The Behaviour Study of Shear Wall On Concrete Structure by Pushover Analysis
The Behaviour Study of Shear Wall On Concrete Structure by Pushover Analysis
The Behaviour Study of Shear Wall On Concrete Structure by Pushover Analysis
ISSN: 2088-5334
Abstract— Shear wall is applied to counter the effects of lateral load acting on a structure. Wind and seismic loads are the most
common loads that shear walls are designed to carry in high rise building. This paper used four models of 10 floors building with
three variations of shear wall position. The dimension of each floor is 18 m x 18 m. The building is located in Palembang with the soft
soil condition and has a function as an office building. The purpose of this study is to analyze building performance, curve capacity
and plastic hinge distribution from pushover analysis. The result of the study was obtained that model 4 is most effective in terms of
ductility and strength building. Model 4 is able to reduce deviation 61.43% and reduce drift ratio 69.50%. Model 4 is also reduced
deflection at the point of pushover analysis performance 72.64%. Model 3 has the smallest number of plastic hinges. The result of
pushover analysis shows that the building performance of all model is immediate occupancy.
Keywords— shear wall; pushover analysis; drift ratio; base shear; plastic hinge
Base shear
The steps of pushover analysis in designing the structure TABLE II
of an earthquake resistant construction are [11], [12], [13]:
• Determining the control point to monitor the amount Base Shear (ton)
of displacement on the structure. Model
• Making the capacity curve based on various patterns VRSX (ton) VRSY (ton)
of lateral force. Model 1 71.582 71.582
• Estimating the amount of lateral displacement during
earthquake plan or displacement target. Model 2 241.580 241.580
• Evaluating the level of structure performance when Model 3 247.440 247.441
the control point is located exactly on the target of
displacement while using ATC 40. Model 4 289.687 289.687
8 26.774 18.276 11.227 8.514
7 24.507 15.213 9.344 7.069
6 21.622 12.164 7.479 5.641
5 18.181 9.211 5.681 4.269
4 14.271 6.452 4.008 2.996
3 10.027 4.009 2.527 1.874
2 5.712 2.015 1.311 0.958
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 1 1.904 0.619 0.435 0.308
B. Base Shear
The comparison of base shear of each model is shown in
Fig. 4 dan Table 2.
Base shear (ton)
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Fig. 5 Lateral displacements
Fig. 4 Base shear
Model 4 is the most effective model to reduce floor lateral E. Pushover Analysis
displacement. That is, 61.432% compared to model 1. On Fig. 7, Table 5, and Table 6 shows curve capacity, the
the other hand, model 2 and 3 each reduced floor lateral relationship between base shear and displacement occurred
displacement 17.647% and 50.618% compared to Model 1. in each model gradually when there was a static nonlinear
pushover. Performance point model 1 the greatest deflection
D. Drift Ratio than other models. It shows that building without a shear
wall is more susceptible to failure.
Fig. 6 and Table 4 shows drift ratio in each model with
Based on the capacity to carry the lateral load, model 1 is
shear wall and without a shear wall. Model 1 is building
the lowest. On the other hand, model 4 has the greatest
without shear wall has most maximum drift ratio.
capacity to carry the lateral load. Performance point model
Meanwhile, another three models used shear wall has lower
4 is 72.64% more effective compared to model 1.
drift ratio compared to model 1. The maximum point of drift
Performance point model 2 is 55.97% more effective
ratio in the model which used shear wall is on floor 8. It
compared to model 1. Meanwhile, performance point model
indicated that shear wall caused drift ratio is on the higher
3 is 68.25% more effective compared to model 1.
floor. Therefore, the collapse of the base floor can be
Plastic hinge distribution also can be seen based on
certain level as shown in Table 7. Plastic hinge distribution
Model 2 has maximum drift ratio 35.48% more effective
of all models in x and y direction are the same because shear
than model 1. Model 3 has maximum drift ratio 60.35%
wall position is symmetrical. Performace level of each
more effective than model 1. Model 4 is most effective with
model is described in Table 8.
drift ratio 69.50% compared to model 1.
Drift ratio
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
10 0.00145 0.00368 0.00227 0.00176
9 0.00223 0.00378 0.00233 0.00179
8 0.00312 0.00383 0.00235 0.00181
7 0.00397 0.00381 0.00233 0.00178
6 0.00473 0.00369 0.00225 0.00172
5 0.00538 0.00345 0.00209 0.00159
4 0.00584 0.00305 0.00185 0.00140
3 0.00593 0.00249 0.00152 0.00115
2 0.00523 0.00174 0.00109 0.00081
1 0.00262 0.00077 0.00054 0.00038
TABLE VI base shear which was able to be carried by building
compared to model 1 which did not use the shear wall.
Model Base Shear (ton) Displacement (m) First plastic hinge distribution model 3 is showed in Fig.
1 37.868 0.019 8(c). First plastic hinge model 3 only occurred on beam floor
8 and 9. The position of first plastic hinge occurred like
2 117.060 0.012
model 2. That is, besides the shear wall. While in the
3 153.351 0.009 column, plastic hinge did not occur yet. Fig. 9(c) shows the
4 229.115 0.009 first collapse on beam floor 8 and floor 9. In the last step of
pushover analysis model 3, beam collapse was occurred on
floor 7 till floor 10, Fig. 10(c). The collapse of the column
TABLE VII was in safe level with a maximum level which occurred in
the column was life safety which means still far from
Symbol Explanation collapse.
Show the linear limit followed by first melt on structure
(a) Model 1 (b) Model 2
Maximum Maximum Performance
total drift inelastic drift level
1 0.0073 0.0068 IO
2 0.0035 0.0032 IO
3 0.0025 0.0023 IO
4 0.0022 0.0020 IO
didn’t show life safety level like model 2 and 3, but only
immediate occupancy level. Meanwhile, the collapse
occurred on beam floor 8 and 9 has shown the maximum
limit of base shear which was able to be withstood. In the
last pushover analysis, the collapse occurred on beam floor 6
to 10. Plastic hinges occurred on the column was greater
than other models. Plastic hinges occurred on a column still
showed life safety limit. Model 4 has lower base shear than
model 3. Plastic hinge collapse occurred on model 4 was
greater than model 3. Based on the plastic hinge, model 3
was the most effective model in reducing plastic hinge
collapse than other models.
The conclusions obtained in the study of structure
response caused by the earthquake and pushover analysis on
four models are as follows: The maximum drift ratio
occurred on model 1 namely model without a shear wall.
Each model has different performance point, minimum
performance point occurred on level 1, while maximum
performance point occurred on level 4. Performance level of
all model are immediate occupancy. In the last step of
(c) Model 3 (d) Model 4 pushover analysis, the collapse of model 1 occurred on the
Fig. 9 First failure
floor 3 and 4, the collapse of model 2 and 3 occurred on the
floor 7 and 10, the collapse of model 4 occurred on the floor
TABLE IX 6 and 10. The collapse of model 3 was the same as model 2,
but the base shear model 3 was greater than model 2. Based
Parameter Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 on the plastic hinge distribution, model 3 was most effective
The first plastic Storey Storey Storey Storey to reduce the seismic effect. Plastic hinges occurred on
hinge occurs 3-4 7-9 8-9 7-9 model 3 was less than other models. In the last step, the
Storey Storey Storey Storey performance level of all model was on immediate occupancy.
The first collapse
4 8-9 8-9 8-9
The collapse in
Storey Storey Storey Storey
the last stage of
3-4 7-10 7-10 6-10
analysis pushover
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grant from Unggulan Kompetitif Universitas Sriwijaya, 2015. [8] P. B. Oni and S. B. Vanakudre, “Performance Based Evaluation of
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Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER), vol. 3, pp 2522-
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