Strategic Management Processes in Healthcare Organizations: Abdulaziz Saddique Pharm.D., CPHQ, CSSMBB
Strategic Management Processes in Healthcare Organizations: Abdulaziz Saddique Pharm.D., CPHQ, CSSMBB
Strategic Management Processes in Healthcare Organizations: Abdulaziz Saddique Pharm.D., CPHQ, CSSMBB
Healthcare is an ever-progressing system, the development in healthcare is quite rapid
and new techniques are developed practically around the clock. To keep pace with this
growing system is practically impossible, yet we have to accept and adapt to these changes
while it is bringing the best for the human race.
Our commitment to develop our services and to meet the challenges of the new
diseases that emerge is part of our keen effort to service the needs of our patients.
Meanwhile, healthcare is business and to manage the business side of healthcare we have to
have full understanding of its development, growth, resources, applications and its financial
impact. Healthcare cost is increasing every day it consumes 15% of the Gross National
Product (GNP) in the United States, and it is estimated to reach 17% of the GNP by the year
2002. The concern over the cost of healthcare was the main issue that brought about
healthcare to the forefront of government and providers concern. Efforts to decrease the cost
of healthcare lead to the implementation of new management strategies e.g. Downsizing, fee-
for service, managed cares capitation system etc.
Over the past two decades, the demographics of illness, types of diseases treated,
costs of care, public awareness and participation in treatment and regulatory agency
involvement in healthcare have all received increased public attention. Less attention has
been given to how such changes have affected the definition, analysis, and improvement of
the healthcare quality. As the healthcare system is challenged to meet ever-higher standards
of care in an increasingly demanding environment with diminishing resources, the need for
interorganizational collaboration becomes more apparent and essential.
This article describes an approach toward establishing a strategic plan for healthcare
organizations; it will outline the business side of healthcare and its impact on service
delivery. Also it shed some light on the potential areas of consideration in devising a strategic
management plan for healthcare organizations.
Key words: Strategic Planning, ROI, TQM, Quality Improvement, CQI, and PDCA
Healthcare development.
Provision of healthcare is the responsibility of every government to assure the health
of its most valuable asset, people. Advancement in healthcare includes the development of
new diagnostic procedures, new techniques, new equipments, and new drugs. These
techniques are developed to diagnose diseases faster at an early stage before the disease is
fully developed, shorten lengthy procedures allowing shorter hospital stays and create new
drugs that combat illness in more efficient way with fewer side effects. The practice of
medicine is being revolutionalized by these techniques, however, these techniques are a result
of serious research i.e. they cost money to develop and therefore, the saving achieved by
these techniques is eaten by the cost of the high technology.
The great development in healthcare is also matched by the development of new
standards of care, which is updated annually to match the changes in the healthcare system.
The Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) is
updating its standards of healthcare provision almost annually. To comply with these
standards hospitals have to carry on mass changes that cost a lot of money, another cost
factor that is not accounted for while planning the budget for a healthcare organization.
Healthcare is a continuously developing system; it is a dynamic system that requires a
dynamic system for its management. The old management by objectives system is of no
value in the management of the new era of healthcare. There is a need for a dynamic
management system, clear vision, and a strategic management plan to decrease cost and
ensure quality of services for our patients.
Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management system developed in Japan and
use for over 30 years before it became know world wide it proved to be an excellent system
for provision of quality services, decreasing cost, concentrating on customers needs and
achieves full staff involvement and support as well as their satisfaction. The system is
dynamic that is suitable for continuously changing and developing organizations and
services. Through its Continuous Quality Improvement model it can solve problems, improve
processes and decrease cost. It is an ideal system for healthcare where it allows coping with
the rapid change and manages the whole organization simultaneously. JCAHO approved and
requires the application of this system in all healthcare facilities that seeks JCAHO
Understanding Healthcare.
Before we go into the details of managing healthcare we have to understand all its
aspects and all factors affecting this growing system. These aspects are: standards of
healthcare and how they affect healthcare delivery, the business side of health, and the
quality and its impact on healthcare delivery and promotion,
Standards: the standards of healthcare are believed to be set to assure the quality of
the services we provide to our patients, yet it is just the starting point in quality. Quality of
services can be improved continuously to achieve customers satisfaction beyond JCAHO
standards. The JCAHO sets the standards of practice however; it basically categorizes
services as functions and sets the requirements for documentations of the services. Therefore,
to provide quality services we have to start with the standards and build on to create the level
of services desired by our customers. Our customers are the one who determine the quality of
our services since they are at the receiving end and they are the ones whom we have
obligation to satisfy, after all they are the ones who pay for our services.
Business side of healthcare: healthcare recently underwent serious transformation, i.e.
the same forces that transformed and reshaped much of the worlds economy also affected
our healthcare system. Healthcare became a huge business driven by market demand. Our
customers became more informed, more assertive, and more demanding. Their busy daily
schedules dont allow for long waiting hours for the doctors, nor for the acceptance of one
physicians opinion doctors know best it looks like that the same demythfication process of
pharmacy profession, that took place following the launch of Pharmaceutical industry is
reshaping the public belief in the medical profession. Customers seek quality, and go into
extensive evaluation and reviews for the best doctor in the field. Also customers are not only
looking for quality services but they demand convenience for the services they receive.
Healthcare providers are faced with number of issues to consider while planning for
their organizations, one of the main issues is the Return On Investment (ROI); ROI has come
to the forefront with the advent of the Balanced Budget Act and other financial pressures.
ROI is defined as a financial measurement that looks at the percentage return on the use of
specific assets (usually money, but not always) the normal formula to calculate ROI is:
ROI= Net income divided by the owners equity or
ROI= Revenue traceable to the efforts divided by the investment made
Generally in industry it is easy to understand and calculate the ROI yet in healthcare we are
faced with number of issues that are unique to healthcare both on the impact and limit our
ability to measure ROI for marketing these include:
There is often a significant time delay between marketing efforts and when a
service is actually used. How many people come in for open-heart surgery
during or right after a three-month cardiac services ad campaign.
Most healthcare usage is not planned or spontaneous. In fact usage is
frequently avoided until the need becomes acute. People dont wake up and
decide that today would be a good day for bypass surgery!.
Many of the financial accounting systems used by providers are not geared to
easily provide accurate pricing, cost, and margin information. One major
problem in our industry is how we allocate overhead and the resulting margin.
Our financial systems force every unit of measure (admission, visits etc.) to
take a pied of the entitys overhead. While this is reasonable for annual
auditing purposes, it does not make sense in measuring the ROI of a specific
marketing effort. In most cases, new volume is incremental and does not result
in any new overhead or fixed costs (unless significant levels of new volume
are gained and maintained).
Many of the information systems used by providers are not geared to easily
and quickly measure volume changes or specific usage tied to specific
marketing efforts.
The bottom line is that we need to remember that marketing in healthcare is more
than tactical public relations and advertising. Marketing involves efforts that range from sales
calls and physician relation to 24-hour phone access, system ease of use, facility quality
and pricing for elective or non-insured services. Some marketing efforts do have near-term
tangible returns. Other efforts, however, involve the long-term building and maintenance of
the Brand. It is hard to attach an ROI to this brand building; through it can be measure
quantitatively using broader objectives. However, ROI should be included during setting any
marketing plan or strategy however, we have to keep these points in mind and not to expect
the ROI will be easily assessed. It could be a long-term result.
Quality of Services: the Institute Of Medicine (IOM) defined quality of care as the
degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of
desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge. It has also
been demonstrated that delivery of high-quality care, as defined by the IOM, is a
collaborative endeavor and not the exclusive domain of any one discipline, department, or
organization. Unfortunately, in the quest to operationalize this definition, the core healthcare
principle-first, do no harm-seems to have been forgotten.
While fee-for-service are perceived by some to encourage overuse of care and
managed cares capitation system is thought to encourage underuse, clearly neither system
exists to encourage misuse of medical services. Yet, according to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (1999), deaths due to preventable adverse events exceeded deaths
attributable to AIDS, breast cancer and even motor vehicle accidents in 1998.
Using information to identify and effectively address opportunities for improvement
and documenting and demonstrating the results of such efforts are critical for survival in
todays healthcare environment. Both hospitals and managed Care Organizations (MCOs) are
challenged to meet these demands in environments in which healthcare resources are
diminishing, yet the requirements to demonstrate, improve, and sustain quality of care are
In early hospital Quality Improvement (QI) attempts, members of each respective
discipline were charged with designing and coordinating their own projects; thus they never
gained an appreciation for working collaboratively with one another. Although the 1990s
rectified that situation as organizations experienced the power of interdisciplinary
collaboration in their QI efforts, the next logical outgrowth, that of interorganizational
collaboration, has yet to occur consistently. Establishing an interorganizational approach to
quality as a core operational process within MCOs and their network hospitals will cultivate
refinement of care that stems not from fiscal implications but rather from making the "right
thing to do, the easiest thing to do whether it is in the doctors office, the hospital, or the
managed care organization".
The role of quality management is to assure the provision of high quality services,
minimize or eliminate preventable adverse effects, maximize the utilization of resources,
improving processes with collaboration of all concerned parties and minimizing the waste
attributed to misuse of services. Quality is achieved by implementing a management system
that oversees all aspects of care as complementing each other and work through processes
improvement to achieve their goals. The efforts of Quality management will be reflected
positively on the business side of healthcare and will eventually reduce the cost of healthcare.
Planning Strategy.
Developing a strategy for healthcare organizations is not a simple task, it requires full
understanding of the current market challenges, evaluation of our customer satisfaction,
evaluation of our current operations, assessment of the quality of our services. The strategy
starts with the organizational leadership vision, and values statement, followed by
development of objectives and devising a plan to the implementation of the means to achieve
these objectives.
The first step as we stated earlier is the vision of the leadership, vision states the
future where the organization wants to be at the said time driven by values which covers the
accountability, continuous improvement, customer driven services, and the quality of the
services provided.
Development of a management process for our organization is practically a Plan Doc
Check Act (PDCA) cycle and it goes through five Phases:
Phase I: Gather, analyze and review the key business data.
Phase II: Policy Deployment.
Phase III: Use the Policy deployment results to select and implement
appropriate projects and other improvement activities.
Phase IV: Monitor progress through inquiry and review.
Phase V: Gather and analyze feedback, integrate the lesson learned.
Phase I: this phase include the feed back to the organization from different resources,
e.g. Customers complaints, processes failure, stakeholders remarks, employees feed back,
and the market place surveys. This data will identify the key business-related aspects of
healthcare and provide clear picture on how the organization is performing, also it will
highlight areas of strength and weaknesses in the organization.
Phase II: Objectives of the organization will be driven from the work atmosphere
and the feed back of the working staff discussing their problems and proposing solutions for
these problems. To obtain these objectives the leadership has to go through the process of
Policy Deployment (PD).
Policy Deployment (PD) was borrowed from the Japanese, and the name itself isnt
likely to till a great deal about it. PD is a simple straightforward process, which provides a
powerful structure to communicate to your organization through the use of facts and data, the
direction you want to move your organization.
PD creates the structure to set strategic objectives, both short-term (one to two years)
and longer term (five to seven years), however, in healthcare we cant go that far with our
strategic planning, where the changes in healthcare is quite drastic and maximum 5 years
plan will be more than we can go for. PD compels your organization through the use of facts
and data to develop very specific plans and projects to meet those objectives.
Phase III: The results of PD will be reflected not only in setting the organizational
objectives but it will be expressed in projects and other improvement activities. Therefore,
Phase III puts organization and infrastructure around the output of Phase II. It will describe
Who, Will do what, by when, and for What purpose, with What linkage to the system etc.
Phase IV: Management efforts are now aimed at the following:
Keep activities focused on the selected themes.
Discourage dissipating energies with other legitimate but unsolicited goals and
Encourage persistence; continue to demonstrate management interest and
Support the use of data and logic. Discourage careless short cuts and reliance
on opinion data.
Extract and organize the learning, which continuously occurs in each effort.
Redirect these learning back into the system.
Phase V: The management reviews Feedback on the results of the different projects
and process improvement efforts. This will allow the management to assess the progress
made, and accept or reject the recommended changes based on the results. Data collected will
give the organization the strength to make changes and modification of its operational system
based on facts and data.
Planning the strategy for your organization starts by Vision, however, assessment of
your current operational functions and evaluating your organization performance is the key to
establishing efficient objectives. It will point out your points of strength and weaknesses that
will be an asset in devising you objectives. Data gathered through the process of PD will be
of great value in shaping your future look.
It is quite clear that to have effective management of your organization, it is necessary
to establish a quality management department. Quality Improvement (QI) efforts will be the
major force in improving the performance of your organization and increase your efficiency.
Quality has been viewed by some organizations as an accessory that they can do without,
however, it was proven beyond any doubt that it could be the most important function that
guides you strategic planning of your organization, improve services, gain customers
satisfaction and decrease cost.
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