century. It has then passed through various phases with
prominent contributions from individuals. During the late nineteenth century the
impetus for the development of industrial engineering was primarily provided by
engineers/managers in the United States. During this period the most significant
contribution to the discipline of industrial engineering, perhaps, came from Frederick
W Taylor, who was a mechanical engineer. He initiated the concept of time study
applied to production operations. He used the term scientific management for his
planned approach to improving production and shop management.
The great depression of the 1930s made managers very cost conscious and
resulted in widespread application of industrial engineering principles and
techniques. Then the World War II demands for increased production provided
further stimulus to industrial engineering development.
The modern industrial engineering techniques had their origin during the
period between 1940 1nd 1946.the development of the techniques as listed below
took place during that time.
Value engineering
Operations research
Ergonomics or human engineering
System analysis
Advances in IT and computer packages
Mathematical and statistical tools
Thus industrial engineering has taken a firm position in the organization and it is
contributing maximum towards increasing productivity and efficiency in particular
and quality of work-life in general.
Applications of Industrial Engineering
In the early years industrial engineering was primarily applied to
manufacturing industries for improving the production processes. After 1940 the
following developments took place:
Development of applied mathematics leading to industrial application
of operations research techniques like linear programming, simulation
and statistical sampling
Development of industrial psychology for business applications
Development of computers and various software packages for
industrial application of electronic data processing
These developments widened the scope of industrial engineering and its
application spread to other fields. Industrial engineering techniques are now applied
in non-manufacturing sectors such as:
Construction and transportation
Farming and business
Airline operations and maintenance
Public utilities and hospitals
Government and armed forces.
Even though it is applied in many varied sectors, industrial engineering still
finds major applications in manufacturing plants and industries. In an industry,
besides production, other departments utilizing industrial engineering concepts and
techniques are: marketing, finance, purchase and industrial relations.
Functions of an Industrial Engineer
Industrial engineering activities span the entire enterprise. The most common
functions of an Industrial Engineer are:
1. Developing the simplest work methods and establishing the one best
way of doing work (standard method)
2. Establishing the performance standards as per the standard methods
(standard time)
3. Developing a sound wage and incentive scheme
4. Assisting in the design of a sound inventory control, determination of
economic lot size for production
5. Preparing a detailed job description and job specification for each job
and evaluating them
6. Establishing a sound cost system and developing cost control
7. Sound selection of site and developing an optimal layout for smooth
flow of work
8. Developing standard training programmes for various levels in the
14. Negotiator/Conflict manager for proper workplace relations
Small company 100 to 300 direct workers: Two or three industrial engineers may
undertake all the responsibilities. Typically the emphasis will be on work methods,
fixation of performance standards, plant layout, cost control, etc. Their work will be
coordinated by the operations head.
Medium company 300 to 600 workers: The structure generally takes the form of
different sections for the important industrial engineering activities. Production
planning and control, quality assurance, work study, material planning, etc., are
typical sections, with a senior engineer coordinating the functioning of the sections.
Large company above 600 direct workers: In a large company, in addition to
routine industrial engineering activities, emphasis is given to activities related to
value engineering, operations research, training and wage programmes. In these
companies industrial relations demand intensive attention and greater expertise.
Production is a process developed to transform a set of inputs like men,
materials, money, machinery and energy into a specified set of outputs like finished
products and services in desired quality and quantity in order to achieve the
objectives of the enterprise.
The production system is part of a larger system the business organization.
It is that part which produces the organisations products. Production is the basic
activity of all organizations round which all other activities revolve. In an efficient
production or operations process, the output is of greater value than the input. Thus
the role of operations is to create value.
Types of Production Systems
The production activities are classified according to the volume of production
and product standardization as follows:
Job shop production
Batch intermittent production
Project industries
Process industries
Mass production
Assembly lines
Cellular production
Conventionally, the first three are grouped as Intermittent Production and the rest as
Continuous Production.
Flow or Continuous Production
In continuous production the production process is carried out through a
sequence of operations which forms a continuous movement or flow. This production
method is for a single product in large numbers or at least a few similar products with
a standard set of operations and sequences. Steel mills, automobile plants, cement
factories, oil refineries, etc., are examples of continuous production system.
1. The volume of output is generally large and items are produced in
anticipation of demand.
2. The product design, the production operations and their sequence are
3. Machines and equipments are arranged according to the operations sequence.
4. Special purpose automatic machines are used to perform standardised
5. Machine capacities are balanced so that the material flow is uniform from
input end to output end.
6. Fixed path material handling equipments are used due to predetermined
1. Work in progress and storage space are minimum due to no queuing and
waiting periods.
2. Handling of materials is reduced.
3. Any delay at any stage is immediately detected resulting in automatic control
of direct labour content.
4. Due to inspection-in line deviations from standard are detected and
corrected quickly, thus reducing rejections.
5. Quick return on capital as a result of economies of scale, better inventory
control and quality assurance.
1. It is a very rigid system not permitting any production of non-standard
2. Any disruption in the process flow results in stoppage of all production at all
stages leading to huge losses.
3. Fluctuations in market demand for the products may cause plant idling or
huge finished goods stocks.
Continuous production system can be applied to industries which satisfy the
following requirements:
1. Uniform market demand.
2. Product standardization leading to standard processes.
3. Material and operations balancing.
4. Preventive maintenance system.
Mass Production
It refers to manufacture of standardised parts or components on a large scale.
Standardisation of materials, machines, products and processes is the basic feature of
mass production. Generally the degree of automation is high and the production
process is continuous. Mass production is employed for component manufacture for
automobile, electrical, and electronic industries.
Process Production
In this production is carried out continuously through a uniform and
standardised sequence of operations. Process production uses sophisticated automatic
equipments for bulk processing of certain materials. It finds wide application in
chemical industries.
On the basis of the nature of process employed, process production can be
classified into analytical process and synthetic process.
Assembly line
This type of continuous production was first developed for the assembly of
automobiles. It is now adopted for the manufacture of many other products in the
electrical and electronics industries. Assembly line is particularly useful when a
limited variety of similar products is to be produced in fairly large volumes on a
continuous basis.
Cellular Production
In this production method, groups of parts that have similar processing
requirements are grouped in to a part family. Then a cell is created that includes all
the equipments, facilities and human skills required to produce that part family. The
cell then produces large combined volumes of the family of parts though individual
part volumes are small. Cellular manufacturing thus allows product variety at the
reduced costs and response times available with mass production.
Intermittent Production
Intermittent production is a form of manufacturing in which the work passes
through functional departments in lots or batches. The product design changes from
time to time and the routing can be different for different lots. The facilities are
usually arranged in functional groups to have the flexibility to handle different
products. Machine shops doing job works and batch type chemical formulations
(pharmaceuticals) are examples of intermittent production.
1. The volume of production is generally small.
2. A wide variety of products are products are produced.
3. The flow of production is not continuous, but interspersed with waiting for
4. The sequence of operations change with different products and different
5. General purpose machines and equipments adaptable for different operations
are used.
6. A functional lay-out is usually used for flexibility.
7. Components are produced and stocked for assembly into finished products as
per customer requirements.
1. Investment required for machinery and plant is small.
2. It is flexible and easily adaptable to changes in product design.
3. A hold up in one operation does not cause disruption of others.
4. In the functional grouping of machinery, specialization and skill development
of operators are possible.
5. Since the operators handle a variety of jobs there is more job satisfaction.
1. Due to frequent changes in product design production planning is complex
and machine set-ups need frequent changes.
2. Optimum machine loading is difficult to achieve.
3. Raw material and work in process inventories are high.
4. Highly skilled operators are required.
5. Inefficient utilization of labour and equipment results in high unit costs.
1. Demand for the products is small and non-uniform.
2. Non-standard and unique products.
3. Very large products requiring parts and sub-assemblies to be brought to one
assembling location.
Job production
Job production is characterized by the manufacture of one or small quantity
of products designed and produced as per the specification of customers within pre-
fixed time and cost. The distinguishing features of job production are low volume
and high variety of products. Examples of products manufactured under job
production are: aircraft, special purpose machines, jogs and fixtures, custom
clothing, etc.
Project industries
These are extreme cases of job production where the product is just one unit
with unique features. Hence the production is taken up as a project. Ship building,
building construction, erection of plants, etc., are some examples of project
Batch production
It is the manufacture of products in small or large batches or lots at intervals
by a series of operations each operation being carried out the whole batch before any
subsequent operation is performed. Batch production is characterized by the
manufacture of a limited number of the product produced at regular intervals and
stocked awaiting sales. The facilities can be used for producing batches of other
products during the intervals.
Batch production is said to lie in between job production and mass
production.In job production intermittent demand is met by intermittent production.
In mass production continuous demand is satified by continuous production. Mixing
these two in batch production continuous demand is met by intermittent production
and stocking.
Productivity is the quality or state of being productive. It is the concept that
guides the management of production systems and measures its success. It is the
quality that indicates how well labour, capital, materials and energy are utilized.
European Productivity Agency defines productivity in the following manner.
Productivity is an attitude of mind.
It is the mentality of progress, and of the constant improvements of that
which exists.
It is the certainty of being able to do better today than yesterday and
It is the constant adaptation of economic and social life to changing
It is the continual effort to apply new techniques and methods.
It is the faith in human progress.
Comparison of Production and Productivity
1. Production refers to the quantity of the product. Productivity is the
efficiency of production.
2. Production can be increased by increasing the inputs without any
improvement in their effective utilization. Improvement in productivity
increases production without increases in the inputs.
3. Higher production does not necessarily improve productivity. Higher
productivity brings down the cost of production thus improving
profitability, for the same sale price.
The improvement in productivity brings the following benefits to the
company and to the society.
1. Reduction in cost per unit leading to reduction in price of goods.
2. Increase in wages,\.
3. Increase in profits to the company which can be utilized for
expansion and modernization.
4. Better standards of living of people through increase in their
incomes and improvement in quality of goods that are available at
cheaper prices.
5. Increase in competitive strength of the country in the world
market through reduction in cost of production and improvement
in the quality of output.
Productivity Index
The factors or resources that go into any production process are all
interlinked and the elimination of waste in any or all factors improves productivity.
In other words, for a given output, lower the input greater is the productivity. Thus
we can define productivity as the ratio between output and input.
Comparison of output with all the input factors (like labour, material,
machinery, etc.) taken together is called total productivity index and comparison of
output with any one of the input factors keeping other factors constant is called
partial productivity index.
Factors Affecting Productivity
1. National Productivity
1.1. Human Resources
1.1.2Quality of life
1.1.3Labour movement
1.2 Technology and Capital Investment
1.2.1R&D in Industries and Universities
1.2.2Tax regime and savings rate
1.2.3Investment Environment
1.3 Government Regulation
1.3.2Laws and Government Attitude
2. Productivity in Manufacturing and Services
2.1 Human Factors
2.1.1Ability and Training
2.1.2Motivation and Incentive Schemes Policy of Management System Relations Participation in Management
2.1.3Work Environment, Lighting, House-keeping Measures Amenities
2.2 Technological Factors
2.2.1Product and Plant Design and Standardisation and Capacity of Plant and Equipment Used Layout and Location and Maintenance
2.2.2Technology Planning and Control Engineering Techniques Handling System and Quality Control and Development
2.2.3Materials and Supplies Supply of Materials and Fuel Control of Waste and Utilization of Scrap
Techniques for Productivity Improvement
1. Work study
2. Research and development
3. Incentive schemes
4. Production planning and control
5. Automation
6. Job enrichment
7. Management by objectives
8. Flexi-time
9. Quality of work-life
10. Quality circles
Value is an abstract concept. It is related to the qualities of the product. The
qualities may be subjective (shape, styling) or objective (performance, durability). A
product or service is generally considered to have good value if it has the appropriate
performance and cost. These are the major factors determining value. There are many
other factors which contribute towards the value like durability, reliability, aesthetics,
timeliness, etc. Thus value can be written as
Value engineering, value analysis, value management, value control, value
assurance, all means the same thing. The definition given by the Society of American
Value Engineers (SAVE) is:
Value analysis is the systematic application of recognized techniques which
identify the function of a product or service, establish a monetary value for the
function, and provide the necessary function reliably at the lowest overall cost.
The origin of value engineering technology as we know today can be traced
back to the World War II efforts to maintain and increase the production of all items
against the scarcity of many inputs. Mr. Lawrence Delos Miles of the General
Electric Company, USA, developed a formal methodology in which the functions of
products were determined and through team-oriented creative techniques changes
were made in the products to lower their cost without affecting their utility and
quality. This programme called Value Analysis by Miles was implemented in GEC in
In 1954 US Navy Bureau of Ships adopted this concept to cost reduction in
the design process and called it Value Engineering. In 1959 the Society of American
value Engineers (SAVE) was founded in Washington DC, USA. In India Value
Engineering is now a well recognized programme actively followed in many public
and private sector concerns. A professional society, the Indian Value Engineering
Society (INVEST) was founded in 1977.
Objectives of Value Engineering
1. The main objective of value analysis is cost reduction.
2. Value analysis also considers time a product may be of value if it is
available at a certain point of time.
3. Application of value analysis results in improved quality of the product.
4. Value analysis promotes standardization leading to reduction in cost of
5. Simplification of the product is attempted in value analysis to obtain cost
6. Value analysis aims at meeting customers requirements thereby enhancing
the value of the product.
7. When full value is ensured at reduced cost it improves the profit margin as
well as sales volume thereby increasing profitability.
8. Spread of value engineering techniques and activities improves cost
consciousness, quality awareness and problem-solving culture of the
Types of Values
Economic value of a product or service may be classified into four types as
described below:
1. Use Value is the value provided by the properties, features and qualities which
accomplish the use, work or service causing the item to perform the intended
2. Esteem Value is the customers emotional regard for the item. This is provided by
the properties, features and attractiveness which make one to yearn for its possession.
The esteem value is the perceived value of an item over and above its use value.
3. Exchange Value causes goods and services to be exchanged with others of equal
value. This value depends on the demand and supply position of items exchanged.
4. Cost Value is the total cost of material, labour and others that have to be incurred
to produce an item or to provide a service. It gives the basic worth of the product or
service. Other types of values are added to it to get its full value.
Reasons for poor value
1. Lack of information
2. Lack of creative ideas
3. Lack of time
4. Lack of funds
5. Poor quality
6. Honest wrong beliefs
7. Habitual thinking
8. Risk of personal loss
9. Reluctance to seek advice
10. Habits and attitudes
11. Unrealistic requirements
12. Changed circumstances
13. Changing technology
14. Poor communications
15. Prejudice
16. Misconceptions
17. Lack of experience
18. Desire to conform
19. Politics
In the function analysis phase the value engineering team defines the
functions of the item under study, classifies them and evaluates the functional
relationships. When this analysis is complete necessary and unnecessary functions
will become visible. The techniques are:
a) Define function in two words a verb and a noun
b) Evaluate function relationship.
After defining the functions and classifying them, the next step is to
determine the cost of each function. Placing a cost to each function and then
compiling a function-cost matrix will identify the high cost functions.
The objective of the creation phase is to create ideas for alternative ways to
accomplish the essential functions and improve value. Creative thinking techniques
like brain storming, mind mapping, attribute listing, free association technique, etc.,
are used to generate a multitude of ideas on products, processes, and methods so as to
add value or reduce cost.
In the evaluation phase the generated ideas are evaluated to select the most
promising ideas, and subject these to a preliminary screening. The techniques
associated with this phase are:
a) Refine and combine ideas
b) Establish costs on all ideas
c) Develop function alternatives
d) Compare the alternatives to find the one with the greatest value.
The objectives of the investigation phase are to refine the partially developed
ideas and to prepare a work plan to convert the selected ideas into acceptable
proposals. The techniques of this phase are:
a) Use company and industry standards
b) Consult vendors and specialists
c) Use specialty products, processes and procedures.
In actual practice of the above phases, while the ideas are created, refined,
evaluated and investigated, new information may emerge. Then the phases of
creation, evaluation and investigation are gone through again until finally the lowest
cost, most sound solution emerges. This nature of the job plan forms the Value
In the recommendation and implementation phase the value change
alternative selected is presented as a Value Engineering Change Plan (VECP) to the
management for final approval and implementation. This is a vital phase because the
fruits of all the efforts in the previous phases are obtained only if this phase is
successfully completed. The VECP must
Present facts
Enumerate benefits of proposed changes
Give before and after comparisons of costs
List advantages and disadvantages
Have a detailed plan for implementation
Acknowledge assistance received from others
Include all relevant data for decision making.
For successful implementation the plan must dovetail into the organisations
activities. Reviewing progress periodically would ensure timely completion. A post
audit of the benefits and savings realized against the expected results shall help in
improving future value engineering work.
Application of Value Engineering
Value engineering should be applied in case of occurrence of any of the
1. Introduction of new products
2. Adverse rate of return on investment
3. Reduction in sales
4. Increase of cost of production
5. Price reduction by competitors
6. Consumer complaints on product performance
7. Increase in cost of inputs.
1. Input Considerations
2. Processing Considerations
c. Forecasting and scheduling.
3. Output Considerations
4. Other Considerations.
d. Political situations.
3. Volume of Production
According to this point, while plant layout is being done it should be kept in
mind that what volume is required to be produced. In this case it should be
seen that which type of production is adopted.
a. Job production.
b. Batch production.
c. Mass production.
4. Influence of Processes
The process through material passes will affect layout. Care should be given
to the material handling problems, position of store room and tool room.
Plant Layout
Plant layout is the optimum arrangement of different facilities including man,
machine, equipment and material etc., showing the space allocated for material
movement, storage and all supporting activities from the receipt of raw material to
the shipping of the finished goods for an overall economy of production.
1.Type of industry
2. Type of Product
Type of product means whether the product is heavy or light, large or small,
liquid or solid. It is also considered in plant layout.
In product layout, machines and equipments are arranged in the sequence
of manufacturing operations required for the product. The material is
moved from one work station to another sequentially without any
backtracking or deviation. It is called line layout because machines are
mostly arranged in straight line. The raw materials are fed at one end and
taken out as the finished product on the other. A product layout may
assume a straight line shape, a v-shape or circular shape.
Layout by fixed position of the product is used in ship building,
aircraft manufacture and big pressure vessels fabrication.
Here the operations of the job and their sequences are analysed to form
certain family of jobs depending upon the family a number of machines are grouped
together in each work centre. These work centres are then arranged in a proper
sequential order so that these families of jobs flow through the work centre smoothly.
The objective here is to minimize the setting time and throughput time.
Group technology is the realization that many problems are similar and that
by grouping similar problems, a single situation can be found to a set of problems,
thus saving time and effort.
In JIT the goods are produced only at the time they needed and in the
quantity that is needed. In such situations the inventories of the finished goods and
work-in-progress would be almost nil. If raw material suppliers agree that they
should deliver their goods only at the time and in quantities needed the raw material
inventories will also eliminate. JIT is an approach to material management and
control designed to produce or deliver pars and materials just when required in
a. Material to be moved.
Size of material, its shape, weight, nature(solid, liquid or gas) and its chance
of getting damage during handling is considered.
Different machines have different outputs. Material handling device will able
to handle maximum outputs.
e. Type of production
Mass production requires conveyors. Conveyors can handle more output but
is costlier. But the production needs trucks. Industrial Trucks are flexible.
g. Handling cost.
h. Life equipment.
In fork lift truck the forks are attached to a column on the truck. Forks can
be lifted to desired height along with the material on them and the material can be
stacked at the proper place, even very close to the roof.
Cranes are employed for lifting and lowering bulky items and packages or
cases. They find in heavy engineering and generally in intermittent type of
production. They provide overhead movements. The crane hook can move in a
rectangular area or a circular area. A jib crane is preferred where lifting of the jobs is
required in few locations only or where bridge crane cannot be erected.
They are employed to transport material over a fixed path which may be
horizontal or inclined (up or down), to different locations in the factory. They prove
economical if the flow of material is continuous.
In a belt conveyor, the belt may be flat or trough shape to hold (granular)
materials which may tend to fall from the flat belt. The belt material may be rubber
covered canvas, steel, plain fabric or woven wire. A fixed conveyor is used on mass
production shop floor whereas portable conveyors are preferred for intermittent job.
They may be gravity aided or powered and are employed for transporting
products having flat bottoms. Bigger jobs can be handled as they are. Whereas small
items are put in boxes, tins or ballots before being transferred. Roller conveyors can
move the material along straight or curved path. Gravity type conveyors should be
preferred as compared to line conveyors wherever practical.
It consist of overhead endless chain. It is supported from the ceiling and has
a fixed path to travel. A lifting mechanism is used for loading and unloading the
They are used for transporting granular or pulverized materials through the
pipes. Gravity or air flow moves the materials.
They transfer small jobs which can slide down under gravity. Vibrating
slides transport materials up an incline also. Chutes have sheet metal or roller base
for transporting components down the incline.
Tractors, three wheeled or four wheeled employ IC Engine drive and are
generally used for out door application. Material is loaded in the trailers which are
attached to the towing tractor.
Then D = R s
In this method book value of machine goes on decreasing. A certain
percentage of the current book value is taken as depreciation. This method is so
called Percentage on Book Value
1/ n
Then x = 1 -
In this method a depreciation fund equal to the actual loss in the value of the
asset or machine is estimated taking into account the interest on the accumulated
fund. The rate of depreciation will be constant though out the life of the machine
S = Scrap value
R(C - S)
N = No. of years of life of machine D =
( 1 + R ) N -1
C = Cost of machine
S = Scrap value
R = Rate of interest
D = Rate of depreciation
Then D = CR + C- C1 = C(1+R) C1
( C ( 1 + R ) - S) ( 1 - ( 1 + R ) )
( 1- ( 1+ R ) )
In this method the machine is insured with the insurance company and
premiums are paid on the insurance policy. When the policy matures, the company
provides sufficient sum to replace the machine.
In this every year the value of machine is revalued and the difference
between the book value and the revalued value is charged as a depreciation fund.
Greater amount of depreciation is made during the early years and it goes on
decreasing as the life of machine decreases. For calculating depreciation the net
amount (total cost scrap value) is spread over whole life in decreasing proportion.
Work study is the term for the techniques method study and work
measurement which are used in the examination of human work.
Work Study
Higher Productivity
a. Economic considerations
b. Technical considerations
c. Human considerations.
ii. Flow process chart; Man type, Material type and Equipment type.
(b) Diagrams
i) Flow diagrams
4. DEVELOP the best method as resulted from critical examination and record it.
ii) Safe and effective
iii) Economical
The new method should be installed with the help of supervisors and
operators after proper training of operators if required.
6. MAINTAIN the new method as standard practice and verify with the help of
proper control procedures.
(a). Process charts
It provides an overall view, a quick idea of the entire process from beginning
to end at a glance.
Charted by : ...................
Date : ...................
1 Unscrew cap.
2 Unscrew neck.
Material type of flow process chart
Distance Time Remarks
Moved (m) minutes if any
Casting lying in -
1 - -
foundary store
Wait, cutting -
1 - 5
machine being set
Risers end 1 - 20 -
Moved to By trolley
2 30 6
machine shop
Inspected before -
1 - 15
Man type flow process chart
3. Place the specimen gently on the rotating table and polish it.
7. Dry it.
Two handed process chart records the activities of the left hand and right
hand of an operator related to each other. The activities of two chart can be
synchronized by providing a time scale on the chart. This is also known as operator
activity chart.
(2) Mark the relative positions of machine tools, benches, store, racks, inspection
booths, etc.
(3) From different observations, draw the actual path movement of the material or
the worker on the diagram and indicate the direction of movement. Different
movements can be done in different colours for better understanding. Process
symbols may also be added on to the diagrams.
One macroscopic motion, may contain a number of microscopic motions. It is
not possible to eliminate completely the macroscopic motion but an unnecessary
microscopic motion can be eliminated.
(1) Using a 16 mm movie camera a number of short and repetitive work cycles are
filmed (at 16 frames per second) as the worker performs the job. For recording
time, a timing device (wink counter) is placed in the field of view.
(2) The film thus is obtained is viewed and most efficiently performed one whoe
cycle is selected for analysis.
(3) A special projector is employed to study the work cycle recorded on the film.
The work study engineer analyses the film, frame by frame.
Time study is a technique for determining the time necessary to carry out a
given activity. Accurate measurement of time is necessary from limited number of
observations. Activity should be at a defined level of performance.
It is the calculated time of the activity of the operator considering the rate of
Then Basic time = 5
If the rating factor is 1.2 then it means that operator is working at a faster rate 125%
compared to normal performance 100%.
It is the extra time added to the basic time of the operator to recover from
phycological studying one frame at a time and concentrated first on the left hand and
then on right hand movements.
(4) The data noted in step 3 is recorded in the form of therblig chart. The duration of
actual movements are also read from wink counter.
(5) Simo chart is then drawn for further study and analysis.
(6) This Simo chart of the existing method is subjected to questioning procedure
bared on the principles of motion economy, the purpose is to develop a better and
improved procedure for doing a job.
Simo chart
Operation. Date
Left hand Right hand
Symbol Time (winks) Symbol
description description
To job TL 20 TL To job
Position P 30 AD Idle
Hold H 50 V Use
It is defined as the allowed time for a quality worker for doing a quality job
of defined amount by following a prescribed method if the worker is working at a
place under capable supervision and in experience fatigue.
(d) measuring instruments for distance (ruler tape, micrometer) and speed
(revolution counter)
(c) Measure with a stop watch the time for each element repeated for
sufficient number of cycles. Assess the effective speed of working
relating to a predetermined normal speed. This process is called
performance rating or rating factor.
(d) Compile the different basic times for entire element activities. After
finding the basic time per cycle required by qualified worker to do each
element at standard rate, the percentage of time for fatigue and
personnel needs is find out. This is called relaxation allowance.
(e) Define all the activities covered now. Issue the time allowed for particular
job. Allowed time should have the approval of management and support of
No. of readings which have to be taken by the time study man is given by
40 NSx 2 - ( Sx )
Nexpected =
N = no of observation taken
X = value of each observation
Nexp = sufficient no of readings.
Time frequency
0.98 1
0.99 2
1 6
1.01 2 1.02 1
Confidence level
Standard deviation = s S ( x - x )
2s occupy 99.45%
3s occupy 99.73%
This means that 1 is 68.27% confident that random observation will fall in
this area. Therefore confidence level of 1 is 68.27%. After calculating the value of
standard deviation upper and lower control limits can be fixed.
P ( 1- P)
S.P = W
Suppose on 100 observation if 25 observation the machine is idle the p =
N = no. of observation.
Eg: Total 100 observations are made out of this 25 observations showed the
machine to be idle. Percentage of idle time is 25%. For 95% confidence level and
(5 %) accuracy.
S = Accuracy = 5% = ? 0.05
P ( 1- P)
SP = SP = 2
0.25 0.75
0.050.25 = 2
N = 4800
(a) Find out job details which include job dimensions standard procedures and the
job conditions
(c) Select time values for as many elements as possible from library of element
time values.
(d) To the remaining elements for which n synthetic data is available, the estimator
gives suitable time values from his part knowledge and experience.
(e) Add (c) & (d) and this is the total basic time at 100% rating.
(f) Add to (e) an appropriate blanket relaxation allowance ie, relaxation allowance
is not given to individual elements. Usually 10-20% of total basic time is added
to total basic time.
(g) Any additional allowance if applicable may be added to arrive at standard time
for the given job.
(1) Stop watch is not used for this technique, thus it avoids the inaccuracies
due to human judgement.
(2) It is assumed that all manual tasks in industries are made up of certain
basic human movements which are common to all jobs (like reach,
move, disengage etc.)
(3) The average time taken by the industrial worker to perform a basic
movement is practically constant.
With above facts in mind, the various steps involved in PMTS are
(a) Select large number of workers doing varieties of jobs under normal
working conditions in industries.
(b) Record the job operations on a movie film (Micro motion study)
(c) Analyse the film, note-down the time taken to complete each element
and compile the data in the form of table or chart.
Once the table for various motions are ready, the normal time for any new
job can be determind by breaking the job into its basic movements, noting the time
for each motion from the tables and adding up the time values for all basic
movements in the job.
(a) Machine elements:- They are controlled by the process (feed, speed,
depth of cut)
(b) Constant elements: (holding lathe in the tool part) ie, they are
identical from job to job.
The motion or movements of the limbs of a worker play a major part in the
fabrication or the manufacture of a product. By carefully observing a worker while
he is doing an operation a number of movements made by him which appear to be
unnecessary and unproductive can be identified and eliminated.
Micro motion study is the technique of recording and analysing the timing
of fundamental elements of an operation or activity with the aim of achieving the
best method of performing the operation. The purpose is to design improved method
which eliminates unnecessary motions and employs human efforts more
productively. Principles of motion economy prove to be very useful.
Steps involved in motion analysis are
(g) Check once again the procedure in the light of step (e).
There should be defined place for all tools and materials. The work place
layout should be arranged if possible so that the operators can work standing or
In this case holder for tool is provided and the operator is trained to
return the tool.
Train the operator to develop habitual motion to mount the tool in such a
way that after the use they return automatically to a definite location.
(3) As far as possible select the normal times for all elements involved in
the operation from synthetic data, or standard data.
(4) Estimate various allowance like, personal and rest allowances and
special allowances from each element.
(5) Verify the analysis of elements for selected job method and other
(6) Add various allowance to the normal time for each element and sum
up all such times to fix the standard time for new job.
(1) The General move sequence (for movement of object freely through
(3) The tool use sequence ( for use of common hand tools)
Once jobs have been described, a number of key jobs are selected as
standards against which other jobs are to be compared.
1. Ranking method
Under this method the foreman or departmental head is asked to rank his
jobs according to job difficulties, starting with the most difficult or most important
job first and least important job last. He is expected to evaluate the job as a whole for
job difficulty without going into details of the elements, which may make up the job.
The responsibility of co-ordinating these ranking and grouping the job is given to a
central committee. Evaluate the job by the ranking system consist of following major
(d) Ranking
The jobs to be ranked are first paired among themselves. The number of
n ( n - 1)
comparison to be made is equal to where n = number of job to be ranked.
This method consist of sorting all the jobs being evaluated into grades or
classes which have been predetermined and arranged in order of importance. It
requires preparing a definition for each grade classifying individual jobs according to
their characteristics match with the grades. These grade definitions are prepared by a
committee composed of persons in the organisation, who have clear picture of the all
jobs in the organisation. A three fold classification, unskilled, semiskilled and skilled
can be used to classify certain types of job. A more elaborate system of grades may
be necessary in the classification of office positions.
mental effort
physical effort
working condition
(1) Identify a few key jobs in the organisation and record their wages.
(2) Analyse the key jobs for each of the five factor mentioned above.
100 J1
125 J4
200 J2 J2 J4
225 JN
250 J1 JN
300 J1
(3) Allocate salary among five factors in proportion to their requirements
(table 1)
(4) This formulates a money rating scale for each of five factors.
(d) The worth of an employee can be determined from the total points he
gets for all his merit factors.
The method compares a worker on a job with all other workers on the same
job. Suppose there are 4 workers, B,S,T
B turned to be better - 3 times
T turned to be better - 1 times
S turned to be better - 0 times - nil
then B is taken to be the best worker.
3. Select and define degrees for each factor of key jobs and jobs to be
Factors Degree
Effort Physical
5. Total up all the degree points for each job The wage is known for key
job. Plot the graph between total points and wage rate.
6. Add up all degree points for job to be evaluated. Plot the position of
degree point on the graph and read the value of the wage rate on
vertical axis of graph.
(3) Intelligence
(6) Character
(a) The number of factors for rating an employee may vary from
six to ten.
(b) Divide each factor into three to five grades or degrees like
excellent, very good, good, fair and unsatisfactory.
1. Hours of Work
Highest productivity per hour and less fatigue is achieved with small
number of working hours per day. 8 hours per day with 45 to 60 minutes lunch break
is a good solution.
A five day week with 40 working hours showed highest hourly output.
3. Nature of Work
Complex muscular task may preferably done with the help of suitable
material handling device. Minute and precise work imparts more fatigue.
4. Working Conditions
5. Rest Pauses
Suitable rest pauses or tea coffee breaks within the work hours tend to
reduce build-up of fatigue.
(a) A formal communication is official that is part of the system which is
involved in successful operation of concern.
2. Group meeting
3. Counseling
4. Labour union
5. Grapewine
Downward channels of communication
1. Chain of command
2. Notice boards
3. Group meeting
4. Labour union
5. Employee handbook
6. Grapewine
1. Sender
3. Receiver
(1) Word
(2) Action
(3) Pictures
(4) Numbers
EOQ is the most advantage order quantity having lowest cost per unit.
Inventory is the detailed list of movable goods like raw materials, materials
in process, finished products etc. Its quantity and value.
(i) Insurance
(iii) Depreciation
P = procurement cost per order
Procurement cost per year = no. of orders placed in a year cost per order
= P
= C
Total Cost = +
Q 2
Q 2
Q2 =
Maximum Stores :-
This term is applied to represent the upper limit of the inventory and
represent the largest quantity generally kept in sotres.
Minimum Stores:-
Ordering point.
It indicates that it is high time to initiate a purchase order and if not done so
the inventory may exhaust.
Lead time;-
It is the time which takes the stock to reach from Re-order point to
minimum stock level.
(a) Tensile testing (b) Compression testing (c) Hardness testing (d) Impact
testing (e) Bend testing (f) Torsion test (g) Fatigue testing (h) Creep testing
3s are for variables
used Charts
for control charts with confidence levelfor
of 99% (area under
normal distribution curve)
For x charts
Average Rate Charts for Charts for
chart control limitchart
upper defective defects per
( chart) (R chart items unit
VCL x = x + A 2 R
For R chart
VCL R = D4 R
from N.D.C.
P chart
P ( 1- P)
VCL P = P + 3sP = P + 3
P ( 1- P)
LCL P = P - 3 n = sample size
C chart
VCLC = C + 3sC = C + 3 C
LCLC = C - 3 C
sC = tC
Procedure of sampling inspection
Lot size varies to 300 products to any no. There is no upper limit. Lot size is
made small for easy handling.
A rational lot is one whose units have been produced from same source. As
far as possible the lot contains products from same raw material, same die and the
same shift.
Process Average
It determines that before removal of any rejects whether or not the product
is manufactured under satisfactory control.
N = lot size
h = sample size
c = acceptance number
Inspect n jobs
If no. of defectives
In this plan the decision of acceptance and rejection of the lot is based on
two sample size.
Inspect n jobs
If number of defects
in first and second samples
combined are
It is a plan in which sample size is increased by one piece at a time till the
sample becomes large enough and contains sufficient number of defective pieces to
decide intelligently whether to accept the lot or reject it.
1. Economic
(a) Insurance
2. Recreational
(a) Sports
3. Facilitative
(a) Housing
(b) Transport
Labour cost
(a) Direct labour cost
A direct labour cost is one who converts directly the material into salable
products. The wages of such employees are called direct labour cost.
Indirect or non productive workers are foremen helpers, supervisor etc. The
cost of such employees are called indirect labour cost.
The expenses which are allocated to cost centres are direct expenses.
The expenses which cannot be allocated but absorbed by cost centres are
called indirect expenses.
eg: Depreciation
Prime cost
Prime cost = Direct material cost +Direct labour cost + Direct expenses
It is defined as the cost of indirect material, indirect labour and such other
1. Building expense
(a) Rent
(b) Insurance
(c) Repairs
2. Indirect labour
(a) Foreman
(b) Supervisor
1) Office rent
3) Tax
4) Audit fee
(c) Selling overhead
Cost of transportation
Administration overhead
Elements of cost
1. Material
2. Labour
3. Expense
It is of two types
The amount paid for the direct materials is known as direct material cost.
An indirect material is one which is not directly used in the product itself
The cost associated with indirect material is called indirect material cost.