GSR541 Indian Regulation
GSR541 Indian Regulation
GSR541 Indian Regulation
G.S.R.541 (E).-In exercise of the powers conferred by section 61 of the Petroleum and Natural
Gas Regulatory Act, 2006 (19 of 2006), the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board hereby
makes the following regulations, namely:-
(1) These regulations may be called the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board
(Access Code for Common Carrier or Contract Carrier Natural Gas Pipelines)
Regulations, 2008.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Definitions.
(b) "Act" means the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Act, 2006";
(c) "a homogeneous area" (AHA) means a part of the pipeline within which the
gas of similar specifications including calorific value is received or delivered
over a specified time period;
(d) "allocated capacity" means the scheduled maximum daily quantity agreed
between the shipper and the transporter;
(e) "appointed day" means the date of October 1, 2007 when the Central
Government notified the establishment of the Petroleum and Natural Gas
Regulatory Board;
(f) "Board" means the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB)
established under the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Act 2006;
(g) "booked capacity" means maximum daily quantity (MDQ) of gas on any day
to be delivered at an entry point or off taken at an exit point as per the contract
between the shipper and the transporter;
(h) "contracted capacity" means the natural gas volume contracted for
transportation through a pipeline system on daily, monthly or yearly basis;
(i) "custody transfer meter" means a device or a set of devices which measures
the quantity of natural gas (in terms of volume and energy) for transfer of
custody from one entity to another;
(j) "dispute" means any dispute or difference arising between the entities under
or in connection with these regulations or the access arrangement;
(k) "entry point" means the point at which the gas delivered by shipper is injected
into the natural gas pipeline;
(l) "exit point" means the point at which the gas is withdrawn from the natural
gas pipeline for delivery to the shipper or end consumer as agreed between
transporter and shipper;
(la) Imbalance Management Services" means such services that enable customers s
to manage their imbalances in an orderly fashion under the relevant regulations of
the Board;
Inserted vide PNGRB (Access Code for Common Carrier or Contract Carrier Natural Gas Pipelines)
Amendment Regulations, 2014.
Effective From 17/02/14
(m) "maximum daily quantity" means the maximum volume of natural gas
contracted, booked or scheduled for delivery in a particular day within twenty
four hours of the day;
(n) "natural gas pipeline" means any pipeline including spur lines for transport of
natural gas and includes all connected equipments and facilities, such as,
compressors, storage facilities, metering units, etc. but excludes-
(o) "natural gas pipeline section" means a part of natural gas pipeline between an
entry point and an exit point or between two exit points;
(p) "marketeer" means an entity dealing with the marketing or trading of natural
(q) "off-spec natural gas" means the natural gas which does not conform to the
parameters specified at sub- regulations (1), (4), (5) and (6) of regulations 5;
(s) "shipper" means an entity and also includes a consumer who intends to utilize
the capacity in the pipeline for transmission of gas;
(t) "system use gas" (SUG) means the quantity of gas used by the transporter for
the operation and maintenance of the pipeline system, including but not limited to,
compressors, gas heaters, close cycle vapour or thermo electric gas turbines for
cathodic protection and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
(u) "transmission loss" (TL) means the quantity of gas which is unaccounted for
whatsoever reason including blow downs, venting or releases during regular
operation and maintenance of the pipeline system or due to inaccuracy of custody
(w) "transmission service" means the service consisting of taking delivery of the gas
made available by a shipper at one or more entry points along the pipeline system
and delivering an equivalent quantity of gas in terms of energy at one or more exit
points in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down in the access
arrangement and contract signed between the shipper and the transporter and
complying with the provisions of these regulations;
(x) "unit of measurement" means unit for measurement of quantity of gas and shall
be in million British thermal units (MMBTU) or Kilo calories.
(2) All other words and expressions used herein but not defined shall have the same meanings
respectively assigned to them in the Act.
3. Application.
(1) These regulations shall apply to an entity operating or proposing to operate natural
gas pipeline.
(2) Any entity authorized by the Board to lay, build, operate or expand a natural gas
pipeline under the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory
Board (Authorizing Entities to Lay, Build, Operate or Expand Natural Gas
Pipeline)Regulations, 2008 or authorized to do so by the Central Government before
the appointed day, can add new or abandon any existing entry and exit point on the
pipeline on techno-economic considerations provided that the existing customers on
the pipeline are not adversely affected by the decision of the entity.
4. Declaration of capacity.
(1) The capacity of a natural gas pipeline shall be as authorized by the Board for new
pipelines under The Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (Authorizing
Entities to Lay, Build, Operate or Expand Natural Gas Pipelines) Regulations,
2008 or as determined by the Board under relevant regulations for declaring
natural gas pipelines as common carrier or contract carrier or under the Petroleum
and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (Determination of Natural Gas Pipeline
Tariff)Regulations, 2008 or as determined by the Board under the relevant
(2) The transporter shall declare for each natural gas pipeline section, entry and exit
point-wise design and available capacity of the pipeline and host the same on its
web site on the 1st of every month in the prescribed manner and format specified at
Schedule I and shall send this information to the Board and the same shall also be
hosted by the Board on its website.
(3) The available capacity declared for the transporter under sub-regulation (2) shall
be available for use on common carrier or contract carrier basis or both and shall be
allocated in line with the provisions under regulation 12.
5. Gas parameters.
(e) CV band of the inter-state pipelines either supplying natural gas into the
pipeline system or receiving natural gas from this pipeline system.
(2) The transporter shall publish CV band referred to in sub-regulation (1) on its website
within a period of one month of authorization by the Board, as referred to in sub-
regulation (2) of regulation 3, under intimation to the Board.
Provided that the entities authorized before the publication of these regulations shall
publish the CV band within a period of one month of the date of publication of these
(3) CV band referred to in sub-regulation (1) shall be applicable to all shippers on non-
discriminatory basis.
(4) The transporter may review the CV band for natural gas from time to time taking
into account new major source of gas supplies or new consumers: Provided that CV
band so updated shall not adversely affect any of the existing shippers:
Provided further that transporter shall immediately inform the Board as and when
such up-dation is carried out by the transporter besides putting the same on its web
(5) The threshold limits for other elements in natural gas like CO2, CO, H2S, N2, O2,
water dew point, hydrocarbon dew point, etc. shall be as given in Schedule II.
(6) The transporter shall define the gas parameters at entry points in terms of gas
hydraulics specifying the acceptable range of pressure and temperature and the same
shall be hosted on the website of the transporter.
(7) Shipper shall supply gas conforming to all parameters specified in sub-regulations
(1), (4) to (6) and the transporter shall deliver gas at exit point conforming to
parameters of gas as specified in sub-regulations (1),(4) and (5):
Provided that the pressure and temperature shall be as per the contract between
shipper and the transporter.
6. System Use Gas (SUG), Line Pack (LP) and Transmission Losses (TL).
A shipper shall sell or provide the gas, if required by the transporter, for SUG, LP and
TL at the prevailing market price in proportion to its capacity booking in the
Provided that, the transporter shall be free to arrange this gas from any other source.
7. Measurement of gas.
(1) The transporter shall ensure the provision of the entry and exit point equipments to
measure gas composition, calorific value, pressure and temperature on continuous
basis as specified in regulation 9.
(2) The transporter shall divide the natural gas pipeline into a number of "a
homogenous area" (AHA) and shall continuously measure the quality parameters
by Gas Chromatograph (GC) in each AHA.
(3) Measurement of CV and gas quality as provided in sub-regulations (1) and sub-
regulation (2) shall be sufficient for billing and other contractual purposes for all
exit points served by the AHA.
(4) Total error limit and accuracy of the measuring equipment shall be as agreed to
between the entities subject to any mandatory specifications, if any, laid down by
the Board through regulations.
(5) The transporter shall carry out verification, calibration or proving of measuring
equipment as per the relevant codes and standards.
(6) Either shipper or transporter may instal check meters at requisite points with a
pre-condition so as not to interfere with the measurement equipment installed by
the entity for custody transfer purpose.
(7) Gas accounting shall be done on daily basis and the gas reconciliation, billing &
other terms shall be as decided between the entities.
(1) At the entry point when the shipper delivers natural gas that does not meet the
quality requirements as specified in sub-regulation (1), (4) to (6) of regulation 5, in
respect of CV band and threshold level of other elements of gas, the transporter
(b) accept any gas that does not meet the requirements of gas in terms of gas
Provided further that such off-spec natural gas does not adversely
affect the existing customers' quality specifications committed by
the transporter at the exit points;
(ii) as specified in sub regulations (1) and (4) of regulation 5:
Provided that the transporter may charge the reasonable cost of service for
the capacity adjustment from the shipper for transportation of such gas and
for capacity constraints in the system:
Provided further that such off-spec natural gas does not adversely affect
the existing customers' quality specifications committed by the transporter
at the exit points.
(2) At the exit point when the transporter delivers gas that does not meet the quality
requirements as specified in sub regulation (7) of regulation 5, the shipper may -
(a) refuse to accept delivery and in such a case the transporter shall be liable to
pay liquidated damages to the shipper as per their terms of contract; or
(b) accept the gas and in such case no charges shall be payable by transporter.
(1) Shipper shall arrange to deliver gas at entry point on the pipeline system and
shall provide all facilities, including measuring equipments, required for transfer of
custody and delivery of gas to the transporter unless otherwise agreed to between
shipper and transporter.
(2) Transporter shall execute hooking up facility of shipper to the entry point at the
cost of shipper.
(3) Shipper or his authorized nominee shall own, operate and maintain
facilities upstream of entry points at his own cost and risk unless the facilities are
provided by the transporter under a separate contract.
(4) The transporter shall own and operate facilities including measuring equipments
at exit point for transfer of custody and delivery of gas to the shipper unless
otherwise agreed to between shipper and transporter and the exit point gas
parameters shall be mutually agreed to between shipper and transporter.
(5) The transporter shall execute, at the cost of shipper, the facility of hooking up of
shipper facility with that of transporter at exit point.
(6) The shipper shall provide space and cooperate with the transporter in installing,
operating, maintaining and modifying any specific exit point facilities when such
exit point facilities are provided in the premises of the shipper.
(7) The shipper may provide check meter, conforming to the applicable standard and
specifications, at the delivery point in natural gas pipeline:
Provided that in case of any variation in the readings in the meter of transporter and
shipper, the reading of the transporter meter shall be taken as final.
(8) In case of any dispute in metering, the meter proving or certification shall
be carried out by an accredited third party as approved by the Board.
(9) In case of any fault in the meter of transporter, the expenses on this account shall
be borne by the transporter and in case no fault is found in the meter, the expenses
shall be borne by the shipper.
(1) More than one shipper can hold capacity at any entry or exit point.
(2) The booked capacity shall be through a contract between shipper and transporter
under "Access Arrangements" in the form of MDQ.
(3) When a transporter receives a request for access from a shipper it shall respond
within three days after receiving the request from the shipper-
(a) confirming that spare capacity exists to satisfy the request and specifying the
charges and terms and conditions upon which it will make the service
(b) advising that spare capacity does not exist to satisfy the request;
(c) advising that the data provided by the shipper require technical study to
accommodate his request and such study shall be completed within seven days
from the date of receipt of request; or
(4) shipper may release the capacity in favour of other shippers to the extent of the
capacity booked.
(5) The shipper may assign in part or full the capacity booked by him or trade in open
market and the transporter shall deliver the capacity in physical terms to any person
or entity which wishes to take physical delivery on the basis of a valid contract.
(6) The nomination of natural gas for transportation shall contain the expected gas
flow details of one or more days daily-nominated quantities as per the agreed
schedule between the shipper and the transporter.
(7) The accounting of the gas shall be in energy terms and shall be based on Gross
calorific value as defined in ISO 6976-1:1983(E).
11. Interconnection of two common carrier or contract carrier natural gas pipeline.
(1) The interconnection of two common carrier or contract carrier pipeline systems may
be necessitated by either a transporter or a shipper and such interconnection shall be
allowed subject to capacity available in the receiving common carrier pipeline and
when it is operationally and technically feasible.
(2) The gas quality specifications for interconnecting pipelines should be compatible.
(3) The cost of such interconnection point shall be borne by the entity that has triggered
such requirement for interconnection and the cost of interconnection may include the
cost of compression equipments for meeting the operational requirements for
receiving natural gas in the common carrier system.
(4) The execution of the interconnection facilities shall be carried out by the transporter
who owns the system which receives the gas.
(5) The interconnection point shall be mutually agreed between transporter and the
(6) Interconnection of pipeline network is like adding an exit point to the existing
pipeline and all such provisions shall be applicable for such interconnection.
(7) The authorized entity for receiving common carrier pipeline shall inform the Board
in case any interconnection request is denied.
Substituted vide PNGRB (Access Code for Common Carrier or Contract Carrier Natural Gas
Pipelines) Amendment Regulations, 2009.
[REGULATION PRIOR TO AMENDMENT] Effective From 17/07/08 TO 20/04/09
12. Provided that in case any capacity out of the 33% excess capacity under sub-regulation (2) is available
at any time due to non-existence of demand from any shipper, then, the same may be utilized either by the
authorized entity itself or could be contracted for a period of more than a year subject to the stipulation
that in the event of any requirement by another shipper for transportation of gas on a common carrier
basis, the entity shall make available the required capacity to the shipper within a period of thirty days of
such requirement.
Provided further that pro-rating the common carrier capacity shall not exceed ten
per cent of the total common carrier capacity.
(1) If the pipeline capacity has been utilized by the shipper without permission of the
transporter over 110% of the capacity allocated, then, the shipper shall be charged
for such unauthorized overrun by the transporter in a transparent manner on non-
discriminatory basis.
(2) If the shipper off-takes less quantity of gas from the pipeline system than injected
into it, then, the shipper is creating positive imbalance and it shall be allowed a
cumulative positive imbalance of ten per cent of allocated capacity as tolerance
(3) Positive imbalance up to ten per cent of the booked capacity shall not attract any
positive imbalance charges and the shipper shall be charged by the transporter for
positive imbalance charges in a transparent manner on non discriminatory basis if it
exceeds ten per cent.
(4) If shipper off-takes more quantity of gas from the pipeline system than injected
into it, then, the shipper is creating negative imbalance and the shipper shall be
allowed a cumulative negative imbalance of five per cent of allocated capacity as a
tolerance limit.
(5) Negative imbalance of five per cent of the allocated capacity shall not attract any
negative imbalance charges and the shipper shall be charged by the transporter for
negative imbalance charges in a transparent manner on non discriminatory basis if it
exceeds five percent.
(6) Charges for the system indiscipline, that is, for unauthorized overrun positive
imbalance and negative imbalance shall be on daily basis in terms of maximum
daily quantity.
(7) Subject to sub-regulation (8), the transporter shall maintain the pipeline system in
such a way that the allowed positive imbalance of 10% or negative imbalance of
5% does not interfere with the operations of the pipeline and shall ensure that the
shippers get their allocated quantities within acceptable contractual variations, at
specified gas parameters at exit points.
(8) It shall be the responsibility of the defaulting shipper to cure imbalances beyond the
permissible limit caused by it in transporter's pipeline and in case, the defaulting
shipper is unable to cure such imbalances within a period of fifteen days, then, the
transporter shall have the right to adjust daily-nominated quantity of such shipper to
mitigate such imbalances to ensure safety and integrity of pipeline system.
(9) In case the transporter and the shipper have entered into an agreement which
recognizes an aggregated volume of natural gas on periodic basis and the shipper
makes commitment to avail the capacity intermittently within a period less than one
year, the imbalances and overrun charges shall be calculated on maximum daily
quantity basis as scheduled by the shipper and the transporter.
(11) The transporter shall submit audited statement of the escrow account referred to in
sub-regulation (10) on an annual basis to the Board.
(12) The balance amount available in the escrow account, after the eligible withdrawal
by the transporter, under sub clause (10) may be utilized in such a manner and for
such purposes as may be specified by the Board.
(13) A transporter shall provide, under the relevant regulations of the Board,
Imbalance Management Services to the extent it is technically and operationally
(1) The transporter is required to draw up and publish a maintenance plan well ahead
of time for a defined period identifying those entry and exit points where gas flows
may be restricted by maintenance works, the extent of the restrictions and the time
of occurrence and the transporter shall plan such maintenance so as to minimize
disruption to affected parties and can request information from shippers on their
survival flows at entry and exit points to assist the transporter for such maintenance
(2) Dates for scheduled maintenance shall be informed well in advance which can be
adjusted on thirty days advance notice to and from affected shippers.
(3) The planned maintenance period shall not exceed ten days in a year.
(a) as soon as reasonably practicable notify each of the other parties of the
occurrence and nature of the force majeure, the expected duration
thereof insofar as the same can reasonably be assessed and the obligations
of the affected party performance of which is affected thereby; and
(b) from time to time thereafter provide to each other party reasonable details
of the following, namely-
Inserted vide PNGRB (Access Code for Common Carrier or Contract Carrier Natural Gas Pipelines)
Amendment Regulations, 2014.
Effective From 17/02/14
(i) developments in the matters notified under clause (a);
(ii) the steps being taken by the affected party to overcome the force
majeure occurrence or its effects and to resume performance of its
relevant obligations.
(2) The entities shall be relieved of their respective obligations in the event of force
majeure except for the obligation to pay when due.
(1) Shipper shall make daily, weekly or monthly nominations to the transporter for the
quantities that it wishes to deliver to at a particular entry point and off-take at a
particular exit point from the pipeline system on a daily basis in line with the
provisions under these regulations.
(2) (a) Transporter shall schedule the quantities of gas for transportation based on the
nominations received and capacity available in the pipeline system.
(b)Transporter may schedule the nomination for quantities over and above the
booked capacity subject to a maximum of ten per cent of the declared pipeline
(3) (a) Transporter shall allocate quantity of gas to various shippers as determined
under clause (b) of sub-regulation (2) and as per the scheduling exercise.
17. Emergencies.
19. Miscellaneous.
If any question arises as to the interpretation of these regulations, the same shall
be decided by the Board.
Substituted vide (Access Code for Common Carrier or Contract Carrier Natural Gas Pipelines)
Amendment Regulations, 2014.
[REGULATION PRIOR TO AMENDMENT] Effective From 17/07/08 TO 31/12/14
19 If any dispute arises with regards to the interpretation of any of the provisions of these regulations, the
decision of the Board shall be final.
Schedule - I
1. Name of entity:
2. Name of pipeline:
3. Section wise capacity on the pipeline(to be furnished for each section separately) :
4. Number of AHAs:
5. Number of entry points on the pipeline route:
6. Location of entry points:
7. Number of exit points:
8. Location of exit points:
9. Entry point wise capacity(to be furnished separately for each entry point):
10. Exit pointwise capacity(to be furnished separately for each exit point):
11. Technical parameters:
(c) Temperature:
12. Status of extra capacity available in the pipeline system on common carrier basis:
13. Details of common carrier capacity being used by transporter itself or on contract carrier
14. Any demand pending with the transporter for common carrier usage of the pipeline
alongwith duration of such pendency:
15. Preference on entry and exit points:
Schedule - II
Parameters Limit
Hydrocarbons dew pt (Degree Celsius, max.)* 0
Water dew pt(Degree Celsius, max )* 0
Hydrogen Sulphide (ppm by wt. max.) 5
Total Sulphur (ppm by wt. max.) 10
Carbon dioxide (mole % max.) 6
Total inerts (mole % ) 8
Temperature ( Degree Celsius, max.) 55
Oxygen( % mole vol. max.) 0.2