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Mr Bean Richard Curtis and Robin Driscoll Level 2 Retold by Joanna Strange Series Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potterss ss stent nga ein eh oxy te 7 OS ep asi © Rei i Rian Cin Ro Minn 208 oun oni hijpun ine ea sn cn pe 8 ey “he ae el nae ‘Sr bgt Pens ab Tem tansyek Grnent Arg aed ef nn per nip ‘endnote Spe son oma fi en ete ‘ee pe te ong prin npr php ieeteaw ieee Ce NTT MO ea ewe Roy Line "fo oma etiam ar "hay nsqworeino tycoon nem Tera leotsain sRapi c Rng i pl ch er ‘a mpm aio gi nk Sat opto ro Ean "nan ne at ee 0 Eg Chapter Capea Capers Chapt ChapeesS ‘Chapeer 6 Chapeee7 Chaps 8 Cape? Ghapeer 10 Contents Acts 1 AGrea Dat “An Accident on dhe lane ‘civics? Activ 3 ‘Arte Faiground ‘A Bad Day athe Gallery ‘Active ‘Glover De Beant Acsivities5 ‘Ac the Hospial| Wa Poet “Talk aat ie “Write shout it Project: Wit a revew of funny ln ‘Wes Towser! ‘A Good Nights Work ” 0tities 1 HHH What's the book about? Look at these plctures of Mr Bean and read the sentences about this story onthe back ofthe book. Then read the sentences Below. Are they Fight (7)? What do you think? awe 1 MBean is very dlver. (a 2 M4 Beanis very stupid ( 5 Biron eee ar FG O Bier nepal etre O 5 Mr Bean buys a famous picture ( {6 Mr Bean stands on 8 Famous picture ( 7. Me Bean has to talk about frou pct ( '& Mr Bean hurts somebody and the person goes to hospital, ( (HE What happens first? ‘ead the fst two sentences and the last two sentences of Chapters 1 ‘and2. Then lok at the pictures in these chapters Answer the questions What do you tink? 1 Why is everbody atthe Grierson Art Galery exited? 2 Why is Mr Bean going to America? 3 Why ae the policemen using their guns? 4 Why does Mr Boan have to get out ofthe airport fast? CHAPTER ‘A Great Day! Ist pnd rs ined eae verybody atthe Grieson Art Gallery in Los Angeles was very cited, ‘George Grieon, dhe bos, stood outside the gallery and looked atthe people in front of him. He smiled and turned tothe camera. “This isa great cay for the Grierson Gallery and a great day for America, he std, In two weeks, the mos famous painting, bby an American ats is coming bck home. Yes, everybody, ‘Americas most wonderful painting, Whizleri Mother willbe herein ry gallery” + ‘At the National Gallery in London, everybody was very excited t0, The Grierson Gallery wanted somebody from London to goto ‘America for co months. They wanted atop man from the National Gallery totale o people about the artist, Whistle," and his famous pining of his mothe. ‘Who was the right person for the job? Dr Rosenblum? Or Dr Cutler? ‘Ata meting in one ofthe rooms inthe gallery, everybody wanted t go Bat ist they hao discuss a more important problem: Mr Bea! [Nobody in the room liked Mr Bean ~ chey all wanted im ro leave the sally: Why? Whac was wrong with the man? He only had to st in one yn pty ngs rm ah rn a nt iin wy Ars irs piriofthe rooms inthe taller ll day and watch the paincings He wast very good at hisjob ~ he usualy fal adeep. But why did they alba him? ‘Suddenly the National Galleys bos, Me Walton, came ito the room and st down, atthe table, “Were talking about that strange man, Me Bean, sn’ somebody ssi. "‘We all chink Be quit shouted Me Walon angi “Theres nothing wrong, with Me Bean! lesa wonderful young man ‘one ofthe best men in the gallery "Nobody inthe room ssid word. They ll loked very unhappy. “Wait a minute! somebody suddenly shouted, ‘OF course! Why dont swe send Me Bean to che Grierson Gallery in Ameria? [Nobody spoke, Ie wa a stupid ida! Or was ie? Mr Bean in Americal “Two long months without the man! "Yes, yes! they all shouted, “Tha a great idea! Mr Walton looked very happy. Right: Dorit sit there! Get Mr Beant Quickly" Me Bean sar and waited outside the room, Why did dese important people wane rose him? Suddenly, he sneezed loudly. He rok outa paper handkerchief and blew his nose. Then he blew ic again. Then 2gain, more loudly ~ the noisiest noxe-blow in the word! ‘Mr Wilton called Mr Bean int the room, When he walked a, he smiled at everybody. They al looked at him .. ad eared laughing! Mr Bean loked sry stupid ‘Excuse me, Mr Bean,’ Me Walton sid, um ah. somethings coming ou of your nose! Tews some of his paper handkerchief I looked very funny! Me Beans face went red and he quickly pulled the paper out of his nse. ‘Now, Mr Bean. We want 0 ask you something. Is important and very exiting. Would you ike to goto Ameria?An Accident on the Plane With he bain oe and and bg aie on i fc, ‘Mr Be iit hand BANG! mericassaal!” shouted Mr Bean tthe seport. Tim going to Americasasl! With a big smile on his face, he got nthe plane and took ou his ‘camera, This was the beginning of his holiday and he wanted 10 take photos of everybody and everything. He found his eat next 0 another man, Mr Tacket. Mr Bean sat down and took a photo of him rool Mr Tacker sapped reading hi newspaper and looked at him angrily Then he stood up and quickly moved tothe seat in font of him, He dda ik strange people and Mr Bean was ‘very strange! Happy in is new scat, Mr Tucker fll asleep. Behind him, Me Bean couldnt sleep. He was too excited, He smiled st woman witha young boy but she dc smile a him, ‘My sons eling sick she said ‘Oh dea said Mr Bean. He was happy, and he wanted ather people tebe happy too ‘When te boy looked acess a him, Mr Bean rook the lsc sweet a bag. He threw i into the aie and caugh cin his mouth Di the boy think i was clever? No, Did the boy laugh or smile? He did not. He looked strangely at Me Bean, Me Bean thought fora mince. Ther he put the wee bag up ro is ‘mouth and began to blow inc it, He wanted to blow ar into the bag and thon break it with aloud nose - BANG! Everybody laughs ac that. Bat thre was something wiong with the bg and the argo out again Te boys fice was grey now and he felt very sick, Then he save a hive paper bg the back of the set in font of im, He took i out and opened iv Mr Bean warched him. His eyes opened wide. Ys! Ys! Thar bag was (OK! He rured sway and laughed, “He's a clever boy. He remembered the bag in the back of che st!” he thought ‘But Mr Bean looked away athe wrong time. The boy opened the bag quickly —and wa sick ico i, Me Bean dese im, ‘A minute later, before the boy could stop him, Mr Bean tok the bag. He quickly blew int it. Them he puttin front of Mr Tckers face ‘With dhe bag in one hand and a big smile on hie face, Mr Bean hit it hand — BANG! Mr Ticker was no a happy man, . yarived in Los Angeles, Mr Bean looked ar the Some tae a the pl people inthe airport Setting an aa hy hr ten tonTin Amexica he thought. "This is wonderful He stared taking photos again, Near a wall there were two policemen, Mr Bean watched them, and then be sw their guns. He th ught of ‘game, and smiled. He pur one hand slowly inside his jacket and loked for Airgun, Not reall! Me Bean didnt havea gun, of couse he only wanted to ply a gum The two policemen suddenly turned and saw him. They stopped talking and looked caefilly at Me Bean. What was hs lle mans game Did he have a gun? ‘Quick! said one ofthe policemen, “Het gor a gun! C Mr Boon re thom smile, Then he turned and ran the other way: ody on the floor? Now shouted the policemen. Everybody inthe aspore was aad, People Fl ro the ground, Mr Beatie dasa lt the groumd tot Not you, stupid! a man nett him ih ‘Oh, chank you, said Mr Bean, He got up and started to run away ‘Bu the policemen ran faster and caught him, They std infront of him wit their guns in his ce. ‘Slowly cake out your gun, they told him. “Put ion the Aor and seand back Mr Bean was very afta, He caeilly put his hand in his jackee and took out his swo fingers. Tewas only a game, he std. "I haven weally got a gun. The policemen looked at him. Who maths strange litle man? “Get ou of here! they showed angrily Mr Bean got out, fstHBT Were you right? Look back at your answers to Activity 1.20n page'v.Then finish these sentences 41 The National Galery in London is sending 2 painting back 2 The Geerson Gallery wants somebody roe the National Calley to about the panting The name ofthe panting is 3 The people atthe National Galery send to Los Angeles because they donot him. 4 At Los Angels stp Mr Bean lol pus his inhisjacet, The policemen think that Mr Bean as ‘5 Mr Bean only wanted to play 9 with bm. tut the policemen are very RR What more did you learn? Answer these questions with words from the box. ‘Alor Angeles airpo ‘the National Gallery Ona plane’ 1 Where dots Me Bean say that he sony playing a gome? 2. Where does Mr Bean have some of his paper handerchi in is nose? 13 Where does Mr Bean tow a sweet into te ai and catch ia his mouth? “4 Where does Mr Bean fll to the round? 5 Where does Mr Bean bow into. bg? {6 Where does MBean often all asleep? (Baa Language in use Look atthe sentences on the right. Then write ‘about Mr Bean, What dd e do onthe plane? 1 Mr Bean made a big iste 2 (E2E What happens next? Look at the nae of Chapter 3 and the words in talicsbelow it Then tok atthe pictures. What is going te happen, do you think? Talk to anther student and make notes NotesWet Trouser: Hera fam A Heo pended hal aco the rom. ‘Then be are dancing ft fhe in! he Langley were usually a very happy family. They lve in large house in Los Angels. David Langley had an imaportant job atthe Grierson Gallery. Hs wife, Alison, was rendly, intelligent woman, They had wo lovely children ~ filten-year-ald daughes,Jennife, and a syen-year-o won, Kevin, (One day, David came home fom the gallery and said to his fui Listen! I've gota great det Atop man fom the National Galley in London is coming o Loe Angeles, ike ro invite him here, He can stay wth us for eo months Davis ail cise He the idea very mock, Who was this man? A boring Englishman? No thank you! “Here? In our house? Fortwo months" Alison sad, ‘No, David! He 0. ell like i! David answered arly. “He's avery ioeligen m ‘be good forall of ws So Alison Langley and the children wie forthe Engishmarts vise . “The big day arived. Mr Bean was late ~ problems with the police at che airport ~ but now he was here in the Langleyssting-s00m. “They all looked a him and sled. He dd’ look very intelligent. He looked very strange! Was there something wrong with him? Pehaps he vw ted aie the long journey from England, + ‘The nest morning, David took Mr Bean othe Grierson Gallery "My bos, Me Grierson, woud ike to meet you a nine adock,’ he vl Me Bean inthe ca “And he gets angry when people ae late, Dr Bean, ‘Me Bean sit inthe car and looked out ofthe window. Why did David call him Doctor Bean, not Mr Bean? Doctor was the name for the top ‘men inthe National Gllery~ Dr Rosenblum and Dr Cutler, They were very intligent and knew alc about at He di know anything about are But he fle very important when David called him Dr Bean! ‘When they gor tothe gallery, Me Bean wanted 1 go ro she rile, David looked at his watch, The Men's Room is over there, Dr Bean But ples, dant be too long. Me Grisso’ wating [Me Bean walked into the Men's Room, He went o the eile and then stared to wash his hands. Bur the water Went everywhere ~ over the front of his trouser! ‘Oh no!” he though, "What am going to do? Tea meet Mr Grierson with wet ‘Then he saw a machine on the wal ‘ah, good, a hand: dees he thought. "Thal dry them Me Bean jumped up and down, but the machine was too high. The warm air didet bow on ro his crouse ‘Then he had an ida, He
Tine Wotes Now ind some paper and make your poster Rowan Atkinson plays Mr Bean inthe film ofthe same name. Rowan ‘Atkinson is famous for his work. Which famous people ae in your film? You are going to give tlk about one of ther, ‘Who ae you gong t tak about? What Go you want to know about that person and is or her work? Lok in books and magazines ot onthe Interne. Here are Some possible questions: Wis he/she famous? + Whats hier best fn? How famous he/she? + Hashelshe gota wiferhusband and Watwashisherfisflm? chen? What other fms ishe/she mn?» What do peopl ike about him/her? Now give your tak to the las.© wite review ofa good ot bad fry film fora newspaper ot magazine 2 Tho abou hese quests, and make notes your notebook What intersting sentences about the lm can you bela with? {Name offi) fm for people ofa ages. = Whats the story about? (2ut remember pecple dont vant to know the end ofthe tery!) The fms about young man He hsa big probleme can’ find @ sinfrend. Who iin the fim? ‘Steve Coogan pays the young man. He looks vey strange and very funy + What do you think ofthe fim? ike he story very much, butte end of he fm isnt wey good. White your review here
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