Boiler Blowdown CV Wiratama Perkasa
Boiler Blowdown CV Wiratama Perkasa
Boiler Blowdown CV Wiratama Perkasa
b hea
, ter
ter before it is
Mnchener Strasse 77, D-28215 Bremen
P.O.Box 10 54 60, D-28054 Bremen
Telephone +49 (0) 421-35 03-0
Telefax +49 (0) 421-35 03-393
818748-00/407 EMA 2007 GESTRA AG Bremen Printed in Germany With Energy into the Future
Conductivity measurement equipment for steam boilers and condensate systems
One System for All approx. 2-5 %/K, depending on the medium)
completely clouded the measurement results. If,
Requirements! for instance, the technical codes stipulated con
ductivity values of 10,000 S/cm, the devices
On the basis of the experience gained in practical
operation and with the aim of being able to offer
improved measurement systems, the next step
had to be set to 50,000 S/cm or more, to
With the bus-capable four-electrode conductivity was taken equipment with manual tempe-
account for the influence of temperature.
system of the SPECTOR family, GESTRA AG rature compensation. Here too, the familiar
This situation repeatedly led to errors in inter-
is already offering the fourth generation of two-electrode measurement procedure was
components for safety equipment. used. With the introduction of manual tempe-
With the increasing modernization and auto rature compensation, there was now the added
History of the development: advantage that the conductivity was referred to
mation of boiler systems as well as the develop-
With the introduction of automatic continuous ment of new boiler plants, there were increased the working point of the boiler plant at 25 C.
blowdown control at boiler plants and the demands on the precision of the monitoring This was a basis for the demands expressed in
conductivity monitoring in pressurized hot- equipment. In following the progress in boiler the codes. Now the boiler attendant was in a
water and condensate systems, the equipment construction, the codes demanded ever lower position to set the desired conductivity, referred
initially used was of a type that evaluated the conductivities in the boiler water together with to 25 C. A prerequisite for this is, however,
absolute conductivity. A particular drawback improved quality in the measurement systems. proper calibration for the influence of tempe
for the operators of the plants lay in the quality rature on the measurement result, by means of a
comparison measurement using a sample cooler
What developmental steps were taken? (e. g. PK 45).
This advance was rapidly accepted by the
market and implemented in numerous boiler
1 Conductivity measurements without plants. It is still widely in use today. The devices
temperature compensation were extended with a 4-20 mA current output,
which was used for a remote indicator or for
In the early days of conductivity measurements the additional connection of limit detectors
for steam and condensate systems, the con (min./max.) in monitoring the entire control
ductive measurement approach was applied, circuit for continuous blowdown and conductivity
as had already become common for level measurement (electrode, cable and valve).
With the advancement of boiler house automa-
The basis for this approach was provided by tion, the more stringent demands on the boiler
Ohms Law (R = U/I). water quality (with the limit of 6,000 S/cm as
In conductive measurement, the resistance is per EN standard) and the need for optimized
a function of the particular liquid to be moni measurement systems, the limits of this tech
tored, the distance between the measurement nology were reached. The question that had
surfaces, and the measurement area. been posed more and more frequently was:
Continuous blowdown controller LRR 11 of the first what happens in the case of
In contrast to level measurement, the influence
generation without temperature compensation w pressure fluctuations and the associated
of surface area is entirely unwelcome, i. e. the
With this unit, only a very coarse setting was electrode must be designed so that only a clearly temperature variations
possible, i.e. the selector switch was varied from defined sensing area is used for the measure- w temperature variations in condensate lines
right to left until the indicator light went dark, then ment result. Solution: the electrode rods are
adjusted 2 steps higher to give some leeway for the insulated, except for the desired measurement w plants in which the service pressure is
concentration of the boiler water. area (cell constant). reduced temporarily, and so on.
Such questions always addressed the influence
of the temperature on the conductivity measure-
U voltage s conductivity
U I I current a temperature factor
R resistance C salt concentration
S area T temperature
D distance Tx temperature at
working point
s S
U = R x I
R = D : (S x s)
s = f (C, T) S / cm
s = s 25 (1+ a / 100 (Tx 25 C))
a = 2 3 % / K
Continuous blowdown controller LRR 1-5 of the
D a = 1 / R [S / D = 1]
second generation with manual temperature
Conductivity measurement equipment for steam boilers and condensate systems
In pursuing the objective of always offering the With the latest product of the SPECTOR family,
GESTRA AG again blazed a new trail in boiler 1
right measurement system to suit both the needs s=
of our customers and the advanced require- equipment, strengthening its position as a R + coating
ments of the technical codes, we considered, market and technology leader.
during the development of the SPECTOR family, Through the continuous surveillance of our prod
the simultaneous advances in the VdTV bulletin ucts by the quality assurance section and our
Water Monitoring (W 100) and incorporated laboratory, it was found that there were repeated
them into the products. This resulted in systems complaints about the quality of the measurement
which have a Pt1000 temperature sensor results yielded by the systems described above.
integrated into the electrodes and hence con- Investigations showed that, as had already been
tinuously sense the temperature to integrate it the case in the past, the quality of the water
into the result of the conductivity measurement. treatment or the handling of the plant and the
In this way, it became possible to ensure that the resulting water quality are the decisive factors
affecting the quality of measurement. Electrodes
displayed and the evaluated conductivity values
exhibiting various kinds of damage and impair-
were always referred to 25 C independently of ment were submitted as part of the complaints.
any temperature fluctuations. In the previous
electrode configurations, the wall of the boiler, If the diagram shown alongside is considered in
vessel or pipe served as the reference electrode. view of the principle of conductive measurement, Coating
Because of the integrated protection tube, it rapidly becomes clear that the deposits will
the new electrodes had a defined reference increase the resistance, i. e. the conductivity will
appear to decrease.
electrode, which led to a further improvement in
the measurement accuracy. This enhancement These results and our desire to achieve reliable
prompted an application for a type examination and accurate measurement convinced us that
of the conductivity measurement systems of the we had to optimize the measurement system for
SPECTOR family. The basis of the examination the conductivity range from 500 S/cm, as is
was provided by the draft of the now-published required in industrial steam boilers, for example.
VdTV bulletin W 100 *), issue date 07/2006.
The approval number was already granted in
2001. From the viewpoint of many external
experts, this was one of the foundations for 72h
operation according to TRD 604.
Conductivity controller
Conductivity electrode KS 90
LRGT 16-1
Automatic continuous blowdown control with signalling of max. limit value Magnetite deposits
The result provided by our Design and
Development Department is the new
four-electrode measurement method.
For this system, the conductivity sensing
electrode consists of two current and two
~ I
voltage electrodes. The current electrodes
are used to apply a measurement current U
ucts b (UI ) with a fixed frequency to the medium;
4-20 mA module Control terminal and display
(actual value) 230 V,
unit with remote level indicator
50 Hz
Intermittent Continuous
blowdown blowdown
valve MPA 46 valve BAE 46-40
Automatic monitoring of the boiler water quality with automatic temperature compensation,
signalling of max. limit level, continuous blowdown and integrated intermittent blowdown
Conductivity measurement equipment for steam boilers and condensate systems
b hea
, ter
ter before it is
Mnchener Strasse 77, D-28215 Bremen
P.O.Box 10 54 60, D-28054 Bremen
Telephone +49 (0) 421-35 03-0
Telefax +49 (0) 421-35 03-393
818748-00/407 EMA 2007 GESTRA AG Bremen Printed in Germany With Energy into the Future