Ultimate Reward Current Account Guide

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Ultimate Reward

Current Account
Getting started guide
For use from 2nd November 2017
Additional changes to International and foreign currency payments
(Correspondent Bank Fee)
your bank account terms If you have an account that allows you to make overseas

and conditions payments, the way we treat payments made to a bank

outside the European Economic Area* (EEA) will change from
13th January 2018, as will payments in non‑EEA currencies to
We are making some additional changes to your bank
banks within the EEA.
account terms and conditions. The changes will come into
effect as described below and will apply to all bank accounts Currently, when you make a payment to a bank outside of
unless otherwise stated below. the EEA and choose to pay the charges for the recipient, we
cannot confirm any agency bank fees or beneficiary bank
Third Party Providers fees at the point of the transaction, therefore your account
From 13th January 2018, you can choose to allow a Third Party is debited with these at a later date. From 13th January 2018,
Provider (TPP) to access information on your account and to where you choose to pay the charges for the recipient we
make payments for you from your account, provided the TPP will instead charge you a Correspondent Bank Fee at the
is authorised by the FCA or another European regulator and point of the transaction.
you give your explicit consent. If you are thinking of using a We are making this change so you can be certain how much
TPP, you will be able to check with the regulator whether it it will cost to make the payment before doing so. We will
is authorised before you use it. update our conditions to reflect this.
We will make changes to our conditions to allow for access For payments within the EEA, you already cannot pay the
by TPPs, and to make clear when we can refuse access. We charges for the recipient where the transfer is made in
will also take into account any guidance from our regulator. an EEA currency, but this exclusion will now also apply to
These changes will not affect any customers who do transfers made in non-EEA currencies.
not use TPPs. The Correspondent Bank Fee will be:

Notification of payments
Zone Country Fee
From 13th January 2018, we will make clear you can decide
whether information about payments out of your accounts 1 USA, Canada, Europe (non-EEA) £12
should be actively provided by us (e.g. in a statement) or
instead made available for you to obtain (e.g. online, from 2 Rest of the World £20
a branch or by Telephone Banking). However if regulations
require us to provide information differently we will comply
with the new regulations. *(The EEA means all the member states of the European
Union and Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein).
Collecting money paid into your account
by mistake
We can already return money paid into your account by
mistake, but from 13th January 2018 we are adding a term
that allows us to share personal information if it is necessary
for the payer to collect the money. This is because we
are required to co-operate with other banks and share all
relevant information needed so the payer can trace money
sent to the wrong account.

How we will contact you when we suspect fraud

In our conditions booklet, we already state how we will
contact you if we need to do so. From 13th January 2018,
we will make it clearer that we will use these same contact
details and appropriate secure procedures to make contact if
we suspect fraud or a security threat.

Your benefits at a glance

All of this for £15 a month

You’ll pay a discounted monthly account fee of £12 if in the previous calendar month you:
•• Pay in £750 or more and;
•• Have a minimum of two different direct debit instructions paid from your account and;
•• Have not gone overdrawn on your account by the end of any day during the calendar month.
You also need to keep your account open/not change it to a different type of current account
until the fee is due to be debited from your account which will be by the second working day of
the following calendar month.

Key benefits

Travel insurance • Worldwide multi-trip family travel cover

• Covers winter sports and golf trips
• Covers UK trips where accommodation is pre-booked for 2 nights or more
• Includes cover for:−
–– Personal belongings up to £2,500
–– Single article, pair or set of articles up to £500
–– Valuables up to £500 in total
–– Personal Money up to £750 (cash £300).

Car breakdown • Provides cover within the UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man
cover • Roadside Assistance
• Home Start
• Customer covered, not the vehicle.

Mobile phone • One phone per account holder, maximum of two for joint accounts
insurance • Repair or replacement phone up to a maximum value of £2,000 (including VAT) per claim
• Covers for loss, theft, damage or breakdown (including faults).

Home • Covers a sudden unexpected incident to your home which needs immediate action to;
emergency –– Make it safe or secure and avoid damage or more damage
cover –– Make it fit to live in
–– Restore electricity, gas or water services if they have totally failed
• Provides a qualified person chosen by us to deal with the emergency up to £250.

Card • For all financial cards – call us if they’re lost or stolen and we’ll request for them to be cancelled on
Cancellation your behalf.

All insurance benefits are only available to customers permanently residing in the UK, Channel
Islands and Isle of Man. (Please note there is no insurance cover with Card Cancellation.)
We use a range of third party providers for the benefits offered. Details of the insurance
exclusions and excesses, benefit providers and conditions for all benefits can be found on the
relevant benefit page within this guide.
We only offer insurance benefits from a single insurer, which varies per insurance. We may tell you
about changes to insurers of the insurance benefits or to the providers of any of the other services
included with your account as outlined in the Ultimate Reward Current Account Special Conditions.

Key benefit exclusions

The detail included on these pages (4 and 5) are the key exclusions only. Please ensure you read the
full benefit sections to understand all the benefits and exclusions of the policies.

Key benefit exclusions

Travel insurance • Cover ceases fully on your 71st birthday

• Cover includes your spouse, civil partner or partner (who you live with) and children under 18 or
under 24 and in full time education. Children are covered when travelling with the holder(s) of the
Ultimate Reward Current Account or a Responsible Adult
• Pre-existing medical conditions are not covered unless agreed by the insurer
• The maximum trip duration is 45 consecutive days, for Winter sports a maximum 31 days cover in
any calendar year
• You will pay a maximum excess of £50 per claim.

Car breakdown • Does not include AA Relay, which would recover you to any single UK destination of your choice.
cover Under this cover if it is not possible to fix the vehicle at the roadside, you will be recovered to a
local repairer of the AA’s choice or a destination of your choice provided it is no further.

Mobile phone • Excess is payable on all successful claims of;

insurance –– Apple iPhones™ = £50 for damage and breakdown claims, £100 for loss and theft claims
–– All other handsets = £30 for all claims.

Home • This policy is to deal with ‘home emergencies’ needing immediate attention only and will cover costs
emergency up to a maximum of £250. It does not cover broken freezers for example.

Additional exclusions you need to know

Travel insurance • Claims relating to stress, anxiety, depression or any other mental or nervous disorder that You are
suffering from unless it has been investigated and diagnosed as such by either a registered mental
health professional if you are under the care of a Community Mental Health Team or if not, a
consultant specialising in the relevant field
• Medical conditions of close relatives, travelling companions or people with whom you are planning
to stay with on your trip whose health may affect your decision to travel or remain overseas may
not be covered.
• Cover is excluded for certain hazardous activities (see pages 64 and 65).
• Claims where you cannot provide proof of purchase.

Car breakdown • You are not covered if you have exceeded five call-outs per 12 month period (seven for a
cover joint account).
• You may not be covered for same or similar causes of breakdown to that which the AA attended
within the previous 28 days.
• Does not provide recovery for any vehicle following an accident.
• You are not covered when travelling in a car, van, minibus or motorcycle exceeding the weight
restriction of 3.5 tonnes and max width restriction of 7ft 6in (2.3m).

Mobile phone • Theft, loss, damage or breakdown where you have knowingly put your mobile phone at risk or you
insurance have not taken care of it. Examples are provided in the “What you are NOT covered for” section of
the Policy Document.

Home • Any loss where you did not contact us to arrange repairs in the first instance.
emergency • Where you are a tenant and are required to report emergencies to the home owner or the
cover managing agent to instruct the appropriate engineer.
• Any claim if your home is left unoccupied for over 60 days.

Actions you must take when you need to make a claim

Not taking these actions could result in your claim being declined

Mobile phone • If your phone is lost or stolen, you must notify the police and your airtime provider as soon
insurance as possible.

Home • You must contact us first before instructing any other tradesman.
emergency • If you are a tenant, you must get agreement from your landlord before contacting us.

Medical screening for
travel insurance
Your Worldwide Travel Insurance doesn’t include cover for pre-existing medical conditions.
So before you travel please take a good look at our medical screening questions.
To make sure your policy fully covers you for any trip it’s important that when you make a
travel booking you tell us about any pre-existing medical condition affecting the health of
the people travelling – you, your spouse, partner or children. Travel insurance is provided by
AXA Insurance UK plc.

Medical screening questions

If you answer yes to either of these medical screening questions please call us on 0345 124 1400,
as this affects your policy and you may not be covered.

In relation to any person to be insured, does anyone have or previously had any medical condition for which:

a) they are currently taking prescribed medication, or,

b) they are waiting to receive, or have received treatment (including surgery, tests or investigation) within the last 6 months
prior to the opening of this account, or within 6 months prior to booking any trip, whichever is later.

Extending your cover

We may be able to extend your cover to include a pre-existing medical condition. Please call
0345 124 1400 to find out more.
If we extend the cover we may charge an additional premium.

Exclusions apply to those people upon whom your decision to travel or return home depend.
For example a relative or colleague. For more information please see the Worldwide Multi-Trip
Family Travel Insurance section on page 15 of the Getting started guide.

Getting started

It’s easy as 1, 2, 3. Just follow these simple steps to start getting the most from your account.

1 Call us
Phone 0345 124 1400 and we can register your debit cards, credit cards, mobile
phone and any pre-existing medical conditions.
•• Your worldwide multi-trip family travel insurance doesn’t include cover for pre-
existing medical conditions. To see if the insurer will cover a condition call the
number above. An additional premium may apply. See page 15 for more detail.
•• For your mobile phone insurance, let us know the make and model of your
phone, your mobile phone number, the IMEI number and your account number
and sort code. If you ever need to claim this will make the process quicker and
simpler. See page 22 for more details about your policy.
•• If you register your cards with us now for Card Cancellation it will make
it quicker and easier should you need to contact us. See page 26 for
more details.

Switch it

Move your regular payments to us including direct debits and standing orders.
If you’d like us to help, just call our Switching Team on 0345 602 5293. They’re
available Monday to Friday, 8am–8pm and Saturday 8am–4pm. For more on
switching see page 8.

Get online

3 Register for Online Banking – it’s quick, easy and secure. Make sure you have your
account number and sort code to hand and go to www.halifax.co.uk/register
For more on Online Banking see page 12.

made easy
There’s nothing to it. Just pop in branch to let us know you want to switch and we’ll switch your
account in just seven working days.
Name the date you’d like to switch – anytime from seven working days from now up to 30 days
ahead if you’re not ready to switch just yet. We’ll need your account details, including the 16-digit
number from your debit card for the account you want to switch from.
We’ll transfer your payment arrangements and deal with your old bank so you don’t have to.
For more details about switching to us, ask in branch or call 0345 602 5293. Lines are open
Monday to Friday, 8am–8pm and Saturday 8am–4pm.

Overdrafts are handy things – especially when unexpected expenses crop up or if everyday costs
leave you a little short just before payday.
We charge a daily overdraft fee when you use it – so you can see exactly what you’re paying. And
if you’re overdrawn during the day, but pay money in to bring your account back into credit by the
end of the same day, you won’t pay the daily overdraft fee for that day.

£300 fee-free overdraft

•• With this account, the first £300 of any planned overdraft has no daily overdraft fee applied.
•• For overdrafts over £300, we’ll simply charge a daily overdraft fee at the end of each day
you use it.
•• If you don’t already have a planned overdraft or would like to increase your existing planned
overdraft limit please call us on 0345 720 3040.

Here’s how it all works…

If you... Your daily overdraft fee will be

Use a planned overdraft up to and including £300 n/a

Use a planned overdraft from £300.01 up to and including your planned overdraft limit 1p per full £7 borrowed

Whether you can have an overdraft, and the amount available, will depend upon your personal
circumstances at the time you apply. Any overdraft we agree is offered subject to status and
repayable on demand. You need to be aware you may not get the full £300 overdraft.

Representative example
If you use a Planned Overdraft of £1,200, then we’ll charge you a daily fee of £1.28.
If you have an Ultimate Reward Current Account and use your overdraft you will pay the £15
monthly account fee. If you stay in credit, pay at least £750 into your account each month
and make two direct debits, you will receive a discount of £3, reducing your monthly account
fee to £12.

Calculating your overdraft fees

When using your overdraft, you’ll pay a fee of 1p a day for every full £7 that you borrow. There are
no usage fees and no unexpected charges. You only pay for the amount you borrow for the time
you borrow it. Here’s an example of how this might work:

Example: The daily First, divide the Then multiply the This gives the
An account is overdraft fee is amount of the result by 1 penny amount we
overdrawn by 1p for every £7 overdraft by 7 charge each day
£500 over the you borrow and round down
fee-free amount
Overdraft of
500 ÷ 7 = 71 71 × 1p = 71p £0.71
£500 per day

One daily overdraft fee

You’ll pay a daily overdraft fee of
1p for every £7 you borrow, over your
fee-free amount.
When calculating the daily overdraft
fee, we will only use every full £7 you Daily charging
have borrowed, so if you borrow less Instead of paying all fees in one go
than £7 you won’t be charged. each month, a daily overdraft fee
will be charged at the end of each
day you use your overdraft including
weekends and bank holidays – so
you’ll pay for what you borrow on
If you go over your limit the day you borrow it.
So all your payments are made, it’s This will help you keep track of how
important you manage your account much your overdraft costs you.
within your planned overdraft limit.
If you don’t have enough money in
your account or you reach your limit,
you may not be able to make any
more payments. If a payment takes
you over your limit or we stop it,
you won't be charged.

See page 56 for more about our overdrafts.

Overdraft terms explained •• You’re nearing your limit. We’ll send a
Overdraft message when your balance falls below £50.
An overdraft is a type of borrowing facility. It If you have a planned overdraft, we’ll also
lets you borrow money through your current send an alert when you’re within £50 of your
account in the short term. Think of it as a planned limit.
temporary back-up to tide you over until •• You don’t have enough to pay a standing
pay day. As long as you’re careful, using your order. If you’re able to move your money
overdraft facility can be a perfectly reasonable from other accounts, you will have until
way to manage your money. 2.30pm (UK time) to pay in cleared funds in
order to make any payments.
Planned overdraft
An overdraft you have agreed in advance with •• You’ve reached your limit. You will
us. We agree to an amount you can borrow and only receive this message once when
this is your overdraft limit. you first reach your limit and have zero
available funds.
Daily overdraft fee You can receive alerts abroad, but please check
A fee we charge daily for your use of a with your service provider for any charges you
planned overdraft. You will only be charged may incur.
a daily overdraft fee for the days you use
your overdraft. You can check if we have a valid number for
you – or set one up – through Online Banking,
Fee-free amount in a branch, or by calling us on 0345 720 3040.
An amount of planned overdraft that you If you don’t want to receive alerts you can text
don’t pay any daily overdraft fees on for using STOP to 64449 to opt-out.
it. If your account is overdrawn by less than
the fee-free amount, you won’t pay any daily If you opt-out you may miss important
overdraft fees. messages about your account so make sure you
keep track of your balance and regularly check
Mobile Alerts your statements through Mobile Banking,
It’s important to monitor your account Online Banking or Telephone Banking.
regularly to make sure you have enough funds Mobile Alerts are sent before 10am UK time 7 days a week
to make any payments due. Our Mobile Alerts including Bank Holidays. This is a free service for all eligible
current account customers.
service offers a simple way to stay on top of
your finances without even having to think
about it.
So if we have a mobile number for you, we’ll let
you know when:
•• You’ve started using your overdraft and
are being charged. You will only receive this
message once when you are first charged
for using your overdraft. You have until
midnight to pay in enough to avoid future
daily overdraft fees. The money needs to
be immediately available to use, so you
could transfer money from another personal
account you have with us via Mobile, Online
Banking or Telephone Banking or pay in cash
over the counter in branch.
Your Halifax Visa debit card

A quick, safe way to pay Withdrawing cash or buying goods

Your account comes with a Visa debit card that and services in a currency other
you can use to: than sterling
•• Pay for just about anything – here and If you use your debit card to withdraw cash
abroad. Just look out for the Visa sign or make a purchase in a currency other than
sterling, the amount is converted to sterling on
•• Take out up to £500 cash (or equivalent
the day it is processed by Visa using the Visa
currency) per account holder from cash
Payment Scheme exchange rate on the day.
machines around the world. If you want to
We will charge you a non-sterling transaction
use your card whilst travelling outside the EU
fee of 2.99% of the amount of the transaction
don’t forget to register it before you go.
and a non-sterling cash fee of £1.50 for each
•• Buy things over the phone and online. Your withdrawal or non-sterling purchase fee of
card is covered by Halifax Secure for Internet £0.50 for each purchase. Where you elect to
purchases – visit www.halifax.co.uk/secure allow the cash machine operator/financial
to find out more. service provider to make the conversion to
You can even get cashback from some shops sterling for you, we will only charge a foreign
and supermarkets when you use your Visa cash fee of £1.50 for each withdrawal. The
debit card. But don’t forget to keep your provider of the foreign currency may make a
PIN safe at all times by shielding it when separate charge for conversion.
using cash machines and buying goods and
services in shops. Cash machines
You can use Halifax and Bank of Scotland cash
Contactless payments machines to:
In a rush or just have no change? Paying
•• Pay in cheques
for everyday things couldn’t be easier with
contactless payments. •• Top up pay-as-you-go mobiles
•• Change your PIN
Look for the contactless symbol when paying
for items up to the value of £30. Touch – your •• Pay your bills
contactless card against the symbol until the •• Mini statement.
light turns green. Confirm – a beep indicates And when you take out cash, it’s free from
successful payment. For extra security you most machines with a LINK logo, but you might
may need to enter your PIN. Approved – have to pay with other cash machines.
your payment is approved.

Paying money in You can set up a payment up to 31 days
in advance if you want to make a one-off
and taking it out payment to go to a specific account in the UK.
It’s a smart way to set up a payment in advance
Paying money in so you don’t forget.
You can pay in cash or cheques at any of our
branches over the counter or at an Immediate
Deposit Machine (IDM) if they have one. You Managing your account
can even pay foreign currency and cheques It’s simple to look after your account
into your account. Just ask in branch and we’ll
talk you through it – including any fees.
online, in branch or by phone.

Taking money out 24/7 Online Banking

As long as you have enough money in your
account, you can withdraw from a cash With online banking you can have round-the-
machine or in any branch. If you need more clock access to your accounts. All you have to
than that, please let us know beforehand. do is register at www.halifax.co.uk/register
Then you can:
Faster payments
•• Check your balance and see statements on
It’s possible to make faster payments between all Halifax accounts.
UK accounts electronically, and these normally
just take up to two hours instead of several days. •• Move money between accounts.
It’s a free service but you’ll just need to check •• Pay bills, view and delete direct debits and
that the bank or building society you’re paying set up new standing orders.
money into accepts this type of payment.
Safe and secure
For more information please see the
Bank Account terms and conditions, You’re covered by our online fraud
Section D – Making and receiving payments. guarantee, which means we’ll pay back any
In this section we explain how to make money you lose in the unlikely event that
payments from your account and how soon you’re a victim of fraud.
you can use money paid in. Check out www.halifax.co.uk/online

Standing orders, direct debits and

future dated payments Mobile payments
If you don’t have enough money in your Is simple to use and works with the cards you
account at the beginning of the day a already have on the devices you use every day.
payment is due, you have until 2.30pm to Because your card details are never shared or
pay money into your account to make the stored on your device at all – using it is the
payment that day. safer and more private way to pay.
The money needs to be available to use 24/7 Telephone Banking
straight away, so you could transfer money
from another personal account you have with 0345 720 3040
us via online, Mobile or Telephone Banking Call us any time, night or day to use our
or pay in cash at one of our branches with easy automated telephone banking service.
a counter. Then you can:

•• Check your account balance Your mobile operator may charge for some
•• Listen to details of recent transactions services, please check with them. Services may
be affected by phone signal and functionality.
•• Pay bills and transfer money
You must be registered for Online Banking.
•• Transfer money to other accounts Terms and conditions apply.
•• Set up or change standing orders and cancel
direct debits It’s easy to register
•• Ask for a new PIN and get information on •• Go online at www.halifax.co.uk
other Halifax products and services.
•• Call us on 0345 720 3040
•• And if you prefer to speak to one of our
•• Pop into any of our branches
advisers, they’re always on hand to help.
Not all Telephone Banking services are available
24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please speak to
an adviser for more information. Identity theft assistance
Telephone calls may be monitored or recorded. Call us for help and advice 24/7 if
Mobile banking you think someone’s stolen your
Always on the go? You’re always close to your
personal details.
bank with the Halifax Mobile Banking app for Identity fraud is one of the fastest growing types
iPhone and Android. And it’s fast, convenient of frauds in the UK. And the truth is, if someone
and more secure than ever. It’s the easiest way steals your personal details for their own benefit,
to stay on top of your money: the results can be devastating. Once a thief has
your information, it’s possible for them to:
•• Bank where you want – at home or abroad,
at work or college, or just out and about •• Open new credit card or bank accounts, and
•• Be secure – the latest built-in security run up debts in your name
technology keeps your details safe •• Take out credit or loans in your name
and private •• Change the billing address for your accounts
•• Keep control – check balances, pay bills and so you don’t know there’s a problem.
transfer money quickly when you need to.
Free help and advice
You can also access your Halifax accounts
through Online Banking on your mobile As an Ultimate Reward Current Account holder,
browser – we’ve optimised it so it looks great you automatically get unlimited access to a
on internet-enabled mobiles. confidential identity theft advice line. So if you
suspect that your personal details have been
stolen, call our team. They can provide help
and advice 24 hours a day, talk you through
what you need to do and get you back on
Pay a Contact track as quickly as possible.
Is a way of sending and receiving money. It
works by using a mobile number instead of Contact us
a sort code and account number. Visit
For free identity theft advice call the
www.halifax.co.uk for further details.
Customer Services Team on: 0345 124 1400,
Terms and conditions apply.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Introducing your benefits
At home. Abroad. On the road. On your mobile. Your Ultimate Reward Current
Account has all this covered and more.
Here’s all you need to know about your individual benefits and how they can protect you and
your family.

Your benefits Page

Worldwide multi-trip family travel insurance 15

AA Breakdown Cover 19

Mobile phone insurance 22

Home emergency cover 24

Card Cancellation 26

How to claim or use the services

Your account benefits are there to help and protect you both at home and abroad. To contact us,
you’ll find details about how to do this on the individual benefits pages that follow.

Worldwide multi-trip
family travel insurance
Our travel insurance covers you, your spouse or partner (who you live with), and children under 18 or
under 24 if they’re in full time education. And with personal belongings, winter sports and even golf
trips included as standard, you can relax knowing our cover ticks all your boxes, subject to eligibility.
To ensure you’re fully covered it’s important you tell us at the time of booking about any pre-
existing medical condition affecting the health of the people travelling. To see if your cover can
be extended for a pre-existing medical condition please call 0345 124 1400.
This summary outlines cover available under our travel insurance, which is underwritten by
AXA Insurance UK plc. Upgrades and medical screenings are sold, administered and underwritten
by AXA Insurance UK plc. For full details of exclusions and conditions please see the full Terms
and Conditions on page 60.

Key benefit
• Worldwide multi-trip family travel cover
• Covers winter sports and golf trips
• Covers UK trips where accommodation is pre-booked for 2 nights or more
• Includes cover for;
–– Personal belongings up to £2,500
–– Single article, pair or set of articles up to £500
–– Valuables up to £500 in total
–– Personal money up to £750 (cash £300)

Key benefit exclusions

• Cover ceases fully on your 71st birthday
• Cover includes your spouse, civil partner or partner (who you live with) and children under 18 or under 24 and in full
time education. Children are covered when travelling with the holder(s) of the Ultimate Reward Current Account or a
Responsible Adult.
• Pre-existing medical conditions are not covered unless agreed by the insurer
• The maximum trip duration is 45 consecutive days, for winter sports a maximum 31 days cover in any calendar year
• You will pay a maximum excess of £50 per claim

Additional exclusions you need to know about

• Claims relating to stress, anxiety, depression or any other mental or nervous disorder that you are suffering from unless
it has been investigated and diagnosed as such by either a registered mental health professional if you are under the care
of a Community Mental Health Team or if not, a consultant specialising in the relevant field.
• Medical conditions of close relatives, travelling companions or people with whom you are planning to stay with on your
trip whose health may affect your decision to travel or remain overseas may not be covered
• Cover is excluded for certain hazardous activities (see pages 64 and 65)
• Claims where you cannot provide proof of purchase

Section Cover description Limit of cover Excess per
successful claim*

Cancellation/ • Cancellation of pre-booked travel and up to £5,000 £50

cutting short accommodation expenses
your trip • Value of the portion of the travel arrangements up to £5,000 £50
that have not been used because you return home
earlier than planned.

Winter sports For snowboarding, skiing and snow or ice activities (see
policy wording for details of cover and exclusions):
• Ski equipment and ski hire up to £500 £50
(£400 if hired)
• Ski Pack up to £5,000 £50
• Piste Closure up to £300 £50
(£30 per day)
• Up to a total of 31 days during any calendar year

Golf cover • Golf equipment See policy wording £50

• Green fees for full benefit details

Personal • Cover for accidental loss, theft or damage to up to £2,500 £50

belongings personal baggage
• Loss or theft of your personal money up to £750 £50
–– Loss or theft of your cash up to £300 (£50 for £50
children under 16)

Medical • In the event of an accident or illness during the trip up to £10,000,000 £50
emergency and • Dental treatment for the relief of pain. up to £1,000 £50

Legal advice and • Legal expenses for compensation or damages for up to £25,000 £50
expenses your personal injury or death caused by negligence
of a third party.

Personal accident • Death by accident up to £15,000 (£2,500 Nil

if under 16 or over 64)
• Permanent loss of one or more limbs or total and up to £30,000 (£2,500 Nil
permanent loss of sight in one or both eyes if under 16 or over 64)
• Permanent total disablement. up to £30,000 (£2,500 Nil
if under 16 or over 64)

Personal liability • Defence costs in relation to an incident you cause. up to £2,000,000 £50

*Where you and your family make a claim under more than one section of cover for the same incident, the maximum excess
you will pay is £50 in total.

Top tip
Before you book any trip check our medical screening section on page 6.
Take this Getting started guide with you when you travel – it contains all the
information you need.

Main exclusions applying •• Any insured person aged under 16 or over
to the policy 64 will not receive the full Personal Accident
benefit. Please see the Personal Accident
•• Maximum trip duration is 45 consecutive
section of the policy booklet.
days for each trip (if you are going away
for longer please call us as we may •• Loss or theft of personal baggage not
be able to extend your cover for an reported to the Police within 24 hours of
additional premium). discovery or as soon as possible after that
and a report obtained.
•• This policy ceases when the account holder
reaches the age of 71. Where a joint account •• Loss or theft of baggage left out of sight
holder is aged 71 or over and the other and out of personal control in public places
account holder still qualifies for cover, this where you are not in a position to prevent
policy will remain in force for that account unauthorised interference such as at a
holder until they reach 71 subject to the station, airport, restaurant or beach.
terms and conditions of the policy. •• Loss or theft of valuables unless they are
•• Travel insurance is not valid for trips in the attended by you or left in hotel security,
UK except when you have pre-booked safety deposit box, safe or similar locked
accommodation for 2 nights or more. fixed receptacle or whilst in the custody of
an airline or other carrier.
•• Any pre-existing medical condition that has
not been accepted by our Customer Services •• Any in-patient, hospital, clinic or repatriation
Team before you start your trip. Please see expenses in excess of £500 which have not
the ‘Words with special meanings’ section been reported to and authorised by the
of the policy wording for ‘Pre-existing Medical Assistance Helpline in advance.
medical conditions’. •• Cover is excluded for certain Hazardous
•• If, at the time you open your Ultimate Activities. This means any pursuit or activity
Reward Current Account or book a trip, where it is recognised that there is an
whichever is later, your relative, colleague, increased risk of injury or accident. A list of
travel companion or someone who you have the activities covered by the policy can be
arranged to stay, had a medical condition for found under the Hazardous Activities section.
which he or she: •• Claims relating to stress, anxiety, depression
–– was receiving treatment at hospital (other or any other mental or nervous disorder
than where they go to hospital for check- that you are suffering from unless it has
ups for a stable condition, at regular intervals been investigated and diagnosed as such by
which have been arranged beforehand) either a registered mental health professional
if you are under the care of a Community
–– was waiting for a hospital consultation,
Mental Health Team or if not, a consultant
investigations or treatment (other than
specialising in the relevant field.
where they go to hospital for check-ups
for a stable condition, at regular intervals •• Travelling against FCO advice.
which have been arranged beforehand) •• Travelling against the advice of a medical
–– had been given a terminal prognosis, or practitioner or for the purpose of receiving
been told that their condition is likely to medical treatment.
get worse in the next 12 months. •• Trips that do not start and end at your home
We will not pay for any claim you (or any or business address in the UK.
insured person) make that has anything to do For further details of exclusions and conditions
with that medical condition. please refer to the full terms and conditions
on page 60.
General information
Do you already have
You can complain about Worldwide Travel
travel insurance? Insurance by calling us on 0800 0150 980 or
When your current travel insurance policy by writing to Head of Customer Relations,
is due for renewal, it might be worth AXA Insurance, Civic Drive, Ipswich, IP1 2AN.
comparing its cover with what your If a complaint is not settled, you may be
Ultimate Reward Current Account offers. able to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman
Call us on 0345 124 1400 to find out more. Service who will undertake an independent
and impartial review of your complaint. The
address is The Financial Ombudsman Service,
Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR. Telephone
Need medical help abroad? 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9 123.
Call us on +44 1633 439 015
You may be entitled to compensation from
Medical Assistance – +44 1633 439 015 the Financial Services Compensation Scheme
from abroad, or 01633 439 015 from the UK should AXA Insurance UK plc be unable to
meet its liabilities. For further details please
For emergencies: if you are taken by
contact the FSCS on 0800 678 1100 or
ambulance to hospital following an emergency
020 7741 4100.
call, you or a travelling companion should call
us as soon as possible once you have been Worldwide Travel Insurance is a monthly
admitted to hospital. contract. This policy is provided as a benefit of
you being an Ultimate Reward Current Account
For non-emergencies: if you need a GP, or need
holder. The cost is included in your standard
to go to A&E or a clinic, Call Us, before you try
monthly fee. We recommend that you review
to locate help, so we can guide you to the safest
the cover this policy provides every year to
and most appropriate source of treatment.
ensure it continues to meet your needs.
If you are unfortunate enough to need
If you or Halifax close your account, or Halifax
medical help whilst abroad please Call Us
terminates the cover provided through the
on +44 1633 439 015.
programme, cover will stop immediately unless
Our highly experienced multi-lingual team are you’re moving from one qualifying account
available to talk 24 hours a day, to advise you to another.
or your travelling companion of what steps to
take. Their aim will always be to establish the
How to make a claim
best treatment available to you in the country
you are visiting. Before you go away, save our contact
number (0345 124 1400) in your mobile
phone in case you need to make a claim.
From abroad call us on +44 1633 439 015.

AA Breakdown Cover

Whatever sort of car you’re travelling in – even if you’re the passenger in someone else’s car – if it
breaks down you can trust the AA to help out, 24/7. And if you have a joint account, both of you
are covered.
•• You’ll have AA Breakdown Cover as long as your Ultimate Reward Current Account is open and
you’re paying the monthly fee.
•• The AA Breakdown Cover policy covers you in the event of the vehicle’s mechanical breakdown
at home or on the road within the UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man.
•• An AA Patrol will try to repair the vehicle at the roadside or, if this is not possible, arrange a tow
to a local garage for you, your vehicle and up to 7 passengers.
•• AA Roadside and Home Start included.

Upgrade now for extra AA cover

If you’d like to upgrade your cover just call the AA on 0800 975 2985. You’ll find all the current
upgrade prices included in the table below. Please note prices are subject to change.

Relay For sole account holders £66.89

For joint account holders £68.12

Stay Mobile For sole account holders £51.08

For joint account holders £51.71

Breakdown Repair Cover From £60.20 per eligible vehicle

European Breakdown Cover Price on application

Prices correct as at December 2016.

Please note: If you have a sole account you cannot buy a joint AA upgrade. Cover applies to the
named account holders.

Your Policy
Here’s a summary of your cover. For full terms and conditions of your AA Breakdown Cover policy
please see page 87.

Policy provider
AA Breakdown Cover is provided by Automobile Association Developments Limited (trading as
AA Breakdown Services).
Accident Management is underwritten by Acromas Insurance Company Limited.

Key exclusions applying to the policy •• The customer must be with the vehicle at
•• Maximum of five call-outs per 12 month the times of breakdown and assistance. A
period (seven for a joint account) and may valid entitlement card and some other form
not be covered for same or similar causes of of identification must be produced. Service
breakdown to that which the AA attended will be refused and may be cancelled if
within the previous 28 days. anyone behaves in an abusive or threatening
manner, or if the AA is owed money.
Vehicle specifications, see page 89
Replacement vehicle
•• Service is only available to customers
travelling in a car, van, minibus or motorcycle •• Any car hire that may be arranged for you will
which complies with the stated weight and be subject to the hirer’s Terms & Conditions.
width restrictions of 3.5 tonnes and max Service control
width restriction of 7ft 6in (2.3m).
•• Please note that further premiums may be
General Terms and Conditions, requested if the maximum number of call-
see pages 87–95 outs is exceeded.
•• Assistance is not available following a
breakdown or accident attended by the
How to make a claim
police or other emergency service, until the If you need breakdown assistance call:
vehicle’s removal is authorised. If the police 08000 51 22 48 (save the number to your
insist on recovery by a third party, the cost mobile phone in case you need roadside
must be met by you; assistance). You will need to provide your
Ultimate Reward Current Account debit
•• No recovery (including a local tow) is
card number, your sort code and your
available following an accident;
account number, as well as your vehicle
•• Transport of any animal is discretionary, and registration, details of the breakdown
horses and livestock will not be recovered; location, and separate proof of your
•• Routine maintenance, running repairs, fuel identity (such as your driving licence).
and parts (unless these are carried by the
attending AA Patrol or agent and in the
case of fuel is required to get a Vehicle SMS text messaging is available for use by deaf,
that has run out of fuel to the nearest hard of hearing or speech impaired customers
fuelling point and in the case of parts costs in a break down situation, by sending an SMS
£5 or less based on the AA’s retail prices), to 07900 444 999.
oil, keys, specialist lifting equipment, garage
or other labour or materials required to
repair Your Vehicle are excluded, as are any
supplier delivery service or call-out charges
related to these items and the provision
of service on private property without the
relevant permission;
•• Service is discretionary where it is requested
to deal with the same or a similar fault
or cause of breakdown to that attended
in regard to the same vehicle within the
preceding 28 days.

If you have a complaint Duration of policy
If you wish to register a complaint, please Subject to your right to cancel (see your
make contact: AA Breakdown Cover Terms and Conditions
for details), your cover is renewed monthly
By phone: 03442 09 05 56
and runs at the same time as your Ultimate
In writing: Customer Care (Halifax), AA, Reward Current Account, subject always to the
Lambert House, Stockport Road, Cheadle, terms of the AA Breakdown Cover Terms and
Cheshire SK8 2DY Conditions and your Ultimate Reward Current
Account. Your cover will come to an end if
By fax: 0161 488 7544
(i) you fail to pay the monthly fee, or (ii) you
Text Relay is available for deaf, hard of or your account provider close your Ultimate
hearing or speech impaired customers. Reward Current Account or it is changed to
another type of account, or (iii) your residential
By email: customersupport@theAA.com
address is no longer in the UK, Channel Islands
The AA will either acknowledge your complaint or the Isle of Man. Your account provider or
within five working days of receipt, or offer the AA can withdraw or change the terms
you their final response if they have concluded of your cover by giving you 30 days’ notice
their investigations within this period. in writing.
Acromas Insurance Company Limited (AICL),
only, is covered by the FSCS. If any of the cover
you have purchased is underwritten by AICL,
you may be entitled to compensation from the
scheme if AICL cannot meet its obligations.
This depends on the type of business and the
circumstances of the claim. Further information
about the compensation scheme arrangements
is available from the FSCS at www.fscs.org.uk
or telephone 0800 678 1100 or 0207 741 4100.

Mobile phone insurance

Your address book, diary, photo album, newspaper, music player, home cinema. Your mobile is
about much more than making and receiving calls. That’s why, as an Ultimate Reward Current
Account holder, we’ll repair or replace your mobile phone(s) when it’s lost, stolen, damaged – or
when it just stops working.
We’ve given you a quick summary of your cover below, but please read the full terms of the
policy that can be found on pages 96–101. It’s a good idea to check these every so often to
make sure it gives you the cover you need.

What you are covered for • Replacing or repairing your mobile phone and SIM card, up to a maximum value of
£2,000 (including VAT) per claim, in the event of:
–– loss
–– theft
–– damage
–– breakdown (including faults)
Occurring anywhere in the world
• Unauthorised network charges from the point that your mobile phone was lost or
stolen and up to 24 hours after discovery of the loss or theft, up to a maximum
value of £1,500 (including VAT) per claim for contract mobile phones and £500
(including VAT) for Pay As You Go
• Mobile Phone Accessories including cases, screen protectors, headphones and
bluetooth headsets up to a value of £250 (including VAT) if they are lost, stolen or
damaged at the same time as your mobile phone. (Excludes other mobile phone
accessories such as smartwatches, fitness trackers and portable speakers).

What you are NOT covered for • You need to pay a contribution every time you make a successful claim of:
–– Apple iPhones = £50 for damage and breakdown claims, £100 for loss and
theft claims
–– All other handsets = £30 for all claims
This is the excess. Your excess is payable for every accepted claim and must be
paid before your claim will be settled.
• Theft, loss, damage or breakdown where you have knowingly put your mobile
phone at risk or you have not taken care of it. Examples are provided in the “What
you are NOT covered for” section of the Policy Document on page 98, which you
should read to help you understand the cover.

If you need to claim

•• You should tell us about your claim as soon as possible, after becoming aware of the loss, theft,
damage, or breakdown, and inform the Police and your airtime provider (in the case of loss
or theft).
•• You may need to send us proof that the mobile phone is yours which should include the
make, model, memory size, colour and IMEI number (details of how to find this number are
in the section on ‘Actions you will need to take on loss, theft, breakdown or damage to your
mobile phone’ in the Policy Document). If you don’t have proof of ownership we may decline
your claim.

•• If your phone is lost or stolen we may ask Need another copy?
for details on the steps you have taken to This document is also available in large print,
report the phone missing and any attempts audio and Braille, so get in touch with us on
to recover it. 0345 124 1400 if you’d like to request a copy in
•• If your Mobile Device has the functionality, one of these formats. The same applies if you
activate any location finder app or software just need a replacement.
to help you in retrieving it. This may also
enable you to lock and wipe the data stored Status disclosure
on your mobile device. This Policy has been arranged as part of your
•• When returning any items in order for repair bank account and is administered by STAMS
to be carried out, please ensure that you have Limited with a single insurer, Assurant General
removed any locking mechanism (e.g. ‘Find my Insurance Limited.
iPhone’) before you send your device to us. If
this isn’t removed this will affect the processing Assurant General Insurance Limited. (Financial
of your claim and the handset may be returned Services Register No. 202735) is authorised
to you for the block to be removed before by the Prudential Regulation Authority and
the claim can be assessed. We may not be able regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
to complete a claim until we can confirm the and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
security features have been removed. STAMS Limited (Financial Services Register
No. 409098) is an Appointed Representative
•• You can make a claim at of Lifestyle Services Group Limited (Financial
www.halifax-online.co.uk or by calling Services Register Number 315245), which is
0345 124 1400. authorised and regulated by the Financial
Duration of this policy Conduct Authority. Lifestyle Services Group
Limited handle claims and complaints on behalf
Mobile phone insurance is a monthly contract. of the insurer.
This policy is provided as a benefit of you being
an Ultimate Reward Current Account holder. All firms’ register details can be checked on
the Financial Services Register by visiting the
Cancelling your insurance FCA’s website www.fca.org.uk/register or by
If you or Halifax close your account, or Halifax phoning 0800 111 6768.
terminates the cover provided through the
programme, cover will stop immediately unless Financial Services
you are moving from one qualifying account Compensation Scheme
to another. Lifestyle Services Group Limited and Assurant
General Insurance Limited are covered by
Got a question? Need to make the Financial Services Compensation Scheme
a complaint? (FSCS). You may be entitled to compensation
We want to make sure you’re happy. from the scheme if they cannot meet their
Should you need to talk to us, contact us liabilities. You are covered for 90% of the entire
on 0345 124 1400. If you have a concern or claim without any upper limit. You can get
complaint you can also contact us at more information about the compensation
LSG.Customerrelations@lifestylegroup.co.uk scheme arrangements by contacting the FSCS.

If after making a complaint you are still Web: www.fscs.org.uk

unhappy, you may contact the Financial Telephone: 0800 678 1100 or 0207 741 4100
Ombudsman Service.

Home emergency cover

From a burst pipe to a break-in, home emergencies can happen to any of us.
And you can bet that they’ll happen at the worst possible time. But thankfully, as an Ultimate
Reward Current Account holder you’re already covered for a wide range of emergencies.

What’s a home emergency?

It’s a sudden, unexpected event which needs immediate action in order to:
•• Make your home safe or secure
•• Avoid damage or prevent more damage
•• Restore electricity, gas or water if they’ve totally failed within the home.

How we’ll help

If the safety of your home is at risk and you need help fast, just give us a call on 0345 124 1400.
We’ll arrange for a skilled and reliable tradesperson to carry out the necessary repairs – up to a
value of £250 for the call-out charge, labour cost, parts and materials. We’ll also give you £100
towards emergency overnight accommodation if your home becomes uninhabitable.

Your cover
This summary outlines cover available under our home emergency cover, which is underwritten by
Inter Partner Assistance SA (IPA). You’ll find the full policy wording is in the Terms and Conditions
section of this booklet on page 102. Please keep them safe.
Please see below for details of the key benefits and exclusions.

Policy section Cover description Limit of cover Excess

per person
Home emergency Cost of the qualified person chosen by us to deal £250 Nil
costs with the emergency in respect of the call-out charge,
labour and any materials necessary
Overnight If your property becomes uninhabitable and remains £100 Nil
accommodation so overnight we will, subject to prior agreement
with us, reimburse you up to the policy limit for
your overnight accommodation or transport to such
accommodation (or both)

Main exclusions applying to the policy

•• A fault any member of your family knew or should have known about when you took out the
Ultimate Reward Current Account.
•• Systems or structures (for example, central heating) that have not been installed or fitted by a
qualified person.
•• Any claim if your home is unoccupied for over 60 days.
•• Any claim if your mains electricity, water or gas supply is deliberately cut off by any electricity,
water or gas supply company.
•• Any claim covered by a maintenance negligence or failure to comply with
agreement, guarantee or extended recognised industry standards.
warranty contract. For further details of exclusions and conditions
•• Any claim because your central heating please refer to the full Terms and Conditions
boiler fails and is LPG fuelled, oil fired, warm on page 102.
air, solar heating or boilers with an output
over 60Kw/hr. How to make a claim
•• Solar heating, septic tanks, guttering and If you have an emergency, phone our
down pipes. Customer Services team on 0345 124 1400
•• Breakdown or loss of, or damage to, 24-hours a day, seven days a week.
domestic appliances like freezers, washing
machines, microwaves or other mechanical They will take the details of the emergency
equipment such as Saniflow toilets. and arrange for the most appropriate,
qualified person to get in touch with you.
•• Any loss where you did not contact us to
arrange repairs.
•• Any leaking or dripping tap that requires General information
replacement washers or partial or total
You can complain about home emergency
replacement, external overflows or
cover by calling Halifax on 0345 124 1400
replacement of cylinders, tanks, radiators and
or by writing to Customer Services
sanitary ware.
Administration, Inter Partner Assistance SA
•• Any burst or leaking flexible hoses that can (IPA), The Quadrangle, 106–118 Station Road,
be isolated or leaking washing appliances. Redhill, Surrey RH1 1PR United Kingdom. If a
•• De-scaling and any work arising from hard- complaint is not settled, you may be able
water scale deposits or from damage caused to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman
by aggressive water or sludge resulting from Service who will undertake an independent
corrosion. Signs that work is needed may and impartial review of your complaint. The
include a noisy boiler, sludged-up pipes or address is The Financial Ombudsman Service,
poor circulation. Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR. Telephone
•• Replacement of light bulbs and 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9 123.
fuses in plugs. You may be entitled to compensation from
•• Lost keys for outbuildings, garages and sheds. the Financial Services Compensation Scheme
•• Vermin outside the main dwelling e.g. should Inter Partner Assistance SA (IPA) be
garages and other outbuildings. unable to meet its liabilities. For further details
please contact the FSCS on 0800 678 1100 or
•• Where the account holders tenancy 020 7741 4100 or enquiries@fscs.org.uk
agreement has a requirement for the tenant
to report emergencies to the home owner Home emergency cover is a monthly contract.
or the managing agent to instruct the This policy is provided as a benefit of you being
appropriate contractor. an Ultimate Reward Current Account holder. The
•• Any cost relating to the defect, damage or cost is included in your standard monthly fee.
failure caused by modification or attempted If you or Halifax close your account, or Halifax
repair by you or your own contractor which terminates the cover provided through the
results in damage to that or another part programme, cover will stop immediately unless
of the property; you or your contractors you are moving from one qualifying account
malicious or wilful action, misuse or to another.

Card Cancellation

It’s hard to imagine life today without your General information

plastic cards. So if they go missing you need to
This product is a monthly contract and is
act fast. Our Card Cancellation service helps
a benefit of your Ultimate Reward Current
you get back to normal, and quickly. If your
Account. The cost is included as part of your
cards are lost or stolen just call 0345 124 1400
standard monthly fee. We recommend that
and we’ll request for your financial cards to be
you review your account benefits every year
cancelled and replacements ordered. The full
to ensure they continue to meet your needs.
terms and conditions can be found on page
If you or Halifax close your account, or Halifax
106 of this booklet.
terminates the service provided through the
account, this service will stop immediately
Register your cards to get the unless you are moving from one qualifying
best service account to another.
If you register your cards with us now, it makes
it quicker and easier for us to complete a loss Already have Card
report on your behalf if they ever go missing. Cancellation service?
Just call us on 0345 124 1400 or You should check the details of your existing
+44 (0) 1495 28 12 97 if you’re abroad and have product against the Card Cancellation service
your cards to hand. Make sure you register any we offer with your account to ensure you are
additional account holder’s cards too. not paying unnecessarily for the same service.
And if your card details change, let us know so Reporting lost or stolen cards
that we can update our records.
1. If your cards are lost or stolen, please tell us
You can also register your Passport and Driving as soon as possible. You can report your card
Licence Number by calling 0345 124 1400. We lost or stolen and order a replacement:
can then provide you with these document a) By signing into the Mobile Banking app or
numbers if you need them for any reason. Online Banking
Scope of service b) By calling us:
No insurance cover is included with this service –– To report your cards lost or stolen in
which means you are not covered for any the UK call 0345 124 1400
financial loss incurred due to the loss or theft –– To report your cards lost or stolen
of your cards. whilst abroad +44 (0)1495 28 12 97.
This service is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week, 365 days a year.
2. When you call us, we’ll complete a loss
report and contact your card issuer(s) to
request for them to be cancelled and
re‑issued to you.

How to complain
We set high standards and seek to provide
levels of service that you have the right to
expect. However, things can go wrong and if
they do, we want you to tell us about them. If
you have a complaint about this service please
let us know:
•• Call us on 0345 124 1400 or,
•• Write to the Customer Services
Manager at Citymain Administrators Ltd,
Enterprise House, Isambard Brunel Road,
Portsmouth, PO1 2RX.

Top tips to keep your cards safe

If you carry a bag, carry it firmly with the
clasp towards you.
Don’t leave cards unattended in a bag,
briefcase or jacket pocket in a public place.
Never write down your Personal
Identification Number (PIN), never disclose
it to anyone and take all reasonable steps
to keep it secret.

Important information

It’s important to know •• You should review any similar insurance

products you have, including any held with
•• Overdrafts from Bank of Scotland plc (Halifax
us, to make sure you are not paying for
is a division of Bank of Scotland plc) are
the same cover twice. There is a summary
regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
table on page 108 which shows the key
under the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Bank of
differences in the cover provided by us.
Scotland plc is authorised by the Prudential
Regulation Authority and regulated by •• If you open a joint account with another
the Financial Conduct Authority and the person, either of you can withdraw all or
Prudential Regulation Authority under part of the balance, write cheques, apply for
registration number 169628. an overdraft or close the account without
the other person’s permission. Both people
•• We’re not providing advice or recommending
are responsible for any debts – such as the
that these insurance policies are suitable
overdraft – and fees and charges on the
for you. You should review your present
account. This means we can choose to claim
cover against these policies to ensure you
the money from either person. If you decide
have the cover you need. There is no fee for
you no longer want the joint account or
this service.
want to take one person off the account,
•• The insurance products outlined in this you can request this in branch.
booklet are underwritten by Acromas
•• If you move to live outside the UK,
Insurance Company Limited (Accident
Channel Islands or the Isle of Man, your
Management), Inter Partner Assistance
insurance benefits are invalid.
SA (IPA) (home emergency cover), AXA
Insurance UK plc (worldwide travel insurance),
Assurant General Insurance Limited (mobile
phone insurance).

Our bank accounts Your account
At Halifax, we know that people’s personal •• The Ultimate Reward Current Account will
circumstances change, which is why we offer cost you £15 a month. It will only cost you
a range of bank accounts to suit all kinds of £12 a month if you pay in £750 or more,
needs. So if at any stage you’d like to review have a minimum of two different direct
your options, just let us know. Visit any branch, debit instructions paid from your account
call 0345 720 3040 or go to www.halifax.co.uk each calendar month and have not gone
to find out more. overdrawn on your account by the end of
any day during the calendar month.
Current accounts available, subject to status,
to personal customers, aged 18 or over who are •• As long as you pay your monthly fee,
resident in the UK. you’ll continue to enjoy the benefits that
come with your account. If you close or
The information in this brochure was correct as change your account, the benefits and your
at November 2017. cover will end.
•• The monthly account fee and all fees quoted
are correct at the time of print (November
2017) and are subject to change.

Bank account terms
and conditions
For Personal Current Accounts
Basic Account
Applies from 2nd November 2017

The Terms and Conditions on pages 30-58 have been clarity-checked and awarded the Clear English
Standard by Plain Language Commission (www.clearest.co.uk).

This booklet contains:
•• information about how to contact us and how we will contact you;
•• an explanation of what makes up our agreement with you for personal banking and related services;
•• our terms and conditions, divided into sections setting out what you and we agree to do under this
agreement. To help you find what you need, we list the main points of each section under ‘What’s in
this booklet?’

•• read this booklet carefully and keep it for future reference;
•• ask us if you have any questions, using the contact details we provide;
•• note that the examples (shown by H) in this document help to explain our terms but don’t form part of
the conditions.
For information about your statutory rights, please contact your local Trading Standards Department or
Citizen’s Advice Bureau.
How to contact us
To tell us: Call
•• about a change of contact details 0345 720 3040
•• you’ve forgotten your PIN Textphone
0345 732 3436 if you find hearing or
•• your cheque book has been lost or damaged speaking difficult.
•• you didn’t authorise a payment Visit one of our branches
•• you think we have not made a payment correctly Write to us at Halifax, PO Box 548, Leeds LS1 1WU.
•• you think someone knows your security details
•• you want to know our current standard
exchange rates
•• about anything else…

To report a lost or stolen device (including debit Call

card) or damaged debit card… 0800 015 1515 (UK)
+44 (0) 113 242 8196 (from abroad)
Visit one of our branches

To make a complaint… See Section N ‘Other important terms’

If you are registered for Online Banking or you use our Mobile Banking app, you can use it to report a lost
or stolen device/debit card, request a replacement debit card or a new PIN.
In Scotland, you can also contact us and give instructions for most day-to-day banking at Bank of Scotland.
Some kinds of transaction are not available if you use a Bank of Scotland Counter-free or Mobile Branch
and different limits may apply, for example on how much cash you can withdraw.
We strongly recommend you do not use email to give us confidential information or instructions.
Not all services are available through Telephone Banking 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Please ask an
adviser for more information.
You can usually use our Telephone, Online and Mobile Banking services and cash machines at all times but
occasionally repairs and maintenance may mean a service isn’t available for a short time.

How we can contact you
We may contact you by post, telephone and electronically using the contact details you give us, including
any address you have agreed we should use for electronic communications. We never ask for details about
your account, devices, security details or any confidential information by email. So please do not reply to
an email asking for this information.

Meaning of words we’ve used

card Any debit or other payment card – or card details – that can be used to make a payment
using a payment scheme such as Visa.

electronic or electronically Any form of message made by any type of telecommunication, digital or IT device –
including the internet, mobile banking application, email and SMS.

You must tell us if your name or contact details change. If you don’t tell us, we will not be responsible if
we cannot contact you or we send confidential information to an old address. We may charge reasonable
costs for trying to find you if your contact details are out of date.

Recording calls
We may listen in to or record phone calls to:
•• check we have carried out your instructions correctly and are meeting our regulatory obligations;
•• help detect or prevent fraud or other crimes; and
•• improve our service.

What’s in this booklet?

Here is a list of the sections in this document, to help you find what’s important to you more easily.

Topic Read more

about this

Our agreement with you Section A

Special conditions Section B

Checks, account security and keeping you informed Section C

Making and receiving payments Section D

How long will your payment take? Section E

How we calculate reward payments, interest and account fees Section F

Overdrafts Section G

How and when we can make changes to this agreement Section H

How we manage joint accounts Section I

Can someone else operate your account? Section J

Who is responsible for any loss? Section K

Using money between accounts (‘set-off’) Section L

Ending this agreement or an account, benefit or service or suspending a benefit or service Section M

Other important terms Section N

Additional important information Section O

Reward payments, interest and account fees leaflet Section P

Section A – Our agreement Section B – Special
with you conditions
Our agreement with you is made up of: In this section we explain the specific conditions and
•• the ‘general conditions’ and the ‘special conditions’ in product features that apply to our different bank accounts.
this booklet. The ‘general conditions’, are the main terms Some of our branches are Counter-free and are designed to
for your bank account and for our overall relationship give access to your account mainly by using cash machines
with you for personal banking services, and the ‘special and immediate deposit machines (IDMs). Some kinds of
conditions’ are the product-specific terms for your transactions are not available at our Counter-free branches,
chosen bank account; and and different limits may apply. In addition, some self-service
•• the ‘additional conditions’, which are the details of facilities are not available at every branch.
reward payments, interest rates, charges and other 1. Who is eligible to apply for our bank accounts?
terms that apply to a specific account or service that We have age restrictions on our accounts.
are not set out in the general conditions or the special
conditions. We give these to you when speaking to you
or in documents such as our application forms, letters or Account name Age
leaflets (such as an account’s ‘Getting started guide’), on
Expresscash account opened 11–15
our website and in our ‘Reward payments, interest and
before 14/10/2016
account fees’ information found in Section P.
Expresscash accounts opened on or 11–17
Additional conditions include things like how after 14/10/2016.
H to qualify for a particular account, service,
reward payment, rate or benefit. Basic Account 18 or over

Reward Current Account

If an additional condition or special condition conflicts
with a general condition, the additional or special Ultimate Reward Current Account
condition applies.
You must not open or use a personal account to hold Student Current Account
money for someone else (including as a trustee or personal
representative) or for the purpose of a business, club, charity
or other organisation without our consent. We have different
agreements for customers who are not personal customers.

Meaning of words we’ve used

account Any account you hold with us that is

covered by this agreement.

Lloyds This includes us and a number of

Banking other companies using the Halifax,
Group Bank of Scotland and Lloyds Bank
brands and their associated companies.
You can find more information on the
Lloyds Banking Group at

we, us, our Bank of Scotland plc. Halifax is a division

of Bank of Scotland.

We explain the meaning of some other words at the start of

each section of this booklet.

2. How many accounts can I have?
There are limits on the number of accounts you can have and what you can then do.

Account name Number of Can they be sole or Can either of you sign and
accounts joint accounts? give account instructions on
behalf of the other?

Expresscash 1 It can only be in your name n/a

Student Current Account

Basic Account Up to 2 One account must be in Yes

your sole name and one in
Reward Current Account joint names

Ultimate Reward Current Account 1 It can be in your sole name or Yes, if you have a
joint names joint account

3. How much cash can I take out each day?

3.1 You can take money out from our branches with counters or from Halifax, Bank of Scotland or LINK cash machines or any
Post Office, but there may be limits to the maximum amounts you can have every day.

Cash machine Limits at branches with a counter Post Office®

£500 £2,500 £300

At Counter-free branches you can only take out cash (notes only) using one of the cash machines. You cannot withdraw
coins at our Counter-free branches. If you use a Bank of Scotland Mobile Branch, you will usually be able to withdraw up
to £300 a day in cash.
3.2 If you want to withdraw more than £2,500 a day from a branch but it doesn’t hold enough cash for you, you will need to
give it at least 24 hours’ advance notice.
3.3 You can make balance enquiries at any Post Office.
4. Where can I find details of how much interest I get or of reward payments, fees and charges for my account?
In Section P, you can find details of the different interest rates paid on accounts, as well as the criteria for reward
payments being paid and fees and charges. We also display this information on our website and you can ask for details at
any time by telephone or in one of our branches.
5. What other special conditions apply to my account?
On some of our accounts, additional special conditions apply. These are below.
Expresscash (accounts opened before 14th October 2016)
Once you are 16 years old, the account special conditions will no longer apply. We will write to you to tell you about the
new special conditions that apply to your account at least 2 months before any changes take effect.
Expresscash (accounts opened on or after 14th October 2016)
Once you are 18 years old, the account special conditions will no longer apply. We will write to you to tell you about the
new special conditions that apply to your account at least 2 months before any changes take effect.
Basic Account
Our Basic Account is for customers who are legally resident in the EU and do not qualify for one of our other bank accounts.
We do not provide a cheque book or planned overdraft with this account.
We may decide to close your account if we become aware that you have:
•• opened another payment account in the United Kingdom;
•• given us false or misleading information when you applied for the account which, had we known about it at the time,
would have caused us to refuse to open your account;
•• not used your account for more than 24 consecutive months;
•• used or tried to use your account unlawfully or have acted threateningly, abusively or violently towards our staff; or
•• left the EU or reside in a state that is no longer part of the EU.
If we decide to close your account, we will write to you at contracts of insurance with each insurance company. You
least two months before, explaining our position unless this agree that any fees, premiums or claims money held by
would mean we would be breaking any law, regulation, code, members of our group and its agents are held by them as
obligation or duty (including to our staff). We won’t write agents of the policy’s underwriters.
to you two months before if we are closing your account We do not charge you any fee in connection with the
because you have used it or tried to use it for illegal activity, insurance. You agree to the policy conditions issued to
or you have provided incorrect information or have acted in you for the insurance cover and other services that make
an abusive, threatening or violent way. up the Benefits Package. You also agree that the insurers
From time to time we will review your financial or service providers have the right to change the cover or
circumstances and the way you are using your account. conditions in line with the relevant policy conditions.
We may decide to move you to a more suitable account if 4. Ending of the benefits
you become eligible for it. We will write to you about this
at least two months before moving your account, giving The insurance cover and other services that come with
our reasons. the Benefits Package end if:

For customers who open a Basic Account from a) your Ultimate Reward Current Account is closed;
2nd September 2016, for fraud and security reasons, if b) you do not pay the account fee;
you apply for your account while living outside the UK, c) your account is changed to another type of account;
we will not open your account until you have registered for
Online Banking. Once registered, you will receive statements d) your residential address is no longer in the UK.
and certain other correspondence electronically. You can There is no effect on any other insurance policies you
choose to receive these on paper at any time. have taken out yourself at a discount that are not part
of the Benefits Package.
Student Current Account
If a sole account holder dies, the benefits and policies
You must be studying full time on a degree course or automatically cease. If one of two joint account holders
equivalent course of further education. The longest you can dies, the benefits and policies pass to the survivor.
hold an account is 6 years, including the year after you finish
5. Changing the insurer
being in full-time education. Once you stop qualifying, these
conditions no longer apply. We will write to tell you about You agree that we can change the insurer of any of the
the changes to your account at least 2 months before. insurance policies or the providers of any of the other
services by giving you notice in good time. We will do
Ultimate Reward Current Account so before the change takes effect if that is required by
1. Customers must pay a monthly fee (‘the account fee’), a code of practice that applies to us or our regulators or
which we deduct from the account by the second another similar body.
working day of the month. The account fee is paid 6. Varying the package
monthly in arrears. The first monthly account fee will We may vary all or part of the Benefits Package or the
be proportionate to the number of days the account account fee (or both) under Section H. If we vary the
has been open. In return for the account fee, you will Benefits Package, we will give you at least two months’
receive a range of account benefits. These include advance notice. If any insurance cover and other
the day-to-day standard features of a bank account, services you have as part of the Benefits Package are
the enhanced banking services associated with this being withdrawn, they will continue during the notice
account, and a range of other benefits (‘the Benefits period for that insurance policy from the date we
Package’). The Benefits Package is part of an integrated notify you. When the notice expires, we may revise the
package. We do not give additional value or discount to account fee to reflect the amended Benefits Package.
customers who use only the account or the insurance If we completely withdraw the Benefits Package, we
benefits (or both). All customers are entitled to benefit may also vary the terms of your account to reflect one
from the whole Account Benefits Package (where it of the other current accounts in our range that has
applies). None of the benefits are available on their own similar features but no Benefits Package. There is no
or can be removed from the package. Details are set effect on other insurance policies you have taken out
out below. yourself at a discount, which do not form part of the
2. If you close your Ultimate Reward Current Account or Benefits Package.
transfer it to another of our accounts, your final account If you provide any false or inaccurate information to us
fee will be proportionate to the number of days from the or to the companies providing the policies under the
last fee debit day to the date of closure or account change. Benefits Package, we and they will be entitled to cancel
3. Your agreement the cover immediately without giving you notice.
In opening an Ultimate Reward Current Account, you
agree to be bound by the specific conditions applying to
each benefit, including the insurance policies that form
part of the Benefits Package. This means we provide the
Ultimate Reward Current Account and you have separate

7. What is included in the Benefits Package?
The benefits you are entitled to with your Ultimate Reward Current Account are set out in the Ultimate Reward Current
Account’s ‘Getting started guide’. The Benefits Package includes:

Worldwide multi- •• The maximum age for cover is 70 years (cover will therefore cease on your 71st birthday)
trip family travel and is only available to UK residents.
insurance •• Includes winter sports and golf.
•• Covers two adults and any number of children under the age of 18; or any children under
the age of 24 in full-time education.
•• Customers’ pre-existing medical conditions must be notified to the policy’s underwriters,
who may decide that top-up cover is required.
•• Cover renews month by month subject to payment of the account fee.

AA Breakdown •• Covers you (and a joint account holder if any) in vehicles in which you are the driver or
Cover passenger (unless used for hire and reward).
•• Includes AA Roadside, Home Start and Accident Management.
•• Applies to residents of the UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man only.
•• Standard conditions and exclusions apply.
•• No refund is available if you cancel the policy.

Mobile phone •• One mobile phone (two if a joint account) is covered against loss, theft, accidental or
insurance malicious damage, breakdown, liquid and water damage up to a maximum claim limit of
£2,000 per phone.
•• The maximum limit of cover for unauthorised calls is £500, including VAT, for a pay-as-you-
go phone; and £1,500, including VAT, for a monthly contract phone.

Home emergency •• Up to £250 towards the cost of securing your home in the event of a sudden and
cover unexpected home emergency.

Card Cancellation •• Only one phone call is needed for all your lost or stolen financial cards to be cancelled
and replaced.

Cover for the above benefits becomes active at the point you open your account.
8. Who provides the insurance and other policies?
Travel insurance is arranged through AXA Insurance UK plc. (Registered Office) 5 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1AD.
Registered in England No. 78950, authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority under registration number 202312.
AA Breakdown Cover is provided by Automobile Association Developments Limited (trading as AA Breakdown Services).
Head Office: Fanum House, Basing View, Basingstoke, RG21 4EA.
Accident Management is underwritten by Acromas Insurance Company Limited. Registered Office: 57–63 Line Wall Road,
Gibraltar. UK branch address: Acromas Insurance Company Limited, Enbrook Park, Folkestone, Kent CT20 3SE.
Mobile Phone Insurance is arranged through Lifestyle Services Group Limited (Financial Services Register No. 315245).
Lifestyle Services Group Limited is registered in England, No. 5114385. Registered Office: Assurant House, 6–12 Victoria
Street, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 1EN. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in respect of insurance
mediation activity only. The Policy is underwritten by Assurant General Insurance Limited Registered office: Assurant
House, 6–12 Victoria Street, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 1EN, who are authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and
regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (FRN 202735).
AXA Assistance (UK) Limited provides the home emergency services described under the Home Emergency section of this
policy. This policy is underwritten by Inter Partner Assistance SA (IPA) which is fully owned by the AXA Assistance Group.
Inter Partner Assistance is a Belgian firm authorised by the National Bank of Belgium and subject to limited regulation
by the Financial Conduct Authority. Details about the extent of our regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority are
available from us on request. Registered address for Inter Partner Assistance SA (IPA) & AXA Assistance (UK) Limited is: The
Quadrangle, 106–118 Station Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1PR.
Card Cancellation is provided by Citymain Administrators Ltd (part of the SPB UK & Ireland Group Companies), registered in
England and Wales, Company No: 03979666. Registered office: Enterprise House, Isambard Brunel Road, Portsmouth, PO1 2RX.
9. Extra account benefits
In addition to the Benefits Package, we may offer you extra benefits. Details of these extra account benefits will be
given to you on account opening or from time to time. We may vary, withdraw or replace all or part of the extra account
benefits at any time. Check our website or call us for details of the current benefits.
In the following sections we set out the general conditions 2. How do you and we keep your account secure?
for your bank account. 2.1 We will do all we reasonably can to prevent
unauthorised access to your accounts and to make sure
Section C – Checks, they are secure.
2.2 You must:
account security •• follow instructions we give you, which we reasonably

and keeping you informed consider are needed to protect your accounts from
unauthorised access;
We need to make sure that only you can access your •• not let anyone (even someone sharing a joint
accounts. This section explains what you and we both need account with you) use your device or security details;
to do to protect your information and accounts. It also •• not let anyone give instructions or access
covers the information we will give you about your account. information on your accounts unless they have a
separate arrangement with us or you have authorised
Meaning of words we’ve used them to operate your account for you;

device Anything such as a card, electronic wallet, •• if there is a signature strip on a card we give you, sign
smartphone or another device that you can the card as soon as you receive it;
use on its own or in combination with your •• keep your device secure and protect it from
security details to access your account or damage; and
give instructions. •• do all you reasonably can to prevent anyone else
finding out your security details.
security Details or security procedures you must
details follow or use to make an instruction,
confirm your identity or access a device (for You should:
example a password, security code (or PIN) •• carry out regular virus checks on
or biometric data such as a fingerprint). devices you use for Online Banking
or mobile services.
1. How do we know we are dealing with you? You should not:
1.1 We will assume we are dealing with you and will provide •• tell anyone your security details;
information about your accounts and services and act •• change or copy any software we
on instructions (without further confirmation) if we provide, or give it to anyone else;
have checked your identity, for example in one of the
•• choose obvious passwords or codes
following ways or in any other way we may introduce:
H (such as your date of birth) as part of
your security details;
Method of instructing us Check
•• write your security details on, or
In person in a branch Evidence of identity keep them with, your device or
(such as a passport) or banking documents;
use of a device with •• write down your security details in a
security details recognisable way; or

By cheque or in writing Your signature •• let anyone listen to your calls with
us, or watch you entering or using
Telephone, Online or Use of your your security details.
Mobile Banking or using security details
a device
2.3 You must tell us as soon as possible (see ‘How to
Contactless Use of a device contact us’) if you:
a) think any device or security details have been lost,
stolen, damaged or are being misused; or
b) think someone can access your accounts
without your authority or has discovered your
security details.

If your card details are stored on a Section D – Making
H device (like a smartphone), you should
tell us if you lose your device. and receiving payments
In this section we explain how to make payments from
your account and how soon you can use money paid in.
2.4 If you use an aggregation service we do not provide, we We also explain how to stop payments and what happens if
will treat you as keeping to your security obligations something goes wrong.
with us as long as you do not give your security details
to the service provider. (An aggregation service enables Meaning of words we’ve used
you to view in one place information about accounts
with different banks.) cut-off time The latest time we can process
2.5 If we, the police or other authorities are investigating instructions or add payments to
any misuse (or alleged unauthorised use) of your an account.
accounts, you must provide information and help that
we or they ask for if the request is reasonable. We, the device Anything such as a card, electronic
police or other authorities would never ask you for wallet, smartphone or another
your security details. We may pass related information device that you can use on its own
to other banks or companies involved in payment or in combination with your security
processing, or to the police or other authorities, in the details to access your account or
UK or (if appropriate) outside the UK. give instructions.
2.6 You are responsible for checking statements, text IDM Immediate Deposit Machine.
messages or other account information we give you.
We will correct any errors as soon as reasonably possible security Details or security procedures you
after becoming aware of them. details must follow or use to make an
3. How will you get statements and other information? instruction, confirm your identity
3.1 We will provide or make available a statement each or access a device (for example a
month there are payments on the account or, if there password, security code (or PIN) or
are none, at least once a year. Each statement will set biometric data such as a fingerprint).
out all the payments into and out of your account and
Single Euro In Section O, we include a list of
will contain other information about those payments.
Payments Area the countries in SEPA.
If we do not provide information about international
payments, you can ask us for details.
3.2 We will provide statements on paper. If your account is working day Monday to Friday (except English
accessible by Online Banking, you can choose to receive bank holidays). You can give some
statements electronically instead. instructions for payments on
3.3 You can ask for information about your accounts or non-working days, but we do not
order a paper statement at any branch or through complete their processing on our
Telephone Banking. If we have already provided a systems until the next working day
statement on paper, we will charge you for a duplicate. except for card payments. This is
explained below.

The time periods given assume we receive a payment or

payment instruction before the cut-off time on a working
day. If it is received after the cut-off time or on a non-
working day, we will treat it as being received the next
working day, except cash paid into a branch over the counter
at a branch with a counter on a non-working day which will
show in the account, and you can use it, on the day you
pay it in.

4. How can payments be made into your account?
4.1 Payments in sterling can be made into your account by cheque, direct transfer from another account and in cash; and by
cheque or direct transfer from international accounts in other currencies. Cut-off times for payments into your account
depend on how the payment is made. The table below shows our cut-off times for receiving payments by cash, cheque
or direct transfer.

Method Cut-off time

Branch counter Branch closing time

IDM (if available) Branch closing time (or 2pm in Northern Ireland)

Express Pay-In (if available) or Bank of Scotland One hour before branch closing time or, if the branch
Depositpoint™ (if available) closes at 5pm or later, 4pm

Post Office with a counter service As stated by the Post Office

Halifax cash machine (that accepts payments in) End of the day

Electronic transfer from another bank account End of the day

The tables below show how we process these payments.

4.2 Paying in cash at Halifax or (in Scotland) Bank of Scotland

Method If paid in by the cut- Can you use cash the day it From the day cash is paid
off time, does cash is paid in? in, does it affect any reward
show in your account payment or interest you
that day? get or daily overdraft fee
you pay?

Branch counter Yes – immediately after it

is counted.
IDM (if available)
Yes Yes
Express Pay-In (if available) Yes – soon after the
or Bank of Scotland cut-off time when the cash
Depositpoint™ (if available) is counted.

Post Office with a No – the cash will show in your account, will be available for you to use and will affect
counter service any interest or reward payment you get or daily overdraft fee you pay from the day we
receive it from the Post Office. Usually this will be the next working day.

Cash machines (that accept No – we will count the cash the next working day; from that day, it will show in your
payments in) account, you can use it and it will affect interest or any reward payments you get or
daily overdraft fee you pay.

You can deposit cash at most Post Offices using a personalised paying-in slip. Please ask the Post Office you intend to use
if they offer this service.
Paying in coins – in any day we will usually limit you to ten bags of coin, regardless of the number of accounts you have.
You cannot use one of our Counter-free branches to pay coins into your account.
Paying in cash through a Bank of Scotland Mobile Branch – in any day we will usually limit you to £5,000, of which no more
than five bags can be coin.

H If you pay cash into a Halifax cash machine on Monday, you will be able to use it as soon as we have
counted it on Tuesday.

4.3 Direct payments received from another bank account

Paying-in method Does the payment Can you use the From the day the payment is
show in your account money on the day received, does it affect any
on the day we we receive it? interest or reward payment
receive it? you get or daily overdraft
fee you pay?

Transfers on a non-working No – it will show Yes – immediately No – it will count for interest or
day between two personal in B on the next available in B. reward payments paid or daily
accounts (A) and (B) in your working day. overdraft fee charged in A until it
name with Halifax is shown in B.

Any other direct payment Yes Yes – immediately. Yes

(e.g. standing order,
direct transfer)

4.4 Sterling cheques paid in at Halifax and most Post Offices

Payments show in your account on the working day we receive the cheque. If you pay any cheque into a cash machine
(that accepts cheque payments in) and/or an Express Pay-In (if available) after the cut off time, you should add an extra
working day to the timings.
If you pay in a cheque at a Post Office with a counter service, the Post Office will send your cheque onto us. This means
you will usually need to add one extra working day to all the timings in the table below (or two extra working days if you
pay it in after the Post Office’s cut-off time). You can pay in cheques at most Post Offices using a personalised paying-in
slip and a cheque deposit envelope. Please ask the Post Office you intend to use if they offer this service, and what its
cut-off time is for accepting deposits.
The table below explains what happens while the cheque is being ‘cleared’ (collected from the other bank).
We use one of the two clearing processes:
•• The ‘2-4-6’ process
•• The ‘Cheque Imaging’ process (being introduced during 2018)
The ‘Cheque Imaging’ process will be introduced gradually, and if we are using the new process we’ll display a notice when
you pay in a cheque.
If you need to be sure a cheque has been paid, you should pay it in over the counter at a branch with a counter and ask
for ‘special presentation’ of the cheque. There is a charge for this service.

Cheque clearing process When will the payment When will the When can the cheque be
affect interest or reward payment be available returned unpaid?
payments you get or daily for you to use?
overdraft fee you pay?

‘2-4-6’ From the second working From the fourth Up to the end of the sixth
Cheques paid into a Halifax/ day after we receive working day after we working day after we receive
Bank of Scotland: the cheque receive the cheque it even if you have already
spent it (which may put you
•• branch counter; into overdraft).
•• Cash machine that From that time, we cannot
accepts cheque take money from your
payments in; account without your
•• Express Pay-In consent if the cheque is
(if available); returned unpaid, unless you
•• Depositpoint have been fraudulent.
(if available);
•• IDM (if available);

‘Cheque Imaging’ By 11.59pm on the working From 11.59pm on the Up to 11.59pm on the
day after we receive working day after we working day after we receive
the cheque receive the cheque, at the cheque
the latest

currencies. We generally try to ‘negotiate’ a cheque but
‘2-4-6’ clearing process if we can’t, or if you ask, we can ‘collect’ it.
If you pay a sterling cheque into your
account over a counter at a Halifax Negotiating or collecting a cheque –
branch on a Monday, you will see what’s the difference?
it on your account the same day. It
H counts towards any interest or reward
payment on Wednesday (2 working
If we negotiate the cheque, we will buy it from
you by paying you the amount of the cheque or
days), you can use the money on Friday the sterling equivalent on the working day after
(4 working days), and we cannot take we receive it using our standard exchange rate for
the payment out of your account after the payment.
the following Tuesday (6 working days). If we collect the cheque, we send it on your behalf
to the paying bank. We may use an agent to do
this. We will pay the amount of the cheque or the
sterling equivalent using our standard exchange rate
‘Cheque Imaging’ process
for the payment into your account on the day we
If you pay a sterling cheque into your get payment from the paying bank. The time this
account on a Monday, you will see
H it on your account the same day. It
counts towards any interest or reward
takes will vary depending on the paying bank or its
country. You can ask us for details.

payment and you can use the money

on Tuesday by 11.59pm at the latest. Any foreign currency cheque will only affect any interest
or reward payment we pay or daily overdraft fee we
charge from the working day that the funds are credited
Important information to your account.
We may refuse a cheque for payment into your If the foreign bank later returns the cheque or asks for
account if it is more than six months old. the money to be returned, we will take the currency
or the sterling equivalent from your account. If we
converted the cheque to sterling, we will change it
4.5 International payments into your account back into the foreign currency using our standard
If we receive a direct payment in a foreign currency, we exchange rate for the payment. We will do this even
will convert it into sterling before we pay it into your if you have already spent the money or it will put you
account. We will then treat it like any cash deposit or into overdraft.
direct payment (see above). For some currencies, we This normally means we take more from your account
may be unable to convert the payment into sterling on than we originally paid in. The exchange rate for the
the day we receive it. If so, we will convert it as soon foreign currency may also have worsened between our
as we are reasonably able to and will add it to your paying the money in and taking it out.
account up to two working days after we receive it.
Additional information about
What rates and charges apply to an foreign cheques
international payment into your account? •• We take charges for dealing with foreign
•• You can find out our current standard exchange cheques and pass on to you any charges by the
rate for the payment by calling us (see ‘How foreign bank, including any charges resulting
to contact us’). Please note that the rate may from the foreign bank returning the cheque
change by the time we receive the payment. unpaid or asking for the money to be returned.
•• We may take our charges for dealing with an We take these charges from the account you
international payment before we add it to told us to pay the cheque into.
your account. If we do this, we will tell you the •• Occasionally we cannot get payment of foreign
full amount of the payment and the charges cheques because of local foreign-exchange or
that applied. other restrictions.
•• If we have any costs or other obligations as
a result of negotiating or collecting a foreign
4.6 International cheque payments
cheque, you must reimburse us and take any
If you want to pay in a foreign currency cheque, or a other steps needed to put us in the position
sterling cheque, where the paying bank is outside the we would have been in had we not tried to
UK, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Gibraltar, you negotiate or collect the cheque.
must sign your name on the back of the cheque. We
may not be able to accept cheques in all foreign

4.7 General terms about payments card number and any other details we ask for. For some
If we are told, for example by another bank, that payments we may ask for different details; for example,
money has been paid into your account by mistake, we will ask you for a mobile telephone number if you
we can take an amount up to the mistaken payment use the Pay a Contact service.
amount from your account. We do not have to ask To make an international payment we will also need the
you to agree to this, but will let you know if it happens. recipient’s full name and address, their bank’s name and
We will act reasonably and try to minimise any address and the following details:
inconvenience to you. •• For international payments in euro to a bank account
We may refuse to accept a payment into an account or in a SEPA country – The international bank account
make a payment from it if we reasonably believe that number (IBAN) of the recipient’s account. Sometimes
doing so may: we will also need the business identifier code (BIC).
a) cause us (or another company in the Lloyds Banking •• For international payments in a currency other
Group) to breach a legal requirement; or than euro to a bank account in a SEPA country –
b) expose us (or another company in the Lloyds Banking The international bank account number (IBAN)
Group) to action from any government or regulator. and the business identifier code (BIC) of the
recipient’s account.
5. How can you take cash or make payments out of
your account? •• For any other international payment – The recipient’s
account number and other information we need
5.1 Making a payment for the particular payment, for example if there are
If you want to make a payment or withdraw cash, individual requirements in the country you wish to
we will check we are dealing with you as set out in send money to.
Section C. You must check that the details are correct before
If we receive a payment instruction after the cut-off asking us to make a payment.
time on a working day, we will act on it on the next 5.3 When can we stop you making payments?
working day. The cut-off time for making payments
depends on how and where a payment is to be made, We can stop or suspend your ability to make payments
but for a payment in sterling within the UK is not usually using any device or security details if we reasonably
before 2.30pm (UK time). You can ask us for details, and consider it necessary because of:
we give some extra information about cut-off times for •• security – including if you tell us you have lost
particular payments in Section O. your device;
If you ask us to make a payment on a future date, we •• suspected unauthorised or fraudulent use of a device
will make the payment on that date, unless it is a non- or your security details; or
working day, in which case we will make the payment on •• a significantly increased risk that you may be
the following working day. unable to pay any money you owe us on the
relevant account.
What happens if you don’t have enough If we do this, we will act in a reasonably appropriate
available funds? way and will try to reduce your inconvenience. Unless
If you ask us to make a standing order or future- the law prevents us doing so or we reasonably believe it
dated payment and do not have enough available would undermine our security measures, we will try to
funds to make the payment on the due date, we contact you in advance to tell you we are doing this and
will try again to make the payment later that day. why. If we cannot tell you in advance, we will tell you as
If there are still not enough available funds, we will soon as possible afterwards.
make a final try on the next working day before If we stop a card or other device, you must not use
rejecting the payment. it, and we can take it if you try, for example in a
If you want to make any other type of payment cash machine.
but don’t have enough available funds in your 5.4 When can we refuse to act on an instruction?
account to cover it at the start of the day, you We can refuse to make a payment or allow a cash
have until 2.30pm that day to pay money in to withdrawal if:
make sure the payment goes. If you still don’t have
enough available funds after 2.30pm, we won’t •• our internal security controls require you to produce
make the payment. We won’t charge you for this additional identification or prevent us carrying out
and we’ll tell you we’ve rejected the payment. the transaction (for example, if it is for more than the
maximum amount we set at any time) – we will let you
know if we are stopping a payment for this reason;
5.2 Payment details •• the payment seems unusual compared with the way
For us to make a payment for you within the UK, we you normally use your account, in which case we may
normally need the sort code and account number or investigate further, for example by calling you;

•• you do not have available funds to make the 5.7 Using your device for payments
payment or you have exceeded a limit we have If you use your card to withdraw cash or to make a
applied to your account or device – such as the daily payment, we will take the funds from your account
limit for withdrawals from cash machines; after we receive confirmed details of the withdrawal
•• the payment instruction is not clear or does not or payment from the relevant payment scheme (such
contain all the required details; as Visa or MasterCard). This may be on a working or a
•• the account you want to pay is not included in the non-working day.
Faster Payments scheme – you can check this with If you use your device for a transaction (e.g. a cash
us in advance; withdrawal or a payment) in a currency other than
•• there is a regulatory requirement that tells us to; sterling, we will convert it to sterling on the day it is
processed by the payment scheme. The exchange rate
•• we reasonably believe that you or someone else has we use is set by the payment scheme. We also apply
used, is using or obtaining, or may use or obtain a charges to these transactions. You can find our charges
service or money illegally or fraudulently; in Section P. You can find out the current exchange rate
•• we reasonably believe that someone else may have by calling us (see ‘How to contact us’).
rights over money in your account (in this case we
can also ask – or require you to ask – a court what to
Additional information about card
do, or do anything else we reasonably need to do to
protect us); or payments in another currency
•• any other reason set out separately in this If you use your card to withdraw foreign currency
agreement applies. from a cash machine in the UK, you will be dealing
with the bank operating the machine (rather than us)
5.5 What happens if we refuse to act on an instruction? for the conversion into foreign currency. That bank
Unless the law prevents us, we will try to contact you will set the exchange rate and may also charge you
to tell you we are refusing, or are unable, to act. We for the conversion.
will do this as soon as we can and before the time any
payment should have reached the bank or building
society you are sending it to. If you are using a card We may replace your card with a different type of card
to make a payment or withdraw cash, the retailer or available under this agreement following a review of your
organisation that owns the cash machine will tell you personal circumstances. We will tell you about the features
the payment has been refused. For certain contactless of the card when we send you the replacement card. If the
transactions, the retailer or organisation may not be change would alter the terms of this agreement, we will
able to confirm at the point the card is used that the give you notice as set out in Section H.
transaction has been refused. If you want to check 5.8 Can you cancel or change a payment?
whether a transaction has been accepted, you can call
You cannot change or cancel a payment instruction
us (see ‘How to contact us’).
that you have asked us to make immediately (including
payments by card) but you can cancel a direct debit,
Additional information about standing order, regular card payment and any other
failed payments payment you asked us to make on a future date. To do
•• You can contact us to find out (unless the law this, you must tell us by the end of the last working day
prevents us telling you) why we have refused before the payment is due to be made. If you wish to
to act on your payment instruction and how cancel or change a direct debit or regular card payment
you can correct any factual errors that led to (or if your account or card details change), you should
our refusal. also tell the business or organisation you’re making the
payment to, so they can cancel or change it as well.
•• We are not liable if a retailer or another
organisation (or its cash machine or other If we have made an international payment for you,
machine) does not accept your card or we can only recall it (or any part of it) if the recipient
card number. bank agrees.
If you ask us to cancel a payment instruction we may
charge you our reasonable costs for trying to cancel it,
5.6 Making direct debits whether or not we succeed. We will tell you the amount
We allow direct debit payments to be collected from of our charges for this at the time you ask to cancel, but
your account on the date specified in any direct debit this will never be higher than our reasonable costs. In
instruction you have given to a business or other addition, if an international payment is returned to your
organisation in the UK. They will normally tell you at account, we will change it back into sterling using our
least 10 working days before changing the payment standard exchange rate for the payment. That exchange
dates or amount of money to be collected from your rate may be different from the exchange rate applied to
account, unless you agree otherwise. the original payment, so the amount paid back into your
account may be less than that originally taken.

If we are told by a banking industry payment scheme 6. Payments within the EEA in EEA currencies
such as the Current Account Switch Service that
a person you have asked us to pay has switched UK payments (except card and cheque)
their account to another bank, we will update your
instruction with the new account details. This will mean Type of How long will the payment
your payment reaches the correct account within the payment take to reach the payee’s
agreed timescales.
bank after we take it from
5.9 Making, stopping and replacing cheque payments your account?
When we receive a cheque you have written, we will
take the money from your account on the same day. Immediate Normally no more than two hours
We may not accept a cheque for payment out of payment after we take the payment from
your account if it is more than six months old. You are your account. It may arrive on the
responsible for making sure you have available funds in next working day if the account
your account to cover any cheques you have written. you are sending it to cannot accept
You may be able to stop a cheque that has not yet been Faster Payments.
paid by visiting a branch or calling us with details of the
Future-dated Normally no more than two hours
cheque number, amount and date, the payee and similar
payment or after we take the payment from
details for any replacement cheque. We may charge for
standing order your account on the day we
trying to stop the cheque, whether or not we succeed.
to another UK send it. It may arrive on the next
If someone asks you to replace a cheque (because, for bank account working day if the account you
example, they say it is lost or there is a problem with are sending it to cannot accept
it), you are responsible for getting the old cheque back Faster Payments. Standing Orders
(and for destroying it), or for asking us to stop the old and future-dated payments can be
cheque, before you write a new one. If you do not do made on working days only.
this, there is a risk that both the old and replacement
cheques will be paid from your account. International payments
You should not ask us to pay a cheque later than when
we receive it by writing a future date on it. We will not Payments No later than the next working day.
be liable if we pay the cheque before that future date. in euro to
another EEA
Monaco or
Section E – How long will Switzerland

your payment take? Payments in

other EEA
No later than four working days.

This section tells you how quickly we send payments to the currencies/
payee’s bank. Swiss Francs
to another
Meaning of words we’ve used EEA country

EEA The European Economic Area, which

means the countries in the European The payee’s bank must pay the funds into the payee’s
Union plus Iceland, Norway and account on the day it receives the payment from us.
Payments outside the EEA or in
non-EEA currencies
You can ask us for details about how long the
payment should take to arrive. We cannot control
exactly when it will be received by the foreign bank.
This will depend on the banking practice of that
country but should be no longer than 14 working
days. There is more information on timescales in
Section O.

7. Additional information about international payments qualify for a reward payment, you will receive it by the
second working day of the following calendar month.
•• If you ask us to make a payment in a foreign 9.2 We pay reward payments or interest by crediting them
currency, we will use our standard exchange to your account. We pay any interest on amounts
rate for that payment at the time we make credited to your account as they become part of the
it unless we agree a different rate with you account balance. The special or additional conditions
when you ask us to make the payment. Our will tell you when we pay interest on your account. If
exchange rates may depend on the amount interest is due to be paid on a non-working day, we will
of the payment and how we process it, for pay interest up to, and on, the next working day.
example whether you choose to pay all charges 9.3 We pay interest ‘gross’ and it counts towards your
or whether they are shared. You can find out personal savings allowance (a tax-free amount on
the current exchange rates by calling us – see income from savings). We pay any reward payments
‘How to contact us’. ‘net’, taking off income tax at the basic rate. They do
•• If you make a sterling payment, we cannot not count towards your Personal Savings Allowance.
control the exchange rate applied by the For both interest and reward payments, you are
foreign bank. responsible for paying any tax you owe directly to
•• When you ask us to make an international HM Revenue & Customs.
payment, we will tell you about any charges 9.4 We calculate any daily overdraft fee by looking at the
that may apply. balance of your account at the end of each day. This
•• We have to send an international payment includes weekends and bank holidays. We then take the
through the banking system in the foreign amount of the daily overdraft fee out of your account
country and we may need to appoint an agent overnight. We may take a daily overdraft fee and other
in that country to do it for us. account charges you owe us from the same account or
from any other account you have with us. When we charge
•• If we necessarily incur any costs or other a daily overdraft fee it becomes part of your balance. This
obligations when acting for you in making an means that if we charge a further daily overdraft fee, we
international payment, you must reimburse us base it on the total balance including previous fees.
and take any other steps needed to put us in
the position we would have been in had we not
acted for you.
Section G – Overdrafts
We offer Planned Overdrafts on most of our accounts, so
if we agree you can have one, you can borrow up to the
Section F – How we agreed limit when you need to.

calculate reward Meaning of words we’ve used

payments, interest and available funds This is:

account fees •• the amount of any credit balance on
your account; plus
On some accounts, we pay interest or reward payments •• the unused amount of any Planned
on amounts we hold for you. If your account allows you Overdraft; less
to borrow, we charge a daily overdraft fee on amounts you
borrow, and also have fees and charges for some accounts •• any funds showing in your account
and some services. that are not yet available for use (like
recent cheque deposits) and any
8. Where can you find information about our reward payments we have authorised but
payments, interest rates and account fees? not yet taken from your account.
Our ‘Reward payments, interest and account fees’ leaflet
contains our reward payments, interest rates, daily Planned An overdraft up to a limit we agree
overdraft fees and charges for all accounts and services. Overdraft in advance.
You can see a copy of this leaflet at Section P. You can
also get the details by contacting us or through our
website (see ‘How to contact us’). 10. When do you have to repay an overdraft and what
does it cost?
9. How do we work out how much interest or reward
payment to pay or daily overdraft fee to charge? 10.1 When you apply, we will give you Planned Overdraft
terms. If we do not tell you how long your Planned
9.1 Unless we have told you otherwise, we calculate any
Overdraft is available, it will continue until ended by
interest we pay at the end of every monthly interest
you or us.
period, based on the daily balance of your account. If you

10.2 An overdraft is repayable ‘on demand’. This means we 11.2 We can change the package of benefits included as part
can ask you to repay it (or part of it) at any time. of a packaged account (such as travel insurance) and,
10.3 We will review your Planned Overdraft regularly and can if a benefit is not provided by us, the provider of the
reduce or remove any limit based on this review. This benefit. The new provider may offer the replacement
might happen, for example, due to a change in your benefit on different terms.
personal circumstances. If any changes are to be made
to your Planned Overdraft limit, we will give you at least We may change the provider of
30 days’ notice unless we need to take action sooner to
protect our interests or for regulatory reasons. H an insurance benefit or change the
benefits that are included in a package.
10.4 We may charge a daily overdraft fee on our Planned
Overdrafts, unless your balance is within any daily
overdraft fee-free amount. Details of the daily overdraft 11.3 We may also change your account to a different
fee that applies to overdrafts are set out in Section P. account type as set out in condition 25.
10.5 If you do not have available funds, you may not be able 12. Why can we make a change?
to make that payment. If a payment isn’t made, we
will tell you. Meaning of words we’ve used
10.6 If a payment is made that takes you over your Planned
Overdraft limit, we will not charge you a daily overdraft reference An interest rate that is publicly
fee for the part that is above your Planned Overdraft interest rate available and linked to a rate we
limit. We’ll continue to apply the daily overdraft fee to do not set – like the Bank of
the amount of your Planned Overdraft. We may also England base rate.
ask you to repay the unarranged amount. We may reject
any further attempted payments until you have enough regulatory Any law, regulation, code or
available funds to cover these payments. requirement industry guidance that applies to us
including a requirement of a court,
ombudsman or similar body or an
undertaking given to a regulator.
Section H – How and when
we can make changes to 12.1 We can make a change for a reason set out below. If we
do, the change will be a reasonable and proportionate
this agreement response to a change that is affecting us or that we
reasonably think will affect us.
As this agreement could last a long time, we will need to
change its terms occasionally. Reason For example
We can foresee some of the reasons why it would be fair
A change in We may have to update our
for us to do this, and have listed them below, but we may
regulatory security terms because new
in the future also want to make changes for other reasons.
requirements. legislation introduces tighter
We will tell you about these changes, and how they will
affect you, in advance. You can generally close an affected
account or end your relationship with us if you do not want To do something Our payment terms may
to accept any change we tell you about. In fact, with most positive for you. have to change because new
of our accounts, you are free to terminate the relationship technology enables you to
at any time. make payments more quickly.
We cannot change terms that we tell you are fixed, such as
interest rates that are fixed for a set period. A change in the Changes to the Bank of
11. What can we change? cost of running our England base rate that
accounts, including increase or decrease the
11.1 We can change the general or additional conditions that changes in our interest rates we pay savers
apply to a particular account, benefit or service. funding costs. may affect how much we
charge for our overdraft.
We may change any of the terms in
this booklet, the interest rates, fees and Any other change We may introduce new

H charges that apply to an account, or the

terms on which we provide a benefit
that affects us, if
it is fair to pass
measures to combat fraud
or make changes to reflect
that forms part of a packaged account. the impact of the developments in digital
change on to you. banking.

12.2 We may make changes for any other reason we cannot foresee.

H We may need to respond to changes in the banking sector caused by increased competition that affect
how we provide our services and what we charge for them.

12.3 We can change our standard exchange rates at any time.

13. How and when will we tell you about changes and what are your rights?

Meaning of words we’ve used

personal notice A notice we give you individually, for example by letter, electronically or in statement messages
or inserts.

published notice A notice we put in our branches, on our website and, sometimes, in national newspapers.

13.1 We explain below how we give notice to change our terms on our accounts (including overdraft changes)

Type of change Notice Timing of notice before Can you close or switch your
or after the change account without charge?

Changes to interest rates Personal No more than 30 Yes, unless the additional conditions
or the fees charged on or published days after say you cannot.
overdrafts that favour you

All other changes Personal At least 2 months before Yes, at any time before the change.

13.2 What are your rights if you want to close or switch an account in response to notice of a change?
For a change where we have to give you advance notice, you can tell us you do not want to accept the change using the
contact details at the start of this booklet. We will take this as notice that you wish to end the agreement or close or
switch your account immediately (which may require you to repay any overdraft on the account). If there is normally a
charge for closing or switching your account, it will not apply. If we do not hear from you, we will regard you as accepting
the change on the date it comes into force.

Section I – How we manage joint accounts

If two or more of you are joint account holders, you can each give us instructions on your own. This section explains how we
deal with you and what happens if the arrangement between you comes to an end.
14. What do joint account holders need to know?
14.1 We will make payments, allow withdrawals, give information (including about your account) or do anything else if we are
asked to do so by any one of you, unless a regulatory requirement means we must make enquiries or confirm instructions
with the other account holder. We can also rely on information given by any one of you about the other(s).

Examples of things any joint account holder can do without the knowledge of the other(s)

•• Take all the money in an account.

•• Close an account.
•• End a service.
•• Ask for electronic statements and correspondence (instead of paper).
•• Apply for overdrafts, cards and other services.
•• Replace an account or service with another account or service covered by this agreement.

Examples of things we can do for one account holder that count as if we did them for the other(s)

•• Provide any information about your account, but you can ask us to send you separate current account statements if
the account holders live at different addresses.
•• Record and act on information that any of you gives us about another of you.
•• Provide pre-contract information to the person who asks us to set up a Planned Overdraft.
•• Send a notice to just one of you.

14.2 You are each, separately, responsible for complying with the terms of this agreement. If any one of you does not comply,
we can take action against any or all of you.

H If there is an overdraft on a joint account, each of you is liable to repay it even if you did not
know about it.

15. What happens when the arrangement between joint account holders changes or ends for any reason?
15.1 When this agreement ends (or your account is closed), we may pay or transfer money we hold for you under this
agreement (or in the account) to any one of you.
15.2 If you want to change the joint account holders (by taking off or adding another person) or authorise someone else to
operate the account, you must all agree to this.
15.3 If we become aware of a dispute between you, we may take steps to prevent any of you giving instructions or using the
account individually until the dispute is ended.
15.4 If one of you dies, we may continue to act on the instructions of the remaining account holder(s) but we do not have to
do so in all cases.

Section J – Can someone else operate your account?

16. How can someone else operate your account?
16.1 If you want or need someone else to operate your account, you must either sign a form we give you or show us a power
of attorney, signed by you, which authorises them to operate your account.
16.2 In certain circumstances, the law may require us to allow someone else to operate your account – for example, if you are
no longer able to manage your money, or if you go bankrupt or die.
16.3 For security reasons, we may not allow another person access to all of the services we provide to you. If we do allow
them to use a service, you can tell them your security details as long as they agree to keep them safe.
16.4 We are not responsible for an act (or failure to act) by someone else allowed to operate your account as long as we did
not know or suspect they were acting dishonestly towards you.

Section K – Who is responsible for any loss?

It is important for you to understand what you and we take responsibility for and when you may be liable under this agreement.

Meaning of words we’ve used

device Anything such as a card, electronic wallet, smartphone or another device that you can use on its own or
in combination with your security details to access your account or give instructions.

security details Details or security procedures you must follow or use to make an instruction, confirm your identity or
access a device (for example a password, security code (or PIN) or biometric data such as a fingerprint).

17. Incorrect payments 17.4 Are there any special rules about refunds for direct
17.1 When will we refund incorrect payments? debit payments?

We will immediately refund the amount of a payment If you think there has been an incorrect direct debit
and any charges or daily overdraft fees you paid as a payment, you should tell us immediately so that we
result of it, and pay you any interest or reward payment can arrange a full and immediate refund – even if the
we would have paid you on that amount, if: original error was made by the business or organisation
that set it up.
•• you asked us to make the payment to an account
at another bank in the EEA and the payment was 17.5 You should tell the business or organisation what you
not made properly or never arrived, unless there have done and why. If they still think that you need to
was a mistake in any of the details in the payment pay them, you will need to resolve the dispute with
instruction or we can show that the payment was them directly. This does not affect your right to a
received by the other person’s bank; or refund as set out above.

•• the payment was unauthorised (see ‘Unauthorised 18. Unauthorised payments

payments’ below). You are not liable for any payments or withdrawals from
your account that you do not authorise. If you are not
liable for a payment, we will refund or pay the amount
Additional information about
of the payment and any daily overdraft fees, charges,
payment refunds interest or reward payments you paid or lost as a result of
Except for direct debits, we will not refund the the payment. We will not have any further liability. There
payment if you tell us more than 13 months after are two exceptions to this rule:
it was made that the payment was not made
properly or was unauthorised. 1. If we can prove you acted fraudulently, you will
If a payment goes to the wrong person or is be liable for all payments from the account that
delayed because you gave us the wrong details, we could not stop.
we will not be liable but we will try to recover the
payment for you. We may charge our reasonable
costs for doing so. 2. If we can prove you have been grossly negligent
with your device or security details, you will
be liable for payments from your account but
17.2 Are there any special rules about refunds for only until you have told us your device or
card payments? security details have been lost, stolen or could
If you have used your card to make a payment, you be misused. In some cases, you will not be liable
can ask us to refund the payment if all the following for a payment instruction you did not give
conditions are satisfied: yourself. These include where we have failed
to tell you how to report that your device or
•• the payment was made to a retailer in the EEA;
security details have been lost, stolen or could
•• you did not specify an exact amount to be paid; be misused or where the unauthorised payment
•• the amount taken was more than you could reasonably was made by telephone or internet.
have expected to pay based on the circumstances,
including your previous spending patterns; and
19. What happens if we break the terms of this
•• you request a refund within eight weeks of the date agreement?
the payment was made from your account.
19.1 We are responsible if you suffer loss because we have
17.3 If these conditions are not satisfied, we need not make broken this agreement. There are three exceptions to
a refund ourselves but we will tell you if we can help or this rule:
suggest other steps you could take.
1. We are not liable for losses or costs caused by
Additional information about card abnormal and unforeseeable circumstances
payment refunds outside our reasonable control, which would
have been unavoidable despite all efforts to the
We may ask you to provide information that is contrary. These include delays or failures caused
reasonably necessary to investigate whether you by industrial action (e.g., strikes), problems
are entitled to the refund. In addition, you may with another system or network, mechanical
also find it helpful to contact the person you paid breakdown or data-processing failures.
using the card.
Within 10 working days of receiving your request
(or of receiving any further information we have 2. We are not liable for losses or costs where a
asked for), we will refund the payment or inform regulatory requirement means we must break
you of our reasons for refusing to do so. this agreement.

20.4 Even if there is a court decision against you or you are
3. We are not liable for business losses or costs fined, we can use money you have in your accounts to
you suffer (such as loss of business profits or pay something you owe us (including interest arising
opportunities) as a result of anything we have after the date of the final decision or fine), unless
done, as we make this agreement with you as a the court instructs us otherwise, or we are otherwise
personal customer. prevented by law.
20.5 Occasionally we receive legal instructions or notices to
19.2 Nothing in this agreement limits our liability for acting hold a customer’s money for someone else or to pay it
fraudulently or very carelessly or otherwise excludes or to someone else. If this happens, the money available
limits our liability to the extent we are unable to exclude to the other person will be what is left after we add up
or limit it by law. what we owe on the affected accounts and subtract
what the first person owes us, including any interest
arising after the legal instruction or notice, unless we
decide otherwise or we are prevented by law.
Section L – Using money 21. Applying compensation payments to your accounts

between accounts 21.1 If we decide to pay you money to settle a complaint or

to pay you compensation regarding products covered
(‘set-off’) by this agreement, we may put this money towards
any amount you owe us for products covered by this
Sometimes we can reduce or repay amounts you owe us by agreement (such as an overdraft). We will do this in line
using money we hold in other accounts for you. with any regulatory requirements that apply to us.

Meaning of words we’ve used

regulatory Any law, regulation, code or industry Section M – Ending this

requirement guidance that applies to us including a
requirement of a court, ombudsman or agreement or an account,
similar body or an undertaking given to
a regulator.
benefit or service or
suspending a benefit
20. When can we use set-off?
20.1 If we are holding money in an account for you when
or service
amounts you owe us are overdue for payment, we may use 22. Suspending a benefit or service
the money in your account to reduce or repay the amount 22.1 We may suspend a benefit or service if we think you
you owe us. We will only do this if we think it is reasonable, don’t want it any more because you have not used it for
taking into account your circumstances (including that 12 months, or if you are no longer eligible for it. We will
you will still have enough money to meet essential living give you two months’ notice in writing before doing so.
expenses) and any regulatory requirements.
23. Ending this agreement or an account, benefit
20.2 Amounts you owe us include amounts due under a loan, or service
credit card, mortgage, overdraft or otherwise with us.
23.1 This agreement continues until you or we cancel or
20.3 We can use our set-off right if you have accounts that end it. The table opposite shows how this agreement
are only in your name as well as joint accounts you hold (or any account, benefit or service) can be ended. If we
with another person (X) as shown below: end it, we will act in a manner we think is reasonably
appropriate for the circumstances and will try to reduce
Money in Set-off against the inconvenience to you.
account for: money owed by:

You only You

You only You and X

You and X You and X

You and X X

You and X You

By Reason Notice

You Any reason. None (we may ask you to confirm in writing).

Us If we reasonably consider that: None.

•• there is illegal or fraudulent activity on
or connected to the account;
•• you are or may be behaving improperly
(for example, in a threatening or
abusive way);
•• by continuing the agreement we (or
another company in the Lloyds Banking
Group) may be exposed to action from
any government, regulator or other
authority or may break a regulatory
requirement; or
•• you have seriously or repeatedly broken
this agreement in any other way.

You have not used an account for 15 years For further details see Section O.
(or other period specified by law) and we
have lost touch with you. In this case, we
may transfer any money in the account to
the ‘reclaim fund’ (a body set up to deal with
unclaimed assets in dormant accounts). We
will try to contact you before doing this.

Any other reason. Two months (in writing).

23.2 When this agreement ends, any account covered by it will close and any benefit or service we provide under it will stop.
You must also:
a) repay any money you owe us (including any payments you have made that have not yet been taken out of
your account);
b) pay any charges (including daily overdraft fees) up to the date the agreement, account or service ends;
c) return anything that belongs to us or that we have given you, such as any device or unused cheques; and
d) cancel any direct payments (such as direct debits, standing orders and regular card payments) into or out of your
account. If someone sends a payment to your closed account, we will take reasonable steps to return the payment to
the sender.
23.3 If this agreement (or a service or benefit under it) ends, it will not affect any legal rights or obligations that may already
have arisen or any instructions already given.
23.4 When this agreement ends (or your account is closed) we will pay or transfer money we hold for you or owe you under
this agreement (or in the account) to you, or to any other person you name in writing. However, we may keep enough
money to cover anything you owe us or, if you have broken this agreement, any loss of ours that results.
23.5 In the event of your death, we may need to see a grant of probate, certificate of confirmation or grant of representation
before releasing money in your account to your personal representatives.
23.6 After this agreement ends, we will keep our right of set-off and any rights we have under general law. We may continue
to hold and use your personal data but only to the extent we need to do so as set out in our privacy statement. This is
available at www.halifax.co.uk/privacystatement, as a leaflet in branch or by asking us.

Section N – Other We will try to resolve your complaint by the end
of the third working day after you contact us. If
important terms we cannot do this, we will write to you within five
working days to tell you what we have done to
24. Insurance resolve the problem, or acknowledge your complaint
and let you know when to expect our full response.
If insurance is included with your account, we hold any
We will also let you know the name and contact
money we receive for you from the insurer regarding
details of the person or team dealing with your case.
the insurance in our role as a bank and treat it like any
other funds paid into your account. It is not held on b) Step 2 – Follow-up
trust for you (or as your agent in Scotland) or in line with To follow up your complaint with Customer Services,
the Financial Conduct Authority’s client money rules. you can ask the person you raised your complaint
We hold on the insurer’s behalf any insurance premiums with to refer the matter to them or write to Halifax,
we collect. PO Box 761, Leeds LS1 9JF.
25. What happens if you do not meet the conditions we c) Step 3 – Contact the Financial Ombudsman Service
set for an account type? if you aren’t satisfied
25.1 We may change an account you hold with us to a If you disagree with the decision we make, you
different account, including one without a benefits can refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman
package, if: Service free of charge. The Financial Ombudsman
a) you do not pay (or you go over your Planned Service provides a way of resolving disputes if you’re
Overdraft limit to pay) your regular account or unhappy with something we’ve done. Details are
benefits package fees twice in a row; available from us on request or you can get further
information at www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk
b) you stop being eligible for your existing account
or any of the benefits on your account in any You may be able to submit a claim through the
other way; European Online Dispute Resolution Platform
(available at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/)
c) you are no longer resident in the United Kingdom;
if you live outside the United Kingdom or if you
d) you hold more than one packaged account; or prefer not to deal directly with the Financial
e) you make a complaint and we agree that the account Ombudsman Service.
may not be suitable for you. 29. Law applying to this agreement
Before changing your account to a different account, 29.1 Unless you are resident in Scotland when the conditions
we will give you at least two months’ notice. We will in this agreement first apply to you, English law will
only change your account to one that we believe is a decide any legal questions about it, and about our
reasonably suitable alternative. dealings with you with a view to entering into this
26. Transferring rights and obligations agreement. The courts of England and Wales will also
be able to deal with any legal questions connected with
You may not transfer any obligations or rights, benefits
this agreement.
or interests under this agreement or in your accounts (or
income from them) or create any security over money in 29.2 If you are resident in Scotland when the conditions in
your accounts in favour of someone else unless we say this agreement first apply to you, Scots law will decide
you can in writing. any legal questions about it, and about our dealings with
you with a view to entering into this agreement. The
27. Not enforcing this agreement
Scottish courts will also be able to deal with any legal
We may not always strictly enforce our rights under this questions connected with this agreement.
agreement; for example, we may allow you more time
29.3 This agreement applies even if any term of it contradicts
to pay what you owe, or we may charge you a lower
or overlaps with any law that applies, unless the law says
daily overdraft fee or none at all. If we do this, it will be
we cannot agree with you to change or exclude the
just a temporary measure and we may enforce our rights
effect of that law.
strictly again.
28. How can you complain?
If you feel we have not met your expectations in any
way, please let us know so that we can tackle the
problem as quickly as possible. We have a three-step
procedure to resolve your concerns.
a) Step 1 – Tell us about the problem
Tell us about your complaint and how you think it
could be resolved by calling into any branch, calling
us on 0800 072 9779 or 0113 366 0167 or textphone
on 0800 389 1286 or 0113 366 0141, or contacting
your relationship manager or Business Manager, if
you have one.
Section O – Additional Dormant balances
We participate in the unclaimed assets scheme established
important information under the Dormant Bank and Building Society Accounts
Act 2008, which enables money in dormant accounts
This section does not form part of the conditions for your (i.e., accounts that have been inactive for 15 years or more)
account but provides further important information that to be distributed for the benefit of the community while
you may need. allowing customers to reclaim their money.
Who we are Under the scheme, we may transfer balances of dormant
accounts to Reclaim Fund Ltd (RFL), a not-for-profit
•• Our company details reclaim fund authorised and regulated by the Financial
–– Halifax is a division of Bank of Scotland plc. Conduct Authority.
Registered in Scotland No. SC327000. Registered If we transfer the balance of your account to RFL, you will
office: The Mound, Edinburgh EH1 1YZ. have the same rights against RFL to reclaim your balance
–– To find out more about our company, see the as you would have done against us. However, we remain
Registrar’s website, www.companieshouse.gov.uk responsible for managing the relationship with you and for
or call the Registrar on 0303 1234 500. handling all repayment claims on behalf of RFL. Therefore,
•• Our VAT number is 244155576. you should continue to contact us in the usual way if you
have any questions or complaints about dormant accounts
•• We lend money and offer savings, insurance and other or balances.
financial services to our customers.
Both we and RFL participate in the Financial Services
How we are regulated Compensation Scheme (FSCS). Any transfer by us to RFL of
your balance will not adversely affect any entitlement you
•• We are authorised by the Prudential Regulation
have to compensation from the FSCS.
Authority, and regulated by the Financial Conduct
Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority under International payments
registration number 169628.
Our international payments service means you can make
•• To find out more about us, see the Financial an electronic payment from your Halifax current account
Services Register: www.fca.org.uk or call the FCA to another person outside the UK (whether in sterling or
on 0800 111 6768. another currency), or in a currency other than sterling to
•• We are regulated by the Office of Communications another person in the UK. Depending on the amount you
(‘Ofcom’). If you have a complaint, particularly about our wish to send, we may ask for additional ID before we can
text-messaging service, you may also be able to take accept your instructions for an international payment. You
it to Ofcom at Riverside House, 2a Southwark Bridge can use this service through our branches with a counter and
Road, London SE1 9HA, www.ofcom.org.uk, telephone using Online or Telephone Banking. There is a £5,000 limit for
020 7981 3040, fax 020 7981 3333 or textphone any international payment made through Telephone Banking,
020 7981 3043. and a limit of £100,000 for international payments made
through Online Banking.
Industry codes and memberships
The cut-off time for making payments depends on how and
•• We are a member of the British Bankers’ Association. where a payment is to be made.
Please see www.bba.org.uk to find out more.
•• We adhere to The Standards of Lending Practice which Your payment Cut-off time
are monitored and enforced by the LSB:
www.lendingstandardsboard.org.uk International payment in euro No earlier than 2pm and
made through one of our no later than 3pm
•• Eligible deposits with us are protected by the Financial
branches with a counter or by
Services Compensation Scheme. We are covered by the
Telephone Banking
Financial Ombudsman Service.
•• We follow advertising codes regulated by the International payment in a 3pm
Advertising Standards Authority (‘ASA’). If you would currency other than euro
like to find out more about the advertising codes made through one of our
or the ASA, or complain to them about any of our branches with a counter or by
advertising, please see www.asa.org.uk, call the ASA on Telephone Banking
020 7492 2222 (textphone 020 7242 8159), email them
at enquiries@asa.org.uk, fax them on 020 7242 3696 or International payment in 3pm
write to the Advertising Standards Authority, Mid City any currency made through
Place, 71 High Holborn, London WC1V 6QT. Online Banking

Section E explains how long any payment should take to •• You can ask for a copy of this agreement or download it
arrive. Please bear in mind that countries outside the UK may from our website.
have different non-working days, and this could affect when •• For more information visit us at www.halifax.co.uk or
the person you have sent money to is able to draw it out. go to any Halifax branch.
As we explain in Section E, if you make a payment outside •• Depositpoint™ is a trademark of Lloyds Bank plc and
the EEA or in a non-EEA currency, we cannot control how used under license by Bank of Scotland plc.
long it will take to arrive. You can ask us for details when you
make your payment. However, as a guide, it should generally •• Cashpoint® is a registered trademark of Lloyds Bank plc
take no longer than four working days for a payment in and used under license by Bank of Scotland plc.
one of our standard available currencies to reach North
America, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and
countries in Europe and the Middle or Far East. A payment in
Section P – Reward
any currency to most other countries operating electronic
payment systems should take no longer than 14 working days.
payments, interest and
The Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) currently consists of account fees leaflet
the countries of the EEA plus Aland Islands, Azores, Canary
Islands, French Guiana, Gibraltar, Guadeloupe, Guernsey, This section explains the current interest rates, reward
Isle of Man, Jersey, Madeira, Martinique, Mayotte, Monaco, payments and account fees. Please keep it in a safe place so
Reunion, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Martin, Saint Pierre and you can read it when you need to.
Miquelon, San Marino and Switzerland.
What can I do to keep overdraft fees as low
We will confirm the details of your international payment, as possible?
including the sterling equivalent of the payment, the charges
we apply and any breakdown of these, along with the •• Repay any overdraft as soon as you can.
exchange rate we applied immediately before the payment •• You can avoid paying a daily overdraft fee if your
leaves your account. This information may also appear on balance goes overdrawn during the day but you pay
your account statement. If you make a transfer in one of our money into your account later the same day to bring it
branches with a counter, we’ll give you a receipt at the time. back into credit. You have until midnight to do this.
If you use Telephone Banking, we’ll confirm all the details •• Check your available balance online, by phone or
to you over the phone. And if you use Online Banking, through a cash machine to make sure you’ve enough
you can print one off yourself. Your receipt will show the money in your account to pay everything due. The
exchange rate used and the amounts involved. If you need money in your account must be available to withdraw –
a receipt in writing after the payment has been processed, for example, you must wait for any cheques you’ve paid
just contact us. into your account to be available.
CHAPS Payments •• Register for Mobile Alerts to receive notifications
when your balance gets near to being overdrawn
The cut-off time for making CHAPS payments is 4.25pm.
and overdrawn.
Cancellation •• Keep a record of any cheques you write and when
We hope you’re happy with the account or service you’ve they have been paid, so that you know how much
chosen. However, if you’re not, you have 14 days from money is left in your account. Someone can pay a
opening the account or taking the service to cancel it cheque into their account up to six months after you’ve
without charge by writing to us, visiting any branch, or written it.
contacting us by telephone or online through Online •• Check your statements and make a list of the dates
Banking. Our details are shown in the ‘How to contact us’ of your direct debits, standing orders and other regular
section. We will then help you to move to another account payments – for example, mortgage, loan or rent.
we offer or will return your money to you with any interest •• If a direct debit payment is due at a difficult time in
you have earned on it. If you have used an Overdraft you will the month for you – for example, just before you get
have to repay it before you can cancel. paid – contact the company and ask them if they’ll
If you have a Planned Overdraft you can also cancel it at any collect it at a more convenient time.
time by writing to us, visiting any branch or contacting us by •• If you have daily overdraft fees to pay, remember to
telephone or online through Online Banking. If you do so, include them in your budget.
you must repay any overdrawn balance.

Other information
•• We will communicate with you in English.
•• The Post Office® and Post Office logo are registered
trademarks of the Post Office Ltd.

Keep an eye on your balance and keep your overdraft fees as low as possible
Direct debits, standing orders, cheques and debit cards all make life easier. Making sure you’ve enough money in your
account to cover these payments will help you to keep overdraft fees as low as possible.
If you bank online with us, you can transfer money from other accounts up to midnight to make sure it’s then in your
account to avoid a daily overdraft fee for that day. For other amounts you pay into your account – for example, cheques
or payments made at a cash machine – you’ll need to allow time for the money to reach your account. For cheques this
can take several days.
It’s easy to check your account balance. You can do it 24 hours a day online, by phone or from a cash machine. Or call
into one of our branches during normal working hours.

Reward payments for the Reward Current Account

If you qualify, you will receive one reward payment which we will pay into your Reward Current Account by the second
working day of the following calendar month. If you do not qualify, you won’t receive any reward payment the following
calendar month. Please see the table below for details. If you close your Reward Current Account or change it to a different
type of current account before qualifying for the reward payment as set out below, you will not receive a reward payment on
closure or account change.

If in a calendar month you: Amount of reward payment you will receive will be:

•• pay in £750 or more into your Reward Current £3. This payment is ‘net’ of income tax, which means we
Account; and pay it after taking off income tax at the rate set by law
•• have a minimum of two different direct debit instructions (currently 20%). If you’re a higher-rate taxpayer, you may
paid from your Reward Current Account; and have to pay extra income tax on the reward payment. (The
gross amount is £3.75. This is the amount before income
•• have not gone overdrawn on your Reward Current tax is taken off.)
Account at the end of any day during the calendar month;
then you will receive one reward payment which we will pay
into your Reward Current Account by the second working
day of the following calendar month.

•• don’t pay in at least £750 into your Reward Current None

Account; or
•• have fewer than two different direct debit instructions
paid from your Reward Current Account; or
•• have gone overdrawn on your Reward Current Account at
the end of any day during the calendar month;
then you won’t receive any reward payment the following
calendar month.

To receive a reward payment into your account, you must fulfil the requirements above and your account must be open or
not changed to another type of current account at the time we are due to make the reward payment.

Interest we pay on credit balances

If you have a Student Current Account or Expresscash account, we will pay you interest on the money in your account.

Account Interest paid on credit balances

AER % Gross (before tax each year) %

Student Current Account 0.10 0.10

Expresscash account 1.51 1.50

AER stands for annual equivalent rate and shows what the depending on which account you hold. Please see the section
interest rate would be if interest were paid and compounded below (‘Fee-free overdraft amounts’) for more information.
each year. (In other words, you earn interest on the money
you leave in your account.)
Representative example
We will pay your interest gross, this means we will not
If you use a Planned Overdraft of £1,200 on our Reward
deduct tax automatically from it. Depending on your
Current Account, then we’ll charge you a daily overdraft
personal circumstances you may need to pay tax on the
fee of £1.71.
interest you earn. You will be responsible for paying any tax
you may owe to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).
We will pay interest to your account between the last day of We won’t charge you any interest or any other fees for using
the month and the first working day of the month after that. your overdraft.
Interest is paid on the full amount in your account.
Fee-free overdraft amounts
All interest rates are variable.
Some of our current accounts have fee-free amounts. This
Account fees means if you’re in debit by that amount or less, you won’t
pay a daily overdraft fee.
The amounts are set out below:
If overdrafts are available on your account, you can apply for
one. We base any decision to offer you a Planned Overdraft Account Amount Impact
on your eligibility.
If we agree to the Planned Overdraft and you use it, we will Ultimate Reward £300 We charge the
charge you a daily overdraft fee. The amount will depend on Current Account daily overdraft
your balance at the end of the day. fee when your
Student Current £3,000 balance reaches
On an account with a Planned Overdraft limit, if you try to
Account – opened £7 over your
make a payment that would take your account over your
before 2nd fee-free amount
Planned Overdraft limit, we may not make that payment. On
August 2017
an account without a Planned Overdraft limit, if you try to
make a payment that would take your account overdrawn, Student Current £1,500
we may not make that payment. Account – opened
We won’t charge you any fees for refusing or trying to refuse on or after 2nd
your requested payments. But we will continue to charge a August 2017
daily overdraft fee for your use of a Planned Overdraft if any
fees or payments take, or have taken, your account above
your Planned Overdraft limit. In this case, the daily overdraft Overdrafts are subject to status and repayable on demand.
fee will not exceed the maximum daily overdraft fee you
would pay. For example, if your Planned Overdraft limit was Ultimate Reward Current Account monthly
£140 and the daily overdraft fee for this was 20p a day, you account fee
would not pay more than this even if you were overdrawn by The Ultimate Reward Current Account has a monthly
more than £140. account fee which we take from your account by the second
To ensure we make all your payments, it’s important that you working day of the month (‘the fee debit day’). The Ultimate
manage your account within your Planned Overdraft limit. Reward Current Account fee is £15. A discounted monthly
account fee may apply. Please see the table opposite.
If you want to increase your Planned Overdraft limit, please
get in touch with us. We’ll see if we can help. You pay account fees in arrears monthly. Your first monthly
account fee will be proportionate to the number of days
All overdrafts are subject to status and repayable on demand.
the account has been open. A discount lower monthly
Daily overdraft fees account fee is available, as set out in the table opposite.
But if you close your account or change it to a different
Our daily overdraft fee will depend on the amount of your type of current account before qualifying for the lower fee,
Planned Overdraft balance each day at the end of the the full £15 monthly account fee will apply instead. The fee
day including bank holidays and weekends. We will take we actually charge will be proportionate to the number of
the amount of the daily overdraft fee from your account days from the last fee debit day to the date of closure or
overnight. account change.
When we charge a daily overdraft fee it becomes part
of your balance. This means if we charge a further daily
overdraft fee, it is based on the total balance including
previous daily overdraft fees.
The daily overdraft fee is 1p for each full £7 of your Planned
Overdraft you have used. We also have fee-free amounts

If you... then you... Monthly account fee

•• pay in £750 or more into your Ultimate Reward Current will receive a discount on £12
Account each calendar month; and your monthly account fee
•• have at least two different direct debit instructions the following calendar month
paid from your Ultimate Reward Current Account each
calendar month; and
•• have not gone overdrawn on your Ultimate Reward
Current Account by the end of any day during the
calendar month.

•• don’t pay in £750 or more into your Ultimate Reward will not receive a discount £15
Current Account each calendar month; or on your monthly account fee
•• have fewer than two different direct debit instructions the following calendar month
paid from your Ultimate Reward Current Account each
calendar month; or
•• have gone overdrawn on your Ultimate Reward
Current Account by the end of any day during the
calendar month.

As well as the qualifying requirements set out in the above table, your Ultimate Reward Current Account must be open
and not changed to another type of current account at the time we are due to take the Ultimate Reward Current Account
monthly account fee.

Fees for special services

The section below outlines the fees we can take from all accounts in different circumstances. When you request a special
service, you will be told when we will take the fee out of your account.

Special service Fee

Stopped cheque (except for lost or stolen cheques) £10

Special presentation of cheque £10

Banker’s draft (sterling) £20 (not charged if you are under 18)

Bank reference £10 (not charged if you are under 18)

Extra statement £5

CHAPS (Clearing House Automated Payment System) payment £25

International payment from your account £9.50*

International drafts £20**

Electronic payments received from outside the UK other than Receiving a payment up to and including £100 – £2
by SEPA credit transfer Receiving a payment of over £100 – £7

Foreign currency cheques paid into your account Sterling value of £100 or less – £5
Sterling value more than £100 – 0.25% of the total
sterling value to a maximum of £80. Our minimum
charge will be between £8 and £15, depending on
whether we negotiate or collect the cheque.

* For international payments in euro or another EEA Buying goods or services in a currency other
currency to a bank account in the EEA, Switzerland or than sterling
Monaco, you will pay our charges (including the charges
of any agent bank we use) and the recipient will pay their If you use your debit card to make a purchase in a currency
bank’s charges. other than sterling, the amount is converted to sterling
on the day it is processed by Visa using the Visa Payment
For any other international payments made through: Scheme Exchange Rate. We will charge you a non-sterling
– Online Banking you will pay our charges and the transaction fee of 2.99% of the amount of the transaction
recipient will pay their bank’s charges and those of any and a non-sterling purchase fee of £0.50 for each payment.
agent bank;
– one of our branches or Telephone Banking you may opt:
a) to share charges in the same way as non-EEA
payments through Online Banking, or
b) to pay all charges, where you also agree to pay the
charges of the recipient’s bank and any agent banks
we use, instead of the recipient paying them.
We will not always be able to tell you in advance what
the recipient’s bank or any agent bank will charge.
** If you cancel an international draft, we will make refund
conversions using our standard exchange rate for the
transaction on the day we receive the money.
This fee will not apply to payments in sterling sent to
a bank account within the EU from our Basic Account
or received from a bank account within the EU to our
Basic Account.

Withdrawing cash
If you take money in sterling from your account using any
Halifax or Bank of Scotland cash machine in the UK, we
won’t charge you for the withdrawal. However, if you use
a cash machine that isn’t a Halifax or Bank of Scotland cash
machine, you may be charged by the machine owner.
If so, the machine will show you the amount and tell
you that it will be taken from your account when you
withdraw the cash.

Withdrawing cash in a currency other than sterling,

or withdrawing sterling outside the UK (at a cash
machine or over the counter)
If you use your debit card to withdraw cash in a currency
other than sterling, or to withdraw cash in sterling outside
the UK, the amount is converted to sterling on the day it is
processed by Visa using the Visa Payment Scheme Exchange
Rate. We will charge you a non-sterling transaction fee of
2.99% of the amount of the transaction and a non-sterling
cash fee of £1.50 for each withdrawal. Where you elect to
allow the cash machine operator/financial service provider
to make the conversion to sterling for you, we will only
charge a foreign cash fee of £1.50 for each withdrawal. The
provider of the foreign currency may make a separate charge
for conversion.

Demand and needs statement
This page refers to the following insurance products included in the Ultimate Reward Current Account.

Benefit details
• Worldwide multi-trip family travel insurance
Worldwide multi-trip family travel insurance
• Car breakdown cover This product meets the demands and needs of those who
wish to ensure that the insurance needs of themselves and
• Mobile phone insurance their family while on holiday are met now and in the future.
• Home emergency cover Car breakdown cover
This product meets the demands and needs of those who
wish to ensure that their needs for roadside assistance if
Please review the information provided to ensure we have
their vehicle breaks down are met now and in the future.
based your insurance on the correct information.
You have not received advice or a recommendation from Mobile phone insurance
us. We do, however, ask that you read this page and all the This product meets the demands and needs of those who
information contained in this booklet very carefully to wish to ensure that their need for mobile phone insurance is
ensure that the insurance included in the Ultimate Reward met now and in the future.
Current Account meets your needs.
We draw your attention in particular to exclusions and Home emergency cover
conditions that apply to these policies. Please refer to the This product meets the demands and needs of those who
policy summary documents and terms and conditions for wish to ensure that their needs for access to emergency
full details. You should read these bearing in mind your assistance for the home are met now and in the future.
own circumstances to ensure that you fully understand
what they mean for you as an individual and anyone else
insured by the policy.
This is a monthly contract that starts when your account is
opened or your account redesignation is completed.

Travel insurance

About YOUR Policy Wording Accident(s)/Accidental

A sudden, unexpected, specific, violent, external, visible
The Insurance Contract event which occurs at a single identifiable time and place
If You have any queries about Your cover, You can call Us and arises solely and independently of any other cause.
on the number listed in the ‘Important telephone numbers’
Bank Account Provider
section. Please make sure You have Your Ultimate Reward
The bank which provides the account through which this
Current Account number and Your branch sort code when
travel insurance policy is made available to You.
You call. We want You to get the most from Your policy and
to do this You should: Business Equipment
•• read Your policy wording and make sure You are Means items used by You and which belong to You in
covered for the sort of losses/incidents You think support of Your business activity including office equipment
might happen which is portable by design including, but not restricted to,
personal computers, telephones and calculators.
•• make sure You have declared any Pre-Existing
Medical Conditions You can do this by calling us on Colleague
0345 124 1400. An associate in the same employment as You in the UK,
•• make sure that You understand the exclusions and whose absence from work necessitates Your stay in or return
conditions which apply to Your policy because if to the UK.
You do not meet these conditions it may affect any
claim You make. Europe
The continent of Europe west of the Ural Mountains
Operation of cover including its neighbouring islands (including the Azores, the
Canary Islands, the Republic of Ireland and Madeira) and non-
This policy ceases when the accountholder reaches the age
European countries bordering the Mediterranean.
of 71. Where a joint accountholder is aged 71 or over and the
other accountholder still qualifies for cover, this policy will Excess
remain in force for that accountholder until they reach 71 The amount You pay when You make a claim which is set
subject to the terms and conditions of the policy. out in the ‘Policy limits and excesses’ section. Where a claim
Remember, no policy covers everything. We do not cover is made for the same incident under different sections of
certain things such as: the policy and/or by more than one Insured Person for the
•• Pre-Existing Medical Conditions (unless additional same incident, only one excess will apply.
cover is agreed in writing by Us) You can declare any Family
pre-existing medical conditions by calling Us on You, Your spouse, Your civil partner (as defined in Section 1 of
0345 124 1400 the Civil Partnership Act 2004) or the person (whether or not
•• any Insured Person over the age of 70 years old of the same sex) with whom You are permanently cohabiting
•• losses that We do not state are specifically covered in a marriage-like relationship together with Your children,
e.g. the cost of obtaining a Police report. step‑children, adopted children, children for whom You are
the legal guardian and foster children who are under the age
The things which are not covered by Your policy are stated: of 18 or under the age of 24 and in full time education.
•• in the ‘General exclusions applying to Your policy’
Golf Equipment
•• under ‘What IS NOT covered’ in each section of cover. Golf clubs, golf balls, golf bag, golf trolley, golf shoes and
If We do not state that something is covered, You should essential clothes which You own or hire.
assume that it is not covered.
Health Check Date
Words with special meanings The annual date when medical conditions need to be
Throughout Your policy wording, certain words are shown declared and reconsidered by Us. We will send a reminder
in bold type. These words have special meanings which are prior to this date.
listed below and the following sections have unique ‘Words Home
with special meanings’ which can be found at the beginning Your usual permanent place of residence in the UK.
of the section ‘Legal Advice and Expenses’, ‘Travel Disruption
Cover’ and ‘Wedding Cover’.

Insurance Period whose duty is to care for and be in control of another
The period commencing on the date You open an Ultimate person and if necessary make decisions in the absence of
Reward Current Account and ending when Your Ultimate the parent/guardian.
Reward Current Account is closed or Your policy is cancelled,
whichever is earlier. Terrorist Action
The actual or threatened use of force or violence against
Insured Person/You/Your persons or property, or commission of an act dangerous
The holder(s) of an Ultimate Reward Current Account and to human life or property, or commission of an act that
their Family. interferes with or disrupts an electronic or communications
system, undertaken by any person or group, whether or not
Insurer acting on behalf of or in connection with any organisation,
AXA Insurance UK plc. government, power, authority or military force, when any of
the following applies:
Permanent Total Disablement
A condition which is of a permanent and irreversible a) the apparent intent or effect is to intimidate or coerce
nature which is shown by medical evidence to be likely to a government or business, or to disrupt any segment of
continue for the remainder of Your life and as certified the economy;
by a registered medical practitioner, to the reasonable b) the apparent intent or effect is to cause alarm, fright,
satisfaction of Our Chief Medical Officer, and which fear of danger or apprehension of public safety in one
prevents You from engaging in any work or occupation or more distinct segments of the general public, or to
for remuneration or profit. intimidate or coerce one or more such segments;
Personal Baggage c) the reasonably apparent intent or effect is to further
Each of Your suitcases (or containers of a similar nature) and political, ideological, religious or cultural objectives, or
their contents, articles You are wearing or carrying which are to express support for (or opposition to) a philosophy,
owned by any of Your Family, or for which they are legally ideology, religion or culture.
responsible, including Valuables and keys (excluding keys to
a hire vehicle).
The period of time (as defined under Trip Duration)
Personal Money spent away from Your Home on pre-booked business or
Cash, cheques, banker’s drafts, electronic cash pre- leisure travel.
payment cards, postal and money orders, current postage
Trip Duration
stamps, phone cards, coupons or vouchers which have a
The maximum duration of any one Trip is 45 consecutive
monetary value.
days unless otherwise agreed. If any Trip exceeds 45 days
Pre-Existing Medical Condition there is no cover under this policy for any additional days
Anything which You would answer yes to in the medical over the 45 day period.
conditions declarations in the ‘The insurance contract’
section under ‘You must declare all medical conditions’
England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and
either at the time You open Your Ultimate Reward Current
Channel Islands.
Account or at the time of booking Your Trip.
Public Transport
Means any extra benefit or different level of cover You have
Train, tram, bus, coach, ferry service or airline flight operating
purchased as detailed on Your upgrade schedule. See the
to a published timetable.
Upgrade section of this document for details of Upgrades
Redundant/Redundancy available. No additional cover will apply unless You have paid
Being made unemployed under the current UK redundancy the appropriate supplementary premium.
legislation and have been given a notice of redundancy
and are receiving payment under the current redundancy
Antiques, jewellery or articles made of or containing gold,
payments legislation and at the time of booking the Trip or
silver or other precious metals, precious or semi-precious
opening Your Ultimate Reward Current Account whichever
stones, portable audio, visual, photographic and gaming
is later You, or Your travelling companion had no reason to
equipment including any associated media, binoculars, furs,
suspect that they would be made redundant.
laptops, mobile telephones, portable satellite navigation
Relative and watches.
Your Family (including Your children, step-children, adopted
children and foster children and grandchildren), Your
AXA Insurance UK plc., (Registered Office) 5 Old Broad
mother, father, sister, brother, fiancé(e), grandparent, in-law,
Street, London EC2N 1AD. Registered in England No.
step‑family or next of kin.
78950, authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority
Responsible Adult and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and
Means a person aged 18 or over (not insured on this policy) the Prudential Regulation Authority under registration
number 202312.

Winter Sports Equipment amount of notice). Changes may be communicated to
Skis (including bindings), snow boards (including bindings), You by Us or by Your bank account provider acting as
boots, ski poles, ice skates and essential clothes which You Our agent.
own or hire. We will only exercise Our ability to make changes to
Your insurance policy in order to make reasonable and
About YOUR insurance contract
proportionate changes to reflect:
Your policy is a legal contract between You and Us.
a) any changes in the law, regulation and/or taxation of
The laws of the UK allow both parties to choose the law travel insurance business within the UK
which will apply to this contract. However, unless specified
b) any changes that are required to give effect to decisions
elsewhere in the contract, the law which applies to this
and/or guidance of a regulator or an ombudsman
contract is the law which applies to the part of the UK
in which You normally live unless written agreement has c) any changes that are required to give effect to new or
been given for another EU law to apply. If there is any revised insurance industry codes of practice that We
disagreement, We will use this policy wording over any intend to comply with
other assurances or statements, unless they are confirmed in d) inflationary increases in general claims costs, medical
writing and form part of the policy. claims costs and/or administrative costs which
All communication between You and Us will be in English. affect the cost to Us of providing cover under and
administering Your insurance policy
The Insurer e) changes in foreign currency exchange rates which
This policy is underwritten by AXA Insurance UK plc., affect the cost to Us of providing cover under and
(Registered Office) 5 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1AD. administering Your insurance policy
Registered in England No. 78950, authorised by the Prudential f) the correction of any typographical or formatting errors
Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct that may occur
Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority under
registration number 202312. You can check this on the g) other increases in the cost and/or number of travel
Financial Services Register by visiting www.fca.org.uk insurance claims which affect the cost to Us of
providing cover under and administering Your insurance
Our part of the insurance contract is as follows policy; and
We provide the cover set out in Your policy wording. h) increases in the cost of purchasing reinsurance which
Your part of the insurance contract is as follows affects the cost to Us of providing cover under Your
Your policy is renewed on a monthly basis and cover insurance policy.
will end if; Any change to the benefits, terms, cover or exclusion
i) Your Ultimate Reward Current Account is closed; which restricts Your cover or benefits will not apply to any
Trip which commences prior to the effective date of the
ii) You fail to pay the monthly fee for Your account; change. All changes will apply to any trips which You have
iii) Your account is changed to another type of account already booked which commence after the effective date
with Your Bank Account Provider; of the change.
iv) Your residential address is no longer in the UK. If You do not wish to accept the change(s) that We intend
You have the right to cancel Your policy by giving Us notice to make to Your insurance policy, You can contact Your
that You wish to cancel. We may cancel Your policy by bank account provider acting as Our agent by using the
giving You at least two calendar months’ notice in writing. contact details at the start of this booklet. This will be
If Your policy ends for any reason, You will not be entitled treated as notice that You wish to close or switch Your
to a refund of any fees and/or premium paid for the cover Ultimate Reward Current Account immediately – there will
provided under Your policy including any additional fees be no charge for closing or switching Your account. It will be
and/or premiums You have paid to cover a Pre-Existing assumed that You have accepted the change(s) if Your bank
Medical Condition. account provider has not heard from You by the end of the
notice period and You will be bound by the change(s) when
Change to cover, terms or price they come into force.
This clause explains how We may make changes to Your Exclusions which apply to Your policy
insurance policy. This clause does not allow Us to amend
the terms of Your membership of the Ultimate Reward The exclusions which apply to all sections of Your policy
Current Account (which is governed by separate terms are shown in the ‘Exclusions and conditions’ section of
and conditions). Your policy.
We may change the price, benefits, terms, cover and/or Fraud
exclusions of Your insurance policy by giving You at least Throughout Your dealings with Us We expect You to
two calendar months’ notice in writing unless such changes act honestly.
are required to be made sooner by law or regulation (in
If You or anyone acting for You:
which case We will give You a reasonable and proportionate

•• knowingly provides information to Us as part of provided and must be produced should You make a claim, so
Your application for Your policy that is not true and please keep it in a safe place.
complete to the best of Your knowledge and belief; or We reserve the right not to extend the cover under
•• knowingly makes a fraudulent or exaggerated claim Your policy.
under Your policy; or For a Relative, Colleague, travel companion or a friend or
•• knowingly makes a false statement in support of Relative with whom You had arranged to stay who is not
a claim; or insured but whose health may affect the Trip.
•• submits a knowingly false or forged document in If, at the time You open Your Ultimate Reward Current
support of a claim; or Account or book a Trip, whichever is later, Your Relative,
•• makes a claim for any loss or damage caused by Your Colleague, travel companion or a friend or Relative with
wilful act or caused with Your agreement, knowledge whom You had arranged to stay had a medical condition for
or collusion. which he or she:

THEN: •• was receiving treatment at hospital (other than

where they go to hospital for check-ups for a stable
•• We may prosecute fraudulent claimants; condition, at regular intervals which have been arranged
•• We may make the policy void from the date of the beforehand)
fraudulent act; •• was waiting for a hospital consultation, investigations
•• We will not pay any fraudulent claims; or treatment (other than where they go to hospital for
•• We will be entitled to recover from You the amount check-ups for a stable condition, at regular intervals
of any fraudulent claim already paid under Your policy which have been arranged beforehand)
since the start date; •• had been given a terminal prognosis, or been told
•• We may not return any premium paid by You for that their condition is likely to get worse in the next
the policy; 12 months.

•• We may inform the Police of the circumstances. We will not pay for any claim You (or any Insured Person)
make, that has anything to do with the medical condition
Conditions which apply to Your policy of that Relative, Colleague, travel companion or a friend or
Relative with whom You had arranged to stay.
These are some of the conditions You must keep to as Your
part of the contract. The others are shown in the ‘Exclusions You must prevent loss, theft or damage
and conditions’ section. If You do not keep to these All persons covered by Your policy must take all reasonable
conditions, We may decline Your claim. steps to prevent loss, theft or damage to everything covered
You must declare all medical conditions under Your policy.
Your policy excludes any Pre-Existing Medical Conditions Failure to take reasonable steps to prevent loss, theft or
that exist either when You open Your Ultimate Reward damage will result in a deduction from any claim payment, or
Current Account or when booking Your Trip. To make sure may result in Your claim being declined in full.
Your policy fully covers You for Your Trip, it is important
You tell Us when You open Your Ultimate Reward Current
Account or when booking a Trip about any medical
condition affecting the health of the people travelling, and
then again at any subsequent Health Check Date. We will
assess the condition and confirm whether Your policy can
be extended to cover claims for that particular condition.
Please call the Customer Helpline listed in the ‘Important
telephone numbers’ section if You answer ‘Yes’ to any one
of the following questions;
In relation to any person to be insured, does anyone have or
previously had any medical condition for which:
a) they are currently taking prescribed medication or,
b) are waiting to receive, or have received treatment
(including surgery, tests or investigation) within the last 6
months prior to the opening of this account, or within 6
months prior to booking any Trip, whichever is later.
If We extend the cover under Your policy to include
any Pre-Existing Medical Conditions, We may charge an
additional premium and a separate endorsement will be sent
to You. This will confirm the new terms under which cover is

Hazardous activities
This travel insurance policy provides cover for most hazardous activities.
If You are taking part in any sport or activity not listed in this section, please contact Us on 0345 124 1400 to see if You can
be covered.

Covered Covered if professionally organised and Not covered

supervised plus you wear appropriate
safety equipment and take appropriate
safety precautions.

Aerobics Abseiling Base jumping

Badminton Archery Big game hunting
Baseball Banana boating BMX stunt riding
Basketball Black water rafting Bouldering
Boogie boarding Bungee jumping Boxing
Bowls Canoeing/kayaking (no white water) Canyoning
Camel riding Clay pigeon shooting* Caving/pot holing
Cricket Fencing Coasteering
Croquet Flotilla sailing* (with professional leader) Cycle racing
Curling Go karting* Flying except as a fare paying passenger
Cycling (no racing) Gymnastics Free/high diving
Deep sea fishing Horse riding (no jumping)* Gliding
Dinghy Sailing Hot air ballooning Hang gliding
Fell walking Indoor rock climbing (with belays) Horse jumping/hunting
Fishing Jet biking* Judo/karate/martial arts
Flying (as a fare paying passenger in a fully Jet skiing* Kite surfing
licensed passenger carrying aircraft) Paint balling Lacrosse
Golf Parascending over water Micro lighting
Ice skating Pony trekking* Motor cycling unless on machines of
Jogging River tubing (no white water) less than 125cc and where You have
Manual work at ground level involving no Shooting (not big game)* held a motorcycle licence for at least
machinery* 3 years and are conviction free and are
Sleigh riding as a passenger wearing a helmet*
Marathon running Swimming with dolphins
Mountain biking on recognised routes Mountaineering
Trampolining Organised team sports unless
Netball Trekking/Hiking between 4,000m and otherwise listed
Orienteering 6,000m altitude Parachuting
Rambling Water skiing (no jumping) Paragliding
Ringos White water rafting Parascending over land
Roller Skating Blading Ziplining/Zipwiring
(wearing pads and helmets) Participation in competition unless
Zorbing agreed by Us
Rowing (except racing)
Professional/semi professional sports
Running (non-competitive and not
marathons) Quad biking
Safari Trekking (must be organised tour) Rock climbing
Sailing if qualified and excluding racing Sailing outside territorial waters
(within territorial waters)* Scuba diving below 30m
SCUBA diving (down to 30m accompanied by Shark diving
a qualified diver or instructor) Street hockey
Skateboarding (wearing pads and helmets) Water ski jumping
Snorkelling Weightlifting
Softball Wrestling
Table tennis
Ten pin bowling
Trekking/Hiking up to 4,000m altitude
War Games (wearing eye protection)
Water polo
Windsurfing (within territorial waters)*
Yachting (if qualified and excluding racing)*

* No Personal Liability cover.

Winter sports
If You are taking part in any sport or activity not listed in this section, please contact Us on 0345 124 1400 to see if You can
be covered.

Winter sports are covered for up to a maximum of 31 days in any •• skiing – cross country with a guide
calendar year. •• skiing – mono
The following activities are covered: •• skiing – Nordic
•• airboarding •• skiing on piste**
•• big foot skiing •• skiing – off piste** with a guide
•• blade skating •• sledging
•• dry slope skiing •• sleigh riding as a passenger (pulled by horse or reindeer)
•• glacier skiing/walking •• snow biking
•• husky dog sledding (organised, non-competitive and with •• snow blading
experienced local driver) •• snow boarding on piste**
•• ice cricket (wearing appropriate batting pads/gloves/spiked shoes) •• snow boarding – off piste** with a guide
•• ice fishing •• snow bobbing
•• *ice go karting (within organisers guidelines) •• *snow mobiling (skidoo)
•• ice skating •• *snow scooting
•• *ice windsurfing •• snow shoe walking
•• kick sledging •• *snowcat driving
•• ski – biking •• tandem skiing
•• ski – blading •• telemarking
•• ski boarding •• tobogganing on snow* riding as a passenger (pulled by horse
•• *ski – dooing or reindeer)
•• ski racing arranged by ski schools for their pupils •• winter walking (using crampons and ice picks only)
•• ski run walking
•• ski – touring * No cover under Section 4 – Personal liability.
•• skiing alpine ** a piste is a recognised and marked ski run within the resort
•• skiing – big foot boundaries.

Examples of winter sports activities not covered are:

•• Bobsleighing
•• Heli skiing
•• Ice hockey
•• Luging
•• Use of skeletons
•• Ski acrobatics
•• Ski jumping

There are different levels of cover within this policy, some of which won’t apply unless You have paid the appropriate
Upgrade premium. Upgrades must be purchased before You travel. Any extra benefit You have purchased is detailed on Your
Upgrade schedule. Please read the wording and ensure the cover reflects Your requirements. You may Upgrade Your travel
insurance coverage to include any of the following:

Additional Adult or Child

You may nominate a named additional adult or child, relative or friend, as an Insured Person, when the adult or child is
travelling with the Ultimate Reward Current Account holder, or with the account holder’s spouse, partner or civil partner when
he/she is the Insured Person.

Excess Waiver
The policy excess will be reduced to nil.

Trip Extension
The Trip limit may be extended to cover You for either 62, 93, 186 or 279 consecutive days in each annual period of
insurance. If any trip exceeds Your Trip Duration there is no cover under this policy for any additional days over Your Trip
Duration period.

Sports and Activities

The sports and activities which are covered as standard are listed under the Hazardous Activities Section, if You wish to
participate in any activity not mentioned under this definition then please call Us and We may be able to extend Your cover.

Automatic Renewal Liechtenstein. This is the healthcare provided to residents of
By purchasing an optional Upgrade(s) You provide consent the country You are visiting, which may not cover everything
to set up a continuous payment authority. This means We You would expect to get free of charge from the National
are authorised to automatically renew Your Upgrade(s) and Health Service (NHS).
apply for renewal payments from Your account every year, Applying for an EHIC is free. You can apply online at
even if Your card has expired, until You instruct Us to stop. www.dh.gov.uk/travellers, by calling 0300 330 1350 or by
We will contact You at least 21 days before the expiry date. getting an application form from the Post Office. You will
If You still meet Our eligibility criteria, We will seek to need Your NHS or National Insurance Number. The EHIC
automatically renew Your Upgrade(s) by using the latest does not cover the cost of medical treatment in a private
details You provided to Us. You will also be provided with hospital or clinic, the additional cost of returning to Your
a renewal invitation which You should check to ensure all home country or for a relative to stay or fly out to be with
Your details are still correct and relevant. If any changes You. In a medical emergency You may have no control over
are required or You do not wish to renew Your policy You the hospital You are taken to or the closest hospital may
should let Us know by contacting Us on 0345 124 1400 be private. The EHIC is valid for up to five years. You must
before Your renewal date. remember to renew it when it expires.

If You no longer meet Our eligibility criteria, We will not be Australia

able to renew Your Upgrade. In all cases We will contact You If You are travelling to Australia You can enrol in Medicare
prior to Your renewal date to advise You what to do next. which will entitle You to subsidised hospital treatments and
medicines. You can do this by contacting a local Medicare
Renewals which include a Medical Condition office in Australia. All claims for refunds under the Medicare
If You have contacted Us about a medical condition and We scheme must be made before You leave Australia. For more
have agreed in writing to cover You, it will not automatically information on Medicare visit: www.medicareaustralia.gov.au
renew. If You have purchased any Upgrade(s) in addition to or email: medicare@medicareaustralia.gov.au
a medical condition the Upgrade(s) will not automatically If You use these arrangements or any other similar health
renew either. In both cases We will contact You at least 21 arrangement with another country to reduce Your medical
days before the expiry date to advise what to do next, but expenses, You won’t have to pay an Excess.
You will have to contact Us if You wish to renew.
Emergency and medical service
Important conditions applying to Your policy:
•• the maximum age for cover under Your policy is Emergency assistance 24 hours a day
70 years old You should first check that the circumstances are covered by
Your policy. Then contact the appropriate 24 hour number
•• the maximum duration of any one Trip is 45 consecutive shown on page 91. Give Your name, Your Ultimate Reward
days unless otherwise agreed. If any Trip exceeds Current Account number and branch sort code, and as much
45 days there is no cover under this policy for any information as possible. Please give Us a telephone, fax or
additional days over the 45 day period. telex number where We can contact You or leave messages
•• Your policy covers only persons permanently at any time of the day or night.
resident in the UK In the event of a serious illness or accident which may lead
•• Your policy is only valid on Trips commencing from and to in-patient hospital treatment or before any arrangements
returning to the UK are made for repatriation or in the event of Cutting Short
•• Your policy automatically extends to provide cover Your Trip necessitating Your Early Return Home You must
if You are unable to return Home by the end of the contact the Medical Assistance Helpline (provided by AXA
Insurance Period due to the death, injury or illness of Assistance). The service is available to You and operates
You or a Public Transport delay. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for advice, assistance, making
arrangements for hospital admission, repatriation and
•• Winter Sports cover is provided up to a maximum of 31 authorisation of medical expenses. If this is not possible
days in total in any calendar year because the condition requires immediate emergency
•• Your cover is not valid for Trips taken within the UK treatment You must contact Medical Assistance Helpline as
except when You have pre-booked accommodation for soon as possible.
2 nights or more.
Medical assistance abroad
•• Your children are only covered when travelling with the The Medical Assistance Helpline has the medical expertise,
account holder(s) or a Responsible Adult. contacts and facilities to help should You be injured in
an accident or fall ill. The Medical Assistance Helpline will
Reciprocal health agreements
also arrange transport Home when this is considered to be
EU, EEA, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland medically necessary or when You have notice of serious
The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) allows You to illness or death of a Relative or Colleague at home.
access the state provided healthcare in European Economic
Payment for medical treatment abroad
Area (EEA) countries and Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and
If You are admitted to a hospital/clinic while abroad, the

Medical Assistance Helpline will arrange for medical expenses employer/Your travelling companion’s employer of
covered by the policy to be paid direct to the hospital/clinic. Redundancy and period of employment or leave
To take advantage of this benefit someone must contact cancelled; or
the Medical Assistance Helpline for You as soon as possible. •• confirmation from a relevant authority that You have
Private medical treatment is not covered unless authorised been instructed to stay at/return Home; or
specifically by the Medical Assistance Helpline. For simple
out-patient treatment, You should pay the hospital/ •• a copy of a death certificate, where appropriate.
clinic Yourself and claim back medical expenses from Us
Section 3: Personal Accident
on Your return to Your Home. If in doubt regarding any
such requests, please call the Medical Assistance Helpline To make a claim under this section of Your policy You must
for guidance. provide Us with:
Contact AXA Assistance on telephone number: •• Tour Operator’s booking invoice or other evidence of
+44 1633 439015 Your Trip; and
•• detailed medical report from Your consultant; or
Making a claim
•• a copy of a death certificate, where appropriate.
How to make a claim for any of the following:
Section 4: Personal Liability
For all claims follow these simple steps:
To make a claim under this section of Your policy You must
1. Find the relevant section listed below and ensure that provide Us with:
You have all the claims evidence We require. All claims
evidence must be supplied at Your own expense in its •• Tour Operator’s booking invoice or other evidence of
original form Your Trip; and

2. Telephone the Customer Helpline listed in the •• any claim form, summons, or other legal document as
‘Important telephone numbers’ section as soon as soon as You receive them; and
reasonably possible with Your Ultimate Reward Current •• any reasonable information or help We need to deal
Account number and Your branch sort code. with the case and Your claim.
Please remember to keep copies of all correspondence You Please note You must not negotiate, pay, settle, admit or
send to Us for Your future reference. deny any claim without Our written agreement.

Section 1: Medical Emergency and Repatriation Expenses Section 5: Travel Delay/Missed Departure
To make a claim under this section of Your policy You must
Section 2: Cancellation/Cutting Short Your Trip
provide Us with:
To make a claim under these sections of Your policy You or
•• Tour Operator’s booking invoice or other evidence of
anyone on Your behalf must contact the Medical Assistance
Your Trip; and
Helpline (see the ‘Important telephone numbers’ section)
as soon as possible, but within 48 hours of the event, to •• confirmation from the carrier of the reason and duration
authorise any expenses. of Your delay; or
If You fail to contact Us prior to treatment We cannot •• confirmation from a garage/motoring organisation that
guarantee direct payment to the medical provider. breakdown assistance was provided; or
To make a claim under this section of Your policy You must •• confirmation of the delay to Public Transport from the
provide Us with: company involved; or
•• Tour Operator’s booking invoice or other evidence of •• confirmation from the Police (if involved) of the
Your Trip; and circumstances giving rise to the claim.
•• Hospital, doctor, dentist, pharmacist receipts and all Section 6: Loss of Important Documents
receipts for additional expenses; and
To make a claim under this section of Your policy You must
•• copy of Your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) provide Us with:
•• Tour Operator’s cancellation invoice or unused flight •• Tour Operator’s booking invoice or other evidence of
tickets; or Your Trip; and
•• written confirmation that no refund is available in •• original Police report, obtained within 24 hours of the
respect of privately booked accommodation and incident or as soon as possible after that; and
evidence of payment for that accommodation; and
•• original receipts for obtaining temporary documents.
•• confirmation from a medical practitioner that You or
Your travelling companion are not fit to travel; or Section 7: Legal Advice and Expenses
•• confirmation from the Clerk of the Courts office that To make a claim for Legal Expenses please call 0345 124 1400
You are required for Jury Service; or and for Legal Advice 0345 124 1400
•• confirmation from Your employer/Your partner’s

Section 8: Mugging Benefit cost of repair or written confirmation that the item is
damaged beyond repair, where appropriate.
Section 9: Personal Baggage/Delayed Baggage
Section 15: Disability Benefit following Road Traffic
Section 10: Personal Money Accident in New Zealand
Section 11: Winter Sports Section 16: Wedding Cover
Section 12: Golf Cover To make a claim under this section of Your policy You must
provide Us with:
To make a claim under any of these sections of Your policy
You must provide Us with: •• Tour Operator’s booking invoice or other evidence of
Your Trip; and
•• Tour Operator’s booking invoice or other evidence of
Your Trip; and •• original Police report, obtained within 24 hours of the
incident or as soon as possible after that; or
•• original Police report, obtained within 24 hours of the
incident or as soon as possible after that; or •• courier’s report/Property Irregularity Report (PIR) from
the carrier (this must be obtained immediately You are
–– courier’s report/Property Irregularity Report (PIR)
aware of an incident); and
from the carrier (this must be obtained immediately
You are aware of an incident); and •• proof of purchase (e.g. original receipts, valuations
issued prior to the loss, cash withdrawal slips and credit/
–– proof of purchase (e.g. original receipts, valuations
debit card statements etc.); and written estimate for the
issued prior to the loss, cash withdrawal slips and
cost of repair or written confirmation that the item is
credit/debit card statements etc.); and
damaged beyond repair, where appropriate.
–– written estimate for the cost of repair or written
Further to the claims evidence listed, You may be asked to
confirmation that the item is damaged beyond repair,
provide additional information to substantiate Your claim.
where appropriate; and
–– Household Contents policy details (please note this
will NOT affect Your Household Insurance premium
or No Claims Discount); and
–– a report from the resort manager or Tour Operator
confirming piste closure, where applicable; and
–– details of the length of Your stay in hospital,
where applicable.

Section 13: Travel Disruption Cover

To make a claim under this section of Your policy You must
provide Us with:
•• Tour Operator’s booking invoice or other evidence of
Your Trip; and
•• Tour Operator’s cancellation invoice or unused flight
tickets; or
•• written confirmation that no refund is available in
respect of privately booked accommodation and
evidence of payment for that accommodation.

Section 14: Business Travel

To make a claim under this section of Your policy You must
provide Us with:
•• Tour Operator’s booking invoice or other evidence of
Your Trip; and
•• original Police report, obtained within 24 hours of the
incident or as soon as possible after that; or
•• courier’s report/Property Irregularity Report (PIR) from
the carrier (this must be obtained immediately You are
aware of an incident); and
•• proof of purchase (e.g. original receipts, valuations
issued prior to the loss, cash withdrawal slips and credit/
debit card statements etc.); and written estimate for the

Section We will pay you up to Excess (per successful claim)*

Medical Emergency and Repatriation Expenses £10,000,000 £50

Emergency Dental Treatment £1,000 £50

Hospital Benefit £1,000 (£50 per day) Nil

Meal Expenses Benefit £10 per day Nil

Cancellation £5,000 £50

Cutting short your trip £5,000 £50

Personal Accident

Permanent Total Disablement £30,000 (£2,500 if under 16 or over 64) Nil

Death £15,000 (£2,500 if under 16 or over 64) Nil

Personal Liability £2,000,000 £50

Travel Delay £250 (£30 for the first 12 hours and Nil
£20 for every subsequent 12 hours
after that)

Missed Departure £1,000 Nil

Loss of Important Documents £600 £50

Legal Advice and Expenses £25,000 £50

Mugging Benefit £1,000 (£50 per day) Nil

Personal Baggage £2,500 £50

Single Article, Pair or Set of Articles £500 £50

Valuables £500 £50

Delayed Baggage £250 Nil

Personal Money £750 £50

Cash £300 (£50 if under 16) £50

Winter Sports

Winter Sports Equipment £500 (£400 if hired) £50

Ski Hire £300 (£30 per day) Nil

Ski Pack £5,000 (Unused Lift Pass £350) Nil

Piste Closure £300 (£30 per day) Nil

Golf Cover

Golf Equipment £1,500 £50

Single Article £500 £50

Golf Equipment Hire £400 (£50 per day) Nil

Green Fees £300 (£75 per day) Nil

Travel Disruption Cover £5,000 £50

Business Travel £1,000 £50

Single Article, Pair or Set of Articles £300 £50

Disability Benefit following Road Traffic £250 per week Nil
Accident in New Zealand

Wedding Cover

Wedding Rings (per person) £250 £50

Wedding Gifts (per couple) £1,000 £50

Wedding Attire (per couple) £1,500 £50

* Where you and your family make a claim under more than one section of cover for the same incident, the maximum excess
you will pay is £50 in total.

Section 1: Medical Emergency and Repatriation Expenses

This section of Your policy explains the cover We provide for medical emergency and repatriation expenses whilst on Your
Trip. Words with special meanings are printed in bold type and can be found in the ‘Words with special meanings’ section.
This section provides insurance for emergency medical costs not covered under a reciprocal health agreement between the
government of the UK and that of Your country of loss including costs covered by the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
This is not Private Medical Insurance.

What IS covered:
1. Reasonable and necessary medical and hospital expenses, including the cost of the rescue service to take You to
hospital; and
2. Returning You to the UK provided this is authorised by Us or the Medical Assistance Helpline; and
3. Reasonable travel and room only accommodation expenses for a travelling companion or resident in the UK to stay with
You and travel Home with You if this is authorised by Us or the Medical Assistance Helpline; and
4. Funeral expenses abroad or the cost of transporting Your body or ashes to Your Home.
We will pay You up to £10,000,000:
•• if You go into hospital or require any medical assistance; and/or
•• if You have to return Home early or extend Your Trip; or
•• for reasonable and necessary funeral expenses abroad; or
•• for transporting Your body or ashes back to Your Home.
We will pay You up to £1,000 if:
•• You require emergency dental treatment for the immediate relief of pain.
We will pay You £50 per day (up to a maximum of £1,000) as a:
•• benefit for every complete 24 hour period You are in hospital or confined to Your Trip accommodation.
We will pay You £10 for every 24 hour period:
•• towards meal expenses for the nominated person who stays/travels with You.
Please note We may instruct You to return Home if Our medical advisers and the medical practitioner treating You
decide that You are fit to travel.
If You are injured or become ill during Your Trip, our Medical Assistance Helpline:
–– may move You from one hospital to another; and/or
–– arrange for You to return to the UK at any time.
They will do this if they and the treating doctor think that it is safe for You to be moved or returned to the UK.
If You choose not to, Our liability will end on the date it was deemed safe for You to be moved or returned to the UK.

What IS NOT covered:

•• the Excess unless You have used Your EHIC or a similar reciprocal health agreement to contribute towards Your cost
of treatment
•• any claim as a result of a Pre-Existing Medical Condition that exists either at the time You open the Ultimate Reward
Current Account or at the time of booking Your Trip (unless terms were agreed in writing by Us)

•• the cost of any treatment or surgery (including Section 2: Cancellation/Cutting Short Your Trip
exploratory tests) in the UK (except for Trips to the
This section of Your policy explains the cover We provide
Channel Islands, where NHS treatment is not available)
if You cancel or cut short Your Trip. Words with special
•• the cost of any medication or drugs which at the start meanings are printed in bold type and can be found in the
of Your Trip You know You will need ‘Words with special meanings’ section.
•• the cost of any treatment or surgery (including Please note Cancellation cover terminates at the start of
exploratory tests) which is not directly related to the Your Trip.
illness or injury for which You went into a hospital or
clinic abroad What IS covered:
•• any extra costs as a result of You arranging single or 1. Your share of any unused non-refundable pre-booked
private room accommodation at a hospital, clinic or travel and accommodation expenses which You have
nursing home, except where this is necessary for Your paid or are contracted to pay; and
treatment and approved by the Medical Assistance 2. Your share of any unused non-refundable pre-booked
Helpline in advance excursions which You have paid or are contracted
•• any provision of dentures, false limbs, hearing aids, to pay; and
contact or corneal lenses or prescription spectacles 3. Reasonable additional travel and accommodation
•• any in-patient, hospital, clinic or repatriation expenses expenses which You incur returning to the UK which on
in excess of £500 which have not been reported to medical advice is necessary and unavoidable as a result
and authorised by the Medical Assistance Helpline of bullet point 1 below.
in advance Please note if You are cutting short Your Trip, payments will
•• the cost of any treatment, surgery (including exploratory be calculated on a pro-rata basis taking into consideration
tests), cosmetic or elective surgery which, in the opinion unused accommodation and excursions.
of the medical practitioner treating You or the Medical We will pay You up to £5,000 for Your share of the cost of
Assistance Helpline can reasonably be delayed until You Your Trip as a result of:
return Home
•• the death, injury or illness, as certified by a medical
•• all liability following an Insured Person acting against practitioner, of You, Your Relative or Colleague or
medical advice travelling companion or a friend or Relative with whom
•• any taxi fare, other than those for Your travel to and You had arranged to stay; or
from hospital, relating to Your admission, discharge or •• Your attendance at a court of law as a witness (but
attendance for out-patient treatment or appointments; not as an expert witness) or for Jury Service where
or for the collection of medication prescribed for You postponement of the Jury Service has been denied by
by the hospital forming part of this claim (Note: Any the Clerk of the Courts Office; or
costs incurred by You to visit another person in hospital
•• You or Your travelling companion is a member of the
are not covered)
Armed Forces, Police, Ambulance, Fire or Nursing Service
•• any food, drinks, toiletries, faxes or any phone calls or and authorised leave is cancelled due to an unexpected
costs, other than; emergency or a posting overseas at the time of Your
–– calls to the Medical Assistance Helpline telling them Trip; or
about the problem and for which You can provide •• You or Your travelling companion are instructed to
a receipt or other evidence to show the cost of the stay at Home (within 14 days of Your departure date)
call and the number dialled; or or return Home by a relevant authority due to severe
–– costs incurred by You when You receive calls on Your damage to Your Home or place of business in the
mobile phone from Our Medical Assistance Helpline UK caused by serious fire, explosion, storm, flood,
for which You are able to provide receipts or other subsidence or burglary; or
reasonable evidence to show the cost of the calls. •• the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) declaring
•• any expenses that arise after We have instructed You either of the following:
to return Home if Our medical advisers and the medical i) Your compulsory quarantine preventing You
practitioner treating You decide You are fit to travel from travelling
•• any expenses that arise after 12 months of treatment ii) Your destination is unsafe to visit and they advise
•• Normal pregnancy without any accompanying against all travel; or
Accidental injury, illness, disease or complication. This •• Your Redundancy or that of Your travelling companion
section is designed to provide cover for unforeseen or Your spouse (including a civil partner or co-habitee);
events, accidents, illnesses and diseases and normal notified to You after opening Your Ultimate Reward
childbirth would not constitute an unforeseen event. Current Account or after the date the Trip was booked,
•• anything specifically excluded in the General exclusions whichever is the later; or
section of Your policy under ‘Exclusions and conditions’.

•• Your cancellation of the Trip as a result of a Travel Delay events, accidents, illnesses and diseases and normal
(Section 5) where the delay is in excess of 12 hours from childbirth would not constitute an unforeseen event.
the first international departure time specified in Your •• any claim for management fees, maintenance costs
official itinerary. or exchange fees associated with timeshares, holiday
Please note We may instruct You to return Home if Our property bonds or similar arrangements.
medical advisers and the medical practitioner treating You •• any claim for reward points without monetary value,
decide that You are fit to travel. such as Air Miles or Avios points.
If You cancel the Trip due to bodily injury or illness You must •• anything specifically excluded in the General exclusions
provide written confirmation from a medical practitioner section of Your policy under ‘Exclusions and conditions’.
stating that this necessarily prevented You from travelling.
Please note You cannot claim under both this section and
What IS NOT covered: Section 5: Travel Delay/Missed Departure, Section 11: Winter
Sports (Ski Pack) or Section 13: Travel Disruption Cover for
•• the Excess
the same event or series of events.
•• any claim as a result of a Pre-Existing Medical
Condition that exists either at the time You open Section 3: Personal Accident
the Ultimate Reward Current Account or at the time This section of Your policy explains the cover We provide
of booking Your Trip (unless terms were agreed in for a personal Accident whilst on Your Trip. Words with
writing by Us) special meanings are printed in bold type and can be found
•• any additional expenses resulting from You not in the ‘Words with special meanings’ section.
cancelling or cutting short Your Trip as soon as
reasonably possible What IS covered:
•• any loss in respect of Air Passenger Duty (this can be 1. Permanent Total Disablement as a result of an
reclaimed by You through Your travel agent or airline) or Accident; or
credit card charges 2. Permanent loss of or loss of use of one or more limbs as
•• If, at the time You open Your Ultimate Reward Current a result of an Accident; or
Account or book a Trip, whichever is later, Your 3. Permanent and complete loss of all sight in one or both
Relative, Colleague, travel companion or a friend or eyes as a result of an Accident; or
Relative with whom You had arranged to stay had a
4. Death as a result of an Accident.
medical condition for which he or she:
We will pay You £30,000 (limited to £2,500 if You are under
–– was receiving treatment at hospital (other than
the age of 16 years or over the age of 64 years at the time of
where they go to hospital for check-ups for a stable
the Accident) for Your:
condition, at regular intervals which have been
arranged beforehand) •• Permanent Total Disablement as a result of an
Accident; or
–– was waiting for a hospital consultation, investigations
or treatment (other than where they go to hospital •• permanent loss of or loss of use of one or more limbs as
for check-ups for a stable condition, at regular a result of an Accident; or
intervals which have been arranged beforehand) •• permanent and complete loss of all sight in one or both
–– had been given a terminal prognosis, or been told eyes as a result of an Accident.
that their condition is likely to get worse in the We will pay Your legal personal representative(s) £15,000
next 12 months (limited to £2,500 if You are under the age of 16 years or over
•• any claim as a result of strike, industrial action, delays or the age of 64 years at the time of the Accident) for Your:
disruptions if the situation exists, or is publicly declared •• death as a result of an Accident.
on or before the date Your Ultimate Reward Current
Please note the maximum amount of all benefits We will pay
Account is opened or on or before the date You
under this section for one or more Accidents sustained by
booked Your Trip, whichever is later
You shall not exceed £30,000.
•• any additional travel and accommodation expenses
incurred that are not considered necessary or authorised What IS NOT covered:
by the Medical Assistance Helpline in advance •• any claim which does not occur within 12 months of
•• any unused or refundable portion of Your original travel the Accident
ticket where repatriation has been made •• any claim as a result of a Business Trip within the UK
•• any claim as a result of Your failure to have a pre-paid unless You are travelling as a fare paying passenger on
return ticket to the UK at the start of Your Trip unless Public Transport
otherwise agreed by Us in writing •• anything specifically excluded in the General exclusions
•• Normal pregnancy without any accompanying section of Your policy under ‘Exclusions and conditions’.
Accidental Injury, illness, disease or complication. This
section is designed to provide cover for unforeseen

Section 4: Personal Liability Section 5: Travel Delay/Missed Departure
This section of Your policy explains the cover We provide This section of Your policy explains the cover We provide
for personal liability whilst on Your Trip. Words with special for travel delay or missed departure whilst on Your Trip.
meanings are printed in bold type and can be found in the Words with special meanings are printed in bold type and
‘Words with special meanings’ section. can be found in the ‘Words with special meanings’ section.
The benefit provided under 1 below is intended to provide
What IS covered:
compensation if You are delayed at Your point of departure
1. Injury, illness, death or disease to another person that and is only applicable if You have travelled there and checked-
You cause; and in. If You have not travelled to Your departure point You will
2. Loss of or damage to another person’s property that not be covered even if You have checked-in online.
You cause.
What IS covered:
We will pay You up to £2,000,000 for:
1. A delay resulting in You departing at least 12 hours
•• legal costs and expenses You become legally liable (unless Your Trip is three nights or less when the
to pay as compensation for any incident or series of number of hours delay is reduced to six hours) after
incidents; and Your original scheduled departure time; and
•• Your costs and expenses that We have agreed in writing. 2. Abandonment of Your Trip following a 12 hour (unless
Please note Our total liability under this section for any one Your Trip is three nights or less when the number of
incident or series of incidents shall not exceed £2,000,000. hours delay is reduced to six hours) delay at Your first
You must send Us any claim form, summons or other legal international departure point in the UK; and
documents as soon as You receive them. You must also give 3. Arriving too late (as shown on Your ticket) to board
Us any information and help We need to deal with the case Your booked transport at Your last departure point
and Your claim. You must not negotiate, pay, settle, admit or from the UK or Your last departure point for Your
deny any claim without Our written agreement. return to the UK as a result of:
a) Public Transport services failing to get You to Your
What IS NOT covered:
departure point due to strike, industrial action,
•• the Excess adverse weather conditions, mechanical failure or
•• any claim as a result of a Business Trip within the UK direct involvement in an Accident; or
unless You are travelling as a fare paying passenger on b) the private motor vehicle in which You are
Public Transport travelling being directly involved in an Accident or
•• any claim arising directly or indirectly for any liability for breaking down.
injury, illness, death or disease to another person or loss We will pay You £30 as a:
of or damage to another person’s property:
•• benefit for the first complete 12 hours (unless Your Trip
a) where cover is provided under any other insurance is three nights or less when the number of hours delay is
b) which is suffered by anyone who is under a contract reduced to six hours) of Your delay, then
of service with You or any member of Your Family We will pay You £20 (up to a maximum of £250) as a:
and is caused by the work You employ them to do
•• benefit for every complete 12 hour delay after that; or
c) which is caused by any deliberate, unlawful, malicious
We will pay You up to £5,000 to:
or wilful act or omission by You
•• refund Your share of the cost of Your Trip as a result
d) which is made against You by a Relative
of point 2 above (under Section 2: Cancellation/Cutting
e) which is caused by Your ownership, care, custody or Short Your Trip); or
control of any animal
We will pay You up to £1,000 for:
f) which falls on You by agreement and would not have
•• Your reasonable and necessary extra travel and
done if such agreement did not exist
accommodation expenses (room only) to allow You to
g) which is caused by Your employment, profession or get to Your Trip destination or to return Home as a
business or that of any member of Your Family result of point 3 above.
h) which is subject to any criminal proceedings If You are a resident of Northern Ireland, cover under this
i) which is due to Your ownership, possession or use section is extended to include international departures from
of vehicles, aircraft, watercraft, (other than canoes, ports/airports within the Republic of Ireland.
punts or rowing boats), firearms or explosive devices
What IS NOT covered:
j) which is caused by Your ownership or occupation of
land or buildings (other than occupation only of any •• any Trips within the UK (except for Trips to the
temporary residence, with the exception of time-share) Channel Islands)

•• anything specifically excluded in the General exclusions •• any claim unless You have written confirmation from
section of Your policy under ‘Exclusions and conditions’. the carrier or their handling agents detailing the reason

for the delay, the scheduled departure time and the safety deposit box, or similar locked fixed receptacle in
actual departure time Your Trip accommodation
•• any claim where the carrier or their handling agents •• any claim for items packed in suitcases or other similar
provide alternative transport which departs within Personal Baggage or in containers, which are out of
12 hours of the original scheduled departure time sight and out of personal control where You are not in
•• any claim as a result of the airline over booking a position to prevent unauthorised interference with
Your flight Your property

•• any claim as a result of strike or industrial action, delays •• any claim for the loss of Your passport not reported
or disruptions arising from weather conditions which to the Police and the Consular Representative of the
had started or were publicly declared on or before relevant issuing country within 24 hours of discovery or
the date Your Ultimate Reward Current Account is as soon as possible after that and a written report is not
opened or on or before the date You booked Your Trip, obtained from them
whichever is later •• any claim for the loss of Your driving licence or travel
•• any claim as a result of Your failure to check-in at Your documents not reported to the Police within 24 hours
departure point by the time shown on Your travel of discovery or as soon as possible after that and a
itinerary except in those circumstances outlined under written report is not obtained from them
‘what IS covered’ above •• anything specifically excluded in the General exclusions
•• any claim as a result of Your failure to allow sufficient section of Your policy under ‘Exclusions and conditions’.
time for the Public Transport to arrive on schedule and
Section 7: Legal Advice and Expenses
deliver You to Your departure point
This section of Your policy explains the cover We provide
•• any claim as a result of Your private motor vehicle
for legal advice and expenses whilst on Your Trip. Words
in which You are travelling not having been
with special meaning are printed in bold type and can
properly serviced and maintained, in the event of
be found in the ‘Words with special meanings’ section
vehicle breakdown
and below.
•• anything specifically excluded in the General exclusions
section of Your policy under ‘Exclusions and conditions’. Legal Advice and Expenses words with
Please note You cannot claim under both this section and special meanings
Section 2: Cancellation/Cutting Short Your Trip, Section The words set out below only apply to this section of
11: Winter Sports (Ski Pack) or Section 13: Travel Disruption the policy:
Cover for the same event or series of events.
Costs and Expenses
Section 6: Loss of Important Documents a) legal costs – All reasonable and necessary costs
This section of Your policy explains the cover We provide chargeable by the Representative on a standard basis
for lost or stolen important documents whilst on Your Trip. b) opponents’ costs – Costs incurred by opponents in civil
Words with special meanings are printed in bold type and cases if You have been ordered to pay them, or pay
can be found in the ‘Words with special meanings’ section. them with Our agreement.

What IS covered: Date of Occurrence

The date of the event which may lead to a claim. If there
1. Loss or theft of Your passport; and
is more than one event arising at different times from the
2. Loss or theft of Your driving licence; and same cause, the Date of Occurrence is the date of the first
3. Loss or theft of Your travel documents. of these events.
We will pay You up to £600 for: Representative
•• a temporary replacement passport whilst on Your The lawyer or other suitably qualified person who has been
Trip; and appointed by Us to act for You in accordance with the terms
•• a replacement passport when You are back in of this section.
the UK; and What IS covered:
•• the replacement or restoration of Your driving licence 1. Reasonable and necessary Costs and Expenses to claim
and travel documents listed above; and against a third party who causes the death of or injury
•• Your reasonable travel and accommodation expenses in to You; and
obtaining replacement documents whilst on Your Trip. 2. Confidential free legal advice over the phone on any
What IS NOT covered: personal legal problem, if the incident occurs in or under
the laws of the member countries of the European
•• the Excess Union, the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands, Norway
•• any claim for the loss or theft of items that are not and Switzerland.
kept on Your person or not deposited in a safe or

We will pay You up to £25,000 for: b) send everything We ask for in writing; and
•• reasonable and necessary Costs and Expenses c) give Us full details in writing of any claim as soon as
We agree to provide the cover in this section as long as: possible and give Us any information We need

•• any legal proceedings will be dealt with by the court 2. a) W

 e can take over and conduct in Your name any
or other body which We agree to in the territorial claim or legal proceedings at any time; and
limit; and b) We can negotiate any claim on Your behalf; and
•• for civil claims it is always more likely than not that You c) You are free to choose a Representative (by sending
will recover damages (or other legal remedy which We Us a suitably qualified person’s name and address) if:
have agreed to) or make a successful defence. i) We agree to start court proceedings and it
The most We will pay for all claims resulting from one or becomes necessary for a lawyer to represent
more events arising from the same time or from the same Your interests in those proceedings; or
originating cause is £25,000. ii) there is a conflict of interest.
What IS NOT covered: We may choose not to accept Your choice. If there
is a disagreement over the choice of Representative
•• the Excess
in these circumstances, You may choose another
•• any claim as a result of death or injury which develops suitably qualified person.
gradually or is not caused by an Accident
d) in all circumstances except those in 2 c) above, We
•• defending Your legal rights (however defending a are free to choose a Representative
counter-claim is covered)
e) any Representative will be appointed by Us to
•• any claim reported to Us more than 180 days after You represent You according to Our standard terms of
should have known about the insured incident appointment. The Representative must co-operate
•• any fines, penalties, compensation or damages which fully with Us at all times
You are ordered to pay by a court or other authority f) We will have direct contact with the Representative
•• any claim as a result of an incident intentionally brought g) You must co-operate fully with Us and the
about by You Representative and must keep Us up to date with
•• any claim as a result of Your alleged dishonesty or the progress of the claim
alleged violent behaviour h) You must give the Representative any instructions
•• any Costs and Expenses that are incurred where that We require.
We agree a contingency fee arrangement with the 3. a) You must tell Us if anyone offers to settle a claim
Representative not otherwise dealt with under Section 7
b) If You do not accept a reasonable offer to settle
•• any claim as a result of You driving a motor vehicle for a claim, We may refuse to pay further Costs
which You do not have valid motor insurance and Expenses
•• any claim against Us, the Insurer or their agents c) We may decide to pay You the amount of damages
•• any Cost and Expenses incurred before Our written that You are claiming, or which is being claimed
acceptance of the claim against You, instead of starting or continuing legal
•• any claim as a result of written or verbal remarks which
damage Your reputation 4. a) Y
 ou must tell the Representative to have Costs
and Expenses taxed, assessed or audited, if We
•• any application for Judicial Review
ask for this
•• any legal action that You take which We or the
b) You must take every step to recover Costs and
Representative have not agreed to or where You do
Expenses that We have to pay, and must pay Us any
anything that hinders Us or the Representative
Costs and Expenses that are recovered.
•• any claim against a Relative
5. If the Representative refuses to continue acting for You
•• any claim where the General conditions applying with good reason or if You dismiss the Representative
to Section 7: Legal Advice and Expenses have not without good reason, the cover We provide will
been followed end at once, unless We agree to appoint another
•• anything specifically excluded in the General exclusions Representative.
section of Your policy under ‘Exclusions and conditions’. 6. If You settle a claim or withdraw it without Our
agreement, or do not give suitable instructions to
General conditions applying to Section 7: Legal Advice a Representative, the cover We provide will end at
and Expenses: once and We will be entitled to reclaim any Costs
1. You must: and Expenses We have paid.
a) take reasonable steps to keep any amount We have 7. If We and You disagree about the choice of
to pay as low as possible; and Representative, or about the handling of a claim,

We and You can choose another suitably qualified Claims will be considered on a new for old basis provided
person to decide the matter. Both parties must agree to the item is less than 2 years old at the date of the incident
the choice of this person in writing. Failing this, We will and You are able to provide the original purchase receipt. All
ask the president of a relevant national law society to other items will be subject to a suitable deduction for wear
choose a suitably qualified person. and tear and depreciation or We may at Our option replace,
All costs of resolving the disagreement must be paid by the reinstate or repair the lost, stolen or damaged Personal
party whose argument is rejected. Baggage. Please note We may not pay Your claim if You are
unable to provide any original receipts, proofs of purchase or
8. We may, at Our discretion, require You to obtain, insurance valuations (issued before the loss, theft or damage).
at Your expense, an opinion from a lawyer or other You must retain all damaged items for inspection, if required.
suitably qualified person chosen by You and Us, as We will pay You up to £250 to:
to the merits of a claim or proceedings. If the chosen
person’s opinion indicates that it is more likely than not •• purchase essential toiletries, medication and clothing (in
that You will recover damages (or obtain any other legal the event of point 2 above).
remedy that We have agreed to) or make a successful You must keep all receipts for essential purchases made
defence, We will pay the cost of obtaining the opinion. and any amount paid will be deducted from the final
9. We will not pay any claim covered under any other claim settlement under this section if the items are
policy, or any claim that would have been covered by permanently lost.
any other policy if this policy did not exist.
What IS NOT covered:
10. All Acts of Parliament mentioned in Your policy include
•• the Excess
equivalent laws in Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Isle of
Man and the Channel Islands as the case may be. •• any claim over £500 for one article, pair or set of articles
which are complementary or used or worn together
Section 8: Mugging Benefit •• any claim over £500 in total for Valuables
This section of Your policy explains the cover We provide •• any loss or theft of Your Personal Baggage that You do
if You are hospitalised as a result of a mugging whilst on not report to the Police within 24 hours of discovery or
Your Trip. Words with special meanings are printed in as soon as possible after that and for which You do not
bold type and can be found in the ‘Words with special get a written report from them
meanings’ section.
•• any loss or theft of or damage to Your Personal
What IS covered: Baggage whilst in the custody of an airline or other
carrier unless You report it immediately on discovery
1. Your hospital admittance as a result of mugging.
to the carrier and get a written report. In the case of an
We will pay You £50 (up to a maximum of £1,000) as a: airline You will need a Property Irregularity Report (PIR)
•• benefit for every complete 24 hour period You are •• any Winter Sports Equipment (this is covered under
in hospital. the Winter Sports section)
What IS NOT covered: •• any Golf Equipment (this is covered under the Golf
Cover section)
•• any claim if You do not obtain a Police report of the
mugging and confirmation of Your injuries and period of •• any Business Equipment (this is covered under the
in-patient treatment from the hospital Business Travel section)
•• anything specifically excluded in the General exclusions •• any loss or theft of or damage to fragile items, bicycles
section of Your policy under ‘Exclusions and conditions’. or business goods or samples
•• any loss or theft of or damage to sports equipment
Section 9: Personal Baggage/Delayed Baggage whilst in use
This section of Your policy explains the cover We provide •• any loss or theft of Your Personal Baggage left out
for Your Personal Baggage and delayed baggage whilst of sight and out of personal control in public places
on Your Trip. Words with special meanings are printed in where You are not in a position to prevent unauthorised
bold type and can be found in the ‘Words with special interference with Your property e.g. station, airport,
meanings’ section. restaurant, beach, etc.
What IS covered: •• any loss or theft of or damage to Your Valuables
unless they are at all times attended by You or left in
1. Loss or theft of or damage to Your Personal hotel security, safety deposit box, safe or similar locked
Baggage; and fixed receptacle or whilst in the custody of an airline or
2. Your Personal Baggage being mislaid on Your outward other carrier
journey for more than 12 hours from the time You arrive •• any loss or theft of Your Personal Baggage or
at Your Trip destination. Valuables from an unattended vehicle unless between
We will pay You up to £2,500 to: the hours of 09:00 and 21:00 and locked in the boot,
•• replace, reinstate or repair Your Personal Baggage. covered luggage area or locked glove compartment

and following physical evidence of forcible entry and Cover is provided under this section (up to a maximum of
reported to the Police within 24 hours of discovery or 31 days in total in any calendar year) whilst You are on a Trip
as soon as possible after that and a written report is which includes any of the permitted winter sports activities
obtained from them listed on page 65.
•• any loss of or damage to Your Valuables (other than
What IS covered:
wedding rings) while You are swimming
1. Loss or theft of or damage to Your Winter Sports
•• any loss or theft of Your Personal Baggage left in
Equipment; and
the custody of a person who does not have official
responsibility for the safekeeping of the property 2. Your hire of Winter Sports Equipment if required as a
result of point 1 above; and
•• any delayed baggage claim without a proof of purchase
3. Your hire of Winter Sports Equipment if required as
•• anything specifically excluded in the General exclusions
a result of the misdirection or delay on Your outward
section of Your policy under ‘Exclusions and conditions’.
journey of Your Winter Sports Equipment for more
Please note You cannot claim under both this section and than 12 hours; and
Section 16: Wedding/Civil Partnership Cover for the same
4. Reimbursement of any unused ski pack (ski school fees,
event or series of events.
lift passes and hired ski equipment) as a result of Your
Section 10: Personal Money Accident or sickness; and

This section of Your policy explains the cover We provide 5. Loss or theft of Your ski pass; and
for Your Personal Money whilst on Your Trip. Words with 6. Piste closure, if You are unable to ski for a continuous
special meanings are printed in bold type and can be found period in excess of 12 hours as a result of:
in the ‘Words with special meanings’ section. •• lack of snowfall
What IS covered: •• excessive snowfall
1. Loss or theft of Your Personal Money •• bad weather.
We will pay You up to £750 to: We will pay You up to £500 (£400 if Winter Sports
Equipment is hired) to:
•• reimburse Your Personal Money
•• replace, reinstate or repair Your Winter
•• We agree to provide the cover in this section as long as:
Sports Equipment.
•• You have taken reasonable care in protecting Your
Claims will be considered on a new for old basis provided
Personal Money and documents against loss, theft or
the item is less than 2 years old at the date of the incident
damage; and
and You are able to provide the original purchase receipt.
•• You have notified the Police within 24 hours of discovery All other items will be subject to a suitable deduction for
or as soon as possible after that and obtained a written wear and tear and depreciation or We may at Our option
report from them and enclose this with Your claim form. replace, reinstate or repair the lost, stolen or damaged
Winter Sports Equipment. Please note We may not pay
What IS NOT covered: Your claim if You are unable to provide any original receipts,
•• the Excess proofs of purchase or insurance valuations (issued before the
•• any claim over £300 (£50 in respect of children under loss, theft or damage). You must retain all damaged items for
the age of 16 years) for cash inspection, if required.
•• any loss or theft of Your Personal Money that is not on We will pay You £30 per day (up to a maximum of £300) for:
Your person or not deposited in a safe or safety deposit •• Your hire of Winter Sports Equipment in relation to
box, or similar locked fixed receptacle in Your Trip points 2 and 3 above.
accommodation We will pay You up to £5,000 to:
•• any Personal Money packed in a suitcase or other •• reimburse You the proportionate value of any unused
similar Personal Baggage or in containers which are out ski pack in relation to points 4 and 5 above.
of sight and out of personal control where You are not
in a position to prevent unauthorised interference with We will pay You £30 per day (up to a maximum of £300):
Your property •• as a benefit in relation to point 6 above; or
•• anything specifically excluded in the General exclusions •• towards transportation costs to travel to an alternative
section of Your policy under ‘Exclusions and Conditions’. site in relation to point 6 above.

Section 11: Winter Sports What IS NOT covered:

This section of Your policy explains the cover We provide •• the Excess
for winter sports whilst on Your Trip. Words with special •• any claim as a result of participation in off-piste skiing
meanings are printed in bold type and can be found in the whereby You are not accompanied by a qualified ski
‘Words with special meanings’ section. instructor who holds the appropriate liability insurance

•• any claim as a result of participation in winter sports Your Trip, Section 5: Travel Delay/Missed Departure or
activities when avalanche warnings are current Section 13: Travel Disruption Cover for the same event or
•• any claim as a result of participation in winter sports series of events.
activities undertaken in the UK and in Europe outside
Section 12: Golf Cover
the period from 15th December to 15th April in relation
to point 6 This section of Your policy explains the cover We provide
for golf Trips. Words with special meanings are printed in
•• any loss or theft of or damage to Your Winter Sports
bold type and can be found in the ‘Words with special
Equipment whilst in use
meanings’ section.
•• any loss of or damage to Your Winter Sports
Equipment caused by normal wear and tear, gradual What IS covered:
deterioration or mechanical or electrical breakdown, 1. Loss or theft of or damage to Your Golf
decay, moth, vermin, atmospheric or climatic conditions Equipment; and
•• any loss or theft of or damage to Your Winter Sports 2. The cost of hiring Golf Equipment; and
Equipment whilst in the custody of an airline or other
carrier unless You report it immediately on discovery 3. The loss of pre-booked and non-refundable green fees.
to the carrier and get a written report. In the case of an We will pay You up to £1,500 to:
airline You will need a Property Irregularity Report (PIR) •• replace, reinstate or repair Your Golf Equipment which
•• any loss or theft of Your Winter Sports Equipment or is lost, stolen or damaged.
ski pass that you do not report to the Police within 24 Claims will be considered on a new for old basis provided the
hours of discovery or as soon as possible after that and item is less than 2 years old at the date of the incident and
for which You do not get a written report from them You are able to provide the original purchase receipt. All other
•• any loss or theft of Your Winter Sports Equipment or items will be subject to a suitable deduction for wear and tear
ski pass left out of sight and out of personal control in and depreciation or We may at Our option replace, reinstate
public places where You are not in a position to prevent or repair the lost, stolen or damaged Golf Equipment.
unauthorised interference with Your property e.g. Please note We may not pay Your claim if You are unable to
station, airport, restaurant etc. provide any original receipts, proofs of purchase or insurance
•• any loss or theft of Your Winter Sports Equipment or valuations (issued before the loss, theft or damage). You must
ski pass from an unattended vehicle unless between the retain all damaged items for inspection, if required.
hours of 09:00 and 21:00 whereby Your Winter Sports We will pay You up to £50 per day (up to a maximum
Equipment was secured within a purpose built and of £400) to:
locked container fastened to the exterior of the vehicle •• cover the cost of hiring Golf Equipment in the event
and following physical evidence of forcible entry and Your Golf Equipment is lost, stolen or delayed on Your
reported to the Police within 24 hours of discovery or outward journey for over 12 hours from the time You
as soon as possible after that and a written report is arrived at Your Trip destination.
obtained from them
You must keep all receipts for the hire of Golf Equipment
•• any loss or theft of Your Winter Sports Equipment and enclose them with Your claim form.
or ski pass left in the custody of a person who does
not have official responsibility for the safekeeping of We will pay You up to £75 per day (up to a maximum of
the property £300) for:

•• any claim that is not confirmed as medically necessary •• the loss of pre-booked and non-refundable green fees
by the Medical Assistance Helpline and where a medical if the pre-booked course at Your Trip destination
certificate has not been obtained from the attending becomes unplayable due to adverse weather conditions.
medical practitioner confirming that You are unable to
What IS NOT covered:
ski and unable to use the ski pack facilities
•• the Excess
•• any claim as a result of piste closure which is not
substantiated by a report from the resort management •• any claim over £500 for any one article
or Your tour operator •• any loss or theft of or damage to Your Golf Equipment
•• any claim as a result of piste closure which was known whilst in use
to You on or before the date Your Ultimate Reward •• any loss or theft of Your Golf Equipment that You do
Current Account is opened or on or before the date not report to the Police within 24 hours of discovery or
You booked Your Trip, whichever is earlier as soon as possible after that and for which You do not
•• The unused portion of Your lift pass if lost or stolen get a written report from them
•• anything specifically excluded in the General exclusions •• any loss or theft of or damage to Your Golf Equipment
section of Your policy under ‘Exclusions and conditions’. whilst in the custody of an airline or other carrier unless
You report it immediately on discovery to the carrier
Please note You cannot claim under both the Ski Pack part
and get a written report. In the case of an airline You
of this section and Section 2: Cancellation/Cutting Short
will need a Property Irregularity Report (PIR)

•• any loss of or damage to Your Golf Equipment What is covered:
caused by normal wear and tear, gradual deterioration Before You reach Your destination
or mechanical or electrical breakdown, decay, moth,
1. We will pay You up to £5,000 for Your unused travel,
vermin, atmospheric or climatic conditions
accommodation and other Pre-paid Charges that You
•• any loss or theft of Your Golf Equipment left out of cannot claim back from any other source if You cannot
sight and out of personal control in public places where travel and have to cancel Your Trip as a result of:
You are not in a position to prevent unauthorised
a) The Public Transport on which You were booked
interference with Your property e.g. station, airport,
to travel from Your Home Area being cancelled or
clubhouse etc.
delayed for at least 12 hours from the scheduled time
•• any loss or theft of Your Golf Equipment from an of departure; or
unattended vehicle unless between the hours of 09:00
b) You being involuntarily denied boarding (because
and 21:00 and locked in the boot or covered luggage
there are too many passengers for the seats available)
area and following physical evidence of forcible entry
and no suitable alternative flight could be provided
and reported to the Police within 24 hours of discovery
within 12 hours; or
and a written report is obtained from them
c) The Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) or other
•• any loss or theft of Your Golf Equipment left in
regulatory authority in a country to/from which
the custody of a person who does not have official
You are travelling advising against all travel or all but
responsibility for the safekeeping of the property
essential travel to the country or specific area You
•• anything specifically excluded in the General exclusions are travelling to providing the advice came into force
section of Your policy under ‘Exclusions and conditions’. after You opened Your account or made Your travel
arrangements for this Trip (whichever is the later) and
Section 13: Travel Disruption Cover was within 28 days of Your departure date; or
This section of Your policy explains the cover We provide d) The insolvency of the Public Transport operator,
for travel disruption cover whilst on Your Trip. Words with accommodation providers or their booking agents; or
special meaning are printed in bold type and can be found in
the ‘Words with special meanings’ section and below. e) Fire, flood, earthquake, explosion, volcanic eruption
and/or volcanic ash clouds, tsunami, landslide,
Travel Disruption Cover words with special meanings avalanche, hurricane, storm or an outbreak of food
poisoning or an infectious disease meaning You
The words set out below only apply to this section of
cannot use Your booked accommodation.
the policy:
2. We will pay You up to £5,000 for Your reasonable
Pre-paid Charges additional travel (including up to £200 for taxis and
means charges You have paid before You travel, or hire cars) and accommodation costs which are of a
are contracted to pay, for car hire, car parking, airport similar standard to that of Your pre-booked travel
accommodation, airport lounge access, kennel and cattery and accommodation (but on a room only basis) that
fees, excursions, green fees, ski passes and/or lessons. You cannot claim back from any other source if You
have to make alternative arrangements to reach Your
destination as a result of:
means the pre-arranged combination of at least two of the
following components when sold or offered for sale at an a) The Public Transport on which You were booked
inclusive price and when the service covers a period of more to travel from Your Home Area being cancelled or
than 24 hours or includes overnight accommodation: delayed for at least 12 hours, diverted or re-directed
after take-off; or
a) transport
b) You being involuntarily denied boarding (because
b) accommodation
there are too many passengers for the seats available)
c) other tourist services not ancillary to transport or and no suitable alternative flight could be provided
accommodation (such as car hire or airport parking) and within 12 hours; or
accounting for a significant proportion of the package
c) The insolvency of the Public Transport operator or
as more fully described under The Package Travel, Package their booking agents.
Holidays and Package Tour Regulations 1992.
3. If the Public Transport on which You were booked
Home Area to travel from Your Home Area including any onward
For residents of UK excluding Channel Islands and Isle of connecting flights is cancelled or delayed for at least
Man Your Home Area means UK excluding Channel Islands 12 hours We will pay You £30 for the first 12 hours
and Isle of Man. For residents of the Channel Islands and the delay (unless Your Trip is three nights or less when the
Isle of Man, Your Home Area means either the particular number of hours delay is reduced to six hours) and £20
Channel Island on which You live or the Isle of Man for each full 12 hours delay after that up to a maximum
depending on where Your Home is. of £250 providing You eventually continue the Trip (this
will help You pay for telephone calls made and meals
and refreshments purchased during the delay).

4. We will pay You up to £1,000 for Your reasonable accommodation costs which are of a similar
additional travel (including up to £200 for taxis and standard to that of Your pre-booked travel and
hire cars) and accommodation costs which are of a accommodation (for example full or half board,
similar standard to that of Your pre-booked travel and all inclusive, bed and breakfast, self-catering or
accommodation (but on a room only basis) You have to room only) that You cannot claim back from any
pay to reach Your overseas destination that You cannot other source.
claim back from any other source if You fail to arrive b) £200 for the cost of emergency replenishment
at the departure point in time to board any onward of Your prescription medication if Your existing
connecting Public Transport on which You are booked supplies run out after Your scheduled return date.
to travel as a result of:
c) if You have to make alternative arrangements to
a) The failure of other Public Transport; or return to Your Home or stay longer outside of Your
b) Strike, industrial action or adverse weather Home Area as a result of:
conditions; or i) The Public Transport on which You were
c) You being involuntarily denied boarding (because booked to travel to Your Home Area including
there are too many passengers for the seats available) connections being cancelled or delayed for
and no other suitable alternative flight could be at least 12 hours, diverted or re-directed after
provided within 12 hours. take-off; or
ii) You being involuntarily denied boarding
While You are at Your destination
(because there are too many passengers for the
5. We will pay You up to £5,000 for Your unused travel, seats available) and no suitable alternative flight
accommodation and other Pre-paid Charges that You could be provided within 12 hours; or
cannot claim back from any other source together with
iii) The insolvency of the Public Transport operator
any reasonable additional travel (including up to £200 for
or their booking agents.
taxis and hire cars) and accommodation costs which are
of a similar standard to that of Your pre-booked travel 7. If the Public Transport on which You were booked
and accommodation (for example full or half board, all to travel to Your Home Area including any onward
inclusive, bed and breakfast, self-catering or room only) connecting flights is cancelled or delayed for at least
if You have to: 12 hours We will pay You £30 for the first 12 hours
delay (unless Your Trip is three nights or less when the
a) Move to other accommodation at any point during
number of hours delay is reduced to six hours) and £20
Your Trip as a result of the insolvency of the
for each full 12 hours delay after that up to a maximum
accommodation providers or their booking agents,
of £250 providing You return to Your Home Area on
fire, flood, earthquake, explosion, volcanic eruption
the next available suitable Public Transport (this will
and/or volcanic ash clouds, tsunami, landslide,
help You pay for telephone calls made and meals and
avalanche, hurricane, storm or an outbreak of an
refreshments purchased during the delay).
infectious disease meaning You cannot use Your
booked accommodation; or 8. We will pay You up to £1,000 for Your reasonable
additional travel (including up to £200 for taxis and
b) Cut short Your Trip with prior authorisation of
hire cars) and accommodation costs which are of a
the Medical Assistance Helpline as a result of the
similar standard to that of Your pre-booked travel
insolvency of the accommodation providers or their
and accommodation (but on a room only basis) You
booking agents, fire, flood, earthquake, explosion,
have to pay to return to Your Home that You cannot
volcanic eruption and/or volcanic ash clouds, tsunami,
claim back from any other source if You fail to arrive
landslide, avalanche, hurricane, storm or an outbreak
at the departure point in time to board any onward
of food poisoning or an infectious disease meaning
connecting Public Transport on which You are booked
You cannot use Your booked accommodation and
to travel including those within the United Kingdom as
You need to be repatriated to Your Home; or
a result of:
c) Cut short Your Trip with prior authorisation of the
a) The failure of other Public Transport; or
Medical Assistance Helpline as a result of the Foreign
& Commonwealth Office (FCO) or other regulatory b) Strike, industrial action or adverse weather
authority in the country You are in recommending conditions; or
evacuation from the country or specific area c) You being involuntarily denied boarding (because
You have travelled to providing the advice came there are too many passengers for the seats available)
into force after You left Your Home Area to and no other suitable alternative flight could be
commence the Trip. provided within 12 hours.
On the way home What is not covered:
6. We will pay You up to: •• The Excess
a) £5,000 for Your reasonable additional travel •• Claims arising within the first seven days after You opened
(including up to £200 for taxis and hire cars) and Your Ultimate Reward Current Account or the date You

booked any Trip (whichever is the later) which relate to •• Any costs if Your Trip was booked as part of a Package
an event which was occurring or You were aware could holiday except under:
occur at the time You opened Your Ultimate Reward –– subsections 3 and 7 or;
Current Account or at the time You made Your travel
arrangements for this Trip (whichever is the later). –– subsection 1 for any costs relating to Pre-paid Charges
which do not form part of Your Package holiday.
•• Claims arising directly or indirectly from:
–– subsections 1, 2 and 4 of What is covered if You failed
–– Strike, industrial action or the Foreign & to reach Your overseas destination to commence the
Commonwealth Office (FCO) or other regulatory Package holiday due to an event covered under this
authority issuing a directive prohibiting all travel or section and because of this You were not entitled
all but essential travel to the country or specific area to claim compensation, assistance or reimbursement
or event to which You were travelling, existing or of any costs, charges and expenses incurred by You
being publicly announced by the date You opened from the tour operator.
Your account or at the time You made Your travel
arrangements for this Trip. •• The cost of replenishing Your prescription medication
where You have not taken sufficient supplies with You
–– An aircraft or sea vessel being withdrawn from service to last the period of the Trip.
(temporary or otherwise) on the recommendation
of the Civil Aviation Authority, Port Authority or any •• anything specifically excluded in the General exclusions
similar body in any country. section of Your policy under ‘Exclusions and conditions’.

–– Denied boarding due to Your drug use, alcohol Please note You cannot claim under Section 2 – Cancelling/
or solvent abuse or Your inability to provide Cutting Short Your Trip, Section 5 – Travel Delay or Section 11
a valid passport, visa or other documentation – Winter Sports (Ski pack) for the same event.
required by the Public Transport operator or their
General conditions applying to Section 13: Travel
handling agents.
Disruption Cover:
•• Any claims arising whilst You are on a day-trip.
1. If You fail to notify the travel agent, tour operator,
•• The cost of Air Passenger Duty (APD) whether Public Transport operator (or their handling agents),
irrecoverable or not. or provider of transport or accommodation (or their
•• Travel tickets paid for using any airline mileage reward booking agents) as soon as You find out it is necessary
scheme such as Air Miles or Avios points. to cancel the Trip the amount We will pay will be
limited to the cancellation charges that would have
•• Accommodation costs paid for using any Timeshare,
applied otherwise.
Holiday Property Bond or other holiday points scheme.
2. You must get (at Your own expense) written
•• Any costs incurred by You which are recoverable from
confirmation or other evidence from the provider
the providers of the accommodation, their booking
of the accommodation, their booking agents (or the
agents (or the administrators of either) or for which You
administrators of either), the local Police or relevant
receive or are expected to receive compensation or
authority that You could not use Your accommodation
and the reason for this.
•• Any costs incurred by You which are recoverable
3. You must give notice as soon as possible to Medical
from the Public Transport operator or their booking
Assistance Helpline of any circumstances making it
agents, Your tour operator or travel agent (or their
necessary for You to return Home and before any
administrators), or for which You receive or are
arrangements are made for Your repatriation.
expected to receive compensation, damages, refund of
tickets, meals, refreshments, accommodation, transfers, 4. You must check in according to the itinerary supplied
communication facilities or other assistance. to You unless Your tour operator, the Public Transport
operator (or their handling agents) have requested You
•• Any costs incurred by You which are recoverable from
not to travel to the departure point.
Your credit/debit card provider or for which You
receive or are expected to receive compensation or 5. You must allow enough time for the Public Transport
reimbursement. or other transport to arrive on schedule and to deliver
You to the departure point.
•• Any travel and accommodation costs, charges and
expenses where the Public Transport operator (or their 6. You must get (at Your own expense) written
handling agents) has offered reasonable alternative confirmation or other evidence from the Public
travel arrangements. Transport operator (or their handling agents) of the
cancellation, number of hours of delay or being denied
•• Any costs for normal day to day living such as food and
boarding and the reason for these together with details
drink which You would have expected to pay during
of any alternative transport offered.
Your Trip (except as provided for under subsections 5.
and 6.a) of What is covered where You have to move to 7. You must comply with the terms of contract of the
other accommodation or stay longer outside of Your Public Transport operator (or their booking agents)
Home Area). and seek financial compensation, assistance or a refund

of Your ticket from them in accordance with such left unattended at any time (including in the custody
terms and/or (where applicable) Your rights under EU of carriers) unless deposited in a hotel safe, safety
Air Passenger Rights legislation in the event of denied deposit box, left in Your locked accommodation or in
boarding, cancellation or long delay of flights. the locked boot or covered baggage area of a motor
Whether You have booked a Package holiday or just vehicle in which You are travelling and evidence of
a flight, compensation will normally be available to force and violence having been used is available.
You from financial protection schemes arranged or –– Loss or damage due to delay, confiscation or
overseen by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) such as detention by customs or other authority.
the Air Travel Organisers’ Licensing (ATOL) scheme and –– Loss or damage caused by wear and tear, depreciation,
Flight-Only and Flight-Plus Arrangements, or by way of a deterioration, atmospheric or climatic conditions,
bond held by a trade association such as the Association moth, vermin, any process of cleaning, repairing or
of British Travel Agents (ABTA) scheme if Your Package restoring, mechanical or electrical breakdown.
holiday does not include a flight.
–– Loss of, theft of or damage to films, tapes, cassettes,
8. Where applicable You must get (at Your own expense) cartridges, CDs, DVDs or discs other than for their value
written confirmation or other evidence from the Public as unused materials unless purchased pre-recorded
Transport operator (or their handling agents) and/or when We will pay up to the maker’s latest list price.
provider of accommodation or their booking agents
(or the administrators of either) that compensation, •• In respect of cover 2 of What is Covered:
assistance or reimbursement of any costs, charges and –– Additional costs under 2.b. above if You were totally
expenses incurred by You will not be provided and the disabled, hospitalised or You were on a waiting list to
reason for this. go into hospital at the time of arranging the Business
9. You must get (at Your own expense) an original receipt Trip.
for the costs of replenishing Your prescribed medication –– Additional costs under 2.b. and c. above if You were
to help substantiate Your claim. aware of circumstances at the time of arranging
the Business Trip which could reasonably have
Section 14: Business travel been expected to give rise to cancellation of the
This section of Your policy explains the cover We provide Business Trip.
for business travel whilst on Your Trip. Words with special •• In respect of covers 1 and 2 above:
meaning are printed in bold type and can be found in the
–– Any loss or damage arising out of You engaging in
‘Words with special meanings’ section and below.
manual work.
What is covered: –– Any financial loss, costs or expenses incurred arising
1. In addition to the cover provided under Section 9: from the interruption of Your business.
Personal Baggage/Delayed Baggage We will pay You up –– Anything specifically excluded in the General
to £1,000 for the accidental loss of, theft of or damage exclusions section of Your policy under ‘Exclusions
to Business Equipment. The amount payable will be and conditions’.
the current market value which takes into account a
deduction for wear, tear and depreciation (or We may Section 15: Disability benefit following road traffic
at Our option replace, reinstate or repair the lost or accident in New Zealand
damaged Business Equipment). This section of Your policy explains the cover We provide
The maximum We will pay for any one article, pair or set following a road traffic accident in New Zealand whilst
of articles is £300. on Your Trip. Words with special meanings are printed in
2. We will also pay reasonable additional accommodation bold type and can be found in the ‘Words with special
and travelling expenses incurred in arranging for a meanings’ section.
colleague or business associate to take Your place on a
What is covered:
pre-arranged Business Trip in the event that:
We will pay the benefit shown below if You sustain
a) You die
Accidental injury as a result of a road traffic accident while
b) You are unable to make the Business Trip due You are travelling in a hire car in New Zealand, which shall
to You being hospitalised or totally disabled as solely and independently of any other cause, result in Your
confirmed in writing by a Medical Practitioner temporary total disablement.
c) Your Relative or Colleague in Your Home Area dies,
is seriously injured or falls seriously ill. Benefit Up to age 15 Age 16 and over
years inclusive
What is not covered:
•• In respect of cover 1 of What is Covered: Temporary total Not covered £250 per week
–– The Excess disablement
–– Loss, theft of or damage to Business Equipment

What is not covered: We may replace, reinstate or repair the lost or damaged Your
•• The first seven days of disablement or for more than 52 Personal Baggage.
weeks from the date You sustain Accidental injury. 2. We will pay the Insured Couple up to £750 for the
•• If You are able or may be able to carry out a substantial reasonable additional costs incurred to reprint/make
part of Your gainful employment or gainful occupation a copy of or retake the photographs/video recordings
(whether on a full-time or part-time basis) or (where either at a later date during the Trip or at a venue in the
You are not gainfully employed or gainfully occupied) if United Kingdom if:
You are not necessarily confined to a hospital, nursing a) the professional photographer who was booked
home or similar establishment or to a private residence. to take the photographs/video recordings on Your
•• anything specifically excluded in the General exclusions Wedding day is unable to fulfil their obligations
section of Your policy under ‘Exclusions and conditions’. due to Accidental Injury, illness or unavoidable and
unforeseen transport problems, or
Special conditions applying to Section 15: Disability b) the photographs/video recordings of the Wedding
benefit following road traffic accident in New Zealand: day taken by a professional photographer are
•• A medical practitioner appointed by Us may examine lost, stolen or damaged within 14 days after the
You as often as they deem necessary in the event Wedding day and whilst You are still at the holiday/
of a claim. honeymoon location.

Section 16: Wedding/Civil partnership cover What is not covered

This section of Your policy explains the cover We provide •• The Excess
for Wedding and Civil Partnership Cover whilst on Your Trip. •• Loss, theft of or damage to Valuables, bank notes and
Words with special meaning are printed in bold type and currency notes left unattended at any time (including in
can be found in the ‘Words with special meanings’ section a vehicle, in checked in luggage or while in the custody
and below. of a carrier, tour operator or Public Transport operator)
unless deposited in a hotel safe, safety deposit box or
Wedding and Civil Partnership Cover words with left in Your locked accommodation.
special meanings •• Loss, theft of or damage to Personal Baggage contained
The words set out below only apply to this section of in an Unattended vehicle unless:
the policy:
–– the items are locked out of sight in a secure
Insured Couple baggage area;
means the couple travelling to be married or to enter into a –– forcible and violent means have been used by an
civil partnership who are Insured Persons. unauthorised person to effect entry into the vehicle

Wedding •• Loss or damage due to delay, confiscation or detention

means the religious or civil ceremony at which the couple by customs or other authority.
become married or register as civil partners of each other. •• Loss, theft of or damage to unset precious stones,
contact or corneal lenses, hearing aids, dental or medical
Wedding Attire fittings, antiques, musical instruments, documents of
means dress, suits, shoes and other accessories bought any kind, bonds, securities, perishable goods, bicycles,
specially for the Wedding and make-up, hair styling and Ski Equipment and damage to suitcases (unless the
flowers paid for or purchased for the Wedding, forming part suitcases are entirely unusable as a result of one single
of Your Personal Baggage. incidence of damage).
What is covered: •• Loss or damage due to cracking, scratching, breakage
of or damage to china, glass (other than glass in watch
1. We will pay up to the amounts shown for the accidental
faces, cameras, binoculars or telescopes), porcelain or
loss of, theft of or damage to the items shown below
other brittle or fragile articles unless caused by fire,
forming part of Your Personal Baggage:
theft, or accident to the aircraft, sea vessel, train or
a) £250 for each Wedding ring taken or purchased on vehicle in which they are being carried.
the Trip for each Insured Person.
•• Loss or damage due to breakage of sports equipment or
b) £1,000 for Wedding gifts (including up to £150 for damage to sports clothing whilst in use.
bank notes and currency notes) taken or purchased
•• Loss, theft of or damage to business goods, samples,
on the Trip for the Insured Couple.
tools of trade and other items used in connection with
c) £1,500 for Your Wedding Attire which is specifically Your business, trade, profession or occupation.
to be worn by the Insured Couple on their
•• Loss or damage caused by wear and tear, depreciation,
Wedding day.
deterioration, atmospheric or climatic conditions, moth,
The amount payable will be the value at today’s prices less a vermin, any process of cleaning repairing or restoring,
deduction for wear, tear and depreciation (loss of value), or mechanical or electrical breakdown.

•• Anything specifically excluded in the General exclusions •• take proceedings in Your name but at Our expense
section of Your policy under ‘Exclusions and conditions’. to recover for Our benefit the amount of any
Please note You can only claim under one of either this payment made under Your policy; and
section, Section 9: Personal Baggage/Delayed Baggage, •• obtain information from Your medical records (with
Section 10: Personal money for loss of, theft of or damage Your permission) for the purpose of dealing with
to the items of Personal Baggage shown above arising from any cancellation or medical claims. No personal
the same event. information will be disclosed to any third party
without Your prior approval.
General conditions applying to Section 16: Wedding
8. We will not pay You more than the amounts shown in
and Civil Partnership Cover: the policy limits and excesses section per Trip.
1. You must take suitable precautions to secure the
9. You agree that We only have to pay a proportionate
safety of Your Personal Baggage, and must not leave it
amount of any claim where there is another insurance
unsecured or unattended or beyond Your reach at any
policy in force covering the same risk. You must give Us
time in a place to which the public have access.
details of such other insurance.
Exclusions and conditions General exclusions applying to Your policy
General conditions applying to Your policy
Your policy does not cover You for any claim directly or
1. We may cancel Your policy at anytime by giving You indirectly resulting from any of the following:
30 days’ notice in writing to Your last known address.
1. Any Pre-Existing Medical Condition and associated
2. We promise to act in good faith in all Our condition (unless terms are agreed in writing by Us).
dealings with You.
2. Any claims where You were not fit to undertake Your
3. We may not pay Your claim if You do not: Trip when booking Your Trip or opening Your Ultimate
•• take all possible care to safeguard against Accident, Reward Current Account whichever is the later.
injury, loss, damage or theft; and 3. Your failure to obtain any recommended vaccines,
•• give Us full details of any incident which may result inoculations or medications prior to Your Trip.
in a claim under Your policy as soon as is reasonably 4. You travelling against the advice of a medical
possible; and practitioner or for the purpose of having medical
•• pass on to Us every claim form, summons, legal treatment on the Trip.
process, legal document or other communication in 5. You or Your travelling companion having received
connection with the claim; and a terminal prognosis, unless in respect of Section
•• provide all information and assistance that We may 2: Cancellation/Cutting Short Your Trip the
reasonably require at Your expense (including, where terminal prognosis was received after the date of
necessary, medical certification and details of Your booking the Trip.
household insurance). 6. War, Terrorist Action (except under Section 3 –
4. You must not admit liability for any event, or offer to Personal Accident), invasion, act of foreign enemy,
make any payment, without Our prior written consent. hostilities (whether or not war has been declared),
civil war, rebellion, military or usurped power, riot
5. The terms of Your policy can only be changed if
or civil commotion, or if You have deliberately put
We agree. We may require You to pay an additional
yourself in danger. This exclusion does not apply for
premium before making a change to Your policy.
claims made under Section 1: Medical Emergency and
6. You must start each Trip from Your Home or place of Repatriation Expenses.
business in the UK and return to Your Home or place of
7. Any travel undertaken against Foreign & Commonwealth
business in the UK at the end of each Trip, within the
Office (FCO) advice or where it is deemed unsafe
permitted Trip Duration, unless otherwise agreed by Us.
for You to travel. If You are unsure please visit
7. You agree that We can: www.fco.gov.uk/knowbeforeyougo
•• make Your policy void where any claim is found to 8. Ionising radiations or contamination by radioactivity
be fraudulent; and from any nuclear fuel or any nuclear waste from
•• share information with other insurers to prevent the combustion of nuclear fuel, or the radioactive
fraudulent claims via a register of claims. A list of toxic explosive or other hazardous properties of any
participants is available on request. Any information explosive nuclear machinery or parts.
You supply on a claim, together with information 9. Pressure waves caused by aircraft and other aerial
You have supplied at inception of Your policy devices travelling at sonic or supersonic speeds.
and other information relating to a claim, may be
10. Confiscation or destruction of property by any Customs,
provided to the register participants; and
Government or other Authority of any country.
•• take over and act in Your name in the defence or
11. Engaging in hazardous activities which are not accepted
settlement of any claim made under Your policy; and
in writing by Us.

12. Wilfully self-inflicted injury or illness or solvent abuse. Complaints procedure
13. You being under the influence of drugs (except those You have the right to expect the best possible service and
prescribed by Your registered medical practitioner, but not support. If We have not delivered the service that You
when prescribed for the treatment of drug addiction). expected or You are concerned with the service provided,
14. Your suicide or attempted suicide or putting yourself at We would like the opportunity to put things right. If You feel
risk unless You are attempting to save a human life. We have fallen short of Our standards, please contact:
15. Any dishonest, malicious or criminal act committed by Head of Customer Relations
You or any person with whom You are in collusion, or AXA Insurance
insurance arranged in circumstances where a claim might Civic Drive
reasonably be anticipated. Ipswich
16. You electing to travel on a Trip which exceeds Your
permitted Trip Duration. Telephone: 0800 0150 980
17. Stress, anxiety, depression or any other mental or Email: customercare@axa-insurance.co.uk
nervous disorder that You are suffering from unless it When You make contact please provide the following
has been investigated and diagnosed as such by either information:
a registered mental health professional if you are under
Your name, address and postcode, telephone number and
the care of a Community Mental Health Team or if not,
email address (if You have one).
a consultant specialising in the relevant field.
Your Ultimate Reward Current Account number and
18. You working overseas in full time manual work, electrical
branch sort code and/or claim number and the type of
and construction work involving buildings in excess of
policy You hold.
two storeys, and any occupation involving heavy lifting.
The reason for Your complaint
19. Any losses that are not directly associated with the
incident that caused You to claim. For example, loss Any written correspondence should be headed
of earnings due to being unable to return to work ‘COMPLAINT’ and You may include copies of
following injury or illness happening while on a Trip or supporting material.
the cost of replacing locks in the event that keys are lost What to do if You are still not satisfied.
while on a Trip.
If You are still not satisfied then You may be able to refer
20. Any amount recoverable from any other source. Your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. You
21. Your own unlawful action or any criminal proceedings must approach the Financial Ombudsman Service within six
against You. months of Our final response to Your complaint. We will
remind You of the time limits in the final response.
22. You drinking too much alcohol, or any form of alcohol
abuse, where it is reasonably foreseeable that such The Financial Ombudsman Service
consumption could result in a serious impairment of Exchange Tower
Your faculties and/or judgement resulting in a claim. We London
do not expect You to avoid alcohol on Your Trip but E14 9SR
We will not cover any claim arising because You have Telephone 0800 023 4567, free for people phoning
drunk so much alcohol that Your judgement is seriously from a “fixed line” (for example, a landline at home) or
affected and You need to make a claim as a result. 0300 123 9 123, free for mobile-phone users who pay a
23. Any claim arising from the unauthorised use of a monthly charge for calls to numbers starting 01 or 02
swimming pool outside the specified times of opening. Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk
24. Any claim arising from You climbing on top of, or Website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk
jumping from a vehicle; or jumping from a building or
We must accept the Ombudsman’s final decision, but You
balcony; or climbing or moving from any external part
are not bound by it and may take further action if You wish.
of any building to another (apart from stairs) regardless
of the height, unless Your life is in danger or You are Your rights as a customer to take legal action remain
attempting to save human life. unaffected by the existence or use of our complaints
procedure. However the Financial Ombudsman Service may
25. Any claim where You are not wearing a helmet whilst on
not adjudicate on any cases where litigation has commenced.
a motorcycle.
26. Any claim where You are not wearing a seatbelt when
travelling in a motor vehicle, where a seatbelt is available.

Important telephone numbers Inaccurate data
If You believe that We are holding inaccurate information
Customer helplines
about You, please contact the team responsible for
You will need to have Your Ultimate Reward Current administering Your policy and they will be happy to
Account number and Your branch sort code available correct any errors.
whenever You contact any helpline.
Customer Helpline for claims, amendments or general Telephone calls
information 0345 124 1400 Please note that for Our mutual protection telephone calls
Medical Assistance Helpline to AXA Insurance UK plc may be monitored and/or recorded.
+44 1633 439015 for all Trips Fraud prevention, detection and claims history
Legal Advice In order to prevent and detect fraud We may at any time:
0345 124 1400 •• Share information about You with other organisations
Legal Expenses and public bodies including the Police;
0345 124 1400 •• Check and/or file Your details with fraud prevention
agencies and databases, and if You give Us false or
Data Protection Notice inaccurate information and We suspect fraud, We will
Introduction record this.

Please make sure that You read and understand this Data •• We and other organisations may also search these
Protection notice as it explains to You what We will do agencies and databases to;
with the information that You give Us. If You apply for •• Help make decisions about the provision and
Our products and/or services it is highly likely that We will administration of insurance, credit and related services
need both personal and sensitive data about Yourself and for You and members of Your household;
anyone else who is covered by the application form in order •• Trace debtors or beneficiaries, recover debt,
to administer the insurance policy and any claims which prevent fraud and to manage Your accounts or
may arise. insurance policies;
You should show this notice to any other person covered •• Check Your identity to prevent money laundering,
under Your insurance policy. If Your application includes unless You furnish Us with other satisfactory proof
other individuals We will assume that they have given their of identity;
consent to You for You to give their information to Us.
•• Undertake credit searches and additional fraud searches.
Protection of your personal data We can supply on request further details of the databases
The security of Your personal information is very important We access or contribute to.
to Us and We are compliant with all current data protection
legislation. All personal information that You supply to
Us either in respect of Yourself or other individuals in
connection with Our products and/or services will be
treated in confidence by Us and will be held by Us for the
purpose of providing and administering Our products and
services. This may involve the collection and processing of
sensitive data (as defined in the Data Protection Act 1998)
and if You complete an application form for Our products
and/or services You will be giving Your consent to such
information being processed by Us or Our agents.
Your personal and sensitive data may also be shared with the
underwriter of Our insurance products. It may be necessary
to pass Your personal and sensitive data to other companies
for processing on Our behalf. Some of these companies
may be based outside Europe in countries which may not
have the laws to protect Your personal data, but in all cases
We will ensure that it is kept securely and only used for the
purposes for which it was provided.

AA Breakdown Cover

AA Breakdown Cover and Accident Where cover is available

Management Cover Policy Summary •• Service is only available within the UK, Channel
This AA Breakdown Cover policy has been provided to you in Islands and Isle of Man.
order to meet your breakdown needs. Vehicle specifications (see page 89):
•• Service is only available to customers travelling in a
Summary of Cover
car, van, minibus or motorcycle which complies with
This policy summary provides you with basic details of your the stated max weight restrictions of 3.5 tonnes and
AA Breakdown Cover and Accident Management Cover which max width restriction of 7ft 6in (2.3m).
provides assistance in connection with your Halifax Ultimate
General Terms and Conditions (see pages 90–95):
Reward Current Account. The AA Breakdown Cover detailed
here is available in the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands •• Assistance is not available following a breakdown or
and the Isle of Man and is provided by Automobile Association accident attended by the police or other emergency
Developments Limited (trading as AA Breakdown Services) service, until the vehicle’s removal is authorised. If
unless otherwise stated. Please note that whilst most of the the police insist on recovery by a third party, the cost
Terms & Conditions relating to AA Breakdown Cover apply to must be met by you.
all Channel Islands & Isle of Man customers, there are some •• No recovery (including a local tow) is available
variations depending on the type of cover you have purchased. following an accident.
Please note this is not a statement of the full Terms and •• Transport of any animal is discretionary, and horses
Conditions, which can be found in the ‘AA Breakdown Cover and livestock will not be recovered.
Policy’ section of this booklet, and which should be read in
•• Routine maintenance, running repairs, the cost of
conjunction with this summary. Your cover runs concurrently
spare parts, fuel, oil, keys, specialist lifting equipment,
with, subject always to the terms of, your Halifax Ultimate
garage or other labour required to repair your vehicle
Reward Current Account. If your Halifax Ultimate Reward
are excluded, as is the provision of service on private
Current Account is terminated your rights to service from
property without the relevant permission.
the AA also cease immediately.
•• Service is discretionary where it is requested to
1. What are the main features/benefits of AA
deal with the same or a similar fault or cause of
Breakdown Cover and Accident Management Cover?
breakdown to that attended in regard to the same
Roadside Assistance vehicle within the preceding 28 days.
•• Assistance at the roadside if you are broken down •• The customer must be with the vehicle at the times
more than ¼ mile from home. of breakdown and assistance. A valid Halifax Ultimate
•• Tow to the AA’s choice of relevant local repairer for Reward Current Account debit card and some other
you, your vehicle and up to 7 passengers if the AA is form of identification must be produced. Service will
unable to fix your vehicle at the roadside. be refused and may be cancelled if anyone behaves
in an abusive or threatening manner, or if the AA is
Home Start
owed money.
•• Provides the benefits outlined under ‘Roadside
Replacement vehicle (see page 93):
Assistance’, if you break down at or within 1/4 mile
from home. Available 24 hours after opening your •• Any car hire that may be arranged for a customer will
Halifax Ultimate Reward Current Account. be subject to the hirer’s Terms & Conditions.
Accident Management (underwritten by Acromas Service control (see page 93):
Insurance Company Limited) – Assists in arranging •• Please note that further premiums may be requested
the repair, recovery and claim processing for vehicles if the maximum number of call-outs is exceeded.
following an accident or vandalism where you are
Full details of the restrictions which apply to AA
claiming under your motor insurance.
Accident Management can be found within the Terms &
2. Are there any significant exclusions or limitations Conditions booklet, however the key restrictions are:
to my AA Breakdown Cover and Accident
•• vehicle must be less than 5 years old.
Management Cover?
•• a fully comprehensive motor insurance policy
Full details of the restrictions which apply to AA
must be held.
Breakdown Cover can be found within the Terms &
Conditions booklet, however the key restrictions are: If the above criteria is not met, Accident Management

can offer assistance and advice based on from the FSCS at www.fscs.org.uk or telephone
your circumstances. 0800 678 1100 or 0207 741 4100.
3. What if I want to cancel my AA Breakdown Cover/
AA Breakdown Cover and Accident Management
Accident Management Cover?
Cover Terms and Conditions
You have the right to cancel your AA Breakdown Cover
but please note that as this cover has been provided as Definition of words and phrases used in this policy
an integral part of your Halifax Ultimate Reward Current
Some common terms are used to make this Policy easier to
Account no refund is available. Cancellation/closure
understand. Wherever the following words or phrases appear
of your Halifax Ultimate Reward Current Account
they will always have the meaning set out below.
will mean that your rights to service from the AA will
cease immediately. ‘AA’ means the relevant insurer of the breakdown cover
being Automobile Association Developments Limited
4. What if I need to make a call-out?
(trading as AA Breakdown Services) for Roadside Assistance
If you require Breakdown Assistance in the UK, call: and Acromas Insurance Company Limited for Accident
08000 51 22 48. Management or either or both of those insurer(s), as the
For Accident Management, call: 0800 591 293. context requires or allows.
Customers calling from the Isle of Man may need to add ‘Breakdown’ means an event –
a ‘19’ prefix. Similarly customers calling from the Channel a) which causes the driver of the relevant vehicle to be
Islands may need to remove the ‘0’ from the beginning. unable to start a journey in the vehicle or involuntarily
You will need to quote your Halifax Ultimate Reward brings the vehicle to a halt on a journey because of
Current Account sort code and account number as well some malfunction of the vehicle or failure of it to
as your vehicle registration and details of the breakdown. function, and
5. What if I need to make a complaint about b) after which the journey cannot reasonably be
AA Breakdown Cover/Accident Management? commenced or continued in the relevant vehicle;
The AA aims to provide you with a high level of service provided always that any part or other failure shall not be
at all times. However, there may be a time when you considered to be a breakdown unless it results in the vehicle
feel that their service has fallen below the standard you not working as a whole.
expect. If this is the case and you want to complain,
‘Customer’ means the person to whom the breakdown cover
they will do their best to try and resolve the situation.
documentation is addressed and who has been given cover.
There are several ways you can contact the AA:
Please note: Any contract for Breakdown Cover is between
By phone: 0344 209 0556.
the person to whom the cover documentation is addressed
In writing: Customer Relations, The Automobile and who has purchased or been given cover and the AA and
Association, Lambert House, Stockport Road, not, between the AA and any person nominated as a Joint
Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 2DY. account holder.
By email: customersupport@theAA.com ‘Resident Island’ means whichever of the Channel
Fax: 0161 488 7544 Islands or Isle of Man is the island on which the customer
permanently resides.
Text Relay is available for deaf, hard of hearing or speech
impaired customers. ‘Customer’s Home Address’ means the address which the
AA has recorded as the home address of the customer at the
The AA will either acknowledge your complaint within 5
time of the relevant breakdown or accident.
working days of receipt, or offer you their final response
if they have concluded their investigations within this ‘You’, ‘Your’ means the customer and/or if the context
period. If your complaint is about cover underwritten requires, any Joint account holder who has been nominated
by Acromas Insurance Company Limited and it is not by that person.
settled, you may be entitled to refer it to the Financial ‘Your Vehicle’ means the vehicle which the customer or any
Ombudsman Service at Insurance Division The Financial Joint account holder is travelling in at the time of the relevant
Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR. breakdown or accident and provided always that any such
Telephone: 0800 023 4567 or email: complaint.info@ vehicle meets the vehicle specifications set out below.
6. Is AA Breakdown Cover covered by the Financial AA Breakdown Cover Policy
Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)? Your AA Breakdown Cover includes:
Acromas Insurance Company Limited (AICL), only, •• breakdowns either at home or on the road
is covered by the FSCS. You may be entitled to •• recovery for You and Your Vehicle to the nearest garage
compensation from the scheme if AICL cannot meet or other local destination of Your choice provided it is
its obligations. This depends on the type of business no further
and the circumstances of the claim. Further information
about compensation scheme arrangements is available •• cover for You in any vehicle (within the specified limits),
as driver or passenger

•• if You have a joint Ultimate Reward Current Account, What is covered for Channel Island & Isle of
both You and the person You hold your account with Man customers
are covered as a driver or passenger in any vehicle
•• Roadside Assistance is available to You in the UK and on
•• AA Accident Management – a service that helps You Your Resident Island (for Channel Island residents this
deal with the inconvenience that can follow any will include both Jersey and Guernsey) if Your Vehicle
accident or act of vandalism. is stranded on the highway more than a quarter of a
mile from the Customer’s Home Address following a
Vehicle specifications Breakdown or accident;
Breakdown Assistance is only available for cars, vans, •• If, following a Breakdown, a Patrol or appointed agent
minibuses or motorcycles which meet the specifications set cannot fix Your Vehicle within a reasonable time, it,
out below. Please note that “car, van, minibus or motorcycle” together with the driver and up to a maximum of seven
does not include, amongst other things, electric pavement passengers, will;
vehicles, electrical wheelchairs, bicycles (including electric
bicycles), any vehicle which cannot lawfully be used on the a) following a Breakdown in the UK or, for Channel
public highway and/or any non-motorised vehicle. Island residents only, in whichever of Jersey or
Guernsey is not Your Resident Island, be taken to the
•• Maximum Vehicle Weight: 3.5 tonnes (3,500kg) gross AA’s choice of relevant local repairer or, alternatively,
vehicle weight to a local destination of Your choice, provided it is
•• Maximum Vehicle Width: 7ft 6in (2.3m) no further, and
Assistance will also be provided for a caravan or trailer which b) following a Breakdown on Your Resident Island, be
was on tow at the time of the Breakdown, provided that it taken together with the driver and up to a maximum
falls within the above limits. of seven passengers (see General Terms & Conditions,
clause 1g) to a single destination of Your choice on
Service Descriptions – What is covered and what is the customer’s Resident Island. If there are more
not covered people than the maximum allowed, the AA will
seek to arrange, but will not pay for, their onward
Roadside Assistance transportation.
Provided by Automobile Association Developments Limited •• The AA will make a telephone call at Your request
(trading as AA Breakdown Services). following a Breakdown.
What is covered for UK customers •• Please note that any contract for repair, other than
repairs carried out by the AA or its agent at the roadside
•• Roadside Assistance is available if Your Vehicle is
under Your AA Breakdown Cover, is between the person
stranded on the highway more than a quarter of a
requesting the repair and the repairer – it is not the AA’s
mile from the Customer’s Home Address following a
responsibility to instruct the repairer to undertake any
Breakdown or accident.
work required or to pay them for it. The AA does not
•• If, following a Breakdown, a Patrol or appointed agent guarantee that any recovery to an relevant local repairer
cannot fix Your Vehicle within a reasonable time it, will be within the opening hours of the repairer, or that
together with the driver and up to a maximum of seven the repairer will be immediately available to undertake
passengers, will be taken to the AA’s choice of relevant any required repair. Whilst the AA will endeavour to
local repairer or to a local destination of Your choice, check that the chosen repairer carries out the type of
provided it is no further. repair work required, this cannot be guaranteed and the
•• The AA will make a telephone call at Your request AA does not provide any assurance or warranty with
following a Breakdown. respect to any work carried out at Your request by any
third party repairer.
•• Please note that any contract for repair, other than
repairs carried out by the AA or its agent at the roadside What is not covered
under Your AA Breakdown Cover, is between the person
•• The cost of spare parts, fuel, oil, keys or other materials
requesting the repair and the repairer – it is not the
required to repair Your Vehicle or any supplier delivery
AA’s responsibility to instruct the repairer to undertake
or call out charges related to these items;
any work required or to pay them for it. The AA does
not guarantee that any recovery to an appropriate local •• The cost of any labour, other than that provided by the
repairer will be within the opening hours of the repairer, AA or its agents under Your AA cover at the scene of
or that the repairer will be immediately available to the Breakdown or accident;
undertake any required repair. Whilst the AA will •• Any additional transport or other costs that You
endeavour to check that the chosen repairer carries might incur or any incidental expenses that may arise
out the type of repair work required, this cannot be during a recovery. The AA cannot accept any costs for
guaranteed and the AA does not provide any assurance passengers who do not accompany Your Vehicle while
or warranty with respect to any work carried out at it is being recovered;
Your request by any third party repairer.
•• Routine maintenance and running repairs e.g. radios,
interior light bulbs, heated rear windows;

•• Any recovery or tow following an accident (see General d) Failure to carry a serviceable spare
Terms & Conditions, clause 2, page 91); Any additional charges resulting from Your failure
•• Assistance following a Breakdown or accident attended to carry a legal and serviceable spare wheel or tyre,
by the police, highways agency or other emergency except where this is not provided as manufacturers
service, until the services concerned have authorised standard equipment. The AA will endeavour
the vehicle’s removal. If the police, highways agency or to arrange on Your behalf, but will not pay for,
emergency service insist on recovery by a third party, assistance from a third party;
the cost of this must be met by You; e) Vehicle storage
•• A second or subsequent recovery, after Your Vehicle has Having Your Vehicle stored or guarded in
been recovered following a Breakdown; Your absence;
•• All things excluded under General Terms & Conditions f) Vehicles on private property
(pages 90–95).
The provision of service when Your Vehicle is on
Home Start private property e.g. garage premises, unless You can
establish that You have the permission of the owner
Provided by Automobile Association Developments Limited
or occupier;
(trading as AA Breakdown Services).
g) Excess passenger loads
What is covered The provision of service to or for any persons in
Home Start is available only if You opened a Halifax Ultimate excess of the number of seats fitted in the vehicle
Reward Current Account at least 24 hours before the at the time of Breakdown, or to anyone who was
Breakdown occurred. not travelling in the relevant vehicle at the time of
Provides access to the same service as is available under the Breakdown. If there are more people than the
‘Roadside Assistance’, following a Breakdown or accident maximum allowed, the AA will seek to arrange, but
at or within a quarter of a mile of the Customer’s will not pay for, their onward transportation;
Home Address. h) Ferry, toll charges etc.
Any ferry, toll or congestion charges incurred in
What is not covered
connection with Your Vehicle as a result of it
All things excluded under ‘Roadside Assistance’ ‘What is not being recovered;
covered’ above.
i) Recovering vehicles from trade or auction
General Terms and Conditions – The recovery of any vehicles bearing trade plates or
AA Breakdown Cover which the AA has reason to believe have just been
imported or purchased at auction;
General exclusions
j) Transporting from trade premises
1. AA Breakdown Cover does not provide for:
The transportation of immobilised vehicles where
a) Any vehicle servicing or re-assembly the AA considers this to be part of a commercial
For example, where this is required as a result activity, for example, to, from or for motor dealers or
of neglect or unsuccessful work on the vehicle delivery companies;
(including, but not limited to, DIY vehicle k) Locksmiths, tyre, glass or bodywork specialists costs
maintenance), other than that on the part of the
The cost (including any call out charge) of any
AA or its agents;
locksmith, glass or tyre specialist, should the AA
b) Garage labour costs consider this to be required. The AA will endeavour
The cost of garage or other labour required to repair to arrange this help on Your behalf, however it will
Your Vehicle, other than that provided by the AA or not pay for these specialist services and any contract
its agents at the scene of the Breakdown or accident; for services provided will be between You and the
relevant specialist. If, in the AA’s reasonable opinion,
c) Fuel draining
Your Vehicle requires recovery to such a specialist to
In the event of the introduction of an inappropriate be mobilised and, to effect that recovery, specialist
substance which results in the need to drain or lifting equipment not normally carried by AA Patrols is
remove fuel, lubricants or other fluids, the only required, the AA will arrange the recovery but at Your
recovery the AA will make available to You will be cost. If use of a locksmith or other specialist would,
to arrange for Your Vehicle, the driver and up to 7 in the AA’s opinion, mobilise the vehicle, no further
passengers to be taken to the AA’s choice of relevant service will be available for the Breakdown in question;
local repairer or another location of Your choice,
l) Specialist lifting equipment
provided it is no further, but You will have to pay for
any work required; The cost of any specialist lifting equipment (not
normally carried by AA Patrols) including but not
limited to:

a) occasions where the Customer has driven off- repairs carried out by the AA are, where appropriate,
road, or on clearly sign posted closed roads; followed as soon as possible by a permanent repair.
and Nothing in this provision shall affect any rights You
may have in relation to any negligence or breach of
b) any occasions following an accident; contract or breach of any other legal duty on the
m) Transporting animals part of the AA or its agents;
The transportation or arrangement of the b) Unattended vehicles
transportation of any animal (guide dogs or hearing You are not with Your Vehicle at the time of the
dogs will be transported together with their owner, Breakdown and You are unable to be present at the
unless this is not possible for health and/or safety time assistance arrives;
reasons). The AA will not recover horses or livestock.
If the AA does, at its absolute discretion, agree c) Unsafe, unroadworthy or unlawful vehicles
to transport an animal, then this will be at Your i.e. Where in the AA’s opinion, Your Vehicle was,
own risk. It is Your responsibility to secure any immediately before the relevant Breakdown or
animal being transported or to make alternative accident, dangerous, overladen, unroadworthy or
arrangements for its transportation; otherwise unlawful to use on a public road. This
n) Participation in sporting events includes where breakdown has been caused by the
illegal use of or introduction of unlawful substances,
Assistance for vehicles broken down as a result of such as agricultural (Red) Diesel;
taking part in any “Motor Sport Event”, including,
without limitation, racing, rallying, trials or time-trials d) Assisting where unsafe or unlawful activities
or auto test. However, for the avoidance of doubt, Without restricting the generality of the AA’s rights
the AA does not consider “Concours d’elegance” under this provision, please note that it is a legal
events, track test days for road-legal Vehicles or requirement that UK registered vehicles used on, or
rallies held exclusively on open public highways recovered with their wheels in contact with, the public
where participants are required to comply with the highway have/display a valid current excise licence
normal rules of the road, to be Motor Sports Events. (‘tax disc’). Where no current excise licence (tax disc) is
2. AA Breakdown Cover does not provide for any vehicle displayed, and unless the AA are reasonably satisfied
recovery following an accident. The AA may, if You that the vehicle concerned is exempt from such display,
request, be prepared to provide recovery following an the AA reserves the right to refuse service;
accident but, if so, You will be responsible for paying e) Delay in reporting
the AA’s charges for this assistance (including, but In the AA’s reasonable opinion, there has been an
not limited to, any charges relating to any specialist unreasonable delay in reporting the Breakdown;
equipment used). If following an accident, You require
one of the Stay Mobile services (and You have Stay f) Cannot verify cover
Mobile), the AA may, again, be prepared to arrange Where You cannot produce a valid Ultimate Reward
this for You but will not be responsible for any costs Current Account debit card (or appropriate receipt)
involved. You must pay, on request, any applicable and some other form of identification. If these
charges. You must give the AA, on request, any relevant cannot be produced, and the AA is unable to verify
information it reasonably requests in regard to all that the appropriate Breakdown cover entitlement
matters referred to in this clause. Please note that, is held, the AA reserves the right to refuse service.
following an accident, or otherwise, it is and remains However, if You are unable to prove entitlement
Your responsibility to ensure that You properly comply to service or You are aware that You do not hold
with any requirements of Your motor insurer in making entitlement to an AA service, the AA may, at its
a claim under Your motor insurance policy. discretion, offer service on the immediate payment
(by credit, debit or switch card) of the usual premium
General rights to refuse service for the relevant cover required, plus a supplementary
Please note: if a Customer is refused service by the AA the premium for joining while already requiring assistance.
Customer has the right to an explanation in writing (see The premium paid will be fully refunded if it can be
“Compliments and complaints” page 94 for Customer Care established to the AA’s reasonable satisfaction that
contact details). the relevant level of service entitlement was held at
the time of the Breakdown.
3. The AA reserves the right to refuse to provide
or arrange Breakdown assistance under the Without prejudice to Your statutory rights, no refunds
following circumstances: will be given if entitlement to cover cannot be proved,
or simply because Your Vehicle cannot be fixed at
a) Repeat Breakdowns within 28 days
the roadside;
Where service is requested to deal with the same
g) Unreasonable behaviour
or similar cause of Breakdown to that which the
AA attended within the preceding 28 days. It is i.e. Where the AA reasonably considers that You:
Your responsibility to make sure that emergency i) or anyone accompanying You, or who is

receiving or is entitled to receive assistance in conduct, that there has been a breakdown in its
connection to Your cover is behaving or has relationship with the Customer.
behaved in a threatening or abusive manner to AA 10. In the event that the AA is no longer Halifax’s chosen
employees, Patrols or agents, or to any third party Breakdown assistance cover provider or Breakdown
contractor; or assistance cover is no longer provided with Your Halifax
ii) have falsely represented that You are entitled to Ultimate Reward Current Account, Your Breakdown
services that You are not entitled to; or cover with Automobile Association Developments
iii) have assisted another person in accessing AA Limited (trading as AA Breakdown Services) [and, where
services to which they are not entitled; or applicable, Acromas Insurance Company Limited] will
expire in accordance with the Terms & Conditions of
iv) owe the AA money with respect to any services, Your Halifax Ultimate Reward Current Account and we
spare parts or other matters provided by the AA shall have no further obligation to provide You with
or by a third party on the AA’s instruction. Breakdown assistance services.
Additional services Changes to Terms and Conditions
4. Any additional services made available by the AA which 11. Halifax and/or the AA is entitled to change any of the
are not described in these Terms & Conditions are Terms and Conditions of cover during the subscription
provided on a purely discretionary basis and may be year, on the giving of at least 30 days’ notice, where
withdrawn at any time. this is necessary in order to comply with any applicable
laws, regulations or the advice or instruction of any
Use of agents
regulatory authority.
5. Service from dedicated AA Patrols is subject to
availability and may be supplemented by use Matters outside the AA’s reasonable control
of appropriate agents. The AA will only accept 12. While the AA seeks to meet the service needs of
responsibility for the actions of an agent where the Customers at all times, its resources are finite and
agent is acting on the AA’s instruction. this may not always be possible. The AA shall not be
liable for service failures where the AA is faced with
Requests for assistance
circumstances outside its reasonable control. Events
6. All requests for assistance must be made to the AA which might constitute circumstances outside the AA’s
using the contact instructions provided by Halifax reasonable control include (but are not limited to) Acts
from time to time. If You contact a garage direct, You of God, outbreak of hostilities, riot, civil disturbance,
will have to settle its bill and the AA will be under no acts of terrorism, acts of government or authority
obligation to reimburse You. (including the refusal or revocation of any licence or
consent), fire, subsidence, explosion, flood, snow, fog
Emergency nature of breakdown service or other bad weather conditions, vehicle, equipment or
7. AA Patrols are trained and equipped to carry out systems failures, shortages of fuel or other necessary
emergency roadside repairs and are not in a position supplies, failure of telecommunications lines or systems,
to comment on the general safety or roadworthiness default of suppliers or sub-contractors, theft, malicious
of a vehicle after a Breakdown or an emergency repair. damage, strike, lock out or industrial action of any kind.
In addition, completion of an emergency repair cannot
be taken to signify or in any way guarantee the general Exclusion of liability for loss of profit etc.
roadworthiness of the vehicle concerned. 13. The AA shall not, in any event, and to the extent
permitted by law, have any responsibility for:
Cancellation of Cover
a) any increased costs or expenses; or,
8. The Customer has the right to cancel their AA
Breakdown Cover but please note that as this cover b) any loss of:
has been provided as an integral part of their Halifax i) profit; or
Ultimate Reward Current Account no refund is available.
ii) business; or
Cancellation/closure of Your Halifax Ultimate Reward
Current Account will mean that Your rights to service iii) contracts; or
from the AA will cease immediately. iv) revenue; or
9. The AA shall have the right to cancel any cover if: v) anticipated savings; or
a) the AA has been entitled to refuse service under c) for any special or indirect losses incurred as a result
clause 3g, page 91; of or in connection with any service, whether
b) the maximum number of call outs, as set out in resulting from tort (including negligence or breach
the AA’s Service Control policy on page 93, has of statutory duty), from breach of contract or
been reached or exceeded in any two consecutive otherwise. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in
subscription years. this clause or these Terms & Conditions shall exclude
or restrict the AA’s liability for negligence resulting in
c) the AA considers, and as a result of the Customer’s
death or personal injury.

Enforcement of Terms and Conditions Service Limit for Ultimate Reward Current Account
14. Failure to enforce or non-reliance on any of these Terms Customers in first year of cover:
& Conditions by the AA will not prevent the AA from •• Single cover – maximum of 5 call-outs
subsequently relying on or enforcing them.
•• Joint cover – maximum of 7 call-outs
15. None of the Terms & Conditions, or benefits, of the
AA Breakdown Cover agreement with the AA are Service Limit for Ultimate Reward Current Account
enforceable by anyone else other than the Customer. Customers from second year of cover onwards:
For the avoidance of doubt, and without limiting the •• Single cover – maximum of 7 call-outs
above, any rights under The Contract (Rights of Third •• Joint cover – maximum of 9 call-outs
Parties) Act 1999, or any replacement or amendment of
•• Any call-outs made by either party to a Joint account
such act, are excluded.
will be counted when calculating whether the service
16. You will not become members of the AA by virtue limit has been reached on any Ultimate Reward
of only being entitled to any benefits. The AA and Current Account.
the bank may from time to time agree that specified
•• If cover is upgraded with the AA this will not increase
customers may be entitled to certain offers available
in the number of callouts permitted with regard to
to AA Members.
the relevant account. For more information please call
Use of headings 0800 975 2985.
17. The headings used in this Policy are for convenience AA Accident Management Service
only and shall not affect the interpretation of
Underwritten by Acromas Insurance Company Limited
its contents.

Interpretation: use of English law & language What is included

Accident Management Service is a 24 hour helpline for You
18. Your AA Breakdown Cover and these Terms &
to call in the event of a motor road traffic accident, or act
Conditions are governed and should be interpreted by
of vandalism, however minor provided You’re claiming on
the laws of England and Wales. The EEA State for the
Your fully comprehensive motor insurance policy. If Your
purpose of cover is the United Kingdom. The Terms
road traffic accident happens during normal office hours
& Conditions of cover are written in English and all
(Monday-Friday 8am to 6pm) a Personal Incident Manager is
correspondence entered into shall be in English.
available to help You through Your motor insurance claim
Service Control – Call-Out Limits process. This includes:
•• arranging for Your Vehicle, provided it is less than
Important: Please read the following carefully 5 years old, to be repaired by an AA Accident
Outlined below are the call-out limits that apply to AA Management approved repairer
Breakdown Cover within each subscription year. Service •• facilitating the provision of a replacement vehicle
Control is designed to keep cover affordable by making
sure that high use by a minority of Customers is avoided. •• providing assistance with any associated
This policy applies to all persons requesting AA Breakdown correspondence. If Your motor road traffic accident
Assistance under a Halifax Ultimate Reward Current Account: happens outside of normal office hours, the AA can
arrange recovery of Your Vehicle to a safe location until
Further Premiums during 12 Month Reference Period it can be delivered to a repairer. Where the damage to
Your Vehicle is restricted to windscreen damage.
The AA has limits on the number of call-outs that can be
made in any 12 month period starting from the date You Accident Management can provide You with the telephone
open Your Halifax Ultimate Reward Current Account and, number of a windscreen supplier. Accident Management
thereafter, from each subsequent anniversary of that date Service applies to motor road traffic accidents which occur
(the “12-month reference period”). If the relevant call-out in the UK only.
limits are reached, the AA will be entitled to charge an
additional premium upon each subsequent call-out to What is not included
continue Your AA Breakdown Cover. The AA will also •• Assistance in relation to motor road traffic accidents
be entitled to restrict the level of breakdown service(s) which occur outside the UK.
available to You during the remainder of that subscription •• The cost of any recovery either in or out of normal
year. Further the AA will have the right to refuse service office hours following a road traffic accident (any
once You have exceeded the relevant call-out limit in two recovery will be at Your expense although the cost of
consecutive 12 month periods (see section 9b of the General this may be recovered under the terms of Your motor
Terms and Conditions). insurance policy).
•• Any costs associated with the repair of Your Vehicle,
which are subject to the terms and conditions of Your
motor insurance policy.

•• The provision of any courtesy car unless agreed to to the standard or quality of any such repair work
by an approved repairer, at their sole discretion. If a performed or any replacement components fitted to
courtesy car is provided, the driver will be responsible Your Vehicle. The contract for repair will be between
for meeting the cost of insuring it. You (or, if appropriate, your insurer) and the relevant
•• Any assistance where the vehicle has suffered repairer. Under no circumstances will the AA or Halifax
only mechanical Breakdown, component failure or be held responsible for replacement components fitted
vandalism damage. by a vehicle repairer as a result of, or in connection with,
the provision of the Accident Management Service.
•• Any assistance in relation to personal injuries resulting
from a motor road traffic accident. In particular, 6. It is Your responsibility (or, if appropriate, Your insurer’s
Accident Management will not pay for, or arrange, any responsibility) to pay for the recovery costs and the cost
hospital treatment. of all vehicle repairs (both labour and parts) performed
on Your Vehicle following a motor road traffic accident.
Please note: Neither the AA nor Halifax will be responsible for any
failure to pay the repairer for any work undertaken.
To qualify for Accident Management Service You
will need to: 7. You (or, if appropriate, Your insurer) will be charged
the current market price for any additional services
•• agree to have Your Vehicle repaired within the AA
You require (for example technical inspections, damage
Accident Management approved repairer network
reports or vehicle delivery) which are arranged in
•• tell us Your Halifax Ultimate Reward Current Account connection with repairs which have been organised
number and sort code so that the AA can identify You through the Accident Management Service.
•• contact us to obtain all necessary authorisations before 8. Sections 1n, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18
any work is started of General Terms & Conditions – AA Breakdown Cover
•• make a claim through Your insurers – if You are shall apply to this cover and any reference therein to
claiming directly from a third party the AA cannot Breakdown or breakdown assistance or service shall
provide assistance. be taken, as appropriate, to refer to accident or act of
vandalism and/or to Accident Management.
AA Accident Management Service – General Terms
and Conditions Compliments and Complaints
1. The Accident Management Service’s Personal Incident The AA aims to provide You with a high level of service at
Managers only operate during normal working hours all times. However, there may be a time when You feel that
(Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm), although, messages their service has fallen below the standard You expect. If this
can be left at any time. If You have a motor road traffic is the case and You want to complain, the AA will do their
accident out of working hours and Your Vehicle is best to try and resolve the situation.
mobile, You should call the Accident Management There are several ways You can contact the AA:
helpline and leave Your contact details on the voicemail.
Phone: 0344 209 0556
A Personal Incident Manager will then contact You
during normal working hours. If You have a motor Email: customersupport@theAA.com
road traffic accident out of office hours and Your Post: Customer Relations
Vehicle is immobile, You should contact the Accident The Automobile Association
Management helpline and the AA can arrange to have Lambert House
Your Vehicle recovered to a place of safety overnight. Stockport Road
The Accident Management helpline will also arrange Cheadle Cheshire
for a Personal Incident Manager to contact You during SK8 2DY
normal working hours.
Fax: 0161 488 7544
2. The use by You of any of the other AA services (for
Text Relay is available for deaf, hard of hearing or speech
example Roadside Assistance, Home Start, Relay) is
impaired customers.
subject to the relevant terms and conditions.
The AA will either acknowledge Your complaint within five
3. The AA reserves the right to withhold or withdraw the
working days of receipt, or offer You their final response if
Accident Management Service at any time if any repairs
they have concluded their investigations within this period.
are begun before the work is authorised through the
Accident Management Service. If the AA acknowledges Your complaint, they will advise You
who is dealing with it and when they expect to respond.
4. The Accident Management Service is not available for
The AA aims to respond fully within eight weeks. However, if
use by, or for, any third parties involved in a road traffic
they are unable to provide a final response within this period
accident (regardless of fault) with You.
they will write to You before this time and advise why they
5. Whilst the Accident Management Service can make have not been able to offer a final response and how long
all the necessary arrangements for the repair of Your they expect their investigations to take.
Vehicle damaged as a result of a road traffic accident,
If You remain unhappy with the AA’s final response, or they
the AA and Halifax give no guarantee or warranty as

have not managed to provide a final response within eight
weeks of Your complaint, You may be entitled to refer Your
complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service for help
and advice.
There are several ways You can contact them:
Phone: 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9 123
Website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk
Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk
Post: I nsurance Division Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
London E14 9SR

Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)

The activities of AAIS in arranging AA Breakdown Cover are
covered by the FSCS. You may be entitled to compensation
from the scheme if AAIS cannot meet its obligations. This
depends on the type of business and the circumstances
of the claim. Insurance arranging is covered for 90% of the
claim, without any upper limit. Further information about
compensation scheme arrangements is available from the
FSCS at www.fscs.org.uk or telephone 0800 678 1100 or
0207 741 4100.

AA Company Details
Automobile Association Developments Limited, (trading
as AA Breakdown Services), is an insurer of breakdown
assistance services cover that is exempt from authorisation
under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000.
Registered office: Fanum House, Basing View, Basingstoke,
RG21 4EA. Registered in England and Wales Number: 01878835
Acromas Insurance Company Limited is authorised and
regulated by the Commissioner of Insurance, Financial
Services Commission, Gibraltar, and regulated by the
Financial Conduct Authority, United Kingdom. Acromas
Insurance Company Limited is a member of the Association
of British Insurers. Acromas Insurance Company Limited,
57-63 Line Wall Road, Gibraltar. Registered Number 88716
(Gibraltar). UK branch address: Acromas Insurance Company
Limited, Enbrook Park, Folkestone, Kent CT20 3SE.
Automobile Association Insurance Services Limited is an
insurance intermediary authorised and regulated by the
Financial Conduct Authority, Registered Office: Fanum
House, Basing View, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 4EA.
Registered in England and Wales number 2414212.

Mobile phone insurance

This is your mobile phone insurance policy, in this document you will find everything you need to know. Please read this
carefully to make sure this policy is right for you, if you have any questions then visit www.halifax-online.co.uk or call us on
0345 124 1400.
This policy constitutes an agreement between you and the insurer, Assurant General Insurance Limited. The insurer has
appointed Lifestyle Services Group to handle claims and complaints on their behalf. References to ‘we/us/our’ relates to
Assurant General Insurance Limited and STAMS Limited. Where the wording refers to claims and complaints, these are handled
by Lifestyle Services Group Limited.

Who is this cover designed for?

Summary Description

For many of us, our mobile phone is This mobile phone insurance cover is designed for when you have a mobile phone that
much more than a device for making is not already covered under an insurance policy and you want to cover the cost of
calls. It means you can stay in contact repairing or replacing your mobile phone against loss, theft, damage and breakdown
wherever you are, it stores valuable subject to an excess payment detailed in the section ‘What you are NOT covered for’.
memories and so much more You should consider this excess when deciding if this policy is suitable for you

It is important to note that mobile Having insurance does not mean that you can take risks with your mobile phone
phone insurance is offered on the which you would not take if your mobile phone was not insured as doing so may
understanding that you will take result in your claim being declined. Further details can be found in the section ‘What
care of your mobile phone you are NOT covered for’.

We do understand that every claim can be quite different and we will make every effort to take this into consideration when
we review a claim.

The cover you receive

Risks you are covered for Benefits you receive

Your mobile phone and SIM card If your mobile phone is damaged or breaks down we will either:
up to a maximum value of £2,000 1. repair the mobile phone (where possible) or
(including VAT) per claim are
covered against: 2. replace it with a mobile phone of the same make and model. If we cannot do
this you will be given a choice of models with an equivalent specification.
•• Loss
If your mobile phone is lost or stolen we will replace it with a mobile phone of the
•• Theft same make, model and memory size. If we cannot do this you will be given a choice
•• Damage of models with an equivalent specification.
•• Breakdown (including faults)
Occurring anywhere in the world
1. Where we replace the mobile phone the replacement may be a remanufactured
(not brand new) device,
2. We will attempt to replace your phone with one of the same colour but
we can’t guarantee to do this or replace any limited or special edition
mobile phones.
3. Where we send you a replacement or repaired item, this will be to a UK address
If you are charged by your network for your replacement SIM card we will
reimburse you.

If you make a successful claim for In the event that you are billed by your network provider as a result of your mobile
loss or theft and discover you phone being used after it has been lost or stolen, we will pay those charges incurred
have been charged for calls, texts during the period between:
or data as a result of someone 1. the moment the loss or theft occurred and
else using your phone. These
unauthorised network charges are 2. 24 hours after you discovered it missing
covered up to a value of £1,500 if For example, if your phone was stolen at 8am on Tuesday and you discovered it
you have an airtime contract and missing at 11am on Wednesday, you would be covered for charges made between
£500 if you pay as you go 8am Tuesday and 11am Thursday, up to the following cover limits:
£1,500 for contract handsets
£500 for Pay As You Go

If your case, screen protector, If your case, screen protector, headphones or bluetooth headset are lost, stolen or
headphones or bluetooth headset damaged at the same time as your mobile phone we will replace them with items
are lost, stolen or damaged at the of a similar specification. If we are unable to provide a replacement of a similar
same time as your mobile phone specification, we will contact you to discuss an alternative settlement. We do
you are covered for these up to a not provide insurance cover for any other mobile phone accessories (For example
value of £250 (including VAT). Smartwatches, fitness trackers, portable speakers)

What you are NOT covered for

Summary Description

Excess You need to pay a contribution every time you make a successful claim of:
•• Apple iPhones = £50 for damage and breakdown claims, £100 for loss and theft claims
•• All other handsets = £30 for all claims
This is the excess. Your excess is payable for every accepted claim and must be paid before
your claim will be settled. You should consider this excess when deciding if this policy is
suitable for you.

Loss, theft, damage We know how important your mobile phone is to you and we expect that you will take care of
or breakdown as your mobile phone. If you don’t take care of your mobile phone then we may not pay your claim.
a result of not Taking care of your mobile phone means:
taking care of your •• Not knowingly leaving your mobile phone somewhere it is likely to be lost, stolen or damaged,
mobile phone just think would you leave your wallet or purse there?
•• If you need to leave your mobile phone somewhere then we expect you to lock it away out of
sight if at all possible. If you cannot lock it away then you must leave it with someone you trust
or concealed out of sight in a safe place.
•• Making reasonable enquiries to find your phone if you think you have lost it.
If you knowingly leave your mobile phone where others can see it but you cannot and your
mobile phone is then lost or stolen we may not pay your claim.
We will always take into account where you are and what you are doing when we assess whether you
have taken care of your phone. If we believe you have not taken care of your mobile phone, and have
knowingly taken a risk with it, we may decline your claim.
If you knowingly leave your mobile phone somewhere you can’t see it but others can, we may
decline your claim for not taking care of your mobile phone – For example;
•• in a cafe or pub you leave your mobile phone on the table when you go to the bar to pick up
your drink instead of taking it with you
•• leaving your mobile phone on display in your car
•• leaving your mobile phone in the care of someone you don’t know well
•• if you are at the gym and you leave your mobile phone on a bench in the changing rooms
rather than taking it with you or locking it in a locker
•• intentionally damaging your phone.
All of these examples increase the risk of it being lost, stolen or damaged and may result in your
claim being declined. The examples are to help you understand what’s covered, and are not the
only reasons a claim could be rejected.

Cosmetic damage We only cover damage if it stops the normal functioning of your mobile phone. If it is just
a scratch or dent, and your mobile phone still works as expected, then we will not repair or
replace it.
We know scratches and scrapes to your mobile phone aren’t nice but we are here to fix your
mobile phone when it isn’t working, so if it still functions as you would expect then we can’t help.
For example, a scratched screen would not be covered but a cracked screen would be covered.

Contents of your We only cover the mobile phone, we don’t cover the contents. This means that any pictures,
mobile phone software, downloads, apps, music or any other content is not covered by this policy so make
sure you back it up regularly.
There are lots of ways to back up the contents of your mobile phone and we suggest you do this
regularly so if you have a claim and you lose your mobile phone’s contents as a result you can
download it on to your new mobile phone and be up and running again in no time.

Other losses Any cost or losses that can’t be resolved by the repair or replacement of your mobile phone.
We don’t cover any loss or profit, opportunity, goodwill or similar losses. We just cover the
mobile phone, unauthorised network charges and accessories.

Any device that is This policy is only for mobile phones. This means we only cover handheld devices that are
not a mobile phone designed to make mobile phone calls and work independently from any other device.
This policy isn’t for tablet computers, smart watches or other wearable technology.

Modifications If your mobile phone has been modified in any way we will only replace the mobile phone, we
do not cover the modifications that have been made.
Modifications are anything that changes the way your mobile phone looks or operates from the
original specifications. This includes things like adding gems, precious metals or making software
changes such as unlocking your mobile phone from a network.

Actions you will need to take on loss, theft, breakdown or damage to your mobile phone
If you are having difficulty with any of the requirements below, please do not hesitate to contact us

Summary Description

Tell your airtime As detailed in ‘The cover you receive’ section, we only pay for unauthorised network charges
provider if your from the point your mobile phone is lost or stolen for up to 24 hours after you discover the
mobile phone is lost loss or theft.
or stolen as soon as If you don’t tell your airtime provider within 24 hours you will be responsible for any
you can further charges.
If you make a claim for unauthorised network charges you will need to provide either the
monthly mobile phone bill showing the charges and the bill for the month prior to the
unauthorised network charges or proof of your mobile phone’s balance prior to the theft or loss.

If your mobile phone Tell the Police about any lost or stolen mobile phone as soon as you can, we will ask you to
is lost or stolen provide the Police reference number before we will pay any claim for loss and theft. If you
report it to the have difficulty reporting your incident to the police, please contact us and we can help to
Police guide you.

Report any loss or We expect you to report your mobile phone as lost or stolen to the place it was lost or you
theft to the place think it has been stolen from.
you believe it has Often mobile phones are found and handed in to the place they were found. We expect you to
been lost in or report the loss or theft of your mobile phone to the place you think it was lost in or is most likely
stolen from to be handed back to. We may ask you to provide the details of where your handset was lost or
stolen from and may ask what actions you have taken to try to recover it.
If your Mobile Device has the functionality, activate any location finder app or software to help you
in retrieving it. This may also enable you to lock and wipe the data stored on your mobile device.

Report your claim to Tell us about a claim as soon as you can. We expect you to tell us about any claim as soon as
us as soon as you can possible after discovery of the loss, theft, breakdown or damage.
If you don’t do this we will still consider your claim, however it makes it difficult for us to
investigate your claim, recover your mobile phone if it is lost or stolen or stop any further damage
to your mobile phone.
You can log your claim online or by telephone, it is really simple.

Proof of ownership We need to know that the mobile phone, SIM card and accessories you are claiming for are
yours. Therefore you may need to provide some form of proof of ownership.
You will need to be able to tell us the make and model of your mobile phone. We may ask to see
something that tells us that the items you are claiming for belong to you and confirms the make,
model, memory size and IMEI number of your mobile phone.
The IMEI number is the unique serial number for your mobile phone. You can find it by inputting
*#06# into your mobile phone. It should also be noted on the documentation that came with
your mobile phone when you purchased it. Your airtime provider may also be able to provide
it to you.
Proof of ownership could include a till receipt or documentation from your airtime provider.
If you don’t have any proof of ownership we may decline your claim.

How to make a claim Step One:

Please make sure you have read the “Actions you will need to take on loss, theft, breakdown or
damage to your mobile phone” section as this tells you what we may need from you in order to
settle your claim

Step Two:
You should tell us about your claim as soon as you can, you can do this by contacting us through
www.halifax-online.co.uk or by calling 0345 124 1400

Step Three:
We will walk you through the simple claims process and tell you what information you will need
to provide for us to assess your claim

Step Four:
You will need to pay your excess for every accepted claim. Your excess can be paid by Visa,
MasterCard and debit cards (We do not accept American Express cards or Diners Club cards)

Step Five:
We will either repair your mobile or send you a replacement
In the event of your mobile device being lost or stolen we will blacklist the mobile device to
prevent it from being used.
When returning any items in order for repair to be carried out, please ensure that you have
removed any locking mechanism (e.g. ‘Find my iPhone’) before you send your device to us. If
this isn’t removed this will affect the processing of your claim and the handset may be returned
to you for the block to be removed before the claim can be assessed. We may not be able to
complete a claim until we can confirm the security features have been removed.

What you need to know about the claims process

•• Repairs may be made using readily available parts, or we may provide refurbished products which may contain parts,
which are of similar or equivalent specification, and which may include unbranded parts. This policy is provided in addition
to any manufacturer’s warranty that applies to your mobile phone (“applicable manufacturer’s warranty”). Nothing in this
policy is intended to affect your rights under the applicable manufacturer’s warranty or your statutory rights. If any repairs
authorised by us under this policy invalidate the applicable manufacturer’s warranty, we will repair or replace your mobile
phone, as necessary, in accordance with the terms of the applicable manufacturer’s warranty for the unexpired period of
the applicable manufacturer’s warranty.
•• If we are unable to replace your phone with the same make and model, we will contact you to discuss an alternative
claim settlement.

•• If any lost, stolen or damaged items are recovered after •• Managing credit and credit related accounts or facilities
the claim is approved, they shall become the property •• Recovering debt
of the insurer and must be returned to us immediately.
Damaged mobile phones and accessories, parts and •• Checking details on proposals and claims for all types
materials replaced by us shall become the property of of insurance
the insurer. •• Checking details of job applicants and employees.
•• The cost of postage in sending a device to us for repair Please contact us at 0345 124 1400 if you want to receive
is not covered under this insurance policy. details of the relevant fraud prevention agencies.
•• Lifestyle Services Group Limited handle all claims on
Price of your insurance
behalf of the insurer.
This insurance is provided as a benefit of your Ultimate
What if your claim is rejected? Reward Current Account and the cost is included in the
If you’re not happy with the claims decision, we want monthly fee you pay for this account.
to hear from you as soon as possible. Please follow the
Duration of this Policy
complaints process.
Mobile phone insurance is a monthly contract. This policy
Tell us when your mobile phone details change is provided as a benefit of you being an Ultimate Reward
If you change your mobile phone, please ensure you keep Current Account holder.
your records up to date, this can be done quickly and easily
Cancelling your insurance
online via www.halifax-online.co.uk
If you or Halifax close your account, or Halifax terminates
Fraud the cover provided through the programme, cover will stop
We do not tolerate any aspect of fraudulent activity. immediately unless you are moving from one qualifying
We work closely and share data with other insurers, Law account to another.
Enforcement Agencies and airtime providers to identify fraud
Making an enquiry or complaint
and support prosecution where the appropriate evidence
exists. Our Fraud Team works tirelessly to prevent and detect We will always try to be fair and reasonable. If you believe
fraud. We, and other organisations may access and use the we have not provided you with a satisfactory level of service,
information recorded by fraud prevention agencies, from please tell us so that we can do our best to resolve the
both the UK and from other countries. problem. The easiest way to contact us is to call us on
0345 124 1400. We will do everything possible to ensure
It is important that when applying for insurance, or
that your query is dealt with promptly.
submitting a claim you or anyone acting on your behalf must
take reasonable care to answer all questions honestly and to Alternatively, you can email
the best of your knowledge. Failure to do so may affect the LSG.Customerrelations@lifestylegroup.co.uk or write
validity of your policy or the payment of your claim. to: Customer Services, Lifestyle Services Group Limited,
PO Box 98, Blyth NE24 9DL.
If false or inaccurate information is provided and fraud is
identified then we will: Please quote your mobile phone number in any
•• Not honour the claim and we will cancel your policy. If
an excess has been paid this will not be returned, this is Lifestyle Services Group Limited handle all complaints on
not a penalty this is to cover administration costs. behalf of the insurer.
•• Report you to the relevant authorities and take legal If you are not happy with our decision you can, within
action, if necessary, to recover any money already paid 6 months of our final decision, refer your complaint for
to you under this insurance policy an independent assessment to:
•• Pass the details onto your bank or our distribution The Financial Ombudsman Service
partner providing this service as part of a wider offering Exchange Tower
•• Put the details of the fraudulent claim onto a Register
E14 9SR
of Claims through which insurers share information to
prevent fraudulent claims. A list of participants and Telephone: 0800 023 4567/0300 123 9123
the name and address of the operator are available Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk
on request.
Web: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk
•• Pass the details to fraud prevention agencies. Law
Nothing in these terms, including referral to the Financial
Enforcement Agencies may access and use this
Ombudsman Service affects your statutory rights.
information. Other organisations may also access and
use this information to prevent fraud and money Choice of law
laundering, for example, when:
English law applies to this policy. It’s written in English and all
•• Checking details on applications for credit and credit communication with you will be in English.
related accounts or facilities

If we need to change the terms of the policy provide will be used by us to supply you with the services for
which you have registered and we may use the information
In the event that the insurer needs to change the terms
to contact you to obtain your views on our services and to
we will give you 30 days’ notice in writing to your last
let you know about important changes to the services which
known address. This will only be for valid reasons such as to
we offer. The information you provide to us about you and
respond proportionately to changes in the law or decisions
the mobile phone will be shared with your bank and the
of the Financial Ombudsman Service, to meet regulatory
Insurer. In order to prevent fraud we may share information
requirements, industry guidance or codes of practice, or to
with other insurers and fraud prevention agencies where this
proportionately reflect other legitimate cost increases or
has been detected.
reductions associated with providing the cover, or where we
choose to change the level of cover. We may contact you by post, mobile phone, text, fax, or
e-mail, unless you have asked us not to contact you by any
Financial Services Compensation Scheme of these methods. Your information will not be used or
Lifestyle Services Group Limited and Assurant General disclosed other than in accordance with this privacy policy,
Insurance Limited are covered by the Financial Services or without your permission, unless required by law. If you
Compensation Scheme (FSCS). You may be entitled to would prefer us not to contact you to obtain your views
compensation from the scheme if they cannot meet their and/or you change your mind in the future and would like us
liabilities. You are covered for 90% of the entire claim to stop contacting you for this purpose, please write to:
without any upper limit. You can get more information Customer Services, Lifestyle Services Group Limited,
about the compensation scheme arrangements by PO BOX 97, Blyth, NE24 9DL.
contacting the FSCS The details of mobile phones reported lost or stolen will
Web: www.fscs.org.uk be submitted, where applicable, to the IMEI Database to
Telephone: 0800 678 1100 or 0207 741 4100 prevent further use. We may co-operate with the Police and
any other relevant authorities or organisations in connection
Status disclosure with any misuse or suspected misuse of the services
provided by us or other telecommunications services
This Policy has been arranged as part of your bank account
provided by any member of our group of companies. If
and is administered by STAMS Limited with a single insurer,
necessary, we may divulge information about you for this
Assurant General Insurance Limited.
purpose. You have a right to ask for a copy of the data
Assurant General Insurance Limited (Financial Services held about you and you may ask us to make any necessary
Register No. 202735) is authorised by the Prudential changes to ensure that it is accurate and kept up-to-date. If
Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial you wish to do this, please contact the Customer Helpline
Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. on 0345 124 1400. We are entitled by law to charge you
STAMS Limited (Financial Services Register No. 409098) is a fee of £10.00 to meet our costs in providing you with
an Appointed Representative of Lifestyle Services Group details of the information we hold about you. We employ
Limited (Financial Services Register Number 315245), which security measures to protect your information from
is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct access by unauthorised persons and against unlawful use,
Authority. Lifestyle Services Group Limited handle claims and accidental loss, destruction and damage. We will retain your
complaints on behalf of the insurer. information for a reasonable period or as long as the law
All firms’ register details can be checked on the Financial requires. Any changes to our privacy policy will be notified
Services Register by visiting the FCA’s website to you in the appropriate way. All comments, queries
and requests relating to our use of your information are
www.fca.org.uk/register or by phoning 0800 111 6768.
welcomed and should be addressed as specified above.
Company details If we transfer your information to a person, office, branch,
STAMS Limited. Registered in England No. 4783263. organisation, service provider or agent in another country,
Registered Office: Assurant House, 6–12 Victoria Street, we will make sure that they agree to apply the same levels of
Windsor, Berkshire SL4 1EN protection as we are required to apply to information held
in the UK and to use your information only for the purposes
Assurant General Insurance Limited. Registered in that we have permitted. You confirm that you consent to
England No. 2341082. Registered Office: Assurant House, transfers of your data outside the EEA for the purposes
6–12 Victoria Street, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 1EN described in this policy.
How we handle your personal information
We are committed to preserving the privacy of our
customers. Please read the following privacy policy to
understand how we will use and protect the information
that you provide to us. By registering with us, you consent
to the collection and use of your information under the
terms of this privacy policy for the purposes of effecting
and administering this insurance policy. The information you

Home emergency cover

The insurance contract Insurance Period

The period commencing on the date You open an Ultimate
About Your policy wording: Reward Current Account and ending when Your Ultimate
This service provides assistance if You or any member of Reward Current Account is closed or Your policy is cancelled,
Your Family have a Home Emergency and You phone the whichever is earlier.
Home Emergency Helpline.
We will arrange to deal with the emergency by When Your Home has not been lived in for more than 60
choosing a qualified person to come to Your Home and days in a row.
carry out any repairs that are necessary as a result of that
Home Emergency. Vermin
Brown or black rats, house or field mice, wasps’ and hornets’
We want You to get the most from this service and to
nests when situated inside Your Home or pests that are
do this You must read this policy and make sure You are
destructive in their natural behaviour.
covered for the sort of losses You think might happen and
make sure You understand the conditions and exclusions We/Us/Our
which apply to Your policy. If You do not meet these Inter Partner Assistance SA (IPA) or such other insurer
conditions it may affect any claim You make. as may be appointed by Your Ultimate Reward Current
Your policy is renewed on a monthly basis and will end if (i) Account provider.
Your Ultimate Reward Current Account is closed; (ii) You fail
to pay the monthly fee for Your account; (iii) Your account You/Your
is changed to another type of account with Your account The holder(s) of an Ultimate Reward Current Account.
provider; (iv) Your account comes under the management Your Family
of Your account provider’s collections and recoveries You, Your spouse, Your civil partner (as defined in Section
department; or (v) Your residential address is no longer in the 1 of the Civil Partnership Act 2004) or the person (whether
UK. You have the right to cancel Your policy by giving Us or not of the same sex) with whom You are permanently
notice that You wish to cancel. We may cancel Your policy cohabiting in a marriage-like relationship, children (including
or change Your policy wording by giving You 30 days’ notice adopted and foster children) and relatives or domestic staff
in writing. If Your policy ends for any reason, You will not be who normally live with You.
entitled to a refund of any fees and/or premium paid for the
cover provided under Your policy. The insurer
This policy is underwritten by Inter Partner Assistance SA
Words with special meanings (IPA) which is fully owned by the AXA Assistance Group.
Throughout Your policy wording, certain words are shown Inter Partner Assistance is a Belgian firm authorised by the
in bold type. These words have special meanings which are National Bank of Belgium and subject to limited regulation
listed below. by the Financial Conduct Authority. Details about the extent
of its regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority are
Home available from us on request. Inter Partner Assistance SA (IPA)
The private dwelling shown as Your address on your firm register number is 202664. You can check this on the
Ultimate Reward Current Account with the bank which is Financial Services Register by visiting the website
Your permanent home, is in the UK occupied by You or Your www.fca.org.uk/register or by contacting the Financial
Family and its garages and outbuildings detailed in the deeds Conduct Authority on 0800 111 6768.
of the property (which are solely for domestic purposes).
Making a claim
Home Emergency
1. To obtain emergency assistance call the 24 hour Home
A sudden event that was not expected by any of Your Emergency Helpline on 0345 124 1400.
Family and which needs immediate action to:
2. Ensure You have the following information to hand:
•• make the Home safe or secure
•• Your name and postcode
•• avoid damage or more damage to Your Home
•• Your Ultimate Reward Current Account Number and
•• make Your Home fit to live in branch Sort Code
•• restore electricity, gas or water services to Your Home if •• an indication as to the nature of the problem.
they have totally failed.

How We settle claims Please note, the above contribution may be reduced by
The most We will pay for any single event is up to £250 the costs already reasonably incurred by Our authorised
(including VAT) towards the cost of the qualified person contractor, for the initial visit.
who We choose to deal with the Home Emergency, in This will be in full and final settlement of Your claim.
respect of the call out charge, labour and any materials When We make a repair We will leave Your Home safe and
that are necessary, plus up to £100 towards alternative habitable but We will not be responsible for reinstating it
accommodation. to its original condition, although You may find that this is
covered under your buildings insurance.
Covers The most we will pay for There may also be occasions where parts for Your boiler/
any single event hot water system are no longer available. In these situations
We will ensure Your Home is safe and if appropriate offer
Cost of the qualified £250
You the unable to repair contribution of £250 towards a
person chosen by us to
replacement boiler/hot water system, (see paragraph above
deal with the emergency
starting ‘Unable to repair’). We can also arrange for You
in respect of the call out
to receive a quotation for a replacement boiler/hot water
charge, labour and any
system at Your cost.
materials necessary.
What IS NOT covered
Home Emergency £100
overnight accommodation. •• If you think You have a gas leak, You should immediately
call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999.
•• A fault any member of Your Family knew or should
Policy limits have known about when You took out the policy.
What IS covered •• Systems or structures (for example, central heating)
which have not been installed or fitted by a
•• A Home Emergency that You or any member of Your qualified person.
Family tells Us about.
•• Any claim if Your Home is Unoccupied.
•• If Your Home becomes uninhabitable and remains so
overnight We will reimburse Your accommodation and •• Any claim if Your mains electricity, water or gas supply
related transport costs up to a maximum value of £100 fails or is deliberately cut off by any electricity, water or
provided that You obtain Our express agreement in gas supply company.
advance of such costs being incurred. •• Any claim for water supply pipes outside the walls of
Unable to repair: If we (our authorised contractors) are Your private dwelling.
unable to repair your boiler/hot water system, we will pay •• Any deliberate act of any public or local authority service.
you £250 towards a replacement. This can be claimed on a •• Any deliberate act or omission by any member of Your
reimbursement basis within 180 days of attendance. If we Family, in an attempt to make a false or fraudulent claim
are unable to repair your boiler/hot water system and you under this section.
choose to not replace it, cover under this section will no
longer apply. •• Any claim which is covered by a maintenance
agreement, guarantee or extended warranty contract.
Parts availability •• Any claim because Your central heating boiler fails and
Availability of parts is an important factor in providing is LPG Fuelled, oil fired, warm air, solar heating or boilers
emergency repairs. If Our engineer does not carry the spare with an output over 60kWh.
parts needed on the day of your appointment, We will do •• Septic tanks, guttering and down pipes.
all We reasonably can to find and install parts from Our
approved suppliers. We may use new parts or parts that •• Breakdown or loss of, or damage to, domestic
have been reconditioned by the manufacturer or approved appliances like freezers, washing machines, microwaves
third parties. or other mechanical equipment such as Saniflow toilets.

We may not replace parts on a like for like basis but will •• Any loss where You did not contact Us to arrange repairs.
provide an alternative suitable for containing the emergency. •• Any loss or damage arising from subsidence caused by
However, there may be times when replacement parts are bedding down of new structures, repairs or alterations
delayed because of circumstances beyond Our control. to the property, faulty workmanship, or use of defective
In these cases We will not be able to avoid delays in repair; materials, river or coastal erosion.
We will keep You informed throughout Your claim. •• Any defect, damage or failure caused by:
If the emergency repair costs more than £250. We will require i) modification or attempted repair to all or any part
You to contribute the difference or subject to Our prior of your property by you or your own contractor
agreement and on receipt of your engineer’s fully itemised which results in damage to that or another part of
and paid invoice, We would pay you up to £250 inc. VAT as your property;
a contribution to a repair which You will arrange yourself.

ii) failure to comply with recognised industry standards; –– terrorism. For the purpose of this exclusion,
iii) your or your contractor’s malicious or wilful action, ‘terrorism’ means the use of, or threat of use,
misuse or negligence. of biological, chemical and/or nuclear force or
contamination by any person(s), whether acting
•• Any leaking or dripping tap that requires re-washering alone or on behalf of or in connection with any
or replacing, external overflows or replacement of organisation(s) or government(s), committed
cylinders, tanks, radiators and sanitary ware. for political, religious, ideological or similar
•• Any burst or leaking flexible hoses which can be isolated purposes including the intention to influence any
or leaking washing appliances. government(s) or put any section of the public
•• De-scaling and any work arising from hard water scale in fear; or
deposits or from damage caused by aggressive water –– pressure waves caused by aircraft or indirectly
or sludge resulting from corrosion. Signs that work is or other flying objects moving at or above the
needed may include a noisy boiler, sludged up pipes or speed of sound.
poor circulation. •• Any loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from
•• Replacement of light bulbs and fuses in plugs. pollution or contamination which was:
•• Lost keys for outbuildings, garages and sheds. –– a result of an intentional act; or
•• Vermin outside the private dwelling e.g. garages and –– expected or should have been expected; or
other outbuildings. –– not sudden; or
•• Where the account holders tenancy agreement has a –– not during any Insurance Period.
requirement for the tenant to report emergencies to
the home owner or the managing agent to instruct the •• Uninsurable Risks:
appropriate contractor. –– wear, tear and depreciation; and
•• Any cost relating to the repair or attempted repair not –– any loss or damage caused by wet or dry rot; and
carried out by Us. –– any loss or damage caused by fungus, woodworm,
•• We will not provide cover, pay any claim or provide any beetles, moths, insects or Vermin; and
benefit if doing so would expose us to any sanction, –– mechanical or electrical fault or breakdown; and
prohibition or restriction under United Nations
resolutions or the trade or economic sanctions, laws or –– any process of cleaning, dyeing, renovating, altering,
regulations of the European Union, United Kingdom or re-styling, repair or restoring; and
United States of America. –– anything which occurs gradually, or deteriorates
over a period of time or has reached the end of its
General conditions applying to Your policy useful life.
•• Your policy is only available to persons resident in the •• We will not provide cover for any loss or damage that
UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man. occurred prior to the start of Your policy.
•• You and Your Family must take all reasonable steps to
prevent loss or damage to everything which is covered Complaints procedure
under this policy. You can complain about Home Emergency by calling
•• You must keep all buildings and all the property covered 01737 815 913 or you can email us at:
in good condition and repair. homeemergencycomplaints@axa-assistance.co.uk cover or
by writing to Customer Services Administration, Inter Partner
•• Failure to take all reasonable steps to prevent loss Assistance SA (IPA), The Quadrangle, 106–118 Station Road,
or damage will result in a deduction from any Redhill, Surrey RH1 1PR United Kingdom. We will deal with
claim payment, or may result in Your claim being your dissatisfaction as soon as We can and try to reach an
declined in full. amicable resolution. If a complaint is not settled, You may
be able to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service who
General exclusions applying to Your policy
will undertake an independent and impartial review of your
•• Any loss or damage caused, or allowed to be caused complaint. The address is The Financial Ombudsman Service,
deliberately or wilfully, by any of Your Family, a paying Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR or email:
guest or tenant. complaint.info@financial-ombusman.org.uk
•• Any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by: Website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk
–– ionising radiation or radioactive contamination from If You make a complaint, it will not affect Your right to take
any nuclear fuel or waste which results from the legal action.
burning of nuclear fuel; or
–– the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other dangerous
properties of nuclear machinery or any part of it; or
–– war, invasion or revolution; or

Data Protection and how Your information
will be used
Please read the paragraphs below, which define how We use
information about You for the purpose of providing You
with insurance services and additional products and services.
We appreciate the importance of the protection,
confidentiality and security of Your information.

Personal Information
You agree that We may:
a) disclose and use information about You and Your
insurance cover to companies within the AXA group of
companies, to its service providers and agents in order
to administer and service Your insurance cover.
b) monitor and/or record Your telephone calls in relation
to cover to ensure consistent servicing levels and
account operation;
c) undertake all of the above within and outside the
United Kingdom and the European Union. This includes
processing Your information in other countries in which
data protection laws are not as comprehensive as in the
European Union. However, We have taken appropriate
steps to ensure the same (or equivalent) level of
protection for Your information in other countries, as
there is in the European Union.
If You want to know what information is held about You
by Inter Partner Assistance or AXA Assistance, please
write to Us at:
Data Protection Officer
The Quadrangle
106-118 Station Road
Redhill RH1 1PR
There may be a charge for this service, as permitted by
law. Any information which is found to be incorrect will be
corrected promptly. Information about You is only held for
so long as it is appropriate for the above.

Card Cancellation service

Terms and conditions of the Card and Driving Licence Number. We can then provide you
Cancellation service with these document numbers should you need them
for any reason in the future.
1. General information:
It is important that you check the card numbers you are
This service is included as a benefit of your Ultimate registering are correct as any errors may cause delays to
Reward Current Account. The cost of this Card you during the loss notification process.
Cancellation service is included as part of your standard
monthly account fee. 2.2 Reporting lost or stolen cards:

We recommend that you review the benefits of this If your cards are lost or stolen, please call as soon
service to ensure it continues to meet your needs. If as possible:
you or Halifax close your account, or Halifax terminates •• To report your cards lost or stolen in the UK call 0345
the service provided through your account, the service 124 1400
will stop immediately unless you are moving from one •• To report your cards lost or stolen whilst abroad
qualifying account to another. +44 (0) 1495 28 12 97
This Card Cancellation service is provided by Citymain This service is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
Administrators Ltd (part of the SPB UK & Ireland Group 365 days a year.
Companies), registered in England and Wales, Company
No: 03979666. Registered office: Enterprise House, When you call, we will complete a loss report on
Isambard Brunel Road, Portsmouth, PO1 2RX. Citymain your behalf and contact your relevant card issuer(s) to
Administrators Ltd are referred to as (we/us) in the request your cards to be cancelled and re-issued to you.
terms and conditions which follow. Should any of your card issuers require you to contact
them separately we will notify you accordingly.
2. Scope of service:
3. Our liability:
Card Cancellation service gives you a 24/7 helpline to
cancel lost or stolen cards and sort out replacements in In order to enable us to provide this service, we will
just one call. It provides assistance for cards registered in rely on you giving us accurate information about your
the account holder(s) name only. You can also securely cards and on the card issuers accepting and carrying
register your passport and driving licence numbers with out our request to cancel and replace those cards on
us for easy access should you lose them. your behalf.

NOTE: No insurance cover is included with this service This service does not cover any costs associated with a
which means it does not provide you with any cover card loss, such as any fees charged by your card issuer in
for any financial loss incurred due to the loss or theft connection with lost or stolen cards, including but not
of your cards. limited to any amounts which you may have to pay for
a replacement card, and/or any courier costs associated
2.1 Registering Your Cards: with delivering an emergency replacement card to you.
It is not compulsory for you to register your cards but if It is also important to note that as there is no insurance
you do choose to register your cards with us it will make cover included with this service, we have no liability for
it quicker and easier for us to complete a loss report any financial loss incurred due to the loss or theft of
on your behalf if they ever go missing. Register all your your cards.
financial cards, including credit, debit, bank and building The service will be provided to you in accordance with
society cards and store cards. We recommend you do these terms and will be carried out with reasonable
this as soon as possible. You can do this by calling 0345 skill and care.
124 1400 or +44 (0) 1495 28 12 97 if you’re abroad and
have your cards to hand. Make sure you register any We cannot be liable or responsible for any failure or
additional account holder’s cards too. delay in performance of the services that is caused by
an event occurring outside of our control. This means an
And if your card details change, it is important to let us event beyond our reasonable control, including without
know as soon as possible. Up to date records of your limitation strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action
cards makes it easier for us to make a loss report on by third parties, civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist
your behalf so that we can take steps to cancel your attack or threat of terrorist attack, war (whether declared
cards as soon as possible with your card issuer(s). These or not) or threat or preparation for war, fire, explosion,
can be updated over the phone. storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or
You also have the option of registering your Passport other natural disaster, or failure of public or private

telecommunications networks or impossibility of the use •• driving licence and passport numbers;
of railways, shipping, aircraft, motor transport or other •• records of any correspondence with you regarding
means of public or private transport. any specific enquiry you make.
Nothing in these terms will affect any other rights you The information you provide will be used by us
may have in law. The laws that will apply to this service to supply you with the services. We may use the
are the laws of England and Wales. information to contact you to obtain your views and
4. Already benefit from a card cancellation service? feedback on the service and to let you know about
You may want to check the details of any card important changes to the services we offer and
cancellation service you may already have with another for statistical analysis. We may anonymise personal
provider against the Card Cancellation service we information and provided individuals are not and cannot
offer with your account to ensure you are not paying be identified from data by itself or when combined
unnecessarily for the same service. with any other data held by us or other persons as
relevant, that data will not be subject to this notice or
5. How to complain: data protection laws. We may use anonymised data for
We set high standards and seek to provide levels of analysis of statistical trends.
service that you have the right to expect. However, We may contact you by post, telephone or email in
things can go wrong and if they do, we want you to relation to this service. Your information will not be
tell us about them. If you have a complaint about this used or disclosed other than in accordance with this
service please let us know: privacy policy, or without your permission, unless
•• Call us on 0333 999 7940 or, required by law. If you would prefer us not to contact
•• Write to the Customer Relations Manager at you to obtain your views and feedback on the service
Citymain Administrators Ltd, Enterprise House, or you change your mind in the future and would like us
Isambard Brunel Road, Portsmouth, PO1 2RX or, to stop contacting you for this purpose, please write to:
Citymain Administrators Ltd, Enterprise House, Isambard
•• Email us at customerrelations@citymain.com Brunel Road, Portsmouth, PO1 2RX.
We aim to resolve any issues as quickly as possible and We may co-operate with the Police and any other
you will be advised of our complaints process at the relevant authorities or organisations in connection with
time of contact, alternatively you may request a copy of any misuse or suspected misuse of the services provided
our complaints process at any time by contacting us on by us or any member of our group of companies. If
the options above. necessary, we may divulge information about you for
6. Changes to the service this purpose. You have a right to ask for a copy of the
The document tells you what you need to know about data held about you and you may ask us to make any
this service. These terms and conditions can be subject necessary changes to ensure that it is accurate and
to change from time to time. You will be provided with kept up to date. If you wish to do this, please either
at least two months notice of any change by letter or write to: Citymain Administrators Ltd, Enterprise House,
electronically, in statement messages or inserts or in any Isambard Brunel Road, Portsmouth, PO1 2RX or email us
other way which is sent to you individually. at customerrelations@citymain.com. We are entitled by
law to charge you a fee of £10.00 to meet our costs in
7. Data Protection – Your Information providing you with details of the information we hold
Citymain Administrators Ltd (part of the SPB UK & about you.
Ireland Group Companies), whose registered office is We employ security measures to protect your
Enterprise House, Isambard Brunel Road, Portsmouth, information from access by unauthorised persons and
PO1 2RX, is committed to preserving the privacy of our against unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction
customers. Please read the following privacy policy to and damage. We will retain your information for a
understand how we will use and protect the information reasonable period or as long as the law requires. Any
that you provide to us. changes to our privacy policy will be notified to you in
This service is included as a benefit of your Ultimate the appropriate way. All comments, queries and requests
Reward Current Account and therefore you consent to relating to our use of your information are welcomed
the collection, sharing of and use of your information and should be addressed as specified above.
under the terms of this privacy policy with your account
provider. We will also share your information with your
card issuer when making a loss report on your behalf. We
may collect, use and share the following information:
•• your name and contact information (including e-mail
address and mobile phone number) and any other
contact details;
•• your date of birth;
•• financial information including card details;

Key policy differences

The tables below provide a summary of the key differences between the cover provided as part of the Ultimate Reward
Current Account and our standalone policies for Halifax Travel, Home and Motor Insurance.
To ensure you don’t have more cover than you need, you may wish to review the terms and conditions of any similar policies
you hold with either us or any other provider.

Halifax Travel Insurance – 0345 723 3343

Cover provided with your Ultimate Reward Cover provided with your Halifax Travel
Current Account Insurance policy

Travel •• Cover ceases on your 71st birthday •• Maximum age 75. USA, Canada, Mexico,
Maximum age limit Caribbean, China, Hong Kong and Singapore
cover maximum age 65

Policy Excess •• £50 per successful claim •• £50 per incident (£250 legal expenses
excess). With the option to remove or
increase policy excess (applies to all
sections except legal expenses)

Cancellation limits •• £5,000 •• £5,000 as standard, with option to increase

to £10,000 or decrease to £1,000

Policy Cover •• Personal Baggage, Personal Money, Winter •• Option to include Personal Baggage, Personal
Sports and Golf Cover inclusive Money, Winter Sports and Golf Cover

Halifax Motor Insurance – 08009 17 17 91

Cover provided with your Ultimate Reward Cover provided with your Halifax
Current Account Motor Insurance

Breakdown Cover Ultimate Reward Current Account account Policy holders are covered and anyone driving
holders are covered as a driver or passenger in or riding as a passenger in the insured vehicle
any car within the specified limits with the permission of the policy holder

Halifax Home Insurance – 0345 600 6001

Cover provided with your Ultimate Reward Cover provided with your Halifax
Current Account Home Insurance

Mobile phone cover •• Phone up to a maximum original cost or •• Phone up to £500, covering you and your
value of £2,000 family living at the property
•• The following phone accessories: •• Airtime up to £25
case, screen protector, headphones or •• Informing costs £25
bluetooth headset up to £250
•• Covers the account holders (maximum
of 2 people)

Home emergency cover

We will pay for:
•• A qualified person •• £250 •• £1,000
chosen by us to deal
with an emergency
in your home
•• Overnight •• £100 •• £250
accommodation if your
home is uninhabitable

Home emergency purchased alongside Halifax Home Solutions (available from 12th September 2011)

Cover provided with your Ultimate Reward Cover provided with your Home
Current Account Emergency policy purchased alongside
your Home Solutions policy

Home emergency cover

We will pay for:
•• A qualified person •• £250 •• £1,000
chosen by us to deal
with an emergency
in your home
•• Overnight •• £100 •• £250
accommodation if your
home is uninhabitable

Do you need
extra help?
If you’d like this in Braille, large Our promise
Our promise is to do our best to resolve any
print, audio CD or another problem you have immediately. Where we
format please ask in branch. can’t, we’ll ensure you know who is dealing
with your complaint. To complain:
If you have a hearing or speech
impairment you can contact us •• Visit a branch and speak to any member
of the team.
using the Next Generation Text
(NGT) Service or via Textphone •• Call us on 0800 072 9779 or
0113 366 0167. (Textphone
on 0345 732 3436 (lines are open 0800 389 1286 or 0113 366 0141,
seven days a week, 9am to 5.30pm). if you have a hearing impairment).
If you’re Deaf you can also use •• Write to us at Halifax, PO Box 761,
BSL and the SignVideo service at Leeds LS1 9JF.
halifax.co.uk/accessibility/signvideo •• Or visit halifax.co.uk/contactus/
If you’re still not happy and we can’t put
things right to your satisfaction, you can ask
the Financial Ombudsman Service to look at
your complaint – provided you have tried to
resolve the matter directly with us first. We
hope you won’t need to contact the Financial
Ombudsman Service but if you do, we’ll tell
you how to do this.


Apple and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Mobile Banking Services are available to UK personal Online Banking customers. Our app currently requires iOS 7.0 or
above, or Android 4.1 or above, but the minimum operating system requirement may change in the future. The app does
not work on jailbroken or rooted devices. Online Banking registration is required. Terms and conditions apply.
Android/Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the
U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.
Halifax is a division of Bank of Scotland plc, Registered in Scotland No. SC327000. Registered Office: The Mound, Edinburgh
EH1 1YZ. Bank of Scotland plc is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct
Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority under registration number 169628.

It’s easy to
get in touch
Come in and see us

See page 31 for all the important

numbers you may need. Telephone
calls may be monitored or recorded



Account number: Sort code:

Contact us:
Insurance benefits/claims: 0345 124 1400
From overseas: +44 (0)1495 28 12 97
AA Breakdown Assistance: 08000 51 22 48
Telephone Banking: 0345 720 3040
Order travel money: 0345 246 0006

Telephone calls may be monitored or recorded.

Your contact card

All the numbers you need. All in one place.
We know you can’t carry this account guide with you everywhere you go. So here’s a handy pocket-sized contacts card to
help you stay in touch. Just pop it out and keep it with you.
Then if you need any help or advice with your Ultimate Reward Current Account just look here for the number you need.

The Terms and Conditions on pages 30-58 have been clarity-checked and awarded the
Clear English Standard by Plain Language Commission (www.clearest.co.uk). 1/3360041-1 (11/17)

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