Inspection Test Plan
Inspection Test Plan
Inspection Test Plan
Section Description
Inspection Categories
Notice(Request) of Inspection
5.0 Testing
6.0 Cleaning
7.0 Attachments
S Surveillance
Monitor the status of work and materials and analyses of records on a periodical basis to ensure that specified requirements are being fulfilled.
W Witness
As mandatory items of inspection, examination, or test this stage shall be notified in advance by the Subcontractor or CONTRACTORs construction
department and shall be performed under witness of the relevant Inspection Authority. However, work may proceed if the relevant authority is not available
at the required time.
Hold point (H) means a point, designated by prior stated agreement in the inspection and test plan(s), at which the performance of an activity must be
stopped and put an hold until specified actions are completed.
R Review
Review results of inspection, examination or test.
1.1 0.2 Notice (Request) of Inspection
The Subcontractor shall submit to CONTRACTOR a Notice of Inspection Request one (1) day before the inspection is to be carried out. The request shall
contain information as follows:
Inspection item(s).
Responsibility Category. (as defined within the ITP)
Date, place and time of inspection.
Requirement for third party inspection (if any).
Any other relevant information.
The Subcontractor may proceed with the inspection activity at the specified time without the presence of CONTRACTOR or COMPANY for witness
inspection unless a delay has been previously advised and agreed by either party.
The Notice of Inspection shall be sequentially numbered by the subcontractor in accordance with SUT1-Z05-Q 00-4-001 Numbering Procedure for Site
Quality Documents.
1.1 Verify method statement for Method statement Approval method statement Method statement
piling is approval
1.2 Verification of Design Mix For
Concrete Approval Construction
Approved /Accepted Concrete Design Mix by
- Type of Concete Drawing Trial Mix Design Test Report I W W
- Mix Propotion SUTO-ALL-C08-4-002 to 006
- Slump
1.3 Concrete Design Mix & Method Approval Construction
As Per Project Spec. & Engineer Design /
of Casting Drawing Trial Mix Result Report & MS I R R
Instruction (C40 & C50)
SUTO-ALL-C08-4-002 to 006
1.4 Reinforcement Steel Approval Construction Rebar Test Result Achieve requirement of
Drawing specification / applicable standard T-High Yield, Rebar Test Report I W W I
SUTO-ALL-C08-4-002 to 006 Rebar Grade 460
1.5 Check for bench mark Sembcorp Bench ITR-QCI-001
Confirmation of Sembcorp bench mark and Verified
Mark. New Bench mark(If INSPECTION AND TEST I I S
new datum.
1.6 Verify pile design is approval. Approval Construction
Approval Construction
Drawing Approval Construction Drawing I R R
SUTO-ALL-C08-4-002 to 006
2.0 Boring of Pile
5.3 Pile Load Test / Type & *. Static Load Pile Test : 1% of Total Production
Quantity Pile or One pile test for each pile typeOne pile test Test Report
Approval Construction ITR-QCI-004
for each pile type
Drawing Load Test Record I W H
*. Dynamic Test Pile : 5% of Production Piles all
SUTO-ALL-C08-4-002 to 006
test pile
*. Integrity Test Pile : All working Pile
5.4 Pile Test Acceptance Criteria Approval Construction Allowable Settlement:
for Working pile Drawing Short Term = 15mm & Test Report I R R
SUTO-ALL-C08-4-002 to 006 Long Term = 25mm
5.5 Submission of test results to SUTO-ALL-C08-4-002 to 006 Test Report of Lab.
company I R R
6.0 Cleaning
Reference Documents Inspection Points
Activity and Characteristic
No. (Codes/ Std/ Spec. / Acceptance Criteria Verifying Document Sub-Con CONTR. SCC / ITL
to be Checked
Proc.) RE / RTO
6.1 Confirm Concrete debris, etc
SUTO-ALL-C08-4-002 to 006 Visual Visual I S S