C3 - Conducted and Wireless Media - Question
C3 - Conducted and Wireless Media - Question
C3 - Conducted and Wireless Media - Question
Chapter 3
Learning Objectives
After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
Outline the characteristics of twisted pair wire, including the advantages and disadvantages,
and the differences between Category 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5e, 6, and 7 twisted pair wire
Describe when shielded twisted pair wire works better than unshielded twisted pair wire
Outline the characteristics of coaxial cable, including the advantages and disadvantages
Outline the characteristics of fiber-optic cable, including the advantages and disadvantages.
Outline the characteristics of terrestrial microwave systems, including the advantages and
Outline the characteristics of satellite microwave systems, including the advantages and
disadvantages and the differences between low-Earth orbit, middle-Earth orbit, and
geosynchronous Earth orbit satellites
Describe the basics of cellular telephones, including all the current generations of cellular
Outline the characteristics of short-range transmissions, including Bluetooth
Outline the characteristics of broadband wireless systems, including the advantages and
Apply the media selection criteria of cost, speed, distance and expandability, environment,
and security to various media in a particular application
Chapter Outline
1. Introduction
2. Conducted Media
a. Twisted Pair Wire
b. Coaxial Cable
c. Fiber-Optic Cable
3. Wireless Media
a. Terrestrial microwave transmission
b. Satellite microwave transmission
c. Cellular telephones
d. Infrared transmissions
e. Broadband wireless systems
f. Bluetooth
g. Wireless local area networks
h. Free space optics and ultra-wideband
i. ZigBee
7. Summary
Lecture Notes
All communications media can be divided into two categories: physical or conducted media,
such as wires, and radiated or wireless media, which use radio waves. Conducted media include
twisted pair wire, coaxial cable, and fiber-optic cable. In wireless transmission, various types of
electromagnetic waves, such as radio waves, are used to transmit signals. This chapter examines
seven basic groups of wireless media used for the transfer of data: terrestrial microwave
transmissions, satellite transmissions, cellular radio systems, personal communication systems,
pagers, infrared transmissions, and multichannel multipoint distribution service.
Fiber-Optic Cable
Fiber-optic cable (or optical fiber) is a thin glass cable approximately a little thicker than a
human hair surrounded by a plastic coating. A light source, called a photo diode, is placed at the
transmitting end and quickly switched on and off. The light pulses travel down the glass cable
and are detected by an optic sensor called a photo receptor on the receiving end. Fiber-optic
cable is capable of transmitting data at over 100 Gbps (thats 100 billion bits per second!) over
several kilometers. In addition to having almost error-free high data transmission rates, fiber-
optic cable has a number of other advantages over twisted pair and coaxial cable. Since fiber-
optic cable passes electrically nonconducting photons through a glass medium, it is immune to
electromagnetic interference and extremely difficult to wiretap.
Quick Quiz
1. What is the advantage of using twisted pair wiring? Coaxial cable? Fiber optic?
Twisted pair is inexpensive and easy to work with. Coaxial cable is good for wide bandwidth
signals such as video applications. Fiber optic carries high amounts of traffic and has much lower
error rates.
Terrestrial microwave, satellite microwave, infrared, cellular, PCS, pager systems, Bluetooth,
wireless LANs, ZigBee, and broadband wireless
Discussion Topics
1. Why did the Iridium mobile telephone system fail?
2. While most of Europe and Asia use one form of cellular telephone technology, why cant the
U.S. decide on a single cellular protocol?
Teaching Tips
1. Bring some wire samples to class when discussing conducted media.
2. Have students visit the Web site Decide.com (or similar sites) and examine what wireless
calling plans are available in their area.
3. Use as a wiring example a portion of a lab or building on campus. Maybe you can locate
actual wiring schematics.
It very often contains one or more pairs of wires, and they are twisted around each other.
Electromagnetic radiation is emitted from one wire, which is picked up by a second wire.
3. What are Categories 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5e, 6, and 7 twisted pair wire used for?
It can carry a signal or signals with a wide range of frequencies; less noise.
6. What is the difference between baseband coaxial and broadband coaxial cable?
11. What kind of objects can interfere with terrestrial microwave transmissions?
13. What are the four orbit levels for satellite systems?
14. List a few common application areas for each orbit level satellite system.
LEO: mobile phones, pagers; MEO: GPS systems; GEO: cable and direct television; HEO for
military and science
15. What is the sequence of events when placing a call from a cellular telephone?
Phone turned on, phone locates nearest tower, phone number dialed, tower passes phone number
to CTSO, CTSO checks account, phone number passed to central office (if necessary),
connection established
Handles all cellular telephone calls, assigns channels, makes connections, performs billing
17. What is the primary difference between AMPS and D-AMPS cellular systems?
AMPS: older analog system; D-AMPS: newer digital features added onto AMPS
18. What is the primary difference between AMPS (or D-AMPS) cellular systems and the
newer PCS mobile telephones?
19. What are the differences between the 2.5 generation cell phone services such as GPRS
and 1xRTT and the newer UMTS, 1xEV, and EV-DO?
The most noticeable difference is that data transfer rates are higher in the newer technologies.
20. What is a hybrid mobile telephone?
802.20 is designed for moving vehicles; 802.16e is used for stationary transmitters.
Advantage: low power, mesh design; Disadvantage: short distance, low speeds
Advantage: wireless, reasonable data transfer speed, many possible applications; Disadvantage:
short distance
28. What are the different wireless local area network protocols?
Data transmission speed is the time between successive bits; propagation speed is the time for
one bit to traverse from one end of the medium to the other end.
The ability to install your own cables or wires over yours or someone elses property
No. Cat 1 can go 2 to 3 miles, but only at very low data transfer rates.
2. List three different examples of crosstalk that dont involve wires and electric signals.
(Hint: Look around you.)
Hearing the students or instructor in the next classroom; hearing traffic on the road outside;
many separate conversations in the same room
3. What characteristics of Category 5/5e unshielded twisted pair make it the most
commonly used conducted wire?
Data transfer rates of 100-125 Mbps per wire; reasonably low noise; inexpensive cost per foot
4. Can you transmit a video signal over twisted pair wire? Explain. Be sure to consider
multiple scenarios.
More than likely you can, but noise is going to be a serious factor. The signal may be very fuzzy
or distorted, making it impractical.
5. The local cable TV company is considering removing all the coaxial cable and replacing
it with fiber-optic cable. List the advantages and disadvantages of this plan.
6. The local cable TV company has changed its mind. It is now going to replace all the
existing coaxial cable with unshielded twisted pair. List the advantages and disadvantages
of this plan.
Fiber, satellite, microwave, coaxial cable, twisted pair (satellite might be first under some
8. Using the same five media examples from the previous exercise, rank them in order from
least noisy transmission to most noisy transmission.
9. Using the same five media examples from the previous exercise, rank them in order from
most secure transmission to least secure transmission.
Fiber, satellite, microwave, coaxial, twisted pair; or satellite, microwave, fiber, coaxial, twisted
10. Terrestrial microwave is a line-of-sight transmission. What sort of objects are tall
enough to interfere with terrestrial microwave?
11. Your company has two offices located approximately one mile apart. There is a need to
transfer data between the two offices at speeds up to 100 Mbps. List as many solutions as
possible for interconnecting the two buildings. Is each solution technically feasible?
Financially feasible? Politically feasible? Defend your position.
Twisted pair and coax: too great a distance for 100 Mbps
Fiber optic: might work; expensive; do you have right-of-way?
Microwave: might work; expensive; do you have a clear line of sight?
Satellite: might work, but really expensive
Bluetooth or infrared: too great a distance
12. Given that a satellite signal travels at the speed of light, exactly how long does it take for
a signal to go from the Earth to a satellite in geosynchronous orbit, and back to Earth?
Show your calculations.
22,300 miles / 186,428 miles per second = 0.12 seconds, times two
13. How long does it take a signal to reach a satellite in low-Earth orbit?
Your cell phone must be turned on, which means the system recognizes what cell you are
currently in. Someone places a call, it goes to the cellular switching office, the call goes to the
cell you are in, and your cell phone rings.
15. Which of the wireless technologies can transmit through solid objects. Which wireless
technologies cannot?
16. You are talking on your cellular telephone as you pass from one cell to another. Will
your cellular telephone use the same set of frequencies in the new cell as it was using in the
previous cell? Explain.
17. Why do cellular telephone systems only need seven sets of frequencies in a metropolitan
If you draw a set of cells like a honeycomb pattern, you will only need seven sets of frequencies
before you can start to reuse them.
18. What is one potentially serious problem with using your personal digital assistant and
Bluetooth to unlock doors wirelessly? Explain.
What if someone steals your Bluetooth-enabled device? Will he or she be able to access your
locked devices? Or did you use some form of security code?
19. There is a company in your community that is starting to offer a WiMAX service for
Internet access. The company promises 2-Mbps downloads. If the company predicts that
this new service will attract 2000 customers, what is the bandwidth necessary to support
this service?
A big part of the answer depends on what type of signal encoding they are using. For example, to
transmit 2 Mbps, what is the baud rate of the signal? As a simple example, lets assume the baud
rate is one-hundredth the data rate. That would require a baud rate of 20,000 Hz. To support
2000 customers, you will need to support 2000 times 20,000 baud.
20. A T-1 service offered by voice and data communications companies is capable of
supporting 1.5 Mbps of continuous data transfer over a high-quality telephone wire. What
are the advantages and disadvantages of such a service when compared to services such as
WAP, Bluetooth, and terrestrial microwave?
T-1 is installed by the phone company, so they worry about right-of-way. You dont have to
worry about obstructions of signal.
Disadvantages of T-1 are its relatively low speed and recurring monthly cost.
21. You are considering replacing your terrestrial microwave transmission system with a
free space optics system. What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing this?
Free space optics can have very high data transfer rates and may be a simpler system to maintain.
But free space optics, like microwave, are line of sight. Neither are cheap.
2. First solution might be a small twisted pair small office/home office LAN; secondly, you
might want to consider wireless.
5. Wireless LAN would be the first choice; could also consider running twisted pair (might be
hard to do physically); also consider data transmission systems that send signals over electrical
outlets in the walls.