Thesis Ligterink
Thesis Ligterink
Thesis Ligterink
Norbert E. Ligterink
University Twente, The Netherlands
E-mail address:
Key words and phrases. Modelling, Control, System Theory, PDE, Dynamics
graduation committee:
J. van Amerongen, A. J. van der Schaft, P. C. Breedveld, A. de Boer,
B. M. Maschke, J. J. W. van der Vegt, G. van Schothorst
Foreword ix
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1. The sad history of operational calculus 1
1.2. Complexity 2
1.3. Port-based modelling 3
1.4. Stages of existence 5
1.5. Boundary impedance 6
1.6. Transmission versus vibration 7
1.7. Preliminary example 10
1.8. Outline 14
1.9. Nederlandse samenvatting 17
Chapter 3. Evolution 49
3.1. Input-state-output, or A, B, C, D, model 50
3.2. Continuous spaces and the (A, B, C, D)-system 54
3.3. Observability and controllability 55
3.4. Integration 56
3.5. Second-order Hamiltonian integration 58
3.6. Higher order results 60
3.7. Integration and control 60
3.8. Time and time again 62
In many respects this thesis is different from others. It does not treat a single
topic in the traditional sense. It does not give a concise mathematical theory from
a single perspective. This thesis is a collection of issues concerning the modelling
of infinite-dimensional, continuous, or distributed, systems. The writer is someone
who will first make the back-of-the-envelope calculation, before deciding on more
complex tools such as finite element methods (FEM). He hopes the thesis will
bridge some gaps between schools, which are based on tools rather than systems
and problems, of thought concerning modelling.
In some cases, for example, where well-known material is covered for com-
pleteness, the style from this work is very concise. Facts essential to the story are
repeated three times in Hollywood movies, and every audience is triggered by dif-
ferent words and images. So the writer decided to use multiple views and different
approaches to the same problems and methods, in the hope that many angles are
covered. However, rather than repeating known and classical arguments, the thesis
is written in the hope to supply a new insight in familiar and less familiar topics.
Eventually the understanding of systems is the main goal of most system en-
gineers. Designing an optimal system for a particular purpose is not a process of
trying to hit it on the head. Something has to be learned, even from complete
failures. Insight in a system is not possible without having a language to think
and talk about a system. It is the breadth of this language the thesis hopes to
bring across. The ordering of topics and chapters is such that the physical exam-
ples such as elasticity and fluid dynamics appear and return throughout the thesis.
Moreover, also the mathematical tools, such as finite elements and modal analy-
sis, appear in several chapters. The language is that of variables, invariants and
physical principles. In the theory of system engineering they have be introduced in
different manners by different people. If this thesis follows any of these approaches
more closely, it is the theory of port-based, or bond graph, modelling, introduced
by Paynter, [Paynter, 1961] for discrete, or lumped, systems in the fifties.
The less a science has advanced, the more its terminology to rest
on a uncritical assumption of mutual understanding.
[W.V. Quine, Truth by convention]
The principal concept is energy and energy conservation throughout the system.
Each component can be described by variables or states. Changing a variable will
result in a change in energy. The product of the enforced change and the system,
or component, response is the power. Hence pair of variables: the action and the
reaction, or the effort and the flow, are the power, or port, variables, common to
all physical systems. A network representation expressing the possible interactions
in terms of efforts and flows is called a bond graph.
From the other side energy also has played a crucial role in the underlying
mathematics of distributed systems. Distributed systems are described by partial
differential equations. In order to prove uniqueness and existence of a solution to
a particular problem definition, called the initial boundary value problem, mathe-
maticians have resorted often to defining an associated energy function. The energy
function is positive and it has a unique minimum: the zero-energy solution, or the
the null solution. The existence of the minimum is the basis of the existence of
the solution, and that the difference of two solutions has zero energy proves the
uniqueness of the solution.
In this thesis the opposite direction is followed. Rather than searching for an
energy function for a problem, we state the problem in terms of its energy func-
tion or Hamiltonian, and seek admissible interactions, or boundary conditions, for
this problem. The approach is similar to that of stability analysis using Lyapunov
theory. Finding a Lyapunov function for a problem expressed in terms of equa-
tions of motion is difficult. However, for systems given by Hamiltonians, both the
Lyapunov function and the equations of motion follow trivially, yielding essentially
stable dynamics.
I can’t apologize for the banality of my dreams
[Alice Munro, Bardon Bus]
If this thesis is to convey at least one message, this message is that physical
principles should be retained in the numerical analysis of open, or connected, sys-
tems described by partial differential equations. As a consequence the boundary
conditions are not the mathematical prerequisites for the analysis, but determine
the essence of the relation of a system with its surroundings, and thereby the func-
tion of the system.
Secondly, the lifted program, without references to actual systems was too ab-
stract and hard to understand for people who did not already apply the same meth-
ods in context to explicit cases. In lifting the problem all the irrelevant features for
solving it are removed, such that a general but abstract problem remains, which can
be treated with the generic methods of operational calculus. The abstraction made
it harder to apply and check the method; engineers like most scientists use intuition
and experience to guide them, which was not possible in the lifted approach.
Thirdly, computer modelling became the competition of operational calculus.
Engineers discovered direct numerical implementation as a reasonably fast, trouble
free, and accurate enough method to find results for their problems. It requires little
mathematics to turn a partial differential equation into a finite element code. The
ease of approximate numerical solutions plague all mathematicians, who require
some strictness and bounds. Engineers seem to communicate in terms of toolboxes
associated with software like Matlab. The inconsistencies and approximations re-
quired in such code become part of the engineering folklore. The situation could
have been very different if computers were developed twenty years later. We might
have had direct implementations of operational calculus, which now slowly arises
through algebraic programming, implemented in computer programs like Reduce,
Matlab, Maple, and Mathematica.
System theory may suffer from the same problems as operational calculus does.
The engineer who has the experience and intuition on a particular field is not likely
to resort to abstract methods to find answers. On the other hand his tools may
be limited to a set of basic and approximate methods, which might fail for higher
complexity or criticality of the system.
In order not to detach from the practice of the engineer one should formulate a
system in the typical physical parameters which lie at the basis of such systems, and
retain these parameters and variables throughout the formulation of problem, the
method of solving, and the results. The physical principles underlying the system
should be stressed by the method in order to pinpoint the critical elements of the
1.2. Complexity
Even more important than the increasing complexity of the methods available
for analysis is the increasing complexity of the engineering systems. In the old days
machines had only few moving parts, but with the industrial revolution machines,
even simple ones like sewing machines and typewriters, have hundreds of moving
parts. The complexity has increased significantly. However, before the electrical
revolution the parts of a machine or system acted coherently, driven by a rotating
single power source. With the revolution of the axis all the phases or states of the
machine were determined. In the second half of the nineteenth century hydraulic
systems in ships were the first systems where lags, or delays, played an important
role. [Bennett, 1979] Effects of a single retardation were already known for gov-
ernors of steam engines.[Maxwell, 1868] The dynamics of these systems was still
limited. The single steam engine drove the single axis that powered the factory or
ship. Electrical power changed all that. The parts, separately powered, have their
own characteristics and timing.
Electrical engineers made things easy for themselves. The components they
used were designed to have a single characteristic, commonly known as resistive,
capacitive, and inductive. In other words, they created a one-to-one mapping be-
tween ideal concept and physical component. It made them capable of designing
complex electrical networks with hundreds, thousands of elements. Furthermore,
these networks could again be separated into parts, each with its own function,
such as bridges, delays, amplifiers, and switches. With electrical engineering the
modular approach to engineering design was born. No longer a single engineer
needed to be able to build and understand the machine as a whole. The compo-
nents were designed and optimized independently and put together at a later stage.
In the same way mathematicians use functions and algorithms as building blocks
for more complex theory, and computer programmers write functions, subroutines,
and libraries.
This vision inspired the analysis in other engineering disciplines. Mechanical
parts of machines and chemical processes were decomposed in logical units. These
logical units required connectors similar to the wires in electrical circuits. Different
views led to different types of connectors. In the most general view an abstract
signal was transmitted from one component to another. The term transmission
implies a direction of transmission. In the behavioral approach to systems theory
this direction remains absent, [Polderman and Willems, 1998] the system is only
interconnected. Although an elegant formulation and an appropriate starting point
for modelling a system, [Paynter, 1961] it misses the power of physical principles
and heuristic insight. The structure of input and output; of cause and effect, and
the conservation of a quality, such as energy and mass, yield natural restrictions
within the framework of behavioral models, which are essential for consistency.
The general terms of input and output are reserved for such generic signals.
However, in practice more details are known about the system and the signals. In
the case of electrical networks, the Kirchhoff laws restrict the signals of currents
and voltages such that charge conservation and energy conservation are implicit in
the formulation of the system.
Physicists and chemists also have their own conservation laws: conservation of
mass, charge, energy, momentum, and so on. Not all mathematical models of these
systems satisfy all the conservation laws. In some cases it is extremely difficult,
or even impossible to satisfy all conservation laws that apply, in an approximate
model of the system. However, the restriction conservation laws impose on a model
of a system are important for the quality of the model. If a conservation law is not
built into the model of a system, it will be a good test for the validity of a model.
cause, and which is the effect? There is a single force and a single motion of the
point on the line connecting the two ships. In the case of port-based modelling,
the connection is the port defined by force and velocity, and which is the cause and
which the effect are not determined. In the mental landscape of humans, we want
to distinguish between cause and effect. Even if components seem to be entangled
in an inseparable manner, they have been disentangled by picking a starting point
and following the thread from one to the other and back. The interdependence
of elements often gives rise to philosophical discussions, observational studies, and
statistical studies, which only seem to confirm and re-confirm this interdependence.
A pragmatic scientist or an engineer will choose, so to say, the x-axis and y-axis and
will try to disentangle the intrinsic properties of each element and their relations,
without deciding on the actor and the reactor among each two. Analysis is precisely
that; to decompose into elements.
However, for simulation one requires to decide on cause and effect, or causality.
In the case of the two ships tied together, we have to say, in order to resolve the
impasse, that for the first ship it yields a force given a certain velocity, while for the
other ship the force is given and the velocity is the result. In that way the two can
be combined and the result match to yield a consistent dynamical situation with
a force and a velocity of the whole system of two ships. For the model of the two
ships it is not required to determine which is the actor: the force, and which will
response with a velocity. However, for the simulation, and any numerical result
it is relevant. Two pulling ships is in this case also a cumbersome combination.
The common view is to see both as sources of force. The common causality is to
have sources of force as precisely that: a given source causing a velocity or velocity
change. Similarly, in electric networks it is common to have a potential source. The
network as a whole responses by a certain current.
A connection, or port, consists of a pair of variables. The product of the two
has the dimension of power, the rate of change of the energy. Such a general
physical definition makes is possible to connect all kinds of different components
together and still have a consistent model of the whole. This type of modelling
is called bond-graph modelling, or port-based modelling. For discrete or lumped
systems, such as networks or rigid-body dynamics it is a successful method. For
continuous systems, described by partial differential equations, the approach is
under development. There are no fundamental problems to generalize the approach.
However, the properties and phenomena of the dynamics of continuous systems are
much more involved than the dynamics of lumped components.
Part of the problem is to simplify, reduce, or restrict the continuous system to
such an extent it can be used in the multicomponent analysis for simulation and
control. So far the modelling of systems described by partial differential equations
are research projects in their own right. The advent of multiphysics FEM pack-
ages show that these tasks can be automated. On the other hand a lot software
deals with static solutions while dynamics requires time-dependent analysis and
simulation. Again energy can play an important role in this case. The stability of
solutions of partial differential equations are often analyzed using energy methods.
Therefore methods of simulation and control of continuous systems based on energy
methods have two advantages. First the simulations, based on energy principles, for
a energy preserving model are inherently stable in the sense that given the energy
the states are restricted to a subspace of the full state space. Secondly, the energy
methods yield automatically the boundary conditions which can be used to add the
component model of the continuous system as part to a bond-graph model.
The natural boundary conditions that arise in energy-based methods are di-
rectly related to particular cases of ports. Many standard boundary conditions
correspond to the absence of power flow through the boundary. These systems are
isolated. More general boundary conditions have to be defined for modelling all the
possible interactions, connections, or ports feasible. The definition of the change of
energy in the system is augmented with a flow of energy through the boundary. In
some respects such an approach resembles the systems of conservation laws, with
one fundamental difference. The conserved energy is not a degree of freedom, or
state, of the system. It can be expressed in terms of pairs of variables, like the
charge density and the potential, or the volume and the pressure. In nature these
pairs of variables are similar to the pairs of port variables. They are the bulk and
boundary pairs of the same concept. The linkage between the two is the geometry.
The domain and its boundary are not only aspects of the topology of an object.
Differential geometry links the two as well via Green identities and their general-
izations by Cartan, Hodge, and Whitney. [Hodge, 1941, Ivey and Landsberg, 2000,
Whitney, 1957] Another view onto the linkage of domain and boundary, between
conserved quantities and conserved currents is offered by functional analysis. The
energy is a norm on spaces of functions, i.e., the state variables of continuous sys-
tems. Combinations of operators on the domain have residual boundary operators.
The Green identities yield relations between norms on the space and the boundary;
the weak equivalent of the change of energy on a domain and its flow through the
The functional analysis [Yosida, 1980] formulation has one great advantage over
the differential geometric formulation. Functional analysis allows us to restrict the
function spaces, such that the results carry over from the continuous theory to any
finite order discrete approximation we wish to use for numerical evaluation. In fact
many of the results of functional analysis are based on the convergence of a set of
approximations to the true solution in the continuous space. The typical conver-
gence is called weak convergence as no distinction between some solutions, differing
for example only on a finite set of positions, can be made. However, the results
of differential geometry are not spoilt. The approximations in function space are
made with the knowledge of the differential operators on elemental domains in the
back of our mind. The construction of the boundary operator in the approximate
space will be much simpler with the infinite continuous examples at hand.
In the most general case, under investigation here, we do not speak of boundary
conditions, but of boundary impedance. The boundary impedance is the response
of the surroundings on the behavior of the system at the common boundary. The
term impedance comes from the theory of transmission lines, but is now widely used
in scattering theory, electromagnetic and acoustic, to describe boundary conditions
for boundaries with nontrivial response, such as absorbing boundary conditions.
The onset of turbulence for a fluid flow in a tube depends on the choice of
boundary conditions. Experiments show, although the mean flow is the same, that
a constant pressure at the boundary yields different results than a constant flow.
The latter is difficult to achieve as most pumps to drive the flow have some response
to the variations in pressure at for example a driving piston. The pump must be
greatly overdimensioned to arrive at the constant-flow boundary condition. Even
though the experiment should be isolated from the surroundings, the engineering
solutions are not always able to do so; an ideal flow pump does not exists.
Boundary impedance models these non-ideal boundary conditions. For fluid
the pressure and the flow are related, for electrodynamics, the electric and mag-
netic fields are related at the boundary, for elastic bodies the pressure and the
displacement are related at the boundary. All of these boundary conditions can be
formulated as the work performed by, or on, the surroundings. Boundary impedance
may guarantee global energy conservation, or power continuity.
rigidity of a component, useful for the transmission of a motion under force. Even
more, most forms of analysis do not have a language for the general transmission
of energy, such as the bond-graph language for lumped port-based modelling. The
typical boundary conditions for fixtures are invented to isolate a component from
its surroundings.
For continuous systems, described by partial differential equations, boundary
conditions are a necessary part to arrive at a well-defined mathematical problem.
The typical boundary conditions are those for isolated problems and will lead, quite
naturally, to vibrational problems in the dynamical regime, or static deformations
in the stationary regime. Interpreting the static vibrational results and combining
them with the design criterions for operation is a complex task, which may not
necessarily say much about the actual function, or transmission, the component
is designed to perform. Typically one would set as criterion that the lowest vi-
brational frequency must be higher than the highest operational frequency of the
system. Whether a vibrational mode is excited by the motion of the system is
often not determined. Furthermore, the actual required motion or operation of the
system has often very little to do with the analysis of the component on its own.
The mathematical boundary conditions do not allow for such global motion. For
example, the body forces due to rotation in a mechanical component are often not
taken into account in the vibration analysis, except for known problems related to
the rotational motion, such as in turbines. [Biezeno and Grammel, 1953]
In this thesis the question of transmission through boundary conditions and
the corresponding boundary variables is addressed. For the same component a
number of problems in terms of different boundary conditions exist, depending on
the particular setting. Take for example a ball. You can sit on it, which yields a
stationary situation with a position boundary condition, at the contact point with
the floor, free boundary conditions on the side, and a force boundary condition on
the top. The mass of the ball does not play a role. The same ball may be thrown.
In that case the mass will determine the acceleration given the force boundary
condition. The acceleration will lead to body forces in the ball. These two situations
correspond to two different problems in the standard mathematical language. In
this thesis we will bring these two problems together, since we are talking about
one and the same ball. The throwing of a ball, which falls and bounces, should be
seen as a single operation and not three.
However, unlike a single ball, with its simple purpose of bouncing, compo-
nents in a machine or system are connected together. The transmission means
components are part of a network. The connections can be distributed or lumped
interconnections or connections to actuators or sensors. The larger network should
be kept in mind, even when dealing with some peculiarities of a single part. The
component function is its reason for existence, in most cases. The relation to this
function is often formulated in terms of the vibrational properties, as described
above, or in terms of a transfer function, between input and output. Transfer func-
tions describe the transfer of abstract signals, rather than mechanical, electrical,
or fluidic transmission; the function of the component. In this thesis the focus is
very much on quantifying the physical transmission. In particular the transmis-
sion of energy or power is used, which is central to most system modelling and
stretches beyond particular physical domains, such as the electrical, mechanical, or
thermodynamical. Eventually, it should get a place within the existing framework
F u(z)
z z=1
Figure 1.2. A string with its boundary conditions. Either the
force or the position is given at the boundary, the other variable
can be seen as string response.
the approach and principles, but the pair of generalized coordinate and generalized
momentum belong together. The explicit form of the port-Hamiltonian H 0 of the
wave equation is:
1 2 κ 2
(1.8) H0 = p + q ,
2ρ 2
where q = ∂z u and p = ρu̇. The equations of motion are therefore also not the
standard equations, Eq. 1.6. The symplectic matrix is replaced by the differential
0 1 0 ∂z
(1.9) → ,
−1 0 ∂z 0
yielding the same equations of motion, Eq. 1.2, for a different pair of variables.
Furthermore, spatially constant configuration solutions u0 (t) will not contribute
to the port-Hamiltonian, expect for the constant of motion, p0 , the momentum of
the string as a whole. In the port-Hamiltonian formulation these states can be
excluded, by the appropriate choice of the function space for the momentum p(z).
The displacement u plays two roles: it is the dynamical variable associated with
the energy in the system, and it is the configuration and determines the possible,
or allowed, velocities. The evolution of the system should be consistent which the
configuration the system can attain.
Taking for example a set of modes φi (z) = z i :
(1.11) u(z) = q0 + q1 z + q2 z 2 + q3 z 3 ,
the velocities are directly given in terms of the time derivatives of the coefficients
qi :
(1.12) u̇(z) = q̇0 + q̇1 z + q̇2 z 2 + q̇3 z 3 ,
The same modal subspace is spanned for u and u̇. The canonical momenta p =
(p0 , p1 , p2 , p3 ) corresponding to the modes q = (q0 , q1 , q2 , q3 ) are the variational
Z 1
(1.13) pi = δq̇i dzL = [Mq̇]i ,
where the mass matrix M is given by the integrals over products of modes as they
occur in the Lagrangian:
Z 1
(1.14) qi Mij q̇j = q̇i dzρφi (z)φj (z) q̇j .
ρ 2
The mass matrix has only constant values for a kinetic density 2 u̇ :
2 0 1 0
0 1 0 2
(1.15) M = ρ 5
1 0 2 0 .
0 25 0 27
Hence, only for a particular choice of subspace, or modes, the Hamiltonian is prop-
erly defined. The momentum vector p, paired with the position vector q, is simply
p = Mq̇, with the given mass matrix. The local definition of momenta, p(z) for-
mally assigned, would arise from Fourier-Laplace theory [Hörmander, 1990] with
quasi-periodic modes.
The Hamiltonian is for a quadratic Lagrangian itself quadratic:
1 1
(1.16) H = pT M−1 p + qT Kq ,
2 2
where the stiffness matrix is recovered along the same lines as the mass matrix by
integrating the modes φi = z i :
0 0 0 0
0 2 0 3
(1.17) K = κ 0 0 4 0 .
0 3 0 18 5
The stiffness matrix has a null-space, corresponding to the constant displacement.
If, instead of the polynomial expansion, we would have used a trigonometric expan-
sion, the displacement would be associated with cos ki z while the momenta would
be associated with ki2 cos ki z, which vanishes for ki = 0.
The modes are no longer local. For example, all of the modes q together
determine the position of the ends z = ±1:
(1.18) u(±1) = (1, ±1, 1, ±1) · q = χT± q .
For a given end position, for example u(−1) = 0, the Hamiltonian needs to be
projected perpendicular to the subspace spanned by χ− . The positions should
satisfy χT− q = 0, the momenta χT− M−1 p = 0. The second condition determines
the rate of change of the constraint χT− q̇ = 0. If the second condition is given, the
constraint χT− q = 0 only needs to be specified for the initial time t = 0.
It is easier to apply an external force to the system. The force applied to one
end, however, is distributed over all the modes.
We see that the collective modes give rise to some subtle results and effects
in the finite approximations of the infinite theory. Another approach would be to
retain as much of the local theory as possible. It is not the momentum p(z) which
is nonlocal, but the potential energy ∂z q(z) which couples the spatially separate
dynamics q(z) and q(z 0 ) for z 6= z 0 . By introducing the moment variable q 0 (z) =
∂z q(z) the Hamiltonian H(q, p) transforms to a port-Hamiltonian H 0 (q 0 , p), and the
equations of motion, rather than the port-Hamiltonian itself, is the source of the
nonlocal coupling of dynamics at distinct points z and z 0 .
1.8. Outline
This thesis addresses the question how continuous components can be analyzed
and described such that the resulting model can be used in a larger system for sys-
tem analysis and simulation. The question focusses very much on the treatment
of a single component and its means to interact with its surroundings. The inter-
action takes the form of the power variables of bond-graph modelling representing
the action-reaction pair which product is the energy flow in and out of the system.
The global question induces several more detailed questions. They fall in a
number of groups:
• Models of a system: variables, properties, transformation of variables,
reduction of variables, i.e., model order.
• Open, or modular, models: a model of a component, which can be inserted
in all possible orientations and situations in a larger system.
• Qualities of infinite-dimensional, or continuous, models: energy, continu-
ity relations, conservation laws, dimensionless constants.
• Dynamics of the model: time-behavior, input-output, stability, conserved
• Mathematical tools to describe continuous systems: partial differential
operators, differential geometry, variational principles, norms.
• Consistency of the model: constructing well-defined open mathematical
problems, retaining qualities of the system in the model.
• Numerical evaluation: approximation of continuous operators, time-inte-
gration as simulation, numerical stability, constraints implementation.
• Mismatch between variables for energy and for the state, or configuration:
null-spaces of operators, integrability, natural input variables.
These questions are addressed throughout the thesis. A number of preliminary
chapters treat some of the known material in this light. The later chapters are the
result of separate investigations.
For each chapter the purpose is described shortly.
1.8. OUTLINE 15
• Chapter 1 Introduction
Different concepts, such as complexity, model, port-based modelling, bound-
ary impedance, and transmission, related to the work are discussed in a
historical light. The chapter finishes with an illustrative example, this
outline, and a dutch summary.
• Chapter 2 Mathematical models of dynamical systems
The mathematical description of mainly isolated systems with increasing
complexity, in terms of the number of degrees of freedom. Some generic
methods associated with these models. The chapter begins with classical
mechanics, and ends with general geometric, variational, and algebraic
tools used in the description and analysis of dynamical models.
• Chapter 3 Evolution
Finite-dimensional linear models for simulation, simulation through time
integration, integration methods. The state-space, or A,B,C,D-model
to be used throughout the thesis for finite-dimensional linear models, is
defined, some of its properties are discussed, and the time-integration
methods, for simulation, are analyzed and improved.
• Chapter 4 Differential geometry
The spatial domain on which the states of the system are defined plays
an important role in the choice and transformation of the state variables.
Elements of differential geometry relevant for this choice and the possible
transformations are discussed in this chapter: invariant, or coordinate-
free, methods, integrability conditions, and conserved flow.
• Chapter 5 Partial differential equations
A system described by a partial differential equations as input-output
model, how to define energy, formulating it as an initial boundary value
problem, where the initial conditions are the states, the boundary condi-
tions the input. Results from the literature.
• Chapter 6 Models of infinite-dimensional systems
Physical systems described in continuous variables, their formulation and
intrinsic qualities. Elasticity, fluid dynamics, electromagnetism are dis-
cussed. Some models based on these theories illustrate modelling ap-
proaches. Dimensionless constants are discussed as an important tool for
analyzing such systems.
• Chapter 7 Port-based modelling of infinite systems
What are the equivalents of the lumped qualities, typical for bond-graph
modelling, in continuous systems. Can they be isolated and assigned
to boundary values? The port-Hamiltonian is constructed from varia-
tional principles with differential operators. The distributed equivalents
of lumped properties of components are constructed as quasi-stationary
states of the core model. A generalized view, which brings together a
variety of physical boundary conditions, is introduced.
• Chapter 8 Linear finite element methods
Short introduction into FEM, stencils, degrees of freedom, and their qual-
ities and reduction. Special attention is paid to the initial-boundary value
problem, dynamics, and the retention of conservation laws during FEM
approximation of the continuous model.
Chapter 7 forms the conceptual core of this thesis. It is the juxtaposition be-
tween the earlier chapters which sketch the existing background within the frame-
work of the problems pointed out in Chapter 7. The later chapters are more de-
tailed answers to the questions posed. Each of these chapters contains stand-alone
results, covering the different aspects, such as input-based dynamics, finite-element
modelling, and global modelling.
2.1. Introduction
In this chapter we treat the mathematical models from the perspective of
Hamiltonian dynamics and energy conservation. These models are classified by
the number of degrees of freedom. With the growing number new features arise in
dynamical systems. For a more complete introduction into Hamiltonian dynamics
the reader is referred to the classical literature, [Whittaker, 1917, Carathéodory,
1935] physics literature, [Landau and Lifschitz, 1976, Goldstein, 1980, Fetter and
Walecka, 1980], or the mathematical literature. [Gantmacher, 1970, Hirsch and
Smale, 1974, Arnold, 1989]
Energy conservation is a central principle in physical dynamical systems. Con-
servation means the energy remains equal with time. The notion of energy has
been around since classical times, Huygens was the first person to equate two forms
of energy: kinetic and gravitational, and thereby quantifying the concept. [Huy-
gens, 1673, Theobald, 1966] But its central role, given to it by Hamilton, since the
eighteenth century, reversed its function. Rather than energy, E, being a quality
of a system, it became a dynamical principle. If energy is conserved, the state of
an isolated system must retain the same energy, which restricts the dynamics, i.e.,
the change of the state in the time. The resulting equations of motion are known
as the Hamilton, sometimes Hamilton-Jacobi, equations of motion. The energy E
in an appropriate choice of dynamical, or state variables x of the system is the
Hamiltonian: E = H(x).
The energy of a system has later been related to the translational invariance
in the time. For physical systems the results of experiments will typically not
depend on whether an experiment is done today or yesterday. This invariance is a
symmetry of the system and the resulting constant of motion is the energy. Noether
[Noether, 1918] and Weyl [Weyl, 1952] have been instrumental in the introduction
of this connection between time and energy. In that respect the Hamiltonian H was
identified as a single component of a space-time tensor, [Frankel, 2004] 4 × 4 matrix
that transforms with the transformation of space-time coordinates, T 00 = H. The
0-component indicates the time direction, while the other 1, 2, 3-components are the
spatial directions x, y, z. The full conserved energy-momentum tensor {T µν }3µ,ν=0
expresses all of the space-time symmetries; translational, rotational, and boost.
[Felsager, 1981] These aspects are further discussed in Chapters 5 and 7.
The critical point is also singular point in the polar coordinates (x0 , φ). The
angle variable is irrelevant at x0 = 0, as the system will remain stuck at x(t) = 0,
hence it is characterized by its zero amplitude x0 = 0. If we draw the trajectories of
the kinematical variables as a function of time we find they are ellipses around the
critical point. See Figure 2.1. The closed orbits of the harmonic oscillator are very
interesting. It tells us that the time evolution is described by the angle φ(t) only;
the amplitude x0 remains constant. The amplitude is associated with the energy
E in the system. Since two variables are needed to describe a system, we might as
well pick two variables which brings the system to the general canonical form for
arbitrary vectors x, which coefficients are the kinematical or state variables:
(2.3) ẋ = Ax ,
which means using the momentum p = mẋ instead of the velocity ẋ, since the
leading order term in the differential equation mẍ must be on the left hand side of
the canonical evolution equation. The matrix A is called the evolution operator.
The ellipses in the configuration-velocity space (x, ẋ) can be mapped to ellipses
in the phase space (x, p) = (x, mẋ). The energy, yielding the families of trajectories,
is given by:
1 2 k 2
(2.4) E= p + x .
2m 2
The motion is perpendicular to the lines with constant E. Hence it can be treated
geometrically rather than as a differential equation of time. The two variables, the
position x1 = x and the momentum x2 = p form a vector x:
x1 x
(2.5) x= = .
x2 p
The direction in which the system moves in time: ẋ is a vector tangent to the line
E(x) = constant, which is most easily constructed as the vector perpendicular the
E=E 3
E=E 1 E=E 2
Figure 2.2. The gradient, in x = (x, p), of the energy is a vector
perpendicular to the lines of constant energy. The time evolution
is perpendicular to the gradient, and therefore along the lines of
constant energy. If the lines are closer together, the gradient ∇x E
is larger, and so is the evolution ẋ. The area of the phase space
dxdp is preserved.
This is the first of many nonlinear systems we will encounter. In this case
the equations of motions are nonlinear, because the potential V is not a quadratic
function of the energy. Another nonlinearity arises if the mass m(x) is a function
of the position. In most cases we will consider the energy to be only quadratic
in the momentum, yielding always a linear dependence on the momentum in the
The friction can only lower the energy of the system, since −γ ẋ2 < 0. Friction is
a dissipative force. The applied force F can both lower and increase the energy of
the system. The product of velocity ẋ and force F is called the power product, as it
indicates the rate of change of energy put in or taken out of the system. It will play
an essential role in constructing connections between separate systems and defining
boundary variables. Traditionally, in order to define an isolated system in a general
setting, either ẋ = 0 is set, or F = 0. The latter corresponds to free motion, the
first to fixed position.
Treating in friction on the same footing as the energy-conserving dynamics
of the harmonic oscillator can be a formidable task. [Soper, 1976] The Rayleigh
and the Gossick terms [Gossick, 1967] allow for the inclusion of damping in the
equations of motion. However, friction or damping is not the loss of energy. It
is the conversion of energy, to the thermal or vibrational domain. [Breedveld,
1984] Friction represents a port, or connection, between domains, just as applied
forces are. Damping and friction are input and output between components. These
components are not spatially separated, but conceptually.
There is another form of input, which is the constrained motion, which means
specifying x(t) or ẋ(t). For a particular initial condition, x(0), ẋ(0) at time t = 0,
specifying x(t) or ẋ(t) is equivalent, since ẋ(t) can be integrated with the initial
condition x(0) to yield x(t). They specify a fixed motion in phase space, hence a
trivial dynamics. However, in higher dimensions, fixing one position xi (t), would
yield time-dependent equations of motion. In practice it is important to keep track
of the force fi (t) associated with the constrained coordinate xi (t), as the pair tells
how the energy changes in the system:
(2.14) Ė = ẋi = fi ẋi .
The Hamilton equation of motion is identical to the one-dimensional case, even for
an interacting system:
q̇ 0 1 ∇q H(q, p)
(2.16) = .
ṗ −1 0 ∇p H(q, p)
The mass and stiffness matrices are given for a value of the position vector q and
the momentum vector p:
(2.17) Mij−1 (q, p) = ∂pi ∂pj H(q, p) ,
(2.18) Kij (q, p) = ∂qi ∂qj H(q, p) .
In the mathematical literature, [Arnold, 1989] however, a finite-dimensional Hamil-
tonian is more general than the n copies with 2n canonical variables. It might have
an odd number of variables x = (q, p), where there is no longer a clear distinction
between position and momentum variables.
Considering just geometrical arguments would be one approach to arrive at such
general Hamiltonians. The link with rotation may clarify some of the peculiarities.
In that case only the energy, and the symplectic structure are of interest. If we still
want to satisfy energy conservation, the only requirement is that the evolution of
the system ẋ is perpendicular lies in the E =constant surfaces, which will be of n−1
dimensions, if the space of x is n dimensional. Hence, ẋ has to be perpendicular to
the gradient of the energy. A vector perpendicular to the gradient of the energy is
necessarily the generator of rotation. Given the evolution equation:
(2.19) ẋ = J∇x E(x) .
The symplectic matrix J should satisfy:
(2.20) J T = −J .
In a simplified case, where the energy surfaces, E = contant, are surfaces of a
sphere the canonical energy is E = 21 xT x. The symplectic matrix corresponds to a
rotation X of the vector x:
(2.21) eJt dt = X(t) with XT (t)X(t) = 1 = X(t)X(t)T .
Rotations leave the sphere invariant: a point x with energy E is mapped unto a
point x0 with the same energy. In dynamical systems, from a configuration space,
each position xi has an associated velocity ẋi , yielding a canonical pair (xi , pi ). On
the other hand, the symplectic matrix J can be odd-dimensional. For example, for
the rotation of a free rigid body, no potential appears and the symplectic matrix J
is the three-dimensional generator of rotations:
ẋ1 x1 0 ω12 −ω13 x1
(2.22) ẋ2 = J x2 ≡ −ω12 0 ω23 x2 ,
ẋ3 x3 ω13 −ω23 0 x3
where ωij are the components of the rotation vector. The three-dimensional gen-
erator is build up of three basic generators J12 :
0 1 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0
J(ω) = −1 0 0 ω12 + 0 0 0 ω13 + 0 0 1 ω23
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 −1 0
x - 1
j 0
E = constant 1
E 0
0 E = constant
At a particular point of the sphere, there are only two tangential directions in the
energy surface. To first order, the third direction remains constant. For example,
if x2 = x3 = 0, the generator J23 will change the system. For example, if we map
the position on the sphere to x = (1, 0, 0)T , the two tangential directions, forming a
canonical pair, undergoing a symplectic evolution, are (0, 1, 0)T and (0, 0, 1)T . See
Figure 2.4.
The energy sphere, invariant under rotations, has another interesting feature.
The evolution of a system can be seen as a continuous transformation, mapping
the phase space unto itself. Such a transformation is a group, and for many groups
the structure is analyzed in depth. Hence it might be possible to map a dynamical
system to a group. However, only for very simple linear dynamical systems such a
transformation is interesting as it simplifies the formulation, and yields global prop-
erties, such as spectra. The one-dimensional harmonic oscillator can be mapped to
the SO(2) (all orthogonal 2 × 2 matrices with unit determinant) or the U (1) (all
unitary 1 × 1 matrices) group. The U (1) group is the multiplication group of all
complex phases:
(2.25) eiφ eiψ = ei(φ+ψ) ,
where the generator of rotations is the multiplication with i:
(2.26) ż = iz ,
where the complex variable represents the canonical pair: z = x1 + ix2 , with the
radial frequency is ω = 2π. In this case the action-angle variables correspond to
the modulus-argument variables (|z|, Im ln z).
The equivalent SO(2) formulation yield group elements: X ∈ so(2):
cos φ sin φ
(2.27) X(φ) = ,
− sin φ cos φ
with the properties:
(2.28) X(−φ)X(φ) = X T (φ)X(φ) = 1 = X(0) = X(φ)X T (φ) ,
The nicest aspect of a group is that only a single point of the phase space has to be
analyzed, all other points are related to that single point by a group transformation
X. Furthermore, the coordinate system of the phase space, and the tangential
vectors ∇x E(x) and ẋ, are naturally given by the group generators and the group
orbits. These principles can be used to improve the numerical simulation of such
system. See Section 3.4.
Another class of groups are the symplectic groups, which are the coordinate
transformations x0 (x) which leave the dynamics invariant. Not all coordinate trans-
formations are allowed, as is to be expected. This can most easily be seen from
considering the configuration space (x, ẋ). Given a transformation of the position
x0 (x) the transformations of the velocity ẋ0 is given:
(2.31) ẋ0 = ẋ .
The matrix F = ∂x ∂x is the transformation Jacobian, sometimes called the defor-
mation gradient.[Truesdell and Toupin, 1960]
x 1 x
segments can be combined and analyzed. Apart from the computational advan-
tage of not having to perform a very large structural calculation, the advantage of
decomposing the large structure of a bridge into logical units is the fact that each
unit, such as a bridge column, a connection, of a surface element, can be analyzed
on its own, exposing its weaknesses.
The vibrational modes of a bridge or a comb arise in many engineering prob-
lems. The usual approach is a large structural calculation, using all the elements
combined. However, such problems may be regular, having a large amount of
repetitive structure, such a row of identical bridge columns and road segments. See
Figure 2.5.
Each of the columns we may investigate separately, yielding a response to a
force f :
(2.32) x(f ) ≈ Cf .
For a composite column calculating the response to a stationary force is the easiest
approach since for each segment for the column the same force applies, and the sum
of all displacements is the total displacements in the linear approximation:
(2.33) C= Csegment .
x = x1 + x2+ x 3
x = x1 + x2
x = x1
The inertia of the surface of the bridge contributes in full to the vibrational
inertia. The stiffness is however more complicated. Between two columns a surface
segment has stretch and bending stiffnesses. The stretch stiffness depends only on
the distance between the ends:
(2.37) Estretch = k(xi − xi+1 − l)2 ,
where l is the length of a segment.
The bending stiffnesses depend both on the angle the bridge surface makes
between two neighboring segments, and the angle each segment makes with each of
the two support columns. Hence there are two tensorial elastic energy contributions
depending on the vectors (xi − xi+1 ) and (xi − xi−1 ) for the surface bending, and
(xi − xi+1 ) and (xi − xbase ) for the column-surface angle:
where the variables of the function K are the invariants, like y T z, y2 , and z2 ,
which can be made of the two relative vectors y and z. The parameters appearing
in the function, will depend on whether it represents the surface bending or the
surface-column shear. See Figure 2.5 The position and orientation of the column
or a surface element will not influence the elastic energy. The invariants single out
the orientation-independent deformations.
Each of these terms can be determined in a limited and more detailed static
analysis. Afterward all the elements are combined to a single energy, from which
the Hamiltonian is constructed by inverting the mass matrix.
In Chapters 8 and 11 the elements of the finite element methods are constructed
along the same lines, where in the latter chapter, Chapter 11 the energy is indeed
constructed in terms of invariants. The simplest linear elements are most easily
constructed, but elements satisfying some physical laws, such as orientation invari-
ance, may predict the correct behavior much more accurately. The numerical code
Spacar, to predict and control the behavior of industrial robots using the orientation
of different points on a robot arm, is a good example, although the implementation
is not in terms of invariants. [Waiboer et al., 2005]
Apart from these, more or less, fundamental distinctions among infinite sys-
tems, there are many mathematical distinctions among infinite systems, character-
ized by the treatment of the system, rather than its nature. It is important to note
that, for example for a partial differential equation, there is little to say about the
solution, if one does not specify the space in which this solution lies. This space will
be considered in this thesis more freely than most approaches in functional analysis
In functional analysis, one starts with the notion of “size” in the form of a
norm k · k of a function. Several norms exist, and different norms may be used in
conjunction. For compact infinite systems the norm of a function is usually the
integral over this function:
Z n1
(2.39) kf kn = |f (x)| dx
where f is the complex conjugate of f (if f is complex), such that hf, f i = kf k22 =
kf ∗ k22 . This space is called the Lebesgue space; any function in this domain is
f ∈ L2 (Ω). [Rudin, 1966]
Important to the notion of norm is the fact that zero norm means the zero-
(2.42) kf k = 0 ⇒ f = 0 .
Rather than a result, this implication should be read as a definition of the zero-
function in a particular space. For integrals many functions are equivalent, in the
sense that their difference is a zero function: kf − gk = 0.
The norm turns out to be very useful, as most global properties of a system,
such as the mass and energy, can be expressed as norms. However, without any
sense of “distance” on the reference space Ω, a system will just be a very large
collection of independent systems. In Table 2.1 different notions of distance are
listed. The notion of distance gives rise to the notion of collective behavior: the
behavior f (z) at two points z1 and z2 will be similar if these points are close
together. The behavior is correlated. Note that this distance is in the reference
space Ω, and not the infinite function space. The spatial derivative gives rise to
this notion. Higher values for the derivative means less correlation. The notion of
collective behavior means that ∂z f (z) is bounded in some sense. Hence, it might be
more appropriate to start with a mathematical function space which is tied closer
to a definition of a spatial derivative ∂z .
Instead of using norms, other mathematical views of functions are a more natu-
ral means to consider differentiability. One could consider analytic functions, which
are infinitely differentiable on its domain Ω. If the domain is simply connected, such
name topology
point set subsets x ∈ S0 ⊂ S
metric distance ρ(x, y) ≥ 0
normed norm kxk ≥ 0 with ρ(x, 0) = kxk
Banach linear norm kλxk = |λ|kxk
Hilbert inner product hx, yi with hx, xi = kxk2
linear algebra mass matrix M with hx, yi = xT My
Table 2.1. Closed and complete spaces in analysis. Completeness
means that a converging series kxi − xi+1 k → 0 has a limit kxi −
xk → 0 within the space. Dynamical systems fall naturally in
the category of normed spaces, where the energy E = kxk ≥ 0.
For mathematical analysis more structure, like a Banach space or
Hilbert space is more useful. For numerical analysis, a finite linear
algebra, at least locally, is necessary.
that is has no holes, a small neighborhood of a single point on the domain is re-
quired for the evaluation. The value at all other points z ∈ Ω result from analytic
continuation. Complex functions have many other advantages, since integration
and differentiation are naturally defined on complex functions. The consistency re-
lations for complex analyticity, the Cauchy-Riemann relations, are even defined as
differential equations. See, for example, Section 5.5, where the boundary conditions
for the Cauchy-Riemann equations and the Laplace equation are investigated.
However, analyticity is a very strict condition, many functions will not satisfy
this property, and, for example, no function on a compact support, such that it is
only nonzero on a compact domain Ω, can be analytic. There are means around this
problem, by considering only finite domains, which lead to, e.g., Fourier series and
Hardy spaces, however, the class of finite differentiable functions C n (Ω) will be in
practice the function space of choice. It only requires the necessary condition needed
to perform the calculations. It is a strictly local property: in every neighborhood
of a point z ∈ Ω, the n-th derivative of a function f ∈ C n (Ω) is continuous. The
derivative of a function can be seen as an algorithmic or operational property.
Looking at differentiation is such an abstract sense, defining “∂z f (z)” rather than
calculating it, avoids some of the pitfalls of real analysis. The use of differential
operators in finite function spaces is a possible alternative. See Sections 2.8 and
Real functions of real variables are a possible beehive of stings. Weierstrass has
learned us as much. It is possible to define the most horrible functions, which are
nowhere continuous, or differentiable. [Gelbaum and Olmsted, 1964] However, the
functions in this thesis are the mathematical representations of physical systems,
therefore, we assume they behave nicely, at least, at the scale we look at them.
Furthermore, they are the result of some external input, and eventually we will
discover that the quality of the input, we are free to choose, will determine the
quality of the functions representing the system under investigation.
continuity of the states, functions or fields, on that space, f (z) ∈ Rm , and the
continuity in time; the dynamics A. These three notions are intimately related.
Without the underlying space Ω the dynamics consists of infinitely many copies
of finite-dimensional dynamics for each of the positions z. The differential equa-
tions couple these systems through the notion of distance: kz − z 0 k ≈ 0, however,
regularity, and collective motion arise only if the states change only slowly with
kf (z) − f (z 0 )k
(2.43) lim0 = finite ,
z→z kz − z 0 k
which is typical for linear, Banach spaces. However, more closely related to the
notion of energy, E = kf k is the finite variation in the form:
kf (z)k − kf (z 0 )k
(2.44) lim0 = finite .
z→z kz − z 0 k
From the global norm, kf k, over the whole domain, for example kf k = maxz∈Ω kf (z)k,
the local norm kf (z)k can be reached through the use of either some test, or mea-
sure, functions, or a variational principle:
(2.45) g(z) = f (z) + h(z) ,
where h(z) is some localized variation, around z and z 0 , and an infinitesimal
quantity. It uses the Taylor expansion in and thereby the tools of linear analysis.
However, generally, the energy E = kf k, and the fields f (z) on the domain
Ω have a strained relation. Many approaches are based on some form of regu-
larity. A priori finite approximations are maybe the most successful approaches.
[Kantorovich and Krylov, 1958, Funaro, 1992, Creutz, 1983] They form the basis of
Galerkin methods and finite element methods.
Sobolev spaces are another method to introduce regularity in the functions. The
modern theory of existence and uniqueness of elliptic partial differential equations
is based upon the theory of Sobolev spaces. Not only the values of the functions
are bounded, but also the variations, given by the derivatives up to order l. The
typical Sobolev norm, defining the Sobolev space Wpl (Ω) is:
l Z
! p1
(2.46) kf kWpl = |∂zi f (z)|p dz <∞ .
i=0 Ω
In particular for p = 2 the Banach space has an inner product and defines a Hilbert
space, with all its nice consequences. For formal results such as existence and
uniqueness [Hörmander, 1990] the Sobolev space has been instrumental. In order
to find some finite approximation fd (z) of a solution f (z), such that kfd − f k < ,
these methods have limited use. Eventually, Weierstrass approximation theorem,
[Yosida, 1980] which proves that a continuous function on a finite domain can be
approximated by a polynomial, in the local sense kfd (z) − f (z)k < , remains one
of the strongest results for those who view functions in the classical sense, i.e., as a
graph (z, f (z)). The lifted approaches of jet spaces, and fiber and vector bundles
can be seen as a geometrical extension of this view. [Abraham et al., 1991] The lifted
approach is particularly useful in the study of integrability, if the state variables do
not correspond to the configuration variables. [Ivey and Landsberg, 2000] See also
Section 4.3. indexintegrability
With the change, or dynamics, of a system there seems little formal problem.
The integrability condition of the kernel, or evolution operator, A, is very simple,
and a wide variety of operators may be integrated without problem, formally or
explicitly, considering the correct measure and integration theory, typically Stieltjes
integration, sometimes Lebesgue integration for stationary and variational problems
which are more easily dealt with in Hilbert space:
(2.47) x(t) = eAt x0 = Tt x0 .
The complication arises from the interference between the approximation of the
space Ω and, in particular, the approximation of the fields x = f (z). They interfere
with the desired features of the time-evolution. For example, in the case of energy
conservation kxk = E = constant, the time-translation operator Tt must be a norm-
preserving unitary operator, kx0 k = kTt x0 k, in short, kTt k = 1 in operator norm.
[Gohberg and Goldberg, 1981]
Besides regularity, homogeneity can help to establish results. One of the most
successful treatments of linear dynamical systems is based on the time-translational
invariance of the system. The system can therefore be described by a semi-group:
(2.48) Tt+t0 x = Tt Tt0 x = eA(t+t ) x = eAt eAt x .
The continuity in time follows from the basic properties of the semi-group, e.g.,
T0 = 1. [Yosida, 1980, Curtain and Zwart, 1995]
On the other hand the dynamics of the system dictates a relation between
the space discretization and the time discretization of a system. The well-known
Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy relation determines that the step size must be smaller
than the mesh size divided by the characteristic velocity for stability. [Lax and
Wendroff, 1960, Courant and Hilbert, 1961, Morton and Mayers, 1994] Hence at
different levels the continuities are intertwined.
From the abstract continuous systems there are many routes to a variety of
finite-order numerical models. Not only the approximations, but also the order in
which they are made, will determine the results. It is important to structure these
approximations, and the different notions of continuity.
motion, variational principles and variational derivatives are required. See, among
others, Sections 5.10, 7.5, and 5.3. In this section we will give some background
to these methods. Variational methods were introduced by Johann Bernoulli and
Euler. They stated that any physical problem can be formulated as an extremal
problem of some kind.
Historically, with variational principles the modern analysis of static and dy-
namical systems started. The variational form, such as the minimum or maximum
of a function, allowed one to transform the problem into a convenient form, in order
to find the solution. Coordinate transformations, and model reduction, are there-
fore closely related to the variational form of problems described by differential,
and partial differential, equations. Still such formulations prevail in many of the
descriptions of physical systems. Some notable exceptions are, for example, Fara-
day and Gauss, who, each in their own way had a more visual and geometrical view
of the physical systems they studied. In Chapter 12 we establish some connections
between the variational and the geometric views. In some respect is the variational
principle more fundamental than the formulation in terms of equations of motion
or equations of stability.
We start with a simple example of a line x(z) as a function of z ∈ [−1, 1]. A
variational principle would be the shortest path between x(−1) = x− and x(1) =
x+ . It is common knowledge that the shortest path is a straight line:
1 1
(2.49) x0 (z) = x− (1 − z) + x+ (1 + z) .
2 2
However, to derive this result is less than straightforward.
The path length is the integral:
Z 1 p Z 1 p
(2.50) J[x] = 2
dz (∂z z) + (∂z x) = 2 dz 1 + (∂z x)2 .
−1 −1
If a path x(z) is the minimum, any variation x(z) → x(z)+δx(z) means an increase
of length. The minimum path satisfies that an infinitesimal variation δx, with
δx(−1) = δx(1) = 0, vanishes:
(2.51) J[x + δx] − J[x] = 0 ,
which yields, by expanding the integral and partial integration, the differential
Z 1
δx 1
(2.52) J[x + δx] − J[x] = dz p ∂2x = p ∂2x = 0 .
1 + (∂ x) 2 z 1 + (∂ x) 2 z
−1 z z
Since is for any δx(z) the integral should vanish, the factor must vanish for all z.
Hence, the straight path x0 (z) is a solution to this equation. Such a solution
is called a geodesic, and commonly the, rather unseeming, square root is removed
to yield the standard action principle x(z) ∈ Rn :
(2.53) J[x] = dz ẋT ẋ .
The z coordinate is interpreted as time coordinate, with ∂z x = ẋ.
Many different variational principles exist. Commonly, not the initial and fi-
nal positions are given, but just the initial position x(−1) and the initial velocity
∂z x(−1). However, the same variational principle yields the same differential equa-
tion, with a different set of boundary conditions:
(2.54) ∂z2 x(z) = 0, x(−1) = x− , ∂z x(−1) = x0− ,
yielding the same straight line, in terms of different conditions:
(2.55) x0 (z) = x− + (z + 1)x0− .
The mapping between different sets of boundary conditions, such as between x− , x+
and x− , x0− , is an important aspect of this work. In this case the map is linear and
x− 1 0 x−
(2.56) = .
x+ 1 2 x0−
See Figure 2.7.
The geodesic is not always a straight line. The metric tensor g is the geometric
equivalent of the mass matrix, which may depend on the position x:
(2.57) J[x] = dzgij ẋi ẋj .
For example, the geometric theory of light only takes into account the refraction in-
dex n(x), which yields a change of velocity, due to varying densities of the traversing
medium. The functional for a geometric light ray is:
1 1
(2.58) J[x] = dz ẋT ẋ .
2 n(x)2
For example, in the atmosphere light rays are deflected by warm air with a lower
refraction index n.
A solution x(t) which minimizes the time, or in this case the approximate
functional J[x], is called a geodesic. It is a special case n−2 δij = gij of the general
metric tensor gij . The corresponding geodesic differential equation is:
(2.59) ∂t2 xi + Γijk ∂t xj ∂t xk = 0 ,
ct+z ct−z
ct−z ct+z
u(z,t=1) time
Figure 2.8. The two extreme cases of initial conditions, and the
corresponding time-evolution along the characteristic directions,
given by the arrows. The two functions represent the initial value
u(z, t = 0) and the initial time-derivative u̇(z, t = 0). The left
case corresponds to only a non-zero value, the right case to only
a non-zero derivative. Both correspond to the superposition of
two triangular wave fronts moving away in opposite directions.
Separating the boundary conditions into u± (z, t = 0) = c∂z u(z, t =
0)± u̇(z, t = 0) leads to left-moving and right-moving parts, related
to scattering variables.[John, 1982]
In practice, it means that the action integral will only have contributions from such
terms at the boundary, through the divergence theorem:
(2.63) ∇ · Sdn z = n · Sdn−1 z → 0 .
Ω ∂Ω
In electrodynamics the boundary is usually set at infinity, where the term is ex-
pected to vanish, giving rise to the equivalence. Rather than dealing with cleverly
chosen boundary conditions, we study here boundary control; the effects of bound-
ary conditions and the variations of them. Hence such near-equivalent formulations
in terms of Lagrangians differing only a total divergence Ltotal divergence are rather
ambiguous. The energy of the field will lead to a consistent definition to which the
boundary conditions can be related.
The connecting elements are the differential operators. [Lanczos, 1961, Gilles,
1973] Adding a total divergence to a Lagrangian allows one to rewrite the equations,
ignoring the boundary terms:
(2.64) (∂z φ)2 − ∂z (φ∂z φ) = −(φ∂z2 φ) .
The second term on left-hand side is a total divergence, which allows us to rewrite
the weak formulation, in terms of the energy or Hamiltonian density, to the strong
formulation, in terms of the differential equation, using variational principles.
Another manner to express the relation between the weak and the strong for-
mulation is the use of formal adjoint differential operators. The adjoint operator D ∗
arises partial integration under the integral ignoring the boundary terms, previously
represented by the total divergence:
(2.65) dzφ(z)∂z ψ(z) = − dz(∂z φ(z))ψ(z) + boundary terms .
D D∗ θ
∂z −∂z 1
∂z2 ∂z2 ∂z − ∂z†
∇ ∇· n
∆ ∆ n T ∇ − n T ∇†
∇× ∇× n×
Table 2.2. Differential operators, D, their formal adjoints, D ∗
and the boundary operators θ, yielding together the Green identi-
ties. The dagger † indicates the differential operator acts on the
left: f ∂z† g = (∂z f )g
Simply said, the use of the differential operator in the variational derivative corre-
sponds to the removal of the corresponding terms of the Taylor expansion of the
original function f (z) = δφ H:
(2.76) f (z) → f (z) − z∂z f (z)|z=z0 − z 2 ∂z2 f (z)|z=z0 · · · .
The arbitrariness in the polynomial subtraction, apparent through the indetermi-
nate z0 , are precisely the degrees of freedom not determined by the variational
derivative of δDφ , but determined by other means, usually boundary conditions or
as constants of motion.
Later, in Chapter 7 we will use these methods to single out the part of the
Hamiltonian which should be determined by the input through boundary condi-
tions. The differential operator D is set to be the same as the leading differential
operator in the Hamiltonian. In this manner, the arbitrariness, i.e., the null-space,
of the Hamiltonian is determining the input and the corresponding boundary con-
ditions, rather than boundary conditions being the starting point of a proper de-
scription of continuous dynamical system. For example, this allows us to use the
same Hamiltonian for a component in the case it is freely moving, and in the case
it is fixed. In the first case, the arbitrariness is a conserved momentum, set by the
initial conditions at the starting time. In the second case, the arbitrariness is fixed
by the boundary conditions for every time.
For example, for f (z) < ∞ for z lying inside the contour z ∈ Ω:
f (z 0 ) z 0 ∈ Ω
1 f (z)dz
(2.81) = .
2πi Γ (z − z ) 0 z 0 6∈ Ω
Hence it tells us, that if we know a function f (z) on the boundary Γ, we can
construct a solution f (z) for z ∈ Ω, which satisfies the Laplace equation: ∆f = 0,
using the integral above. It is known as the Dirichlet problem. The function (z −
z 0 )−1 is also known as the Green function for this problem, converting a differential
equation into an integral equation. Care must be taken to understand the form
f (z)dz correctly. This is the complex product, and written out in terms it is the
exterior product for the real part of the expression:
(2.82) f (z)dz = (f1 + if2 )(dx + idy) = f1 dx − f2 dy + i(f1 dy + f2 dx) .
In the chapter of partial differential equations, Chapter 5, we will discuss the con-
straints on the function f (z) on the boundary z ∈ Γ = ∂Ω, as and example of
problems with boundary conditions.
In quantum mechanics the complex functions are more than a practical tool.
The wave function in quantum mechanics is complex. Only our observations are
real, and therefore a measurement is a projection on the real axis in the complex
In higher dimensions there is no unique extension of complex spaces. Three
important extensions exist. First, the quarternions, which is a three dimensional
extension of the skew symmetry, similar to the generators of the rotation group.
Second, the projection of a 2n dimensional space on n complex planes. In the sense
of Darboux theorem such a projection exists for nonsingular symplectic geometry,
however, in general such projections are an active field of research. Third, the
mapping on an Euclidean norm for the modulus, with some winding number as
complex argument, or phase.
α sin η
(2.84) y= .
cosh ξ − cos η
It can be seen as the conformal mapping:
u+α u + α y y
(2.85) v = log = log
+ i arctan − arctan ,
u−α u − α x+α x−α
with u = x + iy and v = ξ + iη. [Spiegel, 1964, Magnus et al., 1966] This is also
known as a bilinear conformal mapping. The linear conformal map is the Möbius
transform which maps lines and circles to lines and circles. See also Figure 12.4.
The Laplacian is
(2.86) ∆x,y f = (cosh ξ − cos η)2 ∆ξ,η f .
Hence the coordinates ξ and η themselves are solutions of the Laplacian, except at
the singularities ξ = ±∞.
The bipolar coordinates have several uses. For example, the electrostatic field
between two charged cylinders is most easily described in terms of bipolar coordi-
nates, and the Newtonian flow between two rotating eccentric cylinders is given by
the velocity potential in bipolar coordinates
In Section 12.3 the geometric aspects of bipolar coordinates are used the analyze
the material dependency of the transmission of force through a plane.
such that the null space cos nz = 1 can be separated from the infinite-dimensional
subspace on which the operator ∂z has an index zero. In the study of boundary
conditions, Section 5.5, the index will arise as well.
Another feature of operators on infinite dimensional spaces the more restrictive
norm. For example, the interchanging of summations, no problem for finite sums,
leads to different answers for the matrix: [Gelbaum and Olmsted, 1964]
1 1 1
0 2 4 8 ···
−1 0 1 1
21 1
2 4
A = 41 − 21
− 0 ···
(2.92) 1
2 ,
8 −4 −2 0
.. .. ..
. . . .
lead to two distinct double sums:
(2.93) Aij = 2 6= −2 =
Aij .
i j j i
As can be seen from the differential operator ∂z above, many operators associated
with partial differential equations (PDE’s) are unbounded, i.e., might yield very
large results, in some norm k · k, for the traditional functions and function spaces.
[Gohberg and Goldberg, 1981] For example the function f (z) = |z|α for 0 < α < 1
is a well-behaved continuous function of z, but its derivative is singular. A large
part of research on PDE’s is devoted of constructing function spaces S appropriate
for functions f (z), such that the image Df (z) of the differential operator D still
yields well-behaved functions, in the sense kf kS < ∞ ⇒ kDf kD < ∞. Sobolev
spaces and Schwartz spaces are examples of such restricted function spaces, with
well-behaved images. [Hörmander, 1990]
Quite often, in numerical evaluations and simulations, one has no other choice
than to truncate the space, first from continuous to countable, and subsequently to
finite. See, for example, Chapter 8. The solution space is thereby regularized. The
functions are restricted to some well-behaved set. In nonlinear partial differential
equations, discontinuities and singularities may arise, which can no longer be found
in the numerical simulation. [Hörmander, 1990] Another problem are spurious
solutions, or intruder states. The name arises from the discovery of this phenomena
in large matrix calculations in nuclear shell theory. The collective behavior of a
number of functions, each separately irregular enough to be discarded from the finite
approximation of the system, may yield some smooth and global dynamics. Such
states may arise from systems described either by matrices which large off-diagonal
coefficients in A, like in Eq. 2.92, or, similar, from systems with small differences
between the diagonal coefficients. In the mathematical theory of matrices, such
systems are ill-conditioned. [Wilkinson, 1965]
The high density of states, or modes, of the eigenspectrum of systems, which
plagues the conditioning of the resulting matrix, is common to all system of two
or more spatial dimensions. The density of states in the eigenspectrum for a given
frequency grows with the power of dimension: ∼ ω dim . Even for small coefficients
in the off-diagonal part of the matrix, like in Eq. 2.92, the sheer number of off-
diagonal coefficients can yield a large truncation error. The local form of the partial
differential equation, makes a finite difference approximation near diagonal, which
has the advantage of a reduced number of off-diagonal coefficients, and therefore
better conditioning.
The dynamics of the state space is discussed in more general terms in the
following chapter. Were the models of dynamical systems in this chapter mainly
isolated, in the following chapter the input and output will play a central role.
Furthermore, we will take a closer look at the simulation, or time-integration, of
dynamics, i.e., the evolution in time.
The sciences do not try to explain, they hardly ever try to inter-
pret, they mainly make models.
[J. von Neumann]
Linear models of dynamical systems, with input and output, are often brought
to a canonical form, before numerical analysis and simulation. In system engineer-
ing, this canonical form is often the state-space model, or input-state-output model,
or the A, B, C, D-model. [Polderman and Willems, 1998, Curtain and Zwart, 1995,
Nijmeijer and van der Schaft, 1990] Physical dynamical systems are only a subset
of all systems that can be brought in the input-state-output form. In the more
mathematical literature, the output is deemed less relevant, and the same model is
referred to as the model for system evolution, i.e., the motion in time. [Hirsch and
Smale, 1974]
The states of input-state-output model are the necessary internal degrees of
freedom, which can be the charge on a capacitor in an electric system, or the position
of a mass in a mechanical system. The state is often seen as the configuration,
independent of any input. For example, the input force may cause an acceleration,
but does not determine the start position or velocity. These are states, however,
only if the position or velocity is relevant for the dynamics. Some parts of the
configuration may not be relevant for the dynamics. For example, in the language
of Einstein’s relativity, experiments carried out on a moving train will have the
same outcome, as experiments carried out on solid ground. Hence both the global
position and the global velocity of the experimental setup are irrelevant, and they
not required as states.
The generic input-state-output system we will call an evolution system. The
dynamical systems of the previous chapter are a subclass of the broader set of evo-
lution systems. However, the absence of certain physical principles, such as energy
and momentum conservation, will lead to poorly defined models, which might de-
scribe certain behavior well, but it yields less insight in the internal dynamics of a
system. For example, dissipation is an integral part of such models. Prying away
the dissipation part from the oscillatory part is often done a posteriori in order
to be able to analyze stability.[Willems, 1972a] Furthermore, the physical basis of,
for example, dissipation is usually absent as A, B, C, D models do not start with
a detailed analysis of the system at hand, but are postulated and later adjusted
to fit the dynamics. In the extreme case of this limited insight in the model, the
model is treated as a black box, where the number of states and the parameters of
the input-state-output model is fitted to experiments. This process is called system
identification. [Ljung, 1999] The identification is usually with a linear A, B, C, D-
model, since nonlinearities will make identification much more difficult.
The input is restricted to the same time-dependence as the states themselves, which
made the self-dual formulation possible.
Another common operator associated with the state space representation is the
Laplace transformation [Widder, 1941] of the system evolution:
Z ∞
(3.7) G(s) = L[Ce B] + D = e−st CeAt Bdt + D = C(s1 − A)−1 B + D .
In practical applications of control engineering, the right-hand side is commonly
referred to as the transfer matrix from input u to output y. [Ogata, 1990]
Although, the dynamical systems under consideration are more general in the
sense that nonlinearities occur, and more restrictive, in the sense that the matrix
A must be Hamiltonian, such that the energy is conserved, it is useful to keep the
A, B, C, D description in mind. In a small neighborhood of a particular state x,
the system can be approximated by a A, B, C, D. The state space can therefore be
characterized by properties of the matrices A, B, C, D, rather than by “dynamics”
in the abstract sense. Regions can be indicated by the ranks of the observability
and controllabity matrices, as the typical invariants of the linear system.
Occasionally the matrix E is introduced:
(3.8) Eẋ = Ax + Bu .
In the case the matrix E is singular, every independent vector g in the left null-
space of E would corresponds to a constraint g T Ax + gT Bu = 0 on the state
vector x. Since the system is linear, it should be no problem to solve the constraint
explicitly, and use a lower dimensional state. Conceptually, E is unwanted too.
A state x should define the system. Every component of the state is an initial
condition required for the evolution. With a singular E, initial conditions x(0) with
gT Ax(0) + gT Bu 6= 0 will not lead to a well-defined evolution. Initial conditions
for partial differential equations are further discussed in Section 5.3.
On the other hand, the singular E or A will arise from the internal dynamics of
distributed, or continuous systems, described by partial differential equations. The
null-space corresponds to degrees of freedom not fixed by the internal dynamics.
In the case of a discrete approximation of such systems it is important to retain
the null-space. Depending on the view the left null-space of A corresponds to the
constants of motion, such as the momentum of an isolated system or the conserved
charge, while the right null-space corresponds to boundary conditions, which act
as constraints on the internal dynamics. Hence the interaction of the system with
its environment determines the view, and it may not always be proper to reduce
the dimension such that A or E is nonsingular, if the setting is not specified. In
the port-Hamiltonian approach, discussed in Chapter 7, the null-space is isolated
but retained, such that, depending on the interaction of the system, the variables
in the null-space can act as input, i.e., constraints, or output, i.e., constants of
motion, or a more complicated interactive and dynamical response, which we call
Linear systems can be brought to the A, B, C, D form. Most physical, mechan-
ical dynamical systems are in their native form described by the Euler-Lagrange
equations, and are consequently written as second-order equations. They depend
on the the position q and the velocity q̇, to determine the evolution in terms of the
acceleration q̈. To turn the second-order equations into a set of first-order equations
the velocity is used as an independent variable. In the simplest approach v = q̇,
however, other choices of independent variables exist, such as the momentum p(q̇).
The state vector is therefore a combination of position and a function of velocity
x = (q, f (q̇)).
In mechanical systems E usually incorporates the mass of the system. However,
the Hamiltonian formulation, or the Lancaster scheme, makes it possible to bring
the mass to the left-hand side. The Lancaster scheme turns the Newton equation:
(3.9) Mq̈ + Dq̇ + Kq = F ,
into a first-order equations with x = (q, q̇):
D M K 0 F
(3.10) ẋ + x= .
M 0 0 −M 0
In this case the matrix E is:
(3.11) E= .
M 0
To bring the system into the A, B, C, D form, the matrix E in front of ẋ must be
inverted, which is possible as long as the damping D is much smaller than the mass
M. The Lancaster scheme E matrix is a special case of the E matrix that arises in
constrained minimization, encountered later.
The Hamilton equations are a similar reduction of the second-order equations
to a coupled set of first-order equations, however, in a more systematic manner,
such that it can be generalized to nonlinear systems. See also Chapter 2. The
Hamilton system is automatically the core of the A, B, C, D system:
ṗ 0 −K F
(3.12) = ẋ = x+ .
q̇ M−1 0 0
In this case the augmented x vector does not contain the velocity, but the momen-
tum p = Mq̇.
Hamilton formulated these equations of motion based on the conserved en-
ergy, or Hamiltonian. The contribution of Jacobi has been to remove superfluous
variables from these equations using coordinate transformations and generalized
coordinates. A similar procedure was carried out by Lagrange to arrive at gener-
alized coordinates for Newtonian mechanics. The names of Hamilton and Jacobi
are also connected to the equation of the generating functional S for the canonical
coordinate transformation: [Goldstein, 1980]
(3.13) H(q, ∇q S, t) + ∂t S = 0 .
The conserved energy in the Hamiltonian dynamics will lead to a natural def-
inition of the output, corresponding to the input force F. In the absence of an
applied force, the Hamiltonian H is constant in time:
1 1
(3.14) H = pT M−1 p + qT Kq .
2 2
In the case of an applied force F, the energy varies. The equations of motion can
be used to express the change in energy in terms of the state variables q and p:
Ḣ = ∇q H q̇ + ∇p H ṗ = qT KM−1 p − qT KM−1 p + pT M−1 F = pT M−1 F = q̇F ,
where is used that both the stiffness matrix K = KT and the mass matrix M = MT
are symmetric. Hence the change of energy, or power, supplied to the system
corresponds to the product of the applied force and the velocity. The natural
output matrix C is therefore:
(3.16) C= .
In the absence of degenerate eigenfrequencies the normalized left and the right
eigenvectors are trivially related:
(3.19) V† = U−1 .
Furthermore, if A is symmetric, the matrix U is orthonormal, representing a rota-
tion. The exponentiation of a symmetric matrix A boils down to the exponentiation
of the eigenvalues of Ω:
(3.20) eAt = V† eΩt U .
The eigenvalues ω for stable dynamical systems lie in the complex half plane Reω ≤
0, while for an energy conserving system, they consist of pairs ω = ±iλ.
This spectral composition does not always exist, which is a common problem
for analysis of linear systems. The general matrix A can be diagonalized up to
Jordan blocks: [Wilkinson, 1965]
(3.21) A=
.. ,
with a single block
λ 1 0 0
0 λ 1 0
(3.22) Ji =
0 λ 1
0 0 0 λ
where the block can be of arbitrary length. Instead of an evolution given by the
sum of exponentials, the evolution of the Jordan block evolution matrix Ji will be
given by a polynomial P (t) times the exponential:
eJ = eλ λeλ λ2 eλ .
0 0 eλ λeλ
0 0 0 eλ
The typical off-diagonal coefficient, indexed (i, j), is given by: λj−i eλ /(j − i)!.
In the case of infinite-dimensional systems, such a decomposition is not possible.
There might not be a finite set of eigenvalues of the operator A, although in many
cases, given certain conditions of A, certain conclusions might be drawn. For the
analysis of infinite-dimensional systems the analyticity of the resolvent RA is often
(3.26) RA = dzA ,
Γ z−A
which appears in all kind of scalar forms, such as in the Gramian above, Eq. 3.6.
The complex variable z is more general than the variable of the Laplace transform,
Eq. 3.7, since particular singularities of the spectrum of A can be singled out by an
integration contour around them. See also Section 5.7. The Cauchy theorem can
be applied, as often is for the inverse Laplace transform, for a closed contour Γ:
(3.27) WA,B = BT Bdz .
Γ z−A
If a singularity is encircled, or a cut is crossed, by the contour Γ, the resolvent
yields the spectral properties of these singular points. [Kato, 1966]
associated with an input. For example, a force acting on an inertia, chances the ve-
locity and the position, which are the two states associated with a force input. For
consistency these states should be brought into the core model; the model directly,
algebraically, related to the boundary conditions. See Section 7.6. Depending on
the actual choice of boundary conditions; the causality, these states are either al-
gebraically related to the boundary conditions, or state variables of integrating or
buffering elements, consequences of the boundary conditions.
The (A, B, C, D)-form of the core model of the finite approximation of a partial
differential equation is therefore not a priori fixed. It depends on the type of
boundary condition is used. It is the analogue of a lumped mass, which can be
controlled either by single position, or velocity, or more naturally by force control.
The number of states are respectively: zero; one; or two, i.e., none; the position; or
the position and the momentum. For the lumped case, position control is rather
unnatural. The continuous system static analogues are for position the Dirichlet
boundary condition and for force Neumann boundary condition, which are both
quite natural. The velocity control does not correspond to any static situation, it
lies in the more complicated domain of hyperbolic system, discussed in Section 5.3.
The aspect of the number of states, or equivalently the constraints on states, of
continuous systems was already raised in the Introduction, in Section 1.7. In the
port-based modelling [Paynter, 1961, Breedveld, 1984, Karnopp et al., 2000] it is
more natural to retain these states and associate them with dynamical states, with
initial conditions, or algebraically relate them to input, depending on the situation.
3.4. Integration
Simulation boils down to the time-integration of dynamical equations. For
numerical integration many schemes have been developed. From the known schemes
we will treat only three very briefly, afterwards we discuss more general problems
and approaches to integration.
For Hamiltonian systems, integration methods which conserve energy, i.e., geo-
metric integration, [Hairer et al., 2002] also guarantee stability, as the energy norm
of the system serves as the measure of stability. Apart from general integration
methods, we will discuss mainly the use of energy conservation to improve the
numerical integration schemes. [Krenk, 2006]
For time-integration a differential equation is mapped to a set of coupled first-
order equations:
(3.30) ẋ(t) = f (x(t)) ,
which immediately gives rise to the Euler integration scheme, nowadays known as
the forward Euler scheme:
(3.31) x(t + δ) = x(t) + δf (x(t)) forward .
The backward Euler scheme is implicit, in the sense that it uses the function eval-
uation at the forward time: f (x(t + δ)):
(3.32) x(t + δ) = x(t) + δf (x(t + δ)) backward .
The problem of the implicit scheme is that is requires knowledge of x at t + δ in
order to determine x at that point in time.
The error of an integration scheme depends on the application. Say f (x) is a
constant vector, independent of x, the result is exact for any step size δ. However,
typically one would compare the error to that of a Taylor expansion:
(3.33) x(t + δ) = x(t) + x1 δ + x2 δ 2 + · · · .
Hence, both the Euler integration schemes yield a δ 2 error at each step.
The most used, and best-known, integration scheme is the Runge-Kutta [Stuart
and Humphries, 1998, Press et al., 1992] fourth-order integration. It requires a
number of function evaluations, which map out the integral over the finite domain
[t, t + δ], which is integrated as accurate as possible:
x(t + δ) = x(t) + (f (x(t)) + 2f (x(t) + ∆1 ) + 2f (x(t) + ∆2 ) + f (x(t) + ∆3 )) ,
where the predictions of the state at intermediate times are generated recursively:
δ δ
(3.35) ∆1 = f x(t) + f (x(t)) ,
2 2
δ δ
(3.36) ∆2 = f x(t) + f (x(t) + ∆1 ) ,
2 2
with the final step:
(3.37) ∆3 = δf (x(t) + δf (x(t) + 2∆2 )) .
Dynamical systems do not explicitly depend upon time, since they are usually time-
invariant. Therefore we have ignored the typical explicit time-dependence which
appears in many ordinary differential equations and their integration schemes. The
q(p) q(p)
q q
p q
p(q) p(q)
the results in the section below, on second-order Hamiltonian integration will lead
to the similar results.
However, we can improve the result by using a Taylor expansion of the variational
derivative around x(t), i.e., by using the equations of motion to approximate the
change in J∇x H(x(t)):
Z t+δ Z t+δ
(J∇x H) dt0 ≈ δ (J∇x H) + J∇2x H ẋ (t − t0 )dt0
t t
(3.44) = δJ∇x H + J∇2x HJ∇x H .
Hence, for a finite time the Euler integration x(t + δ) = δJδ ∇H(x(t)) + x(t), the
symplectic structure is adjusted, to first order by:
δ −1
δ −2M I
(3.45) Jδ = J + J∇2x HJ = ,
2 −I − 2δ K
where M and K are the linearized mass and stiffness matrices. The diagonal part
corresponds to a model dependent correction in the direction of the steepest descent:
∇x H. For a finite step size δ in the numerical integration scheme, the symplectic
0 1
matrix J = (−1 0 ) should be replaced with Jδ in order to attain only second-order
errors in integration.
The matrix Jδ is the first correction to change the generator J of symplectic
rotations into the rotation matrix Jθ over a finite angle θ, based on the local cur-
vatures of the energy surface, in the neighborhood of a point (q, p) of the phase
In practice, calculating the squareroot of a matrix, in Eq. 3.53, may be much more
cumbersome than the second order correction of Eq. 3.45.
Hence for quadratic Hamiltonians, the energy conservation can be made exact
by using the finite rotation θ, although the evaluation of the analytic functions
of the matrices is more expensive than the diagonalization, which allows for an
exact solution in terms of independent eigenmodes. This formulation is more useful
for general nonlinear Hamiltonians, which already require the evaluation of the
mass and stiffness matrix. These evaluations can be used to yield a second-order
integration method. Higher-order effects of the nonlinear Hamiltonians can be
expressed in the variations along the path of the mass and stiffness matrices, which
is discussed in the next section.
force, to change the actual output to a desired output. Even with little knowledge
of the plant model, such as inaccurate values for masses and springs, the output
can be brought to a desired value. The connection between feedback control theory
and numerical integration schemes has been fruitful in many different respects, for
example, in audio compression and signal transmission.
In many cases in control the dynamical behavior of a system or plant is approx-
imated by a second-order system. It corresponds to a mass-spring-damper model
for system. In discrete time two values x(ti ) and x(ti−1 ) are used to predict the
subsequent value x(ti+1 ). Consider the force-actuated, damped oscillator:
(3.59) mẍ + dẋ + kx = Fcontrol .
In the case of integration we can take small time steps ti+1 − ti = δ, and the
equation reduces to:
x(ti+1 ) − 2x(ti ) + x(ti−1 ) x(ti ) − x(ti−1 )
(3.60) m +d + kx(ti ) = F (ti ) .
2δ 2 δ
For a more advanced discretization and integration, the control can evolve with it.
In many cases the physical constants: the mass m, the damping d, and the stiffness
k are unknown. System identification tries to recover these constants from responses
to particular input F (t), and output x(t), and in the case that identification and
control are combined one speaks of adaptive, or learning, control. [Åström and
Wittenmark, 1989]
If we wish to control the state variable x(t) it means we wish to determine
x(ti+1 ) by adjusting F (ti ) such that |x(ti+1 ) − xdesired (ti+1 )| is as small as possible.
However, to do so, we should first predict what the result would be without applied
x(ti ) − x(ti−1 ) x(ti )
x(ti+1 ) ≡ xδ (x(ti ), x(ti−1 )) = 2x(ti ) − x(ti−1 ) − dδ − kδ 2 .
m m
The simplest control is proportional control. The force proportional to the differ-
ence between the desired and the actual output:
(3.62) Fi = KP (xdesired (ti ) − x(ti )) .
In many cases this will drive x(ti ) to xdesired (ti ). However, a more advanced ap-
proach takes into account the velocity which will change x(ti+1 ) with respect to the
control and measure point x(ti ):
(3.63) Fi = KP (xdesired (ti+1 ) − (1 + δ)x(ti ) + δx(ti−1 )) .
= KP ((xdesired (ti+1 ) − x(ti )) − KD (x(ti ) − x(ti−1 )) .
The additional term is called the derivative action.
Finally, the stationary deviation of x(t∞ ) and xdesired (t∞ ) will remain finite,
even for a constant set point xdesired , due to the reaction force −kx(ti ):
(3.64) k(xdesired (t∞ ) − x(t∞ )) = F = KP (xdesired (t∞ ) − x(t∞ )) .
This can be corrected by adding an increasing, integrating, the gain KI , as the
difference persists: [Föllinger, 1974]
(3.65) Fi = KP (xdesired (ti+1 ) − x(ti ) + KI (xdesired (j + i) − x(j + i)) .
which allows one to increase the total gain substantially without the fast oscilla-
tions of the system blowing up. Without the derivative action, this constitutes a
proportional-integrating (PI) controller.
However, the time-dependent behavior will always trail behind the set-point
trajectory xdesired (t). These are the typical elements which make up a proportional
integrating differential (PID) controller. [Ogata, 1990] The integrating gain K I and
the differential gain KD are often expressed as their typical time constants τI and
τD times the proportional gain:
(3.66) KI = , KD = K P τ D .
If we would have had exact values for the system parameters m, d, and k, we
could have integrated the equation exactly, yielding:
m(xdesired (ti+1 ) − xδ (x(ti ), x(ti−1 )))
(3.67) Fi = ,
which would yield typically very large forces, if x 6= xdesired , since the time-step δ is
small. The integration method, which yields the result xδ , however, does not need
to be specified for the control purpose. The control based on the exact model, which
therefore requires no feedback, if x = xdesired at the start, is called feed-forward
Differential geometry
4.1. Surfaces
A surface in three dimensional space can be seen as a set of three continuous
functions of two variables:
x(u, v)
(4.1) y(u, v) = x(u, v) ,
z(u, v)
-2 -1 0 1 2
The cross product, in more modern mathematical language, is replace by the ex-
terior product dx ∧ dy(u, v), where the sign is given by the orientation of x, y in
terms of u, v. [Flanders, 1963]
At each point of the surface it also has two curvatures: the maximal curvature
and the minimal curvature. The curvature k of a line can be defined as the inverse
radius of a circle which touches a curve tangentially. For example, a parabola
y = x2 /(2r) has a curvature at x = y = 0 of k = 1/r. Take a circle of radius
r = 1/k, touching the x-axis, it can be approximated near x ≈ 0, y ≈ 0 by:
p x2
(4.3) 0=r− x2 + (y − r)2 ≈ y − .
See Figure 4.1.
The two curvatures of a surface are related to the largest and smallest eigenvalue
of the Hessian, which describes the parabolic approximation of the surface around
a point x0 = x(u0 , v0 ) with a tangent surface V:
x = x0 +Vu (u−u0)+Vv (v−v0 )+Huu (u−u0)2 +Huv (u−u0)(v−v0 )+Hvv (v−v0 )2 .
See also Figure 6.1. The triple (n, b, r) form an orthonormal basis, and can be
represented as a rotation matrix R: RT R = 1
(4.14) R = (n, b, r) .
The angular representations of the rotation matrix R can be used in analytic theory
of curves. The matrix is represented by a rotation axis ω/|ω| and angle |ω|:
(4.15) R = eJ·ω(s) ,
where the generators are:
0 ω3 −ω2
(4.16) J · ω = −ω3 0 ω1 .
ω2 −ω1 0
The direction vector n = (1, 0, 0) yields the curvature ∂s ω3 while ∂s ω2 = 0 through
the definition, and the twist ∂s ω1 .
A curve is uniquely defined by the curvature ∂s ω3 and the twist ∂s ω1 . Fur-
thermore, the elastic energy of a curve can only be a function of these invariants.
On the other hand, it is difficult to recuperate the actual form x(s) of a curve
from these differential quantities. Some simple examples are the straight line for
∂s ω1 = 0, ∂s ω3 = 0, circle for ∂s ω1 = 0, ∂s ω3 = constant, and the circular helix for
∂s ω1 = 0, ∂s ω3 = constant.
4.3. Integrability
From the local properties of a function, usually expressed in terms of differential
equations, it might be possible to reconstruct the function. However, such result
might not always exists. In some cases the differential equations do not allow for
a solution, in other cases a solution may exist, but might be difficult to recover
in practice. The condition whether the curve or surface may be reconstructed
from a differential equation is called the integrability condition. It is a large and
diverse field of research, which received a boost after the discovery of integrability
of nonlinear systems, which yield an infinite number of conserved quantities. These
results are closely related to the inverse scattering problem. [Ablowitz and Clarkson,
We will discuss only some elementary, classical results, in integrability. A
general theory of integrability for nonlinear systems is absent. Furthermore, we take
the constructive approach. Rather than defining equations of motion, and asking
ourselves the question whether a generating Hamiltonian exists, we construct the
Hamiltonian. The state of the system, without dissipation, will stay in surfaces
with constant value of the Hamiltonian.
For a curve in three dimensions there is a unique one-to-one mapping from
differential invariants, curvature and torsion, to the shape of the curve x(s). For
surfaces in three-dimensional space and in general for differential formulations a
global, or even a local, solution may not exists. The Maxwell-Pfaff-Cartan consis-
tency relations are the best known example of a test of the existence of a solution.
Given the two differential equations:
(4.17) ∂x z(x, y) = p(x, y, z) ,
(4.18) ∂y z(x, y) = q(x, y, z) ,
they will define a surface z(x, y) if they satisfy the hidden, or compatibility equation:
(4.19) ∂y p + q∂z p = ∂x q + p∂z q .
In the absence of z dependence, this relation is the Maxwell reciprocity relation
in thermodynamics. The local condition at some point x, y, z implies the global
condition as well.
Another problem would be if the surface normal n at each point x, y defines
a surface uniquely [Chirgwin and Plumpton, 1964]. Lagrange has studied this
question and related the answer to the existence of total level surfaces. Lagrange
partial differential equation uses the surface normal n = (nx , ny , nz ) to define the
surface implicitly:
(4.20) nx (x, y)∂x z(x, y) + ny (x, y)∂y z(x, y) − nz (x, y) = 0 .
The surface defined by the differential equation can be constructed with the use of
two constraint surfaces:
(4.21) u(x, y, z) = constant, v(x, y, z) = constant ,
which satisfy the equations:
dx dy dz
(4.22) = = .
nx ny nz
For such surfaces it follows that:
(4.23) 0 = du = ∂x udx + ∂y udy + ∂z udz = ∂x unx + ∂y uny + ∂z unz .
A general function F (u, v) = 0 of the two independent streamline functions u and
v satisfies the differential equation including the Lagrange differential equation as
a factor:
(4.24) (∂z u∂u F + ∂z v∂v F )(nx (x, y)∂x z(x, y) + ny (x, y)∂y z(x, y) − nz (x, y)) = 0 ,
which follows from combining the ∂x F and ∂y F . Hence defining a surface from
its normal is related to the integrability condition of a vector fields defined by
(4.25) ny nz dx = nx nz dy = nx ny dz .
where, n is the surface normal. The theorem states that the total divergence of a
flow v(x) in a domain Ω is equal to the total flow through the surface ∂Ω of the
same domain. The former has little meaning in our macroscopic world, however,
the latter is nothing but the bookkeeping of the amount of fluid, associated with
the flow, in a domain Ω.
For example, the stress tensor σ is constructed, such that the divergence theo-
rem can be applied. Each of the force components Fx , Fy , and Fz of a stationary
object is in balance, which means that the sum of all the forces Fi applied to the
surface must add up to zero:
(4.34) 0= Fi (x)d2 x .
Hence, in order to describe the forces inside the object it makes sense to use a
divergence of a tensor:
(4.35) ∂j σji = fi ,
where fi is the body force, such as gravity f = −gρ, or inertial force: f = ρv̇.
The stress tensor σ is the microscopic implementation of the force-balance law.
Its properties and consistency conditions of the stress tensor have been a matter of
debate till far in the twentieth century.
The force balance is just one of the continuity equations. In their generic form
they are written as the equation for rate of change of the charge Q equals the
divergence of the flow J:
(4.36) Q̇ = −∇ · J .
The continuity equation is not affected by rotational flows. Any term ∇ × A, where
A is an arbitrary vector potential yields the same continuity relation:
(4.37) Q̇ = −∇ · (J + ∇ × A) = −∇ · J .
The flow represented by ∇ × A are typical whirls and eddy currents. On the other
hand, such whirly flow is conserved by itself. One has to think only of large weather
depressions and hurricanes. In the literature a localized whirl is called a Helmholtz
(4.38) v = n × ∇ψ(x − (nT x)n) ,
which yields planar flow perpendicular to the normal vector n, where the stream-
lines follow the levels, or contours of the potential ψ.
In general a vector field can be decomposed into a rotational part, a gradient
part, and a harmonic part. This is called the Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition:
[Flanders, 1963]
(4.39) v = ∇ × A + ∇ψ + w ,
where the harmonic function satisfies the Laplace equation ∆w = 0. The Green
function, or fundamental solution, of the Laplace operator is essential to construct
this decomposition:
(4.40) ∆G(x) = δ n (0) ,
The vector potential generating the rotational part is given by:
(4.41) A(x) = dn x0 G(x0 − x)(∇x0 × v(x0 )) .
The harmonic part is constructed from the remainder, which can be written as a
projection operator onto the harmonic part:
(4.43) w = v − dn x0 G(x0 − x)(∆x0 v(x0 )) .
The Green function in n dimensions is given by: [Gel’fand and Shilov, 1964, Shilov,
−1 1
(4.44) G(x) = ,
(n − 2)Ωn |x|n−2
where Ωn is the surface area of the n-dimensional sphere, where n > 2. In the
two-dimensional case n = 2 the Green function of the Laplacian is:
(4.45) G(x) = log |x| .
See also Section 12.3. Using the Green functions, the problem of finding a solution
to a partial differential equation can be mapped to the, often much simpler, problem
of determining an integral.
In this chapter we set up the conventions and tools which we will use in later
chapters. The Sturm-Liouville theory (Section 5.2) is considered the paradigm
of the modern approach to partial differential equations. It has a clear link to a
functional formulation, of which the energy functional is a particular useful physical
Partial differential equations are equations in higher order spaces which depend
on derivatives with respect to the different variables:
(5.1) P (z, ∇z )u(z) = 0 ,
where u is the unknown function to be determined, and the differential operator P
is a function of the variables z = (z0 , z1 , · · · , zn ) and a polynomial with respect to
the different derivatives, or the gradient:
∂ z0 ∂0
∂ z1 ∂ 1
(5.2) ∇ z = ∂ z2 ≡ ∂ 2 .
.. ..
. .
∂ zn ∂n
The standard linear hyperbolic differential equation is the wave equation, which is
a second-order polynomial in terms of the derivatives:
(5.3) (∂02 − ∂12 − ∂22 − ∂32 )u(z) = (∂t2 − ∆)u(z) = u(z) = 0 ,
where z0 = t is the time, and z1 , z2 and z3 the spatial coordinates. The Laplace
operator ∆ and the D’Alembertian or wave operator are the standard differential
operators for isotropic spaces. [Magnus et al., 1966] This is a hyperbolic differential
equation since both signs occur in the quadratic polynomial.
Many types of analysis of PDE’s are based on looking at the polynomial P (x, ξ),
where the vector ξ replaces the gradient operator. It is closely related to taking the
Fourier transform of the equation as a whole:
(5.4) dzP (z, ∇z )u(z)eξ z = P (∇ξ , ξ)ũ(ξ) .
If the dependence on z of P is limited, say P (z, ξ) does not vanish sign for any z
given ξ 6= 0.
A number of well-known constant differential operators P are listed in Table 5.1.
They are used in physical models which are isotropic, which means that the space
is homogeneous and the equations do not depend upon orientation and translation
of the coordinates.
Many well-known special functions, such as Bessel and Hankel functions, Le-
gendre polynomials, etc., can be expressed as solutions of the Sturm-Liouville prob-
lem. [Sommerfeld, 1992, Kamke, 1962, Courant and Hilbert, 1961] Modern theory
of functional analysis of differential equations is still very much based on the Sturm-
Liouville theory. The boundary conditions are restricted such that the problem is
self-adjoint. In practice it means no energy can be transferred in or out of the
system. If the self-adjoint operator is positive, a quadratic functional can be con-
structed which is the energy function of the system. Allowing the energy to change
by the boundary conditions breaks the positivity and the self-adjointness. At worse
a boundary integral may be added to the total energy. [Sakamoto, 1982] This
boundary integral is the power transferred in or out of the system. In the frame-
work of an action integral over space and time, consistent formulations can be made.
We will seek extensions of the Sturm-Liouville theory in a different manner. The
solution space will be separated in a boundary part, and a Sturm-Liouville part
with vanishing boundary conditions.
The Sturm-Liouville differential equation is:
∂ ∂
(5.11) − p(z) f (z) + q(z)f (z) = λf (z) .
∂z ∂z
The functions p(z) and q(z) can be interpreted as weights or measures, if they are
positive definite. The parameter λ is the eigenvalue. The associated operator is:
∂ ∂
(5.12) L = − p(z) + q(z) ,
∂z ∂z
and given an interval z ∈ [a, b] and boundary conditions, such as, for example,
f (a) = f (b) = 0, the corresponding weak formulation is:
1 b
(5.13) J[f ] = hf, Lf i = dzp(z) f (z) + q(z) (f (z)) .
2 a ∂z
In the standard Sturm-Liouville theory q(z) can be negative, we, however, want to
use Sturm-Liouville theory for energy functionals and require a positive q(z). The
smallest eigenvalue λ0 in that case is larger than zero:
Z b
(5.14) 0 < min J[f ] = λ0 dz (f0 (z)) = λ0 kf0 k2 ,
where f0 (z) is the eigenfunction of the Sturm-Liouville operator, corresponding to
the eigenvalue λ.
The Sturm-Liouville operator is self-adjoint and generates a spectrum:
(5.15) Lfi (z) = λi fi (z) ,
where λi < λj for i < j. The set of eigenfunctions {fi } span the full function
space, in the sense that any continuous function can be approximated by a sum of
eigenfunctions, with arbitrary accuracy. Therefore in the case of an inhomogeneous
equation with the inhomogeneous term g(z) the solution f (z) is easily found:
∂ ∂
(5.16) − p(z) f (z) + q(z)f (z) = g(z) .
∂z ∂z
The spectral decomposition yields the solution:
X hfi , gi
(5.17) f (z) = fi (z) .
where the Green function, or fundamental solution is given in terms of the spectral
decomposition consisting of the pairs of eigenfunctions fi and eigenvalues λi :
X fi (z)fi (z 0 )
(5.19) G(z, z 0 ) = .
The Green function G(z, z 0 ) is the inverse of the Sturm-Liouville differential oper-
ator L. See also Sections 5.7 and 5.8.
The Sturm-Liouville theory forms also the basis for time-dependent analysis.
The eigenvalue λ may be replaced by time-derivatives:
∂t parabolic
(5.20) λ→ .
−∂t2 hyperbolic
The different boundary conditions yield different eigenfunctions fi . Each set is,
however, orthogonal on the domain [0, L]:
1 L L
(5.22) dzfi (z)fj (z) = dzfi (z)∂z2j fj (z) = δij .
0 λ i 0 2
Hence, in the case of f (a) = 0 or ∂z f (a) = 0 and the same for the other boundary
condition at b, the boundary terms vanish and the weak and the strong formulation
are equivalent on a finite domain. Furthermore, in the case of boundary conditions
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Figure 5.1. The two polynomials perpendicular, in Lebesgue
inner-product, to the image of the Laplace operator, ∂z2 , on the
polynomial space {z j }50
j=0 . They localize at the boundaries z = ±1,
where they are normalized Pn (+1) = 1.
j N −2
two: ∂z2 {z j }N 2
j=0 = {z }j=0 . Based on the Lebesgue L norm, the boundary func-
tions, the extensions of the boundary values, are the Legendre polynomials LN (z)
and LN −1 (z), which do tend to localize at the boundaries for high values of N . See
Figure 5.1.
Hence in the infinite-dimensional function space one can consider a bijective
(5.33) (∆f (z), h(z)) ↔bijection f (z) ,
where h(z) is defined on the boundary, which may possibly be extended to the
whole domain.
This bijection is not a priori evident, and may depend, as noted, on subtleties of
the function space we consider. The boundary conditions h(z) augment the range
space ∆f (z), such that for every function f (z) there is a unique decomposition in
these functions, which lies at the basis of dynamics.
In the case of dynamical equations with the two initial conditions φ(z, t = 0)
and ψ(z, t = 0), and the appropriate differential equations:
φ̇ 0 D φ
(5.34) = ,
ψ̇ −Dc 0 ψ
where D is the spatial differential operator, arising from the problem at hand, such
as D = ∇ as gradient operator and D c = ∇· as divergence operator in Eq. 5.31.
The two right-hand sides could be mapped back to the full space, with the use of
boundary conditions h(z) and g(z):
(Dc φ(z), h(z))
(5.35) ↔bijection .
(Dψ(z), g(z)) φ(z)
The problem is complete in the sense that the kinematical variables φ(z) and ψ(z)
can be expressed in terms of their evolution: Dψ(z) and D c φ(z) together with the
boundary conditions, g(z) and h(z).
The wave equation on a string and the transmission line are typical one-
dimensional (z ∈ [0, 1]) examples of systems where two boundary conditions, say
h(0) and g(1), are used to complete the system. In that case D = D c = ∂z , the
one-dimensional null-spaces φ(z) = constant and ψ(z) = constant each require a
single boundary condition. For the transmission line, an applied potential h(0) at
the end z = 0 will cause a current g(1) at the other end z = 1, not only depending
on the properties of the transmission line, but also on the impedance at z = 1. The
two extreme cases of an open end and a short-circuited end at z = 1 will both lead
to complete reflection at z = 1 of the signal from z = 0, in the second case with a
phase shift: cos π = −1.
These mixed boundary conditions, with both nontrivial h(z) and g(z), are
typical for the analysis in an operational setting. If the component is part of a
greater network, it has a certain functionality, which leads to mixed boundary
conditions associated with a signal flow, or Green function or source-and-sink view.
[Hirsch and Smale, 1974] Apart from a response view, with general impedance,
the actual choice of mixed boundary conditions are not the standard mathematical
boundary conditions, which are more likely be associated with either a h(z) or a
g(z), not a combination. Of course it is possible to put a potential on each end of
the transmission line, h(0) and h(1), it determines its resistance and capacitance,
but there is often little purpose to do so. It determines the resistance, and not the
transmission properties. For a string these are the typical boundary conditions to
determine vibrational modes and frequencies.
The completeness of the stationary problem in terms of the kinematical vari-
ables is required for a well-defined dynamical problem, an initial boundary value
problem. However, it does not necessarily lead to a well-defined problem. [Serre,
2001, Sakamoto, 1982, Gårding, 1998] Especially the nonlinear hyperbolic problem
in more than one space dimension is an open problem, where existence and unique-
ness are not a priori clear. On the other hand stability analysis based on contracting
maps and Lyapunov functions, typically for discrete systems, yields a well-defined
problem in the sense of an energy norm. We will augment the equations of motion
with a compatible energy norm. The boundary conditions express the appropriate
energy flux, or power flow, for this norm.
Given the energy norm, the possibility to find the associated power-flow bound-
ary impedance depends on the possibility to formulate it as an action integral
with a space-time divergence. This approach is similar to the E-well-posedness
of [Sakamoto, 1982]. The construction of the energy-momentum tensor goes along
similar lines. [Felsager, 1981, Landau and Lifschitz, 1987a] Although, in the general
argument of the conserved energy-momentum tensor, one relies on the translational
invariance, which, in the case of a domain Ω with boundaries ∂Ω is not possible, as
Ω t=T
−E Γ
Figure 5.2. The space-time tube which combines the initial and
boundary conditions. The bottom and top cap t = 0 and t =
T correspond to the energy in the system, while the boundary
Γ = ∂Ω, corresponds to the power flow. The hyperbolic partial
differential equation inside the tube is the Euler-Lagrange equa-
translation will move states in and out of the domain under consideration. Simply
said, the divergence terms and the corresponding boundary terms are ignored under
partial integration to construct the energy-momentum tensor.
The zero-energy state E = 0 corresponds to the null-state:
(5.36) E[φ] = 0 ⇔ φ(z) = 0 .
Hence, if we can associate to the partial differential equation the continuity of
power, i.e., the conservation of energy, the existence and uniqueness follow from
the energy norm E ≥ 0.[Friedrichs, 1954, Courant and Hilbert, 1961, Garabedian,
1964, Friedrichs, 1973]
On a finite domain Ω, the power, or energy flux though the boundary plays an
important role:
(5.37) Efinal − Einitial = Pboundary .
We seek an explicit form of Pboundary in terms of the fields φ, given the energy E.
Such a form already exists in the energy-momentum tensor.
The difference in energy between two times t = 0 and t = T can be written as
the power integral P over the time-derivative of the energy density:
(5.38) P = ∂t Edz dt = Edz − Edz .
0 Ω Ω t=T Ω t=0
The energy density itself does not depend on time, only via its field variables φ(z, t).
If the power is conserved, the energy density is part of a space-time total divergence,
the result of the continuity of energy, [Heaviside, 1891] which can be extended to:
(5.39) ∂t E + ∇ · S = 0 ,
where S is the spatial power flow, or energy flux. Eq. 5.39 is the local energy
continuity, for a conserved energy density. Therefore, given the total space-time
It is easy to show that the corresponding energy density E and energy flux S satisfy
the energy continuity relation, Eq. 5.39. Taking the time derivative of the energy
will yield a total divergence −∇ · S, with the use of the Euler-Lagrange equations
of motion. The explicit time-derivative of the energy E is calculated with the use
of the differentiation chain rule:
δL δL δL δL δL
(5.42) ∂t E = ∂t φ̇ − φ̇ + φ̈ − φ̈ − ∇φ̇ ,
δ φ̇ δφ δ φ̇ δ φ̇ δ∇φ
with the use of the Euler-Lagrange equations of motion, Eq. 5.43:
δL δL δL
(5.43) − ∂t −∇ =0 ,
δφ δ φ̇ δ∇φ
the first two terms on the right-hand side of Eq. 5.42 are replaced by the gradient
term in Eq.5.43. For the wave equation with unit material constants ρ = κ = 1, the
first term is absent, and the last term reduces to the Laplacian: ∆φ. The Laplacian
represents the net force of the left and the right force, i.e, the change in the moment
Furthermore, the third and the fourth term in Eq. 5.42 cancel, and we recover
the energy continuity relation, Eq. 5.39, with the explicit form of the energy flux,
(5.44) ∂t E = −∇ φ̇ = −∇ · S .
If we choose the straightforward generalization of the momentum π of finite dy-
namical systems:
(5.45) π(z) = ,
δ φ̇
the energy flux reduces to:
δH δH
(5.46) S=− .
δ∇φ δπ
The Lagrange formulation of dynamics naturally yields the energy flux in this form.
However, given the Hamilton equations of motion, more general formulations of
the energy flux exists. The differential operator associated with continuity is the
divergence operator, with the gradient operator ∇φ as adjoint, but more differential
operators may be used. This problem is pursued further in Chapter 7.
The initial boundary value problem is the problem of finding an energy norm
E and boundary conditions B, like in Eq. 5.32, such that the boundary conditions
uniquely specify the energy flux S. In the traditional setting, the boundary con-
ditions yield nT S = 0 in the linear case with non-vanishing mass density ρ and
stiffness κ:
ρ(z) δH
φ(z)|∂Ω = 0 ⇒ δπ ∂Ω = 0
∂ν φ(z)|∂Ω = 0 ⇒ κ(z)−1 nT δ∇φ =0 .
will lead to S = 0. The energy E 6= 0 for h(z) 6= 0. In the case that the boundary
conditions do not change in time, the energy flux S is automatically zero. The sta-
tionary problem can be mapped to an elliptic problem, [Bitsadze, 1968, Wendland,
1979, Krantz, 1992] without a reference to time. The time-dependent problem may
be solved by solving the elliptic eigenvalue problem first, and using the eigenstates,
which all satisfy the stationary boundary-value problem, to generate dynamics,
similar to the Sturm-Liouville approach of Section 5.2. Typical elliptic boundary
conditions are listed in Table 5.2.
For a system in a subspace H(φ, π) < E0 of the full state space can be kept in
that subspace by the appropriate choice of boundary values, for particular boundary
conditions, consistent with the energy flux. The initial boundary value problem, in
terms of the energy H, and the energy flux S is always conditionally stable. The
energy can be extracted from the system through the boundary, but not all forms
of boundary impedance will keep the energy in the system within bounds. Take,
for example, the flow through a tube. The product of pressure and volume flow
is the power at the boundary. For a given flow the pressure at beginning and end
may vary, yielding a variation of the energy in the system, which may be stored
E=0 S
Figure 5.3. A simple case where the boundary flux S may vanish
dynamically, although there remains energy on the domain, in an
isolated part.
as kinetic energy in the flow, possibly giving rise to turbulence beyond certain
boundary values.
is nonzero, the boundary condition can be adjusted to extract energy out of the
system. The linear results, in the proper formulation as variational derivatives of
the Hamiltonian, carry over to the nonlinear theory.
In the case the nonlinear Hamiltonian has several pointlike minima Emin =
H(φmin , ψmin ) ≥ 0, the uniqueness is much more complex. In principle, one can
define a new local Hamiltonian in the neighborhood of (φmin , ψmin ) and rely on the
local properties:
(5.52) H 0 (φ0 , ψ 0 ) = H(φmin + φ0 , ψmin + ψ 0 ) − H(φmin , ψmin ) .
In the case of domain-like minima, like a line or an area, a whole new field of
dynamics arises. In the traditional sense, such problems are not well-posed initial
boundary value problems.
Hence the boundary condition f (z)|z∈∂Ω must satisfy a condition, Eq. 5.56, itself,
actually infinitely many conditions, Eq. 5.57. Part of the equations did not only
determine a unique solution on the domain Ω, but also restricted the vector field
(u, v) on the boundary ∂Ω. Lanczos, [Lanczos, 1961] in the spirit of linear oper-
ators, calls such problems overdetermined. However, it is an overdetermined set
of conditions on the boundary, rather than an overdetermined set on the domain.
Nowadays, the problem is known as the trace problem. This shows that not all
boundary conditions will lead to well-defined problems.
From a single component u or v on the boundary, the other component can be
reconstructed, using for example the Hilbert transform. Hence, up to a constant
term for the other field, the analytic boundary conditions can be reconstructed,
making well-defined boundary condition for the Laplace equation, or the Cauchy-
Riemann equations.
A simpler case with a single condition, instead of the infinitely many in Eq. 5.57
above, is the Neumann boundary condition on a compact simply-connected domain,
like a disc. [Arnold, 2004] The Dirichlet boundary condition yield a unique solution
u for the real component of a harmonic function:
(5.58) ∆u = 0|Ω u = f |∂Ω .
A unique solution u is a point in a function space and therefore zero-dimensional.
The Neumann boundary condition, on the other hand, yields a one-dimensional
solution space since any constant function u0 , with ∂ν u0 = 0, can be added to the
solution u:
(5.59) ∆u = 0|Ω ∂ν u = g|∂Ω .
However, there exists a mapping between the real and imaginary part, u and v,
of the harmonic function, through the Cauchy-Riemann equation, such that the
normal derivative ∂ν of u corresponds to the derivative along the boundary for v.
Hence the Neumann problem can be mapped to the following Dirichlet problem:
(5.60) ∆v = 0|Ω ∂s v = g|∂Ω ,
where s is the coordinate along the boundary. Hence, a single integrability, or
constraint, exists for the boundary condition, if the boundary is simply connected,
such that:
(5.61) gds = 0 ,
and a unique boundary condition f exists.
The Laplace operator maps harmonic functions unto harmonic functions: ∆h =
g. The index of the Laplace operator on a compact simply connected domain is zero.
The index, introduced in Section 2.11, is the difference between the dimensions of
the domain and image space of the operator. The Neumann boundary condition
led to an one-dimensional null-space, consequently, the boundary condition g has a
one-dimensional constraint, to retain the index = 0 of the Laplacian.
For a domain with a hole, the same mapping between the real and imaginary
part is no longer possible. For example, there is no single coordinate s describing
the distance along the boundary. The index of a differential operator on a domain
is related to the topology of the domain. [Grosche et al., 1995] The consequences of
boundary conditions on, for example, an annulus, in the theory of elasticity, have
made it impossible, as yet, to formulate general boundary conditions with a unique
solution for static elasticity problems on domain which is not simply connected.
[Truesdell and Noll, 1965, Synge, 1957] See Figure 5.4.
The leading parts, or principal parts, of the differential equation are selected.
The highest order derivatives to the time, in each of the terms determine the condi-
tions, just as the n-th order of the operator L, determined the n−1 initial conditions.
We can express it locally as an analytical function of λ, ξ, κ the Fourier-Laplace
transform of ∂t , ∇⊥ , ∂k :
(5.65) Ln (t, z⊥ , zk , ∂t , ∇⊥ , ∂k ) → Ln (t, z⊥ , zk , λ, ξ, κ) .
The boundary operators can be mapped to analytical functions likewise:
(5.66) Bj0 (t, z⊥ , zk , ∂t , ∇⊥ , ∂k ) → Bj0 (t, z⊥ , zk , λ, ξ, κ) .
The existence of a solution f to Ln [f ] = 0 is determined by the solutions of
Ln (t, z⊥ , zk , λ, ξ, κ) = 0. These roots can be separated in two parts, corresponding
to characteristics moving away from the boundary, and toward the boundary. The
solutions associated to the roots of characteristics moving away from the boundary
are related to solutions which need to be determined by the boundary conditions
Bj . Hence the number of conditions k should equal the roots κ(t, z⊥ , zk , λ, ξ) with
Imκ > 0.
Furthermore, the conditions themselves should not give rise to zeros coinciding
with the characteristic roots. For that purpose the function R is constructed which
is the determinant of the k × k matrix with coefficients Rj,l :
Bj0 (t, z⊥ , zk , λ, ξ, κ)κl−1
(5.67) R(t, z⊥ , zk , λ, ξ) = det dκ ,
Γ L+ (t, z⊥ , zk , λ, ξ, κ)
where L+ is the factor containing only the k positive roots of L, and the contour
encircles all these poles. The Lopatinski condition for existence and uniqueness of
the solution f to the initial boundary value problem is:
(5.68) inf |R(t, z⊥ , λ, ξ)| = c > 0 .
t, z⊥ , Imλ < 0
|ξ| + |λ| = 1
The function R for the Lopatinski condition is close to the construction of a local
Green function.
In the case of time and space coordinates the conjugate variable of the time
component is often denoted by τ . In the case of the wave equation:
(5.70) (∂t2 − ∆)u(x, t) = 0 ,
with the initial condition:
(5.71) u(x, 0) = g(x), ∂t u(x, 0) = h(x) ,
the corresponding transformed problem is:
(5.72) (τ 2 − ξ 2 )u(ξ, τ ) = 0 ,
(5.73) u(ξ) = g(ξ), τ u(ξ) = h(ξ) .
The Green functions are the solutions to the fundamental problems:
(5.74) (∂t2 − ∆)G(x, t) = δ(x)δ(t) ,
(5.75) (∂t2 − ∆)H(x, t) = δ(x)θ(t) ,
where θ is the step function: θ(t) = 1 for t ≥ 0 and θ(t) = 0 for t < 0. The second
Green function is also referred to as the Neumann function, or Green function of
the second kind, satisfying:
(5.76) (∂t2 − ∆)∂t H = δ(x)∂t θ(t) = δ(x)δ(t) .
Instead of treating the initial conditions a part of the solution u(x, t), they are
treated as source terms to a homogeneous differential equation in the whole space-
time. At t = 0 some disturbances occur such that the solution for t < 0 is zero, and
at t = 0 satisfies the initial conditions. These disturbances are therefore singular
in nature, but eventually easy to work with as they can be regularized under the
The Cauchy problem can be written as an integral:
(5.77) u(x, t) = dx0 G(x − x0 , t)g(x0 ) + H(x − x0 , t)h(x0 ) ,
which is a solution to the wave equation in the whole space. The difference between
different treatments of the poles are homogeneous functions in the whole space-time.
The particular treatment we seek yield solutions only for t ≥ 0; so-called causal
solutions. In the relativistic theory, causality has a different meaning; causality
requires the Green function to be zero outside the light-cone, as no signal can
travel faster than the speed of light.[Streater and Wightman, 1964]
The time-derivative part together with causality dictates the treatment of the
poles. The simplest way to look at it, is to separate the homogeneous solution into
odd and even parts in time. The even part is dictated by g(x), the odd part by
h(x). However, odd functions have equal but opposite forward and backward in
time, which will requires us to turn the solution causal.
Hence, the odd Green function would given by:
1 1
(5.80) dξdτ e−ihξ,x−x i−iτ t ,
(2π)n τ (τ 2 − ξ 2 )
f (τ ) 1 f (τ ) f (τ )
(5.82) dτ = lim dτ + .
τ ↓0 2 τ + i τ − i
Here we note that the odd Green function would be non-causal, because of the
pole in the upper half plane, hence it should be given by poles:
1 1
(5.84) → ,
τ (τ 2 2
−ξ ) (τ + i)(τ − |ξ| + i)(τ + |ξ| + i)
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(5.87) = + + − = + πiδ(τ ) .
τ + i 2 τ + i τ − i 2 τ + i τ − i τ
The functional derivative links the global functional and the variational equations,
such as the Euler-Lagrange or the Hamilton equations for fields. [Felsager, 1981] In
the case of stationary problems Sobolev norms are the functionals for elliptic partial
differential equations. [Dautray and Lions, 1990] However, careful mathematicians
tend to avoid an explicit definition of the variational equations related to the weak
problem under investigation. We, on the other hand, keep in mind that our final
goal is a consistent, but finite-dimensional approximation, for practical numerical
implementation. Consequently, we allow ourselves, in the mathematical description,
some latitude.
To define the derivative of a functional, we can proceed in different directions.
The directional, variational, or Gateaux, derivative arises from taking a small vari-
ation of the functional in the direction g:
J[f + g] − J[f ]
(5.101) δg J[f ] = lim .
If such a limit exists, the variational, or functional, derivative can be written as a
linear operator on g:
(5.102) δg J[f ] = hJ 0 [f ], gi .
The stricter defined Fréchet derivative J 0 [f ], for an arbitrary g, only exists if the
norm of the linear operator associated with the directional derivative exists:
kδg J[f ] − J 0 [f ]gk
(5.103) lim =0 .
∀kgk→0 kgk
The directional derivative exists for many more functionals than the Fréchet de-
rivative will. The same situation applies to ordinary derivatives of multivariate
(5.104) lim f (x + δx, y + δy) 6= f (x, y) + fx0 (x, y)δx + fy0 (x, y)δy ,
where the vector F 0 (x, y) = (fx0 (x, y), fy0 (x, y)) would be the analogue of the Fréchet
derivative. Typical counterexamples are related the integrability condition dis-
cussed in Section 4.3.
Besides functional derivatives around particular points, given by the function
f , there is a special functional derivative, around the null-function, schematically
denoted by:
(5.105) δg J[0] = δg J .
This functional derivative is often encountered in quadratic functionals J2 [f ] =
hf, Qf i, where Q is a symmetric linear operator, such that the function is recovered
from the variational derivative:
(5.106) J20 [f ] = 2Qf ,
while in general
(5.107) δg J2 [f ] = 2gQf .
The corresponding Fréchet derivative is the linear operator: J20 = 2Q. It should be
noted that for nonlinear functionals such relations do not hold.
In the functional derivative we rely heavily on the underlying linear vector
space of functions. For example, for the functional which selects the value at a
single point z = z0 : J[f ] = f (z0 ), the functional derivative is the distribution:
(5.108) J 0 = δ(z − z0 ) ,
in the integral representation, where J (z) is the integrand corresponding to the
functional J.
In most numerical implementations of variational derivatives, the function space
is restricted to a finite dimensional space. Even more, for practical purposes a
Hilbert space is used, such that the function space and the functional-derivative
space are one and the same. As an example we will use the space of normalized
Legendre polynomials φi (z) with i ∈ {0, 1, , · · · , N } on the domain z ∈ [−1, 1].
They satisfy the orthonormality relation:
Z 1
(5.109) dzφi (z)φj (z) = δij .
The symmetric unit operator in the space of Legendre polynomials to order N is
a projection operator P on the full space. For any measurable, i.e., integrable
function q(z), the projection g(z) on the finite subspace is given by:
XN Z 1
g(z) = P q(z) = φi (z) dzφi (z)q(z) .
i=0 −1
Hence, any function f and any functional derivative δg J[f ] is restricted to an ex-
pansion in terms of these polynomials:
(5.110) g(z) = ci φi (z) f (z) = ai φi (z) δg J[f ] = bi (a, c)φi (z) ,
i=0 i=0 i=0
where a, b, and c are the coefficient vectors, associated with f, J , and g. The
coefficient vector b will generally depend of the function f via its coefficient vector
a and the directional derivative direction g through c.
Hence, given a general nonlinear functional, and the functions g and f , the
results in the function space must be projected again onto the finite dimensional
space. There are two ways to proceed. First, determine the functional in terms
of the coefficient vector a, and project the gradient ∇a in terms of this finite
dimensional vector a onto the vector c:
(5.111) J[f ] → J(a), δg J[f ] → cT ∇a J(a) .
The second procedure to arrive at the finite-dimensional approximation of the
the functional derivative is to calculate the functional derivative first in the infinite-
dimensional space, and subsequently project onto the finite function space:
Z 1 Z 1
(5.112) lim dz J [f (a) + q(z)] = dzδq(z) J [f (a)]q(z) ,
→0 −1 ∂ −1
Clearly, this relation only holds on a self-dual space, such as the Hilbert space, since
then P 2 = P = P T .
From a pointwise comparison it is clear that the results are the same, for
sufficiently smooth functionals. In some cases it is easier to take the first route,
while in other cases the second route is faster.
For example, for the functional J [f ] = f 3 , the projected functional is easily
determined from the explicit integrals. The Fourier series einz are even better for
such functionals, since the non-zero terms are those with wave numbers summing
to zero:
Z π
(5.115) dzeinz eimz eikz = 2πδk+m+n .
Similar addition theorems exist for other basis function on compact spaces. [Magnus
et al., 1966]
On the other hand, functionals like J [f ] = ef are more easily evaluated nu-
merically and pointwise:
Z 1
(5.116) δq J(a) = dzφ(z)ea φ(z) ≈ wi φ(zi )ea φ(zi ) ,
−1 i
where zi and wi are the Gauss-Legendre abscissas and weights. [Abramowitz and
Stegun, 1965]
Numerical implementation and the retention of properties of the physical sys-
tem dictate the approximation. It should be noted that for linear systems many
approximations are equivalent. In the case of nonlinear systems the order in which
the different approximations are carried out will affectR the results.
Take a simple example of the functional J[f ] = −1 dzf 3 (z), in the subspace
f (z) = a0 + a1 z. We proceed to derive ∇a J along two routes. The functional
integral in the finite subspace is
Z 1
(5.117) J[f ] → J(a) = dz(a0 + a1 z)3 = 2a30 + 2a0 a21 .
The variational derivative, along this route, is:
6a0 + 2a21
(5.118) ∇a J(a) = .
4a0 a1
The functional derivative, in the abstract function space, is:
(5.119) ∂q(z) J[f ] = 3f 2 (z) = 3(a0 + a1 z)2 .
It should be noted that this function lies outside the finite-dimensional subspace,
due to the term z 2 . The projection onto the two-dimensional function space {1, z}
3a20 + a21
(5.120) P ∂q(z) J[f ] = R dz32 ∂q(z) J[f ] = 6= ∇a J(a) .
dz 2 z∂q(z) J[f ] 6a0 a1
Clearly, the two routes to the variational, or functional, derivative in the finite-
dimensional function space will lead to different results. In Chapter 11 we will
see that consistency conditions, in the general context of the equations of motion,
will yield the proper approximation the function space, given the conservation of
According to physics my desk is, for all its seeming fixity and
solidity, a swarm of vibrating molecules.
[W.V. Quine, Posits and reality]
Infinite-dimensional systems, as defined in Section 2.5, are systems described
by continuous functions, and, typically partial differential equations. None of the
models described here will be done great justice. They serve as advanced examples
of modelling infinite dimensional systems. For a more thorough analysis of each of
the models we refer to the respective literature in these fields.
Many models, whether they describe an elastic beam or the flow in a pipe, have
common features. They satisfy the same physical laws of conservation of energy
and momentum. [Fetter and Walecka, 1980, Landau and Lifschitz, 1987a, Truesdell
and Toupin, 1960] They have similar ways of damping of motion, and they exhibit
similar phenomena, such as wave motion, vibration, and balanced states under ex-
erted forces. The exhibition of these phenomena depends on the regime of external
circumstances. A system with a strong damping will show little vibration, unless
a large driving force at the right frequency is applied. In more complex models,
such as the Navier-Stokes equation, [Landau and Lifschitz, 1987b] different contri-
butions, such as the viscous or damping term, or the nonlinear inertial component,
of the model compete in the force and momentum balance. The domination of one
part, such as viscosity, over another, such as the fluid momentum, can be recovered
from dimensionless constants, in this case the Reynolds number, which combines
fluid properties with system parameters, such as system size.
In a system different effects, such as applied forces, friction, and inertia, are
combined into a force-balance equation:
where the forces on the left-hand side are determined by the system and the state
it is in. In discrete models these forces are numbers or vectors at worse. In infinite
systems, these forces are generally vector fields; vectors F(z) at each reference
position z. The force vector fields F are the dual of the field variables φ(z), which
describe the state of the system, their product is the work, which yields the local
energy, or the potential part of the Hamiltonian density through the line integral:
Z φ(z)
(6.2) H(φ(z)) = F(φ0 (z), z)dφ0 (z) .
φ0 (z)
In this case the reference position z is only an index. The choice of the field
variable φ determines the definition of the force, as the energy density is an invariant
quantity. Likewise, the kinetic part of the Hamiltonian defines the momentum field
Z φ̇(z)
(6.3) H(φ̇(z)) = π(φ0 (z), z)dφ̇0 (z) ,
φ̇0 (z)
where the mass density ρ(z) is the local relation, between π(z) and φ̇(z), at the
same position z:
(6.4) π(z) = ρ(z)φ̇(z) .
Through a variable transformation of field variables φ(z), the forces F(z) and the
momenta π(z) change as well. Their product, however, remains invariant, except
under coordinate transformations of the position coordinate z. In infinite systems
the coordinate z will also play a role in the differential operators in the Hamiltonian,
which intertwines the variable transformations of φ(z), and the coordinate trans-
formations of z. The invariant power-density products for the change of energy
F(φ(z), z)dφ(z) and π(φ(z), z)dφ̇(z) are retained.
In the years 1727 till 1776 Euler made extensive contributions to the theory
of beams with several members of the Bernoulli family. [Euler, 1744, Timoshenko,
1953, Truesdell and Noll, 1965] Johann Bernoulli introduced Euler and the rest of
the world to variational principles. Also his brother Jakob made significant contri-
butions, but the Bernoulli meant in Euler-Bernoulli equation is the son of Johann:
Daniel. Daniel Bernoulli and Euler worked out small displacement statics (the
Euler-Bernoulli equation), large-displacement solutions with bifurcations, [Antman
and Rosenfeld, 1978] and vibration dynamics with mode shapes.
If the horizontal position is fixed X(l) = l, the beam is more likely to act as a
string model than a beam model:
(6.6) ρA∂t2 y(x, t) = ∂x EA∂x y(x, t) ,
which is an approximation of the elastic energy in the length of the beam. In so-
called exact, or Cosserat, models, [Truesdell and Noll, 1965, Cohen and Muncaster,
1988] the beam is approximated by a line X = (X(x), Y (x)) for 0 < x < l, the
second reference coordinate y is absent, and possibly a perpendicular direction n on
that line, which is the orientation. See Figure 6.1. There are only a limited number
of invariants of a line, which are the, longitudinal strain, or stretch σ, curvature
torsion s=1
γ beam
bending n
b r
body frame
k, and the torsion γ. There are many different ways to represent these quantities.
[Dubrovin et al., 1984] It is important to note that the rate of change of a unit
vector e(x) is perpendicular to that vector. Indeed, since eT e = 1,
(6.7) 0 = ∂x 1 = ∂x (eT e) = 2eT ∂x e .
One particular elegant way to represent these invariants, except for the stretch, is
to use the rotation group SO(3). The change of orientation of the beam, along the
beam, can be represented by the rotation of the body-fixed frame:
(6.8) ∂x R(x) = J(x)R(x) ,
where the anti-symmetric J(x) is the generator of rotations. It can be represented
by the angle vector ω:
(6.9) [J(x)]ij = ijk ωk ,
where ijk is the anti-symmetric Levi-Civita tensor. [Frankel, 2004] If the first
component of the vector represents the beam direction, ∂x X, and the second com-
ponent the beam orientation, n, then ω2 and ω3 are the two bending moments in,
and perpendicular to, the beam orientation, and ω1 is the beam torsion. [Lipschutz,
1969] The equations of the different beam models are given in Table 6.1.
One particularly unpleasant feature of the Euler beam model is the absence of a
constant or limiting wave velocity, or sound velocity. For most continuous, isotropic
media the velocity of sound will reach a limit as the frequency increases. For the
beam model, taking a high frequency ω, the wavelength k depends quadratically
on this frequency:
(6.10) ρAω 2 = EIk 4 ,
which means that the velocity v of a wave increases with frequency:
ρA √
(6.11) v= ω .
The Timoshenko beam (See also Table 6.1) cures part of this problem by introducing
a kinetic energy associated with the bending moment of the beam. [Hansen and
Snyder, 1997] However, this leads to two coupled equations, and still the stretch
and the shear are not accounted for. For vibrational analysis especially the shear
terms will be important if the wavelength approaches the cross-section size of the
beam. In that case the bending velocity will become equal to the shear velocity.
In the linear theory of elasticity a finite sound velocity arises from a fourth-order
time differential equation, leading to two characteristics, i.e., two sound velocities.
[Courant and Hilbert, 1961, John, 1982, Taylor and Yau, 2003]
For the modelling of beams the fact that the position of a point along the beam
X(x) depends on the integral over the beam from its fixed position X(0) = x0 leads
to most problems. In many approximations based on the bending and torsion of
the beam, the position will not be given accurately. Furthermore, energy might not
be conserved under motion, due to the finite numerical accuracy of the integration
over the beam coordinate x. If one has some idea of the possible positions of the
beam X(x), it would be advantageous to use that information and derive the elastic
energy and kinetic energy in some finite-dimensional configuration space, i.e., mode
shapes. The analysis of the function space X(x) ∈ D is central to the functional
system analysis.
The second aspect under investigation in this thesis are the wide variety of
boundary conditions. For the Euler-Bernoulli beam there are three well-known
boundary conditions. See Table 6.2. In terms of the power products, Eq. 6.2 and
Eq. 6.3, these boundary conditions correspond to the absence of two types of energy
transfer: the force-velocity and the torque-rotation, in the limited context of the
linearized beam model where y(x) ≈ 0. The beam is therefore isolated from its
surroundings, which is possible in a variety of manners.
precisely the number of invariants. Mathematical physicists use this reduction ex-
tensively to remove most dimensional constants from the equations. Experimental
physicists have come up with a variety of experiments to determine the scaling be-
havior, i.e., the dimensionless invariants, for the same dimensionless constant, such
as Reynolds number. [Van Lammeren, 1944]
In physics and chemistry these dimensions play an important role. They imme-
diately disqualify certain models, due to the incorrect dimensions in the equations.
Every term in the force balance equation must have the dimensions of force, New-
tons: N = kg m s−2 . Likewise, in many cases one seeks the relevant dimension,
which causes a physical effect. For example, in deep water the relation between the
wave length and the wave velocity of a wave can only be determined by the few
physical constants in play: the gravitation and the density, which causes deep water
waves to make a fixed angle with a ship of approximately 23 degrees.[Lighthill, 1978]
In hadronic physics one still seeks the relevant physical variable of the dimension of
length, which causes the strongly interacting elementary particles to be of the size
they are. This, yet unknown, process is even referred to as dimensional reduction.
A systematic dimensional analysis of a system is Buckingham’s method. It
consists of a matrix, where horizontally all the terms of the equations of motion
are written, and vertically all the powers of the fundamental dimensions. The rank
of the corresponding matrix is the number of dimensional constants, the number
of columns minus the rank is the number of dimensionless constants. Thus equiv-
alently, the null-space of the powers matrix, For example, in fluid dynamics there
are two dimensionless constants, the Reynolds and the Euler numbers. The matrix,
with force, velocity, density, viscosity, and size, has the rank 3:
F v ρ µ l
kg 1 0 1 1 0
(6.14) .
m 1 1 −3 −1 1
s −2 −1 0 −1 0
The null-space of the matrix gives rise to dimensionless constants. The two dimen-
sionless constants, which can be constructed from these five system dimensions are
the Euler number, corresponding to the null-vector (1, −2, −1, 0, −2):
(6.15) Eu = .
l2 ρv 2
and the Reynolds number, corresponding to the second independent null-vector
(0, 1, 1, −1, 1):
lρv lv
(6.16) Re = = ,
µ ν
which makes the introduction of the kinematical viscosity ν natural, to simplify the
expression for the Reynolds number. Clearly many other choices of null-vectors are
possible, but they may be expressed in terms of the Reynolds and Euler number.
The Euler number therefore plays a smaller role in stationary and quasi-stationary
situations, which are characterized by the Reynolds number. A small list of well-
known dimensionless constants are given in Table 6.6.
The Euler number indicates the systems inertial resistance to motion due to
the force. The Reynolds number indicates the balance between viscous force and
Another, less systematic, but more intuitive way to proceed in the recovering
the dimensionless characterizations of a system is by inspecting the equations of
motion. Total force in a system are the balance different forces, such as inertial
forces, applied forces, frictional forces, and potential forces. The equation of motion
is the direct sum of all these terms, and any ratio of two terms give dimensionless
number, which indicates the dominance of one term over the other. In Table 6.6
we give a number of common numerator and denominator forces. However, these
typical forces may depend on the interpretation. For example, an equation involving
pressures and an equation involving forces are fundamentally the same, although
in terms of dimensions they differ an area m2 , since pressure times area is force.
The interpretation may differ with these dimensions.
vertical blades at the bottom of the hull. [Van Lammeren, 1944] The incident
angles of the blades with respect to the tangential velocity can be altered to create
positive or negative lift, depending on the position of the blade with respect to the
ship’s direction. See Figure 6.2.
The lift and drag of a foil, or blade, is a function of the velocity V and the
incidence angle α. The static drag γ acts opposite the direction of the velocity,
while the dynamic drag and the lift are due to the deflection of the momentum of
the flow. A column of water, in the direction of the flow will hit the blade, and
is deflected as light of a mirror, yielding a force. We represent the incidence angle
and the scalar velocity together as a vector velocity V, where the blade direction is
given by the unit normal vector n, perpendicular to the bottom, of which the flow
reflects. The incoming flow has direction V, the outgoing flow is reflected and has
direction V − 2n(VT n). The difference is the change in momentum and associated
with the force on the blade. The force on the blade is given by:
(6.20) F = −γV − 2A(VT n)n ,
where the static drag γ, the blade normal n, and effective cross section A are the
blade constants for water flow. See Figure 6.3. The flow hits the blade and the
component of the velocity perpendicular to the blade surface is reflected, causing
a change in momentum double to this component. These results are for stationary
laminar flow. [Breslin and Andersen, 1996] In the case of the Voith-Schneider
Flow deflection
n bou
V ry
A lay
effective cross section airfoil normal
propeller the flow is neither stationary nor laminar, due to the rotation of the
multiple blades.
The Voith-Schneider propeller is notoriously difficult to model numerically, due
to its extent, and the complex flow around the moving and rotating blades. Instead,
we will study the propeller analytically, but in a systematic manner, such that we
are convinced that all the effects are named and estimated. At the moment we will
not use experimental input to avoid modelling bias, and to test the the strength
of the systematic approach, which could lead to new and different insight into old
The Voith-Schneider ship propeller is also a complex control problem. [Jürgens
et al., 2006] The control of the orientation of the blades n, the incidence angle,
during the revolution in the bigger circle, will increase or decrease the lift. To
optimize the thrust, due to the sideway lift, both the incidence angles and the
overall rotation velocity ω should be controlled. In many cases, the system is
optimized through model identification using experiments. In some cases long and
complicated numerical simulations are required to determine the optimal settings
for a number of particular cases, ship velocity, rotation velocity, thrust, and so on.
Blades have a static drag, a dynamical drag and a dynamical lift. [Kermode,
1987] The static drag is the minimal drag, γ, for a particular velocity. The dynam-
ical properties are due to the deflection of the water stream, causing both a lift and
a drag at the same time. It can be seen as a column of water hitting the blade and
being deflected. See Figure 6.3 The momentum rate-of-change of the water equals
the force on the blade. The amount of deflected water depends on the effective
area, A, of the blade and the angle of incidence. Changing the incidence angle n
during a cycle θ ∈ [0, 2π] the lift in different direction varies with the angle. The
mean lift, or thrust, is the integral over all angles:
Z 2π
(6.21) Fmean = dθF(θ, V, n(θ)) .
2π 0
60 100
incidence angle
30 1
0 60 120 180 240 300 360
blade position angle
Figure 6.4. The optimal incidence angles for the blades are plot-
ted for different values of γ/2A. The fast change at the angle 180
degrees is associated with the blade moving opposite the thrust
direction, where the static drag contributes to the thrust.
The velocity of the water near the blade is the sum of the rotation velocity of the
blade rωeθ and the ship velocity Vship . The laminar independent blade approxi-
mation of the thrust as function of the rotation velocity ω and the incidence angle
function n(θ) is:
Z 2π
1 T
(6.22) Fmean = − dθ(γVship + 2An(Vship n + rωeTθ n)) .
2π 0
The static drag averages to zero, but it will contribute to the required torque from
the ship motor:
Z 2π
(6.23) Taxis = − dθ(γr2 ω + 2AreTθ n(Vship
n + rωeTθ n)) .
2π 0
To first order, the velocity of the ship may be ignored: Vship = 0. The efficiency
can be optimized through the optimization of:
Z 2π Z 2π −1
r|Fmean | T T T 2
(6.24) max = dθ2A(ex n)(eθ n) dθ(γ + 2A(eθ n) ) ,
|Taxis | 0 0
where the force is set in the x-direction ex . The result is independent of the radius
r and the rotation velocity ω. It depends only on the ratio of the static and
dynamic drag γ/2A. The nonlinear optimization problem is easily solved with the
methods described in Chapter 10, after a small term (∂θ n)2 is added to remove the
solution jumping half a period ∆θ = π. The results of the optimization are shown
in Figure 6.4. The optimal blade orientations in a cycle are plotted for different
values of γ/2A.
6.7. Elasticity
The standard mechanical engineering formulation of strain and stress starts
with the displacement u = (u, v, w) from which the elongations follow: [Love, 1944,
Truesdell and Noll, 1965, Washizu, 1968, Soutas-Little, 1973, Fetter and Walecka,
∂u ∂v ∂w
(6.25) (εx , εy , εz ) = , , .
∂x ∂y ∂z
The shear γ is defined as:
∂v ∂u ∂w ∂u ∂w ∂v
(6.26) (γxy , γxz , γyz ) = + , + , + .
∂x ∂y ∂x ∂z ∂y ∂z
The strain tensor arises from combining the stretches or elongations εi , with the
shear εij = 21 γxy such that is yield the symmetric strain tensor:
εx εxy εxz
(6.27) V = εxy εy εyz .
εxz εyz εz
The odd combinations of the mixed derivatives (i.e., ∂x v − ∂y u) correspond to
rotations, and do not cause any strain.
For the purpose of the tensor, the off-diagonal shear strain εij is introduced,
with a factor of a half, such that the sum of the squares of the coefficients yield the
linear shear energy. (In some literature, the factor of a half is in the off-diagonal
elements of the stress tensor, rather than in the definition of εij .)
The change elastic energy is the coefficient-wise, or direct product of the change
in strain dε, with the corresponding force or effort, which is called the stress tensor
σx τxy τxz
(6.28) S = τxy σy τyz ,
τxz τyz σz
which is also denoted by σij , where σii = σi and σij = τij , such that the total
elastic energy is given be the integral over the change of strain:
Z X Z εi X Z γij
(6.29) W = σi dεi + τij dγij .
Volume i i≤j
Note that the summation over the shear terms is only over three terms: (i, j) =
{(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)}. In the case of linear elasticity this reduces to:
(6.30) W = σi ε i + τij γij .
2 Volume i
The linear relation between stress and strain for isotropic material is:
0 1 0 10 1
Eεx 1 −ν −ν σx
B Eεy C B
C B −ν 1 −ν CB
CB σy C
B Eεz C B −ν −ν 1 CB σz C
(6.31) B C=B CB C ,
B Gγxy C B
C B 1 CB
CB τxy C
@ Gγxz A @ 1 A@ τxz A
Gγyz 1 τyz
where E is the Young modulus, ν = 1/m is the Poisson ratio, and G the shear
modulus. The shear modulus can be expressed in terms of the Young modulus and
the Poisson ratio:
(6.32) E = 2G(1 + ν) .
The matrix relation for the diagonal parts of the strain and stress tensors is
easily inverted:
1 −ν −ν 1−ν ν ν
(6.33) −ν 1 −ν = ν 1−ν ν .
(1 + ν)(1 − 2ν)
−ν −ν 1 ν ν 1−ν
The inverse is singular for ν = 12 and ν = −1.
In itself elasticity is a well-defined problem. However, boundary conditions and
matching conditions are the complicating factors, since they are not expressed in
the stress and strain tensors, but in displacement u and force f :
(6.34) fi |surface n = nj Sji = σi + τij ,
j j6=i
which requires one to separate rotations in the displacement u, and combine terms
to a force f . Furthermore, it might be possible to construct stresses and strain
which do not correspond to conservative force fields and displacements, respectively.
Therefore, there are a number of compatibility conditions.
In many cases not the full three-dimensional theory of elasticity is used. For
different types of two-dimensional theory, such as plates, and sections of a three-
dimensional structure, different specialized results exist. [Soutas-Little, 1973, Love,
1944] The lower-dimensional theory can be derived from the three-dimensional the-
ory by assuming homogeneity, and particular boundary conditions for the depen-
dent directions. The two typical cases are free boundaries, in the case of plates,
and fixed boundaries in the case of symmetry. The reduced order models depend
only on the remaining reference coordinates (x, y) or only x.
The reduction of the three-dimensional theory to two dimensions can be done
in two general manners. First, assuming the third direction to be free. Second,
assuming the third direction to be fixed. The first case occurs, for example, if one
considers a thin plate where the thickness of the plate can vary freely. The second
case occurs for cases with symmetry, the direction in which the system is symmetric
can be ignored, but the boundary conditions are fixed. Such conditions occur in
very long objects, where only the transverse deformation is considered, like railroad
The simplest procedure to reduce the dimension is to use the form of the energy
relevant for the problem. For the fixed positions in one or two dimensions the
energy expressed in terms of the elongations εi is the best starting point as εz = 0
or εy = εz = 0 are simple reductions of the stiffness matrix:
ε E E⊥ E⊥ εx
1 x k
(6.35) W = εy E⊥ Ek E⊥ εy .
εz E⊥ E⊥ Ek εz
1 εx Ek E⊥ εx 1
(6.36) → W2d = → W1d = εx Ek , εx
2 εy E⊥ Ek εy 2
full matrix corresponds to inserting the solution of the variational minimum with
respect to the dual variable, since:
(6.45) x∗ = y = =0 ,
In some cases it may be convenient to work with strain variables, in other cases with
stress variables. In the linear theory there is no fundamental difference, as long as
the stiffness is non-singular. The singular stiffness matrix arises in the theory of
partial differential equation, for example, if we do not use the stress and the strain
but the force and displacement as our variables.
6.8. Viscoelasticity
Viscoelasticity [Christensen, 1971] is the dynamical theory of plasticity. Objects
under strain may deform, and part of these deformations can be permanent. Work
applied to the system is partly used to change the rest state. Such systems have
a hysteresis at best and usually orbits in force-position space which do not close.
The result varies with the trajectory in state space taken by the applied force.
Similar to heat transfer in fluids, the theory of viscoelasticity, especially thermo-
viscoelasticity, is a phenomenological theory due to the variety of effects. Two
simple and well-known characterizations of viscoelastic material are in terms of
springs and dampers, either in series in the Maxwell model, or in parallel in the
Kelvin, or Voigt, model. See Figure 6.5. The Maxwell model is a viscoelastic
Kelvin Maxwell
Figure 6.5. The Kelvin and the Maxwell models for viscoelastic-
ity. The respective generalized models consists of series and par-
allel combinations of the simple models with a single spring and
damper. The Kelvin, or Voigt, model corresponds to a viscoelastic
solid, while the Maxwell model is a viscoelastic fluid.
fluid, which can not sustain internal shear indefinitely, while the Kelvin model is
a viscoelastic solid, eventually regaining its original shape. In practice, both the
parallel and the series coupling are present, which, however, yield a complicated
network even for homogeneous materials. The generalized Kelvin model consists of
several Maxwell spring-damper combinations in parallel.
More complex models have more parameters to be fitted to experiment. Typ-
ical response results to be fitted to the generalized Kelvin or Maxwell models are
combinations of exponentials related to the damping and the elasticity. Another
typical experiment would be the propagation of waves in viscoelastic material. The
velocity and damping of the waves for different frequencies may be related the
parameters of the model at hand.
Viscoelasticity, especially in the combination with temperature effects, would
benefit from a microscopically based model, similar to the Vanderwaals model for
gas-liquid phases of materials. In applied mathematics the study of polymers and
percolation has led to considerable insight in the phases of polymers, glasses, and
liquid crystals, exhibiting the viscoelastic properties. The bulk properties, however,
have not been of much interest of the modern academic researchers. In the study
of friction dynamical and elastic effects are taken into account in dynamical models
depending on the history of the motion. [Dahl, 1976] Furthermore, the study of
macromolecules, such as DNA, in biochemistry, showed the complex static solu-
tions, corresponding to local minima in energy, slowly deforming through thermal
and mechanical excitations. Biological macromolecules, like enzymes, seem to en-
hance deformation processes through mechanical restrictions, combined with some
electrostatic forces from the polarity of the molecules.
6.9. Electrodynamics
The four Maxwell equations are the start of modern physics as we know it.
[Maxwell, 1891, Jackson, 1975] What were before separate phenomena, such as
magnetism, electricity, currents, and light finally came together in a single model.
Different pieces were already collected by great scientists such as Faraday, Coulomb,
Ampère, and Ohm, but the crown was placed by Maxwell, who added the displace-
ment term to the relation between magnetic flux and current. [Taton, 1965] The
Maxwell equations were thereby consistent with the conservation of charge, satis-
fying the charge continuity relation.
The Maxwell equations themselves yielded a wave equation, which described
electromagnetic waves. The presence of the wave solution, and thereby electromag-
netic radiation leaving the system, makes the dynamical electromagnetic theory
complex, in the sense that it is not always useful to search for stationary or quasi-
stationary solutions to the Maxwell equations.
Despite the seeming simplicity of four Maxwell equations, the construction of an
appropriate model for a particular system, with the right independent, or states, and
dependent variables, or constitutive or closure relations, and the correct boundary
conditions, or input, can be a formidable task.
The four Maxwell equations are respectively, Biot-Savart law with the Maxwell
displacement term ∂t D, Faraday law, Poisson law and the Gauss law:
(6.46) ∇ × H = j + ∂t D ,
(6.47) ∇ × E = −∂t B ,
(6.48) ∇·D=ρ ,
(6.49) ∇·B=0 .
In many cases, materials have simple direct responses to an external field, such as
polarization and magnetization. The microscopic charge densities and eddy cur-
rents generated are not considered part of the macroscopic currents j and charges
ρ present in the Maxwell equations. The constants appearing in the Maxwell equa-
tions may vary from author to author. There are several units available to define
the electromagnetic fields. Here we use SI (MKSA) units, but Gauss and Heaviside
units are also very common. [Jackson, 1975]
The magnetic induction B is related to the magnetic field H through the in-
duced magnetization M:
(6.50) H= B−M .
while the electric displacement D is related to the the electric field E through the
induced polarization P:
(6.51) D = 0 E + P .
Modelling electrodynamical systems is complex for several reasons. First of all, the
Maxwell equations themselves are already a set of complicated equations, mainly
in the coupling of the equations, and the constraints ∇ · D = ρ and ∇ · B = 0,
which are difficult to implement on general fields D and B. Second, the choice of
independent and dependent variables, and the associated boundary conditions, is
not always clear from the system and its context. Usually, problems are set to be
either a static solution of the constraint, like electrostatic and magnetostatic, or a
electromagnetic wave trivially satisfying the constraints, like radiation and wave-
guide problems. The general electromagnetic problem, including light, or radiation,
of all frequencies, is often avoided. See also Table 6.7.
where Hem,mech is the energy in the mechanical domain, with the matter-charge
density ρ as variable, but a co-energy in the electromagnetic domain, with the
potential φ as effort variable. Matter has besides charge also mass. The power
continuity, and the appropriate port-variables, follows from the time-derivative of
the interaction Hamiltonian. The total energy does not change, but for each do-
main the energy change, and the power flow can be reconstructed. The change of
mechanical energy due to the interaction with the electromagnetic field is:
(6.58) Ḣmech = dzφ(z)ρ̇(z) = dzET j ,
V,i F,v
q x
Figure 6.6. The main function of a piezo is the couple two phys-
ical domains: the electric and the mechanical. It can be used in a
Carnot cycle to transform energy from one domain to another.
direction of the current j. However, this second term is the interaction term behind
electromotors and dynamos. Actually, in most cases the magnetic field H(j) is
generated by currents in coils itself, and a more appropriate description, without
the magnetic field H, is given by the Ampère force law: [Jackson, 1975]
µo djT1 (x1 )dj2 (x2 )(x1 − x2 )
(6.60) f12 = − .
4π |x1 − x2 |3
The symmetric geometric form of the line integrals, over the two closed current
loops, j1 and j2 , is often approximated such that the orientation invariance of the
interaction is destroyed. [Breedveld, 2001]
The energy extends always across the different domains. Even equivalent de-
scriptions for the same energy may exist in different domains, such as, describing
the same electrostatic energy either in terms of the charges of of the fields. The
cross-over effects between can however also be small. In other cases there is little
point to separate the different domains, as the main function is to interlink the
domains. Piezo material is such a case. The electric and mechanical domain are
fundamentally coupled in a single energy function. Figure 6.6 shows the lumped
representation of a block piezoelectric material. The combination of electric and
mechanical capacitance or stiffness, for the same motion, will allow the transfer of
energy between the different domains.
It is important to notice that the interaction between domains in continuous
systems is often distributed. It is not the change in temperature in time, but
the spatial variation in temperature which causes the unwanted deformations in
mechanical structures. If the heat is trapped in the object, the temperature spatial
variations are smaller, although the temporal variations may be large, the uniform
expansion, at typically ∼ 10−5 /K, will not affect the overall shape.
Another peculiar aspect of the physical models is the alternative descriptions of
the same phenomena. In the world of applications different phenomena are seen as
separated. The underlying microscopic theory is however almost always based on
the electric features of the molecules and the atoms of which the material consists.
The microscopic peculiarities of these materials will lead to a range of features,
from interaction with light, to macroscopic electric properties, such as conductivity,
to thermal properties, and elasticity and compressibility. Crystals, or minerals,
are, for example generally, hard, brittle and incompressible, non-conducting, and
transparent, while metals have another range of features which span the different
physical domains. The most interesting aspect of fundamental physics is that these
different domains form together a coherent view of matter. The more microscopic
the model, the more these features arise from a common source. Unfortunately,
global features arise only with great difficulty from microscopic models, and, as
always, a balance between detail and feasibility must be found.
7.1. Motivation
Modelling of systems is based on the natural view of the largest independent
units of a system. In a human body, for example, we recognize the members
separated by joints, although the digits of the hand are much smaller than the
upper leg. A medical specialist might, however, see different units, such as muscles,
organs, and bones. In principle, units do not need to be spatially distinct. Generally
only particular properties, such as electrical, or mechanical, are part of a unit of a
Kirchhoff laws and rigid-body dynamics are successful descriptions for lumped
parameters of large units. However, for accurate measurement and design of the
model units more detailed understanding of the each unit is required. The body,
assumed to be rigid, turns out to be elastic, and electrical circuits may have delays,
or lags, and mutual interference between components, which are not present in the
dynamics of the Kirchhoff laws. These are both examples of internal dynamics.
Instead of a couple of parameters to describe the model, an infinite number, or
continuous set, of parameters arise once the unit, or component, no longer acts
fully coherently or collectively.
The study and modelling of internal dynamics starts usually with a local theory,
expressed in terms of partial differential equations. Successful local theories are
consistent with the global, or lumped results. For example, any theory of elasticity
should propagate the force from one end of a free object to another, otherwise the
micro-balance law, the basis of the force balance, cannot be satisfied. Similarly,
local electromagnetic theories, at the basis of local modelling, should, in practice,
satisfy local current conservation in order to satisfy Kirchhoff laws at a global scale.
If a component is size-extensive, like a homogeneous and isotropic block of material,
one might split the block into small pieces, and local blocks will inherit the global
laws, yielding a direct link between the integral, of the block as a whole, and the
differential, of an infinitesimal part, version of the same conservation law.
Maxwell equations for the local description of electrodynamics were derived to
satisfy conservation laws, such as charge conservation. See Section 6.9. Maxwell
looked toward the theory of hydrodynamics, with divergence-free vector fields, for
inspiration of the final displacement current term in the Biot-Savart law, which
guaranteed the global conservation of charge. The local formulation in terms of
partial differential equations were only considered complete once the global physical
conservation laws were satisfied.
Hence, the local description is connected to the global description via the phys-
ical laws, expressed as conserved global quantities, such as charge and momentum,
on one hand, and, on the other hand, expressed as properties of the fields, like
charge, mass, and current densities. In establishing a close connection between the
local theory, expressed in partial differential equations or their FEM approxima-
tion, and the global theory, in terms of the lumped parameters, the conservation
laws should, and can, play a central role. This is not only for consistency, but
also to enable the modeler, or designer, to shift focus smoothly from global system
properties to details, which might be critical. Some results, in the more limited
context of linear FEM, appeared in [Ligterink et al., 2006].
Like in the example above, vibrational analysis lies at the core of most efforts
to bring to the surface the dominant effects of internal dynamics. This should not
be surprising. Vibrational analysis is the physical description of spectral decompo-
sition, which lies at the core of the most powerful mathematical tool for physical
systems, namely, functional analysis. However, our mental process might work
from the top down: to the global, or lumped, picture we add a couple of degrees
of freedom in the form of low-frequency vibrational modes, the mathematical local
description starts from the bottom up: from a model with an infinite number of
degrees of freedom we should distill a few relevant ones. Spectral decomposition is
a hard problem from the bottom up. See Section 5.2. It is only feasible for dis-
cretized FEM models, which truncate wave numbers at the inverse mesh spacing.
Therefore, they cannot get into the range of vibrational modes, which, for example,
lie at the basis of kinetic energy to heat conversion.
In an appropriate and powerful description of the local details of systems the
global description should meet the local description at some point. We should ask
ourselves the question: what are the local equivalents of the global variables we
use? Physical conservation laws should be the guiding principles in such questions.
For example, take the motion of an extended object. In the case of a rigid-body
description of the extended object the motion of the center-of-mass is a direct
consequence of the applied resultant force, also know as Newton force law:
(7.1) F = MA ,
where A is the acceleration of the center-of-mass and F the force on the center-of-
mass. The capital letters are used for the lumped variables, the small letter for the
distributed variables.
The corresponding local description is not immediately evident. Starting with
the sum, or lumped, mass M , it could easily be derived from the integration over
the mass density ρ:
(7.2) M= ρ(x)dx .
Furthermore, the acceleration A can be considered the acceleration of the center-
of-mass coordinate X:
(7.3) X= x(x)ρ(x)dx ,
where the positions are normalized with the mass density, which yields:
(7.4) A = Ẍ ,
for a constant mass density ρ(x). The position X is with respect to an origin
x = 0, velocity and acceleration are affine and depend only on the orientation of
the coordinate system.
The displacement x(x) is a function of the reference coordinate x, such that the
density ρ(x) is invariant. All fields, such as the local forces f (x), are all functions
of the reference coordinates x.
For a rigid body the force law, Eq. 7.1, is the direct sum of all the local forces
f (x):
(7.5) F= f (x)dx .
It is interesting to notice that, unlike the positions x, the forces are not weighted
by the mass density. The positions are therefore extensive, while the forces are
intensive. In that respect they pair together, which has consequences for the inner-
product, as we will see. In the case of a flexible object, internal forces f⊥ (x), which
sum to zero for the rigid-body force, still contributes to the internal dynamics.
The meaning of perpendicular is different from what one expect naively. Work and
energy are the invariant quantities in mechanics. The invariant inner-product and
the geometry should be based on the product of force and displacement, i.e., work.
If the force is applied to a particular point of the rigid body, the, as yet unknown,
internal force f⊥ (x) balance will make the object move through the parallel, or sum
force, fk , coherently; as a whole.
In the case of elasticity, the forces should be separated into two parts: the
forces that add up to the force causing the global motion, and the remainder. The
global forces should not cause any deformation hence they should be coherent with
the mass distribution in the system:
(7.6) f (x) = fk (x) + f⊥ (x) = F + f⊥ (x) .
The global force F is defined through the local mass and force distributions. The
perpendicular part of the distributed force f⊥ is the remainder of the force, associ-
ated with internal force balance.
For the parallel forces, Newton law can be brought inside the integral, to yield
an exact local law by definition, for an object without internal stresses. The force
yields the corresponding change in momentum, for the collocated inertia ρ(x):
(7.7) fk (x) = ρ(x)A = Ṗ ,
while the remaining, perpendicular force does not cause any motion of the center-
of-mass, but only deformation. This result is most easily understood if the mass
integral is considered a mass-weighted inner product:
(7.8) hf (x), ρ(x)g(x)i = f (x)ρ(x)g(x)dx .
The center-of-mass X and the parallel force F are both projections on the constant
and orthogonal unit vector fields e(x) = (ex , ey , ez ):
(7.9) X = he, ρxi ,
(7.10) F = hf , ei .
Hence the perpendicular force is:
(7.11) f⊥ (x) = f (x) − hf , ei ,
which inner-product hf , ei is not the standard self-dual inner-product; it represents
global work or energy and therefore is a product of force and displacement.
The associated decomposition of the displacement x(x) is
(7.12) x⊥ (x) = x(x) − Xe(x) = x(x) − he, ρxie(x) ,
such that:
(7.13) hfk , x⊥ i = hf⊥ , xk i = 0 ,
In this case the solutions for which the elastic energy vanishes are besides the
translations e, also the rotations around an arbitrary axis n:
(7.19) ∂i (n × x)j + ∂j (n × x)i = 0 .
Hence not just the translations but also the rotations are undetermined in the
isolated system. The kernel of the differential operator D plays the central role.
By introducing the moment variable:
(7.20) q 0 = Dx ,
the potential energy of the system has a unique minimum q 0 = 0. The indeterminate
part, which is either fixed by the boundary conditions, or lead to a conserved
quantity, is now explicit in the equations of motion, and does no longer depend on
the precise details of the potential, now a function of q 0 .
In the theory of hyperbolic partial differential equations the existence and
uniqueness of a solution for given initial and boundary conditions is sought [Sakamoto,
1982] The proper initial conditions are determined by the Cauchy problem, on an
infinite domain or by local analysis. The boundary conditions might be inconsistent
with the initial condition. One way to avoid this situation is to choose the station-
ary, or pseudo-stationary solution for the boundary conditions as initial conditions.
A pseudo-stationary solution would, for example, be an accelerating solution for a
constant force. Pseudo-stationary solutions only have polynomial time-dependence
for the variables of the state for constant boundary values.
The stationary problem for the boundary conditions is called the associated
problem. The boundary conditions of the stationary problem are such that the
state is stationary. The solutions of the associated problem serve as source to the
internal dynamics. Since the solution to the associated problem already satisfies
the boundary conditions, the internal dynamics consists of modes with vanishing
boundary values. The associated problem, however, is not unique, but may vary
with the type of boundary conditions, but as we have seen for the rigid body, a
canonical pair of boundary conditions follows from one associated problem, namely,
the deformation due to the acceleration of the mass distribution. These pairs are
called the port variables.
For example, consider the Hamiltonian of an anisotropic wave equation in one
dimension, with a space dependent mass density ρ and stiffness κ:
p2 κ(x)q 02
(7.21) H0 = + ,
2ρ(x) 2
where p = ρ(x)q̇(x) is the canonical momentum, from Eq. 1.2, and q 0 = ∂x q(x) is
the moment variable. If a constant force is applied, the object will accelerate. The
internal deformation state, however, should be constant in time. The input force
is used to generate stationary equations. In these equations the momentum grows
linearly, i.e., the solution is polynomial in time. In order to arrive at an oscillatory
state, typical for the Hamilton equations of motion, the deformation itself must to
give rise to a change of momentum. This would be internal dynamics. States in
which internal dynamics is absent are called pseudo-stationary states. They follow
from the choice of input and the equations of motion.
The differential operator is D = −D ∗ = ∂x . Only constant functions vanish
for this differential operator. Hence the stationary state, corresponding to constant
of kinetic energy the translation is irrelevant, however, this is seldom the case. To
describe the stationary states, the configuration variables therefore may arise again.
1 2
Figure 7.1. A larger linear problem, split in two, consists of two
internal parts with matrix representations A1αβ and A2αβ for the
energy consisting only of variables of one domain, and an overlap
term A12
αβ , with variables from both domains.
diagonal end terms are combined into a 2 × 2 overlap matrix. See Figure 7.1 If
these tridiagonal matrices are split into two equivalent matrices, the remainder is
part of the diagonal and the complete off-diagonal part across the split:
α β 0
β α β 0
0 β α β 0
(7.37) Aαβ = ,
0 β α β 0
0 β α β
0 β α
which we denote by the Cartesian product in the two subspaces and the boundary
1 2 α β
(7.38) Aαβ = Aαβ ⊗ Aαβ + ,
β α0 12
where typically the end point yields α0 = 21 α. This is a so-called force split, as the
two boundary points are not collocated, but adjacent, and free to move indepen-
dently. Their motion is limited by the kinetic and potential energy given by the
boundary matrices K12 and M12 . A film-layer model to connect two systems would
be an example of such a force split.
The other method of splitting systems to study boundary dynamics would
be the configuration split, which is more common. A configuration split would
correspond to a collocation of the boundary points. Rather than a dynamical
boundary connection, it is a constraint relation, with partly overlapping mass and
stiffness matrices. The boundary matrix A12 should be added one of the subspace
matrices A1αβ or A2αβ .
In the case of higher-order differential equations, such as the Euler-Bernoulli
beam, or higher dimensions, the splitting of systems, and the variety of boundary
terms and effects is even greater. In the continuum theory of elasticity it has led
to a number of variational principles, such as the three-field method and the four-
field method [Washizu, 1968] to retain the freedom to match boundaries in different
ways. Furthermore, the implementation of such splittings will only be feasible for
linear systems, where constant matrices are to be decomposed. The general theory
of decomposition of such systems, to solve iteratively, dates back to the work of
H.A. Schwarz.[Schwarz, 1870] Nowadays domain decomposition is a viable method
to generate static solutions of large FEM problems. [Toselli and Widlund, 2004]
7.5. Flux
Clearly, decomposing the linearized and discretized system is hardly unique, or
ideal. On the other hand, the rigid-body formulation, with the collocation at the
same x of density and displacement is limited. Instead, the boundary integral can
be coupled to the volume integrals, through the divergence theorem:
(7.39) ∇ · Jdx = J · nda .
Ω ∂Ω
Therefore, an appropriate formulation should be expressed in terms of fluxes J.
The key flux is the energy flux S, since in the case of zero internal energy and zero
energy flux the solution, or internal state, is the unique static solution. In general,
energy is thus used to determine existence and uniqueness of a solution to a mixed
7.5. FLUX 133
boundary value problem of a hyperbolic equation. The energy flux is derived from
the canonical Hamiltonian H(q, p) of the system, through the differential operator D
encountered before in the definition of the elastic energy. However, the Hamiltonian
no longer needs to be derived from configuration space. The only link with an
underlying continuous reference space, with boundaries, is through the differential
operator D.
The energy of the system is given by the Hamiltonian density function: H(q, p),
which depends on the canonical position and momentum fields q(z) and p(z). The
energy is conserved, hence the Hamiltonian density satisfies the continuity equation,
Eq. 5.39:
(7.40) Ḣ + ∇ · S = 0 ,
where S is the energy flux. [Fetter and Walecka, 1980] The energy flux is the
key guiding principle in the analysis of the interaction between components. The
energy function is a positive operator of the state space, or phase space, and zero
energy corresponds to the lowest, rest, or ground state. Hence stability analysis
and dissipation uses energy and its in- and out-flow.
The energy flux is not uniquely defined. It depends on what quantities are
allowed to flow across boundaries. For example, an ideal balloon might change is
shape but not its content, while a porous paper bag can both change shape and
content. Constraints on the fields might complicate this matter further. The port-
Hamiltonian H 0 defines the energy-flux. The port-Hamiltonian [Van der Schaft and
Maschke, 2002] arises from the Hamiltonian through a variable substitution:
(7.41) H(q, p) = H 0 (Dq, p) ≡ H 0 (q 0 , p) ,
where D is an appropriate differential operator. The Hamilton equations, the equa-
tions of motion, are
δq 0 H 0
q̇ 0 D
(7.42) = ,
ṗ −D∗ 0 δp H 0
where D∗ is the formal adjoint of the differential operator D.
The energy flux follows from inserting the equations of motion into the time
derivative of the Hamiltonian density:
(7.43) Ḣ 0 = δq0 H 0 Dδp H 0 − δp H 0 D∗ δq0 H 0 ≡ −∇ · S .
The expression on the right-hand side is the divergence of the energy flux, which in
many cases can be written as the bilinear product using the boundary operator θ:
(7.44) δq0 H 0 θ(n)δp H 0 = S .
Clearly, appropriate boundary conditions are expressed in terms of δp H 0 and δq0 H 0
rather than the normal state variables q and p.
For the linear wave equation the Hamiltonian density is:
p(z)2 1
(7.45) H= + κ(z)(∇q(z))2 .
2ρ(z) 2
The associated differential operator is the gradient D = ∇, the adjoint is the
divergence D∗ = −∇·. The directional, or moment, variable is q 0 = ∇q. Therefore
the boundary operator θ is simply the surface normal:
(7.46) θ=n ,
which yields a much simpler flux and boundary operator than in terms of the states:
(7.51) ∇ · S = uDF − FD ∗ u .
In the case of the differential operator D being the gradient D = ∇, or the diver-
gence D = ∇·, the boundary operators are:
(n · u)F, D = ∇·
(7.52) θ= .
(n · F)u, D = ∇
In the port-Hamiltonian the canonical variables q 0 and p are geometrically distinct.
As a consequence, depending on the choice of differential operator D, the one of
two port variables: u or F, is the boundary-extensive variable; the flux, while the
other variable is the boundary-intensive variable; the potential.
In many cases, the port flux is indeed a conserved flux, besides the energy
flux. For example, matter flow and charge flow are conserved fluxes, and so is
momentum flow in its peculiar way. It might therefore be important to formulate
the local theory such that the port flux corresponds to such conserved flux. In
many cases the procedure of recovering a Hamiltonian is therefore reversed. The
continuity equation is the first equation of motion, the second equation, the closure
relation is of less importance, and contains the material properties. Afterwards,
the closure relation is integrated to recover the Hamiltonian, or any other total
differential. For example, diffusion equations in physical chemistry arise from such
approach. Mass is almost mysteriously conserved for any constitutive relation,
relating density to pressure, due to the adjoint pair of the gradient operator and
the divergence operator.
Lρ 2 L
(7.54) E= (u + u1 u2 + u22 ) + (F1 − F2 )2 ,
6 1 8κ
where x = [−L/2, L/2], the reference coordinate along the truss, which is the
solution to the differential equation:
p ∂ F1 (t) − F2 (t)
(7.56) ∂x = q̇ 0 = .
ρ ∂t 2κ
The time-variation of applied force will cause therefore variation in the relative
end-point velocity u1 − u2 .
Only at the next order, F̈1 − F̈2 the effect of the inertia will cause a change in the
forces at the end points. The boundary flux F u based analysis yield a polynomial
expansion in modes, due to the homogeneous and isotropic nature, rather than a
trigonometric expansion typical for Fi = 0 or ui = 0 boundary conditions:
(7.57) q 0 (x) = d0 + d1 ,
(7.58) p(x) = b0 + b1 .
These four amplitudes d0 , d1 , b0 , and b1 are directly related to the four port vari-
F1 −F2
d0 2κ
d1 F1 +F2
ρ(u1 +u2 )
b1 ρ(u2 −u1 )
The energy due to the port-Hamiltonian, restricted to the space of these two modes
is given by (D = ∂x ):
Z L/2
Lb20 Lb2 κLd20 κLd21
(7.60) E= dxH 0 = + 1+ + .
−L/2 2ρ 6ρ 2 6
The equations of motion of the stationary system are:
˙ 2b1
d0 ρL
d˙1 0
(7.61) ḃ0 = − 2κd1 ,
ḃ1 0
which, once expressed in terms of F1 , F2 , u1 , and u2 , yield two conditions among
the four port variables, and two boundary conditions, either for F1 and u2 , or for
F2 and u1 . The other boundary conditions, like for F1 and F2 , would arise from
the pseudo-stationary state, with, in this case, pt 6= 0.
1 1
(7.64) y(x) = a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + a3 x3 .
2 6
1 2 1 2 2
(7.66) E= dx ẏ + (∂x y) .
0 2 2
F β F
α α β
The mass matrix in terms of the coefficient vector a is determined by the integrals
over the product of modes:
1 1 1
1 2 6 24 1 −7.5 3 −52.5
1 1 1 1
30 M−1 = 16 −7.5 75 −337.5 630
M= 2 3 8 .
1 1 1 1 30 −337.5 1620 −3150
6 8 20 72
1 1 1 1
24 30 72 252
−52.5 630 −3150 6300
In the case of the supported beam, the boundary condition y00 is absent, and a
second mode with coefficient β arises:
(7.71) φsupported (x) = y0 + x(1 − x)2 β + (3x2 − 2x3 )α .
See Figure 7.2. We will not pursue the mapping between the coefficient vector
a and the reduced models variables α and β. In Sections 8.2 and 11.1 the prob-
lem is further investigated, especially concerned the matching of variables at the
boundaries, and the resulting constraints.
7.9. Conclusion
In this chapter we bring out different aspects of global versus local modelling.
Consistent, general, and versatile links between the two approaches are the fluxes,
which link micro-balance laws with their global equivalences. Among these fluxes,
the energy flux, or power, plays a central role, as the equations of motion are
determined by the energy density in canonical form; the Hamiltonian. The internal
dynamics, such as vibrations, are no longer a direct consequence of the interaction
with the surrounding, but due to the coupling between the core, or lumped, model,
and the remainder of the infinite number of degrees of freedom presence in the local
Different physical problems and geometries are investigated in later chapters.
In some cases the core model might have a nontrivial solution, which has it conse-
quences for the internal dynamics. Furthermore, different control problems follow
from the core model. For example, for arbitrary dynamics, the pseudo-stationary
problem might be a better candidate of an optimal control problem, than the cor-
responding full dynamical problem.
In this chapter we will discuss the typical linear Finite Element Methods
(FEM), however, from the perspective of physical modelling, and linking the results
with typical lumped models. The success of FEM lies mainly in the efficiency that
a numerical results can be obtained for a large to very large system. Nowadays, a
typical desktop can treat a linear system with tens of thousands of variables eas-
ily. The typical simulation packages for lumped systems, which are generally much
more versatile and interactive, can handle at most a couple of hundreds of degrees
of freedom.
Hence it is not just extending the number of degrees of freedom in lumped
approaches, which would make them design and simulation tools for FEM. It is
necessary to devise computational methods more closely related to FEM, but with
the modularity and versatility of simulation software.
The groundwork to a marriage of FEM and dynamical modelling is the iden-
tification of typical concepts and principles of dynamical systems in FEM. For
example, the typical stiffness or conductance matrix of modular FEM is singular.
The null-space is associated with rigid-body modes and free flow. In a FEM ap-
proach the boundary conditions are set to eliminate the null-space from the solution
space. In modelling, however, the null-space plays an essential role in determining
how elements can be joined together in a complex system.
8.1. Introduction
The relation between the mathematical theory and the numerical solutions of
partial differential equations always has been a difficult one. Already is 1950, C.
Tompkins, in a study for the Office of Naval Research, mentions
the electronic digital calculating machines they [the engineers]
were developing would replace all mathematicians and, indeed,
all thinkers except the engineers building more machines.... my
task was frequently one of pointing out that the machines will
not run by themselves.
The mathematical “background”, produced by D. Bernstein [Bernstein, 1950] at the
order of C. Tompkins would, however, send most engineers running, and running
codes just hoping for the best. The mathematical theory of existence and unique-
ness of solutions of partial differential equations is complicated at best. Many a
mathematician has steered clear from partial differential equations. The treatment
of partial differential equations as operators on some normed space has been the
most prevailing and successful approach to uniqueness and existence. The bounds
on errors are, however, not always that useful, and certainly yield little feedback
on how to improve upon the result.
Fifty years later the uneasy distance between mathematics and numerical code
remains, except for the linear theory, which has developed nicely under strict and
easy bounds. Antman, noted for his work on nonlinear elasticity, remarks:
the danger with using sophisticated numerical procedures on
powerful computers is that they produce beautiful figures that
bear but a tenuous relation to the phenomena they purport to
describe, a danger more succinctly stated in Phil Colella’s para-
phrase of Mark Twain: ”There are lies, damned lies, and colored
For example, in fluid mechanics, the Navier-Stokes equation is a notoriously
hard problem. The Clay Institute will award anybody one million dollar who can
prove the existence of regular solutions for given initial and boundary conditions.
Despite this open problem millions of fluid dynamical problems are studied by the
means of FEM, and the engineers trust the numerical answers enough to fly to the
moon, with ship designs based on them.
In order to use FEM for other purposes than to generate large, sparse systems
of linear equations, we should keep the underlying continuous physical system in
mind. In FEM, typically only the state is retained, the flow is defined implicitly, by
the equations. For example, energy, and the energy density is useful to retain and
use in simulations. Physicists and mathematicians rely on the energy conservation
to test the correctness or stability of an approximation. In general, retaining the
energy, or any globally conserved quantity, such as charge or mass, is hard, as it
arises often as a global constraint on the systems. Local energy continuity, Eq. 5.39,
does not always come natural in the FEM formulation. A posteriori error checking,
on the generated results, is more easily done. In a later chapter we will turn our
eye to the open playing field of nonlinear FEM. Using an explicit energy-dependent
method in terms of Hamiltonians, and symplectic structures for simulation, we
assure ourselves of the numerical stability and correctness, even in the case of
nonlinearities which cause near singular behavior.
Solutions are bounded by energy. In the absence of energy, the solutions are
trivially zero. And the conservation of energy may cause the energy to localize in
a small region of the system, but even there it is bounded. Especially in FEM the
region in which the energy can focus, or localize, has a minimal size determined by
mesh, which yields an upper bound on the amplitude of the solution. However, if
all the energy focuses in a single element, it may signal the mesh is to coarse for
the problem at hand. Several methods of adaptive mesh refinement are based on
bounds similar to the energy bounds. Energy is like as set of parcels in a logistic
network. Based on inventory, parcels are redistributed. Diffusion equations are
only based on the state of the inventory, or state, while wave equations are based
on the direction the energy parcel arrived from. However, even with an explicit
energy, it remains complex to related the known partial differential equations to
such discrete network models, since the energy is typically a quadratic function of
the state, to guarantee the lower bound on the energy.
shift=1,1 shift=1,2
Figure 8.1. The successive basis functions for splines can be gen-
erated from the basic block function through shift, flip, end integra-
tion. The shift will determine the shape of the spline, such as in the
case of twice integrated block shapes below. The Euler-Bernoulli
beam is a three times integrated shift-and-flip block function. The
shift = 1,1 (first shift 1, then shift 1) generates a sharper peaked
spline than the shift = 1,2 (first shift 1, then shift 2) block function.
A connection which has almost been severed, since for FEM the spline approxi-
mation of a beam is considered rather cumbersome. Only recently, splines have
returned, from the domain of Computer-Aided Design, in the domain of structural
computations. [Hughes et al., 2005] In order to connect different numerical a phys-
ical aspects we discuss the simple example of cubic splines and the Euler-Bernoulli
beam. See also Figure 8.1.
The spline can serve as an introduction into a nontrivial and physical FEM
modelling. In particular we will discuss the effects of inputs, in terms of the applied
forces, and the elastic energy, which originally led to the Euler-Bernoulli beam
model. [Euler, 1744] A beam connected by both ends can be described by four
degrees of freedom, fixed by the position and angle at both end. Or likewise by the
force and torque at both end. Every point xi where a force Fi is applied requires
a cut of the beam in two separate segments. Four additional degrees of freedom
are introduced in the model. Three of those are constraint, or algebraic, relations
fixing the segments together. Only the fourth degree of freedom is the dual variable
associated with the applied force. We will see that this is the displacement y(xi ),
based on the elastic beam energy. The product of force and displacement is the
work applied.
The displacement y(x) as function of the horizontal reference position x in the
static case is the solution of the differential equation:
(8.1) EI∂x4 y(x) = F (x) .
The cubic spline solution y(x) is a piece-wise cubic function xi ≤ x ≤ xi+1 :
(8.2) y(x) = a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + a3 x3 ,
where at each boundary xi the function and the first two derivatives from each
side matches, but the higher derivatives not necessarily. On each of the segments
(xi , xi+1 ) the spline is a solution of the force free Euler-Bernoulli equation:
(8.3) EI∂x4 y(x) = 0 x 6∈ {xi }ni=0
Only at the boundaries xi forces occur.
The left higher derivative and the right higher derivative yields a discontinuity,
related to a force at xi :
(8.4) lim ∂x3 y(xi + δ) − ∂x3 y(xi − δ) = .
δ→0 EI
Counting the degrees of freedom, each segment has four coefficients ai , three of
those are determined by the boundary conditions between the segments, the fourth
is the result of the force Fi+1 :
(8.5) F (x) = δ(x − xi )Fi .
Hence, there is a one-to-one map between the displacements y(xi ) and the
forces Fi , and endpoint conditions. For n segments, there are n − 1 forces Fi and
displacements y(xi ) and 4n coefficients aj , with 3(n − 1) relations. Four degrees
of freedom are not determined by either the forces or the displacements at the
intermediate boundaries between the segments. Between two endpoints these four
degrees of freedom are fixed. The boundary, or endpoint, conditions depend on the
choice of spline, and the forces used.
Traditionally, the Euler-Bernoulli beam boundary conditions are fixed by ei-
ther clamped or supported boundary conditions at the endpoints. See Table 6.2.
Clamped means both the displacement y and the derivative ∂x y are fixed, sup-
ported means the displacement and the second derivative of the displacement ∂x2 y
are fixed. Both cases yield a well-defined set of equations for all the coefficients,
using either the intermediate displacements y(xi ) or forces Fi . Hence, the spline
solution y(x) serves well as the exact solution of the approximated problem of a
distributed force F (x):
X X Z xi +x2 i+1
(8.6) F (x) → δ(x − xi )Fi = δ(x − xi ) x +x dx0 F (x0 ) .
i i−1
i i 2
The determination of the solution, even of the linear map between displace-
ments and forces, is a simple but tedious problem, people prefer to leave to the
computer. Each of the forces affects all of the displacements. One can think of a
large force in the middle, causing a deflection of the beam as a whole. One way to
proceed is the integrate the spline from one end to the other, with the unknown
integration constants, to be fixed afterwards by the endpoint boundary conditions.
In another approach, for each Fi the response of the displacements of all y(xi ) are
easily determined, and the total displacement is a linear combination of all dis-
placements, as long as the endpoint condition is zero, and thereby invariant for the
applied forces.
However, there is a different approach to the Euler-Bernoulli spline problem.
The pairs of displacements and forces (y(xi ), Fi ) are the associated with the power
supplied to the system. Each of the segments i has a bending moment, associated
with elastic energy:
Z xi+1
(8.7) Ei = EI dx(∂x2 y(x))2 .
2 xi
For a finite energy y(x) and ∂x y(x) must be continuous across the boundary. The
static solution sought; the solution to the Euler-Bernoulli equation, is the solution
which minimizes the bending energy, for the given displacements of forces:
(8.8) min E ⇔ δE = δ Ei = 0 ,
which means the first variation of the energy, with respect to the independent
variables vanishes. Hence, if the forces are given, the solution is minimized for the
X Z xi+1 X X Z xi+1
2 2 2
(8.9) dx(∂x y(x)) = ∂x y∂x y − dx∂x y(x)∂x3 y(x) .
i xi i
The first term on the right-hand side vanishes of each segment boundary, since the
spline is defined to have vanishing first and second derivatives across the boundaries.
The second term is easily integrated:
X Z xi+1 X X Z xi+1
3 3
(8.10) − dx∂x y(x)∂x y(x) = − y∂x y + dxy(x)∂x4 y(x) .
i xi i
i xi
For small frequencies, the result reduces to the typical stiffness over mass relation,
equivalent to the mass-spring result:
(8.19) ωsmall = .
a2 ρ
However, for large frequencies, each of the segments has a maximal frequency,
related to the internal mode of a single segment:
(8.20) ωmax = .
a2 ρ
If the wave length of the mode is shorter than the segment length a, the result is
no longer reliable in this finite approximation.
Interestingly, by examination of the matrix K it follows that the null-space
displacement x with Kx = 0 corresponds to the rigid-body motion. For an equal
displacement of all the modes xi = constant the elastic energy is zero:
(8.21) K . = 0 .
Furthermore, except for the endpoints, the linear function xi = si /a also yields a
zero result:
1 0
(8.22) K 2 = . .
.. ..
These results follow easily from K being the discrete approximation of the second-
order differential operator, corresponding to the piece-wise linear approximation:
(8.23) ∂s2 → K .
Hence ∂s2 1 = 0 and ∂s2 s = 0. The boundary effects arise from the initial and final
node, x0 and xn , being part of only one segment. Boundary conditions should
be implemented to yield the appropriate solution ∂s2 s = 0. In practice, a linear
displacement function may arise as stationary solution, if a force is applied to the
For the string, this model using the piece-wise linear approximation is sufficient
to first order. Later, more complicated finite-order models will be discussed. For
example, for the beam, such a simple piece-wise linear model is insufficient. The
elastic energy in this approximation is either infinite or zero depending on the
perspective. On each of the segments:
1 si+1
(8.24) Ebending = dsEI(∂s2 x(s))2 = 0 .
2 si
8.4. Stencils
Splines are an example of functions defined on a set of nodes, points, or abscis-
sas. Such a set of points are called a stencil. Stencils are used in all kind of discrete
methods, such as finite element methods. [Milne, 1970]
For example, to define a smooth function f (z) through a set of values fi = f (zi ),
one uses at least two points zi ≤ z ≤ zi+1 . The stencil is, in that case, the pair of
points {zi , zi+1 }:
zi+1 − z z − zi
(8.26) f (z) = f (zi ) + f (zi+1 ) .
zi+1 − zi zi+1 − zi
Such an approximation can serve again to an approximation for the derivative:
f (zi+1 ) − f (zi )
(8.27) ∂z f (z) = ,
zi+1 − zi
for zi ≤ z ≤ zi+1 .
The time-integration of an ordinary differential equation can be seen as a sten-
cil. For a n-th order differential equation at least n points {ti−n+1 , ti−n+2 , · · · ti } are
required. However, more advanced methods of time-integration use more nodes. A
smoother function f (t) is the result, which will improve the forward extrapolation.
For spatial functions the similar principles are used for other purposes, such as the
construction of a Laplacian ∆f (zi ) on a grid, using neighbor points.
In the case of hyperbolic differential equations, Godunov theorem states that
any higher-order approximation of the spatial derivatives will lead to oscillatory
results. It is the simulation equivalent of Gibbs phenomenon for Fourier series.
Nonlinear schemes of constructing derivatives have been developed to reduce the
oscillations. [Liu et al., 1994] This can be seen as the nonlinear weighting of several
stencils. Such stencils must be higher order, for example, for a point z : zi ≤ z ≤
zi+1 , the stencils {zi−1 , zi , zi+1 } {zi , zi+1 , zi+2 } can be used.
In the case of a linear approximation, the stencil function fi (z) is the depen-
dence of the interpolation f (z) on discrete value f (zi ):
∂f (z)
(8.28) fi (z) = .
∂f (zi )
The linear stencil function, or first-order spline, would be:
( z−z
zi −zi−1 , zi−1 ≤ z ≤ zi
The stencil function with a smooth derivative can be multiple, but will always have
a larger stencil. Not only at the internal nodes zi the function must be smooth,
8.4. STENCILS 149
but also at the boundary nodes of the stencil. The cubic spline approximation can
be reformulated as stencil function on a stencil of five nodes:
− (z−zi−2 ) (zi−1 −z) , zi−2 ≤ z ≤ zi−1
(zi+1 −z)(z−zi−1 )
(8.30) fi (z) = (zi+1 −zi )(zi −zi−1 ) , zi−1 ≤ z ≤ zi+1 ,
− (zi+2 −z)2 (z−zi+1 ) , z
m+ i+1 i+2
However, for example, in the case of positivity bounds fi (z) ≥ 0, one could consider
a simple stencil function, with a smooth derivative, which is not a partition of unity:
(z − zi−1 )2 (zi+1 − z)2
(8.33) fi (z) = , zi−1 ≤ z ≤ zi+1 .
(zi − zi−1 )2 (zi+1 − zi )2
However, typically, a maximal deviation of 12% occurs from the partition of unity.
See Figure 11.8.
Higher-order derivatives also require higher order stencils. The simplest ap-
proximation of the second derivative need a three-point stencil:
1 2 (zi+1 − zi )f (zi−1 ) − (zi+1 − zi−1 )f (zi ) + (zi − zi−1 )f (zi+1 )
∂ f (zi ) =
2 z (zi − zi−1 )(zi+1 − zi−1 )(zi+1 − zi )
where zi is the barycenter of center element i, with value f (zi ). The geometric
constant γ we are after. We consider a continuous function f (z) = 12 kz − zi k2 . The
integral can be calculated in close form:
f (zj ) − f (zi ) 1
(8.39) ∆f ddim z = Ai γ 2
= A i κi γ ,
cell i kzj − zi k 2
j:neighbors of i
where Ai is the area of element i and κi is the number of neighbors. Clearly the
continuous result should yield the total area times the dimension, since ∆ 12 kz −
zi k2 = dim. Hence we find:
(8.40) γ= .
For any grid, this discrete approximation of the Laplacian leads to an error of the
order O(δ 3 ) where δ = kzj − zi k.
domain point
boundary point
corner point
Figure 8.2. For each domain point there is a linear relation, defin-
ing the values on the domain points uniquely. Hence the set of
boundary points are such that all the stencils of ∆+ are covered.
In the case of the ∆× stencils four more points at the corners are
The energy stencil function of the second-order improved Laplacian is the weighted
sum of both energies:
1 X 1 X
(8.45) E[f ] = (∇i,± f )2 + (∇±,± f )2 .
3 6
(i,±) (±,±)
The factors are determined from√the square of the relative distance between an edge
length a and a diagonal length 2a, which leads to the same result as Eq. 8.37.
There are the Gauss-Lobatto quadrature abscissas and weights. [Abramowitz and
Stegun, 1965, Hildebrand, 1987]
For example, in the case of fluid dynamics, the velocities have to be matched
at the element boundaries. The pressure, on the other hand is only needed at the
internal points. A different set of abscissas and weights are used for the pressure,
in the conjunction with the weights and abscissas for the velocities. The velocity
and the pressure are the intensive and the extensive variables of fluid dynamics.
The Navier-Stokes equation will tell us as much, under close examination of the
dimensions of the different variables. The energy, or the Hamiltonian, likewise
separates the state variables and the effort variables, or potentials.
The finite volume method has typically been associated [Saad, 1995] with con-
servation laws. The flow out of the volume equals the change of a conserved density
Hence it would be natural use the conserved density Qi on the finite volumes Ωi
to retain the conservation law exactly. The equations of motion would be the
instantaneous exchange of the conserved density:
(8.51) Q̇i = Jij , Q̇j = Jji ,
where Jij = −Jji . More complex function Qi (z) on the domain Ωi will yield a more
elaborate exchange term:
(8.52) Jij = nij · J(z)dn−1 z .
∂Ωi ∩∂Ωj
The closure relation expresses the flow J(Q) in terms of the obvious state variable
Q(z). In practice, the boundary flow Jij , through the common boundary ∂Ωi ∩∂Ωj ,
depends on the conserved density on both whole domains Qi (z) on Ωi and Qj (z)
on Ωj .
Hence the finite-volume approach for the conserved density yields a finite-
difference approach for the conserved flow. This is a general result. In the case
that the closure relation J(Q) is implicitly used, the finite difference part is di-
rectly expressed in terms of the finite volume terms. The conservation law will still
be exact, but over the quality of the closure-relation approximation there remains
little control.
represents most of the dynamical behavior. The state vectors xi are the selected,
normalized modes. The time-dependence is given by the coefficient vector c.
In the process of model reduction two aspects play a role. First, the selection
of the modes xi . Secondly, the projection of the dynamics. The simplest approach
would be to project the dynamics on the same set of modes:
(8.54) xTj xi ċ = xTj Axi c + xTj Bu ,
where the matrix Eji = xTj xi is the mass matrix which multiplies the rate-of-change
of the coefficients vectors c, and Aji = xTj Axi is the reduced A matrix.
It is very important to notice that picking a set of modes does not yet introduce
an approximation error. The projection determines the loss of accuracy. The
dynamics of the modes may evolve the system outside the subspace spanned by the
X n
(8.55) x = x k + x⊥ = c i xi + x ⊥ ,
matrix arise from each block independently. A simple example is a state that
jumps between four different domains of the full state space:
0 |||||||| 0 0
0 0 |||| 0
(8.59) (x1 , x2 , x3 , · · · , xn ) =
0 0 0
0 0 0 ||
where ||||| represent a set of ni nearly identical column vectors. For a single block
i of size ni the eigenvalues are:
(8.60) λ i1 = n i , λij = 0 (j = 2, · · · , ni ) .
Hence a single dominant eigenvector represents a mean direction of the block, where
the eigenvalue counts the number of states from the large set appearing in the
direction of the eigenvector. In a realistic case the same principle holds. Eigenvalue
analysis selects dominant directions, while the smaller eigenvectors describe the
variations in the dominant directions, or principal components
Three remarks of caution are at place here. The covariance matrix C depends
on the sampling. If a particular state of the time-dependent FEM experiment is
sampled a lot, it will be dominant in the POD, while there might not be a physical
reason to include this state. For example, the initial state might be dominant if
one starts with sampling from the start. Hence often is started with sampling x(ti )
after a finite time. Moreover, time-sampling will be dominated by the stationary
behavior. Fast transient changes, usually of particular interest, might be swamped
by the slow variations, with large numbers of sampling points. This problem may
be cured in part by using difference vectors: x(ti+1 ) − x(ti ), rather than sampling
points x(ti ).
Furthermore, the inner-product used xTi xj in the covariance matrix might be
inappropriate. It might be dominated by the part of the states close to the fixed
boundary conditions, or irrelevant physics. If possible, the energy, or even better
the change of energy; the power, should lie at the basis of the inner-product used
in the covariance matrix C.
However, in many cases the dimension may not be a priori clear. A large
FEM model lies at the basis and inputs leads to a certain dynamical range, which
determines the state space dimension, or model order. The Krylov method based on
the input vector B and the inverse of the evolution matrix A may break down due
to the lack of orthogonality between successive modes. The lack of orthogonality is
a physical manifestation of the fact that the dynamics is restricted to a subspace
of the full high-order FEM state space.
The angles between different state vectors can be used to determine the dimen-
sion of the subspace. If among three state vectors the angle of one pair equals the
sum of the other two pairs, the three vectors lie within the same two-dimensional
subspace. The two state vectors with the angle closest to π2 should remain while
the third state vector can be dropped from the reduced-order state space vectors.
The matrix yielding the remainder from the retained part xport is known as the
Schur complement. [Golub and Van Loan, 1996] The state is described by xport ,
which determine the dimension of the subspace. The state however lies in the full
state space: x = xport + xremainder(xport ).
In terms of matrices we can order the port or boundary configurations such
that the first m rows and columns correspond to the retained variables:
(8.63) K= .
The elastic energy as function of the port configurations only is still a quadratic
1 T 1
(8.64) Eelastic = x Kxport + xport KQ(QKQ)−1 QKxport .
2 port 2
The corresponding kinetic energy is:
1 T 1
(8.65) Ekinetic = ẋport Mẋport + ẋport KQ(QKQ)−1 M(QKQ)−1 QKẋport .
2 2
This would correspond to the first Krylov mode. The quality can be tested by the
overlap between the kinetic and the elastic mode. If these two modes are nearly
parallel, the main part of the dynamics is captured. Otherwise more modes or a
larger projection P may be used to yield a better approximation.
8.12. PLAQUETTE 157
8.12. Plaquette
The plaquette is the equivalent of the stencil in quantum field theories. It is
used in conjunction with the Maupertius, [Goldstein, 1980] or least action principle,
where the fields are integrated over a space-time domain, treating space and time
on equal footing. This makes the method especially suited for relativistic theories,
but also for time-dependent studies it has the advantage to incorporate the time-
integration into the finite-element method. [Creutz, 1983] The energy continuity
can be retained in the approximation.
The plaquette and link variables define quantum field theories by numerical
means. Most of these approaches are called Euclidean, which means that space
and time are treated on equal footing. Even more, the time axis is rotated in the
complex plane, which is called a Wick rotation, such that a wave equation in three
dimensions yields a Laplacian in four dimensions. Stable solutions of one can be
related to the other.
We will discuss the plaquette variable from the Hamiltonian perspective in a
single space dimension, without the Wick rotation. However, unlike the true Hamil-
tonian approach, time is discretized here as well. The energy is given by the Hamil-
tonian H, together with the corresponding energy flux S it yields a divergence-free
vector field in space-time x = (t, z), the two-dimensional version of the energy-
continuity relation, Eq. 5.39:
(8.66) ∂ t H + ∂z S = 0 ,
where the space-time vector field on (t, z) is given by:
(8.67) J= = .
S T 01
In terms of the energy-momentum tensor T , the Hamiltonian and the flux are the
T 00 and the T 01 components respectively, if t = x0 and z = x1 . 1
The divergence theorem relates vector field to its integral over a plaquette
z ∈ [0, 1], t ∈ [0, 1], such that the values at the boundary satisfy the conservation
(8.68) dx∇ · J = dtS(t, 1) − S(t, 0) + dzH(1, z) − H(0, z) .
The integrals over each of the edges are called link variables. The single plaquette
is made up of four link variables.
Given a linear approximation for J, the four corners determine the complete
field, and given three corners, the fourth corner is determined, similar to the stencils
in Section 8.4. In more general approximations the duality between four corners
and four links still means a single condition arises from the energy conservation.
The vector field J is usually derived from the equations of motion, or their
generating functional, such as the Hamiltonian or the Lagrangian, for example via
the energy-momentum tensor:
δL jk
(8.69) T ij (q) = − g ∂k q + g ij L ,
δ∂i q
1Some details concerning signs and the Minskowski metric are not treated here, however,
different conventions will lead to different signs for both the fluxes and the derivatives. Here the
variables are treated as Euclidean. The sign convention for the fluxes is considered Euclidean as
well, which means the energy flow in space and time have the same sign.
where g ji = (10−10
) is the metric tensor, and L the Lagrangian. The description is
not unique, T 6= T ji . Hence, one energy flux might differ from another by a total
However, starting from a general Hamiltonian, the link variables arise naturally
during discretization. The variable q(z, t) appears in the Hamiltonian as q̇ and ∂z q.
These two variables correspond to the link variables on a time-link and space-link
(8.71) qz (t) = dz∂z q(z, t) = q(1, t) − q(0, t) .
The links are constrained by the integrability condition: qz (1) − qz (0) + qt (0) −
qt (1) = 0.
Maupertius principle, or the Lagrangian variational principle, is the most ap-
propriate form to use the link variables:
Z 1 Z 1
(8.72) δ dtdzL(∂z q, q̇) → δ dtdzLp (qz (t), qt (z)) = 0 .
0 0
The wave equation, for example, reduces to an algebraic variational equation, with
the Lagrangian:
(8.73) L(qz (t), qt (z)) = qt2 − v −2 qz2 .
Under the assumption that the link variables are linear functions of the remaining
degree of freedom, the quadratic Lagrangian is easily integrated over each plaquette:
Z 1
(8.74) dz(qt (0) + (qt (1) − qt (0))z)2 = (qt (0)2 + qt (1)qt (0) + qt (1)2 ) .
0 3
The simulation can be done by filling the squares. The complete system for a line
consists of a chain of plaquettes. A single boundary time-link is required for a
unique solution to the hyperbolic variational problem. The constraints can be used
to re-express all the other time-links in terms of the space-links for t = 0 and t = 1:
(8.75) qt (1) = qz (1) − qz (0) + qt (0) .
The right time-link is determined by the left time-link and the space-links. For the
neighboring plaquette, the right time-link is the already determined left time-link
of the original plaquette. The time-links of the chain are determined recursively.
The variational problem allows one to reduce the degrees of freedom by half:
the space-links for t = 1 can be expressed in terms of the space-links for t = 0,
which is precisely the condition for a unique evolution.
t z→
Clearly, the same procedures can be applied to non-linear systems, the adaption
lies in the single integrals:
Z 1
(8.76) dzT (qt (0) + (qt (1) − qt (0))z)2 = T (qt (0), qt (1)) ,
8.13. SIMPLEX 159
8.13. Simplex
In many modern FEM applications, the underlying mesh consists of triangles.
This is mainly the field of mathematicians, who appreciate the simplicity of the
simplex, and the field of software engineers, who base their methods on CAD/CAM
methods, which allow for a restricted set of smooth curves, which are more easily
meshed, or discretized, using triangulations than many other methods. There are
several ambitious research programs formulated to make triangular meshes the
industry standard, but, probably due to complications at the lowest levels, it has
never materialized. The complications for general modelling, with a direct access
and control over the mesh and the data, are large and various. Some of the details
of mesh refinements, described below, in three dimensions will make this clear.
In two dimensions, the mesh is clear, and some global properties, such a topo-
logical properties, are easily determined. For example, the Euler characteristic, χ E ,
is an invariant of a closed surface, which is related to the number of genuses, or
holes, or handles on a surface. For example a sphere has no handles, a donut one
handle, and a solid eight has two handles. The Euler characteristic χE is given by
the enumeration of all the elements of a surface:
(8.78) χE = vertices − edges + faces = 2 − handles .
γxy G γxy
(8.84) γxz G γxz dV ,
γyz G γyz
where Ek = (1−ν)E/((1−2ν)(1+ν)), E⊥ = νE/((1−2ν)(1+ν)), and G = E/(2(1+
ν)). The elongations and shears can be expressed in terms of the displacements u,
v, and w:
∂u ∂v ∂u
(8.85) εx = , γxy = + , etc.
∂x ∂x ∂y
The two planar directions x and y are coupled, and the motion in the z direction
is free, with the associated inertia neglected:
δW δW δW
(8.86) = = =0 ,
δεz δγxz δγyz
such that the remaining two-dimensional elastic energy is:
E G 2
εx 1 ν εx
(8.87) Wxy = + γ dA ,
2(1 − ν 2 ) εy ν 1 εy 2 xy
which correspond to the energy per unit thickness of the table. See also Section 6.7.
0 5 10 15 20
Figure 8.5. The static deformation, the black dots are the rest
positions of the grid points, and the gray dots are the displaced
positions. The scale is set for a good visual effect, the fixture is in
the center, indicated by the box.
The table has now three rigid-body modes in terms of the independent dis-
placements u and v, which are the two translations in the x and y direction, and
the rotation around an arbitrary axis in the z direction.
Each pair of nearest neighbors is used the calculate the elongations εi . The
shears require a set of three points: a corner with a point in the x-direction and the
y-direction. For the displacement a linear approximation between those points is
used. [Hughes, 1987] The mass matrix is taken diagonal, where edge have half and
corners have a quarter of the mass of a node away from the edge. See Figure 8.4.
The FEM model of the table consists of 20 points in each direction, which yields
2 × 20 × 20 = 800 displacement variables, and 19 × 19 = 361 cells. The elongations
for the diagonal part of the energy are the 2 × 20 × 19 = 760 elongations, one
for each nearest-neighbor pair of grid points. The off-diagonal energy uses the
elongations per cell, in order to be able to take the product of x and y elongations.
The shear γxy consists of 4 × 19 × 19 = 1449 terms, one for each corner of the cell.
The shear energy consists over the sum over cells with the average over the corner
products. If the average shear γxy would be calculated per cell first before taking
the product, it would yield additional zero modes, for ν = 0. The thickness of the
table is irrelevant for the longitudinal motion.
Unlike the wave equation for the longitudinal motions in a table, the x and
y motion are coupled in elastic theory. The eigenmodes have, therefore, fewer
degeneracies, but there are still some, associated with the modes with four-fold
symmetries. Furthermore, the shapes of the eigenmodes have more displacements
at the boundary, compared to the wave eigenmodes which is the trigonometric
series, due to more complex elastic energy. The eigenmodes are the result of the
diagonalization of the stiffness matrix:
inertia vibration
time deformation vibration
Figure 8.6. The two types of spectroscopic factors.
In the case of a degeneracy ωi1 = ωi2 · · · = ωij , the actual eigenvectors are irrele-
vant, only the space spanned by these eigenvectors is relevant:
(8.89) Ω{i1 ,··· ,ij } = span{Vi1 , · · · , Vij } .
The results are given in Table 8.1.
The static-deformation mode x0 is determined from solving the linear equation:
(8.90) Kx0 = F − M a ,
where x is taken perpendicular to the rigid-body modes. The iterative solver
SYMMLQ by Paige and Saunders [Paige and Saunders, 1975] can handle indefinite
K matrices, however, care must be taken that the right-hand side is perpendicular
to the null-space of K. Whether a vibrational mode is excited by the applied force
can be determine from the spectroscopic factors Si , which are the overlap between
the normalized eigenvectors and the static deformation mode:
(8.91) Si = kx0 kΩi ,
which is the length of x0 in the subspace of the eigenvectors of the i-th mode, which
reduces to
(8.92) Si = xT0 · Vi ,
for a non-degenerate eigenmode, where kVi k = 1.
−10 −5 0 5 10
shift of the fixture from center in grid points
−10 −5 0 5 10
shift of the fixture
8.16. Conclusion
The method of using the deformations of the table under a constant acceleration
as modes for a lumped dynamical model are further discussed in the Chapter 9. The
study of finite elements as invariant components, or port Hamiltonian elements, in
a network for the use in dynamics automatically leads to a more general, and often
nonlinear, formulation. This question is studied in Chapter 11.
−2000 x−motion
0 10 20
This chapter dealt with the more traditional approaches to dynamical FEM.
The specialized methods developed for fluid dynamics are not mentioned explicitly,
although being a large field of research. The connection between energy-based
port-Hamiltonian methods and general fluid dynamics is tenuous at best.
Analytic input
In this chapter the common results of control theory are established for analytic,
and piece-wise analytic input. Furthermore, the focus is shifted from the state to
the input. The general benefits of such a shift should be obvious, since the little
one knows about the state of a system, the more one knows about the input. In
many approaches a step input yields a state that converges to a constant state after
a finite time. Although the stationary state does not occur in a finite time window,
they are as limiting state relevant for the dynamics. The approach advocated in this
chapter associates a constant state with the constant input, and deviations from
constancy for input and state simultaneous. Such a framework naturally arrives at
analytic theory and polynomial expansion.
Finally, an input-centered approach is the right starting point to extend meth-
ods to nonlinear systems, where different state-space representations may be equiv-
alent but not equally practical, and the finite-dimensional input-centered approach
distinguishes the relevant subspaces, thereby reducing the complexity to the mini-
Some subtle differences between the standard control formulation and the ana-
lytic input control will arise. These differences are due to restrictions on the input.
However, these restrictions are quite natural; infinite slopes do not occur in most
physical system. Most singularities in the state arise from, for example, the neglect
of inertial forces. The focusing of waves, however, in nonlinear waves or position-
dependent dispersion may cause a singular shock waves, or caustic waves. [Courant
and Hilbert, 1961]
The mean temperature T0 for the total capacity C0 with the same total heat W
follows from the definition:
(9.3) W = T 0 C0 = dzT (z) dzC(z) .
The mean temperature weighted with the relative capacity C(z)/C0 , and the total
capacity is the integral over the distributed capacity, such that if the temperature
is constant, the mean temperature is the constant temperature.
In the case of nonlinear constitutive relations, e.g., C(T, z), the product of the
mean values is no longer equal to the work W . With the modal approximation of
T (z) also a modal approximation of W (T0 ) is required for nonlinear systems. The
stationary state is a good starting point for such approximations. Even though
the original dynamics maybe highly nonlinear, small temporal variations around
the stationary state might be well-approximated by a linear model. For example,
consider a system which radiates of its heat. The heat transfer depends on the
fourth order of the temperature difference, but around a particular operational,
stationary state, with a temperature difference Tin −Tout , the variations in Tin +∆T
will lead to variations ∆J in the heat transfer J:
(9.4) ∆J ∼ (Tin + ∆T − Tout )4 − (Tin − Tout )4 ≈ 4(Tin − Tout )3 ∆T ,
where Tin and Tout are given by the stationary state T (z).
A simple network, Fig. 9.1, given the mean temperature T0 and the flow J,
and input and output temperatures Tin and Tout would yield a heat resistance
R = (Tin − Tout )/J. In a lumped network the total capacitance C0 should be
placed at the position where the mean temperature occurs, in between the incoming
resistance Rin and the outgoing resistance Rout :
Tin − T0 T0 − Tout
(9.5) Rin = R , Rout = R
Tin − Tout Tin − Tout
Hence, the heat flow and heat conservation dictates the transition from distributed
to lumped, depending on the situation at hand. The stationary flow is an appro-
priate situation, however, many other choices can be made. For example, instead
of the mean temperature T0 , one could choose the temperature at a sensor Tsensor .
The sensor temperature Tsensor together with the total capacitance C0 will not yield
The particular entropy generation in the system is associated with the temperature
difference between input and output:
−1 j(z)
(9.7) S = dz(T (z)) j(z) = dz(T (z)) dzj(z) = T −1 J .
∂Ω ∂Ω J ∂Ω
In this case, like with C(z)/C0 in Eq. 9.3, the flow provides a measure j(z)/J, for
a consistent mean temperature at the boundary:
C(z) j(z)
(9.8) dz = dz =1 .
Ω C0 ∂Ω J
The stationary state of the system gives us appropriate lumped parameters and
variables, which are consistent with the conserved quantities in the system, such as
energy and entropy. The state at rest, i.e., T = constant, would not have been able
to provide this linkage to lumped models.
Furthermore, the stationary state can be of a nonlinear model, it changes very
little in the definition of total and mean variables. The product, such as the power
product of effort and flow, in the integrand remains a product by definition. Non-
linear relations are constitutive relations, or closure relations, [Bird et al., 1960]
which link efforts and flows to the state variables.
To extend this notion of stationary states to lumped model beyond the simplest
approximation, described above, we view the system as the response to an analytical
input function of time. The stationary state is the response to a constant input, at
the next orders linear u(t) = a + bt and quadratic input u(t) = a + bt + ct2 are
considered. These functions may seem unnatural for large times t → ±∞, however,
the modal shapes, e.g., {ti (z)} for a response T (z, t) = t0 (z) + t1 (z)t + t2 (z)t2 + · · · ,
can be used to define a fast converging basis for time-variations of the input, which
are typically of the same order or slower than the longest time-scales of the response.
V1 R1 V2 R2 V3 R3 V4
C1 C2 C3 C4
where Rij = Ri Rj /(Ri + Rj ) and Cij = Ci Cj . The replacement of the resistors
by inductors changes very little in the network, and the corresponding matrix has
the same structure:
−1 1
L1 C 1 L1 C12
1 −1 1
L1 C12 L12 C2 L2 C23
(9.12) ALC = 1 −1 1 ,
L2 C23 L23 C3 L3 C34
.. ..
. .
where analogous: Lij = Li Lj /(Li + Lj ).
It is important to notice that charge conservation means that:
√ √ √ √ √
A √C3 =
(9.13) C1 C2 C3 C4 · · · A = 0 ,
which determines the relevant
√ null-space of A. The transformation
√ √ with the diag-
onal matrix consisting of Ci , such that A → diag( Ci )Adiag( Ci ) transforms
the voltage state xi = Vi into the charge state xi = Qi . The charge conservation
occurs both in the RC and the LC network, the same null-space arises.
Each of the voltages xi = Vi in the serial network is a coefficient of a mode
Vi (z). Hence a lumped model can arise from a numerical model order reduction of a
large A to ARC or ALC . However, in many cases the lumped parameters have little
meaning in the underlying model. The input is connected to all the nodes since,
typically, for every mode Vi (z), for every node zj , the overlap is nonzero: Vi (zj ) 6= 0.
Hence if an external connection is made at a single node zj , it is connected to all
the modes, and all the nodes of the lumped model, if in the tridiagonalization only
the internal dynamics and not the input and output are considered.
In the truncation of the tridiagonal matrix to a smaller matrix with the dom-
inant modes, the last diagonal coefficient (Cn R(n−1)n )−1 or (Cn L(n−1)n )−1 must
be adapted to respectively (Cn Rn−1 )−1 or (Cn Ln−1 )−1 , in order to retain charge
conservation. More generally, numerical errors in the tridiagonalization procedure
can be corrected to retain global charge conservation, lost in numerical errors. This
procedure can be based on the serial-network analogy.
Likewise, the complete diagonalization of A turns every state xi into the co-
efficient of a vibrational mode Vi (z). In both cases the input and output are
distributed, while the dynamics is, more or less, localized. The stationary state
connects input and output by a continuous flow, hence the stationary state lies the
basis for distributed dynamics and localized input and output. It is a fundamental
difference in perspective.
More appropriate is to rely on the input to determine the lowest mode, such
that the interconnection between the system and the environment is consistent for
every lumped, low-order approximation of the system. The stationary state is an
important aspect in this consistency.
The linear independence of the different ui and the upper-diagonal structure of the
coefficient matrix yield the input richness condition.
The input richness is equivalent to:
This input richness is similar but not identical to the standard controllability condi-
tion, Eq. 3.29. Controllability is typically associated with low-dimensional systems.
Distributed systems have many more degrees of freedom than of interest for stan-
dard operation, hence is never controllable. The question is reversed: how many
states are participating in the response to typical, slow, i.e., analytic input.
The difference lies in the inverse of A. If A is singular, the stationary state,
associated with the right null-space of A, cannot be maintained with a single sta-
tionary input, as would be expected from the j = 0 equation.
The dynamics out of the Krylov space must be projected back into this subspace
under consideration. Many different choices for the constructed of the reduced
dynamics in the reduced subspace exists. We will give the general procedure to
construct reduced dynamics.
In numerical mathematics the controllability condition is similar to the span
of a Krylov space. The dimension of the Krylov space spanned in the rank of
controllability matrix. Hence, in the case of model order reduction, based on the
input vectors B, the controllabity tells us how well the system is approximated.
The difference between the standard controllability:
has more significance in the numerical setting where the dimension of A is high,
than in the pure control setting.
In the original input dependence, states were constructed algebraically by col-
lecting the same orders of t and selecting the set of equations which would yield a
one-to-one map under general controllability conditions. In general the state can
be arbitrary. Furthermore, in physical control, the number of states is likely to be
infinite. However, from rest x = 0 or any constant state x = −A−1 Bu for constant
input, the time-dependent input determines the dominant subspace of the state
space. Eigenstates, not initially excited by the analytic input, are not very likely to
be excited at all. In order for such a situation to occur the diagonalization of the
matrix A should contain Jordan blocks larger than the input space dimension.
Hence we seek an approximated, or reduced-order, model determined by the
input u(t). The states xi are already determined from the analytic input-to-state
mapping, but a projection onto an n-dimensional dual x∗i is needed to close the set
of equations and yield a n-dimensional linear set:
(9.30) X∗ Ẋ = X∗ AX + X∗ Bu ,
which are known to lead to poor stability after the fast initial convergence. However,
this poor stability is related to higher frequencies in the system, which are, with
sufficiently smooth input, not necessary of interest, as pointed out in Section 9.6.
The normalization varies from author [Abramowitz and Stegun, 1965] to author, we
use [Magnus et al., 1966] as the standard. In a more general setting, with smooth
input, one can use the generalized Laguerre polynomials, where Li (t) = Li (t)
with the weight function (−t)α et , where α > −1 is to be optimized:
Z 0
(α) (α) i+α
(9.34) (−t)α et Lj (−t)Li (−t)dt = δij Γ(α + 1) .
−∞ i
The Laguerre polynomials satisfy the second-order differential equation:
(9.35) t∂t2 L(α) (α) (α)
n (t) + (α + 1 − t)∂t Ln (t) + nLn (t) = 0 .
Hence there are four directions in state space: the state at t = 0: x(0), the average
state: x0 , the average change: Ax0 , and the control input average: Bu0 . The
system can be solved yielding the stationary state as average state: x 0 = −A−1 Bu0 ,
with x(0) = x0 . The equation can be balanced, given equal weight to the different
parts for λ = kAk.
In order to construct a set of modes in state space, similar to the analytic expan-
sion xi , we project the equation of motion onto the different Laguerre polynomials,
which define the weighted time averages xi and ui :
Z 0
dt ẋ(t)Li (−λt)eλt − Ax(t)Li (−λt)eλt − Bu(t)Li (−λt)eλt .
(9.37) 0 =
(α) n+α
(9.39) Li (0) = ,
which yields the j-th equation to solve xi and x(0) from the input Bu for α = 0:
(9.40) 0 = x(0) + (−1)j−i xi − λ−1 Axj − λ−1 Buj .
In the general case the solution x(0) is sought such in the subspace spanned by
{A−i Bu}∞ i=0 , arising from the analytic expansion of (constant − A)
. Unlike the
analytic case the vector x−1 = Bu plays a role in the Laguerre projection.
Depending on the particular application, different procedures can be followed.
For example, one might optimize the value of λ for a particular time-dependent in-
put, ui . It is important to notice the different linkages between the time-dependent,
and the restrictive input signal, and the subspaces of the large state space arising
from a FEM model. Input is central in restricting to the relevant dynamical sub-
space of the state space. This is a different approach from mapping a transfer
function between a significant, i.e., physical, input and a, usually rather arbitrary,
output, as function of the frequency. [Antoulas, 2005, Worden and Tomlinson, 2001]
input−dependent states
x=0 energy
E = constant
Figure 9.3. The energy and the input together restrict the full
state space to a small subspace of dynamical states, which are rel-
evant for the driven, or operational, dynamics. The input restricts
the dimension of the subspace, while the energy restricts the norm
E ≤ constant. These can be the operational settings of the partic-
ular system due to the restricted input.
For since the fabric of the universe is most perfect and the work
of a most wise creator, nothing at all takes place in the universe
in which some rule of maximum or minimum does not appear.
[L. Euler]
The term virtual work was coined by Lagrange to determine the internal balance
of forces, and the balance of forces between objects. He used the concept in the
introduction of generalized coordinates and the study of celestial mechanics in the
second half of the eighteenth century. [Gantmacher, 1970] D’Alembert consequently
popularized the concept.
Force is not an invariant concept, but the product of force and displacement is.
In the continuous setting force could be pressure, or some more complex distributed
source, expressed as a stress tensor. The product of any such representation of the
force and its dual displacement is the invariant work, independent of the represen-
Work allows for general coordinate transformations. The balance is the config-
uration, or state, of minimal energy, and a small, virtual, change of configuration
will always increase the energy. In other words: the virtual change of the state is
at the expense of virtual work. In this chapter we will take to analogy one step
further and assign to the iteration procedure a virtual time. The process of approx-
imating a solution successively is treated as a dynamical process. Once the analogy
is established, it is taken one step further by combining real dynamics with virtual
dynamics to describe dynamical systems with constraint relations.
Virtual work can be associated with many other problems. For example, con-
vergent iterative processes [Saad, 1995] are convergent in some norm, which can be
interpreted as the energy of the system E(x) = kxkE , and the Gateaux derivative
with respect to the state x is the associated virtual force:
(10.1) F=− .
The iterative process can be identified as a damped dynamical process. Further-
more, constrained systems with dynamics can be treated as a whole: the real
dynamics can be combined with virtual dynamics of the constraint relations. The
linkage exists at multiple levels. First we investigate the time scale and damping
of a variational problem given by a sparse matrix. Second, we analyze the vir-
tual dynamics associated with multiple constraints. Finally, we combine the real
and virtual dynamics and reduce the influence of the virtual dynamics on the real
Linear variational problems with sparse matrices usually arise from FEM ap-
proach to partial differential equations. Such matrices have quite a lot of structure
The number of steps n determine the subspace in which the approximate solu-
tion lies. This space is the Krylov space Kn (A, b). The connectivity indicates the
minimal size of the subspace. The larger the dimension of the underlying geometry
the smaller the connectivity compared with the dimension N of the matrix. In
treating the iterative solving of a numerical problem as a dynamical problem these
are all aspects that can be taken into account. Eventually more prior knowledge
will improve the convergence.
A last aspect, also clear from inspecting the vector A3 b, is that the sum of the
coefficients add up to zero. This is no accident, but the result of the underlying
PDE, the Laplace operator. Any constant function of position vanishes, as does
any linear function. These vectors lie in the left null-space of the Laplace operator,
Eq. 10.2. The FEM discretization should retain this property as this associated
with the force balance or mass conservation depending on the underlying problem.
Hence deviations from zero for the sum give some insight in the convergence, and
the position of the interacting boundaries and the forces at these boundaries. By
treating the iterative process as a numerical algorithm only, such aspects are often
Recently, the underlying physical system is been taken into account again, at a
limited scale, in methods referred to as structure preserving model-order reduction.
[Freund, 2003] For example, the positivity of the mass matrix and the stiffness
matrix are retained in the approximation, corresponding to a Krylov space K n
with its dimension much smaller than the dimension N of the full space.
To recapitulate, real and virtual dynamics refer to two aspects of a dynamical
simulation of a system. The real dynamics is the time evolution of a system as
determined by the equations of motion. Virtual dynamics refers to the iterative
solution of a numerical problem, [Saad, 1995, Antoulas, 2005] and treating it as a
dynamical problem. [Stuart and Humphries, 1998] These two problems are inti-
mately related, since they are both based on the series Aj b. First of all, in the
iterative solving of a linear equation an approximate solution converges to the true
solution. If each step is seen as a time step, the convergence process is similar to
that of a stable damping, usually associated with Lyapunov theory. [Lyapunov,
1992] Hence, turning the problem around, many numerical problems can be solved
once they are converted to a stable, virtual, dynamical problem.
On the other hand, constraints, or algebraic equations, may appear in dynami-
cal problems, which are simulated through the time integration of the equations of
motion. In each step the constraints need to be solved. The explicit solving yields
a corrector step; after each step the constraints are implemented, the implicit solv-
ing yields an adjusted step, which is already tangential to the constraint surface.
However, constraints may be introduced as virtual dynamics such that, even if the
initial state does not satisfy the constraint relations, the state converges to the con-
straint surface and remains there within some numerical bound. A simple generic
corrector step is the Newton iteration. If a function should satisfy H(q) = E, the
steepest descent yields the smallest linear correction q → q + δq, with min kδqk to
the solution H(q + δq) = E:
(E − H(q))∇q H
(10.4) δq = .
(∇q H)T ∇q H
See Figure 10.1. More elaborate schemes exists.
All of these different cases will be discussed in this chapter. The advantages of
using virtual dynamics are manifold. First of all, the methods described here can be
applied irrespective of the nature of the constraint, unlike most methods. Moreover,
both the constraints and the equations of motion may be nonlinear, which makes
the method versatile. Furthermore, the methods are generic, many problems can
be treated in the same manner, and the complexity will not change the general
dynamic approach.
of direction set methods, like the conjugate gradient method, where p defines the
direction, or improved gradient.
The conditioning of the problem can be carried out by adding a mass term to
the momenta, or direction, p:
q̇ 0 q 0
(10.9) = + ,
ṗ −A −γ p b
where the unit matrix is replaced by the reciprocals of the diagonal elements of A.
If the problem is close to diagonal, all the eigenvalues will be of the same order,
which allows for a faster iteration scheme. In the study of vibrational problems the
equations of motion contain the mass M and the stiffness K:
q̇ 0 q
(10.10) = .
ṗ −K 0 p
The typical frequency is given by:
(10.11) ω= KM−1 .
Hence, due to the conditioning with the inverse of the diagonal part of A, the time
scale is independent of the problem with all frequencies ω ≈ 2π. If the step size is
too large, a simple Euler integration, associated with standard iteration, will spiral
outward in the absence of damping.
Damping and step size are concepts which give intuitive insight into the iterative
procedure. Furthermore, these concepts apply to linear systems and nonlinear
systems alike. The method can even be illustrated with different material blocks,
or balls, in a bowl. The block will move down to the bottom. If the damping, or
friction, is too large, it will move very slowly. If the friction is too small, it will not
come to rest, at the bottom. See Figure 10.2. Furthermore, the results of numerical
time integration can be taken to our advantage to improve the convergence and
optimize the memory usage. Beside the theory of time integration, the theory of
optimal control can define a fast and smooth path to be taken as ideal for the
In principle the path should straighten during the iteration. If one tries to
straighten it to quickly, it might miss flat directions in the potential defined by
A. On the other hand if it straightens to slowly, the step size has to remain small
to follow the bends in the path. An active, i.e., predictor-corrector, approach to
damping and step size may speed up the convergence of the iterative method.
One of the nicest parts of a dynamical interpretation is the strict bounds on the
convergence. Even though one might overshoot the solution with a large step, the
combination of the potential and the kinetic energy 12 p2 in the directive vector will
decrease, yielding less conservative convergence criteria for a decreasing directive
vector p, than the potential alone would be.
For example, take a pendulum with a small damping. In the first swing, the
pendulum swings beyond the minimum and the potential energy increases again.
The increase in kinetic energy corresponds to an increase in the directive vector,
which speeds up the convergence. Although the potential energy does not decrease
monotonically, the total energy decreases monotonically all along the path. An
adaptive damping will detect the minimum and increase the damping accordingly.
converge to a solution, but instead oscillate around the minimum. The stability
analysis of the iterative series is therefore more complicated. One can also view
the directive vector p as the weighted summation of successive steepest descent
X kAk
(10.16) kBk ≈ (1 − γ∆t)j kAk < .
Hence to avoid erratic behavior, a conservative estimate of the step size ∆t is based
on the weighted summation:
(10.17) ∆t < .
Not all methods developed for large, sparse systems take into account the suc-
cessive nature of the matrix, arising mainly from FEM and network systems. In
order to connect to coefficients of the vector q a large number n of An are required,
typically of half the size of such systems, in the case of one-dimensional models. For
higher dimensions of the underlying model, like plates and blocks, the connectivity
is higher.
The criteria for tracking a solution in a FEM or network based model, yields a
rather trivial result. At each step, the solution progresses a little further through
the system, hence the main perpendicular part is the new component added first
to p, and then to q. In a dynamical interpretation, it is the wave front of the
hyperbolic equation propagating throughout the system. We find that for small
damping the convergence of the solution starts to oscillate with the period related
to the wave velocity and size of the system.
At every iteration An b → An+1 b, the solution extends only one or two mesh
points further away from b. Hence the larger the mesh, the more iterations are
required only to fill the vector x. Hence, typically, the number of iterations is
proportional to n. This is the period for an optimal time-step. Therefore, the
maximal step size ∆t ≈ kAk−1 . The time step determines the degree of exploration
of the solution space, bounded by the energy of the initial guess, while the damping
causes the convergence. In practice we find little variation in the optimal damping
of a large range of problems. Possibly, convergence can be improved by increasing
the damping as the convergence is reached.
Adaptive schemes work best if there is a detailed understanding of the system
at hand. The best possible scheme is a single iteration run, where the number of
iterations equals the connectivity of the system. This could be considered the dis-
crete equivalent of the direct integration of the inverse A−1 , the discrete equivalent
of the Green function. This would be the optimal convergence available for a given
system. However, in this case the Green function is not known, but implicit in the
matrix A. For example, if the equation Ax = b represents the displacement x as
the result of the force b, for the stiffness matrix A, the linear equation is the in-
ternal force balance. In terms of the force, the system is usually better understood
than in terms of the displacement, which depends on the constitutive relations.
Force equations can be integrated. Consider the iteration process as a long line
of masses connected by springs. If one mass is pulled with a force b, all the neigh-
boring masses will counteract the force. This counteraction is again counteracted
by the next-neighbor masses, and so on. The process described here corresponds to
the conjugate gradient algorithm described in the next section. At every stage the
exact solution for in a subspace Kn for that particular set of variables is sought. The
use of damping will yield a slower convergence for the same number of iterations,
but less computations per iteration. The dynamical approach makes it possible to
combine convergence in one particular subspace with motion in another. The stiff-
ness matrix of an isolated object is singular. Methods based on the positivity of the
stiffness matrix may fail for particular boundary conditions. An explicit reference
to the dynamics and the force can resolve numerical problems whose origins lie in
the problem definition. These principles are explored further in Chapter 12.
The stiffness matrix A corresponding to a string of masses and springs is singu-
lar. The same constant displacement of all the masses will not change the indenta-
tion of the springs and consequently will not change the force. The inhomogeneous
term, the right-hand side of the equation, representing the applied force, should
therefore be balanced; the sum force is zero. Hence the force is balanced locally
from source to sink, from the position the force acts, to the position where it is
counter-acted. In the case of a system response, the force may also be counter-acted
by resistive forces, or by inertial forces caused be acceleration.
Hence the convergence and quality of the iterative solution can be expressed
in terms of physical principles, involving local force balance underlying a static
solution. The constant displacement e = (1, 1, 1, 1, · · · , 1, 1, 1) plays an important
role in this analysis, since for the static solution eT x = 0. Hence deviations from
the static solution during iteration, which we will call force “absorption,” represent
themselves as eT xi . In the dynamical interpretation of the iteration process, the
absorption is related to the inertial and damping forces.
Part of the force is locally balanced, the other force lines run through the whole
structure, till fixed boundaries. By the lack of knowledge of the end of the force
lines the adaptive method should keep track of the force “transmission” versus the
force “absorption.” Given the solution xi+1 of a step in the iterative scheme:
(10.18) Axi = xi+1 .
A constant vector e = (1, 1, · · · , 1, 1) corresponds to a complete transmission:
(10.19) Ae = eT A = 0 .
Hence the force absorption can be expressed as a projection on e. The absorption
Fabsorption is given by the projection on the translation vector:
eT xi+1
(10.20) Fabsorption = √ ,
N kxi+1 k
where N is the dimension of the system. The force balance and localization at the
inhomogeneous term b, the force input, is an independent test of the correctness
and convergence of the iterative solution. In the cases the force is not balanced; the
sum force is not zero, the momentum grows due to the acceleration of the system,
and the force absorption is associated with the inertial force.
In the absence of knowledge of directions in the system, all the translations
are concatenated into one; e. Such knowledge, on the other hand, would make it
possible to separate e into ex , ey , etc..
The force transmission T is given by the change from one iteration to the next:
kxi+1 − Axi k
(10.21) T = .
kxi+1 k
Typically, T represents the size of the wave front. The typical instabilities for a large
time step occur if the action and counter-action remain local. Behind the leading
wave front, filling the state vector successively following the actual connectivity of
the underlying grid, the state converges locally, with an exponent determining the
quality of the iterative scheme.
Problems described by potential like V = qT Aq, where the matrix A is given
by the Laplacian and flow problems with pressure boundary conditions are examples
of systems with a high transmission.
Furthermore, the iterative generation of the dual vectors can be expressed as:
rTi ri
(10.27) vi+1 = ri + T
vi .
ri−1 ri−1
The algorithm resembles the leap-frog integration (see Section 3.4), where r i and
vi are differences in steps in the position: ∆x = xi − xi−1 and momentum space:
∆p = pi − pi−1 , respectively. Except for the precise value of the step size and
damping, the pair of equations read:
(10.28) xi+1 = xi + αi pi ,
(10.29) pi+1 = pi − αi (Axi − b) .
Instead of relying for an exact computation of αi , which allows for a result in the
number of steps identical to the dimension of the matrix, we use some physical
principles to estimate two different constants, one for the position space x and one
for the momentum space p. The number of operation per step decreases, but the
convergence will decrease as well, since we did not choose the optimal αi for the
particular Krylov space K(A, b).
where A2 should be invertible. As long as kA1 kkA−12 k < 1 the iteration should
converge under general conditions. For Gauss-Seidel A1 = Au or A1 = Al , and
A2 = Ad + Al or A2 = Ad + Au respectively. For Jacobi iteration, A1 = Au + Al ,
and A2 = Ad .
The iteration scheme can be seen as the Euler integration of the dynamical
(A−12 A1 − 1)
(10.36) ẋ = x + A−1
2 b .
If we use for A1 = Au − Al and for A2 = Ad − 2Au the iteration matrix A1
is skew-symmetric. A skew-symmetric matrix corresponds to a gyroscopic process
in dynamics. It redistributes xi , but leaves the sum of all the coefficients invariant.
The values of the coefficients are like the charge density of the system, while the sum
is the total conserved charge. Hence only the matrix A2 affects the charge. The
matrix A2 has typically only negative coefficients, and determines the maximal step
size. It would correspond for a one-dimensional second-order differential equation
penetration small α
RMS error
70 steps
140 steps
210 steps
280 steps
350 steps
1e-10 420 steps
with a small penetration depth, the optimal damping may be substantially larger
γ ≈ 0.25. See Figure 10.5. Even smaller than the range of damping γ is the
optimal variation of damping throughout the problem. Typically, the damping
should increase as the iteration proceeds by 20% to 30%, to reach the solution the
fastest. The size of the vector kpk is a good indication how far quick the convergence
is, or how large the system is. The size will grow at first. Once the solution starts
to converge, the size will decrease with the error. The typical relation between the
parameter α, and the optimal damping is, for α < 0.02:
(10.43) γoptimal ≈ 0.07 + 10α .
As the number of iterations is several times the size of the problem, the domain of
convergence is a large region around the optimal damping.
The damping is related to the convergence speed; the quicker the solution
convergences, normally for larger values of α, the larger the damping should be.
Very large values of α > 0.1 yield numerical instabilities, as the penetration depth
is in the order of the mesh size. Problems ill-defined by the coarseness of the grid
will be less stable for large damping.
10.7. Constraints
Constraints in dynamical systems are usually nonlinear, since most linear rela-
tions can be implemented without problems, yielding a lower dimensional dynamical
problem. Rigid-body dynamics is well-known for its constraints, which can either
by holonomic or non-holonomic, a term coined by Hertz. [Gantmacher, 1970] Even-
tually we are interested in very large sets of constraints for FEM problems, but for
the moment we will look at two simple problems to investigate the implementation
of constraints as virtual dynamics. The first case is in the absent of real dynamics.
The constraints determine the state almost uniquely for the Stewart platform, as
z3 z2
discrete local minima are found. In the mathematical pendulum (Section 10.10)
we investigate the decoupling of the virtual, or constraint, dynamics and the real
dynamics, and the influence of the virtual dynamics on the accuracy of the solution.
The generic methods described here are all local. Around the present position
in phase space we examine the constraint direction and the direction of the dynam-
ics. To first order, corresponding to local rectangular coordinates, we are able to
decouple the constraint direction, in which the virtual constraint forces act, and
the direction of dynamics, in which the system evolves. The nonlinear constraints
do not always allow for an analytical estimate of the accuracy and decoupling,
however, numerical results are very good.
Eventually these methods are meant to be applied to FEM systems with arbi-
trary boundary conditions. Many types of boundary conditions cannot be imple-
mented as input, but must be implemented as constraints, as, for example, fixed
positions at the boundary. It is possible to reduce the FEM model such that the
fixed boundary values are excluded from the model. However, that means the
resulting FEM model of the system can not be used again is a component of a
larger system in a general setting. For a general setting constrained motion and
the associated constraint force are the pair along which a system may interact with
neighboring components, or control.
plate can be represented by the three joint positions, x1 , x2 , and x3 . See Figure 10.6.
The geometry and inertia of the plate depends solely of these coordinates. For
example, the kinetic energy of the plate can be calculated by:
(10.44) T = ρẋ2 (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = Mij ẋi ẋj .
2 ij
Two simple examples. First, consider the platform mass M located at the center:
x = 13 (x1 + x2 + x3 ), the mass matrix is therefore:
1 1 1
(10.45) M= 1 1 1 .
1 1 1
Secondly, consider the mass to be evenly distributed on a triangle spanned by the
three corners xi , where the triangle has three equal lengths. The center-of-mass
position x is given by the interpolation between the three points:
Z √3 Z u/√3 X
(10.46) x= du √ dv xi fi (u, v) ,
0 −u/ 3
virtual dynamics
allowed, i.e., all the constraints can be satisfied simultaneously. The mass can be
taken into account, even masses of each of the trusses can be added simply with
the mass matrix:
1 2 1
(10.52) Mtruss = Mtruss .
6 1 2
In order to converge to the static solution, the stiffness must be much larger than
the body forces present, for example, the gravity force. Furthermore, in a dynamical
context damping can be added which affects only the trusses. Using the standard
Rayleigh terms:
(10.53) R(ẋ − ẏ) = γ(ẋ − ẏ)2 ,
which yields only damping along the trusses. The motion of the truss as a whole is
not affected by the damping.
However, in cases with real dynamics and virtual dynamics from constraints,
the explicit configuration dependence should be put into the Rayleigh term to
guarantee the orthogonality of the damping to the real dynamics:
(10.54) R(ẋ − ẏ, x − y) = 2 ((ẋ − ẏ)T (x − y))2 .
Now the damping is explicitly in the direction of the truss. The damping no longer
relies on a small relative velocity ẋ − ẏ, which yield damping only in the direction
of the constraint due to the local orthogonality of virtual constraint dynamics and
real dynamics. This principle can be extended to more general constraints, as we
will see in a later section. See Figure 10.7.
The truss Hamiltonian with the truss Rayleigh term do not necessarily have
to be virtual terms, with very high stiffness, to yield iterative equations, which
converge to the constraint surface. In reality there are no pure rigid elements, all
elements have some elasticity, the truss elasticity Vl may be used to examine the
vibrational modes of the Stewart platform.
discrete steps
true trajectory
virtual step
α−1 − b
−b −b
(10.56) = −b α−1 − b −b ,
−b −b α−1 − b
where b = β/(α(α + 3β)). The same matrix occurs for arbitrary dimensions Mα,β ,
such as in the case of a truss where the matrix is two-dimensional. The inverse
is has the same form, except the only the 3 is replaced by the dimension n of the
matrix in b = β/(α(α + nβ)). Hence in the case of the triangular homogeneous
platform the inverse of the mass matrix is:
3 −1 −1
(10.57) M−1 = −1 3 1 .
−1 −1 3
The equations of motion for the position and momentum vector concatenated
from all positions and momenta of each point are given by:
M−1 p
(10.58) = ,
ṗ −MRM−1 p − ∂x V
where the Rayleigh matrix R is constructed from the Rayleigh term R through:
1 T 1X
(10.59) ẋ Rẋ = Rij ẋi ẋj = R .
2 2 ij
truss with a high stiffness k, the truss can be a spring with a stiffness corresponding
to the length and actuation force:
(10.60) k= ,
where the elastic energy of the truss is:
(10.61) Eelastic = kl2 .
The Hamiltonian can be updated in many different ways, to account for the actu-
In this study we will take the approach of updating the length, of the stiff truss,
according to the force. See Figure 10.8. Given x and y, the truss force is :
(10.62) F = −∂x Vl (x − y) = −2k((x − y)2 − l2 )|x − y| .
Hence, by adjusting l, the force F can be set to the actuator force:
(10.63) l2 = + (x − y)2 .
2k|x − y|
At each iteration step the truss lengths should be updated. Force actuation does
not guarantee stability, also not in the updating case. The power transfer is given
by the change of the elastic-truss energy. For stiff trusses the actual length change
is limited. However, the consequences for the dynamics of the platform may be
large, due to the large forces.
0 10 20 30 40 50
where cos θ is the gravity component in the direction of the truss, and r θ̇2 is the
centrifugal force.
In the static case p = θ̇ = 0, the truss is extended due to the gravitational
(10.68) r =1+ .
In the dynamic case, the truss dynamics is driven by the pendulum swing for small
amplitudes θ0 where: θ(t) = θ0 sin t. The force on the constrained, or virtual,
dynamics is now time-dependent, with a maximum at θ = 0:
(10.69) r̈ = −ṙγr 2 − k(r2 − 1)r + cos θ + rθ02 cos2 t .
The driving force will cause damping of the pendulum motion, due to the damping
forces in the constraint dynamics. However, this damping is small after the original
motion around the constraint is damped, and only the driving force remains. The
time-dependence of the driving force, the pendulum frequency, is much slower than
the frequency of the truss. Furthermore, the amplitude is small for large virtual
stiffness of the truss. Hence, the combination of the small amplitude and the slow
times reduces the virtual damping. Numerical investigations show that the energy
loss of the pendulum undergoes a sharp transition for stiffnesses of the order of
k ≈ 150. For a stiffness of k = 100 the pendulum looses about a fraction of
3.0 10−6 of its energy per swing. For k = 200 the losses are within the numerical
precision of the leap-frog integration method (10−10 ). The integration has been
carried out for tens of thousands of pendulum periods. Further improvements are
possible as we will see. See Figure 10.9.
Each constraint is added as a spring with the rest position χj = 0. The spring
stiffness kj is to be optimized for the simulation.
The augmented Rayleigh term is given by:
γX T γX
(10.75) R= (q̇ ∇χj )2 = (δp H T ∇χj )2 .
2 j 2 j
The typical deviation from the constraint surface χj (q) = 0 is given by the vir-
tual force; the force perpendicular to the constraint surface. The direction perpen-
dicular to the constraint surface is given by the gradient of the constraint function
∇χj :
X ∇χj
(10.77) Fconstraint = −δq Hc = 2
∇χTj (δq H0 + ṗ − Fapplied ) .
|∇χ j |
The first term in between brackets can be removed by adding a gradient constraint
term Hg to the complete Hamiltonian H. This is the potential-energy dependence of
the original Hamiltonian H0 perpendicular to the constraint surface. The correction
term Hg to be added to the Hamiltonian compensates the virtual potential-energy
X (∇χj )T δq H0
(10.78) Hg = − k j χj .
|∇χj |2
constraint function χ
potential H0
constraint potential χ
gradient constraint
virtual Hamiltonian without gradient term
full virtual Hamiltonian H
constraint position
give rise to dynamics or constraint relations depends on the general setting. Even-
tually, we known that the simulation of such models can be carried out with the
methods described in this chapter.
Nonlinear FEM
Don’t let them sell you a Turing machine without the tape.
[D. van Dalen, Filosofische grondslagen van de wiskunde]
Nonlinear FEM [Oden, 1972, Hughes, 1987] arises from two sources. First, the
constitutive relations might be nonlinear, as is often the case, e.g., in thermody-
namical and biological systems. In many other cases a linear constitutive relation is
used, valid or not, since it simplifies the methods to solve such problems explicitly.
In thermodynamical and biological systems these linear relations are known to fail,
For example, the pressure is approximately inversely proportional to the volume,
rather than linear. The large molecules in biology do not only have particular
chemical characteristics but also rheological and mechanical characteristics.
Secondly, the states considered may be far from the equilibrium state, or rest-
state, such that the linear theory, appropriate around the rest state, no longer
suffices. Beam models are well-known examples of the latter. The linear Euler-
Bernoulli equation (Eq. 6.5) yield correct results only for small deviations, such that
even the far end of the beam, with the largest deviation still points approximately
in the original direction.
A proper nonlinear model of a beam would take each segment or part indepen-
dently, and yield a result independent of the overall orientation. As a component, a
model can be part of a moving or rotating machine. These global motions will cause
inertial effects which must be described with the center-of-mass and moments-of-
inertia coordinates, which are not a priori given in a flexible body. The overall
orientation can be defined as the collective motion which will not affect the elastic,
or internal energy.
The orientation can be given by a rotation R and a translation a. A proper
invariant model of a beam with the position x(s) as function of the reference coor-
dinate s would have an elastic energy independent of the orientation, that is:
kinetic potential
energy energy
which give rise to constants of motion, and conserved quantities. The finite ele-
ment approximation should retain these qualities as part of the consistency of the
FEM approximation of the system. The most relevant conserved quantity is the
energy, as it will yield a stable dynamical FEM model, even for the most abstruse
In most cases the configuration state is the start of the analysis. In the case
of systems described by partial differential equations it is difficult to escape this
starting point as it closely ties the potential energy to the geometry of the rest
state, or reference state, i.e., the configuration. This is not necessarily an unwanted
starting point, as the kinetic energy is also closely tied to the configuration.
Combining the kinetic energy and the potential energy into a single Hamil-
tonian for an element gives rise to the port-Hamiltonian, due to the fact that the
kinetic energy depends on global orientation and the potential energy does not. See
Figure 11.1. The momentum and angular momentum are constants of motion for
an isolated model, but as a component for a larger system, the states associated
with the constants of motion are to be reassigned input via port variables. See
Section 7.8. The kinetic energy depends on the change of configuration. Hence the
typical variables involved in the potential energy and the kinetic energy are related
by a differential operator D. The null-space of this operator is to be augmented
with port variables.
For most physical systems similar properties arise, although the relation with
the configuration is less stringent. For example charge conservation in electromag-
netic systems is a conservation law, which leads to a total divergence as equation of
motion. The boundary conditions of the partial differential equation at the basis of
the potential energy are the missing variables. These variables are fixed by either
input-output considerations, or by connecting elements together in a larger grid
and thus reducing the number of variables to a well-defined set.
For rigid bodies the center-of-mass and the moments-of-inertia are static inertia
relations between the overall orientation and the associated kinetic energy. For a
deformable body, with elastic energy, this is no longer the case. The shape changes
with the motion, and causes interaction between the global motion and internal
motion. The boundary conditions, causing both global motion and deformation
are therefore not easily decomposed.
From a heuristic viewpoint it is much easier to think of the boundary conditions
as global conditions, which restrict the changes in orientation, (Ṙ, ȧ) in Eq. 11.1,
or the changes of free motion associated with momentum and angular momen-
tum. However, such boundary conditions are distributed forces Fk (z), changing
the center-of-mass velocity ȧ and torques τ , with a change in rotation Ṙ as re-
sponse, which are singled out from the boundary forces F(z) through projections
as described in Section 7.2:
R 0
dz F(z 0 )
(11.2) Fk (z) = ρ(z) R 0 0 .
dz ρ(z )
The torques are also part of the distributed force, F(z). The torque τ which only
changes the overall orientation R around the rotation axis n, without internal
strain, is given by:
Z −1 Z
(11.3) τ = (ρz × n) dz”z” ⊗ z”ρ(z”) dz 0 z0 × F(z 0 ) ,
where n is the rotation axis at z = 0, and the inverse of the middle integral is the
variable inverse of the moment-of-inertia matrix J:
(11.4) J = dzz ⊗ zρ(z) .
A strained object will deform and the density ρ(z) will vary with the force. Hence
the projections do not only depend on the applied force F, but on the object
response as well. Lumping together, or projecting, the distributed boundary force
F(z), to a single, but distributed force Fk (z) and torque τ (z) these forces are
associated with the inertia, from the mass distribution, ρ(z), of the object. Together
with the change in orientation, a combination of the translation velocity ȧ and the
rotation velocity Ṙ, the center-of-mass force Fk and the center-of-mass torque τ ,
form the typical power-bond pairs. [Paynter, 1961]
If the boundary force is separated in multiple lumped parts, additional lumped
variables, besides the center-of-mass variables, typically associated with inertia and
elasticity may arise. In the transmission line, and the beam models, one typically
thinks of end-point variables, where even combinations correspond to some mean, or
global, degree of freedom, similar to the center-of-mass, and the odd combination is
some internal degree of freedom, typically associated with its dominant aspect; the
elasticity or capacitance, although it also has inertial properties being a continuous
This chapter builds upon earlier work. [Synge, 1957, Lanczos, 1961] In the early
days of numerical computing attempts to link finite-dimensional representations of
function spaces and the operators thereon to the infinite-dimensional physical spaces
and the differential operators played a larger role than they do nowadays. Repre-
sentations of operators, other than the ones that appear in the defining functional,
say the energy norm, are not considered essential. However, physical principles,
such as conservation laws, are written down as auxiliary differential operators, like
the finite-dimensional representation of flow or charge. Hence to construct together
with the finite-dimensional representation of the problem at hand, the underlying
differential operators, will give further insight in the physics, and may give one a
fighting chance to preserve physical principles.
Conservation laws should also be valid for the discretized models. For example,
take a diffusive problem and its discretization:
(11.5) f˙(z) = ∆f (z) ⇒ ẋ = Ax .
The formulation of the diffusive problem arises from some conservation law. Many
physical chemists [Bird et al., 1960, Sandler, 1977] dealing with such systems will
identify a conservation law, such as the continuity equation:
(11.6) f˙(z) = −∇ · J(z) ,
and a closure relation of the flow J in terms of the state f :
(11.7) J = −D(∇π(f )) ,
where π(f ) is the pressure function, and D(·) the diffusion function, related to
the free path length or a particle that diffuses. Only if the discretization A of the
Laplacian ∆ is constructed from the divergence ∇· and the gradient operator ∇, it is
easy to reconstruct the conservation law, eq. 11.6, with the diffusion equation 11.5,
also for the case of a nonlinear pressure function or a non-isotropic geometry with
a tensorial D.
Hence, we wish to construct consistent finite-dimensional representations of the
differential operators, and not just for the diffusive example above, that appear in
the models of physical systems and preserve from the start as much of their proper-
ties as possible, such that physical principles are retained in the finite-dimensional
In this chapter we will start with the spline approximation for each element of
a beam, showing that it suffers from two problems. First, the elastic energy of the
beam is not only given by the energy of the segment, but the boundary between
two segments may yield an infinite contribution to the energy, which can only
be solved by introducing constraints across the segments. Secondly, the standard
spline approximation corresponds to the Euler-Bernoulli beam model, which uses
explicitly a coordinate axis as rest position, with perpendicular displacements. This
is an approach which is not easily extended to an orientation-free description. In the
next section we show how these two problems can be cured, using invariant lines.
The boundary energy is zero and the segment energy is invariant under rotations
and translations.
In the following section we consider explicitly the partial differential operator,
the curl operator ∇×, and a polynomial approximation of the continuous states on
a three-dimensional cube. The counting of variables, boundary conditions, and the
null-space are the basis of constructing a consistent approximation of the continuous
model. The port-Hamiltonians elements of a triangular plate and electrodynamics
on the simplex are constructed.
Fi Fi+1
Fi+2 Fi+3
fi−1 fi
i+2 fi+3
δ δ
where zc is the center of the segment. See Figure 11.2, and also Sections 8.2 and
The cubic spline depends on four variables, for which we can make a convenient
choice. These four variables can be paired, such that two variables appear on the
left-hand side of the domain and two on the right-hand side. The typical variables
one could use are the values and derivatives at the ends fi−1 = f (zi−1 ), fi = f (zi )
and fi−1 , fi0 . The map from these variables to the coefficients of the polynomial on
a domain z ∈ [zi−1 , zi ] with the center zc = (zi−1 + zi )/2 of length 2δ = zi − zi−1
1 −δ δ 2 −δ 3
0 −1 2δ −3δ 2 fi−1 0
(11.9) c= 1 δ δ2 3
= Tf1 ,
δ fi
0 1 2δ 3δ 2 fi0
where f1 denotes the vector of variables of a single segment. It is comprises of
the left-end value and the derivative and the right-end value and derivative. Since
the elastic energy is given by the second derivative of the displacement, the elastic
energy is a quadratic function of the end point variables:
Z zi 0 0 0 0
κ κ 0 0 0 0
(11.10) Eelastic = dz (∂z2 f (z))2 = f T TT Tf .
zi−1 2 2 0 0 8δ 0
0 0 0 24δ 3
Hence the elastic energy is given by a two-dimensional subspace of the configuration
state space fi . In the space of the four variables there is a two-dimensional subspace
which leaves the elastic energy unchanged. The two-dimensional null-space consists
of the piece-wise linear parts.
The concatenation of piece-wise linear segments will have kinks between them,
which yield infinite boundary energy. See Section 11.6. We will show this below.
The variables of the spline, the polynomial coefficients on each of the segments
define a smooth curve on each segment, but the problems occur at the boundaries.
In order to solve this, constraint relations among the coefficients on neighboring
segments arise. In the next section we will see that the common variables at the
boundaries, i.e., the port variables, are much more natural to define the shape of
the beam.
The spline approximation of the Euler-Bernoulli beam has two further con-
straints, in the second and third derivative across the successive segments. If the
second derivative does not match, it would yield a kink between to successive seg-
ments with an infinite bending energy. The value of the third derivative across the
segment boundary is associated with a local force Fi applied at zi . Hence from the
four variables c on each segment only one remains. It can be seen as the position
fi given by the local force Fi . Since these two relations are across the segment
boundaries, they link all the segments together, into a collective object. In some
cases it might be possible to find the coefficients successively, from one segment to
the next. But in many cases the problem has to be solved as a whole, in terms of
Given the coefficients, these derivatives are easily constructed:
fi 1 ±δ δ 2 ±δ 3
fi0 0 1 ±2δ 3δ 2
(11.11) (2) = c = Q± c ,
fi 0 0 2 ±6δ
(3) 0 0 0 6
where the sign depends on the evaluation on the left-end or right-end of the segment.
The third and fourth row of the matrix Q± T are the basis of the constraint
relations. The second derivative vanishes at zi if:
(0, 0, 1, 0) Q+ Tf1i − Q− Tf1i+1 = 0 .
The third derivative yields the force Fi :
(0, 0, 0, 1) Q+ Tf1i − Q− Tf1i+1 = −
(11.13) .
In this case it is more convenient to have a two-segment vector, corresponding to
larger stencils as described in Section 8.4:
(11.14) f2 =
fi0 ,
such that the constraints are expressed as vector products χTc f2i = 0 and χTf f2i = Fi .
The constraint vectors χc and χf are versatile. For example, starting from
the left, the successive coefficients fi+1 and fi+1 can be determined from the four
preceding coefficients f1 and the force Fi . The algorithm is equivalent to the inte-
gration scheme of the fourth-order differential equation, which requires five points
to determine the sixth:
F (z)
(11.15) ∂z4 f (z) = .
See Sections 8.4 and 3.6. If integration is possible, it is a fast method to deter-
mine the solution. Not in all cases constraints can be integrated, so to say, from
starting at one end and successively solving the equations to the other end. Sys-
tems integrable in such a manner we call hierarchical systems, as the equations can
the first term is the constraint energy, the second term the applied force, also
implemented as constraint. With the appropriate damping, it will converge to the
constraint solution with Econstraint = 0, if possible. In many cases a large constraint
problem is converted to an optimization problem.
γ = 0.5
γ = 1.0
γ = 1.5
However, examining the segment boundary, it yields only a finite jump in curvature
across the segments:
(11.20) lim k(±δ) = 6vi × (xi − xi±1 ) .
Therefore, the elastic energy will have no infinite boundary contribution and no
constraints are required to remove them, as was in the case of the spline approxi-
mation. There is, however, a force acting on the segments, besides the local force
acting on the boundaries. The precise definition of the force depends on the choice
of variables. Was in the case of the spline approximated all the force located at
the segment boundary, with the awkward constraints, here the force is more evenly
distributed, without any constraints, except for possible forces at the boundary. It
should be noted that without force F (z) the beam shape is trivial; the purpose is
to describe the response to force in some distributed sense.
Eventually, one would use the positions and directions, xi and vi , of the nodes
in the discretized theory. A distributed force F(s) could be averaged over the
segments, like the forces Fi in the Euler-Bernoulli beam. The curvature k(s) and
the stiffness κ(s) determine the local, distributed force:
(11.21) F(s) = = κk(s)∂s k(s) .
Furthermore, the situation without jump and associated force Fi arises from:
(11.22) vi = γ(xi+1 − xi−1 ) ,
where γ is the rigidity. For small rigidity of the node, the force yielding the curved
beam is located mainly at the nodes xi ; for large rigidity the force acts mainly in be-
tween the nodes. A smooth distribution of the force corresponds to γ ≈ 1. Hence, a
where the modes ψ0 and ψN correspond to the second boundary condition at each
end, associated with the torque force. The four boundary conditions are given by
the boundary values f0 , f00 , fN , and fN
. Each force Fi at zi has its own modal
L(L−zi )2 zi z 2
z 3
3 − 1 + , 0 ≤ z ≤ zi
φi (z) = 2
6κ L L
3 .
Lz L−z L−z 2(L−z ) L−z
3 L i
L − 1+ L
L , zi ≤ z ≤ L
The four modal functions for the boundaries are given by the transformation matrix
T, with the distance δ = L, given in Eq. 11.9.
The disadvantage of such a modal decomposition is three-fold. First, for large
models, the number of modes grows out of control. Already the construction and
storage of such modes require a lot of computing power. Secondly, the bound-
ary conditions and input forces are set. Using, for example, force actuation at
the boundary, or the value of the displacement f (zi ) instead of the force Fi at a
particular node requires the partial inversion of the large modal matrix φi (zj ).
The approach described above will work very well in linear models. In nonlinear
models it is often prohibitively expensive. In that case every configuration changes
the forces and interactions, which need to be calculated at every stage. One seeks to
reduce and automate the calculations, and possibly adapt the model that it can be
done generically, sequential, or parallel. Such an approach we call postponement.
In this case the displacement is written as a general integral with four unknown
integration constants:
(11.28) ! ! !
Z z Z z0 Z z00 X Fi δ(z 000 − zi )
0 00 000
f (z) = dz dz dz + C3 + C2 + C1 +C0 ,
0 0 0 i
κ(z 000 )
a direct implementation of Eq. 11.15. The numerical implementation will be the
numerical scheme to calculate the respective integrals of the different unknown
The four constants Ci are given by the boundary conditions. They match with
the four boundary modes φ0 (z), ψ0 (z), φN (z), and ψN (z) above. However, in this
case the homogeneous displacement is constructed as we integrate along. Little
memory is required; the displacement f (z) is constructed on the fly. Any unknown
force Fi given by the constraint f (zi ) is added to the set of integration constants.
Nonlinearities will not affect the approach. However, different boundary condi-
tion, associated with different causalities, may require a different postponement
approach. For example, a beam with one free end, may be integrated from the
clamped end to the free end without constraints, while a beam clamped at both
end requires to constants Ci is integrated from one side to the other.
made. The simplest way to make consistent approximations is to resort to the vari-
ational principles. If the continuous function satisfies some minimization principle,
the appropriate finite-order approximation will also satisfy the same minimization
principle where the numerical value approximates the exact continuous result from
above. These principles have been the guiding principles in the development of
dynamical systems for centuries.
Conservation laws are continuity relations, in their generic form they relate the
flow J to the rate-of-change of a density ρ:
(11.29) ρ̇ + ∇ · J = 0 .
This equation immediately sums up all the trouble one would have in constructing
finite-order approximation of ρ and J. First, the divergence means that the con-
tinuous nature of the flow J, as function of position is related to a density ρ at a
point. Flow and density are therefore of a different geometric type. The same is
true for the time-derivative of the density, ρ̇, in the continuity equation. The flow
and the density are also of different dynamical types. Furthermore, if the continuity
equation holds, so must any derivative, spatial and temporal:
(11.30) ρ̈ + ∇ · J̇ = ∇ρ̇ − ∆J = 0 ,
Like the divergence operator ∇· in the continuity relation, Eq. 11.29, the Hamil-
tonian of a continuous system will in general contain differential operators acting
on the continuous, or field variables. The differential operator D acting on the
functions q(z) and p(z) must have exact representations D in the coefficient space:
(11.34) Dq(z) = h(z) ⇔ Dq = h ,
such that: h(z) = φj (z)hj . For example, polynomial, exponential, and trigono-
metric functions will be mapped into the same functions under differentiation.
These are precisely the functions commonly used the modal approximations, of
linear, homogeneous systems.
Consistency of the equations of motion means the right-hand side and the left-
hand side of the continuous equation of motion, Eq. 11.31, using the modes φj (z)
and ψj (z) and the discrete equation of motion, Eq. 11.32 lie in the same subspace
of the infinite-dimensional continuous space. If that is the case, the conservation
laws derived from the equations of motion are also automatically satisfied. Hence,
rather than a metric approach, based on the norm as in the modal approach, we
use an algebraic approach, where we identify the operators.
Position-dependent masses and stiffnesses have to be restricted, for example,
to piece-wise linear mass densities ρ0 + ρ1 z and stiffnesses κ0 + κ1 z, such that the
symmetric formulation of the one-dimensional wave equation, in a polynomial space
of modes [Henrici, 1974] is indeed consistent:
q̇(z) ∂z (ρ0 + ρ1 z)p(z)
(11.35) = .
ṗ(z) −∂z (κ0 + κ1 z)q(z)
If q(z) and p(z) lie in a polynomial space of order N , the multiplication with the
linear material constant increases the order by one to N + 1, while the differentia-
tion lowers the dimension again to N . In the case of nonlinear Hamiltonians this
construction is more complicated, as we have seen in Section 5.10, however, luckily
the differential operators can be brought outside the Hamiltonian, yielding the port-
Hamiltonian formulation, discussed in Section 7.5. The projection ∂z [(ρ0 +ρ1 z)p(z)]
from an N -dimensional polynomial space back to the N -dimensional polynomial
space should have a nontrivial null-space, associated with a single boundary condi-
tion. In this case the one-dimensional null-space is spanned by:
(11.36) p0 (z) = ,
ρ0 + ρ 1 z
which does not lie in the polynomial subspace. As a result conservation laws will
fail for such approximations of position-dependent Hamiltonian with polynomial
function spaces. On the other hand, the truncation of (ρ0 +ρ1 z)p(z) back to the N -
dimensional polynomial space will yield a non-trivial null-space, an approximation
of p0 (z), and the requirement of a boundary condition. The particular null-space
p0 is in this case the consequence of the translation invariance, yielding solutions
with constant velocity:
(11.37) v = constant ⇒ (ρ0 + ρ1 z)p0 = constant .
(11.38) ẋ = Ax + Bu .
A typical differential operator D at the basis of A, however, will be singular:
Dx0 = 0. The resulting A will also be singular. There are two solutions for con-
sistent dynamics: First, the matrix A inherits the null-space from the underlying
D operator, and the control vector B spans in the null-space of A:
(11.39) Ax0 = 0 ⇒ BT x0 6= 0 .
For example, consider a transmission line Axj (t) = xj+1 (t + δ), the signal moves to
the right, and an input with B = (1, 0, 0, · · · ) adds a new x0 (t) = u(t) at the input
The second solution is a reformulation of the first one: The state x is restricted
to the image space of A, and B represents the coupling between the boundary
conditions, fixing the core model (Section 7.6) in the null-space of A, and the
internal states x.
In later sections consistency will appear in different forms. We rely on polyno-
mial spaces to have injective differential operators in the Hamiltonian, using only
piece-wise constant material properties. These differential operators are therefore
never of full rank. Differential operators may have complicated null-spaces. The
case of ∇× we analyze in some detail in Section 11.7. The boundary conditions
play an important role to yield consistency.
The approximate solution will be discontinuous for a certain order of the derivative.
However, this order should be high enough that it does not yield a contribution to
the energy. The spline solution led to a boundary term for the second derivative,
while using the invariant-lines approach this contribution was absent.
In the case of first-order operators like ∇×, only the function itself has to
be continuous to yield a consistent result without boundary contributions. The
boundary energy for the common boundary ∂Ω = Ωi ∩ Ωj between domains Ωi and
Ωj is given by:
(11.47) Eij = dz(nTij δ∇ D(fi − fj ))2 ,
Ω1 ∩Ω2
where the boundary operator nTij δ∇ H is defined as the the sum of terms where every
time a single differential operator is replaced by the component of the boundary
normal nij = −nji = (nxij , nyij , nzij ):
(nTij δ∇ ∂α1 ∂α2 · · · ∂αr f )2 = (nα α2 αr
ij ∂α2 · · · ∂αr f + ∂α1 nij · · · ∂αr f + ∂α1 ∂α2 · · · nij f )
1 2
The approximate function on the whole domain is the sum of smooth functions fi ,
extendable beyond the cell Ωi , times window functions wi (z) = 1 for z ∈ Ωi and
zero outside the cell domain Ωi :
(11.49) f (z) = wi (z)fi (z) .
Inserting f (z) in the Hamiltonian results in boundary terms due to the derivative
of the window functions:
(11.50) dz∇wi (z) = dznT δ(z)|∂Ωi = dzn .
Ωi Ωi ∂Ωi
how many relations will be given by a single identification. The result depends on
the type of triangulation of the domain.
In this section we will restrict ourselves to cubic cells. The number of neighbors
parts are fixed. The corner is shared by eight elements, an edge by four elements,
and a face by two.
Knowledge of the null-space of the element Hamiltonian allows us to address the
question of uniqueness and existence. For example, consider the magnetic problem
expressed in the vector potential A, with H(A) = (∇ × A)2 . The static solution
to some boundary conditions b is:
(11.52) min H(A), A|∂ = b
For each cell, with n-th order polynomials in each direction lead to the condi-
(11.62) rank{∇×}cell + rank{∂}cell = cn − dn + bn > cn ,
(11.63) rank{∇×, ∂}cell = cn .
Since the null-space dimension dn is smaller than the number of boundary variables
bn , the first condition is not satisfied. For a single cell, with the typical boundary
conditions, the number of boundary conditions is larger than the number of unde-
termined variables, in the null-space of the Hamiltonian.
In the case of N cells, each with n-th order polynomial interpolations, there
are cN n variables, of which bN n on the boundary. The dimension of the rank{∇×}
is N 3 times the image space of a single cell operator:
(11.64) rank{∇×}domain = N 3 (cn − dn ) .
The rank of the domain boundary operator is:
(11.65) rank{∂}domain = bN n .
Hence for a large number of cells the number of degrees of freedom cnN minus the
number of relations from the single-cell Hamiltonians, rank{∇×}domain, grows like
N 3 n2 . If a single cell yields an inconsistent condition, so does a domain of cells:
(11.66) rank{∇×}domain + rank{∂}domain > rank{∇×, ∂}domain .
Besides the cumbersome counting to keep track of the variables and the rela-
tions, from the local Hamiltonian and the cell and domain boundaries, the incon-
sistent result is unwanted. Much more elegant is a treatment based on a single
cell, which can be connected consistently with other cells and boundaries. Such a
single cell, with port-variables common to adjacent cells, we will call an element
port Hamiltonian. The proper choice of port variables covers the null-space of the
Hamiltonian. The interconnection of these variables may lead to a network of alge-
braic relations, depending on the boundary conditions, which connect the system
to its surroundings.
through the boundary, will be cumbersome integrals of these fields over the bound-
ary. [Sakamoto, 1982] Introducing physical boundary conditions would simplify the
expressions for the energy flow through the boundary. The appropriate, physical
boundary condition is some operator B, and the finite-dimensional representation
we seek reduces the problem:
(11.67) min H(A), given BA = b ⇒ min H(b, x) ,
A x
Hence the conserved energy is no longer determined directly by q(z) and p(z), but
in the finite-dimensional representation.
The dimensions of the operators D and Dc determine the boundary variables
(∇q H, ∇p H) → b. The simplest procedure is to determine the time-dependence of
the Hamiltonian:
(11.70) Ḣ = ∇Tq HYD∇D∗ p H − ∇TDc∗ q HDcT Y∇p H ,
where Y is the matrix consisting of the integrals over products of basis functions:
(11.71) Yij = dzφi (z)ψj (z) .
with cijk being a vector in the direction of the gradient. Constant differential
operators acting on polynomials spaces P can always be embedded in the original
(11.75) DP ⊂ E ⊗ P ,
where E is a vector space associated with the operator. Making, a priori a distinc-
tion between the domain space and the image space, as has been investigated in
the case of the ∇× operator, in Section 11.7, turns out to be rather cumbersome
with little gain, especially in the generic hyperbolic case D c 6= D∗ , investigated
here. In the case of the port-Hamiltonian D c = D∗ it would have been naturally
to restrict the function spaces accordingly to some bilinear product space, in the
port-Hamiltonian formulation called the power product. The two function spaces
φi and ψi are the natural dual of each other. Much work has been invested in
linking the underlying geometry with the function space using algebraic geometry.
[Hodge, 1941, Whitney, 1957, Morita, 2001, Bossavit, 1998] However, as we project
the infinite-dimensional function space (q(z), p(z)) onto a finite-dimensional space
(q, p) we will spare ourselves the trouble and deal with matrix-type operators only,
after the initial mapping of D and D c onto D and Dc .
However, for example, for the most common formulation of hyperbolic systems,
in this case the linear wave equation, the operators are not the adjoint of each other,
D = 1 and Dc = −∆:
q̇(z) 0 1 q(z)
(11.76) = ,
ṗ(z) ∆ 0 p(z)
noting that the Laplacian is a negative operator, without positive eigenvalues. If
the boundary operator B is to be restricted to the part of the equations which
are not determined by the equations of motion Y should not be symmetric, and
the subspace φi and ψi not equivalent. Only the projection operator PDc will be
nontrivial, while PD = 1.
The function q(z) needs to be augmented with boundary conditions in order to
yield a unique map onto ṗ(z). These are the boundary conditions for the elliptic
problem ∆q(z) = 0, such as the Dirichlet or Neumann conditions.
However, in a more general setting, instead of fixing the boundary conditions
for q(z), the equations can be made complete by adding an applied force to the
incomplete force, or Newton, equation, which is the second row:
q̇(z) 0 1 q(z) 0
(11.77) = + ,
ṗ(z) ∆ 0 p(z) F (z)
where the force F (z) lies in the left null-space of ∆. Although applied force F (z)
may appear reasonable, it will not convergence consistently, in some norm, to the
boundary integrals in any function space. The left null-space will include the
highest-order terms of the polynomial space, and consequently, a consistent F (z),
within the same function space, will be highly oscillatory, if the polynomial space
is sufficiently high.
The right null-space of ∆, on the other hand, contains only the constant and
linear functions. The null-space solution q0 (z) can be added to the state q(z)
without changing the dynamics (q̇(z), ṗ(z)). However, the time-variation of the
null-space solution q̇0 can be traced back to the momentum p0 (z). The core model,
Eq. 7.53, contains only q0 (z), the right null-space of ∆. The dimension of the null-
space determines the number of boundary, or port, variables. The mapping to the
discrete vectors q0 and p0 must be such that a network arises.
The geometry of port Hamiltonian elements is usually given by nodes, edges,
or faces. On its own is a single element just a blob where the structure has little
significance, but connecting elements together yields a geometry. A network arises
from the common, or connected, nodes, edges, and faces. If only two elements are
connected with another, the joint, or port, is a simple identification of variables.
Potentials and densities are the same, flows and forces are opposite if the element
normals n are opposite, which depends on the type of joint. The joint is the geomet-
ric aspect of the port. Connecting three or more elements in a single joint requires
some joint model. The identification of potentials and densities is straightforward,
but the extension of a normal on a boundary of two elements to the common edge
of three of more elements is ambiguous.
The right null-spaces of D and Dc yield the states of the core model. These
should be mapped to port variables, while the remainder of the variables vanish at
these joints. For example, in one spatial dimension z ∈ [0, 1], with D c = −∂z2 , the
null-space consists of the span{1, z}. The typical decomposition would be of a 4-th
order polynomial basis, on 5 equidistant nodes z = {0, 14 , 12 , 34 , 1} would be:
φ0 1−z
φ20 z
φ1 = (1 − z)z z − 1 z − 3 .
(11.78) 2 4
φ2 (1 − z)z z − 1 z − 3
4 4
φ3 (1 − z)z z − 14 z − 12
The internal modes φ1 , φ2 , and φ3 vanish at the port nodes z = 0 and z = 1, and
the boundary, or port, modes φ10 and φ20 vanish for the Dc operator: Dc φ10 = 0
and Dc φ20 = 0. Furthermore, the null-space of D c is nicely separated in these two
modes each based at a single port node, φ10 at z = 0 and φ20 at z = 1. The Dc
matrix has two zero columns, associated with the right null-space:
0 0 − 13 − 19 − 47
4 8
0 0 −7 − 19 − 13
4 8 4
(11.79) D = − 0 0 96 96 96 .
0 0 −192 −192 −192
0 0 96 96 96
The boundary operator is:
(11.80) B = −(1 − PDc )Dc Y ,
since D = PD = 1.
1 z1 z12 · · ·
1 z 2 z2 · · ·
(11.81) T0 = zij = 1 z3 z 2 · · · ,
.. ..
. .
The null-space is the constant function, φ0 (z) = 1, which in the node vector is given
by q0 = (1, 1, 1, 1, · · · ); the first column of T0 , such that D0 q0 = 0. If the value at
z1 is the port variable, the other modes have to vanish at z1 . The transformation
matrix T from the modes to the nodal values is therefore of the following structure:
1 −z1 −z12 · · ·
1 0 0 ···
1 z2 − z1 z22 − z12 · · · 0 1 0 ···
(11.83) T = 1 z3 − z1 z 2 − z 2 · · · = T0 ,
3 1 . 0 1 ···
.. ..
. . ..
which is the matrix equivalent of subtraction of the Taylor expansion (Eq. 2.76)
around the port node z1 .
In the case of a set of ordered nodes z1 < z2 < z3 · · · < zN , the input port is
z1 , the output can be any port, however, typically the last one zN is picked. The
consistent theory of such elements requires two matrices. The first matrix is the dif-
ferential operator in the space of the particular modes, given by the transformation
matrix T:
(11.84) D = TdT−1 .
The other matrix is the exact integration of the modes on the space to define the
Z b ! i+j+1
− ai+j+1
−1 b
(11.85) Y=T i+j
z dz T = T T−1 ,
a i+j+1
where [a, b] is the domain. The differentiation and integration carries over from the
continuous space:
∂z φi (z)φj (z)dz = (φi (z)∂z φj (z) + (∂z φi (z))φj (z))dz → [DT Y + YD]ij .
where the bending stiffness is set to unity, to simplify the equations. Hence the
values at the boundary should not only be equal, but also the derivatives across
the boundary should be equal. It is the extension of the Euler-Bernoulli beam to
two spatial dimensions. The differential operator D is the Laplacian.
The null-space up to second order, in each direction, is five dimensional:
(11.88) N = {1, x, y, xy, x2 − y 2 } .
The only nontrivial monomials are x2 + y 2 , x2 y, xy 2 , and x2 y 2 . See Section 11.7.
The smoothness condition for the boundary, such that the boundary energy
vanishes (see section 11.6), requires that the derivatives across the boundary are
continuous. Similar to the spline (Section 11.1) it is impossible to construct such
a solution, with second order polynomials alone. For example a solution could be:
(x, y) ∈ [0, 1] ⊗ [0, 1]
(11.89) φ
internal (x, y) = (x(1 − x)y(1 − y))
which requires at least fourth-order terms, x4 , y 4 , in the expansion. For a triangular
surface the situation is similar, for example:
(11.90) φ∆
internal (x, y) = (xy(1 − x − y))
for 0 < x < 1 and 0 < y < 1 − x, which only have fewer cross terms like xi y i , with
i + j > 4.
Furthermore, even is an element does not have any non-trivial internal modes,
which vanish at the boundary, a consistent port-Hamiltonian element may arise.
However, in the case of a second-order expansion, the dimension of the null-space is
more than half the total dimension. If the simply-connected surface is triangulated,
the Euler characteristic, Eq. 8.78, determines:
1 1
(11.91) 2 = 2 − Vb + E b = V i − E i + F ,
2 2
where V , E, and F are vertices, or nodes, edges, and faces respectively, and the
subscripts “i” and “b” stand for internal and boundary respectively. For a typical
triangulation of a surface a vertex is connected on average to six edges, hence
3Vi ≈ Ei which reduces the internal part of the degrees of freedom to:
(11.92) 2 × number of ports = 2Vi = F = number of elements .
See Figure 11.6.
Every port is a relation between an input and an output. If the state of an
element is given by a number of variables, the number of variables in the null-space
must be determined by the relations among the port variables. If z(x, y) is fully
specified by the values at the vertices, five of the nine degrees of freedom, corre-
sponding to the null-space, are to be determined by the ports, and the remaining
four should yield output at the ports, which cannot be.
Starting at degrees of freedom at each vertex (x, y), which we will use as ports,
Hence, a priori definitions of low-order modes will lead to inconsistencies in the
numbers of degrees of freedom we can assign to ports. The dimension of the null-
space is too large compared to the total number of degrees of freedom. For a
one-dimensional reference space, like a signal cable, half of the degrees of freedom
from the null-space are input, the other half is output. For higher dimensions, the
number of input is smaller, therefore the relative dimension of the null-space must
be smaller.
A locally smooth surface is defined by its value z(x, y) and a surface unit normal
n(x, y) with |n(x, y)| = 1. In total three degrees of freedom define a locally smooth
Figure 11.7. The white vertex in the center is associated with the
dark-grey patch. The stiffness matrix will have non-zero entries
due to overlap with the light-grey patches with the six black ver-
surface, which may act as port variables. The values at the common edge are to
be determined solely by the two vertices, at the two ends. However, this is usually
not possible.
One procedure to define such interpolations is to define a patch around the
vertex, on the domain of faces common to the vertex.
(11.93) φpatch i (x, y) = (ci + ai x + bi y) (αhj,ki x + βhj,ki y + γhj,ki )d ,
where d = 2 for the plate and αhj,ki x + βhj,ki y + γhj,ki = 0, with βhj,ki + α2hj,ki = 1,
defines a line through the vertices j and k, on an edge hj, ki at the boundary of the
patch domain. See Figure 11.5. The constants ai , bi , and ci determine the value
z and the slope n at the central vertex i = (x, y). Outside the domain the the
function is zero. The patch is d-times differentiable.
Such a patch depends on all the neighboring faces. The port is not an intrinsic
quality of a triangular element; it depends on the number of common faces attached
to the element. If such elements are used to define a stiffness matrix, it is more
closely related to a finite-difference method than a finite-volume method. Further-
more, the order of the polynomial grows with the number of common faces. See
also Section 8.7. The stiffness matrix follows from the definition:
(11.94) dxdy ∆ φpatch k =K .
∂(ai , bi , ci )∂(aj , bj , cj )
pacth functions
sum of patches
where l(x, y) is a line element along the path from z(x1 , y1 ) to z(x2 , y2 ). The
integrability condition reduces to:
(11.96) ∂ x ny − ∂ y nx = 0 ,
such that all closed contours are zero.
If nx (x, y) and ny (x, y) are piecewise linear functions on a triangle, it means
there is a single condition among the six variables defining the normal:
(11.97) ∂x ny −∂y nx = ∂x (cy +cyx x+cyy y)−∂y (cx +cxy y +cxxx) = cyx −cxy = 0 .
Hence, the surface z(x, y) on the triangle is defined by six variables in total: the
integration constant z(x0 , y0 ) at a particular position x0 , y0 , and five coefficients
cy , cyx = cxy , cyy , cx , cxx for the normal.
The elastic energy in terms of the expansion of the normal n is given by:
1 1
(11.98) Eelastic = dxdy(∇ · n)2 = VolΩ (cxx + cyy )2 .
2 Ω 2
normal integrability
The configuration, the reconstruction of z(x, y) from n(x, y) and z(x0 , y0 ), is given
by: (x0 = 0, y0 = 0)
1 1
(11.99) z(x, y) = z(0, 0) + cx x + cy y + cxx x2 + cyy y 2 + cxy xy ,
2 2
which satisfies ∇z(x, y) = n. This is the small deviation approximation of the
mean curvature, Eq. 4.8. A single elastic energy term arises from the plate element,
consistent with the null-space, Eq. 11.88. The elastic energy is precisely the single
combination of monomials x2 + y 2 , which does not lie in the null-space to the
Laplace operator. Integrability and consistency are complementary views.
The difference lies in the associated port-variables, in terms of a set of sur-
face normals nx (x1 , y1 ), ny (x1 , y1 ), nx (x2 , y2 ), ny (x2 , y2 ), nx (x3 , y3 ), and ny (x3 , y3 )
at vertices 1, 2, and 3, where one component of one vertex normal is determined
by all the others, and a z-value at a single vertex is the sixth port-variable. Each
port is shared by several elements, yielding collocation relations; the same normal is
used for to define the surface z(x, y) for several elements. Since, the total number of
distinct ports, two per vertex, equals the total number of elements, from Eq. 11.92,
up to boundary effects, the one-dimensional state per element of elastic energy is
precisely covered by, on average, one distinct port variable per element.
The kinetic energy is associated with the velocity ż. The approximation ne-
glects the horizontal motion in the x − y-plane, therefore there is no kinetic energy
associated with it, and consequently no rotational energy. The kinetic energy is:
ρ 1X
(11.100) Ekinetic = dxdy(ż(x, y))2 = ci Mij cj ,
2 Ω 2 ij
which depends explicitly on the shape of the triangle. The corresponding momenta
arise from the derivatives:
∂Ekinetic X
(11.101) pi = = Mij cj ,
∂ci j
q (charge) J (current)
where ci is any of the coefficients z(0, 0), cx, cy , cxy , cxx − cyy , and cxx + cyy . The
element port Hamiltonian is:
1X 1
(11.102) H= pi Mij−1 pj + VolΩ (cxx + cyy )2 ,
2 ij 2
with the Hamilton equations of motion, and port variables z(0, 0), cx , cy , cxy , and
cxx − cyy in the null-space of the elastic energy. The mass matrix M is full rank.
closed on the simplex, hence the flow E · n through each of the faces must sum to
(11.103) Areaf Ef · nf = 0 .
Therefore one condition exists among the four face flows. In the finite-order approx-
imation, the condition changes in form but not in nature. For the simplicity we con-
sider a simplex with corners (0, 0, 0) − (1, 0, 0) − (0, 1, 0) − (0, 0, 1). The vector fields
at each of the corners are labelled respectively: E0 = E(0, 0, 0), Ex = E(1, 0, 0),
Ey = E(0, 1, 0), Ez = E(0, 0, 1). The linear interpolation yields a vector field inside
the simplex:
(11.104) E(x, y, z) = E0 +(Ex −E0 )x+(Ey −E0 )y +(Ez −E0 )z = E0 + E i xi ,
1 2 3
where x = x, x = y, and x = z. The surface normals n are −ex , −ey , −ez , and
√1 (ex + ey + ez ). The corresponding surface flows are for each of the faces:
1 T
e (2E0 + Ex + Ey ) z = 0 (cyclic{x, y, z})
n E(x, y, z) = √ 6 z .
3 T
face 6 n (2E0 + Ex + Ey + Ez ) x+y+z =1
Clearly, the total flow in the linear approximation, through the boundary consti-
tuted by the four faces, is zero if, and only if, Eii = 0.
The curl operator ∇× maps this vector field onto the constant vector field, the
component i is given by:
(11.106) [∇ × E(x, y, z)]i = ijk Ejk .
The components E0i and Eii are in the null-space of ∇×. The latter, we have seen,
must always be zero, if there is no charge present and the flow is conserved.
The curl operators, part of the equations of motion of electrodynamics:
(11.107) ∂t D = ∇ × B .
(11.108) ∂t B = − ∇ × D ,
are mapped onto R3×6 matrices for linear approximation on each simplex:
2 2
E3 E3
E23 E23 1
E1 −1 1 0 0 0 0 3
E1 E0
(11.109) ∇ × 1 =
0 0 −1 1 0 0 1 = E02 ,
E2 0 0 0 0 −1 1 1
E2 E03
E12 E12
where the finite representation of Eij is each of the fields D and B.
The energy in the simplex is a quadratic function of the local vector field,
Eq. 11.104:
1 1 2 X 1 T 1 2 X 1 T
E= E(x, y, z)2 dxdydz = E0 + E0 Ei + E + E Ej .
2 simplex 12 i
24 120 i i<j 120 i
1 T
(11.111) =
E YE .
If the coefficient vector E is ordered like: E = (E01 , E02 , E03 , E32 , E23 , E13 , E31 , E21 , E12 ),
matrix Y ∈ R9×9 has the following structure:
1 1 1
12 0 0 0 0 0 48 48 0
0 1 1 1
12 0 48 0 0 0 0 48
1 1 1
0 0 12 0 0 0 0
48 48
1 1 1
0 0 120 0 0 0 0
48 240
1 1 1
(11.112) Y= 0 0 48 0 120 240 0 0 0 .
0 1 1 1
1 0 48 0 240 120 0 0 0
1 1
48 0 0 0 0 0 120 240 0
1 1 1
48 0 0 0 0 0 240 120 0
1 1 1
0 48 0 240 0 0 0 0 120
The discrete energy, Eq. 11.111, and the discrete equations of motion, Eq. 11.109,
yield the discrete electromagnetic power flow in and out of the simplex:
1 1 1 1
(11.113) Ė = DYḊ + BYḂ = DY(∇ × B) − BY(∇ × D) = DθB .
µ µ µ
The discrete curl matrix has only a non-zero block in the upper right corner. The
boundary operator θ has a complicated but symplectic structure, which follows
from the definition:
1 1
0 0 0 12 − 12 0 0 0 0
1 1
0 0 0 0 0 12 − 12 0 0
1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 − 12
−1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 − 24 − 48 0
1 12
1 1 1
(11.114) θ =
12 0 0 0 0 0 48 24 − 48 .
µ 1 1 1 1
0 − 12 0 − 48 0 0 0 48 − 24
1 1 1 1
12 0 24 − 48 0 0 0 48
1 1 1 1
0 0 − 12 48 − 24 − 48 0 0 0
1 1 1 1
0 0 12 0 48 24 − 48 0 0
The rank of the boundary operator is rank[θ] = 6, compatible with the three-
dimensional null-space of ∇×.
Now we have all the ingredients to construct a port-Hamiltonian element. The
energy on the element is expressed in two diagonal blocks Y on the 18 dimensional
(D, B) space. The equations of motion is expressed in two off-diagonal ∇×, and
the boundary operator is θ. In the case of ordinary finite-element method only the
∇× operator is needed for the evolution of the system. In that case, for each node
value, e.g., Bx , the time-evolution is given by the mean of all the simplices common
to this node i:
δt X 1
(11.115) Bx,i (t + δt) − Bx,i (t) = ∇ × Ej ,
N j
where N is the number of simplices. The average due to the summation over
simplices destroys the power continuity and the divergence free form of the fields at
the level of the numerical finite difference. If the fields are smooth, and vary slowly
over the simplices these qualities are retained to a certain extent.
In the port-Hamiltonian element some of the variables Dij and Bji are dependent
variables and some are independent. The bilinear boundary operator tells us we can
construct six pairs of variables, one dependent and one independent, or one input
and one output. The remaining six variables, from the eighteen, are state variables.
Connecting the elements gives rise to a set of algebraic relations, which gives rise
to an interconnection network. Unlike in most FEM approaches, the manner in
which the elements are interconnected is not a priori fixed, and may depend on the
particular boundary conditions, electric or magnetic.
12.1. Electrostatics
The energy of a static electric field can be calculated in different manners. The
total energy density of the field E will give the same result as the charge density ρ
Figure 12.1. Given that for a conserved, incompressible flow, the
same amount J flows in as out, a global solution given by the solid
lines is first constructed. The details of the flow in each of the
components may change the position of the streamlines, but not
the total flow. These are the allowed degrees of freedom of the
internal dynamics, for example, those indicated by the dashed lines.
at the given potential V , or the Coulomb law between charges: [Jackson, 1975]
1 1 1 ρ(z)ρ(z 0 )
Eelectrostatic = dz0 E (z) = dzρ(z)V (z) = dzdz 0 .
2 2 2 4π0 |z − z 0 |
One follows from the other through partial integration and Gauss or Poisson law:
(12.2) ∇·E= ρ .
(12.3) −∇V = E ,
and the Green function of the Laplacian:
f (z 0 )
(12.4) f (z) = ∆z dz 0 .
4π|z − z 0 |
However, a constant can be added the potential V . This constant is the inte-
gration constant from the partial integration, and commonly set such that:
(12.5) lim V (z) = 0 .
Hence, by defining divergent free vectors fields f and scalar fields f the system
is already globally characterized, with the use of energy and variational principles.
In the next sections we will pursue these principles further. A divergence free
vector field, with only in flow and out flow at the boundaries or ports represents
any balanced quantity, such as mass, but also force, in the system. Using the
conservation law in the analysis will stabilize the numerical schemes. The reason
this is normally not pursued is because such conservation laws are global; the whole
domain is connected, a change at one place affects changes at other places. Through
the use of coordinates based on a particular choice of divergent free field, i.e., the
harmonic field, the coordinates can be used as level set for solutions to static,
dynamic, and optimization problems.
the inhomogeneous Laplace equation, with its useful properties. The local parts of
the force field depend on the material.
Given an object with two fixtures, or ports, with equal but opposite force along
the line between the fixtures, such that the object is at rest. Through each surface
cutting the object in two, separating the two ports goes an equal amount of force
lines. The force of the port is distributed in the surface, and depending on the
geometry and material properties the force is more or less focused on the shortest
path between the two ports. The solution of the Laplacian, using the two ports as
sources of force, like charges, the force lines connect the two ports, like the electric
field. The conserved force lines are a divergent-free field. They correspond to the
stress tensor (Eq. 6.28):
(12.10) ∂i Sij = Fj ,
+ =
potential surfaces
force lines
since the energy is defined as κ(x)(∇φ)2 , which under partial integration leads to
the familiar form.
The asymmetric part will not contribute to the energy. However, this is not a
fundamental result, it holds only for isotropic materials. Materials exist with are
intrinsically chiral, i.e., left-handed or right-handed, one has only to think of screw-
like molecules, typical of biological molecules, and ferrites. For such systems few
microscopic theories of the continuous systems exist. [Maugin, 1988]
Force out
Force in
η sink
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
η new
η old 2π
class of force configurations, which focus more or less along the straight line. See
Figure 12.5. The interesting part is to derive efficient methods to find ηnew (η) for
different materials and input.
The bipolar coordinates may also serve for a near parallel FEM network rep-
resentation. Take for example the heat flow from x− to x+ , or in practice, a small
radius around the the source and sink. Since the harmonic field f suggests the
main flow in the direction of the gradient ∇f , the network may, in first instance,
be approximated by the parallel lines η = constant. In the case of isotropic ma-
terial, where the cells can be approximated by a uniform grid in (ξ, η)-space, the
capacitance of each cell ∆η × ∆ξ is given by:
(12.21) Ccell = 2
(cosh ξcell − cos ηcell
average average )
where ρ is the capacity density, ∆η∆ξ the surface element, and the denominator
follows from the Laplacian, Eq. 2.86. The resistance is in the same manner related
to the Laplace operator in the curved, bipolar coordinates. [Magnus et al., 1966]
A small cell is a wide as it is long. For a square cell, the resistance is independent
of the size. Hence all the resistances between each pair of neighboring cells i and j
are the same:
Tj − T i
(12.22) J = −λ∇T ⇒ Iij = yji λ = λ(Tj − Ti ) ,
where J is the heat flux, λ the plane conductivity, xji the distance between cell
centers, and yji ≈ xji the length of the common edge. As an interesting conse-
quence, the stationary harmonic flow depends only at the temperatures of at the
source and sink, analogous to the energy of an electrostatic field in Eq. 12.1. The
time-dependent flow can be analyzed on a square grid (ξ, η), with a homogeneous
network of resistors λ−1 , and a variation in capacitances Ci , given by Eq. 12.21.
See Figure 12.6.
source sink
source sink source sink
The outward surface normal, necessary for variations with changes in shapes, is
given by the gradient of the level set ψ at ψ = 0:
(12.27) n= .
The optimization procedure using the level-set function is a rather abstract numeri-
cal method, which uses brute force computation of the functional and its variational,
or functional, derivative.
Using force lines in optimization could lead to a more heuristic approach, and,
since the force lines are conserved, it is intrinsically stable. The initial force lines in
the complete domain may be bundled to smaller areas, decreasing such the volume
term, Eq. 12.24, in the minimization functional, Eq. 12.23.
boundary conditions in terms of the system description may vary with the circum-
stances. In some cases they will give rise to state variables associated with boundary
values, in other cases the boundary variables are constraints, or even parameters of
the model.
Finally, the relation between bulk and boundary is the relation between the
microscopic and the macroscopic properties, for example, between the charge den-
sity and the potential, and between the stress tensor and the force exerted on the
boundary. The internal and the external variables, used, respectively, in the partial
differential equations and the lumped models connected to the components, have
an uneasy relation to another. The consistency of the microscopic model in the
larger, system setting, follows from isolating the equivalents of the lumped model
parameter, in these models.
The tendency exists to think in the terms of the methods and tools one uses.
Components described by partial differential equations are very much analyzed in
the language and with the methods developed for the intrinsic understanding of
these isolated components themselves. The relevant, modular features of a com-
ponent within greater schemes and systems are not the same as the features of a
component in an isolated setting.
The modular approach has brought electronics great advantages. Building a
large design in terms of functional blocks with well-defined properties seems to be
a successful route for rapid design, analysis, and prototyping. The improvement
and replacement of a part can be seen in the light of the whole, often with little
unknown interference between the components.
The intrinsic properties of a component in terms of its interactions does typi-
cally not exist. It would correspond to combining all the possible generic situations
and boundary conditions which may occur and select from them the largest set of
essential variables for which a core model is be constructed. In this thesis these
intrinsic properties and variables are inferred from the operators which generate
the dynamics. In some practical situations some the degrees of freedom may not
be set as initial conditions but arise as boundary conditions, or input.
In setting up a language for components in terms of their interactions we have
looked for inspiration towards the lumped models. Simple inputs will generate
responses that can be interpreted as the analogues of a lumped characteristic. The
stationary states, and some generalizations called quasi-stationary states, are the
result. They are non-trivial internal states, which are the direct consequence of
how a component interacts with its surroundings. They are not states in the sense
that they require some initial condition, to uniquely specify the evolution of the
system. Chapter 7 is central to this investigation.
Furthermore, we have tried to set up a network view based on the force balance
throughout the system. The conservation, or balance, laws are inherent to a global
physical view. Moreover, they are usually the complex physical laws which are
traded in for simple microscopical laws, which can be implemented easily in some
local finite-element scheme. For example, the whirls and tendrils of fluid motion will
draw away attention from the fact that the same amount of incompressible fluid that
goes into a container, or piping system, must come out as well. Setting up a quasi-
stationary, lumped-equivalent flow satisfying the conservation law as starting point
for the microscopical analysis, this analysis can be local, since the global laws are
given by the nontrivial starting state based on the interaction with the surroundings.
Only a preliminary analysis of a geometric view appears in Chapter 12, while the
aspects of these principles, generically referred to as transmission, are scattered
throughout the thesis, however, in particular, in Chapters 8 and 10.
The interface between different components is not naturally lumped, unlike the
interface between a continuous component and a lumped component. The local
product of effort and flow must be separated into a lumped, sum flow, satisfying
the balance law, and the consistently lumped, mean effort. The product should
still satisfy the power continuity. For FEM this restricts the numbers of internal
and boundary variables. In a given finite-dimensional approximation based on
states or configurations, the lumped power-continuity across the interface is only
satisfied approximately. Some principles exist, such as Saint-Venant principle for
elasticity, or the intermediate distance behavior of the Green function, or multi-
pole expansion, which justify these approximations. The stationary state forms
often the appropriate basis of the mean or lumped interface variable. Some partial
answers are provided in this thesis, in particular in Chapters 6, 9, and 10.
The language of most continuous systems is not just based on linear systems,
but on static linear systems, except for the vibrational analysis. For driven internal
dynamics a modelling language seldom exists, although in operational settings it
is the question of interest. Only a small number of well-known phenomena have
there own model, such as wind-induced waves, flow-induced vibrations, and thermal
convection. The practical use is in these cases obvious. However, also due to the
inherent nonlinearities in induced dynamics, such problems are often avoided in
modelling. From a functional design and optimization viewpoint, it is hard to
understand how they can be avoided. The analysis of FEM models of continuous
systems based on input characteristics is discussed in Chapter 9.
In this thesis we have shown that not the vibrational modes, but the core-model
modes are the dominant features of continuous components with input and output.
These modes can be linked to the stationary and quasi-stationary states for different
types of static input. The input as boundary conditions and boundary values are not
given in terms of the states, but in terms of the efforts, or variational derivatives of
the Hamiltonian. The consistency between initial conditions, in terms of states, and
physical boundary conditions, in terms of the Hamiltonian, is therefore strained.
In order to guarantee consistency the model is separated into two parts: the core
model for the boundary conditions, and the model for the internal dynamics.
The port-Hamiltonian follows from the ordinary Hamiltonian through a change
of variables, from configuration-like variables to energy-like variables, which opens
the, initially closed, system for interaction through the boundary. In Chapter 5 this
was done from a partial differential equations point of view, while the variational
viewpoint was taken in Chapter 7. The differential operator used in the variable
transformation determines the type of interface at the boundary. Three aspects
of port-Hamiltonian systems should survive in the numerical setting, for power
continuity. The exact action of the differential operator on the finite set of modes.
The exact integration of the model port-Hamiltonian density, associated with these
modes, over the domain. Finally, also the null-space of the differential operator,
yielding the degrees of freedom which are necessarily distinct interaction variables,
must be retained. This has been discussed in a general setting in Chapter 7, while
a number of practical cases were constructed in Chapter 11.
So far, the different integrability conditions, given in Chapter 4 and used in
Chapter 11, stood in the way of a uniform description of different port-Hamiltonian
models for open systems. The recipe to construct a port-Hamiltonian finite element
of arbitrary order and on an arbitrary domain, with a variety of boundary condi-
tions, has been implemented in a number of cases, in Chapter 11. The aspects
mentioned in the previous paragraph play an important role. The central place
the differential operator in the port-Hamiltonian has taken, in Chapter 7, is one of
most important contributions of this thesis to the study of the port-Hamiltonian
approach. This central role has been important for the construction, rather than
the reconstruction, of power-continuous continuous system components.
All is grace.
[Georges Bernanos, Diary of a country priest]
scattered in the literature. The Lopatinski condition [Krantz, 1992, Gårding, 1998,
Hörmander, 1983] arises in many results.
A.4. Geometry
A continuous problem is defined on a space with a notion of distance, given by
the metric. Euclid dominated geometry till the middle of the nineteenth century.
After the introduction of differentials through variational approaches to optimiza-
tion problems by Johann Bernoulli, Euler, Gauss, and others in the eighteenth
century the road lay open to reformulate geometry in the new language. [Mc-
Cleary, 1994, Spivak, 1970] The work of Riemann and Gauss are some highlights
of this programme. [Frankel, 2004] This was the birth of differential geometry, or
geometry in the small. The infinitesimal distance in differential geometry was and
is a concept beset with difficulties. Topology gave a more generic answer to the
notion of distance than geometry could. [Lefschetz, 1949] The two fields have up
to now still a uneasy relation to another. At the other end of differential geometry
the existence of shapes and invariants were questioned. Global solutions [Chern,
1989] of objects with negative curvature were sought, as were embeddings of man-
ifolds, or hypersurfaces, with metric in Euclidean space of higher dimension, such
as the surface of the sphere with constant positive curvature is embedded in three
A.5. Modelling
To arrive at a PDE describing a system, one requires understanding of the
underlying mechanical, physical, or chemical processes. Such information can be
found in specialized books and papers in the respective research field. There are,
however, attempts to collect and unify this type of modelling. Literature on mathe-
matical methods for physics stems from all ages, and range from very formal to very
practical. [Tayler, 2001, Temam and Miranville, 2000, Bossavit, 1998] Attempts to
detach the methods, such as operational calculus, [Churchill, 1944] from the actual
physical problems have led to abstract theories which survived mainly in exten-
sions to the standard approaches for linear systems. [Åström and Wittenmark,
1989, Ljung, 1999] In practice, such methods are mainly applied in cases where
the system is not known, which might manifest itself by a large noise component.
For hyperbolic PDE’s such black box approach is infeasible, as in many cases, the
problem itself will test the limits of computing power, and any overhead should be
reduced by the use all the information available on the system at hand.
The general modelling of complex, lumped systems in the field of system en-
gineering, which tries to reach a level of abstraction and generalization in order
to model and analyze complex interacting systems in with sufficient knowledge of
the parts of the components. [Paynter, 1961, Seireg, 1969, Karnopp et al., 2000,
Wellstead, 1979]
The extension to distributed systems and general invariances which associate
continuous variables to discrete systems, such as rotation angles, have been a trou-
blesome aspect of modelling. The unclear status of the work of Gabriel Kron is a
definite sign of this troubled use of elements of differential geometry in engineering.
[Grattan-Guinness, 1994, Paynter, 1961] From the Russian schools, Butkovskiy is
a known example of similar status, his work was more along the lines of opera-
tional calculus. [Butkovskiy, 1983] However, with robotics, and its limited number
of degrees of freedom, differential geometry is making a second entrance into the
modelling for the purpose of control. [Pappas et al., 1998, Nijmeijer and van der
Schaft, 1990, Slotine and Li, 1991]
A.6. Dynamics
In mechanics, [Arnold, 1989] or even more general dynamical descriptions, mod-
els can be formulated in equivalent forms, such as Hamiltonian of Lagrangian.
[Goldstein, 1980] However, not in all cases, all formulations exist or are of a feasible
form. In the mathematics there is a great interest in integrable systems, [Dubrovin
et al., 1984] for which a complete set of trajectories can be determined. Such solu-
tions usually have a underlying symmetry and are closely related to group theory,
in particular the theory of Lie groups.
The classical three-body problem is at the edge of the analytically solvable
problems. [Whittaker, 1917] More generic questions concerning dynamics involve
the periodicity and stability of motion. Chaotic attractors and patterns are the,
include all kind of optimization strategies, multivariable systems, and state mo-
del identification. [Skogestad and Postlethwaite, 1996, Åström and Wittenmark,
1989, Ogata, 1990, Polderman and Willems, 1998, Antoulas, 2005] Modern equip-
ment such as cd players and jet planes cannot function without a detailed plant
model in the controller. In these cases some like to speak of learning control or
adaptive control, if the plant model improves during operation. Well-known exam-
ples are learning control through neural networks and fuzzy logic. These methods
had their predecessor in the theory of dynamic programming, where a solution was
constructed recursively or algorithmically rather than explicitly. Dynamic program-
ming is again closely related to the application of variational methods in control
design, called optimal control. [Kirk, 2004]
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A matrix, 21, 46, 50, 51, 53, 55, 60, 153, 100, 115, 127, 128, 134, 139, 144, 193,
156, 171, 173, 177, 184, 187, 208, 217 195, 208, 213, 219, 222
boundary energy, 208, 209, 218, 228
abscissas, 94, 145, 148, 152, 175 boundary operator, 40, 78, 88, 133, 135, 221,
absorption, 117, 188 222, 224–226, 235
acoustic, 7 boundary value, x, 55, 73, 77, 78, 84, 85,
action, 37, 39, 75, 80, 157 128, 152, 214, 223
action angle, 23, 217 bridge model, 29
action reaction, x, 3, 14, 29 Buckingham method, 102
actuator, 8, 199 buoyancy, 104
adaptive, 61, 185, 188, 255
cable, 174, 229
adjoint, 40, 45, 75, 83, 134, 135, 138, 225
CAD/CAM, 159, 213
affine, 125, 205, 213
canonical pair, 12, 13, 23, 26, 27, 57, 116,
Ampère, 103, 115, 120
128, 133, 135
analytic, 34, 59, 63, 85, 87, 167, 179
capacitance, 80, 119, 120, 154, 167, 169, 207,
analyticity, 34, 54, 74, 86
239, 244
anharmonic oscillator, 199
capacitive, 3, 180
anisotropic, 128
capacitor, 49, 171, 244
annulus, 87
Carnot cycle, 117, 120
Arnoldi tridiagonalization, 47
Cartan, 5, 66
atom, 121
Cartesian coordinates, 43, 116, 195, 197, 224
attractor, 32, 254 Cauchy, 43, 54, 77, 86, 89, 128
audio compression, 61 Cauchy-Riemann, 34, 42, 85
causal, 90
Banach space, 32, 33, 35, 251 causality, 4, 55, 78, 90
band diagonal matrix, 131 center-of-mass, 125, 126, 130, 146, 196, 205,
barycenter, 150 207
beam, 9, 98, 100, 132, 134, 135, 138, 142, characteristic, 39, 88, 90, 100, 193
148, 149, 205, 207, 208, 211, 214, 228 charge, 3, 102, 115, 116, 119, 152, 171, 172,
behavioral theory, 3, 167 192, 233, 238, 240
Bezier curve, 213 chiral, 241
bi-orthogonal, 127, 226 Christoffel symbol, 38
bias, 108 circuit, 1, 3, 124, 254
bifurcation, 98 clamped, 100, 134, 138, 139, 144, 213
biharmonic, 72, 231, 242 closure relation, 95, 115, 135, 153, 170, 208,
Biot number, 104 224
Biot-Savart law, 115, 124 co-energy, 113, 119, 146, 238
bipolar coordinates, 43, 242, 244 co-moving, 101
blackbody radiation, 117 coherent, 2, 124, 126
bond graph, ix collocation, 29, 132, 206, 232
Bond number, 104 commutator, 67, 215
boundary condition, x, 5, 6, 10, 38, 40, 41, compact, 32, 34, 47, 86, 94, 252
54, 71, 73, 74, 77, 78, 80, 83, 85, 91, complex coordinates, 42, 43
vacuum, 118
variational derivative, 13, 40, 58, 60, 85, 92,
93, 95, 134, 202
vertex, 219, 229, 230, 232
vibration, 7, 76, 80, 100, 124, 160, 164, 165,
173, 185, 245, 249
viscoelasticity, 113
viscosity, 43, 97, 101, 103, 106
Voigt model (Kelvin model), 113