The Samachar - 2017 - 12 - 12
The Samachar - 2017 - 12 - 12
The Samachar - 2017 - 12 - 12
4 hurt as pipe
bomb goes off Apologise for falsehoods and Exec in lock-up for 2 days,
in NYC subway booked
canards, Manmohan tells PM Teen Actor And for sexual assault
A crude pipe bomb strap-
ped to a Bangladeshi na-
tional living in the US for the
My husband is
Modi Desperate Mr Modi is setting a dangerous precedent Pak: Dont drag us innocent. It is not
past seven years went off in a
crowded subway corridor ne- by his insatiable desire to tarnish every
into your poll debate Mom Fly Home molestation if his leg was
ar Times Square on Monday, As He Fears constitutional ofce, including that of a former
PM and Army Chief... Fearing imminent defeat in
on the armrest I
injuring the man, slightly
wounding three others and
snarling the rush-hour com-
Defeat In Guj Gujarat, desperation of Prime Minister to hurl every
abuse and latch on to every straw is
A day after PM Narendra
Modi claimed that top
Congress functionaries had
am his pillar of
strength and will
stand by him
mute for lakhs of New York TIMES NEWS NETWORK palpable MANMOHAN SINGH | Former PM held a secret meeting with Mumbai:A court on Monday
workers. The terror suspect Pakistani officials, the foreign remanded senior corporate Divya Sachdeva
was inspired by Islamic Sta- New Delhi: Political tempe- I am surprised Congress is demanding an apology from office in Islamabad said on executive Vikas Sachdeva
PM when it is they who should apologise for not following I saw Sachdeva doze off
te, but may not have been in ratures soared on Monday Monday that India should stop (39), accused of sexually ha-
the national line on Pakistan ARUN JAITLEY | Finance minister immediately after he
touch with it, cops said. P 14 with former PM Manmohan dragging Pakistan into its elec- rassing a 17-year-old actor
Singh demanding his succes- toral debate and win victories aboard an aircraft, in two da-
settled in his seat. His fault was
SOME OF THOSE PRESENT AT THE DINNER: Former Army chief he kept his legs on the armrest. Vikas Sachdeva being taken
sor Narendra Modi apologise Deepak Kapoor, former high commissioners to Pakistan TCA on its own strength rather than ys police custody following
I did not see him misbehaving from the Pocso court to police
Pvt vehicle ban to the nation for canards and
falsehoods linking a mee-
Raghavan, Sharat Sabharwal & K Shankar Bajpai, former foreign
secretary Salman Haidar, former foreign minister Natwar Singh
fabricated conspiracies, which
are utterly baseless and
his arrest on Sunday night.
The actor was with her A co-flyer to Sahar police custody on Monday
at Charminar? FULL COVERAGE: P8 and former vice-president Hamid Ansari irresponsible. P8 mother in business class on a
late-night Delhi-Mumbai court on Monday and was ta- with 3-5 years jail, and sexu-
India up 4 ranks in
Hooked! Virushka begin new India-China
ties outweigh
After one-horse race, Cut Andhras
share in Krishna
prosperity index innings with wedding in Italy Doklam Rahul is Cong chief water, says T
T he gap between China
and Indias prosperity TIMES NEWS NETWORK hinas foreign minister hough her influence follows Sonias 19 years at n a move likely to ruffle
has narrowed by four ranks Wang Yi has said that fri- will not fade complete- the helm, the longest tenure the feathers of its neigh-
since 2016, and to a quarter of fter days of intense specu- endship and good neighbour- ly, the curtain fell on in the partys 132-year histo- bour, Telangana has de-
what it was in 2012, accor- lation and denials, Indian liness between India and Chi- the Sonia ry, and comes at a time when manded substantial cut in
ding to the latest Legatum cricket captain Virat Koh- na are far more important Gandhi era the 2019 Lok Sabha elections water share of Andhra Pra-
Prosperity Index, an annual li and Bollywood star Anushka than partial frictions on the in Congress are not too far off. desh in Krishna water and
ranking by Londons Lega- Sharma tied the knot on Mon- border. Speaking at a sympo- with her son The Gandhi scion will increase its share. Telanga-
tum Institute. P 15 day in a private ceremony, repor- sium on Chinas diplomacy in and party formally assume the top post na on Monday submitted its
tedly at a countryside resort na- Beijing, before leaving for vice-presi- on December 16 two days final affidavit asking the
med Borgo Finocchieto one of New Delhi where he is atten- dent Rahul ahead of results to Gujarat Brijesh Kumar Tribunal to
SC to hear govt the most expensive holiday pro-
perties in the world, where Ba-
ding the Russia-India-China
(RIC) meeting of foreign mi-
Gandhi elect-
ed as party
and Himachal Pradesh as-
sembly elections which will
cancel 152 thousand million
cubic (tmc) feet (ft) water al-
Rahul Gandhi
plea on Voda rack and Michelle Obama had
stayed earlier this year.
nisters, Wang
Both being big developing
said, president
with expect-
set the tone for his initial
stint in office. His immedi-
located for the Krishna del-
ta in AP. Telangana also de-
Today we have promised
T he Supreme Court will
today hear the Centres
plea challenging a Delhi HC
each other to be bound in love
forever. We are truly blessed to
LOVE MATCH: One of the wedding pictures tweeted by the couple
ve and support of our family of uple, both aged 29, said in a joint
countries, China and India
have far greater shared strate-
gic interests than concrete
edly no other challenger in
the fray. Rahul was elected
Congress president after a
ate goal will be to get Con-
gress party battle-ready and
lead it into the next national
manded reduction of allo-
cation to Guntur channel
and Vaikuntapuram ca-
order asking it to participate share this wonderful news with fans and well-wishers. Thank statement. differences, and far greater long suspense over just election. nals, citing land pooling of
in dual arbitration procee- you. This beautiful day will be you for being such an impor- needs for cooperation than when he would grasp his AP government to const-
dings initiated by Vodafone made more special with the lo- tant part of our journey, the co- Reception in Delhi: P10 partial frictions. P10 family legacy. His elevation FULL REPORT: P8 ruct its new capital. P7
following a tax demand of Rs
11,000 crore. P 15
ture plummeting to 12.7 deg- New Delhi: The information intervention, Advertising iling fan at A Mahindra Collaboration
ree Celsius from Sundays 15.9 and broadcasting ministry Standards Council his Yousuf-
degrees. According to weat- on Monday issued an of India specically guda resi-
hermen, this sharp dip in the
mercury level, though not
advisory directing television
channels against telecasting
referred to ads by dence.
The actor Expert physiotherapy care.
Mankind Pharmas
unusual during the winter se- condom advertisements left a video
ason, has occurred early this between 6 am and 10 pm, at- Manforce clip holding Ri g ht at your ho me.
year as compared to the last tributing the decision to contraceptive his wife and
three winters. Officials attri- complaints that some endorsed by Vijay Sai two others At Nightingales, we bring you
buted the slump to reduced channels aired the ads Sunny Leone responsible
physiotherapy services for all your
air pressure and said the tem- repeatedly and were unsui- for his death, saying they had be-
perature, thats been witnes- table viewing. were using explicit adult en demanding `3 crore needs, right at your doorstep. Be it
sing a gradual dip, is likely to The ministry said it had content to promote their pro- from him.
fall further over the next cou- received complaints that ducts, the Advertising Stan- Family members said the ac- stroke rehabilitation, sports injury
ple of days. The temperature condom ads were indecent, dards Council of India tor slipped into depression due management , pain management
will continue to be low for the especially for children. It ci- (ASCI) had approached the to marital disputes and lack of
next two days, said YK Red- ted clauses of the Cable Tele- ministry for suggestions on acting opportunities. Vijay Sai or arthritis , our physiotherapists
dy, in-charge director of IMD, vision Network Rules of 1994 whether to allow telecast of and his wife Vanitha had been li- specialise in a variety of treatments.
Hyderabad. P2 to urge television channels such ads only between 11 pm ving separately for the last two
to refrain from regularly ai- and 5 am. years and their divorce matter is So that you can recover faster at
ring ads of various contra- Though the ASCI pending before a local court. the most comfortable location -
Canola oil hurts ceptive brands. The ministry
order, though merely an ad-
sought stricter restraint, the
government gave
Vijay, at around 9.30 am, went
inside his bedroom, bolted the your home.
memory, causes visory, warned that failure
to comply will lead to
advertisers a two-hour breat-
her by relaxing airing hours
door and hanged himself. When
his mother and a friend knocked
weight gain? actions as per provisions of
the rules.
and allowing television
channels to air ads between
on the door and made phone
calls a little later, the actor didnt
C anola oil may be harmful
for your brain, according
to a study published in the jo-
Last month, following
complaints from viewers
that contraceptive brands
10 pm and 6 am.
Indecent content: P8
lished in The Lancet Global
Health medical journal on
Monday. Dr Chandra Shekhar of Inter- said the revised number of
Not only do a lot more Indi- national Institute of Popula- abortions caried out in India I was diagnosed with a prolapsed disc four months ago, and I was advised to take
DEMAT an women than previously tho- tion Sciences in Mumbai. wasnt a surprise. Smaller
physiotherapy immediately. But I could not go to a clinic because of the intense pain. I
ught undergo abortions every Overall, 12.7 million (81%) studies done previously in
year, an overwhelming num- abortions were medication Mumbai and Chennai indica- contacted Nightingales, and my session started the very next day. My physiotherapist was
area for layout restriction be earmarked for parks, Dec 8 Moula Ali 10.1
Layout Rules application: on playgrounds & open spaces.
Every year, over 1,000 s
mall & big layouts come up
companies, involved in manu-
facturing of heavy drugs, on
Monday the lowest tempe-
rature recorded in December
12.7C 16.3C
Kapra 10.4
One acre or maximum Of this 2.5% can be utilized in HMDA limits
4,047 sqm plotted area for social infra Monday for dumping chemi- so far. According to weather- Dec 1
Rajendra Nagar 12.8 Currently, developers cal waste in Yadadri, Racha- men, this sharp dip in mercu- 18.7C
are selling plots without konda. ry level though usual during
Hyderabad: Registrations
for open plots will soon requi-
10% public 2.5% for amenities,
including schools,
layout approval
Rachakonda police said
that A Narsi Reddy of Teryala
winter, has occurred early this
year as compared to the past LOWEST MIN TEMPERATURE RECORDED
re an approved layout copy utilities village in Gundala mandal three winters. 22, 2016 10.9
from Hyderabad Metropoli- like water tank, hospitals and collecting LRS charges from was the key person who was Officials attributed this to
tan Development Authority sump, sewerage facilities shopping centres people for unauthorized plots facilitating various compani- a reduced air pressure and sa- 27, 2015 12.5
(HMDA) or GHMC. Now, de- & electric transformers es in disposing their chemical id the temperature thats been
Approved layout plan while
velopers of respective layo- should be provided developed waste in open spaces. witnessing a gradual drop, is 22, 2014
registering plot is expected to
uts will have to first register area should be Persons who were arres- likely to fall further over the
curb illegal layouts
layouts with Registration given to HMDA free of ted are T Upendar, N Srinu, N next couple of days. The mini- IMDS PREDICTION
and Stamps (R&S) depart- cost for capitalization towards HMDA decided to introduce Rambabu, G Venkat Reddy, P mum temperature in Hydera- Minimum temperature is
ment before selling plots. provision of master plan online applications for layouts Srinivas, N Venkate Reddy bad, as per records, stood at likely to be below normal
If realtor fails to comply facilities to reduce corruption & colluded with T Krishna Bha- 18.7 degree Celsius on Decem- by 3 to 4 degree Celsius at isolated
with norms and leaves layout maintain transparency in layout rat Kumar of Vijetha Labs, Ra- ber 1. places across the state
development midway, HMDA approvals jeshwar Reddy of Viroo- The temperature will
can sell mortgaged plots (15% pakshha Laboratories, Jeedi- continue to be low for the next (TSDPS) showed Ramachand- uld suddenly feel the drop in
saleable land of layout) and metla, K Satyanarayana of two days following which is rapuram and Patancheru re- temperature as it was conside-
develop it for benefit of buy- KMTK Laboratories, Ch Ra- will observe rise, said YK cording the lowest minimum rably colder than the prece-
ers in that layout. makrishana of Yag-Mag Labs, Reddy, in-charge director of temperature over a 24 hour ding weekend, said S Anupri-
These changes have been Ch Chandra Sekhar of Am- Indian Meteorological De- span at 9.2 degree Celsius. It ya, a resident of Banjara Hills.
incorporated in new layout rutha Chemincla, B Ramesh partment (IMD), Hyderabad was followed by Moula Ali at But while the city may see
rules HMDA Layout Regu- of Golden Streak Labourato- while predicting the mini- 10.1 degree Celsius and Kapra a marginal increase in tempe-
HMDA jurisdiction covers
lations, 2017 which will co- ry, D Murali Krishna of Salu- mum temperature in isolated at 10.4 degree Celsius. rature, as per official predic-
7,000 sq km, including GHMC,
me into force soon. brious Labouratries, Prabha- parts of Telangana to remain Although no cold wave tions, the TSDPS forecast indi-
Bhongir and Sanga Reddy
New rules have been pre- kar Reddy of Suryakala Labo- three-four degrees below nor- warning was sounded by the cates that the minimum tem-
municipalities & 800 villages
pared as many gullible plot ratories. mal. There is western distur- IMD, residents said that they perature might be 2 to 3 degree
buyers are being conned into From these companies, bance from west to east which could distinctly feel the chill below normal over most parts
purchasing plots in unautho- Narsi Reddy and his associa- is causing drop in the mercury in the air, especially during of Telanganas northern and
rized layouts. And buyers are tes would collect chemical level, Reddy added. early morning hours, which central districts that are cur-
being asked to cough up waste in drums and dump On Monday, data available had been missing so far. rently recording minimum
lakhs of rupees under Layout them in open fields. Actually, with the Telangana State De- On Monday when I woke temperatures in the range 11to
Regulation Schemes (LRS). they were involved in eight ca- velopment Planning Society up to go for morning walk, I co- 18 degree Celsius.
Layout copy and appro- ses for dumping the waste.
ved letter should be made av- In every bulk drug com-
Toddler dies
UoH protests
ailable on registration de- pany, there has to be an efflu-
partment website. Its the re- where developers have to re- Official sources said if width for a development is re- ent treatment plant (ETP) for
sponsibility of sub-registrar gister with RERA if the new panchayats violate norms vised to 40 ft from existing 30 disposing of their waste. But
of (R&S) department that
plots are to be sold (registe-
layout is proposed in an ex-
tent of 500 sqm or more.
and give permission for deve-
lopment of plots and const-
ft. Required road width incre-
ases on category of construc-
some companies, which do
not have it as it is expensive,
after a visit
red further) as per the appro-
ved layout, a senior official
of municipal administration
department said.
The government has deci-
ded to prosecute and penalize
builders and developers who
deviate from rules. Suitable
ruction, HMDA can strip
panchayats of these powers.
At the same time, as per the
draft, minimum layout area
tion, land use and plot area
even up to 120 ft. Even in
smaller municipalities, mi-
nimum road width is 40 ft in
contact people like Narsi Red-
dy to dispose the waste, depu-
ty commissioner of police
(Bhongir) E Ramchandra Red-
to clinic
on suspensions
The metropolitan autho-
rity has also made necessary
changes in rules in the wake
of new Real Estate Regulato-
provisions have been made
in draft rules and a mecha-
nism would be kept in place
for effective implementa-
for development is one acre
or 4,047 sqm.
Since big projects have be-
en causing congestion in nar-
layouts, but it has not been re-
vised in HMDA for past few
years. Now, the new rules will
remove disparity, an official
dy said.
The accused were identifi-
ed based on a CCTV footage.
Their vehicular movement
Hyderabad: A 14-month-old
baby girl, who was suffering
from a severe bout of illness,
to hit next sem
ry Authority (RERA) Act tion, an HMDA official said. row roads, minimum road said. was identified. died after getting treated for TIMES NEWS NETWORK mic and hostel suspension of
fever and cough at the clinic 10 students before the univer-
of a registered medical prac- Hyderabad: Days after the sity reopens after vacation
Massive crackdown on pharma cos
titioner (RMP) at Musheera- executive council (EC) su- failing which will result in
bad on Sunday. After the de- spended 10 students on acco- massive unrest in campus at
ath, police took the RMP into unt of indiscipline, the Uni- next semester, read a state-
Two trains custody and a case of medi- versity of Hyderabad (UoH) ment issued by the UoH stu-
cal negligence was registe- students union held a protest dents union.
South Central Railway
(SCR) announced change in
schedule of several trains.
peddling magic cure with ad blitz red against him.
The victim, Sk Mehmoon
Begum, was daughter of Sk
Nazeer from Lakshmi Nara-
at the Velivada on Monday
demanding the administra-
tion to revoke the suspension
Hours before the protest,
the UoH registrar issued an
appeal in which he stated
that rather than complian-
Train No. 13352 Alappuzha - U.Sudhakarreddy sive literature to doctors. The simha Nagar in Warasiguda. After keeping it in abey- ce, the students had started
Dhanbad Bokaro Express
that was scheduled to FRESH CASES OF VIOLATION law aims to avoid self-medica- The girls father works at a ance for weeks, the EC on De- using intemperate language
tion and abnormal claims. All chicken shop. cember 2 reinstated the su- in their interaction with the
depart at 05:55 hrs on Special Rajendranagar Judi- Nizamabad Urban Court con-
Hyderabad: Telangana drug drugs have to be taken in su- Begum was suffering spension earlier ordered wardens office, posting vei-
December 12 will now control authorities have boo- cial Magistrate Court convicted victed D Bharani Kumar, owner pervision of doctors. from fever and cough for the by the varsity by reducing led threats that they will stall
depart at 07:15hrs on the ked several pharma and ayur- Pharmaids Pharmaceuticals, of Sri Amrutha Enterprises of Fresh cases of violation past few days. At 9.40pm on the suspension term of se- all activities of the universi-
same day. Train No. 22642 vedic companies for adverti- Nalgonda, and Dr Gisulal Jain Kavali Nellore and company were reported from Kukatpal- Sunday as her condition de- ven students from six ty etc.
Shalimar - Thiruvanantha- sing magic remedies like ult- under Section 3(d) after seizure of Ayush Ultra ly in Hyderabad, Bhongir, Na- teriorated, Nazeer took the months to six weeks while The registrar appealed to
puram Express scheduled ra-slim capsules, blood puri- of DMR(OA) Act for Slim Tea garkurnool, Wanaparthy, girl to the clinic of RMP Pra- suspending three others for students union members to
to depart at 23:05 hrs on fier syrups, neuron oils, advertising & selling In third case, LA Grade Gadwal, Mahabubnagar, Ni- kash at Parsigutta. two years. not protest at un-designated
December 12 will depart at height-growth capsules, me- ayurvedic drugs Herbs and Pharma in zamabad, Khammam Urban After examining the The ECs decision, which places, without permission.
02:35hrs on December 13. nohelp syrups and emergen- Cura Pharmaceuticals Haridwar fined for selling and Kamareddy in the past girl, Prakash prescribed fo- is the highest authority of While all peaceful avenues
cy contraceptive pills. In three months. ur medicines, including AS- the university, evoked angu- for negotiation and dialogue
Public art three months, 18 fresh cases
fined for manu-
facturing &
LG Pure Blood
Purifier Syrup According to DCA, cases NO Syrup. The family mem- ish among students as they are open, the unilateral act
project were booked under Drugs and
Magic Remedies (Objectio-
selling Urban Court at
were booked pertaining to
drugs Menohelp syrup of
bers took the girl home and
administered ASNO syrup.
called it an atrocious move.
During the protests, stu-
of the students union in this
matter is of concern. While
Until December 17, artists nine Madhira con-
nable Advertisement) Act, Maxcure Nutravedics of Ha- After taking the syrup, the dents burnt the suspension appealing to them to comply
will gather at M S Maqtha, varieties of
1954, in city and districts. victed Ninjala ridwar, Portrate-SF of Xcell girl vomited and stopped bre- orders even as members of with the orders, the universi-
to participate in a public drugs
Another seven cases filed by Madhava Rao of labs in Baddi of Himachal athing. At 10pm, the family the union threatened to in- ty would like to inform that it
art project organized by
Telangana Drug Control Ad- Nizamabad Ayurvedic Aloe Pradesh, Herbofit Alovera brought the girl to Prakashs tensify their stir at the begin- will be constrained to deal
St+art India Foundation, in
collaboration with GHMC,
ministration court led to con- Urban Court convict- Vera Products enriched with slimming clinic and based on his re- ning of the next semester. with such protests within
viction of drug makers. Pu- ed Lakshmaiah Achari of in Khammam for herbs, Blymin Tablet of Kera- commendation rushed her Students union vehement- the framework of its extant
Asian Paints and Krish-
nishment ranged from simple Vydya Rushi Ayurved Pharmacy selling sweet leaf powder la Ayurveda Limited, Para- to Gandhi Hospital at ly condemns this illegal and rules, regulations and insti-
nakriti Foundation. In
imprisonment to `2,000-5,000 after seizure of Ashwagandha cit-125 suspension of Martin 10.30pm where she was decla- autocratic decision of the EC tutional mechanisms, read
addition to a 7-artists Bodhan court sentenced
fine. Most erring companies Churnam and Guduchi Powder in and Brown Bio Scienices in red brought dead, Mushee- and demand for the uncondi- the appeal that was uploaded
line-up, 8 artists from the owner of Discovery Herbal in
are from Telangana, Andhra Nizamabad Baddi of Himachal Pradesh, rabad inspector S Rama- tional revocation of acade- on the universitys website.
state have been invited. Jhansi for selling Neuron Oil
Pradesh and UP. C-Tin plus suspension of chandra Reddy said. Her fa-
The art will be displayed on
Speaking to TOI, Telanga- Smiloax Health Care of Hi- mily protested at the clinic
walls in the city.
Cafes raided
Gospel Team director held HC relief to
Ilaiah from
Bundle of joy for
over hookah
for Bharat Mata blasphemy personal city man battling
Hyderabad: Taskforce
police raided two cafes in
Banjara Hills and Jubilee Hills
where owners were illegally
providing hookah to custom-
Arrest After SPEECH COMES TO HAUNT Police had registered a ca-
se under Sections 153-A (Pro-
moting enmity between dif- Hyderabad: Providing relief
ers. West Zone taskforce
team raided Cafe Abott in Apology, Team LAW THAT APPLIES ferent groups on ground of
religion, race, place), 295-A
to professor and writer Kancha
Ilaiah, Justice M Satyanaraya- Hyderabad: On tenterhooks
153-A (Promoting 295-A (Deliberate and
Jubilee Hills and Churros in
Film Nagar, Banjara Hills. Smells A Plot enmity between malicious acts, intended
(Deliberate and malicious
acts, intended to outrage reli-
na Murthy of the Hyderabad
High Court on Monday stayed
after 30-year-old Mohammed
Akbar was shot at in the Alba-
The two cafe owners have different groups to outrage religious
TIMES NEWS NETWORK gious feelings of any class by the order of a Malkajgiri court ny Park neighbourhood of
permission to run a restau- on ground of feelings of any class by insulting its religion or reli- that ordered his personal appe- Chicago, finally good news
rant, but they were illegally religion, race, insulting its religion or
Hyderabad: Christ Gospel gious beliefs) of the IPC aga- arance before it on Tuesday. trickled in for his family on
supplying customers with place) of IPC religious beliefs) of IPC
Team director Y Vijay Kumar inst Vijay. As part of the in- The judge gave an interim Monday. Not only is the Hyde-
hookah. We have arrested Earlier, Vijay
was arrested for allegedly gi- vestigation, Hussainialam order to the professor dispen- rabad student said to be reco-
four organisers and handed admitted making
ving a derogatory speech police along with Task Force sing with his personal appea- vering after a surgery, but at
them over to Jubilee Hills the statement,
against Bharat Mata. Tho- police took Vijay into custo- rance before X Metropolitan the same hospital, his wife ga-
and Banjara Hills law and but not with an
ugh he was taken into custo- dy on Sunday night and he Magistrate, Cyberabad at Ne- ve birth to a baby boy. RAY OF HOPE: Akbars wife
order police for further intention to hurt
dy on Sunday night, he was was formally arrested on redmet in Hyderabad. The According to Itefaq Share- gave birth to a baby boy
probe, Taskforce inspector anyone
formally arrested by Hussai- Monday. Malkajgiri court ordered his ef, who also hails from Hyde-
G Mallu said.
nialam police on Monday. He apologised However, members of presence earlier while hearing rabad and lives in Chicago, red to be a gang war and Ak-
Paan shop Addressing a press confe- after the state- Christ Gospel Team termed acriminal case against him fol- Akbar was operated upon at bar was caught in crossfire.
rence here, Hyderabad depu- ment became Vijays arrest as a conspira- lowing the book he wrote on the Illinois Masonic Hospital On the same day a 26-year-
owners held ty commissioner of police controversial
Police personnel address a meet after
Vijay's arrest
cy. In the past, Vijay had the Vyshya community. The after he sustained an injury old man Eric S Thomas, who
Special Operations Team (South Zone) V Satyanaraya- apologised for the remarks. stay of further proceedings on his left cheek in the shoo- was shot at in East Garfield
sleuths of Rachakonda na said Vijay Kumar, a native The speech of Vijay was prejudicial to One should see the context in will be in force for a month. ting. While he is recovering, Park neighbourhood, died
raided two paan shops at of East Godavari district in which Vijay made those re- The judge was dealing with Shareef informed MBT lea- when a gunman who came in
maintenance of harmony, which disturbs or is
Uppal and seized 20 cartons neighbouring Andhra Pra- marks. On Monday too, poli- a petition by professor Ilaiah der Amjed Ullah Khan that a vehicle opened fire at him.
of illegally imported ciga- desh, had given an inflamma- likely to disturb the public tranquility Police ce took Vijay for medical ex- who requested the court to qu- he cannot talk for another He had bullet injuries on his
rettes, 127 packets of hookah tory speech in the city in Au- amination at 1pm and till eve- ash criminal proceedings aga- two weeks. chest and left leg. In another
and other items. Police gust. ches, he reportedly made businessman from Hussaini- ning he was not taken to co- inst him in Malkajgiri police The shocking shooting on incident at South Kedzie, a 22-
apprehended the shop Though Vijay Kumar is a objectionable comments on alam, came across the speech urt. After court hours, Vijay station. Malkajgiri police on December 6 was a grim remin- year-old man suffered bullet
owners, Mohammed Sajid, of resident of East Godavari, he Bharat Mata. Later, the hour- and lodged a complaint at the was produced at the residen- October 11, registered a case der of the gun culture in Chi- injuries when he resisted a
Kalapather and Thirupathi comes to Hyderabad during long speech was uploaded on local police station. ce of a judge, CGT joint di- under Sec 153 (A)(c) 153 (B) cago. In fact, not just Akbars robbery attempt. According
Reddy of Pirzadiguda. the weekends and stays at social media. The speech of Vijay was rector Prashant Kumar told 295-A, 509 of IPC , Sec 3 (1) of case, but many shootings oc- to police, four people were
Kothapet. He participates in After it was posted on so- prejudicial to maintenance TOI. Kumar claimed Vijay POA Act read with 156 (3) of Cr curred in several parts of the shot at near Wilson CTA sta-
Daily wager dies religious activities on Satur- cial media, many came to of harmony, which disturbs had made the objectionable PC based on a complaint from US city on the same day. As tion by assailants . In a case of
in accident days and Sundays, he added.
During one of his spee-
know about the objectionab-
le comments. T Kunal Rao, a
or is likely to disturb the pub-
lic tranquillity, police said.
remarks while explaining
that god is one.
K Nagaraju, a student.
Senior counsel A Satya Pra-
many as 13 people were inju-
red in different incidents. Po-
another random shooting, a
man and a minor were shot at
A 46-year-old daily wager
sad appeared for the writer and lice havent found any connec- in East Garfied Park neighbo-
died in a road mishap at
said allegations are absurd and tion between the shootings. urhood. There were other in-
Saidabad on Monday morn-
ing. The victim, G Madhar,
was a resident of Reddy
Basthi in Saidabad. While
Madhar was crossing a road
Status quo on Jubilee Hills film land vague and his views cannot at-
tract penal actions. The judge
granted limited stay and felt
the issue needed examination.
According to Chicago poli-
ce sources, the assailant with
a weapon walked up to Akbar
and shot at him around
stances of shooting too.
Home minister Nayani
Narsimha Reddy called the
hospital to enquire about Ak-
SagarKumar.Mutha tion held in the 1960s in Bom- by the petitioners. Case will be listed on Thursday. 8.45am. Shareef said it appea- bars condition.
near Sri Balaji Wines near bay. He sold it to several peo- The land owners counsel
Dhobhighat in Saidabad a ple later. However his heirs then said that it may be a fact
Tavera car hit him at high Hyderabad: The Hyderabad are now claiming that the ex- that the original buyer in the
speed. Madhar suffered a
head injury. Police registered
a case under section 304-a of
High Court on Monday orde-
red a status quo in respect of
land in Jubilee Hills, a part of
tent they got as 6.37 acres
which is incorrect, the state
counsel said.
auction bought only 3.37
acres but when the land was
given physical possession to
T expands road safety study
the IPC (causing death due which was also given to AP However, the land owners the buyer after fixing boun- TIMES NEWS NETWORK ting of cabinet sub-committee It was decided to study the
to rash or negligent act). The Film Development Corpora- showed several judgments daries, he got the whole 6.37 on road safety held on Monday best practices and laws in
accused is absconding. tion earlier. pronounced by various co- acres of land. Hyderabad: With over 7,000 which was attended by mini- other states that would help re-
The bench of Acting Chief urts all went in favor of the Telangana GP for Reve-
Sheep stolen at Justice Ramesh Ranganat- land owners. State cannot nue said that this was where
people dying in road accidents
each year in the state, the Te-
sters KT Rama Rao, Jupally
Krishna Rao, P Mahender
duce accidents. As of now the-
re is no dedicated department
Ghatkesar han and Justice G Shyam
Prasad gave this interim di-
district collector, Telangana
Government Revenue De-
claim such land now, their co-
unsel said.
the fraud lies.
The bench told him that if
langana government is taking Reddy and Indrakaran Reddy. to handle road safety and there
Thieves stole sheep and measures to bring down the The committee discussed is- has been no required coordia-
goats of a shepherd at rection while hearing an ap- partment's counsel K Durga Telangana state counsel he proves the fraud angle in number of road accidents, Ro- sues pertaining to formation tion among the departments.
Ghatkesar. On Monday, V peal filed by Hyderabad dis- Reddy told the court that the referred to the Bombay Auc- the case, then only the state ads and Buildings (R&B) mini- of road safety authority com- Road safety subject will be eit-
Bhaskar Goud, from Ghana- trict collector who was aggri- petitioner Ayub misled the tion purchase and the conse- can succeed in the matter and ster Tummala Nageshwara mittees, creation of a road sa- her given to R&B department
pur lodged a complaint eved with an order of a single single judge and obtained the quent sale deed and told the ordered status quo in the ca- Rao said on Monday. He said fety fund, road maintenance, or any other department, Na-
alleging nine goats were judge who ruled in favour of order through fraud. court that all the official pa- se. The court then sought co- while 20% of road accidents cases, parking issues on high- geshwara Rao said. He said a
stolen from his house by one Ayub Kamaal of Hydera- Durga Reddy said that Ay- pers show the extent purcha- unters from all parties regar- occurred due to road defects, ways, restricting vehicles report would be submitted to
unidentified persons. bad. ubs father bought 3.37 acres sed as only 3.37 acres and not ding the matter and posted 80% were due to driver error. which are 15 years and over, the chief minister after views
Arguing the case of the in an evacuee property auc- 6.37 acres as is being claimed the case to two weeks. Rao headed the first mee- among other issues. were taken from stakeholders.
Hyderabad: Rachakonda police ha-
Hyderabad: An anti-beggar ve imposed traffic restrictions aro-
drive again has been started und the Saroornagar Indoor Stadi-
again in conjunction with the um on Wednesday in view of Te-
Telangana prisons, police and langana Lambadila Shankhara-
GHMC. As part of the drive, of- vam meeting to be held at the
ficials locked up around 57 beg- stadium.
gars over the past four days. As per the orders issued by the
The drive that picked up pa- Rachakonda commissioner of poli-
ce before Ivanka Trumps visit ce, Mahesh Bhagawat, from 8am till
during the GES Summit has be- 10pm, heavy vehicles will not be allo-
en started again. Interestingly, wed from LB Nagar to Dilsukhna-
gar Junction. w w w' f if e s p a n inc i a . c om
we will start booking cases once gars. On Monday, we caught months to five years. The police have also mapped out
the drive completes. eight beggars and on Sunday se- During the last drive, even out where people attending the mee-
Singh said, We will rehabi- ven. The Police catch them and graduates were found begging. Limited opportunities in each city. Call: 022-33171071.
ting should park their vehicles. 0
raw n ,r pan m..<c or naa,.v. d:omu.,mur, nw.<n;i ra+:n n r.,orr: s rz nonrmr vn, r . r < y sais. n<..mnox'n n <rn r sne ;,,nn .en.a m:rwy ma r e,a .y,- <..i. ra..w oir.c< .r ns. .:a -,- cur r., :r,-
Connecting Hyderabad to
received on the cell phone. He sa- customers using fraud money `3.6 crore. The accused convin-
id he needed these details for the after collecting cash from custo- ced Feroz to transfer `22 lakh as
ir information, they arrested I
of different customers. were remanded in judicial cus-
Police registered a case ba- tody in Hyderabad on Monday. Sumit and kingpin David. TNN R
MOMENTS: Its not
only garbage and bad
Govt mulls Monorail Japanese
lessons for
roads that Citizen
Reporters can capture
and write about. You
project for tech belt Swachh
can send us pictures
and text about
WATCH Cops may ban personal 30 students
beaten up for
Travel firm to pay `1.8L
10 gm |
1 kg |
vehicles near Charminar Syed Omar
throwing gum
Hyderabad: In what could be
for messing up vacation yet another case of corporal Nirupa.Vatyam
`29,470 `37,800
Hyderabad: As part of the
punishment, child rights acti-
vists on Monday alleged that NOT A MEMORABLE HOLIDAY
CHICKEN Charminar Pedestrianisation about 30, class 9, students of Hyderabad: Messing up with Complainant contacted The `2 lakh package
Project (CPP), Hyderabad traf- Vignan Model High School, the overseas trip of a family Colorful Vacations Private included ight, hotel
Dressed | `129/kg
fic police may ban people from Chintalakunta, were beaten up has cost a travel agency dearly Limited to organise a suitable charges, food, conveyance
Skinless | `152/kg using personal vehicles in the by the school principal for thro- what with a district consumer tour package to Malaysia for etc. for 6 nights and
vicinity of the monument so- wing chewing gum on the floor. forum directing the firm to his family of four 7 days
EGG on. Proposals are being sent to They claimed the principal al- pay Rs 1.8 lakh (approx) as
various government wings for so forced the students to wash compensation to the consu- On May 11, 2015, when Consumer
`420 per feedback before the initiative the classroom floor after that. mer for failing to render requi- he and his family landed forum directed
hundred is implemented. Just for throwing a gum, red assistance during the trip. in the Malaysia, they realised that they the rm to pay
On Monday, Hyderabad the principal thrashed 30 to 35 As it turns out the complai- were not provided with any rooms about `1.8 lakh
FOODGRAINS traffic police in coordination students black and blue. He al- nant, Rudra B, contacted Co-
Rice (fine) | with Greater Hyderabad Mu- Workers carrying out pedestrian project works at Charminar so humiliated them by forcing lorful Vacations Private Limi- that were initially promised, milarly, he also claimed that
nicipal Corporation (GHMC) them to clean the floor. This is a ted to organise a suitable tour were also not honoured, Rud- his entire vacation was spoilt
`3,500- officials held a meeting and deputy commissioner of poli- Murgichowk will be diverted criminal offence, said Achyu- package to Malaysia for his fa- ra claimed. as one or other error cropped
4,500/ quintal chalked out a plan about the ce (Traffic) Tajuddin Ahmed at Moti Galli. ta Rao, honorary chairman, mily comprising four mem- Detailing his other grie- up at every step and that he
Rice (medium) | points from where traffic co- told TOI. Alternative routes in the Balala Hakkula Sangham. bers and subsequently agreed vances, the customer, in his was also forced to spend an ad-
`3,500- uld be diverted, proximity po- It is learnt that in a day or outer circle will be given at While the Vanasthalipu- to avail of a Rs 2 lakh package plea before the forum submit- ditional sum of Rs 69,950.
3,500/ quintal ints from the monument from two the needed infrastructure Chatta Bazar for vehicles from ram police confirmed that the including flight, hotel char- ted how they were forced to While delivering its ver-
where vehicles would be bar- would be put in place before Nayapul, similarly at Shah Ali issue had been brought to their ges, food, conveyance etc for 6 wait endlessly to get a hotel ro- dict, based on the complai-
PULSES red and notified parking are- the likely traffic restrictions Banda for vehicles from notice, they said that an official nights and 7 days. om and were provided with nants plea for justice and com-
Tuar Daal | as. kick in. Chandrayangutta side. Before complaint had not been lodged. However on May 11, 2015, two ordinary rooms, instead of pensation, the bench obser-
Proposals for imposing As per the new plan, the of- officially implementing the The parents were seen argu- when he and his family landed the promises deluxe ones, only ved: The travel firm collected
traffic restrictions as part of ficials have created an inner new rules, the traffic police ing with the principal when we in the Malaysian capital, after after much persuasion. Rs 2 lakh for arranging the to-
6,700/ quintal the Charminar Pedestrian circle and outer circle around would first educate motorists visited the school. But, none of travelling for about 12 hours, Worse, the firm also goofed ur, but failed to render requi-
Chana Daal | `7,000- Project are ready. Already, bu- the monument for diverting about the proposed changes. them came forward and lodged and reached their hotel, they up on the ticket bookings. red assistance and thus there
7,600/ quintal ses and autos are banned near traffic. At the inner circle, ve- As part of traffic manage- a complaint, said S Murali realised that they were not While their date of journey was deficiency of service. Al-
the monument and only perso- hicles will not be allowed be- ment, five locations have been Krishna, inspector of police, provided with any rooms, the from from Kuala Lumpur to so as they made the complai-
VEGETABLES nal vehicles are allowed in the yond Gulzar Houz for vehicles identified as parking lots, in- Vanasthalipuram. The inci- complainant alleged also ac- Langkawi was supposed to be nant bear expenses for local vi-
vicinity of the heritage struc- from Pattarghatti, for vehicles cluding existing ones at Char- dent occurred on Saturday. cusing the agency of changing booked for May 14, the return sits, they are liable to refund
Onion | `3,300- ture. Once the new proposals from Chandrayangutta or minar Bus Stand, Pension Of- When TOI contacted the their original itinerary witho- for May 16, they booked for Ju- the amount spent by him.
4,300/ quintal are implemented, even perso- Shah Ali Banda route, Panch- fice near Murgichowk, SYJ school management, they, clai- ut any prior intimation. If ne 14 and 16 instead. As a re- The firm, in spite of recei-
nal vehicles will not be allo- mahal would be the last point, Complex at Pattarghatti and med that no such incident had thats not all, other add ons sult, the complainant was for- ving the notices, did not choo-
Potatoes | `600-
wed, Hyderabad additional while vehicles coming from Sardar Mahal. taken place. TNN like free passes for a local tour ced to pay from his pocket. Si- se to contest.
1,200/ quintal
12-12-2017 (TUESDAY) Wildlife protection was in Lalji Singhs DNA
Syed.Akbar Ramoorthy P
ence journalists. This premier re- the Kerala High Court. Since
GO issued for 2,517 posts in
T Vaidya Vidhana Parishad
Hyderabad: The state health, medical & family wel-
Sri Hevalambi Nama Sam-
vatsaram, Ayanam : Dakshi- search organisation has lost its then, they have used this indige- fare department on Monday ordered that 2517 vacant
nayanam, Ruthuvu : Heman- Hyderabad: The extinct Indian charm after Dr Lalji retired. Dr nous technique in many cases posts in the Telangana Vaidya Vidhana Parishad
tha, Masam : Margashira, cheetah would have been now ro- Singh interacted with media and such as paternity disputes, iden- (TVVP) be filled through direct recruitment.
Paksham : Krishna, Thithi : aring in the jungles but for bu- shared scientific developed quite tification of missing children According to figures provided in the GO, the max-
Dashami - 26-09, Nakshatram reaucratic and international pro- often. This affable approach of Dr identification of mutilated bodi- imum number of vacancies are for the post of civil as-
: Hasthami - 19-17, Yogam : tocols. Eminent scientist Dr Lalji Singh brought science to the do- es, exchange of babies in mater- sistant surgeon (1175), followed by staff nurse (754)
Sowbhagyam - 25-16, Kara- Singh, who passed away in Var- orsteps of the common man and nity wards and cases of rape and and grade-II pharmacists (93). Other posts where va-
nam : Vanaji - 13-42, Varjyam anasi on Sunday, led the research inspired many students to take murder, reads the official bio- cancies need to be filled are civil assistant surgeon
: 27-52 to 29-35, Rahukalam : on the resurrection of the Indian up science as academic and rese- graphic sketch of Dr Singh, who- (91), dental civil surgeon (14), physiotherapist (46), re-
14-54 to 16-17, Durmuhur- cheetah and propagation of seve- arch pursuit. se brainchild is the Centre for fractionist (34), ophthalmic assistant (22), radiograp-
tham : 08-52 to 09-36 and ral endangered wildlife species. City scientists including tho- DNA Fingerprinting and Diag- her (22), ANM/MPHA-F (86), lab technician (86), dark
22-52 to 23-44, Amrutha Ironically, the project cheetah co- se from the CCMB condoled the nostics (CDFD). He also establis- room assistant (29) and junior assistants (65). TNN
Kalam : 13-01 to 14-42 uld not move ahead for bureau- death of Dr Singh on Monday. hed the L laboratory for the Con-
cratic reasons and international File photo of Prof Lalji Singh addressing a summit in Hyderabad They said Dr Singh brought lau- servation of Endangered Species
protocols. Had it moved ahead as rels to the CCMB. Dr Lalji Singh (LaCONES).
planned, the magnificent Indian technology was utilised to solve and hoteliers. and his team developed a probe, Crimes related to wildlife kil-
WEATHER cheetah that had disappeared the case of assassination of Pri- Lalji Singh, ever-smiling, af- Bkm-derived probe for DNA fing- lings were also solved using Dr
from jungles at the turn of the 20th me Minister Rajiv Gandhi. fable and easily approachable sci- erprinting. This probe is now ut- Laljis research. He also did pio-
Maximum Minimum
century would have come alive. It also helped in solving the entist, had also left behind remar- ilised for forensic investigation, neering research on genetic dise-
32 12.7
Apart from doing pioneering mystery surrounding the famous kable work in areas such as mole- paternity determination and se- ases and their diagnosis.
Sunrise: Wednesday: 0637hrs research in wildlife conserva- tandoor case of Naina Sahni. cular basis of sex-determination, ed stock verification. Dr Lalji Singh and his team
Sunset: Tuesday: 1743 hrs tion, Dr Lalji Singh is considered His team also developed tech- human genome analysis and hu- DNA fingerprinting eviden- carried out research on genetic
Moonrise: Tuesday: 0129hrs as the father of DNA fingerprin- nology and DNA data on the meat man genetic diversity. Some of ce was presented in court and for diversity in primitive tribes in-
Moonset: Tuesday: 1349hrs
ting technology in India. His rese- of over 100 animal species that co- the discoveries and technologies the first time in the annals of the cluding the tribal populations of
Forecast: Partly cloudy sky. Mist
or haze likely to occur in parts of arch in genetics helped solved so- uld tell which animal the meat be- developed by Dr Lalji and his te- history of Indian judiciary DNA Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
city during morning hours me of the most complex of medi- longed to. This has helped health am had a profound impact on so- fingerprinting was accepted as Dr Singh also gave insights into
Relative humidity: 29% co-legal and criminal cases in the planners to check adulteration of ciety. The CCMB he headed was an infallible evidence in a court of the origin of man. He also set up
RainFall: NIL country. DNA fingerprinting meat by unscrupulous traders just a walk-in laboratory for sci- law. This verdict was upheld by Genome Foundation.
gu? This is a question linguists, Hyderabad: The World Telu- (Hail! O, motherland Telanga-
archaeologists, historians and gu Conference will be held Lal It was a grand occasion. na), was written by academici-
epigraphists have yet to find an Bahadur (LB) stadium, from People from all walks an Ayachitam Nateswara Sar-
answer to that holds common December 15 to 19, a location of life were honoured. Even ma. It was rendered by singer
consensus. The age of Telugu closely intertwined with the sportspersons were felicitated Nitya Santoshini.
is as enigmatic as its place of history and culture of Hydera- by the state government. World Telugu Conference
birth. bad-Golconda. Suryakumari stole the show with apart, the LB stadium grounds
Experts are yet to come to a It is the second time that the her magical rendition was the venue of all major offi-
common agreement on the ex- historic ground is hosting the of the ofcial song cial functions in the erstwhile
act time and origin of Telugu. World Telugu Conference. The of undivided princely state of Hyderabad. It
The division of Andhra Pra- first such event was held in 1975 Andhra Pradesh , also housed the headquarters
desh to form a separate Telang- when legendary singer-actor of the Nizams regular armed
Maa Telugu Talli
ana state has only further com- Tanguturi Suryakumari enth- forces and army officials had
Ki Malle Poolu
pounded the age-old debate, ralled delegates with her melli- an exclusive access to the
fluous voice. Suryakumari was
Danda (May the swimming pool, the Himayat
particularly with regard to the garland of jasmines be yours,
place of origin. associated with Voice of Ame- swimming bath, named after
rica (VOA) and Hollywood. O Mother Telugu). There were Mir Himayat Ali Khan (Azam
If one keeps linguistic poli-
tics at bay, Telugu is at least two Telangana government is holding the For almost 500 years the thousands of delegates from Jah), eldest son of Nizam VII
millennia and a half old with World Telugu Conference (WTC) after modern day LB stadium (Bagh- around the world Mir Osman Ali Khan.
the earliest recorded evidence a gap of 42 years, but there will be no e-Dilkusha and Fateh Maidan Jeelani Pairak | OLYMPIAN General JN Choudhury,
in earlier forms) hosted some Telugu Talli statue who headed the military go-
thus far available, pointing to special postal stamp or rst day cover to
the existence of Telugu langu- mark the prestigious event of the most important events vernment in Hyderabad after
age as far back as 400 BCE. that changed the course of his- ever one in 1975. It was a grand around the world, recalls `police action in 1948 addres-
The Telugu script may have India Post tory of Hyderabad-Golconda. occasion. People from all walks Olympian and father of Indian sed his first public meeting at
First day It also has India's oldest swim- of life were honoured. Even swimming Jeelani Pairak. Pai- LB stadium. First Prime Mini-
evolved later, but Telugu was department has cover and a
spoken at least during the time not received any ming pool, apart from Hydera- sportspersons were felicitated rak was one of the sportsper- ster Jawaharlal Nehru also
stamp was bad's oldest clock tower. It also by the state government. Sury- sons-coaches to be honoured at addressed Hyderabadis after
of Gautam Buddha in certain proposal from the rst released
pockets, if not all over the re- state government served as the camping place of akumari stole the show with the 1975 Telugu meet. Writer- the 1948 events from the pavi-
on April 1, the Moghul army led by Au- her magical rendition of the of- poet Sankarambadi Sundara- lion of LB stadium, Jeelani Pai-
gion that now forms modern to issue special 1975
day Telangana and Andhra postage rangzeb during the last siege of ficial song of undivided Andh- chari had written the song. rak told TOI. The pavilion buil-
Pradesh. Golconda in 1687. ra Pradesh , Maa Telugu Talli Much water has flowed un- ding was converted into Fateh
Archaeological and epig- The rst day cover The ensuing World Telugu Ki Malle Poolu Danda (May the der the Puranapul since then. Maidan Club. Many chief mi-
raphical records reveal that Te- has Satavahana Conference has rekindled a garland of jasmines be yours, And incidentally, the nascent nisters preferred to be sworn-
lugu was in vogue at least three emblem while the nostalgia among older Hydera- O Mother Telugu). There were state of Telangana has propo- in on this ground. It has witnes-
centuries before the Julian ca- stamp has displayed badis, who witnessed the first- thousands of delegates from sed to release its new official sed intense political activity.
lendar came into existence. the image of
chaeological Survey of India We have proposed a commemorative stamp, but chief minister K
(ASI), mostly rely upon a script Chandrasekhar Rao did not approve it. Instead of release stamp, the
(rock edict) discovered in the
dusty village of Battiprolu in
Guntur district.
Written in Brahmi script,
government has decided to use technology to provide information on the signicance
of Telugu culture and Telangana culture by way of welcoming arches, hoardings and
touchscreen monitors.
literary bodies & lit lovers, says KCR
the rock edict contains Telugu N Siddha Reddy | TELANGANA SAHITYA ACADEMY CHAIRMAN TIMES NEWS NETWORK portant, these should be con- awardees from 13 languages be
words indicating that Telugu ducted decisively and within a invited and felicitated on the
was spoken when inscribed. Kannada being the debate. Some believe rabad from December 15 to 19 Hyderabad: Chief Minister deadline. The CM said Vice- occasion. The CM also told or-
The Battiprolu edict, which is same. that Telugu evolved will debate on various issues, K Chandrasekhar Rao has in- President Venkaiah Naidu ganisers to take responsibility
believed to date back to 400 The script began from proto-Dravidi- including the origin and age of structed district collectors to would be chief guest and Mah- of each dais, including LB sta-
BCE, was produced as one of evolving from the ti- an, which is the Telugu language, as well as the organise free travel and food arashtra Governor Vidyasa- dium venue and ensure there
the evidences to claim classical me of the Mauryan mother of 21 langu- people who speak Telugu. facilities for Telugu pandits, gar Rao and Governor ESL wont be problem for stay, food,
language status for Telugu. Empire. Much of ages that took Experts at the WTC will al- members of literary organisa- Narasimhan would be special logistics for delegates.
From Brahmi or proto-Te- the evidence on birth south of so delve into the evolution of tions and literature lovers at- guests. President Ramanath The CM sought special ar-
lugu script in Battiprolu, a the antiquity of the Vindhyas. the language over the centuri- tending World Telugu Confer- Chief minister KCR at Pragati Kovind will be the chief guest rangements for foreigners
Buddhist site, Telugu has car- Telugu language Those who ar- es and its further development ence (WTC). These facilities Bhavan on Monday in the valedictory function, and delegates from others
ved out a niche of its own in the and alphabet comes gue that Telugu is in the modern age of science will also be provided to those the CM said. state. Since a large number of
family of so-called Dravidian from the ancient Buddhist si- older than Tamil, peg the date and technology. Efforts will al- attending the meet from a matter of prestige and A preparatory and review delegates and lovers of Telugu
languages. According to ex- tes in various districts. of origin of Telugu to at least so be made to create a distinct neighbouring districts. At guests should be treated with meeting on WTC was held at language and literature will
perts, the Telugu script evolved Whether Telugu is closely 1000 years BCE (3000 years old). identity for Telugu in the wake least 8,000 delegates will at- respect and given facilities. Pragati Bhavan on Monday flock to the venue, LB stadium,
over a period of time the related to Sanskrit or is of Dra- The ensuing World Telugu of onslaught of English words tend the conference. Since the inaugural and vale- and it continued for four management of traffic and
mother script of Telugu and vidian origin is also a subject of Conference to be held in Hyde- on the language. He said organising WTC is dictory programmes are im- hours. CM wants Jnanpith parking is needed.
at Badhrachalam, Telangana state, I
done online. Some trolls take on others
Road in bad shape personally which is actually not good
not regain its past glory Vani Chilpuri
T he road that runs right in front of Aparna Hights-II, leading to Gowtami Enclave is in very
bad shape right now and it should be repaired at the earliest since the road sees heavy
for anybody. Putting regulations on
admins and members of the group may Write to The Times Of India on
traffic movement on a daily basis. Many vehicles are seen travelling on this road at high be needed to restore freedom of
expression, thoughts, to keep social
the issues close to your heart at
speeds, making travelling here quite unsafe. I request concerned authorities to construct two
or three speedbreakers at this point to prevent road mishaps by arresting the speed of
vehicles, in addition to repairing the road Anurag G
media as a useful tool, instead of a bad
one Shashidhar Vuppala
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photograph GIVE A MISSED CALL FROM YOUR MOBILE ON 09289 120 120
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hen the door had
been prised open,
he was found hang-
ing. r
Vijay had acted in seve- d
ral movies including the fa-
med hit Bommarillu and
Ammayilu Abbayilu. - -tr
He posted a message to
his friends on a WhatsApp
group saying, Vijay no mo-
re. His friends tried to call
him on his mobile, but there
was no response.
Vijay's mother held his
wife Vanitha responsible Comedian Vijay Sai
for the actors suicide alle-
ging that she was harassing ars ago as he was having an
and maligning his charac- affair with another woman.
ter. She took away all valu- If I am responsible, he could
ables and moved to her pa- have ended his life two days
rents house along with her ago. I could only see two rea-
daughter, the actors mot- sons behind the suicide. His
her said. fathers unwillingness to
Three days ago, Vijay fo- register the latters proper- As our family grew, so did our needs. When jewe llery for my daughter or my Established in 1962
und his car missing from ty in Ongole in the name of I look back, I'm happy you were always there grandchild's education. It's a life well lived. Over 50lakh subscribers
a rg a da r s
the parking lot of his apart- my daughter or Vijays he- to help us like a friend. We not only saved, but I'm glad we chose Margadarsi as our Annual business turnover
ment complex and later ca- alth issues, Vanitha said. also reaped dividends with the freedom to financial partner for supporting us at a oft 9,432 crores
me to know that his estrang- She denied demanding `3 withdraw large amounts in the hour of need, short notice . Thank you for being there for
ed wife had driven it away. crore from her husband.
105 branches across Telangana , CHIT FUND PRIVATE LIMITED
be it for expanding my small scale business , generations to come. Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu Life is easier when you p lan with Af argadar,i
He lodged a complaint with Movie Artistes Associ-
the Jubilee Hills police in ation (MAA) president Shi- Toll Free No. 1800 425 UN orSMS <MAR6> to %263 1 Corporate Office: 5-10-195,Fateh Maidan Road, Opp. Police Control Room, Hyduabad-500 004,Ph: 040-234421GW61/62
this regard. vaji Raja condoled Vijays
However, Vanitha, tal- death and appealed to ac- Hyderabad : Basheerbag h 8008771329/040-23442150/151/152 1 Secunderabad 8008001653/040-23449300/301/302 1 Lakdikapul 9000771334/040-23442156/157/158 1 Chikkadapall y 9000771338/040-23449310/311/312
Ameerpet 9618771330/040-23442180/181/182 Koti 9000771335/040-23449325/326 1 Kukatpalli 9000771336/040-23449306/307/308 1 Dilsukhnagar 8008771496/040-23449320/321/322 Miyapur 8008004289/040-23449315/346
king to reporters, denied al- tors not to commit suicide Tarnaka 8008771327/040-23449333/334 i Mehdipatnam 8008883803/040-23442190/191 1 L.B. Nagar 8008111512/040-23449330/331 1 A S. Rao Nagar 8008705482/040-23449340/342 Punjagutta 8008771332/040-23442183/184
legations that she was re- and suggested that if they Santoshnagar 9848565105/040-23449317/23449332 1 Balanagar 8008536701/040-23449316/319/327 Trimul g herry 8008633899/040-23449314 Himayathnagar 8008004489/040-23449318 Madhapur 8008930006/040-23112174
sponsible for Vijays death. were in distress they could W arangal : 8008771326/0870-2500210 Hanmakonda 9000866714/0870-2544955/2567656 Karimnagar : 8008705479/0878-2261599 1 Ramagundam 8008771311/08728-274886/271359 Nizamabad : 8008575725/08462-225033
``We had split almost two ye- approach MAA for help. Siddipet : 9963609030/08457-230318 Nalgonda : 8008191959/08682-222672 Miry alaguda : 8008224361/08689-243661/242147 Sangareddy : 8008551693/08455-277744/277403 A dilabad : 9989994580/08732-223722
Mancher ial : 9032208278/08736-253622/254275 Mahaboobnagar : 9959224364/08542-244514/242667 Khammam : 8008705478/08742-224287 Kot hagudem : 8008156715/08744-242210/244144
Hyderabad: A mahapaday-
front charges. +91-9176141944 AROMA, Thai Sweedish & 4ohd . Ismail Khan , R/o. 18- Relax Therapies for Body )/ 26. P a t i gadda . See-had-3, T .S. chirps of the birds set a 1st: Dolly Nithin Dand, 1st: Pranathi, class VI,
Relax & Pain Relief by Ex-
perts, Ameerpet, Contact:
o i nco r p o r a t e m y n a m e fr o m perfect ambience on Monday class V, Vasavi Public Gitanjali Devshala
Ike 9581434645 / 7330791855 tazal to Mohd naval Khan
morning at Jalavihar Water School 2nd: Mithali, class
!AIN-RELIEF Therapies in Park, where nearly 1,200 stu- 2nd: Musa Na Khan, HPS VII, Sweet Angle High
DEALERS Wanted for \yurveda & Western Therapies dents from about 100 schools in
Oxy99 Portable Oxygen Cans )one b y E x c e l l e n t Profession-
Begumpet School
for Heart & Breathing Proble- the city participated in the big-
ms,High Profits.MRP650,call Is at So na j i g u d a Ameerpet. ROSIN K h a n S/ o A n w a r
gest painting competition of 3rd: GVS Harshith, class 3rd: SK Rehan,
8010088695 'h' 99.F91):l8 h l Ch a n . R/ O: H . N o : 12-1.449/2 ,
ADIBATLA Kongarakalan
.a l a p e t . S e c u n d e r a b a d- the year, Times NIE Colour VII, Pranav International Pudami School,
HMDA layout beside collecta- TRESS - Relief Therapies in School Kondapur
rate office, Indo-UK Hospital, ,000017 . T.S. has lost passport Splash 2017.
\y u r, A r o m a . T h a i . Deep-
ORR, Wonderla, Loans. in 06/12/ 2017. Passport Num-
'issue . Swedish, Done by Participants reached the For watercolour
Ph: 9618185795/ 9550963616.
)ecent Professionals @ ier: K5521074 . One who finds For abstract
an (:-tart- UIri2.c.c 4d venue all geared to showcase
DS Hometuitions I-X (ICSE, imee rp et-9959843434. 1st: Vaishnavi SR, class IX, 1st: Abhinavi Venali,
CBSE, IB & SSC) Inter, NEET, their creativity. Chief guest for
IIT, Diploma, B.E / B.Tech, SOPHIA Ayurvedic Spa for the event was Tarab Khan, one Vikas, The Concept School DPS Secunderabad
................................................................... MBBS/BDS, CA/CPT, GRE, Body Therapy, Pain Relief
of the finest artistes in the co- 2nd: Shreyas Verma, class IX, 2nd: Abdul, class VIII,
GMAT. Contact: 9030633633 Therapy by Experienced About 1,200 students from 100 schools
Staff Only. PH: 7842001131. NANDINI D/O
SNEHA untry. She reviewed the art- Vikas, The Concept School Azaan International
DIRECT Jobs (M/F) SSC/- 4andini Mallareddy and W/O
participated in Times NIE Colour
works of the young painters School
Inter/ (All) Graduates/ MBA dohammed Yaseen Zaveri R/ O
and adjudged the winners. Splash 2017, the biggest painting 3rd: Kaumuoli. K, class X,
/ B.Tech, Dip./ITI. Ph:040-667 9.4.2 8 0 / b/ 1 1 5 / a . M a d i n a
84732, 40205313, 9000801072. Times NIE Colour Splash competition of the year Vikas, The Concept School 3rd: Vikas, Vista School
companies call for manpower :olony, Tadban . Hyd . Telan-
SURYA Packers & Movers ,ana-500064, Declare that I have 2017, which was organised in
Kollur @
Professionals in Packing &
Moving of House Hold Goods, ,mbraced Islam and renounced association with the Freedom- was Healthy Eating or Mot- were announced, the young ar- After reviewing the bulk of
Car for Local & Countrywide. linduism on 27-Aug-2014 and
Ph: 9849478333, 27244117 haneed my name to AMINAH.
Refined Sunflower Oil under her Earth, while for senior ca- tists got busy with their can- artworks by the students, the
the flagship of The Ti- tegory the theme was vas and colours to deliver their chief guest filtered out the list
mes of India, was con- Healthy Eating or Yo- best in the painting competi- of winners for both junior and
HMDA APPROVED 1 1 ducted in two categori- ur vision of the future. tion. After one hour of strugg- senior categories. While stu-
Ready to Built House
Plots for Sale at Kollur @ es for the students ju- The event began le with the brush and success- dents of Vikas, The Concept
Kardanoor, Bank Loan niors and seniors. The with a huge number of ful completion of their master- School, swept away maximum
avaialble. call: 7780164234
................................................................... theme of the competi- students pouring in for pieces, the students were enga- prizes in the senior category,
M$_SKNDING_JOB, Earn APPA junction @ Chevella, EXPERT GUIDANCE. tion was given to the the competition and dis- ged in a fun activity of passing other participants also came
5000.40000 week,monthly m/f
PSW & PR Options , Spouse .
Visa , Masters/Diploma.
participants on the spot. For playing their imagination on the ball game, which pumped up with their best performan-
ll I n d i a Part time job/work nture low cost, Gated Comm-
unity, Malabar trees, Model Call: Varshini Consultants the junior category, the theme the canvas. Once the themes their excitement further. ce to win the competition.
rom home available . Regi 1550.
Farm House & swim-pool, Far 9533126677 / 9533026677.
2ANU: 8954692753/ 7600482190. m plots, Spot Reg: 9849096826 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
T demands substantial cut TRS MLA: Regret HC relief to
foul language, will
in Krishna share to Andhra fight for justice
of death, an autorickshaw res for expenditure due to ho- state and central share in total pay 1.98 per cent of ticket rate to
carrying Bhavani Diksha spitalisation in urban areas public expenditure on health TSFDC. Kancherla Durga Pra-
for men is `18,229 and women was 33:67. Urban health servi- sad, counsel for the petitioners '
pilgrims rammed a parked
lorry at Nidamanuru area in is `11,774. ces constituted 71% of expen- said that it amounts to creating I
National Highway 16 in the While there is a huge gen- diture on medical and public monopoly and the theatres ha-
outskirts of the city on der gap in terms of what is be- health in 2014-15. Public insu- ve to run around the private
Monday. According to ing spent on men and women rance companies had a higher firm and TSFDC for the ticket
Patamata police, the auto (though the latter require mo- share of coverage and premi- amounts collected by portal.
driver was drowsy behind re medical care), the numbers um than all other types of he- The judge ordered status quo to
the steering. certainly paint a gloomy pic- alth insurance policies, exclu- be maintained and directed ca-
ture as they are the highest in ding individual ones. se to be listed on December 19.
T -2017, f4 q!7/2017/
TIMES NEWS NETWORK lary he had received during
his service and retirement be- ISCons/02 .12.2017 fN RW N 3 T Z fT 7T'TT t I
Hyderabad: Congress leader nefits, he added. A c R 3TTtg7iUqT- T/2017/ISCons/02.12.2017
A Revanth Reddy on Monday He asked the chief mini- 3T;q ATRi c ft-m W41T I
created a stir when he levelled ster to take action against his
allegations against municipal sons father-in-law and restore 3 T T it 'IF tqt 7 M
minister KT Rama Raos fat- confidence of people in the 3Ti f TTT T g
011-46869800 I
her in-law, Harnath Rao. law and the Constitution. He
Addressing a press confe- also demanded an explana- RFP for INFOTECH SYSTEMS CONSULTANT-2017 ,
rence at Gandhi Bhavan, Re- tion from Rama Rao on the al- No.-InfoTech Dept ./2017 /ISCons/02.12.2017 has
vanth alleged Harnath Rao
had secured a job in the forest
leged fake caste certificate.
Unable to answer my char- been cancelled. Any Bids received regarding the RFP NEWSPOINT
department by claiming to be ges, he has been hiding behind No.- InfoTech Dept./2017/ISCons/02.12.2017 will not
from the Scheduled Tribe (ST) and sending some leaders to be entertained.
community. KTRs father in- respond. He has to answer my
law had cheated the state go- questions on cheating govern- For details, visit http :// or contact
vernment and grabbed a post ment for 35 years and depri- AIC HO at 011-46869800.
that belong to tribals. The go- ving tribals a job by his father-
3q I l (3TI i) 15 million+ App Rated 4.3 Available on
vernment should recover sa- in-law, Revanth said.
Congress chief
ond, at Sharm-el Sheikh, Pa-
New Delhi: Reacting sharp- kistans allegation about In-
ly to former PM Manmohan dias involvement in Baloch-
Singhs attack on PM Na- sitan was included in the bi- Conspiracy by foreign
PTI rendra Modi for accusing lateral agenda. countries, supari and
Congress of using Pakistan Prasad condemned Pa- other shocking details are
to influence the Gujarat kistans unwarranted being revealed, one by
election, the government on statement and said Indians one, by Shri Narendra Modi
Monday defended the PM. were capable of conducting in Gujarat. Worrisome. Will
On a day when Modi came elections on their own. To- the PM of the country act?
under attack from Manmo- day, a very curious statement
han and Pakistan protested has been released by Pakis- P CHIDAMBARAM
against being dragged into tan foreign office... saying In- @PChidambaram_IN
Indias domestic politics, fi- dians must learn to fight elec- BJPs campaign in Gujarat
nance minister Arun Jaitley tions on their own, he said. in the last few
said at a presser, I am sur- India, he added, completely days, especially
prised that Congress is de- abhors any outside interfe-
yesterday, has
manding an apology from rence in its electoral affairs.
the PM when it is they (Con- Prasads retort came af- gone beyond
gress) who should apologise ter Pakistan foreign office bizarre. Should a
for not following the declared spokesman Mohammad Fai- party go to any length to
national line on Pakistan. sal tweeted, India should win an election? Is winning
He said the main opposi- stop dragging Pakistan into an election so important
tion party was expected to fol- its electoral debate and win that such allegations can be
Congress president-elect Rahul Gandhi holds a memento, an idol of Goddess low the national policy, which victories on its own strength made against a former PM
Durga, presented to him during a poll rally in Gandhinagar on Monday was that terror and talks rather than fabricated con- and a former VP?
could not go hand in hand. Is panied by law minister Ravi position... is a serious misad- sions with Kasuri over din- spiracies, which are utterly
TIMES NEWS NETWORK and returning officer for the (the) main opposition party Shankar Prasad, maintained venture, Jaitley said. ner, the FM said, I would baseless and irresponsible. SHATRUGHAN
election Mullapally Rama- not part of the State? he that Manmohan Singh The FM added that Con- not got into those details. The tweet came after Mo- SINHA @ShatruganSinha
New Delhi: Though her influ- chandran told a press confer- asked, adding that while in should not have met former gress, being the principal op- The meeting should not have dis speech in Gujarat on Honble Sir! Just to win
ence will not fade completely, ence, I hereby declare Rahul opposition, BJP would never Pakistan foreign minister position party, was an impor- taken place because it con- Sunday where he talked elections anyhow, and
the curtain fell on the Sonia Gandhi elected as president of engage with Pakistan with- Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri at tant stakeholder and a party flicted with national policy. about a secret meeting at
that too at the fag end of
Gandhi era in Congress with the Indian National Congress. out the governments nod. Congress leader Mani Shan- to the official decision. In- Jaitley also recalled that Aiyars home attended by
her son and party vice-presi- The declaration sparked fes- Jaitley said if anyone de- kar Aiyars residence. stead of protesting, the for- the Manmohan government the Pakistan high commis- the process, is it a must to
dent Rahul Gandhi elected as tivities and senior leaders de- fied the national line, they On Pakistan, Mani mer PM should explain what had allowed Pakistan to score sioner, a former Pakistan for- come up with & endorse
party president with expectedly scended on the Akbar Road should be prepared to an- Shankar Aiyar has always was the justification of the two major diplomatic gains: eign minister, a former VP of new, unsubstantiated
no other challenger in the fray. headquarters to mark the swer questions. It is a polit- followed a line which has not meeting, Jaitley said. First, the understanding India and former PM Singh, & unbelievable stories
Rahul was elected Con- event. Rahul, busy campaign- ical misadventure, it has a been consistent with the offi- Asked about Manmo- that Pakistan would not al- among others. The meeting, everyday against
gress president after a long ing in Gujarat, tweeted, A political cost, he added. cial position. But for a for- hans assertion that Gujarat low its territory to be used for Modi said, came a day before political opponents?
suspense over just when he heartfelt thank you to everyone Jaitley, who was accom- mer PM to defy the national never figured in the discus- anti-India terror activities Aiyar called him neech. Now linking them to Pak
would grasp his family legacy. for the tremendous support and High Commissioner &
The Gandhi scion will for- congratulations and wished sincerely hope that he will at the dinner. The discussion rallies that the former PM had gone to Pakistan unin-
mally assume the top post on Rahul a fruitful tenure. apologise to the nation for was confined to India-Pakis- and former VP Hamid Ansa- vited after the terrorist at- rhetoric gave an
December 16 two days ahead The passing of baton from his ill-thought transgres- tan relations, Singh said a ri met Pakistan officials at tacks in Udhampur and Gur- opportunity to Pak to take
of results to Gujarat and Hima- Sonia to Rahul marks an impor- sion to restore the dignity of day after Modi attacked Con- Aiyars residence, after daspur. Let him also tell the a dig at India. Very very
chal Pradesh assembly elec- tant chapter in Congress histo- the office he occupies, for- gress for allegedly hobnob- which the suspended Con- country the reason for invit- unfortunate !!! Really !!!
tions which will set the tone for ry as the issue of succession mer PM Manmohan Singh bing with Pakistan leaders. gress leader called him ing the infamous ISI of Pa-
his initial stint in office. He has been hanging fire for over said in a statement. I am deeply pained and neech. He also said Pakis- kistan to our strategic air
will assume charge at a time three years when leaders start- Stating his track record anguished by the falsehood tan was taking unusual inter- base in Pathankot to investi-
when Congress has fought ed pressing for it vigorously of public service spoke for and canards being spread to est in the Gujarat elections. gate a terror attack that THACKERAY
hard to regain its electoral amid indifferent health of the itself, Singh said there was score political points in a lost Modis remarks set off a emanated from Pakistan. @AUThackeray
Former PM Singh questioned his
touch, barring an exception party chief. Rahul was elevated no discussion on the Guja- cause by none less than PM political firestorm, with dip- He added, My track re- In our country, despite
successor Modis bid to paint
like Punjab earlier this year, as Congress vice-president in rat elections at the meeting, Narendra Modi, Singh said. lomats and Army officers cord of public service to the having a strong
Congress as soft on Pakistan
making the current round of 2013 when he gave his famous and neither he nor the for- Singh also released a list who figured in the meeting country over last five dec- leadership, majority
elections significant. His im- power is poison speech. mer public servants in at- of attendees (see report be- hampur and Gurdaspur. saying Gujarat elections ades is known to everyone. govt, strong intelligence
mediate goal will be to get Con- With endless speculation fi- tendance could be accused low). Tearing into the saf- He urged Modi to show were not discussed at the din- No one, including Modi, can network, some parties
gress battle-ready and lead it nally settled, all eyes are on the of anti-national activities. fron mascot, Singh ques- gravitas and maturity in- ner. Slamming Modis bid to lamely question it to gain are hinting that another
into the next national election. future and how Rahul steers I reject the innuendos tioned Modis bid to paint stead of concentrating his portray himself as tough on lost political ground.
country can inuence the
At 3.45 pm, Congress MP the party. and falsehoods as I did not Congress as soft on Pakis- energy on erroneously con- Pakistan, Singh said, Con- Congress spokesman
discuss Gujarat elections tan, and accused him of en- ceived brownie points. gress needs no sermons on Anand Sharma accused the minds of our voters. Well,
with anyone else at the din- gaging Pakistan and the in- The usually understated nationalism from a party PM of dragging political if it is true, what is our
government doing? Well
deny nod for PM, Guests included ex-Army chief too Nana Patole targets PM
Rahul roadshows TIMES NEWS NETWORK
BJP digs up PC pic with Taliban member Modi: Cong sharing stage with Rahul
TIMES NEWS NETWORK They should pass through areas
which are not crowded and
New Delhi: The dinner
meeting at the centre of a
raging controversy after
B JP on Monday circulated a 2013 photo of Taliban founding
member Abdul Salam Zaeef alongside former home
minister P Chidambaram. Zaeef had been spotted with trapped in TIMES NEWS NETWORK
Hardik holds his
Ahmedabad: Police have denied should not affect hospitals, bus PM Modi accused Congress Chidambaram at the Goa Thinkfest. Defence minister Nirmala Gandhinagar: Nana Patole,
roadshow sans
permission for the roadshows by depots, or railway stations. The
PM Narendra Modi and Con- roadshows were overlapping in
of working in league with
Pakistan to unseat BJP in
Sitharaman had first shared the picture in 2013 and
questioned the UPA government for granting Zaeef a visa. BJP
Blue Whale who recently resigned from
Lok Sabha and the BJP, on police permission
gress president-elect Rahul certain areas and timings were Gujarat was held at the resi- had asked Chidambaram why he did not leave the venue when Patan (Gujarat): Congress Monday shared stage with
Gandhi scheduled here for Tues- also clashing. Hence, permission
day. for both were denied, the officer
BJP had sought permission added. Senior cops said they also
dence of former oil minis-
ter Mani Shankar Aiyar on
December 6.
he realised Zaeef was present there. TNN
Govt, pvt varsities vie for Accused is innocent, French tourists and guides
institutes of eminence tag says co-passenger attacked in Mirzapur; 8 held
man who was in busi-
TIMES NEWS NETWORK tions have been received un- Eminence"a distinct catego- ness class on the Satur- Actress flies home TIMES NEWS NETWORK and sexual harassment. and Riya and Nitin were tak-
der the greenfields category. ry of deemed-to-be-universi- day night Delhi-Mum- on same airline Riya Dutta of Varanasi, en to hospital.
New Delhi: Some big names Among those who have ap- ties, supporting them to be- bai Vistara flight has told the Varanasi: Eight people were her uncle Nitin Dey and a sis- Tiwari said a man had re-
are vying for the ambitious 20
world class instituions project
of the ministry of human re-
plied from the public sector
are seven IITs (Madras, Delhi,
Bombay, Kharagpur, Kanpur,
come "World
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agree to ramp
he Virat-Anushka wed- New Delhi: The much awaited
ding was attended only Russia-India-China (RIC) trilat-
by close family and a
few friends. Both bride and
groom wore wedding ensem-
eral took place here on Monday
with the three countries con-
demning terrorism in all its
up dialogue
bles designed by Sabyasachi forms and manifestations and Indrani.Bagchi
Mukherjee. calling upon states to take ade-
Virushka, as the couple is quate measures to prevent ter-
fondly called, will host a re- rorist activities from their terri- New Delhi: India and China
ception in New Delhi for their tory. While the three countries on Monday agreed to ramp up
relatives on December 21, fol- agreed to strengthen coopera- strategic communication
lowed by a reception in Mum- tion to take decisive and con- Sushma Swaraj(cnetre)with her Chinese counterpart Wang Yi (right) between the two govern-
bai for industry friends and certed actions against globally and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in New Delhi on Monday ments, and significantly, to be
cricketers on December 26. proscribed terrorists and terror mindful of each others sen-
They will then travel to South
Africa, where the Indian
entities, including those listed
by UNSC, missing from the
Russia nudges India to join OBOR, demurs sitivities. Foreign minister
Sushma Swaraj met her
cricket team will be playing a
keenly anticipated series.
joint communique was a direct
mention of Pakistan-based ter-
India-Japan-US-Australia quadrilateral counterpart Wang Yi for bilat-
eral talks on the sidelines of
CAG pulls down parts of India abortion our national interest, on just vember 1961. You cannot pos- was probably at its weakest of Tibetan rebellion was an
grounds and with restraint, sibly imagine that in less than since the start of the Commu- important causal link in the
Wang Yi said. a year China would be able to nist rule in China. No country outbreak of war in 1962.
rate similar to
defence reports from web Pak & Bdesh AGENT
From P 1
T he new study also esti-
mated that half of the to-
New Delhi: The Comptroller FROM THE PORTAL tal 48.1 million pregnan-
and Auditor General (CAG) cies in India in 2015 were unin-
has directed its defence wing
to pull down select para- 1 Compliance audit report
no. 44 of 2015 | Para 3.1
on audit of functioning of
2017 relating to Indo-China
border roads
tended. Abortions accounted
for one-third of all pregnanci-
graphs of some of its recent
audit reports from its website
and remove all references
Army Aviation Corps and
Para 3.2 on shortfall of BMP
4 Compliance audit report
no. 15 of 2017 | Para 3.2
on ammunition management
es, and nearly half of preg-
nancies were unintended, sa-
id the study, adding that Indi-
available online. The deleted vehicle in Indian Army in Army follow up audit as abortion rate is 47 per 1,000
paragraphs are from the au- women of reproductive age,
dit reports on the Indo-China
border roads; ammunition
2 Performance audit
report no. 19 of 2015 on
ammunition management
5 Press brief | Reference
to all these reports and
which is similar to rates in Pa-
kistan (50), Nepal (42) and
its ndings in the press brief
management; functioning of Bangladesh (39). Dr Shekhar
the Army Aviation Corps and
shortfall in availability of
3 Performance audit
report no. 5 of
issued by CAG removed from
the website
said the unintended pregnan-
cies pointed to the need for
BMP (infantry armored) ve- CAG ofcials say it has pulled down these reports after a better contraception and fa-
hicles in the Army. request from the ministry of defence mily planning programmes.
A CAG senior officer told Around 53% Indians use mo-
TOI that these reports have how at least six roads with a ed by Sharmas predecessor dern contraception, but the
been taken down on the re- length of 197 km, out of the Vinod Rai. expert said studies have
quest of the ministry of de- ones examined by the CAG, In its report on BMP shown half the couples surve-
fence, owing to their sensitiv- were not fit for running infantry vehicles, the auditor yed didnt know how to cor-
ity. In the past too, the officer specialised vehicles such as had observed that the Army rectly use condoms.
said, some of the defence re- the Bofors guns due to steep had a shortage of at least The studyconducted jo-
ports have been made availa- gradients or inadequate 47%, largely due to the ord- intly by IIPS, the Delhi-based
ble only to members of Parlia- turning radius. nance factory failing to sup- Population Council and the
ment and the Public Ac- The auditor had also criti- ply these vehicles on time, ad- New Yorkbased Guttmacher
counts Committee. cised the Border Road Orga- versely affecting the oper- Institutecompiled national
The reports that have nisation for its failure to com- ational preparedness of sales and distribution data of
been pulled down from the plete 61 road projects it had mechanised forces. medical abortion pills and
CAG website include a taken up at an estimated cost In the Army Aviation conducted surveys of public
performance audit (Report of Rs 4,644 crore to be com- Corps, the scrutiny revealed and private health facilities in
No. 5 of 2017) relating to pleted by 2012. Only 22 of that it is plagued with 32% de- six Indian states.
the Indo-China border roads. these roads were constructed ficiency in its authorised fleet It estimated that close to
When you click on the link till March 2016, about 36%, at strength and its Cheetah and three in four abortions are
on CAG website for this re- a cost of Rs 4,536 crore (98% of Chetak helicopters are old achieved using drugs from
port it opens into a special the projected cost). and ageing with 52% of the chemists and informal ven-
window that says: For the The decision to pull down fleet older than 30 years lead- dors. The World Health Orga-
contents of this paragraph/ some sensitive reports was ing to many accidents. nisation says abortion medi-
report, printed version of the taken after incumbent CAG On the ammunition man- cines are safe and effective
relevant report may be Rajiv Mehrishi, a former agement, the CAG scrutiny when used correctly and wit-
referred to. home secretary, took charge had revealed critical short- hin a nine-week gestational li-
The report on border of the supreme audit organi- age of ammunition with up to mit. Unfortunately, only a qu-
roads was tabled in Parlia- sation in September succeed- 80% of the ammunition be- arter of the abortions occur in
ment in March this year and ing S K Sharma. The practice low the authorised level re- the public sector, which is the
was widely reported after the to allow defence reports to be quired for 40 days of inten- main source of healthcare for
federal auditor pointed out put on its website was restart- sive fighting. the rural and urban poor. BCCL 2017
I /il
w il
UTI Mutual Fund
'T ax rebate of upto 71, 50,000 under secti on 80C of Income Tax Act , 1 9 6 1 (As per prevo ling ax la w s ) .
n yet another sign that the country today is in the grips of a ban march into the city of Rome. Roman law pone the freedom movement in order to
mania, Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar has called for a forbade entering the city of Rome with achieve cow protection. Thousands of
armies. Juliuss action led to a civil war Indians are engaged in cow protection;
nationwide ban on liquor. Hitting out at parties such as Congress
and eventual conquest of the empire by millions worship the cow. But life itself
and the Left, Nitish questioned why they couldnt support such a him. He became Julius Caesar. Through is sacred. How can we allow one sacred-
move as Gujarat and Bihar allegedly show the way. Further, he this action he gave birth to the metaphor ness to violate another sacredness?
claimed universal religious sanction for prohibition. Nothing could crossing the Rubicon. A virtuous man had once called me
be more absurd. First, prohibition in Gujarat and more recently Mani Shankar Aiyar too crossed the arrogant for insisting that we all should
in Bihar hasnt stopped liquor consumption. It has only driven the Rubicon when he called Prime Minister stand up against violence in the name of
Narendra Modi neech. It may look a the sacred. His argument was that while
trade underground bootleggers directly deliver to peoples homes
small indiscretion for which he was asked there were a number of cases of cow
in Gujarat while in Bihar there are reports that even the police are to apologise and subsequently also vigilantes indulging in murder and
involved in selling seized alcohol. suspended from his party. But then, mayhem, there are more cases where
This is only to be expected as prohibition hasnt worked anywhere crossing the Rubicon by Julius was also cattle smugglers indulge in the same. He
in the world. Its main outcome is state revenue losses and hooch a small violation of Roman law. The only may be right; criminals do indulge in
deaths even as local mafia are empowered. Second, of all the difference in the present case is that unlawful things. Law should catch up
unlike Julius Caesar, Aiyar will take his with them. But when civilians find
religions named by Nitish its only I
party down in the Gujarat elections. ideological justification in violating the
slam that prescribes prohibition. Hence, In politics, we bump into many such sacred, society has to stand up.
arguing that countrywide prohibition seemingly insignificant Rubicons, cros- That is when we, as leaders political or
Uday Deb
would lead to communal harmony is sing of which would ultimately lead to otherwise have to cross the Rubicon. We
ridiculous. Governance in the 21st significant developments. That is why it have to raise our voice against all forms
century should be about enabling is important for politicians to be ever of madness, oral of Aiyars kind, or
careful in public life. The chaiwala jibe body of a Hindu boy was found, in a physical. We have to march all our armies
citizens, rather than foreclosing more
at the PM at the time of his swearing in, horrible condition, castrated, burnt and his into the moral space and conquer it.
and more areas of human activity. by the same Mani Shankar Aiyar, has head mutilated. He was allegedly a victim Mani Shankar Aiyar too Therein lies the real morality of a
Unfortunately, Nitish isnt the only come to haunt Congress party for a long of a clash between two communities. crossed the Rubicon when nation. Morality is the extraordinary
politician guilty of the King Canute time. Sonia Gandhis maut ka saudagar These incidents can be dismissed as human capacity that made civilisations
syndrome. More and more political (merchant of death) barb at Modi, crimes that happens in any country or he called PM Modi neech. possible, wrote Jonathan Haidt in his
parties, whether on the left or the right, then chief minister of Gujarat during society. After all murders happen in The only difference is that book The Righteous Mind.
assembly elections in the state in 2007 all countries. Law catches up with the unlike Julius Caesar, Aiyar The problem with us is that mostly we
are defining themselves today by what they want to ban. For example,
cost Congress a full election. murderers. are selective in our indignation and out-
AAP appears to hold a grudge against the private sector as it often Around the time that Aiyars repre- But the rants and reasons behind will take his party down in rage. We see a pattern in Rajasthan and
reaches for the ban option against private hospitals, private schools hensible comment was all over the news, these incidents demand that we ponder a the Gujarat elections not in Karnataka. We fume and scream at
and even private app-based taxi sharing. Similarly, BJPs list of there occurred another ghastly incident little more seriously. The raison dtre is one set of incidents and maintain culpable
banned or restricted items includes beef, interfaith marriages, in Rajasthan. There was a reported mur- elitist or ideological; a belief that we to punish the officers all were set free silence on the other. We must cross the
cattle movement and any version of history that doesnt conform to der of a Muslim man, which was allegedly cant live together. by a LA jury led to a severe reaction Rubicon, not selectively, but always.
filmed live by the murderer. It was brutal I am reminded of an incident in where riots, looting and violence rocked Let me return to Rodney King once
an Amar Chitra Katha view of the past. That many states want to
the victim was half burnt and beaten America in 1991. In what was described Los Angeles for almost a week. It even led again. Fighting back his tears and often
ban Padmavati without having seen the film, let alone permitting to death. The murderer has allegedly as a race crime four white police officers to attacks on innocent white citizens. repetitive, King had said in that interview:
CBFC to take a view of it, only proves the point. recorded another video in which he ranted had beaten Rodney King, a black youth In a televised interview on 1May 1992, Please, we can get along here. We all can
In sum, we already have too many laws telling us what not to do. about love jihad, and promised to teach a in Los Angeles, almost to death. King which stirred the conscience of the entire get along. I mean, we are all stuck here
Since most of these are observed in the breach the system breeds lesson to those who indulge in it. survived, but the brutality of the attack American nation, Rodney King famously for a while. Let us try to work it out.
corruption, harassment, unease of doing business and general A couple of days after, in Karnataka, and subsequent failure of the judiciary asked this simple question to Americans: The writer is national general secretary, BJP
contempt for the rule of law. Proposing more and more bans
suggests that even as political competition forces the political class
to throw up new ideas and slogans, they have run out of ideas that
can actually empower people and improve their lives.
Why Modi must dismantle inspector raj: More
regulation isnt more effective regulation
Alien Connection Aurodeep employment there is no
practical way for departments
understand that risk is not just
hazard, but also the likelihood
Finance minister to keep expanding to match of the hazard occurring. You
Half of humans believe in alien life, Arun Jaitley the millions of businesses that want to nudge businesses to be
but should we try to meet them? grandly anno- keep mushrooming. responsible enough to follow
unced that India This gives the handful of rules without sending the
our decades after Artoo the droid set out across the Tatooine has frog jumped inspectors in each department cavalry in. So give each estab-
desert searching for Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi, enduring 30 places in the immense oligopoly of power. lishment a risk rating based on
World Banks Ease of Doing Businesses will do just about their sector, size, compliance
fascination with such space adventures is bookended by a wider
Business league tables. Oxymo- anything to get them off their history, and management, and
contemporary interest in extraterrestrials. Research group Glocalities ronically, it still makes us backs; leading to the infamous then reward the low risk,
has conducted a survey across 24 countries, where 47% of the the 100th easiest place to do inspector raj. responsible ones with light
respondents believe in the existence of intelligent alien civilisations, business in the world hardly Meanwhile we are used to a touch supervision. Reserve
of which 60% say we should try to communicate with these aliens. laurels worth resting on. your inspectors for the truly
That folks who believe in aliens are no longer a marginal minority For many, ease of doing busi- high risk, wilfully uncompliant
ness means doing away with red businesses.
may be directly connected to the rise of a disenchanted majority.
tape. That gives red tape a rather
Give each establishment Share the risk rating of
The survey found the most believers in alien negative connotation. Contrary a risk rating based on UK, or US. They probably inspect on them. Treating everyone businesses with their consu-
life in Russia, at 68%, while the Dutch bottomed to popular belief, it often exists mers, so that eco-systems like
their sector, size, less than 1% of their businesses, like a criminal organisation
it out at 24%. Its possible that this belief tracks for very good reasons. For but also seamlessly manage to doesnt help anyone. TripAdvisor or Zomato can
the Ease of Doing Business index and instance, it is red tape that forces compliance history, and define global benchmarks for Unfortunately, Indian govern- grow across industries. Simply
Transparency Internationals global corruption malls to have fire exits; stops management, and then health, safety and quality ment agencies have a very poor educating consumers to spot
factories from indiscriminately standards. How do they regulate understanding of how to figure non-compliance can enable
barometer. Where governance is depressingly
polluting; ensures companies
reward the low risk, so lightly; and yet make their out what constitutes a risky inspectorates to effectively
poor, rescue by aliens may sound good. protect their investors; and responsible ones with regulations so effective? business. Most of the time, crowdsource their job to those
Once we find them, however, there is no compels food manufacturers to light touch supervision Ease of doing business isnt they confuse risk with hazard. they are meant to protect.
guarantee these aliens will be like Steven not compromise with public just about cutting red tape. In- For instance, industries that But all of this means that
Spielbergs affable ET. They may look to colonise Earth and crush health. Regulations, in theory string of nonchalant news stead it is about understanding produce dangerous products, inspectors also forfeit much of
us all. Physicist Stephen Hawking has warned we should not try exist to make the world around us stories of substandard buildings risk better. Like humans, a vast say chemicals, are considered their power to be arbitrary and
a safer and better place to live in. crashing; of children succum- majority of enterprises are in to be high risk. corrupt. However, PM Modi
to contact aliens, citing as a precedent of what might happen how
But with more regulations, bing to adulterated food; of fact law abiding. They pose Seductive as the logic might wants quality products to be
humanity treats beings of lower intelligence: enslavement and/ comes the need for more govern- lakes turning mysteriously minimal risk of non-compliance sound, it is deeply flawed. Surely Made in India, individuals to
or extermination. That thought may also put paid to hopes of ment departments to monitor frothy with pollutants; and of and deserve not to be harassed the likelihood of a catastrophe Start Up in India, and FDI to
colonising habitable exoplanets in other star systems, which them. As comedian Trevor Noah hospitals cavalierly treating by the government. Then again, is much lower for a multinatio- tap into Indian markets. Delivery
scientists are now frantically looking for, once we run out of cleverly observes countries patients lives and finances. like humans, there will be some nal company that has an of regulation is as important
resources on Earth. If other planets are habitable, what are with laws banning gay relation- All these point to profound crooked businesses always on excellent safety record, and has as the regulations themselves.
ships, also need their police to regulatory failure in India. the lookout to subvert the heavily invested in cutting edge Inspector Raj will end only
the odds of their being already inhabited, perhaps by aliens of
have a gay department dedicated The answer cant be more system. True ease of doing infrastructure; than say an old, when inspectors realise that
superior intelligence to humanity? They may well end up to detecting gays! Unfortunately, inspections. Take any of the top business is for the government decrepit factory that has a poor their job is not to inspect; but
colonising us. So instead of hunting for new planets, it is a better the public sector in India ease of doing business countries to identify these bad apples, and record of compliance. instead to promote compliance.
idea conserving this one. Yoda advised: Do. Or do not. There is no accounts for barely 4% of total New Zealand, Singapore, the focus its inspection regime just Indian regulators need to The writer is an economist
try. Meaning, failure is not an option.
dilbert Sacredspace
Walkman, floppy disks Two Directions
What does the future hold?
Some of my favourite things are obsolete, The future of humanity is going
the children have never even seen them to bifurcate in two directions:
Either its going to become
Bikram Vohra multi-planetary, or its going to
So i am teaching these early teenage kids about audio tapes
remain confined to one planet
and transistors and they have never seen one. They cannot and eventually theres going
believe we would find a song only by running through the earlier to be an extinction event.
ones or use a pencil stub to tighten the loose whorls of tape and
they have never held a leather bound transy in their hands or Elon Musk
seen a VHS recorder. Migoodness, when we invested in one
such magical machine it held pride of place in our homes and no one was allowedto
know a beeper? How they would laugh if i could lay my hands on one and say he purpose of life is not to managing ones life wisely. understands the knack of learning, out of the box thinking. One is
this is how we informed someone we needed them. Beep beep. Comminggg. simply survive, but to discover One has to be alert, to the above you will never grow up in life. You will caught in the box of what one knows,
Told them we had to get up, there were no remotes. They fell over with mirth. inner fulfilment. When life is said fact. When an impulse from the grow old, but not grow up. and hence no new ideas emerge. Hence,
Remember when the only computers were Spectrum and Commodore 64 full, you will not be a victim to outside world falls into your mind, and What is an experience? It is a one lacks the ability to see something
and how exciting it was to have one. There was Trumpet Winsock but i failures. When you are comparing, if the mind receives it with rigidity, feeling in response to a challenge. new or learn something new.
cannot remember what it did. We had to go to Start to stop the you will be on failure track for there is with hurt, with anger, and Your response to the external Reflect on this: Nasruddins
machine. Just yesterday i was using floppy disks and painstakingly always someone better than you are. with impurity, then such a challenge comes from your mother was terribly upset and sad
marking them. Now you cannot even find a model that takes them. Hence, all records are broken even in mind is an impure mind. It is mind, which is a victim of because Nasruddin brings his girl-
First we thought the PC was an advanced calculator period. Everyone said, the field of sports. Hence, compari- not the impulse of the hurt, anger, upset, judgment friend home and spends a lot of time
who needs this. Then when we could write on it we thought it was a more sons are a failure trap. True progress external which is hurting and inner conditioning. In with her. It is very insulting and
convenient typewriter except we were not in the habit of saving stuff and out is discovering ones inner fullness. you more. Instead, ones inner other words, response comes hurting, the mother told her son. From
there in the ether are millions of lost words that can never be retrieved. The Situations are never the source of translation, ones inner from your past. When you the next day, Nasruddin stopped
shift to computers was wracked with pain and nostalgia for the old ways. And failure; mind is the source of failure. If mind, which receives it is the respond to a challenge based bringing his girlfriend home. Have you
how we resisted the shift because all those commands were baffling. We could mind interprets it as a failure, only real issue. on your past background, it broken your affair with her, mother
lose to it in chess but how we yearned to fling it out of the window. Hardware is then one has failed. In fact, mind does Observe this fact in your the only strengthens and modifies asked the son. No, i am going to her
the part you want to kick even as you reboot. Unless you are too busy debugging.
When pictures began appearing on the screen we played Pac-Man and Tetris
not create bondage or freedom but is
an instrument which leads to bondage
daily life. When the boss scolds
you, how is your mind speaking your background. Hence, you
are never free to see, to observe.
house; let her mother do the worrying
and not you, Nasruddin replied.
and Mario hunting a princess. or freedom. Mind can lead you to inner receiving it? If it receives it tree Thus, you cannot learn.
Post your comments at
Now, it rules our lives and then some. It drives you crazy surfing a net with hell or inner heaven. It all depends on with regret, with resentment, and Learning happens when one is free The Speaking Tree is also available as an 8
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Consuming canola oil may not be a healthy idea
Studies Claim It Hurts Memory And Learning Ability, Can Also Cause Weight Gain Thinkstock
anola oil, one of the Amyloid plaques and tau and experienced memory Maze tests to assess work-
most widely consumed phosphorylated tau, respon- improvement. The research- ing memory, short-term
vegetable oils in the sible for the formation of ers, seeking to determine memory, and learning ability
world, may be harmful for the tau neurofibrillary tangles, whether canola oil is similar- uncovered additional differ-
brain, according to a study contribute to neuronal dys- ly beneficial for the brain, di- ences. Most significantly,
that concluded it could wors- function and degeneration vided mice into two groups at mice that had consumed ca-
en ones memory and learn- and memory loss in Alzheim- six months of age, before the nola oil over six months suf-
ing ability. The study, publish- ers patients. The animal animals developed signs of fered impairments in work-
ed in the journal Scientific model was designed to recapit- Alzheimers disease. ing memory.
Reports, also linked the con- ulate Alzheimers in humans, One group was fed a nor- The findings suggest that
sumption of canola oil to progressing from an asympto- mal diet, while the other was long-term consumption of
weight gain in mice. matic phase in early life to full- fed one supplemented with ca- canola oil is not beneficial to
be a good sign
amined that claim... work on memory impair- heimers mouse model. plaques and phosphorylated weighed significantly more. proven health benefits. PTI
Getty Images/iStockphoto umatran tigers cant 1,000 in 1978. The animals are
Truman Cafe posted a video
ts a new and some would say bonk- going to let a chocolate bar ruin your seem to catch a break. only on Sumatra, where their
coffee cups of its avocado latte concoc-
tion on social media which
ers way to combat fatty food crav- chances of getting into that sexy This week, a study con- rain forest habitat is quickly
ings, lose weight and ditch diets forev- new Christmas party dress? Dont let a taining good news about the being replaced by rubber and
from doughnuts received a mixed reaction.
er. But for some women, simply talking to fatty snack tease or control you. Look at population of this endan- palm oil plantations.
their food has helped them slim down. that chocolate bar and tell it to do one. gered cat also carried a dis- Tigers are particularly
Am Australian bakery is Archaeologists discover 2 Chrissy Stone lost 10 stone (63kg), Nona Just say, fat off !. vulnerable to habitat frag-
claimer that there was proba-
taking hipster coffees to the ancient tombs in Egypt Bowkis lost over six stone (38kg) and Au- It might seem unlikely, but propo- mentation because they re-
bly no cause for optimism.
next level by serving them Egypt has announced the
drey Scott lost more than four stone (25kg). nents claim theres science behind the the- The study, published in quire expansive territories
in a doughnut cup. Kenil- discovery of two small an-
Nona, who credits the technique with ory. Steve, who trains hypnotherapists, Nature Communications, for hunting.The researchers
worth Bakery launched the cient tombs in the southern
transforming her life, said: Now, if I ever says: Frequent conversations with un- relied on images from more estimated the Sumatran ti-
doughnut coffee cup to city Luxor dating back some
pick up a packet of sweets, I say to it: No. healthy food creates a new mindset and than 300 trap cameras as well gers home range to be about
combine the sweet treat with 3,500 years, saying it hoped it
Im not having you. Im an intelligent wom- new successful habits. The gear-shift in as data from decades of simi- 240km, which is large even by
a caffeine fix. The confection- will help the country's efforts
an and in control of you. Now go away. It your brain helps you feel more confident, lar studies. The authors re- tiger standards.
ery, which costs AUS $8 (Rs to revive its ailing tourism
sounds a little bit crazy but it really helped FIGHTING TEMPTATION totally in control and able to manage crav- ported that tiger density in Poachers also pose a seri-
388) is a cinnamon-coated sector. The tombs, located on
change my inner voice. Audrey added: ings. Losing weight is never just about Sumatras three largest pro- ous threat. A single tiger on
doughnut which has been the west bank of the river
When I crave Maltesers (a confection) I They are also encouraged to look at pic- the food. Most of us know what to eat to be tected forests increased 5% the black market is worth
hollowed out, lined with Nile in a cemetery for noble-
look at the packet and said, You better stay tures of themselves when at their heavi- slimmer. Its mindset and motivation per year from 1996 to 2014, well over $1,000 (approximate-
nutella and filled with a shot men and top officials, are the
away from me. I have a fantastic life and est while they eat. The diet uses a kind of that needs to change. suggesting that Indonesias ly Rs 64,000), Luskin said.
of espresso topped with milk latest discovery in the city
wont let you ruin it. hypnosis Steve has called FATnosis. If ever I feel drawn to a chocolate preservation efforts are In 2014, as a graduate stu-
and foam. Barista Fernando famed for its temples and
The highly unusual technique pio- Talking to food isnt just a gimmick bar I pick it up, stare straight at it and slowly working. dent with the University of
Santi is the mastermind tombs spanning different
neered by weight loss guru Steve Miller, or something to make you sound daft. It give it a stern telling off. You wont However, the increase California, Berkeley, Luskin
behind the creation, bakery dynasties of ancient
known as the Simon Cowell of weight helps permanently change your think- control me. I am the boss. Now get out of was probably caused by an mounted close to 300 motion-
owner Jenna Sanders said. Egyptian history.
loss, teaches dieters to talk to their food. ing, Steve said, adding, Are you really my sight. DAILY MIRROR influx of tigers fleeing un- activated cameras through-
protected forests on the large out Sumatran forests, then
western island in the Indone- used the tigers distinct mark-
ever mind Bitcoin mania tak- crypto currencies run. Ethereum Mask, a digital wallet. Each kitten admit to a secret indulgence for the protected areas are prob- the protected areas. But Lus-
ing the doyen of virtual cur- owners use their virtual cash to buy has unique characteristics all steak to G17 Mouki, going for less ably dwarfed by the species kin couldnt draw conclusions
rencies into the stratosphere. the creatures, then to bring them up logged on the Ethereum blockchain than one hundredth of a cent (one overall decline. about changes in tiger density
The real online craze to get with and feed them while taking care gen- as well as an unlimited lifespan. cent is approximately 64.42 paise) Densities have increased, over time with only a single
right now is to breed virtual cats. erally to look after their well-being. According to its creators, Crypto- and with a confessed penchant for but that has not reduced the year of data. And data from
Net-based cousins of the Tama- Launched last week, CryptoKit- Kitties are collectible and breedable lasagne and cereal. threat of extinction, because previous studies had to be re-
gotchi digital pet launched in Japan ties have become all the rage with on digital cats. When two CryptoKitties Bloomberg News has described the habitat is being cut down calculated in order to standar-
20 years ago, CryptoKitties are Ethereum community transaction breed, their offsprings appearance the game as the first successful non- and fragmented, said Mat- dise estimates of tiger density.
wowing owners of Ethereum, one platforms, and already account for and cattributes are determined by coin related app to emerge on block- thew Luskin, a research fel- That effort showed that
of Bitcoins main rivals. some 5% of exchanges, according to each parents 256-bit genome and an chain and noted if such apps take off low with the Smithsonian In- overall tiger density had de-
With some 50,000 sold for over specialist data site ETH Gas Station. element of chance, leading to 4-billion they could prove a rival to the $108.9 stitute in Singapore and an creased by 17% from 2000 to
$6.6 million (approx. Rs 42.5 crore) The game, a self-running smart possible genetic variations, they billion global PC and video games author of the study. Youre 2012, even as density in the
in total, according to the creators contract app created by Canadas said. Prices in this pixels-pet market market. On the downside, the high de- basically packing more tigers protected forests was inching
website, the critters are steadily col- Axiom Zen, requires a computer place on Wednesday ranged from mand is slowing down the speed of into smaller areas. Though upwards. Stopping deforesta-
laring the blockchain, the digital running the desktop version of the 100,000 Ethereum (around $222, or transactions on the blockchain and no one knows exactly how tion would stop the tigers de-
virtual ledger on which so-called Chrome browser or Firefox Meta- CryptoKitties were launched last week Rs 14,300) for Hot Cats Here who forcing a hike in prices. AFP many Sumatran tigers re- cline, Luskin said. NYT
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didnt do anything, Grillot said against the president by in- hree women who have Miss USA pageant he owned. Viewed as a rising star in The warning reflects gro- The objective behind ding India, to undermine Pa-
in an article posted by Time on sisting that his accusers sho- accused US President Trump has denied the allega- the Republican Party, Haley wing concern in European this move was clear Iran kistans interests, the report
Thursday. The magazine salu- uld be treated no differently Donald Trump of sexu- tions since they were first re- was discussed as a possible and western intelligence cir- wanted to send a message said. The Chabahar port
ted the Kansas man as the bar- than the scores of women al misconduct resurfaced the- ported ahead of the 2016 presi- replacement for secretary of cles at Chinese covert activi- that it would not allow India opens a new strategic route
goer who stepped into the line of who have come forward in re- ir allegations in a news confe- dential election. state Rex W Tillerson when it ties and follows warnings or any other country to use connecting Iran, India and
fire. Without all the prayers cent weeks with stories of rence on Monday hosted by a I think it only stands fair was thought that Trump from the CIA over attempts Chabahar against Pakis- Afghanistan, while bypassing
and positive support from eve- sexual harassment and mi- documentary filmmaker. that he be investigated as might fire him. And her high- by the economic giants secu- tan, a senior Iranian diplo- Pakistan, and reflects gro-
rybody, I wouldnt be doing as sconduct against other men. The three women Jessi- well, Holvey said, citing law- profile service as the nations rity services to recruit US ci- mat reportedly told the daily wing convergence of interests
well as I am right now. It has be- They should be heard, ca Leeds, Rachel Crooks and makers willingness to inves- top diplomat at the United tizens as agents. REUTERS on condition of anonymity. among the three countries. PTI
en a wonderful year and a bles- and they should be dealt Samantha Holvey asked on tigate fellow members of Con- Nations could help propel
sing to be alive, Grillot said. with, Haley said on CBSs Monday for a congressional gress accused of misconduct her if she decides to pursue a
Earlier this year, Grillot was ho- Face the Nation. And I investigation into their alle- in the wake of the Harvey We- return to elective office. But AROUND THE WORLD
noured as A True American He- think we heard from them gations. Leeds and Crooks say instein scandal that has unle- her comments on Sunday
ro by the Indian-American prior to the election. And I that Trump made sexual con- ashed allegations of high-pro- suggest she is also willing to Reuters
community in Houston which think any woman who has tact with them without their file harassment nationwide. depart from the approved Shape of Water
raised $100,000 to help him buy a felt violated or felt mistrea- consent, and Holvey says that Trump and his aides have said White House script.
house in Kansas. ted in any way, they have eve- Trump behaved inappropria- all of the accusations against Asked whether the elec- leads Golden
Grillot was watching a tele- ry right to speak up. tely with contestants in the him are false. BLOOMBERG tion meant the allegations
vised basketball game at the res- Her remarks are the latest against the president should Globe nominations
taurant when a gunman appro- indication that the presidents an array of powerful men ha- members of both political be a settled issue, Haley said
ached Srinivas and Alok and
reportedly told them to get out
behaviour toward women
more than a dozen have accu-
ve had their careers derailed
because of their improper tre-
parties. Democrats have ap-
peared determined to grab
that was for the people to
decide. I know that he
M exican filmmaker Guiller-
mo del Toros fantasy
romance The Shape of Water
of my country. Grillot was shot sed him of unwanted tou- atment of women, some of the moral and political high (Trump) was elected, she sa-
led nominations for the Golden
in the chest in an attempt to ke- ching, forcible kissing or gro- which took place decades ago. ground, largely forcing their id. But, you know, women
Globes on Monday. The
ep the assailant from harming ping may not escape rene- The #MeToo movement accused party members to re- should always feel comfort-
Shape of Water, a surreal
others. PTI wed scrutiny at a time when has engulfed prominent sign. Republicans have been able coming forward. NYT
drama about a relationship
between a river creature and a
mute cleaner, collected seven
EU tells Netanyahu it Saudi Arabia lifts 35-year nods across the board, in-
cluding for best director;
actors Sally Hawkins, Octavia
Off er vice vo l d u131 January 2018 and price mentioned is excIa ere of GST.
1 1 Important Deli Details . Dell 's firma r , and contlrcr ons . see Mtp ;//wwwdet co.Wtnc or on annest Goods of kl ly any Mistakes W hile g e o s a re made to d eck pr ong e d other e ra s. in advert ent a rn s
and conditionsAll ages subject to Del 's to i m
do arox from nme to t" and Dell reserves the rght to decline order s arising from such errors. More intormation : Go to http// l coin/details Trsdsm.rks; Dell a d Opt Ppx are trademarks of Del IM
,O 113 mlli 1, - Al other trademarks are the property of their res pective owners Copyright : 2018 Del Inc. Al rights reserved.
tf wo
mmm ,
dia-UK BIPA during pendency pple has asked India to New Delhi: The gap between
of the dispute under the India- defer a planned increase China and Indias prosperity
Telcos Double The Delhi high court had Vodafone had rst Netherlands BIPA. in import taxes on mobi- has narrowed by four ranks
Indias score on Legatum Prosperity Index
improved the most...
asked Centre to participate initiated arbitration It said the HC had initially le phone parts so it can expand since 2016 and to a quarter of
Arbitration in the dual arbitration against the restrained Vodafone from ta- its iPhone manufacturing in what it was in 2012, according
proceedings initiated by government in April king any action under the India- the country, but the to the latest Legatum Prosperi- China Pakistan
Proceedings Vodafone following a tax
demand of `11,000 crore
2012, invoking the
UK BIPA but later ordered that
parties were free to participate
government is unlikely to acce-
de, people familiar with
ty Index, an annual ranking
developed by the London-ba-
+3.40 +3.39 Indonesia
Dhananjay.Mahapatra through a retrospective tax Bilateral Investment in the proceedings for appoint- the matter said. sed Legatum Institute. +3.07 law amendment Protection Agreement ment of a presiding arbitrator Apple has been in talks The upward trend in Indi-
under the India-UK BIPA. This with officials for months, see- as prosperity is significant in
New Delhi: The Supreme Co- Vodafone Group Plc and Vodafone Consolidated would amount to simultaneous king pre-requisites go- view of the fact that India re- +4.34
urt has agreed to hear on Tues- Holdings served a notice of dispute on the Union proceedings on the same dispu- vernment tax breaks and in- gistered lower GDP growth fol-
day the Centres petition chal- government under the India-UK BIPA for resolution of an te raised by Vodafone against centives for expanding its lowing demonetization and
lenging a Delhi HC order as- alleged dispute that is already under adjudication before the the government before two dif- operations in one of the implementation of the GST re-
king it to participate in the du- arbitral tribunal constituted under the India-Netherlands ferent arbitral tribunals, the worlds fastest-growing form in 2017. India closed in on ...among BRICS
al arbitration proceedings BIPA, says additional solicitor general Maninder Singh Centre said. On October 22, smartphone markets. China through gains in busi- countries only India Ranks
initiated by Vodafone follo- 2010, the tax department had During those talks, Apple ness environment, economic gained ranks... 2016 2017
wing a tax demand of Rs 11,000 lands Bilateral Investment Pro- notice of dispute on the Union held VIHBV to be an assessee- has conveyed it wants India to quality and governance, the re- 4
crore through a retrospective tection Agreement (BIPA). government under the India- in-default for its failure to de- defer an existing policy that port said. The Legatum Insti- 2
tax law amendment after the Singh said, While arbit- UK BIPA for resolution of an duct tax as required under Sec- plans to levy taxes on more im- tute applauded India for im- 48 6
52 52 54 No change
government lost a legal battle ration proceedings instituted alleged dispute that is already tion 195 of the I-T Act before ported mobile components in proving governance by legis-
in the SC in 2012. under the India-Netherlands under adjudication before the making a payment of $11,076 line with Prime Minister Na- lation that increased the abi- 4
90 90
Additional solicitor general BIPA were still underway, Vo- arbitral tribunal constituted million to Hutchison Telecom- rendra Modis Make in In- lity to challenge regulation in 104 100 95 101
Maninder Singh informed a dafone Group Plc and Vodafo- under the India-Netherlands munications International dia drive to boost domestic the legal system. The report
bench headed by Chief Justice ne Consolidated Holdings, BIPA. The bench agreed to ac- (HTIL, a Cayman Islands com- manufacturing. REUTERS attributed the gains in busi-
Dipak Misra that Vodafone had both being entities from the cord urgent hearing to the peti- pany). The total tax liability ness environment and econo-
mic quality to improvement South Brazil China India Russia
first initiated arbitration aga- same corporate vertical as tion. The Centre complained was determined to be Rs 11,218 Africa
inst the government in April
2012 invoking the India-Nether-
Vodafone International Hol-
dings BV (VIHBV), served a
that it had moved the Delhi HC
questioning the second arbit-
crore, including capital gains
tax of Rs 7,900 crore.
CBRE expands in intellectual property
rights and massive rise in ...and Indias rank improved across all nine sub-indices
presence in Hyd bank account holders. Source: The Legatum Prosperity Index
Aamir invests
in Furlenco
Chinas investment push
sery brand. Cricketer Sachin global rules on e-commerce, European Union a platform as it believes that they do not 1
m `
Tendulkar has also made cou- which India believes go be- to seek discussions on new belong to WTO and sources
ple of investments in the star- yond trade and may restrict or 21st century issues said, it will block attempts to
tups space. the governments ability to such as e-commerce and bring them on the agenda.
At the No. 2 spot is Cana- WNS - $2,154 HP - $923 smaller contract wins, rene-
dian IT services player Capgemini - $1,974 Unisys - $156 wals, long term outsourcing
CGI, whose scrip rose contracts, coupled with ac-
363%. CGI is followed by (The returns were calculated as of November, taking into consideration quisitions. Accentures suc- Presenting
Accenture (328%), TCS HCL and Tech Mahindras bonus share and stock split) Source: HfS Research cess has much to do with its
(212%), Mindtree (209%), successful pivot into What does GetMeAShop do for you? options Get Me TM
HCL (208%) and France-ba- and WNS, which grew 47% increase, and for Wipro the newdigital cloud and a
sed Atos (158%). After this 156%, 125% and 115% re- 27%. Tech Mahindra, Fujit- security services that cont- P
are three pure-play BPM spectively. su, HP and Unisys bring up ribute to over 50% of its 18YOUR IT E &
companiesEXL, Genpact For Infosys, it is just a the rear, according to HfS. revenue. DOMAIN
ENABLED SOFTWARE Online Aao, Business Badhao
Radha launches TMT 550 steel bars
E-Tender Notice No.41 for 2017-18 (Online) e-Tender No.: CE(TS) IEE 1,19;'KMKK UPGN, 2017- 18.
Name of work: - Up gradation of existing 66 kV Kothamangalam - Koothattukulam Hyderabad: The `240 crore turnover city-based Radha
Online E-Tenders in B-I Form for the following work invited b y Executive Engineer, P.W. Division , Nashik Phone No. feeder and construction of 18.5 km 110 kV double circuit line fro m Karukadom
to Koothattukulam . PAC : Rs . 8,76,42,560/- EMD : Rs.2,00 ,000/- .
Smelters Pvt Ltd said it has roped in Tollywood star Rana
(0253/2583761-64 , 2575324) for and on behalf of Governor of Maharashtra State From Registered Contractors in appropriate Last date for submission of tender documents: 23.12.2017. 5 p.m. For details visit Daggubati as brand ambassador and also rolled out its
Public Works Dept. o n l y ) Class with Government of Maharashtra. www. kseb .in and download tenders documents from www latest offering -- Radha TMT 550 steel bars. The company
sd/- said the 550 TMT bars have higher load bearing capabilities
Tender document download on our websitc https://mahatenders .gov .in. Ri ght of rejection of E-tender / cancellation of E-
Chief Engineer. and tensile strength, resulting in reduction of overall steel
tender reserved by The Executive Engineer, P.W.Division , Nashik. *Conditional Tender will not be accepted.
consumption and thus leading to savings in cost of steel,
Sr. No. Name of Work Estimated Cost Earnest Cost of Tender Time Limit of
put to tender Money Form + GST I transportation and material handling cost. Radha Smelters,
completion of work which has two induction furnaces at Medak and Nacharam,
[-Tende r Notmcatlon
E- Tender Notification No: 14117- 18 of CGMIMas ter Plan IGH ITSSPDCL : e-fencers are nvit e d for makes TMT bars, MS squares, design squares, MS flats,
1 STBT to Intern al roads in the primises of 8643000/- 87000/- 1180/- 6 (Six Months) including SpNo :06, 120' 7- '8(openca:egory) Elo of 33KVSwitchl rg Stat e natSnl paramam SS , Sp No 10 17-18- design flats, and MS rounds.
E/o 33 111KVIIDSSatROCK Town Sp No 11117. -18(Schedu .e caste ) Elo 33KV Dedicated feeder to
monsoonRegistration Class IV- 33111 KV CBIT& Gar gg Stee SS'rom Donthap alyy EH SS . S p No.12117-18 - Elo 33KV Ded cated feeder
Police Head Quarter at Commissioner of
A & Above to 33111 KV Kokape :& Vatt inagulapaly SS from Dontnapaly EHT SS as follows: Uber rolls out premier in Hyd, Vizag: Ride-sharing
Police Nashik City Tal.Dist. Nashik Bid Down oad ng s:arl date : 12 , 12 .2017 a: 15COHrs Bid Downloading end date : 27.12.2017 up to
12:00 His I ast date for up loadng of bid 27.12.2017 at 15:00 His Hard copies submission date player Uber on Monday announced the launch of its new
28.12 .2017 at 12 00 -Irs. Technca Bid Opening Date 28 .12.2017 al ' 5 0 0 H's.
E-TENDER SCHEDULE Note: Any furt her irformaton n this regard can be ob:a nod on webs to Chief General Manager ,
offering -- Premier -- for riders in Hyderabad and Vizag. The
www ,tssouthernpower .com, Phone No/F ax No : 040-23431044 Master Plan , Hy derabad , service was hitherto available only in Mumbai, Pune, Banga-
Sr. No. Stage Start Expiry
lore, Kolkata, Lucknow and Delhi. Deepak Reddy, general
Date & Time Date & Time manager (Telangana & AP), Uber said: Premier is a service
I Publishing date and Time 07.12.2017 -- -0 PSPCL that will replace the need for personal mobility options in
From 11 :00 hrs. Hyderabad by furthering the experience of ridesharing. It
(Regd . Office : PSEB Head Office , Th e Mall Patiala-147001)
2 Tender Document Sale start and End date , 07.12.2017 01.01.2018 will serve needs in the economy and premium segments
Corporate Identity Number - U40109PB201OSGCO33813 where there is scope to match personal car experience.
rime From 11 :05 hrs. U p to 17:00 hrs. Website :
3 Pre - Bid Meeting date and Time - -- NOTICE INVITING TENDER (through e-tendering) Natco Q2 net up 56.6%: City-based pharma player Natco
4 Bid Submission Start and End date , Time 07.12.2017 01.01.2018 1. Address details of issuing authority DGM/IT (O&S), PSPCL Pharma Ltd on Monday said it has posted a 56.6 per cent
The Mall, Patiala-147001 jump in profit after tax for the quarter ended September 30,
From 11 :05 hrs . U p to 17:00 hrs.
2. Tender Enquiry No. 157/DIT-934 dtd. 07.12.2017 2017, at `178.1 crore as against `113.7 crore in the correspon-
5 Bid Opening Date and Time 02 .01.2018 - 3. Scope/Short Description Procurement of Desktop PCs ding quarter of last fiscal. This was on a 7.8% rise in total
From 17:00 hrs. for PSPCL Field offices under
revenue for the quarter to `880.9 crore from `816.6 crore in
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT SHEDULE 4. Downloading of Start Date of uploading of tender
the second quarter of FY17. The company also said its
Specification/Tender Date (07.12.2017) committee of directors has approved a floor price of `937.63
I Hard Copy Submission After Bid Submission on E-Portal (After Bid Lock ) one set of Bid Document
Documents from Last 27.12.2017 upto 03:00 PM per equity share of face value 2 for its proposed qualified
(Technical and Financial Bid ) Hard Copy submitted in the office of the institutional placement.
website. Date
Executive Eng ineer , P.W.Division, Nashik for the above Work upto 02.01.2018 https://pspcl.a
at 17.00 hrs. 5. Last date for Bid Submission 28. 12.2017 upto 03:00 PM Granules US facility gets one USFDA observation:
2 Date , 'rime and Venue of Opening of On 02.01.2018 Time 17:00 hours (If Possible) for Work No. 1 in the office of 6. Date &time ofopening of tenders 28.12.2017 at 03:30 PM City-based pharma player Granules India Ltd on Monday
Technical and Financial Bid (Envelope 2 ) the Superintending Engineer , P.W.Circle , Nashik 7. Mode of tendering e-tendering only informed the bourses that the US Food & Drug Admini-
8. Contact person name Er. Tel Pal Barisal , ASE /IT stration completed the first audit of the facility of its wholly
Note 1 All eligible /intrested tenderes are required to be enrolled on portal https://mahatenders before down loading tender (ACM) owned subsidiary Granules Pharmaceuticals Inc at Chantil-
documents and partici pate in e-tendering Er. Arvind Vir Singh ,AM/ IT
ly, Virginia, US, from December 4-8, 2017 with one observa-
2 Tenderes are requested to contact on following telephone numbers any doubtstinformation/ difficulty regarding on line 9. Contact phone no. 96461-24104; 96461-55531
tion. Granules Pharmaceuticals Inc will respond to this
10. Contact Email ID dam-it', ;
enrollment or obtaining digital certificate Contact Us- (N. I.C.) The 24X7 Toll free Telephonic observation within the stipulated time period, the compa-
Help Desk Number-1800 3070 2232 Mob. No . 91 7878107985/86, 91 7878007972/73 a m-it-acm ( ny said in a regulatory filing with the BSE.
3 Document Tender Fee to be paid via online Payment Gateway mode only. 11. Information regarding corrigendum It is informed that from now
4 The information of E-Payment Gateway available on E-Tendering website https://mahatenders Other instructions onwards , in case tender DRLs Bachupally formulations plant gets USFDA
can be seen in the tender form. process is not completed due to EIR: City-based pharma major Dr Reddys Laboratories on
any reason, no corrigendum will Monday informed the bourses that it has received an es-
5 All or any one of the tender may be rejected by the competent authority
be published in newspapers.
6 The Electronic tendering system for Public Works Department of Government of Maharashtra will be available on separate Details regarding corri gendum
tablishment inspection report (EIR) from the USFDA on
Sub Portal with URL https://mahatenders as part of the Electronic Tendering System of Government of may be seen on official PSPCL Monday as closure of audit for its formulations manufac-
Maharashtra which is available on the Portal website www.pspclin turing plant-3 at Bachupally, Hyderabad. The facility was
7 Govt . Resolution P.W.Deptt . CAT 2017/Pra.Kra.B/Building-2 dated 12.04.2017 37 4 iT .F7 *ft 31Z arc 12. Tender specification can onl y be downloaded from PSPCLs website issued a Form 483 with 11 observations in an audit in
httnsJ/ and no hard copy of the same will be issued April end.
q'I'li-dl cl 3 F Ti 3mc -A 31Tt
by this office. Further details regarding e-tendering are available on
8 Post Qualification criteria condition included in tender document website www.osocl .in. Vendors are requested to get their digital signatures
9 This Tendering prosess is follwed by Govt. Resolution P.W.Deptt. CAT 2017/Pra. Kra. B/Building -2 dated 12.04.2017.and & complete the process of registration well in time. Easybuy unveils its first store in Kakinada: Easybuy
the apparel value retail format from the Landmark Group on
Revised GR dated 29.06.2017 . This available on web site www .maharashtra vide Ref No. 201704121545071918 NOTE :- All tender related documents are to be uploaded on websile only. No hard copies will be accepted Monday unveiled its first store in Kakinada and seventh in
Sd/- for processing the tender. However, demand draft towards EMD is to the Andhra Pradesh (AP) market.
O.C.Si gn by. I[.1' .
Eng ineer be submitted inoriginal/liard copy before last date& time of Bid
P u b l i c Works Division , N a s h i k submission please.
C-37111 PSPCL, Patiala.
Al (A Govt. of India Undertaking)
1:4 11 Website :
MMOALON COMPANY 7 e-Procurement Notice
(Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Deparbuent) e-TenderNo ..IRCONi20521TN' SRC /PR /2017i58 Dated 11.12.2017
Corporde Offios
1 ,2nd Floor, MESCOM 8havana, Krim Cross Road, ME11 - 01F, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2013, ISO 14001 :2015, OHSAS 18001:2007 CERTIFIED Name of work : Architectural and finishing work on structural steel framed
r TENDER NOTICE Station Building(under Construction) at Santragachi Rl y Station under
NOTICE INVITING EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Station Development project for South Eastern Railway in West Bengal.
Tenders in prescribed format are invited for the fclovring items in two-oid system
(Refer HAL Websile for details). JNPT invites EXPRESSION OF INTEREST for "Participation for Estimated Cost of the work ? 20.49 Crores (Approx.)
SLNo. Tender No. Item Descri ption EMD Value Installation of 2 MW Floating Solar Power Plant at Water Lagoons Amount of Earnest Money Deposit Z 16.30 Lakhs
1 1 11119T. 1
01 ASDIIMM/CAP/M!139/BA1 Cylindrical Grinding Machine (Qty:1 No) Rs.1,75,000
Near JNPT Terminal Area at Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust , Sheva , Completion period 15 Months
Navi Mumbal ". The detail Notice Inviting Expression of Interest is Cost of Tender Documents Z 31 ,400.00
MESCOM invites tender for Manufacture & Suppl y of the fo llowing 5 Axes CNC Milling Machine (650 x available at website and at
02 ASD/IMMICAPIM1137/BA1 650 x 450mm Axes Travel) (Qty: 1 No). Rs.3,00 ,000 Last Date & Time of a- Bid Submission 03.01.2018 upto 15.00 Hrs.
material: from 12/12/2017 to 24/01/2018.
03 ASD/IMM/CAP/M/80/HK2 Roundness Tester (Qty: 1 No) Rs.1,75,000 For further details , visit website https ://
Tender No. Name of the Material proposed for Procurement Quantity Chief Manager (M&EE) /IRCON . Corri gendum , if any, would be hosted only on the website .
MESCOMI 04 ASDIIMM/CAP/M/871HK2 3 Axis CNC Machining Centre (Qty: 1No) Rs. 75,000 GM/East , Kolkata
M.S Bolts & Nuts of Different sizes 46 MT 05 ASDIIMWCAPIMI1311HK1 Thermo Vacuum Furnace (Qty: 1 No) Rs.3,00 ,000
CNC Jig Boring Machine ICNC Ultra
The interested eligible bidders may log on to 06 ASDIIMMICAPIM/1381HK1 Rs.3,00 ,000
precision machining Centre (Qty: I No)
www .eproc .karnataka on or after 15.12.2017. ` S n d i c a t e ; nk
Shc-Superintend ing Engineer (Ele.) (Proc .) MESCOM , Mangaluru 07 ASDIIMWCAP/MI136IHK1 5 Axes CNC Milling Machine (1200 x Rs.3,00 ,000
1200 x 900mm Axes Travel) (Qty: 1 No).
EMD: As mentioned above IEquivalent amount in any freely convertible Foreign
E-procurement Tender Notice Inspection Department , Head Off ice: Manipal
Invites Request for Proposals for supply, installation and maintenance of
Currency (for Foreign Bidders) E-TENDER INVITED ON E-PROCUREMENT for supply and
GOVERNMENT OF INDIA comprehensive KYC / Anti Money Laundering Solution.
MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT & HIGHWAYS (MoRTH) Last Date & Time for submission of Tender: 09-01.201814:00 Hrs installation of Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and
Prosthetic & Orthotics Equipements , Security Camera , Please visit our website for detailed terms and conditions and other details
THROUGH Tender docurients with full details can be downlo aded from our website httpsJ/%ww www.syndicat ebank .in Live Tenders -.Request for Proposal
MAHARASHTRA STATE ROAD DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, MUMBAI All ei g iblelinteres :ed bidders are requested to visit the website for further details. Generator , Big Water Cooler, Biometric Machine, External
hard Disk & Website Development of CRC , Rajnandgaon , The last date for receipt of duly filled bids in the prescribed formats is
Date: 11.12.2017 Note : Corrigendum/ Addendum to this Tender, if any, shall be hosted on the 21.12.2017 - 4.00 pm Applicants are requested to visit our website for any
HAL website. Bidders are advised to visit HAL website regularly. No separate 1. Date of availability of Bid : Dt.13.12.2017 modifications/corrigendum to this notice. No other notificat ions will be
advertisement shall be published in the newspaper in this regard 2.Last date for receipt of Bid in Portal- Dt.11.01.2018 published in newspapers in this regard.
With reference to NIT No.: MSRDC/NH-EPC-11/2017 pubhished on 08.12.2017, Sd/- DY. GENERAL MANAGER The details can be seen from the Central Public Procurement The Bank reserves its rights to accept or reject any or all offers received
the following modifications are issued. (IMM) - AEROSPACE DIVISION , HAL (CPP) Portal (http://eprocure ) without assigning any reason whatsoever.
Text as per NIT published on 08 .12.2017 Please Read as Sd-/ DIRECTOR Date: 07.12.2017 General Manager (Inspection)
The complete BID document can be The complete BID document can Toll Fmis Noe.: 1800 30113333 11
M 208 3333
viewed /downloaded from official portal viewed /downloaded from official portal
. -
of(MoRTH htt p://www.morth of Central e Procurement portal
procurement portal of MoRT&H in from
( from 11.12.2017 11. 12.2017 to 24.01. 2018 (up to 17.00 INIDIAN RARE EARTH S LIMITED
to 25 .01.2018 (up to 17.00 hrs. 1ST) Bid hrs. 1ST) Bid must be submitted onlin e (A Government of India Undertaking)
must be submitt ed online only at only at (http://www .eprocure Website: , Govt. Website: www.eprocure E-mail:
2*-9CR 4 1'eN
(http://morth .eproc. in) on or before on or before 25.01 .2018 (up to 17.00
25.01.2018 (up to 17.00 hrs. 1ST). Bid hrs. 1ST). Bid received online shall b
received online shall be opened on opened on 29.01.2018 (at 15.00 hours
N IREL invites Expression of Interest (Eol) for setting up of Private Frei g ht Terminal at the Railway Siding of
5y20 P2Q
29.01.2018 (at 15 .00 hours 1ST). 1ST). IREL . OSCOM at Chatrapur , Ganjam , Odisha on Build Own Operate and Transfer (BOOT) model. Detailed
(A. B. Gaikwad)
document can be downloaded from .in OR http ://eprocure .
Chief Engineer, NH (MSRDC) Any corrigendum shall be available in above websites only. Chief Manager (Materials)
Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation ,
K.C. Marg Opp. Reclamation Bus Depot,
SI. Tender No. & Descri ption Estimated Cost, EMD
VACHIDAMBARANAR PORT TRUST IMM Department: Invitation to E-Tender Notification No.HAL-ADLI IMM/ CCI MPI0112017103
TUIICORIN-628M MP-MAS-0112017/01 : Serv ice contract for Assistance Activities in Maintenance and Allied Rs 311 Lakhs
Serv ice Areas at HAL-ADL (Duration- 01 Year ).Tender Cost : Rs 56001- Rs 3 ,11, 0001-
MP-STORE-0112 0 1 710 1 :Service Contract for Assistance Activities in Stores at HAL-ADL Rs 351 Lakhs
(Only Through E-Tendering Mode) 2 (Duration : 01 Year) Tender Cost : Rs5600/- R s 3 , 51,0001-
NIT No.E(C)/F. 79/PD/Boreholes/2017/D.2741 Date :11.12.2017 IMM - Design Depart ment : Invitation to E-Tender Notification No. HAL-ADLIIMM-DIPR17DSGN/141112017
Online e-tender (in Two Cover System) is invited by .. IITRA BANERJEE Description : Design, Fabrication and supply of Test Facilit y: Test Bench-3 as per Specification EMD: Rs .1750001-
tplr ^ r g n l Dy. General Manager(IMM-D)
V.O.Chidambaranar Port Trust, Tuticorin from experi- Last date of online submission of Tender/ Date of opening of Technical Bids: Refere-procurement portal. (Bids to be submitted on
enced, reputed contractors fulfilling minimum qualifying
WRITE INDIA AUTHOR e-procurement portal only).
criteria as stipulated in the tender document for the work OF THE MONTH CIVIL Engineering Depart ment : Online tender is invited in two bid for work given below from contractors (Indian National] Firm
onl y) & free view of NIT is available on HAL website :www.hal-india .com under link Tender . e-procurement portal :-
of "Conducting Borehole investigation in the inner
Name of work Estimated Cost, EMD
harbour basin and approach channel at
Civil works and serv ices forAssembly & Test (proposed extension of Central lab atflrs t floor). Rs.156 .68 Lakhs
V.O.Chidambaranar Port" rT, Period of Comp letion : 12 months , Tender Cost : Rs.5600 Rs . 1566801-
Estimate value put to Tender (in Its. 1.43 Crores (Rupees One Crores Last date of online submission of Tender : 0210112018 at 13.30hrs . Date of opening of Technical Bid : 02/01 12018 at 14.00 hrs
Indian Ru pees) and Fort y Three Lakhs only). Dy. General Manager(TS)
Period of work 2 months (Excluding 15 days for Interested bidders may visit HAL-website www.hal- or https ://eproc .hal-india .com for Tender details and subsequent
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Write India, the country 's biggest writing platform , presents you a golden
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Earnest Money Deposit( EMD) Rs.2,86,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs opportunit y to write with Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni - an award -winning
Indian-American novelist, celebrated poet, short story writer,activist and
National Develop ment
and Eig hty Six Thousand only) only PS No. r 388001 , Gujarat
professor of writing . She has unveiled her challeng ing passage - we are
through RIGS / NEFT to VO.Chida- Tel : 02692-260248/260149/26 0160 Fax :02692-260159
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mbaranar Port Trust,Tuticonn. Webs ite:
online e-tendering website 10 CELEBRITY AUTHORS ARE WAITING TO READ YOUR STORIES ... ARE YOU WRITING , INDIA? Online Bids are invited from eligible bidders for the works listed below:
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Tender throu h online No. Bid Reference Completion Period Start/ Close Bid opening Date & Time
Online Technical Bid opening date 27.12.2017 at 15 .30 hours A Civil , Structural and Other Misc. Works for Expansion of 260 Lakh/ 12.12.2017/ 28. 12.2017 11:00 hrs
CFP Kolhapur, Maharashtra . NDDB:HO:PUR:LCB:40/2017(ET/40 ) 11 Months 27.12.2017 28.12.2017 11:30 hrs
and time
90 days from the last date fixed for B Design, Supply, Installation , Testing & Commissioning of the following works :-
Validity of offer
receiving the tender I Civil , Structural , Piping, Mechanical & Electrical works for 250 Lakh/ 12.12.2017/ 28.12.2017 12:00 hrs
WRITE WITH THE WRITERS - SEASON Strengthening of existing ETP (500 KLD) atJ algaon Dairy Plant, 10 Months 27.12.2017 28. 12.2017 12:30 hrs
For further details, visit port Website: Maharashtra. NDDB:HO:PUR:LCB:41/2017( ET/41)
li MEP works (Modular partition , Electrical and utility) of Poultry 236 Lakh/ 13.12.2017/ 29.12.2017 11:00 hrs
Ph.No :0461-2352270, Fax: 0461-2352274
Disease Diagnostic Lab and Feed & water analysis Lab at DAH, 10 Months 28.12.2017 29.12.2017 11:30 hrs
Email : ce@vocport, Palladam , Tamil Nadu NDDB:HO:PUR :LCB:42 2017 ET 42
ISAVAILABLEDIOLINEAND For furt her details pertaining to IFB and for downloading the bid document, please visit website:,
-/Sd/-11 .12.2017 ochome/nddb. For any clarification please contact General Manager (Purchase), NDDB,Anand-388001 (Gujarat).
CHIEF ENGINEER NB: Any corrigendum/ modification etc. will be posted only on these webslte.
Mahesh G
Sathani slams
Indians at par with Prevalent
century, but Force wins
Challengers make winning
top sides in world Karnataka
take lead
start in All Star basketball
Challengers defeated Shatavahanas 66-52 in
the inaugural match of the 1st All Star Basket-
2000 Guineas
Hyderabad: Favourite Preva-
lent Force, trained by D By-
Zafar Iqbal things changed and we were the ones ha- ball Championship at YMCA Narayanaguda on ramji and confidently ridden
ving to catch up with them. After Indias TIMES NEWS NETWORK Monday. The winners led 36-24 at halftime. by Srinath, easily won the Gol-
conda 2000 Guineas (Grade II)
ndia played extremely well to bag the performance at this tournament, I can safe- Earlier, G Kishan Reddy, MLA and floor leader,
bronze at the Hockey World League Fi- ly say that we are more or less at par with Hyderabad: Ilyaan Sathani duly BJLP Telangana, and Arnold Gibson, coach of over 1600 metres, the second
nals on Sunday. They combined superb- the top teams in the world. Theres not completed his NBA team of Boston Celtics, inaugurated the Classic of the Winter season
ly and played like a well-oiled machine. Of much separating the sides, and any team century on the se- tournament. PROMISING: The winners and runners-up in the here on Monday.
course, the Germans came into the match can beat the other on their day. cond day of Hyde- Results: Challengers 65 (Samothamas 15, Ramesh 12, Karunakar TSTA Masters Series Under-12 tennis tournament Trainer Deshmukh and
unable to field their best XI as most of the te- Our juniors are the one that now need rabads South Zo- Rao 10) bt bt Shatavahanas 52 (Lakhbir 14, Muthu 13, Kullu 13). jockey Akshay Kumar scored
am were either ill or injured. Even then, to be nurtured with the World Cup in ne under-16 tournament conducted DRC Sports Foundation a double each. Four first favo-
they attacked much more than we did and mind, and I personally feel that some of match for Vijay Customs, Benchwarmers in knockouts at St Thomas High School. urites obliged in a card of
got several short corners, showing that de- the older ones should think of giving way Merchant Trop- Customs & GST outplayed Benchwarmers B Results: Boys (final): Anne Lalith Mohan bt Srihari Dounde 8-5. eight events.
spite having to field a depleted side, they co- to fresher, faster legs. Youngsters like Su- hy, but that did 80-43 to top Group B while Sanathnagar Pla- Girls: V Sanskruthi bt K Yesasvi 8-2. 1. Dr MAM Ramaswamy Memorial Plate
uld still pose a challenge. mit, Harmanpreet, and Amit Rohidas we- not prevent Kar- yground defeated TCS Dorgers 62-49 to finish (Div I) 1100M: Paprika (Akshay Kumar) 1,
It has to be appreciated that most of re the standouts for me and should be pus- nataka from ta- runners-up in Group A as both teams qualified 4 city golfers in final Mirfield 2, Numinous 3, Oh Dear 4. Won by: 1-
our boys played some Akshan Rao king the first in- for the knockout quarterfinal in the annual Four city golfers Ehsaan Eti, Shawn Reddy 1/4L, 2-3/4L, 1-1/2L. T-1:06.27S. Rs 10; 5, 6, 8.
good hockey: they nings lead at league Championship conducted by the Hyde- (both U-21 section) and Rahul Ajay (U-18) in the SHP: Rs 17. Fc: Rs 35. Q: Rs 21. Tanala: Rs 189
controlled the ball ECIL Grounds on Monday. rabad District Basketball Association. boys section and Neha Singh in the U-16 girls (350). Fav: Paprika (Deshmukh).
well and passed the Sathani scored 103 (129b, 18x4, Results: Sanathnagar PG 62 (Nikhil 16, Sai Prakash 10, Shiva Teja section have qualified for the IIFL Wealth 2. King Rama Plate 1200M: Rahil (SS Tan-
ball sensibly. This 6x1) as Hyderabad resumed at 222 for 13) bt TCS Dorgers 49(Mehar 21, Ajay 8, Praveen 12); Customs & Golf Invitational Faldo Series India Final. The war) 1, Classic Remark 2, Once More 3, Stormy
shows that the boys nine and were bowled out for 257. GST 80 (Vijay 22, Varma 14, Rajath 13) bt Benchwarmers B 43 qualifying tournament was held at the Gol- 4. Won by: 3L, 9-1/4L, 2-1/2L. T-1:12.66S. Rs 11;
are beginning to un-
derstand they need to
i Akshan Rao then took centre stage
along with Smaran R and the duo
(Lokha 10, Akhilesh 11, Srikanth 9).
Knockout qualifiers: Group A: Income Tax, Hyderabad,
conda Fort on Sunday in which over 40 young
golfers took part. The IIFL Wealth Golf In-
7, 5, 9. SHP: Rs 19. Fc: Rs 31. Q: Rs 15. Tanala: Rs
think on their feet on was responsible for Karnataka finis- Sanathnagar PG. Group B: Customs & GST, Benchwarmers B. vitational Faldo Series-India, Hyderabad was
the pitch. As Ive said before, its not just hed. What we need above all is a good hing the day at 271 for seven. Group C: AOC Centre & South Central Railway. Group D: Artillery the second of seven regional qualifier events in
about going in with a gameplan and stick- right-half, someone like Gurbaj Singh Akshan also scored 103 (182b, Centre & YMCA, Secunderabad the run-up to the finals to be held next month.
ing to it whatever the circumstance. That who was one of best right-halfs the count- 14x4), while Smaran chipped in with
is a good sign for us going forward, kee- ry has produced. This is a position Rohi- 76 (132b, 14x4). Hyderabad women, RR men claim titles Ayush scores hat-trick in St Josephs win
ping in mind that the World Cup is a just a das could fill. Andhra were in control of their Hyderabad men finished runners-up while their Ayush scored a hat-trick while Aditya and
year away. The bronze-medal match was followed match against Kerala at NFC Gro- women claimed the title in the 4th Telangana Shelton scored a brace each as St Joseph's
Another good sign is that on our way to by the final, in which Australia no sur- unds. Resuming at 114 for one, they Senior Inter-district softball tournament in College of Commerce trounced Wesley College
the bronze, India beat Belgium, which was prises, really beat Argentina. The game went on to post 353 for nine declared Mahbubnagar on Sunday. In the men's final, 9-1 in the Reliance Youth Sports South Zone
fantastic as they were the form team of the did not live up to my expectations. After a lead of 215 runs with K Nit- Ranga Reddy scored a 1-0 win over Hyderabad football tournament. In the other matches in 124 (692). Fav: Rahil (Laxman S).
tournament, and of course Germany. The- the fans were treated to an exciting India- hish Kumar Reddy (69; 86b, 12x4), M while in the women's section, Hyderabad the boys section, Al Amin and Army Public 3. Members Plate (Div I) 1200M: Cham-
re was a time when the other teams in the Germany match, this was a bit of a damp Surya Kiran (65; 123b, 5x4), P Subra- defeated Ranga Reddy 9-3. School posted contrasting wins over their pion Bull (NS Parmar) 1, Apowerx 2, Yagna 3,
world used to have to catch up with us, but squib. GAMEPLAN manyam (62; 90b, 5x4) and E Dharani Results (finals): Men: Nizamabad bt Hyderabad 1-0. Women: rivals. In the girls section, TSSS trounced Lady Admiral 4. Won by: 2-3/4L, 3-1/4L, 3/4L.
Kumar (66; 69b, 10x4, 6x1) doing the Hyderabad bt Ranga Reddy 9-3. Greenwood International School, Bangalore T-1:12.73S. Rs 16; 8, 6, 7. SHP: Rs 14. Fc: Rs 38.
bulk of scoring. Kerala were staring 4-0. Q: Rs 21. Tanala: Rs 130 (816). Fav: Champion
ravind KP has been associated with his fuelled my desire to give my best in the test. Nadu claimed the last five Goan sed by United Cricketers at Amberpet. (Sunil, Jashwanth). Girls: TSSS 4 (Ravali 2, Savitri 2) bt Green- 1/2L, 1/2L, Nk. T-1:06.04S. Rs 24; 7, 9, 7. SHP:
racing team for the last 11years and has What is the typical day schedule du- wickets for the addition of 48 runs to Brief scores (final): Sporting XI (Hyderabad) 147 in 19.5 overs wood International School, Bangalore 0. Rs 29. Fc: Rs 193. Q: Rs 107. Tanala: Rs 369
proven his skill time and again at both ring Dakar? their overnight 218 for five and repli- (Hiren 42; Shubham Sharma 3/19) lost to Jalgaon (Maharastra) (237). Fav: Double Charter (Satyanarayana).
national and international stages. Starting his Dakar is a rally which packs in harsh ed with 127 for one. 148/4 in 18.3 overs (Shubham Sharma 25, Siddesh Deshmukh 33 Shastri Club beat Feelkhana 5. Golden Dagger Plate 1400M: Prince Ca-
racing career in 2006, Aravind steadily rose terrain, varying altitude and drastic tem- B Sai Sudharshan was unbeaten no, Varun D 32; Amit 3/25). Shastri Soccer Club scored a 3-1 win over spian (Naksht Singh) 1, Supremo 2, Eternal
through the ranks and became the first Indian perature changes, all in 10-odd days. So the on 73 (187b, 8x4), while Lakshay Jain Feelkhana in the Shiv Kumar Lal B Division Angel 3, Starlight 4. Did not run: Miracle King.
to win an International Motocross Cham- team and the riders have to be ready to ma- scored 54 (192b). Ganesh, Srishanthi emerge champions league football tournament. Won by: 3/4L, 1/2L, 2-1/2L. T-1:25.55S. Rs 23;
pionship in 2011. Excerpts from an interview... nage this gruelling schedule, which tra- Brief scores: Hyderabad 257 in 101.3 overs (Ilyaan Ganesh Sai Siddharth of Delhi School of Ex- Result: Shastri Club (Naamkaran 2, Kiran) bt Feelkhana 1(Jaffer 9, 8, 7. SHP: Rs 25. Fc: Rs 125. Q: Rs 72. Tanala:
We are a month away from Dakar. How verses over 9000 km. A typical day in the Sathani 103, D Sai Sragvi 15 no; Kushal Gowda 4/74, cellence and G Srishanthi of Jubilee Hills Public Shah). Rs 436 (273). Fav: Eternal Angel (Satheesh).
are you feeling? bike category starts at 4 am and sees the ri- Shashi Kumar 2/33) vs Karnataka 271/7 in 77 overs School claimed titles in the boys and girls 6. Members Plate (Div II) 1200M: Turf Le-
Im feeling quite good ahead of the rally as der cover anything from 400 to 1000 kms of (Amod S Kaluve 27, Akshan Rao 103, Smaran R 76, Aji- sections respectively in the RR district U-9 Inter-engineering college T20 cricket gend (Ajit Singh) 1, Heaven Can Wait 2, Raja
my training, both phy- tesh G 23 no; T Rohan 2/38, D Sai Sragvi 2/49). chess tournament. The 16th South Zone Inter-Engineering College Hindustan 3, Good Strike 4. Did not run: Royal
sical and on the Dakar Kerala 138 & 71/5 in 30 overs (Akshay TK 25, Aryan Standings: Boys: 1Ganesh Sai Siddharth (Delhi School of T20 cricket tournament will be held at the SR Gift. Won by: 1/2L, 1L, 1-1/2L. T-1:13.26S. Rs 30;
motorcycle, has gone as Kathuria 21; Y Vasu 3/33) vs Andhra 353/9 decl in 85 Engineering College Grounds, Anantasagar, in
Excellence), 2 Himanish Srivatsa A (Sanskriti School). Girls: 1G 8, 8, 8. SHP: Rs 39. Fc: Rs 229. Q: Rs 111. Tanala:
per plan. My focus has overs (K Nithish Kumar Reddy 69, M Surya Kiran 65, P Srishanthi (Jubilee Hills PS), 2 Sasya Singareddy (The Aga Khan Warangal from Jan 3 to 9. The tournament is Rs 1519 (56). Fav: So Far (Ravinder S).
been on building endu- Subramanyam 62, E Dharani Kumar 66, SK Rasheed 27; Academy). open to teams from all the engineering colle- 7. Golconda 2000 Guineas 1600M: Preva-
rance and growing my Kiran Sagar M 3/108, Sreenath VS 3/95, Rehan Sai PS ges in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, lent Force (Srinath) 1, Tootsie Roll 2, Dream
navigational skills, 3/50). Lalith, Sanskrithi win titles Kerala, Pondicherry and Tamil Nadu. The last Catcher 3, Zeus 4. Won by: 3-2/4L, Nk, 1L.
both of which are cru- Goa 266 in 113.3 overs (H Prashid Akash 3/44; S Adi- Anne Lalith Mohan and V Sanskrthi won the date for registration is Dec 23. For details, T-1:38.07S. Rs 5; 5, 23, 13. SHP: Rs 128. Fc: Rs
cial for the 9000 KM ral- tya Geethan 2/61, A Ranjan 2/59, Aditya Muralidharan boys and girls titles respectively in the TSTA contact P Srinivas (09949279800/0870-2818311/ 105. Q: Rs 102. Tanala: Rs 670 (260). Fav: Pre-
ly. My consistent and improved performance distance (depending on terrain). Most ri- 2/51) vs Tamil Nadu 127/1 in 63.1 overs (B Sai Sud- Masters Series under-12 second leg tennis 2818333). valent Force (D Byramji).
in the recent rallies ahead of Dakar has further ders finish the leg in 10-12 hours. PMG harshan 73 batting, Lakshay Jain 54). 8. Kuntala Plate 1800M: Vijay's Harmony
(Akshay Kumar) 1, Kohinoor Legend 2, Prin-
cess 3, Vallee Peaks 4. Won by: 1-1/2L, 1-1/4L, 1-
1/2L. T-1:57.12S. Rs 28; 11, 9, 14. SHP: Rs 20. Fc:
Rs 146. Q: Rs 62. Tanala: Rs 946 (142). Fav:
(CIN No. U75110MP2015SGC034139) Blue Angel (Deshmukh).
(Department of Urban Development and Housing , Government of Madhya Pradesh) SOUTHERN REGION , HYDERABAD , INDIA. Email: Jackpot: Rs 7956 (71); Consolation: Rs 471
Project Management Unit
NOTICE INVITING TENDER (OPEN) (513). 1st Treble: Rs 188 (309); 2nd Treble:
No. MPUDC/UDHD/ADB/2656 dated , 11.12.2017 Rs 757 (63); 3rd Treble: Rs 194 (572). PTI
For and on behalf of President of India , Addl . Director General , Geological Survey of India ,
INVITATION FOR BIDS Southern Region , Bandlaguda , Hyderabad invites the following Tenders ,
Madhya Pradesh Urban Development Company Limited (MPUDC) invites online bids on
www.mpeproc .gov.ln/mpudc from eligible consultants for the following works being
Description of
item / works No. cost
Cost of Amount
Tender Estimated Tender
Documerd EMD
100= SCR off to flying start
implemented u n d e r Asian Development Bank (ADB) assisted Madhya Pradesh Urban Services OPEN E-TENDER Mumbai: Defending
01 Outsourcing of drilling for 600Mtrs e-T Rs.27.00 Rs.500/- Rs. 20.12.2017
Improvement Project (MPUSIP) and the World Bank assisted Madhya Pradesh Urban 20% , for investigation of Manganese 56/17 lakh 67 ,500/- champions South Central
Tender Notice No. COS1C1.\y/KOI,/
Development Project (MPUDP) Minerals in Devada Block of , E-Procureme nt / 17-18,22 Dated:
Railway, Secundrabad, got off
Vizianagaram District , Andhra Pradesh. 07-12-2017. Princi pal Chief Materials to a flying start by defeating
S. Descri ption Bid Bid Start Bid Closing Manaeer on behalf of the President of local outfit Mumbai Customs
The documents containing the specifications of the proposed items with detailed terms &
No. No. Date Date conditions are available in GSI website www .portal ,gsi and can be downloaded and used
India invites electronic bids from 4-0 in the 52nd Bombay Gold
established reliable manufacturer for Cup Hockey tournament here
1 Preparation of Detailed Project Report for Sewerage 64 12.12.2017 11.01.2018 as document for submitting the offer. Tenders should be submitted only through CPPP i.e.
supp ly of the followings. The
www.eprocure .gov.i n/cppp , and Manual / Physical bids will not be accepted . Any updates , following E-Tender / s is/are for supply
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and Maihar (District Satna) of Madhya Pradesh 10.00 Hrs. 15.00 Hrs. any news papers or media. Firms/ Bidders are requested to visit the above websites to keep Locomotive. The Pr ospectiveilikely (30th) and Lovepreet Singh
themselves updated. Sd/ - Stores Officer,
2 Preparation of Detailed Project Report for Improvement 65 12.12.2017 11.01.2018 supp liers are requested to look up the (70th) scored the goals for SCR
of water supply in Nagar Parishad Bada Malhara (District at at for Addl. Director General GSI, SR, Hyderabad. website .in . These are in the Pool A game. PTI
E-Tenders; manual offers bid for these
Chhatarpur) of Madhya Pradesh 10.00 Hrs . 15.00 Hrs . tenders will not be accepted under any
circumstances; only electronic offer
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papers. to Specn. No. S F IS P E C? S i l i c o
M.P. Madhyam/87793/2017 ENGINEER IN CHIEF Manganese Rev. 6 dt : 2119;2005 .
Tender Description: Construction of
Grade Si : 19 Mn. 63 to IS : 1470-90
vide %A M S Fs L/ No. SFM 07123105 dt : above ground product storage tanks at
2218107 (Latest Rev.) ; As per tender HPCL Sa ar & Gwalior Depots , UP
documents ; 12-01-2018 ; 1 720.00. Bid Submission Date & Time:
1702 1 ; 3720183897 ; Clamps for 29th December 2017 upto 03.00 p.m.
MILLION DIGITALLY SKILLED WA G-9H\ VAP-7 to CLW' s Spccn. Contact us: 022-23030047 / 132
No. (' LW MSl3 l059AIt-6 [each set is a
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(Government of Karnataka Enterprise) ARE YOU READY? hosted on the HPCL website
Office of the Executive Engineer, Yettinahole Project Division , No.4 , Q documents ; 11-01-2018 ; 580 .00 .
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TendersAndContracts only. Bidders
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E-mail: Alt- 1: As per tender documents;
29-12-2017; 2000.00.
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NOTIFICATION NO-22-2 DATED: 07-12-2017
NOW"'a -
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NIT No. 14161DCE( R)IEE-R /DEE-5 1AEE-112017 .18 Dt: 06-12-2017.
Schedules , bid documents and other up to 17.00 Hrs. up to 17.00 Hrs. Online tenders are invited under e-procurement platform for Three road works
documents in the web site Vr underAdilabad Circle. Tenderers can download the tender schedules from e-
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and clarifications up to 17.00 Hrs. up to 17.00 Hrs. (POWER WING)
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completed Tender Documents Up to 17.00 hrs Up to 17.00 hrs Name of Office : Chief Engineer/ Transmission System , Planning & Desi gn (TS)
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Tele Fax : 0 172-2654468
5 Date & Time of Opening of Technical Bid 20/12/2017 27/12/2017 Name of Work : Manufacturing, Testing, Supply and Delivery of 90 M, 120 kN 132
(Cover-I) by Superintending Engineer, after 17.00 hrs after 17.00 hrs Hyderabad: M120 kN , 160 kN 220 kV Silicone Rubber based composite long rod insulators.
2 n Floor, Road No. 2 , B. V. Raju Bhavan , Banjara Hills , Last date and time for receipt of request for 05.01.2018 upto 17:00 hrs
VJNL, Yettinahole Project Circle , No.1 , issue of tender documents
(Above Harley Davidson Showroom ) , Hyderabad - 500034.
Tumakuru . Last date and time of submission of bids 16.01.2018 upto 11:00 his
c.74 00 003 66 8 / 7490 0975 09 Date and time of Opening of Bids 16 .01.2018 from 15:00 hrs onwards
Note : The other Details mentioned under Tender Notification remains unchanged.
For cost of specification , Earnest money Decor' and detaled NIT pease visit BBMB
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Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers ,
Department of Chemicals and
B'O Petrochemicals , Government of India
Venue: HITEX Exhibition Center, Izzat Nagar, Kondapur P0, Hyderabad, India k 10:0
Guest of Honour Central Advisor Y Board , Aaditya Stainless Pvt.Ltd.
Acme Fluid Systems
Godavari Biorefineries Ltd.
Grap hite India Ltd
Prochem Turnkey Projects Pvt. Ltd.
Pure Techtrol Pvt. Ltd.
Chemtech South World Expo 2017 Specialty Chemicals Acme Process Systems Pvt. Ltd.Pune
Advance Valves Pvt Ltd
GSE Filter Pvt. Ltd.
Guamrflon India Pvt Ltd
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19 V x/ALVE I I I ' II I' I I ' I' I'
TOP SHOT: David Silva scores
the first one for Man City NEYMAR HEADED TO BRAZIL
Paris Saint-Germain star Neymar is urgently
travelling to Brazil due to personal matters, the
Brazilian company that manages the footballers
career said on Sunday, without specifying
whether the player had already arrived in South
America or the specific reasons for the trip.
French radio station RMC Sport reported that
Neymar flew to his native country on Saturday
night after receiving bad news involving his
family. The former FC Barcelona player, who
frequently posts on social media, has not done so
since Friday. Neymar was suspended for the 3-1
victory over Lille on Saturday, but he looks likely
to miss Wednesdays match against Strasbourg
before returning next Saturday against Rennes.
top-flight season and strikingly their 46-point TO TALK ABOUT THE TITLE RACE AFTER A DEFEAT IS A BIT STRANGE, League are Borussia Dortmund, Atletico Madrid,
total after 16 games was enough to secure eighth ESPECIALLY IF THIS IS THE FOURTH DEFEAT OF THE SEASON IN 16 Spartak Moscow, Celtic, CSKA Moscow and
spot in the Premier League last season. GAMES. WHEN YOU HAVE THIS START, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO THINK Sporting Lisbon. In another Italian-German tie
There are still five months of the season YOU ARE IN THE TITLE RACE. Antonio Conte | Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho | WHEN ASKED WHETHER THE TITLE RACE WAS OVER Atalanta will face Dortmund. Atletico, twice
Champions league runners-up, will take on FC
Copenhagen who crept into the knockout stage.
TUNNEL BUST-UP City begin the party: As the players
make their way down the tunnel into
Mourinho goes to complain: The United
boss is heading from his own dressing
The dispute turns ugly: Players get
involved and things turn ugly. Milk and
Arsenal, who missed out on the Champions
League for the first time in 20 years, continue
Milk, plastic water bottles, their dressing rooms, City begin the room to his post-match media plastic water bottles are thrown at their Thursday night adventures against
obnoxiously loud music and ticker- party. Their players triumphantly file obligations when he hears the noise from Mourinho, as Uniteds players rush to Swedens Ostersunds.
tape ... heres what really happened into the away dressing room, stopping City. He walks into Citys dressing room support him. Witnesses say some
away from the television cameras briefly to pose for photographers. to make his feelings known. He says that players attempt to swing punches as GATTUSO TASTES FIRST WIN AT MILAN
after the seismic Manchester derby Ederson animatedly pumps his fist for City should show some more respect. Old Trafford security staff rush to break Bonaventura double gives Gattuso first win
the cameras. Kyle Walker meanwhile things up. It has been claimed Romelu Giacomo Bonaventura struck twice as AC Milan
At full-time: On the touchline, Jose makes a 2-1 gesture. From the dressing Row between Mourinho and Ederson: Lukaku was involved in the chaos. In bounced back from last weeks embarrassing
Mourinho and Pep Guardiola shake room, Leroy Sane tweets a picture of all After making his feelings known, the melee, City coach Mikel Arteta draw at Benevento by beating Bologna 2-1 on
hands. The former quickly disappears of Citys players grouped together in Mourinho becomes involved in a row receives a cut to the head which leaves Sunday to give Gennaro Gattuso his first win as
down the tunnel; the latter keeps his celebration. Somebody throws a with the City goalkeeper, Ederson. The him bleeding. It was a much more coach. Midfielder Bonaventura opened the
post-match celebrations to a respectful handful of tickertape into the air and two gets involved in a heated exchange serious than the infamous Battle of the scoring early on before Simone Verdis leveller,
CITY CELEBRATES minimum. the music begins pumping. and begin trading insults in Portuguese. Buffet in 2004. THE INDEPENDENT but grabbed the winner 14 minutes from time. It
was a much-needed win for Gattuso after his
reign began last weekend with Milan becoming
to go, but the title race is over -- I do not see
DRAW PITS CR7 THE MATCH-UPS SUAREZ AND MESSI Barca did not take long the first team to fail to beat Benevento this
anyone stopping Manchester City from win- to cash in and Suarez season as goalkeeper Alberto Brignoli scored in
Juventus v Tottenham SECURES BARCA
ning the Premier League now, Shearer
wrote on the BBC website. People have been VS NEYMAR FC Basel v Manchester City WIN AS ATLETICO
broke the deadlock in
the 72nd minute,
injury-time, before a much-changed side were
beaten at Croatians Rijeka in the Europa League.
talking for a while now about whether there Nyon: Cristiano Ronaldos Real Madrid rounding goalkeeper Milan moved up to seventh in the Serie A table,
has been a power shift in Manchester, and will resume their bid for a first European
Porto v Liverpool
KEEP UP CHASE Sergio Asenjo to but are still 11 points off the top four.
Sevilla v Manchester United
on Sunday it was there for everyone to see. Cup treble in 42 years Villareal: Luis Suarez and Lionel complete a move of quick
Guardiola was more circumspect, saying: against Neymars Paris Real Madrid v PSG Messi fired Barcelona to a 2-0 victory passes by Messi, Jordi Alba FA SEEKS EVIDENCE OF BUST-UP
You cannot be champions in December. Saint-Germain after the Shakhtar Donetsk v Roma over 10-man Villarreal as the leaders and substitute Paco Alcacer. The Football Association has started to gather
The City boss is clearly keen to avoid big-spending duo were
Chelsea v Barcelona
won for the first time in three La Liga The visitors stretched their lead 11 evidence following reports of an incident
complacency but its almost impossible to on Monday drawn games to stay five points clear on minutes later with the help of a involving the players and coaching staff of
see a slip-up of the magnitude that would together in a mouth- Bayern Munich v Besiktas Sunday, while Atletico Madrid edged haphazard backpass from Victor Ruiz to Manchester United and Manchester City near the
allow his rivals back into the title race. watering Champions Real Betis 1-0. Busquets, who played in Messi for his dressing rooms after the derby match. The FA
It may be over already. AFP League last 16 clash. teams, luck has worked out this way and Barca looked set for a third 14th league goal this campaign. Barca has sought observations from both clubs and
Challenging them for the title will be one of the two teams will be out at the consecutive league draw as they created lead the standings on 39 points, five could also request CCTV footage of the incident.
HOW THEY STAND a record five English clubs through to the last 16 stage, which we think is a bit scant opportunities but they were clear of second-placed Valencia and six A person with knowledge of the situation says
last 16, with Chelsea facing the most soon taking into account they are two of presented with the advantage of an ahead of Atletico in third, while about 15 people were involved in a melee around
challenging hurdle in the shape of La the contenders for the title. The first extra man when Villarreal midfielder champions Real Madrid are fourth on 31. the doorway to the visitors dressing room, and
Man City 16 15 1 0 48 11 46 Liga giants Barcelona. Emilio legs, take place on Feb. 13-14 and Feb. Daniel Raba was given a straight red Earlier, a Saul Niguez goal racked up that Citys assistant coach, Mikel Arteta,
Butragueno, a Real director and former 20-21 with the returns on March 6-7 and card for a wild, studs-up challenge on a third straight victory in La Liga for sustained a cut on his forehead. The person
Man Utd 16 11 2 3 36 11 35
striker, said, For the potential of the two March 13-14. AFP Sergio Busquets on the hour mark. Atletico. AFP spoke on condition of anonymity. AGENCIES
Minerva defeat I am not the god of football: Diego Celtics hand Pistons
Chennai, go atop their sixth straight loss
Krishna Roy
They say Maradona is about emo-
tion, style and charisma. If anyone was
Kolkata: For millions across the globe, unaware about the mans persona, he Los Angeles: The Boston Celtics notched a satisfying win in Det-
Ludhiana: Minerva Punjab FC beat a spirited Chennai Diego Maradona is the greatest footbal- had to be present at the programme on roit on Sunday, handing the slumping Pistons their sixth stra-
City FC 2-1 in an I-League encounter at the Guru Nanak ler to have set foot on the planet. Most of Monday afternoon. ight NBA defeat just two weeks after losing to them in Boston. Al
Stadium here on Monday to climb to the top of the points them even consider him to be the god of A gamut of expressions ranging Horford led the way with 18 points, nine rebounds and six assists.
table. French striker Jean-Michel Joachim put Chennai football. The legend, though, doesnt from uninhibited joy to bewilderment Kyrie Irving added 16 points and Marcus Smart and Jaylen
ahead in the fifth minute but the hosts struck back hold himself in such high esteem. I danced through his visage as an audio- Brown scored 12 apiece for the Celtics, who held the Pistons to se-
through William Asiedu (49th) and Kassim Aidara (59th) dont think Im the god of football. I just visual presentation on his playing care- ason lows in points scored and field goal percentage in the 91-81
in the second half to pocket all consider myself as a simple football pla- er and his previous visit to the city was triumph. It was also good to get a win, Irving said, after a tough
INDIA FILE three points. The result saw Mi- yer, Maradona, who is on a three-day vi- being beamed on the big screens set up in three-point loss to the San Antonio Spurs on Friday night. The
nerva climb to the top of the table with 10 points from four sit to the city, said through a translator at and around the stage. Eastern Conference-leading Celtics did have some offensive
matches. They displaced Kolkata giants Mohun Bagan his first public function on Monday. I Maradona smiled as his goals came struggles of their own. They were up by 16 in the fourth quarter
who are on seven points from three matches from the am glad to be in Kolkata for the second ti- alive on screen, but what topped it all when they hit a dry spell and the Pistons closed to within four.
pole position. me. Thank you very much for the love. was the clenched-fist pump when his But Boston scored on four of their next six possessions to rebuild
It was in Dec 2008 that Maradona had sensational strike in the 1986 World Cup their lead. In Indianapolis, Victor Oladipo poured in a career-
Ghosal progresses; Mangaonkar, Sandhu out come calling to the City of Joy in what against England was beamed. The most high 47 points to lead the Pacers to a 126-116 overtime triumph
Chennai: India's Saurav Ghosal advanced to the second was his maiden visit to India. A lot has memorable moment of his career was over the Denver Nuggets.
round of the World Squash Championship at Manches- changed in the eight years since then, relived when the 57-year-old unveiled a Results: NY KNICKS 111, Atlanta 107. MINNESOTA 97, Dallas 92. NEW ORLEANS 131,
ter, England, while two of his compatriots bowed out in but the citys connect with their all-time 12-foot statue of himself holding aloft Philadelphia 124. INDIANA 126, Denver 116 (OT). Boston 91, DETROIT 81. Toronto 102,
the men's section. Ghosal was a touch lucky as his first favourite has remained the same. Maradona and partner in Kolkata on Monday the 1986 World Cup. SACRAMENTO 87. AFP
round opponent, ninth-seeded James Willstrop of En-
gland retired after playing and losing the first game 6-11.
Ghosal will next meet England's Ben Coleman, who beat
Sandhu 11-4, 11-6, 11-4 in the opening round. Mangaonkar
was beaten by the 13th-seed Daryl Selby of England. Sel-
by won 11-8, 11-5, 11-5.
Taylors century rocks WI India ODI team too reliant on
Sushil set for PWL debut
New Delhi: Double Olympic medallist Sushil Kumar
Batsman Equals NZ Record of 17 Test Tons
Virat and opening combine
will make his Pro Wrestling League (PWL) debut in the Hamilton: An emotional Ross VVS Laxman batsmen. It was left to Ma- so up against excellent bow-
74kg weight category when the third season of the star Taylor paid tribute to his men- Ross Taylor plays a shot as West Indies hendra Singh Dhoni to show ling; Suranga Lakmal reite-
studded tournament begins next month. Bajrang Punia tor the late Martin Crowe follo- Shane Dowrich looks on in Hamilton n the absence of the rested them the way. MS was proac- rating his standing as a qua-
and 2016 Rio Olympics bronze medallist Sakshi Malik are wing a superb century which Virat Kohli, this was a tive from the time he came to lity bowler.
among the other Indian stars in the fray. AGENCIES put New Zealand in sight of a wonderful opportunity the middle, using his feet in a Indias only chance after
series sweep against the West for the Indian bid to throw the bowlers off being bowled out for 112 was
Indies in Hamilton on Monday. batting unit their rhythm. He showed the to strike through their excel-
up two early wickets, Bum-
291 for eight in the second Test. fortunately, and even though
Dubai: Rio Olympic silver medallist shuttler P V Sindhu The West Indies, set a daun- the conditions were stacked
will begin her campaign against lower ranked Hi Bingji- ting 444-run target, were two against them, they failed to
ao of China in the women's singles event of the season- for 30 after eight overs at deliver the goods. While the
ending Dubai Super Series Finals starting on Wednesday. stumps and staring at a second temptation to dismiss this as
World number three Sindhu loss after their innings defeat But he said, also, carry on and who managed 56 before he was a one-off can be overwhel- MEGA CRICKET CRICKET GEAR
has been clubbed along with No. 2- in the first Test. dont stop there. undone by Cummins yorker. ming, India have found the
ranked Akane Yamaguchi of Ja- A teary-eyed Taylor attri- Taylor had a near chance- But most of the New Zea- going difficult in tricky con- scoreless, just as he had done rahs no-ball that threw Upul
pan, Sayako Sato (world number buted his success to Crowe, the less innings, and when he was land batsmen were hurried up ditions. It happened against in Chennai and in Pallekele Tharanga a lifeline decisive-
15), also of Japan, and Bingjiao former New Zealand captain dropped by Shai Hope on 35, he by a salvo of short balls. A lot Australia in Chennai this ye- against Sri Lanka in August. ly tilted the momentum in
(world number nine) in Group A. who died last year from lymp- said that became a motivation of the batters coming in were ar, in the T20 game against The pitch in Dharamsala Sri Lankas favour. It wasnt
All the four players will meet each homa at the age of 53. We had to press on. I said Lets make under pressure straight away, the same opponents in Gu- wasnt ideal for one-day the first costly no-ball from
other in a round- robin format. some good nights with Hogan it pay. Sometimes you go thro- which is never easy as a bats- wahati, and in the T20 match cricket. There was more late- Bumrah Fakhar Zaman in
Olympic gold medallist Carolina (Crowe) over some red wine. ugh different parts of your ca- man, said Taylor, who had against Sri Lanka in Pune ral movement and for longer the Champions Trophy final
Marin of Spain and world cham- Talking about my batting, and reer and you go Dammit and partnerships of 58 with Willi- last year, and that is an area than expected, but it is exact- comes to mind and it must
pion Nozomi Okuhara have with- lot of it probably not positive. It you go through a bit of a lull, amson, 50 with Mitchell Sant- that needs addressing. ly these situations that test be sorted out immediately
drawn from the elite competition. came from a good place and I and that was the first thing I sa- ner (26) and 51 with Colin de It is hard to shake off the not just your skill, but also before it becomes a bad habit
Meanwhile, world number four guess thats why Im here to- id to myself when it happened. Grandhomme (22). feeling that the team is too re- temperament and character. thats hard to get rid of. The
Kidambi Srikanth has been placed day, he said. Martin always Very fortunate, he said. But although the West Indi- liant on Virat, and on the ope- MS drew from having played initiative in a short series is
in Group B of men's singles event along with world num- got me to have goals and they I did hit it pretty hard tho- es bowlers produced credible ning combine. Shikhar Dha- 300 ODIs, but the others clearly with the side which
ber one Vicktor Axelsen of Denmark, Chou Tien Chen werent there to be the be all ugh. Sometimes when you get figures Cummins took three wan and Rohit Sharma, in arent entirely new apart takes the early lead, but In-
(world number 7) and Shi Yuqi (world number 8). Sri- and end all but be just a little re- dropped you say Oh no but I for 69, while Shannon Gabriel his first match as India cap- from Shreyas Iyer and will dia can derive hope from ha-
kanth will be up against Axelsen in first match of the to- minder now and then. was trying to convince myself and Roston Chase had two tain, received very good deli- all do well to take a leaf out of ving defeated New Zealand
urnament on Wednesday. Taylor, 33, whose first cen- I hit that pretty hard. wickets apiece batting co- veries, but the same cant be the former skippers book. 2-1 in October from a similar
Srikanth has also been at the peak of his powers this tury was also at Seddon Park Miguel Cummins led a feis- ach Toby Radford was disappo- said of some of the other That being said, they were al- position. GAMEPLAN
season as he became the only Indian, and the fourth play- when he made 120 against Eng- ty West Indies bowling attack, inted to lose two wickets.
Vol. XVIII Issue No.69 Registration No. APENG/2000/03128 Published for the proprietors, Bennett, Coleman & Company Ltd. by
er ever, to win four Super Series titles in a calendar year. land in 2008, said before the at times reminiscent of an ear- BRIEF SCORES: West Indies 221
He won the Indonesia Open, Australia Open, Denmark Test that Crowe wanted him to lier era when they had bowlers & 30/2 need another 414 runs to Sharad Mohan Mehrotra, at "Times House", 8-2-351, Road No 3, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad 500 034, and printed by him at "Times Press"
Open and French Open before he was forced to miss the break his record. Seventeen is with serious venom. beat New Zealand 373 & 291/8 de- Plot No 5A, Road No 1, IDA, Nacharam, Hyderabad 500 076, Ranga Reddy Dist Tel No : (040) 23254000, Fax No (040) 23254300. Reg-
China Open and Hong Kong Open owing to a thigh muscle the benchmark that Hogan The only other New Zealan- clared (R Taylor 107*, Williamson istered Office: Dr. D. N. Road, Mumbai 400 001. Editor (Hyderabad Market): K.R. Sreenivas - responsible for selection of news under the
strain sustained at the Nationals in Nagpur. PTI wanted me to get to and beat. der to pass 50 was Williamson 54; Cummins 3/69). AFP PRB Act. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited.
Pak film Sunny Leone
Saawan wins to host the
Best Feature desi version
Film award of Man vs
at a city Wild
film fest Pg 6
Pg 3
opular Tollywood come-
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can play an important role in the
Shame & Support recovery of those prone to it.
Role of the Family Addressing a packed audience,
organised by the city-based NGO Anna made the gathering grasp
Roshni Trust as part of its 20th the importance of recognising
anniversary celebrations, Anna the damage inflicted by parents
Chandy, Chairperson of by shaming children for their
The film
The film Pakistans
Pakistans official
official entry
Deepika Padukones The
Live, Love, Laugh
mistakes. It leaves them with-
drawn and anxious, she said. The
to the
to the 90th
90th Academy
Academy Awards
therapist who helped the Pad-
mavati star battle anxiety and
was in
was in the
the news
news for
for not
not featuring
featuring asas
depression said, After Deepikas
episode of depression, she start-
part of
part of IFFIs
IFFIs final
final programming,
programming, after after
ed reading about it and realised itit was
was invited
invited by
by the
the festival
that theres a lot of stigma and
eradi- shame associated with it. So she Deepthi
cating the decided to use her influence for Reddy
shame around helping others.
Pics: T Mallikarjun
irginia-based Pakistani filmmaker Farhan IVEDD
V Alams Saawan, Pakistans official entry
to the 90th Academy Awards, won the Best
Feature Film title at the recent All Lights India
Malathi International Film Festival (ALIIFF) held in HY
Hyderabad. The film is written by Mashood Qadri,
and edited by renowned Indian film editor Aseem RE HABI
Sinha. Inspired by true events, it is the story of a
polio-stricken nine-year-old child who is rejected by CENT
his father and left to die in Baluchistans wilderness. OF GI
Driven by the memories of his mother, the child
embarks on a perilous journey back home.
A thrilled Farhan says, The ALIIFF is the first IT HE
Indian film festival that Saawan went to. Had its TO DO
Sumalatha Farha
rha Ala m,
nnn Ala
Ala m, direct
m, dir
ect or and
or and
subject not been universally appealing, it wouldnt
Fa rha
Kavya have found place in the festival to begin with. Its a cin em ato
cinem ato graph
gra er
er of
er of
pher Sa
Sa aw
aw an
Reddy cin
matter of great pride for us to have won this title. A
citation by the jury on the festivals website says that
This years Best Feature Film shows a director in
total control of his craft. He has created a heartbreak-
ing but uplifting character study and suspense drama #decodingPret
Nishma about a childs perilous journey to find his family, and #contemporary
ultimately, himself. #sustainablefashion
The film was previously in the news after it didnt #luxurypre t
feature as part of the 48th International Film Festival
of India (IFFI)s final programming (besides Sanal
Kumar Sasidharans S Durga and Ravi Jadhavs Nude,
that were dropped from the festivals Panorama
section). It was to be screened in IFFIs Cinema of the
World section. In October, Farhan had received an Eka Love Bird
official letter from Sunit Tandon, IFFI festival director, Monisha Jaising
inviting him to present the film. Subsequently, on
November 4, he received an email from IFFIs Film Abraham & Thakore
Selection & Programming Department, stating that
Meera and due to scheduling constraints, (they were) unable to
Rama showcase some of the titles originally planned.
Farhan is now awaiting news with regards to Saawan
from the 90th Academy Awards, post which well know
more about a possible international release for the film. }
Rd#9 , O pp. Al p honsus Church , Banjara Hills , Hy d
Shravya Reddy Naga Susheela Sakshi Tel +91 93988 49 122 1 urbanr..elahe in
Karma Games is my
(inset) Jishnu
with Aadarsh
in Karma
are talking about, its the premise one saying karmaastu, the person who has
icture this! A young man goes to an of Aadarsh Balakrishnas maid- done the good deed gets karma credits added CURATED BYTHE EDITOR OF
P eatery and orders food.After his meal,
he is shocked to find that payment
can only be made in the form of karma cred-
en short film, Karma Games.
Revealing the genesis behind the recent-
ly released short film, Aadarsh says, The
to his account. The film is set in a world
where money is not the medium of ex-
change. Calling this project one thats close Hk RPER'S BAZAAR BRIDE
its (arrived at by the sum of a persons ac- film was actually something I did as part of to his heart, Aadarsh adds, Jishnu and I
tions in this and previous lives). Luckily, a an acting course I took in Mumbai back in directed this together on a budget of `5000
stranger comes to his rescue and pays the 2013. Along with my friend and batchmate in four days, with a cast and crew of five
bill. But he faces a similar predicament at Jishnu Raghavan, I came up with the students. He passed away last year due to
a paan shop when he orders a pack of cig- concept of karmaastu. Its like this... when throat cancer. Putting up the short film on-
arettes and finds to his dismay that the paan we help someone,they thank us.In the movie line is my tribute to him and the wonderful
wala wont accept anything but karma cred- however, gratitude is expressed in the form memories I have of him.
its. Just in case you are wondering what we of karmaastu. When a person thanks some-
Nuffl 0i A BIG
Abhinav Mishra I Anushree Reddy I Falguni Shane Peacock
Gehna Jewellers I Ghungat by Shaveta & Anuj I Gitanja li j ewels
Jade by Monica & Karishma I Mercedes I Nikhil Thampi I Outhouse
Poemias Pop-Up Shop I Rado I Renu Oberol I Rohit Bal
Rohit Gandhi + Rahul Khanna I Shivan & Narresh
M Shilpa Reddy I Swarovski I Saroj Jalan
9pt Tanishq I White j ewels
Taj Kri
Va q 0
P a n d
denizens of
Hyderabad felici-
tated NMD
Farooq for be-
coming the chair-
man of Andhra
Pradesh Legisl-
ative Council in a
grand ceremony
recently. Many
NMD Farooq
prominent names
from the political
fraternity graced
the occasion and
congratulated the
former minister.
It was on
November 15 that
the former
deputy speaker of
the erstwhile
O J l l o l c a r d s a v a i l a d l o on
Andhra Pradesh Harshad Ali
For premier seats in corporate block & other i>> I
TATA C O N S U LT A i v : SF F V C FS Of U ni on B a n k assembly had
details call 09223231359 / 022-28261885 Sana taken charge of
Sirish Bhardwaj the post.
ANIMAL CRACKERS Today seniors will appreci-
ate your concepts, ideas Y ou may have to spend more
time with your parents as
and thoughts. Cooperation
and compromise can go a
FinOlex they need your emotional sup-
Tip: Your lucky colours are crim-
long way to help a situation. FORTUNE a., son and white. Your lucky gems
A new obsession can be a are turquoise and opal.
n v i s [ anupnnvMap iloymel4com You share your birthday with:
very beautiful thing. Forr on. apFcim
cn 9a 2296. Rajinikanth
Smoothen your relation-
ship; painful points are some- vesting or setting up a business light today.You have strength and
thing you can do without now. involving shared assets. Be pa- it is advisable to become aware
TAURUS April 19 - May 19 tient in discussions involving of it.You need to understand that
Look towards family for support strongly differing opinions. energy in reality is a specific
and encouragement. Dont let VIRGO August 22 - September manifestation.Your rash attitude
any change throw away your 21 You value good research and creates instability in work rela-
BEAU PEEP B I G N AT E confidence. Step up and accept real inquiry. It is easy to let a few tionships.
the well-deserved accolades seemingly important concerns CAPRICORN December 21 -
with pleasure. Dont resist if new take up most of your energy and January 19 Express your feel-
ideas mean new directions. You attention. It is wise now to head ings to others, reflect and medi-
find yourself immersed in a new for cover and steer clear of peo- tate until you achieve a suffi-
subject, and this study could ple or situations which can cause ciently balanced psychological
change you life. troubles. state. Conflict is in the air at the
GEMINI May 20 - June 20 You LIBRA September 22 - October moment as you decide to put
will enjoy getting out tonight. It 22 In-depth discussions and your foot down and stand up for
might turn out to be a good thing. probing conversations find you at what you want.
Your witty style and delivery are your mental best. You will fare AQUARIUS January 20 - Feb-
always a plus. Dont let your best better by clearing the decks of un- ruary 18 Your energy and power
intentions get lost in the shuffle. finished work that can trip you up of doing analysis will be strong
Feelings are strong, and an idea than by forging ahead with ambi- and you will know exactly how
takes hold. tious plans. Interests will have and when to turn things to your
B. C . MANDRAKE THE MAGICIAN CANCER June 21 - July 21 You their ups and downs, but in the advantage. Your finances will
can do more than you thought. end these wont matter much. help you invest your hard-earned
Plans are subject to change. Re- SCORPIO October 23 - Nove- cash in the most profitable man-
mind yourself that opponents are mber 20 Subconsciously some- ner.
not what matter the most. A thing has been brewing within PISCES February 19 - March
strong fixation isnt always un- you that has not been dealt with 19 You get to choose how you
desirable. Here is an important in a direct and respectful way. phase in and out of indispens-
piece of information missing. Give yourself a break and respect ability. Youre the master of your
LEO July 22 - August 21 You your own individual style. This is fate. And others are waiting to
have favourable energies that will the time to remind yourself of see what youll decide. Dont get
bring pleasant surprises. There your real values. discouraged if you feel a bit
isnt a whole lot going on to get SAGITTARIUS November 21- weighed down this morning, be-
you out of a passive, sluggish December 20 You are in need of cause things are apt to pick up as
mode. Be careful if you are in- some fresh air and plenty of day- the day wears on.
getting plenty of sleep, while Gwyneth
Paltrow says that when it comes to
looking good, she prioritises sleep over
what she eats getting 10 hours a night
when she can. But with a huge num-
ber of people suffering from chronic
sleep problems, sleep experts give tips
on the best way to prepare for bed, if
we plan to nod off at 11pm.
Coconut milk is rich in nutrients that can
stimulate hair growth. It is rich in
proteins, has lauric acid that moisturis-
es the scalp and other nutrients that heal
the scalp.
Coconut milk: 1 cup
These massages are not just
relaxing, but also improve blood
Coconut oil: 1/4 cup
Rosemary essential oil: 4 drops
Peppermint oil: 4 drops
Clay is known to absorb toxins and impurities.
The bentonite clay mask absorbs the toxins that
stay in the scalp as residue from chemical
products, pollution and chlorinated water.
and happy?
Ingredients: he well-being of a working moth- quate, under pressure, and gets alienated extent against the affective difficulties
Olive oil: 1/3 cup Vetiver oil: 4 drops
Hot water Directions: Bentonite er depends more on whether her from her social circle. associated with a lack of need satisfaction,
Instructions: Mix all the oils in a glass bowl. Dip clay: 1/2 cup own psychological needs are met Our findings point to a complex inter- high need frustration and maternal
Mix the oil and milk together. Massage your fingers in the bowl so the oil Rose water: or not, finds a study, challenging the play between parent and child character- self-criticism, Brenning added.
the mixture on your scalp for a few min- is properly spread on your fingers. 1/4 cup popular belief that a new mothers istics in the prediction of maternal well- In the study, published in the journal
utes and leave it for it to be After that, massage your scalp in Lavender happiness depends on the temperament being, said Katrijn Brenning, researcher Happiness Studies, the team analysed 126
absorbed. It will create a circular motion. Gradually incr- oil: 4 drops of her baby. at the University of Ghent in Belgium. new mothers for a period of five days
sticky, mask-like layer. ease the pressure of the massage Rosemary When a working mother experiences a During this tumultuous phase, the after their maternity leave ended and
Then wash your and ensure that your fingers oil: 4 drops sense of freedom and choice in her actions, babys temperament has little influence highlighted how difficult it is for women
hair with warm cover all areas of your scalp. Wear Directions: she feels more competent in interacting on the mothers well-being. However, a whose personalities tend to veer towards
water. This is a a shower cap on your head and Mix all the with her child, and tends to have a warm more extrovert child does help some the depressive and the self-critical to
great scalp clea- leave the oil on your hair overnight. ingredients in a bowl. Make sure your hair is and affectionate relationship with the baby. women to feel more positive about moth- adjust to parenthood.
nser and remo- Repeat this, three to four times, a wet and then apply the mask on the scalp and The mothers sense of well-being drops erhood, and to be less hard on themselves, Prevention and intervention strategies
ves dirt, sebum month, for the next six months. Try hair, using a brush. Leave it for 15 minutes and when, in her efforts to strike a balance the researchers noted. should be in place to help such women cope
and dandruff. the process as per discretion as you wash with a mild chemical-free shampoo. between her career and also be a good More positive perceptions of the childs in their first few months of parenthood.
can also tend to catch a cold. parent, the study showed, she feels inade- temperament were found to buffer to some IANS
Hart Skin Srmming Denta l
mogram, according to researchers. support getting a DCE-MRI every
The findings showed that under- six months, Olopade added, in the
going a dynamic contrast-enhanced paper presented at the annual San
magnetic resonance imaging Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.
(DCE-MRI) every six months helped Between 2004 and December 2016,
downstage aggressive breast
cancer by finding small early lesions
the researchers enrolled 305 women
into a clinical trial with a lifetime Goodbye Balding.
Hello Confidence.
in women with high-risk mutations breast cancer risk greater than
that are crucial to improving 20 per cent, who were scheduled to
outcomes. undergo a clinical breast examina-
The DCE-MRI scans detected tion and a DCE-MRI scan every six
node-negative, invasive tumours less months, and a digital mammogram ADVANCED MICRO GRAFTING
than one centimetre and performed every 12 months. The DCE-MRI
especially well in young women with curtailed the spread of the cancers
BRCA1 mutation which increases to the lymph nodes as well as detect-
the risk for aggressive subtypes of ed tumours smaller than a centime-
breast cancer. Mammograms tre. This study demonstrates, for
remain important for most women. the first time, that aggressive breast
But for women at high risk who
are getting a DCE-MRI every six
cancers can be caught early, without
excessive recalls or biopsies,
93460 95555 93937 20000 93949 90000'
months, annual mammograms could Olopade said.
probably be eliminated, said IANS
vs Wild
it into a watermelon! Its a very ing in movies comes from films of
sweet story. But when we try to those days. So for me, cinema is
make a simple film bigger, its 70mm, larger than life. When
essence and sweetness diminish- someone sees a film in the
es and it goes into another zone. I theater, it should be a big cine-
can go to a hill station, and make matic experience.
a film like Angoor in two months Some time ago, there were also
opular British Informs a source, As a
and come back. But Im still
wondering if I want to make a
film on that scale or not. His
reasoning is not misplaced,
reports of Rohit remaking Ram
Lakhan (1989), but that doesnt
seem to be on the cards either.
P adventure show Man
vs Wild is all set to get
a desi, dubbed version. And
host, Sunny will take the
audience through Bears
adventurous journey. The set
guess, who is gonna host it? of a huge jungle with a pond
None other than Sunny Leone! has been created and there
If you give SRK (a film like) Angoor, The UK show features host will be scenes of the actress
Bear Grylls sharing survival in the pond, in order to give
he will make it into a watermelon! strategies in extreme a feel of the show.
Its a very sweet story. But when we conditions, while navigating On her part, Sunny says,
through some of the worlds I will be seen in an all-new
try to make a simple film bigger, its most remote locations. The avatar, as I will be trying my
essence and sweetness diminishes Hindi version will have Sunny hands at comedy as well. I
narrating Bears journey; she will also be attempting some
and it goes into another zone A poster of the will also add spice to the adventurous stunts.
Rohit Shetty original film Angoor narrative with some stunts and Neha.Maheshwri
Shah Rukh Khan
a dose of humour.
empty cause:
quite a lot of
money in that
film by taking
loans but it got
shelved Adriana Lima
odel Adriana Lima, a friend approached me to share that
...CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Speaking to Hyderabad Times, a sometime back regarding a com- who recently walked she was unhappy with her body, then
friend who did not wish to be plaint filed against him over the the ramp at a popular it made me think. that everyday in
Theirs was a love marriage, named, said, In August, Vijay registration of a movie title. The brands annual lingerie show, my life, I wake up thinking, how do
but Vanita has been living away was offered the role of hero in a complaint was on the verge of recently took to her social me- I look? Was I going to be accepted in
from Vijay from two years. Their film and he was counting on that being resolved. I am deeply dia page to announce that she my job? And in that moment, I
daughter too was living with her, film to resurrect his fledgling saddened by his death. will no longer be taking her realised that majority of women
she said. fortunes. He had invested quite a The police officials say that clothes off for an empty probably wake up every morning
Popular for his roles in films lot of money in that film by taking they are taking to friends and cause. She then went on to slam trying to fit in a stereotype that
like Mantra, Current, Varaprasad loans. But that project failed to family members of the deceased unrealistic body standards for society/socialmedia/fashion etc im-
Potti Prasad, Bommarillu and materialise, and he was also actor to ascertain the cause of women in her industry. posed. i thought thats not a way
Adriana The model wrote online, I had re- of living and beyond that. thats
Okariki Okaru, the actors career deeply upset with domestic Vijays death. We have not Lima
has been on the downswing of problems. But we never ever ex- found a suicide note at his home. ceived a call for the possibility of film- not physically and mentally healthy,
late. Some of his friends say that pected that he would resort to A case of suspicious death ing a sexy video of me to be posted so I decided to make that change..
the actor was dejected as he was- such an extreme step. has been filed based on the and shared in social media. Even I will not take of my clothes anymore
nt being offered roles in films; his Movie Artistes Association complaint filed by Vijays family though I have done many of this type, for an empty cause..
last notable release was President Sivaji Raja, said, This members. Investigations is on, something had changed in me, when Agencies
Dhanalkshmi Talupu Tadite in news has come as a complete said an official at Jubilee Hills
2015. shock to me. I had met him (Vijay) Police Station.
Registration No. APENG/ 2000/5491, VOLUME No. 18, ISSUE No. 80 Published for the proprietors, Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd., by Sharad Mohan Mehrotra at Times House, 8-2-351, Road No:3, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad - 500 034 and printed by him at Times Press, Plot No.5A, Road No.1, IDA, Nacharam, Hyderabad - 500 076,
For more pictures, go to: (Dist. Rangareddy). Tel No.(040) 23355335, Fax: (040) 23254300. Regd. office: Dr D.N. Road, Mumbai-400 001. Hyderabad Times Editor: Christina Francis responsible for selection of news under PRB Act. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited.