Soil Investigation

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H&F Construction Company

Parias Paronia Perlado Pineda

Pua Reyes - Romanillos

December 16, 2017


R.E. Abdullah

SUBJECT: Geotechnical Investigation Proposal for:

25-storey office/commercial building
2-level manufacturing plant
5-storey training center

Dear Engr. ABDULLAH:

Greetings of Peace! Having examined the Invitation to bid dated December 1, 2017 including all of its
attachments for the execution of Geotechnical Investigation, the, H&F Construction Company, offer to
execute and complete such work therein conformity with the terms and conditions of Contract, for the sum


The attachments to this letter form an integral part of our tender. Should our tender between your
organization and our company be accepted, we shall commence the work as soon as is reasonably
possible after the receipt of the Engineers notice to commence, and to complete the entirety of the works
of the comprised in the Contract within.

This proposal includes the procedures that are within the scope of our work, estimated cost, and
proposed timeline for the investigation.

This tender shall be valid and binding upon us, and may be accepted at any time.

We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender that you may receive.


General Manager

H&F Construction Company

Email: h&
Contact: +639006022018
H&F Construction Company
Geotechnical Investigation
H&F Construction Company

Geo-technical Investigation


H&F Construction Company is a suitably qualified contractor to perform for geotechnical surveys for
R.E. Abdullah. The survey will cover both the preferred and optional site positions and the associated

H&F Construction Company has adequate technology and equipment to be used for the
project for tests such as point load tests and other tests which are listed under scope of works
The company commits to delivering timely competent work which has been done in the
companys previous projects and will continue to do.
The company assures that the geo-technical survey will produce adequate information for
the benefit of the project.

H&F Construction Company will be expected to take these into account in their survey and produce
definitive recommendations for micro-siting the equipment and infrastructure.

This report is prepared by the H&F Construction Company in which includes the proposed
geotechnical site investigation, laboratory tests, and conclusions and recommendation of certain
engineers for the proposed structures: 1) 25 storey office/commercial building, 2) 2-level
manufacturing plant and 3) 5-storey training center.

The company makes use of available soils and geologic maps, water well records, reports,
publications, aerial photographs, and other reference material which are available to prepare a
preliminary boring program.

The actual location, spacing, and depth of borings is dictated by the topography, geologic
conditions, visible soil conditions, and design considerations, and in accordance with the practices
set forth herein


Purpose of the study

The purpose of this site investigation is to determine the existing soil profiles and
engineering characteristics of the subsurface conditions at the site and to provide the designer with
comments on the following:

Means of construction for foundation and footings, site seismicity characters, quality control
requirements, groundwater conditions, soil retaining parameters, and outdoor subgrade.
Appropriate footing types, founding depths and geotechnical design parameters which will
be needed for a safe and economical design and excavation of engineering works such as;
soil bearing capacity, expected foundation settlement, side slope stability, hydrological
conditions at the site and other special recommendation which depends on the site nature.

H&F Company
Objectives of the investigation

Based on the requirement of the project, the following objectives were established for the work:

To conduct a detailed soil investigation of the area located in Pasay, along Roxas Blvd.
and check the integrity of the foundation of the soil which is susceptible to flooding even
during light rains and surrounded by adjacent buildings;

To recommend an adequate and convenient type of foundation scheme and related net
bearing capacities;

To assess the magnitude of the normal foundation settlements in in the area and to
suggest any reduction procedures

To determine any foundation soil stability complications within the project area.


Regional Geology

The city of Pasay is located in the western coast of Metro Manila or the National
Capital Region (NCR). It is bounded in the north by the city of Manila, in the northeast by the city of
Makati and the municipality of Taguig, in the west by the city of Paranaque, and in the west by the
Manila Bay. The city is located approximately at latitude 14 32' and longitude 121 00'. In terms of
area, Pasay is the third smallest political subdivision among the cities and municipalities of NCR. The
city has a total area of 1,805.11 hectares. The city proper or Barangays 1 to 201 occupies around
1,399.50 hectares or 77.53 % the total area. The Cultural Center Complex occupies around 191.95
hectares (10.63%) while the rest of the reclamation area covers an area of 213.66 hectares (11.84
Metro Manila's physiography is divided into six zones namely, the Manila Bay, the Coastal
Margin, the Guadalupe Plateau, the Marikina Valley, the Laguna lowlands and the Laguna de Bay.
Pasay City belongs to the Coastal Margin or the low lying flat strip of land east of Manila Bay with an
elevation of less than 5 meters above mean sea level. This zone also occupies portions of Valenzuela,
Malabon, Caloocan, Navotas, Manila, Paranaque, Las Pias and the reclaimed portion of Manila Bay.

Pasay consists of two terrain units, an eastern undulating section and a western alluvial
portion, which extends into the Manila Bay. The undulating to gently sloping terrain is underlain by a
gently dipping sequence of pyroclastic rocks essentially made up of tuffs, tuffaceous sandstones and
conglomerates belonging to the Guadalupe formation. This formation is represented by massive to
thickly bedded lithic tuff and tuffaceous sandstone. Based on the Geologic Map of Pasay (Figure 2.1),
the two major geologic formations are: Quarternary Alluvial (QA1) which is comprised of detrital
deposits mostly silt, sand and gravel; and Guadalupe formation (GF) of which the upper member
(Diliman Tuff) is thin to medium bedded, fine-grained, vitric tuffs and welded volcanic breccias with

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subordinate amounts of tuffaceous, fine to medium grained sandstone. Members of the Pleistocene
Guadalupe Formation underlie almost half of the terrain where Pasay lies. These are mainly Alat
Conglomerate and Diliman Tuff. Early Pleistocene to late Pleistocene conglomerate, silty mudstone
and tuffaceous sandstone comprise the lower member while late Pleistocene wellbedded tuff units
make up the upper member. The constituents of the Diliman Tuff were most likely derived from a
volcano on the central lobe of Laguna de Bay to the south based on its aerial distribution pattern and
lithological similarity with those in the northern vicinity of the central lobe of Laguna de Bay. On the
other hand, Quartenary alluvial deposits of the Marikina Alluvial plain and Pasig River Delta plain
cover western areas of the city. The presence of the marine sediments suggests that the Quartenary
alluvium was probably deposited after uplift of the Guadalupe formation.

Figure 2.1 Map of Metro Manila

Site Geology

Pasay City is ranked first in economic dynamism and was awarded one of the top four Highly
Urbanized Cities in Metro Manila. The western part of Pasay City is level to nearly level while its
south-eastern part is gently sloping to gently undulating. It is characterized by coastal plains along
the Manila Bay in the west and sloping areas extending in the south-east direction. Surface
elevations range from 2 meters above the mean sea level on the coastal plains and 24 meters on the
southeast part of the city. According to 2015 census, it had a population of 417,000 people.


The structure is expected to experience ground shaking during and after construction, and
might cause structural damage as a result of a large earthquake. The design of the structure will take
into account the lateral forces that will be produced by nearby faults to a satisfactory level of
damage that it may sustain.

H&F Company
The structure should be designed for lateral force requirements as set forth in the National
Structural Code of the Philippines, Volume 1, 7th Edition (2015).

Recommended parameters for input to seismic modelling are presented in Table 3.1 based
on information contained in this report.

Table 3.1 Seismic Design Parameters

Seismic Design
References Recommended Value

Soil Profile Type NSCP Table 208-2 SE

Seismic Zone Factor Z NSCP Table 208-3 0.4

Seismic Source Type NSCP Table 208-4 A

The Peak Ground Acceleration shown in Figure 3.1 shows that places around Metro Manila
could experience large GPA for they are near the West Valley Fault. Roxas Boulevard in Pasay City is
approximately 9 km away from the West Valley Fault.

Figure 3.1 Peak Ground Acceleration Distribution

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History of Earthquakes

As there may have been big casualties Manila experienced over the past few years,
earthquakes and aftershocks could also be felt throughout Manila even if it is kilometers away from
a fault. One of the strongest earthquakes that hit Metro Manila was in 1863 where the earthquake
happened in Manila Bay that caused a disastrous event to the people living in Manila. The
occurrence alarmed them for the ground was shaking immensely for 30 seconds.

Being Civil Engineers, its work is to prevent these casualties to happen again and seismic
considerations should extremely be taken into account.

Liquefaction Potential
Roxas Boulevard in Pasay City may experience liquefaction due to having it in the coast of
Manila Bay. Earthquakes may cause liquefaction where the soils subjected to high shear strains may
lose its shear strength due to seismic shaking, soil type and in situ stress conditions. At this
occurrence, there may be a build-up of pore pressure that would reduce the effective stress in soil.


To meet the soil investigation objectives, a phased exploration will be conducted at the
Pasay City site. The department will task a standby contractor to complete the following activities as
part of the soil investigation program:
Subcontract with a brush clearing company to clear vegetation at the site to provide easy
access for equipments and facilitate ease of movement around the site.
Subcontract with a surveyor licensed in the Philippines to generate a detailed site map,
including topography.
Provide a technician during the soil boring/ test pit program to collect samples, complete
paperwork, and transport the samples to the analytical laboratory.

Site Condition
The project site is located at Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City. Project site, including location of
boreholes is shown.

Field Investigation
The field work involving the geotechnical investigation will be carried out in accordance with
BS 5930: Code of Practice for Soil Investigation. Prior to commencement of the investigation, trial
pit up to 1.5m and follow up drilling manually using hand auger till 3m in depth will be conducted at
each borehole before drilling.

H&F Company
Detailed Property Survey
The surveyor will complete a survey and base map, which should include all the structures at
and near the site, all property boundaries, nearby roadways and utilities. The property boundaries
shall be staked to provide quick visual identification during the completion of the soil investigation
field activities. A detailed topographic map of the site shall be developed in CAD format with the
contour plotted. Following the completion of the soil investigation field activities, the surveyor will
then survey the following:

Horizontal locations and ground surface elevations of all soil borings/test pits completed
during the Soil Investigation that were not completed on the previously surveyed grid nodes,
if any;

Horizontal locations and ground surface elevations of all samples collected during the Soil
Investigation that were not collected on the previously surveyed grid nodes; and

Horizontal locations and ground surface elevations of any historic sample or boring locations
that can still be identified.

Standard Penetration Test

Three (3) boreholes will be carried out to depth reaching hard bearing layers. The boreholes
are specifically located in accessible area within the project site.

To advance the borehole, wash boring will be employed. Standard Penetration Tests (SPT)
are carried out in soil at depth intervals of not more than 2.0m. The SPT will be performed using a
standard split-spoon sampler, having 50 mm outside diameter, 35 mm inside diameter, and about
710 mm length, which is attached at the bottom of the borehole by means of 63-kg hammer falling
freely along a guide from a height of 760 mm onto an anvil at the top of the drill rods. The sampler is
then driven to an initial penetration of 150 mm to bypass distributed soil at the bottom of the
borehole. Afterwards, it is driven 300 mm further.

The number of the blows required for each 150 mm of penetration will be recorded. The
total number of blows for the last 300 mm of penetration is known as the Standard Penetration
Resistance (N) of the soil. Correlations have been developed between the SPT N-value and soil
parameters which will be used for bearing capacity estimates.

During the Standard Penetration Test, disturbed soils will be obtained in the split-barrel
sampler as it penetrates into the soil. Part of the retrieved soil will placed in moisture-tight
containers for further examination and laboratory testing.

The results of the Standard Penetration Test, description of the soil samples and other field
data will be shown in the boring log. Estimates of soil in-situ relative density shown in the soil
description will be based on the tables below.

H&F Company
Sample handling

All of the samples will be delivered to the laboratory for representative classification tests
and other tests as required. All samples will be retained for at least 90 days after final acceptance of
the geotechnical report.

Subsurface Exploration

The subsurface conditions at the site were explored by drilling with (3) test boreholes
required by National Structural Code of the Philippines Section 303.1 Table 303-1. Reliable
information is also available in the immediate vicinity since the area is surrounded by adjacent
buildings and the area is relatively flat. Hence, the number of boreholes tested is three (3) employed
with wash boring to advance the borehole.

It is recommended to investigate 15 meters depth per boreholes or up to 5 meters into the

hard strata since the city is related to geologic hazards such as tsunamis, ground shaking and
liquefaction. Standard Penetration Test was performed to obtain disturbed soil samples by driving a
2-inch O.D and 1-3/8 inch I.D. split spoon sampler with a 140-lbs. hammer freely from a height of 30
inches every 1.5-meter interval. The number of blows required to force the sampler 6.0 inches to the
soil was counted and recorded for each consecutive 6-inches penetration. The number of blows for
the last 12.0 inches penetration was taken as the standard penetration value denoted by N in the
boring log.


The boring samples will be tested in the laboratory yield soil classification data and index
properties of soils encountered during field exploration. These tests were performed following the
standards stated in the ASTM. The following tests will be performed on selected samples:

Moisture Content (ASTM D2216)

Determines the amount of water present in the soil mass. In fine-grained soils, the
consistency of a given soil type depends on its water content. The water content of a soil, along with
its liquid and plastic limits as determined by the rest will be used to express its relative consistency
or liquidity index.

Atterberg Limits (ASTM D4318)

Characterizes the fine-grained fractions of soils and to specify the fine-grained fraction of
construction materials as it plays an integral part of several engineering classification systems. The
liquid limit, plastic limit, and plasticity index of soils are also used extensively, either individually or
together, with other soil properties to correlate with engineering behaviour such as compressibility,
permeability, compactibility, shrink-swell, and shear strength.

Sieve Analysis (ASTM D422)

H&F Company
It is performed to evaluate the gradational characteristics of the soil to provide soil
classification data. It covers the quantitative determination of the distribution of particle sizes in

The soil samples will then be classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM
D2487). This system is based on the identification of soils according to their particle-size, gradation,
plasticity, liquid limit, and organic matter content.

Hydrometer Analysis (ASTM D422)

This work will consist of performing the hydrometer analysis in accordance with ASTM D
422. This test method will cover the quantitative determination of the distribution of particle sizes in
soils. The distribution of particle sizes larger than 75 m (retained on the No. 200 sieve) will be
determined by sieving, while the distribution of particle sizes smaller than 75 m will be determined
by a sedimentation process, using a hydrometer to secure the necessary data.

Unconfined Compression Testing for Rock Cores (ASTM D7012)

The test provides data in determining the strength of rock, namely: uniaxial strength, shear
strengths at varying pressures and varying temperatures, angle of internal friction, and cohesion
intercept. It should be observed that this method makes no provision for pore pressure
measurements and specimens are undrained thus the strength values determined are in terms of
total stress are not corrected for pore pressures.

These are tests which are performed on bag samples, jar samples, undisturbed samples, and/or
split-spoon samples to obtain additional information about the soils and their condition. This
information will be used in analysis of conditions and preparation of recommendations for design
and construction.

Unit Weight Determination

This work will consist of the determination of the unit weight by Method B of the ASTM D 7263.
It covers the procedure by means of the direct measurement of the dimensions and mass of a
specimen, usually one of cylindrical shape. Intact and reconstituted or remolded specimens may be
tested by this method conjunction with strength, permeability(air/water) and compressibility

Consolidation Test
This work will consist of performing the consolidation test in accordance with ASTM D 2435.
This test will be performed to determine the magnitude and rate of volume
decrease that a laterally confined soil specimen undergoes when subjected to different vertical
pressures. From the measured data, the consolidation curve (pressure-void ratio relationship) can be
plotted. This data will be useful in determining the compression index, the recompression index and
the preconsolidation pressure (or maximum past pressure) of the soil. In addition, the data obtained

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can also be used to determine the coefficient of consolidation and the coefficient of secondary
compression of the soil.

Triaxial Test
This work shall consist of performing the triaxial test in accordance with ASTM Standards..
Each test shall consist of three points for plotting a Mohr failure envelope and determining the
strength parameters. This test shall include initial and final moisture content tests, specific gravity,
Atterberg limits, initial and final void ratio, initial and final degrees of saturation, initial and final unit
weights (densities), visual textural description, cohesion, plot of Mohr circles and envelope, and
sketch of failure. The test shall be one of the following:
(1) Unconsolidated undrained (UU) test
(2) Consolidated undrained (CU) test
(3) Consolidated drained (CD) test

Direct Shear Test

A direct shear test is a laboratory or field test used by geotechnical engineers to measure the
shear strength properties of soil or rock material, or of discontinuities in soil or rock masses.

The test is performed on three or four specimens from a relatively undisturbed soil sample.
A specimen is placed in a shear box which has two stacked rings to hold the sample; the contact
between the two rings is at approximately the mid-height of the sample. A confining stress is applied
vertically to the specimen, and the upper ring is pulled laterally until the sample fails, or through a
specified strain. The load applied and the strain induced is recorded at frequent intervals to
determine a stressstrain curve for each confining stress. Several specimens are tested at varying
confining stresses to determine the shear strength parameters, the soil cohesion (c) and the angle of
internal friction, commonly known as the friction angle. The results of the tests on each specimen
are plotted on a graph with the peak (or residual) stress on the y-axis and the confining stress on the
x-axis. The y-intercept of the curve which fits the test results is the cohesion, and the slope of the
line or curve is the friction angle.

H&F Company

Item Description Unit Price (PhP) Total Cost

1 Geologic Lump 120,000.00 120,000.00
Assignment sum

2 Mobilization and Lump

demobilization sum
Roxas Boulevard 15,000.00 15,000.00
3 Licensed 20,000.00 40,000.00
4 Surveyor 7,500 15000
5 Drilling
Through Soil Per 1,500.00
meter 67500
Through Rock Per 2,000.00
meter 30000
6 Hole-to-hole Per 3,500.00
transfer transfer 10500
7 Sampling and
Thick-walled Per 1,000.00
sampling (split- sample
spoon) 9000
Thin-walled Per 800
sampling (Shelby sample
tube) 7200
8 Test Pit Per pit 3,000.00 9000
9 Laboratory Tests
Moisture Content Lump 250
sum 750
Atterberg Limits Lump 250
sum 750
Sieve Analysis Lump 250
sum 750
compression test
10 Documentation Lump 20,000.00 20,000.00
and sum

TOTAL COST 345,450.00

H&F Company

Geotechnical Investigation
Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City

TASK January February March
Work Plan Preparation
Site Investigation
Task 1: Site Survey
Task 2: Site Inspection
Task 3: Community Relations
Task 4: Standard Penetration Test
Task 5: Borehole
Borehole 1
Borehole 2
Borehole 3
Task 6: Laboratory Inspections
Sample Retrieval and Transportation
Moisture Content
Atterberg Limits
Sieve Analysis
Unconfined Compression Test
Task 7: Boring Log
Task 8: Geotechnical Investigation Report

H&F Company


H&F Company

H&F Company

Considering the three proposed structures to be constructed on site, namely: a 25 storey

office/commercial building with 4 level basements, a 2-level manufacturing plant, and a 5-storey
training center, the company suggests that the 5-storey training center is the most suitable structure
for the site located at Roxas Boulevard, Pasay city. The location has a relatively flat area and a high
susceptibility of flooding even during light rains, making the site incompatible for the 25-storey
commercial building with 4-level basement. Due to the adjacent buildings surrounding the site, the
company advises that the 2-level manufacturing plant is not appropriate for the site. The H&F
company will provide a supplemental geotechnical investigation report and obtain available soils and
geologic maps, and other reference materials to provide assurance to the owner that the structure
to be built on site is acceptable. (Romanillos)

The importance of soil investigation is very significant in engineering especially when

building foundations for buildings. Without this, there is a chance that every structure would fail and
burn to the ground. Checking and surveying of the location and the geology of the area is one aspect
Ive realized that needs thorough checking like the activity and what kind of soil is in the area. This
project has helped the group learn about simple soil investigation projects. Team work is crucial and
communication is key to be able to make the project a successful paper. It may be an unofficial
investigation but it will certainly help in our future lives and profession. (Pua)

This project is relevant to us as graduating civil engineers mainly because we get the chance
to be exposed in the geotechnical aspect of the work we may do in the future. The project gives us
real problems that can be encountered in the line of work in our chosen profession and it also
enlightens us to how much this type of investigation costs. It shows how much the foundation is
valued in construction projects. (Parias)

As an aspiring civil engineer of this country, creating and investigating different scenarios
and occurrences will be helpful to us future civil engineers to prevent and take into account the
worst possible scenario that could happen. This report helps to let people have an overview on what
and how things are done before the construction process, the estimated cost of ones project, and
what possible actions and solutions that the engineers will do to make the structure safe and secure.
Geotechnical reports are the foundation of ones project, for the first thing that the engineers will do
is to inspect the soil that their infrastructure will be standing on to. (Paronia)

This activity has become a way for us to simulate a situation wherein we can apply the
practice in the field of Geotechnical Engineering. This exposure gave us an overview on what
might/can happen in the field of our work. This gave us a peek on the processes that are being
applied in line with our course, specifically Geotechnical Engineering: Soil Investigation, and maybe
someday, we can use this project as our guide/basis for when we are about to use it in our line of
work. (Perlado)

H&F Company

Table 1. Description of Soil according to N-Value

Relation of Consistency of Cohesive Soils SPT N-value and Unconfined Compressive Strength, Qu

SPT N-value Consistency Qu (KN/m2)

>2 Very soft <25

2-4 Soft 25-50

4-8 Medium 50-100

8-15 Stiff 100-200

15-30 Very stiff 200-400

>30 Hard >400

Table 2. Relation of Consistency and Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soils

Table 3. NSCP Section 303.1

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Figure 1. Sample Boring Log

Figure 2. Direct Shear Test

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