System Practices
System Practices
System Practices
Fig. 4 Arrangement for Compound System with Vertical Intercooler and Suction Trap
valves may cause premature failure due to the wire drawing effect of
the liquid/vapor mixture.
Figure 4 shows a vertical shell-and-coil intercooler as piped into
the system. The liquid level is maintained in the intercooler by a
float that controls the solenoid valve feeding liquid into the shell
side of the intercooler. Gas from the first-stage compressor enters
the lower section of the intercooler, is distributed by a perforated
plate, and is then cooled to the saturation temperature correspond-
ing to intermediate pressure.
When sizing any intercooler, the designer must consider (1) the
low-stage compressor capacity; (2) the vapor desuperheating, liquid
makeup requirements for the subcooling coil load, or vapor cooling
load associated with the flash-type intercooler; and (3) any high-
stage side loading. The volume required for normal liquid levels,
liquid surging from high-stage evaporators, feed valve malfunc-
tions, and liquid/vapor must also be analyzed.
Accessories necessary are the liquid level control device and the
high-level float switch. While not absolutely necessary, an auxiliary
oil pot should also be considered.
Suction Accumulator. A suction accumulator (also known as a
knockout drum, suction trap, pump receiver, recirculator, etc.) pre-
vents liquid from entering the suction of the compressor, whether on
the high stage or low stage of the system. Both vertical and horizon- Fig. 5 Suction Accumulator with Warm Liquid Coil
tal vessels can be incorporated. Baffling and mist eliminator pads
can enhance liquid separation.
Vertical Suction Trap and Pump. Figure 8 shows the piping of
Suction accumulators, especially those not intentionally main- a vertical suction trap that uses a high-pressure ammonia pump to
taining a level of liquid, should have a means of removing any transfer liquid from the systems low-pressure side to the high-pres-
buildup of ammonia liquid. Gas boil-out coils or electric heating sure receiver. Float switches piped on a float column on the side of
elements are costly and inefficient. the trap can start and stop the liquid ammonia pump, sound an alarm
Although it is one of the more common and simplest means of in case of excess liquid, and sometimes stop the compressors.
liquid removal, a liquid boil-out coil (Figure 5) has some draw- When the liquid level in the suction trap reaches the setting of the
backs. Generally, the warm liquid flowing through the coil is the middle float switch, the liquid ammonia pump starts and reduces the
source of liquid being boiled off. Liquid transfer pumps, gas-pow- liquid level to the setting of the lower float switch, which stops the
ered transfer systems, or basic pressure differentials are a more pos- liquid ammonia pump. A check valve in the discharge line of the
itive means of removing the liquid (Figures 6 and 7). ammonia pump prevents gas and liquid from flowing backward
Accessories should include a high-level float switch for com- through the pump when it is not in operation. Depending on the type
pressor protection along with additional pump or transfer system of check valve used, some installations have two valves in a series
controls. as an extra precaution against pump backspin.
System Practices for Ammonia Refrigerant 3.5
the float chamber, and gas resulting from any evaporation may be
returned to the vessel without appreciable pressure loss.
The superheat-controlled (thermostatic) expansion valve is gen-
erally used in direct-expansion evaporators. This valve operates on
the difference between the bulb pressure, which is responsive to the
suction temperature, and the pressure below the diaphragm, which
is the actual suction pressure.
The thermostatic expansion valve is designed to maintain a pre-
set superheat in the suction gas. Although the pressure-sensing part
of the system responds almost immediately to a change in condi-
tions, the temperature-sensing bulb must overcome thermal inertia
before its effect is felt on the power element of the valve. Thus when
compressor capacity decreases suddenly, the expansion valve may
overfeed before the bulb senses the presence of liquid in the suction
line and reduces the feed. Therefore, a suction accumulator should Fig. 12 Hot-Gas Injection Evaporator for Operations
be installed on direct-expansion low-temperature systems with mul- at Low Load
tiple expansion valves.
microprocessor control systems to monitor all safety functions and
Controlling Load During Pulldown operating conditions. These machines are frequently linked together
System transients during pulldown can be managed by control- with a programmable controller or computer for sequencing multi-
ling compressor capacity. Proper load control reduces the compres- ple compressors so that they load and unload in response to system
sor capacity so that the energy requirements stay within the fluctuations in the most economical manner. Programmable con-
capacities of the motor and the condenser. On larger systems using trollers are also used to replace multiple defrost time clocks on
screw compressors, a current-sensing device reads motor amperage larger systems for more accurate and economical defrosting. Com-
and adjusts the capacity control device appropriately. Cylinders on munications and data logging permit systems to operate at optimum
reciprocating compressors can be unloaded for similar control. conditions under transient load conditions even when operators are
Alternatively, a downstream, outlet, or crankcase pressure regu- not in attendance.
lator can be installed in the suction line to throttle the suction flow
should the pressure exceed a preset limit. This regulator limits the PIPING
compressors suction pressure during pulldown. The disadvantage The following recommendations are given for ammonia piping.
of this device is the extra pressure drop it causes when the system is Local codes or ordinances governing ammonia mains should also be
at the desired operating conditions. To overcome some of this pres- complied with.
sure drop, the designer can use external forces to drive the valve,
causing it to be held fully open when the pressure is below the max- Recommended Material
imum allowable. Systems incorporating downstream pressure reg-
ulators and compressor unloading must be carefully designed so Because copper and copper-bearing materials are attacked by
that the two controls complement each other. ammonia, they are not used in ammonia piping systems. Steel pip-
ing, fittings, and valves of the proper pressure rating are suitable for
Operation at Varying Loads and Temperatures ammonia gas and liquid.
Compressor and evaporator capacity controls are similar for Ammonia piping should conform to ASME Standard B31.5,
multi- and single-stage systems. Control methods include compres- Refrigeration Piping, and IIAR Standard 2, which states the follow-
sor capacity control, hot-gas bypass, or evaporator pressure regula- ing:
tors. Low pressure can affect control systems by significantly 1. Liquid lines 40 mm and smaller shall be not less than Schedule
increasing the specific volume of the refrigerant gas and the pres- 80 carbon steel pipe.
sure drop. A small pressure reduction can cause a large percentage 2. Liquid lines 50 through 150 mm shall be not less than Schedule
capacity reduction. 40 carbon steel pipe.
System load usually cannot be reduced to near zero, since this 3. Liquid lines 200 through 300 mm shall be not less than Schedule
would result in little or no flow of gas through the compressor and 20 carbon steel pipe.
consequent overheating. Additionally, high pressure ratios would
4. Vapor lines 150 mm and smaller shall be not less than Schedule
be detrimental to the compressor if it were required to run at very
40 carbon steel pipe.
low loads. If the compressor cannot be allowed to cycle off during
low load, an acceptable alternative is a hot-gas bypass. The high- 5. Vapor lines 200 through 300 mm shall be not less than Schedule
pressure gas is fed into the low-pressure side of the system through 20 carbon steel pipe.
a downstream pressure regulator. The gas should be desuperheated 6. Vapor lines 350 mm and larger shall be not less than Schedule 10
by injecting it at a point in the system where it will be in contact with carbon steel pipe.
expanding liquid, such as immediately downstream of the liquid 7. All threaded pipe shall be Schedule 80.
feed to the evaporator. Otherwise, extremely high compressor dis- 8. Carbon steel pipe shall be ASTM Standard A 53 Grade A or B,
charge temperatures can result. The artificial load supplied by the Type E (electric resistance welded) or Type S (seamless); or
high-pressure gas can fill the gap between the actual load and the ASTM Standard A 106 (seamless), except where temperature-
lowest stable compressor operating capacity. Figure 12 shows such pressure criteria mandate a higher specification material. Stan-
an arrangement. dard A 53 Type F is not permitted for ammonia piping.
Table 1 Suction Line Capacities in Kilowatts for Ammonia with Pressure Drops of 0.005 and 0.01 K/m Equivalent
Saturated Suction Temperature, C
50 40 30
Steel Nominal Line Dt = 0.005 K/m Dt = 0.01 K/m Dt = 0.005 K/m Dt = 0.01 K/m Dt = 0.005 K/m Dt = 0.01 K/m
Size, mm Dp = 12.1 Pa/m Dp = 24.2 Pa/m Dp = 19.2 Pa/m Dp = 38.4 Pa/m Dp = 29.1 Pa/m Dp = 58.2 Pa/m
10 0.19 0.29 0.35 0.51 0.58 0.85
15 0.37 0.55 0.65 0.97 1.09 1.60
20 0.80 1.18 1.41 2.08 2.34 3.41
25 1.55 2.28 2.72 3.97 4.48 6.51
32 3.27 4.80 5.71 8.32 9.36 13.58
40 4.97 7.27 8.64 12.57 14.15 20.49
50 9.74 14.22 16.89 24.50 27.57 39.82
65 15.67 22.83 27.13 39.27 44.17 63.77
80 28.08 40.81 48.36 69.99 78.68 113.30
100 57.95 84.10 99.50 143.84 161.77 232.26
125 105.71 153.05 181.16 261.22 293.12 420.83
150 172.28 248.91 294.74 424.51 476.47 683.18
200 356.67 514.55 609.20 874.62 981.85 1 402.03
250 649.99 937.58 1 107.64 1 589.51 1 782.31 2 545.46
300 1 045.27 1 504.96 1 777.96 2 550.49 2 859.98 4 081.54
Saturated Suction Temperature, C
-20 -5 +5
Steel Nominal Line Dt = 0.005 K/m Dt = 0.01 K/m Dt = 0.005 K/m Dt = 0.01 K/m Dt = 0.005 K/m Dt = 0.01 K/m
Size, mm Dp = 42.2 Pa/m Dp = 84.4 Pa/m Dp = 69.2 Pa/m Dp = 138.3 Pa/m Dp = 92.6 Pa/m Dp = 185.3 Pa/m
10 0.91 1.33 1.66 2.41 2.37 3.42
15 1.72 2.50 3.11 4.50 4.42 6.37
20 3.66 5.31 6.61 9.53 9.38 13.46
25 6.98 10.10 12.58 18.09 17.79 25.48
32 14.58 21.04 26.17 37.56 36.94 52.86
40 21.99 31.73 39.40 56.39 55.53 79.38
50 42.72 61.51 76.29 109.28 107.61 153.66
65 68.42 98.23 122.06 174.30 171.62 245.00
80 121.52 174.28 216.15 308.91 304.12 433.79
100 249.45 356.87 442.76 631.24 621.94 885.81
125 452.08 646.25 800.19 1 139.74 1 124.47 1 598.31
150 733.59 1 046.77 1 296.07 1 846.63 1 819.59 2 590.21
200 1 506.11 2 149.60 2 662.02 3 784.58 3 735.65 5 303.12
250 2 731.90 3 895.57 4 818.22 6 851.91 6 759.98 9 589.56
300 4 378.87 6 237.23 7 714.93 10 973.55 10 810.65 15 360.20
Note: Capacities are in kilowatts of refrigeration resulting in a line friction loss per unit equivalent pipe length ( p in Pa/m), with corresponding change in saturation temperature
per unit length ( t in K/m).
fittings for standard pipe and extra heavy fittings for extra heavy Gasketed Joints. A compatible fiber gasket should be used with
pipe). flanges. Before tightening flange bolts to valves, controls, or flange
Tongue and groove or ANSI flanges should be used in ammonia unions, properly align the pipe and bolt holes. When flanges are
piping. Welded flanges for low-side piping can have a minimum 1 used to straighten pipe, they put stress on adjacent valves, compres-
MPa design pressure rating. On systems located in high ambients, sors, and controls, causing the operating mechanism to bind. To pre-
low-side piping and vessels should be designed for 1.4 to 1.6 MPa. vent leaks, flange bolts are drawn up evenly when connecting the
The high side should be 1.7 MPa if the system uses water-cooled or flanges. Flanges at compressors and other system components must
evaporative cooled condensing. Use 2.1 MPa minimum for air- not move or indicate stress when all bolts are loosened.
cooled designs. Union Joints. Steel (21 MPa) ground joint unions are used for
gage and pressure control lines with screwed valves and for joints
Pipe Joints up to 20 mm. When tightening this type of joint, the two pipes
must be axially aligned. To be effective, the two parts of the union
Joints between lengths of pipe or between pipe and fittings can must match perfectly. Ground joint unions should be avoided if at
be threaded if the pipe size is 32 mm or smaller. Pipe 40 mm or all possible.
larger should be welded. An all-welded piping system is superior.
Threaded Joints. Many sealants and compounds are available Pipe Location
for sealing threaded joints. The manufacturers instructions cover Piping should be at least 2.3 m above the floor. Locate pipes care-
compatibility and application method. Do not use excessive fully in relation to other piping and structural members, especially
amounts or apply on female threads because any excess can contam- when the lines are to be insulated. The distance between insulated
inate the system. lines should be at least three times the thickness of the insulation for
Welded Joints. Pipe should be cut and beveled before welding. screwed fittings, and four times for flange fittings. The space
Use pipe alignment guides to align the pipe and provide a proper between the pipe and adjacent surfaces should be three-fourths of
gap between pipe ends so that a full penetration weld is obtained. these amounts.
The weld should be made by a qualified welder, using proper pro- Hangers located close to the vertical risers to and from compres-
cedures such as the Welding Procedure Specifications, prepared by sors keep the piping weight off the compressor. Pipe hangers should
the National Certified Pipe Welding Bureau (NCPWB). be placed no more than 2.5 to 3 m apart and within 0.6 m of a change
System Practices for Ammonia Refrigerant 3.9
Table 2 Suction, Discharge Line, and Liquid Capacities in Kilowatts for Ammonia (Single- or High-Stage Applications)
Discharge Lines
Suction Lines ( t = 0.02 K/m) D Dt = 0.02 K/m, Dp = 684.0 Pa/m Liquid Lines
Steel Steel
Saturated Suction Temperature, C Saturated Suction Temp., C
Nominal Nominal
Line Size, 40 30 20 5 +5 Line Size, Velocity =
mm D p = 76.9 D p = 116.3 D p = 168.8 D p = 276.6 D p = 370.5 40 20 +5 mm 0.5 m/s Dp = 450.0
10 0.8 1.2 1.9 3.5 4.9 8.0 8.3 8.5 10 3.9 63.8
15 1.4 2.3 3.6 6.5 9.1 14.9 15.3 15.7 15 63.2 118.4
20 3.0 4.9 7.7 13.7 19.3 31.4 32.3 33.2 20 110.9 250.2
25 5.8 9.4 14.6 25.9 36.4 59.4 61.0 62.6 25 179.4 473.4
32 12.1 19.6 30.2 53.7 75.4 122.7 126.0 129.4 32 311.0 978.0
40 18.2 29.5 45.5 80.6 113.3 184.4 189.4 194.5 40 423.4 1 469.4
50 35.4 57.2 88.1 155.7 218.6 355.2 364.9 374.7 50 697.8 2 840.5
65 56.7 91.6 140.6 248.6 348.9 565.9 581.4 597.0 65 994.8 4 524.8
80 101.0 162.4 249.0 439.8 616.9 1 001.9 1 029.3 1 056.9 80 1 536.3 8 008.8
100 206.9 332.6 509.2 897.8 1 258.6 2 042.2 2 098.2 2 154.3
125 375.2 601.8 902.6 1 622.0 2 271.4 3 682.1 3 783.0 3 884.2
150 608.7 975.6 1 491.4 2 625.4 3 672.5 5 954.2 6 117.4 6 281.0
200 1 252.3 2 003.3 3 056.0 5 382.5 7 530.4 12 195.3 12 529.7 12 864.8
250 2 271.0 3 625.9 5 539.9 9 733.7 13 619.6 22 028.2 22 632.2 23 237.5
300 3 640.5 5 813.5 8 873.4 15 568.9 21 787.1 35 239.7 36 206.0 37 174.3
Notes: 4. Values in the table are based on 30C condensing temperature. Multiply table capaci-
1. Table capacities are in kilowatts of refrigeration. ties by the following factors for other condensing temperatures:
Dp = pressure drop due to line friction, Pa/m
Dt = corresponding change in saturation temperature, K/m Condensing Suction Discharge
2. Line capacity for other saturation temperatures Dt and equivalent lengths Le Temperature, C Lines Lines
Table L e Actual t 0.55 20 1.04 0.86
Line capacity = Table capacity ----------------------- ----------------------- 30 1.00 1.00
Actual L e Table t
3. Saturation temperature t for other capacities and equivalent lengths Le
Dt = Table Dt ----------------------
Actual L e 1.8
Table L e
Table capacity 5. Liquid line capacities are based on -5C suction.
Table 3 Liquid Ammonia Line Capacities in Kilowatts
690 kPa (gage) discharge pressure and 3 times the evaporator refrigeration capacity.
in direction of the piping. Hangers should be designed to bear on the Pipe Sizing
outside of insulated lines. Sheet metal sleeves on the lower half of
the insulation are usually sufficient. Where piping penetrates a wall, Table 1 presents practical suction line sizing data based on
a sleeve should be installed; and where the pipe penetrating the wall 0.005 K and 0.01 K differential pressure drop equivalent per metre
is insulated, it must be adequately sealed. total equivalent length of pipe. For data on equivalent lengths of
Piping to and from compressors and to other components must valves and fittings, refer to Tables 10, 11, and 12 in Chapter 2. Table
provide for expansion and contraction. Sufficient flange or union 2 lists data for sizing suction and discharge lines at 0.02 K differen-
joints should be located in the piping that components can be tial pressure drop equivalent per metre equivalent length of pipe,
assembled easily during initial installation and also disassembled and for sizing liquid lines at 0.5 m/s. Charts prepared by Wile (1977)
for servicing. present pressure drops in saturation temperature equivalents. For a
3.10 1998 ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook (SI)
Stop Valves. These valves should be placed in the inlet and out-
let lines to all condensers, vessels, evaporators, and long lengths of
pipe so that they can be isolated in case of leaks and to facilitate
pumping out by evacuation. Sections of liquid piping that can be
valved off and isolated must be protected with a relief device.
Installing globe-type stop valves with the valve stems horizontal
lessens the chance (1) for dirt or scale to lodge on the valve seat or
disk and cause it to leak or (2) for liquid or lubricant to pocket in the
area below the seat. Wet suction return lines (recirculation system)
should employ angle valves to reduce the possibility of liquid pock-
ets and to reduce pressure drop.
Welded flanged or weld-in-line valves are desirable for all line
sizes; however, screwed valves may be used for 32 mm and smaller
lines. Ammonia globe and angle valves should have the following
Soft seating surfaces for positive shutoff (no copper or copper
Back seating to permit repacking the valve stem while in service
Arrangement that allows packing to be tightened easily
All-steel construction (preferable)
Fig. 13 Dual Relief Valve Fitting for Ammonia
Bolted bonnets above 25 mm, threaded bonnets for 25 mm and
Consider seal cap valves in refrigerated areas and for all ammo-
Insulation and Vapor Retarders
nia piping. To keep pressure drop to a minimum, consider angle Chapter 32 covers insulation and vapor retarders. Insulation and
valves (as opposed to globe valves). effective vapor retarders on low-temperature systems are very
Control Valves. Pressure regulators, solenoid valves, and ther- important. At low temperatures, the smallest leak in the vapor
mostatic expansion valves should be flanged for easy assembly and retarder can allow ice to form inside the insulation, which can
removal. Valves 40 mm and larger should have welded companion totally destroy the integrity of the entire insulation system. The
flanges. Smaller valves can have threaded companion flanges. result can cause a significant increase in load and power usage.
A strainer should be used in front of self-contained control
valves to protect them from pipe construction material and dirt. A RECIPROCATING COMPRESSORS
ceramic filter installed in the pilot line to the power piston protects
the close tolerances from foreign material when pilot-operated con- Piping
trol valves are used.
Solenoid Valves. Solenoid valve stems should be upright with Figure 14 shows a typical piping arrangement for two compres-
their coils protected from moisture. They should have flexible con- sors operating in parallel off the same suction main. Suction mains
duit connections, where allowed by codes, and an electric pilot light should be laid out with the objective of returning only clean, dry gas
wired in parallel to indicate when the coil is energized. A manual to the compressor. This usually requires a suction trap sized ade-
opening stem is useful for emergencies. quately for gravity gas and liquid separation based on permissible
Solenoid valves for high-pressure liquid feed to evaporators gas velocities for specific temperatures. A dead-end trap can usually
should have soft seats for positive shutoff. Solenoid valves for other trap only scale and lubricant. As an alternative to the dead-end trap,
applications, such as in suction lines, hot-gas lines, or gravity feed a shell-and-coil accumulator with a warm liquid coil may be con-
lines, should be selected for the pressure and temperature of the sidered. Suction mains running to and from the suction trap or accu-
fluid flowing and for the pressure drop available. mulator should be pitched toward the trap at 10 mm per metre for
Relief Valves. Safety valves must be provided in conformance liquid drainage.
with ASHRAE Standard 15 and Section VIII, Division 1, of the In sizing the suction mains and the takeoffs from the mains to the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. For ammonia systems, compressors, consider how the pressure drop in the selected piping
IIAR Bulletin 109 also addresses the subject of safety valves. affects the compressor size required. First costs and operating costs
Dual relief valve arrangements enable testing of the relief valves for compressor and piping selections should be optimized.
(Figure 13). The three-way stop valve is constructed so that it is Good suction line systems have a total friction drop of 0.5 to
always open to one of the relief valves if the other is removed to be 1.5 K pressure drop equivalent. Practical suction line friction losses
checked or repaired. should not exceed 0.01 K equivalent per metre equivalent length.
A well-designed discharge main has a total friction loss of 7 to
Isolated Line Sections 15 kPa. Generally, a slightly oversized discharge line is desirable to
Sections of piping that can be isolated between hand valves or hold down discharge pressure and, consequently, discharge temper-
check valves can be subjected to extreme hydraulic pressures if cold ature and energy costs. Where possible, discharge mains should be
liquid refrigerant is trapped in them and subsequently warmed. pitched (10 mm/m) toward the condenser, without creating a liquid
Additional safety valves for such piping must be provided. trap; otherwise, pitch should be toward the discharge line separator.
System Practices for Ammonia Refrigerant 3.11
High- and low-pressure cutouts and gages and lubricant pressure should be equipped with crankcase floats to regulate the lubricant
failure cutout are installed on the compressor side of the stop valves flow to the crankcase.
to protect the compressor. Discharge Check Valves and Discharge Lines. Discharge
Lubricant Separators. Lubricant separators are located in the check valves on the downstream side of each lubricant separator
discharge line of each compressor (Figure 14A). A high-pressure prevent high-pressure gas from flowing into an inactive compressor
float valve drains the lubricant back into the compressor crankcase and causing condensation (Figure 14A).
or lubricant receiver. The separator should be placed as far from the The discharge line from each compressor should enter the dis-
compressor as possible, so that the extra pipe length can be used to charge main at a 45 maximum angle in the horizontal plane so that
cool the discharge gas before it enters the separator. This reduces the the gas flows smoothly.
temperature of the ammonia vapor and makes the separator more Unloaded Starting. Unloaded starting is frequently needed to
effective. stay within the torque or current limitations of the motor. Most com-
Liquid ammonia must not reach the crankcase. Often, a valve pressors are unloaded either by holding the suction valve open or by
(preferably automatic) is installed in the drain from the lubricant external bypassing. Control can be manual or automatic.
separator, open only when the temperature at the bottom of the sep- Suction Gas Conditioning. Suction main piping should be insu-
arator is higher than the condensing temperature. Some manufactur- lated, complete with vapor retarder to minimize thermal losses, to
ers install a small electric heater at the bottom of a vertical lubricant prevent sweating and/or ice buildup on the piping, and to limit
trap instead. The heater is actuated when the compressor is not oper- superheat at the compressor. Additional superheat results in
ating. Separators installed in cold conditions must be insulated to increased discharge temperatures and reduces compressor capacity.
prevent ammonia condensation. Low discharge temperatures in ammonia plants are important to
A filter is recommended in the drain line on the downstream side reduce lubricant carryover and because the compressor lubricant
of the high-pressure float valve. can carbonize at higher temperatures, which can cause cylinder wall
Lubricant Receivers. Figure 14B illustrates two compressors scoring and lubricant sludge throughout the system. Discharge tem-
on the same suction line with one discharge line lubricant separator. peratures above 120C should be avoided at all times. Lubricants
The separator float drains into a lubricant receiver, which maintains should have flash point temperatures above the maximum expected
a reserve supply of lubricant for the compressors. Compressors compressor discharge temperature.
3.12 1998 ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook (SI)
Fig. 16 Jacket Water Cooling for Ambient Fig. 17 Rotary Vane Booster Compressor Cooling
Temperatures below Freezing with Lubricant
System Practices for Ammonia Refrigerant 3.13
Fig. 18 Fixed Vi Screw Compressor Flow Diagram with Indirect Lubricant Cooling
3.14 1998 ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook (SI)
Fig. 19 Fixed Vi Screw Compressor Flow Diagram with Liquid Injection Cooling
Indirect or thermosiphon lubricant cooling for low-stage screw Thermosiphon lubricant cooling is the industry standard. In this
compressors rejects the lubricant cooling load to the condenser or system, high-pressure refrigerant liquid from the condenser, which
auxiliary cooling systemthis load is not transferred to the high- boils at condensing temperature/pressure (usually 32 to 35C de-
stage compressor, which improves the system efficiency. Indirect sign), cools the lubricant in a tubular heat exchanger. Typical ther-
lubricant cooling systems using glycol or water reject the lubricant mosiphon lubricant cooling arrangements are shown in Figures 18,
cooling load to a section of an evaporative condenser, a separate 20, 22, 23, and 24. Note on all figures that the refrigerant liquid
evaporative cooler, or a cooling tower. A three-way lubricant con- supply to the lubricant cooler receives priority over the feed to the
trol valve should be used to control lubricant temperature. system low side. It is important that the gas equalizing line (vent) off
System Practices for Ammonia Refrigerant 3.15
Fig. 21 Flow Diagram for Screw Compressors with Refrigerant Injection Cooling
Horizontal Shell-and-Tube Condenser and Fig. 26 Typical Positioning System for Slide Valve and
Through-Type Receiver Slide Stop for Variable Vi Screw Compressor
Figure 27 shows a horizontal water-cooled condenser draining
into a through-type (top inlet) receiver. Ammonia plants do not
always require controlled water flow to maintain pressure. Usually, Receivers must be below the condenser so that the condensing
pressure is adequate to force the ammonia to the various evaporators surface is not flooded with ammonia. The piping should provide (1)
without water regulation. Each situation should be evaluated by free drainage from the condenser and (2) static height of ammonia
comparing water costs with input power cost savings at lower con- above the first valve out of the condenser greater than the pressure
denser pressures. drop through the valve.
Water piping should be arranged so that condenser tubes are The drain line from condenser to receiver is designed on the basis
always filled with water. Air vents should be provided on condenser of maximum velocity to allow gas equalization between condenser
heads and should have hand valves for manual purging. and receiver. Refer to Table 2 for sizing criteria.
System Practices for Ammonia Refrigerant 3.17
Evaporative condensers are selected based on the wet-bulb tem-
perature in which they operate. The 1% design wet bulb is that wet-
bulb temperature that will be equalled or exceeded 1% of the months
of June through September, or 29.3 h. Thus, for the majority of indus-
trial plants that operate at least at part load all year, the wet-bulb tem-
perature will be below design 99.6% of the operating time. The
resultant condensing pressure will only equal or exceed the design
condition during 0.4% of the time if the design wet-bulb temperature
and peak design refrigeration load occur coincidentally. This peak
condition is more a function of how the load is calculated, what load
diversity factor exists or is used in the calculation, and what safety
factor is used in the calculations, than of the size of the condenser.
If an evaporative condenser is located with insufficient space for
air movement, the effect is the same as that imposed by an inlet
damper, and the fan may not deliver enough air. In addition, evap-
orative condenser discharge air may recirculate, which adds to the
problem. The high inlet velocity causes a low-pressure region to
develop around the fan inlet, inducing flow of discharge air into that
region. If the obstruction is from a second condenser, the problem
Fig. 27 Horizontal Condenser and Top Inlet Receiver Piping can be even more severe because discharge air from the second con-
denser flows into the air intake of the first.
Prevailing winds can also contribute to recirculation. In many
areas, the winds shift with the seasons; wind direction during the
peak high-humidity season is the most important consideration.
The tops of the condensers should always be higher than any
adjacent structure to eliminate downdrafts that might induce recir-
culation. Where this is impractical, discharge hoods can be used to
discharge air far enough away from the fan intakes to avoid recircu-
lation. However, the additional static pressure imposed by a dis-
charge hood must be added to the fan system. The fan speed can be
increased slightly to obtain proper air volume.
A single evaporative condenser used with a through-type (top
inlet) receiver can be connected as shown in Figure 29. The
receiver must always be at a lower pressure than the condensing
pressure. Design ensures that the receiver is cooler than the con-
densing temperature.
Installation in Freezing Areas. In areas having ambient temper-
atures below 0C, the water in the evaporative condenser drain pan
and water circuit must be kept from freezing at light plant loads.
When the temperature is at freezing, the evaporative condenser can
operate as a dry-coil unit, and the water pump(s) and piping can be
drained and secured for the season.
Another method of preventing the water from freezing is to place
the water tank inside and install it as illustrated in Figure 30. When
the outdoor temperature drops, the condensing pressure drops, and
a pressure switch with its sensing element in the discharge pressure
line stops the water pump; the water is then drained into the tank. An
alternative is to use a thermostat that senses the water temperature or
outdoor ambient temperature and stops the pump at low tempera-
tures. The exposed piping and any trapped water headers in the evap-
Fig. 28 Parallel Condensers with Top Inlet Receiver orative condenser should be drained into the indoor water tank.
Air volume capacity control methods include inlet, outlet, or
bypass dampers; two-speed fan motors; or fan cycling in response to
pressure controls.
Parallel Horizontal Shell-and-Tube Condensers Liquid Traps. Because all evaporative condensers have a sub-
Figure 28 shows two condensers operating in parallel with one stantial pressure drop in the ammonia circuit, liquid traps are needed
through-type (top inlet) receiver. The length of horizontal liquid at the outlets when two or more condensers or condenser coils are
drain lines to the receiver should be minimized, with no traps per- installed (Figure 31). Also, an equalizer line is necessary to main-
mitted. Equalization between the shells is achieved by keeping the tain a stable pressure in the receiver to ensure free drainage from the
liquid velocity in the drain line less than 0.5 m/s. The drain line can condensers. For example, assume a 10 kPa pressure drop in the
be sized from Table 2. operating condenser in Figure 31, which is producing a lower
3.18 1998 ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook (SI)
Fig. 30 Evaporative Condenser with Inside Water Tank Fig. 32 Method of Reducing Condenser Outlet Sizes
System Practices for Ammonia Refrigerant 3.19
Fig. 33 Piping for Shell-and-Tube and Evaporative Fig. 34 Piping for Parallel Condensers with
Condensers with Top Inlet Receiver Surge-Type Receiver
Figures 33, 34, and 35 illustrate various piping arrangements for hydraulic shock loads. If the header must be in a cold space, the
evaporative condensers. insulated hot-gas main must be drained to the suction line by a high-
pressure float.
EVAPORATOR PIPING The liquid line and suction line solenoid valves are open during
normal operation only and are closed during the defrost cycle.
Proper evaporator piping and control are necessary to keep the
When the defrost cycle starts, the hot-gas solenoid valve is opened.
cooled space at the desired temperature and also to adequately pro-
Refer to IIAR Bulletin 116 for information on possible hydraulic
tect the compressor from surges of liquid ammonia out of the evap-
shock when the hot-gas defrost valve is opened after a defrost.
orator. The evaporators illustrated in this section show some
methods used to accomplish these objectives. In some cases, com- A defrost pressure regulator maintains a gage pressure of about
binations of details shown on several illustrations have been used. 480 to 550 kPa in the coil.
When using hot gas or electric heat for defrosting, the drain pan
Unit CoolerFlooded Operation
and drain line must be heated to prevent the condensate from
refreezing. With hot gas, a heating coil is embedded in the drain pan. Figure 37 illustrates a flooded evaporator with a close coupled
The hot gas flows first through this coil and then into the evaporator low-pressure vessel for feeding ammonia into the coil and auto-
coil. With electric heat, an electric heating coil is used under the matic water defrost.
drain pan. Wraparound or internal electric heating cables are used The lower float switch on the float column at the vessel controls
on the condensate drain line when the room temperature is below the opening and closing of the liquid line solenoid valve, regulating
0C. ammonia feed into the unit to maintain a liquid level. The hand
Figure 36 illustrates a thermostatic expansion valve on a unit expansion valve downstream of the solenoid valve should be
cooler using hot gas for automatic defrosting. Because this is an adjusted so that it will not feed ammonia into the vessel at a rate
automatic defrosting arrangement, hot gas must always be available higher than the vessel can accommodate while raising the suction
at the hot-gas solenoid valve near the unit. The system must contain pressure of gas from the vessel no more than 6 to 14 kPa.
multiple evaporators so that the compressor will be running when The static height of liquid in the vessel should be sufficient to
the evaporator to be defrosted is shut down. The hot-gas header flood the coil with liquid under normal loads. The higher float switch
must be kept in a space where ammonia will not condense in the should be wired into an alarm circuit and possibly a compressor shut-
pipe. Otherwise, the coil receives liquid ammonia at the start of down circuit for when the liquid level in the vessel is too high. With
defrosting and is unable to take full advantage of the latent heat of flooded coils having horizontal headers, distribution between the
hot-gas condensation entering the coil. This can also lead to severe multiple circuits is accomplished without distributing orifices.
3.20 1998 ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook (SI)
As pressure ratios increase, single-stage ammonia systems
Fig. 38 Arrangement for Horizontal Liquid Cooler encounter problems including (1) high discharge temperatures on
and High-Side Float reciprocating compressors causing the lubricant to deteriorate, (2)
loss of volumetric efficiency as high pressure leaks back to the low-
pressure side through compressor clearances, and (3) excessive
stresses on compressor moving parts. Thus, manufacturers usually
limit the maximum pressure ratios for multicylinder reciprocating
machines to approximately 7 to 9. For screw compressors, which
incorporate cooling, compression ratio is not a limitation, but effi-
ciency deteriorates at high ratios.
When the overall system pressure ratio (absolute discharge
pressure divided by absolute suction pressure) begins to exceed
these limits, the pressure ratio across the compressor must be
reduced. This is usually accomplished by employing a multistage
system. A properly designed two-stage system exposes each of the
two compressors to a pressure ratio approximately equal to the
square root of the overall pressure ratio. In a three-stage system,
each compressor is exposed to a pressure ratio approximately
equal to the cube root of the overall ratio. When screw compres-
sors are used, this calculation does not always guarantee the most
efficient system.
Another advantage to multistaging is that successively subcool-
ing the liquid at each stage of compression increases the overall sys-
Fig. 39 Piping for Evaporator and Low-Side Float with tem operating efficiency. Additionally, multistaging can be used to
Horizontal Liquid Cooler accommodate multiple loads at different suction pressures and tem-
peratures in the same refrigeration system. In some cases, two
stages of compression can be contained in a single compressor, such
liquid seal between the high side and the low side. Figure 38 illus-
as an internally compounded reciprocating compressor. In these
trates a brine or water cooler with this type of control. The high-side
units, one or more cylinders are isolated from the others so that they
float should be located near the evaporator to avoid insulating the
can act as independent stages of compression. Internally com-
liquid line.
pounded compressors are economical for small systems that require
The amount of ammonia in this type of system is critical because
low temperature.
the charge must be limited so that liquid will not surge into the suc-
tion line under the highest loading in the evaporator. Some type of
Two-Stage Screw Compressor System
suction trap should be used. One method is to place a horizontal
shell above the cooler, with the suction gas piped into the bottom A typical two-stage, two-temperature system using screw com-
and out of the top. The reduction of gas velocity in this shell causes pressors provides refrigeration for high- and low-temperature loads
the liquid to separate from the gas and draw back into the chiller. (Figure 40). For example, the high-temperature stage will supply
Coolers should include a liquid indicator. A reflex glass lens with refrigerant to all process areas operating between -2 and 10C. A
a large liquid chamber and vapor connections for boiling liquids and -8C intermediate suction temperature is selected. The low-tem-
with a plastic frost shield to determine the actual level should be perature stage requires a 37C suction temperature for blast freez-
used. A refrigeration thermostat measuring the temperature of the ers and continuous or spiral freezers.
chilled fluid as it exits the cooler should be wired into the compres- The system employs a flash-type intercooler that doubles as a
sor starting circuit to prevent freezing. recirculator for the -8C load. It is the most efficient system avail-
A flow switch or differential pressure switch should prove flow able if the screw compressor uses indirect lubricant cooling. If
before the compressor starts. The fluid to be cooled should be piped refrigerant injection cooling is used, system efficiency is decreased.
into the lower portion of the tube bundle and out of the top portion. This system is efficient for several reasons:
3.22 1998 ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook (SI)
1. Approximately 50% of the booster (low-stage) motor heat is The motor on the existing single-stage compressor may have to be
removed from the high-stage compressor load by the thermosi- increased in size when used at a higher suction pressure.
phon lubricant cooler. The suction trap should be checked for sizing at the increased gas
Note: In any system, thermosiphon lubricant cooling for booster flow rate.
and high-stage compressors is about 10% more efficient than An intercooler should be added to cool the low-stage compressor
injection cooling. Also, plants with a piggyback, two-stage discharge gas and to cool high-pressure liquid.
screw compressor system without intercooling or injection cool- A condenser may have to be added to handle the increased con-
ing can be converted to a multistage system with indirect cooling densing load.
to increase system efficiency approximately 15%. A means of purging air should be added if plant suction gage pres-
sure is below zero.
2. Flash-type intercoolers are more efficient than shell-and-coil A means of automatically reducing compressor capacity should
intercoolers by several percent. be added so that the system will operate satisfactorily at reduced
3. Thermosiphon lubricant cooling of the high-stage screw com- system capacity points.
pressor provides the highest efficiency available. Installing indi-
rect cooling in plants with liquid injection cooling of screw
compressors can increase the compressor efficiency by 3 to 4%.
4. Thermosiphon cooling saves 20 to 30% in electric energy during The following discussion gives an overview of liquid recircula-
the low-temperature months. When outside air temperature is tion (liquid overfeed) systems. See Chapter 1 for more complete
low, the condensing pressure can be decreased to 600 to 700 kPa information. For additional engineering details on liquid overfeed
(gage) in most ammonia systems. With liquid injection cooling, systems, refer to Stoecker (1988).
the condensing pressure can only be reduced to approximately In a liquid ammonia recirculation system, a pump circulates the
850 to 900 kPa (gage). ammonia from a low-pressure receiver to the evaporators. The low-
5. Variable Vi compressors with microprocessor control require less pressure receiver is a shell for storing refrigerant at low pressure and
total energy when employed as high-stage compressors. The is used to supply evaporators with refrigerant, either by gravity or
controller tracks the compressor operating conditions to take by a low-pressure pump. It also takes the suction from the evapora-
advantage of ambient conditions as well as variations in load. tors and separates the gas from the liquid. Because the amount of
liquid fed into the evaporator is usually several times the amount
Converting Single-Stage into Two-Stage Systems that actually evaporates there, liquid is always present in the suction
When plant refrigeration capacity must be increased and the sys- return to the low-pressure receiver. Frequently, three times the evap-
tem is operating below about 70 kPa (gage) suction pressure, it is orated amount is circulated through the evaporator (see Chapter 1).
usually more economical to increase capacity by adding a compres- Generally, the liquid ammonia pump is sized by the flow rate
sor to operate as the low-stage compressor of a two-stage system required and a pressure differential of about 170 kPa. This is satis-
than to implement a general capacity increase. The existing single- factory for most single-story installations. If there is a static lift on
stage compressor then becomes the high-stage compressor of the the pump discharge, the differential is increased accordingly.
two-stage system. The following are some items to consider when The low-pressure receiver should be sized by the cross-sectional
converting: area required to separate liquid and gas and by the volume between
System Practices for Ammonia Refrigerant 3.23
Fig. 47 Recirculated Liquid Return System Fig. 48 Double Low-Temperature Suction Risers
System Practices for Ammonia Refrigerant 3.27
If a single riser is sized for minimum pressure drop at full load, disposable strainer liners for the large quantity of debris that can be
the static pressure penalty is excessive at part load, and lubricant present at initial start-up.
return could be a problem. If the single riser is sized for minimum Moving parts are often scored when a compressor is run for the
load, then the pressure drop in the riser is excessive and counter- first time. Damage starts with minor scratches, which increase pro-
productive. gressively until they seriously affect the operation of the compres-
Double risers solve these problems (Miller 1979). Figure 48 sor or render it inoperative.
shows that when maximum load occurs, both risers return vapor and A system that has been carefully and properly installed with no
liquid to the wet suction. At minimum load, the large riser is sealed foreign matter or liquid entering the compressor will operate satis-
by the liquid ammonia in the large trap, and the refrigerant vapor factorily for a long time. As piping is installed, it should be power
flows through the small riser. A small trap on the small riser ensures rotary wire brushed and blown out with compressed air. The piping
that some lubricant and liquid return to the wet suction. system should be blown out again with compressed air or nitrogen
The risers should be sized so that the pressure drop, calculated on before evacuation and charging. See ASHRAE Standard 15 for sys-
a dry gas basis, is at least 70 Pa/m. The larger riser is designed for tem piping test pressure.
approximately 65 to 75% of the flow and the small one for the
remainder. This design results in a velocity of approximately 25 m/s REFERENCES
or higher. Some coils may require three risers (large, medium, and
ASHRAE. 1994. Safety code for mechanical refrigeration. ANSI/ASHRAE
Standard 15-1994.
Over the years, freezers have continued to grow in capacity. As ASME. 1992. Refrigeration piping. ANSI/ASME Standard B31.5-92.
they became larger, so did the evaporators (coils). Where these American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York.
freezers are in line and the product to be frozen is wet, the defrost ASME. 1995. Rules for construction of power boilers. Boiler and pressure
cycle can be every 4 or 8 h. Many production lines limit defrost vessel code, Section VIII, Division 1-95.
duration to 30 min. If the coils are large (some coils have a refrig- ASTM. 1995. Specification for seamless carbon steel pipe for high-temper-
eration capacity of 700 to 1000 kW), it is difficult to design a hot- ature service. ANSI/ASTM Standard A 106-95. American Society for
gas defrost system that can complete a safe defrost in 30 min. Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA.
Sequential defrost systems, where the coils are defrosted alternately ASTM. 1996. Specification for pipe, steel, black and hot-dipped, zinc-
coated, welded and seamless. ANSI/ASTM Standard A 53-96.
during production, are feasible but require special treatment.
Briley, G.C. and T.A. Lyons. 1992. Hot gas defrost systems for large evap-
orators in ammonia liquid overfeed systems. IIAR Technical Paper 163.
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Frick Co. 1995. Thermosyphon oil cooling. Bulletin E70-900Z (August).
Ammonia is an economical choice for industrial systems. While Frick Company, Waynesboro, PA.
IIAR. 1988. Minimum safety criteria for a safe ammonia refrigeration sys-
ammonia has superior thermodynamic properties, it is considered tem. Bulletin 109. International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration,
toxic at low concentration levels of 35 to 50 mg/kg. Large quantities Washington, DC.
of ammonia should not be vented to enclosed areas near open flames IIAR. 1992. Equipment, design, and installation of ammonia mechanical
or heavy sparks. Ammonia at 16 to 25% by volume burns and can refrigeration systems. ANSI/IIAR Standard 2-1992.
explode in air in the presence of an open flame. IIAR. 1992. Guidelines for avoiding component failure in industrial refrig-
The importance of ammonia piping is sometimes minimized eration systems caused by abnormal pressure or shock. Bulletin 116.
when the main emphasis is on selecting major equipment pieces. Miller, D.K. 1979. Sizing dual-suction risers in liquid overfeed refrigeration
Mains should be sized carefully to provide low pressure drop and systems. Chemical Engineering (September 24).
avoid capacity or power penalties caused by inadequate piping. NCPWB. Welding procedure specifications. National Certified Pipe Weld-
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Rusting pipes and vessels in older systems containing ammonia Stoecker, W.F. 1988. Chapters 8 and 9 in Industrial refrigeration. Business
can create a safety hazard. Oblique X-ray photographs of welded News Publishing Company, Troy, MI.
pipe joints and ultrasonic inspection of vessels may be used to dis- Timm, M.L. 1991. An improved method for calculating refrigerant line pres-
close defects. Only vendor-certified parts for pipe, valving, and sure drops. ASHRAE Transactions 97(1):194-203.
pressure-containing components according to designated assembly Wile, D.D. 1977. Refrigerant line sizing. ASHRAE RP 185.
drawings should be used to reduce hazards. Cold liquid refrigerant
should not be confined between closed valves in a pipe where the BIBLIOGRAPHY
liquid can warm and expand to burst piping components. Rapid
BAC. 1983. Evaporative condenser engineering manual. Baltimore Aircoil
multiple pulsations of ammonia liquid in piping components (e.g., Company, Baltimore, MD.
those developed by cavitation forces or hydraulic hammering from Bradley, W.E. 1984. Piping evaporative condensers. In Proceedings of IIAR
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