Troubleshooting G3412

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Configuration: G3412 Generator Set KAP00001-UP

Testing and Adjusting

G3406 and G3412 Engines
Media Number -RENR5953-05 Publication Date -01/09/2013 Date Updated -26/09/2013


SMCS - 1000

For basic troubleshooting of the engine, perform the following steps first in order to diagnose a

1. Gather information about the complaint from the operator.

2. Verify that the complaint is not due to normal engine operation. Verify that the complaint is
not due to error of the operator.

3. Perform a visual inspection. Inspect the following items:

◦ Fuel supply

◦ Oil level

◦ Coolant level

◦ Wiring

◦ Electrical connectors

If these inspections do not reveal any problems, identify the probable causes of the symptoms.

The cause of a problem only provides an indication of the location of a possible problem.
Conditions such as poor fuel quality or improperly adjusted components can cause some engine
symptoms. All of the probable causes and recommended repairs cannot be provided. Additional
work beyond the recommendation may be needed. A problem is not normally caused by a single
part. Most problems involve the relationships of parts.

Be sure to check the electrical connectors. This is specially true for problems that are intermittent.
Narrow the probable cause. Consider the operator information, the conditions of operation, and the
history of the engine. Service personnel may remember similar complaints which were corrected
by a previous method of troubleshooting. However, a similar complaint can have a different cause. 20/12/2017
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Operator Information
Obtain the following information from the operator:

• The problem and the time of the occurrence

• Determine the conditions for the occurrence. Refer to "Data Sheet".

• Determine if there are any systems that were installed by the dealer or the customer that
could cause the symptom.

• Determine whether any other symptoms happened in addition to the problem.

Note: If the problem only occurs under certain operating conditions (high idle, full load, engine
operating temperature, etc), test the engine under those conditions.

Other Symptoms
If other symptoms occurred in addition to the problem, determine whether the other symptoms are
related to the problem. Determine whether the symptoms and the problem have a probable cause
that is common.

Report the Service Information

After you have successfully repaired the engine, it is important to provide good information about
the repair. The following topics are recommended for your report:

Complaint - Include a description of the customer's complaint in the report.

Cause - Provide a specific description of the cause of the failure. Include the method that was
used in order to diagnose the problem. For example, a visual inspection revealed abrasion of a
wire in a harness. Be specific: testing of the engine produced power below specifications at 1800
rpm due to the loss of an ignition transformer.

Repair - Explain your repair of the problem. For example, you may have installed a new wiring
harness. You may have replaced the ignition transformer per instructions from the factory.

Providing complete, accurate information will help Caterpillar provide better service to you and to
the customer.

Data Sheet
To help troubleshoot a gas engine, complete the information in Table 1. Be sure to include the
units of measurement.

Table 1
Data Sheet for Troubleshooting
Customer and installation
Engine model and driven equipment 20/12/2017
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Engine serial number Application

Service hours Compression ratio Altitude Ignition timing
Methane number of Pressure to the
LHV of fuel Fuel rate
fuel regulator
Differential pressure of the Brand of oil and
regulator type of oil
Engine rpm Throttle angle Detonation level Air restriction
Location of
Inlet manifold air Inlet manifold air
temperature probe
pressure temperature

Turbocharger left Turbocharger left Exhaust stack

boost pressure exhaust
right right pressure
Exhaust stack Brand of exhaust
% O2 PPM of NOx PPM of CO
temperature analyzer

Cylinder (1) (3) (15)

(5) (7) (9) (11) (13)
port (4) (16)
temperatures (2) (6) (8) (10) (12) (14)

Aftercooler in in in
Jacket water Engine oil
out temperature out temperature out

Problem with the CAT Digital Ignition System

For information on troubleshooting the CAT Digital Ignition System, refer to the appropriate

• Special Instruction, REHS0880, "Installation of the CAT Digital Ignition System for G3406

• Special Instruction, REHS0476, "Installation Instructions for the CAT Digital Ignition
System for G3408 and G3412 Engines"

Problem with the Electronic Ignition System (EIS)

For information on troubleshooting the EIS, refer to Electronic Troubleshooting, SENR6535, "
G3408C & G3412C Engines".

The Engine Will Not Crank 20/12/2017
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Probable Causes

• Batteries and/or battery cables

• Low air pressure

• Static load

• Starting motor solenoid and/or starting circuit

• Starter motor pinion or flywheel ring gear

• Starting motor

• Electrical circuit for the oil pressure switch

• Internal mechanical problem

Recommended Repairs

Batteries and/or Battery Cables

1. Inspect the main power switch, battery posts, and battery cables for loose connections and
corrosion. If the battery cables are corroded, remove the battery cables and clean the battery
cables. Tighten any loose connections.

2. Inspect the batteries. Make sure that the capacity of the batteries is sufficient.

a. Charge the batteries. Refer to Special Instruction, SEHS7633, "Battery Test


b. Load test the batteries. Refer to Special Instruction, SEHS9249, "Use of 4C-4911
Battery Load Tester for 6, 8 and 12 Volt Lead Acid Batteries".

Low Air Pressure

Determine the cause of the low air pressure. Inspect the air lines for leaks. Repair any leaks in the
air lines.

Static Load

Make sure that the driven equipment is not preventing the crankshaft from turning. Try to turn the
crankshaft by hand. If necessary, disengage the driven equipment and test the engine.

Starting Motor Solenoid or Starting Circuit

All of the wiring for the starting circuit must be adequately sized. Check the wiring to the starting
motor solenoid. Test the operation of the starting motor solenoid. If the solenoid does not operate
properly, install a new solenoid.

Starter Motor Pinion or Flywheel Ring Gear 20/12/2017
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If the pinion engages the flywheel but the flywheel does not turn, there may be a problem with the
starting motor. If the starting motor turns but the flywheel does not turn, inspect the gear teeth, the
clutch jaws, or other parts.

Inspect the pinion and the flywheel ring gear for damage. If the teeth of the pinion and/or the
flywheel ring gear are worn or broken, replace the parts.

If the pinion does not engage correctly with the flywheel, the pinion shaft may be stuck. Remove
the pinion. Grease the splines of the drive shaft and the pinion.

If the pinion does not engage the flywheel, the clutch jaws may be broken.

Starting Motor

Inspect the starting motor for worn parts.

Before you remove the starting motor, turn the crankshaft by hand. Ensure that a mechanical
failure inside the engine is not preventing the crankshaft from turning. If the crankshaft will turn
by hand, try the starting motor again. If the starting motor does not turn the crankshaft, remove the
starting motor. Repair the starting motor or replace the starting motor.

Electrical Circuit for the Oil Pressure Switch

Inspect the electrical circuit of the oil pressure switch. Inspect the wiring for good condition and
secure connections. Repair the wiring or replace the wiring.

If there is a problem with a switch, replace the switch.

Internal Mechanical Problem

If the crankshaft will not turn and the driven equipment is disengaged, remove the spark plugs.
Check for fluid in the cylinders. If this is not the problem, the engine must be disassembled in
order to investigate internal mechanical problems. Possible internal problems include the
following conditions:

• Bearing seizure

• Piston seizure

• Valve and piston contact

The Engine Cranks but the Engine Does Not Start

Refer to "The Engine Starts but the Engine Stalls Immediately".

The Engine Starts but the Engine Stalls Immediately

Probable Causes

• Fuel supply 20/12/2017
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• Electrical connectors or power supply

• Speed sensor

• Engine speed/timing sensor

• Ignition system

• Governor and linkage

• Excessive load

• Incorrect ignition timing

Recommended Repairs

Fuel Supply

Make sure that fuel is supplied at a sufficient pressure that is stable. Make sure that the size of the
fuel line is sufficient. Inspect the fuel system for leaks.

The following conditions can cause the engine to malfunction:

• Low fuel pressure

• High fuel pressure

• Poor fuel quality

Make sure that the fuel pressure is correct. When possible, interview the operator in order to
determine if fuel quality is in question. Try to determine if the source of the fuel was changed.

Inspect the fuel system components: fuel filter, gas pressure regulator, balance line, gas shutoff
valve, fuel valve and actuator for the fuel valve. Verify that the system's components are operating

Replace the fuel filter, if necessary.

Strike the gas pressure regulator with a soft hammer. If the engine speed changes, inspect the
internal parts of the gas pressure regulator for wear. Inspect the gas pressure regulator's diaphragm
for leaks. Make sure that the valve moves freely. The valve must seat correctly.

Make sure that the balance line is secure. Inspect the balance line for plugging.

Electrical Connectors or Power Supply

There may be an intermittent interruption of power. Check the wiring harnesses and the
connectors. Inspect the connectors in the terminal box. Inspect the battery connections and the

Inspect the wiring from the battery to the control modules. Refer to the Electrical System
Schematic. Inspect the wires and the power relay. Check the power and ground connections to the
control modules. 20/12/2017
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Speed Sensor

Make sure that the speed sensor is installed in the flywheel housing according to the engine's
Specifications. Make sure that the wiring and the electrical connections are in good condition.

Engine Speed/Timing Sensor

If the engine speed/timing sensor is not installed correctly or if there is a problem with the
electrical circuit, the engine will not start.

If the engine has started but the signal from the sensor is lost, the engine will stop.

For engines with the CAT Digital Ignition System, refer to Special Instruction, REHS0880,
"Installation of the CAT Digital Ignition System for G3406 Engines" or Special Instruction,
REHS0476, "Installation Instructions for the CAT Digital Ignition System for G3408 and G3412

For engines with the electronic ignition system, refer to Electronic Troubleshooting, SENR6535, "
G3408C & G3412C Engines".

Ignition System

Inspect the ignition transformers for loose connections, moisture, short circuits, and open circuits.
Inspect the primary wiring and the secondary electrical connections.

Make sure that the correct transformers and spark plugs are installed. Inspect the extenders for
signs of pin holes and arcing.

Maintain the spark plug according to the engine's Operation and Maintenance Manual.

Governor and Linkage

Inspect the linkage between the governor and the carburetor. Make sure that the throttle operates
smoothly for the full range of travel. The linkage must have no free play. Lift the linkage to the
upward position and release the linkage. The linkage must drop freely. Adjust the governor, the
linkage, and the carburetor, if necessary.

Excessive Load

Make sure that the load is not excessive. Reduce the load. If necessary, disengage the driven
equipment and test the engine.

Ignition Timing

Note: Data from a fuel analysis is required for this procedure.

Compare the timing to the recommended timing in Engine Performance, LEBQ6483, "G3400
Generator Set", "Fuel Usage Guide".

Adjust the ignition timing according to the recommended timing in Engine Performance,
LEBQ6483, "G3400 Generator Set", "Fuel Usage Guide". 20/12/2017
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The Gas Shutoff Valve is Malfunctioning

Probable Causes

• Incorrect wiring and/or connections

• Problem with the solenoid

• Internal problem with the gas shutoff valve

Recommended Repairs

Wiring and/or Connections

Inspect the gas shutoff valve's wiring for good condition. Make sure that the electrical connections
are secure. Replace parts, if necessary.


If the electrical circuit is OK, there may be a problem with the solenoid. Replace the solenoid.

Gas Shutoff Valve

The gas shutoff valve may have an internal problem. Inspect the diaphragm. Make sure that the
valve does not bind. Obtain a new valve, if necessary.

The Air Starting Motor is Slow

Probable Causes

• Low air pressure

• Excessive load

• Incorrect adjustment of the pressure regulating valve

• Incorrect lubrication

• Problem with the starting motor

Recommended Repairs

Low Air Pressure

Determine the cause of the low air pressure. Inspect the air lines for leaks. Repair any leaks in the
air lines.

Excessive Load 20/12/2017
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Make sure that the load is not excessive. Reduce the load. If necessary, disengage the driven
equipment and test the engine.

Pressure Regulating Valve

Adjust the air supply pressure according to Testing and Adjusting, "Pressure Regulating Valve".


Check the oil level in the lubricator and adjust the lubricator according to the engine's Operation
and Maintenance Manual.

Inspect the fitting of the lubricator to the air line. Make sure that the fitting is tight and free of

Disassemble the lubricator and clean the parts. Inspect the parts for good condition. Replace any
parts that are worn or damaged or replace the lubricator.

Starting Motor

Inspect the starting motor for worn parts.

Before you remove the starting motor, turn the crankshaft by hand. Ensure that a mechanical
failure inside the engine is not preventing the crankshaft from turning. If the crankshaft will turn
by hand, try the starting motor again. If the starting motor does not turn the crankshaft, remove the
starting motor. Repair the starting motor or replace the starting motor.

Misfire, Rough Operation, or Instability

Probable Causes

• Cold cylinder

• Electrical connectors or power supply

• Ignition timing

• Ignition system

• Fuel supply

• Incorrect air/fuel ratio

• Air inlet restriction

• Exhaust restriction

• Governor and linkage

• Incorrect valve lash

• Cylinder head and related components 20/12/2017
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Recommended Repairs

Cold Cylinder

The lack of combustion in a cylinder could be due to a problem with the ignition system. Refer to
"Ignition System".

Electrical Connectors or Power Supply

There may be an intermittent interruption of power. Check the wiring harnesses and the
connectors. Inspect the connectors in the terminal box. Inspect the battery connections and the

Inspect the wiring from the battery to the control modules. Refer to the Electrical System
Schematic. Inspect the wires and the power relay. Check the power and ground connections to the
control modules.

Ignition Timing

Note: Data from a fuel analysis is required for this procedure.

Compare the timing to the recommended timing in Engine Performance, LEBQ6483, "G3400
Generator Set", "Fuel Usage Guide".

Adjust the ignition timing according to the recommended timing in Engine Performance,
LEBQ6483, "G3400 Generator Set", "Fuel Usage Guide".

Ignition System

Inspect the ignition transformers for loose connections, moisture, short circuits, and open circuits.
Inspect the primary wiring and the secondary electrical connections.

Make sure that the correct transformers and spark plugs are installed. Inspect the extenders for
signs of pin holes and arcing.

Maintain the spark plug according to the engine's Operation and Maintenance Manual.

Fuel Supply

Make sure that fuel is supplied at a sufficient pressure that is stable. Make sure that the size of the
fuel line is sufficient. Inspect the fuel system for leaks.

The following conditions can cause the engine to malfunction:

• Low fuel pressure

• High fuel pressure

• Poor fuel quality

Make sure that the fuel pressure is correct. When possible, interview the operator in order to
determine if fuel quality is in question. Try to determine if the source of the fuel was changed. 20/12/2017
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Inspect the fuel system components: fuel filter, gas pressure regulator, balance line, gas shutoff
valve, fuel valve and actuator for the fuel valve. Verify that the system's components are operating

Replace the fuel filter, if necessary.

Inspect the gas pressure regulator's diaphragm for leaks. Make sure that the valve moves freely.
The valve must seat correctly.

Make sure that the balance line is secure. Inspect the balance line for plugging.

Inspect the actuator and the linkage. Make sure that the linkage operates smoothly for the full
range of travel. The linkage must have no free play. Adjust the actuator and the linkage, if

Air/Fuel Ratio

An air/fuel mixture that is too rich or too lean will have an adverse effect on engine operation. A
change in the fuel energy content will change the air/fuel ratio. Obtain a fuel analysis.

The fuel supply pressure must be adequate and stable.

Strike the gas pressure regulator with a soft hammer. If the engine speed changes, inspect the
internal parts of the gas pressure regulator for wear. Inspect the gas pressure regulator's diaphragm
for leaks. Make sure that the valve moves freely. The valve must seat correctly.

Verify that the exhaust emissions are correct.

Inlet Air Restriction

The maximum allowable air inlet restriction is 3.75 kPa (15 inches of H2O). If the indication is
higher than the maximum permissible restriction, clean the filter element or install a new filter
element. Check the restriction again. If the restriction remains too high, inspect the air inlet piping
before the air cleaner for obstructions.

Exhaust Restriction

The maximum allowable exhaust restriction is 3 kPa (12 inches of H2O). Check for restriction in
the exhaust system.

If the difference between the pressure at the exhaust elbow and the atmospheric pressure exceeds
the specification, determine the cause. Make the necessary repairs.

Governor and Linkage

Inspect the linkage between the governor and the carburetor. Make sure that the throttle operates
smoothly for the full range of travel. The linkage must have no free play. Lift the linkage to the
upward position and release the linkage. The linkage must drop freely. Adjust the governor, the
linkage, and the carburetor, if necessary.

Valve Lash 20/12/2017
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Check the valve lash according to Testing And Adjusting, "Valve Lash and Valve Bridge

Cylinder Head and Related Components

Measure the cylinder compression. Refer to the engine's Operation and Maintenance Manual,
"Cylinder Pressure - Measure/Record".

Inspect the components of the valve train for good condition. Check for signs of damage and/or
wear to the valves, cylinder head gasket, etc. Inspect the condition of the camshafts. If a camshaft
is replaced, new valve lifters must be installed.

Detonation and Premature Ignition

Probable Causes

• Incorrect ignition timing

• Incorrect air/fuel ratio

• Deposits in the cylinder

• High inlet manifold air temperature

• Excessive load

• Low methane number

Recommended Repairs

Ignition Timing

Note: Data from a fuel analysis is required for this procedure.

Compare the timing to the recommended timing in Engine Performance, LEBQ6483, "G3400
Generator Set", "Fuel Usage Guide".

Adjust the ignition timing according to the recommended timing in Engine Performance,
LEBQ6483, "G3400 Generator Set", "Fuel Usage Guide".

Air/Fuel Ratio

An air/fuel mixture that is too rich will cause detonation. A change in the fuel energy content will
change the air/fuel ratio. Obtain a fuel analysis.

The fuel supply pressure must be adequate and stable.

Strike the gas pressure regulator with a soft hammer. If the engine speed changes, inspect the
internal parts of the gas pressure regulator for wear. Inspect the gas pressure regulator's diaphragm
for leaks. Make sure that the valve moves freely. The valve must seat correctly.

Verify that the exhaust emissions are correct. 20/12/2017
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Deposits in the Cylinder

Overfilling of engine oil can lead to deposits. Make sure that the engine oil level is correct.

Note: Excessive deposits contribute to guttering of the valves.

Use a borescope to inspect the cylinders. Look for the following conditions:

• Deposits on the valve seats

• Deposits on the valve faces

• Deposits on the cylinder walls that are above the upper limit of the piston stroke

• Signs of internal leaks

Signs of internal leaks include excessive consumption of engine oil, blue smoke, and excessive

If excessive deposits and/or signs of internal leaks are found, investigate the cause of the
condition. Make repairs, as needed.

Inlet Manifold Air Temperature

High inlet air temperature can increase exhaust temperatures. Detonation can also occur. Check
the inlet air temperature.

Refer to "High Inlet Air Temperature".

Excessive Load

Make sure that the load is not excessive. Reduce the load. If necessary, disengage the driven
equipment and test the engine.

Low Methane Number

Fuel that has a lower methane number will ignite sooner than fuel that has a higher methane
number. If the fuel's methane number is less than 30, the air/fuel mixture can ignite prematurely.
Obtain a fuel analysis in order to determine the fuel's methane number.

Low Power
Probable Causes

• Air inlet restriction

• Exhaust restriction

• Incorrect ignition timing

• Fuel supply 20/12/2017
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• Governor and linkage

• Exhaust bypass

• Incorrect valve lash

• Ignition system

• Turbocharger

• Cylinder compression

Recommended Repairs

Air Inlet Restriction

The maximum allowable air inlet restriction is 3.75 kPa (15 inches of H2O). If the indication is
higher than the maximum permissible restriction, clean the filter element or install a new filter
element. Check the restriction again. If the restriction remains too high, inspect the air inlet piping
for obstructions.

Exhaust Restriction

The maximum allowable exhaust restriction is 3 kPa (12 inches of H2O). Check for restriction in
the exhaust system.

If the difference between the pressure at the exhaust elbow and the atmospheric pressure exceeds
the specification, determine the cause. Make the necessary repairs.

Ignition Timing

Note: Data from a fuel analysis is required for this procedure.

Compare the timing to the recommended timing in Engine Performance, LEBQ6483, "G3400
Generator Set", "Fuel Usage Guide".

Adjust the ignition timing according to the recommended timing in Engine Performance,
LEBQ6483, "G3400 Generator Set", "Fuel Usage Guide".

Fuel Supply

Make sure that fuel is supplied at a sufficient pressure that is stable. Make sure that the size of the
fuel line is sufficient. Inspect the fuel system for leaks.

The following conditions can cause the engine to malfunction:

• Low fuel pressure

• High fuel pressure

• Poor fuel quality 20/12/2017
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Make sure that the fuel pressure is correct. When possible, interview the operator in order to
determine if fuel quality is in question. Try to determine if the source of the fuel was changed.

Inspect the fuel system components: fuel filter, gas pressure regulator, balance line, gas shutoff
valve, fuel valve and actuator for the fuel valve. Verify that the system's components are operating

Replace the fuel filter, if necessary.

Inspect the gas pressure regulator's diaphragm for leaks. Make sure that the valve moves freely.
The valve must seat correctly.

Make sure that the balance line is secure. Inspect the balance line for plugging.

Inspect the actuator and the linkage. Make sure that the linkage operates smoothly for the full
range of travel. The linkage must have no free play. Adjust the actuator and the linkage, if

Governor and Linkage

Inspect the linkage between the governor and the carburetor. Make sure that the throttle operates
smoothly for the full range of travel. The linkage must have no free play. Lift the linkage to the
upward position and release the linkage. The linkage must drop freely. Adjust the governor, the
linkage, and the carburetor, if necessary.

Exhaust Bypass

Make sure that the exhaust bypass valve can move properly. Inspect the diaphragm, the exhaust
lines, and the connection to the inlet manifold for leaks. Make sure that the breather is not

Valve Lash

Check the valve lash according to Testing And Adjusting, "Valve Lash and Valve Bridge

Ignition System

Inspect the ignition transformers for loose connections, moisture, short circuits, and open circuits.
Inspect the primary wiring and the secondary electrical connections.

Make sure that the correct transformers and spark plugs are installed. Inspect the extenders for
signs of pin holes and arcing.

Maintain the spark plug according to the engine's Operation and Maintenance Manual.


The turbocharger may have carbon deposits or worn bearings. Inspect the turbocharger.

Cylinder Compression 20/12/2017
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Measure the cylinder compression. Refer to the engine's Operation and Maintenance Manual,
"Cylinder Pressure - Measure/Record".

Excessive Vibration
Probable Causes

• Vibration damper or pulley

• Engine mounts

• Driven equipment

• Misfire, rough operation, or instability

Recommended Repairs

Vibration Damper or Pulley

Inspect the vibration damper for damage. Look for evidence of overheating and leaks. Make sure
that the vibration damper is fastened securely.

Inspect the pulley for good condition and alignment.

Engine Mounts

Inspect the condition of the engine mounts. Look for proper installation. Make sure that the bolts
are secure.

Driven Equipment

Inspect the alignment and the balance of the driven equipment. Inspect the coupling. If necessary,
disconnect the driven equipment and test the engine.

Misfire or Rough Operation

Refer to "Misfire, Rough Operation, or Instability".

Noisy Valve Train

Probable Causes

• Incorrect valve lash

• Insufficient lubrication

• Cylinder head and related components

Recommended Repairs 20/12/2017
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Valve Lash

Check the valve lash according to Testing And Adjusting, "Valve Lash and Valve Bridge

Insufficient Lubrication

Inspect the valve train for sufficient lubrication.

Cylinder Head and Related Components

Measure the cylinder compression. Refer to the engine's Operation and Maintenance Manual,
"Cylinder Pressure - Measure/Record".

Inspect the components of the valve train for good condition. Check for signs of damage and/or
wear to the valves, cylinder head gasket, etc. Inspect the condition of the camshafts. If a camshaft
is replaced, new valve lifters must be installed.

Incorrect Valve Lash

Probable Causes

• Lack of scheduled maintenance

• Cylinder head and related components

Recommended Repairs

Valve Lash

Check the valve lash according to Testing And Adjusting, "Valve Lash and Valve Bridge
Adjustment". Perform this maintenance regularly according to the Operation and Maintenance
Manual, "Maintenance Interval Schedule".

Cylinder Head and Related Components

Measure the cylinder compression. Refer to the engine's Operation and Maintenance Manual,
"Cylinder Pressure - Measure/Record".

Inspect the components of the valve train for good condition. Check for signs of damage and/or
wear to the valves, cylinder head gasket, etc. Inspect the condition of the camshafts. If a camshaft
is replaced, new valve lifters must be installed.

Mechanical Knock
Probable Causes

• Driven equipment

• Cylinder head and related components 20/12/2017
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• Connecting rod bearing

• Gear train

• Crankshaft and related components

• Piston

Recommended Repairs

Driven Equipment

Inspect the alignment and the balance of the driven equipment. Inspect the coupling. If necessary,
disconnect the driven equipment and test the engine.

Cylinder Head and Related Components

Inspect the components of the valve train for good condition. Check for signs of damage and/or
wear to the valves, cylinder head gasket, etc. Inspect the condition of the camshafts. If a camshaft
is replaced, new valve lifters must be installed.

Gear Train

Inspect the condition of the gear train.

Inspect the engine oil filters for nonferrous material. Flaking of nonferrous material could indicate
worn gear train bearings.


Inspect the crankshaft and the related components. Inspect the connecting rod bearings and the
bearing surfaces on the crankshaft. Make sure that the bearings are in the correct position.

Look for worn thrust plates and wear on the crankshaft.

Check the bolts of the counterweights.


Make sure that the piston pin is correctly installed.

Inspect the condition of the pistons according to Guidelines for Reusable Parts and Salvage

Premature Engine Wear

Probable Causes

• Incorrect engine oil

• Contaminated oil 20/12/2017
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• Contaminated inlet air

• Contaminated fuel

• Restriction in a passage for engine oil

Recommended Repairs

Engine Oil

Use engine oil that is recommended and perform the oil change at the interval that is
recommended by the engine's Operation and Maintenance Manual.

To determine whether the engine oil is contaminated, obtain an analysis of the engine oil.

Contaminated Inlet Air

Inspect the engine air cleaner for cleanliness and good condition. Inspect the connections and the
gaskets for the air system.

Contaminated Fuel

Inspect the fuel filter. Replace the fuel filter, if necessary.

Contaminants in the fuel such as hydrogen sulfide, sulfur, and chlorofluorocarbons can lead to the
formation of acids in the crankcase. Obtain a fuel analysis.

Restriction in a Passage for Engine Oil

When some components of the engine show bearing wear in a short time, the cause can be a
restriction in a passage for engine oil.

An indicator for the engine oil pressure may indicate sufficient pressure, but a component is worn
due to a lack of lubrication. In such a case, look at the passage for the engine oil supply to the

Service Life of the Spark Plugs is Reduced

Probable Causes

• Incorrect ignition timing

• Incorrect maintenance of the spark plugs

• High compression ratio

• Excessive load

Recommended Repairs

Ignition Timing 20/12/2017
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Note: Data from a fuel analysis is required for this procedure.

Compare the timing to the recommended timing in Engine Performance, LEBQ6483, "G3400
Generator Set", "Fuel Usage Guide".

Adjust the ignition timing according to the recommended timing in Engine Performance,
LEBQ6483, "G3400 Generator Set", "Fuel Usage Guide".

Spark Plug

Maintain the spark plug according to the engine's Operation and Maintenance Manual.

Cylinder Compression

Deposits in the cylinder can increase the compression ratio.

Measure the cylinder compression. Refer to the engine's Operation and Maintenance Manual,
"Cylinder Pressure - Measure/Record".

Excessive Load

Higher loads reduce the service life of spark plugs. Determine whether the engine has been
operating beyond the recommended rated load.

Excessive Fuel Consumption

Probable Causes

• Fuel leak

• Incorrect ignition timing

• Incorrect air/fuel ratio

Recommended Repairs

Fuel Leak

Inspect the fuel system for leaks.

Ignition Timing

Note: Data from a fuel analysis is required for this procedure.

Compare the timing to the recommended timing in Engine Performance, LEBQ6483, "G3400
Generator Set", "Fuel Usage Guide".

Adjust the ignition timing according to the recommended timing in Engine Performance,
LEBQ6483, "G3400 Generator Set", "Fuel Usage Guide".

Air/Fuel Ratio 20/12/2017
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An air/fuel mixture that is too lean will increase fuel consumption. A change in the fuel energy
content will change the air/fuel ratio. Obtain a fuel analysis.

The fuel supply pressure must be adequate and stable.

Strike the gas pressure regulator with a soft hammer. If the engine speed changes, inspect the
internal parts of the gas pressure regulator for wear. Inspect the gas pressure regulator's diaphragm
for leaks. Make sure that the valve moves freely. The valve must seat correctly.

Verify that the exhaust emissions are correct.

Excessive Consumption of Engine Oil

Probable Causes

• Incorrect engine oil

• Incorrect engine oil level

• High engine oil temperature

• External leak

• Internal leak

• Worn components

• Extended operation with low loads

Recommended Repairs

Incorrect Engine Oil

Use engine oil that is recommended and perform the oil change at the interval that is
recommended by the engine's Operation and Maintenance Manual.

Incorrect Engine Oil Level

Overfilling the crankcase will increase the consumption of engine oil. Make sure that the engine
oil level is correct.

When the engine crankcase is full, engine oil will be initially consumed at a relatively rapid rate.
The rate of consumption is reduced as the engine oil level decreases. A crankcase that is always
maintained at the full level will have a faster rate of consumption.

If the engine has a system for automatically filling the crankcase with engine oil, check the level
for the system. Adjust the system in order to provide engine oil to a level that is less than the full
level. Make sure that the supply of engine oil is adequate.

High Engine Oil Temperature

Make sure that the engine oil cooler is operating properly. 20/12/2017
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If the coolant temperature is too high, refer to "High Coolant Temperature".

External Leak

Check for leakage at the seals at each end of the crankshaft. Look for leakage at the gasket for the
engine oil pan and all lubrication system connections. Look for any leaking from the crankcase
breather. This can be caused by combustion gas leakage around the pistons. A dirty crankcase
breather will cause high pressure in the crankcase. A dirty crankcase breather will cause the
gaskets and the seals to leak.

Measure the crankcase blowby according to the engine's Operation and Maintenance Manual,
"Crankcase Blowby - Measure/Record".

Internal Leak

There are several possible ways for engine oil to leak into the combustion chambers:

• Leakage between worn valve guides and valve stems

• Worn components or damaged components (pistons, piston rings, or dirty passages for
engine oil)

• Incorrect installation of the compression ring and/or the intermediate ring

• Leakage past the seal rings in the turbocharger

• Overfilling of the crankcase

• Incorrect dipstick or guide tube

Signs of internal leaks include high consumption of engine oil, blue smoke, and excessive

If the pistons are suspected, check the cylinder compression. Refer to the engine's Operation and
Maintenance Manual, "Cylinder Pressure - Measure/Record".

Worn Components

Excessively worn engine components and damaged engine components can result from the
following conditions:

• Contaminated engine oil

• Incorrect fuel system settings

• Contamination from the inlet air

Extended Operation with Low Loads

Extended operation at low idle or extended operation at a reduced load will cause increased oil
consumption and carbon buildup in the cylinders. This will occur if the engine is usually operated
at a torque that is significantly below the rated power. 20/12/2017
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The engine can be operated at a low load. However, engine operation at a low load is limited. For
information on operation with a low load, refer to the engine's Operation and Maintenance
Manual, "Engine Operation".

Low Engine Oil Pressure

Probable Causes

• Low engine oil level

• Problem with the engine oil pressure gauge

• Contaminated engine oil

• Improper circulation of the engine oil

• Worn components

Recommended Repairs

Low Engine Oil Level

Check the engine oil level. The engine oil level can possibly be too far below the suction tube for
the engine oil pump. The engine oil pump cannot supply enough lubrication to the engine
components. If the engine oil level is low add engine oil according to the engine's Operation and
Maintenance Manual, "Engine Oil Level - Check".

Engine Oil Pressure Gauge

Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Measuring Engine Oil Pressure". If the engine oil pressure gauge
is incorrect, install a new gauge.

Contaminated Engine Oil

Engine oil that is contaminated with another liquid will cause low engine oil pressure. High engine
oil level can be an indication of contamination. Obtain an analysis of the engine oil. Determine the
reason for contamination of the engine oil and make the necessary repairs. Change the engine oil
and the engine oil filter. For the correct engine oil to use, refer to Operation and Maintenance
Manual, "Engine Oil".

Improper Circulation of the Engine Oil

Several factors could cause improper circulation of the engine oil:

• The engine oil filter is clogged. Replace the engine oil filter.

• An engine oil line or a passage for engine oil is disconnected or broken.

• The engine oil cooler is clogged. Thoroughly clean the engine oil cooler. 20/12/2017
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• There is a problem with a piston cooling jet. Breakage, a restriction, or incorrect installation
of a piston cooling jet will cause seizure of the piston.

• The inlet screen of the suction tube for the engine oil pump can have a restriction. This
restriction will cause cavitation and a loss of engine oil pressure. Check the inlet screen on
the suction tube and remove any material that may be restricting engine oil flow.

• The suction tube is drawing in air. Check the joints of the tube for cracks or a damaged O-
ring seal.

• There is a problem with the engine oil pump. Check the gears of the engine oil pump for
excessive wear. Engine oil pressure is reduced by gears that have too much wear.

Worn Components

Excessive clearance at the crankshaft or camshaft bearings will cause low engine oil pressure.
Also, inspect the clearance between the rocker arm shafts and the rocker arms. Check the engine
components for excessive clearance.

Obtain an analysis of the engine oil. Check the analysis for the level of wear metals in the engine

Coolant in the Engine Oil

Probable Causes

• Engine oil cooler core

• Cylinder head gasket and cylinder head

• Cylinder liner

• Cylinder block

Recommended Repair

Engine Oil Cooler

If coolant is leaking into the lubrication system through the engine oil cooler, replace the engine
oil cooler.

Cylinder Head and Gasket

Inspect the condition of the cylinder head gasket and the cylinder head.

If there is a problem with the cylinder head gasket, make sure that the cylinder liner projection is
correct. Install new water seals in the spacer plate and install a new gasket.

If the cylinder head is cracked, replace the cylinder head. Thoroughly inspect the cooling system
for proper operation.

Cylinder Liner 20/12/2017
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If there is a problem with the seals for the cylinder liner, replace the seals.

If a cylinder liner is cracked, replace the cylinder liner.

Cylinder Block

Inspect the cylinder block for cracks and/or other damage. If a problem is found, install a new
cylinder block.

Engine Oil in the Cooling System

Probable Cause

• Engine oil cooler core

Recommended Repair

If oil is leaking into the cooling system through the engine oil cooler, replace the engine oil cooler.

High Coolant Temperature

Probable Causes

• High ambient temperature and/or high inlet air temperature

• Low coolant level

• Insufficient flow of air or coolant through the radiator or heat exchanger

• Faulty water temperature regulators

• Faulty coolant temperature sensor and/or circuit

• Insufficient flow of coolant through the engine

• Exhaust restriction

• Excessive load

• Incorrect ignition timing

• Incorrect air/fuel ratio

Recommended Repairs

High Ambient Temperature and/or High Inlet Air Temperature

Determine if the ambient air temperature is within the design specifications for the cooling

Check for high inlet air temperature. Refer to "High Inlet Air Temperature". 20/12/2017
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Determine the cause of the high air temperature. Make corrections, when possible.

Low Coolant Level

Note: Low coolant level can be the effect of overheating rather than the cause.

Check the coolant level. Run the engine to operating temperature. Inspect the cooling system for
leaks. Check for possible leaks at the turbocharger, the exhaust manifold, the cylinder head, and
the cylinder liner.

Add coolant, if necessary. If leaking is found, make the necessary repairs.

Insufficient Flow of Air and Coolant Through the Radiator or Heat Exchanger

Inspect the cleanliness of the radiator or heat exchanger.

Check the fins of the radiator for obstructions. If the radiator fins are obstructed, clean the fins.
Check the fan for proper operation. If the fan does not operate properly, make the necessary

Make sure that size of the radiator or the heat exchanger is adequate.

Check the inlet temperature of the coolant. Compare the reading to the regulated temperature. If
the temperature is OK, check the outlet temperature of the coolant. A low temperature differential
indicates an insufficient flow rate.

• Check the water circuit for obstructions.

• Check the water pump for proper operation.

Water Temperature Regulators

The water temperature regulators should not begin to open until jacket water reaches opening
temperature for the regulators. Allow the engine to cool and then start the engine. Check the tube
at the outlet for the jacket water. If the tube is warm and normal operating temperature is not
achieved, a regulator may be stuck open.

Check the water temperature regulators according to Testing and Adjusting, "Testing the Cooling
System". Replace the water temperature regulators, if necessary.

Coolant Temperature Sensor and/or the Circuit

Check the reading of the coolant temperature with an electronic service tool. The temperature
should rise steadily as the engine is warmed. Ensure that the temperature is reasonable.

Compare the reading from the electronic service tool with the reading from the coolant
temperature sensor. If the reading for the coolant temperature is not reasonable, troubleshoot the
electrical circuit and the coolant temperature sensor.

Flow of Coolant Through the Engine

During normal operation, check the status of the sensor for jacket water pressure. 20/12/2017
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If the flow of coolant through the engine is not sufficient, determine the cause of the obstruction.
Make necessary repairs.

Exhaust Restriction

The maximum allowable exhaust restriction is 3 kPa (12 inches of H2O). Check for restriction in
the exhaust system.

If the difference between the pressure at the exhaust elbow and the atmospheric pressure exceeds
the specification, determine the cause. Make the necessary repairs.

Excessive Load

Make sure that the load is not excessive. Reduce the load. If necessary, disengage the driven
equipment and test the engine.

Ignition Timing

Note: Data from a fuel analysis is required for this procedure.

Compare the timing to the recommended timing in Engine Performance, LEBQ6483, "G3400
Generator Set", "Fuel Usage Guide".

Adjust the ignition timing according to the recommended timing in Engine Performance,
LEBQ6483, "G3400 Generator Set", "Fuel Usage Guide".

Air/Fuel Ratio

An air/fuel mixture that is too rich or too lean will have an adverse effect on engine operation. A
change in the fuel energy content will change the air/fuel ratio. Obtain a fuel analysis.

The fuel supply pressure must be adequate and stable.

Strike the gas pressure regulator with a soft hammer. If the engine speed changes, inspect the
internal parts of the gas pressure regulator for wear. Inspect the gas pressure regulator's diaphragm
for leaks. Make sure that the valve moves freely. The valve must seat correctly.

Verify that the exhaust emissions are correct.

High Inlet Air Temperature

Probable Causes

• High ambient air temperature

• High inlet air restriction and/or high altitude

• Faulty inlet air temperature sensor and/or electrical circuit

• High coolant temperature

• Insufficient flow of cooling water through the aftercooler 20/12/2017
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• Insufficient flow of air through the aftercooler

Recommended Repairs

Ambient Air Temperature

Determine if the ambient air temperature is within the design specifications for the cooling

Determine the cause of the high air temperature. Make corrections, when possible.

High Inlet Air Restriction and/or High Altitude

Check for plugged air filters. Check for obstructions to the air inlet.

When inlet air pressure is low, the turbocharger works harder in order to achieve the desired inlet
manifold pressure. This increases inlet air temperature.

Measure the inlet air pressure while the engine is operating under load. For specific data, refer to
the Technical Marketing Information for the engine.

Make sure that the settings for the engine are correct for the altitude.

Temperature Sensor and/or Circuit

Use an electronic service tool to check reading for the inlet air temperature. Ensure that the
temperature is reasonable.

Allow the sensor to cool and remove the sensor. Check the reading for the inlet air temperature
again. If the sensor is OK, the reading and the ambient temperature are approximately equal.

If the reading is not correct, troubleshoot the circuit for the sensor.

Coolant Temperature

Refer to "High Coolant Temperature".

Aftercooler Water

Check the inlet temperature of the coolant for the aftercooler. Compare the reading to the
regulated temperature. If the temperature is OK, check the outlet temperature of the coolant. A
high temperature differential indicates an insufficient flow rate.

If there is a high differential between the inlet temperature and the outlet temperature of the
coolant for the aftercooler, perform the following procedures:

• Check the water circuit of the aftercooler for obstructions.

• Check the pump for proper operation.

• Make repairs, if necessary. 20/12/2017
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Aftercooler's Air

Determine the pressure differential of the inlet air across the aftercooler. For specific data, refer to
the Technical Marketing Information for the engine.

If the pressure differential of the air across the aftercooler does not match the specifications, clean
the aftercooler.

High Exhaust Temperature

Probable Causes

• High inlet manifold air temperature

• Inlet air restriction

• Exhaust restriction

• Incorrect ignition timing

• Incorrect air/fuel ratio

• Excessive load

• Deposits in the cylinder

Recommended Repairs

Inlet Manifold Air Temperature

High inlet manifold air temperature can increase exhaust temperatures. Also, detonation can occur.
Check the inlet manifold air temperature.

Refer to "High Inlet Air Temperature".

Inlet Air Restriction

The maximum allowable air inlet restriction is 3.75 kPa (15 inches of H2O). If the indication is
higher than the maximum permissible restriction, clean the filter element or install a new filter
element. Check the restriction again. If the restriction remains too high, inspect the air inlet piping
before the air cleaner for obstructions.

Exhaust Restriction

The maximum allowable exhaust restriction is 3 kPa (12 inches of H2O). Check for restriction in
the exhaust system.

If the difference between the pressure at the exhaust elbow and the atmospheric pressure exceeds
the specification, determine the cause. Make the necessary repairs.

Ignition Timing 20/12/2017
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Note: Data from a fuel analysis is required for this procedure.

Compare the timing to the recommended timing in Engine Performance, LEBQ6483, "G3400
Generator Set", "Fuel Usage Guide".

Adjust the ignition timing according to the recommended timing in Engine Performance,
LEBQ6483, "G3400 Generator Set", "Fuel Usage Guide".

Air/Fuel Ratio

An air/fuel mixture that is too rich will increase the exhaust temperature. A change in the fuel
energy content will change the air/fuel ratio. Obtain a fuel analysis.

The fuel supply pressure must be adequate and stable.

Strike the gas pressure regulator with a soft hammer. If the engine speed changes, inspect the
internal parts of the gas pressure regulator for wear. Inspect the gas pressure regulator's diaphragm
for leaks. Make sure that the valve moves freely. The valve must seat correctly.

Verify that the exhaust emissions are correct.

Excessive Load

Make sure that the load is not excessive. Reduce the load. If necessary, disengage the driven
equipment and test the engine.

Deposits in the Cylinder

Overfilling the crankcase can lead to deposits. Make sure that the engine oil level is correct.

Note: Excessive deposits contribute to guttering of the valves.

Use a borescope to inspect the cylinders. Look for the following conditions:

• Deposits on the valve seats

• Deposits on the valve faces

• Deposits on the cylinder walls that are above the upper limit of the piston stroke

• Signs of internal leaks

Signs of internal leaks include excessive consumption of engine oil, blue smoke, and excessive

If excessive deposits and/or signs of internal leaks are found, investigate the cause of the
condition. Make repairs, as needed.

Incorrect Alternator Charging

Probable Causes

• Loose drive belt or worn drive belt 20/12/2017
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• Incorrect wiring

• Problem with the alternator

Recommended Repairs

Drive Belt

Inspect the belt for good condition. Replace the belt, if necessary.

Check the belt tension. Refer to Specifications, "Belt Tension Chart". Adjust the belt tension, if

If a new belt is installed, check the belt tension again after 30 minutes of operation.


Inspect the cables and the connections for the ground circuit and the battery. Make sure that the
parts are in good condition. Make sure that the connections are clean and secure.


There may be a problem with the alternator's voltage regulator, the rotor, or the rectifier. Replace
the alternator.

Noisy Alternator
Probable Causes

• Loose drive belt or worn drive belt

• Loose pulley or worn pulley

• Misalignment of the drive pulley and the alternator

• Worn bearings

Recommended Repairs

Drive Belt

Inspect the belt for good condition. Replace the belt, if necessary.

Check the belt tension. Refer to Specifications, "Belt Tension Chart". Adjust the belt tension, if

If a new belt is installed, check the belt tension again after 30 minutes of operation.

Pulley 20/12/2017
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Inspect the pulley for proper installation. Make sure that the fasteners are secure. Make sure that
the pulley is aligned correctly with the alternator.

If the pulley is worn, replace the pulley.


The alternator's bearings or the drive pulley's bearings may be worn. Install new bearings.

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Private Network For SIS Licensees. 20/12/2017

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