Weapons of The Islamic State
Weapons of The Islamic State
Weapons of The Islamic State
Published online by Conflict Armament Research
Conflict Armament Research Ltd., London, 2017
First published in December 2017
This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union and
the German Federal Foreign Office. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility
of Conflict Armament Research and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the
positions of the European Union and the German Federal Foreign Office.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
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BATTLEFIELD CAPTURE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
CONFIRMED SUPPLIERS OF DIVERTED MATERIEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
United States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Saudi Arabia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Libya. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Sudan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Other suppliers of diverted materiel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Afghanistan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Azerbaijan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Turkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
POTENTIAL SUPPLIERS OF DIVERTED AMMUNITION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
CORRELATIONS INDICATING THE SUPPLY ROUTES EMPLOYED BY IS FORCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Ammunition supply routes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Iranian ammunition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Chinese ammunition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Eastern European and Soviet ammunition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Correlations in headstamps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Weapon supply routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Conflict Armament
Tal Afar, Research 2017
Iraq, September
Weapons of The Islamic State 5
CAR documentation shows that the most presumably reflecting Russian supplies to the
rapid case of diversion following unauthorised Syrian regime. Many of the groups weapons
retransfer was that of an advanced anti-tank mirror those of the two regimes in its respective
guided weapon (ATGW). The weapon was countries of operation. These findings support
manufactured in the EU, sold to the United widespread assumptions that the group initially
States, supplied to a party in the Syrian conflict, captured much of its military materiel from Iraqi
transferred to IS forces in Iraq, and documented and Syrian government forces.
by a CAR field investigation team following
its recovery from IS forces. The full chain of Almost half (845) of the weapons documented
transactions occurred within two months of the by CAR feature serial numbers that are close in
weapons dispatch from the factory. sequence to those of other, identical weapons in
the sample. They can be grouped into 240 sets
Supplies of materiel into the Syrian conflict of weapons that were manufactured in the same
from foreign partiesnotably the United States production runs and probably exported in the
and Saudi Arabiahave indirectly allowed IS same, or successive, batches.
to obtain substantial quantities of anti-armour
ammunition. These weapons include ATGWs In contrast to weapons, IS forces ammunition
and several varieties of rocket with tandem holdings are skewed towards recent
warheads, which are designed to defeat modern manufacture. Weapons manufactured in the
reactive armour. These systems continue to pose current decade (201017) comprise less than 2
a significant threat to the coalition of troops per cent of the groups total weapon holdings,
arrayed against IS forces. while more than 60 per cent were manufactured
before 1990. In marked contrast, more than 15
Russia and China, combined, manufactured per cent of the groups ammunition dates from
more than 50 per cent of the weapons and the 201017 period, of which most was produced
ammunition held by IS forces. Former Warsaw and supplied after the start of the Syrian conflict.
Pact countries that are now EU Member States These findings underscore the pivotal role
manufactured a significant proportion of the that supplies of newly producedand recently
remaining materiel (more than 30 per cent of divertedammunition play in sustaining armed
weapons and 20 per cent of ammunition). insurgency and terrorism worldwide.
The origins of the weapons that IS forces deploy Nearly 40 per cent of all 40 mm (PG-7) and 73
in Iraq differ from those of the materiel they mm (PG-9) anti-armour rockets deployed by
use in Syria. China produced the majority of the IS forces in Iraq were produced in the past four
materiel (weapons and ammunition combined) years (2014 to 2017)the period during which
fielded by the group in both countries. However, the group became a significant component of
Russian-manufactured weapons outnumber the Iraq and Syria conflicts. EU Member States
Chinese weapons deployed by IS forces in Syria produced nearly 20 per cent of these post-
Conflict Armament
Hawija, Research 2017
Iraq, November
Weapons of The Islamic State 7
Conflict Armament
Hawija, Research 2017
Iraq, November
Weapons of The Islamic State 9
CAR investigation teams deployed along IS CAR investigators have enjoyed extensive
frontlines from July 2014 to November 2017 in Iraq, collaboration with a variety of state and non-
and from July 2014 to September 2015 in Syria (due state armed forces in Iraq and Syria since 2014.
to border passage restrictions instituted that year As there is no consolidated policy or system for
by the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq). The storing or registering weapons and ammunition
varying durations of deployment preclude certain across these disparate forces, however, it is
comparisons. not possible to identify a) all cases in which
government or non-state forces have recovered
Excluding travel and logistics, the teams spent weapons and ammunition from IS forces, or b)
111 days physically inspecting and documenting where those weapons are located. As a result,
weapons across the region, performing 84 site accessing all materiel recovered from IS forces
visits in Iraq and 27 in Syria (see Map 1). Since is an unfeasible task. Despite these limitations,
July 2014, CAR has documented 1,270 weapons the materiel documented by CAR constitutes the
and 29,168 units of ammunition in Iraq, and 562 most comprehensive sample of weapons and
weapons and 11,816 units of ammunition in Syria. ammunition captured from IS forces to date.
These figures add up to totals of 1,832 weapons
and 40,984 units of ammunition recovered from IS While CAR deployed field investigation teams
forces across the region (see Appendix 1). CAR has across the entirety of IS forces front lines in Iraq,
integrated these items into its EU-funded iTrace CARs deployment in Syria was limited to territory
Global Weapon Reporting System, which the controlled by Syrian Kurdish forces in the north-
Government of Germany co-finances. east of the country.
Map 1
CAR documentation locations in Iraq and Syria, 201417
CAR occasionally uses information and sale, and export of many older weapons are no
photographs from social media, but investigations longer available.
are not based on them, since the provenance of
such data is often difficult to verify. Moreover, Unless specified in this report, no reference to the
open-source information does not always provide names of countries of manufacture, manufacturing
the detailed physical elementsnotably external companies, intermediary parties, distributors,
and internal markingsrequired to trace weapons or intended end users implies illegality or
and ammunition. In general, this information can wrongdoing on the part of the named entity. CAR
only be obtained through physical examination. would like to acknowledge the cooperation of the
governments and companies whose responses
CAR traces only a portion of the items it to CARs trace requests have been critical in its
documents in the field. This traced materiel ongoing investigations.
is usually of particular significance for CARs
investigations. If the numerous individual items Unless noted otherwise, all the materiel discussed
were to be traced, an excessive burden would in this report was recovered from IS forces and
need to be placed on the national governments documented by CAR. CAR determined countries
and manufacturing companies concerned. of manufacture for the weapons and ammunition
Furthermore, some of the documented items are documented based on trace responses it received
untraceable. For example, most loose small-calibre from producer countries or on features and
ammunition lacks the lot numbers required to marks found on the weapons and ammunition
identify it in production, sales, and export records. themselves.
Similarly, records pertaining to the production,
This section of the report profiles the numbers, exported to, and produced in, aligned countries,
types, and origins of weapons deployed by including China, various Eastern European states,
IS forces in Iraq and Syria. In total, CAR field and Iraq. Despite similarities in calibre, there are
investigation teams operating on either side of the considerable differences in the weapon types
IraqSyria border documented 1,832 weapons, acquired and deployed by the group on either side
the vast majority of which were chambered for of the border, and these differences reflect varied
Warsaw Pact-calibre ammunition. The weapons supply sources.
were designed in the Soviet Union but later
Chart 1
Top five common weapon types documented in Iraq and Syria
7.62 x 39 mm 7.62 x 54R mm 7.62 x 39 mm 40 mm 5.56 x 45 mm
assault rifles medium machine light machine guns launchers assault
guns (RPG-7 type) rifles/carbines
An analysis of the weapons documented by The most common type of weapon deployed in
calibre indicates that the majority of small arms1 the region is the AK-pattern assault rifle, which is
recovered from IS forces, and documented by chambered for 7.62 x 39 mm ammunition. Rifles
CAR, are chambered for Warsaw Pact-calibre chambered for 5.56 x 45 mm only represent a
ammunition2 (97 per cent of the regional small small fraction of the weapons documented.
arms sample),3 while small arms chambered for
NATO calibres4 only represent a small proportion CARs data on recovered IS weapons appears to
(3 per cent of the regional small arms sample). contradict the narrative that IS forces deployed a
significant quantity of US-made rifles chambered resupply easier. Second, rifles chambered for
for NATO calibres, which the group reportedly 5.56 x 45 mm calibre are generally considered
captured in the 2014 offensives that led to the a prized find and may have been redistributed
capture of Mosul. IS forces have perpetuated this and diverted again shortly after recovery from IS
narrative in their propagandaoften featuring forces, but before the arrival on site of CARs field
US-made weapons in online images and videos.5 investigation teams.
Several factors may explain these findings. A large recovery of light machine guns,
First, in regions where Warsaw Pact calibres chambered for 7.62 x 39 mm ammunition, in late
predominate in the weapons deployed by July 2017 near Mosul accounts for most of the
both state and non-state groups, the use of weapons of this type documented in Iraq (see
standardised calibres makes logistics and Box 1 on p.17).
Chart 2
Top manufacturing countries of weapons documented in Iraq and Syria
Germany (GDR)
*Czech Republic
United States
United Kingdom
North Korea
Bosnia and Herzegovina
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
China and former Warsaw Pact EU Member present in Iraq before 2003 and in Syria before
States, such as Hungary and Romania, 2011, third-party states supplied actors in both
manufactured the majority of the weapons countries with additional Warsaw Pact weapons.
documented by CAR in Iraq. The Syrian These weapons are compatible with Warsaw
data demonstrates a different trend: Russia Pact-calibre ammunition, which is in widespread
manufactured most of the weapons, closely circulation in the region.
followed by China and then former Warsaw Pact
EU Member StatesRomania, Hungary, and Domestic production represents 3 per cent of
Bulgaria.6 the materiel documented in Iraq. In addition, 127
weapons documented in Iraq (10 per cent of the
The United States manufactured only a small sample of weapons documented in the country)
proportion (2 per cent) of weapons recovered feature a visible Iraqi arsenal mark, which
from IS forces and documented by CAR in the indicates they were imported to the country
region. prior to the beginning of the war in 2003 and
incorporated into Iraqi stockpiles. In Syria, CAR
Former Warsaw Pact EU Member States documented 17 Iraqi-manufactured weapons
manufactured 28 per cent of the weapons and 44 weapons bearing Iraqi arsenal marks (8
documented in Iraq, and 42 per cent of those per cent of the sample of weapons documented
documented in Syria.7 These findings indicate in the country).
that, in addition to the weapons already
Chart 3
Weapons documented in Iraq and Syria, by decade of manufacture*
Chinese machine guns recovered
in late July 2017 near Mosul, Iraq
193039 194049 195059 196069 197079 198089 199099 200009 201017
*CAR determined the manufacture date of 864 weapons (47 per cent of the total sample) documented in Iraq and Syria. The remaining 53 per
cent did not have markings indicating the date of manufacture.
This data reveals that a significant proportion of China, Bulgaria, and Romania account for the
the weapons was producedand presumably largest proportions of recently manufactured
supplied to the regionbetween 1960 and 1989. weapons that were recovered from IS forces
As the majority of the weapons documented in and documented by CAR.8 More than 50 per
the region were manufactured in former Warsaw cent of the weapons documented in Syria and
Pact countries, this trend is plausibly the result manufactured after 2000 originated in Bulgaria.
of transfers made during the Cold War and of Iranian- and Romanian-manufactured weapons
surplus transfers immediately after its end. trail Bulgarian production, each with a 15 per
cent share of the Syria sample.
Iraq has been under a United Nations Security
Council arms embargo since August 1990.
Following the 2003 invasion, the Security Council
modified the embargo and lifted restrictions on
the supply of weapons and related material to
the Government of Iraq and multinational forces.
The pre-2003 sanctions regime is a plausible
reason for relatively low numbers of weapons
produced in the 1990s.
Chart 4
Top manufacturing countries of post-2000 weapons documented in Iraq and Syria
60 Chinese machine guns recovered
in late July 2017 near Mosul
Bulgaria Romania China Iran Serbia
Between 23 and 28 September 2017, CAR pouches filled with powder were affixed
documented 122 Chinese Type 81 7.62 x to each weapon. Presumptive analysis
39 mm light machine guns and 61 Chinese revealed that the powder was a performance-
Type 67-2 7.62 x 54R mm medium machine enhancing amphetamine. The close serial
guns, recovered from an IS cache in the Al number sequencing of 122 identical weapons
Shura district, south of Mosul. Iraqi forces indicates a large diversion from a single
recaptured the area in October 2016. The intended end user. It is clear that, following
serial numbers of the weapons are either acquisition, IS forces had stockpiled the
in sequence (that is, 1, 2, 3), or close in weapons together with individual rations of
sequence (such as 1, 3, 6), and indicate performance-enhancing drugs for issue to its
production in 2007 and 2008. One to three fighters.
Figure 1
A cache of 122 Chinese 762 x 39 mm light machine guns
Considerable international attention has focused global market for Warsaw Pact-calibre materiel.
on the capture of US-manufactured weapons by IS China predominates as a producer. Weapons
forces from Iraqi military units, yet these weapons manufactured by EU Member States in Eastern
account for only 2 per cent of the groups holdings Europe form the bulk of the remaining materiel
in its Iraq and Syria operations. Most of the groups deployed by IS forces on either side of the Iraq
weapons are Warsaw Pact calibres, which are in Syria border. Russian-manufactured weapons are
widespread service among Iraqi and Syrian forces the second-most common types among IS forces
and also deployed by most opposition forces in Syria, but not in Iraq (possibly due to Russian
fighting in the Syrian conflict. The ultimate origins support for the Syrian regime and subsequent
of these weapons mirror broad trends in the acquisition by IS forces).
The following subsections present data on the or export records. The required information is
volumes, types, and origins of ammunition generally marked on ammunition boxes. As noted
deployed by IS forces in Iraq and Syria. In total, in the Diversion dynamics section, below, CAR
CAR field investigation teams documented 40,984 recovered many such boxes and traced their
units of ammunition in Iraq and Syria (29,168 and provenance; however, the majority of the small-
11,816, respectively). The ammunition originated in calibre ammunition could not be traced because
38 producer countries. CAR documented it loose, following its removal
from factory boxes. Thus, while the data set
Small-calibre ammunition that is used in assault presented in this section provides critical insights
rifles and machine guns comprises almost 93 per into the scale of ammunition supplies into the
cent of the total volume documented by CAR. conflicts in Iraq and Syria, and arguably confirms
This imposes limitations on analysis, because some basic assumptions regarding broad trends
loose small-calibre ammunition is rarely marked in ammunition acquisition by IS forces, it cannot
with lot numbers, which are required to identify delineate individual lines of supply to the group.
specific ammunition consignments in production
Chart 5
Small-calibre ammunition documented in Iraq and Syria, by type
**9 x 19 mm
*5.45 x 39 mm
*7.62 x 39 mm
**5.56 x 45 mm
**7.62 x 51 mm
*7.62 x 54R mm
**12.7 x 99 mm
*12.7 x 108 mm
*14.5 x 114 mm
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Chart 6
Top five manufacturing countries of ammunition documented in Iraq and Syria
Russia China Romania United States Bulgaria
Russian and Chinese ammunition constitutes In Syria, Chinese ammunition is most common,
just over half of the total sample collected across accounting for 43 per cent of the sample,
Iraq and Syria. Russia, China, and Romania followed by Russian ammunition (23 per cent).
manufactured almost 65 per cent of the regional
sample. The remaining 35 manufacturing Domestic production constitutes only a small
countries in the sample all produced significantly proportion of the sample in both Iraq (2 per cent)
smaller amounts. and Syria (6 per cent).
Chart 7
Top five manufacturing countries of ammunition documented in Iraq
Russia China Romania United States Bulgaria
Chart 8
Top five manufacturing countries of ammunition documented in Syria
China Russia Kyrgyzstan Romania Syria
Chart 9
Top EU and candidate EU manufacturers of ammunition documented in Iraq and Syria
EU Member States EU candidate countries
Conflict Armament
Tal Afar, Research 2017
Iraq, September
Weapons of The Islamic State 21
The beginning of the Syrian civil war in 2011, ammunition diversion. An analysis of ammunition
followed by the rise of IS forces and the collapse manufactured since 2010 is therefore necessary
of major Iraqi urban centres such as Fallujah, to understand how regional trends shifted as a
Mosul, and Tikrit in 2014, appears to have consequence of the prolonged active conflict.
changed regional patterns of weapon and
Chart 10
Top manufacturing countries of post-2010 ammunition documented in Iraq and Syria
Russia Romania United States China Bulgaria Iran
Fifteen per cent of the total ammunition sample Russia (18 per cent), and Bulgaria (11 per cent).
was produced in 2010 or later; the original Combined, these producer countries account for
sources of this ammunition (see Chart 10) differ most of the post-2010 Iraq sample.
from those of the overall sample (see Chart 6).
The Iraq sample accounts for more than 99 per
Russia and Romania manufactured the cent of the US- and Romanian-manufactured
largest proportions of post-2010 ammunition post-2010 ammunition and more than 85 per
documented across Iraq and Syria, accounting cent of the post-2010 Bulgarian and Iranian
for more than half of the entire subsample. ammunition that CAR documented in the region.
The top manufacturing countries of post-2010 More than 80 per cent of the post-2010 sample
ammunition documented in Iraq are Romania of ammunition documented in Syria was
(32 per cent), the United States (19 per cent), manufactured in China and Russia.
Chart 11
Top manufacturing countries of post-2010 ammunition documented in Iraq
Romania United States Russia Bulgaria
Chart 12
Top manufacturing countries of post-2010 ammunition documented in Syria
Russia China Bulgaria Iran
Chart 13
Iranian-manufactured ammunition documented in Iraq and Syria
Iranian-produced share of Overall sample Iraq sample Syria sample
total ammunition sample
Post-2010 share of Iranian-manufactured ammunition
There is considerably less evidence of EU- and While Iraqi post-2010 domestic production is
US-manufactured post-2010 ammunition in Syria non-existentthe 2004 Realignment of Military
than in Iraq. Only 6 per cent of the Syria sample Industrial Companies (Coalition Provisional
is Bulgarian, and CAR documented only one US- Authority Order Number 75)12 put Iraqi weapon
manufactured ammunition cartridge in Syria. plants out of workCAR documented 18 Syrian
cartridges manufactured between 2010 and
Chinese ammunition represents 25 per cent of 2012 and eight cartridges manufactured in
the entire regional ammunition sample, yet only 2013. These findings indicate that, despite the
6 per cent of it was produced after 2010. ongoing civil war in Syria, the Syrian government
has maintained at least some capacity to
The quantity of Iranian-manufactured manufacture ammunition.
ammunition documented is low compared to
that produced in other countries. However, more A total of 212 units of the documented
than half of the total Iranian ammunition sample ammunition were manufactured in 2016. Iran
documented in the region was manufactured produced the majority of them, followed by
after 2010. In Iraq, 57 per cent of the Iranian- Bulgaria and China.
manufactured ammunition documented by CAR
dates from after 2010. In Syria, the proportion is
28 per cent.
Chart 14
Ammunition manufactured in 2016 and documented in Iraq, by producing country
Iran Bulgaria China Romania
Mosul,Armament Research 2017
Iraq, November
Weapons of The Islamic State 25
Chart 15
Rockets documented in Iraq and Syria, by calibre
40 mm 73 mm Other calibres
Chart 16
40 mm rockets documented in Iraq and Syria, by country of manufacture
China Iran Bulgaria Bulgaria Russia China Romania
Chart 17
Top four manufacturing countries of 73 mm rockets documented in Iraq
Bulgaria Romania Iran Russia
Chart 18
Top manufacturers of post-2010 and post-2014 40 mm rockets documented in Iraq
China Iran Bulgaria Romania Sudan EU
More than one-third of the post-2010 A sizable 88 per cent of the Bulgarian post-
40 mm rockets were produced in 2016, and 2010 73 mm rockets were produced in 2010
91 per cent of the entire post-2010 sample and 2011, while almost all of the Romanian
was manufactured between 2014 and 2016. post-2010 73 mm rockets were produced
This may reflect recent supplies of materiel in 2014. The patterns of diversion of these
to Iraqi and Syrian forces, following the fall rockets to IS forces are explored in the next
of Mosul to IS forces in 2014, and higher section of this report.
levels of involvement of international
actors in the region. Almost the total sample of post-2010
Iranian-made 73 mm rockets documented
The sample of 73 mm rockets differs in Iraq were manufactured after 2014; 59
from that of other rockets in that Chinese per cent of them were manufactured in
production accounts for a negligible 2015 alone.
proportion. Bulgaria, Iran, and Romania
manufactured nearly the entire sample
of post-2010 73 mm rockets documented
in Iraq. Bulgaria alone manufactured
almost 60 per cent of the rockets and Iran
manufactured 31 per cent.
Chart 19
Top manufacturers of post-2010 and post-2014 73 mm rockets documented in Iraq
Bulgaria Iran Romania China EU
Figure 2
PG-9 73 mm rockets recovered from IS forces
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Baghdad, Iraq, June 2016
Warsaw Pact calibres predominate in IS forces cross section of the types and relative quantities
ammunition holdings, just as they do in the of ammunition in Iraqi and Syrian national
weapons discussed above. In contrast to stockpilesencompassing legacy ammunition
weapons, however, the ammunition holdings are dating from the 1950s to ammunition from the
significantly newer. While weapons manufactured present day.
in the current decade (201017) comprise less
than 2 per cent of the groups total weapon The fact that IS forces captured large quantities
holdings, more than 15 per cent of the groups of ammunition from Iraqi and Syrian government
ammunition dates from the 201017 period. There forces is not a new finding.14 The presence of
are also pronounced differences in the types of more recently produced ammunition in recovered
ammunition deployed by the group on either side materiel, however, provides clearer indications of
of the IraqSyria border, which broadly reflect additional supply sourcesnotably in the years
differences in the suppliers of ammunition to the following 2014, when the groups initial advances
Iraqi and Syrian governments. These findings slowed and it ceased to capture large quantities of
appear to corroborate assertions that IS forces materiel, particularly from Iraqi forces.
captured significant quantities of ammunition
from Iraqi and Syrian forcesat least in the initial The groups stockpile of 40 mm and 73 mm
phases of the groups territorial expansion. rockets manufactured since 2010 is illustrative.
EU Member States produced 40 per cent of these
The largest part of ammunition held by the group rockets. An EU arms embargo, in force since May
originated in three producer countries: China 2011, prohibits supplies to the Syrian regime and
and Russiain almost equal proportionsand CAR has confirmed significant numbers of these
Romania. Chinese materiel is distributed almost rockets do not originate from Iraqi defence and
evenly in Iraq and Syria (52 per cent and 48 per security forces. This finding, together with the
cent, respectively). Although roughly three- results of formal traces launched by CAR, confirms
quarters (74 per cent) of the overall Russian that IS forces progressively tapped into alternative
ammunition sample was documented in Iraq, more sources of ammunition during the course of the
than half (54 per cent) of the Russian ammunition conflictnotably into foreign supplies intended for
produced in the 201014 period was recorded in Syrian opposition forces, as the following section
Syria. It is plausible, therefore, that these findings illustrates.
reflect escalating Russian support to the Syrian
regime during the conflict.
Open-source reports and video footage issued Working from a combination of physical evidence,
by IS forces claim that the group captured a large official procurement notices, and the responses
proportion of its weapons and ammunition from of supplier governments to formal trace requests,
Iraqi and Syrian security forces.15 While CAR does CAR can assert the following:
not dispute these assertions, it is difficult to
substantiate the claims empirically (see Weapon Of the 67 replies from manufacturing or supplier
baseline data and Ammunition baseline data, governments in response to CARs requests
above), for two main reasons. First, Iraqi and to trace weapons documented in Iraq and
Syrian forces employ a wide variety of weaponry, Syria (prior to 16 November 2017), 42 indicate
which the two states acquired over many decades that the materiel was originally sold to the
and from numerous producing and exporting Iraqi government. Most of these weapons
countries. This makes it difficult to determine, with were presumably captured by IS forces on the
any accuracy, whether specific items recovered battlefield.
from IS forces either originated in Iraqi or Syrian
national stockpiles, or whether they derive In Iraq and Syria, CAR documented a total of 171
from national armed forces or non-state groups weapons that bear an Iraqi arsenal mark. This
elsewhere in the region. Second, national records unique import mark indicates that the weapons
are incomplete in Iraq and inaccessible in Syria, were integrated into Iraqi defence and security
precluding verification of national holdings. force stockpiles prior to the fall of the Iraqi
regime in 2003.
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Tal Afar, Research 2017
Iraq, September
Weapons of The Islamic State 31
These two findings indicate that, at the very least, a PG-7M 40 mm rocket, which Bulgaria legally
12 per cent of the weapons recovered from IS exported as part of two larger shipments to the
forces originate from Iraqi national stockpiles. The Ministry of Defence of Iraq on 7 September 2010
group captured a large proportion of this stockpile and 14 March 2011;16
during major offensives against Iraqi armed
forces in the Mosul region in mid-2014. CAR field an MG-M1 7.62 x 54R mm machine gun, which
investigation teams, which were on the ground Bulgaria legally exported to the Iraqi Ministry of
in both Iraq and Syria at the time, obtained some Defence on 21 April 2005;17 and
clues regarding the role this materiel might have
played in IS forces subsequent military gains. 19 boxes of 7.62 x 54R mm ball ammunition
supplied legally by Serbia to the Multi-National
IS forces immediately moved weapons and Security Transition CommandIraq on 3
ammunition from the Mosul area to support December 2004, for use by Iraqi security forces.
military offensives against the YPG-held Syrian city In its response to CAR, the Serbian government
of Kobane (under siege from 13 September 2014 noted that the materiel exported to Iraq after
to 27 January 2015). CAR field investigation teams the military intervention in 2003 was part of the
operating in Kobane in the immediate aftermath international communitys efforts to equip and
of the siege (February 2015) documented, and strengthen the capacity of the Government of
subsequently traced, the following items: Iraq.18
Figure 3
A Bulgarian PG-7M 40 mm rocket from a lot exported to Iraq in two separate shipments in 2010 or 2011
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Kobane, Syria, February 2015
Figure 4
A Bulgarian MG-M1 7.62 x 54R mm machine gun exported to Iraq in 2005
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Kobane, Syria, February 2015
These findings, and the widespread use by IS armoured vehiclesconfirm the initial impact
forces of a range of captured Iraqi army equipment of battlefield capture in Iraq on the groups war
during the siege of Kobaneincluding US-supplied fighting capacity farther afield.19
Figure 5
Boxes of Serbian 7.62 x 54R mm ball ammunition supplied to the Multi-National Security Transition
CommandIraq on 3 December 2004
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Kobane, Syria, February 2015
Figure 6
A US M1114 truck, recovered from IS forces in Kobane during the siege of the city in 201415
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Kobane, Syria, February 2015
Figure 7
7.62 x 39 mm Wolf ammunition cartridges produced by Barnaul Cartridge Plant (left) and
Tula Cartridge Works (right)
Documented by CAR field investigation teams in Tanooria, Syria (left), and in Majid Younis, Iraq (right), December 2014
Map 2
Locations where CAR documented Wolf ammunition
In addition to obtaining weapons from national invested in the regional conflict.25 Since July 2014,
stockpiles in Iraq and Syria, IS forces demonstrated CAR has documented several of these key diversion
the ability to benefit from the weapon supply pipelines.
chains put in place by the many third-party states
IS forces deploy a range of weaponry that can be territories of Jordan and Turkey, especially given
traced to transfers destined for opposition forces in the presence of various opposition groups, with
the Syrian conflict. While the exact circumstances shifting allegiances, in cross-border resupply
of direct supply across Syrias borders are unclear, locations.
the Jordanian and Turkish governments have
each acted as intermediaries in the provision IS forces subsequently moved much of this
of weapons purchased by Saudi Arabia and materiel to Iraq for use against coalition forces in
the United States. Background information their defence of cities such as Fallujah, Mosul, and
gathered by CAR indicates that IS forces acquired Ramadi. Physical examinations, weapon shipment
the materiel through varied means, including interceptions, and government responses to
battlefield capture and the amalgamation of formal weapon traces issued by CAR reveal a
disparate Syrian opposition groups. CAR cannot number of different supply circumstances.
rule out direct supply to IS forces from the
United States
CAR has documented and traced numerous exports.27 EU Member States and the United States
weapon systems in service with IS forces. are also signatories to the Arms Trade Treaty, in
Many derive from shipments made to the US which non-retransfer clauses fall under the rubric
government, or to entities operating under US of confidence building measures and additional
government contracts. The United States has assurances aimed at preventing diversion. The
acknowledged its support to Syrian opposition ATT is robust in asserting that any state shall take
forces, orchestrated primarily through resupply measures to address diversion if detected.
from the territories of Jordan and Turkey.26 All of
the shipments originated in EU Member States; Documented cases of US-procured materiel
in most cases, US retransfers (exports made after subsequently diverted to IS forces are as follows:
purchase by the United States) contravened
clauses in end-user certificates (EUCs) issued by
the United States to EU supplier governments. Case 1
The United States signed these certificates prior During the battle of Ramadi (25 November 20159
to transfer, stated that it was the sole end user February 2016), Iraqi Federal Police recovered
of the materiel, and committed not to retransfer a Bulgarian-manufactured 9M111MB-1 ATGW
the materiel without the supplier governments missile tube from IS forces; CAR documented the
prior consent. It did not notify the supplier states item on 18 February 2016. Bulgaria confirmed it
concerned before retransferring the materiel. exported the tube on 12 December 2015 to the US
Department of the Army through the US company
Non-retransfer clauses in EUCs are designed
explicitly to provide a measure of confidence for
exporting states that seek to abide by international
commitments to mitigate weapon diversion. In
the case of EU Member States, the clauses align IN MOST CASES, US
with commitments made under Criterion Seven of
the EU Common Position, which defines common
rules governing the control of weapon exports, CLAUSES IN END-USER
and commits Member States to assessing the CERTIFICATES ISSUED BY
record of the recipient country in respecting any
re-export provision (that is, compliance with
non-retransfer clauses) before licensing further SUPPLIER GOVERNMENTS.
Kiesler Police Supply (see Box 4). The application On 21 December 2016, Jaysh al-Nasr, a Syrian
for the licence was accompanied by the original armed opposition faction active in the Hama
EUC issued by the US Department of the Army, Governorate of Syria, published a set of
which specifies that the United States would be photographs of its fighters.29 In one of these, Jaysh
the end user of the item, along with a delivery al-Nasr fighters are operating a 9M111MB-1 ATGW30
verification certificate.28 The United States has not bearing an identical lot number and a serial
yet replied to a CAR trace request for this item. number (365) close in sequence to the one CAR
documented (286) in Iraq, suggesting both were
The fact that the ATGW that CAR documented on part of the same supply chain.
18 February 2016 in Iraq had been exported to the
United States on 12 December 2015 and recovered
in Ramadi on 9 February 2016 indicates that
diversion took place in a matter of days or weeks
(between 1 and 59 days) after its supply.
Figure 8
A Bulgarian 9M111MB-1 ATGW missile tube exported to the US Army on 12 December 2015
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Al Khalidiyah, Iraq, February 2016
Figure 9
Jaysh al-Nasr fighters operate a 9M111MB-1 ATGW in Syria
Source: Jaysh al-Nasr (2016)
Figure 10
A detail of the marks on the 9M111MB-1 ATGW missile tube
Source: Jaysh al-Nasr (2016)
Figure 11
A Bulgarian 9M111MB-1 ATGW missile tube exported to the US Army on an unspecified date
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Bartella, Iraq, February 2017
Case 3
In May 2015, Syrian YPG forces recovered a PG- As with the item documented in May 2015, Bulgaria
7T 40 mm rocket from IS forces near Al Hasakah, confirmed it also exported this rocket on 23 June
Syria, where CAR documented it on 20 May 2015. 2014 to the US Department of the Army through
The Government of Bulgaria confirmed that it Kiesler Police Supply.33 CAR has yet to receive a
exported the item to the US Department of the reply to a trace request sent to the United States
Army through the US company Kiesler Police regarding these rockets.
Supply. The application for the export licence was
accompanied by the original EUC issued by the Finding further evidence of the diversion of this
US Department of the Army (with a non-re-export materiel, CAR documented three other identical
clause) as well as a delivery verification certificate. PG-7T 40 mm rockets in Baghdad on 4 May 2017.
The item was exported on 23 June 2014.32 The Iraqi Directorate of Military Intelligence
recovered the items south of Baghdad in June
Iraqi Federal Police recovered another PG-7T 2016.
40 mm rocket from IS forces during the battle
of Ramadi. It bears the same lot number, as
documented by a CAR field investigation team on
20 February 2016.
Figure 12
A Bulgarian PG-7T 40 mm rocket exported to the US Army on 23 June 2014
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Al Hasakah, Syria, May 2015
Figure 13
A Bulgarian PG-7T 40 mm rocket exported to the US Army on 23 June 2014
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Habbaniyah, Iraq, February 2016
Figure 14
Three Bulgarian PG-7T 40 mm rockets exported to the US Army on 23 June 2014
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Baghdad, Iraq, May 2017
Case 4
On 31 August 2014, near Tuz Khurma, Iraq, a non-re-export clause) issued by the US Army on
Peshmerga forces recovered a Romanian Mitraliera 10 August 2012, in support of the export licence
md. 66 7.62 x 54R mm medium machine gun, which application. The export licence was issued on 22
CAR documented on 14 December 2014. Romania November 2012 for the export of 250 machine
confirmed the item was part of an authorised guns, along with other undisclosed items. The
export to the US Department of the Army34 through materiel was exported on 6 December 2012 via air
a US company. The Romanian Department for (destination undisclosed).35 CAR has yet to receive
Export Controls received an EUC (which included a reply to requests sent to the United States.
Figure 15
A Romanian Mitraliera md. 66 7.62 x 54R mm medium machine gun exported to the US Army on
6 December 2012
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Kani Hanjiri, Iraq, December 2014
Case 5
On 26 June 2016, Iraqi Special Operations Forces each of which included a non-re-export clause. In
recovered several PG-9 73 mm rockets from IS September 2017, while continuing to document the
forces in Fallujah, Iraq; CAR documented them diversion of these items, CAR found dismantled
on 30 June 2016. The government of Romania PG-9 73 mm rockets of the same lot in an IS
confirmed that these rockets were exported to workshop in Tal Afar, Iraq, and recovered from IS
the US Department of the Army on 13 and 15 positions in the Al Jamhuri Hospital compound in
December 2013,37 25 and 27 March 201438 (5,220 western Mosul; Romania had exported the items
rockets), 5 and 17 June 201439 (2,070 rockets), and in June and December 2014. The United States has
4 December 201440 (9,252 rockets).41 These items not yet replied to a CAR trace request for these
were transferred to the United States under EUCs, items.
Figure 16
A Romanian PG-9 73 mm rocket from lot number 21-13-459, exported to the US Army on 13 and 15
December 2013
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Baghdad, Iraq, June 2016
DetailArmament Research
of a Chinese CQ 5.56 rifle, documented by CAR in Kobane, Syria, February 2015
Weapons of The Islamic State 41
Figure 17
A Romanian PG-9 73 mm rocket from lot number 22-13-459, exported to the US Army on 25 and 27
March 2014
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Baghdad, Iraq, June 2016
Figure 18
A Romanian PG-9 73 mm rocket from lot number 11-14-451, exported to the US Army on 5 and 17 June
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Baghdad, Iraq, June 2016
Figure 19
A Romanian PG-9 73 mm rocket from lot number 12-14-451, exported to the US Army on 4 December
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Baghdad, Iraq, June 2016
In July 2016, IS forces based in the groups Al Furat transferred to the US Department of the Army on 4
province42 released a propaganda video43 featuring December 2014. Jaysh Suriyah al-Jadid was armed
materiel captured from a Syrian armed opposition and trained by the United States to fight IS forces
group, Jaysh Suriyah al-Jadid (New Syrian Army), in eastern Syria. The lot number of the ammunition
after it repelled the groups attack near Al Bukamal, captured by IS forces in Al Bukamal matches the lot
by the Iraqi border, in late June 2016. In the video, a number of the ammunition recovered from an IS
crate of Romanian 73 mm rockets is visible. It bears convoy near Fallujah in late June 2016, and found
the lot number 12-14-451, the same lot number in IS positions in Tal Afar and Mosul.
Figure 20
A crate of Romanian PG-9 73 mm rockets captured from Jaysh Suriyah al-Jadid by IS forces near Al
Bukamal in June 2016
Source: IS (n.d.)
Figure 21
A detail of a crate of Romanian PG-9 73 mm rockets
captured from Jaysh Suriyah al-Jadid by IS forces CAPTURED BY IS FORCES IN AL
near Al Bukamal in June 2016 BUKAMAL MATCHES THE LOT
Source: IS (n.d.)
Case 6 Case 7
On 24 July 2017, Iraqi security forces recovered In September 2017, a CAR field investigation team
a Romanian PG-7PM 40 mm primary propelling documented a Romanian PG-7M 40 mm rocket in
charge from IS forces in Rutba, in western Iraq, a workshop that was used by IS forces in Tal Afar
near the borders of Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and until late August 2017. Romania affirmed that it
Syria. Romania confirmed that it authorised was part of a consignment of 7,380 PG-7M 40 mm
export of the charge, which bears the lot number rockets delivered to the US Department of the
22-14-451, to the US Department of the Army, Army on 27 November 2015, under an EUC that
together with 11,634 PG-7M 40 mm rockets included a non-re-export clause.45
bearing the lot number 12-14-451. For this transfer,
the US Department of the Army issued an EUC
that included a non-re-export clause. Romania
delivered the item on 4 December 2014.44
Figure 22
A Romanian PG-7PM 40 mm primary propelling charge with the lot number 22-14-451
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Baghdad, Iraq, September 2017
Figure 23
A Romanian PG-7M 40 mm rocket with the lot number 16-15-452
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Tal Afar, Iraq, September 2017
Case 8 Case 9
On 27 September 2017, a CAR field investigation The government of Romania confirmed that
team documented a Romanian PG-9 73 mm 72 PG-9 73 mm rockets with three different lot
rocket at the Al Jamhuri Hospital compound in numbers that CAR documented after they were
western Mosul. IS forces had modified the rocket recovered from IS forces in Fallujah were exported
to fire it from their Model 2 recoilless launcher to the US company United International Supplies
system.46 Romania affirmed that it was part of on 23 April 2003.48 CAR documented additional
a consignment of 7,356 PG-9 73 mm rockets rockets with the same lot numbers in November
delivered to the US Department of the Army on 10 2016 in Keramlais, near Mosul, and in September
March 2016, under an EUC that included a non-re- 2017 in the Al Jamhuri Hospital compound in
export clause.47 western Mosul. They were part of the same 2003
shipment. The shipment to United International
Supplies also included 7.62 x 39 mm ammunition
that CAR documented in the Puntland region of
Somalia in 2017. The ammunition was reportedly
trafficked from Yemen to Somalia, where it was
allegedly destined for Islamic State in Somalia
Figure 24
A modified Romanian PG-9 73 mm rocket with lot 21-16-453, part of a Model 2 recoilless launcher
system designed by IS forces
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Mosul, Iraq, September 2017
Figure 25
A Romanian PG-9 73 mm rocket with lot number 11-03-458, exported to the US company United
International Supplies on 23 April 2003
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Baghdad, Iraq, June 2016
Figure 26
A Romanian PG-9 73 mm rocket with lot number 11-03-458, exported to the US company United
International Supplies on 23 April 2003
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in western Mosul, Iraq, September 2017
Figure 27
A Romanian PG-9 73 mm rocket with lot number 12-03-458, exported to the US company United
International Supplies on 23 April 2003
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Baghdad, Iraq, June 2016
Figure 28
The motor of a Romanian PG-9 73 mm rocket with lot number 12-03-458, exported to the US company
United International Supplies on 23 April 2003
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in western Mosul, Iraq, September 2017
Figure 29
A Romanian PG-9 73 mm rocket with lot number 13-03-458, exported to the US company United
International Supplies on 23 April 2003
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Baghdad, Iraq, June 2016
Figure 30
A Romanian PG-9 73 mm rocket with lot number 13-03-458, exported to the US company United
International Supplies on 23 April 2003
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Keramlais, Iraq, November 2016
Case 10
Romania exported a PG-7 40 mm rocket recovered International Supplies on 16 January 2003,51
from IS forces in Mahmudiyah, near Baghdad, 16 November 2002,52 and 20 November 2002,53
in 2016, an AKM50 7.62 x 39 mm rifle recovered in respectively. The export licences were granted
Mosul in November 2016, PG-7 40 mm rockets on the basis of international import certificates
recovered in Ramadi in 2016 and Tal Afar in 2017, (IICs).54
and a PG-7P primary propelling charge to United
Figure 31
A Romanian PG-7 40 mm rocket with lot number 13-02-457, exported to the US company United
International Supplies on 16 January 2003
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Mahmudiyah, Iraq, September 2016
Figure 32
A Romanian AKM 7.62 x 39 mm assault rifle, exported to the US company United International Supplies
on 16 November 2002
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Bartella, Iraq, November 2016
Figure 33
A Romanian PG-7 40 mm rocket with lot number 12-02-457, exported to the US company United
International Supplies on 20 November 2002
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Baghdad, Iraq, May 2017
Figure 34
The motor of a Romanian PG-7 40 mm rocket with lot number 12-02-457, exported to the US company
United International Supplies on 20 November 2002
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Tal Afar, Iraq, September 2017
Materiel data sheets provided by Romania indicate bar used to seal all the bags had left a distinctive
that the shipments comprised a total of 15,210 waffle pattern on the seal, which is most visible
items in the category Rocket, PG-9V, 73 mm, adjacent to the L shape. All the bags were still
HEAT; 22,000 items identified as Rifle, AK-47, sealed at the time of documentation and had
7.62 x 39 mm, fixed stock, of which 12,000 were to be cut open by the CAR field investigation
delivered; and 20,000 items described as Rocket, team. Several pieces of evidence indicate that
PG-7V, 40 mm, AT.55 The IICs were signed by the bags were not original factory packaging.
representatives of United International Supplies,56 Not only did the bags contain rockets produced
the director of which played a role in the Iran- by a variety of manufacturers, but the rockets
Contra affair.57 United International Supplies has also had non-standard features: 1) newer rockets
yet to reply to CARs requests for information. were fitted with older fuzes (in one case, 43 years
older), and 2) the fuze cover caps originated from
CAR documented one of the PG-7 40 mm different sources, including factory-manufactured
rockets traced to United International Supplies caps and improvised caps that were fabricated
alongside three rockets of different ages, types, by cutting tubular 40 mm primary propelling
and manufacturers. All four rockets were packed charge containers, both of cardboard or plastic
identically, within heat-sealed polyethylene bags, construction, to 45 mm lengths.
with a distinctive L shape at one end. The heating
Figure 35
Four different rockets packed within heat-sealed polyethylene bags sharing identical features
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Baghdad, Iraq, May 2017
Case 11 Case 12
On 29 June 2016, Iraqi Ground Forces Command On 3 February 2017, a CAR field investigation team
units recovered two tins containing Romanian documented a Bulgarian-manufactured PG-7T
12.7 x 108 mm armour-piercing, incendiary 40 mm rocket next to the body of a recently killed
ammunition from an IS convoy near Fallujah. IS fighter at Mosul University. On 12 March 2017,
Romania confirmed the ammunition was while battling IS forces in western Mosul, the Iraqi
authorised for export to the US Department of the Rapid Response Division recovered an identical
Army under an EUC, and that it was delivered on rocket bearing the same lot number. Bulgaria
24 November 2014.58 The United States has not yet confirmed that a Bulgarian company exported
replied to a CAR trace request for this item. PG-7T rockets with this lot number to the US
Department of the Army on an unspecified date.59
The United States has not yet replied to a CAR trace
request for these items.
Figure 36
A tin of Romanian 12.7 x 108 mm armour-piercing, incendiary ammunition delivered on 24 November
2014 to the US Army
Documented by a CAR field investigation team at Al Taqaddum base, Iraq, July 2016
Figure 37
A Bulgarian PG-7T 40 mm rocket, exported to the US Army on an unspecified date
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in eastern Mosul, Iraq, February 2017
Figure 38
A Bulgarian PG-7T 40 mm rocket, exported to the US Army on an unspecified date
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Al Arij, Iraq, March 2017
To supply partner forces with ammunition, the US the presence of this materiel with Syrian armed
Army relies on the Office of Product Director for opposition groups that were supported by the
Non-Standard Ammunition, which falls underthe United States;
Project Manager for Maneuver Ammunition
Systems within the Program Executive Office the presence of identical materiel recovered
AmmunitionatPicatinny Arsenal, in the US state of from IS forces in Iraq, with the same lot number
New Jersey. The Armys Office of Product Director and serial numbers close in sequence (implying
for Non-Standard Ammunition relies on a contract a transfer by IS of similar materiel from one
it has with Orbital ATK and Chemring Military country to the other, after its capture);
Products, companies that rely on subcontractors,
with procurement in Eastern Europe.60 Weapons the materiels short chain of custody from export
procurement goes throughProject Manager for to recovery from IS forces, implying a very
Soldier Weapons within theProgram Executive limited number of intermediaries;
Office Soldier,also atPicatinny Arsenal.61
the absence of similar materiel observed in Iraqi
Although the United States has supplied Iraqi stocks; and
forces with non-NATO standard materiel,
the following evidence indicates that the US the identification of the United States on EUCs.
Department of the Army has also diverted EU-
manufactured materiel to groups fighting in Syria:
Mosul,Armament Research
Iraq, February 2017
Weapons of The Islamic State 51
The United States has relied on brokers to supply The Czech Republic confirmed that the
weapons and ammunition to partner countries documented rifles were manufactured by the
via Eastern Europe for years. Companies such as company Agrozet Uhersk Brod (currently esk
Kiesler Police Supply, which CAR has linked to zbrojobska a.s, Uhersk Brod) sometime between
recent diversion of materiel, were contracted by 1960 and 1980 in the former Czechoslovakia, from
the US Department of Defense after 2003 to supply where they were supplied to the Czechoslovak
Iraq with weapons and ammunition during the US Peoples Armed Forces.
After the Velvet Revolution and fall of the
Equipment and supplies from that period continue communist regime in late 1989, the same assault
to circulate and some are now deployed by IS rifles were sold as surplus military materiel to the
forces. A case in point is that of Czech vz. 58 assault private company Banzai.64 The rifles were then
rifles: exported to Iraq in July and August 2007 via the
company S.M.S., based in Dubnica nad Vhom,
During the battle of Ramadi, the Iraqi Federal Slovakia. The EUC was issued by the Ministry of
Polices Special Tactical Regiment recovered Defence of the Republic of Iraq. The deal was
several vz. 58 rifles from IS forces. On 20 February part of a larger supply of assault rifles, which was
2016, a CAR field investigation team documented carried out by the US company Blane International
25 vz. 58 rifles near Ramadi.63 Group, Inc., under the US Government contract no.
Figure 39
A Czech vz. 58 P 7.62 x 39 mm assault rifle, exported to Iraq in 2007
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Habbaniyah, Iraq, February 2016
Saudi Arabia
Like the United States, Saudi Arabia has provided In this respect, onward retransfers by Saudi Arabia
support to various factions in the Syrian conflict, of these weapons contravene its commitments
including through the supply of weapons. Working to the Government of Bulgaria not to re-export
with the Bulgarian authorities, CAR has traced the materiel in question without Bulgarias
numerous items deployed by IS forces to initial prior consent. CAR immediately informed the
exports from Bulgaria to Saudi Arabia. These Government of Bulgaria of these cases and has
transfers were uniformly subject to non-retransfer discussed them during face-to-face meetings with
clauses concluded between Saudi Arabia and the Bulgarian arms export licensing authorities.
Government of Bulgaria prior to export.
During the battle of Ramadi, Iraqi Federal Police to be re-exported, lent, or rented without the
recovered a RHEAT-9MA 73 mm rocket of Bulgarian written permission of the competent authorities
origin and bearing lot number ((10))-04-11 from IS of the exporter statea non-re-export clause.70
forces. A CAR field investigation team documented In meetings held in Sofia on 4 November 2016
the rocket on 18 February 2016. Bulgaria confirmed to follow up on CARs trace requests, Bulgarian
it exported the rocket to the Ministry of Defence of national export authorities confirmed to CAR that
Saudi Arabia in December 2014. The application for Bulgaria had authorised exports to Saudi Arabia
the licence was accompanied by the original EUC, and the United States after the two countries had
issued by the Ministry of Defence of Saudi Arabia. submitted end-user agreements that included non-
The EUC, dated 30.09.1435 AH (corresponding retransfer clauses. CAR has yet to receive a reply to
to 27 July 2014 CE), states that the items are for a trace request sent to Saudi Arabia.
use by the Royal Saudi Land Forces and are not
Figure 40
A Bulgarian RHEAT-9MA 73 mm rocket with lot number ((10))-04-11, exported to Saudi Arabia in
December 2014
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Al Khalidiyah, Iraq, February 2016
CAR documented rockets with the same lot intercepted near Fallujah; and on 27 September
number on 30 June 2016, after recovery by Iraqi 2017, after recovery from IS positions in the Al-
Special Operations Forces during the battle of Jamhuri Hospital compound in western Mosul,
Fallujah (22 May28 June 2016); on 2 July 2016, which was recaptured on 3 July 2017. Some
following recovery on 29 June 2016 by Iraqi of these rockets were still in their polythene
Ground Forces Command units from an IS convoy packaging.
Figure 41
A Bulgarian RHEAT-9MA 73 mm rocket with lot number ((10))-04-11, exported to Saudi Arabia in
December 2014
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Baghdad, Iraq, June 2016
Figure 42
A Bulgarian RHEAT-9MA 73 mm rocket with lot number ((10))-04-11, exported to Saudi Arabia in
December 2014
Documented by a CAR field investigation team at Al Taqaddum base, Iraq, July 2016
Figure 43
A Bulgarian RHEAT-9MA 73 mm rocket with lot number ((10))-04-11 exported to Saudi Arabia in
December 2014
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in western Mosul, Iraq, September 2017
Figure 44
A Bulgarian RHEAT-9MA 73 mm warhead with lot number ((10))-04-11 exported to Saudi Arabia in
December 2014
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Tal Afar, Iraq, September 2017
CAR documented a corresponding CP-91 primary 2016. Bulgaria confirmed it exported the charge
propelling charge, with identical lot number, on 19 December 2014 to the Ministry of Defence of
recovered by Iraqi forces near Fallujah on 29 June Saudi Arabia.71
Figure 45
A Bulgarian CP-91 73 mm primary propelling charge with lot number ((10))-04-11 exported to Saudi
Arabia in December 2014
Documented by a CAR field investigation team at Al Taqaddum base, Iraq, July 2016
Saudi Arabias provision of weapons to Syrian the region. In each case, EU producer states are
opposition forces contravenes non-retransfer obliged, under Criterion Seven of the EU Common
commitments made with the Government Position, to factor these breaches of commitment
of Bulgaria. The case is similar to that of into future export licensing decisions.
unauthorised retransfers by the United States to
Figure 46
A Yugoslav M79 90 mm rocket recovered from IS forces near Fallujah on 29 June 2016
Documented by a CAR field investigation team at Al Taqaddum base, Iraq, 2 July 2016
Bosnia and Herzegovina stated that had previously comprised Yugoslavia. This
between 1980 and 1992, PRETIS d.d. Vogoa creates problems in identifying the chain
manufactured more than 200,000 M79 90 mm of custody of these items, as rockets could
rockets and that the manufacturer delivered have ended up in any former Yugoslav state
all of them to the former Yugoslav army and and need to be traced from each of these
Ministry of Defence.73 Following the Yugoslav countries to determine their origin. Between
Wars in the 1990s, rockets with identical 2014 and 2017, CAR has sought to document
lot numbers remained in the stockpiles of the chain of custody of these rockets by
several newly independent countries that sending trace requests to Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, M79 rockets that it had received from the
Slovenia, and the former Yugoslav Republic of Government of Slovenia and that the Slovak
Macedonia. Ministry of Economy had not issued any
export licences for this type of materiel.75 This
Only Slovenia formally identified some of the would appear to suggest that rockets with
lots CAR documented. The country indicated the same lot numbers were in the custody of
that it had exported M79 rockets bearing multiple parties and that the lots destroyed
eight of the lot numbers CAR documented to by Slovakia were not complete. CAR is still
a Slovak company for destruction, in 2005.74 awaiting replies from several potential
The Government of Slovakia confirmed exporters in order to fully document the
that the Slovak company disposed of all chains of custody of the items documented.
Figure 47
A Croatian M93 90 mm rocket recovered from IS forces near Fallujah on 29 June 2016
Documented by a CAR field investigation team at Al Taqaddum base, Iraq, 2 July 2016
Together with 60 M79 rockets that were In Iraq and Syria, CAR documented M79
recovered from an intercepted IS convoy near 90 mm rockets that the former Yugoslavia
Fallujah in June 2016, CAR also documented had manufactured and distributed
30 RBR M93 90 mm rocketsa variant of domestically.
the M79 rockets manufactured in Croatia.
The serial numbers of these rockets are not It is likely that different lots of M79 rockets
far apart, indicating that the items were were divided between different armed
probably transferred together through a forces following the breakup of Yugoslavia.
limited number of intermediaries. This There might therefore be several chains of
proximity is most obvious with the M93 90 custody for one single lot.
mm rockets, which were all manufactured
between 1995 and 1998after the breakup Slovenia has confirmed it had in its stocks
of the former Yugoslaviaand feature four some of the lots CAR documented. Slovenia
distinct series and serial number proximity transferred these lots to Slovakia in 2005
averages ranging from 20 to 150 (see Table 1 for destruction. CAR has not received
on p.59). responses from other potential exporters.
Based on the replies CAR received and on Croatia confirmed to CAR that it did not
evidence gathered in the field and presented transfer the M79 90 mm rockets with lot
above, CAR has determined the following: number 8502,76 which CAR documented in
Iraq and Syria. Croatia has yet to respond to
CAR trace requests enquiring about other
The M93 90 mm rockets that CAR The lot and serial numbers for both the
documented in Iraq were manufactured M79 and the M93 90 mm rockets are
between 1995 and 1998, after the close in sequence, indicating a short
independence of Croatia, indicating the chain of custody with a limited number of
items were transferred by Croatia at some intermediaries.
point. CAR has yet to receive a reply from
Croatia on these items. Serial number proximity in the documented
M79 rockets suggests a diversion line from
Some lots of M79 rockets documented in Syria towards Ramadi and Fallujah.
Syria are identical to lots documented in
Iraq, suggesting materiel used by armed
opposition factions in Syria were diverted
to IS forces and used in Iraq.
Table 1
Documented M93 90 mm rockets, with serial number proximity
Mosul,Armament Research
Iraq, February 2017
Weapons of The Islamic State 59
Libya is widely recognised as a source of illicit In 2015, a CAR field investigation team documented
weapons across North Africa and the Maghreb a large consignment of weapons and ammunition
region.77 Documentation and analysis by CAR recovered by the Lebanese Armed Forces on board
indicates that Libyan weapon supply chains the Letfallah II vessel, which Lebanon intercepted
have extended as far as Syria, as evidenced en route to Syria in 2012.78 Reportedly destined for
by a substantial maritime seizure of weapons the Free Syrian Army, the consignment followed
consigned to Syrian opposition forces from Libya; several successful maritime deliveries from Libya
consignment information that establishes that to Syria.79
materiel recovered from IS forces in Iraq was
originally consigned to Libya; and a congruence Firm evidence of such deliveries can be found in
of weapon and ammunition types documented in small quantities of materiel recovered from IS
Libya and Syria. forces and documented by CAR.
Case 1
In July 2016, a CAR field investigation team ammunition in 1982 as part of a 1980 contract
documented boxes of 12.7 x 99 mm (.50 calibre) with Libya. CAR has identified two export licences
ammunition recovered from an IS convoy, granted by Belgian authorities for 12.7 x 99 mm
which Iraqi forces intercepted in June 2016 near ammunition transfers to Libya, totalling 1.5 million
Fallujah. Marks on the boxes indicate that the cartridges (see Appendix 2).
Belgian company FN Herstal manufactured the
Figure 48
A box containing 100 Belgian 12.7 x 99 mm ammunition cartridges manufactured in 1982 and
consigned to Libya
Documented by a CAR field investigation team at Al Taqaddum base, Iraq, July 2016
Figure 49
The headstamp of a Belgian 12.7 x 99 mm ammunition cartridge found in a box manufactured in 1982
and consigned to Libya
Documented by a CAR field investigation team at Al Taqaddum base, Iraq, July 2016
Case 2
CAR has also documented M79 90 mm rockets in
service with IS forces, with lot numbers that are SOMEWHAT CIRCUITOUS
close in sequence to those of rockets identified by TRANSFERS OF WEAPONS
CAR field investigation teams in Libya (two digits TRACED BY CAR WITH
Somewhat circuitous transfers of weapons traced
by CAR with the cooperation of the Government
of Belgium provide further indications of Libyan INDICATIONS OF LIBYAN
shipments to Syria. During the siege of Kobane, SHIPMENTS TO SYRIA.
YPG forces recovered two FN FAL 50.00 automatic
rifles from IS forces. A CAR field investigation
team documented the weapons in Kobane on 23
February 2015. Belgium confirmed that one of the
rifles, bearing the serial number 1527473, was part
of order No. 23-2-9108, dated 24 October 1979,
which the manufacturer had shipped to Pakistan.81
In response to a formal trace request issued by The other FN FAL rifle bore the serial number
CAR, the Government of Pakistan confirmed 1557540 on the right-hand side of the upper
receipt of the weapon but was unable to provide receiver, which indicates manufacture in or shortly
information on its subsequent retransfer. Although after 1980. FN Herstal informed CAR that it could
records of Belgian arms exports for the years 1969 not provide further information regarding the
74 and 19802003 are kept at the Belgian National transfer of this item.83
Archives and remain accessible to the public, the
Belgian administration reported that its records
of arms exports for the years 197579 had been
destroyed accidentally.82
Figure 50
A Belgian FN FAL 50.00 automatic rifle with the serial number 1527473, exported to Pakistan in 1979
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Kobane, Syria, February 2015
Figure 51
A Belgian FN FAL 50.00 automatic rifle with serial number 1557540
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Kobane, Syria, February 2015
The FAL rifle traced to Pakistan was loaded 51 mm ammunition in northern Libya. According
with a combination of Pakistani 7.62 x 51 mm to the Panels final report, Qatar supplied the
ammunition from 1981 and the same calibre ammunition to Libyan non-state armed groups
Belgian ammunition from 1980. The Belgian in contravention of the arms embargo. The Panel
ammunition has been found in very large later discovered the same type of ammunition in a
quantities in Libya. In 2012, the UN Panel of Experts shipment from Libya en route to Syria.84
on Libya also observed identical Pakistani 7.62 x
Figure 52 Figure 53
Pakistani Ordnance Factories 7.62 x 51 mm FOR COMPARISON
ammunition produced in 1981, found loaded in Pakistan Ordnance Factories 7.62 x 51 mm ammunition, exported
to Qatar in the 1980s and documented by the UN Panel of Experts
the FN FAL rifle
in Libya in 2012 UN Panel of Experts on Libya
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Kobane, Syria,
February 2015
The Government of Belgium and the arms interceptions of weapons en route to Syria from
manufacturer FN Herstal have been instrumental Libya, are sufficient to conclude that a LibyaSyria
in enabling CAR to identify these linkages weapon pipeline has operated since at least 2012.
particularly by tracing weapons that were While the precise transfer mechanics are unclear,
manufactured and exported from Belgium decades IS forces have evidently tapped into supplies of
ago. It is important to stress that these are legacy weapons consigned to Syrian opposition forces
weapons, which were transferred in the 1970s and a finding that evidence presented elsewhere in this
1980s. The transfers, however, serve as important report supports.
markers for larger shipments and underscore
the fact that government cooperation in tracing
supplies of old, legacy weapons is not simply
a historical exercise, but can provide critical
information on contemporary illicit transfers. THERE ARE CLEAR LINKAGES
Neither the Government of Belgium nor FN Herstal
was party to any unlawful activity in this context.
In summary, there are clear linkages between TEAMS IN LIBYA AND WEAPONS
weapons observed by CAR field investigation
teams in Libya and weapons deployed by IS forces
in Iraq and Syria. These findings, combined with FORCES IN IRAQ AND SYRIA.
CAR field investigation teams have closely from IS forces in Iraq and Syria is relatively low, it
monitored the proliferation of Sudanese-supplied is nevertheless indicative of Sudans growing role
and -manufactured weapons and ammunition in supplying military materiel to parties engaged in
in a range of conflicts since 2011.85 Although the armed conflicts across Africa and the Middle East.
quantity of Sudanese-produced materiel recovered
Case 1
During the siege of Kobane, YPG forces captured state armed groups in South Sudan; their serial
Chinese CQ 5.56 mm rifles from IS forces. The CQ numbers had been deliberately removed in an
5.56 mm rifle is a Chinese copy of the M16 rifle. identical fashion (including the application of
This is the first evidence of this type of rifle in black paint). CAR and the Small Arms Survey
IS stockpiles. CAR documented two CQ rifles in confirmed that the Sudanese National Intelligence
February 2015, each of which featured markings and Security Service had supplied the rifles to
and serial numbers that had been deliberately various South Sudanese non-state armed groups.
removed by milling, and the milled area had Members of these groups reported that they had
subsequently been painted black. received the weapons with the markings removed,
but it is not clear whether China, Sudan, or an
In 2013, CAR and the Small Arms Survey intermediary was responsible for supplying the
documented hundreds of CQ rifles held by non- weapons to parties to the Syria conflict.86
Figure 54
A Chinese CQ 5.56 x 45 mm assault rifle recovered from IS forces during the siege of Kobane
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Kobane, Syria, February 2015
Figure 55
Obliterated markings on a Chinese CQ 5.56 x 45 mm assault rifle recovered from IS forces during the
siege of Kobane
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Kobane, Syria, February 2015
Figure 56
Chinese CQ 5.56 x 45 mm assault rifle with obliterated markings, in possession of the South Sudan
Democratic Movement/Army under the leadership of James Kubrin
Documented by a CAR-SAS field investigation team, Jonglei, South Sudan, February 2013
Figure 57 Figure 58
FOR COMPARISON A 5.56 x 45 mm ammunition cartridge produced
Obliterated markings on a Chinese CQ 5.56 x by HarbinLongjiang Special Equipment
45 mm assault rifle, in possession of the South Company in 2008
Sudan Democratic Movement/Army under the Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Kobane, Syria,
February 2015
leadership of James Kubrin
Documented by a CAR-SAS field investigation team, Jonglei,
South Sudan, February 2013
The CQ rifles in Kobane were loaded with Chinese The CQ rifles observed in Syria and South Sudan
Factory 71 (HarbinLongjiang Special Equipment were of the same type, loaded with identical
Company) 5.56 x 45 mm ammunition, which ammunition, and subjected to the same method of
was manufactured in 2008. The CQs previously millingand painting, all of which strongly suggests
documented in South Sudan were likewise loaded that they derived from the same source.
with identical ammunition from the same year.
Case 2 Case 3
In May 2015 in Al Hasakah, CAR documented a CAR documented Sudanese small-calibre
Sudanese Sinar 40 mm rocket that Iraqi forces had ammunition on several occasions and at different
previously recovered from IS forces. The rocket sites. Sudanese ammunition of recent manufacture
was dated 2014. CAR subsequently documented (post-2010) accounts for 41 per cent of all Sudanese
another Sinar 40 mm rocket dated 2015 in an IS ammunition CAR documented in Iraq and Syria.
research and development workshop in Tal Afar.
Figure 59
A Sudanese Sinar 40 mm rocket produced in 2014
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Al Hasakah, Syria, May 2015
Figure 60
A Sudanese Sinar 40 mm rocket produced in 2015
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Tal Afar, Iraq, September 2017
Figure 61
A Sudanese 7.62 x 39 mm ammunition cartridge produced in 2015
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Qaraqosh, Iraq, November 2016
Although IS forces deploy few Sudanese-produced increased markedly in recent years.87 Notable
weapons, the presence of Sudanese materiel in the among these findings is the presence of identical
region is significant. Sudan is a confirmed source materiel, which appears to have originated from
of diverted material to non-state forces across the same illicit supply source as materiel supplied
Africa and the countrys production capacity has to non-state armed groups in South Sudan.
Other governments also appear to have diverted smaller than for cases presented above. However,
materiel produced in the EU. The number of items together they constitute a fuller picture of the
CAR documented and traced to these countries is diversions feeding IS forces inventories.
In March 2015, CAR documented an OG-7 40 mm 26 April 2006 to the Transitional Islamic State of
projectile, which YPG forces had recovered from Afghanistan for use by the Afghanistan National
IS forces near Al Hasakah during the same month. Police.88
Romania confirmed it had exported the item on
Figure 62
A Romanian OG-7 40 mm projectile exported to Afghanistan on 26 April 2006
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Khiznah, Syria, March 2015
In May 2015, Syrian YPG forces recovered a PG- exported the item on 18 December 2014 to the
7PM primary propelling charge from IS forces Ministry of Defence of Azerbaijan. The application
near Al Hasakah. A CAR field investigation team for the licence was accompanied by the original
documented the item, with lot number 1-14-((11)), EUC.89 CAR has yet to receive a response to a trace
on 20 May 2015. Bulgaria confirmed that it had request sent to Azerbaijan.
Figure 63
A Bulgarian PG-7PM 40 mm primary propelling charge exported to Azerbaijan on 18 December 2014
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Al Hasakah, Syria, May 2015
IS forces have deployed small quantities of Turkish disposable rocket launchers, hand grenades, 81
military weapons and ammunition. These include mm and 120 mm HE mortar projectiles, and small-
medium machine guns, rotary grenade launchers, calibre ammunition.
Figure 64
A Turkish HAR-66 disposable rocket launcher
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in western Mosul, Iraq, September 2017
CAR has also documented materiel for which within the house were two crates of 5.56 x 45 mm
Turkish authorities were the intended end users. ammunition produced in Bosnia and Herzegovina
On 22 May 2017, in a house in western Mosul, CAR in 1998. Bosnian authorities confirmed that the
documented ammunition of Bosnian manufacture crates were part of a total batch of 5 million
that had originally been exported to Turkey. cartridges produced in 1997 and 1998 and exported
Iraqi forces had seized the house from IS forces to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkey.90 Turkey
the previous day, during the battle for western has yet to reply to a CAR trace request.
Mosul. Among the materiel discarded by IS forces
Figure 65
A crate of 2,000 5.56 x 45 mm ammunition cartridges produced in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1998
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in western Mosul, Iraq, May 2017
How IS forces gained custody of this materiel is These findings suggest that, at the very least,
unclear, but at the time of recovery, no other forces Turkeys armed forces face challenges with respect
in the region had been deploying these weapons or to the diversion of military weapons.
this ammunition, nor were they legally available on
Turkeys civilian markets.
Case 1
In May 2015, YPG forces recovered CP-71 primary projectiles with lot numbers ((10))-04-13 and ((10))-
propelling charges from IS forces near Al Hasakah, 04-14, respectively. CAR also documented identical
where CAR documented them later the same charges with lot number ((10))-02-14 recovered
month. The charges bore lot numbers ((10))-02-12 from an IS convoy intercepted near Fallujah on 29
and ((10))-02-14. Bulgaria stated that the items June 2016, and from a deceased IS fighter in the
were produced for assembly with RF-7MA 40 mm Mosul University compound on 3 February 2017.
Figure 66
A Bulgarian CP-71 40 mm primary propelling charge with lot number ((10))-02-12
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Al Hasakah, Syria, May 2015
Figure 67
A Bulgarian CP-71 40 mm primary propelling charge with lot number ((10))-02-14
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Al Hasakah, Syria, May 2015
the Slovak company Kelson with declared re- the South African National Defence Force on 25
export to the Ministry of Defence of Saudi Arabia August 2014; and
on 30 September 2013 (150 projectiles) and 18
February 2014 (4,866 projectiles); the Ministry of Defence of France on 25 February
the Ministry of Defence of Afghanistan in March
2014; and Subsequently, CAR sent trace requests to
Afghanistan, France, Morocco, Saudi Arabia,
the Royal Gendarmerie of Morocco in March Slovakia, and South Africa. Slovakia responded,
2014.91 confirming it imported the RF-7MA projectiles
with CP-71 charges, but provided no further
Bulgaria confirmed it exported RF-7MA 40 mm information regarding any subsequent exports
projectiles with the lot number ((10))-04-14 to: of this materiel.93 South Africa confirmed that its
National Defence Force purchased and received
the Slovak company Kelson with declared re- RF-7MA projectiles from Arsenal JSCo, Bulgaria.94
export to the Ministry of Defence of Saudi Arabia This information alone is not sufficient to trace the
on 17 August 2014 (10,000 projectiles); supply of these items to the region.
Mosul,Armament Research 2017
Iraq, November
Weapons of The Islamic State 71
Table 2
Flight plan for 4L-MRK on 19 August 2014
Bratislava Amman OVF Non-
13:15:00 13:27:00 16:57:48 TZS571 B747-200 4L-MRK
HUD T 380
Flight plan data obtained by CAR indicates not comply with European flight planning
that the aircraft filed a flight plan directly standards.100 The flight on 19 August 2014
from Bratislava to Amman, Jordan, although was the last of seven such flights reportedly
there was an EUC for the Ministry of Defence undertaken by this aircraft between
of Saudi Arabia regarding the Bulgarian and Bratislava and Amman between 27 July and
Slovak weapons cargo. International reports 19 August 2014.101
and media have identified Jordan as a centre
for weapon distribution to Syrian armed The Cargo Airline was unable to provide CAR
groups, at least partly due to its land border with direct evidence that the aircraft landed
with Syria, which Saudi Arabia lacks.97 in Tabuk on 19 August 2014, stating that their
copy of a diplomatic landing permit had been
Personnel involved with this flight confirmed kept on a laptop that was damaged in 2016,
to CAR that it carried military-grade and that the aircraft received no additional
ammunition but insisted that the aircraft paperwork in Tabuk as it did not refuel there
did in fact fly to Tabuk, Saudi Arabia, in and military personnel undertook the cargo
accordance with the EUC.98 They reported offloading at no cost.102 The Cargo Airline did,
that the aircraft filed a flight plan in Bratislava however, provide CAR with copies of aircraft
directly to Amman, which was the aircrafts logbook sheets for 19 August 2014 for flight
next destination after Tabuk, to collect legs between Bratislava and Tabuk, and
humanitarian cargo for transport to Erbil, Tabuk and Amman, which show accurate
Iraq. In addition, they claimed that because fuel consumption and other details for these
Tabuk was a military airport, it was difficult to flights.103 The Cargo Airline has yet to respond
file flight plans from there for onward flights to CARs requests for copies of logbook sheets
to Amman.99 European air traffic control for the previous flights planned between
personnel confirmed that this practice does Bratislava and Amman.
Case 2
Iraqi Ground Forces Command units recovered a to the Ministry of Defence of Mauritania on 28
PG-7T 40 mm rocket from an IS convoy intercepted September 2013; and
on 29 June 2016 near Fallujah; CAR documented it
three days later. Bulgaria stated that the item was to the US Department of the Army in Ramstein
part of a batch sold to three unspecified Bulgarian Air Base, Germany, on 20 November 2013.104
defence export companies, which then exported
them as follows: CAR has yet to receive replies to trace requests
issued to France, Mauritania, and the United
to the Ministry of Defence of France in July 2014 States.
and January 2016;
Figure 68
A Bulgarian PG-7T 40 mm rocket with lot number 1-13-((11)) recovered from an IS convoy near Fallujah
on 29 June 2016
Documented by a CAR field investigation team at Al Taqaddum base, Iraq, 2 July 2016
Case 3
Iraqi forces recovered a PG-7M 40 mm rocket apart and in different parts of the country points
with lot number ((11))-1-14 in the same IS convey, to a larger diversion earlier in the supply chain.
which they had intercepted on 29 June 2016 near In response to a CAR trace request, Bulgaria
Fallujah. Later that year, during the battle of Mosul confirmed that rockets with this lot number
(which began on 16 October 2016), Iraqi Special were sold to Bulgarian export companies and
Operations Forces recovered an identical rocket subsequently exported to a Serbian and a US
from IS. The recovery of identical items months company.105
Figure 69
A Bulgarian PG-7M 40 mm rocket recovered from an IS convoy near Fallujah on 29 June 2016
Documented by a CAR field investigation team at Al Taqaddum base, Iraq, 2 July 2016
The US company is a military reproduction and items. CAR requested access to this materiel to
weapon replicas specialist. Responding to a CAR verify its location but has yet to receive a response
trace request on 28 April 2017, it reported that the from the Burundian authorities.
shipment only arrived in the United States on 29
June 2016,106 the day Iraqi security forces recovered In order to determine the possibility of en route
identical items from an IS convoy near Fallujah. diversion of the cargo, CAR sought documentation
Shipping data confirms that the vessel in question from the air company listed on Serbian export
arrived in the US port of offload on 22 June 2016, documentation as having flown the rockets to
which makes it extremely unlikely that these Burundi. This company has not retained cargo
rockets could have been shipped to an end user documents or aircraft logbooks relating to the
in the Middle East, acquired by IS forces, and re- flight. However, undated photographs, provided
captured by 29 June 2016. by the crew of the aircraft listed on the airway bill
as having undertaken the cargo flight, confirm that
On 25 May 2017, Serbia replied to a CAR trace the aircraft in question did at some point transport
request confirming that the Serbian company ammunition to Bujumbura, where Burundian
imported 960 PG-7M rockets on 2 April 2014 military personnel offloaded it. While this
and that they had been manufactured by VMZ, information does not corroborate the quantities of
Bulgaria, and bore the lot number documented by munitions delivered to Bujumbura, it does provide
CAR in Iraq. On 4 April 2014, the company legally re- circumstantial evidence that the rockets were
exported the rockets by air to Burundi, identifying transferred to Burundi and argues against en route
the Ministry of National Defence and Veterans diversion.
as the end user. Burundi provided a delivery
verification certificate dated 28 January 2015 and CAR is still investigating this particular case to
listing the 960 PG-7M rockets.107 The company told determine the precise chain of custody of the PG-
the Serbian authorities that Burundi still had the 7M 40 mm rockets recovered from IS forces.
Figure 70
A Bulgarian RHEAT-9MA 73 mm rocket with lot number ((10))-01-10
Documented by a CAR field investigation team at Al Taqaddum base, Iraq, July 2016
Figure 71
A Bulgarian RHEAT-9MA 73 mm rocket with lot number ((10))-02-10
Documented by a CAR field investigation team at Al Taqaddum base, Iraq, July 2016
Figure 72
A Bulgarian RHEAT-9MA 73 mm rocket with lot number ((10))-03-10
Documented by a CAR field investigation team at Camp Speicher, Iraq, in April 2017
Figure 73
A Bulgarian RHEAT-9MA 73 mm rocket with lot number ((10))-01-11
Documented by a CAR field investigation team at Camp Speicher, Iraq, April 2017
Figure 74
A Bulgarian RHEAT-9MA 73 mm rocket with lot number ((10))-02-11
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in western Mosul, Iraq, September 2017
Figure 75
A Bulgarian RHEAT-9MA 73 mm rocket with lot number ((10))-03-11
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Baghdad, Iraq, June 2016
Figure 76
A Bulgarian RHEAT-9MA 73 mm rocket with lot number ((10))-05-11
Documented by a CAR field investigation team at Al Taqaddum base, Iraq, June 2016
Figure 77
A Bulgarian RHEAT-9MA 73 mm rocket with lot number ((10))-06-11
Documented by a CAR field investigation team at Al Taqaddum base, Iraq, June 2016
Figure 78
Bulgarian RHEAT-9MA 73 mm rockets The lower rocket has had its markings obliterated
Documented by a CAR field investigation team at Al Taqaddum base, Iraq, June 2016
In summary, identifying the sources of ammunition of end-user agreements, to parties in the Syrian
that originated in split lots and that was deployed conflict. These cases underscore the fact that
by IS forces requires the cooperation of a number identifying diversion often involves cross-national
of export recipient governments. There are clear collaboration, particularly given multiple potential
reasons to believe that several of the parties listed supply sources.
in this section have diverted materiel, in violation
Geographic patterns in the distribution of identical a westeast corridor along a network of roads
weapon and ammunition types held by IS forces linking Kobane to Mosul through Al Hasakah in
provides possible indications of the groups northern Syria and Tal Afar in northern Iraq; and
supply routes. This is particularly true of items
with identical lot or serial numbers that are close two northsouth corridors that follow the Tigris
in sequence. The logic is as follows: 1) items with and the Euphrates rivers, linking Mosul and Al
the same lot number or corresponding serial Hasakah with Ramadi and Fallujah.
numbers are likely to have been delivered in the
same shipments (regardless of the recipient party), Analysis of the correlated lot numbers CAR
and 2) linking the recovery locations of identically documented shows that Al Hasakah is a main
marked items is likely to establish rough supply transit hub, linking Ayn Issa and the Raqqa area
lines. to the Iraqi provinces of Al Anbar and Nineveh.
With the recapture of Al Hasakah in May 2015, this
A compilation of the geographic distribution of hub may have shifted south, towards Deir ez-Zor,
materiel with the same lot number reveals the Al Bukamal, and Al Qaim. CAR has documented
following transit corridors for materiel along main correlated materiel recovered in Mosul, Ramadi,
roads and rivers: and Rutba; this evidence points to potential
movement of weapons between the three cities via
Al Qaim and along the deserted border between
Iraq and Syria.
CAR field investigation teams documented 105 user across the region. Ammunition units with
cases of two or more units of ammunition that the same lot numbers were distributed across
bore identical lot numbers and were recovered a number of recovery sites (see Map 3), with
from IS forces in Iraq and in Syria. This means that particular concentrations of ammunition produced
at least some of these cases involve ammunition in Iran, China, Eastern Europe, and the former
that were probably diverted from the same end Soviet Union.
Mosul,Armament Research 2017
Iraq, November
Weapons of The Islamic State 77
Map 3
Transfer corridors for ammunition with correlated lot numbers
Iranian ammunition
Figure 79 Figure 80
An Iranian 7.62 x 39 mm ammunition cartridge An Iranian 7.62 x 39 mm ammunition cartridge
produced in 2012 produced in 2012
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Qaraqosh, Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Al Hasakah,
Iraq, November 2016 Syria, May 2015
CAR investigators also found Iranian projectiles, well as Tikrit and Ramadi (lot number 10-12-2005),
rockets, and primary propelling charges of recent Fallujah and Ramadi (lot number 01-01-2015), and
manufacture linking Ayn Issa, Syria, and Tarmiyah Fallujah and Mosul (lot number 02-13-2014).
(north of Baghdad) (lot number 9-12-2006), as
Figure 81
An Iranian 40 mm primary propelling charge with lot number 9-12-2006
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Ayn Issa, Syria, July 2015
Figure 82
An Iranian 40 mm primary propelling charge with lot number 9-12-2006
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Baghdad, Iraq, May 2017
Figure 83
An Iranian 40 mm primary propelling charge with lot number 10-12-2005
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Tikrit, Iraq, in April 2015
Figure 84
An Iranian 40 mm primary propelling charge with lot number 10-12-2005
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Baghdad, Iraq, in May 2017
Figure 85
An Iranian Zafar 73 mm rocket with lot number 01-01-2015
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Baghdad, Iraq, in June 2016
Figure 86
An Iranian Zafar 73 mm rocket with lot number 01-01-2015
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Baghdad, Iraq, in September 2016
Figure 87
A crate of Iranian Saegheh 40 mm projectiles with lot number 02-13-2014
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Fallujah, Iraq, in June 2016
Figure 88
An Iranian Saegheh 40 mm projectile with lot number 02-13-2014
Documented by a CAR field investigation team at Camp Speicher, Iraq, April 2017
Chinese ammunition
CAR further confirmed similarities in materiel number 063. On 20 August 2013, a Syrian armed
used by Syrian armed opposition groups and IS opposition group videotaped its use of an identical
forces by comparing video imagery presented tube that bore the same lot number and the serial
by Syrian armed opposition groups with ATGW number 399.109 The presence of similar items with
tubes recovered from IS in Mosul in January 2017. corresponding serial numbers suggests they were
In Bartella, CAR documented a Chinese HJ-8E part of the same supply chain. The similarities
ATGW tube recovered from IS forces by Iraqi forces could also be indicative of contact between the
in Mosul. The tube bore the lot number 01-02-22 groups, or battlefield capture.
(indicating manufacture in 2002) and the serial
Figure 89
A Chinese HJ-8 ATGW missile tube with lot number 01-02-22
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Bartella, Iraq, February 2017
Figure 90
A Chinese HJ-8 ATGW missile tube with lot number 01-02-22
Source: ShaamNetwork (2013)
Chinese Type 69 40 mm rockets produced in 2008 lot number correlations for such items in northern
and 2013 seem to experience the most large-scale Iraq and Syria, and south to Baghdad.
diversion across Iraq and Syria. CAR documented
Figure 91
A Chinese Type 69 40 mm rocket with lot number 2-08-23
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Tuz Khurma, Iraq, in October 2014
Figure 92
A Chinese Type 69 40 mm rocket with lot number 2-08-23
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Tanooria, Syria, December 2014
Figure 93
A Chinese Type 69 40 mm rocket with lot number 3-08-23
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Khiznah, Syria, March 2015
Figure 94
A Chinese Type 69 40 mm rocket with lot number 3-08-23
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Baghdad, Iraq, May 2017
Figure 95
Tube packaging for a Chinese W87 82 mm mortar projectile with lot number 1-2008-991
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Kobane, Syria, February 2015
Figure 96
Tube packaging for a Chinese W87 82 mm mortar projectile with lot number 1-2008-991
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Tikrit, Iraq, April 2015
Observing lot number correlations for Eastern were initially exported to Saudi Arabia and the
European and Soviet rockets recovered from United States (see Confirmed suppliers of diverted
IS forces in Iraq and Syria provides insight into materiel, above).
the proliferation of specific lots and indicates
substantial diversion earlier in the supply chain, As some countries do not retain manufacture and
before IS forces acquired the materiel to reinforce export records for older items, tracing their origins
their arsenal. becomes increasingly difficult with time. However,
while deployed to the field, CAR investigators can
CAR documented many lot number correlations for still observe lot number correlations for older
recently produced Bulgarian and Romanian 40 mm materiel and identify vectors of diversion. CAR has
and 73 mm rockets and projectiles, and for their further documented the eastwest corridor linking
primary propelling charges, thus linking supply Kobane, Al Hasakah and Mosul, with Soviet 40 mm
chains to Iraq (Baghdad belts, Fallujah, Mosul, rockets produced in 1977 and 1987, and matching
Ramadi, Rutba, Tal Afar, and Tikrit) and Syria (Al lot numbers in these locations.
Hasakah and Ayn Issa). Some of these weapons
Figure 97
A Soviet PG-7S 40 mm rocket with lot number 56-18-77
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Kobane, Syria, February 2015
Figure 98
A Soviet PG-7S 40 mm rocket with lot number 56-18-77
Documented by a CAR field investigation team at Camp Speicher, Iraq, April 2017
Figure 99
A Soviet PG-7L 40 mm rocket with lot number 254-23-87
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Al Hasakah, Syria, May 2015
Figure 100
A Soviet PG-7L rocket motor with lot number 254-23-87
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Al Arij, Iraq, February 2017
Figure 101
A Polish PG-7PM 40 mm primary propelling charge with lot number 3-80-361
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Al Hasakah, Syria, May 2015
Figure 102
A Polish PG-7PM 40 mm primary propelling charge with lot number 3-80-361, recovered from IS forces
in Ramadi
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Baghdad, Iraq, May 2017
Figure 103
A Romanian PG-9 73 mm rocket with lot number 8-84-80, recovered from IS forces in Fallujah
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Baghdad, Iraq, June 2016
Figure 104
A Romanian PG-9 73 mm rocket with lot number 8-84-80
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Mosul, Iraq, September 2017
Chart 20
Proportion of Romanian ammunition documented by CAR in Qaraqosh, in November 2016,
by year of manufacture
81% 80% 3%
Correlations in headstamps
CAR compared the distribution of small-calibre recovered from or fired by IS forces. The following
ammunition headstamps used in five major battles six headstamps appear in at least four of these five
in Syria (Kobane, Al Hasakah) and Iraq (Tikrit, major battles:110
Fallujah, Mosul), for a total of 730 headstamps
Case 1: 539_89
Tula Cartridge Works in the Soviet Union produced
7.62 x 39 mm cartridges with this headstamp in
Figure 118
A Barnaul Cartridge Plant 7.62 x 39 mm
ammunition cartridge
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Al Arij, Iraq,
February 2017
Case 3: 7.62X39_7_2009_I
Based on comparative analysis, CAR concludes
that the Individual Combat Industries Group,
a subsidiary of the Iranian Defence Industries
Organization, produced 7.62 x 39 mm cartridges
with this headstamp in 2009.
Case 4: 61_06
This headstamp appears on 7.62 x 54R mm
cartridges produced in China in 2006.
Case 5: 188_13
The Novosibirsk Cartridge Plant in Russia produced
7.62 x 54R mm cartridges with this headstamp in
CAR documented 854 weapons that could Serial number proximity shows that these weapons
be paired with at least one other weapon have spread throughout the region, beyond
according to the following criteria: identical type; their intended end users. This diversion possibly
identical factory of production; identical year of predates the birth and growth of the IS group and
manufacture; and serial numbers that are close in may have been exacerbated by the supply of older
sequence. This analysis results in 240 sets of two Warsaw Pact weaponry to the region in recent
or more correlated weapons. These factors make years.
it highly likely that at least some of these weapons
originated from the same or successive export The following weapon types, which CAR
batches. documented in both Iraq and Syria, bear serial
numbers that are close in sequence:
Figure 131
A Chinese Type 81 7.62 x 39 mm light machine gun
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Baghdad, Iraq, September 2017
Chinese Type 69-1 40 mm launchers, Type 56 and Polish Kbk-AKMS 7.62 x 39 mm assault rifles;
56-1 7.62 x 39 mm assault rifles, Type 81 7.62 x 39
mm light machine guns, and M80 and Type 67-2 Yugoslav M70B1 7.62 x 39 mm assault rifles;
7.62 x 54R mm medium machine guns;
East German Mpi-KM 7.62 x 39 mm assault rifles;
Soviet and Russian AK-47 and AKM 7.62 x 39 mm and
assault rifles;
Hungarian AK-63F 7.62 x 39 mm assault rifles (see
Romanian AKM 7.62 x 39 mm assault rifles; Box 9 on p.96).
Over the course of their fieldwork, CAR inves- serial numbers, CAR has found that 94 of the
tigators documented 112 AK-63F 7.62 x 39 mm documented Hungarian rifles can be divided
assault rifles. The AK-63F is the Hungarian into 24 series of serial numbers that are close
copy of the Soviet AKM assault rifle. The rifles in sequence (see Appendix 3).111 Each series
serial number is characteristic: one letter in features weapons documented in both Iraq
Latin script followed by five digits or, in some and Syria. This suggests that the rifles were
cases, two letters and four digits. By grouping widely diverted across the region over the
rifles according to the initial letter(s) of their last decades.
Figure 132
A Hungarian AK-63F 7.62 x 39 mm assault rifle
Documented by a CAR field investigation team at Camp Speicher, Iraq, April 2017
This subsection documents the supply sources as a source of these precursors, despite some
of aluminium paste, nitrate-based fertilisers, and measures enacted by the Government of Turkey
ancillary precursors, all of which IS forces use to restrict access to certain nitrate fertilisers. The
to manufacture homemade explosives (HMEs) subsection includes findings that CAR initially
and propellant. The findings underscore the released in February 2016 and augmented during
predominant role of the Turkish domestic market its later field investigations.112
Aluminium paste
CAR has determined that IS generally produces In 2017, the European Commission amended
HMEs for its IEDs by mixing a strong oxidiser, Regulation No 98/2013 of the European Parliament
such as ammonium nitrate, with a fuel, such and of the Council to add aluminium powder to the
as aluminium. These chemical precursors are list of explosive precursors.113
commonly used in the agricultural and industrial
sectors and are largely available for purchase on CAR documented drums of aluminium paste in
the civilian market. abandoned IS weapon production facilities in
Fallujah, Hawija, Mosul, Ramadi, Tal Afar, and Tikrit.
Terrorist groups are known to use metallic powders
such as aluminium as precursors to HMEs.
Case 1
During the second battle of Tikrit (2 March17 different manufacturers: Aldoro, Brazil; Alba
April 2015), Iraqi forces captured a warehouse Aluminiu, Romania; and Sunrise Aluminium
in which IS forces had mixed aluminium paste Pigments, China. The three companies sold the
with ammonium nitrate in the manufacture aluminium paste to three Turkish companies based
of explosives. A CAR field investigation team in Istanbul: Gltas Kimya, Marikem Kimyevi ve
documented the warehouses contents on 29 Endstriyel rnler, and Metkim Kimyevi Maddeler
April 2015. The labels affixed to several drums of (Metkim). The three companies stated that they did
aluminium paste found at the location indicated not export their product to Iraq or Syria.114
production in August and October 2014 by three
CAR documented another drum of aluminium In February 2017, CAR documented an additional
paste, distributed by the Turkish company Metkim, drum in eastern Mosul, with a label indicating
on 29 June 2016, a few days after the recapture production in September 2014 as well.
of Fallujah. CAR documented the drum in an
IS weapon production facility in the city, with In September 2017, CAR documented yet another
markings indicating production on 12 January 2015. drum in an IS weapon production facility in Tal
Afar. The drums label indicated production on 25
On 22 September 2016, CAR documented an December 2014.
identical drum near Tuz Khurmatu, Iraq. It bore
markings indicating production on 18 January 2015. Finally, in November 2017, CAR documented three
additional drums in Hawija, produced in June
Likewise, on 11 November 2016, CAR documented 2014.
another identical drum in an IS weapon production
facility in Qaraqosh. The label affixed on the drum Sunrise Aluminium Pigments produced all of the
indicated production in September 2014. drums, and Metkim distributed them.
The ban, effective 1 July 2015, prohibits the export metric tons in 2015 alone (see Chart 21). Analysis
of goods corresponding to some Harmonized of Turkish exports of metallic pigments and pastes
Commodity Description and Coding Systems suggests that this 2015 increase includes Syria (see
(HS) codes,117 which include aluminium pigments Chart 22), which received only very small reported
and pastes, across the Syrian border. The United exports of Turkish pigments/paste in the previous
Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database three years.118 Trade data shows that Iraq is by
(COMTRADE) shows a recent 100-fold increase in far the first export destination for these types of
the export of metallic powders and flake pigments goods from Turkey. However, CARs investigation
in paste form (based on Turkeys reported trade indicates that Turkish-distributed aluminium
in materials with relevant HS codes) from Turkey pastes documented in IS weapon production
to Syria: from an average of about 1 metric ton facilities were not exported to Iraq by their
per year between 2008 and 2014, to nearly 100 distributors.
Chart 21
Aluminium paste and pigment exports from Turkey to Syria, 200816
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Chart 22
Top 25 destinations of aluminium paste and pigment exports from Turkey, 201216
Georgia 2012
Saudi Arabia
The continuous documentation of aluminium aluminium paste on the Turkish domestic market
paste distributed by a single company suggests before moving it out of the country in late 2014
that a single-source diversion contributed to to early 2015 for use over a long period of time in
the supply of a critical chemical precursor. IS widespread locations across Iraq.
agents or intermediaries probably acquired the
Case 2
CAR documented aluminium paste from another manufacture on 2 April 2015. In a phone call on 28
Turkish distributor, ATR Kimya, in Ramadi. Shortly June 2016 to a CAR representative, the company
after the recapture of the city on 9 February 2016, manager stated that ATR Kimya had not exported
CAR documented several drums of aluminium any goods to Iraq or Syria in the previous two years
paste in an IS weapon production facility and was not in a position to trace back the drums
there. The labels affixed on the drums indicate to their intended end users.119
Figure 142
Drums of aluminium paste distributed by ATR Kimya
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Ramadi, Iraq, February 2016
Due to their chemical properties and their In June 2016, following a series of attacks on
availability on the civilian market, IS forces have Turkish territory that were attributed to the
made wide use of fertilisers as precursors for HMEs Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), Ankara banned the
and rocket propellants in their IEDs. CAR has found domestic sale of nitrate-based fertiliser.
that IS forces recurrently use ammonium nitrate
as an oxidizer in the production of HMEs, and Similar to a notable increase in aluminium pigment
potassium nitratein combination with sugar and exports from Turkey to Syria during the same
sorbitolin the production of rocket propellant. period, UN trade data also shows a dramatic
increase in the export of ammonium nitrate120 and
potassium nitrate121 from Turkey to Syria in 2014-
2015 (see Charts 23 and 24).
Chart 23
Ammonium nitrate exports from Turkey to Syria, 201316*
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Chart 24
Potassium nitrate exports from Turkey to Syria, 201216*
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Ammonium nitrate
Case 1
On 21 February 2016, a CAR field investigation trace request in April 2016, Vitagro stated that
team documented a bag of ammonium nitrate it only traded on the Turkish domestic market.
in Ramadi. Iraqi forces had recovered the bag Its customers are Turkish fertiliser dealers and
from IS forces in Ramadi on 1 February 2016. The distributors, and Vitagro does not conduct sales
Turkish company Vitagro produced the ammonium outside of this market.122
nitrate on an unknown date. Replying to a CAR
Figure 143
A bag of ammonium nitrate distributed by Vitagro
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Ramadi, Iraq, February 2016
Case 2
CAR documented a second bag of ammonium Global on 8 October 2015 and 9 June 2016, but the
nitrate in Ramadi on 21 February 2016. This one company has yet to send a written response. The
was produced by the Turkish company Mert use of ammonium nitrate from the same source,
Global in 2015; Iraqi forces captured it from IS with production and recovery both spanning a
forces in Ramadi on 9 February 2016. Previously, year, underlines IS forces reliance on specific
in April 2015, CAR had documented a similar bag, sources for the supply of critical improvised
produced in 2014 and recovered from IS forces in explosive precursors.
Tikrit. CAR sent requests for information to Mert
Case 3
During the siege of Kobane, IS forces used urea to the Turkish company EKM Gbre. CAR was unable
make improvised explosives for use against YPG to locate EKM Gbre; repeated attempts to reach
forces. On 25 February 2015 in Kobane, a CAR field the company through the phone number printed
investigation team documented urea that had on the bag did not yield any results.123
been produced in Russia in 2014 and distributed by
Figure 146
A bag of ammonium nitrate distributed by EKM Gbre
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Kobane, Syria, February 2015
Potassium nitrate
Case 1
On 12 November 2016, CAR documented a bag of forces in the manufacture of rocket propellant.
potassium nitrate in an abandoned IS weapon CAR sent a request for information to Toros on 26
production facility in eastern Mosul. The potassium November 2016 but has yet to receive a reply from
nitrate, manufactured in Turkey on an unknown the company.
date by the company Toros, was being used by IS
Figure 147
A bag of potassium nitrate distributed by Toros
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in eastern Mosul, Iraq, November 2016
Case 2
On 11 and 12 November 2016, a CAR field and around Mosul, Doktor Tarsa Tarm confirmed
investigation team documented several bags that all the bags had been distributed in Turkey,
of potassium nitrate in abandoned IS weapon to Turkish companies. However, Doktor Tarsa
production facilities in and around eastern Mosul. Tarm was unable to match lot numbers with
The potassium nitrate, marketed by the Belgium- customers.124
based company SQM Europe and distributed by
the Turkish company Doktor Tarsa Tarm, is used In June 2016 in Fallujah, CAR field investigation
in the manufacture of rocket propellant. The teams had documented similar bags of potassium
potassium nitrate CAR documented in and around nitrate from the same company. At the time,
Mosul was produced on unknown dates in 2014 Doktor Tarsa Tarm had also indicated that the
and in April, May, and September 2015. documented packaging and batch numbers had
only been used in the Turkish domestic market.125
In September 2017, CAR documented additional
potassium nitrate bags from 2015 in an IS weapon In November 2017, CAR documented additional
production facility in Tal Afar. Some of the bags bags of potassium nitrate distributed by Doktor
shared the same batch number as those that CAR Tarsa Tarm in an IS weapon production facility in
documented in and around Mosul. In reply to CAR Hawija.
trace requests regarding the bags documented in
Figure 152
THE FINDINGS UNDERSCORE A bag of potassium nitrate distributed by Doktor
OF THE TURKISH DOMESTIC Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Hawija, Iraq,
November 2017
Case 3
On 11 and 12 November 2016, a CAR field previously contained date fruit, possibly in an
investigation team documented bags of potassium effort to conceal them for transport inside the city.
nitrate in abandoned IS weapon production In response to a CAR trace request, the Latvian
facilities in Qaraqosh and eastern Mosul. The items distributor reported that it had not sold this
were manufactured in Russia by Uralchem, and product to Iraq, but that it had made irregular
distributed by the Latvian company Uralchem sales to Syria until 2011. The company indicated
Trading. In Fallujah on 29 June 2016, CAR had that the packaging dated back to 2010. At the time,
documented similar bags of potassium nitrate, a limited-quantity shipment had been made to
which had been hidden inside bags that had Syria.126
Figure 153
A bag of potassium nitrate manufactured by Uralchem
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Fallujah, Iraq, June 2016
Figure 156
A bag of potassium nitrate manufactured by Uralchem
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Hawija, Iraq, November 2017
Figure 157
A bag of fertiliser produced by Biolchim
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Mahmudiyah, Iraq, September 2016
Map 4
Distribution of Biolchim fertiliser bag documented by CAR in Mahmudiyah, September 2016
On 12 and 13 November 2016, CAR documented a In a reply to a CAR trace request, Tereos confirmed
sample of seven bags from more than 100 bags of that the bags documented by CAR had been
sorbitol that had been abandoned in IS weapon sent to three Turkish companies and one Dutch
production facilities in and around eastern Mosul. company.129 In some cases, the same batch number
The bags were manufactured in France by the was sent to several companies. Only one company
company Tereos in March and April 2015. Sorbitol received all of the documented batches: Sinerji, a
is a sugar alcohol with a sweet taste, widely used company based in Turkey and specialised in the
in food, health and cosmetic products. In view of distribution of food, healthcare products, paper,
its chemical properties, IS forces use sorbitol in the and textile starches. Sinerji acts as the Tereos
production of rocket propellant. distributor within Turkey.
On 23 May 2017 in western Mosul, a CAR field and that Sinerji never exported sorbitol to Iraq.131
investigation team documented three bags of Sinerji confirmed that at least part of the goods
sorbitol that had been produced by Tereos in July were exported through Turkeys ncpnar border
2015, shipped to a German company in August crossing. The export declarations are dated
2015, and sent to Sinerji in November 2015.130 1 September 2015 and 22 December 2015.132
On 15 August 2017, Sinerji informed CAR that
the batches documented by CAR in and around Sinerji provided CAR with the phone numbers
Mosul were part of two transfers totaling 78 of the two Syrian sister companies to which
metric tons that the company supplied to two it had sold sorbitol. The phone numbers are
Syrian sister companies Ale Cemal Elsavi and Ali both associated with the same individual, who
Salah Edin Muhyiy, based in Aleppo, Syria. Sinerji is reportedly based in Al Bab (which IS forces
reported that the two Syrian companies have controlled from 2013 to 2016).133
been purchasing sorbitol from Turkey for years
The two transfers accounted for about 5 per cent UN trade data indicates a spike in Turkish sorbitol
of Turkeys global sorbitol exports in 2015, and exports around the world in 2015 and 2016, but
about 40 per cent of all its sorbitol exports to Syria most of this trade is accounted for by a significant
that year. Sorbitol exports from Turkey to Syria increase in exports to Iran. Exports to Syria
increased greatly between 2014 and 2015, from dropped dramatically in 2016 (see Chart 26).
about 16.5 metric tons to nearly 187 metric tons
(see Chart 25). The two Sinerji shipments made to
Syria in 2015 are nearly five times greater than all of
Turkeys sorbitol exports to Syria the previous year.
Chart 25
Sorbitol exports from Turkey to Syria, 200816
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Chart 26
Top 15 importers of sorbitol exported from Turkey
Syria 2015
Figure 163
A bag of sugar distributed by Al Khaleej Sugar
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Qaraqosh, Iraq, November 2016
These findings point to the Turkish domestic number of local Turkish distributors, for example,
market as a primary source of chemical precursors claimed in their responses to CARs trace requests
used by IS forces in the manufacture of HME that their records did not include the requisite
and propellant. They also expose weaknesses information to identify specific customers.
in supply-side controls, which are designed These gaps in information make identifying, and
to monitor the end use of such chemicals, as hence curbing, terrorist acquisition of precursors
these products move along the supply chain. A extremely difficult.
Case 1
In May 2017 in Mosul, a CAR field investigation CAR documented a total of nine metal flasks with
team documented agricultural pesticides that IS original labels, which described the contents
forces had used or repurposed as toxic industrial as QuickPhos Pesticide. The flasks were filled
chemicals (TICs) in the production of anti- with aluminium phosphide tablets, which
personnel IEDs. This is not the first time that CAR are commonly employed as a rodenticide in
has reported on IS production and deployment agricultural storage facilities. CAR did not open
of TIC-based IEDs in the region. In June 2015, the flasks and, consequently, could not determine
CAR documented the manufacture and use of whether the original contents had been modified.
rudimentary chemical projectiles by IS forces in CAR documented all the flasks while the containers
Syria.136 remained in the custody of Iraqi forces, following
their recovery from IS positions.
Figure 164
Seven of the nine modified aluminium phosphide flasks recovered by Iraqi security forces
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in eastern Mosul, Iraq, May 2017
IS forces had pierced the plastic cap of each TIC-based IEDs as hand grenades, which would
container to insert a length of safety fuse. When account for the length of the safety fuse.
ignited, the safety fuse burns for a predetermined
period of time, depending on the length of the Aluminium phosphide is a common pesticide
fuse. The safety fuses protruding from each of the and fumigant. In contact with water, it releases
flasks had been cut to roughly the same length, phosphine, a very toxic, colourless gas. Contact
which suggests that the fuses would burn for with air moisture immediately causes a chemical
approximately the same amount of time before reaction that results in the release of this gas.
their flames would reach the contents of the Higher levels of humidity result in a higher
container. phosphine concentration in the air.137
Handwritten markings on the flasks, presumably On 7 May 2017, when Iraqi forces recovered some
added by IS forces, suggest that the fuse time is 25 of the flasks, the average air humidity in Mosul
seconds. Iraqi forces reported that IS forces deploy was around 30 per cent.138 Between 10 and 19 May,
when Iraqi forces recovered the remaining flasks, The original label, affixed to each of the flasks,
it varied between 8 and 24 per cent; the average had been painted over with green, white, or black
humidity for the period was 16.4 per cent.139 Such paint.
devices were probably developed, produced,
and deployed over a number of months, perhaps The nine flasks documented by CAR were identical
until rainfall and humidity rendered them more in construction and bore the same batch number.
potent.140 All originally contained QuickPhos fumigant,
manufactured in August 2015. Iraqi security forces
Due to safety concerns, CAR investigators were recovered the flasks on two different dates in
unable to document the precise contents of the two different neighbourhoods of western Mosul
flasks or the means of dispersion. Iraqi state forces (Al Hermat and Al Rifai), which suggests that
responsible for recovering the items reported a their use was not limited to a single incident.
strong smell of garlic and resulting respiratory Having requested more information from the
irritation, which is consistent with documented manufacturer in order to identify the items full
effects of phosphine gas.141 chains of custody, CAR is currently awaiting a reply.
Case 2
In September 2017, a CAR field investigation team workshop in Tal Afar. ELAchem indicated that it
documented a 240-kg drum of diphenylmethane- had supplied this product more than ten years
4,4-diisocyanate, produced by the Italian company earlier, to customers based in Hama, Syria. 142
ELAchem, in an IS research and development
Figure 165
A drum of diphenylmethane-4,4-diisocyanate produced by the Italian company ELAchem
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Tal Afar, Iraq, September 2017
Case 3
In the same workshop, CAR also documented a a complete delivery, stating that the business
250-kg drum of toluene diisocyanate. The German occasionally lends other foam-making companies
company BASF manufactured this product and material if they are short of product but that
sold it to the Dutch company Solvochem Holland no records are kept of any such agreements.
BV in 2012, which in turn sold it to Hemn Group, According to BASF, there are no foam-making
a company that produces flexible foam for companies based in Tal Afar.143 It is unclear how IS
furniture and mattresses and is based in Duhouk, forces were using the products.
Iraq. Hemn Group confirmed having received
Figure 166
A drum of toluene diisocyanate produced by the German company BASF
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Tal Afar, Iraq, September 2016
Containers, which are used to house explosive groups acquisition networks. Moreover, as the
main charges, are a key component of IEDs. Since following cases indicate, these findings reinforce
such containers are typically repurposed from many of the observations made in the previous
packaging supplied with commercial products, section of this reportnamely the critical role of
they are often traceable in manufacturers sales Turkey as a source of components and chemical
records. The acquisition by IS forces of these precursors that IS forces used to manufacture
containers provides important insights into the improvised weapons and IEDs.
Case 1
On 19 January 2015 in Makhmour, Iraq, and again exact nature is unknown. Peshmerga forces
near the Mosul Dam on 14 February 2015, CAR recovered the barrels in January and February
investigation teams documented white petroleum 2015 in Khazr, Iraq, and near the Mosul Dam. CARs
drums that had been manufactured in Iran for attempt to contact the Ehsan Chemi Company
export by the Ehsan Chemi Company. The drums yielded no results.144
were filled with homemade explosives whose
Case 2
In April 2015 in Tikrit, a CAR field investigation team users in Iraq: Al Safi Danone, also based in Erbil,
documented hydrogen peroxide drums recovered and the Karwanchi Group, based in Kirkuk.145 At
from an IS cache in the city. The hydrogen peroxide the time that CARs report 'Tracing the Supply of
had been produced in the Netherlands in 2014 IED Components Used in Islamic State IEDs' was
before being exported to Turkey. In 2016, CAR released, the two Iraqi end users had not replied
determined that the Turkish company Diversey to CARs requests for information.146 In March 2017,
Kimya had distributed the batch to Mazen Khanati however, the Karwanchi Group replied to CAR,
Serrieh Trading & Distributing, a distributor stating that all drums of the batch documented in
based in Erbil, Iraq. From there, the distributor Tikrit by CAR were accounted for.147
transferred drums from the batch to two end
Case 3
On 18 February 2016, a CAR field investigation team drums during the recapture of Ramadi, in February
documented three drums of unidentified HMEs; all 2016. Three different Turkish companies produced
the drums previously contained chemicals used the original chemicals and two shipped them
in the textile industry. Iraqi forces recovered the independently to the same Turkish company.
Figure 171
Drums used as IED containers (three of the drums featured readable labels)
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Al Khalidiyah, Iraq, February 2016
The first drum originally contained 120 kg of an 20 such drums to the company Matesa Tekstil,
acrylic polymer-based binder manufactured by based in Kahramanmara, 70 km north-west of
CHT Tekstil Kimya, a Turkish company based in Gaziantep, by the TurkeySyria border. According
Istanbul and part of the CHT Group, headquartered to CHT Tekstil Kimya, Matesa Tekstil does not
in Germany. CHT Group confirmed that on retransfer its products to third parties.148
29 December 2014, its Turkish affiliate shipped
Figure 172
A label on a drum repurposed as an IED container
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Al Khalidiyah, Iraq, February 2016
The second drum originally contained 120 kg of an Tekstil is the end user of the product and does not
optical brightener manufactured by Erca Group retransfer it. Erca Group Kimya indicated, however,
Kimya, a Turkish company based in Istanbul that that Matesa Tekstil supplies empty drums to third
is part of the Erca Group, headquartered in Italy. parties in the region.
Erca Group confirmed that it sold 112 Blancolux
120-kg drums to Matesa Tekstil, its only buyer of Two companies buy empty drums from Matesa
such products, between 2015 and 20 April 2016; 93 Tekstil: Ekomar Geridnm, also based in
of the drums were shipped between 15 January Kahramanmara, and Sinan Kele, based in
2015 and 1 February 2016, before Ramadi was Gaziantep. Both have yet to answer CARs trace
recaptured. According to Erca Group Kimya, Matesa requests, sent on 10 October 2016.149
Figure 173
A label on a drum repurposed as an IED container
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Al Khalidiyah, Iraq, February 2016
Figure 174
A label on a drum repurposed as an IED container
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Al Khalidiyah, Iraq, February 2016
Case 4
On 21 February 2016, in an abandoned IS weapon Sanayi, a company that uses the pewter for
production facility in Ramadi, a CAR field cookware production and reportedly does not
investigation team documented several empty retransfer it.150
20-kg drums that had previously contained pewter.
The containers were stored in the facility. Labels on Almesan also sells its empty drums to two
the containers indicate that their original content recycling companies, Din Atk Ynetimi and
had been produced on 20 November 2014 by Vatan Varil, both based in the Kocaeli province
Chemours Belgium. The manufacturer confirmed of Turkey, near Istanbul.151 To date, neither has
that it sold the batch documented by CAR to a answered CARs request for information sent on
single customer in Turkey: Almesan Alminyum 16 September 2016.
Figure 175
A drum of pewter repurposed as an IED container
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Ramadi, Iraq, February 2016
With the extensive support of manufacturing routes extending from Turkey to Syria and Iraq.
companies, CAR traced most of the documented However, these findings underscore the degree
containers to either Turkish production, or to to which the TurkeySyria border, in particular,
exports consigned to Turkey. A number of local remained open to transactions (whether
Turkish distributors have proved reluctant to commercial or otherwise) throughout most of the
cooperate with CARs requests for information, period under study (201417).
which makes it difficult to clarify the exact supply
IS forces use detonating cord and safety fuses in projectiles and rockets and elements of IEDs that
the manufacture of a range of improvised weapons are designed to disperse toxic industrial chemicals
and IEDs. These include improvised mortar (see above).
Case 1
During the siege of Kobane, YPG forces captured company Nitromak Dyno Nobel in Ankara. The
detonating cord from IS forces. A CAR field Indian company Solar Industries producedan
investigation team documented the components additional two spools on 21 and 23 October 2012
in Kobane on 24 February 2015. The Gulf Oil and exported them (on an unspecified date) to
Corporation in India had produced a spool of the Lebanese company Maybel, headquartered
detonating cord and exported it to the Turkish in Beirut.152
CAR also documented the use of Solar Industries According to documents provided by Lebanon to
detonating cord by IS forces on the Makhmour CAR on 15 January 2016, the Lebanese government
front line in Iraq at the end of 2014. There is no awarded Maybel a licence to import the spools
evidence to indicate to which regional entity Solar of detonating cord as wellas detonators on
Industries supplied the cord. 13 May 2014. These spools were part of a batch
of 6 million metres of cord whose import the
A representative of Nitromak Dyno Nobel told Lebanese Ministry of Economy and Trade had
CAR that the company sold detonating cord only authorised on 3 February 2015. CAR has noticed
to licensed Turkish companies, and that it did not some discrepancies in the dates and numbers
export this product to Iraq or Syria.153 The Turkish mentioned in the documents provided by the
authorities failed to respond to repeated requests Lebanese authorities but has received no further
for information, leaving CAR unable to identify clarification from the Lebanese authorities or the
the chain of custody of the various brands of company itself. 154
detonating cord from Ankara to Kobane.
Case 2
On 24 February 2015, a CAR field investigation for acting as a front company for the acquisition of
team in Kobane documented a spool of detonating sensitive equipment by the Syrian governments
cord produced by Premier Explosives in India. Scientific Studies and Research Center. However,
The company has confirmed that it sold 6 million in the absence of serial, batch, and lot numbers,
metres of detonating cord to the Mechanical and of dates of manufacture, CAR is unable to
Construction Factory in Syria in 2009 and 2010.155 assess whether the detonating cord documented
In December 2011, the European Union placedthe in Kobane originated in Syrian government
Mechanical Construction Factory on a sanctions list stockpiles.
Case 3
A CAR field investigation team in Kobane further document the chain of custody of this
documented a spool of detonating cord produced item. Rajasthan Explosives and Chemicals has not
by Rajasthan Explosives and Chemicals in India. responded to a request for information.
In the absence of serial, batch, and lot numbers,
and of a manufacturing date, CAR is unable to
Figure 182
Detonating cord produced in India
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Kobane, Syria, February 2015
Case 4
The CAR team in Kobane also documented a spool date, CAR is unable to establish the items full chain
of safety fuse produced by the Indian company of custody. Chamundi Explosives stated that the
Chamundi Explosives. In the absence of serial, company did not supply any product to either Iraq
batch, and lot numbers, and of a manufacturing or Syria.156
Figure 183
A spool of safety fuse produced in India
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Kobane, Syria, February 2015
Case 5 Case 6
On 21 February 2016 at the site of an IS weapon On 4 July 2017, CAR documented a spool of safety
production facility in Ramadi, CAR documented an fuse produced by Crescent Fuses in India. Iraqi
empty spool of detonating cord manufactured on forces recovered the item from an IS weapon
an unknown date by Vetrivel Explosives in India. production facility in western Mosul on 14
The company has yet to reply to a request for June 2017. CAR has yet to receive a reply to an
information sent by CAR on 24 June 2016. information request sent to the company address
found on the spool.
Figure 184
A spool of detonating cord from the Indian Figure 185
company Vetrivel Explosives A spool of safety fuse produced by Crescent
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Ramadi, Fuses in India
Iraq, February 2016 Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Baghdad,
Iraq, July 2017
The findings presented above are illustrative of
the widespread availability of detonating cord
and safety fuse in the region. Many of these items
appear to be accessible as a result of the loss of
materiel from both the military and commercial
markets. IS forces apparently tapped into these
supplies with relative ease.
CAR field investigation teams operating in Iraq not confined to government arsenals alone and
documented significant quantities of electric that non-governmental organisations may also
and non-electric detonators, following recovery inadvertently fuel the availability of supplies on
from IS forces. The cases illustrate the range of illicit markets.
differing sources of explosive stores available
to terrorist and insurgent forces in regions that During the siege of Kobane, YPG forces captured
have suffered multiple, protracted conflicts. non-electric detonators from IS forces, which
Some of these electric detonators were originally were using them in the manufacture of fuzes for
supplied to support international mine clearance their munitions. A CAR field investigation team
operations. This underscores the fact that documented a number of these in Kobane on
leakage from weapon and explosive stores is 24 February 2015.
Case 1
In February 2015 in Kobane, CAR documented non- CAR on 15 January 2016, Maybel receiveda licence
electric detonator manufactured by the Indian to import the detonators as well as detonating
company Economic Explosives, a subsidiary of the cord (see above) on 13 May 2014. These detonators
Solar Group, on 25 December 2012. The company were part of a batch of three million detonators for
exported the detonators (on an unspecified date) which an import authorisation from the Lebanese
to the Lebanese company Maybel, in Beirut. Ministry of Economy and Trade was received on 3
According to documents provided by Lebanon to February 2015.157
Case 2
YPG forces captured electric detonators produced manufacture, CAR is unable to trace these items
by Economic Explosives, but in the absence chain of custody. Economic Explosives has not
of serial, batch, lot numbers, and a date of replied to a request for information.
Case 3
In Kobane, CAR investigators observed electric Between October 2014 and April 2015, CAR
and non-electric detonators produced by field investigation teams in northern Iraq also
Rajasthan Explosives and Chemicals; non-electric documented electric detonators manufactured
detonators produced by Premier Explosives; and by Rajasthan Explosives and Chemicals; electric
electric detonators produced by IDEAL Industrial and non-electric detonators manufactured by
Explosives. Rajasthan Explosives and Chemicals Economic Explosives; and electric detonators
and IDEAL Industrial Explosives have yet to manufactured by IDEAL Industrial Explosives. Due
reply to CARs requests for information. Premier to the absence of shipping information, CAR is
Explosives responded promptly to CARs request currently unable to further identify the chain of
for information, stating that it had sold two million custody of these items.
non-electric detonators of the type documented in
Kobane to the Syrian Ministry of Defence in 2006.158
Case 4
In November and December 2014 in the vicinity by the Austrian company Schaffler. The absence
of Makhmour, as well as in early 2015 near Kirkuk, of shipping information prevents CAR from further
Peshmerga forces recovered electric detonators understanding the chain of custody of the items.
from IS forces. These devices had been produced
Case 5
In February 2015 in Kobane, Syria, and in April produced the items before 1998, or its predecessor,
2015 in Kirkuk, Iraq, CAR field investigation teams Zbrojovka Vsetn or ZVSZbrojovka Vsetn, did
documented zero-delay electric detonators so before 1992. Without packaging or shipping
that were captured from IS forces. According to documents, CAR is not able at this stage to
the Czech authorities, Zbrojovka VsetnINDET reconstruct the chains of custody of these items.159
Case 6
On 22 May 2017 in an IS weapon production and DCA transferred its detonators to the Danish
storage facility in western Mosul, CAR documented Demining Group (DDG) upon closing its office in
200 electric detonators manufactured by Dyno the beginning of 2004.
Nobel Sweden in July 2001. CAR determined that
the detonators were sold in July 2003 to the Iraq When the donation from DCA to DDG took place,
mine action team of DanChurchAid (DCA). In reply the detonators remained at the Danish camp.
to a request for information sent by CAR on 27 July
2017, DCA stated on 23 August that procedures for In April 2004, the Danish armed forces requested
storing and archiving information requires DCA to that DDG remove the donation. A DDG employee
store documentation for ten years and therefore carried out a control count and noted that 8km
DCA does not have records dating back to when it of detonating cord was missing. Apparently
was operational in Iraq. However, DCA was able to the cord had not been transferred because the
confirm that: Danish armed forces had destroyed it by mistake.
The detonators purchased by DCA for operations That same month, DDG moved the detonators
in Iraq were stored in the camp of the Danish to US Camp Zubair, where the UN Mine Action
battalion in Iraq. Service had access to bunker storage facilities,
which were not administered by DCA or DDG.160
Figure 200
Dyno Nobel Sweden electric detonators, recovered in an IS weapon production facility
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in western Mosul, Iraq, May 2017
Case 7
On 4 July 2017, CAR documented a box of non- of manufacture, CAR is unable to identify the
electric detonators produced by Rajasthan full chain of custody of this item. CAR previously
Explosives and Chemicals in India. Iraqi forces documented such detonators in February 2015,
recovered the item from an IS weapon production following their recovery from IS forces during the
facility in western Mosul on 14 June 2017. In the siege of Kobane. CAR could not trace them due to a
absence of serial, batch, lot numbers, and dates lack of relevant markings.161
Figure 201
A box of non-electric detonators produced by Rajasthan Explosives and Chemicals in India
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Baghdad, Iraq, July 2017
Large quantities of detonators are in circulation operations have also contributed to the supply,
in the Syrian conflict, largely because of losses by reinforcing the need for all actors, whether
the Syrian regime and the existence of commercial national or non-governmental, to enhance the
mining and oil extraction sectors in the region. stockpile management and security of explosive
Additional losses by humanitarian demining stores.
CAR documented wires and cables used by IS volume of exports, it is not possible to identify
forces in the manufacture and deployment of IEDs individual consignments or the chain of custody
in Tuz Khurmatu in January 2015, and in Tikrit in of the spool CAR documented. Hes Kablo
April 2015. Four Turkish companies manufactured manufactured the item on 18 December 2013.
the wires and cables that were recovered: nal
Kablo, Hes Kablo, Erikoglu, and Kablo Trk. The spool of copper wire produced by Erikoglu
was manufactured on 8 March 2014. A company
nal Kablo has stated that it exports representative confirmed that Erikoglu exported
telecommunications cable to Iraq and Syria. CAR its products to Syria, but not to Iraq. CAR is
is currently unable to identify the documented unable to establish this spools chain of custody
cables full chain of custody from Istanbul to Tuz from Denizli, Turkey, to Tikrit.
Kablo Trk has not responded to a request for
A Hes Kablo representative confirmed that the information, and CAR is therefore unable to
company exported around USD 70 million worth provide further information on the cables chain
of wire to Iraq between 2012 and 2015. Given the of custody from Istanbul to Tikrit.162
On 21 February 2016, CAR documented various components of IED electrical circuits, bore the
cables that were recovered from an IS weapon marks of the Turkish company arkt Kablo. The
production facility in Ramadi. The cables, company has not responded to a CAR trace request
manufactured in 2015 and used to link different that was sent on 19 April 2016.
Figure 206
A cable recovered from an IS weapon production facility
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in Ramadi, Iraq, February 2016
On 15 May 2017, CAR documented several Texas Mosul in March 2017. Marks on the semiconductors
Instruments microprocessors and their original and their packaging indicate production in
packaging. Iraqi forces had recovered these items Malaysia, possibly in 2014. Texas Instruments has
from an IS weapon production facility in eastern yet to reply to a CAR trace request.
Figure 207
A Texas Instruments microprocessor recovered from an IS weapon production facility
Documented by a CAR field investigation team in eastern Mosul, Iraq, May 2017
Since 2014, CAR has documented dozens scrubbed of their original markings and
of custom switching circuits used by IS fraudulently labelled Shindengen. Tokyo-
forces in radio-controlled IEDs or unmanned based Shindengen Electric Manufacturing
aerial vehicles in Iraq. The construction informed CAR on 26 February 2016 that the
of these circuits follows a pattern with microcontrollers documented and identified
little variation across years and locations. as Shindengen were in fact counterfeit
The IED circuits almost always comprise products. Following further scrutiny, CAR
the same combination of semiconductor concluded that the items were Microchip
subcomponents, which bear the markings microcontrollers, which CAR has previously
of the same production companies. documented in use in Islamic State IEDs.164
However, CAR determined that many of
the microprocessors and almost all the CAR also found other counterfeit products
transistors documented in these IS custom used by IS forces. In February 2016, for
switching circuits were counterfeit. instance, CAR documented what appeared
to be a Nokia phone in an IS weapon factory
Transistors that bear the marks of the in Ramadi. Microsoft Corporation indicated
Geneva-based company STMicroelectronics that, although the telephone bears a Nokia
were found to be counterfeit.163 CAR also 1100 label, its code and IMEI did not align with
found that many microcontrollers were those used with this particular model.165
In late 2014, Peshmerga forces seized several requests for information about the purchasers
mobile telephones from IS forces. The telephones of these telephones.166 Hawk Freight Services,
were used in the deployment of IEDs. CAR traced however, confirmed that one of the phones was
the items to Al Areen Computers (Dubai), Al Watani part of a batch delivered to AZ Logistic (Dubai). AZ
Telecom (Erbil), Hawk Freight Services (Dubai), Logistic did not reply to a subsequent CAR trace
and Onesto (Dubai). Al Areen Computers, Al Watani request.167
Telecom, and Onesto did not respond to CARs
Figure 208
Nokia 105 RM-908 mobile telephones
Documented by a CAR field investigation team near Erbil, Iraq, December 2014
In December 2014, a Balad local police explosive was delivered on 3 July 2013 to the company
ordnance disposal team recovered a Nokia phone Fastlink, based in Erbil.168 In December 2014, CAR
from IS forces in Ishaki, Iraq. The telephone was documented another phone, a Nokia 105 RM-908,
used as part of an IED. CAR documented the item recovered earlier that month by Peshmerga forces
in Balad, in February 2016. Microsoft Corporation from IS forces near Makhmour. This telephone was
(which owned part of Nokias phone production at also delivered to Fastlink in Erbil.169 CAR has yet
the time of request) confirmed that the telephone, to receive a written reply to information requests
a Nokia 100 RH-130, was part of a batch of phones sent to Fastlink on 7 January, 24 June, and 26
that Nokia sold to Derinton International FZE, September 2016.
based in the United Arab Emirates, and that
IS forces, like most non-state armed groups,
acquire significant quantities of weapons and
ammunition on the battlefield. This materiel MANY OF THE GROUPS
has numerous sourcesranging from weapons WEAPONSAND NOTABLY
captured in bulk from Iraqi defence and security
forces during initial advances by IS forces in 2014,
to military materiel seized during offensives MANUFACTURED, HAVING BEEN
against Syrian government forces. DELIVERED TO THE REGION
If these acquisitions were restricted to old, legacy
weapons, which happened to be present in the SYRIAN CONFLICT IN 2011.
arsenals of the two governments, there would
arguably be few viable avenues available to weapons provided to non-state groups arrayed
restrict weapon acquisition by IS forces. Evidence against a common enemy; a concentration of
presented in this report, however, confirms that Salafist jihadist groups, which proved the most
many of the groups weaponsand notably its organised and the most effective at acquiring
ammunitionare newly manufactured, having foreign-supplied weapons; a devolution to
been delivered to the region since the start of the neighbouring states of the responsibility for
Syrian conflict in 2011. These weapons originate in deciding which groups received weapons (in
transfers made by external parties, including Saudi the Afghanistan case, Pakistan, and in the Syria
Arabia and the United States, to disparate Syrian case, Jordan and Turkey); and a blowback effect,
opposition forces arrayed against the regime of whereby weapon supplier states end up being
President Bashar al-Assad. Supplied into Syria targeted by the forces that they armed indirectly
through the territories of regional proxiesnotably and having to confront them militarily.170
Jordan and Turkeythis materiel was rapidly
captured by IS forces, only to be deployed by the Moreover, many of these transfers have violated
group against international coalition forces. the terms of sale and export agreed between
weapon exportersprimarily EU Member
These dynamics are not new among the adverse Statesand recipients in Saudi Arabia and the
effects associated with international intervention United States. These are clear cases of diversion,
in civil wars. Support by Saudi Arabia and the whereby government recipients have broken end-
United States to non-state forces in the 1980s user agreements in which they undertook not to
Afghan conflict displayed similar patterns: re-export weapons or ammunition without the
2 Warsaw Pact calibres comprise 7.62 x 39 mm, 7.62 x 54R mm, 12.7 x 108 mm, and 14.5 x 114 mm
3 All numbers were calculated to two decimal points and rounded to the nearest whole number for
4 NATO calibres comprise 5.56 x 45 mm, 7.62 x 51 mm, 12.7 x 99 mm, and 9 x 19 mm ammunition.
5 Vinograd (2015).
6 CAR traced a sample of the materiel it had identified as being of Romanian origin. By 16 November
2017, the Romanian export control authority confirmed CARs identification in 12 cases but in 11
cases stated the item was either not of Romanian manufacture or the serial number could not be
identified by Romanian manufacturers. CAR has contacted independent experts who have confirmed
CARs identification. CAR is continuing its investigation with the help of the Romanian export control
7 The states are Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Germany (all German weapons documented by CAR were
manufactured in former East Germany), Hungary, Poland, and Romania.
8 See Endnote 6.
9 Some former Warsaw Pact countries are still producing Warsaw Pact-compatible ammunition.
10 Of the 252 items of ammunition of Slovak manufacture, 250 were produced in 1935.
11 The EU candidate countries are Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia, Serbia, and Turkey.
12 CPA (2014).
13 These categories exclude OG-7 40 mm and OG-9 73 mm projectiles; they include primary propelling
14 CAR (2015b).
15 Al Jazeera (2017).
16 On 28 April 2015, the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 31 March 2015. This response confirms that: 1) the Bulgarian company,
VMZ AD, Sopot, manufactured the PG-7V rounds subject to the trace request; 2) on 21 January
2010, the inter-Ministerial Commission for Export Control and Non-Proliferation of weapons of Mass
Destruction of the Republic of Bulgaria issued a license for export of 20,000 PG-7VM rounds to Iraq;
3) the application for the export license was accompanied by the original end-user certificate, which
was issued by the Ministry of Defense of Iraq, certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iraq, and
contained a provision prohibiting re-export without the consent of the Bulgarian authorities; 4) the
Ministry of Defense of Iraq confirmed delivery of the items concerned from port Burgas, Bulgaria, to
the port of Umm Qasr, Iraq, on 7 September 2010 and 14 March 2011, onboard the ships Thor Irene and
Momentum Scan, respectively.
17 On 19 May 2015, the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria responded promptly to a formal tracing
request issued by CAR on 13 April 2015. This response confirms that: 1) Bulgarian authorities authorised
the export of the PKM general-purpose machine gun to the Ministry of Defence of Iraq in 2004 via
the Polish companies Bumar Sp ZOO and Centrex Sp ZOO; 2) the export license application was
accompanied by the original end-user certificate, which was issued by the Ministry of Defence of Iraq,
certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iraq, and by the Embassy of Poland in Baghdad; 3) on
21 April 2005, Bright Aviation Services (Bulgaria) delivered the item from Plovdiv Airport to Baghdad
Airport; and 4) a delivery verification certificate was presented upon delivery.
18 On 29 June 2015, the Serbian authorities responded promptly to a formal trace request issued by CAR
on 28 April 2015 for 7.62 x 54R mm ammunition, manufactured under lot 0301-02. This response
confirms that: 1) On 15 November 2004, the Multi-National Security Transition Command Iraq
(MNSTC-I) issued an import license for the delivery to Iraq of materiel including 5,000,000 rounds of
7.62 54R mm (ball) ammunition; 2) an end-user certificate (BFPO 684 AE 09316, dated 1 November 2004)
accompanied this import license, which granted the Laudes Corporation (United States) and Tradewell
AG (Switzerland) permission to procure and deliver the materiel for and on behalf of the MNSTC-I for
use by Iraqi security forces; 3) On 3 December, Tradewell AG authorised TOR International (United
Kingdom) to acquire and purchase the materiel and to arrange for its delivery to Baghdad International
Airport, directly to the Multi-National Security Transition Command Iraq, Iraq Security Forces. 4)
The Embassy of the United States to Serbia verified the validity of the end-user certificate and import
license; and 5) On 3 December 2004, the Ministry of Defence of Serbia and Montenegro issued an export
license to the manufacturer, Prvi Partizan (Uice, Serbia), for the export of 5,000,000 rounds of 7.62
x 54R to the stated end-user, of which 1,296,000 rounds were produced under lot 0301-02. On 4
August 2015, the Serbian authorities provided CAR with an addendum that stated that the materiel
exported to Iraq after the military intervention in 2003 was part of the efforts of the international
community to equip and strengthen the capacity of the central government of Iraq to deal with security
challenges on its entire territory.
22 For Iraq, requirement item B included, among other things, 36.8 million rounds of 7.62 x 39 mm
ammunition and 12 million rounds of 7.62 x 54R mm ammunition.
25 A weapon transfer is illicit if materiel that is intended for a specific end user is instead diverted to a
third party.
26 See Blanchard and Belasco (2015) and Welch and Bailey (2016).
27 Criterion Seven states that EU Member States shall assess the risk of such technology or equipment
being re-exported to undesirable destinations, and the record of the recipient country in respecting
any re-export provision or consent prior to re-export which the exporting Member State considers
appropriate to impose (Council of the EU, 2008, art. 2, Criterion 7d, emphasis added).
28 On 8 June 2016, the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 5 May 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Bulgarian company VMZ JSCo
manufactured the 9M111MB-1 anti-tank guided missile with consignment number 1-15-((11)), subject to
CARs request; 2) VMZ JSCo exported the item to the US Department of Army through the broker Kiesler
Police Supply Inc., USA; 3) the application for the licence was accompanied by the original end-user
certificate, issued by the United States Department of the Army; 4) VMZ JSCo exported the item on
12 December 2015 and the recipient subsequently provided the Bulgarian authorities with a delivery
verification certificate.
30 CAR contacted Jaysh al-Nasr on 20 September 2017 to request more information. The group has yet to
31 On 26 April 2017, the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 14 February 2017. This response confirms that: 1) VMZ JSCo manufactured the
9M111MB-1 anti-tank guided missiles with lot number 1-10-((11)), subject to CARs trace request; 2) VMZ
JSCo sold the missiles to Bulgarian companies licenced to trade in military goods and; 3) Bulgarian
authorities issued an export licence in 2014 for export to the United States Department of the Army.
32 On 8 June 2016, the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 5 May 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Bulgarian company VMZ JSCo,
Sopot, manufactured the PG-7VT 40 mm rocket with lot number 2-14-((11)); 2) VMZ exported the rockets
to the United States Department of the Army through the broker Kiesler Police Supply Inc., USA; 3) the
original end-user certificate (EUC), issued by the United States Department of the Army, accompanied
the export licence application; 4) VMZ exported the items to the United States Department of the Army
on 23 June 2014 and the United States authorities subsequently provided the Bulgarian authorities
with a delivery verification certificate.
33 On 8 June 2016, the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 5 May 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Bulgarian company VMZ
JSCo manufactured the 40 mm PG-7VT round with consignment number 2-14-((11)), subject to CARs
request; 2) VMZ exported the round to the United States Department of the Army through the broker
Kiesler Police Supply Inc., USA; 3) the original end-user certificate (EUC), issued by the United States
Department of the Army, accompanied the export licence application; 4) VMZ exported the items to the
United States Department of the Army on 23 June 2014 and the United States authorities subsequently
provided the Bulgarian authorities with a delivery verification certificate.
34 Specifically, the item was exported to the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army, Acquisition
Logistics and Technology, Washington, DC.
35 On 27 January 2016, the Government of Romania responded promptly to a formal trace request issued
by CAR on 8 January 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Romanian company Fabrica de Arme
Cugir manufactured the PKM machine gun with serial number F-5253-2012, subject to CARs request;
2) the item was part of an authorised export to the Government of the United States of America
(Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army, Acquisition Logistics and Technology, Washington D.C.),
brokered by an American company; 3) the Romanian Department for Export Controls received an end-
user certificate issued by the United States Army on 10 August 2012, in support of the export licence
application; 4) the export licence was issued on 22 November 2012 for the export of 250 PKM machine
guns, along with other undisclosed items; 5) the export was realized on 6 December 2012 via air
transportation. The Government of Romania included a copy of the end-user agreement in its response
to CAR.
36 SIGIR (2006, app. D). Note that the companys name is erroneously spelled Keisler in the document.
37 On 23 February 2017, the Government of Romania responded to a formal trace request issued by CAR
on 26 January 2017. This response confirms that: 1) UM Mija manufactured the six PG-9V 73 mm rockets
with lot number 21-13-459; 2) Romanian authorities authorised the export of these items, under an
export licence dated 1 November 2013, for sole use by the Government of the United States of America/
Department of the Army, the declared end-user; 3) the end-user certificate (EUC) was signed and
dated on 16 October 2013; 4) this consignment was delivered on 13 and 15 December 2013; and 5) the
Department of the Army issued a delivery verification certificate (DVC) confirming receipt of the export
to the Romanian authorities dated 28 May 2014. The Government of Romania included copies of the
EUC and DVC in its response to CAR.
38 On 23 February 2017, the Government of Romania responded to a formal trace request issued by CAR
on 26 January 2017. This response confirms that: 1) UM Mija manufactured the two PG-9V 73 mm
rockets with lot number 22-13-459; 2) Romanian authorities authorised the export of these items,
under an export licence dated 1 November 2013, for sole use by the Government of the United States of
America/ Department of the Army, the declared end-user; 3) the end-user certificate (EUC) was signed
and dated on 16 October 2013; 4) this consignment was delivered on 25 and 27 March 2014; and 5) the
Department of the Army issued a delivery verification certificate (DVC) confirming receipt of the export
to the Romanian authorities dated 28 May 2014. The Government of Romania included copies of the
EUC and DVC in its response to CAR.
39 On 23 February 2017, the Government of Romania responded to a formal trace request issued by CAR
on 26 January 2017. This response confirms that: 1) UM Mija manufactured the PG-9V 73 mm rocket
with lot number 11-14-451; 2) Romanian authorities authorised the export of this item, under an export
licence dated 30 May 2014, for sole use by the Government of the United States of America/Department
of the Army, the declared end-user; 3) the end-user certificate (EUC) was signed and dated on 20
May 2014; 4) this consignment was delivered on 5 and 17 June 2014; and 5) the Department of the
Army issued a delivery verification certificate (DVC) confirming receipt of the export to the Romanian
authorities dated 4 September 2014. The Government of Romania included copies of the EUC and DVC
in its response to CAR.
40 On 23 February 2017, the Government of Romania responded to a formal trace request issued by CAR
on 26 January 2017. This response confirms that: 1) UM Mija manufactured the PG-9V 73 mm rocket
with lot number 12-14-451; 2) Romanian authorities authorised the export of this item, under an
export licence dated 23 October 2014, for sole use by the Government of the United States of America/
Department of the Army, the declared end-user; 3) the end-user certificate (EUC) was signed and dated
on 30 September 2014; 4) this consignment was delivered on 4 December 2014; and 5) the Department
of the Army issued a delivery verification certificate (DVC) confirming receipt of the export to the
Romanian authorities dated 27 January 2015. The Government of Romania included copies of the EUC
and DVC in its response to CAR.
41 The three rocket quantities are specified in a declaration of end use submitted by the Government of
Romania on 23 February 2017 in response to CARs trace request.
42 The province is controlled by IS forces and spans across the IraqSyria border along the Euphrates; it
includes Al Qaim in Iraq and Al Bukamal in Syria.
44 On 10 November 2017, the Government of Romania responded to a formal trace request issued by
CAR on 13 October 2017. This response confirms that: 1) UM Mija manufactured the PG-7PM primary
propelling charge with lot number 22-14- 451, subject to CARs trace request, in 2014 and used it for
assembling PG-7VM rockets with lot number 12-14- 451; 2) the Romanian export control authority issued
an export licence based on an end-user certificate (EUC) dated 30 September 2014, for export to the
Department of the Army, United States of America, the declared end-user; 3) a Romanian company
delivered the consignment of 11,634 PG-7VM rockets (which the item subject to CARs trace request was
one) to the end-user on 4 December 2014; and 4) the Department of the Army provided the Romanian
export control authority with a delivery verification certificate (DVC) dated 27 January 2015, which
confirmed receipt of the goods. The Romanian export control authority included copies of the EUC and
DVC in its response to CAR.
45 On 10 November 2017, the Government of Romania responded to a formal trace request issued by CAR
on 13 October 2017. This response confirms that: 1) UM Mija manufactured the PG-7VM 40 mm rocket
with lot number 16-15- 452, subject to CARs trace request, in 2015; 2) the Romanian export control
authority issued an export licence based on an end-user certificate (EUC) dated 23 January 2015, for
export to the Department of the Army, the declared end-user; 3) a Romanian company delivered the
consignment of 7,380 PG-7VM rockets (of which the item subject to CARs trace request was one) to the
declared end-user on 27 November 2015; and 4) the Department of the Army provided the Romanian
export control authority with a delivery verification certificate (DVC) dated 14 March 2016, which
confirmed receipt of the goods. The Romanian export control authority included copies of the EUC and
DVC in its response to CAR.
47 On 10 November 2017, the Government of Romania responded to a formal trace request issued by CAR
on 13 October 2017. This response confirms that: 1) UM Mija manufactured the PG-9V 73 mm rocket with
lot number 21-16- 453, subject to CARs trace request, in 2016; 2) the Romanian export control authority
issued an export licence based on an end-user certificate (EUC) dated 23 January 2015, for export to the
Department of the Army, the declared end-user; 3) a Romanian company delivered the consignment of
7,356 PG-9V rockets (which the item subject to CARs trace request was one) to the declared end-user
on 10 March 2016; and 4) the Department of the Army provided the Romanian export control authority
with a delivery verification certificate (DVC) dated 5 May 2016, which confirmed receipt of the goods.
The Romanian export control authority included copies of the EUC and DVC in its response to CAR.
48 On 23 February 2017, the Government of Romania responded to a formal trace request issued by CAR
on 26 January 2017. This response confirms that: 1) UM Mija manufactured 29 PG-9V 73 mm rockets
with lot number 11-03-458, subject to CARs trace request; 2) Romanian authorities authorised the
export of this item, under an export licence dated 10 January 2003 and International Import Certificate
(IIC) dated 17 December 2002; 3) a Romanian company delivered this consignment on 23 April 2003
by ship to the importer United International Supplies Inc./United States of America; and 4) the US
Department of Commerce issued a delivery verification certificate (DVC) to the Romanian authorities
dated 27 May 2003 (with the US Customs stamp dated 18 December 2003). The Government of Romania
included copies of the IIC and DVC in its response to CAR.
On 23 February 2017, the Government of Romania responded to a formal trace request issued by CAR
on 26 January 2017. This response confirms that: 1) UM Mija manufactured 28 PG-9V 73 mm rockets
with lot number 12-03-458, subject to CARs trace request; 2) Romanian authorities authorised the
export of this item, under an export licence dated 10 January 2003 and International Import Certificate
(IIC) dated 17 December 2002; 3) a Romanian company delivered this consignment on 23 April 2003
by ship to the importer United International Supplies Inc./United States of America; and 4) the US
Department of Commerce issued a delivery verification certificate (DVC) to the Romanian authorities
dated 27 May 2003 (with the US Customs stamp dated 18 December 2003). The Government of Romania
included copies of the IIC and DVC in its response to CAR.
On 23 February 2017, the Government of Romania responded to a formal trace request issued by CAR
on 26 January 2017. This response confirms that: 1) UM Mija manufactured 15 PG-9V 73 mm rockets with
lot number 13-03-458, subject to CARs trace request; 2) Romanian authorities authorised the export
of this item, under an export licence dated 10 January 2003 and International Import Certificate (IIC)
dated 17 December 2002; 3) a Romanian company delivered this consignment on 23 April 2003 via ship
to the importer United International Supplies Inc./United States of America; and 4) the US Department
of Commerce issued a delivery verification certificate (DVC) to the Romanian authorities dated 27 May
2003 (with the US Customs stamp dated 18 December 2003). The Government of Romania included
copies of the IIC and DVC in its response to CAR.
49 On 1 September 2017, the Government of Romania responded promptly to a formal trace request issued
by CAR on 10 August 2017. This response confirms that: 1) UM Sadu manufactured the 7.62 x 39 mm
ammunition with lot number A13-03, subject to CARs trace request, in 2003; 2) the Romanian export
control authority issued an export licence based on an International Import Certificate (IIC) dated 17
December 2002; 3) a Romanian company delivered this consignment by sea on 24 April 2003 to the
importer, United International Supplies, United States of America and; 4) the United States Department
of Commerce issued to the Romanian authorities a delivery verification certificate (DVC) dated 27 May
2003 (with a US customs stamp dated 18 December 2003). The Government of Romania included copies
of the IIC and DVC in its response to CAR.
50 Based on correspondences with the Romanian government, CAR uses the term AKM for the
documented 7.62 x 39 mm assault rifles of Romanian manufacture, instead of AIM or AIMS.
51 On 18 May 2017, the Government of Romania responded promptly to a formal trace request issued
by CAR on 20 April 2017. This response confirms that: 1) UM Mija manufactured the PG 7V 40 mm
rockets with lot number 13-02-457, subject to CARs trace request, in 2002; 2) the Romanian export
control authority issued an export licence based on the International Import Certificate (IIC) dated
20 September 2002; 3) a Romanian company delivered the consignment on 16 January 2003 to the
importer United International Supplies Inc., United States of America; and 4) the US Department of
Commerce issued a delivery verification certificate (DVC) to the Romanian authorities dated 4 February
2003 (with a US customs stamp dated 14 July 2003). The Government of Romania included copies of
the IIC and DVC in its response to CAR.
52 On 23 February 2017, the Government of Romania responded to a formal trace request issued by CAR
on 26 January 2017. This response confirms that: 1) Fabrica de Arme Cugir manufactured the 7.62 x 39
mm assault rifle with serial number UI-7972-2002; 2) Romanian authorities authorised the export of
this item, under an export licence dated 1 November 2002 and International Import Certificate (IIC)
dated 20 September 2002; 3) a Romanian company delivered this consignment on 16 November 2002
via ship to the importer United International Supplies Inc./United States of America; and 4) the US
Department of Commerce issued a delivery verification certificate (DVC) to the Romanian authorities
dated 30 November 2002. The Government of Romania included copies of the ICC and DVC in its
response to CAR.
53 On 20 June 2017, the Government of Romania responded promptly to a formal trace request issued
by CAR on 23 May 2017. This response confirms that: 1) UM Mija manufactured the PG 7V 40 mm rocket
with lot number 12-02-457, subject to CARs trace request; 2) the Romanian export control authority
issued an export licence based on the International Import Certificate (IIC) dated 20 September 2002;
3) a Romanian company delivered this consignment on 20 November 2002 to the importer United
International Supplies Inc., United States of America; and 4) the US Department of Commerce issued
a delivery verification certificate (DVC) to the Romanian authorities dated 30 November 2002 (with a
US customs stamp dated 3 February 2003). The Government of Romania included copies of the IIC and
DVC in its response to CAR.
On 28 July 2017, the Government of Romania responded promptly to a formal trace request issued
by CAR on 30 June 2017. This response confirms that: 1) UM Mija manufactured the PG-7P primary
propelling charge with lot number 12-02-457, subject to CARs trace request, in 2002 and used it for
assembling PG 7V 40 mm anti-tank grenades with the same lot number; 2) the Romanian export
control authority issued an export licence based on an international import certificate (IIC) dated
20 September 2002, for export to the importer, United International Supplies Inc., United States of
America; 3) a Romanian company delivered the consignment to the importer on 20 November 2002;
and 4) the United States Department of Commerce issued to the Romanian authorities a delivery
verification certificate (DVC) dated 30 November 2002 (with a US customs stamp dated 3 February
2003). The Romanian export control authority included copies of the IIC and DVC in its response to CAR.
54 IICs and EUCs are equivalent documents used as end-user and end-use assurances in the export
authorisation process. They both comprise essential elements, such as the registration number and
date; details of the end user; a description of the goods (such as type and quantity); a stamp and
signature of an authorised official; and certification of the authority of the end users country. The only
difference between the documents is that IICs do not contain the reexport clauses contained in EUCs.
If an IIC is used for an export, the decision to reexport the imported goods is taken by the importers
55 The quantities are specified in materiel data sheets submitted by the Government of Romania on 17
May and 20 June 2017 in response to a CAR trace request.
56 OpenCorporates (n.d.).
58 On 9 February 2017, the Government of Romania responded to a formal trace request issued by
CAR on 12 January 2017. This response confirms that: 1) UM Cugir manufactured the 12.7 x 108 mm
ammunition with the lot number 204/14, subject to CARs trace request; 2) Romanian authorities
authorised the export of this ammunition, under an export licence dated 23 October 2014, for sole use
by the Government of the United States of America/ Department of the Army, the declared end-user;
3) the end-user certificate (EUC) was signed and dated on 30 September 2014; 4) this consignment
was delivered on 24 November 2014; and 5) the Department of the Army issued a delivery verification
certificate (DVC) confirming receipt of the export to the Romanian authorities dated 27 January 2015.
The Government of Romania included copies of the EUC and DVC in its response to CAR.
59 On 26 April 2017, the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 14 February 2017. This response confirms that: 1) VMZ JSCo manufactured the
PG-7VT round with lot number 3-14-((11)), subject to CARs trace request; 2) VMZ JSCo sold the rounds
to Bulgarian companies licenced to trade in military goods and; 3) Bulgarian authorities issued an
export licence in 2014 for export to the United States Department of the Army.
60 Gourley (2017).
61 Gourley (2017).
62 Glatz and Lumpe (2007, p. 82). Note that Kiesler is misspelled Keisler.
63 Specifically, the regiment recovered 9 vz. 58 P (with fixed buttstock) and 16 vz. 58 V (with side-folding
64 Czech authorities confirmed the sales in all trace requests except four. According to the Czech
authorities, however, even in those four cases it is highly likely that the concerned assault rifles were
also part of the transactions, as Banzais records of lot, batch, and serial numbers differ only slightly
from CARs.
65 On 30 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Czech company Agrozet
Uhersk Brod (now esk zbrojovka a.s, Uhersk Brod) manufactured the assault rifle with serial
number 34968 f, subject to CARs request, in 1962, in the former Czechoslovakia; 2) Agrozet Uhersk
Brod supplied the rifle to the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) after the Velvet Revolution and
the fall of the communist regime in 1989, the rifle was one of many such rifles sold as surplus military
materiel to a private company Banzai spol. s.r.o.; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. sold the aforementioned rifle
to the company S.M.S. s.r.o., Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic, for export to Iraq; 5) S.M.S. s.r.o.
exported rifles (including the rifle with serial number 34968 f) to Iraq in July and August 2007 under
the export licence number B071220457, which the Czech authorities issued; 6) the US company Blane
International Group Inc. brokered the export, under the US Government contract number W914NS-
05-D-9013-0008; and 7) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities
with an end-user certificate.
On 30 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Czech company Agrozet
Uhersk Brod (now esk zbrojovka a.s, Uhersk Brod) manufactured the assault rifle with serial
number 15418 e, subject to CARs request, in 1963, in the former Czechoslovakia; 2) Agrozet Uhersk
Brod supplied the rifle to the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) after the Velvet Revolution and
the fall of the communist regime in 1989, the rifle was one of many such rifles sold as surplus military
materiel to a private company Banzai spol. s.r.o.; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. sold the aforementioned rifle
to the company S.M.S. s.r.o., Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic, for export to Iraq; 5) S.M.S. s.r.o.
exported rifles (including the rifle with serial number 15418 e) to Iraq in July and August 2007 under
the export licence number B071220457, which the Czech authorities issued; 6) the US company Blane
International Group Inc. brokered the export, under the US Government contract number W914NS-
05-D-9013-0008; and 7) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities
with an end-user certificate.
On 30 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Czech company Agrozet
Uhersk Brod (now esk zbrojovka a.s, Uhersk Brod) manufactured the assault rifle with serial
number 65766 n, subject to CARs request, in 1960, in the former Czechoslovakia; 2) Agrozet Uhersk
Brod supplied the rifle to the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) after the Velvet Revolution and
the fall of the communist regime in 1989, the rifle was one of many such rifles sold as surplus military
materiel to a private company Banzai spol. s.r.o.; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. sold the aforementioned rifle
to the company S.M.S. s.r.o., Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic, for export to Iraq; 5) S.M.S. s.r.o.
exported rifles (including the rifle with serial number 65766 n) to Iraq in July and August 2007 under
the export licence number B071220457, which the Czech authorities issued; 6) the US company Blane
International Group Inc. brokered the export, under the US Government contract number W914NS-
05-D-9013-0008; and 7) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities
with an end-user certificate.
On 30 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Czech company Agrozet
Uhersk Brod (now esk zbrojovka a.s, Uhersk Brod) manufactured the assault rifle with serial
number 63141 h, subject to CARs request, in 1961, in the former Czechoslovakia; 2) Agrozet Uhersk
Brod supplied the rifle to the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) after the Velvet Revolution and
the fall of the communist regime in 1989, the rifle was one of many such rifles sold as surplus military
materiel to a private company Banzai spol. s.r.o.; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. sold the aforementioned rifle
to the company S.M.S. s.r.o., Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic, for export to Iraq; 5) S.M.S. s.r.o.
exported rifles (including the rifle with serial number 63141 h) to Iraq in July and August 2007 under
the export licence number B071220457, which the Czech authorities issued; 6) the US company Blane
International Group Inc. brokered the export, under the US Government contract number W914NS-
05-D-9013-0008; and 7) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities
with an end-user certificate.
On 30 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Czech company Agrozet
Uhersk Brod (now esk zbrojovka a.s, Uhersk Brod) manufactured the assault rifle with serial
number 70624 r, subject to CARs request, in 1963, in the former Czechoslovakia; 2) Agrozet Uhersk
Brod supplied the rifle to the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) after the Velvet Revolution and
the fall of the communist regime in 1989, the rifle was one of many such rifles sold as surplus military
materiel to a private company Banzai spol. s.r.o.; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. sold the aforementioned rifle
to the company S.M.S. s.r.o., Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic, for export to Iraq; 5) S.M.S. s.r.o.
exported rifles (including the rifle with serial number 70624 r) to Iraq in July and August 2007 under
the export licence number B071220457, which the Czech authorities issued; 6) the US company Blane
International Group Inc. brokered the export, under the US Government contract number W914NS-
05-D-9013-0008; and 7) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities
with an end-user certificate.
On 30 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Czech company Agrozet
Uhersk Brod (now esk zbrojovka a.s, Uhersk Brod) manufactured the assault rifle with serial
number 32166 e, subject to CARs request, in 1963, in the former Czechoslovakia; 2) Agrozet Uhersk
Brod supplied the rifle to the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) after the Velvet Revolution and
the fall of the communist regime in 1989, the rifle was one of many such rifles sold as surplus military
materiel to a private company Banzai spol. s.r.o.; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. sold the aforementioned rifle
to the company S.M.S. s.r.o., Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic, for export to Iraq; 5) S.M.S. s.r.o.
exported rifles (including the rifle with serial number 32166 e) to Iraq in July and August 2007 under
the export licence number B071220457, which the Czech authorities issued; 6) the US company Blane
International Group Inc. brokered the export, under the US Government contract number W914NS-
05-D-9013-0008; and 7) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities
with an end-user certificate.
On 30 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Czech company Agrozet
Uhersk Brod (now esk zbrojovka a.s, Uhersk Brod) manufactured the assault rifle with serial
number 15368 f, subject to CARs request, in 1962, in the former Czechoslovakia; 2) Agrozet Uhersk
Brod supplied the rifle to the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) after the Velvet Revolution and
the fall of the communist regime in 1989, the rifle was one of many such rifles sold as surplus military
materiel to a private company Banzai spol. s.r.o.; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. sold the aforementioned rifle
to the company S.M.S. s.r.o., Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic, for export to Iraq; 5) S.M.S. s.r.o.
exported rifles (including the rifle with serial number 15368 f) to Iraq in July and August 2007 under
the export licence number B071220457, which the Czech authorities issued; 6) the US company Blane
International Group Inc. brokered the export, under the US Government contract number W914NS-
05-D-9013-0008; and 7) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities
with an end-user certificate.
On 30 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Czech company Agrozet
Uhersk Brod (now esk zbrojovka a.s, Uhersk Brod) manufactured the assault rifle with serial
number 73315, subject to CARs request, in 1976, in the former Czechoslovakia; 2) Agrozet Uhersk Brod
supplied the rifle to the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) after the Velvet Revolution and the fall
of the communist regime in 1989, the rifle was one of many such rifles sold as surplus military materiel
to a private company Banzai spol. s.r.o.; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. sold the aforementioned rifle to the
company S.M.S. s.r.o., Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic, for export to Iraq; 5) S.M.S. s.r.o. exported
rifles (including the rifle with serial number 73315) to Iraq in July and August 2007 under the export
licence number B071220457, which the Czech authorities issued; 6) the US company Blane International
Group Inc. brokered the export, under the US Government contract number W914NS-05-D-9013-0008;
and 7) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities with an end-user
On 30 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Czech company Agrozet
Uhersk Brod (now esk zbrojovka a.s, Uhersk Brod) manufactured the assault rifle with serial
number p 38929, subject to CARs request, in 1978, in the former Czechoslovakia; 2) Agrozet Uhersk
Brod supplied the rifle to the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) after the Velvet Revolution and
the fall of the communist regime in 1989, the rifle was one of many such rifles sold as surplus military
materiel to a private company Banzai spol. s.r.o.; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. sold the aforementioned rifle
to the company S.M.S. s.r.o., Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic, for export to Iraq; 5) S.M.S. s.r.o.
exported rifles (including the rifle with serial number p 38929) to Iraq in July and August 2007 under
the export licence number B071220457, which the Czech authorities issued; 6) the US company Blane
International Group Inc. brokered the export, under the US Government contract number W914NS-
05-D-9013-0008; and 7) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities
with an end-user certificate.
On 30 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Czech company Agrozet
Uhersk Brod (now esk zbrojovka a.s, Uhersk Brod) manufactured the assault rifle with serial
number 55874 h, subject to CARs request, in 1961, in the former Czechoslovakia; 2) Agrozet Uhersk
Brod supplied the rifle to the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) after the Velvet Revolution and
the fall of the communist regime in 1989, the rifle was one of many such rifles sold as surplus military
materiel to a private company Banzai spol. s.r.o.; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. sold the aforementioned rifle
to the company S.M.S. s.r.o., Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic, for export to Iraq; 5) S.M.S. s.r.o.
exported rifles (including the rifle with serial number 55874 h) to Iraq in July and August 2007 under
the export licence number B071220457, which the Czech authorities issued; 6) the US company Blane
International Group Inc. brokered the export, under the US Government contract number W914NS-05-
D-9013-0008; and 7) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities with
an end-user certificate.
On 30 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Czech company Agrozet
Uhersk Brod (now esk zbrojovka a.s, Uhersk Brod) manufactured the assault rifle with serial
number A 15903, subject to CARs request, in 1970, in the former Czechoslovakia; 2) Agrozet Uhersk
Brod supplied the rifle to the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) after the Velvet Revolution and
the fall of the communist regime in 1989, the rifle was one of many such rifles sold as surplus military
materiel to a private company Banzai spol. s.r.o.; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. sold the aforementioned rifle
to the company S.M.S. s.r.o., Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic, for export to Iraq; 5) S.M.S. s.r.o.
exported rifles (including the rifle with serial number A 15903) to Iraq in July and August 2007 under
the export licence number B071220457, which the Czech authorities issued; 6) the US company Blane
International Group Inc. brokered the export, under the US Government contract number W914NS-
05-D-9013-0008; and 7) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities
with an end-user certificate.
On 30 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Czech company Agrozet
Uhersk Brod (now esk zbrojovka a.s, Uhersk Brod) manufactured the assault rifle with serial
number 35052 d, subject to CARs request, in 1964, in the former Czechoslovakia; 2) Agrozet Uhersk
Brod supplied the rifle to the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) after the Velvet Revolution and
the fall of the communist regime in 1989, the rifle was one of many such rifles sold as surplus military
materiel to a private company Banzai spol. s.r.o.; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. sold the aforementioned rifle
to the company S.M.S. s.r.o., Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic, for export to Iraq; 5) S.M.S. s.r.o.
exported rifles (including the rifle with serial number 35052 d) to Iraq in July and August 2007 under
the export licence number B071220457, which the Czech authorities issued; 6) the US company Blane
International Group Inc. brokered the export, under the US Government contract number W914NS-
05-D-9013-0008; and 7) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities
with an end-user certificate.
On 30 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Czech company Agrozet
Uhersk Brod (now esk zbrojovka a.s, Uhersk Brod) manufactured the assault rifle with serial
number Y 35093, subject to CARs request, in 1972, in the former Czechoslovakia; 2) Agrozet Uhersk
Brod supplied the rifle to the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) after the Velvet Revolution and
the fall of the communist regime in 1989, the rifle was one of many such rifles sold as surplus military
materiel to a private company Banzai spol. s.r.o.; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. sold the aforementioned rifle
to the company S.M.S. s.r.o., Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic, for export to Iraq; 5) S.M.S. s.r.o.
exported rifles (including the rifle with serial number Y 35093) to Iraq in July and August 2007 under
the export licence number B071220457, which the Czech authorities issued; 6) the US company Blane
International Group Inc. brokered the export, under the US Government contract number W914NS-
05-D-9013-0008; and 7) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities
with an end-user certificate.
On 30 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Czech company Agrozet
Uhersk Brod (now esk zbrojovka a.s, Uhersk Brod) manufactured the assault rifle with serial
number 52126 n, subject to CARs request, in 1960, in the former Czechoslovakia; 2) Agrozet Uhersk
Brod supplied the rifle to the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) after the Velvet Revolution and
the fall of the communist regime in 1989, the rifle was one of many such rifles sold as surplus military
materiel to a private company Banzai spol. s.r.o.; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. sold the aforementioned rifle
to the company S.M.S. s.r.o., Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic, for export to Iraq; 5) S.M.S. s.r.o.
exported rifles (including the rifle with serial number 52126 n) to Iraq in July and August 2007 under
the export licence number B071220457, which the Czech authorities issued; 6) the US company Blane
International Group Inc. brokered the export, under the US Government contract number W914NS-
05-D-9013-0008; and 7) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities
with an end-user certificate.
On 30 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Czech company Agrozet
Uhersk Brod (now esk zbrojovka a.s, Uhersk Brod) manufactured the assault rifle with serial
number 69248 t, subject to CARs request, in 1964, in the former Czechoslovakia; 2) Agrozet Uhersk
Brod supplied the rifle to the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) after the Velvet Revolution and
the fall of the communist regime in 1989, the rifle was one of many such rifles sold as surplus military
materiel to a private company Banzai spol. s.r.o.; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. sold the aforementioned rifle
to the company S.M.S. s.r.o., Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic, for export to Iraq; 5) S.M.S. s.r.o.
exported rifles (including the rifle with serial number 69248 t) to Iraq in July and August 2007 under
the export licence number B071220457, which the Czech authorities issued; 6) the US company Blane
International Group Inc. brokered the export, under the US Government contract number W914NS-
05-D-9013-0008; and 7) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities
with an end-user certificate.
On 30 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Czech company Agrozet
Uhersk Brod (now esk zbrojovka a.s, Uhersk Brod) manufactured the assault rifle with serial
number 38260, subject to CARs request, in 1962, in the former Czechoslovakia; 2) Agrozet Uhersk Brod
supplied the rifle to the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) after the Velvet Revolution and the fall
of the communist regime in 1989, the rifle was one of many such rifles sold as surplus military materiel
to a private company Banzai spol. s.r.o.; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. sold the aforementioned rifle to the
company S.M.S. s.r.o., Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic, for export to Iraq; 5) S.M.S. s.r.o. exported
rifles (including the rifle with serial number 38260) to Iraq in July and August 2007 under the export
licence number B071220457, which the Czech authorities issued; 6) the US company Blane International
Group Inc. brokered the export, under the US Government contract number W914NS-05-D-9013-0008;
and 7) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities with an end-user
On 30 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Czech company Agrozet
Uhersk Brod (now esk zbrojovka a.s, Uhersk Brod) manufactured the assault rifle with serial
number Y 13963, subject to CARs request, in 1971, in the former Czechoslovakia; 2) Agrozet Uhersk
Brod supplied the rifle to the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) after the Velvet Revolution and
the fall of the communist regime in 1989, the rifle was one of many such rifles sold as surplus military
materiel to a private company Banzai spol. s.r.o.; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. sold the aforementioned rifle
to the company S.M.S. s.r.o., Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic, for export to Iraq; 5) S.M.S. s.r.o.
exported rifles (including the rifle with serial number Y 13963) to Iraq in July and August 2007 under
the export licence number B071220457, which the Czech authorities issued; 6) the US company Blane
International Group Inc. brokered the export, under the US Government contract number W914NS-
05-D-9013-0008; and 7) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities
with an end-user certificate.
On 30 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Czech company Agrozet
Uhersk Brod (now esk zbrojovka a.s, Uhersk Brod) manufactured the assault rifle with serial
number 57598 t, subject to CARs request, in 1964, in the former Czechoslovakia; 2) Agrozet Uhersk
Brod supplied the rifle to the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) after the Velvet Revolution and
the fall of the communist regime in 1989, the rifle was one of many such rifles sold as surplus military
materiel to a private company Banzai spol. s.r.o.; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. sold the aforementioned rifle
to the company S.M.S. s.r.o., Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic, for export to Iraq; 5) S.M.S. s.r.o.
exported rifles (including the rifle with serial number 57598 t) to Iraq in July and August 2007 under
the export licence number B071220457, which the Czech authorities issued; 6) the US company Blane
International Group Inc. brokered the export, under the US Government contract number W914NS-
05-D-9013-0008; and 7) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities
with an end-user certificate.
On 30 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Czech company Agrozet
Uhersk Brod (now esk zbrojovka a.s, Uhersk Brod) manufactured the assault rifle with serial
number 27224 j, subject to CARs request, in 1969, in the former Czechoslovakia; 2) Agrozet Uhersk
Brod supplied the rifle to the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) after the Velvet Revolution and
the fall of the communist regime in 1989, the rifle was one of many such rifles sold as surplus military
materiel to a private company Banzai spol. s.r.o.; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. sold the aforementioned rifle
to the company S.M.S. s.r.o., Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic, for export to Iraq; 5) S.M.S. s.r.o.
exported rifles (including the rifle with serial number 27224 j) to Iraq in July and August 2007 under
the export licence number B071220457, which the Czech authorities issued; 6) the US company Blane
International Group Inc. brokered the export, under the US Government contract number W914NS-
05-D-9013-0008; and 7) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities
with an end-user certificate.
On 30 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Czech company Agrozet
Uhersk Brod (now esk zbrojovka a.s, Uhersk Brod) manufactured the assault rifle with serial
number 60370 p, subject to CARs request, in 1962, in the former Czechoslovakia; 2) Agrozet Uhersk
Brod supplied the rifle to the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) after the Velvet Revolution and
the fall of the communist regime in 1989, the rifle was one of many such rifles sold as surplus military
materiel to a private company Banzai spol. s.r.o.; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. sold the aforementioned rifle
to the company S.M.S. s.r.o., Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic, for export to Iraq; 5) S.M.S. s.r.o.
exported rifles (including the rifle with serial number 60370 p) to Iraq in July and August 2007 under
the export licence number B071220457, which the Czech authorities issued; 6) the US company Blane
International Group Inc. brokered the export, under the US Government contract number W914NS-
05-D-9013-0008; and 7) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities
with an end-user certificate.
On 30 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Czech company Agrozet
Uhersk Brod (now esk zbrojovka a.s, Uhersk Brod) manufactured the assault rifle with serial
number Y 61821, subject to CARs request, in 1970, in the former Czechoslovakia; 2) Agrozet Uhersk
Brod supplied the rifle to the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) after the Velvet Revolution and
the fall of the communist regime in 1989, the rifle was one of many such rifles sold as surplus military
materiel to a private company Banzai spol. s.r.o.; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. sold the aforementioned rifle
to the company S.M.S. s.r.o., Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic, for export to Iraq; 5) S.M.S. s.r.o.
exported rifles (including the rifle with serial number Y 61821) to Iraq in July and August 2007 under
the export licence number B071220457, which the Czech authorities issued; 6) the US company Blane
International Group Inc. brokered the export, under the US Government contract number W914NS-
05-D-9013-0008; and 7) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities
with an end-user certificate.
On 30 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Czech company Agrozet
Uhersk Brod (now esk zbrojovka a.s, Uhersk Brod) manufactured the assault rifle with serial
number 22657 d, subject to CARs request, in 1963, in the former Czechoslovakia; 2) Agrozet Uhersk
Brod supplied the rifle to the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) after the Velvet Revolution and
the fall of the communist regime in 1989, the rifle was one of many such rifles sold as surplus military
materiel to a private company Banzai spol. s.r.o.; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. sold the aforementioned rifle
to the company S.M.S. s.r.o., Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic, for export to Iraq; 5) S.M.S. s.r.o.
exported rifles (including the rifle with serial number 22657 d) to Iraq in July and August 2007 under
the export licence number B071220457, which the Czech authorities issued; 6) the US company Blane
International Group Inc. brokered the export, under the US Government contract number W914NS-
05-D-9013-0008; and 7) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities
with an end-user certificate.
On 30 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Czech company Agrozet
Uhersk Brod (now esk zbrojovka a.s, Uhersk Brod) manufactured the assault rifle with serial
number 58999 h, subject to CARs request, in 1961, in the former Czechoslovakia; 2) Agrozet Uhersk
Brod supplied the rifle to the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) after the Velvet Revolution and
the fall of the communist regime in 1989, the rifle was one of many such rifles sold as surplus military
materiel to a private company Banzai spol. s.r.o.; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. sold the aforementioned rifle
to the company S.M.S. s.r.o., Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic, for export to Iraq; 5) S.M.S. s.r.o.
exported rifles (including the rifle with serial number 58999 h) to Iraq in July and August 2007 under
the export licence number B071220457, which the Czech authorities issued; 6) the US company Blane
International Group Inc. brokered the export, under the US Government contract number W914NS-
05-D-9013-0008; and 7) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities
with an end-user certificate.
On 30 September 2016, the Government of the Czech Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Czech company Agrozet
Uhersk Brod (now esk zbrojovka a.s, Uhersk Brod) manufactured the assault rifle with serial
number T 64574, subject to CARs request, in 1980, in the former Czechoslovakia; 2) Agrozet Uhersk
Brod supplied the rifle to the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) after the Velvet Revolution and
the fall of the communist regime in 1989, the rifle was one of many such rifles sold as surplus military
materiel to a private company Banzai spol. s.r.o.; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. sold the aforementioned rifle
to the company S.M.S. s.r.o., Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovak Republic, for export to Iraq; 5) S.M.S. s.r.o.
exported rifles (including the rifle with serial number T 64574) to Iraq in July and August 2007 under
the export licence number B071220457, which the Czech authorities issued; 6) the US company Blane
International Group Inc. brokered the export, under the US Government contract number W914NS-
05-D-9013-0008; and 7) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities
with an end-user certificate.
On 15 June 2017, the Government of the Czech Republic responded to a formal trace request issued by
CAR on 28 April 2017. This response confirms that: 1) The Agrozet Uhersk Brod company (now esk
zbrojovka Uhersk Brod) of the former Czechoslovakia manufactured the vz. 58 P assault rifle with lot
number 26103 m, subject to CARs trace request, in 1961; 2) Agrozet Uhersk Brod supplied the rifle to
the Czechoslovak Peoples Armed Forces; 3) the rifle was later sold as surplus military materiel to the
Banzai spol. s.r.o. company; 4) Banzai spol s.r.o. exported the aforementioned rifle to Iraq in August
2007; and 4) the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Iraq provided the Czech authorities with an end-
user certificate.
66 FedBizOpps (2015).
67 Roston (2017).
68 InsideGov (n.d.a).
69 InsideGov (n.d.b).
70 On 8 June 2016, the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 5 May 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Bulgarian company Arsenal
JSco manufactured the RHEAT-9MA round with consignment number ((10))-04-11, subject to CARs
request; 2) on 16 September 2014, Bulgarian authorities granted an export licence to the Ministry of
Defence of Saudi Arabia; 3) the original end-user certificate, issued by the Ministry of Defence of Saudi
Arabia and dated 30.09.1435 AH (which corresponds to 27.07.2014 CE) accompanied the export licence
application; 4) the certificate stated that the items were for the use of the Royal Saudi Land Forces and
would not be re-exported, lent, or rented without the written permission of the competent authorities
of the exporter state and 5) the export was realised in December 2014 from Sofia Airport, Bulgaria to
Tabuk Airport, Saudi Arabia.
71 On 26 April 2017, the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 14 February 2017. This response confirms that: 1) Arsenal JSCo manufactured
the CP-91 charge with lot number ((10))-04-11, subject to CARs trace request, and assembled this
component into RHEAT-9MA rounds with the same lot number; 2) Bulgarian authorities authorised
the export to the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and; 3) an undisclosed company
exported the goods on 19 December 2014.
72 In Yemen in April 2017, CAR documented two M79 90 mm rockets recovered from Houthi forces by
Presidential Guard forces of the United Arab Emirates the same month. The lot number of one rocket
matched that of a rocket CAR previously documented in Libya, and the other, with a rocket CAR
documented in Iraq.
73 On 30 August 2016, the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina responded to a series of formal trace
requests issued by CAR on 11 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) PRETIS dd Vogoa was the only
manufacturer of M79 90 mm rockets between 1980 and 1992; 2) between 1980 and 1992, it produced
more than 200,000 rockets, which were delivered to the then Yugoslav army and Ministry of Defence of
Yugoslavia; 3) PRETIS dd Vogoa (located on the line of demarcation) was active during the war, but
its factories did not manufacture M79 rockets after 1992; 4) while Bosnian authorities can confirm that
these items were used during the war, they cannot confirm, due to the absence of records, where they
were stockpiled after the dissolution of Yugoslavia; and 6) there were no exports from Bosnia of this
type of materiel after 2004 (when relevant record-keeping resumed).
74 On 29 June 2016, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 24 May 2016. In its response, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
stated that it delivered 132 M79 rockets with lot number TB8606 (the same lot number as the item
documented by CAR) to the Slovak end-user Vojensk Opravrensk Podnik, Podnik 015, (with end user
certificate number . D502/0041, dated 14 February 2005) for demilitarisation. Slovenian authorities
issued an export licence to the company Viator & Vector d.d, Ljubljana, Slovenia. The Vrankar d.o.o
company shipped the consignment by road between 13 May 2005 and 9 August 2005, to the declared
end-user in Slovakia. The Slovenian authorities cannot confirm that the item CAR documented was
part of this shipment however, as the rounds were initially in the custody of the Yugoslavian Army, and
therefore it is likely that another former Yugoslavian state retained items with the same lot number.
On 13 July 2016, the Slovenian authorities confirmed that the Titovo Vogoe factory, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, manufactured M79 HEAT rockets with lot number TB8606, in the mid 1980s. The
Government of the Republic of Slovenia included a copy of the end-user certificate in its response to
On 14 September 2016, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia responded promptly to a formal
trace request issued by CAR on 13 July 2016, concerning an M79 90 mm HEAT rocket with the lot
number 8902. In its response, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia stated that it delivered 691
M79 90 mm HEAT rockets, with the lot number 8902, to the Slovak end-user Vojensk Opravrensk
Podnik, Podnik 015, (with end-user certificate number . D502/0041, dated 14 February 2005) for
demilitarisation. Slovenian authorities issued an export licence to the company Viator & Vector d.d,
Ljubljana, Slovenia. The Vrankar d.o.o company shipped the consignment by road between 13 May
2005 and 9 August 2005, to the declared end-user in Slovakia. The Slovenian authorities cannot
confirm that the item CAR documented was part of this shipment, however, because the rounds were
initially in the custody of the Yugoslav National Army, and it is plausible that more than one successor
state to the former Yugoslavia retained items with the same lot number. The Government of the
Republic of Slovenia included a copy of the end-user certificate in its response to CAR.
On 14 September 2016, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia responded promptly to a formal
trace request issued by CAR on 13 July 2016, concerning an M79 90 mm HEAT rocket with the lot
number 8905. In its response, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia stated that it delivered
75 M79 90 mm HEAT rockets with lot number 8905 to the Slovak end-user Vojensk Opravrensk
Podnik, Podnik 015, (with end-user certificate number . D502/0041, dated 14 February 2005) for
demilitarisation. Slovenian authorities issued an export licence to the company Viator & Vector d.d,
Ljubljana, Slovenia. The Vrankar d.o.o company shipped the consignment by road between 13 May
2005 and 9 August 2005, to the declared end-user in Slovakia. The Slovenian authorities cannot
confirm that the item CAR documented was part of this shipment, however, because the rounds were
initially in the custody of the Yugoslav National Army, and it is plausible that more than one successor
state to the former Yugoslavia retained items with the same lot number. The Government of the
Republic of Slovenia included a copy of the end-user certificate in its response to CAR.
On 14 September 2016, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia responded promptly to a formal
trace request issued by CAR on 13 July 2016, concerning an M79 90 mm HEAT rocket with the lot
number 8801. In its response, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia stated that it delivered
82 M79 90 mm HEAT rockets with lot number 8801 to the Slovak end-user Vojensk Opravrensk
Podnik, Podnik 015, (with end-user certificate number . D502/0041, dated 14 February 2005) for
demilitarisation. Slovenian authorities issued an export licence to the company Viator & Vector d.d,
Ljubljana, Slovenia. The Vrankar d.o.o company shipped the consignment by road between 13 May
2005 and 9 August 2005, to the declared end-user in Slovakia. The Slovenian authorities cannot
confirm that the item CAR documented was part of this shipment, however, because the rounds were
initially in the custody of the Yugoslav National Army, and it is plausible that more than one successor
state to the former Yugoslavia retained items with the same lot number. The Government of the
Republic of Slovenia included a copy of the end-user certificate in its response to CAR.
On 14 September 2016, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia responded promptly to a formal
trace request issued by CAR on 13 July 2016, concerning an M79 90 mm HEAT rocket with the lot
number 8505. In its response, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia stated that it delivered 3
rockets with lot number 8505 (the same lot number as the item documented by CAR), to the Slovak
end-user Vojensk Opravrensk Podnik, Podnik 015, (with end-user certificate number . D502/0041,
dated 14 February 2005) for demilitarisation. Slovenian authorities issued an export licence to the
company Viator & Vector d.d, Ljubljana, Slovenia. The Vrankar d.o.o company shipped the consignment
by road between 13 May 2005 and 9 August 2005, to the declared end-user in Slovakia. The Slovenian
authorities cannot confirm that the item CAR documented was part of this shipment, however, because
the rounds were initially in the custody of the Yugoslav National Army, and it is plausible that more
than one successor state to the former Yugoslavia retained items with the same lot number. The
Government of the Republic of Slovenia included a copy of the end-user certificate in its response to
On 14 September 2016, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia responded promptly to a formal
trace request issued by CAR on 13 July 2016, concerning an M79 90 mm HEAT rocket with the lot
number 8805. In its response, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia stated that it delivered 30
rockets with lot number 8805 (the Slovenian authorities records only show the lot numbers of the
rockets and not the unique serial numbers), the same lot number as the item documented by CAR,
to the Slovak end-user Vojensk Opravrensk Podnik, Podnik 015, (with end-user certificate number
. D502/0041, dated 14 February 2005) for demilitarisation. Slovenian authorities issued an export
licence to the company Viator & Vector d.d, Ljubljana, Slovenia. The Vrankar d.o.o company shipped
the consignment by road between 13 May 2005 and 9 August 2005, to the declared end-user in Slovakia.
The Slovenian authorities cannot confirm that the item CAR documented was part of this shipment,
however, because the rounds were initially in the custody of the Yugoslav National Army, and it is
plausible that more than one successor state to the former Yugoslavia retained items with the same lot
number. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia included a copy of the end-user certificate in its
response to CAR.
On 14 September 2016, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia responded promptly to a formal
trace request issued by CAR on 13 July 2016, concerning an M79 90 mm HEAT rocket with the lot
number 8505-1. In its response, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia stated that it delivered
397 rockets with lot number 8505-1 to the Slovak end-user Vojensk Opravrensk Podnik, Podnik
015, (with end-user certificate number . D502/0041, dated 14 February 2005) for demilitarisation.
Slovenian authorities issued an export licence to the company Viator & Vector d.d, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The Vrankar d.o.o company shipped the consignment by road between 13 May 2005 and 9 August
2005, to the declared end-user in Slovakia. The Slovenian authorities cannot confirm that the item
CAR documented was part of this shipment, however, because the rounds were initially in the custody
of the Yugoslav National Army, and it is plausible that more than one successor state to the former
Yugoslavia retained items with the same lot number. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia
included a copy of the end-user certificate in its response to CAR.
On 14 September 2016, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia responded promptly to a formal
trace request issued by CAR on 13 July 2016, concerning an M79 90 mm HEAT rocket with the lot
number 8803. In its response, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia stated that it delivered 381
rockets with lot number 8803 (the Slovenian authorities records only show the lot numbers of the
rockets and not the unique serial numbers), the same lot number as the item documented by CAR,
to the Slovak end-user Vojensk Opravrensk Podnik, Podnik 015, (with end-user certificate number
. D502/0041, dated 14 February 2005) for demilitarisation. Slovenian authorities issued an export
licence to the company Viator & Vector d.d, Ljubljana, Slovenia. The Vrankar d.o.o company shipped
the consignment by road between 13 May 2005 and 9 August 2005, to the declared end-user in Slovakia.
The Slovenian authorities cannot confirm that the item CAR documented was part of this shipment,
however, because the rounds were initially in the custody of the Yugoslav National Army, and it is
plausible that more than one successor state to the former Yugoslavia retained items with the same lot
number. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia included a copy of the end-user certificate in its
response to CAR.
75 On 27 July 2016, the Government of the Slovak Republic responded promptly to a formal trace request
issued by CAR on 1 July 2016. This response confirms that the Slovak demilitarisation company
Vojensk Opravrensk Podnik provided the Slovak authorities with a copy of the ecological disposal
protocol, confirming that the company disposed of the M79 90 mm HEAT rockets that it received from
the Government of Slovenia. The Slovak authorities confirmed with CAR that the provided protocol is
On 17 October 2016, the Government of the Slovak Republic responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 16 September 2016. This response confirms that the Slovak demilitarisation
company Vojensk Opravrensk Podnik provided the Slovak authorities with a copy of the ecological
disposal protocol, confirming that the company disposed of the M79 90 mm HEAT rockets that it
received from the Government of Slovenia. The Slovak authorities confirmed with CAR that the
provided protocol is credible and that the Ministry of Economy has not issued any export licences for
this type of materiel.
76 On 21 January 2015, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia replied that
the ammunition in question was not produced in the Republic of Croatia and had not been subject to
export from the Republic of Croatia.
81 On 13 May 2015, the Government of Belgium responded to a formal trace request issued by CAR on 27
March 2015. This response confirms that the FN Herstal-manufactured rifle with serial number 1527473,
subject to CARs trace request, was part of order number 23-2-9108 of 24 October 1979, which was
delivered to Pakistan on an unspecified date.
82 Interview with Belgian National Archives archivist, 2013: due to the sheer volume of documents being
transferred by the Belgian administration to the National Archives, a small number were discarded and
destroyed by mistake.
83 On 13 May 2015, the Government of Belgium responded to a formal trace request issued by CAR on 27
March 2015. This response confirms that FN Herstal manufactured the rifle with serial number 1557540,
subject to CARs trace request, in the late 1970s or early 1980s. FN Herstal could not provide further
information regarding the export/transfer of this item.
84 UNSC (2013).
85 These conflicts include those in Central African Republic, Libya, Mali, South Sudan, and Sudan. See CAR
(2015a, pp. 811; 2016b, pp. 2528; 2017).
86 See Leff and LeBrun (2014). See also Small Arms Survey with CAR (2013).
87 Observations based on CAR field work conducted in Africa and the Middle East, 201117.
88 On 28 July 2017, the Government of Romania responded promptly to a formal trace request issued by
CAR on 30 June 2017. This response confirms that: 1) Carfil manufactured the OG-7 40 mm projectile
with lot number 12-06-426 (with V5KM fuze with lot number 11-06-426), subject to CARs trace request,
in 2006; 2) the Romanian export control authority issued an export licence based on an end-user
certificate (EUC) dated 6 February 2006 and a US Government contract, for sole use by the Afghanistan
National Police, the declared end-user; 3) a US Government contractor and British subcontractor
brokered the deal; 4) a Romanian company delivered the item, as part of a consignment of 3,000 OG-7
projectiles, to the end-user on 26 April 2006; and 5) the US Government issued a delivery verification
certificate (DVC) to the Romanian authorities on behalf of the end-user, which confirmed delivery of
the items on 27 April 2006 and was signed on 28 April 2006. The Romanian export control authority
included copies of the EUC and DVC in its response to CAR.
89 On 8 June 2016, the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 5 May 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Bulgarian company VMZ
Sopot manufactured the PG-7PM starter charge with consignment number 1-14-((11)), with NBL-42
powder, subject to CARs request; 2) in 2014, Bulgarian authorities authorised the export of part of
the consignment to the Ministry of Defence of Azerbaijan; 3) the original end-user certificate (EUC)
accompanied the export licence application; and 4) the export was realised on 18 December 2014 from
Bourgas Airport, Bulgaria, to Baku Airport, Azerbaijan.
90 On 13 July 2017, the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina responded promptly and comprehensively
to a formal trace request issued by CAR on 12 June 2017. This response confirms: 1) the Isman-Konjic
factory manufactured the 5.56 x 45 mm ammunition with lot number IK 98 06 05, subject to CARs trace
request, between 1997 and 1998; and 2) UNIS Promex, Sarajevo, exported the ammunition to the
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkey as part of a consignment of five million rounds.
On 13 July 2017, the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina responded promptly and comprehensively
to a formal trace request issued by CAR on 12 June 2017. This response confirms: 1) the Isman-Konjic
factory manufactured the 5.56 x 45 mm ammunition with lot number IK 98 04 04, subject to CARs trace
request, between 1997 and 1998; and 2) UNIS Promex, Sarajevo, exported the ammunition to the
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkey as part of a consignment of five million rounds.
91 On 8 June 2016, the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 5 May 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Bulgarian company Arsenal
JSCo manufactured the CP-71 charge (lot number ((10))-02-12), with NBL-42 powder (consignment
number ((10))-12-11), subject to CARs request; 2) CP-71 charges with the consignment number ((10))-
02-12 were used by Arsenal to assemble 40 mm RF-7MA rounds with lot number ((10))-04-13, which
were sold to Bulgarian companies authorised to export defence-related goods and subsequently
exported to three entities: a) In December 2013, the Bulgarian authorities authorised the transfer
of part of the consignment of RF-7MA rounds to the Bulgarian company Aheloy OPM. Aheloy OPM
transferred the consignment of RF-7MA rounds to the Slovak company Kelson S.R.O., with declared
re-export to the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The export licence application
included an international import certificate (IIC), issued by the Slovak authorities, a notarised copy
of the end-user certificate (EUC), issued by the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
for the Slovak company Kelson S.R.O, and a notarised letter to confirm that the Slovak authorities
retained the original EUC. Aheloy OPM transferred the consignment of RF- 7MA rounds to Kelson S.R.O.
in two transactions: 150 rounds transferred on 30 September 2013 from Bourgas Airport, Bulgaria, to
Bratislava Airport, Slovak Republic and 4,866 rounds transferred on 18 February 2014, from Bourgas
Airport, Bulgaria, to Bratislava Airport, Slovak Republic. b) In 2013, the Bulgarian authorities authorised
the export of part of the consignment of RF-7MA rounds to the Ministry of Defence of Afghanistan. The
export was realised in March 2014 from Bourgas Airport, Bulgaria to Kabul Airport, Afghanistan. The
recipient subsequently provided a delivery verification certificate (DVC) to the Bulgarian authorities; c)
In 2013, Bulgarian authorities authorised the export of part of the consignment of RF-7MA rounds to the
Royal Gendarmerie of Morocco. The original EUC accompanied the application for the export licence.
The export was realised in March 2014 from Bourgas Airport, Bulgaria, to Casablanca Airport, Morocco.
The recipient subsequently provided a DVC to the Bulgarian authorities.
92 On 8 June 2016, the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria responded promptly to a formal
trace request issued by CAR on 5 May 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Bulgarian company
Arsenal JSCo manufactured the CP-71 propelling charge (consignment number ((10))-02-14) with
NBL-42 powder (consignment number ((10))-09-13), subject to CARs request, and assembled these
components into 40 mm RF-7MA rounds with consignment number ((10))-04-14; 2) Arsenal sold these
RF-7MA rounds to Bulgarian companies authorised to export defence-related goods, and subsequently
exported the rounds to four entities: a) In June 2014, Bulgarian authorities authorised an export of part
of the consignment to the Department of the South African National Defence Force. The original end-
user certificate (EUC) accompanied the export licence application. The export was realised in August
2014 from Bourgas Airport, Bulgaria, to Polokwane Airport, Republic of South Africa. The recipient
subsequently provided a delivery verification certificate (DVC) to the Bulgarian authorities. b) In June
2014, Bulgarian authorities authorised a transfer of part of the consignment to the Ministry of Defence
of France. The original EUC, issued by the Ministry of Defence of France, accompanied the export
licence application. The transfer was realised on 25 February 2015 by land transportation. The recipient
subsequently provided a DVC to the Bulgarian authorities. c) In December 2013, Bulgarian authorities
authorised the transfer of part of the consignment of RF-7MA rounds to the Bulgarian company Aheloy
OPM. Aheloy OPM transferred the consignment of RF-7MA rounds to the Slovak company Kelson
S.R.O., with declared re-export to the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The export
licence application included an international import certificate (IIC) issued by the Slovak authorities,
a notarised copy of the EUC issued by the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and a
notarised letter to confirm that the Slovak authorities retained the original EUC. The transfer of 10,000
rounds was realised on 17 August 2014, from Bourgas Airport, Bulgaria, to Bratislava Airport, Slovak
Republic. d) In 2014, Bulgarian authorities authorised an export of part of the consignment to the
Ministry of Defence of Saudi Arabia. The original EUC accompanied the export licence application. The
export was realised on 3 November 2014 from Sofia Airport, Bulgaria, to Tabuk Airport, Saudi Arabia.
The recipient subsequently issued a DVC stating that the items were delivered on 5 November 2014.
On 26 June 2017, the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 14 February 2017. This response confirms that: 1) the Bulgarian company
Arsenal JSCo manufactured the CP-71 propelling charge (consignment number ((10))-02-14) with
NBL-42 powder (consignment number ((10))-09-13), subject to CARs request, and assembled these
components into 40 mm RF-7MA rounds with consignment number ((10))-04-14; 2) Arsenal sold these
RF-7MA rounds to Bulgarian companies authorised to export defence-related goods, and subsequently
exported the rounds to four entities:
a) I n June 2014, Bulgarian authorities authorised an export of part of the consignment to the
Department of the South African National Defence Force. The original end-user certificate
(EUC) accompanied the export licence application. The export was realised on 25 August 2014
from Bourgas Airport, Bulgaria, to Polokwane Airport, Republic of South Africa. The recipient
subsequently provided a delivery verification certificate (DVC) to the Bulgarian authorities.
b) In June 2014, Bulgarian authorities authorised a transfer of part of the consignment to the Ministry
of Defence of France. The original EUC, issued by the Ministry of Defence of France, accompanied the
export licence application. The transfer was realised on 25 February 2015 by land transportation. The
recipient subsequently provided a DVC to the Bulgarian authorities.
c) In December 2013, Bulgarian authorities authorised the transfer of part of the consignment of RF-
7MA rounds to the Bulgarian company Aheloy OPM. Aheloy OPM transferred the consignment of RF-
7MA rounds to the Slovak company Kelson S.R.O., with declared re-export to the Ministry of Defence
of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The export licence application included an international import
certificate (IIC) issued by the Slovak authorities, a notarised copy of the EUC issued by the Ministry of
Defence of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and a notarised letter to confirm that the Slovak authorities
retained the original EUC. The transfer of 10,000 rounds was realised on 17 August 2014, from Bourgas
Airport, Bulgaria, to Bratislava Airport, Slovak Republic.
d) In 2014, Bulgarian authorities authorised an export of part of the consignment to the Ministry of
Defence of Saudi Arabia. The original EUC accompanied the export licence application. The export
was realised on 3 November 2014 from Sofia Airport, Bulgaria, to Tabuk Airport, Saudi Arabia. The
recipient subsequently issued a DVC stating that the items were delivered on 5 November 2014.
93 The Government of the Slovak Republic confirmed that it was one of the importers of RF-7MA rounds
with lot number ((10))-04-13, which included CP-71 charge with lot number ((10))-02-12, from the
Government of the Republic of Bulgaria in 2014. The Slovak authorities did not provide any further
information regarding any subsequent exports of this materiel.
The Government of the Slovak Republic confirmed that it was one of the importers of RF-7MA rounds
with lot number ((10))-04-14, which included CP-71 charge with lot number ((10))-09-13, from the
Government of the Republic of Bulgaria in 2014. The Slovak authorities did not provide any further
information regarding any subsequent exports of this materiel.
94 On 3 August 2017, the Government of South Africa responded to formal trace requests issued by CAR on
22 June 2016 and 20 June 2017. This response confirms that the South African National Defence Force
(SANDF) purchased RF-7MA rounds with lot number ((10))-04-14 from the Bulgarian company Arsenal
95 Personnel involved with the flight confirmed to CAR investigators that the flight carried munitions with
a net explosive weight exceeding 11,000 kg (hazard class 1.1F), loaded in Burgas; a further 144 packages
of ammunition weighing more than 98,000 kg (hazard class 1.1F and 1.2E) were loaded in Bratislava.
97 Sands and Maayeh (2016). The article details how weapons intended for Syrian non-state armed
groups were transferred to a military operations command centre in Amman, Jordan, then on to a
Syrian middleman, and via Lejat-based Bedouin traders to IS forces fighting in Al Hasakah, where CAR
documented the items.
98 Telephone and email correspondence with personnel involved in the flight, 18 January 2017.
100 Telephone interview with European air traffic control staff, 18 January 2017. To comply with European
flight planning rules, aircraft must file flight plans stating their next destination. In this case, the aircraft
should either have declared Tabuk as the next destination, or listed it as an alternative and then
requested a diversion to Tabuk en route.
103 Based on aircraft logbook sheets for flight numbers TZS571 (BratislavaTabuk) and TZS572 (Tabuk
Amman) dated 19 August 2014.
104 On 17 August 2016, the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 18 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Bulgarian company VMZ
JSCo. manufactured the 40 mm PG-7VT rounds with lot number 1-13-((11)), subject to CARs trace
request; and 2) VMZ JSCo. sold the rounds to three Bulgarian defence export companies (unspecified in
Bulgarias response). Bulgarian authorities subsequently issued export licenses (exporters unspecified)
for delivery to three end-users: a) In 2014, the Bulgarian Interministerial Commission for Export
Control and Non-Proliferation of WMD granted two export licenses (to an unspecified exporter) for
the export of part of the consignment to the Ministry of Defence of France. The exporter presented
an original end-user certificate, issued by the Ministry of Defence of France, with the export licence
applications. The exports were realised in July 2014 and January 2016 (circumstances unspecified).
The Ministry of Defence of France issued delivery verification certificates dated 25 June 2014 and 25
January 2016, respectively. b) In 2013, the Bulgarian Interministerial Commission for Export Control
and Non-Proliferation of WMD granted an export licence (to an unspecified exporter) for the export of
part of the consignment to the Ministry of Defence of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania. The exporter
presented an original end-user certificate, issued by the Ministry of Defence of Mauritania, with the
export licence application. The export was realised on 28 September 2013 from Plovdiv Airport,
Bulgaria, to Nouakchott Airport, Mauritania. The Ministry of Defence of Mauritania issued a delivery
verification certificate dated 28 September 2013. c) In 2013, the Bulgarian Interministerial Commission
for Export Control and Non-Proliferation of WMD granted an export licence (to an unspecified exporter)
for the export of part of the consignment to the United States Department of the Army. The export was
realised on 20 November 2013, to Ramstein Air Base, Germany. The United States Department of the
Army issued a delivery verification certificate dated 28 May 2014.
105 On 26 April 2017, the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria responded promptly to a formal trace
request issued by CAR on 14 February 2017. This response confirms that: 1) VMZ JSCo manufactured the
PG-7VM rounds with lot number 1-14-((11)), subject to CARs trace request; 2) VMZ JSCo sold the rounds
to Bulgarian companies licenced to trade in military goods and; 3) Bulgarian authorities issued licences
for the export of this materiel to:
b) [End-user], United States of America (licence issued in 2015). The export was realised on 6 June 2016
from Burgas, Bulgaria, to Galveston, United States of America.
106 On 28 April 2017, a United States based company that specialises in military reproduction and weapon
replicas, responded to a formal trace request issued by CAR on 28 April 2017. This company confirmed
that it purchased 5,000 PG-7VM 40 mm rockets with lot number ((11))-1-14 from Bulgaria. The company
confirmed that the shipment arrived in port on 29 June 2016. The company further stated that these
goods were ordered for training purposes and would not be exported by the company.
107 On 25 May 2017, the Government of the Republic of Serbia responded promptly and comprehensively
to a formal trace request issued by CAR on 28 April 2017. This response confirms that: 1) [End-user],
Serbia, imported 960 PG-7VM 40 mm rockets with lot number 11-1-14 from Bulgaria under import
licence number 000749 of 23 January 2014 and end-user certificate number 520/3000/04 of 18 August
2013, for onward export to the Ministry of National Defence and Veterans of the Republic of Burundi,
the declared end-user; 2) [Broker], Costa Rica, brokered the purchase of the aforementioned materiel
on behalf of the end-user; 3) a Bulgarian company delivered the consignment to the Gradina Customs
Office, Serbia, on 2 April 2014; 4) the consignment was then forwarded to the Belgrade Airport Customs
Office; 5) The Cargo Airline company, Georgia, shipped the consignment from Belgrade Airport, Serbia,
to Bujumbura Airport, Burundi, on 4 April 2014, under a flight approval and air waybill (number 990-
31280011) issued by the Directorate of the Civil Aviation of the Republic of Serbia; and 6) the Ministry of
National Defence and Veterans of the Republic of Burundi issued a delivery verification certificate (DVC)
dated 28 January 2015, to the Ministry of Trade, Telecommunications and Tourism of the Republic of
Serbia. The Serbian authorities included copies of the air waybill and DVC in their response to CAR.
108 In addition, a CAR field investigation team documented an RHEAT-9MA 73 mm rocket bearing the same
lot number((10)) 03 10in the holdings of the non-state armed group Sudan Peoples Liberation
ArmyNorth in Blue Nile, Sudan, on 12 February 2017.
110 The five battles are the siege of Kobane (September 2014January 2015); the second battle of Tikrit
(MarchApril 2015); the western Al Hasakah offensive (May 2015); the third battle of Fallujah (MayJune
2016); and the battle of Mosul (October 2016July 2017).
111 Each series comprises rifles whose serial numbers start with the same letter or letters, and which differ
by less than 10,000.
116 On 19 September 2016, Metkim Kimyevi Maddeler Ltd. ti. responded to a formal trace request issued
by CAR on 14 July 2016. The company confirmed that it has imported aluminium paste for civilian use
since 1980. In its response to CAR, Metkim Kimyevi Maddeler Ltd. ti. included a letter from the Turkish
Ministry of Customs and Trade to distributors, dated 2 July 2015, prohibiting the export of certain goods
to Syria.
117 An international standard maintained by the World Customs Organization, the HS classifies traded
products. The abovementioned letter from the Turkish Ministry of Customs and Trade prohibits the
export to Syria of goods corresponding to HS codes 320710, 320730, 760310, and certain goods under
HS code 321290. These codes correspond to the following goods, as listed in UN COMTRADE (n.d.):
320710: Tanning or dyeing extracts; tannins and their derivatives; dyes, pigments and other colouring matter; paints and
varnishes; putty and other mastics; inks.
Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers and prepared colours, vitrifiable enamels and glazes, engobes (slips), liquid
lustres and similar preparations, of a kind used in the ceramic, enamelling or glass industry; glass frit and other glass, in
the form of powder, granules or flakes.
320730: Tanning or dyeing extracts; tannins and their derivatives; dyes, pigments and other colouring matter; paints and
varnishes; putty and other mastics; inks.
Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers and prepared colours, vitrifiable enamels and glazes, engobes (slips), liquid
lustres and similar preparations, of a kind used in the ceramic, enamelling or glass industry; glass frit and other glass, in
the form of powder, granules or flakes.
321290: Tanning or dyeing extracts; tannins and their derivatives; dyes, pigments and other colouring matter; paints and
varnishes; putty and other mastics; inks.
Pigments (including metallic powders and flakes) dispersed in non-aqueous media, in liquid or paste form, of a kind
used in the manufacture of paints (including enamels); stamping foils; dyes and other colouring matter put up in forms or
packings for retail sale.
118 Data compiled from UN Comtrade (n.d.). The database has its limitations, as it may contain miscoded
goods, lack specificity with respect to some custom codes, and reflect possible data censorship. CAR
uses this data only in combination with field-based investigations to underline possible trends.
119 On 28 June, the company ATR Kimya (Turkey) responded to a formal trace request and communication
issued by CAR on 22 April 2016. A CAR representative confirmed via telephone the following: 1) ATR
Kimya sells raw pigment materials used for the paint and plastic industry; 2) the goods are produced in
China, India and Europe; 3) ATR Kimya exports these raw materials to only seven or eight countries; 4)
since the situation in the Middle East has become hostile, the Turkish government has put the chemical
sector under strict control; 4) ATR Kimya has not exported any goods to Iraq or Syria in the last two
years (as of 28 June 2016) and; 5) the company is not in a position to trace the drums back to their
intended end-users.
120 Data compiled from UN Comtrade (n.d.). HS code 310230 covers Fertilisers; Mineral or chemical
fertilisers, nitrogenous; Ammonium nitrate, whether or not in aqueous solution.
121 Data compiled from UN Comtrade (n.d.). HS code 283421 covers Inorganic chemicals; organic or
inorganic compounds of precious metals, of rare-earth metals, of radioactive elements or of isotopes;
Nitrites; nitrates; Nitrates; Of potassium.
122 On 25 April 2016, the Turkish company Vitagro responded promptly to a formal trace request issued
by CAR on 21 April 2016. In its response, the company confirmed that it had manufactured the bag of
ammonium nitrate, the subject of CARs request, and that Vitagro only sells this type of product on the
Turkish domestic market. Vitagro further stated that its customers are Turkish fertiliser dealers and
distributors and that it has no knowledge as to how Islamic State acquired its product.
124 On 29 November 2016, Doktor Tarsa Inc. responded promptly to a formal trace request issued by CAR
on 25 November 2016. This response confirms that: 1) Doktor Tarsa Inc. sold the bags of potassium
nitrate, subject to CARs trace requests, on the Turkish domestic market; and 2) the company
distributes potassium nitrate with the same lot numbers to many recipients. Doktor Tarsa Inc.
encouraged CAR to launch an official request with the Turkish authorities in order to obtain information
on the recipients of this material.
125 On 11 July 2016, the Turkish company Doktor Tarsa Inc. responded promptly to a formal trace request
issued by CAR on 8 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) Doktor Tarsa Inc. does not export
potassium nitrate to either Iraq or Syria; 2) Doktor Tarsa Inc. sold the bag of potassium nitrate with lot
number 18472, which was the subject of CARs request, on the Turkish domestic market; 3) all sales
of potassium nitrate are submitted to the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture, and therefore the records
documenting the sale of this item can be obtained from there; and 4) potassium nitrate that is intended
for the Turkish domestic market is packaged differently to the potassium nitrate intended for export.
On 27 July 2016, SQM Europe N.V., a partner of Doktor Tarsa Inc., stated that SQM Europe had not sold
KNO3 (potassium nitrate) directly to Iraq in 2015 or 2016. SQM Europe N.V. further confirmed that the
packaging of the item in CARs trace request indicates that the item was specifically for the Turkish
domestic market.
126 On 11 August, the company SIA URALCHEM Trading (Riga, Latvia) responded promptly to a formal
trace request issued by CAR on 14 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1) SIA URALCHEM TRADING
manufactured the 25 kg bag of potassium nitrate, subject to CARs request, in 2010; 2) in 2011, SIA
URALCHEM sold a limited quantity of this product to Syria (prior to any unrest in the region), to a
company registered in Hong Kong; 3) no sales were made to Syria after 2011 and SIA URALCHEM does
not export this product to Iraq; 4) SIA URALCHEM last sold this type of product to Turkey (to a Turkish
company that deals in water-soluble fertilizers) in early 2013; 5) currently, it only sells Monoammonium
Phosphate (a product which cannot be used as a precursor to make explosives) to the Turkish market;
6) SIA URALCHEM confirmed that it usually sells its product to distributors and that checks are
carried out to ensure that its products are sold to bona fide customers and; 7) it is impossible for SIA
URALCHEM to limit the onward sale of its product once the item has passed to the buyer, as it does not
have either the contractual instruments or practical means to enforce any such limits.
127 On 23 September, the company LTA Legal and Tax Alliance responded on behalf of its client Biolchim
S.P.A to a formal trace request issued by CAR on 22 September 2016. This response confirms that:
1) Biolchim specialises in the production and commercialisation of fertilizers; 2) Biolchim sold and
delivered the 25 kg bag of Hydrofert 15.5.30+3MgO, the subject of CARs request, to Green Land Est (Abu
Niamah Bldg, Shmeisani - Sharif Nasir Bin Jaml St. Amman 11593 Jordan), in August 2013; 3) Biolchim
has sold its products to Green Land Est since 1998, which operates as a distributor of Biolchim products
in Jordan; 4) The 25 kg bag was part of a formal order of 12,600 kg of Hydrofert 15.5.30+3MgO (sold
to Green Land Est in 2013); 5) MSC maritime shipped the order to Green Land Est (in compliance with
CFR Aqaba port, Jordan terms); and 6) Biolchim does not have any information regarding re-transfer
of this product to third parties. LTA- Legal and Tax Alliance included copies of the commercial invoice,
certificate of origin (legalised by the Italian Chamber of Commerce), certificates of analysis (for each
supplied product), a bill of lading, a EUR.1 certificate, and the safety data sheets of the product in its
response to CAR.
128 On 12 November 2016, Green Land Est responded promptly to a formal trace request issued by CAR on
10 November 2016. In its response Green Land Est stated: 1) in August 2013, Biolchim Co. Italy exported
12,600 kg of Hydrofert 15/5/30+3MgO fertilizer to Green Land Est, of which the item subject to CARs
trace request was one; 2) Green Land Est received the shipment in September 2013; 3) Green Land Est
sells the majority of this type of product in the Jordanian domestic market but sold 160 bags to an
Iraqi dealer called [name redacted] (Baghdad, Iraq); 4) Green Land Est exported the 160 bags to [name
redacted] in May 2014 with other agricultural products; and 5) Green Land Est has not made any other
sales to Iraq and has never exported or sold products to Syria.
129 On 15 December 2016, Tereos Starch and Sweeteners responded promptly to a formal trace request
issued by CAR on 25 November 2016. Tereos Starch and Sweeteners confirmed that it sold sorbitol
with the same lot numbers that CAR documented to four companies: a) Sinerji, a Turkish company
that specialises in distribution of food, health, paper, and textile starches within the country and
acts as a Tereos distributor in the country; b) Kent, a chewing gum production facility based in
Turkey; c) Ceremony, a Turkish confectionary manufacturer and; d) Animal Lovers, a Dutch pet
food manufacturer. Tereos sold and shipped this materiel to end-user companies or distributors in
eight transactions, under eight invoices: 1) Tereos shipped 640 bags of sorbitol with batch numbers
F2D103601 and F2D113601 to Sinerji on 25 May 2015 from Antwerp, Belgium, to Gebze, Turkey, under
an invoice dated 13 May 2015; 2) The company shipped 800 bags of sorbitol with batch numbers
F2D103601 and F2D064601 to Kent on 13 May 2015 from Antwerp, Belgium, to Gebze, Turkey, under
an invoice dated 8 May 2015; 3) The company shipped 1600 bags of sorbitol with batch numbers
F2D103601, F2D101601 and F2D113601 to Kent on 11 May 2015 from Antwerp, Belgium, to Gebze, Turkey,
under an invoice dated 30 April 2015; 4) Tereos shipped 5880 bags of sorbitol with batch numbers
F2D068601, F2D069601, F2D070601, F2D071601, F2D072601 and F2D074601 to Ceremony on 30 April
2015 from Antwerp, Belgium, to Mersin, Turkey, under an invoice dated 9 April 2015; 5) The company
shipped 840 bags of sorbitol with batch numbers F2D103611 and F2D067610 to Sinerji on 20 May 2015
from Antwerp, Belgium, to Gebze, Turkey, under an invoice dated 5 May 2015; 6) The company shipped
1600 bags of sorbitol with batch numbers F2D113601, F2D156601, F2D157601 and F2D158601 to Kent
on 27 August 2015 from Antwerp, Belgium, to Gebze, Turkey, under an invoice dated 11 August 2015;
7) Tereos transferred 640 bags of sorbitol with batch numbers F2D103601, F2D099602, F2D108601 to
Animal Lovers via road, under an invoice dated 12 May 2015; 8) The company transferred 1600 bags
of sorbitol with batch numbers F2D103611, F2D033601, F2D117601 and F2D122601 to Kent on 26 June
2015 from Antwerp, Belgium, to Gebze, Turkey, under an invoice dated 12 June 2015. Tereos Starch and
Sweeteners confirmed that it neither exports sorbitol to Iraq nor deals with any Iraqi entity and that all
its products were exported in full compliance with international trade regulations. Tereos Starch and
Sweeteners included copies of the relevant invoices and waybills in its response to CAR.
130 On 5 July 2017, Tereos Starch and Sweeteners responded promptly to a formal trace request issued
by CAR on 8 June 2017. Tereos Starch and Sweeteners confirmed that it sold sorbitol with batch
number F20193601, subject to CARs trace request, to two companies: a) Sinerji, a Turkish company
that specialises in distribution of food, health, paper, and textile starches within Turkey and acts as a
Tereos distributor in the country (products are sold to Benison, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, which
acts as a central purchasing agency on behalf of Sineiji); b) Eurosweets GmbH, a German company that
manufactures sugar based liquids for the food and beverage industry. Tereos Starch and Sweeteners
sold and delivered the sorbitol to the recipient companies in two transactions: 1) Tereos Starch and
Sweeteners shipped 18 tons of sorbitol with batch number F20193601 to Sinerji on 4 November 2015
on board the MSC Belgium N.V., from Antwerp, Belgium, to Gebze, Turkey, under an invoice dated 28
August 2015 and a sea waybill dated 9 November 2015. The shipment was delivered to Sinerji on 9
December 2015; 2) Tereos Starch and Sweeteners sold one ton of sorbitol with batch number F20193601
to Eurosweets GmBH. Ziegler France SA transferred the batch to Eurosweets GmBH on 5 August 2015.
Tereos Starch and Sweeteners confirmed that it neither exports sorbitol to Iraq nor deals with any Iraqi
entity and that all its products were exported in full compliance with international trade regulations.
Tereos Starch and Sweeteners included copies of the relevant invoices, waybills, health certificates and
certificates of conformity in
its response
to CAR.
131 Through a source kept anonymous
for security reasons, CAR later found the exact companies names
are Salah Aldeen Mahohi ( ) and Ali Jamal Alshawi ( ) . In reviewing bank transfer
statements, CAR also found that for both transfers, a Turkish intermediary paid for the sorbitol on
behalf of the two Syrian entities.
132 On 15 August 2017, Sinerji Gida Kimya Tekstil responded to a formal trace request issued by CAR on 21
December 2016. This response confirms that Sinerji Gida Kimya Tekstil exported the sorbitol with batch
numbers F2D103611, F2D103601 and F2D113601, subject to CARs trace request, to the Ale Cemal Elsavi
company, Aleppo, Syria, in the following quantities:
Sinerji Gida Kimya Tekstil transported the goods by lorry alongside 9,000 kg of sorbitol with batch
numbers F2D065601, F2D067601, F2D075601, F2D072601 and F2D039602, (which were not documented
by CAR) to the Oncupinar border, south of Kilis, Turkey, and north of Azez, Syria, under an export
declaration dated 1 September 2015. From the border, the recipient, Ale Cemal Elsavi, organised
collection and transfer of the goods to its facility in Aleppo, Syria. Sinerji Gida Kimya Tekstil cannot
confirm if the goods were sold to a third party after it delivered the items to the Oncupinar border. The
company confirmed that it had never sold any sorbitol product to Iraq.
On 15 August 2017, Sinerji Gida Kimya Tekstil responded to a formal trace request issued by CAR on 12
July 2017. This response confirms that: 1) Sinerji Gida Kimya Tekstil exported 18,000 kg of sorbitol with
batch number F20193601, subject to CARs trace request, to the Ali Salah Edin Muhyiy company (a sister
company to Ale Cemal Elsavi), Aleppo, Syria, under an export declaration dated 22 December 2015; 2)
Ali Salah Edin Muhyiy organised the transport of the goods alongside 22,000 kg of sorbitol with batch
numbers F2D171601 and F2D253601 (which were not documented by CAR) and; 4) Sinerji Gida Kimya
Tekstil confirmed that it has never sold any sorbitol product to Iraq.
133 CAR obtained this information from a phone number identification application and corroborated it
with information obtained from anonymous Syrian sources. CAR tried to contact the individual linked
to the phone numbers on 20 September 2017, without success.
134 On 9 August, the company Al Khaleej Sugar located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) responded
promptly to a formal trace request issued by CAR on 13 July 2016. This response confirms that: 1)
Al Khaleej Sugar manufactured the 50 kg bag of sugar with lot number SF0189, subject to CARs
trace request, in the UAE in January 2015. 2) Al Khaleej Sugar sold items in this lot to the Ministry of
Trade (MOT)/State Company for Foodstuff Trading, Baghdad, Iraq, under contract number 745 of 30
December 2014; 3) Al Khaleej Sugar shipped the sugar on board the vessels MV ADVENTURER K (bills
of lading dated 7 February 2015) and MV BASRAH (bills of lading dated 10 February 2015) to MOT, Um
Qasr, Iraq. Al Khaleej Sugar included copies of the Certificate Independent Surveyor and Inspection
Certificate, issued by the inspection company Baltic Control Emirates LLC, in its response to CAR.
135 On 22 December 2016, the company Al Khaleej Sugar located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
responded promptly to a formal trace request issued by CAR on 25 November 2016. This response
confirms that: 1) Al Khaleej Sugar manufactured the 50 kg bag of sugar with lot number GC035, subject
to CARs trace request, in the UAE in September 2013. 2) Al Khaleej Sugar sold items in this lot to the
Ministry of Trade (MOT)/State Company for Foodstuff Trading, Baghdad, Iraq, under contract number
651 of 27 August 2013; 3) Al Khaleej Sugar shipped the sugar on board the vessel MV PRIME (under bills
of lading dated 25/09/2013) to MOT, Um Qasr, Iraq. Al Khaleej Sugar included copies of the Certificate
Independent Surveyor and Inspection Certificate, issued by the independent inspection company
Bureau Veritas, in its response to CAR.
137 The reaction formula is AlP + 3 H2O = PH3 + Al (OH)3. The reaction shows that aluminium phosphide
plus water results in phosphine and an aluminium hydroxide residue.
139 Data compiled from WU (n.d.b) and averaged with each date prior from 10 to 19 May 2017 (WU, n.d.c).
140 CAR field investigation teams in Mosul at the time confirm rain frequently fell in the city in March and
April 2017.
142 On 16 October 2017, ELAchem SpA. responded promptly to a formal trace request issued by CAR on
13 October 2017. This response confirms that; 1) ELAchem s.r.l manufactured the Prepolymer with lot
number DE26250574, the subject of CARs request; 2) Prepolymer, a component of Polyurethane, is
used to manufacture shoe soles and sandals; 3) ELAchem delivered the lot in question to Syria more
than 10 years ago, from Genoa or Venice, Italy, to Lattakya, Syria. ELAchem s.r.l. included a copy of the
technical data sheet in its response to CAR.
143 On 2 November 2017, BASF responded promptly to a formal trace request issued by CAR on 13 October
2017. This response confirms that: 1) BASF sold the drum of Lupranat T80A, subject to CARs trace
request, to Solvochem Holland BV (Solvochem), in 2012; 2) Solvochem sold the item to Hemn Group,
a company that produces flexible foam for furniture and mattresses, based in Duhouk; 3)Hemn Group
confirmed it received a complete delivery; 4) BASF stated that there are no foamers based in Tal Afar.
According to Solvochem, the closest foamers to Duhouk are based in Baghdad (450km away from
where CAR documented the drum); and 5) it is not possible to establish how the drum ended up in
Tal Afar.Hemn Group additionally informed CAR that they occasionally lend this product to other
companies and no records are kept of these transactions.
147 On 15 March 2017, Karwanchi Group responded to a formal trace request issued by CAR on 23 December
2015. Karwanchi Group confirmed that it has no records of theft or losses of hydrogen peroxide, which
was the subject of CARs trace request. Karwanchi Group confirmed that it uses hydrogen peroxide to
sterilize its packaging and filling machine.
148 On 22 April 2016, CHT R. BEITLICH GMBH responded promptly to a formal trace request issued by CAR
on 15 April 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the original content of the CHT drum with the serial
number 20491+0000030006+ 1111140030+ 120, the subject of CARs request, was TUBIPRINT BINDER
CH 450, a chemical binder used for textile applications; 2) the item was shipped on 29 December
2014, from CHT Tekstil Kimya (the Turkish affiliate of CHT R. BEITLICH GMBH), Gaziantep, Turkey to
the textile company, Matesa Tekstil Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S., Kahramanmaras, Turkey; 3) the item was
part of a shipment of 20 drums of TUBIPRINT BINDER CH 450 delivered to Matesa; 4) according to
CHT R. BEITLICH GMBH, Matesa uses the product for its own production and does not re-transfer to
third parties; and 5) CHT Tekstil Kimya does not export this type of product to Iraq or Syria. CHT R.
BEITLICH GMBH included a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) of the product and the delivery note in
its response.
149 On 20 April 2016, Erca Group Kimya San. Ve Tic. A. responded promptly to a formal trace request
issued by CAR on 15 April 2016. This response confirms that: 1) the Erca-manufactured drum seized from
Islamic State forces near Ramadi, Iraq, the subject of CARs request, originally contained Blancolux
MST, an optical brightener used in the textile industry; 2) Erca Group Kimya San. Ve Tic. A. only has
one customer for this particular Blancolux product, a Turkish company called Matesa; 3) Matesa has
purchased 112 Blancolux MST 120 kg drums from 2015 until present date (20 April 2016); 4) Matesa is
the end-user for this product and no re-sale is possible and; 5) empty drums of this sort are given by
Matesa to third parties in the region. Erca Group Kimya San. Ve Tic. A. provided the delivery notes for
the 112 drums and a safety data sheet and technical leaflet of the product in its response.
On 11 July 2016, Erca Group Kimya San. Ve Tic. A. confirmed that two Turkish companies, Ekomar and
Sinan Kele, collect empty drums of this sort from Matesa and that this is done with permission from
the Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urban Affairs.
150 On 24 June 2016, the Belgian company Chemours Belgium responded to a formal trace request
issued by CAR on 29 April 2016. This response confirms that: 1) in November 2014, Chemours Belgium
manufactured the 455G-R1380 Roller Topcoat Pewter, batch 1411MP0041, subject to CARs trace request,
in its Mechelen factory, Belgium; 2) the product is used to manufacture non-stick frying pans; 3)
Chemours Belgium sold this batch to the Turkish company Almesan Aluminyum Sanayi; 4) Chemours
Turkey (the Turkish branch of Chemours Belgium) organised the billing and shipment of items to
Almesan Aluminyum Sanayi; 5) Almesan Aluminyum Sanayi confirmed, via Chemours Belgium, that it
never sells unused drums of 455G-R1380 Roller Topcoat Pewter and that it gives used or empty drums
to local recycling companies; 6) Almesan further stated that it is unable to control how the recycling
companies subsequently use the empty drums and; 7) in its response to CAR, Chemours Belgium
provided relevant invoices for the sale of this batch of Roller Topcoat Pewter and the products safety
data sheet.
151 On 11 July 2016, Almesan Aluminyum Sanayi informed CAR that it primarily sells used drums to two
recycling companies: Dinc Atik Yonemti San. Tic. Ltd. Sti. (Dilovasi Osb 4. Kisim D-2028 No:18 Gebze
Kocaeli) and Vatan Varil San. Tic.Ltd.Sti. (Sekerpinar Mah. Defne Sok. No:14 Cayirova Kocaeli).
153 Nitomak Dyno Nobel, as noted in CAR (2016a), enforces a strict policy of distributing products only
to licensed companies. The detonating cord in question was part of a shipment of spools received in
June 2013 by Nitromak Dyno Nobel from Gulf Oil. In the seven months following receipt of the order,
Nitomak Dyno Nobel supplied detonating cord to 71 customers. Nitromak Dyno Nobel strictly prohibits
the making of any payment or engagement in any transaction that is in breach of any law or regulatory
requirement relating to the implementation of sanction against any country, individual or entity, that
has imposed by the United Nations or by any country with or in which it does business. Accordingly,
Nitomak Dyno Nobel does not export product of this type to Syria or Iraq. Additionally, Nitromak Dyno
Nobel employees undertake continuous training to ensure awareness of and compliance with all
applicable sanctions laws and company policies.
160 On 23 August 2017, DanChurchAid (DCA) responded promptly to a formal trace request issued by
CAR on 27 July 2017. This response confirms that: 1) DCA stored explosives and detonators that it
purchased for its Iraq operations in the camp of the Danish battalion in Iraq; 2) upon closing its
office at the beginning of 2004, DCA donated this material to Danish Demining Group (DDG) and the
materiel remained at the Danish camp; 3) in April 2004, the Danish forces requested that DDG remove
the material and a control count was carried out by a DDG employee who identified eight km of
detonating cord as missing. The cord was erroneously destroyed by the Danish armed forces and; 3)
DDG moved the material to Camp Zubair, where UNMAS had access to storage facilities, which were not
administered by DCA or DDG.
163 On 25 August 2016, after consultation via email and a visit by a CAR representative to
STMicroelectronics, the company provided evidence that the 22 STlabelled transistors, documented by
CAR staff to date, are counterfeit.
164 On 26 February, Shindengen Electric Manufacturing Co. Ltd. informed CAR that the the
microcontrollers in question are counterfeit products. Shindengen neither manufactured the products,
nor was involved in any way in the supply chain. Having commissioned an independent investigation,
CAR concludes that the items are Microchip PIC16f1827 microcontrollers. Unknown parties removed
the original information printed onto these microcontrollers by abrasion and fraudulently applied the
name Shindengen and the part number MCZ3001DB to each. Shindengen did not manufacture the
products and was not involved, in any capacity, in their supply. See CAR (2016a, p. 33).
165 On 7 July 2016, Microsoft Corporation responded promptly to a formal trace request issued by CAR
on 30 March 2016. In its response, Microsoft Corporation stated that the RH-18 mobile telephone with
IMEI number 35254300/415174/5, subject to CARs trace request, might be counterfeit. The device
documented by CAR bears a Nokia 1100 label but the code and IMEI number refer to a Nokia 2300 Model
mobile telephone that was shipped to China on 27 April 2004.
167 On 27 June 2016, Hawk Freight Logistics responded to a formal trace request issued by CAR on 7
January 2016. This response confirms that: 1) Nokia manufactured the cell phone with IMEI number
357134/06/881894/3, the subject of CARs request; 2) it was part of a consignment of 15,000 Nokia/
Microsoft phones consigned to Brightpoint M.E. under Nokias invoice number 500224773 of 4
November 2014; 3) Nokia shipped the consignment from Hanoi, Vietnam, to Dubai, United Arab
Emirates, on Malaysian Airlines flight number MH 6053; 4) the consignment was delivered to the Hawk
Freight Logistics warehouse on 17 November 2014; 5) Hawk Freight Logistics checked the shipment into
its warehouse and segregated the items to be sent to Brightpoint M.E.s clients; delivering 3,000 phones
to AZ Logistics (DAFZA DXB) and 12,000 phones to ORG Logistics (DAFZA DXB); and 6) Hawk Freight
Logistics cannot confirm to whom it delivered the unit with IMEI number 357134/06/881894/3. Hawk
Freight Logistics included relevant delivery notes, a goods receipt note (GRN), transport documents,
invoices, and airway bills in its response to CAR.
168 On 7 July 2016, Microsoft Corporation responded promptly to a formal trace request issued by CAR
on 30 March 2016. In its response, Microsoft Corporation provided sales documents for the Nokia RH-
130 mobile telephone, with IMEI number 357290/05/079642/0, subject to CARs trace request. This
documentation confirms that Derinton International FZE, United Arab Emirates, purchased the item on
13 May 2013 for delivery to Fastlink, Iraq. The mobile telephone with IMEI number 357290/05/079642/0
was part of a shipment of 7,300 telephones with a scheduled delivery date of 3 July 2013.
Al Jazeera. 2017. Most ISIL Weapons Were Seized from Iraqi Army. 8 December. <http://america.aljazeera.
Blanchard, Christopher and Amy Belasco. 2015. Train and Equip Program for Syria: Authorities, Funding, and
Issues for Congress. Washington: Congressional Research Service. 9 June. <https://fas.org/sgp/crs/natsec/
CAR (Conflict Armament Research). 2015a. Non-state Armed Groups in the Central African Republic: Types
and Sources of Documented Arms and Ammunition. London: CAR. January. <http://www.conflictarm.com/
. 2015b. Islamic State Weapons in Kobane: Analysis of Weapons and Ammunition Captured from Islamic
State Forces in Kobane. London: CAR. April. <http://www.conflictarm.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/
. 2016a. Tracing the Supply of Components Used in Islamic State IEDs: Evidence from a 20-month
Investigation in Iraq and Syria. London: CAR. February. <http://www.conflictarm.com/wp-content/
. 2016b. Investigating Cross-border Weapon Transfers in the Sahel. London: CAR. November. <http://www.
. 2017. Sudanese Stockpiles and Regional Weapon Diversion: An Analysis of Captured Equipment in the
Possession of the Sudan Peoples Liberation ArmyNorth in the Nuba Mountains. London: CAR. May. <www.
Chivers, C.J. 2015. ISIS Has Fired Chemical Mortar Shells, Evidence Indicates. New York Times. 17 July.
Council of the EU (European Union). 2008. Council Common Position 2008/944/CFSP of 8 December 2008
Defining Common Rules Governing Control of Exports of Military Technology and Equipment. Official
Journal of the European Union. L 335/99 of 13 December 2008. Brussels: Council of the EU. <http://eur-lex.
. 2017. Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the Application of,
and Delegation of Power under, Regulation (EU) 98/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on
the Marketing and Use of Explosives Precursors. 28 February. <http://ec.europa.eu/transparency/regdoc/
CPA (Coalition Provisional Authority). 2004. Coalition Provisional Authority Order Number 75: Realignment
of Military Industrial Companies. CPA/ORD/15 April 2004/75. In force 20 April 2004. <https://upload.
GAO (United States Government Accountability Office). 2007. Decision in the Matter of Blane International
Group, Inc. File B-310329. Washington, DC: GAO. 13 December. <http://www.gao.gov/assets/390/381068.pdf>
Glatz, Anne-Kathrin and Lora Lumpe. 2007. Probing the Grey Area: Irresponsible Small Arms Transfers. In
Small Arms Survey. Small Arms Survey 2007: Guns and the City. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.
Gourley, Scott. 2017. Soldier Armed: Non-standard Ammunition. Army Magazine. 10 March. <http://www.
InsideGov. n.d.a. W15QKN16D0003: $5.16 M Contract with Culmen International, Llc in Alexandria, VA.
Accessed 16 November 2017. <http://government-contracts.insidegov.com/l/33811251/W15QKN16D0003>
. n.d.b. W15QKN16D0007-0003: $939 k Contract with Udc Usa, Inc. in Tampa, FL. Accessed 16 November
2017. <http://government-contracts.insidegov.com/l/33811269/W15QKN16D0007-0003>
IS (Islamic State). n.d. And God Will Be Sufficient for You against Them: Wilayat al-Furat. Posted July 2016.
<https://videopress.com/v/zfI1oL7W?at=819 (13:39)>
Jaysh al-Nasr. 2016. Jaysh al-Nasr fighters with 9M111MB-1 ATGW. Posted 21 December. Accessed 5 April 2017.
Leff, Jonah and Emile LeBrun. 2014. Following the Thread: Arms and Ammunition Tracing in Sudan and South
Sudan. HSBA Working Paper 32. Geneva: Small Arms Survey. June. <http://www. smallarmssurveysudan.
Loren Datas FBO Daily. 2007. 13: Various Nonstandard Ammunition for Islamic Republic of Afghanistan,
Afghanistan National Security Forces and the Government of Iraq (Modification 01). 7 June. <http://www.
OpenCorporates. n.d. United International Supplies, Inc. Accessed 2 May 2017. <https://opencorporates.
Sands, Phil and Suha Maayeh. 2016. Death of a Syrian Arms Salesman. National. 8 August. <https://www.
ShaamNetwork. 2013. Damascus countryside, Jabal Sheikh, the Free Army targeted one of the
regimes army bases. 20 August 2013. Posted on 20 August 2013. <https://www.youtube.com/
SIGIR (Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction). 2006. Quarterly Report to the United States
Congress. Arlington, VA: SIGIR. 30 October. <http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a531680.pdf>
Small Arms Survey with CAR (Conflict Armament Research). 2013. Weapons Captured from David Yau Yaus
Rebel Forces, Jonglei, July 2013. HSBA Arms and Ammunition Tracing Desk Report. July. <http://www.
smallarmssurveysudan.org/fileadmin/docs/facts-figures/arms-ammunition-tracing-desk/HSBA- Tracing-
UN COMTRADE (United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database). n.d. UN Comtrade Database.
UNSC (United Nations Security Council). 2013. Final Report of the Panel of Experts Established Pursuant to
Resolution 1973 (2011) Concerning Libya. S/2013/99 of 9 March 2013. New York: UN.
. 2014. Final Report of the Panel of Experts Established Pursuant to Resolution 1973 (2011) Concerning Libya.
S/2014/106 of 19 February 2014. New York: UN.
USNLM (United States National Library of Medicine). n.d. Phosphine. Accessed 26 June 2017. <https://
Vinograd, Cassandra. 2015. ISIS Shows Off Its American-Made M16 Rifles. NBC News. 1 September. <https://
Welch, Stewart and Kevin Bailey. 2016. In Pursuit of Good Ideas: The Syria Train-and-Equip Program.
Research Note 36. Washington: Washington Institute for Near East Policy. September.
WU (Weather Underground). n.d.a. Mosul, Iraq: Sunday, May 7, 2017. Accessed 5 June 2017. <https://www.
. n.d.b. Mosul, Iraq: Friday, May 19, 2017. Accessed 28 June 2017. <https://www.wunderground.
. n.d.c. Mosul, Iraq: May 10, 2017May 19, 2017. Accessed 28 June 2017. <https://www.wunderground.
Yousaf, Mohammad and Mark Adkin. 2001. Afghanistan the Bear Trap: The Defeat of a Superpower. Oxford:
DCA DanChurchAid
EU European Union
IS Islamic State
Conflict Armament Research would also like to express its appreciation to Alexander Diehl, Bob Gravett,
Alastair Hay, Drew Prater, and other individuals for their technical assistance on the research that led to this
Table 3
Quantities of weapons documented in Iraq and Syria, per types
Regional Regional
Type of weapons Qty Percentage % Qty Percentage % Qty Percentage
7.62 x 39 mm
867 68.27% 67.00% 427 75.98% 33.00% 1294 70.63%
assault rifles
7.62 x 54R mm
medium machine 127 10.00 74.71 43 7.65 25.29 170 9.28
7.62 x 39 mm
138 10.87 95.83 6 1.07 4.17 144 7.86
light machine guns
40 mm launchers
49 3.86 61.25 31 5.52 38.75 80 4.37
(RPG-7 type)
5.56 x 45 mm
assault rifles/ 17 1.34 62.96 10 1.78 37.04 27 1.47
7.62 x 51 mm
8 0.63 80.00 2 0.36 20.00 10 0.55
automatic rifles
12.7 x 108 mm
9 0.71 100.00 0 0.00 0.00 9 0.49
heavy machine guns
7.62 x 54R mm
6 0.47 75.00 2 0.36 25.00 8 0.44
sniper rifles
7.62 x 51 mm
medium machine 5 0.39 62.50 3 0.53 37.50 8 0.44
9 x 19 mm
semi-automatic 3 0.24 42.86 4 0.71 57.14 7 0.38
14.5 x 114 mm
6 0.47 100.00 0 0.00 0.00 6 0.33
heavy machine guns
9 x 19 mm
5 0.39 83.33 1 0.18 16.67 6 0.33
submachine guns
72.5 mm
rocket launchers 1 0.08 16.67 5 0.89 83.33 6 0.33
(RPG-22 type)
Regional Regional
Type of weapons Qty Percentage % Qty Percentage % Qty Percentage
84 mm recoilless
4 0.31 100.00 0 0.00 0.00 4 0.22
12.7 x 99 mm
2 0.16 66.67 1 0.18 33.33 3 0.16
heavy machine guns
7.62 x 54R mm
0 0.00 0.00 3 0.53 100.00 3 0.16
bolt-action rifles
66 mm rocket
3 0.24 100.00 0 0.00 0.00 3 0.16
40 x 46 mm
2 0.16 66.67 1 0.18 33.33 3 0.16
grenade launchers
120 mm heavy
2 0.16 100.00 0 0.00 0.00 2 0.11
64 mm rocket
launchers 2 0.16 100.00 0 0.00 0.00 2 0.11
(RPG-18 type)
73 mm recoilless
2 0.16 100.00 0 0.00 0.00 2 0.11
guns (SPG-9 type)
81 mm medium
2 0.16 100.00 0 0.00 0.00 2 0.11
68 mm rocket
2 0.16 100.00 0 0.00 0.00 2 0.11
7.62 x 39 mm
1 0.08 100.00 0 0.00 0.00 1 0.05
self-loading rifles
7.7 x 56R mm
1 0.08 100.00 0 0.00 0.00 1 0.05
bolt-action rifles
7.92 x 57 mm
1 0.08 100.00 0 0.00 0.00 1 0.05
bolt-action rifles
7.62 x 39 mm
0 0.00 0.00 1 0.18 100.00 1 0.05
sniper rifles
72 mm rocket
launchers (RPG-26 0 0.00 0.00 1 0.18 100.00 1 0.05
90 mm rocket
0 0.00 0.00 1 0.18 100.00 1 0.05
Table 4
Quantities of weapons documented in Iraq and Syria, per country of manufacture
Bosnia and
0 0.00 0.00 1 0.18 100.00 1 0.05
Table 5
Quantities of weapons documented in Iraq and Syria, per decades of manufacture
Table 6
Post-2000 weapons documented in Iraq and Syria, per country of manufacture
Table 7
Quantities of ammunition documented in Iraq and Syria, by type
Regional Regional
Type Qty Percentage % Qty Percentage % Qty Percentage
Unguided aircraft
1 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 0.00 1 0.00
Man-portable air-
defence systems
12 0.04 92.31 1 0.01 7.69 13 0.03
cartridge 26802 91.89 70.17 11394 96.43 29.83 38196 93.20
12.7 x 108 mm 3852 13.21 96.66 133 1.13 3.34 3985 9.72
14.5 x 114 mm 4258 14.60 91.55 393 3.33 8.45 4651 11.35
Regional Regional
Type Qty Percentage % Qty Percentage % Qty Percentage
7.62 x 54R mm 4964 17.02 44.67 6148 52.03 55.33 11112 27.11
cartridge 179 0.61 83.64 35 0.30 16.36 214 0.52
27 0.09 100.00 0 0.00 0.00 27 0.07
96 0.33 84.96 17 0.14 15.04 113 0.28
718 2.46 84.87 128 1.08 15.13 846 2.06
Regional Regional
Type Qty Percentage % Qty Percentage % Qty Percentage
recoilless 59 0.20 44.70 73 0.62 55.30 132 0.32
recoilless 114 0.39 97.44 3 0.03 2.56 117 0.29
Table 8
Quantities of ammunition documented in Iraq and Syria, per country of manufacture
United States 2336 8.01 94.00 149 1.26 6.00 2485 6.06
Bosnia and
572 1.96 94.70 32 0.27 5.30 604 1.47
233 0.80 55.74 185 1.57 44.26 418 1.02
North Korea 126 0.43 47.01 142 1.20 52.99 268 0.65
11 0.04 100.00 0 0.00 0.00 11 0.03
Table 9
Post-2010 ammunition documented in Iraq and Syria, per manufacturing country and per year of manufacture
Manufacturing Regional
country 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 TOTAL Percentage %
15 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0.32 30.61
TOTAL 1879 489 67 508 1162 441 212 4758 100.00 78.77
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 TOTAL Percentage % Qty Percentage
Table 10
Quantities of 40 mm rockets documented in Iraq and Syria, per country of manufacture
Table 11
Quantities of 73 mm rockets documented in Iraq and Syria, per country of manufacture
Iran 69 13.40
Russia 56 10.87
Unknown 36 6.99
China 1 0.19
Table 12
Quantities of post-2010 40 mm rockets documented in Iraq, per country of manufacture
Post-2010 manufacture 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Percentage
Bulgaria 19 1 3 1 23 6 5 58 19.02
Romania 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 5 1.64
Sudan 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 0.66
Unknown 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.33
Table 13
Quantities of post-2010 73 mm rockets documented in Iraq, per country of manufacture
Post-2010 manufacture 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Percentage
Iran 0 0 1 0 7 41 20 69 31.22
Romania 0 0 0 0 19 0 2 21 9.50
China 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0.45
Unknown 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0.90
Belgian licences authorising the export of weapons to Libya in 1980
State Archives of Belgium (F 1013 Nr 216)
Table 14
Series of Hungarian AK-63F 762 x 39 mm assault rifles
Iraq C 03869
C 1009
Syria C 04878
Iraq C 42281
C Syria C 44235
Iraq C 47660
Iraq C 54859
C 2744
Iraq C 57603
Syria C 73453
C Syria C 78012
Iraq C 80052
Syria D 72348
D 388
Syria D 72736
Iraq D 86619
D 1614
Iraq D 88233
Syria EV 1066
EV 1480
Iraq EV 2546
Syria EX 6554
EX 1866
Iraq EX 8420
Iraq EZ 1438
EZ Iraq EZ 2702
Iraq EZ 7028
Syria GA 0301
GA 6647
Iraq GA 6948
Iraq GC 0702
GC 4208
Syria GC 4910
Date requested Country documented in Serial number Serial number difference
Iraq H 60746
Iraq H 64903
H 1239
Syria H 66142
Syria H 66590
Syria I 12344
Iraq I 17100
Iraq I 19561
Syria I 24113
Syria I 28290
Iraq I 28604
Syria I 28868
Syria I 29399
Syria I 33413
Syria I 35500
Iraq I 35645
Syria I 43081
Iraq I 45900
I Syria I 48137
Syria I 49381
Syria I 49421
Syria I 50080
Syria I 50334
Iraq I 51135
Syria I 57014
Syria I 59599
Syria I 66668
Syria I 67642
Iraq I 68759
Syria I 69143
Iraq I 72829
Syria I 73451
Date requested Country documented in Serial number Serial number difference
Iraq K 30034
K 1061
Iraq K 31095
Iraq L 51946
L Iraq L 55734
Syria L 57517
Syria N 20502
Iraq N 26929
N 556
Iraq N 27485
Iraq N 27894
Syria O 56175
O Iraq O 56447
Iraq O 61686
Syria P 54454
P 2457
Syria P 56911
Syria S 25355
S 1241
Syria S 26596
Syria S 49893
Iraq S 50367
S Iraq S 54190
Iraq S 56882
Syria S 60316
Syria S 72854
S Iraq S 73182
Syria S 81591
Syria T 39954
T Iraq T 43779
Syria T 47875
Iraq U 75620
Syria U 78100
Syria U 86645
U 868
Iraq U 87513
Iraq U 87694
Syria U 88344
Date requested Country documented in Serial number Serial number difference
Syria X 50247
Syria X 58902
X Syria X 60975
Iraq X 67647
Syria X 68266
Gmrkler Genel Mdrl-Gmrk dareleri Dairesi
Say :21558579/166.01[GGM-10.02]
Konu :Alminyum Pasta (Pigment) ve
benzeri eyann Suriye'ye k
02.07.2015 / 8997844
Suriye ile lkemiz arasndaki ticaret, Bakanlmzn kara hudut kaplarna ynelik ald ve
esasen gmrk hizmetlerinin yeniden planlanmasn ieren gvenlik temelli tedbirler erevesinde
yrtlmekte ve zaman ierisinde ortaya kan gereklilikler sonucu hudut kaplarmzda blge
koullarna uygun yeni tedbirler alnmaya da devam edilmektedir.
Bu erevede, 3207.10, 3207.30 ve 7603.10 tarife alt pozisyonu ile 3212. ve
3212. GTPinde yer alan eyann Suriye'ye alan kara hudut kaplarmzdan kna ilikin
gmrk hizmeti verilmemesi, Bakanlk Makam'nn 01.07.2015 tarihli ve 8994729 sayl onaylar
erevesinde uygun bulunmutur.
Bilgi ve gereini rica ederim.
Cenap ACI
Bakan a.
Genel Mdr
Tm Gmrk ve Ticaret Blge Mdrlkleri
Hatay, Kilis, Gaziantep, anlurfa, Mardin, rnak Valilikleri
A directive from the General Directorate of Customs, Ministry of Customs and Trade of Turkey
Translated into English by Metkim and sent to CAR on 19 September 2016
Ministry of Customs and Trade
General Directorate of Customs-Custom Management Bureau
Trade between Syria and Our Country,our Ministry decided to plan for the terms of security based
precautions towards land borders are taken.And as a result of over a time being,new forming
necessities in our borders new appropriate precautions are continuing to be taken.
In this Context, H.S codes: 3207.10,3207.30 and 7603.10 sub-positioned tariffs and products at
3212. and 3212. for positions, services are not going to be given in our all
Syrian Borders. Ministrys Chamber confirmed 01.07.2015 dated 8994729 issue which find
appropriate to surroundings.
Mr.Cenap A
On Behalf of Minister
General Manager
Disrtribution Locations,