The Kadosh (Set Apart) Names
The Kadosh (Set Apart) Names
The Kadosh (Set Apart) Names
We are in the age of the church when the Heavenly Father wants to complete the restoration of the tabernacle of
David. This is in preparation for His Son to rule in the millennial reign. The Tabernacle of David in scripture refers to
the restoration of the Hebrew ways to the church lost and made to denounce by the Catholic Church. I heard a pastor
explain transition of the present day church from the falling away of the Catholic church based on the doctrines of man;
to the just shall live by faith of Martin Luther; the importance of being born again by the Baptists; to the baptism of the
Holy Spirit by the Pentecostals; and the importance of the gifts of the Spirit by the Charismatic movement.
The next transition of truth and knowledge to come is the realization of the importance of keeping the ways of the
Hebrew beginning with the set apart names. We all know that the Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew.
Everywhere in the OT that we see “lord” capitalized, it translates to the Father’s name, YAHWEH. In the Interlinear Bible
it reads YAHWEH in the Hebrew. In the Strong’s Concordance it is translated Yehovah, but the translation of the Hebrew
is incorrect. Still it shows that the Father had a name.
Amos 9.11 – “In that day I shall return and rebuild the Booth of David which has fallen down. And I shall repair its
breaches and rise up its ruins. And I shall build it as in the days of old.” Acts 15.16-17 - “After this I shall return and
rebuild the Booth of David which has fallen down. And I shall rebuild its ruins and I shall set it up, so that the remnant of
mankind shall seek YAHWEH, even all the gentiles on whom My Name has been called says YAHVEH who is doing all
In Webster’s dictionary YAHWEH is defined as the name of the Hebrew god and refers to the Tetragrammaton.
YAHWEH was taken out of the scriptures by the Hebrews and replaced with the title adonai because they thought the
name YAHWEH was too sacred to utter. This later translated to the English word lord, but its actual meaning is master.
This hardly begins to define the fullness of our Creator. This word was actually used by the Jews from the Canaanites for
the name of one of their main deities, Baal.
Baal in Strong’s Concordance #1167 – literally lord or master…The Israelites sometimes became contaminated with the
worship of a false deity of the Canaanites named Baal. Because of its use for the Canaanite deities and because it
implied ownership rather than relationship, YAHWEH dissociated Himself from use of the term. In the NT or Messianic
scriptures the messiah refers to Baal as satan.
MattithYAH (Matthew) 10.25 – “it is enough for the taught ones to become like his teacher, and a servant like
his master. If they have called the master of the house Baal (Be’el)’zebul, how much more those of his
Be’elzebul in Strong’s Concordance #1176 – (Hebrew) – Baal (lord) master of the fly.
(Greek) #3954 – Beelzebub-dung-god; a name of satan. Scripture addresses the importance of the set apart names
and against the name of Baal.
YirmeYAH (Jeremiah) 23.27 – “…who try to make My people forget My Name by their dreams which everyone
relates to his neighbor as their fathers forgot My Name for Baal?”(Lord)
HosheYAH (Hosea) 2. 16-17 – “And it shall be in that day, declares YAHWEH, that you call Me ‘My Husband,’ and no
longer call Me ‘My Baal.” And I shall remove the names of the Baal’s from her mouth and shall no more be remembered
by their name.”
YAHezkEL (Ezekiel) 35.20,23 – “And when they came to the gentiles, wherever they went they profaned My set apart
Name for it was said of them, “these are the people of YAHVEH, and yet they have gone out of this land.” And I shall
set apart My Great Name, which has been profaned among the gentiles, which you have profaned in their midst. And
the gentiles shall know that I Am YAHVEH, when I am set apart in your eyes.”
YAHWEH wants to be set apart in your eyes by having His kadosh Name restored!
YAHezkel 39:7 – “And I shall make My set apart Name be known in the midst of My people. Y’srael, and not let My
set apart Name be profaned anymore. And the gentiles shall know that I am YAHVEH, the set apart One in Y’srael.”
You may think the name is only for the children of Y’srael, but if you are a follower of the Messiah then you have been
grafted in, and YAHVEH is your EL (mighty one). EL is the Hebrew word for g-d.
The Messiah followed the Hebrew ways and set the example of us to follow as well.
Galatians 6.15-16 – “For in Messiah YAHSHUAH neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any strength, but a
renewed creature. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace and compassions be upon them and upon the
Y’srael of EL.” (See also 1 Corinthians 7.19 (one who keeps the commands and also Romans 2.26-29 as well as 2
Corinthians 5.17.
True believers need to be aware they may be in a position of breaking one of the Ten Commandments by continuing
to use lord, god and Jesus for the kadosh names.
Shemoth (Exodus) 20.7 – “You shall not take the name of YAHWEH your EL in vain, for YAHVEH will not hold him guiltless
that takes His name in vain.”
We need to realize that “take” in this text means replace and by replacing the Father and Son’s name with another is
breaking the 3rd commandment.
The Old Testament prophets spoke Hebrew and the Messiah and the apostles spoke Hebrew and Aramaic, a form of
Acts 26.14 – “And when we had all fallen to the ground, I heard a voice speaking to me, and saying in the Hebrew
language ‘Sha’ul, Sha’ul,’ why do you persecute me? It is hard for you to kick against the prods?”
Acts 21.40 – “And having given him permission, Sha’ul, standing on the stairs motioned with his hand to the people. And
when there was a great silence, he spoke in the Hebrew language saying…”
Acts 22.2 – “And when they heard that he spoke to the in the Hebrew language they kept their silence.”
People think that the Breet Khadeshah (NT) was written in Greek and that the people of that time spoke Greek. The
Greek spoke Greek but the Semites spoke Hebrew/Aramaic. They were the ones writing the Scriptures, and writing to
the Yahudeem (Jews) following Messiah and to the gentiles. The above scriptures prove this. When the NT was
translated from Greek, the Greeks replaced the Hebrew name of the Messiah. They changed it with the name of one of
the Greek gods, Iesous. The authoritative ‘Greek-English Lexicon’of Liddell & Scott, under IAS: the Greek goddess of
healing reveals that the name ‘Iaso’ is ‘Ieso’ in the Ionic dialect of the Greeks.
“Iesous” being the contracted genitive form, In David Dravitz, ‘Dictionary of Greek and Roman Mythology’ we find a
similar form, namely ‘Iasus’. There were four different Greek deities with the name Iasus, one of them being the son of
Rhea. She was the wife of Zeus, hence Iesous, the son of Zeus. Further it is well known the “Ies’ is the abbreviated form
of the name “Iesous” and Dr. Ballinger in “The Apocalypse’. Pg. 396 says “Ies’ was part of the name Bacchus! (another
name for Satan) The letter “j” was not even introduced to the English vocabulary until the late 1600’s. The first
translation of the King James Bible was entitled ‘The 1611 Version’. In this version there is no “j” and so the name of the
Messiah was printed ‘Iesous’. The word God comes from Gad apart from Gad the son of Ya’akob.
The astrologers of Babel called Jupiter (Zeus) by the name of ‘Gad’. He was also well known among the Canaanites
where his name was often coupled with Baal. Baal Gad, which according to the Massoretic text vowel pointing in the
Book of Yahoshuah (Joshua) is pronounced Baal God. This same name is discovered in the ancient Germanic languages
as ‘Gott, Guda, Gade, Gad, and Gade.’ Searching further back into its Indo-Germanic root, we find that it traces back to
the GHODH which means “union” even “sexual union.” No wonder that meaning is still used in the Dutch and German
‘gade’. This information was taken from “Explanatory Notes in ‘The Scriptures’, a Messianic Bible.
We as followers use the Hebrew words halleluiah and amen, and these words were not changed. Also the title of
Satan is Satan in Hebrew. Why should we change the name of the Father and His Son? They were changed as an
attempt by the father of lies to deceive those who desire to do what is right, and to do all he can to desecrate the
kadosh names.
This article is a challenge to desire the truth beyond what man has taught. It is time to enter where we may worship
the Father in spirit and truth. Let’s not be guilty of receiving revelation and then seal it off as in past movements. May
your heart be open to this truth as we approach the fulfillment of the restoration of the Tabernacle of David? Allow
your heart to be prepared for His Kingdom to come!