The Solubility of Gases in Liquids
The Solubility of Gases in Liquids
The Solubility of Gases in Liquids
I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .395
11. Nomencl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . . 396
111. Methods ratus. . . . . . . . . . . . ............................. 397
A. Manome&-Volumetric Methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .397
1. The Solubility of Oxygen in Ra te r as a Comparison Standard.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
2. Degassing the Solvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
3. The Effect of Temperature on Solubility Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
4. The Apparatus of Cook and Hanson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. 399
5. Saturation Metho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
13. M a s s Spectrometric b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .408
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
1. Regular Solution Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
2. Cell Potential and Cavity Models.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
3. Ot,her Contributions to Theory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
4. Special Studies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
B. Temperahre Coefficient of Gas Solubility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .412
C. Partial Molal Volumes of Gases Dissolved in Liquids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
D. G M ,Solubilities in Mixed Nonelectrolyte Solvents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
E. Solvent Surface Tension and Gas Solubility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
F. SaltEffects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
G. Solubility of Gases in Biological Fluids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
H. Effect, of Pressure on Gas Solubility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
I. Solubility of Gases in Molten Salts and Glasses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
J. The Solubility of Gases in Molten Metals and Alloys.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
VI. Solribilit,y Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
VII. References.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
liquids is of interest, and the review by Rowlinson and K Henry's law constant or Setschenow equation param-
Richardson (509) on the solubility of solids in com- eter
Ki Henry's law constant (to fit Eq 5)
pressed gases may interest some readers. The limited KP Henry's law constant (to fit Eq 6)
literature on the solubility of liquids in compressed KO Henry's law constant (to fit Eq 7 )
gases has yet to be reviewed. K' Henry's law constant, modified
The literature since Varkham and Kobe was searched K, Henry's law constant, reduced
and critically evaluated. The principal medium of the K", K." limiting Henry's law constants in water and in salt
search was Chemical Abstracts through Vol. 59, or the L Ostwald coefficient (see section IVB)
end of 1963. All pertinent articles abstracted through M molecular weight
the end of 1963 were included, although many articles P pressure
which were published in 1964 and 1965 were also included. P., P o solvent vapor pressure
Where the original paper was not examined, a Chemical PT total pressure
Pi partial pressure or vapor pressure
Abstracts reference is supplied in the list of references. S Kuenen coefficient (see section IVA)
The emphasis in this review was placed on physical Si", Si solubility of gas in pure solvent, or s d t solution
methods of determining solubilities and on reporting 32 partial molar entropy of gas in solution
and discussing only equilibrium or saturation solubili- S: molar entropy of gas in gas phase
ties. Thus, the vast literature on the analysis of gases AS" molar entropy of solution
T temperature, "K
absorbed in liquids was ignored. Since most of these To critical temperature
analyses involve Chemical methods, the latter was Ti reduced temperature
also ignored except for oxygen in water. The extensive v,V volume, molar volume
literature on the solubility of gases in ponds, streams, VS volume of solvent
and ground waters was not included because of the volume of gas
molar volume of gas in cc/mole a t 0'
equilibrium criterion. partial molar volume a t infinite dilution of gas
There is an almost nonexistent dividing line between partial molar volume a t infinite dilution of electro-
gas solubility (in liquids) and vapor-liquid equilibrium, lyte
especially a t elevated pressures. The solubility of the XP, XI mole fraction solubility of gas in solution
vapors of some substances was included where the XPi ideal mole fraction solubility of gas in solution
Y vapor phase mole fraction
experimental conditions were such that the pressure
was lower than the normal vapor pressure. Also in- Lower Case Symbols
cluded are: (a) solubilities of gases in molten metals, arbitrary constants
salt concentration, moles per liter
alloys, salts, and glasses; (b) solubilities of gas mix- gas concentration, moles per liter
tures; (c) solubility in tissues and some biological activity coefficient of dissolved gas in salt-free solu-
systems; (d) solubility nomographs; and (e) partial tion
molal volumes of gases in liquids. activity coefficient of dissolved gas in salt solution
The large body of literature on the solubility of gases gravitational constant
excess Gibbs free energy
in plastic materials was excluded since much of this
Boltzmann constant
data is for plastic films. The solubility of gases in solids salting-out parameter
and substances whose composition would tend to be salting-out parameter for salt x
indeterminable (like molten slags) was also excluded. nonelectrolyte self-interaction parameter
salt-effect parameter
11. NOMENCLATURE molality
The system of notation used in this review follows. pressure
radius of spherical gas atom
Some specialized symbols which apply to a particular
temperature, "C
approach, and where we wished to use the author's decimal fraction of solute in solution
own notation for clarity, are defined where they are volume
Greek Letter Symbols
Upper Case Symbols Bunsen coefficient (see section IVA)
A arbitrary constant interaction parameters
C1, C d concentration of gas dissolved in the liquid phase absorption coefficient (see section IVB)
c, concentration of gas dissolved in the gas phase compressibility of pure solvent
CW weight solubility (see section IVD) activity coefficient
AC, heat capacity change on solution
AEV molar energy of vaporization Hildebrand solubility parameter
Q molar Gibbs free energy LennardJones force constant
Hz Henry's law constant (see section VD) volume fraction or vapor phase activity coefficient
AH,A B " molar heat of solution density
AHy molar heat, of vaporization surface tension
AND APPARATUS the physical properties of pressure, volume, and tem-
The variety of approaches which have been used to perature are usually adequately determined. The
determine the solubility of gases in liquids is an ade- discrepancies, often large, between published values
quate testimonial to mans ingenuity. The equipment which appear in the literature (for example, the solu-
used ranges in complexity and cost from mass spec- bility of atmospheric gases in water and sea water con-
trometers to the simple van Slyke apparatus, in time tinues to be measured and debated) are most probably
from minutes to many hours, and in precision from the due to other factors. Cook and Hanson (104) list
purely qualitative to the highly precise. these as being one or more of the folIowing: (a) failure
Primarily physical methods will be discussed in to attain equilibrium; (b) failure to completely degas
this section, although, in specific instances chemical the solvent; (c) failure to ascertain the true amount of
methods are sometimes more precise. There are several gas dissolved; and (d) failure to make certain that the
reasons for omitting chemical methods (except for transfer of gas from a primary container to the ap-
oxygen in water). First, they are normally specific for paratus does not involve contamination. The last two
a particular gas and thus do not show general applicabil- factors can be controlled by proper design, calibrations,
ity. Second, it is quite difficult to distinguish between and corrections. It is better to determine the initial
(chemical) absorption methods and those which quantity of gas in the dry state, Le., free of solvent,
involve purely equilibrium solubilities. The literature since P-V-T data can be used, especially if there is any
for the analysis of dissolved gases was in general uncertainty as to whether the gas is saturated with
ignored. Third, gas absorption studies usually involve solvent vapor. Where known, the more accurate
complex chemical equilibriums, and, since their purpose equations of state should be used since even a t 1 atm
is to study the chemical equilibrium involved, the pressure deviations from the ideal gas law can be signifi-
result frequently is that insufficient information is cant. The first two factors will be discussed further.
available to properly evaluate the study as an equilib- For equilibrium solubility determinations the at-
rium gas solubility. tainment of equilibrium is of prinie importance. I n
Physical methods can be divided into two broad clas- flow systems the attainment of equilibrium is checked
sifications : saturation methods in which a previously for by determining the solubility a t several rates of
degassed solvent is saturated with a gas under condi- flow. I n nontlow systems the agreement between
tions where appropriate volumes, pressures, and tem- solubility determinations found v,-ith varying both the
peratures may be determined; and extraction methods vigor of the stirring (or shaking) and the pressure of the
where the dissolved gas in a previously saturated solu- gas above and below the equilibrium pressure serves as
tion is removed under conditions where appropriate the main criterion. For each type of apparatus it is
P , V , and T values may be evaluated. Equilibrium important to provide these checks by varying the
between the gas and liquid phases has been obtained conditions.
by shaking a mixture of the two, by flowing a fiIm or
1. The Solubility of Oxygen in W a t e r
stream of the liquid through the gas, by bubbling the
as a Comparison Standard
gas through the liquid, or by flowing the gas over the
liquid held stationary on some supporting medium (as It would be a boon to workers in the field to have a
in gas-liquid partition chromatography). The de- reliable standard for comparison. The criteria here
termination of the quantities of the components in the mould be that the solvent and gas are readily available
gas and liquid phases has been carried out chemically, in high purity, and that at some convenient conditions
volurnetricalJy (and with the supporting use of manom- a number of workers would have obtained substantially
eters), by mass spectrometer, and by gas-liquid identical values having followed different approaches.
partition chromatography. These methods will be The solubility of oxygen in water a t 25 and 1 atm
discussed below. meets these criteria. There have been several recent
determinations following different approaches, in-
A. MANOMETRIC-VOLUMETRIC METHODS cluding both chemical and physical methods, which are
First, some general considerations are discussed. in substantial agreement (152, 166, 231, 318, 424,
Cook (103, also see 104) gives an excellent analysis of 425, 581), and the value suggested as a standard is the
the problems involved in gas solubility determinations, Bunsen coefficient of 0.02847. Considering these seven
the magnitudes and importance of contributing fac- values, the average deviation is 0.00006 in the Bunsen
tors, and his approach to achieving a truly high- coefficientor 0.21y0. This deviation is just about within
precision ( & 0.0570)gas solubility apparatus. He is to the independent experimental error of the seven de-
be commended for a major contribution to gas solubil- ternlinations. The values are summarized in Table I
ity determinations. along with other values of interest. As a further aid
I n gas solubility determinations contributing fac- Table I1 contains smoothed values of the solubility
tors like purity of materials and the measurement of of 02, Nz, and Ar in water as a function of temperature.
(Units: Bunsen Coefficient X 103)
Temp, OC: 0 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50
Hamburg. 23.79 21.05 18.81 17.03 15.70 14.68 ... ... ... ...
Fox. 23.19 20.68 18.63 17.02 15.72 14.65 13.75 12.99 12.33 11.16
Winkler" 23.12 20.50 18.29 16.56 15.18 14.10 13.19 12.35 11.64 10.71
Adeney and Beckera . . . 21.22 18.70 16.96 15.55 14.35 13.27 ...
hlorrison and Billettb (428) . . . 19.25 17.36 15.86 14.63 13.64 12.82 12.17 11.23
Douglas (152) 20.91 18.75 17.05 15.57 14.41 13.45 . . , ... ...
Klots and Benson (318) . . . 21.18 18.99 17.24 15.84 14.66 13.45 . . . ... ...
Winklera 48.89 42.87 38.02 34.15 31.02 28.31 26.08 24.40 23.06 20.90
FOX. 49.24 43.21 38.37 34.55 31.44 28.90 26.65 24.85 23.30 20.95
Truesdale, Downing, and Lowden (610) 47.65 41.73 36.98 33.20 30.27 28.00 26.29 24.94 . . . ...
Elmore and Hayes (166) 49.30 43.15 38.16 34.12 30.88 28.24 25.97 ... ... ...
Morrison and Billettb (428) 38.32 34.35 31.13 28.48 26.30 24.48 22.97 20.71
Douglas (152) 37.97 34.03 30.95 28.30 26.20 ... ...
Steen' (581) . . . 42.80 38.37 34.38 31.06 28.65 ... ... ... ...
Klots and Benson (318) . . . 43.03 38.14 34.23 31.11 28.48 ...
Green (231) 49.43 43.31 38.39 34.39 31.12 28.43 26.23 2 ...
Montgomery, Thom, and Cockburn (424) 48.19 43.04 38.13 34.21 31.06 28.49 26.41 24.70 23.31 ...
Morris, Stumm, and Galal" (425) 49.36 43.33 38.34 34.27 31.03 28.50 26.58 . . . ...
Estreichera 57.80 50.80 45.25 40.99 37.90 34.70 32.56 30.54 28.65 25.67
Winklera 53.0 . . . 42.0 35.0 30.0 . . . 27.0 ...
Antropoff" 56.1 . . . 43.8 37.9 34.8 ... ...
Lannungn ... . . . 41.1 37.1 33.6 31.4 28.9 27.1 25.3 ...
Eucken and Hertzberg (173) 52.6 . . . . . . . . . 33.6 . . . ... ... ... ...
Friedman (197) ... ... . . . 38.2 . . . 31.1 . . . . . . . . . ...
Holland and Clever (260) ... ... ... ... . . . 31.5 28.8 26.9 25.2 ...
Morrison and Johnstoneb (429) 41.7 36.7 33.5 30.7 28.1 26.4 24.7 22.1
Koenig (327) ... 37.9 35.8 32.5 ...
Douglas (152) . . . 46.89 41.80 37.53 34.05 31.23 28.88 . . . ... ...
Ben-Naim and Baer" (38) 53.64 47.16 41.89 37.62 34.13 31.21 28.65 ... ... ...
Klots and Benson (318) . . . 47.13 41.82 37.59 34.21 31.37 . . . ... ... ...
'Values as corrected for impurities and smoothed in LandoltrBornstein, "Physikalisch-Chemische Tabellen, 1936 Edition," Edwards
Brothers Printing, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1943. Calculated from Morrison's equations and converted to volume of water. Smoothed
by us using four-constant equation.
of noncondensible gases are present. After the base or more realistically, the change in the equilibrium
pump pressure has been reached, an additional quantity partial pressure of the dissolved gas with temperature
of solvent should be evaporated to be doubly certain a t an approximately constant concentration; (e) the
that the solvent is completely degassed. The second temperature level of the experiment; and (d) the
criterion requires cushioning the degassed solvent pressure level of the experiment. The magnitude of
between mercury. If a bubble appears, the degassing these factors will be quite dependent on not only the
operation should be repeated. This test is quite system studied but also on the type of apparatus used.
sensitive since gas bubbles much smaller than 0.001 After a complete analysis of all contributing factors,
cc can readily be detected. Since solution rates are Cook found that temperature control to 0.1O was ade-
slow, these gas bubbles will persist for several minutes. quate for an over-all precision of O.OS~ofor his ap-
The most frequently used method of degassing a paratus for the system Hz-n-heptane in the range - 30
liquid is to boil away a portion of it under vacuum. to 50". I t would appear that temperature control of
This procedure can be considered to be a batch binary 0.1" should be more than adequate for most purposes.
distillation. The Ramsey-Rayleigh equation for this
type of distillation predicts that the evaporation of as 4. T h e Apparatus of Cook and H a n s o n (103, 104)
little as 0.1% of the solvent should reduce the gas The apparatus and procedure of Cook and Hanson
content by several 1000-fold. However, this equation will be described in somewhat more detail than other
assumes that equilibrium conditions prevail between methods since they achieved an unusually high level of
the gas and the liquid and under actual degassing precision for a physical method. This apparatus is also
operations this is not the case. I n practice l0-20?& of described by blader, Vold, and Vold (384).
the solvent is evaporated, and one (or both) of the The basic apparatus is shown in Figure 1. It was
criteria mentioned in the previous paragraph should be mounted on a steel plate which was shaken a t a fre-
employed. quency of about 170 min-' and an amplitude of about
Another degassing procedure employs the method of 3/8 in. The shaking mechanism imparted a horizontal
pumping on the frozen solvent. This procedure gives motion to minimize pressure disturbances due to
good results when it is important to minimize the loss vertical accelerations of the mercury present. The
of solvent, but it is necessary to repeat the process a t entire apparatus was housed in an air thermostat con-
least three times and pumping on the frozen solvent trolled to a t least ~ 0 . 1 " . A millimeter scale mounted
for periods of an hour or longer in each cycle. It is more on the steel plate and observed with a cathetometer
important to test for completeness of degassing when provided a reference point for appropriate readings.
employing this method than when evaporating large An auxiliary gas-charging apparatus was connected to
amounts of the liquid. the solubility apparatus a t point 12. Once the appara-
Clever, et al. (97), employed a method for degassing tus was set up and charged all manipulations were
that operated in two stages. The first stage involved made remotely so as not to disturb the temperature
pumping on boiling solvent to evaporate a portion of equilibrium. Volumetric calibration was performed by
it, and to remove perhaps 90% of the dissolved gas. weighing mercury displaced from pertinent sections of
Then in the second stage this preliminarily degassed the apparatus which are the gas bulbs, A and C, the
liquid is sprayed through a fine nozzle into an evacuated gas burets, B and D, and the solvent bulb, E, from point
flask. This procedure was found to give rapid and com- 19 down to and including the solvent buret. Also
plete degassing. A similar method was employed by calibrated was the secondary gas buret and bulb from
Baldwin and Daniel (22) where they permitted an oil point 19 down to stopcock 2. The appropriate capaci-
sample to slowly drip into an evacuated vessel. They ties of the various parts of the apparatus are: solvent
found that this removed 97-98% of the dissolved gas. bulb, 200 cc; primary gas bulb, 22 cc; secondary gas
The technique of removing a gas completely from a bulb, 1 cc; solvent buret, 0.1 cc/cm; primary gas
liquid by stripping the liquid through bubbling an buret, 0.25 cc/cm; and secondary gas buret, 0.015
inert gas through the previously saturated liquid will cc/cm.
be discussed in the section on gas chromatographic An outline of the procedure used follows. First, the
methods where this technique is essential to the method. gas and solvent bulbs are filled with mercury, and then
by displacing mercury into the manometer a sufficient
3. T h e E$ect of Temperature o n quantity of solvent is admitted through the joint at
Solubility Measurements point 12 followed by about an inch of air to provide
A full analysis of the effect of temperature control on space for boiling the solvent. The solvent is degassed
gas solubility measurements is given by Cook (103) by pumping and boiling using the thermocouple gauge
who points out that there are four factors to consider: check described earlier, and also by checking for
(a) the temperature coefficient of the solvent vapor residual gas bubbles by confining the solvent between
pressure ; (b) the temperature coefficient of solubility, mercury admitted through stopcocks 3 and 6. About
5. Saturation Methods
The apparatus (Figure 2) designed by Morrison and
Billett (427) was based on attaining saturation by
Figure 1.-The gas solubility apparatus of Cook and Hanson flowing a liquid film through the gas. A modification
(103, 104). Reprinted from U. S. Atomic Energy Commission of this design (for full details see ref 32) was used by
Report UCRL-2459 by permission of the author.
Clever and co-workers (95-98), Saylor and Battino
l0-20% of the solvent is evaporated in the degassing (530), and Koenig (327). The degassed solvent in M
process which takes several hours. The gas-charging is injected drop by drop through A and flows in a thin
system is connected a t point 13, and after the system is film down the absorption spiral B and into gas buret C.
purged and checked for tightness an appropriate quan- The absorption section is initially charged with gas.
tity of gas is admitted through stopcock 1. The gas- Saturated solvent flows out of E at such a rate that the
charging system is removed and the thermostat closed levels in C and in the leveling buret D are kept the
and set to control at 25". By appropriate pressure, same. Solvent from E is collected and measured.
volume, and temperature readings the quantity of gas Readings of C give the volume of gas dissolved, while
charged may be calculated from an applicable equation the volume of solvent is the amount collected a t E
of state. An interesting point here is that a change of together with the volume accumulating in C and D.
1-2 ern in the gas pressure can cause adiabatic heating The absorption section is thermostated. For high
or cooling sufficient to require an additional half-hour solubility gases an additional gas buret is sealed into
to attain temperature equilibrium. The gas is then the system above spiral B. The variation of the flow
completely transferred into solvent bulb E through rate within wide limits had no appreciable effect on
the gas transfer tube by alternately applying vacuum the solubility. The reproducibility was f0.5%. A
through 6 and pressure through 7. Stopcock 6 is left disadvantage of this apparatus is that normally only
outgassing a sample of a gas-saturated solvent, trapping liquid (supported on a solid phase) and in which the
the gas, and then analyzing the gas by mass spec- carrier gas is already equilibrated; (3) the process
trometry. Such equipment was described by Cseko involves steady states and transient equilibriums as
(116-118) for the determination of the solubility of the carried component is swept through the column;
gases and gas mixtures in liquid ammonia. I n this (4) in the portion of the gas stream where the carried
way he determined the solubility of argon in liquid component is, the carrier gas concentration is less than
ammonia at room temperature and the pressure range normal and as this portion of the gas stream passes
20-100 atm. Cantone and Gurrieri (91) used mass any given point some of the carrier gas must be out-
spectrometry to analyze water samples for CH4, 02,N2, gassed; and (5) it is difficult to ascertain the carried
and Ar. Faulconer and co-workers (17714, 241A, component partial pressure as it is swept along as a
469A, 479) describe mass spectrometric techniques for band which may or may not be symmetrical in its
the analysis of various gases in blood. concentration distribution. Despite such difficulties
A prime advantage of using the mass spectrometer Zorin, Ezheleva, and Devyatykh (685) were able to
as an analytical tool is the ability to determine the determine the soubility of CH4, CZHZ, C3H6, isobutaiie,
ratio of dissolved gases and isotope effects in dissolved isobutylene, and COz in certain solvents, and their
gases. Benson and Parker (42) describe the technique results were compared with static methods of determin-
they used for the determination of N2/Ar and N2/02 ing solubility.
ratios in distilled water and sea water in some detail. Of further significance is the fact that partition co-
The precison with which they determined these ratios efficients which are determinable from glpc are in a
was given as f l % . Of course, by using standard way gas solubilities, but the considerations mentioned
values for the solubility of any one of the gases in a in the last paragraph must be kept in mind. Two
pair, the solubility of the second gas may be determined. texts which give more details on determining partition
For a more accurate determination of the N2/Ar ratio coefficients (and other matters) are ref 124 and 80.
the extracted gas was cycled through a "Vycor" Kurkchi and Iogansen (349) used glpc for determining
furnace a t 700" filled with copper turnings. Benson the solubility of CZHZ, C3H4, and C4H4 in several sol-
and Parker (41) used the sanie basic technique, modified vents and found that their results agreed within
for collecting samples a t sea, to determine Nz/Ar 5% with literature values. They describe their all-
and nitrogen isotope ratios in aerobic sea water. IClots paratus in detail.
and Benson (319) determined the isotope effect in the The major use of gas chromatography in gas solubility
solution of oxygen (320z and 340z) and nitrogen (2sN, determinations has been as an analytical tool for the
and 29N2)in distilled water in the temperature range quantification of gases extracted from saturated solu-
2-27'. They found the extrapolated values of the ratio tions of liquids. I n this sense the gas chromatographic
of the Henry's law constants a t 0' to be 1.00085 methods are similar to the mass spectrometric methods
f 0.00010 for nitrogen and 1.00080 f 0.0001S for described in the last section. The advantage of gas
oxygen. Benson (42A) discusses applications of the chromatography as an analytical tool is the relative
mass spectrographically determined ratios to problems simplicity, low cost, and rapidity of the rneasuremen ts.
in oceanography. Reproducibility is of the order of 1-2%, but
uncertainties in the extraction of the dissolved gas
C. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHIC METHODS niakes the over-all precison a bit poorer. Some unique
I n gas-liquid partition chromatography (glpc) a extraction methods have been devised.
liquid (normally high boiling) is supported in a column A particularly simple procedure was described by
on an inert stationary phase. A carrier gas continually RIcAuliffe (400) who determined the solubility in water
bathes the liquid, and one can assume an equilibrium of CI-CS hydrocarbons. ii 0.05-0.10-cc sample of the
exists between the passing carrier gas and the amount of hydrocarbon-saturated water was directly injected into
this gas which has dissolved in the liquid. A third a gas chromatograph fitted with a suitable fractionator
substance (vapor, gas, or a mixture) is transported containing a drying agent to absorb water, the released
in the carrier gas and is partitioned between the carrier hydrocarbon passing directly into the chromatograph
gas stream and the stationary liquid phase. Partition column. Hydrocarbon concentrations were determined
coefficients are determinable from knowing the reten- by measuring areas under curves and comparing with
tion volumes and column characteristics. By also calibrations arrived a t by using known amounts of the
knowing the column dimensions and the quantity of pure hydrocarbons. The same author (401) used a
partitioning liquid it is possible to determine gas similar technique to determine the solubilities
solubilities. Of course, gas solubilities measured in in water of 65 (paraffin, cycloparaffin, olefin, acetylene,
this may are measured for systenis under special con- cycloolefin, and aromatic) hydrocarbons. Swinnerton,
straints: (1) the liquids are restricted to high boilers; Linnenbom, and Cheek (593) determined the amount of
(2) the solubility is for a gas or vapor in a film of dissolved gases in aqueous solutions by stripping the
HELIUM move the same quantity of gas. In the gas chromato-
graphic approach the rapidity of removal of dissolved
gas is extremely important. The stripping unit (Figure
6) is about 4 in. long and 2 in. in diameter. As the mylar
disks rotate through the liquid phase (kept a t an opti-
LEVEL mum level of about one-fourth of the stripper volume),
a thin fl m of liquid (which is being continuously re-
newed) is spread over their surfaces and exposed to the
gas phase. The rate of gaseous exchange is very rapid.
IN OUT They found essentially 100% gas removal for helium/
Figure 6.-Detail of the stripper used by Williams and Miller water ratios of 10: 1 through 1:2 for up to 100 ml/min
(652) to remove dissolved gases from a saturated liquid. Re- flow rates. Since i t is necessary to have both accurate
printed from Analytical Chemistry by permission of the copyright
owners, The American Chemical Society. knowledge and control of the gas and water flow rates,
a ratio of 1:1 was arbitrarily chosen for their work to
gases from the solutions in an all-glass sample chamber simplify the calculations. This simple and efficient
which is divided into two parts by a coarse glass- gas stripper should find wide use.
fritted disk. A known quantity of the saturated liquid Ikels (266, 267) used a gas chromatographic tech-
is admitted to the sample chamber through a rubber nique to determine the solubility of nitrogen and neon
serum cap. The carrier gas coming up through the in water and extracted human fat. Kruyer and Nobel
fritted glass disk in a stream of fine bubbles completely (347) measured the solubility of hydrogen in five sol-
strips the solution of its dissolved gases quickly and vents by stripping the gas from the solvent and measur-
effectively. The same authors (594) described an im- ing areas under an expulsion curve. The method was
provement of their sampling procedure. Elsey (167) said to be precise to 1 3 % .
describes a similar procedure for the determination of
dissolved oxygen in lubricating oil. Wilson and Jay,
et aE. (656), used a fritted-glass sample chamber coupled Chemical methods have been long used for the de-
with gas adsorption chromatography for the analysis termination of dissolved oxygen in pure water, natural
of blood gases and found that their approach gave waters, and aqueous solutions. I n recent years there
results of equal precision to the van Slyke technique. has been much controversy over oxygen solubilities
I n a subsequent paper Jay and Wilson, et al. (278), in water, and this has sparked many new studies.
utilized the same apparatus for determining absorption The manometric approaches were discussed earlier, and
coefficients for nitrous oxide in distilled water and in most workers take the results of Mots and Benson (318)
whole blood. The gas chromatographic technique to be the most reliable.
again gave results comparable to the van Slyke tech- The Winkler method (657) and modifications of it
nique, but the former method has some advantages in have been among the most popular and the most
speed, the ability to resolve gas mixtures readily, and accurate. Briefly, the Winkler method involves the
overcoming the disadvantage found in the van Slyke oxidation of freshly precipitated manganous hydroxide
method of having to make a correction for the small by the dissolved oxygen to form manganic hydroxide.
but variable amounts of gas which are not extracted. This step is favored by high pH. The solution is then
The problem of stripping or extracting dissolved gas made acidic under which conditions the manganic ion
was solved by Williams and Miller (652) in an interest- oxidizes iodide. In the presence of excess iodide the
ing way. Figure 6 shows the details for their device iodine is largely present as the complex triodide. In the
which is used for stripping on a continuous basis (the last step the jodine is titrated with thiosulfate which is
gas-saturated liquid flows countercurrent to the carrier oxidized to tetrathionate. Excess thiosulfate is back-
gas which also serves as the inert stripping gas) with titrated aniperometrically with standard potassium
intermittent sampling and analysis by a commercial iodate reagent. The equations for these steps are
gas chromatographic unit,. They compared several Mn2+ + 20H - = Mn(OH)2
common techniques for purging water: dynamic and 2Mn(OH)2 + + HzO = 2Mn(OH)*
static vacuum, with and without manual and ultra- +
2Mn(OII)a 6H + + 31- = 2MnZ+ + IS- $. 6 H a
sonic agitation; ultrasonic treatment alone; and purg- I* + I- = Ia-
ing with an inert gas (argon and helium). The most
I* + 25*00*- = 21- + s10*1-
effective system tested was inert gas purging a t Aow
rates of 500-1000 cc/niin of 100-cc water samples. The method depends on strict control of pH and iodide
This technique removed 9 5 9 8 % of the dissolved oxy- concentration. Possible errors in the Winkler method
gen in 15-30 sec, where the next best technique of have been recently and extensively discussed (91A,
dynamic vacuum with agitation took 1-2 min to re- 91B, 424).
0.1" intervals. They followed a modification of the pressures up to 1000 atm and in the range -40 to 32".
Winkler method using an amperometric end point. At the low-temperature end Denton, Lucero, and
This paper critically evaluates earlier work and they Roellig (143) describe an apparatus for the solubility
conclude that their values are "the most satisfactory of of He in liquid hydrogen. The apparatus of Hu and
those presently available for application to natural MacWoocl (265) was designed for determining the
stream conditions." solubility of gases in liquids at 113-181K and 0-40
Morris, Stumm, and Gala1 (425) determined the atm.
solubility of oxygen in water by both manometric An apparatus for the solubility of He, Ne, Ar, and
(11-30" and a precision of about 0.5%) and chemical Xe in molten fluorides at 0.5-2 atm and 600-800" is
(5-29" and a precision of about 0.3%) methods. Their described by Grimes, Smith, and Watson (232). The
work is in good agreement with the best recent measure- molten fluoride is first saturated with a gas. Then the
ments. They suggest that a possible reason for the dissolved gas (in a known volume of the molten fluo-
results of Elmore and Hayes being slightly low a t 30" ride) is stripped with a second inert gas and the sample
is that they may have omitted making the temperature collected and analyzed on a mass spectrometer.
correction for a mercury barometer. This amounts to Ryabukhin (511) gives details for an apparatus for
a negative correction of about 0.4% at 25". determining the solubility of Clz in fused chlorides at
The most recent determination of oxygen solubilities 700-1050".
in pure water and sea water has been that of Green (231) The most commonly used method for gas solubilities
in the range 0-35". This independent work is in excel- in molten materials is Sievert's method. This is
lent agreement with Klots and Benson (318) and with basically a gas-handling method where the total
Rlontgomery, et al. (424). The error in this work is number of moles of gas introduced into the system is
estimated a t 3~0.27%. Green's thesis contains an determined by measuring P , V , and T ; and then by
excellent analysis of earlier work and sources of error measuring the equilibrium pressures in the calibrated
in the Winkler method, a modification of which he used. system the quantity of absorbed gas may be calculated.
It is gratifying to note the excellent agreement among This approach is also used for gas-solid absorption
recent workers, and it appears that with this agreement determinations. Gas extraction methods are also eni-
and the attendant explanations of earlier discrepancies ployed. Some recent papers describing apparatus for
that a truly definitive set of values for the solubility gas solubilities in molten metals are ref 537 and 472.
of oxygen in water has been attained. Mulfinger and Scholze (435) describe an apparatus for
Wheatland and Smith (642) used both a gasometric solubility in molten glasses.
method and the Winkler method and found that their Bar-Eli and Klein (28) describe a method for de-
results from the two approaches agreed within experi- termining gas solubility by measuring the rate of re-
mental error (about 0.2%). Czerski and Czaplinski action between a gas and its solvent. This method
(123) determined the solubility of oxygen in air- should prove useful in those systems where the gas
saturated liquids by stripping the liquids with a carrier reacts with the solvent. Alexander (10) describes a
gas and then passing this through an electrochemical microcalorimeter which he used to directly determine
detector. The probable error is estimated a t 0.9 mg heats of solution of Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe in water.
Ozb. Other papers which give details on gas solubility ap-
paratus are: ref 480-XO in aqueous solutions;
E. iWSCELLAKEOUS METHODS ref 38-S02 in aqueous ammonia solutions; ref
Enns, Scholander, and Bradstreet (169) give details 470-CHzCHC1 in methanol and trichloroethylene ;
of a method they used for the determination of the ref 239, 512, 616-CzHz solubility in various solvents;
solubility of Ozl nT2, Ar, He, and COz in water and sea ref 234-solubility in waxes in the range 200-400".
water at hydrostatic pressures up to 102 atm. For all In gcneral, most of the papers on the solubility of
gases examined the equilibrium pressure increased about gases in liquids give detailed descriptions of the pro-
14% per increase in hydrostatic pressure of about 100 cedure. The gas solubility tables can serve as a
atm. The method also permits the calculation of par- general guide for references to apparatus applicable to
tial molal volumes of the dissolved gases. Buell and particular problems.
Eldridge (79) describe an apparatus for gas solubility
a t high pressures where glass systems cannot be used. IV. XETHODS OF EXPREBSIKG GASSOLUBILITY
Khiteev (309) describes a mercury-free, high-pressure Gas solubilities have been expressed in a great many
solubility apparatus for gases in petroleum. Safronova ways. The more popular of these along with inter-
and Zhuze (518) also describe an apparatus for high- conversion formulas are presented. Since there are so
pressure, high-temperature solubilities in crude oils. many methods of expressing solubility, it is extremely
Miner's apparatus (421) was constructed for measure- important that each paper present a careful exposition
ment of the solubility of O2 and Nz in liquid C02 at of the manner in which their solubilities were calculated
and to also include a sample calculation to be doubly where Cl is the concentration of the gas in the liquid
certain. This was emphasized by Markham and Kobe phase and C, is the concentration of the gas in the gas
(393) but bears repetition along with repeating much of phase. The Ostwald coefficient is in reality an equilib-
what they said about definitions. rium constant, and as such is independent of the partial
pressure of the gas as long as ideality may be assumed.
A. T H E B U N S E N C O E F F I C I E N T , CY
However, to fix the value of the Ostwald coefficient, the
The Bunsen coefficient, CY, is defined as the volume of temperature and the total pressure must be designated.
gas, reduced to 0" and 760 mm pressure of mercury, If the total pressure is kept at 760 mm, then the
which is absorbed by the unit volume of solvent (at the volume of gas absorbed, reduced to 0" and 760 mm by
temperature of the measurement) under a gas pressure the ideal gas laws, per unit volume of liquid is fre-
of 760 mm. When the partial pressure of the gas above quently designated as p, an absorption coefficient. It
the solvent differs from 760 mm, it is corrected to this is important to clearly specify the method of calculating
pressure by Henry's law. By way of example an equa- the solubility since p sometimes gets confused with a.
tion which can be used to calculate the Bunsen co-
efficient is C. THE HENRY'S L . ~ WCONSTANT
c w = L/Vtp
temperature of the measurement.
(Eq 17)
V t is the molal volume of the gas in cc/mole a t the (
0.4343 1 -
2) +
T __-
(61 - 62) (Eq 22)
(c) From the Henrys law constant, K 1
For gases above their critical temperature the terms
17.033 X lO6p X;, 6 2 , and P2 are evaluated by various extrapolations
(KI - 760)M. and approximations. Gjaldbaek and Hildebrand (219)
process: (a) isothermal compression of the pure gas permit an experimental test of the theoretical expres-
from its partial pressure and the pure liquid from its sion, since Henry's law constants may be obtained froin
vapor pressure to the isometric mixing pressure; (b) the expression. I n addition, the surface tension and the
isothermal, isometric, and isopiestic mixing at the normal heats of vaporization of fluids may be evaluated,
isonietric mixing pressure ; and (c) isothermal expansion and the authors found satisfactory agreement between
of the solution from the isometric mixing pressure to the calculated and experimental properties.
equilibrium pressure. The resulting equations gave Pierotti (474) developed a method, using equations
reasonable estimates of the solubilities of gases and also derived by Reiss, et al. (496), for calculating the reversi-
of the temperature coefficient of solubility. Prausnitz ble work required to introduce a hard sphere into a
and Shair (485) presented a thermodynamic correlation fluid and for predicting the solubility, the heat of solution,
for gas solubilities based on the two-step process of and the partial molar volume of simple gases in non-
condensing the gas isothermally to a hypothetical polar solvents. The equations are derived for the
liquid a t 1 atm and then dissolving this hypothetical two-step process of creating a cavity in the solvent of
liquid in the solvent. This paper contains much useful suitable size to accommodate the solute molecule (the
information including a semiempirical method for reversible work or partial molar Gibbs free energy re-
correlating the solubilities of gases in polar solvents. quired to do this being identical with that for introduc-
Sherwood and Prausnitz (566) derived a relationship ing a hard sphere of the same radius as the cavity into
for the accurate determination of heats of solution of the solution), and then introducing into the cavity a
gases at high pressure. Yen and McKetta (670) derived solute molecule which interacts with the solvent ac-
equations based on regular solution theory for the cording to some potential law, for instance, a Lennard-
thermodynamic correlation of nonpolar gas solubilities Jones (6-12) paimise potential (the reversible work in
in polar, nonassociated liquids. They were able to the second step being identical with that of charging
semienipirically correlate solubilities of nonpolar the hard sphere or cavity introduced in the first step
gases in both polar and nonpolar solvents. Lachowicz to the required potential). By plotting the Henry's law
and Weale (353) also derived equations based on regular constant against the polarizability of the solute gases
solution theory to predict gas solubility in nonpolar for experimental data and extrapolating to zero polariza-
liquids, and their application of their equations to bility a hard-sphere solubility is obtained which can be
existing data resulted in useful correlations. Smith compared with solubilities calculated from the theory.
and Walkley (577) found that it was in general impossi- This was done for He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Kz, Hz, and CH4 in
ble to obtain solubility parameters for gases that lead benzene and carbon tetrachloride a t 29S"K, and He,
to acceptable values for both the partial molal volumes Ne, Hf, and Dr in argon at 87K; in all but one case
and the solubility. the predicted solubility is well within a factor of 2 of
the observed solubility, which is very good agreement
2. Cell Potential and Cavity Models considering the crude method used to obtain the inter-
Uhlig (620) proposed a cavity model in which he action energy. By plotting the collision diameters of
considered the solubility process to take place in two the rare gases against their polarizabilities and extrapo-
steps: first, doing work on the solvent against the lating to zero polarizability a hard-sphere diameter
solvent surface tension to create a cavity, and, second, (2.33 A) corresponding to the extrapolated hard-sphere
placing the gas molecule in this cavity and calculating Henry's law constant may be evaluated. The theory
the energy of interaction between the gas and solvent also yields heats of solutions and partial molal volumes
molecules. This is a simple theory but its prediction of the gases in solution. The predicted heats were
of a linear relationship between log L and the solvent usually within experimental error for all solutes except
surface tension has been borne out by many examples. methane. The agreement between the predicted and
Eley (161, 162) considered a two-step process similar calculated partial molal volumes is good, being better
to that of Uhlig's, but was able to more carefully than those calculated by Smith and Walkley (577).
evaluate the separate contributions of each step to the In a second paper (475) Pierotti developed a theory
energy and the entropy changes involved. His ap- of gas solubility in water along lines similar to the earlier
proach showed reasonable success with both water and paper except for the introduction of a term involving
organic solvents, although he shom that the case of the solvent dipole moment. Good agreement mas
water is more complicated due to the possibility of found between the experimental and Balculated heats,
structural modifications. entropies, and molar heat capacities of solution, and
Reiss, et al. (496), extending ideas previously applied for the partial molar volumes of tk solutes. The
to the statistical mechanical theory of hard-sphere calculated and experimental Henry's ldw constants for
fluids determined an expression for the work of creating 16 solutes in water a t 25" show good agreement, in
a spherical cavity in a real fluid. Systems such as only one case being off by a factor of 2. The "ab-
helium in benzene are sufficiently close to the model to normal" thermodynamic properties of aqueous solu-
tions were discussed with respect to the enthalpy and calculated and experimental Henrys law constants is
entropy of cavity formation. The theory is promising about 3%. The partial molal heats and entropies of
as a method for the investigation of gas solubilities in solution are presented from the freezing point to near
molten salts and molten metals. The thermodynamic the critical point of water. These partial molal heats
properties of gas solubility in mater and organic sol- of solution appeared to correlate linearly best a t 25
vents were explained by one theory which involved with the force constants of the gases, and a t 4 with the
no assumptions concerning the structure of the solvent. polarizability of the gases. Himmelblau and Arends
Kobatake and Alder (323) discuss cell potentials and (250) used the same five-parameter equation to correlate
gas solubility theory. They develop a two-parameter the solubility of 0 2 , I V 2 , Hz, He, Xe, CH4, C2H4, C2Hs,
cell potentid in a free-volume-type theory which is C3H8, n-C4Hlo, and l-butene in water a t high tempera-
determined from two experimentally obtained thernio- tures and pressures. ATaniiot (437) discusses the
dynamic quantities. The cell potential for a gas dis- solubility under pressure of gases in water. I n a paper
solved in a liquid yields values of the free volume of the on the solubility of nonpolar gases (He, Hz, Ar, Kr, Xe,
gas molecule that are about ten times larger than in a CH4, C2Hs, C3Hs) in water Namiot (439) derives an
typical liquid. These large free volumes make the equation for calculating the number of water molecules
calculations less sensitive to the assumptions of the bonded to one gas molecule, and also the number of
geometric arrangements of the neighboring particles displaced water molecules. These values were calcu-
and less dependent on the uncertainties in the linowl- lated for the above-mentioned gases. Amirkhanov (12)
edge of the intermolecular cell potentials. The large derived an equation for the theoretical calculation of
free volume indicates, as a number of authors have the solubility in water of gases obeying Henrys lam.
pointed out, that the gas molecule almost digs a The derivation assumes Maxwells law of the distribu-
(hole in the liquid. Kobatake and Alder use this tion of molecular velocities and considers the thermal
idea to calculate a reasonable value for the interfacial energy of the gaseous molecule, under equilibrium con-
tension of carbon tetrachloride. For CH4, nT2, Ar, Oz, ditions. Using this equation the calculated solubility
and C2H6in CC1, it was found that the gas molecule is of Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe was found to agree within ex-
surrounded by about seven neighbors and that the perimental error with the experimental solubility.
solvent molecules surrounding the gas contribute Salvetti and Trevissoi (522) examined on the basis
importantly to the thermodynamic functions. Fur- of irreversible thermodynamics the absorption of gases
ther, it was found that the gas molecules perturb the by liquids. Trevissoi and Ferraiolo (605) on a similar
solvent significantly over several molecular layers, while basis studied the absorption of gases by liquids con-
this is not the case in dilute liquid mixtures. sidering the effect of surface tension.
et al. (75-77), used the solubility of HC1 as a measure of gases with greater than about lo-* mole fraction
the basic properties of aromatic nuclei. generally have negative temperature coefficients.
Gerrard, Macklen, and co-workers have used hydro- Hildebrand (244) has calculated the entropy of
halide gas solubilities (202-205, 207-212) as a measure transferring gas a t 1 atm to solution a t mole
of the basic function of oxygen and more recently sulfur fraction for solvents varying from 5.8 to 10.0 in solu-
(196) in certain organic functional groups. There is a bility parameter and gases varying from 10 to 300 in
detailed review of most of their work (206). force constants. The entropy increases moderately
with decrease in solubility parameter and increases
B. TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT O F GAS SOLUBILITY largely with decrease in force constant. Plots of the
Only one direct calorimetric study of the heats of logarithm of mole fraction solubility against solvent
solution of gases has been made (10). All other values solubility parameter squared show a smooth near-
of the heat of solution of a gas in a liquid were derived linear relation for each gas. Plots of the logarithm of
from phase-equilibrium data via the important tem- mole fraction solubility against the gas force con-
perature coefficient of gas solubility. Progress is stants are linear for each solvent tested (Figures 9 and
continuing to be made on understanding the basis of the 10). Hildebrand shows that, excepting cases of specific
temperature coefficient of solubility; however, useful interaction, the entropy of solution is the sum of two
predictions of the sign and magnitude of the tempera- factors: dilution and expansion. These faetors are
ture coefficient of solubility in all systems awaits a both determined by the interrelations of intermolecular
better understanding of intermolecular forces. forces as measured by solvent solubility parameter,. and
The.rare gases are good examples of the types of gas gas force constants.
solubility temperature dependence one observes. All The temperature dependence of solubility has been
the noble gases have a negative temperature coefficient used more often to get the heat of solution rather than
of solubility in water around room temperature and the entropy of solution. Plots of log XZ against 1/T
atmospheric pressure which goes through a minimum are usually linear to the accuracy with which gas solu-
and becomes positive at high temperatures and pres- bility is commonly measured. A temperature inde-
sures. In hydrocarbon solvents at room temperature pendent AH is assumed and calculated from the slope
and atmospheric pressure helium and neon solubility which is equal - AH/2.303R.
increases with temperature, argon solubility is almost The choice of solubility unit is of some importance
independent of temperature, and krypton and xenon for it determines the reference standard state change;
solubilities decrease with temperature. I n the molten mole fraction, X z , Henrys constant, K1, molarity, C,
salts studied to date all the rare gases have a positive and Ostwald coefficient, L, are commonly used. Plots of
temperature coefficient of solubility at temperatures log X, and log K1 against 1 / T have slopes of equal
between 600 and 900 and pressures ranging from 0.5 magnitude but opposite sign. The same is true of log
to 2 atm. CZand log KZplots. Enthalpies from the concentration
For gases dissolved in nonpolar solvents Hildebrand plots, X2 or C2, represent the standard state change of
and co-workers have done much to bring order and gas to solution; the K plots give enthalpies of the re-
understanding to the problem of the temperature de- verse reactions. Plots of log L against 1/T are coni-
pendence of solubility. Their work is well summarized monly linear. To put the AH from such a plot on a
in Chapter 4 of Hildebrand and Scott (244) where it is mole fraction basis one must add RT.
pointed out that for a sparingly soluble gas that obeys
Henrys law the entropy of solution is
Where exceptionally accurate solubiIity data from
over an extended temperature range are available, an
equation of the type
where X 2 is the mole fraction solubility. Experi-
mentally it is observed that plots of log Xz against log 10gX2 -
- T-
+ blogT - c 0% 24)
T are essentially linear for gases dissolved in nonpolar
liquids. Thus, there is a regular system of relationships can be fitted to the data where a, b, and c are the con-
which exists between entropy and solubility with the stants. Standard thermodynamic manipulations of
dividing line between positive and negative tempera- this equation give the temperature-dependent heat of
ture coefficient of solubility coming at $2 - Szg = 0. solution as
Plots of Sz - Szgagainst -R In Xzare linear for a series AH = -2.303Ra 4- bRT
of gases in a given solvent (Figure 8 ) . Gases with
solubility less than about mole fraction generalIy and the heat capacity change on solution as
have positive temperature coefficient of solubility ; AC, = bR
The accuracy of the data is seldom good enough to between their predicted and the experimental partial
attach any more than qualitative significance to the molal volumes for Hzand Dz in liquid argon.
AC, value. Hildebrand and Scott (244) discuss the contribution
Sherwood and Prausnitz (566) have carefully of volume expansion on mixing to the entropy of solu-
analyzed the factors important in getting the enthalpy tion. Although volume expansion has little effect on
of solution from phase-equilibrium data at high pres- the free energy of mixing, it can have a marked effert
sure. Their general expression for the partial molal on the entropy of mixing. The correction to the partial
heat of solution is molal entropy of solution of a dilute solute needs values
of solvent internal pressure, (bP/bT)B, and solute par-
tial molal volume, V2.
Table VI11 catalogs references to gas-liquid systems
for which partial molal volumes are reported. Included
is the extensive 1931 work of Horiuti (261); references
to other pre-1940 data can be found in Kritchevsky and
where & is the vapor phase activity coefficient, y the Ilinskaya (336). Two techniques have been used at
liquid phase activity coefficient,and Y the vapor phase atmospheric pressure. Most workers have used some
mole fraction. They used the equation to calculate the modification of Horiuti's apparatus (261) to directly
heat of solution of methane in decane at lo00 psia by determine solution dilation on dissolving the gas to near
approximating the vapor phase equation of state of saturation. Some have determined solution density
moderate vapor densities by a virial expression through (396). Details of the technique and apparatus are
the second virial coefficient. Liquid phase corrections discussed in references listed in Table VIII.
for (b In y2/b In X z ) , , p were obtained which required Gamburg (198A) and Connolly and Kandalic (101)
knowledge of the solution compressibility, partial describe apparatus for the determination of partial molal
molal volume of the gas in solution, and phase-equilb volumes a t high pressure. Some of the partial molal
rium data. The calculated hRzhad an uncertainty of volumes a t high pressure listed in Table VI11 were not
10% which mostly reflected the 1% uncertainty in the determined directly but got by fitting the experimental
experimental liquid phase compositions. At higher gas solubility to some form of the Krichevsky and
vapor densities the third virial coefficient becomes im- Kasarnovskey quation (335, 336) for gas solubility a t
portant. The approach, which includes the effect of a t high pressure.
vapor and liquid nonideality, permits a relatively
accurate calculation of the heats of solution for systems D. GAS SOLUBILITIES IN MIXED
for which the experimental data are sufficiently ac- NONELECTROLYTE SOLVENTS
curate to warrant its use. A solution of a gas in a binary nonelectrolyte mixed
Namiot (438) gives a thermodynamic interpretation solvent is a three-component system, with two gas-
of the observed minimum in the solubility of hydro- solvent interactions and a solvent-solvent interaction
carbons in water at about 70". of importance.
The effect of temperature on salt effects and on the Ben-Naim and Baer (39) have determined the solu-
solubility of gases in molten salts is discussed in the bility of argon in water-ethanol mixtures a t six tem-
appropriate sections. peratures and nine concentrations between 0.015 and
0.25 mole fraction ethanol (Figure 11). At low tem-
C. PARTIAL MOLAL VOLUMES OF peratures there is a maximum in the solubility a t low
ethanol concentrations. Both viscosity and water
An understanding of the partial molal volume of gases partial molal volumes show a similar concentration
in solution is of importance in the study of solution dependence in the ethanol-water system. These
thermodynamic properties. Smith and Walkley (577) results are explainable in terms of the influence of
have tested the predictions of various thermodynamic ethanol on the structure of water. Small amounts of
theories of solution for the gas partial molal volume. ethanol increase the concentration of the icelike form
They used available partial molal volumes of gases in of water at low temperatures; a t about 30" the icelike
nonpolar liquids and showed that a simple free volume structure of water is breaking down anyway and the
theory predicted the correct magnitude and order of argon solubility tends to increase monotonically from
partial molal volumes in the various nonpolar liquids. its value in pure warer to its value in pure ethanol.
In general, regular solution theory did not predict Dissolved argon itself influences the amount of icelike
acceptable values of both solubility and partial molal water present. Plots of As" and ABo for the argon
volumes of a gas from a single value of gas solubility solutions show similar trends when plotted against the
parameter. Hillier and Walkley (2448) have used a mole fraction of ethanol. The entropies of solution of
quantum equation of state and found good agreement argon in pure water are negative as compared to pure
__ = a12X1X2
They differentiate and transform from the symmetric to
the nonsymmetric convention to obtain expressions
for Ti as a function of the CY'S and mole fractions. The
parameters ~ ~ 1 2CYZ3,
, and CY13 are evaluated from the
solubility data for the gas in pure solvent 1, the solu- I n4mANE
bility data for the gas in pure solvent 3, and the vapor-
liquid equilibrium data for the binary solution of 1 and
3, respectively. Finally Henry's law constant for the
mixed solvent is
In Hz, mixed solvent (Pl") = X1 In H21(P19) + X3
In HdP1S) - CYl
zlx3 (Eq 28) p-xrms
The equation shows that even if the two solvents form CHLOHOBENZWE
In mixed solvents the surface tension may not repre- The last term can be ignored if ki, which results from
sent such a property of the bulk solvent because of the interaction of the nonelectrolyte with itself, is
Gibbs enrichment of the surface by the component of small, or if Ci is very small. In gas solubility studies
lower surface tension. Gjaldbaek (217) showed that Ci is often small enough to justify ignoring the ki term.
decreasing water surface tension 57y0 by adding a Most theories are concerned with the calculation of k,.
trace of aeresol decreased carbon dioxide solubility by Experimental measurements of the solubility of a gas
only o.4yOat 25" and 1 atm. Similar results were ob- in pure solvent and in a salt solution give the activity
tained for NZ solubility in water (169). Although a coefficient of the dissolved gas directly. The gas solute
trace of surface-active material does not change the activity is the same in pure solvent and salt solution so
equilibrium solubility of a gas in water, it may affect
fiSi = fiOSiO
the rate of attaining equilibrium. The report of Yeh
and Peterson (667) that COz, Kr, and Xe solubilities and
in lipids do not obey the Uhlig plot may be due to the
presence of variable amounts of surface-active compo-
f - f . S."2
able role in the specific effects of ions. The most de- of solvent. Morrison points out that the weight basis is
tailed attempt to include dispersion forces is that of more closely related to the theoretically significant mole
Bockris, Bowler-Reed, and Kitchener (53). fraction and reports his results on a solvent weight
The interal pressure of a salt solution can be related (molality) basis. On this basis nitric acid and tetra-
to changes in both volume and compressibility of a alkylammonium halides salt in He, We, n-CrHlo, and
solverit due to dissolved salts. Both changes have been benzene vapor but salt out SF6.
correlated with salt effects. RIcDevit and Long (408) The salting out of 02,Ar, Xe, CHr, and C2He by LiC1,
have calculated the free energy of transfer of a nonpolar NaC1, KC1, and MgClz (173), CzH6 by NaCl and CaCl2
electrolyte from pure water to salt solution assuming (123), and C2Hzby numerous halide, nitrate, and sulfate
the neutral molecules modify the ion-water interaction salts (188) has been explained by hydration theories.
in a simple manner and get a limiting law for k, which is Eucken and Hertzberg (173) have derived an expression
for the hydration number of an ion based on an equilib-
Pi"(VS- VBO) rium association of water molecule clusters of one to
k, = (Eq 37)
2.3PoRT eight molecules, the displacement of the equilibrium
by the ions, and the competition of the ions and dis-
where Via and V,' are, respectively, partial molal solved gas molecules for water of hydration. They get
volumes at infinite dilution of nonelectrolyte solute and ion hydration numbers around 10. Flid and Golynets
salt, V , is the molar volume of pure (liquid) electrolyte, (188) point out that salting out increases in the order
and Po is the compressibility of pure water. Both the the cations increase in ease of hydration between 0 and
van der Waals and internal pressure approaches ex- 25", but that the order differs in the 50-70" range. In
plain both salting-in and salting-out effects. general, as pointed out by McDevit and Long, the
KO new basic theories of salt effects have appeared hydration numbers got ten by gas solubility measure-
since 1952, but several experimental tests based on gas ments do not correspond with degrees of hydration ob-
solubility have been carried out. tained from other experiments.
Morrison and co-workers (426,428,430) have studied Namiot (439) discusses aqueous gas solubilities in
the salting out of H2,He, Ne, K2, 02,Kr, Xe, SFB,CHI, terms of a two-structure model of water. The dis-
C2H4,C2H6,C3HB,n-C4Hlo,and benzene vapor in some solved gas molecules transform some "liquid" water
or all of the aqueous solutions of HC1, XH4CI, several molecules to "icelike" molecules. An equation is
alkali halides, BaC12, Lac&, and several tetralkyl- given for calculating the number of water molecules
ammonium chlorides. Electrostatic effects were tested bonded to one gas molecule and the number of dis-
by assuming IC, proportional to a coulombic term, placed water molecules. The Setschenow constant, k',
Zce2/r. Using crystallographic radii and using IiaC1 is related to the number of bonded water molecules.
as a reference salt it was found that HC1, LiC1, BaC12, Clever and Reddy (99) have obtained salting-out
and LaCla cause a salting out less than expected from constants for helium and argon by NaI in both methanol
ionic size. IiCl behaves normally. K I is normal for and water. The ratio is less than expected
low molecular weight gases, but causes a specific from the dielectric constant difference of the solvents.
decrease in salting out which is proportional to the The van der Waals approach of Bockris, Bowler-Reed,
molecular size for the hydrocarbons and heavier and Kitchener (53) was not sufficiently sensitive to
organic gams. explain the k s ~ e O & , ~ n O ratio for either gas.
Morrison and Johnstone (430) have calculated theo- Many studies have been made on the effect of
reticd ratios of k,/kKaCl from electrostatic and internal aqueous electrolyte solutions on the activity coefficients
pressure theories, where k, represents the salting-out of dissolved hydrocarbon gases. With one exception
constant of HC1, LiC1, KC1, KHIC1, 1/2BaC12,KMe4C1, the studies of Table 111 were carried out in aqueous
NEt4C1, NaBr, KaI, NaK03, or 1/2Na2S04.The in- solution.
ternal preasure results accord better with the observed Salting out is the general rule. Exceptions include
order of ratios than the electrostatic approach but does Na dodecyl sulfate and K oleate, where micelle
not fit the NMe4Cl and NEt4C1salt ratios for the more formation and increased interaction energy between the
"inert" gases. hydrocarbon gas and the hydrocarbon-like micelle
The kz/kNaC1 ratio is linear for a series of solute interior may explain the enhanced solubility over that
gases in a given salt solution except the salts KaI, in pure water. Guanidine hydrochloride, nitric acid,
NMe4C1, and NEt4C1. With these salts a specific and tetralkylammonium halides salt in hydrocarbons.
effect is observed. When a correction for the van der The increased solubility of ethylene in silver nitrate
Waals forces between ions and neutral molecules is solutions is certainly due to formation of the Agf.C2H4
applied the k,/kNaC1 ratios become linear for these salts. complex ion. It is suggested (387) that the increased
The salt effect constant, k,, can be referred to either solubility of acetylene in acetone in the presence of NaI
unit volume of electrolyte solution or the unit weight is because acetylene is more soluble in an acetone.Na1
VALUESof K = (l/m ) LOGK,'/K'
Temp, O C __
50 75 100 150 200 250 300 350
0.5 m NaCl 0.096 0.084 0.076 0.070 0.090 0.128 0.172 0.376
1 m NaCl 0.095 0.088 0.078 0.076 0.089 0.128 0.176 0.318
2 m NaCl 0.091 0.084 0.080 0.073 0.084 0,111 0.151 0.244
300" because of uncertainties in the water vapor pres- The solubility of gases in biological fluids has been
sure. Their plot of Henry's law constant against studied as an aid in understanding respiration in plants
temperature is Figure 13. The Setschenow salting-out and animals, the anesthetic properties of various gases,
K is calculated as (llnz) log K,"/K" and results are in the action of poisonous gases, and the unusual "salting-
Table IV. in" properties of detergent, denaturing, and protein
Salting out decreases with rising temperature but solutions.
passes through a minimum of about 150" and then The solubility in various vegetable and animal fats
increases as the critical temperature of the solution is and oils of the gases H, (619), R a (452), Nz and S e
raised by the dissolved salt. The temperature of the (266, 267), cyclopropane (52, 364), HS, 02,and n ' 2
solubilities are included. However, the special tech- Figure 16.-I,sohars of the water solubility of oxygen gas as a
niques and apparatus needed for high-pressure solubil- function of temperature. Total gauge pressure (upper) and
ity measurements will not be discussed. Krichevskii hypothetical oxygen part,ial pressure (lower) (686). Reprinted
from The Transactions of the Society of Mechanical Engineers
(3388) in a book (Russian) and Lachowicz (351) in a by permisaion of the copyright owners, The American Society of
review have discussed solubility of gases at high Mechanical Engineers.
In this review gas solublity is taken as a special case more methane in the gas phase and is classed as gas
of a vapor-liquid phase equilibrium where the gas solubility, but the carbon dioxidepropane system
phase is principally one component and the liquid phase (critical temperatures differ by 66) is not classed as gas
principally the second component. Two component solubility. For systems where the information left
vapor-liquid systems in which both components have some doubt the data were usually included as gas
an appreciable concentration in both phases are not solubility.
classed as gas solubility. In general, systems classed The reporting of high-pressure gas solubility presents
as gas solubility have components with a greater dif- difficulties when only the total pressure is directly
ference in critical temperature than those not classed as measured. The effect of the high-pressure gas and
gas solubility. Examples of the two cases are shown in dissolved gas on the true vapor pressure of the solvent
Figure 15. The methane-propane system (components is not known nor is it easily measured. Figure 16 shows
critical temperatures differ by 179) is 80 mole % or isobars of oxygen solubility in water at total gauge
pressure and at a fictitious oxygen partial pressure the slope of a plot of Infz/xz against P seldom agree with
obtained by subtracting the saturation vapor pressure the experimentally determined partial molal volumes.
of water from the total pressure. The usual negative The difference is due to the concentration dependence
temperature coefficient of gas solubility in water is of partial molal volumes and partial molal heats of
noted to about 100, but at higher temperatures the solvent and solute in the dilute binary mixture. De-
solubility increases with temperature. Henrys law is parture of the Vz in Eq 41 and 42 from the experimental
apparently obeyed to only moderate pressures (686). Vz is taken as a sensitive test for discovery of deviations
Krichevsky and Kasarnovsky (335) have developed from Henrys law. An equation for a slightly soluble
a thermodynamic equation for calculating the solubility gas in a liquid under pressure is derived that takes into
of slightly soluble gases at high pressure in solvents of account the concentration dependence of partial molal
low vapor pressure. Michels, Gerver, and Bijl (417) volume. It adds a term -(A/RT)(l - xlZ) to the
deduce a similar equation directly from the general right-hand side of Eq 41. The equation is generalized
equations for the equilibrium of a binary mixture. to fit the solubility of mixtures of gases. Goniltberg
Sattler (526) gives a thermodynamic derivation for (226A) showed that his modification of regular solution
cases with both a negligible and a finite solvent vapor theory could be used to calculate the constant A . The
pressure. Needed for the calculation is low-pressure Kritchevsky-Ilinskaya equation has been applied to
gas solubility data of the pure gas a t low pressure and ethylene solubilities in methanol, acetone, methyl ethyl
thermodynamic data of the pure gas at high pressure. ketone, and toluene (563, 564), to COZ solubilities in C1
Kobayashi and Kats (324) use the rigorous thermo- to Cq hydrocarbons (606A), and to the Hz solubility in
dynamic relation cyclohexane (337) where the Hz partial molal volume is
strongly affected by pressure. Efremova (156) dis-
[dG]T,X, = RTd In32 = V2dP (Eq 39)
cusses the pressure dependence of partial molal volumes.
and Henrys law Orentlicher and Prausnitz (463) have extended the
treatment of hydrogen solubilities in cryogenic liquids
fz = KX2 (Eq 40) at high pressure by taking into account the effect of
where G2 is the partial molal free energy of the dis- composition on the activity coefficients. For the small
solved gas, and P, T, and R are pressure, temperature, concentration range common to gas solubility they
and gas constant, respectively. Vz and Xz are partial assume the activity coefficient of the solvent is given by
molal volume and mole fraction of the dissolved gas, the oneparameter expression
andfZ and fzo are partial molal fugacities of the solute
gas a t the total pressure and a t the solvent saturation In y1 = -Xz2 (Eq 43)
pressure, respectively. Integration of Eq 39 between RT
the limits of the solvent vapor pressure Po and the and they use the modified Henrys lavi equation
total pressure, P, assuming Cz to be independent of
pressure and changes in solution concentration, followed 32 = YZ*KXZ (Eq 44)
by eliminating fzo by Henrys law gives the Krichevsky- This leads to an equation
Kasarnovsky type equation 3z A V2(P - PO)
ln-=lnK+-(X12-l)+ RT
= In K + Vz(P -
P O )
(Eq 41)
22 RT
(Eq 45)
The equation is sometimes used in the form below, which is siniilar in form to the Kritchevsky-Ilinskaya
where a modified Henrys constant K is defined In equation. Orentlicher and Prausnitz show that for
K - VzPo/RT. small solubilities the equation can be put in the form
The equation has been successfully used to fit high- where d20is the vapor phase fugacity coefficient. Thus
pressure gas solubility in water, methanol, and hydro- at small values of x2 it predicts a linear In 32/x2 against
carbons (324, 335, 339, 420, 441, 443). Themodified P relationship.
Henrys constant, K, shows a family relationship for Henrys law constant, K , the constant, -4,and 7 2are
hydrogen dissolved in paraffin and in olefin solvents as all temperature dependent. Orentlicher and Prausnitz
a complicated function of temperature. It can be used estimate Vz assuming hydrogen to behave as a hard-
to calculate hydrogen solubility in binary and ternary sphere gas. They get K and A from the fit of the equa-
mixed hydrocarbon solvents with fair success (37). tion to the solubility of hydrogen in the solvents Ar,
Kritchevsky and Ilinskaya (336) point out the em- Go, N2,CH4, C2H4, C Z H ~C3Hsl , C3H6,and n-hexane.
pirical nature of Eq 41. The partial molal volumes from No significant variation of A with temperature was
added. In the mixtures containing L B O 8 the solu- equilibrium for the atomic solution of the gas is taken
bility is measurable and linear with temperature. The into account
solubility varies with [Li+l2which suggest two L i t ions Hdg) F? 2H (soh)
are involved for each water molecule. It is pointed
out that lithium has a greater ion-dipole interaction A detailed discussion of He, Xz, and 0 2 gas solubilities in
with water than the other alkali metal ions. liquid metals is beyond the scope of this review. For
The solubility of water vapor at 20 mm in NaKOa, details see references listed in Table VII.
KNOs, and CsN03 at their freezing point is found to be The solubility of the rare gases in liquid metals is
near mole/mole of salt by Frame, Rhodes, and quite low. No absorption of helium by mercury was
Ubbelohde (195). The solubility is proportional to the detected at 25 atm and room temperature (431).
free volume in the melt. When divalent cations are &lcRlilIan (410A) calculated the solubility of xenon in
added, e.g., Ba+2, there is a slight increase in water liquid bismuth to be 3 X atomic fraction at 300"
solubility. There is probably only a slight increase in and 1 atm pressure by a free volume model for liquid
vacancies because of the considerable electrostriction bismuth. Experimental solubility determinations give
of the melt that takes place when a divalent ion is added. 3 X lo-* atomic fraction a t 540" and 1 atm (171),
The solubility of water vapor in LiCl-KC1 melts was 4X (422A) and 2 X 10-lo (2428) atomic fraction
determined between 3 and 26 mm at 390 and 480". a t 500" and 1 atm pressure. The lowest value seems
Henry' law is obeyed up to 10 mm at 390 and up to 18 most reliable at this time. Surface adsorption and
mm a t 480" according to Burkhard and Corbett (82, occlusion may be responsible for the higher results.
83). At the higher pressures HC1 is detected and it is McMillan also predicted high surface adsorption which
thought that lithium hydrolyzes. The solubility of has been confirmed (242A). Xenon solubilities in
HC1 has been determined in the same melts. Henry's mercury and in sodium are aIso reported (4228).
law is obeyed up to 90 mm for HC1 but the straight line Johnson and Shuttleworth (281) and Johnson (280)
does not go through the origin at zero pressure indicat- review briefly earlier work on rare gas solubility in
ing a residue of hydroxide was initially present in the liquid metals and report measurements of krypton
melts. The hydroxide residue was not thought to have solubility in liquid cadmium, indium, lead, tin, and
affected the water solubility. silver by a technique using radioactive *%r. Their
Sulfur trioxide in glass is in the form of a SO2-02 lower limit of measurement was an Ostwald coefficient
mixture (45). of 10-7 atomic fraction). No solubility was
detected in silver, but Ostwald coefficients in the other
J. THE SOLUBILITY OF GASES IN metal melts varied from lo-' to The temperature
MOLTEN METALS AND ALLOYS dependence of the Ostwald coefficient was used to get
the energy, H , needed to transfer an atom at rest from
Table VI1 lists references to the solubility of gases in the gas into the solution of the metal and the vibrational
molten metals and alloys. The solubility of a gas in a entropy, S, of the krypton atom dissolved in the liquid
molten metal may represent a physical equilibrium be- metal from
tween the gas and metal alone, or it may represent an
equilibrium between metal and an intermediate oxide, h3
nitride, or hydride phase for which at constant tem- (2 .rrmK T )
perature there is a fixed pressure of the corresponding
gas. Especially helpful introductions to the subject of where m is the mass of the krypton atom and l / a 3 is
gases in liquid metals are two papers from a 1954 the number of metal atoms in unit volume of the liquid
Australian symposium on gases in metals by Willis metal.
(655) and by Jenkins (278A). These papers, which also The experimental H was compared with a calculated
discuss adsorption on metals and gases in solid metals, H which considered the energy of transfer to be made
summarize the theoretical approaches and list references up of three terms: (1) the energy to make a hole in the
to earlier review papers. The books of Turovtseva and liquid the size of the krypton atom estimated from the
Kunin (618A) and of Smithells (5788) contain infonna- hole area of krypton atom radius and the surface energy
tion on the solubility of gases in liquid metals. per unit area (surface tension) of the liquid metal
The diatomic gases usually are in the liquid metal in extrapolated to 0K; (2) the vibrational energy of
the atomic state. Their solubility obeys Sieved's square a krypton atom in the liquid approximated as being
root of pressure law the same as the vibrational energy of a metal atom as
obtained from heat capacity data; and (3) the negative
S = Kdg van der Waals interaction energy between the krypton
atom and the surrounding metal atoms estimated from
It can be shown (2788) that Sievert's experimental law adsorption potentials of inert gases on metals. The
is an expression for Henry's law when the solution estimated values of H agreed within a few kilocalories
Pressure, Temp, (see
Gases Solvent atm OC section V I ) Ref
Inert Gases
Helium Water 1 5-73 2 429
1 25 1 195
7-34 163-3 16 1 481
Water (hydrostatic pressure) 1-102 25 1 169
D20 3.4-78 50-2S0 1 585
Sea water 1 1-20 1 327
Methanol 1 30 2 99
n-Hexane. n-heptane, n-octane, n-nonane, n-decane, n-dode- 1 15-42 1 97
cane, n-tetradecane, 2,3-dimethylhexane, 2,4-dimethyl-
hexane, 3-methylheptane, isooctane, cyclohexane, benzene
hfethylcyclohexane, perfluoromethylcyclohexane 1 16-43 2 98
n-Perfluoroheptane 1 18-30 2 322
Fluorobenzene, chlorobenzene, bromobenzene, iodobenzene, 1 15-45 1 530
toluene, nitrobenzene
Nitromethane 1 25 1 197
Polyethylene terephthalate-amorphous, glassy crystalline, 1 25-130 1 415
rubbery crystalline
Poly(viny1 acetate) T o 200 mm 8-40 2 411
Polyethylene, hydropol 1 25 1 414
Diester, phosphate ester, dimethyl silicone, methyl phenyl 34-68 24-177 1 61
silicone, paraffin base oil, aromatic base oil
Apiezon GW oil, silicone D C 702 oil, silicone D C 200 oil 1 20-83 1 85
Esso synthetic oil, castor oil, DC 200/200 silicone fluid, High pressures 20-140 1 431
blown rapeseed oil, shell rotary vacuum-pump oil
Santovax R 1 233-406 1 234
Lung tissue (blood-free hornogenates) 1 37 1 89
Pentaborane 34-100 30-150 1 67
Liquid CH, 25-157 90-106'K 1 229
Liquid Nz 1-295 78-109'K 0 228
Liquid argon T o 160 mm 84-87.5' K 2 294
hlercury High pressures 20-140 1 431
Liquid Hz 2-7 16-29"K 1 505
Aqueous solutions:
1 N NaC1. LiC1, HC1, KC1, NHaC1, BaClz, NanSOa, KI, 25 1 430
NaBr, HNOa, NMeaI, NEtrBr
Water satd with nitromethane 25 1 197
Nitromethane satd with water 25 1 197
Uranyl sulfate (40-243 g/L) 162-300 0 583
Methanol, 0-4 M in I i a I 30 2 99
V (Continued)
Presaure , Temp, (see
Gases Solvent atm OC section VI) Ref
Methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol, 1-butanol 1-pentanol, l-hex- 1 25-35 1 66
anol, 1-heptanol, 1-octanol
p-Dioxane 1 5-25 1 40
Nonpolar solvents To 300 0 230
n-Hexane, n-heptane, n-octane, n-nonane, n-decane, n-dode- 1 1541 2 97
cane, n-tetradecane, 3-methylheptane, 2,3-dimethylhex-
ane, Z,&dirnethylhexane, isoootane, cyclohexane, bensene
Fluorobenzene, chlorobenzene, bromobenzene, iodobencene, 1 15-55 2 530
toluene, nitrobenzene
Methylc yclohexane 1 - 10 to 25 2 494
1 16-43 2 98
Toluene 1 15-30 2 494
pXylene 1 30 2 95
CCl4 1 -20 t o 10 2 494
Perfluorometh yloyclohexane 1 5-35 2 494
1 16-43 2 98
n-Perfluoroheptane 1 25 2 222
(C4Fo)aN 1 4-32 2 322
Nitromethane 1 25 1 197
Carbon disulfide 1 -20 t o 25 2 494
1 25 2 222
Olive oil 1 22-37 0 360
Paraffin wax 292-767 mm 72 1 501
Polyethylene, hydropol, and natural rubber 1 25 1 414
Polyethylene terephthalate-amorphous, glassy crystalline, 1 25-130 1 415
rubbery crystalline
Eel blood 1 7 1 580
Hydrated Fe and Al oxides; s o h of egg albumin, gelatin, 1 10-40 0 567
serum, and serum albumin
Liquid NHI 25-100 0-60 2 116
To 800 25-100 2 413
25100 0-25 2 117, 118
Ammonia 0-7800 70-150 1 614
Krypton-bulk and absorbed in layers h t n point 77OK 0 573
Xenon-absorbed in layers O-eatn point 78' K 0 5i2
Aqueous solutions:
NaCl up to 3.46 M 1 0-20 2 173
NaI, NaCl, NaBr, KCl, LiCl 1 20-40 2 260
NaCl, CaClz, MgCla 1 5-90 1 422
1 N NaC1, LiCI, K I 1 25 1 4s0
Water-NaI s o h 1 30 1 260
Water, 0-7 M in NaI 1 30 2 99
Water-ethanol mixture ( X E ~ O H
= 0.015-0.25) 1 4-30 2 39
Water satd with nitromethane 1 25 1 197
Nitromethane satd with water 1 25 1 197
Water-pdioxane (all compositions) 1 5-2 5 1 40
Nonaqueous solutions:
Methanol, 0-4 M in NaI 1 30 2 99
Methanol s o h of tetramethylammonium iodide, tetra- 1 30 1 260
methylammonium bromide, CaClx, NaI
p-Xylene-pdichlorobenzene (3 mixtures) 1 30 2 95
pXylene-pdibromobenzene (2 mixtures) 1 30 2 95
p-Xylene-p-diiodobenzene (1 mixture) 1 30 2 95
TABLEv (Continued)
Pressure, Temp, (see
G8BW Solvent atm O C section VI) Ref
Deuterium DrO 4-28 162-300 0 583
Heptane, octane, 2,2,4-trimethylpentane, benzene, toluene, 1 -35 t o 35 2 105
CCh, n-perfluoroheptane, CSz
n-Heptane, n-octane 50-300 25-50 2 352
Liquid argon 10-100 87-12OoK 2 630
Liquid nitrogen 3-69 90-95'K 0 388
KNHz in liquid NHI 1 -64 t o -42 1 28
Nitrogen Kater 34-204 0-260 1 588
97 0-240 0 369
1 25 2 427
10-27 260-316 2 481
1 12-73 2 428
08-204 18 0 157
1 25 2 70
T o 50 0 24
1 Room 1 593
11-58 30 1 578
150-200 0 442
1 2-27 2 318
1 3-37 2 176
1 30 1 200
1 3-30 2 152
1 38 2 260
Water (hydrostatic pressure) 100-500 0-25 1 317
1-102 25 1 169
U-ater, Nz isotopes in 1 2-27 2 319
-4naerobic seawater, Nz isotopes in 1 5-29 2 499
1-Propanol, 1-pentanol, cyclohexanol, ethylene glycol 1 25 2 223
Methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol, 1-butanol, 1-pentanol, 1- 1 25-3 5 1 66
hexanol, 1-heptanol, 1-octanol
Methanol, ethanol, 2-propanol, 1-butanol, ethanol (95%) 1 -25 t o 50 2 342
Methanol 48-280 0-75 1 339
10-80 0 t o -45 2 560
1 25-35 1 260
Alcohol 1 20 2 378
Liquid methane 100-750 mm 90K 1 626
Liquid propane 100-750 mm 90K 1 626
Butane 34-286 38 0 4
n-Hexane 1 25 2 218
n-Heptane 68-680 32-182 0 3
n-Heptane, n-octane, n-nonane 1 25-35 2 599
2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 1 20 2 23
1 -25 t o 50 2 342
Cyclohexane 1 25 2 218
Benzene 60-300 30-150 2 420
27-775 25 2 340
1 25 2 218
Toluene 15-400 200-275 1 617
Nonpolar solvents To 300 0 230
Freon-114 1-9 20-60 1 654
n-Perfluoroheptane 1 0-50 2 218
Perfluoromethylcyclohexane 1 25 2 218
Perfluorodimethylcyclohexane 1 25-50 2 218
Acetone 1 -25 t o 50 2 342
Ximomethane 1 25 1 197
Dimethylformamide 400-900 mm 5-40 1 237
n-Propyl nitrate 1 Room 1 13
(C4Fs)aN 1 11-30 2 322
Carbon disulfide 1 25 2 218
1 6-31 2 322
Human fat (pooled), human fat (individual), dog fat, olive oil 1 37 2 266
Olive oil, tetralin, oleic acid, ethyl palmitate 25 1 127
Cottonseed oil, lard 1 40 1 532
Butter oil 1 40-60 1 532
Paraffin oil 400-760 mm 20-82 2 378
200-770 mm 20 1 377
Santowax R 1 238-409 1 234
6 oils (av mol wt 400-670) 1 0-100 2 23
Electrical insulating oil 1 26-66 2 181
4 crude oils 0-300 20 0 519
4 Russian crude oils 1-300 20-100 0 518
Baku crude oils 50-300 20-100 0 682
Crude oils, kerosine, and gasoline 1 20-60 0 604
Petrowax A 246-790 mm 82 1 501
Paraffin wax 265-774 mm 76 1 501
Polyethylene terephthalate-amorphous, glassy crystalline, 1 25-130 1 415
rubbery crystalline
TABLEV (Continued)
Pressure, Temp, (see
Gases Solvent atm "C section VI) Ref
Polyethylene, hydrogenated polybutadiene, and natural rub- 1 25 1 414
4 aircraft fuels 0 183
100 octane fuel (av mol wt 100) 1 20 2 23
Kerosene (av mol wt 165) 1 0-20 2 23
Kerosene (jet fuel) 1 16 2 144
Human blood and plasma, human urine 1 37 2 176
Blood 1 37.5 0 122
Eel blood 1 7-20 1 580
Hydrated Fe and Al oxides, s o h of egg albumin, gelatin, 1 10-40 0 567
serum, and serum albumin
Liquid 601 25 0 613
Liquid SOr 11-35 -32 to 28 1 142
Liquid NHa 50-101 0-50 2 116
Liquid NH: (nomograph) 131
Liquid Cor 50-100 15-30 0 338
Pentaborane 34-100 30-150 1 67
Aqueous solutions:
NaI 1 30 1 260
1 N NaC1, LiCl, KI 1 13-72 2 428
0.5-4.0 N NaOH 97 0-240 0 369
1.38 N in NaCl and 5.41 N in CaClr, 2.5-5.0 N MgS04, 12-75 30 1 578
1-5.5 N NaCI, 1-4.2 N NarSO4, 1-11 N CaClr
0.15 M Zn(OAc)r, 0 . 0 5 4 1 5 M Ni(OAc)n, 0.05-0.15 M 1 25 2 70
Hg(OAc):, 0 . 0 3 4 1 5 M Co(OAc)r, 0.06-0.15 M
Mn(OAc)t, and0.05 MCu(0Ac)zin 1MHOAc + 0.5
M NaOAc soln
Detergent solution (hydrostatic pressure) 1-102 25 1 169
Ammoniacal cuprous carbonate and cuprous formate To 4 0 24
NaCl, CaClr, MgCla 0 422
Nonaqueous solutions:
NaI-methanol solutions 1 25-35 1 260
Acetone ethanol (50 vol. %), ethanol+ 2,2,4-trimethyl- 1 - 25 to 50 2 342
pentane (50 vol. %)
50% Decanol-dodecanol 400 mm 20-82 1 378
Compound Gases
Methane Water 1 25 2 427
1 0-20 2 173
20-660 25 1 120
20-680 25-171 2 121
1 2-40 2 94
1 12-75 2 428
1 18-37 2 358
11-51 25-30 1 153
1 25 1 400
1 5-45 1 640
1 Room 1 401
Water (nomograph) 7-815 10-38 0 139
Methanol, ethanol, cyclohexanol 1 18-37 2 358
Methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol, 1-butanol, 1-pentanol, 1- 1 25-35 1 66
hexanol. 1-heptanol, 1-octanol
V (Continued)
Pressure, Temp, (see
Gases Solvent atm "C section VI) Ref
Methanol -50 t o 20 0 46
40 -25 t o -60 2 560
Propane 7-98 -115 to 0 2 5
n-Hexane 1 18-37 2 358
41-198 38-104 2 542
n-Heptane 1 0-2 1 2 461
n-Octane 1 8-35 2 461
n-Dodecane 1 0-32 2 46 1
2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 1 3-33 2 461
Cyclohexane 41-198 38-104 2 541
1 18-37 2 358
n-Decane 14-68 -29 t o 4 2 330
0-238 21-121 0 520
Benzene 103-350 100 2 540
30-150 100-250 1 273
7-326 66 0 160
1 7-21 2 461
1 18-37 2 358
Toluene 7-360 66 0 160
1 5-28 2 461
Xylene 1 3-30 2 461
n-Perfluoroheptane 1 18-30 2 322
Acetone 1 18-37 2 358
Dichloroethyl ether, ethylene glycol monoethyl ether 30-70 0 1T5
Furfural 30-70 0 175
Dimethylformamide 200-900 mm 5-40 1 237
Nitrobenzene 30-70 0 175
0.1-35 mm 5-50 1 145
Carbon disulfide 1 15-35 2 322
Ethyl Cellosolve, chlorex, PFhlC-4F, paraffin oil 0.1-35 mm 5-50 1 145
Crude oils, kerosene, and gasoline I 20-60 0 604
Rurakhany crude oil Up to 300 20-70 0 308
Petroleum 1-40 66-84 0 310
Baku crude oils 50-300 20-100 0 682
4 Russian crude oils 1-300 20-100 0 518
Baku and American crude oils 40-80 0 606
4 crude oils 0-300 20 0 519
Polyethylene, hydropol, and natural rubber 1 25 1 414
Polyethylene terephthalate-amorphous, glassy crystalline, 1 25-130 1 415
rubbery crystalline
Paraffinic, naphthenic, and aromatic lean oil 9-210 450 1 312
Santow-ax R 1 237-407 1 234
Paraffin wax 218-776 mm 72 1 501
Liquid 602 12-34 -32 to 28 1 142
con 7-68 -40 to -54 0 149
Aqueous solutions:
NaCl (0-2.8 .lf) 1 0-20 2 173
NaC1, LiC1, K I (1 m) 1 13-72 2 428
NaC1, CaClz Up to 93 4-45 0 3i6
1 . 5 3 N NaCl + 6.0 N CaClz 25-51 30 1 153
NaCl 14-61 30 1 153
CaClz 11-74 25-30 1 153
NaCl, CaClz, hfgC1z 1 5-90 1 422
4.9 M guanidinium chloride 1 5-45 1 640
7 hf urea 1 5-45 1 640
TABLEV (Continued)
t ment
Pressure, Temp, (see
Gases Solvent atm OC section VI) Ref
Benzene 14-97 0-290 1 300
Dichloroethyl ether, ethylene glycol monoethyl ether 30-70 0 175
Furfural 30-70 0 175
(OFdrN 1 14-31 2 322
Nitrobenzene 30-70 0 175
Carbon disulfide 1 25 2 222
Polyethylene, hydropo 1 25 1 414
Polyethylene terephthalate 1 25 1 415
4 aircraft fuels 0 183
Para5nic, naphthenic, and aromatic lean oil 9-210 29 1 312
4 Surakhany crude oils 0-100 56-86 0 307
Petroleum 1-40 66-84 0 310
4 Russian crude oils 1-300 20-100 0 518
Baku and American crude oils 40-80 0 606
Lysozyme (lo%), hemoglobin (5%), serum albumin solu- 1 10-35 2 659
tion (5%)
Aqueous solutions:
0-3 M NaCl 1 0-20 2 173
1 m NaCl, LiCl, KI 1 12-72 2 428
0.5-1.5 M CaC11, 0.5-2.0 M NaCl 1-16 0 1 123
Sodium lauryl sulfate (1.8%) 1 10-35 2 659
Sodium dodecyl sulfate 1 15-35 2 660
7 M urea, 4.9 M guanidinium chloride 1 5-45 1 640
V (Continued)
Pressure, Temp, (see
Gases Solvent atm OC section VI) Ref
Aqueous solutions:
NaCl (0.9 wt %), Na phosphate buffer 1 35 2 364
Bovine serum albumin (10%) 1 35 2 364
Bovine serum albumin (0-25%) 1 37 2 179
Bovine serum albumin, hemoglobin, y-globulin, &globulin 1 37 1 434
Ethene Water 1 25 2 42 7
4.5-520 35-100 2 68
1 14-73 2 428
1 30 2 260
To 193 25-150 0 253
1-34 35-121 2 140
1 Room 1 401
Methanol - 50 to 20 0 46
To 193 25-150 0 564
1-18 -56 to -10 2 563
1 -70 to 20 1 624
Methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol, 1-butanol, 1-pentanol, 1- 1 25-35 1 66
hexanol, 1-heptanol, 1-octanol
n-Decane 20-40 40-80 2 445
n-Hexane, cyclohexane T o 120 30-150 0 683
n-Hexane 1 - 30 1 362
n-Heptane 1 -60 t o -20 1 362
Meth ylc yolohexane 1 -60 t o -50 1 362
Benzene 40-190 25-150 0 252
To 193 25-150 0 564
To 120 30-150 0 683
V (Continued)
Pressure, Temp, (see
Gases Solvent atm OC section VI) Ref
Toluene 1-18 -45 t o -25 2 253
1 -60 t o -30 1 362
n-Xylene 1 -70 t o 20 1 624
Chloroform 1 - 30 1 362
Carbon tetrachloride 1 - 20 1 362
Dichloroethane 1 - 70 t o 20 1 624
Acetone 1-18 -45 to -25 2 253
1 - 30 1 362
1 - 70 to 20 1 624
Methyl ethyl ketone 3-18 -25 t o -45 2 564
Diethyl ether 1 -70 to 20 1 624
Methyl acetate 1 -70 t o 20 1 624
Tetrahydrofuran To 193 25-150 0 253
Dimethylformamide 1 0 t o -45 2 562
1 - 70 t o 20 1 624
Xleth ylpyrrolidone 1 - 70 t o 20 1 624
Baku crude oils 50-300 20-100 0 682
4 Russian crude oils 1-300 20-100 0 518
4 crude oils 0-300 20 0 519
Diethyl sulfate 50-1300 mm 0-80 2 608
Aqueous solutions:
KCl. AgNOs 1 30 2 260
1 N NaCI. LiC1,KI, LaCla 1 13-72 2 428
N-Methylpyrrolidone with 0-60 mole H20 0-800 mm 0-45 1 565
0.5 mole fraction of toluene-heptane, toluene-chloroform, 1 -60 to -20 1 3432
toluene-methyloyclohexane, n-heptane-carbon tetrachlo-
ride, acetone-chloroform, acetone-n-hexane
Propene Water 400 mm 25 0 402
500-700 mm 25 0 403
1-34 21-104 2 21
1 Room 1 401
Methanol -47 to 20 1 622
Dimethylf ormamide 1 0 to -45 2 562
Polyethylene, hydropol, and natural rubber 1 25 1 414
Aqueous solutions:
0-15% potassium oleate 400 mm 25 0 402
2 1 detergent solutions 500-700 mm 25 0 403
0.5-5% KzCOs 500-700 mm 25 0 403
Emulsifiers 1 674
N-hlethylpyrrolidone with 0-60 mole % H20 0-800 mm 0-45 1 565
Propadiene Polyethylene, hydropol, and natural rubber 1 25 1 414
2-Methylpropene Water 1 0-70 1 303
1 Room 1 401
Dichloroethyl ether, ethylene glycol monoethyl ether, fur- 30-70 0 175
fural, nitrobenzene
Dinonyl phthalate 73-740 mm 0-100 1 262
Triisobutylaluminum 1 10-50 1 477
5% aq NaCl 1 -5 to 0 1 303
Emulsifiers, a q soln 1 674
1-Butene Water 2-68 38-143 1 74
1 Room 1 401
1,3-Butadiene Water 100-500 mm 25 2 402
1 25 1 507
To 19 38-104 1 493
1 Room 1 401
1% potassium oleate, aq 100-500 mm 25 2 402
1-4% Hyamine 1622, aq 1 25 1 507
Pentene Paraffin oil 0 3i7
Acetylene Water 1 20 0 387
5-39 1-30 1 251
T o 29 0-30 0 315
1 0-70 0 168
To 39 20-45 0 253
Methanol 1-29 0-30 2 313
1 1-30 1 59 1
To 29 0-30 0 315
25-60 0 533
1 -76 t o -25 2 423
3-14 -20 t o 20 1 513
To 39 20-45 0 253
1 "Low temp" 0 623
TABLE 1 (Continued)
Pressure, Temp, (see
Gaaes Solvent atm O C section VI) Ref
Ethanol 1 -75 t o -25 2 423
1 18 0 109
Methanol, 1-butanol, allyl alcohol, ethylene glycol 1 25 0 259A
Diacetone alcohol T o 11 25 0 259A
Acetic acid 1 18 0 109
Methyl acetate 1 Low temp 0 623
Ethyl acetate T o 11 25 0 2598
1 - 75 t o 45 1 55
25-60 0 533
Ethyl acetoacetate T o 25 25 0 259A
Trimethyl orthoacetate 1 0 2 632
Vinyl acetate 1 0-40 2 239
Trimethyl orthoformate 1 0 2 632
Diethyl oxalate 602 mm 25 0 2598
Triethyl phosphate 25-60 0 533
Ethyl acetate, ethyl formate, methyl acetate, methyl for- 1 - 10 0 109
mate, isoamyl acetate, isoamyl formate
Tetramethyldiamidophosphonyl fluoride, methyl phosphite, 1 25 1 410
methyl orthoacetate, trimethyl meroaptophosphate,
methyl borate, methylene diacetate, ethyl perfluorobu-
tyrate, ethyl orthoformate
n-Hexane 1 - 25 1 362
n-Hexane, n-octane 3-14 -20 t o 20 1 513
Cyclohexane 1 3 0 109
Dicyclopentadiene 721 mm 25 0 259A
Benzene 5-29 10-40 2 314
T o 29 0-30 0 315
To 39 20-45 0 253
1 20-60 2 628
1 4 0 109
Toluene 3-14 -20 t o 20 1 513
1 20-90 2 628
1 -30 t o 25 1 362
m-Xylene 3-14 -20 t o 20 1 513
1 Low temp 0 623
g-Xylene 1 20-120 2 628
Chloroform 3-14 -20 t o 20 1 513
1 - 30 1 362
Dichloroethane 770 mm 25 0 259A
1 Low temp 0 623
Ethyl bromide, ethyl iodide 256-648 mm 19-25 2 l98B
Acetone 1 -70 t o 40 0 69
1 20-39 0 387
1.4-30 3-40 2 259
1 -75 t o 45 1 55
25-60 0 533
1 -80 t o -40 1 616
1 Low temp 0 623
1 - 25 1 362
1-12 0-15 0 109
Butyrolactone To 25 25 0 2598
25-60 0 533
Tetrahydrofurfuryl methyl ether, ethylene glycol dimethyl 3.5-14 - 20 t o 20 1 515
ether, diethylene glycol dimethyl ether, triethylene glycol
dimethyl ether, tetraethylene glycol dimethyl ether,
diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, diethylene glycol di-t-
butyl ether, di-n-hexyl ether
Diethyl ether 1 -75 to -25 2 423
1 Low temp 0 623
Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether 1 -75 t o 45 1 55
Glyoxol tetramethyl acetal, diethyl oxalate diethyl acetal 1 25 1 410
Acetaldehyde 1 -75 t o 0 2 57
Acetal, methylal., acetaldehyde 1 - 10 0 109
Dimethylacetamide To 16 25 0 259A
25-60 0 533
Dimethylformamide 1 Low temp 0 623
1 20-39 0 387
T o 25 15-40 0 259A
200-900 mm 5-40 1 237
3.5-14 -20 t o 30 1 514
0.13-1 -50 to 25 2 562
1 25 1 362
1-Methylpyrrolidone 750 mm 20 1 375
N-Meth yl-2-pyrrolidinone 1 -35 t o 20 1 155
N-Methylpyrrolidone T o 11 15-40 0 2598
1.5-Dimethylpyrrolidone 3,5-14 -20 t o 30 1 514
Methylpyrrolidone 1 Low temp 0 623
V (Continued)
Pressure, Temp (see
Gases Solvent atm OC section VI) Ref
Tetramethylurea 530-720 mm 15-40 0 259A
25-60 0 533
2-Methyl-8-ethylpyridine 3.5-14 -20 t o 30 1 514
Hexamethylphosphoric triamide 1 30-37 2 603
Hexamethylphosphorous triamide 25-60 0 533
Aniline, dimethylaniline, nitrobenzene 1 4 0 109
Acetylpyrrolidine, formylpyrrolidine, N-nitrosopyrrolidine, 1 25 1 410
hexamethylphosphoramide, tritetramethylenephosphor-
Dimethyl sulfoxide 1 15 1 575
0 574
3.5-14 -20 t o 30 1 514
Dimethyl sulfoxide, tetramethylene sulfoxide 1 25 1 410
"Solvenon" 550 mm 25 0 2598
Dioxane 1 20 0 387
609 mm 25 0 259A
Methylnaphthodioxane, ethylene oxide, 2-methyl-2-me- 1 25 1 410
thoxy-1,3-dioxane, dioxane (satd with trioxane)
Tetrahydrofuran 583 mm 25 0 259A
T o 29 0-30 0 315
1-25 0-30 1 313
1 - 75 to 45 1 55
To 39 20-45 0 253
Mesityl oxide To 11 25 0 2598
1,1,3,3-Tetramethoxypropane 3.5-14 -20 t o 20 1 515
Morpholine, N-formylmorpholine 3,5-14 -20 to 30 1 514
21 solvents 3.5-14 -20 to 20 1 516
Blood, human and animal 1 37 2 486
Lung tissue (blood-free homogenates) 1 37 1 89
Hydrated Fe and AI oxides, soln of egg albumin, gelatin, 1 10-40 0 567
serum, and serum albumin
Liquid NHa 1 -50 to -74 1 56
Aqueous solutions:
HzSOd, LizS01, LiCl. NaNOs, NaC1, KzSO4, KNOa, KCI, 1 0-70 0 188
KBr, NH4C1, ZnClz, CdClz, CdBrz, CdIz, MgSO4,
ZnSO4, CdSOd, MnSO4, FeSO4 -I- HnSok, NiSO4,
Aln(SOd)s, Crz(SO4)s, and Fez(S03a -t H2SO4
Dimethylformamide-water (0-100%), acetonewater (0- 1 20 0 387
loo%), dioxane-water (&loo%)
Dimethylformamide (with 0-23% HzO) 100-400 mm 25-140 1 72
Methanol (with 0.05% Hz0) To 1 10-78 1 71
N-Methylpyrrolidone with 0-60 mole yo Hz0 0-800 mm 0-45 1 565
Nonaqueous solutions:
Potassium methylate (25%) in methanol 1 23-50 1 59 1
Dimethylformsmide with 5.4 g NaI/100 g 1 20-39 0 387
Acetone with 13-30 g of NaI/100 g 1 20-39 0 387
Dimethylformamide-dioxane (0-100%) 1 20 0 387
Acetone-n-hexane (0.5 mole fraction) 1 - 25 1 362
Acetone-chloroform, toluene-chloroform (0.5 mole fraction 1 - 30 1 362
Toluene-dimethylformmide (0.5 mole fraction) 1 25 1 362
Mixtures of CHCL, Hz0, MeOH, or diethylene glycol di- 3-13 0-10 1 517
methyl ether with dimethylformamide, dimethyl sulfoxide,
or ethylene glycol dimethyl ether
V (Continued)
Pressure, Temp, (see
Gaaes Solvent atm OC section VI) Ref
35 solvents (alcohols, ethers, acids, esters, amines, amides, 0.23 32 0 107
oximes. aldehydes, and ketones)
1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-tri- Dimethyl ether of tetraethylene glycol, diethyl ether of di- 0.18 32 2 678
fluoroethane (Freon-1 13) ethylene glycol, ethyl ether of diethylene glycol acetate
Carbon monoxide Methyl, ethyl, ti-propyl, isopropyl, n-butyl, and isobutyl al- 1 25-50 2 215
.Ilcohol 1 20 2 378
n-Propyl acetate 1 25 2 221
n-Heptane 1 25 2 216
Hydrocarbon (slack wax, a v mol wt 345) 1-10 (Kp/om*) 106-300 2 473
Paraffin oil 1 20 2 378
Various hydrocarbons 0 9
Benzene 1 25 2 216
Toluene 1 25 2 221
1,2-Dibromoethane 1 25 2 221
n-Perfluoroheptane 1 25 2 216
Aniline, propionitrile, benzyl cyanide, pyridine, nitrobenzene 1 25 2 221
Dimethylformamide 600-900 mm 5-40 1 237
Polyethylene, hydropol, natural rubber 1 25 1 414
Carbon disulfide 1 25 2 216
.Smmoniacal cuprous carbonate and cuprous formate solu- To 4 0 24
Hydrated Fe and A1 oxides; soln of egg albumin, gelatin, 1 10-40 0 667
serum, and serum albumin
Carbon dioxide IYater 25-500 12-40 1 649
16-49 20-50 1 673
25-700 0-100 2 648
25-700 75-120 2 487
1 13-75 2 428
1 25 2 217
0 168
1-700 0-120 0 147
1-20 10-30 2 31
1 20-75 1 555
0 214
0 191
T o 350 0 164
100-700 mm 11.5-77 2 450
1 37.5 1 570
1 20-30 2 114
16-59 177-334 2 165
1 20-38 2 18
5-162 114-348 1 164
25-45 2 668
\Vater (nomograph) 597
Water (hydrostatic pressure) 1-102 25 1 169
Ice -20 to - 5 0 172
Methanol 7-io 0-75 1 339
3-19 -29 t o -50 0 46
25-60 0 633
100-760 mm 1 587
High pressure - 6 0 to -26 1 658
1 - 70 t o 20 1 625
Ethanol 100-760 mm Low temp 0 557
Ethanol, 95% 1 2-62 0 503
Alcohol 1 20 2 378
Propanol, 2-propanol, butanol, 2-butanol, 2-methyl-l- 100-760 mm Low temp 0 557
50: 80 decanol-dodecanol 100 mm 20-82 1 378
Cyclotiexanol 1 20-48 2 35
Oleic acid 100-450 mm 23-62 1 466
Ethyl acetate 25-60 0 533
3-15 -45 t o - 2 5 2 559
1 - 75 t o 45 1 55
n-Propyl acetate 1 25 2 221
Methyl acetate 1 25 2 221
Ethyl stearate 100-600 mm 34-54 1 466
n-Pentane 1.7-75 38 1 476
n-Heptane, cyclohexane 1 25 2 217
Oils and kerosenes 760 mm 0-20 2 23
Paraffin oil 100-760 mm 20-82 2 378
200-750 mm 20 1 377
Paraffin \\-ax 258-753 mm 72 1 601
Baku crude oils 50-300 20-100 0 682
Crude oils, kerosene, gasoline 1 20-60 0 604
Russian crude oils 1-300 20-100 0 518
V (Continued)
Pressure, Temp, (see
Gases Solvent atm OC section VI) Ref
Diesel fuels and cracked gas oils 3-40 25-50 1 368
Baku and American crude oils 40-80 0 606
Slack waxes 1-10 (Kp/cm') 106-300 2 473
Mineral oil 1 20-48 2 35
Benzene 10-95 30-60 1 634
1 20-35 2 217
Toluene 1 25 2 221
1 -80 to 0 1 651
3-15 -45 to -25 2 559
n-Perfluoroheptane 1 25 2 217
1 19-30 2 322
(C4Fp)iN 1 4-3 1 2 322
Hexachlorobutadiene 1 - 11 t o 55 1 329
Carbon disulfide 1 a33 2 322
Methylene chloride 1-20 21 2 79
3-20 38-54 1 831
Chloroform 1 25 2 221
Carbon tetrachloride 1 25 2 217
1,2-Dibromoethane 1 25 2 221
Ethylene bromide, propylene chlorobromide 1 20-48 1 35
Chlorobenzene 1 25 2 22 1
Acetone 1 25 2 221
1 -75 to 45 1 55
25-60 0 533
Methyl ethyl ketone 3-15 -45 t o -25 2 559
Butyrokctone 25-60 0 533
Diethyl ether 740 mm 24 2 412
Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether 1 -75 t o 45 1 55
Acetaldehyde 1 -75 to -25 2 57
Benzylcyanide, propionitrile 1 25 2 221
Aniline 1 25 2 221
Pyridine 1 25 2 221
Dimethylformamide 1 -45 to 0 2 662
1 -70 t o 20 1 625
200-900 mm 5 to 40 1 237
Dimethylacetamide 25-60 0 533
Hexamethylphosphorous triamide 25-60 0 533
Hexamethylphosphoric triamide 37 1 603
Methylpyrrolidone -70 to 20 1 625
Nitrobenzene 25 2 221
Tetrahydrofuran -75 to 45 1 55
Triethyl phosphate 25-60 0 533
Tetramethylurea 25-60 0 533
Polyethylene tetraphthalate 1-12 25-130 1 415
Polyethylene, hydropol, and natural rubber 1 25 1 414
Carbon disulfide 1 25 2 217
Butteroil, cottonseed oil, lard 1 40-60 1 532
Dog fat, human fat, rat-pooled fat 1 25-45 2 667
Olive oil 1 25-45 2 667
Whole blood 1 Room 2 656
Cerebrospinal fluid 1 37.5 1 570
Homogenized brain tissue (of cats) 1 37.5 1 570
Human serum 1 15-38 2 18
Blood 1 37.5 0 122
.4mmonia, liquid 1 -74 to -50 1 56
Chlorine, liquid 0.8-6.5 0-2 5 1 345
H C N , liquid -5 to 10 0 488
Aqueous solutions:
10, 50, 95% alcohol 1 2-62 0 503
Wine 0 2
4 % ethanol, beer 0 168
Aqueous sucrose and citric acid s o h 0 379
Papaw juice 25 0 363
Hydrated Fe and A1 oxides, aqueous egg albumin, gelatin, 1 10-40 0 567
Aerosol solution (15%) 1 25 2 217
Dimethylformamide (0-23% water) 100-400 mm 25-140 1 72
N-Methylpyrrolidone (0-60 mole % water) 0-800 mm 0-45 1 565
Monoethanolamine (15%) 0.5-6980 mm 40-140 2 283
Mono- and triethanolamine (0.5-5 N ) To 40 25-75 0 381
Mono-, di-, and triethanolamine (3.6-3.9 N) 7-445 mm 50 0 569
Mono-, di-, and triethanolamine 10-760 mm 50 0 568
2.5, 5.0 M H F 1 20-30 2 114
0.01 N HC1 1 37.5 1 570
AstO-As20s-HBr s o h 20-25 0 49
9-84 wt 7 0 HzSOd 1 19-76 1 555
0.1 N lactic acid 1 37.5 1 570
TABLE v (Continued)
Pressure, Temp, (see
Gases Solvent atm OC section VI) Ref
0.066 M phosphate buffer 1 25-45 2 668
0.5-2.0 M NaCl 45-88 172-330 2 165
0.9% NaCl soln 1 25-45 2 668
0.16 M NaCl soln 1 37.5 1 570
NazSO4-HzSO4 s o h 1 25-65 0 556
KzSO4, KzCOa, KzCOrKHCOa, KOH 0 214
10, 20, 30% CaClz s o h 25-700 75-120 2 487
KC1, NaC1, KNOs, Mg(NOa)r, NaNOz, MgSO4, NazS04 1 0-40 2 391
NaOH-NazCOa 0.05-1 , 0 18 2 618
Glycerol in water, glycerol and sulfuric acid, ethylene gly- 1 25 2 325
col, B,B-dihydroxyethyl ether, tetrahydrofurfuryl alcc-
hol, dioxane
Binary mixtures: MeOH-acetone, MeOH-CHCls, MeOH- 760 mm 20 2 333
CsHs, acetone-CHCla, acetone-CsHs, CHClrCsHs
Carbon oxysulfide, COS Methanol Satn point - 7 8 . 5 to 0 1 681
Ethanol 1 20 2 378
Paraffin oil 1 20 2 378
Green, spindle, and solar oil 30-100 0 19
Titanium tetrachloride 1 0-100 1 675
Carbon disulfide, CSZ Water, saline, urine, whole blood, blood plasma, red cells, 5-90 ppm in air 37 1 409
Methanol Satn point -78.5 to 0 1 681
Ethanol, acetone 4.2-8.7 mm 25-35 2 27
Green, spindle, and solar oil 30 to 100 0 19
Chlorine monoxide, ClzO Water 1-88 mm 3 . 5 to 20 2 550
Water (nomograph) 132
Aqueous HOC1 1-11 3.5 1 508
Chlorine dioxide, ClOz Water 0-40 1 274
10-150 mm 10-45 2 305
Carbon tetrachloride 30-125 mm 20 2 305
10-76.5% acetic acid s o h 58-158 mm 20 2 305
9.7-79.170 H2SO4 40-170 mm 20 2 305
Boron tri5uoride, BFa n-Pentane 3-7 49-93 1 88
Benzene, toluene 1 23-47 2 643
Anisole, phenetole, 2,2-dichlorodiethyl ether 1 5-170 1 389
Nitrobenzene 5-25 0 78
Sulfuric acid 1 5-170 1 389
H F , liquid 0-68 24-98 2 418
Dihorane, BzHa n-Pentane 0.5-5 0-55 1 405
Diethyl ether 1.5-7.7 0-60 1 163
Tetrahydrofuran 0-4 7-50 1 163
Dimethyl ether of diethylene glycol, di-t-butyl sulfide 5-315 mm 0-30 1 671
2-5.4% NaBH4 in dimethyl ether of diethylene glycol 4-300 mm 30 1 671
Ethyl Cellosolve, 2,2-dichlorodiethyl ether, nitrobenzene, 0.1-35 mm 5-50 1 145
PFM-4F, paraffin oil
Hydrides: SiH4, GeHd, Ethyl Cellosolve, 2,2-dichlorodiethyl ether, nitrobenzene, 0.1-35 mm 5-50 1 146
SnHd, SbHa, H2Se PFM-4F, p a r a 5 n oil
Water vapor Hydrocarbon slack wax (av mol wt 345) 1-10 (Kp/cm*) 140-300 2 473
Triethylenetetramine, tetraethylenepentamine, methylated H20 equil point 32.2 0 111
triethylenetetramine. triacetyltrimethyltriethylenetetram- a t 4.5O
ine, hexamethylenediamine, N,N-dimethylacetamide,
ethylene glycol, glycerol, carbitol, dimethyl ether of tetra-
ethylene glycol, triethyl phosphate
Hydrogentsulfide Water 0-200 mm 0-60 1 58
20 0 226
Methanol To 0.085 -30 to 30 0 46
Low pressure -78.5 to 0 1 681
15-480 mm -78.5 to 0 1 680
n-Pentane 6.8-88 5-170 1 491
n-Decane 6.8-81 5-170 1 492
Cyclohexane 100-800 mm 10-40 1 615
Spindle, green, and solar oil 30-100 0 19
Benzene To 48 25-175 0 367
Ethyl Cellosolve, chlorex, nitrobenzene, PFMC-4F, paraffin 0.1-35 mm 5-50 1 145
Sulfur 1 126-444 1 180
3.0-5.0 177-260 1 510
15.3% Monoethanolamine in HnO 1-840 mm 40-140 2 283
Aq ammonia 20 0 226
Aq phenol 20 0 226
A q HC1, ZnClz, and FeClx soln 0 290
TABLE v (Continued)
Pressure, Temp, (see
Gases Solvent atm OC section VI) Ref
Hydrogen chloride 24 alcohols 1 0-18 0 202
43 solvents (15 alcohols, 8 acids, 20 esters) 1 2-67 2 203
25 solvents (19 ethers, 6 glycols) 1 0-60 2 212
17 solvents (12 esters, 4 ethers, 1 alcohol) 1 0-5 1 2 213
Tetramethox ysilane 1 0 2 204
Tetraethoxysilane 1 1 2 204
Tetrapropoxysilane, ethanol, 2-chloroethanol, ethyl carbon- 1 0 2 204
ate, ethyl chloroformate
19 solvents (14 alcohols, phenol, 4 esters) 1 0-63 2 207
35 solvents (15 esters, 8 halides, 7 alcohols, 4 silanes, n- 1 -78 t o 51 2 208
Tetrahydrofuran, tetrahydropyran. diethyl ether, PrrO, 1 -70 t o 0 1 587
BuzO, diethyl sulfide, ethyl nitrate, n-heptane, CClr
Dioxane 1 -43 t o 0 1 587
Dibenzyl ether, &@'-dichlorodiethylether, o-nitrotoluene, di- 1 -15 to 0 1 587
phenyl ether
Nitrobenzene 1 0 1 587
Anisole 1 -61 to 0 1 587
n-Butyl, n-pentyl, n-hexyl, n-heptyl, n-octyl, n-nonyl, n- 1 25 2 251
decyl alcohols
Ethylene glycol T o 0.424 25 I 453
1 10 2 210
HO(CHz)aOH, HO(CHZ)IOH,HO(CHZ)KOH 1 10 2 210
n-Butane 4.4-36 20-82 1 465
2,4,4-Trimethyl-l-pentene, 4-10 mm -78.5 1 77
n-Heptane 29-71 mm -78.5 1 77
n-Hexane 16-82 25 1 454
n-Decane 1 0 2 196
Cyclohexane 20-650 mm 20-40 2 650
100-800 mm 10-40 1 615
Benzene 1.5-570 mm 30 1 529
0.2-0.6 25 1 453
6-463 mm 30-40 1 456
Toluene l o 174 mm -84 t o - 46 1 76
3.8-6.3 mm -78.5 2 75-77
25-215 mm 25 1 455
About 0.05 mole fraction solutions in n-heptane of benzene, 15-70 mm -78.5 1 77
toluene, m-xylene, mesitylene, fluorobenzene, ohloroben-
zene, hromohemene, iodobenzene, t-butylbenzene, iso-
propylbenzene, ethylbenzene, trifluoromethylbenzene
About 0.1 mole fraction solutions in toluene of benzene, m- 2-6 mm -78.5 1 7.577
xylene, p-xylene, mesitylene, hemimellitene, pseudocum-
ene, chlorobenzene
About 0.1 mole fraction solutions in toluene of n-heptane. 1- 2-6 mm -78.5 1 77
octene, 2,4.4-trimethyl-l-pentene,2,4,4-trimethyl-Z-pen-
tene, cyclohexene, o-xylene, 1,3,3,4-tetramethylbenzene,
1,2,3,5-tetramethylbenzene, tetrachloroethylene, thiophene
Fluorobenzene, chlorobenzene, bromobenzene, iodobenzene 30-290 mm 25 1 456
Chlorobenzene 23-250 mm 30-40 1 456
1-60 20-250 1 586
CHCls, CClr 120-700 mm Ck25 2 263
CHCls, CClr, CzH4C1zr CzHzC14 1 20-40 0 684
&,%Dichloroethyl ether, anisole 10-500 mm 20-40 2 457
Phenetole, n-butyl phenyl ether, diphenyl ether To 500 mm 10-30 1 458
Diamyl ether, diisopropyl ether, dibutyl ether, CzHsOCHz- 1 10 2 209
(ClCH?CH?hO. (CaHs)%O,diisoamyl ether, CHaOCsHs,
(CsHsCH320, (ClCHzCHzCH?)zO, CzHsOCeH,
Nitrobenzene 4-400 mm 20-40 1 456
0.4-0.7 25 1 453
m-Nitrotoluene 14-167 rnm 25 1 454
To 500 mm 25-35 1 458
a-Nitrotoluene 32-340 mm 25 1 454
Thiophene, tetrahydrothiophene, phenyl sulfide, diphenyl 1 0 2 196
sulfide, n-butyl sulfide, di-n-butyl sulfide, isopropyl sul-
fide, diisopropyl sulfide
AlCla in toluene 0.5-230 mm -84 to - 4 5 2 76
V (Continued)
Pressure, Temp, (see
Gases Solvent atm OC section VI) Ref
CHCla. CCI4 155-665 mm 0-2 5 2 263
0- and m-nitrotoluene 20-500 mm 25 1 455
Thiophene, tetrahydrothiophene, phenyl sulfide, n-butyl sul- 1 0 2 196
fide, di-n-butyl sulfide, isopropyl sulfide, diisopropyl sul-
fide, diphenyl sulfide
V (Continued)
Pressure, Temp, (see
Gases Solvent atm OC section VI) Ref
Ethanol 4.7-6.8 mm 2545 1 27
1-Heptanol 2-20 25-93 1 8
Methyl acetate 25 1 238
Ethyl laurate 1.4-19 25-93 1 8
Benzene 1.2-2.7 26 2 273
Solar, spindle, and green oil 30-100 0 19
Acetone 25 1 238
Tetraethylene glycol dimethyl ether, N,N-dimethylaceta- 1.4-19 25-93 1 8
mide, N,N-dimethylformamide, 2-octanone, nitrobenzene
Dimethyl sulfoxide 0 574
Titanium tetrachloride 1 0-100 1 676
Aqueous solutions:
ZnSOi 1 20-100 1 276
NaHSOa 1 20-90 2 348
NaHSOs 0 193
NHa 0-800 mm 15-30 2 148
NHs 100-750 mm 4.5-25 1 394
Ca(HS0a)r 70-760 mm 10-25 0 644
Mg(HSOa), 729 mm 35 1 102
HIS04 To 0.0038 10-32 1 467
Oleum 1 20-60 1 419
Organic Vapors
Methanol 12 solvents, iccluding amines, amides, nitriles, and glycols Vap press a t 4,5' 32 2 111
Methylamine Water, ethylene glycol, glycerol, diethylene glycol Vap press at 4.5O 32 2 111
n-Propylamine n-Octyl alcohol, ethylene glycol, 1,3-butylene glycol, glyc- 106 mm 32 2 111
erol, diethylene glycol, triethylene glycol
n-Butylamine Ethylene glycol, di-, tri-, and tetraethylene glycol, hexa- 24 mm 32 2 111
methylenediamine, triethylenetetramine
Mixtures of Gases
He + CH4 Water 200-600 25 0 441
Ar + Nt Sea water 1 0-27 2 41
Ar + Nt Liq NHa 25-100 0-2 5 0 118
Ar + Ns Liq NHa 50-75 1 116
Ar + CH4 Water 291-485 25 0 443
Ar + CHI Liq NHs 0 112
Ht + On Water 36-82 149 0 683
HI + Nt Liq NH8 150-800 - 10 to 50 0 63
V (Continued)
Pressure, Temp, (see
Gases Solvent atm OC section VI) Ref
Ha + Nt Liq NHs 100-500 -50 to 50 0 361
Ha + CO Hydrocarbons 0 9
Hz + COz Water 25-300 25 0 679
Hz + COz Methanol To 60 - 45 0 561
Hz + Kz + CO Diesel fuels 3-40 25-50 1 368
Hz + 02 + CO Diesel fuels 3-40 25-51) 1 368
Nz, 02,COz, CaHs, CaHia Paraffin oil 0 377
Nz + COP Kater 25-300 25 0 679
Nz + GO2 Water and a q KzSO4, KzCOa, KOH, KzCOa-KHCOs 0 214
Nz + COP Crude oils 0-300 50 0 519
Nz + CHI Diesel fuels 3-40 25-50 1 368
Nz + CH4 .4q NaCl and CaClz 50 4-45 0 376
Nz + CH4 + CzHs + CSHs Aq CaCh and NaCl 1-3 4-45 0 376
+ C4Hio
Nz + COz + CnH8 Crude oils 0-300 100 0 519
COi + HzS Water 20 0 226
COz + HzS Monethanolamine in water 1-3000 mm 40-140 2 283
COZ + CSZ, coz + cos Over piperidine or morpholene-satd kerosene 1 236
COZ + CHd, COZ + CZH4, Crude oil 0-300 50 0 519
COz + CH4 + CaHs, C o t
+ CzHd + CnHa
NzO + Nz0 + ether Blood 1 37 1 241.4
. + CzHa
CHI + C ~ H I O
CHI Crude oil High press 0 607
CsHs + CdHa Paraffin oil 180-700 mm 20 1 377
Natural gas Crude oil 200 0 627
Natural gas Water 1 0-70 0 438
Temp, (see
Geeem Solvent Pressure OC section V I ) Ref
Helium 3 Na-Ca glasses and 7 alkali glasses 1 atm 1200-1480 1 435
Binary and ternary glass melts 1200-1480 0 546
2 lithium silicate glasses 1 atm 1400 1 545
Pyrex glass 25-515 0 506
Sodium disilicate 10 mm 800 1 444
Pyrex 774 10 mm 1170 1 444
KC1 646-698 mm 900,1300 0 201
Gabbrodiabase 513, 716 mm 1300 0 301
LiF-BeFs (64:36 mole %) 1-2 a t m 500-800 1 635
NaF-ZrFc (53:47 mole %) 0.4-2 a t m 600-800 1 232
NaF-ZrFa-UFb (50:46:4 mole %) 0.2-2 atrn 600-800 1 232
LiF-NaF-KF (46.5:11.5:42.0 mole yo) 1-2 atrn 600-800 1 50
E (Continued)
Gaser Solvent Pressure Temp, OC section VI) Ref
Hydrogen fluoride NaF-ZrFI (53:47,45:55,80.5:19.5 mole %) 0,5-3 atm 550-800 1 553
Water vapor Binary and ternary glasses 1250-1750 0 546
Sodium silicate 0.08-1atm 900-1100 1 602
LiC1-KC1 /50:50,53:47, 60:40,69:31 mole yo) 3-26 mm 390-480 1 82.83
Alkali nitrates and perchlorates To 60 mm 145-290 1 154
NaNOa, KNOa, CsNOa 16-21 mm 300-400 1 195
CSNO~-B~(NOJ)Z (95.7:4.3 mole %) 16-21 mm 391 1 195
KNOs-Ba(NOa)t (99:1,96:4 mole %) 332 1 195
KNOrKzCrzO7 (98:2 mole %) 329 1 195
NaNOsCa(N0a)z (96:4mole %) 299 1 195
Metal Gas Pressure Temp, "C Ref
Lithium Nitrogen 250-300 257
250-400 256
Oxygen 121-204 257
250-400 256
Sodium Oxygen 130-540 448
Magnesium Hydrogen 550-775 326
760 528
Aluminum Hydrogen 1 atm 660-1050 158
1 atm 700-1000 33
1 atm 670-850 489
50-800 mm 700-1000 462
200-600 mm 700-900 258
Silicon Oxygen 1410 1
Chromium Hydrogen 1 atm 1903 636
Nitrogen 1 atm 1600,1700 638
1 atm 1600-1750 432
... 433
Manganese Nitrogen 1 atrn 1300-1450 26
1 atm 1273-1500 225
1 atm 1600,1700 638
Iron Hydrogen 1 atm 1680-2460 354
1 atm 1536-1820 636
1 atrn 1580-1670 537
1560,1655 665
1 atm 1600 86
Mp to hp 355
1 atm 1592 637
1 atm 1556-1744 370
10-40 mm 1560,1685 296
20-40 mm 1275-1420 356
Nitrogen 1 atm 1550-1700 535
1 atm 1600 86
1 atm 1600 298
To 4 atm 1560 538
10-30 mm 1550-1750 295
1 atrn 1550-1700 159
M p and up 242
1 atm 1600 598
1530-1750 521
Oxygen Satd FeO slag 1510-1760 536
1530-1700 186
1 atm 1560-1700 595
Satd FeO 1535-1670 598
Satd FeO 1550-1650 245
Satd Si02 or MnO 1550-1650 246
Satd FsO 1530-1700 184
H r H z 0 equil 372
H r H z 0 equil 1600,1650 380
Satd Si02 1525-1725 534
Cobalt Hydrogen 1 atm 1592-1758 636
Oxygen 1 atm 1490-1700 595
Nickel Hydrogen 1 atm 1523-1709 636
1 atm 1500-1600 537
1 atm 1600 86
Nitrogen 1 atm 1600,1700 638
TABLEVI1 (Continued)
Metal Gas Pressure Temp, OC Ref
Oxygen 1 atm 1450-1690 65
1470-1720 182
1 atm 1465-1700 595
Satd NiO 1450-1691 663
C 0 4 0 equil 1726-1970K 65
Copper Hydrogen 1 atm 945-1100 636
Mp-1400 306
5-760 mm 11OC-1300 43
Sulfur dioxide 100-760 mm 1150,1240 279
1-760 m m 1100-1300 190
Zinc Hydrogen 306
Kitrogen 448 258
Silver Krypton 281
Cadmium Krypton 1 atm 1100-1 150 280
Hydrogen 306
Indium Krypton 1 atm 1000-1300 280
Tin Krypton 1 100-1 300 281
Hydrogen 1 atm 1000-1300 43
Mercury Helium High press 20-140 431
Hydrogen M p and u p 306
Lead Krypton 800-1300 281
Hydrogen 516 258
Oxygen Satd PbO-Si02 1000 126
Air a t m 400-900 525
Satd PbO-SiOp 1000-1194 500
Air atm 350-800 30
Bismuth Xenon 540 171
Fe + V, Fe + B n2 1560,1655 665
Fe + Ni Hz 1 atm 1400,1600 304
Be + Cr n? 1 atm 1400,1600 304
Fe + Xi H2 1 atm 1600 86
Ni + Co H2 1 atm 1600 86
Fe + Co Hz 1 atm 1600 86
Steel Hz 1600 658
Fe alloys with Al, B, C, Co, Cu, Ge, P H? 1 atm 1592 637
Cu-Zn Ha 306
A1-Cr, A1-Fe, A1-Th, A1-Ti, AI-Sn Hz 1 atm 33
Cu-Sn Ht 5-760 mm 1100-1300 43
Fe-Si H2 1 atm 370
Fe-Ti, Fe-Nb. Fe-Ta H2 10-40 mm 1560,1685 296
Mg--41, Mg-Zn H2 760 528
AI-Cu, Al-Si H2 700-1000 462
Fe with C, Mn and Si H? 20-40 mm 1275-1420 356
Fe-V N2 1 atm 1.580 33 1
Mn-Fe, Mn-Si Na 1 atm 1410-1 660 25
Fe alloys with Cr, Co, Nb, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, h-2 1 atm 1600 472
Si, T a , Sn, W, and V
Fe-Mn N2 1 atm 1245-1050 34
Fe alloys with Co, Cu, Ni, C , Rlo, Si, S, and Se Na 1 atm 1550-1650 535
Fe-Ni, Fe-Co NZ 1 atm 1600 86
Fe-Mo-V Na 1 atm 1600-1900 298
Fe-Ni, Fe-Mo, Fe-V N2 1 atm 1600-1800 298
Fe-V ?;a 1580-1650 332
Fe containing P and 0 N2 75-570 mrn 1600 185
Fe-Mn, Fe-Si, Fe-Mo N2 T o 4 atm 1560 538
Steel N2 Variable 1600 658
Fe-Si N? 10-30 mm 1550-1750 295
Fe-C, Fe-41 N2 1atm 1550 159
Fe-Cr, Fe-V N? 1 atm 73
Welding alloys NZ 1550-1600 48
hln-Fe, Mn-Cr, Ni-Cr N Z 1 atm 1600,1700 638
Fe with small amounts of C, Si, Mn, Cr, Ni NZ 1530-1750 521
Fe-Mn, Fe-Cr, Fe-Ni (entire range of compn) Nz 153O-1750 521
Fe-Cr, Fe-Mn, Fe-Ni NZ 1600 521
Cr-Si NZ 1 atm 1600-1750 432
Cr-Si N2 433
Fe-Cr N? 512, 735 mm 15.50.1670 350
Fe containing S 0 2 1550,1600 523
NE-K 0 2 20-176 448
Fe-S O? 1550-1600 87
Fe-Ni 0 2 1470-1720 182
Fe-Si 0 2 1 atm 1600 264
Fe-Cr 0 2 A t m press 1650-1760 125
Steel 02 Variable press 1600 658
Fe-A1 02 Satd FeO 1550-1650 245
Fe-Si, Fe-Mn, Fe-Si-Mn 0 2 Satd Si02 or MnO 1550-16RO 246
Fe-Cr, Fe-Ni 0 2 H r H 2 0 equil 1625 371
VI1 (Continued)
.4iloy GrtB Pressure Temp, OC Ref
Fe-Cr, Fe-Ni 02 H r H z O equil 372
Fe-Cr, Fe-&Ni 0 2 H r H z O equil 47
Ni-Fe O Air atm or satd NiO 1450-1691 663
Fe-CrP. Fe-Ni-P 01 H r H z O equil 1500-1650 365
Fe-Ti 02 HpHzO equil 1600,1650 380
Fe-P 02 HI-HzO equil 1500-1650 366
Fe-Ni 02 524
Cu-Xi 0 1 H r H z O equil 1380-1620 596
Gasen Solvent Temp, OC atm Ref
Helium Water (hydrostatic pressure) 25 1-102 169
Liquid methane -183, -167 To 160 229
Argon Water (hydrostatic pressure) 1-25 1-102 169
Isooctane, methylcyclohexane, toluene, perfluoromethylcyclo- 25 1 282
hexane, carbon tetrachloride, bromoform, carbon disulfide
n-Hexane, n-octane, methanol 30 100 397
Hydrogen Water 25-100 324
Water, methanol 0-50 1 336
Methyl acetate, benzene, acetone, ethyl ether, chlorobenzene, 25 1 261
Liquid methane -183 to -146 180-220 177
Methane, ethane, ethylene, propane, butane -183 to -4 Highpress 37
n-Hep tane, n-o ct ane 25-50 50-300 352
n-Octane, benzene 130-260 To 150 101
Cyclohexane 20-60 700 337
Benzene, toluene, n-perfluoroheptane 25 1 282,633
Benzene 25 27-775 340
Liquid argon -186 to -133 630
Deuterium +Heptane, n-octane 25 to 50 50-300 352
Benzene, toluene, n-perfluoroheptane 25 1 282,633
Liquid argon -186 to -153 630
Nitrogen Water 0 1 359
'Water (hydrostatic pressure) 25 1-102 169
Water, methanol 0-50 1 336
Methyl acetate, benzene, acetone, ethyl ether, chlorobenzene, 0, 25 1 261
n-Hexane 30 100 397
Benzene 25 27-775 340
n-Peitluoroheptane 25 1 220
Oxygen Water 0 1 359
Water 25 1-102 169
Water, methanol 0-50 1 336
Methyl acetate, benzene, acetone, ethyl ether, chlorobenzene, 0, 25 1 261
Air Water, methanol 25 1 336
Chlorine +Heptane 0, 25 1 219
Methane Water 38-170 324
Water 17-36 1 396
Water, methanol 0-50 1 336
Methyl acetate, benzene, acetone, ethyl ether, chlorobenzene, 0, 25 1 261
n-Hexane, n-heptane, isooctane 27 1 548
n-Hexane, n-perfluoroheptane, carbon disulfide 25 1 220
Ethane Water 38-170 324
Water 17-30 1 396
Methyl acetate, benzene, acetone, chlorobenzene, CC14 10-40 1 261
n-Hexane, n-perfhoroheptane, carbon disulfide 0-25 1 220
Propane Water 38-170 324
Water 17-30 1 396
Ethylene Water, benzene, methanol, tetrahydrofuran 25-150 To 193 253
Methyl acetate, benzene, acetone, chlorobenzene, CCL 10-40 1 261
VIII (Continued)
Gases Solvent Temp, OC stm Ref
Acetylene Water, benzene, methanol, acetone 10-40 29 316
Water, benzene, methanol, tetrahydrofuran 20-45 To 39 253
Methyl acetate, benzene, acetone, chlorobenzene, CCl4 10-40 1 261
21 solvents -20 to +20 3.5-14 516
Dimethyl ether Methyl acetate, benzene, acetone, chlorobenzene, CC4 25 1 261
Methyl chloride Methyl acetate, benzene, acetone, chlorobenzene, CC4, chloro- 25 1 261
Carbon monoxide Water, methanol 0-50 1 336
Methyl acetate, benzene, acetone, ethyl ether, chlorobenzene, 0, 25 1 261
Carbon dioxide Water 0 1 359
Water (hydrostatic pressure) 25 1-102 169
Water, methanol 0-50 1 336
Methyl acetate, benzene, acetone, chlorobenzene, C c 4 25 1 261
Nitrous oxide Methyl acetate, benzene, acetone, chlorobenzene, cc14 25 1 261
Sulfur dioxide Methyl acetate, benzene, acetone, chlorobenzene, cc14 10-40 1 261
Sulfur hexafluoride n-Heptane, isooctane, benzene, CCL, CC12FCCl?F, CeH11C2Fb, 25 1 254
Carbon t,etrafluoride n-Heptane, isooctane, benzene, CClr 27 1 548
of the experimental values for all the metals except lead formation is arranged by gas and is included since it is
for which H was 12 kcal/mole too large. The calculated not only interesting in its own right but is valuable for
vibrational entropies agreed within experimental error. the use and evaluation of theories of gas solubility.
ported in part by a PHS Grant No. GM12071 from
This section concerns four tables. Table V is ar-
the National Institutes of Health, Public Health
ranged according to gas, giving the solvent employed,
Service. The authors take pleasure in acknowledging
the temperature and pressure range of the measure-
the early interest, encouragement, and advice of
ments, and a reference. I n addition, a critical value
Professors P. M. Gross and J. H. Saylor.
was assigned to each measurement: 2-the data are
quantitative and the precision is probably better
than 2%; 1-the data are quantitative but the precision
is poorer than 2% ; 0-the data are either just qualita- (1) Abriksov, N. Kh., Liang, T.-W., and Shashkov, Yu. M.,
Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Otd. Teckh. Nauk, Met. i Top-
tive or it was not possible to determine the level of livo, [6] 65 (1960); Chem. Abstr., 55, 11050 (1961).
precision of the measurements. These values were (2) Agabalyants, G. G., Kozenko, E. M., and Merzhanian,
arrived a t by using the authors own statements and/or A. A., Vinodelie i Vinogradarstzlo SSSR, 14, No. 6, 26
our critical evaluatioii of the method employed. (1954); Chem. Abstr., 50, 5975 (1956).
Where there are blanks under the headings of tem- (3) Akers, W. W., Kehn, D. M., and Kilgore, C. H., Ind. Eng.
Chem., 46, 2536 (1954).
perature and pressure, it was not possible to determine (4) Akers, W. W., Attwell, L. L., and Robinson, J. A., Znd.
these ranges. For each gas the solvents were sys- Eng. Chem., 46, 2539 (1954).
tematically and consistently arranged. Reference to (5) Akers, W. W., Burns, J. F., Fairchild, W. R., Kelley,
nomographs are listed under the gas in this table. Ob- R. E., and Lipscomb, T. G., Ind. Eng. Chem., 46, 2531,
viously no nomograph can be better than the experi- 2535 (1954).
(6) Reference deleted in revision.
mental data on which it is based. Before using a (7) Albright, L. F., Shannon, P. T., Terrier, F., and Chueh,
nomograph the literature should be examined to de- P. L., A.1.Ch.E. J., 8, 668 (1962).
termine whether or not the nomograph has been (8) Albright, L. F., Shannon, P. T., Yu, S., and Chueh, P. L.,
superseded by more reliable data. Chem. Eng. Progr., Symp. Ser., 59 (44), 66 (1963).
Table VI gives references to the solubility of gases (9) Alekseeva, K . A., Dragunskaya, V. S., Rudkovskii, D. M.,
and Trifel, A. G., Khim. i Tekhnol. Topliv i Masel, 4, No.
in molten salts and glasses and is arranged by gas. 5, 24 (1959); Chem. Abstr., 53, 21608 (1959).
Table VI1 gives references to the solubility of gases (10) Alexander, D. M.,J . Phys. Chem., 63, 994 (1959).
in molten metals, and alloys. This table is arranged (11) Allen, J. A., Nature, 175, 83 (1955).
according to increasing atomic weight of the metal with (12) Amirkhanov, A.Kh., Uzbeksk. Khim.Zh., No. 1,39 (1961);
the alloys a t the end. No value judgments were made Chem. Abstr., 56, 997 (1962).
(13) Amster, A. B., and Levy, J. B., ARS (Am. Rocket SOC.)J.,
on these solubilities. 29, 870 (1959).
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volume determinations of gases in liquids. This in- Eng. Data, 7,290 (1962).
(15) Archer, G., and Hildebrand, J. H., J . Phys. Chem., 67, (47) Bezobrazov, S. V., and Samarin, A. M., Izv. Akad. Nauk
1830 (1963). SSSR Otd. Tekhn. Nauk, 1790 (1953); Chem. Abstr. ,49,
(16) Aroyan, H. J., and Katz, D. L., Ind. Eng. Chem., 43, 185 6805 (1955).
(1951). (48) Bischof, F., Elektroschweissung, 14, 63 (1943).
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M., J. Appl. Physiol., 18, 301 (1963). (51) Blaznina, V. A., Fedorina, V. F., Shulgina, G. A., and
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31 (1941). (685) Zorin, A. D., Ezheleva, A. E., and Devyatykh, G. G.,
(648) Wiebe, R., Chem. Rev., 29,475 (1941). Zovodsk. Lab., 29 (6), 659 (1963); Chem. Abstr., 59,
(649) Wiebe, R., and Gaddy, V. L., J . Am. Chem. SOC.,62, 815 8181 (1963).
(1940). (686) Zoss, L. M., Suciu, S. N., and Sibbitt, W. L., Trans. Am.
(650) Wiegner, F., Z . Elektrochem., 47, 163 (1941). SOC.Mech. Engrs., 76, 69 (1954).
of chrof?zatugruphy, 158 (1978) 277-293
8 Ekevier ScientificPublishing Company, Aiimerdain
CHROM. ll.148
Dissolved gases are usually present as components of the mobile phase in high-
performance liquid chromatography. Each gas has its unique properties and af&ts
the chromatographic system in different ways_
The solubility in pure and mixed solvents is explored experimentally and
compared with data already in the literature. It is found that the non-linear solubility
characteristics in binary solvent systems account for the observed evolution of large
quantities of gas when air-saturated solvents are mixed in chromatographs. The de-
gassing requirements in one-pump, low-pressure-mixing gradient ar&itectures are
compared with those of conventional two-pump, high-pressure-mixing systems.
Dissolved oxygen affects detector performance in several ways. It forms a UV
light-absorbing complex with many solvents. Changes in oxygen concentration there-
fore cause W detector drift. The magnitude of this effect varies markedly with dif-
ferent solvents, and is particularly pronounced at wavelengths below 260 nm. Dis-
solved oxygen quenches fluorescence of both solvents and solutes. As a consequence,
fluorescence detector drift and responsivity depend on oxygen concentrations. Max-
imum fluorescence sensitivity can only be achieved with deoxygenated mobile phases.
Because of these facts,? analytical precision requires that gas concentrations
be carefully controlled. The various control techniques are discussed : heating, boiling,
vacuum, ultrasonics and gas sparging. A new method of helium degassing is described
which eliminates bubble formation and maintains the level of all other gases at zero
The importance of excluding dissolved oxygen from the mobile phase m order
to protect labile stationary phases has been mentioned in most standard texts on
HpLC1L3. Leitch documented the improved column lifetime and analytical precision
resulting from deoxygenated solvents . Exposure of the liquid-liquid partition column
(3,3-oxydipropionitrile) to dissolved oxygen during constant or heavy use severely
reduced column life.
_ The potential for harm to the mobile phase has also been pointed out*. ~utyl
ether mobile phase was oxidized during handling and storage in the reservoir, forming
peroxides which reacted with the stationary phase and changed its polarity. The
susceptibility of other ethers, such as tetrahydrofuran, may also be a probiem.
SnydcP has counciled about the benefits of excluding oxygen in liquid-solid
(adsorption) chromatography, since sampk oxidation is often increased by the pres-
ence of the adsorbent. A recent example in reversed-phase chromatography de-
scribed the ease with which aniline and its metabolites were oxidized during chro-
mato,orphy, and the improved results with deoxygenated mobile phases compared
to mobile phases to which antioxickts had been added.
The improvement of detector performance resulting from deoxygenating the
mobile phase has also been reported. FOX and Stale9 showed that deoxygenated
mob& phases in polycychc aromatic hydrocarbon analysis produced a limit of de-
tection for benzo[a]pyrene which was nearly four times as sensitive than when air-
saturated mobile phase was used. Different but linear calibration curves were obtained
in the presence and absen.ce of dissolved oxygen. Compared to.pyrene, oxygen quench-
ing of fluorescence is less important in chrysene but more important in benzo- and
dibenzopyrenes. They did not determine how effective or reproducible their deoxy-
genation process was- Chamberlain and Marlow demonstrated that oxygen dissolved
in the mobile phase caused increased noise levels and decreased standing current in
the LC electron capture detector they used.
Perhaps a more generally encountered problem than any of the above is the
occurrence of gas bubbles in the detector1-3. Air dissoked in the carrier at high pres-
sure can subsequently form bubbles in the mobile phase as it passes through the
detector, causing noise and drift. Gas bubbles also aifect pump performance, but
this has not been a serious concern prior to the advent of one-pump, low-pressure-
mixing chromatograph architectures10-13.
Some of the above reports contain misunderstandings about the solubiiity
behavior of air gases. For example, it has been said that the more polar the mobile
phase, the greater the tendency to dissolve air s9. Actually the opposite is true. Water
is the Ieast hospitable solvent for gases. And the bubble problems are attributed to
oxygenx*J*lJ, whereas nitrogen is as much asource of difficulty.
The purpose of this paper is to report new fkiings on gas hehavior of chro-
matographic signifkance, and to describe ways of improving the reliability, sensitivity
and analytical precision of HPLC by careful control of dissolved gases. We will pro-
ceed by (1) reviewing gas solubillty behavior in pure solvents and binary mixtures,
(2) comparing the one-pump, low-pressure-mixing gradient architecture with the two-
pump, high-pressure mixing gradient architecture, as to gas solubility probiems, (3)
describing methods of controlling dissolved gas concentrations, (4) discussing the
opt-cal properties of dissolved ,w so as to explain observed UV and fluorescence
detector artifacts, including UV detector behavior which has not been reported before
data for such realistic mobile phases is scanty, although a few papers exist=-z which
describe the solubility of some air gases-in aqueous alcohol.soluti6n.s.
Before proceeding further it may be instructive to review briefly a few of the
salient facts about gases. Air comprises 78.08 % N,, 20.95% O,, 0.93 % Ar,
0.03% CO, and less than 0.01% other gases. Gases in a mixture behave essentially
independently, the solubility of the individual gases in a mixture of gases being di-
rectly proportional to their partial pressures (Daltons law). Different gases have dif-
ferent solubilities in a given solvent. Different solvents have different solubility prop-
erties towards a given gas. The soIubiIity of gases in liquids usually decrease with
increasing temperature, but there are numerous exceptions and the correlation. of
sohxbility data as a function of temperature is not simple. Gas solubilities in most
solvent mixtures, like so many physical phenomena in non-ideal solutions, are not a
line+r function of the composition expressed in mole fraction_
Fig. 1 shows the solubiiity of several gases in many solvents using data taken
fro& refs. 17 and 18. The solubility is expressed as the moie fraction. A feel for the
magnitude of these values can be gained by realking that the carbon dioxide solubility
of solutes that encompass all possibIe types of interaction: The Snyder parameter
therefore may not be the most reasonable one to use if a smooth curve is desired,
but it is employed here since it is currently popular in chromatographic literature12.
The important point to note is that gases, being non-polar, behave .F one would
expect, having increasing solubility as the solvent polarity decreases.
It should be point& out that these solubility values represent the amount of
gas which willjbe found dissolved in the solvent at equilibrium with one atmosphere
of the pure gas over the solvent. So the previously mentioned 2.4 ml.of carbon dioxide
in benzene only exists in a pure carbon dioxide atmosphere. Much less is in the solvent
exposed to air. Hydrogen is not plotted. It falls midway between the helium and
nitrogen curves, except in water, where it is slightly more soluble than nitrogen. The
solubility of the rare gases increases with increasing atomic weight- In water the mole
fractions for He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe and Rn are 0.07, 0.08, 0.25, 0.45, 0.78 and 1.68,
It is clear that water dissoIves the ieast amount of air gases. The common
misconception that it is the best solvent may derive from the fact that gas is often
seen to come out of solution in water. But this may be because, once degassed, it
does not take much gas to redissolve before saturation is reached. The real problem
with regard to gas solubility in HPLC, however, comes with mixed solvents, either
in isocratic mode where two solvents are mixed by the instrument, or in gradient mode.
Fig. 2. Oxygen solubility in aqueous alcohol mixtures: moIe fraction oxygen vs. mole fraction
alcohol. The solubility is expressed as in Fig. 1. The original data of CargiP was plotted in terms of
%,, defmed as the volume of gas in ml, corrected to 0 C and 1 atm, dissolved by 1 kg of solvent, under
a gas pressure of 1 atm, on a logarithmic scaIe. Data reproduced by permission of the publisher.
Fig. 3. Oxygen solubiity vs. oxygen concentration. The actual level represents the amount of oxygen
in the admixtures, starting with air saturated pure water and air saturated pure ethanol. The saturation
level is the-allowed solubility level, the 29.9 C curve from Fig. 2. Note the non-linear behavior,
particularly at the low mole fractions of ethanol.
IAk !isturated
Fig. 4. Bubble formation in pump chambers with undegassed solvents. Cohn%, 250 x 3.1 mm
I.D.; packing, IO-pm Spherisorb ODS; solver& O-100% methanol in 5 min; fiow-I&, 5.0 mi/min;
pressure, as indic&ed; temperature, 25 C. Recorded on the SP 8000 printer/plotterusing the signal
from the pre-coIumn pressure transducer.
matograph, which has a single pump with two pump chambers each of 4UO-~l displace-
ment_ The flow feedback control has been turned offso that the pulsation (pressuredip)
at the be ginning of each pump stroke is evident. This pulsation is a measureof the
compliance in the chamber, which in turn is the sum of mechanical elasticity, fluid
compressibility and the compr&sibility of any undissolved gas present.The upper curve
exhibits the expected rise and fall of pressure-during the gradient, which reflects the
viscosity pro& of the gradient mobile phase. The pressurepulses tire uniform, dem-
onstrating that there are no undissolved gas bubbles in the chamber. This curve was
made using solvents which had been helium degassed (see below). The lower curve is
similar, but the pressurepulsesare irregular. The solvents were not degassed,but were
simply equilibrated with air. These irregular pulsesresult from bubbles of gas entering
the pump during the tirst part of the gradient. Later in the gradient, the pressureand
solvent composition are such as to redissolve them. In some cases, especially at low
operating pressures, the pulses persist because the gas never redissolves. Such be-
havior not only causes flow-rate errors, but is deleterious to composition precision.
The bubbles in the above example are formed in the low-pressure ternary
proportioning valve, which mixesthe two pure solventsin the proper proportion during
the run. Fig. 5 diagrams such a system, and compares it with the conventional two-
pump, high-pressure-mixingarchitecture. It is clear that the environment where the
pure solvents are mixed is radically different in the two types. In the conventional
architecture, the solvents are mixed at high pressure, where the solubility is much
higher. Thus gases do not come out of solution at that point. However, if there is
air in the solvents, it will come out of solution when the pressure again reaches one
atmosphere, and sometimes sooner if some gas has been picked up at high pressure
via a small leak in the system. For this reason, a flow restrictor is often put at the
detector outlet, so that only after the detector does the pressure reach a level where
gas bubbles form (see the pressure prosle in Fig. 5).
GQScontrol methods
There .aretwo approaches to g& control. One &rives to eliminate ai1 dissolved
gases, the other to eliminate or control the concentrations of only certain gases. The
former has been the most common approach directed at remedying the various prob-
lems described above, ie., gas bubbles, oxidative degradation of samples and phases,
and detector artifacts. The approach used most often is vacuum d&gassingsz,the
application of a vacuum to the mobile phasejust prior to chromatography. HeatingLs3
and uhrasonic treatment*2ghave also been employed, One of .the gas solubility
review9 has a good discussion of degassing methods. It reports that the most com-
mon method to degas a solvent in non-chromatographic work is to boil away a por-
tion of it under vacuum, a batch binary distillation. The Ramsey-Rayleigh equation
for this type of distillation predicts that the evaporation of as little as 0.1% of the
solvent should reduce the gas content by several l@lO-fold. But the asstimption of
equilibrium is incorrect. In practice W-20 oAof the solvent is evaporated. Other meth-
ods include pumping on the frozen solvent or boiling follqwed by sprasng into an
Sparging with a pure gas (bubbling it through the solvent) has most frequently
been empIoyed for the elimination of only certain gasesn. Tbis techiliquk, also re-
ferred to as purging or stripping, has been used in gas chromatographic studiesQ_
Williams and Milled compared several techniques for purging water: dynamic and
static vacuum, with and without manual and ultrasouic agitation; ultrasonic treat-
ment alone; and purging with an inert gas. The most effective system tested was inert
gas-purging at flow-rates of about 1000ml/min of 100-ml water samples. This tech-
nique removed 95-98 % of the dissolved oxygen in 15-30 set, where the next best
te&nique of dynamic vacuum with agitation took l-2 min to remove the same quan-
tity of gas.
The degassing technique we used was that employed by the SP 8ooOchromato-
graph. This has been briefiy described only O~CX~and is the subject of a patent
application. The method uses helium to sparge all pure solvents (up to three in the
ternary-type mobile phasecontrol system of the chromatograph). It was found that
this is the only gas, with the possible exception of neon, which is capabIe of efimi-
nating all the previously mentioned problems. That is, it not only prevents bubble
formatiori but eliminates all gases except helium from the tiobile phase. (There is
no literature on the helium solubiliq-in binary mixtures.) Our experimental evidence
suggeststwo possible explanationsfor this. The solubilitycurve for helium may be
non&near, like the. oxygen shown in- Fig. 3. Rut the.amount of gas involved may
he so- low, i.e., the absolute-value of the gas volume which is supersaturatedmay
be so smali, that the microbubblesformed do not manifestthemselves.Alternatively,
the solubilitjrcurvemay he nearly -liuear, Ieadingto only ssnallamollntsof gas which
are above the saturationlevel. Both of these may be operating.
.The effectiveness-ofthis techniquefor eliminatingbubble generationduring
low-pressuremixing is illustratedin Fig. 6. This plots the volume of air evolved per
ml of mobile phase formed by mixing two pure, air-saturatedsolvents. A Model
74OB pump (dual reciprocatingpiston, f~dback-controiled type) was used for each
solvent. The outputs of the pumps were teed togetherand the tee exit line directed
to a l.O-ml mixing chamber.The position of the inlet and outlet lines, and the shape
of the -roof of the chamberweredesignedto trap any bubblesformed. After passage
of a measuredamount of total mobile phasethroughthe chamberat a pre-detertuined
solvent composition, the gas bubbles formed were sucked into a precisionsyringe
which was connected to the top of the chamber. Replicateruns were not made, so
the detailedshape of the curvesis not to be taken as significant.Considerablescatter
was suspected.The generalshape, however,is no doubt accurate.These curvescor-
respond well to the area of supersaturationin Fig. 3. Note that the more similar
the two solvents, the less gas was evolved.The hexane-isooctane run produced no
bubbles. IQ all cases, no bubbles were observedwhen the two solventswere helium
Fig. 6. Gas evolve& VS.solvent composition. Apparatus and piocedure described in text_
Fig. 7. W detector standii signal vs.oxygen concentration in mobile phase. Solvent, methanol; fiow-
rate, 2.0 ml/min; pressure, nominally 1 atm; temperature ambient (approximately 25 C); detector,
Model SP 8200 at 254 nm with a l-cm path cell.
The gas is further changed from helium to nitrogen and back to helium. The
stable baseline is consistent with the hypothesis that it is the oxygen only which is
rewonsible for the signal. Finally, the sparge rate was reduced, allowing air to back
dBuse through the yent tube into the solvent bottIe. The upscale drift due to oxygen
absorbance is evident. Re-establishment of an adequate sparge rate rapidly brings
back baseline stability.
The amount of absorbance varies considerably among the common chromato-
graphic solvents, as shown in Fig. 8. The. W absorbance at 254 nm was monitored
at a sensitivity of 0.02 AUFS. Note that water exhibits only a very small effect at
this wavelength, whereas the tetrahydrofuran baseline changed more than 0.16 AU.
The baseline shifts are completely reversible: resumption of air sparging elevates the
signal back to the original level. Evaus3@ and Munck and Scott= demonstrated
that dissolved. oxygen gives rise .to such absorption in the far UV in a number of
organic solvents. This was-observed for n-hexane, n-heptane, methanol, ethanol, di-
&thy1ether and cycloh&xane. The absorbance was found to be directly proportional
to the partial pressure of oxygen above the solution. The absorbance increases at
shorter wavelengths. Comparing the absorbance of the amount of oxygen dissolved
in the solvent with the absorbance of an equivalent concentration of gaseous oxygen
(negligible at the wavelengths examined) leads to a conclusion that- the absorption
of the solution must be due to interaction between oxygen and the solvent.
_J_ - /
Fig. 8. W detector standing signal with and without degas&g for various solvents. Solvent, as in-
dicated; flow-rate, 15 ml/& (splitterin front of detectorproviding 5 ml/min detectorflow); pressure,
1 atm in solvent reservoir,2 atm at pump outlet; temperature23 f 0.5 C; detector, Model SP 8310
at 254 mn with a O&-cm path cell.
and are due to the absorbance of molecular oxygen itself (small) and to the ab-
sorbance of the molecular complex between oxygen and the solvent (large). Removal
of oxygen gives rise to a decrease in UV detector baseline signal with this effect.
The non-reversible effects are caused by the interaction of oxygen with the solvent
t.o form reIativeIy stable chemical species- The cyclic ether tetrahydrofuran (THF)
appears to be pamticularly bad in this respect, as it is thought to form a hydroperoxide
and a series of unstable peroxides. Fig. 8 has shown that the reversible effect with
THF is also large.
Fig. 10. Characteristics of UV and fluorescence detectors. Cokmn, 250 x 4.6 mm I.D.; packing,
lO-+n LiChrosckb RP-8; solvent, water-acetonitrile (40:60) and water-methanol (40:@); flow-rate,
3.0 mI/min; temperature, 25 C; detector, sameas Fig. 9, except UV at 0.01 AUFS aadfk~osescence
at 0.5 pA full scale; sample size, 10 ~1; sample, as shown.
The upper four chromatograms are run with a mobile phase of 60% acetonitrile in
water: The bottom four chromatograms are run under identical conditions, except
the mobiIe phase is 60% methanol in water. The four chromatograms on the left
were made using helium-degassed mobile phases. The four chromatogmms on the
right were made using air sparged (air saturated) mobile phases. A vertical line in-
dicates the poik at which the gases were changed. The many aspects of the tiompfex
behavior of these two detectors are described below.
19 A. SeideU, Solubilites of Inorgunic and Metal Organic Compnunds, Van ~osfxand, New York,
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20 J. H. Hildebrand, J. M. Prausnitz aid R. L. Suxt, Reguhr a& Relcrtedsolutions, Van Nostrand-
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