Stroke (Brain Attack) : Frontal Lobe (Blue)
Stroke (Brain Attack) : Frontal Lobe (Blue)
Stroke (Brain Attack) : Frontal Lobe (Blue)
Think of a stroke as a "brain attack" it is an
emergency! When symptoms appear, call 911
immediately; every minute counts. A stroke occurs
when the brain is deprived of blood supply. Without
oxygen, brain cells die. Depending on the area
affected, a person may have problems speaking,
walking, seeing, or thinking. A stroke may result in
permanent brain damage or death. If the stroke is
caused by a blood clot, a clot-busting drug or
retrieval device may be used to restore blood flow.
D. Intracerebral
causes tiny
arteries within
the brain tissue
to rupture.
C. Subarachnoid
hemorrhage: A
ruptured aneurysm
releases blood into
the spaces around
the brain.
Ischemic stroke: (most common - 87% of cases) brain. This is called a subarachnoid hemorrhage
is caused by a blockage of an artery from a blood (SAH). It can be caused by a ruptured aneurysm
clot (thrombus) or from clogged blood vessels due (Fig. 2C), arteriovenous malformation (AVM), or
to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). In head trauma. Bleeding within the brain tissue itself
atherosclerosis, cholesterol plaques are deposited is called an intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and is
within the walls of the arteries, narrowing the inside primarily caused by hypertension (Fig. 2D).
diameter of the artery (Fig. 2A). As the artery Hypertension is an elevation of blood pressure that
narrows, less blood is able to pass to the brain, and may cause tiny arteries to burst inside the brain.
blood pressure increases to meet the demands of
the body. The normally smooth inner wall of the What are the symptoms?
artery is now roughed with plaque deposits, causing Stroke symptoms may occur alone or in
blood cells to build up and form clots (Fig. 2B). Clot combination and may last a few minutes or several
build-up usually occurs in large blood vessels of the hours. If you or someone around you notices one or
neck and base of the brain. more of these warning signs, seek immediate
medical attention. Poor public knowledge of stroke
Embolic stroke: is caused when a clot breaks off warning signs and risk factors limits effective stroke
from the artery wall and becomes an embolus, intervention and prevention. Even if stroke
which can travel farther down the bloodstream to symptoms disappear, they are a clear warning that
block a smaller artery. Emboli usually come from a larger stroke may follow.
the heart, where different diseases cause clot
formation. Sudden weakness or numbness of the face, arm
or leg, usually on one side
Hemorrhagic stroke: (less common - 13% of Difficulty speaking or understanding language
cases) is caused by the rupture or leaking of an Decreased or blurred vision in one or both eyes
artery either within or around the brain. It can Sudden, severe headache
occur when a weakened blood vessel ruptures, Unexplained loss of balance or dizziness
releasing blood into the space surrounding the
If you notice signs of a stroke, think "FAST" and do How is a diagnosis made?
the following: When an individual is brought to the emergency
room with an apparent stroke, the doctor will learn
Face. Ask the person to smile. Does one side of as much about the patients symptoms, current and
the face droop? previous medical problems, current medications,
Arms. Ask the person to raise both arms. Does and family history. The doctor also will perform a
one arm drift downward? Or is one arm unable physical exam. If the patient can't communicate, a
to raise up? family member or friend will be asked to provide
Speech. Ask the person to repeat a simple this information. Diagnostic tests are used to help
phrase. Is his or her speech slurred or strange? doctors determine what is the cause and how to
Time. If you observe any of these signs, call treat the stroke.
911 immediately. Note the time when
symptoms first started. Lumbar puncture is an invasive procedure in
which a hollow needle is inserted into the
Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs) subarachnoid space of the spinal canal to detect
Sometimes strokes are preceded by mini-strokes, blood in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). If a
called transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), which last hemorrhagic stroke is suspected, the doctor may
anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. perform a lumbar puncture.
TIAs occur when blood flow to the brain is Computed Tomography (CT) is a scan performed
temporarily interrupted and then restored. The for both ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. CT is a
symptoms resolve completely and the person safe, noninvasive X-ray that shows anatomical
returns to normal. TIAs are an important warning structures within the brain and whether there is any
sign. It is possible to have several TIAs before a bleeding in or around the brain. CT angiography
larger stroke occurs. involves the injection of a contrast agent into
the bloodstream, enabling doctors to view the
What are the causes? arteries of the brain and find blockages.
Risk factors you can't modify Angiogram is an invasive procedure in which a
Age - as a person ages, the chance of stroke catheter is inserted into an artery and passed
increases. through the blood vessels to the brain. Once the
Gender - men are more likely than women to catheter is in place, contrast dye is injected into the
experience a stroke. bloodstream and X-ray images are taken. This test
Race - African Americans face twice the risk of is used to diagnose and determine the location of
stroke as Caucasians, while Hispanics are more aneurysms and AVMs.
likely to suffer a stroke at a younger age than Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a scan
non-Hispanic Caucasians. and noninvasive test that uses a magnetic field and
radiofrequency waves to give a detailed view of the
Risk factors you can modify soft tissues of the brain. An MRA (Magnetic
High blood pressure (hypertension) this is the Resonance Angiogram) is a similar test that allows
most dominant risk factor and the easiest to doctors to not only view soft tissues but also to
modify. Check your blood pressure regularly examine blood vessels in the brain.
and keep it under control.
Smoking tobacco use doubles your stroke What treatments are available?
risk. If you smoke, stop. Treatment for stroke depends on whether the
Weight - being overweight predisposes you to patient is diagnosed with an ischemic or
high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and hemorrhagic stroke. In either case the person must
diabetes, all of which increase stroke risk. If get to a hospital immediately for the treatments to
you are overweight, modify your diet and limit work.
your intake of fatty foods.
Diabetes - makes people susceptible to Ischemic stroke treatments can be divided into
cardiovascular diseases, which can result in emergency treatments to reverse a blockage and
stroke. If you have diabetes, keep it well preventive treatments to prevent stroke.
Prior stroke or TIA - increases your risk of Emergency procedures:
having another stroke. Medications may Clot buster drugs (tPA)
decrease stroke risk if taken regularly. Clot retrieval devices
Heart disease - heart conditions, especially
atrial fibrillation (an irregular heart beat), Preventive treatments:
increase stroke risk. Certain medications may Blood thinners
decrease the risk if taken regularly. Angioplasty/stents
Carotid endarterectomy
A stent retriever (or stentriever) is a wire artery strokes are more likely to improve with this
mesh tube, like a stent, that is attached to a treatment. Some studies have even suggested that
long wire. When the tube is opened in the this treatment may be effective up to 6 or 7 hours
blocked artery, the clot gets stuck in the mesh. after the onset of the stroke [3]. Still, the earlier
The doctor then pulls out the mesh using the treatment begins the better.
long wire, pulling out the clot with it.
An aspiration catheter is like a vacuum cleaner Blood thinners
that is attached to a special suction unit and Anticoagulants (blood thinners) such as warfarin,
used to suck out the clot. and antiplatelet agents such as aspirin, ticlopidine,
dipyridamole, or clopidogrel interfere with the
Studies have shown that each of these devices is blood's ability to clot and can play an important role
more likely to open a blocked artery than the clot in preventing stroke.
buster drug alone and that patients with large-
Angioplasty is used to open blood vessels narrowed
or blocked by plaque build-up in atherosclerosis. A
neuro-interventionalist performs it during an
angiogram. A catheter is inserted into an artery in
the groin and then passed through the blood
vessels to the plaque build-up. The doctor guides
the catheter through the bloodstream while
watching a fluoroscopy (a type of X-ray) monitor.
Once the catheter is positioned correctly, a balloon
is inflated to flatten the plaques against the wall
and open the artery to restore blood flow (Fig. 6).
Carotid endarterectomy
Sometimes plaque build-up is too great to treat
with angioplasty, and the plaque must be surgically
removed. A common area for build-up of plaques is
at the common carotid arteries in the neck where
the internal and external carotid arteries branch. If
the carotid artery is more than 70% blocked, a
surgical procedure called an endarterectomy may
reduce the risk of stroke by 65% [4]. Through an
incision in the neck, the carotid artery is opened
and the plaque removed to restore blood flow.
Each person's mental and physical deficits are
unique. Someone who has a small stroke may
experience only minor deficits, such as weakness of
an arm or leg, while someone who has a larger
stroke may be left paralyzed on one side or lose his
or her ability to speak. Some deficits may disappear
over time with healing and therapy. The recovery
process is long, and regaining function may take
months or years. Rehabilitation professionals can
help set up a treatment plan and help loved ones Figure 6. During angioplasty, a balloon-tipped catheter is
understand the patients needs for assistance with placed within the narrowed vessel. The balloon is inflated
compressing the plaque and opening the artery. After the
daily living activities.
balloon is removed, a self-expanding mesh-like tube,
called a stent, is placed over the plaque to hold open the
Aphasia, caused by damage to the brain's artery. The stent remains in the artery permanently.
language center, is a total or partial loss of the
ability to understand or use words. Some
people quickly and completely recover from
aphasia after a stroke. Others may have Dysphagia is difficulty swallowing, making
permanent speech and language problems, eating and drinking a challenge and choking a
which can range from trouble finding words to danger. Tongue and lip exercises can help
being unable to speak. Some people have individuals regain control.
problems understanding what others are saying Paralysis is a loss of muscle function and
or have trouble with reading, writing, or math. sensation in an area of the body.
In other cases, someone may have trouble Hemiparesis is a weakness of muscles on one
talking but can understand what others say. side of the body. Improving posture, range of
Apraxia is the inability to control muscles, motion, and strength can help individuals regain
making movements uncoordinated and jerky. control.
Dysarthria is a loss of control over muscles in Hemianopia is the loss of sight in half of the
the face and mouth. A persons voice may visual field.
sound slurred, muffled, or hoarse. The mouth
may droop on one side of the face because of Preventing another stroke
muscle weakness. Exercises can strengthen The link between cardiovascular health and stroke
these muscles. is inseparable. Of the 700,000 strokes suffered in
the United States each year, about 200,000 are
recurrent attacks. If you are at risk: