Demulsification Kinetics of W/O Emulsion in An A.C. Electric Field
Demulsification Kinetics of W/O Emulsion in An A.C. Electric Field
Demulsification Kinetics of W/O Emulsion in An A.C. Electric Field
growth rate on susceptor [cm/s] = exit of reactant section
Gr Grashof number (=gPD3e(th- tw)/v2) H = reaction zone
gravitational acceleration [cm/s2]
9 =wall
k mass transfer coefficient [cm/s] =inlet of reactor
I length of reaction zone [cm]
M molecular weight of SiCl4 (M= 170) H (Superscript)
m atomic weight of Si (m=28) [-] =average
Re Reynolds number ( = Dev/v) H
r radial distance [cm] Literature Cited
outer radius of inner tube [cm] 1) Bradshaw, S. E.: Int. J. Electron, 21, 205 (1966).
inner radius of outer tube [cm] 2) Fujii, E., H. Nakamura, K. Haruma and Y. Koga: /.
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( = n(r2w-r2s)) [cm2]
Sh H
3) Hanzawa, T., K. Sakauchi, U. Ito, K. Kato and T. Tadaki: /.
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local Sherwood number (=kDJ@) [-]
t [K]
4) Hanzawa, T., K. Sakauchi, K. Kato and T. Tadaki: /. Chem.
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v velocity in z-direction [cm/s] 5) Hanzawa, T., K. Kato and T. Tadaki: Kagaku Kogaku
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angle in cylindrical coordinates [rad] 8) Manke, C. W. and L. F. Donaghey: /. Electrochem. Soc,
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v kinematic viscosity cm2/s]
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P density
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(Subscripts) (Presented at World Congress III of Chemical Engineering, at
A = entrance of reactant section Tokyo, Sept. 1986.)
Key Words : Extraction, Demulsification, W/O Emulsion, Kinetics, Viscosity, Electric Field
The demulsification kinetics of W/Oemulsion in a high A.C. electric field was investigated by using a batch
cylindrical demulsifier in which a glass-sealed electrode was placed above a grounded copper disk electrode. The
effects of emulsion preparation conditions (oil-phase viscosity, water drop size, water-phase holdup and surfactant
concentration) and demulsifying conditions (agitation speed and temperature) on the demulsification rates were
examined experimentally while keeping the applied voltage constant. The demulsification rates varied considerably
with slight change of these conditions. The rate equation that expressed the above contributions in suitable
functional forms gave satisfactory agreement with observed rates over a wide range of experimental conditions.
Based on comparison with thermal demulsification without electric field, the accelerating effect of temperature rise
was thought to be caused by the decrease of oil-phase viscosity and emulsion stability. Mixing of the demulsifier
contents during the operation was found to be effective in promoting demulsification together with temperature rise.
Fig. 3. Effect of emulsion viscosity on demulsification rate Fig. 4. Effect of oil-phase viscosity on demulsification rate
for emulsions of different drop size for emulsions of different drop size
VOL. 21 NO. 4 1988 347
Fig. 7. Effect of water-phase holdup on demulsification
Fig. 5. Effect of water drop size on demulsification rate
The authors wish to express their thanks to Prof. F. Nakashio of 10) Thien, M. P., T. A. Hatton and D. I. C. Wang: "Separation,
Kyushu University for his helpful suggestions. Thanks are also due Recovery and Purification in Biotechnology (ACS Symp. Ser.
to Mr. Y. Atago, Mr. H. Nakajima, Mrs. Y. Nakayama and Mr. Y. 314,ed. byJ. A. AsenjoandJ. Hong),"p. 67,Am. Chem. Soc,
U.S.A. (1986).
Takeuchi for their experimental assistance.
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= water drop diameter in W/Oemulsion
N = agitation speed of demulsifier 13) Yamaguchi, M.,
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t =time
Vw volume of water phase separated [cm3]