Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry New PDF
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry New PDF
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry New PDF
Andi Suhendi
The Death of Napoleon
For 200 years controversy has surrounded
Napoleon's death.
In 1995, the FBI used Graphite Furnace Atomic
Absorption Spectroscopy to investigate the
theory that Napoleon Bonaparte was murdered
via arsenic poisoning, by examining preserved
samples of hair from Napoleon himself. Results
showed high concentrations of arsenic, thus
supporting the theory that Napoleon was
Only until a thorough investigation in 2007 came
to the conclusion that he died from stomach
cancer, was the controversy finally laid to rest.
Who fired the
murder weapon ?
Gunshot residue (GSR)
• Bullets contain “primer” and
“propellant” which result in GSR on the
firing hand
• Molecular spectrophotometry : UV, Vis, Fluoresence
• Atomic spectrophotometry : AAS, AES, ICP
• AAS, an analytical technique that measures the
concentrations of elements. It makes use of the
absorption of light by these elements in order to
measure their concentration.
• AAS is standard instruments for the determination of
metal elements, widely applied of samples, such as
agriculture chemical, clinical and biochemistry,
minerals, food and drugs, environmental and other.
• First introduced in 1955, commercially available since
Principle of the Atomic Absorption
• Atomized elements each absorb energy of a
wavelength that is peculiar to that element.
• The atomic absorption method uses as its
light source a hollow cathode lamp which
emits light of a wavelength that is peculiar to
each element.
• Elements within a solution are heated in a
flame or electrically (2000K to 3000K) and
subsequently determined using the fact that
the degree of absorption will vary with its
Hubungan antara jumlah atom dalam keadaan
tereksitasi dan dalam keadaan azas
Persamaan Boltzmann
• Apakah nyala atau energi listrik yang digunakan untuk mengatomisasi
Contoh : Hitunglah perbandingan jumlah atom Na dalam keadaan
tereksitasi 3p dan keadaan azas 3s pada suhu atomisasi 2500 oK, jika λ dari
3p ke 3s 5890 dan 5895 oA.
Panjang gelombang dari 3s ke 3p = 5892,5 oA atau = 5892,5 oA x 10-8
cm/oA = 1,698 x 104 cm.
Maka Ej = 1,698 x 104 cm x [1,986 x 10-16 erg cm-1] 3,372 x 10-12 erg
• Pj/Po = 6/2 (karena pada 3p ada 6 dan pada 3s ada 2 keadaan kwantum
dengan energi yang sama).
• Nj/No = 3 exp [-Ej/KT] 3 exp [- 3,372 x 10-12 /{1,380 x 10-16 x 2500}]
log Nj/3No = [- 3,372 x 10-12 /{1,380 x 10-16 x 2500}]
Nj/No = 1,7 x 10-4
Kesimpulan : Jumlah atom Na dalam keadaan tereksitasi hanya 1,7 x 10-4
atau 0,00017 kali jumlah atom Na dalam keadaan azas, atau dengan kata
lain pada 2500 oK semua atom Na dalam keadaan azas, TIDAK ADA
I0 It
Light Source Monochromator Detector Amplifier
E.g. Hollow
Fuel (e.g. acetylene)
cathode lamp Atomiser Air
Nebuliser and Spray Hollow cathode lamps available for over 70 elements
chamber Can get lamps containing > 1 element for determination of
multiple species 12
Light Source
• Hollow Cathode Lamp (HCL)
• Laser
• They are intense enough to excite atoms to
higher energy levels. This allows AA and atomic
fluorescence measurements in a single
• Electrodeless Discharge Lamps (EDL)
Why Use HCL
• Pada serapan atom pita serapan sangat sempit (0,02-
TOR atau pemilih panjang gelombang yang mampu
memberikan pita sinar yang sesempit itu.
5. It burns as a smooth,
laminar flame evenly
distributed along a narrow
from: Skoog
Structure of a flame
Table of the characteristics of various
Max. flame speed (cm/s) Max. temp. (oC)
Air-propane 82 1925
4. In the optical cell the flame is ignited automatically by 3. The liquid mixture flows
the air/C2 H 4 and the gaseous into a gas/liquid separator where
metal hydride form decomposes into the elemental form the hydride and some gaseous hydrogen are
which can absorb the purged (via a high purity inert gas) into the optical
HCL's beam. The light passes to the Mon. and then to the cell via a gas transfer line
Optical cell
Volatile Hydride
Gas liquid separator
peristaltic reaction
pump coil
1. The metal oxyanions reacts with 2. The peristaltic pump and the flowing reagents along
Sodium Borohydride and HCl and with the tubing of specific lengths controls the time
produces a volatile hydride: H2Te, from reagent mixing and separation of
H2Se, H3As, H3Sb, etc. the volatile hydride from the
liquid and sending the sample to the optical cell.
Advantages and Disadvantages of
Flame AAS
• Advantages
– equipment relatively cheap
– easy to use (training easy compared to furnace)
– good precision
– high sample throughput
– relatively facile method development
– cheap to run
• Disadvantages
– lack of sensitivity (compared to furnace)
– problems with refractory elements
– require large sample size
– sample must be in solution 27
Advantages and Disadvantages of
Electrothermal Atomisation
• Advantages
– very sensitive for many elements
– small sample size
• Disadvantages
– poor precision
– long cycle times means a low sample throughput
– expensive to purchase and run (argon, tubes)
– requires background correction
– method development lengthy and complicated
– requires a high degree of operator skill (compared
to flame AAS)
4. Monochromator
The light passes from the HCL through the
element in the sample to the monochromator.
It’s function is:
It isolates the specific light of the element of
interest from the other background lights and
transfers it to the photomultiplier tube
5. Photomultiplier Tube (PMT)
Interferences in AAS
• Flame
– Spray efficiency fluctuations due to difference in
viscosity and surface tension between the standard
and sample.
• Furnace
– Sample dispersion ;
Measurement value fluctuations due to tube
temperature distribution
– Viscosity within the graphite furnace ;
Adherence to sample tip causing errors in
collection quantity.
• Example: samples, such as blood or juice,
containing numerous organic components.
Physical interferences:
Atomic line widths/ line shapes
Natural linewidths
Doppler Effect
Photon detector
Background correction in AAS
• particularly important in GFAAS
• Use beam chopper to distinguish the signal due to flame
from desired atomic line at the same wavelength (old
Resulting signal 37
Background correction in AAS
High energy Deuterium background corrector
cathode Beam
lamp combiner
Minimising the effect of
Matrix Interferences
• The term "matrix" refers to the sum of all compositional
characteristics of a solution, including its acid
• Calibration standards
and samples must be
matrix-matched in
terms of composition,
total dissolved solids,
and acid concentration
of the solution
• Also advisable for
Effect on K concentration on measured Sr
Spectral interference
• Spectral absorption line overlapping with the absorption
line of the target element.
• Absorption and scattering by molecules
• Spectral absorption line overlapping with the
absorption line of the target element.
Target element Spectral line Interfering Spectral line
(nm) element (nm)
Al V
Ca Ge
Cd As
Co In
Cu Eu
Fe Pt
Ga Mn
Hg Co
Mn Ga
Sb Pb
Si V
Zn Fe
Spectral interference
5. The
3. A beam of UV light monochromator
will be focused on the isolates the line of
sample interest
1. We set the
instrument at certain
wavelength suitable 2. The element
for a certain element in the sample
6. The detector
will be atomized
measures the change
by heat
in intensity
7. A computer data
system converts the
change in intensity into an
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry
Elements that are highlighted in pink are
detectable by AAS
Application of AAS
Simple method
(no cooling)
Sulfuric acid
Microwave Decomposition
Decompose the sample together with an acid in a sealed container.
Decomposition possible in a short time with little vaporization or
- Ideal for the pretreatment of trace elements and trace samples.
- Food products, living organisms, pharmaceuticals, airborne dust, soil, etc.
Digestion Vessels 1 - 12
power Pressure
Control by internal PC or
Tmax and Pmax Controller
Real-Time Display
Solubility of Elements in Samples
Total Content
Organic Inorganic compounds
water-soluble Simple soluble metals
compounds with low solubility
ions & compounds
Sulfides, oxides,
Carbonates, oxides, etc.
silicates, etc.
Pretreatment Methods
Dilution, Elution Wet Decomposition
Dry/Wet Decomposition
Purified water, Hydrochloric acid, Wet/High-pressure
Microwave Decomposition Decomposition
nitric acid, etc.
solvents, etc. Nitric acid, Hydrofluoric acid, nitric acid,
sulfuric acid, etc. etc.
Application of AAS
EU Regulation for Hazardous Substances
EU Regulation for Hazardous Substances
a) Common method
(HCl : HNO3 : water ; 2 : 1 : 2) Microwave digestion Step
Cd Microwave digestion
b) If containing Zr, Hf, Ti, Ta, Nb, W A (HNO3+HBF4+H2O2)
(HNO3 : HF ; 1 : 3) Microwave digestion Step B
Pb (If contain ing Si, Ti add HF)
c) If containing Sn (add HCl)
(HCl :HNO3 ; 3 : 1)
Pretreatment method, which follow by IEC 62321
Analyzing Cadmium (Cd) in Rice
Pretreatment Using Wet Decomposition
Level suggested by FAO/WHO Codex Committee ; 0.2 ppm max. in polished rice (proposed)
0.1 ppm
0.5 ppm
Unpolished rice :
0.073 ppm
Injected amount: 10 µL
Air-C2H2 Interference inhibitor: Pd 50ppm 5 µL
Ashing: 400C; Atomization: 1,800C
Summary of Methods for Analyzing Cd in
• Simple solutions (e.g. water) use standard curve technique to find unknown concentration
A series of solutions is made up by adding 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 mL of a
10 mg L-1 lead standard to 100 mL aliquots of the unknown solution. The following results
were obtained:
2. For the following atomic absorption spectrometers – FAA and ICP-OES: (a) Sketch the schematic
diagram; (b) Describe the principles (functions) of major components.
15. Explain why NH4NO3 is added to seawater when Pb and Ca are analyzed by FGAA. (hint: removes
interference due to high salinity – show chemistry)
23. A groundwater sample is analyzed for its K by FAA using the method of standard additions. Two 500
µL aliquots of this groundwater sample are added to 10.0 mL DI water. To one portion, 10.0 µL of 10 mM
KCl is added. The net emission signals in arbitrary units are 20.2 and 75.1. What is the concentration of K
in this groundwater in mg/L? (hint: use example 9.2)
24. A 5-point calibration curve was made for the determination of Pb via FAAS. The regression equation
was: y = 0.155x + 0.0016, where y is the signal output as absorbance, and x is the Pb concentration in
(a) A contaminated groundwater sample was collected, diluted from 10 to 50 mL, and analyzed without
digestion. The absorbance reading was 0.203 for the sample. Calculate the concentration of Pb in this
groundwater sample.
23. A groundwater sample is analyzed for its K by FAA using the method of standard additions.
Two 500 µL aliquots of this groundwater sample are added to 10.0 mL DI water. To one portion,
10.0 µL of 10 mM KCl is added. The net emission signals in arbitrary units are 20.2 and 75.1. What
is the concentration of K in this groundwater in mg/L? (hint: use example 9.2)
x = 3.89 x 10-5 mmols / 500 x 10-6 L x 1 mol/1000 mmols = 7.78 x 10-5 mols/L
7.78 x 10-5 mols/L x 39.10 g/mol x 1000 mg/g = 3.04 mg/L = 3.04 ppm