VW 10514 - VWSS-30000010830 - En1 - Ag - 0001
VW 10514 - VWSS-30000010830 - En1 - Ag - 0001
VW 10514 - VWSS-30000010830 - En1 - Ag - 0001
Marking of Vehicle Parts
The logos of the Group brands Ducati and Scania are not yet included in this standard. As soon as
the adaptation process is concluded, these brands will be incorporated into the standard.
Previous issues
VW 10514: 1966-01, 1973-01, 1974-03, 1998-09, 2001-01, 2002-06, 2002-11, 2006-03, 2007-06,
2010-05, 2011-06, 2013-02
The following changes have been made to VW 10514: 2013-02:
Preface added
Section 2 "Requirements" added
Section 3 "Regulation", paragraphs 2 and 5 changed, Table 1 changed and expanded (engi
neering data management system (KVS) log files/numbers redefined)
Section 4.1 "Volkswagen", logo (type C; see Figure 1) stored as a data set in KVS, (type O)
removed, table for nominal dimensions deleted
Section 4.2 "Audi", Figure 2, legend added
Section 4.3 "SEAT", paragraph 1 added, Figure 3 and Figure 4, nominal dimension specifica
tions deleted from the legend
Section 4.4 "koda", paragraph 1 added, Figure 5, legend added
Section 4.5 "Lamborghini", paragraph 1 added, Figure 8, legend added, paragraph under
Figure 8 changed (font)
Section 4.6 "Bugatti", paragraph 1 added, logo (type W) deleted, logo (type N; see Figure 10)
added, Figure 9 and Figure 10, legend added
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent of one of the Volkswagen Groups Standards departments.
Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft VWNORM-2014-06a-patch5
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VW 10514: 2015-10
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 2
2 Requirements ............................................................................................................. 2
3 Regulation .................................................................................................................. 3
4 Logo ........................................................................................................................... 5
4.1 Volkswagen ................................................................................................................ 5
4.2 Audi ............................................................................................................................ 5
4.3 SEAT .......................................................................................................................... 6
4.4 koda ......................................................................................................................... 6
4.5 Lamborghini ............................................................................................................... 7
4.6 Bugatti ........................................................................................................................ 8
4.7 Bentley ....................................................................................................................... 8
4.8 Porsche ...................................................................................................................... 9
4.9 MAN ......................................................................................................................... 10
5 The wordmark (Group logo) ..................................................................................... 11
6 Applicable documents .............................................................................................. 12
1 Scope
Vehicle parts, purchase parts, and/or original parts of the Volkswagen Group must be marked with
the corresponding logos according to this standard, provided that this is technically feasible.
NOTE 1:The logos shown in this document are merely informative in nature. The size details in
the designations are examples. Dimensions and proportional data necessary for marking parts are
available as data sets in the KVS. The appropriate Design Engineering department will provide
these data to the manufacturers.
2 Requirements
The respective logos must be applied in the largest size allowed by the component in terms of their
font size/logo size. Where they are positioned is discretionary. For an exception to this rule, see
section 5.
During the design engineering phase/drawing creation, it is crucial to check in which Group brand
the vehicle part will be used, so that the appropriate logo can be chosen. If a final decision cannot
be made at that point in time, then the Group logos "Volkswagen AG" or "VW AG" must be given
priority. The use of Group logos is intended to prevent follow-up costs that would arise due to a
later change from an individual brand logo to a Group logo.
NOTE 2:This approach applies particularly to vehicle parts that are not directly in the customer's
field of view; see also section 5 for this.
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VW 10514: 2015-10
The marking must be designed to be durable and legible throughout the duration of the part's serv
ice life. It must be applied on the parts exclusively using suitable manufacturing methods such as
embossing, etching, electric discharge machining; see VW 10500.
Downstream processing steps must not adversely affect the legibility of the marking.
NOTE 3:Preferably, the marking will be applied by incorporating it into the manufacturing tool.
Stickers (labels), tags, and the like must not be used for part marking as per this standard.
3 Regulation
The appropriate Design Engineering department specifies in the drawing whether or not a part
must be marked by means of the standardized text macro (VW 01014, ID no. NO-E2).
The logo type must always be indicated in the drawing. If this specification is missing, type "Z"
must be used.
Deviations from the requirement to mark parts may be specified by the appropriate Design Engi
neering department, only in consultation with the Product Definition, Quality Assurance, and Stand
ards departments.
Parts that cannot be marked for design reasons such as notch sensitivity (high notch stresses) or
lack of space, are exempt from the marking requirement.
If there is a lack of space, the logo marking takes precedence over the country of origin
(VW 10550), the manufacturer's code (VW 10540-1), the part number (DIN 1451-4), the date mark
ing (VW 10560), and the material marking as per German Institute for Standardization standard
(VDA 260); see VW 10500.
Which logos are to be applied to vehicle parts of different brands must be determined as shown in
table 1 according to their use in vehicles of the different brands.
The application method cast, punched, etched, embossed, stamped, electric-discharge-ma
chined, raised, or recessed must be specified in the drawing. If this specification is missing, the
choice is left to the manufacturer.
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VW 10514: 2015-10
a) The KVS part numbers of the brand logos must be classified according to the respective part number range.
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VW 10514: 2015-10
4 Logo
4.1 Volkswagen
Vehicle parts that are used exclusively in vehicles of the Volkswagen brand must be marked with
the type-C logo (see figure 1).
d Nominal dimension (for type C)
Figure 1 Type C
4.2 Audi
Vehicle parts that are used exclusively in vehicles of the Audi brand must be marked with the type-
D logo (see figure 2).
L1 Nominal dimension (for type D)
Figure 2 Type D
4.3 SEAT
Vehicle parts that are used exclusively in vehicles of the SEAT brand must preferably be marked
with the type-F logo (see figure 3). If this is not possible due to manufacturing reasons or the like,
then type J (see figure 4) may be used in exceptional cases.
h Nominal dimension (for type D)
l Nominal dimension (for type J)
For the KVS label, see table 1.
Designation of a type-F logo with a nominal height of h = 10 mm:
Logo VW 10514 F 10
Designation of a type-J logo with a nominal length of l = 20 mm:
Logo VW 10514 J 20
4.4 koda
Vehicle parts that are used exclusively in vehicles of the koda brand must be marked with the
type-M logo (see figure 5).
d Nominal dimension (for type M)
Figure 5 Type M
4.5 Lamborghini
Vehicle parts that are used exclusively in vehicles of the Lamborghini brand must be marked with
the type-T (see figure 6), type-H (see figure 7), or type-Y (see figure 8) logo.
h Nominal dimension (for types T, H and Y)
Figure 8 Type Y
The lettering must be designed in Interstate light, regular, bold, or black font wherever techni
cally possible.
For the KVS label, see table 1.
Designation of a type-T logo with a nominal height of h = 20 mm:
Logo VW 10514 T 20
Designation of a type-H logo with a nominal height of h = 20 mm:
Logo VW 10514 H 20
Designation of a type-Y logo with a nominal height of h = 15 mm:
Logo VW 10514 Y 15
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4.6 Bugatti
Vehicle parts that are used exclusively in vehicles of the Bugatti brand must be marked with the
type-U (see figure 9) or type-N (see figure 10) logo.
l Nominal dimension (for types U and N)
For the KVS label, see table 1.
Designation of a type-U logo with a nominal length of l = 30 mm:
Logo VW 10514 U 30
Designation of a type-N logo with a nominal length of l = 30 mm:
Logo VW 10514 N 30
4.7 Bentley
Vehicle parts that are used exclusively in vehicles of the Bentley brand must be marked with the
type-V logo (see figure 11).
h Nominal dimension (for type V)
Figure 11 Type V
4.8 Porsche
Vehicle parts that are used exclusively in vehicles of the Porsche brand must be marked with the
type-P (see figure 12) or type-X (see figure 13) logo.
h Nominal dimension (for type P)
l Nominal dimension (for type X)
For the KVS label, see table 1.
Standard marking: Type P
Recommended size of the logo: Height = 12 mm
Other sizes are 3, 6, 16, and 20 mm. Justified oversizes are permissible.
Designation of a type-P logo with a nominal height of h = 12 mm:
Logo VW 10514 P 12
If Porsche lettering is applied on the component for styling reasons (e.g., on a brake caliper), then
this can replace the Porsche P logo. The Porsche Corporate Identity specifications must be ad
hered to in this case.
Designation of a type-X logo with a nominal length of l = 70 mm:
Logo VW 10514 X 70
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4.9 MAN
Vehicle parts that are used exclusively in vehicles of the MAN brand must be marked with the type-
K (see figure 14) or type-L (see figure 15) logo.
h Nominal dimension (for types K and L)
Standard marking: Type K in Helvetica font (E) as per DIN 1451-3
For the KVS label, see table 1.
Designation of a type-K logo with a nominal height of h = 12 mm:
Logo VW 10514 K 12
If the MAN product trademark is applied on the component for design reasons (e.g., on an oil filter),
then all other manufacturer logos are omitted. The preferred sizes as per table 2 must be adhered
Designation of a type-L logo with a nominal height of h = 12.5 mm:
Logo VW 10514 L 12.5
Figure 16 Type Z
h Nominal dimension (for types Z and S)
Figure 17 Type S
The lettering must be designed in Thesis The SansBold Plain font wherever technically possi
For the KVS label, see table 1.
Designation of a type-Z logo with a nominal height of h = 20 mm:
Logo VW 10514 Z 20
Designation of a type-S logo with a nominal height of h = 15 mm:
Logo VW 10514 S 15
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6 Applicable documents
The following documents cited in this standard are necessary to its application.
Some of the cited documents are translations from the German original. The translations of Ger
man terms in such documents may differ from those used in this standard, resulting in terminologi
cal inconsistency.
Standards whose titles are given in German may be available only in German. Editions in other
languages may be available from the institution issuing the standard.