The Level of Returns
The Level of Returns
The Level of Returns
we Filipinos insist on putting our money despite the negative real interest rates.
projected returns are designed to account for these blips to the average wind speed or solar radiation.
Overall, the blow of the wind is predictable and so is daylight from the sun.
3. The low risk of the technology failing
o Renewable technologies are relatively new, but they are pretty.
because fossil fuels are a finite resource, and as any budding economist knows, a dwindling supply of
any good or service pushes up its price.
o It is getting to that point where there are enough panels and turbines (and hydro plants) that could
potentially lead to higher bills, but this is a short-term phenomenon and far less damaging than the
long-term fossil fuel curve of rising, rising, rising, until it runs out. And no amount of subsidy is going to
pay for the Earth to produce more oil and gas for us to extract.
o On the thorny issue of climate change, even if you don’t believe that the planet is getting warmer, few
deny the harmful effects of carbon dioxide (CO2) on the balance of the planet’s ecosystem.
o Imagine if your lungs were being pumped full of CO2 – you wouldn’t last long. If we can stop pumping
out that CO2 at such an alarming rate, the planet will breathe a little easier.
havoc wreaked by payday loans, for example. Long-term means building something worthwhile, not
cutting and running. And renewable energy investments are long-term.