Pencarian Bukti Ilmiah

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Pencarian Bukti Ilmiah

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Kata kunci : latent pulmonary tuberculosis adult AND Interferon gamma release assays AND
tuberculin skin test AND diagnostic test.
Limitasi :
 Free full text
 Abstract
 5 tahun
 Age related adult 19-44 years old
Hasil pencarian : 9 artikel.
1) Is Universal Screening Necessary? Incidence of Tuberculosis among Tibetan Refugees
Arriving in Calgary, Alberta.
2) Potential Role for Mycobacterium tuberculosis Specific IL-2 and IFN-γ Responses in
Discriminating between Latent Infection and Active Disease after Long-Term
3) Comparison of tuberculin skin test and quantiferon-TB gold in tube test for diagnosis
of latenttuberculosis infection in health care workers: A cross sectional study.
4) Microbacterium tuberculosis infection. Immigration status and diagnostic Discordans: A
comparison of tuberculin skin test and QuantiFERON TB Gold in tube test among
immigrant to the US
5) Diagnosis of latent mycobacterium tuberculosis infection: tuberculin test versus
interferon- gamma release
6) Interferon gamma release assays based on M. tuberculosis-specific antigens in sarcoidosis
7) Comparison of interferon-γ release assay to two cut-off points of tuberculin skin test to
detect latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in primary health care workers.
8) (18)F-FDG positron-emission tomography/computed tomography findings of
radiographic lesions suggesting old healed tuberculosis.
9) A toolbox for tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis: an Indian multicentric study (2006-2008).
Evaluation of QuantiFERON-TB gold in tube for TB diagnosis.

Jurnal pilihan : “Diagnosis of latent mycobacterium tuberculosis infection: tuberculin test

versus interferon- gamma release “

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