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study by using the 1997, 2000, 2003, and 2006 Kids Inpatient Database. www.pediatrics.org/cgi/doi/10.1542/peds.2009-3109
National estimates for CAP and CAP-associated local and systemic com- doi:10.1542/peds.2009-3109
plication rates were calculated for children 18 years of age. Patients Accepted for publication May 11, 2010
with comorbid conditions or in-hospital birth status were excluded. Address correspondence to Samir S. Shah, MD, MSCE, Childrens
Percentage changes were calculated by using 1997 (before heptava- Hospital of Philadelphia, Division of Infectious Diseases, Room
1526, North Campus, 34th Street and Civic Center Boulevard,
lent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine [PCV7]) and 2006 (after PCV7) Philadelphia, PA 19104. E-mail: shahs@email.chop.edu
data. PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
RESULTS: There were a total of 619 102 CAP discharges for 1997, 2000, Copyright 2010 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
2003, and 2006, after application of inclusion and exclusion criteria. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have
Overall rates of CAP discharges did not change substantially between no nancial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
1997 and 2006, but stratication according to age revealed a 22% de- Funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
crease for children 1 year of age, minimal change for children 1 to 5
years of age, and increases for children 6 to 12 years (22%) and 13
years (41%) of age. Systemic complication rates were highest among
children 1 year of age but decreased by 36%. In all other age groups,
systemic complication rates remained stable. Local complication rates
increased 78% overall. Children 1 to 5 years of age had the highest local
complication rates.
CONCLUSIONS: After the introduction of PCV7 in 2000, rates of CAP-
associated systemic complications decreased only for children 1
year of age. Rates of pediatric CAP-associated local complications are
increasing in all age groups. Pediatrics 2010;126:204213
204 LEE et al
Streptococcus pneumoniae is the studies evaluating the impact of PCV7 talization because of CAP in 1997, 2000,
most-commonly identied bacterial introduction on the severity of illness 2003, or 2006.
cause of community-acquired pneu- in children hospitalized with CAP. We
monia (CAP) in children. A heptavalent conducted a retrospective cross- Denition of Pneumonia
pneumococcal conjugate vaccine sectional study by using a national da- By using a previously validated algo-
(PCV7) was licensed in the United tabase to determine the rates of rithm, patients were considered to
States in February 2000 and subse- hospitalizations with CAP and CAP- have CAP if they met 1 of 2 criteria, that
quently was added to the routine child- associated complications in otherwise is, (1) an International Classication of
hood vaccination schedule. Since then, healthy children in the United States Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Mod-
overall rates of invasive pneumococcal and to describe changes in rates, if ication (ICD-9-CM), primary diagnosis
disease (IPD) (ie, bacteremia and men- any, after the introduction of PCV7. code indicating pneumonia (codes
ingitis) have decreased for both chil- 480 483 and 485 486), empyema
dren17 and adults,810 largely because METHODS (code 510), or pleurisy (codes 511.0,
of signicant reductions in the burden 511.1, and 511.9) or (2) a primary diag-
Study Design and Data Source
of disease caused by vaccine serotype nosis of a pneumonia-related symp-
isolates. However, reductions in the in- We performed a cross-sectional analy- tom (eg, cough, fever, or tachypnea)
cidence of pediatric CAP seem to be sis of pediatric hospitalizations in the (see Appendix 1 for ICD-9-CM codes)
less dramatic and have been limited to United States by using the 1997, 2000, and a secondary diagnosis of pneumo-
young children. In prelicensure, ran- 2003, and 2006 Kids Inpatient Data- nia, empyema, or pleurisy.22
domized, controlled trials, the risk of base (KID). The KID is part of the Health-
care Cost and Utilization Project spon- Exclusion Criteria
radiographically conrmed pneumo-
nia was 20% lower for PCV7 recipi- sored by the Agency for Healthcare Patients with the following comorbid
ents 2 years of age, compared with Research and Quality. It is the only data conditions were excluded, because
nonrecipients.11 Postlicensure epide- set on hospital use and outcomes that these comorbidities are characterized
miological studies revealed decreases was designed specically to study chil- by risk factors not reective of the gen-
in all-cause pneumonia incidence drens use of hospital services in the eral pediatric population: acquired or
United States The KID samples pediat- congenital immunologic disorders,
rates of 39% to 52% among children
ric discharges from all community malignancies, collagen vascular dis-
2 years of age12,13 but no changes for
nonrehabilitation hospitals (including ease, sickle cell disease, cystic bro-
older children.13,14
academic medical centers) in states sis, organ transplant, congenital heart
The impact of PCV7 vaccination on the defects, and heart failure (Appendix 1).
participating in the Healthcare Cost
severity of pediatric CAP is less clear. Cases identied as in-hospital births
and Utilization Project, across pediat-
Although vaccination with PCV7 has re- were excluded, to minimize the inclu-
ric discharge type and hospital char-
duced the incidence of IPD in children, sion of perinatally acquired and neo-
acteristics, by using a complex strati-
several authors reported regional in- natal nosocomial infections. Patients
cation system. Discharge-level weights
creases in rates of pediatric empyema, with a secondary diagnosis code indi-
assigned to discharges within the stra-
a CAP-associated complication, after cating trauma also were excluded, be-
tum permit calculations of national es-
widespread PCV7 uptake.1517 Studies
timates. Each data set contains 3 cause a diagnosis of pneumonia in this
examining national trends in population likely reects a nosocomial
million discharges (unweighted), and
pneumonia-associated complications cause (Appendix 1). CAP-associated
data sets have been released every 3
also focused solely on empyema18,19 complications were identied by using
years, beginning in 1997. The 2006 KID
and were limited to infants and ICD-9-CM diagnosis and procedure
is the most-recent data set available
preschool-aged children.18 Among codes (Appendix 2). Complications
and contains hospital administrative
adults hospitalized with CAP, previous were classied as local (empyema,
data from 38 states, representing
recipients of a 23-valent polysaccha- lung abscess, necrotizing pneumonia,
88.8% of the estimated US population.21
ride pneumococcal vaccine (PPV23) or bronchopleural stula), systemic
had lower all-cause mortality rates Study Participants (acute respiratory failure, sepsis, ex-
and risks of respiratory failure, sepsis tracorporeal membrane oxygenation,
syndrome, and cardiac arrest, com- Inclusion Criteria or hemolytic uremic syndrome), or
pared with vaccine nonrecipients.20 To Patients 18 years of age were eligi- metastatic (meningitis, central ner-
our knowledge, there have been no ble for inclusion if they required hospi- vous system abscess, mastoiditis,
206 LEE et al
peaked in 2000 and then returned to According to Race complications increased by 77.8% (5.4
pre-PCV7 levels. Rates of CAP discharges for black chil- and 9.6 cases per 100 000 population,
According to Age dren were greater than those for white respectively). Empyema accounted for
children in all years studied (Table 4). 97% of all local complications. The
The rates of CAP discharges varied in-
However, this difference decreased systemic complication rate decreased
versely with age, with the highest rates
over time, from a rate ratio of 1.98 in by 8.8% (6.8 and 6.2 cases per 100 000,
occurring for children 1 year of age.
The rates of CAP discharges for chil- 1997 to a rate ratio of 1.59 in 2006. respectively) (Table 2). The proportion
dren 1 year of age decreased by of discharges with any associated
Rates of CAP-Associated complication increased from 5.9% to
21.9% between 1997 and 2006, with Complications
90% of the decrease occurring by 2003. 7.5%, whereas the proportion with lo-
There were minimal interval changes Overall cal complications increased from 2.7%
in rates of CAP discharges for children Between 1997 and 2006, the rate of dis- to 4.8%. The proportion with systemic
1 to 5 years of age, whereas rates in- charges with any CAP-associated com- complications remained relatively sta-
creased by 21.9% for children 6 to 12 plication increased by 28% (11.8 and ble at 3.1% to 3.7%. In 1997, 2000, 2003,
years of age and by 40.5% for children 15.1 cases per 100 000 population, re- and 2006, there were an estimated 75,
13 years of age (Table 3). spectively), whereas the rate of local 100, 72, and 98 discharges, respec-
TABLE 4 Rates and Rate Ratios of CAP and CAP-Associated Complications in 19972006, Stratied According to Race
Year 1997 2000 2003 2006 Change,
1997 vs
n (%) Rate, Estimate (95% n (%) Rate, Estimate (95% n (%) Rate, Estimate (95% n (%) Rate, Estimate (95%
2006, %
CI), Cases per CI), Cases per CI), Cases per CI), Cases per
100 000 100 000 100 000 100 000
White 56 348 (38) 96.0 (95.296.8) 68 975 (43) 115.5 (114.7116.4) 54 903 (35) 91.3 (90.592.1) 56 108 (36) 92.7 (92.093.5) 3.4
Black 22 864 (15) 190.0 (187.5192.5) 22 694 (14) 182.6 (180.3185.0) 17 960 (11) 142.6 (140.6144.7) 18 800 (12) 147.6 (145.5149.8) 22.3
Black/white rate 1.98 (1.942.01) 1.58 (1.561.60) 1.56 (1.541.59) 1.59 (1.561.62)
Any complication
White 3567 (40) 6.1 (5.96.3) 4757 (43) 8.0 (7.78.2) 4578 (38) 7.6 (7.47.8) 4609 (39) 7.6 (7.47.8) 24.6
Black 1108 (13) 9.2 (8.79.8) 1394 (13) 11.2 (10.611.8) 1207 (10) 9.6 (9.110.1) 1356 (12) 10.7 (10.111.2) 16.3
Black/white rate 1.51 (1.421.62) 1.40 (1.331.49) 1.26 (1.181.34) 1.40 (1.311.49)
Local complications
White 1831 (46) 3.1 (3.03.3) 2771 (49) 4.6 (4.54.8) 2839 (42) 4.7 (4.64.9) 3100 (41) 5.1 (4.95.3) 64.5
Black 491 (12) 4.1 (3.74.5) 719 (13) 5.8 (5.46.2) 714 (11) 5.7 (5.36.1) 871 (12) 6.8 (6.47.3) 65.9
Black/white rate 1.32 (1.181.45) 1.26 (1.151.35) 1.21 (1.111.30) 1.33 (1.241.44)
White 1854 (37) 3.2 (3.03.3) 2175 (37) 3.6 (3.53.8) 1959 (34) 3.3 (3.13.4) 1750 (36) 2.9 (2.83.0) 9.4
Black 650 (13) 5.4 (5.05.8) 730 (12) 5.9 (5.56.3) 553 (10) 4.4 (4.04.8) 559 (12) 4.4 (4.04.8) 18.5
Black/white rate 1.69 (1.561.87) 1.61 (1.481.75) 1.35 (1.221.48) 1.52 (1.381.67)
Rates are reported as cases per 100 000 US population 18 years of age.
Rates of hospital discharges for CAP-associated complications in 19972006, stratied according to age. A, 1 year; B, 1 to 5 years; C, 6 to 12 years; D, 13
to 18 years. Open circles indicate any complication, black squares indicate systemic complications, and black circles indicate local complications. Vertical
lines indicate 95% CIs. Rates are cases per 100 000 age-specic US population.
208 LEE et al
age experienced an 88.1% increase in associated complications than did ents of PCV7.28 Adult data suggest that
rates between 1997 and 2006 (from 4.2 white children in all years studied. pneumococcal vaccination can modify
to 7.9 cases per 100 000) (Fig 1D). Although CAP-related hospitalization the severity of illness for patients hos-
rates for the entire cohort were stable pitalized with CAP and may reduce the
According to Race occurrence of CAP-associated compli-
overall, there were differences accord-
Rates of any, systemic, and local CAP- ing to age group. Infants were the only cations.20 A plausible mechanism may
associated complications were higher age group to experience a decrease in be the reduction of concomitant pneu-
for black children than for white chil- CAP discharge rates, a nding consis- mococcal bacteremia among PPV23
dren for all years studied (Table 4). Ra- tent with other studies that showed recipients.29 Experimental model stud-
tios of rates for black and white chil- post-PCV7 reductions in all-cause ies showed that cell wall components
dren for any, systemic, and local pneumonia rates for children 2 of killed pneumococci are capable of
complications showed a downward years of age.1113,25 Although previous triggering an inammatory cascade re-
trend between 1997 and 2003, with a sponse in the host, resulting in death.30
postlicensure studies did not show
slight increase from 2003 to 2006. Be-
CAP rate changes for children 2 The reduction of pneumococcal bactere-
tween 1997 and 2006, rates of any CAP- mia may prevent the initiation of these
years of age,13,14 we report that CAP dis-
associated complication increased inammatory processes, reducing the
charge rates increased for children
24.6% for white children and 16.3% for
5 years of age. We might have been severity of illness among patients requir-
black children. Systemic complication ing hospitalization for CAP. Large de-
able to nd a difference in rates for the
rates decreased 18.5% for black chil- creases in rates of IPD, including bacte-
older age groups because of the larger
dren and 9.4% for white children. The remia, occurred among children 2
size of our cohort, compared with pre-
groups experienced similar increases years of age after PCV7 licensure,6,7,15,3135
vious studies.13,14 However, the reason
in rates of local complications (64.5% which possibly explains why, similar to
for the increase in CAP discharges is
and 65.9% for white and black chil- ndings for adult recipients of PPV23,
unclear. Pneumococcal serotype re-
dren, respectively). PCV7 may reduce the frequency of CAP-
placement has been occurring since
DISCUSSION the introduction of PCV71,57,15 and may associated systemic complications.
contribute to the increase in CAP dis- In contrast to trends in CAP-associated
We describe national changes in dis-
charge rates for older children, al- systemic complication rates, rates of
charge rates for pediatric CAP and
though data suggest that serotype re- local complications increased for all
CAP-associated complications in the
placement is more commonly seen age groups, with the highest rates oc-
pre-PCV7 and post-PCV7 periods. Since
among young children and older curring among preschool-aged chil-
the introduction of PCV7 in 2000, up-
adults.5,6,15 It also is possible that dren. In addition, the presence of any
take has been rapid, with 68% of 19- to
changes in the epidemiological fea- CAP-associated complication among
35-month-old children having received
tures of other pathogens, such as children 1 to 18 years of age was
3 doses in 2003 and 87% in 2006.24
We report that, although overall rates methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus largely attributable to local complica-
of CAP discharges remained relatively aureus26,27 or atypical organisms, tions. It is unclear, however, whether
unchanged, rates decreased for chil- rather than changes in rates of IPD, this trend can be attributed fully to the
dren 1 year of age and increased for are responsible for this trend. changing epidemiological features of
children 6 years of age. Overall rates This is the rst national study to exam- IPD after the introduction of PCV7. Two
of systemic complications were dra- ine rates of systemic CAP-associated studies reported increasing regional
matically higher for infants than for complications in the pre-PCV7 and rates of empyema in children before
any other age group, but infants were post-PCV7 eras. Rates of systemic com- PCV7 licensure,27,36 which raises the
the only age group to experience de- plications varied inversely with age, possibility that the current increase in
creases over time in this area. In con- with infants having the highest rates local complication rates is a continua-
trast, local complication rates were and children 6 years of age having tion of a previous trend. Rates of local
found to be increasing in all pediatric the lowest rates. The decrease in sys- complications also may be inuenced by
age groups and were highest among temic complication rates for the entire the increasing prevalence of community-
children 1 to 5 years of age. Race cohort was largely attributable to the acquired methicillin-resistant S aureus,
seemed to play a role, because black decrease in rates for infants and might which has become the pathogen most
children had consistently higher dis- be explained in part by the fact that commonly isolated from empyema in
charge rates of CAP and CAP- infants have been the primary recipi- several centers.26,27 The limitations of
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