Mapua Institute of Technology School of Civil, Environmental, Sanitary, and Geological Engineering CE 226: Earthquake Engineering Exam 3 50 Points
Mapua Institute of Technology School of Civil, Environmental, Sanitary, and Geological Engineering CE 226: Earthquake Engineering Exam 3 50 Points
Mapua Institute of Technology School of Civil, Environmental, Sanitary, and Geological Engineering CE 226: Earthquake Engineering Exam 3 50 Points
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In this scenario, we will be analysing the simple steel frame structure given in this photo with the
vibratory load applied along the plane of the frame. In order to accomplish this, the frame has to be
converted into a spring mass model. You may refer to the paper by Arturo Schultz to determine the
story stiffness conversion. The imposed earthquake is the El Centro earthquake given in g units.
Determine the following:
1. Considering just the self-weight of wide flange (W) sections W920 x 420, W920 x 310 and W840
x400 determine the section for the girders and columns that will provide the smallest
displacement during the earthquake. Refer to the section details and damping ratios in the
reference given.
2. Determine which beam column connection would provide the smallest displacements for your
chosen steel section. Justify using calculations.