Revenue Regulation 5-2014
Revenue Regulation 5-2014
Revenue Regulation 5-2014
Quezon City
The term legibility means the observer must be able to identify all
letters and numerals positively and quickly to the exclusion of all other
letters or numerals.
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The term readability means that the observer must be able to
recognize a group of letters or numerals as words or complete numbers.
The taxpayer must ensure that the reproduction process maintains the
legibility and readability of the electronically stored books of accounts,
subsidiary books and other accounting records.
The Revenue District Office who has jurisdiction over the taxpayer
may periodically initiate tests of a taxpayers electronic storage system.
These tests may include an evaluation (by actual use) of a taxpayers
equipment and software, as well as the procedures used by a taxpayer to
prepare, record, transfer, index, store, preserve, retrieve, and reproduce
electronically stored documents. The Revenue District Office may choose
to review the internal controls, security procedures, and documentation
associated with the taxpayers electronic storage system. The Revenue
Officer duly authorized to conduct the test must inform the taxpayer within
three (3) days from the conclusion of the test the results thereof, otherwise,
he shall be liable administratively for failure to inform the taxpayer. The
taxpayer may appeal to the Regional Director within ten (10) days from
receipt of any adverse findings derived from the tests conducted. The
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Regional Director shall resolve the appeal within thirty (30) days from the
submission of the appeal.
SECTION 4. EFFECTIVITY. These Regulations shall take effect fifteen (15) days after
its publication in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation.
(Original Signed)
Secretary of Finance
Recommending Approval:
(Original Signed)
Commissioner of Internal Revenue
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