Introduction To Teichm Uller Spaces: Jing Tao
Introduction To Teichm Uller Spaces: Jing Tao
Introduction To Teichm Uller Spaces: Jing Tao
Jing Tao
Notes by Serena Yuan
1. Riemann Surfaces
Definition 1.1. A conformal structure is an atlas on a manifold such that the
differentials of the transition maps lie in R+ SO(n).
Figure 2: Conformal Deformation
Riemanns idea was that the space of all closed Riemann surfaces up to isomor-
phism is a manifold, a geometric and topological object:
2. Uniformization
We will now investigate why genus is the only discrete invariant. Given a Riemann
surface Xg , its conformal structure lifts to its universal cover, Xg . Uniformization
Theorem says:
C if g = 0
Xg := C if g = 1
H2 if g > 2
C C H2
1 0 -1
3. Teichmuller Space
We fix a topological surface S of genus g.
Tg = {(X, f )}/
For g 2, Tg is also the set of marked hyperbolic surface (X, f ), where the equivalent
relation is given by isotopy to an isometry.
5. Topology on Tg
Teichmuller space Tg is naturally a manifold homeomorphic to R6gg , and g acts
properly discontinuously on Tg . Thus, Mg is an orbifold with 1orb (Mg ) = g .
We are able to see the topology in two ways:
By Representation theory:
where the image of Tg is the open subset of discrete and faithful representations. A
simple counting argument shows
By Fenchel-Nielson Coordinates:
Example 5.1. Dehn Twist: We define an element D g , where is a simple
closed curve on S.
Definition 5.3 (FN Coordinates). The Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates relative
to the curves (, ) is
T1,1 R+ R, X 7 (`, )
Figure 4: FN on T1,1
6. Teichmuller Metric
(Or how to compare conformal structures)
(dh)p : Tp X Tf (p) Y
Definition 6.1. The dilatation at p as
max{a, b}
Kp = 1
min{a, b}
Kh = supp Kp 1
We have:
(i) (dh)p is C-linear iff a = b iff Kp = 1
(ii) h is conformal iff Kh = 1.
Definition 6.4. h is a quasi-conformal map if Kh < . This holds automati-
cally if X is compact.
Definition 6.3 (Teichmuller Distance). The define the Teichmuller Dis-
tance is
dT ((X, f ), (Y, g)) = log inf1 Kh
2 hgf
where inf hgf 1 Kh is the smallest dilatation of a quasi-conformal map preserving the
Lemma. dT is a metric.
Consider !
2 0
0 21
We see Kh = 4. h turns out to be the unique extremal map. This means that any
map h0 h has bigger dilatation, Kh0 > Kh . Hence dT (X, Y ) = log(4)
The transition of natural coordinates (or the change of charts between natural
coordinates) includes translations and possible sign flip, since d 2 = (d 0 )2 so 0 =
+ c.
So defines a (singular) flat Euclidean metric |d|2 on X (singularities come
from the zeros of q). Conversely, a collection of natural coordinates determines a
quadratic differential.
If we take X from the previous example, then let q = dz 2 .
Let QD = {quadratic differentials on X}. By Riemann-Roch, QD is a complex
vector space of dimC = 3g 3. Also, QD(X) = Tx (Tg ) = Tx (Mg ).
Definition 6.7. We define an L1 norm on QD(X). Let q = q(z)dz 2 . Let
||q||1 = |q(z)|dzdz
1 + ||q||
K= 1.
1 ||q||
Set = u+ iv to be a natural coordinate for q, and define a new natural coordinate
by 0 = Ku + i 1K v. This new coordinate 0 determines a surface Yq Tg and a
canonical map X Yq , called a Teichmuller map.
Theorem 6.10. We have
(i) hg is the unique extremal map in its homotopy class.
(ii) QD1 (X) Tg such that q 7 Yq is a homeomorphism.
(i) dT is complete.
t t
(ii) t 7 e 2 u + ie 2 v defines a bi-infinite geodesic line in this metric.
(iii) Any X, Y Tg is connected by one and only one segment of such a line.
(i) (T, dT ) = (H2 , hyperbolic metric) but for g 2, (Tg , dT ) is not hyperbolic in any
sense. (Masur, Masur-Wolf, Minsky)
(ii) Geodesic rays do not always converge in the Thurston boundary. (Lenzhen)
(iii) (Masur-Minsky, Rafi) gave a combinatorial descriptions of Teichmuller geodesics.
7. Weil-Petersson Metric
(or L2 -norm on QD(X))
A point X Tg is a hyperbolic surface. Write the hyperbolic metric in local
coordinates as ds2 = (z)|dz|2 . For q1 , q2 Tg , define a Hermetian inner prodcut on
QD(X) by
q1 (z)q2 (z)
h(q1 , q2 ) = dzdz
X (z)
(Tg , h) is a Kahler manifold, that is Tg has three natural structures that are all
compatible with each other:
a complex structure
a Riemannian structure, the associated Riemannian metric called the Weil-
Peterssoon metric is gp = Real(h)
and a symplectic structure, the associated WPsymplectic form (i.e. a closed
(1, 1) form) is = Im(h).
Theorem 7.1 (Walperts Formula).
Choose a set of FN coordinates on Tg
: Tg R+ R3g3
X 7 (`1 , ..., `3g3 , 1 , ..., 3g3 )
Then the WP sympletic form is
= d`i di
2 i=1
For T1,1 , its natural complex structure is H2 . For y large, xy , ` xy , therefore
= d` d (dx dy),
gwp (dx2 + dy 2 )
when y is large.
We that that the arc length of the imaginary axis y13 2 |dz| < . This implies
(ii) It always has negative sectional curvature, but for dimC (Tg ) > 2, sup wp = 0
and inf wp = (Huang).
(ii) (Brock) showed (Tg , gwp ) is quasi-isomorphic to a pants graph.
8. Thurston Metric
(or how to compare hyperbolic structures)
Definition 8.1.
A map h : X Y is a Kh -Lipschitz map
d(h(x), h(y)) Kh d(x, y)
Definition 8.2. For X, Y Tg , define
L(X, Y ) = inf1 Kh
`Y ()
L(X, Y ) = sup ,
`X ()
where ranges over all simple close curve on S.
Lemma. If is a simple closed curve which is a short curve on X or dual to a
short curve on X, then
+ `y ()
L(X, Y ) max .
`x ()
( is = up to additive error)
We do some examples of finding the Thurston distance between points in T1,1 .
On i, the length of is i, and the length of is 1/y on yi, thus
dL (yi, i) log(y).
On the other hand, by the collar lemma, the length of the blue curve is log(y),
dL (i, yi ) log(log(y)).
Figure 7: lengths on T1,1
defined by sending X to a short curve on X sends every Thurston geodesic to a
reparametrized quasi-geodesic in C(S) (LRT). The same statement is not true if we
replace S by a proper subsurface of S.
Open Questions.
1. Are there preferred geodesics in Env(X, Y )?
2. Is there a combinatorial description (in the sense of Rafi) of a Thurston geodesic?
Is there a distance formula?
3. What does Env(X, Y ) look like? In T1,1 , Env(X, Y ) is the intersection of two
cones; a complete understanding is in progress (Dumas-Lenzhen-Rafi-Tao).