Become A Magnet To Money 3 Chapters
Become A Magnet To Money 3 Chapters
Become A Magnet To Money 3 Chapters
Beyond The Secret and has two
parts in one powerful volume,
and could be the magic lamp
for which you have been
Read and learn how to…
Become A
Magnet To Money
And learn how to raise your
awareness through…
The Sea of Unlimited
Become A Magnet To Money
by Bob Proctor and Michele Blood
Copyright © B. Proctor & M. Blood
February 14, 1995 March 05, 2008
MusiVation International Publishing
The Sea Of Unlimited Consciousness
by Michele Blood
Copyright © M. A Blood June 04, 2008
MusiVation International Publishing
July 12, 2008
MusiVation International LLC
P O Box 12933
La Jolla
California 92039
All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America
ISBN: 1890679461
This book may not be copied, duplicated or used in any
way without the written permission of the publishers.
Call 1 (858) 2688688 for wholesale copies
of paperback and audio book versions.
Let your whole team study these power
Principles for Consciousness and Success!
Book Cover Photograph by Mayer George Vladimirovich
Cover Design by John Endara
Part One of this book is dedicated to Dr. Wilma
McIntyre who left her body in February 2008. Wilma
was dedicated to learning, teaching and living the
Universal Laws of Light. She helped so many wake
up to their unlimited spiritual power. She was a
beautiful person a true sister, and a beacon of Light
and Love to all who knew her.
Wilma we love you, you made a difference
and your Light still shines on…
Part One
Become A Magnet To Money
Dedication 4
What others are saying about this book 7
Introduction to parts one &two 10
Wealth and Happiness 16
Prosperity Consciousness 22
Stop Pressing the Same Buttons 25
Multiple Sources of Income (MSI’s) 27
MSI Map 32
Providing Service 33
An Infinite Supply 34
The Law of Relativity & Income Acceleration 39
Renew your Marvelous Mind 43
The Power Of Decision 53
Persistence 60
Creative Visualization 66
The Power Of Meditation 73
Diagram of our amazing Mind 78
The Mind 79
The Terror Barrier Diagram 84
The Terror Barrier 85
The Power of a daily Action List 89
My Daily List 94
Responsibility 95
Gratitude & Appreciation 97
What is Consciousness? 99
Intuition 103
The Pole of Prosperity 110
New Life Letter 115
Part Two
The Sea Of Unlimited Consciousness
Enter The Sea Of Unlimited Consciousness 116
Dedication & Thanks 117
Introduction 118
Levels Into The Sea of Unlimited Consciousness 121
Level One: The Human Experience 130
Level Two: I am more than my body 136
Level Three: Our Soul Connection 154
Level Four: Becoming Mermaid/Man 175
Sex & Relationships 185
How do we know who is a Level Four? 197
Level FIVE: I AM THE SEA 213
Other Tools/Products for your Success 223
We also HIGHLY recommend 239
Books by Masters 241
Websites, products and services 243
Amazing souls, authors, speakers, teachers that we also HIGHLY
recommend to you.
What others are saying about this book…
I have been blessed to have the opportunity to speak to and work
with spiritual seekers all over the world and there has always been
a common thread that unites all of us: The questions, who are we,
and why are we here? In this volume the authors masterly address
those questions by allowing us to explore what level we are
experiencing in relationship to our spiritual path and prosperity
consciousness. They provide a spiritual blueprint to move from
darkness into the Light using their own personal experiences. This
complete volume is a must read for anyone seeking to live a
vibrant, fulfilled, abundant life full of joy, higher consciousness,
and love.
Lawrence T. Bond, PhD, RScP
This book has arrived at the perfect time for the world. Why?
Myself and my husband are in the corporate world of America and
what I see is that money in corporate America and in most
countries has been recklessly navigated by unconsciousness.
People around the world have a wonderful opportunity to attract
money in a conscious way that stimulates and manifests new found
financial growth through positive and creative intention. This book
will help raise and awaken consciousness which is what prosperity
and any kind of success is all about.
Carol HigginsHickman, Esquire Corporate Services
It changed my life. Great book, with a holistic approach to success
and abundance. In my life as a scientist and also as a student for
many years of eastern philosophy I found this to be the most
simple explanation of great, timeless, spiritual truths about success
and consciousness.
Nandini V. Katre, Ph.D. award winning scientist and author of
“What’s Science Got To Do With It”
The 2nd half of the book I love the best "Enter the Sea Of
Unlimited Consciousness" what a pure and simple way to describe
the different levels that the soul must do to grow. To take a step
into the depths of the soul to journey toward the light takes so
much courage. Michele has that courage and wisdom that she
explains here in her book. She holds your hand to feel safe as you
step forward and dive into the sea. If you are ready to experience
the depths of your own soul then this is a must read book. I highly
recommend this book to anyone who wants to understand what
they truly came here to do.
Carol Guy, Angelic Counselor
The book was well written and very easy reading. The method is
so simple that you would never really consider it on your own.
Michele Blood is a fabulous, beautiful and spiritual woman with
much to share with the world. Her pairing up with Bob Proctor for
this project is a gift for all of us.
Patricia Mulligan
This book has so much wisdom! Bob and Michele do an excellent
job, teaching the spiritual laws to magnetize money through your
service to others. More importantly, the book explains how to
experience real wealth monetarily and spiritually. This book is for
you if you truly want to be wealthy and learn to swim deeply in the
sea of unlimited consciousness. Get this book for a comprehensive,
yet easytounderstand guide to dramatically attract money to you
and increase your level of consciousness.
Mujiba Salaam Parker ""
This volume is amazing. This is the best book I have ever read
describing so simply the levels of spiritual consciousness and done
with such depth and humor. I literally could not put it down once I
started reading. I recommend this book for any seeker on the path
and also to someone who may not be sure if they are suffering
from depression or as Michele says a dark night of the soul. I also
recommend it to anyone in the medical field.
Kathleen Reinhardt, Psychiatric RN
Introduction to…
parts one and two
Every book of true spiritual wisdom we have read has
brought about some measure of higher awareness to our
consciousness, what might be called the melting down of ice
or peeling of an onion to who we really are. Each book,
seminar, or spiritual experience has been taken into
consciousness and has prepared us for the next spiritual
realization. As we awaken more to the Truth of who we really
are, we begin to live in two worlds: one of Light and one of
the so called real world. This can be a challenge to an open
heart. Those who have had a true spiritual awakening,
discover coming back down to earth where bills have to be
paid and business conducted to be very challenging and
sometimes even painful.
Many of you reading this material may have seen Bob
Proctor for the first time in the now world renowned film ‘‘The
Secret’’ and the new film “Beyond The Secret” (out in 2009)
and both films are a great introduction to metaphysics, the
laws that govern this universe and the films serve as a true
reminder the importance of consciousness. These films and
others that are now coming out are helping ignite the Divine
Spark of Consciousness in our souls and can open a world
of new awareness and possibilities. For many, these films
will be the first introduction to Spiritual Universal Laws.
However, for the serious student of consciousness, the
question is what's next? How do we use the universal laws
to YES attract money, success but most importantly, how do
we experience Oneness through spiritual awareness? Well,
that is where this magical volume comes in, to answer
what’s next! Prosperity Consciousness goes much deeper
than just thinking good thoughts and having a good attitude,
even though mindfulness is of course very important if we
wish to awaken to Truth!
Let me share with you first a little about Bob Proctor.
Bob Proctor is, in my opinion, a true transformational
prosperity teacher. He has high awareness, a beautiful heart
and has the rare ability to teach people from all walks of life
and cultures the secrets to success so that anyone can
really understand and get IT!
Bob’s best selling book “You Were Born Rich” and his
audio programs and live events have changed the lives of
millions of souls all over the world. Bob is a true mentor to so
many great authors and teachers of our time, he has helped
people from all over the world to wake up and lead a life of
I am deeply grateful that I met Bob Proctor and had the
honor and privilege to work with him. He is a beautiful and
wise soul. When I first started working with Bob in 1992 it
changed my life. He asked me “Michele, what do you truly
want?” No one had ever asked me that before. I thought
about it and realized I wanted freedom and awareness so
that I could spread more Light through my positive music
and help as many people as I could on my journey. I had
already done one album on my own as a solo artist. Without
my band mates and being in a new country alone it was
scary. Bob said to me “So what if you’re scared, do it scared,
if it doesn’t scare you a little then your want is not Big
Enough.” WOW those words changed my thinking about
fear. It was GOOD to be scared as then I was growing. What
a concept. Because of Bob’s amazing light and wisdom our
MusiVation™ music is now spreading Light all over the
can touch him.” The Master Thinker wow!! Doug Wead is an
aware soul, he really gets who Bob is!
Why we get stuck at some stages of our development is
discussed in Part Two. Part One is more instructional. So if
you have been on the path and feel that your spiritual
studies and practices are no longer working Part Two in this
magical volume may illuminate you, which is the intention.
That is why there are Two Parts in one volume. It is
recommended that you read Part One “Become A Magnet
To Money” first and then read Part Two “The Sea Of
Unlimited Consciousness” second.
Always remember that Life Is Magical…
In Gratitude, Love and Oneness
Michele Blood
Here is a surprise that we did not advertise that we
are gifting you along with this book.
We have included an MP3 of the powerful
MusiVation ™ song I Am A Magnet To Money!
I Am a Magnet To
I now have more
than I need.
I am a Magnet To
Money, Money loves me.
Wealth and Happiness
“Before I had a lot of money, I was really quite
happy. And I’ll tell you this, you may not believe it, I
never would have gotten the money if I wasn’t
happy to begin with. I never would have gotten it.”
Let’s begin by being happy and grateful!J
One of the basic laws is the law that states,
“Everything is moving. Absolutely nothing rests.” You
are either moving ahead in life, or you are going
Grow or die. Create or disintegrate.
You are becoming richer or poorer.
Abundance is something we magnetize ourselves
to. Business associates, opportunities, sales, money,
love, friends, everything we want will come into our
life by law not luck. You are either attracting or
repelling good. It is your own consciousness that
ultimately determines your results.
It is time for the 97% group to
Wake up!
Almost everyone can learn how to make money.
It’s equally important to understand that there’s no
limit with respect to how much money you can earn.
Very few people know or believe what I just said.
That is precisely why there are so many poor, old
people. This book and the MusiVation™ mind music
is their wake up call.
from scratch with nothing to give in return for riches
except thoughts, ideas, and organized plans. It
clearly states that this book contains the entire
philosophy of money making.
The point I want to bring to your attention is this,
“Think and Grow Rich” has 15 chapters and not one
of those chapters is titled “Money”. In fact even the
word is not even in any one of the chapters. The last
chapter has eight words in it, but money is not one
of them.
Prosperity Consciousness
“An ideal is an idea you have fallen in Love with!”
James Allen
Money is an idea.
I am aware there are books which instruct you on
how to manipulate market stocks and people; they
might even help you get money. But there’s no
spiritual strength there, and if there’s no spiritual
strength there’s no lasting happiness, no real wealth.
Many years ago I sat and listened intently as W.
Clement Stone explained to me how he had sat up
all night reading Loyd C. Douglas’ masterpiece, “The
Magnificent Obsession,” and then went on to earn his
great fortune. Loyd C. Douglas’ book is not about
earning money. The basic premise that entire book is
built on is giving. If you want money, ask for
abundance in all areas of your life then study,
understand, and follow the laws for sowing which will
insure an abundant harvest in all areas of your life.
Permitting present results to control ones
thoughts and actions is the most common of all
errors made insofar as human development is
concerned. You have very likely been programmed
all of your life to do that. What does the school
report card do? Graduate that through multiple
examples through sales reports, to hospital xrays,
to your bank statement.
Present results are the manifestation of
past thinking.
Focusing on present results will cause a strain of
conscious thought which are a replica of your past
Really take these truths in!! Are you beginning to
see why the vast majority of people keep getting the
same type of results year after year? They keep
going to the same movie, over and over again…
Stop Pressing The Same Buttons
I heard a woman speaking on television about
herself and an associate getting on an elevator. They
had been deeply involved in a conversation when the
elevator doors opened. They got on the elevator
while they continued with their conversation. They
said after a few moments the elevator doors had
closed but they were not going anywhere. She
continued explaining that they had either pressed
the button for the floor they were on or they had not
pressed a button at all. I could relate to her story
because I have done the same thing on occasion and
I would imagine you have probably done the same
thing as well. The woman who was speaking went on
to explain that was how most people lived their lives.
They keep pressing the same buttons. They focus on
what they’ve got instead of what they want.
who has a poverty consciousness. The flip side of the
coin is also true. Money cannot stay away from the
person who possesses a prosperity consciousness.
The wealthy person has a prosperity consciousness.
They understand there is an
Infinite Source of supply.
They are acutely aware of the fact that if they are
experiencing a problem with the harvest, if there is
not sufficient or more than sufficient harvest to meet
all of their needs, they are the cause of the problem.
Perhaps they have not properly prepared the land,
sown sufficient seeds, or sown seeds in enough
fields. They loathe lack and limitation. They demand
the abundant, the good life which is their birthright.
And when they experience any less they take full
and complete responsibility for their possession.
Blame is not part of their way of life. They will not
talk about lack because their prosperity
consciousness will not permit it. They know they
must press the button representing the floor they
want. They know that talking about lack is sowing
seeds for more of the same. They immediately begin
to brainstorm with other individuals who have a
prosperity consciousness about other crops they
want to harvest in the future and where they should
begin sowing. That is what these lessons are going
to inspire you to do as well.