Bulk Mineral Cargo Liquefaction A4
Bulk Mineral Cargo Liquefaction A4
Bulk Mineral Cargo Liquefaction A4
This is a web version of a pocket guide
published by Skuld in cooperation
with Brookes Bell
1. INTRODUCTION Shippers must supply correct documents
‘Can tests’ are often used by Masters to provide further
2. TYPES OF SOLID BULK CARGOES - information (see Section 8 of the Code). It must be noted
that the ‘CAN TEST’ is NOT a substitute for laboratory
THE GROUPS testing, and only provides a ‘rough idea’ on the state of the
The characteristics of solid bulk cargoes have been If ‘can tests’ fail, then loading should be stopped and the
divided into three groups; Group A, Group B and Group C. Master should seek advice.
When particles are in contact with each other, the When particles are NOT in contact, water can flow
friction between them maintains the cargo structure between them. This results in fluid flow as the
even when water and air are mixed in. mineral cargo liquefies.
dense liquid and will flow. This is what makes them Group The next edition of the Code will contain additional
A. mineral cargo entries, including Iron Ore Fines and
Nickel Ore.
Some fine-particled cargoes that drain allow a ‘wet base’
to form. This information should be provided on the Iron Ore Fines will be listed as Group A (but with
shippers’ declaration. exemptions for some grades), whereas Nickel Ore will
always be Group A.
Why is liquefaction dangerous on a ship? Until a new version of the Code is published, these
two particular cargoes should be treated as Group A
Because most of the mineral cargoes are dense and likely regardless of any shippers’ declarations to the contrary.
to liquefy when the moisture content is above their TML,
they can ‘walk up the hold plating’ when the vessel rolls,
i.e., they flow towards the downside of the roll, but do 4. LOADING MINERAL BULK
not necessarily flow back. On each subsequent roll, the
cargo might move further to the same side. This is unlike CARGOES SAFELY
water and grain (which flow back), and can result in a
large amount of heavy cargo resting against the hold side
plating. While the voyage is being planned, the Master should refer
to the procedures set out in the ship’s Safety Management
If a liquefied cargo moves during a voyage, the ship might System. In addition, the Master and Chief Officer should
suffer a loss of or reduction in stability due to the cargo consult the appropriate IMO publications, including the
shifting. There is a risk that the ship will list as a result IMSBC Code, the BLU Code and recommendations on
of the cargo shifting. If the cargo continues to shift to one ballast water management.
side, the ship will list more heavily to that side and, if the
shift is excessive, there will be down-flooding of sea water
into the ship’s tanks and the ship might capsize and sink. Checklist for Masters and Officers to follow before
Group A cargoes should only be carried when the
moisture content of the cargo is less than, or equal ´´ Ensure that the identity of the cargo being carried is
to, the Transportable Moisture Limit of the cargo. The known and that the cargo’s name is described by
Transportable Moisture Limit (TML) can be calculated as using the Bulk Cargo Shipping Name (BCSN), as
90% of the Flow Moisture Point (FMP), depending on the
test method used. detailed in the IMSBC Code. A trade name is not a
´´ Ensure that the cargo holds are properly and
Why does the nature of some cargoes cause confusion? appropriately cleaned, as well as being prepared
for the cargo that is going to be loaded.
Some people involved with shipping mineral cargoes may ´´ Ensure that all necessary maintenance has been
not understand the properties of Group A materials and completed before loading starts.
may offer incorrect information. This may be because:
´´ Plan the loading operation thoroughly, following all
´´ Many mineral cargoes will ‘look OK’ even when they SMS and BLU Code requirements, as well as all
are wet – that does not mean they are safe for the appropriate instructions.
carriage. Visual appearance can be deceptive. ´´ Ensure that the appropriate carriage instructions are
´´ Group A cargoes may not always liquefy if the voyage obtained in advance.
is calm and the ship’s movement does not result
in any significant energy transfer to the cargo.
´´ Shippers may use trade or commercial names for the
Checklist of documents required before loading
cargo – a BCSN should always be provided for the A list of information can be focused in IMSBC Code
cargo. subsection 4.2, shippers should give this to the Master for
´´ The cargo may not be listed in the IMSBC Code – all solid bulk cargoes before loading. This should include:
shippers should apply for Section 1.3 approval.
´´ Shippers may not have a copy of the IMSBC Code, they ´´ The Bulk Cargo Shipping Name (BCSN) when the
may not have read it and they may not understand it. cargo is listed in this Code. Trade or commercial
´´ Some shippers think that if a cargo is not listed it is names can be used in addition, but not as a
not controlled by the Code – this is NOT CORRECT. All substitution to the Bulk Cargo Shipping Name
solid bulk commodities that are put forward for ´´ The cargo Group (A and B, A, B, or C)
shipment are controlled by the IMSBC Code. ´´ If listed as MHB (material hazardous only in bulk),
information about the hazard should be
included surface, and fluid flow. When entering the holds, safe
´´ The total quantity of the cargo offered; entry procedures must be used.
´´ The stowage factor ´´ If any of the above are seen, contact the vessel DPA
´´ The need for trimming and the necessary procedures immediately as per the company SMS and request
´´ The likelihood of shifting expert technical assistance.
´´ A certificate of the transportable moisture limit (TML).
This can be tested up to six months before loading
´´ A certificate on the moisture content of the cargo
Best practice and seamanship
dated within seven days of loading. If it rains Points to be considered include:
after the certificate has been provided the shippers
should give an updated moisture value ´´ If the cargo has shifted and the list is corrected by
´´ Likelihood of a wet base forming (see sub-section ballast operations, what happens if the cargo shifts
7.2.3 of the Code) again?
´´ Toxic or flammable gases that may be generated by ´´ The cargo may act like a dense fluid when it flows
the cargo around the hold(s), therefore ballasting operations
´´ Flammability, toxicity, corrosiveness and propensity to may result in significant additional problems.
oxygen depletion of the cargo ´´ What are the prevailing weather conditions?
´´ Self-heating properties of the cargo and if trimming is ´´ Is the vessel rolling? Can this be reduced or minimised
required by changing heading and/or speed?
´´ Properties on the emission of flammable gases that ´´ It is recommended that if there is a shift, a
may be in contact with water reduction in speed will help to minimise the rolling,
´´ Radioactive properties pitching and any engine/hull vibrations. In addition,
´´ MARPOL statement - Solid bulk cargoes should sharp helm movements should be avoided.
be classified and declared by the shipper ´´ Consider the distance to land (Port of Refuge) along
as to whether or not they are harmful to the marine with the current heading and prevailing weather
environment and only those declared as ‘not conditions.
harmful’ may be discharged into the sea as detailed in ´´ Avoid turning the vessel through the swell and/or wind
the regulations of MARPOL Annex V waves, as this may cause rolling and additional shifting
´´ Any other information that is required by national of the cargo.
During the voyage – what to look for Discharging very wet cargo can be difficult
The purpose of this guide is to help the Master/CO/OOW
prevent, if possible, an incident occurring as a result of
the cargo properties changing during the voyage.
The Master will of course know that the vessel is under
the charterers employment orders and provided the Mandatory notification requirement
orders are “lawful”, the Master should follow them.
While it is the members’ responsibility to ensure full
The most importat factor, however, is the safety of the compliance with the IMSBC Code and to take any
crew, followed by the vessel’s safety. The Master should necessary measures to ensure the safe carriage of nickel
use his discretion to take any decision which, in his ore cargoes from ports in Indonesia and the Philippines.
professional judgment, is necessary for safety of life Members who plan to either fix or charter a ship to load
at sea: SOLAS Chapter V, Regulation 34-1. The Master nickel ore from these ports, or if a ship under an existing
can also refuse, for the security of the vessel, to load a fixture is ordered to load such a cargo, must contact the
cargo and grant access to his vessel: SOLAS Chapter XI-2 Association as soon as possible and provide the following
Regulation 8. information:
It is a legal requirement under the provisions of SOLAS ´´ Ship name
Chapter VI, Regulation 2 and the IMSBC Code Section 4.2 ´´ Port/anchorage of loading and estimated time of
for the shipper to provide the Master with accurate cargo arrival
information. ´´ Date of intended loading
´´ Charterer/shipper’s details
Furthermore SOLAS Chapter VI, Regulation 6-2 and
´´ Agent’s details
Regulation 7-7 provide that cargo must not be loaded if
the actual moisture content exceeds the TML and that the ´´ Copy of the shipper’s cargo declaration and supporting
Master has the right to suspend cargo operations if limits certificates.
are exceeded.
This will allow the Association to provide members with
Furthermore, where applicable, the Hague Visby Rules, the relevant information on measures that might be taken
Article IV Rule 6 provide that a Master can seek a Port to reduce risks, eg. the appointment of a local surveyor to
of Refuge if the cargo on board becomes a danger to assist the Master and the appointment of an expert, not
the vessel, even if the cargo was carried by consent and necessarily to attend in person, but to liaise and supervise
knowledge about its character. with the local surveyor.
Apart from general law, contractual law and international These measures may reduce the inherent risks in
convention: a Master should always feel able to take steps carrying nickel ore cargoes but do not guarantee safety.
he feels are necessary to ensure the safety of his crew
and of the ship. If the Master is in any doubt at all about the suitability and
safety of the cargo, then loading should be stopped.
Possible prejudice to Club Cover
This contains supporting documents including the BLU Code and IMO circulars (see Appendix 1)
In case of further queries, members are asked to contact the LPRC Group at: