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Gas Industry GIS/L2:2006


Specification for

Steel pipe 21.3 mm to 1 219 mm outside diameter for

operating pressures up to 7 bar
(supplementary to BS EN 10208-1)


Foreword ii
Mandatory and non-mandatory requirements ii
Disclaimer ii
Brief history iii

1 Scope 1
2 References 1
3 Terms and definitions 1
4 Classification and designation 2
5 Information to be provided by the purchaser 2
6 Manufacturing 2
7 Requirements 2
8 Inspection 3
9 Marking of the pipes 4
10 Coating 4

Annex A (normative) Information to be supplied by the gas transporter 6

Annex B (normative) Information to be provided by the manufacturer/supplier to
the purchaser 7
Bibliography Error! Bookmark not defined.

Table 1 Standard pipe diameter, thickness and type combinations 5

Table B.1 Table of gas transporter requirements 7


Gas Industry Standards (GIS) are revised, when necessary, by the issue of new editions. Users
should ensure that they are in possession of the latest edition. Contractors and other users
external to Gas Transporters should direct their requests for copies of a GIS to the department
or group responsible for the initial issue of their contract documentation.
Comments and queries regarding the technical content of this document should be directed in
the first instance to the contract department of the Gas Transporter responsible for the initial
issue of their contract documentation.
This standard calls for the use of procedures that may be injurious to health if adequate
precautions are not taken. It refers only to technical suitability and does not absolve the user
from legal obligations relating to health and safety at any stage.
Compliance with this engineering document does not confer immunity from prosecution for
breach of statutory or other legal obligations.

Mandatory and non-mandatory requirements

For the purposes of a GIS the following auxiliary verbs have the meanings indicated:
can indicates a physical possibility;
may indicates an option that is not mandatory;
shall indicates a GIS requirement;
should indicates best practice and is the preferred option. If an alternative method is used
then a suitable and sufficient risk assessment needs to be completed to show that
the alternative method delivers the same, or better, level of protection.

This engineering document is provided for use by Gas Transporters and such of their
contractors as are obliged by the terms of their contracts to comply with this engineering
document. Where this engineering document is used by any other party, it is the responsibility
of that party to ensure that the engineering document is correctly applied.


Brief history

First published as BGC/PS/ L2 August 1983

Amendment No.1 published September 1985
Amendment No.2 published June 1986
Amendment No.3 published October 1989
Amended issue published as GBE/L2 November 1992
Amendment No.1 published September 1994
Editorial update to reflect demerger November 2000 June 2001
Editorial update to reflect merger October 2002 November 2002
Editorial update to comply with GRM August 2004
Edited by BSI in accordance with BS 0-3:1997 August 2006

National Grid, on behalf of National Grid, Northern Gas Networks, Scotia Gas Networks, and
Wales and West Utilities.
This Gas Industry Standard is copyright and must not be reproduced in whole or in part by any
means without the approval in writing of either National Grid, Northern Gas Networks, Scotia
Gas Networks, or Wales and West Utilities.


1 Scope
This Gas Industry standard covers steel pipe sizes from 21.3 mm to 1 219 mm outside diameter
for maximum operating pressures up to 7 bar. Standard steel pipe dimensions are given in
Table 1.

2 References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For
dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
Formal standards
BS 21, Specification for pipe threads for tubes and fittings where pressure-tight joints are made
on the threads (metric dimensions).
BS EN 1011-2:2001, Welding Recommendations for welding of metallic materials Part 2:
Arc welding of ferritic steels.
BS EN 10204:2004, Metallic materials Types of inspection documents.
BS EN 10208-1:1998, Steel pipes for pipelines for combustible fluids Technical delivery
conditions Part 1: Pipes of requirement class A.
BS EN 10216-1, Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes Part 1: Technical delivery
BS EN 10217-1, Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes Technical delivery conditions
Part 1: Non-alloy steel tubes with specified room temperature properties.
BS EN 10226, Pipe threads where pressure tight joints are made on the threads Taper
external threads and parallel internal threads Dimensions, tolerances and designation.
National Grid standards
T/SP/CM1, Procedure for internal coating operations for steel line pipe and fittings.
T/SP/CM2, Internal coating materials for steel line pipe and fittings.
T/SP/CW4, Specification for polyethylene cladding on steel pipe.
T/SP/CW5, The selection and application of field applied external pipework coatings.
T/SP/CW6-1, The external protection of steel line pipe and fittings using fusion bonded powder
and associated coating systems Part 1: Requirements for coating materials and method
of test.
T/SP/CW6-2, The external protection of steel line pipe and fittings using fusion bonded powder
and associated coating systems Part 2: Factory applied coatings.
T/SP/P1, Specification for the welding of steel pipe for distribution systems and installations
(operating at pressures below 7 bar).
T/PR/NDT/1, Carrying out non destructive testing of plant and equipment.

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in BS EN 10208-1 apply.


4 Classification and designation

See Clause 4 of BS EN 10208-1:1998.

5 Information to be provided by the purchaser

5.1 Required information

See 5.1 of BS EN 10208-1:1998.

5.2 Other information

See Annex B.

6 Manufacturing

6.1 General
No change to BS EN 10208-1.

6.2 Pipe manufacturing

Pipe type shall be as indicated in Table 1. Where more than one option is indicated for a given
pipe size, the choice of pipe type is left to the manufacturer unless otherwise indicated by the
gas transporter at the time of order. SAWL pipe manufactured with two weld seams is not

6.3 Jointers
The delivery of jointers is not permitted.

6.4 Magnetic particle test for EW pipe

For EW pipe, a magnetic particle test shall be carried out in accordance with T/PR/NDT/1, on
each end of the strip of every coil, either when the strip is in the flat form or in the form of pipes.
The indication of any lamination or other defect may be cause for rejection of the entire strip or
of all pipes manufactured from the same strip.

7 Requirements

7.1 General
Steel pipe supplied in accordance with this standard shall be of material grade L245GA and
shall in all respects conform to the requirements of BS EN 10208-1, except where
supplemented or amended by the requirements of this Gas Industry Standard. The
requirements detailed in this Gas Industry Standard shall take precedence
over BS EN 10208-1.
Add the following: Pipe shall be of Grade L245GA.
Steel pipes from 15 mm to 50 mm nominal sizes (21.3 mm to 60.3 mm outside diameters) are
intended for socket welding in accordance with T/SP/P1 and shall be supplied with square
ends. These sizes of steel pipe are also suitable for threading conforming to BS 21
and BS EN 10226.
Steel pipe greater than 50 mm nominal size are intended for full penetration welding in
accordance with T/SP/P1 and shall be supplied with a weld bevel as detailed in
of BS EN 10208-1:1998.

7.2 Chemical composition

7.2.1 Cast analysis and 7.2.2 Product analysis
The maximum sulphur content for EW pipe shall not exceed 0.015 % and for other pipe types
shall not exceed 0.02 %. The boron content for all pipe types shall not exceed 0.000 5 %. The
carbon equivalent shall not exceed 0.43 % based on the formula given in BS EN 1011-2:2001,
Annex C method A. The above limits shall apply to both cast and product analyses.
7.6 Dimensions, masses and tolerances
7.6.3 Tolerances on the pipe Diameter and out of roundness
Except for seamless pipes, Table 6 of BS EN 10208-1:1998 shall be modified as follows:
Outside Diameter tolerance Out-of-roundness
diameter D
mm Pipe except the Pipe end Pipe except Pipe end
end the end
D 610 0,5 % D 0,3 % D 1,5 % (1,0 % 1%
(max. = 3 mm (max. = 1,1 mm for SAW
min. = 0,5 mm) min. = 0,5 mm)1) pipe)
610 < D 914 1,3 mm1)
914 < D < 1 219 4 mm 1,6 mm1)
D 1 219 4 mm 1,6 mm1) 1,5 % 1 % (D/T 75)
1,25 % (D/T > 75)
See options O9 and O10.
The other notes in Table 9 apply.

For SAW pipe, both ends of every pipe shall be additionally checked using an internal ring
gauge, the external diameter of which shall be 6 mm 0.25 mm less than the nominal inside
diameter of the pipe, and for 1 219 mm outside diameter pipe, where the D/T ratio exceeds 75
for this pipe size, the internal ring gauge external diameter shall be 7.4 mm 0.25 mm less
than the nominal inside diameter of the pipe Length
The length group shall be r2 of BS EN 10208-1:1998, Table 8.

8 Inspection
8.1 Types of inspection and inspection documents
The inspection document requirement shall be in accordance with type 3.1 of
BS EN 10204:2004.


9 Marking of the pipes

9.1 General marking
e)1) the mark of the inspection representative
i) the BUYERs order and item number;
ii) GIS/L2;
iii) pipe type i.e. SAWL or SAWH, S (seamless) or EW (as applicable);
iv) outside diameter and wall thickness in millimetres;
v) cast number;
vi) pipe length in metres;
9.1.3 Delete existing text and replace with:
For pipe sizes up to and including 457 mm outside diameter, as an alternative to paint stencil
marking, low stress dot matrix stamping may be employed positioned at one the end of the pipe
within the coating cut back area. For EW pipe low stress dot matrix stamping shall be adjacent
to the weld seam. In all cases, the area to be stamped shall be clean and free from paint, other
coating and rust. Any original coating shall be replaced after stamping. Alternative procedures
for die stamping may be submitted for the approval of the gas transporter.

10 Coating
The heading of Clause 10 of BS EN 10208-1:1998 is to be amended to that shown above, and
text replaced with the following.
10.1 Internal protection
All pipes shall be internally coated in accordance with the requirements of T/SP/CM1 and
10.2 External protection
All pipes of size greater than 168.3 mm outside diameter shall be externally coated in
accordance with the requirements of T/SP/CW6-1 and T/SP/CW6-2. Pipes 210.3 mm to
168.3 mm inclusive outside diameter shall also be externally coated in accordance with the
requirements of T/SP/CW6-1 and T/SP/CW6-2, unless at the time of order it is indicated by the
gas transporter that external coating is to be field applied. In this case, the pipe is to be
supplied with a temporary external coating to prevent rusting in transit and storage. This
temporary coating shall be an epoxy holding primer or equivalent and not a grease based
coating. The subsequent field applied coating shall be a spray applied multi-component liquid in
accordance with the requirements of T/SP/CW5.
10.3 Weld end preparation protection
All weld end preparations shall be protected against corrosion using a method approved by the
gas transporter. Protection against mechanical damage of weld end preparations shall also be
applied if specified by the gas transporter.


Table 1 Standard pipe diameter, thickness and type combinations

Nominal size Outside diameter Nominal wall Permitted pipe

thickness types
mm mm
15 21.3 3.2 EW/S
20 26.9 3.2 EW/S
25 33.7 4.0 EW/S
32 42.4 4.0 EW/S
40 48.3 4.0 EW/S
50 60.3 4.5 EW/S
80 88.9 5.0 EW/S
100 114.3 5.4 EW/S
150 168.3 5.4 EW/S
200 219.1 6.3 EW
250 273 6.3 EW
300 323.9 6.3 EW
400 406.4 8.0 EW/SAWL/SAWH
450 457 8.0 EW/SAWL/SAWH
600 610 8.0 EW/SAWL/SAWH
750 762 9.52 SAWL/SAWH
900 914 11.9 SAWL/SAWH
1 050 1 067 12.7 SAWL/SAWH
1 200 1 219 14.3 SAWL/SAWH
NOTE 1 Pipe grade for all sizes indicated above shall be L245GA.
NOTE 2 Pipe types are as follows:
a) S seamless;
b) EW electric welded;
1) (HFW high frequency welded type in BS EN 10208-2 is also permitted);
2) this category equates to the ERW pipe type in earlier versions of this Gas Industry
c) SAWL submerged arc welded (longitudinal seam);
d) SAWH submerged arc welded (helical seam).


Annex A (normative)
Information to be supplied by the gas transporter
The gas transporter shall state the following in the enquiry and order:
a) the number of this standard;
b) the pipe nominal size;
c) the quantity in metres or number of lengths;
d) whether protection of weld end preparations against mechanical damage is required;
e) for pipe of 15 mm and 50 mm inclusive size, whether a product analysis is required.
Additionally, for pipes of 15 mm to 150 mm inclusive nominal size where the standard cladding
in accordance with T/SP/CW4 is not required, the gas transporter shall specify varnished pipe.


Annex B (normative)
Information to be provided by the manufacturer/supplier to the purchaser
Table B.1 Table of gas transporter requirements

Reference Item (clause reference of Gas transporter requirement (clause

BS EN 10208-1 BS EN 10208-1) reference of this standard)
Required agreement (indicated by M in BS EN 10208-1):
a.1 Diameter tolerance for Not applicable
seamless > 25 mm wall
a.2 Diameter tolerance for pipe > Not applicable
1 430 mm outside diameter
a.3 Party to issue inspection Not applicable
Unless agreed left to the discretion of the manufacturer (indicated by U in BS EN 10208-1):
b.1 Process of manufacture for Refer to Table 1 of this standard for
welded pipe (see 6.2) permitted pipe types. See also 6.2 of
this standard
b.2 Choice of heat treatment Seamless pipe in the quenched and
condition (see 6.3) tempered condition shall not be
supplied unless agreed by the gas
b.3 Choice of welding process for Not applicable
jointers (see B.1)
b.4 Radiographic inspection for the Required
detection of longitudinal
imperfections (see D.4.2.a)
Optional agreement (indicated by O in BS EN 10208-1):
c.1 Manufacture of SAWL pipe with Not permitted
two seams (see 6.2)
c.2 Delivery of jointers (see 6.6) Not permitted
c.3 Application of the diameter The tolerance for pipe diameter and out
tolerance to the ID (Table 6, of roundness shall apply to the inside
note 3) diameter for outside diameter > 210 mm
c.4 Application of the diameter As above
tolerance to the OD (Table 6,
note 4)
c.5 Special bevel configuration (see Bevel configuration shall be as given in BS EN 10208-1 unless specifically
requested otherwise by the gas
c.6 Threaded ends or belled ends Threaded ends shall only be supplied
(see when specifically requested by the gas
c.7 Offset of strip end welds Other offset tolerances will not be
(Table 10, note 1) accepted unless specifically agreed by
the gas transporter


Table B.1 Table of gas transporter requirements

Reference Item (clause reference of Gas transporter requirement (clause
BS EN 10208-1 BS EN 10208-1) reference of this standard)
Required agreement (indicated by M in BS EN 10208-1):
c.8 Test piece direction (Table 13, The orientation for tensile test pieces
note 2) shall be transverse for seamless
pipe 210 mm
c.9 Use of round test pieces (see Not permitted
c.10 Use of flattened and heat Test coupons may only be taken before
treated test coupons (see heat treatment if the procedures that provide traceability and the treatment
conditions of the test coupons have
been approved by the gas transporter
c.11 Non-destructive leak tightness Not permitted
test instead of hydrostatic test
c.12 Use of special devices for The method of diameter tolerance
measuring the pipe diameter measurement for both pipe body and
(see pipe ends shall be by circumferential
c.13 Use of cold die stamping (see Die stamping permitted. Refer to 9.1.3
9.1.3) of this standard
c.14 Special marking (see 9.2) Not applicable
c.15 Coating and lining (see Refer to Clause 10 of this standard for
Clause 10) internal and external coating
requirement. Note for pipe sizes
21.3 mm to 168.3 mm inclusive outside
diameter, the gas transporter is to
inform supplier at time of order where
external coating is to be an on-site
spray applied multi-component liquid
conforming to T/SP/CW5 rather than
factory coated conforming to T/SP/CW6
c.16 Degree of staggering of weld Not applicable
seams in jointers (see B.1)
c.17 Verification of the quality Required
requirement for laminations (see
c.18 Use of fixed depth notches for Not permitted
equipment calibration (see
c.19 Use of hole penetrameters Not permitted
instead of the ISO wire
penetrameter (see D.4.3.1a)
c.20 Use of fluoroscopic inspection Not permitted
(see D.4.3.1b)

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