Hydro Calc Web
Hydro Calc Web
Hydro Calc Web
Hydro-Calculator Spreadsheet
Revision 2008-12-23, v1.1
(c) 2008, 2009 by Power-Trax.de - unauthorized usage will be prosecuted.
This Spreadsheet is the small version we here at Power-Trax.de use to calculate and design hydraulic systems.
This spreadsheet is (C)opyright by Power-Trax.de 2008 - 2010. Use at own risk. No professional usage. No copying, altering,
redistribution, use on any website other than power-trax.de or similar usage except granted via our expressed written
Feedback Welcome!
Seite 1
Mininal REVs Nominal REVs Maximal REVs Nominal Flow Nominal pressure
UPm UPm UPm lpm bar
600 UPm 1500 UPm 2500 UPm 170 lpm 207 bar 1.00
Seite 2
Mininal REVs Nominal REVs Maximal REVs Nominal Volume Nominal pressure
UPm UPm UPm ccm bar
2000 UPm 5000 UPm 5500 UPm 2.5 ccm 200 bar 1.00
Seite 3
Pump Mininal REVs Nominal REVs Maximal REVs Nominal Flow Nominal pressure
UPm UPm UPm lpm bar
352 UPm 978 UPm 2200 UPm 60 lpm 160 bar 1.00
Seite 1
Gearbox 1st gear ENG:out 2nd gear ENG:out 3rd gear ENG:out 4th gear ENG:out 5th gear ENG:out
n:1 n:1 n:1 n:1 n:1
2.95 1.53 1.00 0.72 0.60
Seite 2
Seite 3
Winch Oil Flow Pressure Pulling Force 1st Pulling Force top Pulling Speed 1st Pulling Speed top
lpm bar N N m/min m/min
60 lpm 150 bar 46000 N 27600 N 15 m/min 25 m/min
Hydraulic Oil Flow nom Pressure nom Pulling Force 1st Pulling Force top Nom. Speed 1st Nom. Speed top
System lpm bar N N m/min m/min
123 lpm 150 bar 46000 N 27600 N 31 m/min 51 m/min
Seite 4
Pipe Size
Seite 5