Jurnal Beban Kerja
Jurnal Beban Kerja
Jurnal Beban Kerja
doi: 10.15171/hpp.2015.033
Original Article
Article history: Background: High level of workload has been identified among stressors of nurses in intensive care
Received: Aug 31 2015 units (ICUs). The present study investigated nursing workload and identified its influencing perfor-
Accepted: Dec 06 2015
e-published: Jan 30 2016 mance obstacles in ICUs.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted, in 2013, on 81 nurses working in ICUs in Imam
Keywords: Khomeini Hospital in Tehran, Iran. NASA-TLX was applied for assessment of workload. Moreover,
Intensive care units, ICUs Performance Obstacles Questionnaire was used to identify performance obstacles associated with
Mental workload,
NASA-TLX, ICU nursing.
Nurses, Results: Physical demand (mean=84.17) was perceived as the most important dimensions of workload
Performance obstacles
by nurses. The most critical performance obstacles affecting workload included: difficulty in finding a
*Corresponding Author: place to sit down, hectic workplace, disorganized workplace, poor-conditioned equipment, waiting for
Adel Mazloumi using a piece of equipment, spending much time seeking for supplies in the central stock, poor quality
Tehran University of Medical
Sciences of medical materials, delay in getting medications, unpredicted problems, disorganized central stock,
Tel: +98 21 8895 1390; outpatient surgery, spending much time dealing with family needs, late, inadequate, and useless help
e-mail: from nurse assistants, and ineffective morning rounds (P-value<0.05).
Conclusion: Various performance obstacles are correlated with nurses' workload, affirms the signifi-
cance of nursing work system characteristics. Interventions are recommended based on the results of
this study in the work settings of nurses in ICUs.
Citation: Mohammadi M, Mazloumi A, Kazemi Z, Zeraati H. Evaluation of Mental Workload among ICU Ward's Nurses. Health Promot
Perspect 2015; 5(4): 280-287. doi:10.15171/hpp.2015.033
Excessive workload has been identified as a sig- the strong emotional issues related to patients.7
nificant stressor across different occupations.1 Jobs Moreover, they are involved in multiple decision-
with high level of workload and occupations with makings in urgent situations vital to patients' lives.5,8,9
inappropriate work schedule would diminish opera- Abbey et. al. reported 3081 activities undertaken by
tors' performance and results in memory impair- ICU nurses during the day shift, of which 43% were
ments, irritability, and reduced learning capacity.2,3 performed simultaneously. This result implies the
Regulating task demands in a way that prevents indi- risk of medical errors and the probability of reduc-
viduals from being under load or overload has con- tion in patients safety.10 Nursing workload is identi-
siderable importance to ensure their safety, health, fied as an important contributor of patients' safety
comfort, and productivity.4 and quality of care in ICUs.7,11,12 Beckmann et. al.
Nurses work in complex environments with high investigated the problems associated with nursing
technology results to increase the amount of work- staff shortage in ICUs in Australia, and reported that
load they are exposed to.2 Nurses in the intensive nursing shortages would increase the rate of inci-
care units (ICUs) have extensive responsibilities and dents and decrease the patients' safety and quality of
limited latitude, wh ich expose them to an extremely care.13 High level of workload and the staff/patient
high workload,5 both physically and mentally.6 Nurs- ratio were highly correlated with patients' mortality.14
es must continuously cope with the requests of pa- Measuring nursing workload would have positive
tients and their families, and unwantedly involve in influences on the management of nursing workload
2015 The Authors. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
280 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
work is properly cited.
Health Promotion Perspectives, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2015; P:280-287
and consequently on the provision of safety and formance, effort, and frustration.18 The calculation of
quality of patients' care.15 Carayon and Grses classi- this scale was done according to the method pre-
fied the nurses' workload measures into four groups sented earlier19, 20 in which participants rate the level
as follows: 1) workload measures at the unit level, 2) of their workload for each subscale on a 10-cm visu-
workload at the job level, 3) workload at the patient al-analog scale and then these scores are altered to a
level, and 4) workload at the situation level.7 0-100 scale. Consequently, two scores can be calcu-
Situation-level investigates the nursing workload lated consisting of Raw-TLX, which is the arithmetic
from a micro-level approach, for instance design average of the six scores, and Adaptive Weighted
characteristics of the clinical micro system, a specific Workload (AWWL).The validity and reliability of
event, or even workload over a period.7 The work- this scale have been previously confirmed.4 A back-
load-developed measures in the field of human fac- ward translation method was used for determining
tors can be applied for measuring workload at the the face validity of the questionnaire and Cronbachs
situation-level.7 The ICU work system can be con- alpha was calculated for determining its reliability.
sidered as a clinical micro system that could be in- Questionnaire of Performance Obstacles of ICUs Nurses:
vestigated in order to identify the contributory fac- Questionnaire developed by Grses and Carayon, 16
tors in nursing workload.16 The nurses' workload can was used to identify performance obstacles associated
be negatively affected by factors related to their with ICU nursing. In the first stage, cross-cultural ad-
work system, called performance obstacles. Grses aptation of the questionnaire was performed by con-
and Carayon defined performance obstacles as "the ducting semi-structured interviews with 15 nurses from
work factors in the immediate work setting of ICU ICUs, using a guide. The interview guide consisted of
nurses that increase their workload beyond what is two open questions, designed to focus the interviews
expected.9 on associated performance obstacles. The interviews
According to the above-mentioned statements re- were done during shift hours, recorded and transcribed.
lated to workload and its effects on the quality of In the second stage, the stated performance ob-
care and patients' safety, and inspiring relevant re- stacles were classified based on the qualitative model
searches7,9,16 the present study aimed to investigate developed in a previous research,16 into ten groups
nursing workload and those performance obstacles including: physical work environment, tools and
that increase the workload in ICUs, in one of Tehran equipment, materials and supplies, inter-provider
University of Medical Sciences hospitals. The per- communication, information, intra-hospital
formance obstacles of ICU nurses, in Iran, have not transport of patients, patient-related factors, family-
been delineated in previous researches. related factors, help from other personnel, and
teaching institution. Finally, a questionnaire, consist-
Materials and Methods ing of 53 questions, was developed according to the
identified obstacles.
The present cross-sectional study was done in
The accuracy, relevancy, and comprehensiveness
2013 on 81 nurses working in ICUs of Imam Kho-
of the questionnaire were evaluated through asking
meini Hospital in Tehran, Iran, affiliated to Tehran
1021 managers and nurses in ICUs. In this stage, par-
University of Medical Sciences. Informed consent
ticipants were asked to rate the relevancy, clarity, and
forms were signed by all volunteered participants.
comprehensiveness of each individual question. The
Furthermore, the study was approved by the Ethics
relevancy was evaluated by four items (1=not rele-
Committee of Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
vant, 2=somewhat relevant but needs further revi-
The following tools were used to collect data.
sion, 3=relevant but needs minor revision, and
NASA Task Load Index: NASA-TLX is one of
4=very relevant). The rate of clarity and comprehen-
the well-known subjective workload assessment
siveness degree of each question was evaluated as
tools, presented by Hart and Staveland.17 This is a
well. The comments of the nurses were written dur-
multidimensional instrument, which gives a total
ing answering the questionnaire. The finalized ques-
score according to six subscales including: mental
tionnaire was filled out by 10 nurses twice with a
demand, physical demand, temporal demand, per-
two-week interval. The correlation coefficients be-
Mohammadi et al.: Evaluation of Mental Workload among ICU
The mean age of ICUs nurses was 33.72(SD 5.54) as the least important by nurses. Statistical analyses
and the mean job tenure was 6.45(SD 4.8) years. De- were done to determine the demographic variables,
scriptive data related to overall workload score and which affect the workload of ICU nurses. Accord-
its subscales are presented in Table 2. As can be seen, ingly, among the demographic variables, age, job
physical demand (mean=84.17) was rated high, and tenure, and education were significantly related to at
frustration dimension (mean=54.49) was perceived least one of the NASA-TLX subscales (Table 3).
Table 2: Descriptive statistics related to workload and its subscales
Workload variables Mean SD Minimum Maximum
Mental demand 76 18.859 0 100
Physical demand 84.17 16.955 32 100
Temporal demand 76.46 19.849 30 100
Effort 81.40 15.244 42 100
Performance 78.57 17.364 21 100
Frustration 54.49 31.827 0 100
RTLX 75.11 12.248 45 95
AWWL 82.62 10.391 59 97
Health Promotion Perspectives, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2015; P:280-287
Spearman correlation coefficient was employed ative effect of unpredicted problems, patients with
for determining the relationship between items of outpatient surgery, inadequate information from phy-
performance obstacles and workload. Table 4 repre- sicians about the patient(s), spending much time deal-
sents those obstacles shown to have significant corre- ing with family needs, late help received from nurse
lation with workload. Twenty-nine of the 53 perfor- assistants, negative effect of working in an academic
mance obstacles were significantly correlated with at hospital on the patients' care. A multiple regression
least one of the workload subscales, of which nine was run to predict the most important performance
obstacles correlated with AWWL: hectic workplace, obstacles affecting workload (Table 5). A summary of
spending much time seeking for supplies in the cen- the results of regression analysis are presented in
tral stock area, poor quality of medical materials, neg- Figure 1.
Accordingly, 16 obstacles remained as the predic- NASA-TLX, which is a reliable tool for assessing
tors of total workload and its subscales including: workload, was translated into Persian and employed
-Physical work environments (difficulty in finding a for evaluating workload of nurses in ICUs. Nursing
place to sit down and do the paperwork, hectic performance obstacles, which impact their workload,
workplace, and disorganized workplace); Tools and were categorized into 10 groups including: physical
equipment (poor-conditioned equipment, waiting for work environment, tools and equipment, materials
using a piece of equipment because someone else is and supplies, inter-provider communication, infor-
using it, spending much time seeking for supplies in mation, intra-hospital transport of patients, patient
the central stock area); Materials and supplies (poor related factors, factors related to patients' family, help
quality of medical materials, delay in getting medica- from other personnel, and academic hospital. This
tions from pharmacy in the hospital, negative effects classification is consistent with those in the study by
of unpredicted problems, and disorganized central Grses and Carayon.9 Peters et. al. also reported per-
stock); Patient related factors (patients with out- formance obstacles to be in eleven groups consisted
patient surgery); Factors related to patients family of: job-related information, tools and equipment,
(spending much time dealing with family needs); supplies and materials, budgetary support, required
Help from other personnel (late, inadequate, and use- services and help from others, task preparation, time
less help received from nurse assistants) and academ- availability, work environment, scheduling of activi-
ic hospital (ineffective morning rounds). ties, transportation, and job-relevant authority.22 In
addition, using observational methods, nurses experi-
Discussion enced five types of problems including missing or
incorrect information; missing or broken equipment;
In the present study, performance obstacles that
waiting for a (human or equipment) resource; missing
affect situational mental workload of ICUs nurses
or incorrect supplies; and simultaneous demands on
were investigated based on conceptual workload
their time23.
model presented by Grses, Carayon.16 An adapted
The categories identified in the mentioned stud-
version of the Performance Obstacles of ICUs Nurs- 22,23
ies provide good information related to per-
es questionnaire was developed, and its validity and
formance obstacles of health care workers.
reliability was determined. Furthermore, in this study,
Mohammadi et al.: Evaluation of Mental Workload among ICU
Table 4: The association between performance obstacles and workload subscales, using Spearman correlation
Performance obstacles
Difficulty in finding a place to sit down and do the paperwork in the unit
0.432 0.017* 0.196 0.016*0.952 0.688 0.085 0.067
Crowded workplace 0.106 0.014* 0.265 0.5090.138 0.505 0.071 0.116
Hectic workplace 0.259 0.000* 0.082 0.2180.701 0.631 *0.022 *0.035
Disorganized work place 0.817 0.479 0.995 0.8110.398 0.000* 0.062 0.233
Poor climate condition of workplace 0.091 0.426 0.081 0.446
0.018* 0.179 0.508 0.364
Disorganized patient rooms 0.351 0.737 0.654 0.2070.795 *0.000 *0.010 0.071
Using poor-conditioned equipment 0.925 0.171 0.697 0.3910.951 0.001* 0.074 0.284
Spending much time looking for equipment 0.480 0.408 0.496 0.0900.067 *0.000 *0.020 0.197
Wrong location of equipment 0.953 0.966 0.077 0.932
0.035* 0.252 0.483 0.471
Waiting for using a piece of equipment because someone else is using it 0.593 0.043* 0.679 0.3970.348 0.102 0.506 0.212
Spending much time seeking for supplies in the central stock area 0.022* 0.064 0.003* 0.2620.070 *0.000 *0.002 *0.012
Not well-stocked non-isolation room 0.209 0.006* 0.325 0.4490.630 0.087 0.060 0.157
Poor quality of medical materials 0.285 0.001* 0.356 0.032*0.248 0.495 *0.047 *0.038
Delay in getting medications from pharmacy, in the hospital 0.450 0.342 0.815 0.916
0.000* 0.148 0.192 0.216
Delay in getting medications from pharmacy, out of the hospital 0.348 0.738 0.647 0.525
0.004* 0.656 0.119 0.142
Negative effect of unpredicted problems 0.010* 0.059 0.001* 0.6000.137 0.485 0.322 0.006*
Disorganized central stock 0.009* 0.486 0.953 0.4930.116 *0.000 *0.014 0.135
Patients with outpatient surgery 0.214 0.016* 0.078 0.012*0.580 0.033* 0.250 0.039*
Unnecessary detailed information related to patients given by the previous 0.098 0.074 0.989 0.168 0.039* 0.205 0.864 0.788
shift's nurse(s)
Nurses' inadequate communication with physicians 0.030* 0.836 0.889 0.992 0.456 0.027* 0.080 0.116
Inadequate information from physicians about the patient(s) 0.010* 0.001* 0.343 0126 0.213 0.792 0.118 0.030*
Spending much time dealing with family needs *0.000 *0.005 *0.004 *0.012 0.488 0.202 *0.000 *0.000
Receiving many phone calls from family members 0.611 *0.013 0.615 0.455 0.584 0.471 0.616 0.506
Late help received from nurse assistants *0.003 0.945 0.454 0.507 0.089 *0.000 *0.007 *0.046
Inadequate help received from nurse assistants *0.000 0.688 0.977 0.344 0.066 0.070 0.147 0.213
Useless help received from nurse assistants 0.004* 0.181 0.400 0.426 0.000* 0.061 0.945 0.782
Ineffective morning rounds 0.622 0.001* 0.264 0.140 0.158 0.488 0.589 0.122
Delay in receiving new medical orders for patients 0.166 0.576 0.219 0.667 0.941 0.896 0.146 0.155
Negative effect of an academic hospital on the patients' care 0.212 0.002* 0.147 0.301 0.855 0.282 *0.024 *0.042
* MD=Mental Demand, PD=physical Demand, TD=Temporal Demand, EF=Effort, PE=Performance, FR=Frustration, RTLX=Raw Task Load Index,
AWWL=Adaptive weighted Workload
Health Promotion Perspectives, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2015; P:280-287
Table 5: Multiple linear regression analysis results for workload scores by performance obstacles
Unstandardized/ Standardized
Workload sub-
Performance obstacles Coefficients Coefficients P-value
B* Std. Error Beta
Constant 101.885 5.456 0.000
Inadequate help received from nurse assistants -4.660 1.187 -.364 0.000
Mental Spending much time dealing with family needs -15.355 4.560 -.309 0.001
Negative effects of unpredicted problems 25.036 8.846 .253 0.006
Disorganized central stock -4.526 1.616 -.254 0.007
Constant 81.518 5.145 0.000
Hectic workplace -3.281 1.458 -.215 0.027
Poor quality of medical materials -8.892 3.076 -.263 0.005
Waiting for using a piece of equipment because someone else is using it 8.437 3.086 .246 0.008
Constant 86.739 3.592 0.000
Spending much time dealing with family needs -13.931 5.289 -.267 0.010
Negative effects of unpredicted problems 25.875 8.063 .316 0.002
Spending much time seeking for supplies in the central stock area -13.228 4.493 -.302 0.004
Effort Constant 92.142 3.184 0.000
Spending much time dealing with family needs -12.679 4.009 -.316 0.002
Patients with outpatient surgery -7.161 3.137 -.232 0.025
Difficulty in finding a place to sit down -7.487 3.563 -.213 0.039
Performance Constant 115.448 20.203 0.000
Delay in getting medications from pharmacy in the hospital 8.947 3.774 .251 0.020
Useless help received from nurse assistants 3.798 1.494 .265 0.013
Frustration Constant 93.281 8.614 0.000
Late help received from nurse assistants -7.488 2.080 -.360 0.001
Poor-conditioned equipment -14.567 6.590 -.229 0.030
Disorganized workplace -6.878 3.394 -.219 0.046
RTLX Constant 86.140 2.504 0.000
Spending much time dealing with family needs -11.454 3.173 -.360 0.001
Poor quality of medical materials -7.709 2.336 -.314 0.001
Spending much time seeking for supplies in the central stock area -7.810 2.675 -.291 0.005
Constant 93.012 2.181 0.000
Spending much time dealing with family needs -10.159 2.639 -.373 0.000
Poor quality of medical materials -7.335 1.974 -.349 0.000
Patients with outpatient surgery -4.863 1.996 -.225 0.017
Spending much time seeking for supplies in the central stock area -5.325 2.225 -.232 0.019
Negative effects of unpredicted problems 11.656 5.127 .215 0.026
**Regression coefficient
Mohammadi et al.: Evaluation of Mental Workload among ICU
However, the classification by Grses et. al. and in Overall, regarding performance obstacles, ICUs
the present study is specifically related to ICU nursing. nurses deal with a wide range of performance obsta-
cles during their shift. Those common obstacles in
our study and earlier,22 remained in the final model,
included: difficulty in finding a place to sit down and
do the paperwork, hectic workplace, disorganized
workplace, poor-conditioned equipment, delay in get-
ting medications from pharmacy, and spending much
time dealing with family needs. Late, inadequate, and
useless help received from nurse assistants were sig-
nificantly correlated with the workload22. This shows
the weakness in this aspect of work among ICUs
nurses in the present study.
As for limitations, we relied solely on the subjec-
tive data for assessment of workload, which may be
biased by nurses. Therefore, it is recommended to
focus on objective methods in order to evaluate nurs-
Fig. 1: Summary of regression analysis to predict perfor- es workload in future studies. Moreover, high num-
mance obstacles affecting workload ber of questions accompanied by nurses' busy sched-
ule to fill it out is of the limitations of this study.
Moreover, this classification seems to be compre-
hensive due to its system approach (macro ergonom- Conclusion
ics) and adoption from the Balance Theory of job de-
sign.16,24,25 Using this model in our study, we were ca- Health professionals, especially nurses, work under
pable to cover and investigate almost various aspects a high stress condition. Therefore, identifying those
of work, which impact nurses performance in the causes, which affect nurses workload, is highly im-
intensive care units. portant. We investigated nurses workload based on
Regarding the nurses workload, physical demand performance obstacles model. The correlation be-
was the most important dimensions of NASA-TLX tween various performance obstacles and nurses'
by the nurses. NASA-TLX was the most reliable and workload in the present study affirm the critical role
valid questionnaire to measure workload in health of nursing work system characteristics, which should
care settings26. Moreover, our results showed that be taken into account while redesigning the work. Fu-
mental workload was the highest valued dimensions ture projects in this area may include a comparison of
of NASA-TLX. Mental demand was also the most performance obstacles of ICU nurses between private
important dimensions of ICUs nurses.22 The discrep- and public or academic and nonacademic hospitals.
ancy between the result of our study and the two Using an objective tool for assessment of ICU nurses
mentioned studies might be explained by the differ- workload would also shed light for development of
ences in working conditions and technologies used by workload countermeasures.
nurses in our study comparing with those used by
nurses in other countries. As work environments be-
come more complex and new technologies are used This study was a part of Master's thesis in Occu-
by health care workers, the mental demand of these pational Health Engineering supported by Tehran
occupational groups is increased.27 In this sense, pre- University of Medical Sciences. The authors declare
sent research revealed that hectic work place, poor that there is no conflict of interests.
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