Pediatric Assessment Tool

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Pediatric Assessment tool Birth hx:

Informant: Prenatal: Natal:

(General physical
Patients name:
state of mother
Patients nickname: during pregnancy)
Sex: Date of Birth:
Age during the Birth Place:
Name of Parents: pregnancy (Hospital/clinic/Home)
Father: Age: Occupation: Wt gain Weight
Nausea (duration) Length
Mother: Age: Occupation Vomiting AOG
Address: Tel #: (duration)
Edema Birth order
Religion HTN Type of delivery
Primary Language Language understood: Albuminuria
Vaginal Bleeding Neonatal
C/C: Illness (including Apgar score
rashes, fever,
HPI: Start, list and describe current symptoms and work backward to onset. It should answer Indications: Respiratory problems
question related to where, what, when and how much of symptoms) Xray (month) Cyanosis
General emotional Congenital anomalies
state of mother
Medications Mothers blood tyoe
Was pregnancy Childs blood type
Attitude of father Length of hospital stay
Prolonged NB screening
depression states
Frequent crying
Previous abortions
or miscarriages

PMHx: (appetite, recent weight loss or gain, fatigue and stressors) Do not include information
that are already gathered under c/c or present illness.) Infancy and Childhood
Feeding hx
- Breastfed? (until when)
- Bottlefed? (until when)
Age of introduction of solid foods:
Food preferences
Vitamins (when introduced, duration)
Iron (when introduced, duration)
Fluoride (when introduced, duration)
Feeding problem (type)
- Vomiting
- Colic
- Regurgitation
1. Hospitalizations and childhood dses, surgeries, injuries and disabilities (Date and - Lethargy
complications) - Constipation
2. Previous health care contacts: past health exams. Last immunizations, lab tests. - Diarrhea
(Dates and results) - Allergic reaction
Current Medications
Growth and Development Include any OTC drug prescription drugs, their dose, frequency and the time of the last dose.
1. Patients approximate ht_____ and wt______ at 1, 2, 5 and 10 yrs old Includes reasons for giving the meds and any side effects or intolerance or any allergies.
2. When first tooth erupted _____________________
3. When tooth loss occurred ____________________
4. Is patient obese _______ underwt_____________
5. Tall _______ Short ________ (for the age group)
6. Age when child was able to
roll over ______________________________
sit alone without support ________________ Family Hx
Info on health of family members. Any major health and genetic disorders (HPN, cancer, cardiac respiratory,
crawl ________________________________ renal, cerebro vascular or thyroid disorders, asthma and other allergic manifestations, blood dyscrasias,
walk _________________________________ psychiatric difficulties, TB, DM, hepatitis, immunosuppression, etc). Info on concerns of parents and influence
speak first word and sentences ___________ of the health problem on the patients life as a family member. Info on cultural interpretation of anillness in
relation to the patient and any personal beliefs of the family that affects the illness. Family structure (includes
dress without help _____________________ family composition, birth order and gender of the other children). Family envt (neighborhood, family member
with disability and community services available). Mechanics of eating, dressing, sleeping and patterns of daily
Behavior and social hx living in the family.
1. Age when child began toilet training_____________________
2. Age when child achieve day and night level of control_______
3. Problem associated with it (pertaining to 1 and 2) __________
4. Terminology usedin toilet training _______________________
5. Amount and patterns of sleep: Day: ________ Night: _______
6. Any bedtime rituals___________________________________
7. Any security objects __________________________________ General review of systems
8. Level of awareness of sexuality _________________________ 1. General: wt ___ recent wt change _____ temp _____ fatigue _____
9. Any habits (lip biting, thumb sucking, pica, head banging and others) 2. Skin: rashes ____ lumps ____ sores ____ itching ____ dryness ____ color changes
___________________________________________________ ____ changes in hair or nails ____
10. Patients personality and temperament (any temper tantrums, shy or withdrawing, 3. Eyes: blurring of vision ____ pain ____ redness ____ double vision ____ headache
childs relationship to other children and family) ____
___________________________________________________ 4. Ears: hearing ____ tinnitus ____ vertigo _____ earaches ____ discharge ____
___________________________________________________ 5. Nose and sinuses: frequent colds ____ nasal stuffiness ____ nasal discharge ____
___________________________________________________ itchiness ____ nosebleeds ____
6. Mouth and throat: Condition of teeth and gums ____ toothache ____ gum bleeding
Immunization ____
1. Details of immunizations 7. Neck Lumps ____ pain ____ swollen glands ____ goiter ____
8. Breasts: Lumps ____ pain ____ or discomforts ____
9. Respiratory: chronic cough ____ wheezing ____ frequent colds ____
BCG 10. Cardiovascular: Cyanosis ____ limitation of activity ____ dyspnea on exertion ____
OPV irritability _____
DPT 11. GIT: Abnormal appetite ____ diarrhea ____ abdominal pain ____ vomiting _____
Measles Constipation _____
Hep B 12. GUT: Enuresis _____ Painon urination ____ Hematuria ____ Polyuria ____ Nocturia
MMR ____ incontinence _____
Hib 13. Peripheral Vascular: murmurs ____ signs of CHF ____ bounding pulse ____
Others 14. Musculo-skeletal: Muscle pains how often) _________________________________
abnormal gait ______
2. If child is not immunized: note reasons_____________________________________ 15. Neurologic: fainting ____, seizure ____, tremors _____
3. Any screening tests related to immunization such as PPD______________________ 16. Hematologic: Anemia _____, easy bruising or bleeding ________
17. Endocrine: excessive sweating ____, excessive thirst or hunger ____
18. Psychiatric: Mood _________________________________________
Hints when performing Physical examination for children
1. It is best to perform assessment in areas that the child considers safe
2. Avoid the childs bed, bedroom and play area
3. Toys and other distractions should be with in easy reach to help facilitate assessment
4. Avoid nose
5. Make sure all equipments are in working order before starting the physical
6. Anything considered threatening or strange should be kept out of sight of the child
7. Warm your hands and the equipment before placing on to the child
8. Observe areas of distress that needs immediate assessment
9. Height , head circumference, weight, DTR and neurologic tests need not always be
10. Work quickly and calmly, talking both to the child and the parent
11. Perform the least distressing aspects of the examination first
12. Use firm but kind approach
13. What is distressing to one age group may not be distressing to the other age group
14. It is best to tell the child what you are about to do rather to ask his permission
15. Never leave an infant or child unattended on an examination table
16. Auscultate the lungs, heart and abdomen at the beginning of the examination or
when the infant is not crying or extremely active
17. Take rectal temperature and perform other painful or intrusive examinations near the
end or at the end of examination

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