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Learn to Program


by Mike Westerfield

Copyright 1990
Byte Works, Inc.
Table of Contents
Lesson One - Getting Started 1
Before We Get Started... 1
How to Learn to Program 1
What You Need 2
Getting Everything Ready 2
Your First Flight... er, Program 3
A Close Look at Hello World 5
Escape Sequences 7
Reserved Words 7
Case Sensitivity 8
How Programs Execute 8
Graphics Programs 9
Solution to problem 1.1. 11
Solution to problem 1.2. 11
Solution to problem 1.3. 11
Solution to problem 1.4. 12
Solution to problem 1.5. 13
Solution to problem 1.6. 13
Solution to problem 1.7. 14

Lesson Two - Variables and Loops 15

Integer Variables 15
The For Loop 17
Indenting: Programmers Do It With Style 19
Operator Precedence 20
The Maximum Integer 21
Integers Come in Several Sizes 21
Integers Can be Signed or Unsigned 22
More Conversion Specifications 22
Floating-Point Numbers 23
The Trace and Stop Commands 27
Exponents 28
Don't Panic! 28
Solution to problem 2.1. 31
Solution to problem 2.2. 32
Solution to problem 2.3. 32
Solution to problem 2.4. 33
Solution to problem 2.5. 34
Solution to problem 2.6. 34
Solution to problem 2.7. 36

Lesson Three - Input, Loops and Conditions 37

Input 37
Our First Game... er, Computer Aided Simulation 38
The Do-While Loop 38
How C Divides 41
Empty Parameter Lists 43
Nesting Loops 43
Random Numbers 45
Multiple Reads with scanf 47
Reading Floating-Point Numbers 47

The If Statement 48
The Else Clause 49
Those Darn Semicolons 49
Nesting If Statements 49
Solution to problem 3.1. 53
Solution to problem 3.2. 53
Solution to problem 3.3. 56
Solution to problem 3.4. 58
Solution to problem 3.5. 59
Solution to problem 3.6. 60
Solution to problem 3.7. 60
Solution to problem 3.8. 60
Solution to problem 3.9. 61
Solution to problem 3.10. 62

Lesson Four - Functions 67

Subroutines Avoid Repetition 67
The Structure of a Function 69
Local Variables 69
How Functions are Executed 70
Comments and Function Names 71
Functions Let You Create New Commands 72
More About Debugging Functions 73
Functions Can Return a Value 73
More about void and return 75
A First Look at Pointers 76
Some Archaic Features of C 79
Solution to problem 4.1. 81
Solution to problem 4.2. 82
Solution to problem 4.3. 85

Lesson Five - Arrays and Strings 89

Groups of Numbers as Arrays 89
Be Careful With Arrays! 91
Why Programmers are Humble – At Least, in Private! 92
Strings are Arrays 93
Characters and Integers are Related 95
A Bit About Memory 96
Character Constants and String Constants 97
Another Look at strlen 97
Copying Strings with strcpy and strncpy 97
Putting Strings Together with strcat and strncat 98
Comparing Strings with strcmp and strncmp 99
Passing Strings as Parameters 99
Returning Strings as Function Results 101
The string.h and ctype.h Libraries 101
Solution to problem 5.1. 105
Solution to problem 5.2. 105
Solution to problem 5.3. 106
Solution to problem 5.4. 106
Solution to problem 5.5. 107
Solution to problem 5.6. 107
Solution to problem 5.7. 108
Solution to problem 5.8. 109

Lesson Six - More About Arrays 111
The Shell Sort 111
Boolean Values 114
Arrays of Arrays 116
Trigonometry Functions 120
Converting Types 121
Rotation 123
Solution to problem 6.1. 129
Solution to problem 6.2. 130
Solution to problem 6.3. 132
Solution to problem 6.4. 133
Solution to problem 6.5. 133
Solution to problem 6.6. 134
Solution to problem 6.7. 145
Solution to problem 6.8. 147
Solution to problem 6.9. 149

Lesson Seven - Types 153

Defining Types 153
Enumerations 154
Structures Store More than One Type 160
Defining Variables Right Away with struct and enum 161
Using typedef with struct and enum 162
The switch Statement 162
Solution to problem 7.1. 167
Solution to problem 7.2. 169
Solution to problem 7.3. 175
Solution to problem 7.4. 179
Solution to problem 7.5. 180
Solution to problem 7.6. 184

Lesson Eight - Pointers and Lists 185

What is a Pointer? 185
Pointers are Variables, Too! 186
Allocating and Deallocating Memory 186
Linked Lists 188
Stacks 189
Queues 192
Running Out Of Memory 193
The & Operator Returns an Address 193
The Special Relationship Between Pointers and Arrays 193
Pointer Math 194
Solution to problem 8.1. 197
Solution to problem 8.2. 197
Solution to problem 8.3. 198
Solution to problem 8.4. 200
Solution to problem 8.5. 201
Solution to problem 8.6. 203
Solution to problem 8.7. 203
Solution to problem 8.8. 204

Lesson Nine - Files 205

The Nature of Files in C 205
What is a File? 205

The Four Basic Operations 205
File Variables 206
Writing to a File 206
Reading from a File 207
File Names 208
Directories, Path Names and Folders 208
Reading Text Files One Line at a Time 209
Bullet-proof Input 210
Binary Files 213
Random Access 214
Solution to problem 9.1. 217
Solution to problem 9.2. 217
Solution to problem 9.3. 218
Solution to problem 9.4. 220
Solution to problem 9.5. 220
Solution to problem 9.6. 221
Solution to problem 9.8. 221
Solution to problem 9.9. 222

Lesson Ten - Miscellaneous Useful Stuff 225

A Look at this Lesson 225
Number Bases 225
The Bitwise And Operation 227
The Bitwise Or Operator 228
The Bitwise Exclusive Or Operator 229
The Bitwise Negation Operator 231
Escape Sequences 231
The goto Statement 233
The break Statement 233
The break Statement in Nested Loops 237
To goto or Not to goto 238
The continue Statement 238
Solution to problem 10.1. 241
Solution to problem 10.2. 241
Solution to problem 10.3. 242
Solution to problem 10.4. 244
Solution to problem 10.5. 245
Solution to problem 10.6. 245
Solution to problem 10.7. 246
Solution to problem 10.8. 246
Solution to problem 10.9. 247
Solution to problem 10.10. 248
Solution to problem 10.11. 248
Solution to problem 10.12. 248
Solution to problem 10.13. 248

Lesson Eleven - More Miscellaneous Useful Stuff 251

Unions 251
Separate Compilation 257
Header Files 259
Storage Classes 260
Initializers 263
Solution to problem 11.1. 267
Solution to problem 11.2. 267

Solution to problem 11.3. 267
Solution to problem 11.4. 268
Solution to problem 11.5. 269

Lesson Twelve - Stand-Alone Programs 271

What is a Stand-Alone Program? 271
Using StartGraph and EndGraph 271
Desktop Programs 273
Mixing Text and Graphics 274
Stand-Alone Text Programs 276
Solution to problem 12.1. 277
Solution to problem 12.2. 283
Solution to problem 12.3. 284

Lesson Thirteen - Scanning Text 291

The Course of the Course 291
Manipulating Text 291
Building a Simple Scanner 292
Symbol Tables 293
Parsing 293
Solution to problem 13.1. 299
Solution to problem 13.2. 300
Solution to problem 13.3. 303

Lesson Fourteen - Recursion 307

A Quick Look at Recursion 307
How Functions Call Themselves 307
Recursion is a Way of Thinking 308
A Practical Application of Recursion 309
Solution to problem 14.1. 313
Solution to problem 14.2. 313
Solution to problem 14.3. 315
Solution to problem 14.4. 316

Lesson Fifteen - Sorts 321

Sorting 321
The Shell Sort 321
Quick Sort 322
How Fast Are They? 326
Quick Sort Can Fail! 327
Sorting Summary 327
Solution to problem 15.1. 329
Solution to problem 15.2. 330
Solution to problem 15.3. 332
Solution to problem 15.4. 334
Solution to problem 15.5. 337
Solution to problem 15.6. 339

Lesson Sixteen - Searches and Trees 343

Storing and Accessing Information 343
Sequential Searches 343
The Binary Search 343
A Cross Reference Program for C 344

The Binary Tree 351
Solution to problem 16.1. 357
Solution to problem 16.2. 358
Solution to problem 16.3. 360
Solution to problem 16.4. 366

Lesson Seventeen - A Project: Developing a Break-Out Game 373

Designing a Program 373
The User: That's Who We Write For 373
Laying the Groundwork 375
Bottom-Up Design Verses Top-Down Design 379
Starting the Program 380
Drawing the Bricks 382
Drawing the Score and Balls 383
Bouncing the Ball 383
The Bricks 384
Labarski's Rule of Cybernetic Entomology 386
Filling in the Last Stubs 387
Tidy Up 388
Ruffles and Flourishes 388

Lesson One
Getting Started
languages. If you are learning to program, though, you
Before We Get Started... have to pick just one of them to learn first. We can
immediately rule out assembly language. In assembly
When I went to grade school, my teachers tried to language, you have to deal with the machine's internal
beat some basic skills into my thick head. Back then, structure. It takes many individual instructions to do
the basic skills included reading, writing, and the simplest thing. You will spend more time dealing
arithmetic. When it came to spelling, my mind was with bits and bytes than learning how to write a well-
already warped, because my teachers had also organized program. We can also rule out BASIC.
explained that these were the three R's. BASIC is a fine language in many respects, but it has
Lately, in our rapidly changing world, we have become outdated by the rapid progress of programming
added a new basic skill. It just isn't good enough to be practice. Modern programming often deals with
able to read and write, plus do some math. In 1965, it pointers, linked lists, and dynamically allocated
wasn't easy to get from New York to Chicago without memory. The BASIC language can't deal with these
reading signs, writing instructions, counting some ideas effectively.
change and reading a clock. Today, you will use a That leaves C and Pascal. Pascal is an excellent
computer to make the same trip. The travel agent will language. It is very popular in educational settings, and
log your reservations in a computer. You may get has been used to write a large number of applications.
spending money from a computer-based automatic C, however, is even more popular. C tends to give the
teller. A digital watch counts bits to tell you what time programmer more freedom that Pascal by not being so
it is. Computers control the flow of trains and the strict with type checking, and always providing a way
displays used by air traffic controllers. Your check around the checks that exist. These features have made
book may even have a calculator. It's become a C very popular with professional programmers. Since
computerized world, and people who can't or won't deal the pros use C, it is only natural that everyone else
with computers are rapidly being left as far behind as an wants to use it, too.
illiterate person in the sixties. Before getting too much further, I also want to
Of course, you know all of that. That's why you point out what this course is not. This is not a course
have decided to learn to program. The purpose of this about writing Apple IIGS desktop programs. I don't
course is to teach you to program. By the end of the want to discourage you from writing desktop programs;
course, you will know one of todays most popular quite the contrary. On the other hand, as you will find
programming languages, C. You will know it well out, there is a lot to learn about programming before
enough to write programs of your own. Whether you you are really ready to tackle something like a desktop
want to plot an engineering equation, keep track of your program. By the time you finish this course, you will
Christmas mailing list, or write a computer game, this be ready to start to learn about desktop programming.
course will get you ready. If you tried to learn desktop programming right away,
If you have been around computers for a long time, though, you would probably fail. There's just too much
you may know that there are many languages you can to learn to try and do it all at once.
use to write programs for your computer. It's fair to ask
why this course uses C. How to Learn to Program
One of the things you must look for in a computer
language is that it must be fairly common. If a Learning to program has a lot in common with
language is common, that tells you two important learning to fly an airplane. When you learn to fly, most
things: a lot of people think the language is a good one, people start with an introductory flight with an
and no matter what computer you decide to write a instructor. Those that don't often make a bad first
program for, you are likely to find the language you landing, and never get a second chance. (An old adage
know. Today, there are four languages that fulfill this around flight schools is that any landing you walk away
first requirement. They are C, Pascal, assembly from was a good landing.) Before, during and after the
language and BASIC. flight, the instructor will tell you about some of the
If you decide to make your living programming a basics of flight: how the control surfaces work, what
computer, you will eventually learn all of these the controls do, and so forth. There will be a lot you

don't know, and a lot of things you are told may not You will need a copy of ORCA/C. If you decide to
make sense right away. As you progress, you will use a different C, there will be some things in this book
spend time reading books and sitting in lectures, but that will not work. You would have to figure out why
you will also spend a lot of time actually flying the and make appropriate adjustments. By the time you
airplane. You wouldn't expect to spend all of your time finish this course, you will know enough to do that. At
reading books and sitting in lectures, then walk out to first, though, you may not. For that reason, I would
the plane and go off for a cross-country flight with no suggest that you stick with ORCA/C.
instructor; you gradually work up to that point. You will need at least four blank disks. This
Eventually, though, you solo. You start to fly long course is written with the assumption that you have two
distances, first with an instructor and then alone. floppy disk drives. One of them must be a 3.5" floppy
Finally the day comes when you get your license. disk drive; you need that to run ORCA/C. The other
It's the same way with programming. In a moment, can be either a 3.5" floppy disk drive or a 5.25" floppy
we'll get started. We'll start off with a few simple disk drive. Three of the floppy disks should be 3.5"
programs. It is absolutely essential that you type them disk drives; you will use these to make a copy of
in and run them. There will be many problems that you ORCA/C. The fourth disk should be a 3.5" disk or a
can work on your own. The more problems you work, 5.25" disk, depending on what you are using for a
the better programmer you will become. Sure, we will second disk drive.
spend some time talking about the ideas behind There are some other things that would be nice, but
programming, and there will be some problems that you not essential. Most people like to print their programs
need to work through with a pencil and paper. For the and look at the paper copy. I highly recommend a
most part, though, you will be programming; either printer if you intend to try this. With some of the
typing in and analyzing programs with the help of this longer programs we will write, more memory would be
material, or writing and running your own programs. nice. With more memory, the process of translating
Gradually, the programs will get longer, and before your program from a text file into an executable
long you will be able to write your own programs. program will go much faster. A hard disk is also very
Just in case you missed the point, let me spell it out nice. Hard disks can hold much more than a floppy
in very simple terms. If you read this material, but disk, so you will not have to switch disks as often.
don't type in the sample programs or work the Hard disks are also faster than floppy disks, which
problems, you will know as much about programming again speeds up the programming process. Finally, an
as you would know about flying from reading a book. Applied Engineering TransWarp Accelerator card will
In short, very little. Programming is a skill. If you roughly double the speed of your computer. As I said,
don't practice the skill, you will never learn it. all of these are nice. If you end up spending a lot of
time programming, I would encourage developing a
What You Need close relationship with St. Nicholas in an attempt to
collect these items. You can, however, do everything in
Now is the time to sit down in front of your this course without them.
computer. Before starting, let's make sure you have If you already have a hard disk, feel free to install
everything you will need. First, you need an Apple ORCA/C on your hard disk and work from there. All
IIGS computer. It must have a monitor; it really doesn't of the things we will do in this course will work fine
matter if it is black and white or color. The computer from a hard disk. You can find instructions on
must have at least 1.125M of memory. For the older installing C on a hard disk in the documentation that
Apple IIGS that came with 256K on the mother board, comes with the compiler. We will not cover it here.
this means that the memory card in the special memory
slot must be populated with 1M of memory. In the Getting Everything Ready
most common case of an Apple memory card, this
means that there should be a memory chip in each When I bought my first FORTRAN compiler for
socket on the card. You can check this by taking the the Apple II, I had a frightening experience. I wrote a
top off of your computer and looking. With the newer program that crashed the compiler. The program
Apple IIGS, which comes with 1.125M of memory on actually erased some of the information on the compiler
the mother board, you don't need a memory card at all. disk, so I could not use that disk anymore. In those
You must have at least one 3.5" disk drive. We days, many vendors still took the absurd position that
will also assume that you have at least one other disk compilers had to be copy protected. My local dealer
drive; it really doesn't matter if it is a 3.5" disk drive or either could not or would not help me restore the disk.
a 5.25" disk drive.

I had one other copy (the program came with two We will use ORCA/C exactly the way it comes out
copies), but I was afraid to use it. of the box. You will need two of the three disks for this
Fortunately, times have changed. Most languages program. Start by putting the disk labeled "ORCA/C
are no longer copy protected. The very first thing you Boot Disk" into your boot drive, and starting your
should do when you open your copy of ORCA/C is to computer. After the program starts, you will be asked
make copies of each of the three floppy disks that come for the program disk. Eject the boot disk and replace it
with the package. You can use the Finder to do this. If with the disk labeled "ORCA/C Desktop System."
you know how to use some other copy program, and After some more whirring, you will see a menu bar
you like it better, go ahead and use it. Any copy with four menus.
program will work. Label each of the three disks you All of your programs will be written to a separate
have copied, and put the originals in a safe place. program disk. There is really nothing to stop you from
You will also need one other formatted disk to put putting your programs on the ORCA/C program disk,
your programs on. Go ahead and format that disk now. and you may occasionally do that by accident, but you
You can give the disk any name you like. Your name is will run out of room on the disk if you do this on a
one good choice. Keep in mind that this disk must be regular basis. In short, it is time to put your blank disk
available at the same time as the ORCA/C program in the second disk drive.
disk. If you have one 3.5" disk drive and one 5.25" When you write a program, you type the program
disk drive, your program disk must be a 5.25" disk. pretty much the same way you would type a letter in a
There will be plenty of room on the disk for a few word processor. Our first step, then, is to open a new C
dozen of the size programs you will write in this course. program document. Pull down the File menu and select
New. A window will appear, filling the desktop. You
probably expected that, but what you may not have
One Disk Drive? expected is the five new menus which appear on the
menu bar. One of them is very important. ORCA/C is
If you truly have only one disk drive, you will
one member of a large family of programming
have to put your programs on the ORCA/C program
languages that all share the same programming
disk. As it is shipped, the ORCA/C Desktop System
environment. You must tell the system what language
disk, which is the one you will have in the disk drive
you want to use to write your program. To do this, pull
while writing programs, has about 140K of free
down the Languages menu and select CC. If you pull it
space. This is actually quite a lot of space for the
down again, you will see that CC has a check mark
size programs we will write in this course. At some
beside it. (It is traditional to call a C compiler CC,
point, the disk will be filled with your programs.
rather than just C.)
When that happens, you can use the Finder to copy
Type in the following program. The format isn't
the files to another disk, or just make a second copy
terribly critical, but since you don't know what is and
of the ORCA/C Desktop System disk for your new
what is not important yet, it is best to type it exactly as
shown. This program writes the characters "Hello,
world." to the screen. It's a simple program, but we
must start somewhere.
Your First Flight... er, Program
#include <stdio.h>
It's time to take that first test flight. Strap yourself
in. After all, as you have no doubt heard, computers
void main(void)
can crash, so always wear your seat belt. Fortunately,
though, a computer crash never hurts anything. As we
go through this program, there will be a lot you don't {
understand yet. Be patient; in time, you will. The one printf("Hello, world.\n");
thing you should keep in mind, though, is that you can't }
write a program that will damage the computer. Even if
you do something wrong, the absolute worst thing that Once the program is typed in, it is time to save it to
will happen is you will erase a disk – and even that is so disk. This step isn't very important yet; it is very
unlikely that it isn't worth worrying about very much. unlikely that these first few programs will crash the
It is, however, worth worrying about enough to make a computer. If you form the habit of always saving the
copy of the ORCA/C disks, which is why you should program, though, you will be very thankful the first
never run from the original disks. time the computer crashes after you have spent several
minutes typing. Once the computer crashes, it is easier

to redo the typing than to recover the lost information – the top of the dialog. If you are not sure what your
even assuming the information can be recovered. program disk is named, watch the lights on the disk
Sometimes it cannot. drive. When your disk is selected, the light on the disk
will light up, and the disk will whir for a moment. Now
type the name of the program file. In this case, you
Setting the Language
should type HELLO.CC. Finally, click on the save
button. Note that the name of the source window
If you forget to set the language, the message, "A
compiler is not available for this language." If that
When ORCA/C runs your program, it will need
happens, pull down the language menu and select the
someplace to write characters. The program will
language. Make some change in the program –
automatically open a special window called the shell
inserting and removing a space will do – and then save
window, and put the characters there. It will not,
the program to disk again.
however, cover up your program with the shell window.
To see what is happening, you need to shrink you
To save the program, select Save As... from the program window to make room for the shell window.
File menu. A dialog will appear. Click on the disk The shell window always appears on the top, right side
button until the name of your blank disk shows up at of the desktop, so shrinking your window to half of its
current width is a good idea. Do that now, putting the

Desktop Editing

While you may be quite good at entering text with an editor, it is possible that this is your first look at a
desktop editor. The new stuff that appeared on the screen is called a window. Along the top, you will see a black
bar called the title bar. The box on the left hand side is called the close box. Clicking on the close box closes the
window, removing it from the desktop.
The right-hand box on the title bar, called the zoom box, is used to change the size of the window back to a
previous value. If you make the window smaller, then click on that box, the window will return to its original
In the middle of the title bar is the name of the disk file where the last permanent copy of the text was stored.
If the window has never been saved, the name will be Untitled with a number.
At the bottom right-hand corner of the window, you will see another box; this one has two overlapping boxes
inside. This is the grow box. The grow box lets you change the size of the window. To do this, you move the
mouse to place the arrow cursor on the box, then press and hold down the mouse button. As you move the mouse,
an outline showing where the new window will be moves across the screen. When the outline is in the correct
spot, let up on the mouse button.
To move the window, you drag the title bar. Start by positioning the mouse cursor in the middle of the
window's title bar, over the name of the window. Next, press and hold the mouse button, dragging the outline to
the new location, and finally, let up on the mouse button.
As with any editor, you will often have more text in the file than can be displayed on the screen. The scroll
bars on the right and bottom edge of the window let you move through the file. Clicking on one of the arrows
"moves" the window over an imaginary, full size page that is 255 characters wide and as long as your program.
(The window does not move; instead the text moves as if you moved the window over this larger, imaginary text
page.) Clicking in the grey area beside the arrow moves the distance of a full window, rather than just one line or
character. Finally, you can drag the white area, called the thumb, to move over very large distances. The relative
position and size of the thumb in the scroll bar is proportional to the size and location of the window on the
imaginary document that contains all of the text.
You can enter text just as you would with any editor. To correct a mistake, use the mouse to move the arrow
mouse cursor over the window. The arrow will change to a vertical bar with a curly top and bottom. Position this
bar where you want the flashing insertion-point to be and click on the mouse. You can now use the backspace key
to delete old text, then type in the new text.
There are many short-cuts to using the desktop editor. We won't cover them in this course. At some point,
you should spend some time reading the chapter in the ORCA/C manual that describes the desktop editor to learn
some of these shortcuts.

right hand side of your program window under the b in Program Didn't Run?
the Debug menu.
If something else happened, check each step to
see what you did wrong. One of the most common
programmer mistakes is to assume that any mistake
is the computer's fault. Sorry, it just ain't so. If
things didn't work it's because, in order of likelihood:

1. You didn't do exactly what you were told.

2. You have set up a large RAM disk, tying up
so much memory that ORCA/C could not
work. Get rid of the RAM disk. Be sure
and power down and back up after setting
the size of the RAM disk to zero.
3. You don't have the correct hardware.
4. You have a bad disk.
Well, the time has come to actually run your first C
5. You have bad hardware.
program. Pull down the Debug menu and select Go.
This tells the compiler to compile, link, and execute
Just for the record, you should know that
your program. The first thing you will see is the shell
absolutely every program we will show you in this
window. After some whirring of the ORCA/C disk,
course has been mechanically moved from the word
you will see a message printed by the linker as it links
processor to ORCA/C and executed. If you
the program. The compiler doesn't print anything
encounter a problem, the chances are very, very high
unless it finds an error. Finally, your program runs, and
that you did something wrong. It isn't unheard of to
the characters "Hello, world." appear in the window.
find a bug in the development software, but we get
It may seem like all of this took a long time, and it
far more bug reports that turn out to be programmer
did. The first time you compile a program after booting
errors than bug reports that actually turn out to be a
the computer, several very large files are loaded from
bug in ORCA/C.
disk. The process is much faster the second time, since
To correct a problem, go back over each step in
these files will stay in memory.
the text. If the program cannot be compiled, the
Go ahead – give yourself a cheap thrill. You've
compiler will give you an error message telling why.
earned it. Select Go again, and run the program a
It also puts the flashing insertion-point near the place
second time. Maybe even a third!
in the program where the error occurred. Check your
typing in the area very carefully; a typing error is the
Sizing the Program Window most common cause of errors at this stage.

If you forget to resize your program window, it

words have special meaning, while some are words we
may not look like anything worked. Once the
pick to name parts of the program. We'll dissect our
program finishes executing, though, you can resize
first program to look at some of these rules.
the program window to uncover the shell window.
You will find that the program ran correctly, but
#include <stdio.h>
that you just didn't see the text until you resized the
void main(void)

A Close Look at Hello World printf("Hello, world.\n");
Now that you have actually run a program, let's
stop and spend some time talking about what happened.
We'll start by examining the program in detail. The One of the things about C that you will become
first step is to take a look at the words that make up the very familiar with in this course is the C library. The C
program library is a huge collection of subroutines that do a wide
Like sentences in a book, programs are made up of variety of things for you. The size and standardization
a series of words and punctuation marks. Some of the
What is a Compiler? process that file first. The C compiler goes to the
library folder and looks for a file called stdio.h; you can
In several places, I have mentioned a thing look at the file, too. To see what the compiler saw, pull
called a compiler. A compiler is a program that down the File menu and select Open. Click on the disk
translates the program you write into something the button until you see the ORCA.C disk. Open the
machine can execute. You see, your Apple IIGS LIBRARIES folder, then open the ORCACDEFS folder
does not understand C, or Pascal, or BASIC, or even that you find inside of the LIBRARIES folder. Inside
assembly language. All it understands are the of this folder, towards the bottom of a long list of files,
individual bits stuffed into bytes that computer types you will find one called STDIO.H. Open that file.
call machine language. No one in his right mind What you will see is an impressive collection of
actually programs in machine language if given a gibberish. There is no particular reason for you to
choice. Instead, they program in some language, like understand it all at the moment. The point is that the
C, then use a program called a compiler. The #include preprocessor command tells the compiler to
compiler reads the program you type, and figures out process a simple text file. You can put anything you
what the program is supposed to do. The compiler like in the text file. Later, you will learn how to use
then writes a machine language program that does this capability to split large programs up into several
the same thing. It's a lot like taking a translator with small, manageable files.
you to Japan. You tell the translator that you Right below the #include command is a blank line.
desperately need to find a good Italian restaurant. The blank line is for our convenience; the C compiler
The translator takes your words and reforms them in really doesn't care if there is a blank line there or not.
Japanese, asking the bell clerk at the hotel. In You can remove it, or put in several more, and the
computer terms, the translator would be called a program will do exactly the same thing. We use the
compiler. If you spoke German instead of English, blank line to make the program easier to read. It's sort
you would need a different translator. The same is of like putting the chapter in books at the top of a new
true with compilers. If you want to write the page. The book says the same thing if we don't, but it is
program in Pascal instead of C, you need a different easier to find the start of the chapter if we know it will
compiler. be on a page by itself. You will find a lot of
One of the advantages of a language like C is conventions like this described in the course.
that it does not depend on the computer you are C programs are made up of a series of variable
using. On the Apple IIGS, you are using ORCA/C, declarations, preprocessor commands and functions.
which translates C programs into machine language These can be freely mixed, with just a few rules we will
programs the Apple IIGS can run. A Macintosh learn later. Our simple program doesn't have any
computer cannot run this program, but you could use variable declarations. It does, however, have a
MPW C on the Macintosh. MPW C can read the function.
same program we have typed, and create a machine
language program for the Macintosh. This program void main(void)
will do exactly the same thing on the Macintosh that
it does on the Apple IIGS. {
printf("Hello, world.\n");
of the C library is one of the major strengths of the C }
programming language.
The C compiler doesn't know about the C library. Each function in a C program has several distinct
In our C programs, we have to tell the C compiler about parts. The first part, which we generally put on a single
the library. The first line of our program tells the line, tells the compiler the name of the function, what it
compiler about the subroutines in a library called stdio, returns, and what we need to pass to the function when
which is short for Standard Input/Output. This library it is called. The name of this function is main. Every C
contains most of the text formatting, console input and program must have a function called main; this is the
output, and disk input and output subroutines. In first function executed when the program starts. This
particular, it defines a subroutine called printf, which function doesn't return anything. We tell the compiler
can be used to print text. that it doesn't return anything by putting void right
Technically, #include is part of the preprocessor. before the name of the function. Right after the name
That's an idea you will become more familiar with a of the function, we put any parameters that will be
little later in the course. This preprocessor command passed to the function when it is called. Again, void is
tells the compiler to find another C program file, and to used to tell the compiler that there aren't any

parameters. This is the simplest kind of function: it #include <stdio.h>
does something, but no parameters are passed, and it
doesn't return anything. void main(void)
The last three lines,
printf("Hello, world.\n");
Run this program, and look at the results in the
are the lines that tell the compiler what the function shell window. This time, Hello and word appear on
actually does. The { character and } character mark the different lines.
start and end of the statements in the function. Between There are quite a few escape sequences in C. As
these characters is the only line in the program that you go through the course, you will learn about most of
actually does anything, the call to the printf function. the escape sequences, and it will make more sense to
printf is a library function, defined in the stdio library. see them as they are used, rather than simply looking at
The characters that we want the program to print are a list of the various codes. You can find a list of the
placed in a string constant. In C, string constants are escape sequences in your compiler reference manual,
enclosed in quote marks. You can put any character though. C is a large language, and to use it effectively,
you like in a string constant, although there are some you will need to learn to use your compiler reference
tricks to using a few of them; we'll look at the tricks in manual well, too. Take a moment and find the escape
the next section. The string constant is a parameter that sequences in the compiler reference manual. If you are
is passed to the printf function. Like all parameters, it curious (and I hope you are!) you should read the
is enclosed in parenthesis, and comes right after the section of the reference manual that describes them.
name of the function. The line ends with a semicolon. Some of the information may already make sense to
All C statements end with a semicolon; this tells the you, while some will not; that's to be expected. Like I
compiler where the statement ends. said, you will see most of the escape sequences in real
programs in this course, where they will probably make
Escape Sequences a lot more sense.

You may have noticed one slightly strange thing Problem 1.1. Rewrite the hello world program so it
about the program. Supposedly, printf prints all of the says hello to you. For example, my name is Mike,
characters in the string constant. On the other hand, so I rewrote the program to say "Hello, Mike."
you can see two characters, \ and n, at the end of the Save this program as NAME.CC.
string constant – these were not printed.
The \ character has special meaning inside of a Note: When you name a program, always choose
string constant, where it is used to mark the start of ten or fewer characters that start with a letter and
something called an escape sequence. Escape contain only letters and spaces. Append a .CC onto
sequences give you a way to put characters into the the end.
program that you normally can't see, and in many cases,
can't even type. The \n escape sequence puts a line feed Reserved Words
character in the string. When the line feed character is
printed, it starts a new line in the shell window. Like English text, C programs are made up of
To see how this works, make a small change to words and punctuation marks. You have already seen a
your program and run it again. The change is to replace few of the punctuation marks, including the # character,
the space between Hello and world with a \n escape which starts a preprocessor command; the ; character,
sequence. Your program will look like this after you which marks the end of a line; the ( and ) characters,
make the change: which mark the start and end of a parameter list; and
the { and } characters, which mark the start and end of
the statements in a function. The words in the first
program were include, void, main, and printf. You also
saw a quoted string, which is called a string constant in
There is one major difference between words in
English and words in C, though. Some words in C can
only be used for very specific purposes. These are name of the main function.
called reserved words. In our first program, void was
the only reserved word we used. As you learn to How Programs Execute
program in C, you will eventually encounter all of the
reserved words, and find out what they are. You will With what we know now, we can start to write
also start to use words to define your own functions and larger programs. Our first step will be to modify the
variables, though, and you have to know what the hello, world program to write five lines instead of one.
reserved words are so you won't accidentally use one of Type in the program in listing 1.1 and save it on
the reserved words. While you don't need to memorize your program disk as LIMERICK.CC. When you type
them, you do need to know they exist. If you run into a the program, pay special attention to the \ characters in
strange error trying to get a program to work, you can the strings, and what follows. You already knew about
refer back to this list of reserved words to see if the \n escape sequence; it starts a new line in the shell
misusing a reserved word is the cause of the problem. window. The \" escape sequence is new, though. We
(The same list is in your compiler reference manual, needed a quote mark in our string, but a quote mark is
too.) used to mark the end of a string, too. The \" escape
sequence puts a quote mark in the string without
Reserved Words in ORCA/C marking the end of the string.
Use the Go command in the Debug menu to run the
auto asm break case program. Did the program do what you expected? It
char comp const continue does bring up an obvious point. Like sentences in a
default do double else book, the compiler reads and processes your program in
enum extended extern float the order it is written. The first line is executed first,
for goto if inline the second is executed second, and so on.
int long pascal register We will introduce a new capability to see this a bit
return segment short signed better. Pull down the Debug menu again, but this time,
sizeof static struct switch choose the Step command. Instead of executing,
typedef union unsigned void everything stops. The only menu that is not highlighted
volitile while is the Debug menu, so that is the only one that you can
select anything from. You may have noticed the menu
Case Sensitivity bar flashing through this state before and wondered
why. This indicates that your program is still running.
C is case sensitive. That means that there is a You can't use anything but the Debug menu until the
difference between two words that are spelled the same, program is finished.
but have different cases in the letters. For example, Now look at your program window. There is an
Void is not a reserved word in C, but void is. The name arrow pointing to the first line of the program. This
of the function that always gets executed first is main, arrow shows the next line to be executed. The program
with no capitol letters. Main is not the same thing, and is waiting for you to tell it to go ahead. Pull down the
the compiler will get confused if you try to use it for the debug menu again, and select Step a second time. This

Listing 1.1

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)

printf("There was an old man with a beard\n");
printf("Who said, \"It is just as I feared!\"\n");
printf(" Two Owls and a Hen,\n");
printf(" Four Larks and a Wren,\n");
printf("Have all built their nests in my beard.\n");

tells the program to step to the next line. The arrow deals with graphics is particular to the Apple IIGS.
moves down, and the first line of the limerick appears Other computers may do things a bit differently.
in the shell window. The keyboard equivalent for Step The Apple IIGS has a large number of built-in
is ð [. Use that keystroke to step through the rest of the subroutines to do complicated tasks for you. These
program. subroutines are called tools. They are grouped by
What you have just used is called a source-level function into groups called tool sets. The entire
debugger. It lets you step through a program one line at collection is what people refer to as the toolbox. The
a time to see what the program is actually doing. You toolbox is a large and wonderful collection which we
see, computers have one very bad habit: they do what won't have time to explore fully, but we will use some
you tell them to do, instead of what you want them to of the tools to do some work for us from time to time.
do. When your program does something different than Graphics is one of those times. We will be using a tool
you expect, the source level debugger can often help set called QuickDraw II, which is the graphics tool set
you find out what the computer is actually doing. Once on the Apple IIGS. QuickDraw II is a powerful
you know that, it is usually easy to correct the program, collection of low-level graphics routines. The
so the computer does what you want it to do. As you following program will be our first venture into
learn more about C, you will also learn more about the graphics.
debugger. For now, it would be a good idea to use the
debugger to step through each of your programs, so you #include <quickdraw.h>
can see what the computer is actually doing.
void main(void)
Problem 1.2. Write a program that prints your name
and address. Print the address on separate lines, {
just as you would on an envelope. SetPenMode(0);
Problem 1.3. With a little work, you can create a
readable letter by coloring in squares on a sheet of
graph paper. The smallest number of squares that MoveTo(10,10);
works well for uppercase only letters is seven high LineTo(90,10);
by five wide. This is the idea used to form LineTo(90,40);
characters on the computer screen from the small LineTo(10,40);
dots called pixels. LineTo(10,10);
Write a program to write your first name to the
screen in this form. Use the * character to fill in Type in this program, and save it as SQAURE.CC,
the squares. For example, I would ask the but don't run it yet. Text programs write characters to
computer to write this to the screen: the shell window, as you have already learned. The
shell window, though, is for text. Graphics output is
* * *** * * ***** written to a special graphics window. Before running
** ** * * * * your program, you must open the graphics window. Do
* * * * * * * this now by pulling down the Run menu and selecting
* * * ** *** the Graphics Window command. If you need to, resize
* * * * * * your program window so you can see the entire
* * * * * * graphics window. Now run the program. You will see
a square, about one inch high and once inch wide, on
* * *** * * *****
your screen. (Depending on the monitor you are using
and how it is adjusted, the size of the square may vary a
Graphics Programs bit.)
You may have noticed that the #include statement
There's a lot you can do with text, but the Apple
changed in this program. In our text programs, we were
IIGS has some stunning graphics, too. It's time to start
using a library function called printf, which is defined
using some of that power. One word of caution,
in the stdio.h header file. We're not using printf in this
though: like most computer languages, C does not have
program, so we don't need that header file. On the
built-in graphics. The information in this section that
other hand, we are using several functions from the
QuickDraw toolbox; these are defined in the

quickdraw.h header file. Remembering which header Write a new program to draw an equilateral
files you need can quickly become a daunting task. triangle with 1 inch sides in the graphics window.
Later, we'll learn a few tricks to make the compiler help Make the bottom flat, with one point on the top.
you out.
When you compile the program, it will take quite a If you are having trouble with your program, be
bit longer than when you compiled the text programs. sure and use the debugger. That way, you can see
This may seem strange. After all, your program isn't the lines drawn one at a time. If only one line is
much bigger than the ones you have written so far. The out of place, this will help you nail the offending
difference is caused by the quickdraw.h header file, line.
which is much longer than the stdio.h header file.
Looking at the lines in the main function, the first Problem 1.6. Modify the program in problem 1.5 to
three lines tell QuickDraw II how you want to draw draw a six sided star by drawing two equilateral
lines. SetPenMode(0) tells QuickDraw II to replace triangles, one pointed up and one pointed down,
any existing dots with new dots. That makes sense, so and overlapping the triangles. Make the star green,
you might wonder why you need to bother. QuickDraw and use thick lines.
II can do other things when it draws, so we need to start
by telling it to do the simplest of the alternatives. The Problem 1.7. Write your name in the graphics window
next line, SetPenSize(3,1), tells QuickDraw that lines by drawing lines. If your name has letters with
are three dots wide and one dot high. You can pick curves, use a few short lines to approximate the
other widths and heights for the line. Since each dot on shape of the letter.
the graphics screen is about three times as high as it is
wide, the choice in the example gives lines that are
about the same thickness, whether they are horizontal
or vertical. Try some other values to see what they look
like. Finally, SetSolidPenPat(0) tells QuickDraw II to
draw black lines.
The next five lines draw a square in the graphics
window. To understand how they work, we need to
start by examining the coordinate system used by
QuickDraw II. To QuickDraw, the top left dot in any
window is at 0,0. As you move to the right, the first
number increases. In other words, 90,0 is 90 dots to the
right of 0,0, but on the same line. As you move down,
the second number increases. The point 0,40 is 40 dots
below 0,0. You can use numbers so large they go
outside of the graphics window. In that case, you can't
see the lines, but QuickDraw II will still draw all of the
line that is in the window. Give this a try by extending
the square so the lower-right corner is at 500,500, rather
than 90,40.
Incidentally, if you didn't try stepping through the
program with the debugger, I highly recommend doing
that now.

Problem 1.4. In the 640 mode that ORCA/Pascal runs

in, there are a total of four colors that you can use.
The SetSolidPenPat call is used to choose from
these colors. In our example, we used color 0 to
draw the square in black. The other three colors
are 1, 2 and 3. Try these. What happens when the
pen color is set to 3?

Problem 1.5. An equilateral triangle is a triangle

where each of the three sides are the same length.

Lesson One
Solutions to Problems

Solution to problem 1.1.

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)

printf("Hello, Mike.\n");

Solution to problem 1.2.

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)

printf("Mike Westerfield\n");
printf("4700 Irving Blvd. NW, Suite 207\n");
printf("Albuquerque, NM 87114\n");

Solution to problem 1.3.

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)

printf("* * *** * * *****\n");
printf("** ** * * * * \n");
printf("* * * * * * * \n");
printf("* * * ** *** \n");
printf("* * * * * * \n");
printf("* * * * * * \n");
printf("* * *** * * *****\n");

Solution to problem 1.4.
The four colors available in 640 mode without changing the color palettes are:

0 black
1 purple
2 light green
3 white

When the pen color is set to 3 (white), the program still draws a square, but the square is the same color as the
background of the window, and does not show up.
Here is the program to draw the purple square:

#include <quickdraw.h>

void main(void)


Here is the program to draw the green square:

#include <quickdraw.h>

void main(void)


Here is the program to draw the white square:

#include <quickdraw.h>

void main(void)


Solution to problem 1.5.

#include <quickdraw.h>

void main(void)


Solution to problem 1.6.

#include <quickdraw.h>

void main(void)


Solution to problem 1.7.
#include <quickdraw.h>

void main(void)






Lesson Two
Variables and Loops
though. The compiler ignores comments completely.
Integer Variables You can always replace a comment with a space, and
the compiler will produce exactly the same program as
You have probably heard that computers are very it did when the comment was there. Why, then, do we
good at dealing with numbers. This is quite true. In bother?
this lesson, we will start to use numbers and variables If your memory was as good as the computer's, and
in our programs. If you aren't a math whiz, though, if no one else ever read your programs, you wouldn't
don't panic; we won't be dealing with anything more need comments. Comments are for your benefit, as
complicated than simple arithmetic in this chapter. well as the benefit of all those poor lost souls who will
Let's start by typing in the program shown in listing 2.1. have to figure out what you did later. There are two
One of the first things you will see in our program places where you should put a comment in every
is a comment. Comments start with a /* character program you write. The first is at the beginning of the
sequence and end with a */ character sequence. It is program, identifying quickly what the program is for.
very, very important to put the characters together. It's not a bad idea to put your name and the date the
You can't put a space or any other character between program was written there, too. Finally, you will notice
the slash and asterisk. You can type anything you want that I put a comment after the variables to tell what they
except the */ character sequence inside of a comment, are for. This, too, is a very good habit to form.

Listing 2.1

/* This program prints a table of numbers and squares of the numbers */

#include <stdio.h>

int i,s; /* i is a number, s is its square */

void main (void)

i = 1;
s = i*i;
printf("%10d%10d\n", i, s);
i = i+1;
s = i*i;
printf("%10d%10d\n", i, s);
i = i+1;
s = i*i;
printf("%10d%10d\n", i, s);
i = i+1;
s = i*i;
printf("%10d%10d\n", i, s);
i = i+1;
s = i*i;
printf("%10d%10d\n", i, s);

Computers can work with a vast array of number s = i*i;
formats, each of which has a special purpose. The two
most common number formats are integer and floating- Here, we multiply i by itself and put the result in the
point. Integers are whole numbers, like 4, -100, or second variable, s. The * character is used in computer
1989. Floating-point numbers include the integers, plus languages for multiplication because a computer would
all of the numbers between the whole numbers, like confuse x in "i x i" with a variable named x. The result
1.25 or 3.14159. is saved in the location named s. Finally, we write the
The memory of a computer is made up of a vast values.
series of numbers, but in a language like C, we don't
have to deal with them the same primitive way the printf("%10d%10d\n", i, s);
computer does. Instead, we can define variables. A
variable is just a place where you can put a numeric The call to printf deserves a little more attention,
value. In our program, we define two integer variables since there are several new concepts here. We have
called i and s. Within certain limits, we can put any already used the printf function to write characters to
integer number we like in these variables. It's exactly the shell window, but in this case we are writing two
like putting two names for numbers on a sheet of paper numbers. The printf function can actually print a wide
and continuously erasing the number to replace it with a variety of different data types. To write anything
new one. besides a string, though, there are a couple of new ideas
C is very flexible about where it lets you define to master. First, we still need to pass a string. The first
things. In this program, we defined the two integers parameter to printf is always a string, even if we only
before the function main. Later, you will learn how to
define variables inside of a function. Variables defined
outside of a function, like the ones in our sample Cut and Paste
program, can be used from any function that comes
If you look closely at the sample program, you
after the variable. These are called global variables.
will see that many of the lines are repeated more than
Variables defined inside of a function can only be used
one time. You can use a technique called cutting and
from within the function; they are called local variables.
pasting to make it easier to type in the program.
You can mix variables and functions in any order, as
Start by typing the program through the first
long as you make sure you put the variable definitions
printf call. Now move the mouse so the cursor is just
before the first function that uses the variable. In all of
to the left of the statement
our programs, we will adopt the common style of
putting all variables before the start of the first function.
i = 1;
That makes the variable definitions easier to find and
change later on.
Press the mouse button. The entire line will
In C, when you define something, you start by
switch to white letters on a black background.
telling the compiler what type of thing you are defining.
Holding the mouse button down, drag the mouse
We are defining two integers. In C, we use the
down until the three lines ending with the printf
abbreviation int to tell the compiler we want to define
statement are shown in inverse (white letters against
an integer variable. The variables are listed next. If
a black background), then let up on the mouse. The
there are more than one, like there are in our program,
inverted lines are now selected. One of the things
we can use commas to separate them. At the end of the
you can do with selected text is to copy the text into
definition, we type a semicolon to tell the compiler
an internal buffer called the scrap buffer. Do that
where the definition ends.
now by pulling down the Edit menu and selecting
These variables are put to use in the function main.
The first thing we need to do is learn to put a number in
The next step is to move the insertion point to
a variable. We do this with something called an
the end of the program. Move the mouse to the start
assignment statement. The line
of the first blank line after the printf statement and
click. The selected text will go away, and the
i = 1;
familiar blinking insertion point will appear, ready to
type a new line. This time, though, pull down the
tells the computer to place the number 1 in the variable
Edit menu and select Paste. The lines you copied
i. The = character is called the assignment operator.
into the scrap buffer are written into the program file.
The very next line puts this value to use.

want to print numbers. This string controls the format the values stored in variables while the program is
of the information that will be written to the shell running. You will be using it a lot to see how programs
window; it forms a sort of model. The % character work and to find out why your own programs fail.
starts something called a conversion specification. The Click in the body of the new window; you will get
conversion specification tells printf what to expect in a line edit box. Type the name of the variable i and hit
the rest of the parameter list, as well as how to format return. Click below this variable, and add s to the list.
the various variable values. In our example, we used Now step through your program in the normal way. As
%10d. The 10 tells printf to put the value in a ten you go, the values of the variables are updated, one line
character wide field, forcing the value to the right side at a time.
of the field. When a 1 is printed, for example, it will be In the example, we used a 10 for a width field.
preceded by 9 spaces. The d tells printf that the value You can leave it out, using "%d%d" as the format
to print is an integer. Any characters that are not part of string, but if you do, the two numbers will be crammed
a conversion specification are printed as is, which is together. To separate them, just put a space between
why we were able to use printf to write a simple string. the two conversion specification. Remember, you can't
The parameters appear right after the format string. put spaces inside of the conversion specification, but
They are matched with the conversion specification you can put anything you like around the conversion
from left to right; all three parameters, the format string specification. As an example, try to figure out what this
and the two variables, are separated from each other printf statement will do. After you think you know (or
with commas. after you give up), try this format string in your
It is extremely important that you type the program to see if you were right!
conversion specification exactly as you see it, with no
spaces or other characters imbedded among the printf("%d squared is %d.\n", i, s);
characters. You also have to be very careful with
conversion specifications. As you will see, there are a Problem 2.1: The Fibonacci series is a sequence of
lot of different kinds of variables in C, and many numbers obtained by adding the two previous
different kinds of conversion specifications, as well. numbers in the series. The series starts with 0 and
You have to make sure that the number and kind of the 1. Write a program with three integer variables
conversion specifications match the number and kind of named last, current, and next. Set last to 0 and
parameters that come after the format string exactly. If current to 1.
you don't, it could cause all sorts of trouble, including a
crash. Don't worry – it will eventually happen to you, Now do the following steps five times:
just like it does to every other C programmer. When it
happens, reboot and try again. 1. Compute next by adding current to last and
I said there are a lot of conversion specification and saving the result in next.
data types – you may be wondering what they are. 2. Print next.
Eventually, we will cover most of them in the course, 3. Assign current to last.
but peeking ahead is not only allowed, it is encouraged. 4. Assign next to current.
Your first look at a technical description of conversion
specifications may be scary, so be prepared. Your The result should be the numbers 1, 2, 3, 5 and 8,
compiler reference manual has a complete list of them, all on a different line. Be sure to run your program
though. Look up the printf function in the index, and through the debugger. It is important that you
flip to the proper place in the book. Don't panic. It's understand how we are using sequential execution
easier than the manual makes it seem. and variables to gradually step through the
You can probably figure out what the rest of the sequence of Fibonacci numbers.
program does on your own, but let's learn to use a new
debugger tool. Later, when our programs are much Fibonacci numbers seem to occur frequently in
more complicated, knowing how to use the debugging nature; no one is quite sure why. The number of
tools will be much more important. petals in a flower and the number or leaflets on a
Be sure you typed the program in properly by compound leaf are often Fibonacci numbers.
running it one time. Now pull down the debug menu
and select step, but this time, don't step through the The For Loop
program right away. Instead, pull down the debug
menu again and select Variables. A new window will So far, all of our programs have executed one
show up on the desktop; this window is used to look at statement at a time, starting with the first and

proceeding to the last. In our last sample and problem, The for loop actually does quite a number of rather
this started to get a little tedious, as we repeated the complicated things:
same thing over and over, incrementing a number by
one each time. Computers are real good at doing 1. The first thing it does is to execute the start
tedious things, but most people are not. The for loop is expression; that's the first one in the
the first in a series of statements we will look at that parentheses. You have seen an expression like
help remove some of the tediousness of writing a this before; in our example program, the start
program. expression stores a 1 in the variable i.
Type in the sample program below and run it.
Before you read further, take a crack at figuring out 2. Next, the for statement executes the stop
what it is doing on your own. Be sure and use the expression; that's the one in the middle. The
debugger. Also, since this program draws in the stop condition looks a little odd. What it does
graphics window, be sure you open the graphics is to compare i to 25. If i is less than or equal
window and resize all of your windows so you can see to 25, the for loop will keep going. If i is
the graphics window before running the program. greater than 25, the for loop will stop, never
having gone through the loop at all.
/* Draw a fan shape in the */
/* graphics window */ 3. The third step is to execute the statement that
comes after the closing parenthesis. The
#include <quickdraw.h> statement could be assigning a value to a
variable, calling the printf function to write a
value, or something a little more complicated.
int i; /* loop variable */
The for loop only executes one statement,
though. We'll talk about this point more in a
void main (void) moment.

{ 4. The next step is to execute the loop statement.

/* set up for graphics */ In the example, you saw something else that is
SetPenMode(0); new; ++i. The ++ is actually an operator in C.
SetSolidPenPat(2); An operator in a compiler isn't the person who
SetPenSize(2,1); answers the phone; it's a symbol that means
"do something!" You have already used the +
/* draw the fan */ and * operators, which were probably familiar
from math class. The ++ operator means to
for (i = 1; i <= 25; ++i) {
add one to the variable. The expression ++i
MoveTo(160, 70);
means exactly the same thing as i = i+1, but it
LineTo(i*12-10, 10); is a little easier to type. This sort of thing pops
} up time and again in C, so get used to it!
5. The last step is to go back to step 2, checking to
We use a for loop whenever we need to do see if we are finished with the loop.
something a specific number of times. This could be
calculating ten values, or drawing twenty-five vanes of You have to be careful with the for loop, since C is
a fan, as our program does. The for loop starts with the a trusting language. It gives you plenty of rope; it's up
reserved word f o r. Right after this are three to you to hang yourself or build a rope bridge. For
expressions, separated from each other by semicolons, example, you can put an assignment in for the loop
and enclosed in parentheses. To understand what all of condition. Let's say you type
this means, let's step back and look at the for statement
in a symbolic way, putting names in for the various for (i = 1; i <= 10; i = 4)
expressions. printf("Hello, world.\n");

for (start; stop; loop) This loop will never stop, since i is never greater than
statement; 10.

I mentioned earlier that the for loop executes one
statement, then loops. In our sample, though, we The difference is small, but very, very important.
wanted to execute two statements, MoveTo and
LineTo. To do this, we have to have a friendly talk Problem 2.2: Our first sample in this chapter created a
with the compiler about what a single statement is. We table of numbers and squares. It did this in a fairly
use the familiar symbols, { and }, around the two clumsy way, by using separate statements to step
statements. This tells the compiler to treat the group of from 1 to 5. Rewrite this sample using a for loop.
lines between the { and } as a single statement, so both
the MoveTo and the LineTo get executed as part of the Problem 2.3: In the last chapter, we drew a square by
loop. To see the difference, try removing the { and } drawing its sides with constant integers. We could
characters, like this: also draw the rectangle using variables, like this:

for (i = 1; i <= 25; ++i) top = 10;

MoveTo(160, 70); bottom = 70;
LineTo(i*12-10, 10); left = 10;
right = 100;
Use the debugger to trace through the program MoveTo(left, top);
both ways. Watch the arrow as the program gets LineTo(right, top);
executed. As you can plainly see, the second line is not LineTo(right, bottom);
executed as part of the loop unless you use the { and } LineTo(left, bottom);
characters. That's one advantage of the debugger, and a
LineTo(left, top);
good reason to use it on all of your programs: you can
plainly see what happens. When a program doesn't
Use a for loop to draw five rectangles, one inside
work, it isn't always easy to tell why by looking at the
the other. Set top, bottom, left and right before the
source code. The debugger can show you what the
for loop starts. Inside the for loop, draw the
computer is actually doing, rather than what you think
rectangle, then add six to top and left, and subtract
the computer is doing.
six from bottom and right.
Technically, a series of statements grouped
together by a { and } is called a compound statement.
Whether you remember that or not won't make you a Indenting: Programmers Do It With
better or worse programmer, but when you read books Style
about C, the authors will talk about compound
statements instead of continually saying "those In the last section, our for loop looked like this:
statements grouped together with the characters { and
}." Saying it's a compound statement just takes a little /* draw the fan */
less room. It also makes you sound like you know for (i = 1; i <= 25; ++i) {
something, impressing the natives who can't program. MoveTo(160, 70);
There is one very common mistake to watch out for LineTo(i*12-10, 10);
with the for loop. You are getting used to the fact that
C statements end with a semicolon. So does the
statement after the for loop. This is perfectly valid in
You no doubt noticed that we moved over three spaces
on each line that is in the for loop. This is called
indenting. The compiler really doesn't care if you
for (i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) ; indent or not. As far as the compiler is concerned,
printf("Hello, world.\n"); these lines do exactly the same thing:

It loops 10 times, doing nothing, then calls printf once. for (i = 1; i <= 25; ++i) {
The reason is that the ; after the for statement is a legal
MoveTo(160, 70); LineTo(i*12-10,
statement that does nothing. Watch out for those extra
semicolons! Here's how to call the printf function 10
Most folks, though, find it easier to read the first loop.
You also didn't need to indent at all. It is almost as
for (i = 1; i <= 10; ++i)
easy to read
printf("Hello, world.\n");

for (i = 1; i <= 25; ++i)
/* draw the fan */ {
for (i = 1; i <= 25; ++i) { MoveTo(160, 70);
MoveTo(160, 70); LineTo(i*12-10, 10);
LineTo(i*12-10, 10); }
Operator Precedence
as it was to read the first loop. The reason we indent is
to make it easy to see which lines are in the loop. This By now, you are getting used to the idea that
makes it easier to read the program and tell what it is computers step through a program in a fairly orderly
doing. On the other hand, you should never depend on way. Statements are executed top to bottom, left to
indenting. When I removed the { and } characters to right, the same way you read. Try the following
show you that the for loop only executes one statement program, but see if you can figure out what will be
at a time, and how the { and } characters convince the printed before you run the program.
compiler to treat two lines as a single statement, I wrote
/* A look at operator precedence */
for (i = 1; i <= 25; ++i)
MoveTo(160, 70); #include <stdio.h>
LineTo(i*12-10, 10);
void main(void)
From the indenting, you would expect the second line
to be part of the loop. The compiler doesn't care about {
indenting, though. In short, if your mommy was a
printf("%d\n", 1+2*3);
programmer, she would have told you never to depend
on comments or indenting when you are trying to find a
problem in a program. The comments or the indenting
There are two perfectly reasonable ways to
may be wrong.
compute a value from the expression
There is more than one right way to do almost
anything in programming, and indenting is one of those
places where this is particularly true. I always use three 1+2*3
spaces when I indent. I always put the { character on
the same line as the for statement. Here, though, are The first is to work left-to-right:
some alternate indenting styles. All of them work, and
all serve the same purpose. I like mine because it 1+2*3
presents more information in fewer lines using fewer 3*3
columns than the others do, but other people defend 9
their style with vigor, too. The long and short of it is
that it really doesn't matter what style you use, as long The second is to follow the rules you may remember
as you find one you like and use it consistently. from algebra class, and do the multiply first.

for (i = 1; i <= 25; ++i) 1+2*3

{ 1+6
MoveTo(160, 70); 7
LineTo(i*12-10, 10);
} As you can see from running the program, C uses
the same rules as algebra teachers. Not all languages
follow these rules; APL, for example, does work left to
for (i = 1; i <= 25; ++i)
right. The way a language determines what order to do
operations in is called operator precedence. We might
MoveTo(160, 70); as well call it the operator pecking order; it means the
LineTo(i*12-10, 10); same thing. Computer types like to sound official,
} though, so we better stick to precedence.

Operator precedence is complicated in C because
there are so many operators. In fact, there are 16 levels INT_MAX is a constant you can find in the library
of precedence in C! Most C programmers don't even of most C compilers; it is in limits.h. It tells you the
try to remember what all of the precedence rules are. largest number you can save in an integer variable.
Even if you could, your programs would confuse other Running this program, you find out that the largest
people when they tried to read them. In C, remember integer is 32767. There is a good reason for that. It has
that multiply and divide (* and /) have a higher to do with the way numbers are stored in a computer.
precedence than add and subtract (+ and -). The ++ We really don't need to delve into that at the moment,
operator has an even higher precedence: it is done even though. The important thing is that you know that there
before a multiply or divide. Beyond that, use is a maximum.
parenthesis. For example, (1+2)*3 forces the compiler There is a minimum integer, too. It's name is
to do the addition first, giving 9. Parenthesis are a good MIN_INT. It is usually either -32767 or -32768. In
way to make sure that you, the compiler, and anyone ORCA/C, the value is -32767.
else who reads your program are all sure what the C books will tell you that the "result is undefined"
expression really means. if you do something that will create a number too big to
Of course, you may want to peek ahead to see what store in an integer and try to store it there. That's a
an awesome list of operators C really has, and see that polite way to say that the compiler can do whatever it
complete, 16 level list of operator precedence. Go for feels like. That makes it tough for your program to
it. You'll find the list in your language reference work well. In short, don't use numbers that big.
manual, as well as any decent C reference manual.
We'll also keep you posted on the precedence of new Integers Come in Several Sizes
operators as they are introduced in the course.
C actually has several different kinds of integers.
The Maximum Integer The one we have been using so far is called int; that one
is supposed to be the "natural" size for an integer on the
Growing up with a last name like Westerfield, I machine you are using. There are two other types of
quickly learned that computers had limits. It seemed integers, though, called long and short. You can define
like all of the people who programmed had names like integers using int, long, short, or even the combinations
Wirth, or Ritchie, or Steele. All of those silly forms short int or long int. In ORCA/C, short means exactly
that asked me to put each letter into a separate block the same thing as int, while long integers give you a
had ten blocks. It upset me: my name isn't Westerfiel, larger range of values. With ORCA/C, long integers
it's Westerfield. The protests of a seven year old are can range from -2147483647 to 2147483647. The
seldom heeded, though. limits.h header file defines constants for the size of long
Computers have become a lot more friendly since and short integers, too. You can use these constants to
then, perhaps in part due to the fellow protests of find out how big integers are on any other C compiler
people like Joe Jabinoslowski, but they still have fixed you might someday use.
limits on just about everything. The limit may be very
large, but it is there, and integers are no exception. constant type value in ORCA/C
Every C compiler imposes some upper limit on integers SHRT_MIN short -32767
– some largest number that can be stored in an integer SHRT_MAX short 32767
variable. On most microcomputer based Cs, this value INT_MIN int -32767
is... but wait, there is a better way to find out. INT_MAX int 32767
LONG_MIN long -2147483647
/* Find the largest integer */ LONG_MAX long 2147483647

#include <stdio.h> When C was originally defined, there weren't any

#include <limits.h> limits on the range of integers each of the types could
hold. In fact, it was perfectly legal to use the same
range for all three kinds of integer, although that was
void main(void)
rarely done. Even today, with the ANSI C standard, it
is still legal for a C compiler to make all three kinds of
{ integers hold the same range of numbers, but the values
printf("%d\n", INT_MAX); shown in the table are now the minimum sizes. In other
} words, in any ANSI C compiler, you can count on the

fact that short and int variables can hold values from - constant type value in ORCA/C
32767 to 32767. The allowed range can be bigger, but USHRT_MAX short 65535u
not smaller. UINT_MAX int 65535u
ULONG_MAX long 4294967295ul
Integers Can be Signed or Unsigned
The u after the number tells the compiler the number is
Just to keep things interesting, C not only has three unsigned. It's good practice to put the u on the end of
different sizes of integers (actually four; you'll learn unsigned numbers, although it won't make any
about char variables later), it also has two different difference if the number is smaller than the largest legal
kinds of each of these sizes of integer. There are some signed integer of the same type. You can also put an l
cases where you need an integer, but you don't need one after an integer constant to tell the compiler the value is
that can represent a negative value. In fact, we haven't long. If the integer is too big to fit in an integer
used a negative value in any of our programs, yet. C variable, the compiler will promote it to long
defines a kind of integer called unsigned as an integer automatically, but there are a few places where leaving
with a low value of 0. It turns out that there are two off something as simple as an l to indicate a long
distinct advantages to unsigned integers on many integer can actually cause a program to crash. Again, it
computers, and this is especially true on the Apple is a good habit to use l when appropriate.
IIGS. First, unsigned integers can hold larger values in One of the reasons for using C instead of a safer
the same amount of space. For example, unsigned int language, like Pascal, is that there are several areas in
values can be as large as 65535. The other advantage is the C language where a complicated idea like three
that many operations are faster with unsigned integers sizes of integers and two kinds of integers can help you
than they are with signed integers. Addition and write smaller, faster programs. Standard Pascal, for
subtraction take the same amount of time, at least on example, only has one size and one kind of integer,
the Apple IIGS. Multiplication and division, though, although most real compilers have two sizes of integers.
are a little faster. The difference isn't usually enough to Getting used to which kind of integer to use can be a
be important, but in some very time-critical little intimidating, though. The basic rule of thumb is to
applications, a slight improvement in speed could help use unsigned whenever you can. Use int variables if
a lot. The most important difference, though is for the values you will be using will fit in an int variable;
compares. Comparing two signed values takes a long int variables require half the room used by the same
time on an Apple IIGS, while comparing two unsigned number of long variables, and calculations with int
integers is very easy, and very fast. variables are two to four times faster than calculations
To define an unsigned integer, you put the word with long variables. Use long or unsigned long when
unsigned right before the normal definition, like this: you need to handle values too big for int variables.

unsigned short s; More Conversion Specifications

unsigned int i,j,k;
unsigned long l; The printf subroutine is pretty picky about
matching up format specifiers with the appropriate type
The most common size of integer in C programs is of parameter. If you use the wrong number of
int, so C has a short cut for unsigned int variables. You parameters, or you tell printf that you are printing an
can leave off the int, like this: integer by using the %d conversion specification, and
then pass a long variable, the program could even crash.
unsigned i,j,k; (In version 1.0 of ORCA/C, the program would crash or
hang. In version 1.1, the program will not, unless you
This definition means the same thing as the definition ask the compiler to optimize the program. You'll learn
of i, j and k in the original example, but it takes a few more about optimizations later.) Even if the values are
less keystrokes to type it in. the same size, you may not get the result you want.
As with the signed integers, limits.h defines the For example, in this program, we obviously want
size of unsigned integers, too. For unsigned integers, to print 40000, which is a perfectly valid unsigned int
though, only the largest value is given, since the value.
smallest value the variable can hold is always 0.

/* try printing a large */ /* sample of printf with long */
/* unsigned int */ /* and unsigned long values */

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h>

void main (void) void main (void)

{ {
printf("%d\n", 40000u); long l;
} unsigned long ul;

When you run this program, it will print -25536; that's a l = 5000000l;
far cry from 40000! The reason, of course, is that the ul = 100ul;
conversion specification %d tells printf to expect an int
value, but the program passes an unsigned int. By printf("%lu\n", 123456lu);
changing the letter to u, like this:
printf("%ld\n", -100000l);
printf("%ld\n", l);
/* try printing a large */
printf("%lu\n", ul);
/* unsigned int */
#include <stdio.h>
Just to keep things interesting, short values use the
same conversion specification as int values.
void main (void) Here's a table that summarizes the conversion
specifications for printf up to this point. Only the letter
{ is shown in the table, but in all cases, the conversion
printf("%u\n", 40000u); specification starts with a % character. You can also
} use a number between the % character and the letter for
the conversion specification to force the numbers into
you can tell printf to expect an unsigned int. columns with any of the conversion specification.
Long values are handled a little differently. To tell
printf to expect a long value, rather than an int value, variable conversion
you put an l right before the d. An unsigned long is type specification
indicated with lu, rather than u. short d
unsigned short u
int d
unsigned int u
long ld
unsigned long lu

Floating-Point Numbers
As everyone knows, programmers drive Porches.
At least, many of the folks I meet seem to have that
impression. I have never met a programmer that drove
a Porche myself. Still, you may be aspiring to high
goals, so let's see how long you will be paying off your
dream car. We will assume that you want a new car,
but not necessarily a fancy one. We'll spend $24,000
on our car. We'll assume that you know a banker real
well, and can get your car loan at 10% APR, which
works out to a monthly interest rate of about 0.83%.
That would make the initial interest payment for the
first month
macro in the program, it uses the characters from the
24000*0.0083 macro body instead of the name of the macro. Macros
$199.20 are very powerful, but for now we will only use them to
define constants. Constants have several uses. Like
Let's assume you are generous and want to pay $250 a comments, they make a program easier to read,
month. The program in listing 2.2 finds out how many understand, and change. For example, it is very easy to
months you will be paying. change the interest rate in this program. It is also very
Be sure you have typed the format string in the call easy to change the price of the car and the size of the
to printf exactly as it is shown, then go ahead and run payment. It also gives you a chance to label a number.
the program. The negative number after the last For example, it is easy to see that 250.0 is the monthly
payment shows that you didn't quite have to pay payment on the car, but it isn't as easy to see what is
$250.00 the last month to pay off the loan. The number happening in the program shown in listing 2.3.
of months this takes shows why I own a Datsun. An This program does exactly the same thing as the
old one. original, but the first is easier to change and understand.
This program builds on your previous knowledge, In addition, if a number is used more than one time in
but it also introduces a wealth of new ideas. The first is the program, using a constant lets us change it in one
a new preprocessor directive called define. The #define place, rather than searching through the entire program
statement defines something called a macro. The word for all of the places the number is used.
that comes right after #define is the name of the macro; C is case sensitive, so you must type the name of
the characters that come after the macro name are the macro in uppercase if it is defined that way. As
called the macro body. The compiler remembers this long as the case of the letters is the same, the compiler
macro definition, and any time it finds the name of the really doesn't care if you use uppercase letters or

Listing 2.2

/* Why I don't own a Porche */

#include <stdio.h>

#define COST 24000.0 /* initial cost of the car */

#define APR 10.0 /* annual percentage rate */
#define PAYMENT 250.0 /* monthly payment */

unsigned month; /* number of months */

float principal; /* amount left to pay */

void main (void)

month = 0; /* no payments made, yet */
principal = COST; /* we start owing this much */
while (principal > 0.0) { /* keep going until we're out of debt */
++month; /* it's a new month */
principal += principal* /* add in this month's interest */
principal -= PAYMENT; /* make the payment */
/* write the status */
printf("month = %3u principal = %.2f\n", month, principal);

Listing 2.3

/* Why I don't own a Porche */

#include <stdio.h>

unsigned month; /* number of months */

float principal; /* amount left to pay */

void main (void)

month = 0; /* no payments made, yet */
principal = 24000.0; /* we start owing this much */
while (principal > 0.0) { /* keep going until we're out of debt */
++month; /* it's a new month */
principal += principal* /* add in this month's interest */
principal -= 250.0; /* make the payment */
/* write the status */
printf("month = %3u principal = %.2f\n", month, principal);

lowercase letters for your macro names, but it is The difference between floating-point numbers and
traditional in C to use uppercase characters for macro integers is that floating-point numbers can have values
names. We'll follow that tradition in this course. other than whole numbers, but they don't have to. In
C is full of short-cuts, and this program introduces our constant declarations, for example, all of the values
a new one. It turns out that there are a lot of cases in happen to be whole numbers. We need a way to tell the
programming where you want to add something to a compiler the difference between a whole number that is
variable, or multiply a variable by some value. For an integer and a whole number that is a floating-point
most of the operators you will learn called binary number, because they are very different things to the
operators – that is, for all of the ones like +, -, * and / computer. We do that by including a decimal point in
that have a value on each side – you can shorten an the number. The value 250.0 is a floating-point
expression that does something to a variable and stores number, but 250 is an integer. In C, the decimal point
the result back in the variable. In our program, we can come at the beginning or end of a number, as long
needed to subtract PAYMENT from the principal. as there is a number on one side or the other. For
That's easy enough to do like this: example, all of these are legal constants in C:

principal = principal - PAYMENT; 3.14159 10.0 0.0

0.001 1. .1
but you can also do exactly the same thing like this:
We are also using a completely new way to loop
principal -= PAYMENT; over a group of statements. The while loop executes a
statement (or, in this case, a compound statement) as
The program does the same thing either way, but the long as a condition is true. In our while loop,
second statement takes less typing, and can reduce the
chance of typing something incorrectly. In some while (principal > 0.0)
compilers (although not in ORCA/C), the second
statement might execute a bit faster, too. the condition is that the principal must be greater than
zero. The loop continues to execute the statements as

long as the condition is true. In our program, the digits after the decimal point. The %.2f conversion
program continues until the car is paid off, at which specification tells printf exactly that: the .2 tells printf
time the principal is less than zero or equal to zero. to print exactly two digits after the decimal point,
There are a total of six comparison operators, one rounding the number if needed. To get a ten character
of which you saw earlier in the for loop. The table wide column of dollar and cents amounts, we could use
below lists the operators and what they test for. the conversion specification %10.2f. As with integers,
if you leave the field width (the first number) off, the
operator test for... number is printed without leading spaces. If you don't
a<b a less than b tell the compiler how many digits to put after the
a>b a greater than b decimal point, it will use a value of six.
a <= b a less than or equal to b
a >= b a greater than or equal to b Problem 2.4: Modify the sample program to find out
a=b a equal to b how big the payments need to be to pay off the car
a <> b a not equal to b in four years.

For loops and while loops have much in common. Hint: Start with a payment of $600, then increase
Both are used to execute a statement more than one or decrease the payment to get to a solution. You
time. In fact, you can define a for loop in terms of a are playing a guess-the-payment game. If you pay
while loop. Back when you first saw the for loop, I off the loan in less than 48 months, or if you need
wrote it this way to make it easier to talk about what the to pay a lot less than the payment on the 48th
for loop was doing: month, you need to decrease the payment size. If it
takes longer than 48 months, make the payment
for (start; stop; loop) larger. You should only go to the nearest cent,
statement; since the amount will not work out exactly.

We can do the same thing for the while loop. Problem 2.5: Let's assume that you are working with
the planning board of the local city government.
start; You live in a pleasant city, but due to the local
while (stop) { geography, the city can't expand indefinitely. You
statement; don't want the city to become too crowded, either.
The current population size is 30,000 people.
Everyone seems to agree that if the city gets any
bigger than 50,000 people, it will be overcrowded.
This for loop and while loop do exactly the same thing. One councilman has proposed new legislation to
In general, we use the for loop when we know in prevent the city from growing at more than 10%
advance how many times we will execute the loop, or per year. At this rate, how long will it be before
when the number of times can be expressed as a simple the city hits the limit of 50,000 people? Use a
mathematical expression. The while loop is usually program very much like the sample program, but
used when we want to loop while some condition is with a growing population instead of a shrinking
true, as we did here by looping while we still needed to principal to find out. Do you feel this is
pay on the car. acceptable?
As with strings and integers, we can write a
floating-point number by calling printf. Like the This is not an idle problem. While the numbers
conversion specification for an integer, the conversion were different, this is exactly the same situation
specification for a floating-point number starts with the faced several years ago by the city of Boulder,
% character. Instead of a d, though, we use f. The Colorado. The answer they found caused some
basic conversion specification for a floating-point changes in the thinking of the city planners, and
number, then, is %f. affected the outcome of some zoning legislation.
With integers, you put a number right after the %
character to tell printf to put the numbers in a column. Problem 2.6: Inflation has been running at about 4%
You can do the same thing with floating-point numbers, for the past few years. On average, then,
although we didn't in this case. With a floating-point something that costs $1.00 at the beginning of the
number there is another value, though. Our program is year will cost $1.04 by the end of the year.
supposed to print a dollar amount, so we want two

Assuming a gallon of gas costs $1.00 today, what You can use the two commands together, starting off in
will it cost in ten years if inflation continues at 4%? step mode, then switching to a trace to execute several
Now try the same problem with a $100,000 house. lines in a row. You can switch back to single-stepping
at any time by selecting the step command again.
A few years ago, inflation was running at about The trace command gives you one quick way to
12%. Try this inflation figure. Is this rate a trace through to the end of a program. You can also
problem? select go, which runs even faster, since the computer
does not draw the arrow or update the variables
The Trace and Stop Commands window. There is one case, however, when none of this
will do any good. Type in the program shown in listing
If you have been running the debugger on the past 2.4, but don't run it until you have read the entire
few programs, you may have noticed a disturbing trend. section.
It takes a lot more steps to make it through one of our You may notice that the only change from our
recent samples than it took to get through the samples previous sample was to change the interest rate to 15%.
in the last lesson. You may, in fact, want to step What is wrong with this program? Try to figure it out
through a program a bit faster. The trace command will by doing the calculations through the end of the first
help you do this. The trace command does all of the loop by hand.
things that the step command does. It moves the arrow When you run this program, you will find that the
in the source code window. It updates the variables monthly payment does not cover the interest. The
window if you have one open. The difference is that principal begins to grow, rather than shrinking. The
the step command stops and waits after it executes a result is that the program will never stop. This is one
statement, while the trace command keeps on going. form of the infamous infinite loop. Once you realize

Listing 2.4

/* I owe, I owe, ... */

#include <stdio.h>

#define COST 24000.0 /* initial cost of the car */

#define APR 15.0 /* annual percentage rate */
#define PAYMENT 250.0 /* monthly payment */

unsigned month; /* number of months */

float principal; /* amount left to pay */

void main (void)

month = 0; /* no payments made, yet */
principal = COST; /* we start owing this much */
while (principal > 0.0) { /* keep going until we're out of debt */
++month; /* it's a new month */
principal += principal* /* add in this month's interest */
principal -= PAYMENT; /* make the payment */
/* write the status */
printf("month = %3u principal = %.2f\n", month, principal);

that your program is in an infinite loop, trace or go Double variables can display seventeen digits
won't get you to the end; there is no end. Instead, in accurately. Again, these are common values for C
cases like this, pull down the Debug menu and select compilers, but there is nothing to prevent a particular
the Stop command. That will stop the program in its compiler from making float and double variables the
tracks. Other than turning the computer off or resetting same size.
it, it is the only way out of an infinite loop. With integers, using a longer integer meant
Considering how long it takes to boot from floppy accepting a speed penalty. The same is true on some
disks, it's nice to know the way out. computers when dealing with floating-point numbers,
but due to a peculiarity in the way floating-point
Exponents calculations are done on the Apple IIGS (and most
other microcomputers, as it turns out), calculations with
Integers were limited to a specific size. Floating- float variables take about the same amount of time as
point numbers have limits, too, but the limits are of a calculations with double variables. The only thing float
slightly different nature. This is because floating-point saves you is space.
numbers use exponents to represent very large and very The example in listing 2.5 shows how to use
small numbers. floating-point numbers to represent very large numbers.
Exponents are the computers way of dealing with By using e instead of f in the conversion specification,
something called scientific notation. An exponent is a we are telling the compiler to write the value in
power of ten that follows the floating-point number. exponent format. This is also the format used by the
For example, debugger to display floating-point numbers.
If you look closely at this program, you will see
2.5e2 something that looks a little odd. We want to print "At
3% growth...," but as you know, the % character marks
means 2.5 times 10 raised to the power of two. You the start of a conversion specification. The printf
can also think of the power as the number of zeros to function has to use a special convention so that you can
add to the 1. Ten to the power two is 100, for example. use the % character as a conversion specification, and
One-hundred times 2.5 is 250, so 2.5e2 is 250. still be able to print the character when you want to.
Exponents can also be zero. An exponent of zero Technically, % is another conversion specification that
means a 1 with no zeros, or just 1. Multiplying by one prints a single % character without requiring a
gives the original number, so 2.5e0 is just 2.5. parameter after the format string; I generally find it
Finally, exponents can be negative. A negative easier to just remember that % is a special character in a
exponent means to divide by ten to the indicated power, format string, so I need to write two of the % character
so 2.5e-3 means to divide 2.5 by 1000, giving 0.0025. whenever I want tp print one of them.
A quick way to work with exponents is to move the
decimal point to the right for positive exponents, or to Problem 2.7: Some germs can reproduce every twenty
the left for negative exponents. minutes. They reproduce by fission, where one
Floating-point numbers can get quite large and germ splits in half to make two new germs.
quite small, but there is a limit to the size. In ORCA/C, Assuming nothing stopped their growth, how many
floating-point numbers can have exponents in the range germs would there be after one day, starting with a
1e-38 to 1e38. There is also a limit to the number of single germ?
digits that can be handled. It's a lot like a calculator
with a ten-digit display. If you need numbers with Don't Panic!
more than ten digits of accuracy, you have to get a
different calculator. ORCA/C floating-point numbers By now, your head is probably spinning. With six
have seven digits of accuracy. In other Cs, you would types of integers and two types of floating-point
have to check the manual to find out how accurate the numbers, plus a variety of conversion specification,
numbers are, but these are fairly common values. some of which work with some values, and some of
If you need larger exponents or more digits of which don't, things may be getting a little confusing.
accuracy in your floating-point numbers, you can use Don't worry. It happens to everyone.
variables with a type of double, instead of float. They The important thing at this point isn't to memorize
work the same way – double numbers even use the all of the number types, conversion specifications, and
same conversion specification as float numbers – but so forth, the important point is to realize that they exist,
double variables take up twice the space as float and why. You should know that unsigned integers exist
variables, giving you exponents from 1e-308 to 1e308. because they can store larger numbers than signed

Listing 2.5

/* There are about 5 billion people in the world. Assuming */

/* a growth rate of 3% per year, how many people will there */
/* be in 100 years? */

#include <stdio.h>

float people; /* number of people */

unsigned year; /* current year */

void main (void)

people = 5e9; /* 5e9 is 5000000000, or 5 billion */
for (year = 1989; year < 2090; ++year)
people *= 1.03;
printf("At 3%% growth, there will be %e people in 2089.\n", people);

integers of the same size, and that calculations with

unsigned values are faster than calculations with signed
values. You should know that integers let you represent
whole numbers, and that floating-point values are used
when values between the whole numbers are needed, or
when the values are very large or very small. You don't
have to remember that lu is the conversion specification
for unsigned long values – you can look that up in this
lesson or in your compiler reference manual if you
As the course progresses, you will see each of
these number formats used again and again. Gradually,
you will get used to them. By the end of the course,
this lesson will seem pretty easy, instead of being the
blur of facts it probably is now. As long as you keep
the concepts in mind, you'll do fine.

Lesson Two
Solutions to Problems

Solution to problem 2.1.

/* Write out five Fibonacci numbers */

#include <stdio.h>

int last; /* last number */

int current; /* current number */
int next; /* new number */

void main(void)

last = 0;
current = 1;

next = last+current;
printf("%d\n", next);
last = current;
current = next;

next = last+current;
printf("%d\n", next);
last = current;
current = next;

next = last+current;
printf("%d\n", next);
last = current;
current = next;

next = last+current;
printf("%d\n", next);
last = current;
current = next;

next = last+current;
printf("%d\n", next);
last = current;
current = next;

Solution to problem 2.2.
/* write a table of squares */

#include <stdio.h>

int i; /* loop variable */

int s; /* square of i */

void main(void)

for (i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
s = i*i;
printf("%10d%10d\n", i, s);

Solution to problem 2.3.

/* draw five concentric rectangles */

#include <quickdraw.h>

int i; /* loop variable */

int top, bottom, left, right; /* sides of the rectangle */

void main(void)


top = 10;
bottom = 70;
left = 10;
right = 100;

for (i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
MoveTo(left, top);
LineTo(right, top);
LineTo(right, bottom);
LineTo(left, bottom);
LineTo(left, top);

left = left+6;
right = right-6;
top = top+6;
bottom = bottom-6;

Solution to problem 2.4.

/* Why I don't own a Porche */

#include <stdio.h>

#define COST 24000.0 /* initial cost of the car */

#define APR 10.0 /* annual percentage rate */
#define PAYMENT 608.71 /* monthly payment */

unsigned month; /* number of months */

float principal; /* amount left to pay */

void main (void)

month = 0; /* no payments made, yet */
principal = COST; /* we start owing this much */
while (principal > 0.0) { /* keep going until we're out of debt */
++month; /* it's a new month */
principal += principal* /* add in this month's interest */
principal -= PAYMENT; /* make the payment */
/* write the status */
printf("month = %3u principal = %.2f\n", month, principal);

Solution to problem 2.5.
/* See how long it will take to reach a population of 50,000 */

#include <stdio.h>

#define CURRENTPOPULATION 30000.0 /* initial population of the city */

#define GROWTH 10.0 /* population growth rate */

unsigned year; /* year */

float population; /* population during year */

void main(void)

year = 1990; /* current year */
population = CURRENTPOPULATION; /* initialize the population */
while (population < 50000.0) { /* keep going until we hit 50,000 */
++year; /* new year */
population += /* add in this year's growth */
/* write the status */
printf("The population in %u will be %.0f.\n", year, population);

Solution to problem 2.6.

By writing the solution to the first part of the problem carefully, you can reuse most of the program to answer
the second two parts of the problem.

/* gas cost at 4% inflation */

#include <stdio.h>

#define CURRENTCOST 1.00 /* current cost of the item */

#define INFLATION 4.0 /* inflation rate */

unsigned year; /* number of years */

float cost; /* cost of the item */

void main(void)

for (year = 1990; year <= 1999; ++year)
cost += cost*INFLATION/100.0;
printf("Cost of a $%.2f item after 10 years is $%.2f.\n",


All we have to change now is the starting cost of the item.

/* house cost at 4% inflation */

#include <stdio.h>

#define CURRENTCOST 100000.0 /* current cost of the item */

#define INFLATION 4.0 /* inflation rate */

unsigned year; /* number of years */

float cost; /* cost of the item */

void main(void)

for (year = 1990; year <= 1999; ++year)
cost += cost*INFLATION/100.0;
printf("Cost of a $%.2f item after 10 years is $%.2f.\n",

For part 3, we need to change the inflation rate.

/* house cost at 12% inflation */

#include <stdio.h>

#define CURRENTCOST 100000.0 /* current cost of the item */

#define INFLATION 12.0 /* inflation rate */

unsigned year; /* number of years */

float cost; /* cost of the item */

void main(void)

for (year = 1990; year <= 1999; ++year)
cost += cost*INFLATION/100.0;
printf("Cost of a $%.2f item after 10 years is $%.2f.\n",

Solution to problem 2.7.
/* Starting with 1 germ and assuming that each germ divides by */
/* fusion every 20 minutes, producing two new germs, how many */
/* germs will there be after 24 hours? */

#include <stdio.h>

float germs; /* number of germs */

unsigned time; /* time loop counter */

void main(void)

germs = 1;
for (time = 1; time <= (24*3); ++time)
germs *= 2.0;
printf("After 24 hours, there will be %e germs!\n", germs);

Lesson Three
Input, Loops and Conditions
three things that you can put in scanf's format string: a
Input conversion specifier, like the %d you see in the sample
program; whitespace (more on that later); and other
So far, all of your programs have only done one characters.
thing. No matter how many times you ran the program, The conversion specifier is used when you want to
unless you changed the program itself, it always did the read something, like a number, from the input stream.
same thing. The reason, of course, is that the programs (In C, we talk about steams a lot. Later, you will learn
could never ask you for any information. It's time to more about streams, but for now, keep in mind that the
start controlling our programs a bit more through the phrase "input stream" just means the characters you
use of input. type from the keyboard.) The conversion specifiers
Your first program was a pretty simple one; it used used by the scanf function work pretty much like the
the printf function to write a string to the shell window. conversion specifiers used by printf, and generally
You have already learned to write integers and real mean the same thing. As you learn more about C, you
numbers using printf. The scanf library function is the will start to find out what all of the exceptions are, but
counterpart to printf: it is used in much the same way to all of the conversion specifiers you have learned so far
read numbers and strings. Like printf, scanf is defined work the same way in scanf and printf. The %d
in the stdio.h header file, so you don't have to include conversion specifier, for example, reads an integer
any new libraries to read values from the keyboard. value from the input stream, converts it into the internal
Type in the following program and run it. Be sure format used to store numbers on a computer, and stuffs
to shrink the program window to less than half the the result into the integer variable i. As with printf,
width of the screen before you run the program, so you each conversions specification needs exactly one
will be able to see the entire shell window. parameter. With printf, though, the idea was to print a
value, so you could put a wide variety of things in the
/* Read an integer and write */ parameter list for the function, including constant
/* it to the screen. */ numbers like 1 or 500, variables like i or interest, and
even expressions like interest/2. The scanf function,
though, is reading a value and storing it someplace. As
#include <stdio.h>
a result, the parameter must be a variable name. In
addition, scanf needs to know where the variable is, not
int i; it's value. In C, when you want to tell a function where
a variable is, you pass the address of the variable by
void main (void) putting an & character right before the name of the
variable. What you are doing is passing a pointer to the
{ variable. Over the next few lessons we will spend a
scanf(" %d", &i); great deal of time discussing pointers, what they are,
printf("%d\n", i); and how they are used, but you need to know a lot more
} about programming in general, and C in particular,
before they will make sense. For now, just remember
When the program gets to the scanf function call, it to put a & character before all of the variables you pass
stops. In the shell window, you can see an inverse box, to the scanf function.
which is the input cursor; your program is waiting for When you use a pencil and paper to write text,
you to type a number and press the return key. Go columns of numbers, and so forth, you generally use
ahead and do that. When you do, the program reads the blank space to help organize the information. You also
value, placing it in the variable i, and then writes it back use blank space to organize information when you type
to the screen using printf. things from a keyboard, but as you may have noticed,
Like printf, scanf is controlled with a format string, there is more than one way to get blank space with a
and the format string is still the first parameter. This computer. For example, you can use the space bar to
time, though, the format string is used as a pattern for insert some spaces; or the TAB key to insert several
the characters that scanf reads. There are basically spaces or a tab character, depending on the editor you

are using. When you type responses to a program, you namely, they must consist entirely of digits, and they
generally expect to be able to use whichever method must not have imbedded whitespace. You can also start
you feel like using at the moment, and you probably the number with a + or - sign. scanf stops when it gets
don't want the program to be sensitive to exactly how to the first character that is not a part of a legal number,
many spaces you type. C solves this problem by returning whatever has been typed so far.
grouping several characters together, calling all of them Something very interesting happens if the number
whitespace characters. The idea is that the whitespace you type is too big. In lesson 2, you learned that integer
characters are the ones that look like spaces on the variables have an upper limit on size; this limit is
computer screen, although different printers, the 32767. If you type a number bigger than 32767, scanf
operating system, and the toolbox may all treat these will truncate the number in a way that doesn't make
characters a little differently. The whitespace much sense unless you know a lot about how binary
characters in C are the space, the end-of-line character, numbers are stored in the computer. The number
vertical and horizontal tabs, and form feeds. So far, printed by printf will definitely not be the same number
you have only seen two of these characters in your C you type, though!
programs: the space bar, and the end-of-line character,
which you put into a string using the \n character. Tabs Problem 3.1. Try predicting what the program will
are available, too, but you generally won't use them in write when you type in each of the following
desktop programs, since the Apple IIGS toolbox strings. Try running the program to see if you are
ignores tab characters. right.
The scanf function treats these whitespace
characters in a special way to help you create programs a. 3
that work the way the user wants to use the program b. 4+9
without much effort on your part. In our sample c. 3.14159
program, the format string started with a space. Here's d. three
that string again:
e. -8
f. +6 9
" %d"
g. - 9
When scanf sees a whitespace character in the format h. press the RETURN key, then type: 7
string, it skips over all whitespace characters in the i. 8,536,912
input stream, stopping when it gets to the first non- j. 8536912
whitespace character. It doesn't matter how many
whitespace characters are in the input, what kind of Our First Game... er, Computer
whitespace character they are, or even if they are Aided Simulation
mixed; all of them get skipped.
Finally, you can put other characters in the format Well, let's have some fun. Now that we can hold a
string. If you do, the scanf function expects to find simple conversation with the computer, we can write
exactly the same character in the input stream. our first simple computer game, shown in listing 3.1.
If scanf hits something it doesn't expect, it stops. There are a lot of new concepts in this program,
That's bad news, of course, since with some compilers and we will spend a lot of time examining it in detail,
and optimizations, the resulting C program might crash but first type it in and run it. As with your first
or hang if it gets input that it can't handle. Later in the program, be sure and shrink the program window so
course, you will learn how to write bullet-proof C you can see the shell window before running the
programs that won't crash or hang with any compiler; program. You can't change the size of windows or stop
for now, ORCA/C 1.1 will protect you from crashes the program while it is waiting for you to type a
when your input is bad as long as you don't optimize number, so this is an important step to remember.
the code. We haven't covered how to use the optimizer
yet – this is just a warning to those of you who are
adventurous enough to be looking ahead in the
The Do-While Loop
ORCA/C manual and trying new things before they are One of the new things in our program is a new
covered in the course. (That's a practice I highly statement, called the do-while loop, or sometimes just
recommend, by the way.) the do loop. This is the third looping statement you
The number you type from the keyboard follows have learned in C. The first two, of course, are the for
the same rules as numbers you type in a C program;

Listing 3.1

/* Guess a number */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int i; /* input value */

int value; /* the number to guess */

void main(void)

/* Introduce the game */
printf("In this game, you will try to\n");
printf("guess a number. I need a hint to\n");
printf("help me pick numbers, though.\n\n");

/* get a seed for the random number generator */

printf("Please type a number between 1\nand 30000: ");
scanf(" %d", &i);

/* pick a number from 1 to 100 */

value = rand() % 100 + 1;

/* let the player guess the number */

do {
printf("Your guess: "); /* get the guess */
scanf(" %d", &i);
if (i > value) /* check for too high */
printf("%d is to high.\n", i);
if (i < value) /* check for too low */
printf("%d is to low.\n", i);
while (i != value); /* if the guess was wrong then loop */
printf("%d is correct!\n", i);

loop and the while loop. The do loop is also the last and do loops from some of our programs, and compare
looping statement in C! You're getting there... the two.
Like the while loop, the do loop loops while some In the last lesson, we wrote a program that showed
condition is satisfied. Unlike the while loop, the how many payments were needed to buy a car. The
condition is tested after the body of the loop has been source code is shown in listng 3.2.
executed at least one time. This means that the In this case, we needed to loop until the amount we
statements in the do loop are always executed at least needed to pay off was zero. It would be possible,
one time, while the statements in the while loop can be although in this case not very likely, for the principal to
skipped altogether. This is an important difference, and be zero before the loop was ever executed. This is the
the key to why there are two loops instead of just one. key test for a while loop: you must ask yourself if it is
To understand this difference, let's look at while loops possible for the condition that stops the loop to be true

Listing 3.2

while (principal > 0.0) { /* keep going until we're out of debt
++month; /* it's a new month */
principal += principal* /* add in this month's interest */
principal -= PAYMENT; /* make the payment */
/* write the status */
printf("month = %3u principal = %.2f\n", month, principal);

Listing 3.3

do {
printf("Your guess: "); /* get the guess */
scanf(" %d", &i);
if (i > value) /* check for too high */
printf("%d is to high.\n", i);
if (i < value) /* check for too low */
printf("%d is to low.\n", i);
while (i != value); /* if the guess was wrong then loop */

Listing 3.4

while (i != value) {
printf("Your guess: "); /* get the guess */
scanf(" %d", &i);
if (i > value) /* check for too high */
printf("%d is to high.\n", i);
if (i < value) /* check for too low */
printf("%d is to low.\n", i);

before you start. In other words, you want to know if it There is a major problem with this code, though.
is possible that you may not want to execute the Before the loop is executed, you don't know what the
statements in the loop at all. If that is the case, a while value of i is. In fact, the random number generator has
loop should be used. a one in 65536 chance of returning i itself for the first
The do loop looks very similar. The only real number, so your program will actually fail every once
difference is that the condition is evaluated at the end of in a while. That, in computer terms, is called a bug.
the loop, not the beginning. An example of this is This is the worst kind of bug, because the program will
shown in listing 3.3. work most of the time. When it does fail, you may be
The do loop is generally used in cases where the inclined to thing that the person who tells you about it
condition doesn't make sense until after the statements is wrong. After all, you may have used the program
in the body of the loop have been executed at least one several thousand times without seeing a problem!
time. For example, it would seem to make sense to use There is a solution, though. You can start off by
a while loop that looks like the one in listing 3.4 to do initializing i to a number different from value, as shown
the same job. in listing 3.5.

Listing 3.5

i = value-1; /* make sure we get into the loop

while (i != value) {
printf("Your guess: "); /* get the guess */
scanf(" %d", &i);
if (i > value) /* check for too high */
printf("%d is to high.\n", i);
if (i < value) /* check for too low */
printf("%d is to low.\n", i);

hand, the do loop works, to, but it doesn't require that

The Computer Bug you set the initial value before you start into the loop.
The acid test for when to use a do loop, then, is
If you think about it, it's pretty peculiar that an whether or not the test that ends the loop makes sense
error in a program would be called a bug. After all, it before the statements in the loop have been executed
makes about as much sense to call an error an one time. In our example program, the test uses the
elephant, or a car. How did this happen? number i, which is read inside the loop. The test
Well, it all started back in the old days of doesn't make sense until the number has been read at
computing. This was before microprocessors put an least one time, so we use a do loop.
entire computer on a chip. It was before transistors
put an entire computer in a small room. It was even
before vacuum tubes allowed a calculator to fill only
How C Divides
a small building (and allowed the operators to fry
Everyone knows that when you divide 3 by 2, the
eggs on the hot components). This was in the good
answer is 1.5. Unfortunately, the computer doesn't
old days, when computers used relays.
know that, at least not when you are using integers. An
For the fortunate uninitiated, a relay is a switch
integer can't have the value 1.5: integers can only be
that uses a small electromagnet to control the flow of
whole numbers. You could use real numbers most of
current. When electricity flows through the
the time, but real numbers take more space, and it takes
electromagnet, the electromagnet pulls on a small
a lot more time to do an operation using real numbers
piece of metal, closing a switch so current can flow.
than using integers. The program shown in listing 3.6
When the electricity stops, a spring pulls the switch
will help us explore this, and many other curiosities
back open.
about the / (divide) and % (mod) operators.
Back in those days, some intrepid souls had a
Here are the results from running this program. If
program that didn't work. The darn thing should
you run the program, you won't be able to see all of the
work; they went over the code again and again by
output in the shell window at one time. You can see
hand. Finally, they decided that the program would
most of it, though, if you resize the shell window.
fail if a particular bit in the computer would not
work. A bit in the machine they were using was a
first :-10
relay, so they sent a repairman back to fix the broken
component. Lo and behold, the component wasn't last :10
broken at all, but a miller moth had chosen the relay denominator :4
as a place to expire. It's body prevented the switch
from closing. From that day on, a program that
doesn't work is said to have a bug.

This will work; the test will always fail the first
time, so the person guessing the number always gets at
least one chance to guess the number. On the other

a b a/b a%b it always gives an integer result. Of course, that means
-10 4 -2 2 that the answer isn't 1.25 when you divide 5 by 4, since
-9 4 -2 3 1.25 isn't an integer. Instead, C chops off any digits to
-8 4 -2 0 the right of the decimal place, and returns the integer
part that is left. The same is true when the answer is a
-7 4 -1 1
negative number, as you can see from the table. When
-6 4 -1 2
you divide -5 by 4, the answer is -1.
-5 4 -1 3 There are times when you need to know the
-4 4 -1 0 remainder from an integer division. The % operator is
-3 4 0 1 used to get the remainder. The % operator only works
-2 4 0 2 with integers, and always gives an integer for the
-1 4 0 3 answer. When both numbers are positive, the %
0 4 0 0 operator returns the remainder from the division. For
1 4 0 1 example, 7 divided by 4 is 1 with a remainder of 3, so 7
2 4 0 2 / 4 is 1, and 7 % 4 is 3.
3 4 0 3 Looking at the table from our sample program, you
4 4 1 0 can see that the % operator behaves a little strangely
when one number is negative. For example, (-1) % 4 is
5 4 1 1
3, not 1 or -1, as you might expect. The reasons for this
6 4 1 2
are tied up in an obscure branch of mathematics called
7 4 1 3 modular arithmetic. To figure out what the % operator
8 4 2 0 will give you when the first number is negative, take a
9 4 2 1 close look at our table. The numbers repeat a series
10 4 2 2 over and over again, even for negative arguments.
As you may know, it is not legal to divide by zero.
When you use the / operator to divide two integers, This restriction is due to the nature of numbers. If you

Listing 3.6

/* Exploring / and % */

#include <stdio.h>

int n; /* the "top" number in the division */

int d; /* the "bottom" number in the division */
int first,last; /* the first/last number to divide */

void main(void)

printf("first :"); /* get the first/last numbers */
scanf(" %d", &first);
printf("last :");
scanf(" %d", &last);
printf("denominator :"); /* get the number to divide by */
scanf(" %d", &d);
/* write the table */
printf("\n a b a/b a%%b\n");
for (n = first; n <= last; ++n)
printf("%6d %6d %9d %9d\n", n, d, n/d, n%d);

try to divide by 0 in C, the results are undefined, which characters after the function name for any function call,
means the compiler can return anything it wants to. even if you aren't passing any parameters.
Modular arithmetic also imposes an additional
restriction on the % operator. You can use a negative Nesting Loops
number on the left-hand side of the operator, as our
sample program does, but you cannot use a negative If you are very sharp at logic, know a lot about
number (or zero) on the right-hand side of the % probability, and remembered that the range of integers
operator. is -32767 to 32767, you may have noticed that our
All of this may seem a bit obscure and theoretical, number guessing program has a slight flaw. It isn't one
and it really is. We can use this information to do some most people would ever notice, but it is there.
pretty neat stuff, though. Looking at the table from our The problem is that not all numbers have an equal
sample program, you can see that the % operator chance of being the number picked by the game. You
always returned a value from 0 to 3. In our number see, there are 327 possible ways to pick each of the
guessing game, we used the % operator to restrict the numbers 0 through 99 from the positive integers 0 to
value returned by the random number generator to a 32699, and 327 possible ways to pick the same numbers
small range of numbers. from the negative integers -32700 to -1. You can see
why by looking at the results of the % operator in the
value = ran() % 100 + 1; table in the last section. The result of rand() % 100 will
be zero when rand returns 0, 100, 200, and so forth, up
The rand function returns a number from -32767 to to 32600. All together, that's 327 ways to get a result of
32767. We could just expand the range of numbers that 0. The result will be 1 when rand returns 1, 101, 201,
the game will let you guess to the full range of values and so on. The same thing happens for negative
returned by rand, but it might get boring trying to track numbers, where there are 327 more ways to get each of
down a number in that range. The result of the numbers from 0 to 99.
But there is also another way to get the integers 0
rand() % 100 to 67 from the positive numbers 32700 to 32767, and an
extra way to get the integers 33 to 99 from the negative
is always in the range 0 to 99, though. By adding 1, we integers -32767 to -32701. If you play poker, and you
get a number in the range 1 to 100. To change our know there is an extra ace of spades in the deck, you
game so that you have to guess a number from 1 to 500, know it can effect the outcome of the game. Having a
then, we just change this line to few extra ways to get some of the numbers from 0 to 99
also effects our number-guessing game.
value = rand % 500 + 1; The table below summarizes this, showing the
chance that each number will be picked.
Empty Parameter Lists
guess ways to get it probability it is the guess
The call to rand in our program looks a bit odd. 0 to 32 327+327+1 0.0099947
You have seen function calls before, and you have seen 33 to 67 327+327+1+1 0.0100099
parameter lists, but the call to rand is the first time you 68 to 99 327+327+1 0.0099947
have seen a call to a function that doesn't need any
parameters. In C, though, you have to put the ( and ) Ideally, each number should have a 0.01 chance
characters that mark the parameter list after the function (one in a hundred) of being chosen. As you can see, the
name, even if the function doesn't need any parameters. difference isn't all that great, but in some simulations it
The reason for this curious requirement is tied up in the might just be important. A simulation of a roulette
way C defines functions and handles expressions. It wheel, a craps game, or a poker game is one case where
turns out that C needs to see the ( and ) characters so it the difference could be critical.
knows that the name is a call to a function, and not a One way to even out the chances that each number
reference to a variable. Later, when you learn a little will be picked is to eliminate any answer that isn't in the
more about how to create your own functions in C, and range 1 to 100. The versatile do loop can be used to do
after you have learned more about something called this. We haven't learned how to test for one condition
scoping rules, we will return to this topic and explain and another yet, but by nesting two do loops, we can
why the ( and ) characters are needed. For now, just get the same effect.
remember that you always have to have ( and )

/* pick a number from 1 to 100 */ then move on. That way, if you make a mistake,
do you know exactly where the mistake is. This
do concept, called stepwise refinement, is a big help in
value = rand(); developing programs quickly. The reason is that
finding bugs is generally the hardest part of
while (value <= 0);
correcting a bad program. If you make a small
while (value > 100);
change, and the program fails, you know exactly
where to look for the problem. If you make a lot of
Looking at this another way, the outside loop does this:
changes, you have a lot more places to look for the
<get a number> The first step is to use the two nested do loops
while (value > 100); outlined above to pick the random number, rather
than the % operator.
This loop loops until the statements in the loop return a
number less than or equal to 100. This guarantees that Next, add a do loop around the part of the program
the number isn't over 100, but it doesn't prevent that picks a number and lets the player guess it.
numbers less than 1, like -2000. This do loop should loop until a new integer,
The interior loop, named done, is zero. Initialize done to three before
the loop starts, and subtract one from it inside the
do loop. At this point, the player gets to play the
value = rand(); game three times, rather than one.
while (value <= 0);
Remove the statement that initializes done to three,
picks random numbers that are greater than zero. It as well as the statement that subtracts one from the
loops, getting numbers, until it finds one that satisfies value. Instead, at the end of the loop, put in yet
the condition. When it finds one, the outside loop does another set of nested do loops. Inside the loops,
its test. Together, the loops guarantee that value will print a blank line, followed by
have a result between 1 and 100. It also evens out the
chances that each number will be picked. Play again? Enter 0
The point here isn't really to pick better random for no, 1 for yes:
numbers for our simple guessing game; the numbers
were really good enough for our program already. The and read a number. Use the two do loops to make
point is that you can put anything inside of a do loop – sure the answer is either a zero or one, using the
even another do loop. You can also put a for loop same technique used earlier to make sure a value
inside a while loop, a while loop in a do loop, a for loop was between 1 and 100.
inside of a while loop that is inside of a do loop, and so
on. At this point, you have an impressive set of nested
When you put one loop inside of another, statements, each doing a specific job. One large do
programmers call it a nested loop. There is no loop plays the game until the player wants to stop.
theoretical limit to how many times you can nest loops. Inside of this loop are two sets of nested do loops
You can, for example, put a for loop inside of a for loop that make sure a number is in a particular range.
that is inside of a for loop that... well, you get the idea. There was already one do loop in the program,
In ORCA/C, you will eventually run out of memory if looping until the player guesses the right number.
you nest too many loops. You can generally count on All together, that's six do loops. It sounds
nesting to 20 or 30 levels, though. In real programs, complicated, but by building the program up little
three or four nested loops are pretty unusual, so the by little, you have accomplished a complicated task
limit isn't very important. without straining too many little grey cells. This
technique of stepwise refinement is one of the most
Problem 3.2. In this problem, we will go a little crazy important ideas in modern programming practice.
with do loops. We will also be making several Simply put, you break a problem down by only
changes to our existing guessing game. Rather worrying about a little of it at a time. You will see
than making all of the changes at once, make each this idea over and over in this course.
change, run the program, make sure it works, and

Problem 3.3. In the text, there is an innocent looking than 10000. (If you don't, the program will run for
statement: "it takes a lot more time to do an several hours!) The loop will look like this:
operation using real numbers than using integers."
Write a program to test this statement. for (i = 1; i <= 100; ++i)
for (j = 1; j <= 25; ++j)
Your program should use two nested for loops; this c = a+b;
is necessary because programs run so fast on the
Apple IIGS. The first loop should loop from 1 to The time needed to do one math operation is small
10000, while the interior loop should loop from 1 for both integers and real numbers; less time than it
to 25. Just put a semicolon after the second for takes to blink your eye. On the other hand, it takes
loop, like this: a lot longer to add two real numbers than to add
two integers. You can find out how much longer
for (i = 1; i <= 10000; ++i) by dividing one result by the other. The answer is
for (j = 1; j <= 25; ++j) why programmers use integers whenever they can,
; and one reason why computers bother with having
two different kinds of numbers, instead of using
The body of the loop does nothing, which is legal. real numbers for everything.
Altogether, this means that the code in the loop
(none at this point) will be executed 250000 times - You have already learned the point of this problem,
– a quarter of a million times! but if you are curious, you might also see how long
it takes to subtract, multiply and divide numbers.
One other step you should take is too turn off Also, for everything but integer addition and
debug code. ORCA/C generates code to make the subtraction, the amount of time required varies
step-and-trace debugger work; this extra code takes depending on what the numbers are. You might try
extra time to execute. Your programs will execute a few numbers to get an idea how much the
faster if you turn off the debug code. (You will not difference can be. If you are just a little curious,
be able to debug the programs, though, nor will but not curious enough to change the program and
you be able to stop them using the Stop command.) run it for each operation, you can find the times for
Turn off the debug code by selecting Compile from the numbers used in this problem in the solutions.
the Run menu, and clicking on the check box
labeled "Generate debug code." (There should not Random Numbers
be an X in the box when you are done.) Click on
the Set Options button to accept the change. One of the new concepts used in our sample
program is the random number. You have probably
Start by timing the program using a watch with a heard that computers are very precise, and that is
second hand, or a stopwatch if you have one. This certainly true. In our number guessing game, though,
is the time it takes the computer to do the nested the last thing we want is for the computer to be precise.
for loops. If we know beforehand what number the computer will
pick, this game just won't be much fun. The program
Next, define three integers, a, b and c. Before the uses something called a random number generator to
first for loop, set a to 3, and b to 5. In the body of get around this problem.
the loop, add a to b and save the result in c. A random number generator is basically a way for
Execute the program, and time it. You can figure the computer to generate a number, or series of
out how long it takes to do a single integer add by numbers, that seem to be random. Since the computer
subtracting the time for the empty loop from this can only do very specific things, the numbers aren't
time, and dividing by 250000. If you don't have a really random, but they are very hard to predict, and
calculator handy, you can write a short program to that is good enough for a lot of programs. Since the
do the math. numbers really aren't random, they are technically
called pseudo-random numbers. That's a real mouthful,
Repeat the process, but this time, define a, b and c though, so we will continue to call them random
as real numbers. The program will take a lot numbers.
longer when you use real numbers, so be sure and To learn more about random numbers, we will
change the value in the first for loop to 100, rather write a simpler program.

/* A closer look at */ 2. Many dungeon and dragon style computer
/* pseudo-random numbers */ games work based on probabilities. For
example, a character with a particular set of
#include <stdio.h> characteristics might have a probability of 0.4
of killing a giant ant with a broadsword. The
#include <stdlib.h>
ant, conversely, might have a 0.2 chance of
damaging the player. A random number
unsigned i; /* loop variable */ generator can be used to generate a number
int seed; /* seed */ between 0 and 99, as our number-guessing
game did. The player kills the ant if the
void main(void) number is less than 40. Next, another number
is chosen, and the ant hurts the player if the
{ number is less than 20.
printf("Random number seed = ");
scanf(" %d", &seed); 3. Computers are often used to do serious
srand(seed); simulations. Computer simulations are used to
for (i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) study traffic patterns, wars, and the spread of
diseases. As an example, let's assume that you
printf("%d\n", rand());
are trying to protect Yellow Stone National
Park from forest fires. You could choose to
"let it burn," letting nature take its course.
Type this program in and run it. It will ask you for
You could choose to fight all fires
a random number seed, and then print ten pseudo-
aggressively, but that would lead to a gradual
random numbers based on the seed value you give the
build-up of weeds and wood to burn. You
program. One of the things you should try is giving the
might choose to cut fire lanes through the
program the same seed value more than one time.
forest. All of these possibilities can be
When you do, you will always get the same ten
examined using computer simulations.
numbers. You should also try giving the program
several different numbers. These will produce a
4. Random number generators are used in card
different series of ten numbers. Within each group of
games to shuffle cards. The random number
ten numbers, though, it is hard to predict what the next
generator is used to pick which card will be
one will be by looking at the numbers that come before
taken from the deck next, taking one card from
it. This is the heart of a good random number
the remaining cards that have not been dealt.
We will use random numbers in many of our
Problem 3.4. Write a program to throw two six-sided
example programs. Random numbers help us to write
dice twenty times. Use the same ideas used in the
programs that don't do exactly the same thing each time
number-guessing game. Write the number of spots
we use them; that's something we will need over and
showing on each of the dice to the screen.
over again. Here are some places where random
numbers are commonly used:
Be sure and use constants for the number of dice
and the number of sides on the dice. That way, if
1. Random numbers are used in games like
you want to use the program to throw fifty twenty
Chess. Games work by scoring moves; the
sided dice, you can.
move with the best score is the one the
computer makes. If two moves have the same
Problem 3.5. You can draw a dot in the graphics
score, random numbers can be used to choose
window by doing first a MoveTo, then a LineTo
between them so the computer doesn't play
the same spot. For example,
exactly the same way each time. In a game
like chess or checkers, there are also many
good ways to make the first few moves; these
are called opening books. Random number LineTo(10,10);
generators are used to pick an opening from
the opening book. draws a dot a 10,10.

Write a program that gradually blackens the has a whitespace character. When it reads a number, it
rectangle with a left edge of 10, a top of 10, a right reads all digits (the characters 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and
edge of 200, and a bottom of 70. Do this using a 9 are digits) until a non-digit character is found. A
for loop that loops from 1 to MAX, where MAX is space or the end of a line counts as a non-digit
defined at the top of your program as a constant. character, since either is a whitespace character. If
Use a value of 11651 for MAX. there are two numbers to read, as in our program, scanf
again skips blanks and end of line marks in search of a
Inside the for loop, pick two random numbers. The number, reading the new number using the same rules
first should be in the range 10 to 200; assign this as the first number. If there is more than one call to
value to an integer variable called x. The second scanf, the second call picks right up with the first
should be in the range 10 to 70; assign this one to character that was not used by the first call to scanf.
the variable y. Draw a dot at this point using a You should try problem 3.7 to make sure you
MoveTo-LineTo sequence. really understand all of the fine points and implications
of what was just said.
The result is a program that gradually fills the area
with black snow. Problem 3.7. What will our test program print out for
each of the following sets of input? After you
There are 11651 dots in the area you are filling, but decide, run the program and see if you are right.
when the program finishes, not all dots are black.
Why? first set:
1 2
Problem 3.6. Change the program from problem 3.5 to 3 4
create multicolored snow by picking the color of
the dot randomly. The color should be in the range second set:
0 to 3. 1 2 3
4 5 6
Multiple Reads with scanf
third set:
Up to this point, our use of scanf has been pretty 1 a 2 3 4
minimal. All we have used scanf for is to read a single
integer. Like printf, though, scanf can read more than fourth set:
one thing at a time. It can also read real numbers or 1
even strings.
2 3
To look at how scanf reads more than one value at
4 5
a time, we'll use another short program.
fifth set:
/* Multiple reads */
#include <stdio.h>
int n1,n2,n3,n4;
void main(void)
scanf(" %d %d", &n1, &n2);
Reading Floating-Point Numbers
scanf(" %d %d", &n3, &n4); So far, we have used the scanf function to read
printf("%d %d %d %d\n", integers. It's just as easy to read floating-point numbers
n1,n2,n3,n4); like 1.5, or 10.0. The only difference, in fact, is that the
} variable you are reading should be declared as a
floating-point number, rather than an integer, and you
At the beginning of this lesson, you learned that use a different conversion specification.
scanf skips all whitespace characters if the format string

When your program reads a floating-point number, if (<condition>)
you have a considerable amount of freedom concerning <statement>;
how you type the number. You can type it as an
integer, in which case the number will be automatically The if statement evaluates the same kind of
converted to a floating-point number. You can type the condition that you have already used in the do and
number with a leading decimal point, a trailing decimal while statements. If the condition is true, the next
point, or a decimal point imbedded in the number. You statement is executed. If not, the statement is skipped.
can also type an exponent, with or without a sign, with In a way, the if statement is like a while loop that
either an uppercase E or lowercase e. In fact, all of the doesn't loop.
following numbers are valid floating-point numbers As with the while loop and for loop, the if
when you are typing a number as input to a program. statement only executes one statement. If more than
one statement must be executed, you use the { and }
1 10.0 10. characters to group more that one statement into a
.1 3.14159 1e10 compound statement, just as you do with the for loop,
2.56E+2 -16e004 327541e-1 do loop and while loop.
.1e1 To see how all of this works, let's try a simple
example. In this example, we will use the if statement,
There are two different kinds of floating-point along with the % operator you met earlier in the lesson,
numbers in standard C (and two more in Apple based to write a program that can count change.
implementations of C), and each type of floating-point
number has a unique format specifier. This is because /* count change */
each of the floating-point number formats is stored a
different way in memory, and you need to tell scanf #include <stdio.h>
which number format to use. Back in lesson 2, you
used two difference conversion specifiers with floating- int change;
point numbers; f was used to print the number without
an exponent, while e printed a value with an exponent. void main(void)
When you are reading numbers, you don't have to
worry about the distinction. scanf will accept either
conversion specifier and read any kind of floating-point
number you choose to type. If you are reading a value /* get the amount */
into a double number, though, you need to put an l right printf("How many cents? ");
before the f or e character. The l character is short for scanf(" %d", &change);
long float, which is an older way of telling C that you
want a double value. /* write the header */
Problem 3.8. Modify the first sample program from "Your change consists of:\n");
this lesson to read floating-point numbers, rather
than integers. To do this, all you have to do is /* count out the dollars */
change the variable i from an int to a float variable,
if (change >= 100) {
and change the conversion specifiers in the scanf
printf("%d dollars\n",
and printf calls. Run the program, giving it the
numbers shown in the table, above. change / 100);
change %= 100;
The If Statement }

Computer programs can make decisions. You have /* count out the quarters */
already written some programs that use this capability if (change >= 25) {
in the form of loops that keep going until some printf("%d quarters\n",
condition is satisfied. In some cases, though, we may change / 25);
only need to do something once, or we may not need to change %= 25;
do it at all. That's where the if statement comes in. }

The Else Clause
/* count out the dimes */
if (change >= 10) { There are many times when you need to do one
printf("%d dimes\n", thing or another, depending on some condition. In that
change / 10); case, you could use two different if statements, one
change %= 10; after the other, but you can also use an else statement.
} As a simple example, let's say you are printing the
number of tries it took to guess the number in our
number guessing game. It's sort of tacky to print out "1
/* count out the nickles */
tries," or worse still, "2 try." With an if-then-else
if (change >= 5) { statement, you can print something a bit prettier:
printf("%d nickles\n",
change / 5); if (tries == 1)
change %= 5; printf("You got it in 1 try!\n");
} else
printf("It took you %d tries.\n",
/* count out the pennies */ tries);
if (change != 0)
printf("%d pennies\n", Problem 3.9. Modify the program from lesson 2 that
change); showed payments for purchasing a car. Allow the
} user of the program to enter the cost of the car, the
interest rate and the number of payments as real
In this program, each if statement is used to see if numbers. Use an if statement to see if the payment
the number of pennies left is large enough to give the is larger than the amount of interest that will
customer at least one coin of a given size. For example, accumulate in one month. If not, print an
the first if statement checks to see how many dollars are appropriate error message. If the payment is large
in the change. Since we need to do two things – write enough, execute the program as it worked before.
the number of dollars and adjust the amount of change -
– the statements are enclosed in { and } characters. Those Darn Semicolons
if (change >= 100) { There is one very important point to keep in mind.
printf("%d dollars\n", The semicolon in C is a statement terminator, not a
change / 100); statement separator. In plain English, this means that
change %= 100; the semicolon is used after every statement in a C
} program, even if the statement comes right before the
else clause of an if statement. "Of course," you say,
If there are more than 100 pennies due, then we can "how else would it work?" If you already know Pascal,
start by giving out some number of dollars. Since the / Ada, Modula, or virtually any other language that uses
operator automatically truncates the result, it gives us semicolons, you know that these languages won't
the dollar amount with no hassles. (The automatic accept a semicolon before an else! It doesn't matter a
rounding can be useful, as well as a pain, depending on whole lot which way the semicolon works, since both
the application.) For example, if the number of pennies methods are in common use in various programming
due in change is 536, then change will certainly be languages and both work just fine, but you should know
greater than or equal to 100. In that case, the program that there is a difference.
writes 536 / 100, which is 5, as the number of dollars. Just for the record, the } character marks the end of
The % operation then strips off the dollar amount: 536 a compound statement. What that means is that a
% 100 is 36. The program goes on from there. semicolon is not needed after the } character.
It would be a good idea to run this program, using
the debugger to step through it line by line until you are Nesting If Statements
sure you know how the if statement works. Be sure and
use the variables window to track the value of the You can put any statement you want in an if or else
variable change. clause, including another if statement. This can be
useful when you have several possibilities that you need

to choose from. For example, let's assume that you while this isn't exactly clear from the second example.
want to print out a message like "that was your 3rd try." The compiler doesn't care how, or even if you indent –
You can print the number of tries, followed by "rd," but it will create the same program either way. Indenting is
that only works for some numbers. You would want to for your benefit, not the compilers. For that reason, I
print would recommend the first method.

1st Problem 3.10. In this problem, you will write a

2nd bouncing ball program. You will move a small
3rd spot across the graphics window. When the spot
4th gets to the edge of the graphics window, it will
5th bounce off.

and so on. One way to go about it is to print "that was Compared to some of the programs you have
your," followed by a series of if statements, followed by written, this is a fairly long one, so we will develop
printing "try." The if statements can be used to decide it in steps. To make a ball bounce around in the
the suffix for the number of tries. Here's a code graphics window, you will need to animate the
fragment that does the job. ball. Start out by writing a short program that
moves a spot from 0,0 to 50,50. You will start by
printf("That was your "); initializing two integer variables, x and y, to 0. In
if (try == 1) a for loop, you will then set the pen color to white
printf("1st"); (a color of 3) and draw a spot using a MoveTo-
else if (try == 2) LineTo pair, as we did earlier. Next, you
printf("2nd"); increment both x and y by one, change the pen
color to black (a color of 0), and draw the dot
else if (try == 3)
again. Get this program to work first: it should
move the dot across the screen in a diagonal line.
printf("%dth", try); One problem with this program is that the ball
printf(" try!\n"); moves too fast. To slow it down, put a for loop
inside the for loop that moves the ball. The new
Note the indenting structure. It would be perfectly for loop should step from 1 to 1000, but doesn't
reasonable to indent this code fragment like this: need to do anything. To do nothing, you just code
an empty statement by putting a semicolon in the
printf("That was your "); program, like this:
if (try == 1)
printf("1st"); for (i = 1; i <= 1000; ++i) ;
if (try == 2) Surprisingly, it really is important that you put the
printf("2nd"); semicolon on the same line as the for statement.
else The C language really doesn't care, but in ORCA/C
with debug code on, the debugger is called for each
if (try == 3)
separate line to update the arrow in the program's
window, and that takes quite a bit of time. If the
else semicolon is on the same line as the for statement,
printf("%dth", try); the debugger is not called.
printf(" try!\n");
Once the second step is complete and tested, it is
The second method shows more accurately what C time to move on to the third step. At this point,
does to evaluate the statement. It starts by checking to you should change the program so it asks the user
see if try is 1. If so, "1st" is written. If not, it moves on for its inputs. The program should ask for a
to another check, and so on. The original method, starting value for x and y, as well as starting values
though, with "else if (<condition>)" all on one line, for three new variables, xSpeed, ySpeed and iter.
shows the logical flow of the program better. It clearly iter is the number of times to move the ball; you
shows that we are choosing one of several alternatives, should adjust the for loop accordingly. xSpeed and

ySpeed are the distance to move the ball in the x
and y direction each time through the loop. You
should change the statements that add one to x and
y so xSpeed and ySpeed are added, instead. Be
sure and get the program working before you move
on to the next step.

At this point, stop and run the program with x and

y set to 10, xSpeed set to 3, ySpeed set to 1, and
iter set to 100. The ball will certainly move – it
moves right off of the graphics window! The final
step in developing the bounce program is to detect
when this happens, and handle it. We'll look at
how to do this for the x direction, and you can fill
in the proper code for the y direction on your own.

if (x < 0) {
x = 0;
xSpeed = -xSpeed;
else if (x > MAXX) {
x = MAXX;
xSpeed = -xSpeed;

These statements should come right after the point

where you update x by adding xSpeed. If the
resulting value for x is less than zero, the you must
have just moved the ball off of the left side of the
graphics window. If the ball moved off of the left
side of the graphics window, then of course,
xSpeed must be negative. To bounce the ball back
towards the middle of the graphics window, you
need to set x to zero (putting the ball back on the
screen) and reverse xSpeed (so the ball will move
to the right). The next check does essentially the
same thing, checking to see if x has moved past
MAXX, which we set to 316 (the right side of the
graphics window).

This program is probably more that you could have

handled at this point if you had tried to write it all
at once, and it probably wasn't easy to write even
in small steps. This points out, once again, how
important stepwise refinement is to the process of
programming. Using stepwise refinement, you can
break an impossible task up into smaller tasks that
are merely difficult.

Lesson Three
Solutions to Problems

Solution to problem 3.1.

input value read by scanf
3 3
4+9 4
3.14159 3
three 0
-8 -8
+6 9 6
-9 0
8,536,912 8
8536912 Not what you typed! (17232)

Solution to problem 3.2.

The first step uses do loops to pick a number between 1 and 100, rather than the % operator:

/* Guess a number */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int i; /* input value */

int value; /* the number to guess */

void main(void)

/* Introduce the game */
printf("In this game, you will try to\n");
printf("guess a number. I need a hint to\n");
printf("help me pick numbers, though.\n\n");

/* get a seed for the random number generator */

printf("Please type a number between 1\nand 30000: ");
scanf(" %d", &i);

/* pick a number from 1 to 100 */

value = rand();
while (value <= 0);
while (value > 100);

/* let the player guess the number */
do {
printf("Your guess: "); /* get the guess */
scanf(" %d", &i);
if (i > value) /* check for too high */
printf("%d is to high.\n", i);
if (i < value) /* check for too low */
printf("%d is to low.\n", i);
while (i != value); /* if the guess was wrong then loop */
printf("%d is correct!\n", i);

In the second step, we add a do loop to let the player play three games, rather that one:

/* Guess a number */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int done; /* are we done, yet? */

int i; /* input value */
int value; /* the number to guess */

void main(void)

/* Introduce the game */
printf("In this game, you will try to\n");
printf("guess a number. I need a hint to\n");
printf("help me pick numbers, though.\n\n");

/* get a seed for the random number generator */

printf("Please type a number between 1\nand 30000: ");
scanf(" %d", &i);

done = 3;
do {
/* pick a number from 1 to 100 */
value = rand();
while (value <= 0);
while (value > 100);

/* let the player guess the number */

do {
printf("Your guess: "); /* get the guess */
scanf(" %d", &i);
if (i > value) /* check for too high */
printf("%d is to high.\n", i);
if (i < value) /* check for too low */
printf("%d is to low.\n", i);
while (i != value); /* if the guess was wrong then loop */
printf("%d is correct!\n", i);
done -= 1;
while (done != 0);

Finally, we let the player decide if he wants to play again, using nested do loops to make sure the number is in
the correct range:

/* Guess a number */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int done; /* are we done, yet? */

int i; /* input value */
int value; /* the number to guess */

void main(void)

/* Introduce the game */
printf("In this game, you will try to\n");
printf("guess a number. I need a hint to\n");
printf("help me pick numbers, though.\n\n");

/* get a seed for the random number generator */

printf("Please type a number between 1\nand 30000: ");
scanf(" %d", &i);

do {
/* pick a number from 1 to 100 */
value = rand();
while (value <= 0);
while (value > 100);

/* let the player guess the number */

do {
printf("Your guess: "); /* get the guess */
scanf(" %d", &i);
if (i > value) /* check for too high */
printf("%d is to high.\n", i);
if (i < value) /* check for too low */
printf("%d is to low.\n", i);
while (i != value); /* if the guess was wrong then loop */
printf("%d is correct!\n", i);

do {
printf("Play again? Enter 0\nfor no, 1 for yes:");
scanf(" %d", &done);
while (done > 1);
while (done < 0);
while (done != 0);

Solution to problem 3.3.

/* Empty timing loop */

/* Note: be sure to run this program with debug turned off! */

#include <stdio.h>

unsigned i,j; /* loop variables */

void main(void)

printf("Start timer...\n");
for (i = 1; i <= 10000; ++i)
for (j = 1; j <= 25; ++j)
printf("Stop timer.\n");

/* Time 250,000 integer additions */

/* Note: be sure to run this program with debug turned off! */

#include <stdio.h>

unsigned i,j; /* loop variables */

int a,b,c; /* test values */

void main(void)

a = 3;
b = 5;
printf("Start timer...\n");
for (i = 1; i <= 10000; ++i)
for (j = 1; j <= 25; ++j)
c = a+b;
printf("Stop timer.\n");

/* Time 250,000 floating-point additions */

/* Note: be sure to run this program with debug turned off! */

#include <stdio.h>

unsigned i,j; /* loop variables */

float a,b,c; /* test values */

void main(void)

a = 3.0;
b = 5.0;
printf("Start timer...\n");
for (i = 1; i <= 100; ++i)
for (j = 1; j <= 25; ++j)
c = a+b;
printf("Stop timer.\n");

Here are the results of the timing tests. All times are in seconds. The first column shows the operation that was
performed in the loop. The raw time column shows the number of seconds it takes to execute the program. For real
operations, the value has been multiplied by 100 to account for the smaller number of operations done. This means
the times shown are for loops of 10000 and 25, not 100 and 25. The time per operation is the raw time minus the

time for an empty loop divided by the number of times the loop executed. The ratio shows how much longer it takes
to do the real operation as compared to the integer operation. For example, it takes 411 times longer to add the two
real numbers than it takes to add the same two numbers if they are integers.

operation raw time time per operation real to integer ratio

(none) 3.67 0.00001468
3+5 5.35 0.00000672
3-5 5.35 0.00000672
3/5 64.30 0.00024252
3*5 61.76 0.00023236
3.0+5.0 694.00 0.00276132 411
3.0-5.0 695.00 0.00276532 412
3.0/5.0 1102.00 0.00439332 18
3.0*5.0 731.00 0.00290932 13

Solution to problem 3.4.

/* Throw two six-sided dice twenty times */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define SIDES 6 /* # of sides on the dice */

#define NUMDICE 2 /* # of dice to throw */

unsigned i,j; /* loop variables */

int seed; /* random number seed */

void main(void)

printf("Random number seed = ");
scanf(" %d", &seed);

for (i = 1; i <= 20; ++i) {
for (j = 1; j <= NUMDICE; ++j)
printf("%4d", rand() % SIDES + 1);

Solution to problem 3.5.
While the program draws enough dots to completely blacken the area, the dots are drawn in random locations.
Occasionally, a dot will be drawn where one already exists. Of course, every time this happens, you will end up
with one dot that doesn't get filled in.

/* Gradually fill an area of the screen with black dots */

#include <quickdraw.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAX 11651 /* # of dots to fill */

unsigned i; /* loop counter */

unsigned x,y; /* coordinates of the point */

void main(void)

srand(5463); /* initialize for rand */
SetPenMode(0); /* set up for graphics */

for (i = 1; i <= MAX; ++i) {

x = rand() % 191 + 10;
y = rand() % 60 + 10;

Solution to problem 3.6.
/* Gradually fill an area of the screen with colored dots */

#include <quickdraw.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAX 11651 /* # of dots to fill */

unsigned i; /* loop counter */

unsigned x,y; /* coordinates of the point */

void main(void)

srand(5463); /* initialize for rand */
SetPenMode(0); /* set up for graphics */

for (i = 1; i <= MAX; ++i) {

x = rand() % 191 + 10;
y = rand() % 60 + 10;
SetSolidPenPat(rand() % 4);

Solution to problem 3.7.

first set 1 2 3 4
second set 1 2 3 4
third set 1 0 0 0
fourth set 1 2 3 4
fifth set 1 2 3 4

Solution to problem 3.8.

/* Read a float and write */
/* it to the screen. */

#include <stdio.h>

float i;

void main (void)

scanf(" %f", &i);
printf("%f\n", i);
Solution to problem 3.9.
/* Car Payment Calculator */

#include <stdio.h>

float APR; /* annual percentage rate */

float minPayment; /* minimum allowed payment */
unsigned month; /* number of months */
float payment; /* monthly payment */
float principal; /* amount left to pay */

void main (void)

month = 0; /* no payments made, yet */
printf("Cost of the car ?"); /* get the cost of the car */
scanf(" %f", &principal);
printf("Annual percentage rate?"); /* get the interest rate */
scanf(" %f", &APR);
printf("Monthly payments ?"); /* get the payment */
scanf(" %f", &payment);
minPayment = principal*APR/100.0/12.0;
if (payment <= minPayment)
printf("Your minimum payment is %.2f\n", minPayment);
while (principal > 0.0) { /* keep going until we're out of debt */
++month; /* it's a new month */
principal += principal* /* add in this month's interest */
principal -= payment; /* make the payment */
/* write the status */
printf("month = %3u principal = %.2f\n", month, principal);

Solution to problem 3.10.
step 1

#include <quickdraw.h>

#define MAXX 316 /* graphics window size */

#define MAXY 83

unsigned i; /* loop counter */

unsigned x,y; /* coordinates of the point */

void main(void)

SetPenMode(0); /* set up for graphics */

x = 0; /* initialize the ball position */

y = 0;

for (i = 0; i <= 50; ++i) {

SetSolidPenPat(3); /* animate the ball */

step 2

#include <quickdraw.h>

#define MAXX 316 /* graphics window size */

#define MAXY 83

unsigned i,j; /* loop counters */

unsigned x,y; /* coordinates of the point */

void main(void)

SetPenMode(0); /* set up for graphics */

x = 0; /* initialize the ball position */

y = 0;

for (i = 0; i <= 50; ++i) {

SetSolidPenPat(3); /* animate the ball */
for (j = 1; j <= 1000; ++j) ; /* pause */

step 3

#include <quickdraw.h>

#define MAXX 316 /* graphics window size */

#define MAXY 83

unsigned i,j; /* loop counters */

int x,y; /* coordinates of the point */
int xSpeed,ySpeed; /* ball's speed */
unsigned iter; /* loop counter */

void main(void)

printf("Start x :"); /* initialize the ball position */
scanf(" %d", &x);
printf("Start y :");
scanf(" %d", &y);
printf("X speed :"); /* initialize the ball speed */
scanf(" %d", &xSpeed);
printf("Y speed :");
scanf(" %d", &ySpeed);
printf("iterations :"); /* initialize the loop counter */
scanf(" %d", &iter);

SetPenMode(0); /* set up for graphics */


x = 0; /* initialize the ball position */

y = 0;

for (i = 0; i <= iter; ++i) {

SetSolidPenPat(3); /* animate the ball */
x += xSpeed;
y += ySpeed;
for (j = 1; j <= 1000; ++j) ; /* pause */

step 4

#include <quickdraw.h>

#define MAXX 316 /* graphics window size */

#define MAXY 83

unsigned i,j; /* loop counters */

int x,y; /* coordinates of the point */
int xSpeed,ySpeed; /* ball's speed */
unsigned iter; /* loop counter */

void main(void)

printf("Start x :"); /* initialize the ball position */
scanf(" %d", &x);
printf("Start y :");
scanf(" %d", &y);
printf("X speed :"); /* initialize the ball speed */
scanf(" %d", &xSpeed);
printf("Y speed :");
scanf(" %d", &ySpeed);
printf("iterations :"); /* initialize the loop counter */
scanf(" %d", &iter);

SetPenMode(0); /* set up for graphics */


x = 0; /* initialize the ball position */

y = 0;

for (i = 0; i <= iter; ++i) {

SetSolidPenPat(3); /* animate the ball */
x += xSpeed;
y += ySpeed;
if (x < 0) {
x = 0;
xSpeed = -xSpeed;
else if (x > MAXX) {
x = MAXX;
xSpeed = -xSpeed;

if (y < 0) {
y = 0;
ySpeed = -ySpeed;
else if (y > MAXY) {
y = MAXY;
ySpeed = -ySpeed;
for (j = 1; j <= 1000; ++j) ; /* pause */

Lesson Four
/* outline it in black */
Subroutines Avoid Repetition SetSolidPenPat(0);
In the first few lessons of this course, all of the LineTo(220,50);
programs we are writing are fairly short. Many useful LineTo(270,50);
programs are short, but as you start to make your LineTo(270,30);
programs more sophisticated, the programs will get
longer and longer. A simple game on the Apple IIGS,
for example, is generally 1,000 to 3,000 lines long;
most of the programs we have written so far are 20 to /* draw a purple rectangle */
60 lines long. As the size of your programs increase, SetSolidPenPat(2);
you will need some new concepts and tools to write the for (i = 41; i <= 79; ++i) {
programs. One of the most important of these is the MoveTo(50,i);
subroutine. LineTo(300,i);
For our first look at subroutines, we will start with }
a program that draws three rectangles on the graphics /* outline it in black */
screen, filling each with a different color. SetSolidPenPat(0);
/* Draw three rectangles */ LineTo(50,80);
#include <quickdraw.h> LineTo(300,40);
unsigned i; /* loop variable */ }

void main(void) If you look at this program closely, you will see
that there is very little difference between the parts that
{ draw the green and purple rectangles. In fact, if we put
/* set up for graphics */ the coordinates of the rectangles in variables called left,
SetPenMode(0); right, top and bottom, and put the color in a variable
SetSolidPenPat(0); called color, we could use exactly the same lines of
SetPenSize(3,1); code to draw the green and purple rectangles. The code
would look like this:
/* draw a black rectangle */
/* draw a rectangle */
for (i = 10; i <= 60; ++i) {
for (i = top+1; i <= bottom-1;
++i) {
/* draw a green rectangle */
/* outline it in black */
for (i = 31; i <= 49; ++i) {

Listing 4.1

/* Draw three rectangles */

#include <quickdraw.h>

void Rectangle (int left, int right, int top, int bottom, int color)

/* This subroutine draws a colored rectangle and outlines it */

/* in black. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* left,right,top,bottom - edges of the rectangle */
/* color - interior color of the rectangle */

unsigned i; /* loop variable */

SetSolidPenPat(color); /* draw a rectangle */

for (i = top+1; i <= bottom-1; ++i) {
SetSolidPenPat(0); /* outline it in black */

void main(void)

SetPenMode(0); /* set up for graphics */

Rectangle(10,250,10,60,0); /* draw a black rectangle */

Rectangle(220,270,30,50,1); /* draw a green rectangle */
Rectangle(50,300,40,80,2); /* draw a purple rectangle */

common uses for a subroutine is just this situation.

While we don't really need to redraw the outline of When your program needs to do essentially the same
the square for the black square, the same code could thing in several different places, you can write a
even be used to draw the black square. A few extra subroutine to do the thing, and call it from more than
lines get executed when the outline is drawn (the one place. Let's try this in a program, and then look at
outline is black, and so is the color that is filled in), but what is happening in detail.
the same code could be used. One of the of the most

The Structure of a Function In a parameter list, the comma is used to separate the
parameters themselves, so you have to specify the type
In one sense, the overall structure of the function again for each of the parameters.
Rectangle should look pretty familiar to you. After all, The parameter list forms a sort of model that tells
all of your programs have had at least one function, us how to call the function, as you can see by
called main. There are a couple of new things here, comparing the function declaration with a call from our
though, so we'll take a very close look at this program. sample program.
Like the main function that you are familiar with,
the Rectangle function doesn't return a value, so we void Rectangle (int left,
start the definition with void. The name that comes int right, int top, int bottom,
next can be anything you like, so long as it isn't a int color)
reserved word, and so long as you haven't used the
name in your program for something else. I like to Rectangle (10,
capitalize the name of my functions like a title, but like 250, 10, 60,
all conventions, you can do anything you like. The one 0);
exception, of course, is main. Since C is a case
sensitive language, I can't spell it as Main. Of course, On the top lines, you see the function declaration. The
whatever convention you use, you should be consistent. following lines show a call to the function, with spaces
The main function's parameter list is pretty simple. inserted to line up the matching components. C knows
Since we don't pass any parameters to main, we use you are calling the function from the name itself. Since
void between the parenthesis for the main function, and the compiler has already seen the definition of the
you would do that with your own subroutines if they function, it knows that Rectangle is a function, and that
did not have any parameters. The parameter list for it needs five integer parameters. The compiler expects
Rectangle, though, is more complicated than the one in the values you pass as parameters to appear after the
the main function, so we will need to spend a little more function name, enclosed in parenthesis, and separated
time talking about it. In the Rectangle function, the by commas. If you forget one of the these parameters,
parameter list looks like this: put in too many, or use a parameter that isn't an integer,
the compiler will complain.
int left, int right, int top, When the function is called, the compiler starts by
int bottom, int color assigning the values you put in the parameter list to the
variables you defined in the parameter list. In effect,
It is no accident that this looks suspiciously like a series for the call we are using as an example, the compiler
of variable declarations. In fact, if you separate the does the following five assignments before the first
variables with semicolons instead of commas, and statement of the function is executed:
moved the parameters to the top of the program, the
compiler would be happy to take this parameter list as a /* in effect, what the */
series of variable declarations. What the parameter list /* compiler does */
actually does, in fact, is to define these variables within
left = 10;
the function. Any statement within the function can use
right = 250;
these variables. You can change them using an
assignment statement, or use them in an expression, as top = 10;
we do in our program. A very important point to keep bottom = 60;
in mind, though, is that the variables actually go away color = 0;
after you leave the subroutine. We will see this more
clearly in a moment with the debugger. When the function starts, then, the variables from the
There is one major difference between the way that parameter list already have an initial value.
we define variables and the way that we write a
parameter list. When you define variables, you know Local Variables
that you can define several at the same time with a
single type, like this: Right at the top of the Rectangle function, just after
the { character that marks the start of the body of the
int left,right,top,bottom,color; function, you see the line

unsigned i;

program. Step up to the point where the arrow is on the
In a sense, there is nothing new about this line; you first call to the Rectangle function (Figure 4.1). The
have used lines just like it to define variables in all of next statement executed is the call to the function itself.
your programs. The difference between this line and When you step, the arrow jumps to the first line of the
the variables you have defined in the past rests entirely subroutine (Figure 4.2). As you continue to step, the
with where the line is found. Instead of defining the statements in the function are executed just as they
variable before the start of the Rectangle function, this would be if they were in main. After the last statement
one is defined inside of the function itself. Variables is executed, you return to the first statement after the
defined inside of a function are called local variables. function call in the function main.
There are several differences between local The point of all of this is that the function call
variables and global variables. Local variables are transfers control to the statements in the function. The
created when the function starts to execute, and the function acts just like main, executing each statement in
space that has been allocated for them goes away after turn. When all of the statements in the function have
the program leaves the function. Exactly how this is been executed, the program continues on with the first
done is something we will cover later, but there is an statement after the function.
important implication you should understand from the You can define variables in a function by declaring
very beginning: if you assign a value to a local variable, them as parameters or by declaring them right after the
the value will not necessarily be the same when you call { character that marks the beginning of the function
the function again. (Later, you will learn how to get body. These variables are created when the function is
around this limitation.) called, and vanish when the function has finished
You might wonder why there are two different executing. To see this, stop the program, or use Trace
kinds of variables at all. The most important reason is or Go to finish it up. Bring up the variables window,
that local variables give you more power in organizing and move it over the shell window (which we aren't
your program into individual units. The local variable i using at the moment). Step to the first line of the
in the Rectangle function belongs solely to that program. Since there are no global variables in main,
function; no other function sees it, no other function can you will find that you cannot look at a variable. You
change it, and other functions can have their own local might try looking at the variable left, from the
variables, also called i, without interfering with Rectangle function's parameter list, or i, defined with
Rectangle. A global variable, on the other hand, is the function, to see this. The debugger will tell you that
available to all of the functions in your program. no such variable exists.
Global variables give you one way to share information Continue stepping until you get to the first line of
between the various functions in the program. the function Rectangle. Watch the variables window as
In general, you should use local variables you enter the function: the name at the top of the
whenever you can, and global variables only when you variables window will change from main to Rectangle.
have to. Global variables should only be used when a At this point, you can look at any of the variables from
particular piece of information needs to be shared the parameter list, or you can look at the loop variable,
among several different functions. As your i. It is sometimes entertaining to look at i before the
programming skills develop, the reason for this rule of loop has been executed. Since i has not been assigned a
thumb will become more and more clear. value, the number you see is just whatever value the
memory location the compiler is using for i happened to
How Functions are Executed contain before the function was called. It brings home
the point that a variable should never be used before
There are some subtle points about how functions you assign a value to it.
are executed, how variables are created, and how they While you are looking at the variables from any
go away that I have mentioned, but that may not have function, you cannot look at the global variables, or at
sunk in so far. To drive these points home, we will fire the variables in another function. Technically speaking,
up the debugger. these variables are located in separate areas, called
If you haven't already tried the program, go ahead stack frames, and the debugger only lets you look at
and type it in now, and run it to see what it does. one stack frame at a time. To look at the global
The first thing we will do with the debugger is to variables, or at the variables in another function, you
look at what happens when a function is called. Pull click on the up arrow to move "up" one stack frame.
down the debug menu and select the Step command to To look at the variables from the function again, you
start the program. By now, you are probably familiar click on the down arrow to move "down" one stack
with the arrow appearing on the first statement in the frame.

If you have been using the arrows to switch Comments and Function Names
between the stack frames, move back to the Rectangle
function, so you are looking at the variables from that A program with one or two functions isn't likely to
function. Continue stepping until you leave the be too confusing, but as our programs use more and
function. As soon as you do, the variables window more functions, there are some conventions that will
shifts back to main. The arrow can no longer be used to help make the programs easier to read. One convention
look at the variables from the function Rectangle. In I use in virtually every programming language has to do
fact, the variables literally do not exist anymore; the with the way I choose names. If you look at the sample
memory the compiler was using for the variables while program, you will see that all variable names start with
the function was executing can be used for other a lowercase letter, while the name of the function starts
purposes. When you step into the function again, new with a capitol letter. This helps remind me about the
memory is allocated for the variables. By chance, it kind of identifier I am looking at when I read a
might happen to be the same memory that was used on program.
the last call, but that isn't something you can count on. By far the most important convention, though, is
One side effect of this is that the value of a variable how the function is commented. Right after the
does not usually survive between function calls. For function declaration, and before the body of the
example, the value of the variable i may or may not be function, I always put in a block comment. This block
the same as it was at the end of the last call; certainly, of comments tells what the function does. I use a very
you should not write a program that depends on the rigid format with up to four sections to comment a
value being the same. Later, we will learn how to write function. These sections are:
programs when you need to keep a value between calls.

1. A description of the function, telling what the function does.

/* This subroutine draws a colored rectangle and outlines it */

/* in black. */

2. A parameter declaration section that describes the meaning of each parameter that appears in the function

/* Parameters: */
/* left,right,top,bottom - edges of the rectangle */
/* color - interior color of the rectangle */

3. A variables section that lists any global variables used by the function. Our program did not use any global
variables, but the sample below shows how I would define one.

/* Variables: */
/* x,y - the current location of the ball */

4. A notes section that gives any pertinent information about how the subroutine is implemented, and
describes any unusual properties of the subroutine. Our function did not need a notes section, but the sample below
shows what one looks like.

/* Notes: */
/* 1. For a description of the insertion sort, see */
/* "Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs," p. 85. */

As with the other formatting and commenting isn't which one you use; the important point is to find
conventions mentioned in this course, there are many one you like that supplies the same information and use
correct ways to comment a function that are different it consistently.
from the ones I have shown you. The important point

Functions Let You Create New There is another advantage, too. Most people tend
to write a few general types of programs. For example,
Commands an engineer might write several programs to deal with
complicated matrix manipulation, but never deal with
We have seen that a subroutine can be used to take graphics to any great degree. Another person might use
a series of similar, repetitious commands and place his computer to write adventure games. Any time you
them in a single subroutine, making our program start writing programs that fall into broad groups like
shorter and easier to understand. Subroutines can also this, you will find that there are sections of your
be used to create new commands, which helps organize program that get repeated over and over again. By
the program, making it easier to read. The Rectangle packaging these ideas into subroutines, you can quickly
subroutine we have already created is one example. move the proper sections of code from one program to
Once you know what the Rectangle function does, it is another.
a lot easier to read the lines As an example, let's look at a small section of code
that seems to appear at the beginning of nearly all of
Rectangle(10,250,10,60,0); our graphics programs.
Rectangle(50,300,40,90,2); SetPenMode(0);
than it was to read the original program. The idea of SetPenSize(3,1);
using subroutines to neatly package our program is a
very powerful one. It takes some getting used to, but We can package these three lines into a function called
once mastered, the technique will help you write InitGraphics, like this:
programs faster and find errors in programs easier.

void InitGraphics(void)

/* Standard graphics initialization. */

SetPenMode(0); /* pen mode = copy */
SetSolidPenPat(0); /* pen color = black */
SetPenSize(3,1); /* use a square pen */

With this new function, our program becomes even easier to read:

void main(void)

InitGraphics; /* set up the graphics window */
Rectangle(10,250,10,60,0); /* draw a black rectangle */
Rectangle(220,270,30,50,1); /* draw a green rectangle */
Rectangle(50,300,40,80,2); /* draw a purple rectangle */

It may not be obvious yet, but there is still one window with a background color. With the graphics
more advantage to packaging even these three simple initialization in a neat little package, it will be easy to
commands into a function. At some point, you may redo the package and quickly update all of your
decide that you want to set up the graphics screen a bit programs. You will also learn faster ways to color in a
differently. For example, you will eventually learn to rectangle. If all of your programs use the Rectangle
resize the graphics window, or quickly color the entire function, you can easily update the function, quickly

bringing all of your programs up to date. If the code to you return from the subroutine, after which you are
draw rectangles is scattered throughout your programs, returned to single step mode.
though, it would be a daunting task to change them all, Once you are back in the main program, you may
simply because it would be hard to find all of the places find many more calls to the same function. In our
that need to be changed. sample, for example, there are three calls to the
Rectangle function. Having satisfied yourself that the
Problem 4.1. One use of the Rectangle function is to function works, there is no need to step through it for
draw game boards. For example, a board for a the next two calls. The Step Through command can be
Reversi game would consist of eight rows and used in situations like this. The Step Through
eight columns of green squares with black outlines. command executes the entire function at full speed,
A chess or checker board can be drawn as eight returning you to single step mode after you get back to
rows and eight columns of alternating black and the main program.
white squares.
Functions Can Return a Value
Use the Rectangle function to draw a checker
board in the graphics window. Make each square In the last lesson, we used a pseudo-random
20 pixels wide and 8 pixels high, with the top left number generator in several programs to create
square at 30,12. simulations. One common theme in these simulations
was to restrict the range of the random number. For
Hint: Use one for loop nested within another to example, in our number guessing game, we selected
loop over the rows and columns, like this: numbers from 1 to 100. To roll dice, on the other hand,
we used the same idea to select a random number from
for (row = 1; row <= 8; ++row) 1 to 6. With what we have learned about functions, it
for (column = 1; column <= 8; would seem that this would be an ideal candidate for
++column) packaging. There is a problem, though. The whole
<draw a square> point of the random number code is to produce a
number, so we need a way to get a value back from the
This way, you can locate the top of each square as function. To accomplish this, we need to do two things:
(row-1)*8+12. The bottom of each square will be declare a return type for the function, and return a value
at row*8+12. The same idea can be used to find from the function. The program in listing 4.2
the left and right edge of each square. demonstrates this idea by packaging our random
number generator.
There are really only two differences in the way
More About Debugging Functions
you write a function that returns a value, and a function
By now, you have probably become good friends that returns void. The first shows up in the function
with the source-level debugger. By stepping through a declaration, which starts with the type unsigned, rather
program, you can quickly see why a program does not than the type void that you are used to. This type tells
work, or how a program does what it does. You may the compiler what it is that the function returns. You
have also noticed that single stepping through a long could tell the compiler that the function returns an int, a
program can get very tedious. float, a double, a long int, or any other type you choose.
There are two debugger features that are designed At some point, you need to specify what value the
specifically to help debug programs that use lots of function should return. This is the second difference
functions. The first is called "Go to Next Return." between a function that returns a value and a function
Like the other debug commands, it is found in the that returns void. So far, all of our functions have
Debug menu. To see how it works, start by single exited at the bottom, after all of the statements in the
stepping through our example program until you are function have been executed. To return a value from a
inside of the Rectangle function. In a real debugging function, though, you use the return statement. The
session, you might step carefully through the first few return statement is followed by an expression that
lines of a subroutine, tracking some action. Having calculates the value you want to return. In our function,
learned what you need to know, you now want to this is fairly complicated, but the value you return could
continue stepping through the main program. Rather simply be a variable, or even a constant.
than single stepping through the remainder of the You can put as many return statements in your
subroutine, you can choose the Go to Next Return function as you like, but you should be careful to create
command. The program is executed at full speed until your function so that it will always exit via a return

Listing 4.2

/* This program rolls two dice 20 times. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define SIDES 6 /* sides on a die */

#define ROLLS 20 /* times to roll */
#define NUMDICE 2 /* number of dice to roll */

unsigned RandomValue (unsigned max)

/* Return a pseudo-random number in the range 1..max. */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* max - largest number to return */
/* color - interior color of the rectangle */

return rand() % max + 1;

void main(void)

/* main program */

unsigned i,j; /* loop variables */
unsigned sum; /* number of spots showing */

srand(1234); /* initialize the random number generator */

for (i = 1; i <= ROLLS; ++i) {
sum = 0;
for (j = 1; j <= NUMDICE; ++j)
sum += RandomValue(SIDES);
printf("%d\n", sum);

statement. If you mess up, the function will still return

after it executes the last statement in the function, but When the program gets to this statement, it calls the
the value that is returned is completely unpredictable. function. The function calculates a value, and returns
You can use a function anywhere you could use a it. The value is added to sum, just as the number 4
value within the C language. In our program, we use would be in the statement
the function in the statement
sum += 4;
sum += RandomValue(sides);

Problem 4.2. You can use a function anywhere you That may seem a bit strange, and in a way it is, but
can use a value in C. In particular, you can use a there are some advantages to the way functions are
function to set the value of a parameter for another defined in C. In C, you don't have to do anything with
function call. the value a function returns. For example, the printf
Use this idea to create a program that will draw a function you have been using actually returns an
random number of rectangles, not to exceed 30, in integer; this integer is the number of characters actually
the graphics window. The rectangles should have a printed by printf. You don't usually need to know this
left and right value between 1 and 316, and a top value, so in our programs, we don't assign the value
and bottom value between 1 and 83. Use an if returned by printf to anything. If we wanted to check to
statement and a temporary variable to make sure see how many characters had actually been written,
the left side is less than or equal to the right side, though, we could. In a language like Pascal or
and that the top is less than or equal to the bottom, FORTRAN, the language always checks to be sure we
like this: did something with the value returned by the function.
In those languages, if you want an output subroutine
if (left > right) { that can return the number of characters written, but
temp = left; you also want an output subroutine that you can use
left = right; without assigning the result to a variable, you would
right = temp; have to have two different subroutines. In C, we only
} need one.
In early versions of C, that's the way it was left.
You could (and still can) choose to use the return
If you are not certain why these statements will
statement with an expression, or without an expression.
insure that left is less that right, try tracing the code
If you return from a function by dropping out of the
by hand or with the debugger for several values of
bottom after executing the last statement, or from a
left and right.
return statement with no expression after it, the value
returned by the function is unpredictable. If you return
Finally, the color of the rectangle should be chosen
from a function by executing a return statement that is
at random, and should be in the range 0 to 3. You
followed by an expression, the value of the expression
can get a value from 0 to 3 from the RandomValue
itself is returned.
function like this:
The idea of a function returning void is actually
fairly new in the C language. There are two reasons for
giving every function a type like this. First off, the
compiler is able to do a few more checks that it could
The call to RandomValue to get the color of the
do before, preventing some programming errors. For
rectangle should appear in the parameter list of the
example, if you try to assign the value returned by a
call to Rectangle.
void function to a variable, the compiler can flag an
error. Calling the InitGraphics function from earlier
More about void and return like this:
The return statement you just used in the Rectangle
i = InitGraphics;
function is obviously necessary when you need to
return a value from a function, but it can also be used in
would generate an error, since the compiler recognizes
functions that return void. In fact, now is a good time
that you defined InitGraphics as returning void (or
to stop and think about what it means to "return void"
nothing), but clearly, your are trying to assign the value
from a function.
returned by the function to an integer variable.
In many programming languages, there are two
A less important reason to use void, but one that is
completely separate kinds of subroutines. In Pascal, for
still crucial in some time-critical applications, is that
example, they are called functions and procedures; in
ORCA/C must create some code to return something
FORTRRAN, they are subroutines and functions. C
from a function. If you define a function as returning
only has one kind of subroutine, the function.
void, ORCA/C recognizes this fact, and doesn't create
Conceptually, every C subroutine returns something.
the machine language instructions to return the value.
Pascal's procedures and FORTRAN's subroutines are
This may not be true on other compilers, and the
the equivalent of a C function returning void; in C,
difference in size and speed between a function
then, void is used to tell the compiler that there really
isn't anything to return.

returning int and a function returning void isn't us that we aren't really defining an int variable at all;
enormous, but there is a difference. instead, we are defining a pointer to int. ptr doesn't
hold an integer value, like i and j do. Instead, ptr holds
A First Look at Pointers the address of an integer value.
The line
There are some places where we want to package
some code that changes more than one value. A good ptr = &i;
example of this is the ball bouncing program from the
last problem in lesson 3. It would be nice to package assigns a value to ptr. Since ptr is a pointer to an
the code that updates the position of the ball into a integer, we need to give it the address of an integer
function, and return the new position of the ball. There value. Remember the scanf function from the last
is a problem, though: a function can only return one lesson? In scanf, we also needed the address of a
value, but we need to update both an X and Y variable, since scanf wanted to store something at the
coordinate. address.
To handle this situation, we will need to learn a The next line assigns a value to j, which is an int
whole new way of getting at a value. Up until now, all variable, so we need to assign an integer value. The
of the values we have used have been stored in pointer ptr points to an integer, though; ptr is not itself
variables. To define a variable, we list the type of the an integer. To get at the integer ptr points to, we again
variable, and then its name. To use a variable in an use the * character right before the variable name, just
expression, we type the name of the variable. To assign like we did in the variable declaration. In fact, as with a
a value to a variable, we use it's name on the left-hand function declaration, a pointer declaration is also a
side of an equal sign. In all of these cases, we are being model showing you how to use the pointer in a
very specific about exactly which variable we want to statement. To access the pointer, whether you want to
define, use or set. set it or copy it, you use the name of the variable. To
Pointers are used for many things, but one of them access the value the variable points to, put the *
is to create subroutines that can set the value of several character right before the variable name.
different variables, depending on what variable we pass At this point, j is also 4, since we first set i to 4,
to the function. The idea of a pointer is really fairly then set ptr to point to i, then set j to whatever ptr
simple. Instead of accessing a variable by name, we pointed to. The printf statement confirms this, printing
access it by the address. the value ptr points to and the value of j.
Let's try a simple program to see how this works. As the course progresses, you will learn to use
pointers for more and more things, but the reason for
#include <stdio.h> bringing them up now is to show you how to write your
own functions that, like scanf, change the value of a
void main(void) variable, instead of just using the value. You see, when
you pass an int value like i to a function, the compiler
actually passes the value in the variable i to the
function. The function itself has no idea where it came
int i, j, *ptr;
from, and never changes the original value you passed.
By passing the address, though, in the form of a pointer,
i = 4; the function can change the value the pointer points to.
ptr = &i; To see how this works, we'll redo the program from
j = *ptr; problem 3.10 that bounced a ball around the graphics
printf("%d %d\n", *ptr, j); window. In this program, though, we'll encapsulate the
} code to move a ball into a function called MoveBall,
and pass this function the position and velocity of the
The first line in main defines a total of three ball. The function will then change these values and
variables, i, j and ptr. The first two, i and j, look just return.
like the countless other int variables you have defined.
The last one, ptr, is a bit different, though. The *
character that comes right before the variable name tells

Listing 4.3

/* Bounce a ball */

#include <quickdraw.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define MAXX 316 /* size of the screen */

#define MAXY 83

void MoveBall(int *x, int *y, int *vx, int *vy)

/* Move a ball in the graphics window. If the ball */

/* hits one of the sides (defined by the constants */
/* MAXX and MAXY), the direction of the ball is */
/* changed. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* x,y - position of the ball */
/* vx,vy - velocity of the ball */

SetSolidPenPat(3); /* erase the ball */
*x += *vx; /* move in the x direction */
if (*x < 0) { /* check for off the edge */
*x = 0;
*vx = -*vx;
else if (*x > MAXX) {
*x = MAXX;
*vx = -*vx;
*y += *vy; /* move in the y direction */
if (*y < 0) { /* check for off the edge */
*y = 0;
*vy = -*vy;
else if (*y > MAXY) {
*y = MAXY;
*vy = -*vy;
SetSolidPenPat(0); /* draw the ball in the new spot */

void main(void)

/* main program */

unsigned i,j; /* loop counters */
unsigned iter; /* # of movements of the ball */
int x,y; /* coordinates of the point */
int xSpeed,ySpeed; /* speed the ball */

SetPenMode(0); /* set up for graphics */


printf("Start x :"); /* initialize the ball position */

scanf(" %d", &x);
printf("Start y :");
scanf(" %d", &y);
printf("X speed :"); /* initialize the ball speed */
scanf(" %d", &xSpeed);
printf("Y speed :");
scanf(" %d", &ySpeed);
printf("iterations :"); /* initialize the loop counter */
scanf(" %d", &iter);

if (x < 0) /* restrict the initial ball position */

x = 0;
else if (x > MAXX)
x = MAXX;
if (y < 0)
y = 0;
else if (y > MAXY)
y = MAXY;

for (i = 1; i <= iter; ++i) { /* animate the ball */

for (j = 1; j <= 1000; ++j) ; /* pause for a bit */
MoveBall(&x,&y,&xSpeed,&ySpeed); /* move the ball */

In our program, the MoveBall function is used to time we use one of the values, we put a * before the
update the position of the ball on the screen. We pass name of the pointer, telling the compiler that we want
four values to the MoveBall function; the current x and the value the pointer points to, not the address
y position of the ball, and the current velocity of the contained in the pointer variable itself.
ball. Each of these four variables can be changed by Run the program in step mode, and step up to the
the function, so they are all declared as pointers when first line of the MoveBall function. Bring up the
MoveBall is declared, and we actually pass the address variables window, and take a look at the values for x, y,
of the variable, not the variable itself, when MoveBall vx and vy in the function. You will see a strange value
is called. Just as with scanf, when we need to pass the in the display. What you are seeing is the actual
address of a variable, we put a & character right before address passed as a parameter, shown in a form of
the name of the variable. Inside of MoveBall, each notation called hexadecimal. (We'll look closer at

hexadecimal numbers later.) To see the value the In K&R C, there was no such thing as void. In
pointer points to, place a ^ character after the name of other words, all functions returned some value. Just as
the variable in the variables window. As you step with ANSI C, though, you could use a return statement
through the function, changing the values for the with no value, or simply drop out of the bottom of the
parameters, switch back to the main program to check function without returning a value. And, just as with
the value of the corresponding variables in the program. ANSI C, you didn't have to make use of the value that
As you can see, the variables in the program change at was returned. By convention, when a function didn't
the same time as the variables in the subroutine. return anything, people defined the function as
returning int. In fact, the type of a function is optional
Problem 4.3. By using our neatly packaged – if you leave the type off entirely, C compilers assume
subroutine, you can quickly write a program to you want a function that returns int.
bounce more than one ball around on the screen. In K&R C, you also can't specify the types of the
Modify the sample program to bounce 10 balls parameters in the parameter list, or even put void in the
simultaneously. parameter list if there are no parameters. If there are
parameters, you list the names of the parameters in the
Use the RandomValue function to choose the parameter list, then define the variables between the
initial positions and speeds of the balls. Move the declaration of the function and the { character that starts
balls 100 times. the body of the function. For example, with the
statements and comments removed, the MoveBall
Because you are bouncing 10 balls instead of 1, function would look like this in K&R C:
you will not need a delay loop.
MoveBall(x, y, vx, vy)
Some Archaic Features of C
int *x, *y, *vx, *vy;
In this section, we will take a first look at some
ancient C. If you were ever to write a new program {
using any of these techniques, and happened to do it in
/* statements go here */
a Catholic school, some nun would take a swing at your
knuckles with a yardstick. Like all other proponents of
structured programming, I would sit in the back and
Functions also don't have to be defined before they
cheer her on. Why, then, do you need to know all of
are used, as long as the function returns an int. In all of
this stuff? Why, in fact, does C allow it at all?
your programs that used printf, for example, you have
Let's look at the issue of why these things even
included the header file stdio.h, which defines printf.
exist in C first. While C's popularity is fairly recent, the
The printf function returns an integer, though, so the
language itself has been around for a long time, and the
program will actually work the same way if you leave
earliest versions of C were based on a language (B,
the include out. Taking this all the way, our original
believe it or not) that is even older. C was originally
program that wrote "Hello, world" to the screen looks
developed for computers that were very small by
like this:
today's standards, too, so the original language had to
be small. As C has grown in popularity, it has also
grown in size, with many new features added fairly
recently. On the other hand, there are a lot of programs
laying around that are still very useful that were written {
with these early versions of C. The modern C language printf("Hello, world.\n");
has been extended very carefully so that almost all of }
these old programs, assuming they were written well,
can still be compiled from a modern C compiler. The Go ahead and type it in and try the program – even
older versions of C are collectively referred to as K&R though it is written in the older, K&R C style, ORCA/C
C, taken from the authors of the first good reference will still compile the program, just as the old C
manual for the C language, Kernighan and Ritchie. The compilers did.
modern C language is generally referred to as ANSI C, In some ways, all of this must seem a lot simpler
after the name of the standard for the language, than typing void everywhere, remembering to include
published by ANSI (the American National Standards the correct header files, and remembering to define
Institute). functions before they are used. There are some serious

problems with K&R C, though. Take a look at the void and the ability to define the number and types of
following program, but don't type it in or run it. parameters explicitly. Unless you have a very, very
good reason for using the freedom of K&R parameters,
main() and know exactly what you are doing, you should
always define the type of every function, declare the
{ parameters explicitly in the parameter list, and define
foo(65536L); the function before you use it.
That is, of course, if you value your knuckles.


int a,b;

printf("%d %d\n", a, b);

Although someone who writes good, structured

code would shudder a bit reading this program, it is
actually legal C, in the sense that any C compiler will
accept it and create a program from it. On the vast
majority of C compilers that, like ORCA/C, store
integers in two bytes, and long values in four bytes, the
program will even work, and do something almost
sensible: it breaks the long integer into two int values,
printing the two halves of the four-byte long integer as
two two-byte integers.
Just because it works, though, doesn't mean it is a
good program. What this program points out is that
programs written with K&R style function declarations
are dangerous. The compiler can't check to make sure
you are passing the correct size value to a function, or
that the function returns the correct type of result. In
fact, the compiler can't even check to make sure you
pass the correct number of parameters! And what
happens if you make a mistake? According to all of the
C standards, from the original description by Kernighan
and Ritchie to the most recent ANSI C standard, the
results are undefined. That's a polite way of saying that
the compiler can do whatever it wants, including
producing a program that crashes.
There are some good reasons why a very advanced
system programmer might want to make use of some of
these peculiarities of C. When they are needed, these
freedoms can be used by a clever programmer to do
things that literally can't be done in other programming
languages. For example, C's printf function literally
can't be written in Pascal, FORTRAN, or BASIC, but it
can be written in C. On the other hand, for the vast
majority of programming situations, it is comforting to
have the compiler checking to make sure that we don't
do stupid things, like passing the wrong number of
parameters to a function. That's why ANSI C includes

Lesson Four
Solutions to Problems

Solution to problem 4.1.

/* Draw a checker board */

#include <quickdraw.h>

unsigned color; /* color of the square */

void InitGraphics(void)

/* Standard graphics initialization. */

SetPenMode(0); /* pen mode = copy */
SetSolidPenPat(0); /* pen color = black */
SetPenSize(3,1); /* use a square pen */

void Rectangle (int left, int right, int top, int bottom, int color)

/* This subroutine draws a colored rectangle and outlines it */

/* in black. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* left,right,top,bottom - edges of the rectangle */
/* color - interior color of the rectangle */

unsigned i; /* loop variable */

SetSolidPenPat(color); /* draw a rectangle */

for (i = top+1; i <= bottom-1; ++i) {
SetSolidPenPat(0); /* outline it in black */

void SwapColor(void)

/* Changes the color between black and white. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* color - color to change */

if (color == 3)
color = 0;
color = 3;

void main(void)

unsigned row,column; /* position of the square */

InitGraphics; /* set up the graphics window */

color = 3; /* start with a white square */

for (row = 1; row <= 8; ++row) {
for (column = 1; column <= 8; ++column) {
/* draw one square */
Rectangle(column*20+10, column*20+30, row*8+4, row*8+12, color);
SwapColor(); /* flip the color */
SwapColor(); /* flip the color */

Solution to problem 4.2.

/* Draw a random number of rectangles */

#include <quickdraw.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAXX 316 /* size of the screen */

#define MAXY 83

unsigned RandomValue (unsigned max)

/* Return a pseudo-random number in the range 1..max. */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* max - largest number to return */
/* color - interior color of the rectangle */

return rand() % max + 1;

void Rectangle (int left, int right, int top, int bottom, int color)

/* This subroutine draws a colored rectangle and outlines it */

/* in black. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* left,right,top,bottom - edges of the rectangle */
/* color - interior color of the rectangle */

int i; /* loop variable */

SetSolidPenPat(color); /* draw a rectangle */

for (i = top+1; i <= bottom-1; ++i) {
SetSolidPenPat(0); /* outline it in black */

void InitGraphics(void)

/* Standard graphics initialization. */

SetPenMode(0); /* pen mode = copy */
SetSolidPenPat(0); /* pen color = black */
SetPenSize(3,1); /* use a square pen */

void main(void)

unsigned numRects; /* # of rectangles to draw */
unsigned i; /* loop variable */
unsigned left,right,top,bottom; /* sides of the rectangle */
unsigned temp; /* used to swap values */

InitGraphics; /* set up the graphics window */

srand(234); /* initialize the random number generator */

numRects = RandomValue(30); /* decide how many rects to draw */

for (i = 1; i <= numRects; ++i) {
left = RandomValue(MAXX); /* get the left, right */
right = RandomValue(MAXX);
if (left > right) {
temp = left;
left = right;
right = temp;
top = RandomValue(MAXY); /* get the top, bottom */
bottom = RandomValue(MAXY);
if (top > bottom) {
temp = top;
top = bottom;
bottom = temp;
/* draw the rectangle */

Solution to problem 4.3.
/* Bounce a ball */

#include <quickdraw.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAXX 316 /* size of the screen */

#define MAXY 83

unsigned RandomValue (unsigned max)

/* Return a pseudo-random number in the range 1..max. */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* max - largest number to return */
/* color - interior color of the rectangle */

return rand() % max + 1;

void MoveBall(int *x, int *y, int *vx, int *vy)

/* Move a ball in the graphics window. If the ball */

/* hits one of the sides (defined by the constants */
/* MAXX and MAXY), the direction of the ball is */
/* changed. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* x,y - position of the ball */
/* vx,vy - velocity of the ball */

SetSolidPenPat(3); /* erase the ball */
*x += *vx; /* move in the x direction */
if (*x < 0) { /* check for off the edge */
*x = 0;
*vx = -*vx;
else if (*x > MAXX) {
*x = MAXX;
*vx = -*vx;

*y += *vy; /* move in the y direction */
if (*y < 0) { /* check for off the edge */
*y = 0;
*vy = -*vy;
else if (*y > MAXY) {
*y = MAXY;
*vy = -*vy;
SetSolidPenPat(0); /* draw the ball in the new spot */

void main(void)

/* main program */

unsigned i,j; /* loop counters */
unsigned iter; /* # of movements of the ball */

int x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10; /* x coordinates of the ball */

int y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6,y7,y8,y9,y10; /* y coordinates of the ball */
/* ball velocities */
int vx1,vx2,vx3,vx4,vx5,vx6,vx7,vx8,vx9,vx10;
int vy1,vy2,vy3,vy4,vy5,vy6,vy7,vy8,vy9,vy10;

SetPenMode(0); /* set up for graphics */

srand(1234); /* initialize the random number generator */

/* set the initial ball positions */

x1 = RandomValue(MAXX); y1 = RandomValue(MAXY);
x2 = RandomValue(MAXX); y2 = RandomValue(MAXY);
x3 = RandomValue(MAXX); y3 = RandomValue(MAXY);
x4 = RandomValue(MAXX); y4 = RandomValue(MAXY);
x5 = RandomValue(MAXX); y5 = RandomValue(MAXY);
x6 = RandomValue(MAXX); y6 = RandomValue(MAXY);
x7 = RandomValue(MAXX); y7 = RandomValue(MAXY);
x8 = RandomValue(MAXX); y8 = RandomValue(MAXY);
x9 = RandomValue(MAXX); y9 = RandomValue(MAXY);
x10 = RandomValue(MAXX); y10 = RandomValue(MAXY);

/* set the initial ball velocities */
vx1 = RandomValue(19)-10; vy1 = RandomValue(7)-3;
vx2 = RandomValue(19)-10; vy2 = RandomValue(7)-3;
vx3 = RandomValue(19)-10; vy3 = RandomValue(7)-3;
vx4 = RandomValue(19)-10; vy4 = RandomValue(7)-3;
vx5 = RandomValue(19)-10; vy5 = RandomValue(7)-3;
vx6 = RandomValue(19)-10; vy6 = RandomValue(7)-3;
vx7 = RandomValue(19)-10; vy7 = RandomValue(7)-3;
vx8 = RandomValue(19)-10; vy8 = RandomValue(7)-3;
vx9 = RandomValue(19)-10; vy9 = RandomValue(7)-3;
vx10 = RandomValue(19)-10; vy10 = RandomValue(7)-3;

for (i = 1; i <= 100; ++i) {


Lesson Five
Arrays and Strings
name, and you even saw a definition where integers and
Groups of Numbers as Arrays pointers to int were mixed on the same line. You can
also mix arrays of int with these other types, like this:
Computers can deal with very large amounts of
data. On the Apple IIGS, you can easily write int totals[11], i, *iptr;
programs that will deal with thousands of numbers,
names, zip codes, or whatever. So far, though, the This line defines a total of three variables. The first,
methods we have for dealing with these values are totals, is an array of 11 int values. The variable i is a
fairly limited. A database of a hundred friends, each of simple int variable, like the ones you have used since
whom has a name, street address, a city, a state, and a the second lesson of the course, while the final variable
zip code would be a daunting task if each value had to is a pointer to int, like the ones you saw in the last
be placed in a separate variable. lesson.
One way we have to deal with large amounts of To get at a particular entry in the array, we need to
data is called an array. An array is a group of values, specify both the name of the array and the element of
each of which is the same type. For example, an array the array that we want to access. All arrays have
can hold 1000 int values, or 200 float values, but an indexes that start from 0 and count up to the number of
array cannot hold both int and float values at the same elements in the array minus one. To set the first
time. We use an index to determine which of the values element of the array to zero, for example, we would
we want to access at a given time. write
For our first look at an array, let's do a simulation
of rolling dice. We've done this several times before, totals[0] = 0;
on a small scale, but this time we're going to roll the
dice 10000 times, and keep track of how many times The value between the brackets can be an
we get a 2, how many times we get a 3, and so forth. expression as well as a specific integer. We can use
We could, of course, use a separate variable for each of this fact to set all of the values in the array to zero with
the totals, but that would get to be a bit tedious. a loop, rather than eleven separate assignment
Instead, we will use an array. statements. The loop variable can then be used as the
To define an array, you need to specify how many array index. This technique of using a loop to deal with
things you want in the array, and what kind they are. In all of the elements of an array as a group is one of the
our case, we are adding up the number of times a reasons arrays are so handy for large amounts of data.
particular value shows up on a pair of dice. We can get
any value from 2 to 12 from a pair of dice, so we need for (i = 0; i < 11; ++i)
an array of eleven integers. In C, when you define an totals[i] = 0;
array, you specify how many things you want the array
to hold – in this case, 11. The array is defined like this: You can use an element of an array anywhere that
you could use an integer variable. You can, for
int totals[11]; example, write an element of an array, use it in an
expression, or pass it as a parameter to a function.
This is very similar to the way we define integers. There are very few cases, though, where you can use
In fact, the only difference is that we have inclosed a the entire array. You can't write an array using printf,
number in brackets right after the name of the variable. for example. We will explore when and how you can
As you might guess, this means that the array holds use an entire array as we get to know arrays better.
integers. It's just as easy to define an array that holds Before you run the program in listing 5.1, I want to
100 double variables, though: let you know that it will take a long time. In fact, this
program will run for nearly five minutes! We will look
double values[100]; at the reasons in a moment.

In the last lesson, you saw how to define a pointer

to an integer by placing an * character before a variable

Listing 5.1

/* This program simulates rolling dice. It counts the number of */

/* times each value appears, printing a summary after the run is */
/* complete. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define ROLLS 10000 /* times to roll */

int totals[11]; /* number of spots showing */

unsigned RandomValue (unsigned max)

/* Return a pseudo-random number in the range 1..max. */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* max - largest number to return */
/* color - interior color of the rectangle */

return rand() % max + 1;

void Simulation(void)

/* Roll the dice rolls times, saving the result. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* totals - array holding the total number of rolls */

unsigned i; /* loop variable */
unsigned sum; /* # of spots on this roll */

for (i = 0; i < 11; ++i) /* set the totals to zero */

totals[i] = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= ROLLS; ++i) {
sum = RandomValue(6)+RandomValue(6); /* roll the dice */
++totals[sum-2]; /* increment the correct total */

void WriteArray(void)

/* Write the results. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* totals - array holding the total number of rolls */

unsigned i; /* loop variable */

printf(" spots times\n");

for (i = 0; i < 11; ++i)
printf("%8d%8d\n", i+2, totals[i]);

void main(void)

/* Main program. */

srand(1234); /* initialize the random number generator */
Simulation(); /* do the dice simulation */
WriteArray(); /* write the dice array */

When you run this program, you should be sure program, but once the program is debugged, you should
and trace through a few loops with the debugger to see turn the debug code off for best performance.
how values are assigned to an array. You can't look at
an entire array with the debugger, though. Instead, you Be Careful With Arrays!
must enter each element of the array individually. For
example, to look at all of the elements of the totals Arrays are a wonderfully powerful way to handle
array in this sample program, you need to enter large numbers of variables, but arrays do have some
totals[0], totals[1], and so forth as separate variables in drawbacks in C. As an example, let's look at a very
the variables window. There isn't enough room in the short program, and try to understand what it is doing.
variables window to display all of the elements of the Don't run this program, though, until you have read the
array when the variables window first shows up, but explanation of what it does.
you can use the grow box to expand the variables
window, just as you would with a program window. /* Don't run this program yet! */
As I pointed out a moment ago, and as you have no
doubt noticed, the program runs for nearly five minutes. int a[2];
In fact, it runs for 4 minutes, 48 seconds. While it is
very true that this program is doing a fair amount of
void main(void)
work, rolling two dice 10,000 times, that is still a very
long time. To see why, pull down the Run menu and
select the Compile dialog. Turn the debug code off, {
and run the program again. This time, the program runs int i;
in 10.06 seconds. That's quite a difference. In fact, that
is over 28 times faster than with debug code on. This for (i = 0; i < 32767; ++i)
brings home, again, a point raised in an earlier lesson. a[i] = 0;
The debugger is a wonderful tool for finding errors in a }

In this program, you are filling an array with zeros. To a BASIC programmer, this looks like a pretty
The array a, defined at the top of the program, is made reasonable program. You define an array with two
up of two int values; each of these requires two bytes of elements, then fill in a[1] and a[2] with a zero.
storage. Remember, though, that C starts all arrays with a first
In the function main, the for loop starts off with i index of 0, not 1! In addition, the 2 in a[2] is really the
set to 0. This stores a 0 into the first two bytes that the size of the array, not the value of the largest valid
compiler set aside for the array when it was defined. subscript. For this array, the proper way to initialize it
The next time through the loop, a[1] is set to zero, using looks like this:
the last two bytes the compiler set aside.
Unfortunately, the loop doesn't stop. It goes right on to int a[2];
set a[2] to zero, changing the two bytes that come right
after the array. These bytes were not reserved by the void main(void)
compiler for use in the array. In fact, they make up part
of your program. As the program continues to run, you {
wipe out more and more of your program, perhaps
int i;
along with some of the operating system, a desk
accessory or two, the text that the development
environment is displaying in your source window, and for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
so forth. Eventually, the program will crash – probably a[i] = 0;
by entering the monitor, which will display a confusing }
text screen that shows some information about the state
of the 65816 processor the Apple IIGS uses, as well as Take a close look at the for loop: it starts off with i set
a little about the contents of the memory; or by to 0, loops with i set to 1, and then stops, because, on
hanging, where the computer simply stops responding the next loop, i would be 2, but in that case i is not less
to you. than 2. This is a very common C programming
This is something that will happen to you over and technique. It recognizes our natural tendency to want to
over again as you program, so you might as well see it use the size of the array in the condition that stops the
happen once now, while you are expecting it. Go ahead for loop, but it also recognizes that a[2] does not exist.
and type this program in and run it. Be sure you save You can see this technique used in our dice program,
anything on your desktop before you run it, though – for example, when the totals array is initialized:
once you crash, there is no practical way to recover,
other than rebooting. for (i = 0; i < 11; ++i)
The point is that you can define an array to be totals[i] = 0;
whatever size you want, but the C language does not
have a mechanism for making sure that you don't make Why Programmers are Humble – At
mistakes. It's up to you to make sure that you keep the
array subscript in the proper range. If you make a
Least, in Private!
mistake, the results can be, well, dramatic.
By now, you probably feel like this issue is being
The error you just saw was a pretty obvious one,
beat to death, but it is a very common source of errors
but there is a similar mistake that, in practice, is made
in C programs, so I would like for you to try one other
far more often. Let's take a look at an example:
thing. Here's the sample program that indexes one
array element too far again:
int a[2];
int a[2];
void main(void)
void main(void)
int i;
int i;
for (i = 1; i <= 2; ++i)
a[i] = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= 2; ++i)
a[i] = 0;

a string constant to the screen. Since then, we have
At this point, I want you to type the program in and run made extensive use of integers and real numbers, but
it. Don't worry – you won't have to reboot again! we have never defined a string variable. The reason is
So what happened? Nothing, right? If this is such that strings in C are actually arrays of characters. Now
a bad error, why didn't anything happed? that you are learning about arrays, you can also learn a
The answer is simple, and it also shows just how great deal about strings.
careful you have to be as a programmer. The program In C, a string is simply an array of characters.
did, in fact, wipe out two very important bytes in your Characters are a new data type; in C, you use the name
program, but as it happened, the bytes had already been char for characters to save some typing, just as you use
used, and were no longer needed. If, by chance, the int instead of integer. For example, the array
bytes had been critical, the program would have
crashed. If you were to add a call to printf right after char name[10];
initializing the array, for example, the program might
crash. could be used to hold a name. It can hold Wirth, Jobs
The point this illustrates is that a bug doesn't or Allred, but it is limited to names with 9 or fewer
always show up right after you make the mistake. In C, characters. This string can't hold Westerfield, since that
it is very possible for a bug like this one to stay hidden name has 11 characters.
by chance arrangements of memory until you make an OK, you've learned your lesson about arrays, and
apparently innocent change to your program at some you know that the array can only hold 10 char values,
later date. The natural tendency of all beginning so why did I say that the longest string this array can
programmers (yes, I did it, too) is to look at the new hold is 9 characters long? The answer lies in how C
code, correctly note that it looks just fine, and maybe represents a string internally. When printf prints a
even test it in a separate program. When the new code string, or when any of the functions you will eventually
checks out, the claim is: "The computer made a learn about use a string, they need to know how long
mistake!" Or, perhaps one of the other variations: the string is. The functions don't have any idea how big
"The compiler/operating system has a bug!" the array itself is, so C uses a special character called
Right. The Apple IIGS operating system is not the null character to mark the end of the string. The
perfect, and neither is ORCA/C, but if your program null character is generally put into strings by C
crashes, the best place to start to look for the problem is automatically, but you have to remember to leave room
in the mirror. This is a hard and humbling lesson for all for it, which is why an array that holds ten char values
new programmers to learn, but it is worth learning it is only long enough to hold a string with 9 characters.
quickly. You have to leave one extra character so there is room
for the null character that marks the end of the string.
Strings are Arrays Let's take a look at a string in a real program, as
shown in listing 5.2.
You may have noticed that a string was the first
data type we ever dealt with, but you haven't seen much
of them. Back in lesson 1, our very first program wrote

Listing 5.2

/* This program reads in a string, reverses the order of the */

/* characters, and writes the string back to the shell window. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MAX 256 /* max length of the input string */

char inString[MAX], /* input string */

outString[MAX]; /* output string */

void Reverse()

/* Reverse a string */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* inString - string to reverse */
/* outString - reversed string */

int i; /* loop variable */
int index; /* index into the reversed string */
int len; /* length of the input string */

len = strlen(inString); /* find the length of the input string */

index = len; /* reverse the string's characters */
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
outString[index] = inString[i];
outString[len] = 0; /* set the terminating null character */

void main(void)

/* Main program. */

printf("String :"); /* get a string */
scanf("%s", inString);
Reverse(); /* reverse the string */
printf("Reversed:%s\n", outString); /* write the reversed string */

There are close to a whole bunch of new things in arrays and pointers have a unique relationship. This
this program, but before we start to explore them, go isn't something I'd like to confuse you with all at once,
ahead and run the program so you know what it does. but the first thing that you should learn is that when you
Back already? OK, let's start by looking at the pass an array as a parameter to a function in C, the C
main program. In particular, I'd like for you to take a language automatically converts the name of the array
close look at the scanf call: to the address of the array. In other words, you don't
need the & operator before the name of an array, and in
scanf("%s", inString); fact, it is a mistake to put it there. Fortunately, this is
one mistake a C compiler can catch, so if you forget,
At first glance, this call looks innocent enough, but you will be warned.
on closer inspection there are some peculiarities that The other new things about this call are
point out some subtleties about the C language. The considerably more predictable. Since the program is
first is the absence of the & operator before the name of reading a string, there must be a new conversion
the string. By now, you know that all parameters to specifier, and in fact you see %s. The %s conversion
scanf, except for the original format string, of course, specification also appears in the printf format string,
must be addresses, and you are used to using the & when outString is written.
operator to get the address of a variable. In C, though,

The last difference between this scanf call and the change from compiler to compiler, but this range for
ones you have made before is that there is no characters is the most common one. The other common
whitespace character before the conversion specifier. alternative is a range of 0 to 255, which you can get in
This is because the %s conversion specifier actually ORCA/C by using the type unsigned char instead of
skips whitespace on its own before it starts to read a char.) You can even use the %d conversion
string. When it is reading a string, scanf starts by specification in printf to print the integer value of a
skipping all whitespace characters, then it reads character! To print an integer as a character, you can
characters until it gets to the next whitespace character. use the conversion specifier %c, which is the
In other words, it will read symbols from the input line conversion specifier normally used to print char
one word at a time. variables.
Inside the Reverse function is a call to a new This special relationship between characters and
library function, strlen. The strlen function is part of a integers really comes into play when you ask what it
very powerful string processing library called string.h. means to compare two characters. The integer value
At the top of the program, you see a new include associated with each character changes from computer
directive to include the header file that defines all of the to computer, but some definition is essential. After all,
functions in this library. This powerful, standardized you can get pretty good agreement from most people
string library makes C the best choice of any of the whether the character a is less than the character b, but
common high-level languages for string processing. things get a little less definite when you ask if the
You will see several functions from this library in the character ^ is less than the character *. On the Apple
course. IIGS, and most other desktop computers, the integer
The strlen function finds the length of a string and that is associated with each character is defined by the
returns it. It works by counting all of the characters in ASCII character set. The ASCII character set also lists
the string up to the terminating null character. The all of the characters you can use. It has one character
string "hello", for example, would have a length of five, for each of the values from 0 to 127. Some of these
since there are five characters before the terminating values are known as printing characters; for example,
null character that C puts at the end of all strings (yes, the numeric value 65 is used to represent an uppercase
even at the end of string constants!). A, while the lowercase a is represented by 97. Some of
the values in the ASCII character set are non-printing
Characters and Integers are Related characters. These are used for special purposes. The
character whose ordinal value is 13, for example, is
The characters you use in an array to form a string used to separate lines in files of characters and to move
variable are more closely related to integers in C that in to a new line on the text screen.
most languages. In fact, as far as the C language is Table 5.1 shows the complete ASCII character set
concerned, a character is an integer. The only in tabular form. Non-printing characters are shown as
difference between a char variable and an int variable is the name of the value. To obtain the integer value used
that characters take up less room than integers, and to represent one of the characters, add the number at the
therefore have a smaller range. In fact, char variables top of the column to the number at the start of the row.
can hold integer values from -128 to 127. (This can

Table 5.1

0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112
0 nul dle 0 @ P ` p
1 soh dc1 ! 1 A Q a q
2 stx dc2 " 2 B R b r
3 etx dc3 # 3 C S c s
4 eot dc4 $ 4 D T d t
5 enq nak % 5 E U e u
6 ack syn & 6 F V f v
7 bel etb ' 7 G W g w
8 bs can ( 8 H X h x
9 ht em ) 9 I Y i y
10 lf sub * : J Z j z
11 vt esc + ; K [ k {
12 ff fs , < L \ l |
13 cr gs - = M ] m }
14 co rs . > N ^ n ~
15 si us / ? O _ o rub

take a quick look at how the memory in your computer

Problem 5.1. In this section, two claims were made: is organized and used. Basically, all of the memory in
first, that you could use %c to print the character your computer is divided up into a series of bytes, each
that corresponds to an integer, and second, that the of which is made up of eight little electronic devices
integer associated with the letter A is 65. Test which can store either a one or a zero; these are called
these facts by writing a program that prints the bits. The byte is the smallest unit of memory you can
integer value 65, but uses the conversion specifier address, and the smallest unit of memory C can set
for a character. (To save you from searching aside for any particular use. Each of these bytes can
through the text, the conversion specifier for a hold 256 different values.
character is %c.) Talking about bytes in terms of how many bits
there are makes as much sense to most people as
Problem 5.2. The ASCII character set consists of two discussing sex in terms of birds and bees. The parts
kinds of characters, called the printing characters involved just aren't the ones we are familiar with. From
and special characters. The special characters are the C programers' viewpoint, a much more reasonable
used for special purposes which you will learn way to look at the byte is in terms of how many bytes it
about gradually. The printing characters are the takes to hold certain kinds of values. An integer
characters starting with the space character (with variable, for example, needs two bytes of storage, while
an integer value of 32) and continuing through the a char variable only uses one byte. Float numbers and
~ character (with an integer value of 126). long integers each require four bytes of storage, while a
double number needs eight bytes of storage.
Write a program that prints the printing ASCII To find out how big an array is in bytes, multiply
characters in the shell window. Your program the number of things in the array by the number of
should print sixteen characters on each line except bytes required for one of the array variables. For
the last line, which will have fifteen characters. example, the array of integers in our dice sample has 11
array elements. The elements are integers, so each
(Hint: Use two nested for loops, one of which needs two bytes of storage. The entire array, then, uses
ranges from 0 to 5, and the other of which loops 22 bytes of storage.
from 0 to 15. Use an if statement to make sure you The amount of memory in your computer is usually
don't print the character for 127, which is not a given in terms of kilobytes. A good background in
printing character.) metric units would tell you that a kilobyte is 1000
bytes, but unfortunately, that isn't quite correct.
A Bit About Memory Internally, modern computers are built around powers
of two, so computer types define the kilobyte as 1024
It might help you to understand some of the bytes, which is 2 raised to the 10th power. A megabyte
information about C's various variables if we stop and

is a kilo-kilobyte, or 1048576 bytes. We use K to Another Look at strlen
indicate a kilobyte, and M to indicate a megabyte.
Depending on which model of the Apple IIGS you C has a wide variety of functions in the standard
have, you are using, as a minimum, 1.25M or 1.125M, library string.h that help you manipulate strings – so
most of which is free and can be used by your program. many, in fact, that we aren't going to look at all of them
ORCA/C can access all of the memory you have, in this course. There are a few basic ones, though, that
although there are a few tricks you have to know to you will want to use again and again, so we'll stop and
access more than 64K. take a look at them now. For all of these string
functions, you should include string.h at the start of
Character Constants and String your program.
Constants You have already seen one string function, strlen.
The strlen function finds out how many characters are
Way back in lesson 1, you learned that in a string by counting the non-null characters that
come before the terminating null character. The
"Hello, world.\n" maximum length that strings can be varies from
compiler to compiler, but in ANSI C, the maximum
is a string constant. A string constant consists of zero length is at least as big as a pointer, assuming you have
or more characters enclosed in quote marks. As a that much memory in your computer. In other words,
special case, two quote marks with no characters strings can be as big as the memory you have in your
represents a string with no characters in it at all; this is computer!
called a null string. A character constant is very As it happens, that means that the length of a string
similar: a character constant is a single character is actually a long value on the Apple IIGS, so you need
enclosed in single quote marks. As with strings, to get to make sure that when you print the result returned by
the single quote mark as a character, we use an escape strlen, you use the %ld conversion specification, not the
sequence; in this case, \'. All of the following are legal %d conversion specification. When you assign the
character constants. length of the string to an int value, though, C takes care
of converting the value from a long integer to an int
'a' ' ' '\'' '6' '!' 'A' value for you. As long as the value is not too big to
store in an int variable, you will get the correct answer.
You will generally know if you are dealing with huge
From your standpoint, character constants and
strings, since you have to allocate arrays big enough to
string constants are very similar, but you need to keep
in mind that the C language does not share your hold them, though, so there is rarely any confusion
viewpoint. In the C languages, character constants and about which size variable to use.
strings are very, very different from each other. In fact,
a character constant is really just another way of writing Copying Strings with strcpy and
an integer value: the C compiler doesn't care one bit strncpy
whether you write the character constant 'A' or the
integer constant 65; the program the compiler creates The most basic thing you will want to do with a
will be exactly the same, either way. string is to assign one string to another. Strings are
A string constant, on the other hand, is treated just arrays, though, and you can't assign one array to
like an array by the compiler. When you use a string another in C. The strcpy function lets you copy one
constant as a parameter to a function, for example, the string to another. Here's a quick example showing how
compiler actually stores the string in your program, and it is used.
passes the address of the array to the function – just as
it would pass the address of an array to the function if
you were to put an array name in the parameter list of a
Since character constants and string constants are
so different in C, the C language has two different ways
of representing these two kinds of constants. A
character constant uses single quote marks around the
character, while a string constant uses double quote
marks. For example, 'A' is a character constant, but "A"
is a string constant.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h> #include <string.h>

void main(void) void main(void)

{ {
char string1[20], string2[20]; char string1[10], string2[10];

strcpy(string1, string1[9] = 0;
"Hello, world.\n"); string2[9] = 0;
strcpy(string2, string1); strncpy(string1,
printf(string1); "Hello, world.\n", 9);
printf(string2); strncpy(string2, string1, 9);
} printf(string1);
As you can see, you can copy string constants to a }
string, or one string to another. The order of the strings
is important – you put them in the same order you Incidentally, the null character in C is always the
would for an assignment operation: the first string is the character whose integer value is zero; the first two
one you are setting, and the second string is the one you statements in the program are simply making sure there
are copying into the first. is a null character in the last byte of the string.
The strcpy function trusts you, so you need to be Like most C library functions, strcpy and strncpy
sure you know what you are doing. strcpy copies return something. In this case, they return a copy to the
characters from the second string into the first until it destination string – the one you copied things into.
hits the null character at the end of the second string.
After copying the null character, strcpy stops. Counting Problem 5.3. Use the fact that you can print a
the terminating null character, the string "Hello, character as an integer using the %d conversion
world.\n" is a total of 15 characters long. In our sample specification to find out what integer value is used
program, the string arrays are 20 characters long, so in C to mark the end of a line (the \n escape
they will hold the value with room to spare, but if you sequence) and the null character.
were to change the arrays to 10 character arrays, strcpy
would copy right over top of the five bytes that follow Hint: Use strcpy to copy the string "\n" into a char
the string in memory. In C, it's programmer beware, so array, then print the first two elements of the array.
you need to be sure your strings are long enough.
While the strcpy function is very useful, the fact Putting Strings Together with strcat
that it can write past the end of an array makes it
dangerous in some cases. For example, if you are and strncat
writing a function that works on a string that is passed
as a parameter, you may need to guard against the Putting two strings together is accomplished with a
possibility that the string is longer that you are allowing function called strcat, for string concatenation. strcat
for. You could use strlen to check, but there is also a takes two strings, and tacks the second one onto the
variation of strcpy called strncpy that can be used. The first. As with strcpy, there is a close cousin of strcat
strncpy function uses one more parameter, a maximum called strncat that uses one additional parameter to
length, to make sure the array doesn't overflow. If the prevent array overflows. Here's a sample of strcat and
limit is hit, though, your string won't have a terminating strncat in action.
null character, so you still have to check to see if there
is one – or you can simply tell strncpy to use one fewer
than the maximum size of the array, and fill in a null
terminator on your own, as this sample program does.

#include <stdio.h> In fact, if you treat the ASCII character set as an
#include <string.h> extended alphabet, strcmp acts like strings are in
alphabetical order for any string. For example, "100" is
void main(void) less than "120", since the character '0' is less than the
character '2', and "apples" is greater than "Apples",
since a lowercase 'a' character comes after 'A' in the
ASCII character set.
char string[20]; Like most of the other string functions, strcmp has
a cousin called strncmp. The strncmp function has one
strcpy(string, "Hello, "); addition parameter, which is the maximum number of
strcat(string, "world"); characters the function will compare.
strncat(string, ".\n", 20);
printf(string); Problem 5.5. The exact value strcmp will return when
} one string is less than another is negative in all C
compilers, but it can be any negative number. The
Problem 5.4. As the examples have been showing, you value returned when the first string is larger than
can use a string variable as a format string for the second is positive, but again, it can be any
printf instead of a string constant. Use this fact to positive number.
build a format string to write a character to the
shell window, then change the format specifier and Write a program that prints the actual values
use it again to write the same value as an integer. returned by both strcmp and strncmp when the first
You can use the value 65 for both printf string is less than the second, and when the first
statements. string is greater than the second.

While this is a pretty simple example, it points out Problem 5.6. What will strcmp return for strcmp(s1,
one of the more powerful aspects of C's format s2), when the strings in s1 and s2 are taken from
string: you can change it on the fly to adapt a small the following table? Assume strcmp uses -1 for a
subroutine to do a wide variety of different negative value, and 1 for a positive value.
s1 s2
Comparing Strings with strcmp and a. "APPLES" "ORANGES"
b. "50" "200"
strncmp c. "Mike" "Michael"
The strcmp function is used to compare two d. "Apple" "Apple"
strings. Basically, strcmp compares the characters in e. " space" "space"
each string, starting with the first, until it finds two f. "happy" "Happy"
characters that are not the same. If the character in the
first string is less than the character in the second string, Passing Strings as Parameters
strcmp returns a negative int value; if it is greater,
strcmp returns a positive int value. If all of the You've used a lot of library functions that can
characters up to the terminating null character match handle strings; now it's time to find out how to do that
exactly, strcmp returns zero. Finally, if one string is for yourself. Listing 5.3 shows a program that
shorted than the other, but all of the characters up to the implements one of the few functions C doesn't already
end of the shorter string match, strcmp acts like the have: it converts all of the characters in a string from
shorter string is less than the longer string. uppercase to lowercase.
Combining all of this gibberish with the fact that The main program should be old hat by now, so we
the Apple IIGS uses the ASCII character set, in which won't worry too much about it. There are several
letters are ordered right after each other, all of this interesting points about the strlower function that we
means that strcmp works just the way you want it to. need to look at, though. The first is that I have violated
Assuming all of the characters are uppercase or one of my formatting conventions. As I mentioned a
lowercase, strcmp works the same way you would few lessons ago, and as you have seen over and over, I
alphabetize strings. For example, "APPLES" is less use an uppercase letter for the first letter in my function
than "ORANGES", while "TEDDY" is greater than names, but in this program, I violated that convention.
"TED". You have to keep in mind that formatting conventions

Listing 5.3

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

void strlower (char str[1])

/* Convert a string to lowercase */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* str - string to convert */

unsigned i; /* array index */

i = 0;
while (str[i] != 0) {
str[i] = tolower(str[i]);

void main(void)

/* Main program. */

char string[40];

strcpy(string, "Apples are red, aren't they?\n");


are not rules, they are mental aids to help you program be declared as char *str, declaring the parameter as a
faster and make fewer mistakes. Since all of the string pointer to a character?
library functions start with str, I choose to make this Strangely enough, the answer is that it could be. In
function look as much like them as possible. For me, C, a function parameter that is an array can be treated in
that will cause me to make fewer mistakes. the C function as a pointer to an element of the array. If
Going beyond the formatting, you can see that, to you pass a pointer to a character, you can also treat it as
pass an array, you can simply declare the parameter as an array of characters in the function. In short, when
an array. The index may seem strange, but we'll deal you are passing a parameter, a pointer to a value and an
with that issue in a moment. First, let's stop and think array of values are completely interchangeable. In fact,
about what it means to pass an array. As you already later on you will learn how to use pointers to access
know, C automatically converts an array to a pointer to values in arrays, and arrays to access values pointed to
the first element of the array (or the address of the by a pointer. This is a powerful but strange concept
array, which is another way of saying the same thing) that you will see developed gradually in the course.
when the array is passed as a parameter. Why, then, do For the most part, though, if we are passing an
we still declare the parameter as an array? Shouldn't it array, we declare the parameter as an array, and we use
the parameter as an array in the function. Even though character as a parameter, and return a character as a
C lets us do some tricks with pointers and arrays, it is result. As you can see, they do not change characters
usually easier to understand the program if you stick to unless they are, in fact, uppercase characters. C's
one or the other. For now, just keep in mind that C character manipulation functions are contained in the
knows what to do when you pass an array as a ctype library; you can see the proper include for ctype.h
parameter, and declare the parameter as an array, even at the top of the program.
though the array is converted to a pointer in the mean
time. We'll resolve all of the sticky questions about this Problem 5.7. Using the sample program in this section
issue later, after you learn a little more about as a model, create a program to convert strings to
expressions and pointers. all uppercase characters. You can use the character
At the start of this lesson, you saw how dangerous function toupper to help you do this. Test your
it can be to index past the end of the array, and you saw function with two different string arrays, one of
that C doesn't check to make sure you don't do that in which is 20 characters long, and the other 30
your programs. It may have seemed pretty crude of the characters long, to verify that you can, in fact, pass
language not to make a simple check to prevent such a strings of different lengths.
disastrous error, but now you can see one place when
this comes in handy. You see, the strlower function Returning Strings as Function
does not know, in advance, how long the string will be
– and, since it can index past the end of the array, it
doesn't care. We declare the array as having two
The name of this section is a little misleading, in a
characters, and then proceed to index into the array
way, since like most languages, C does not let you
until we get to the terminating null character.
return a string as the result of a function. On the other
It may offend your sensibilities a little to do this.
hand, you can return a pointer to a char value, and as
After all, the string we are passing has 40 characters, so
you are starting to discover, that's almost the same thing
why not define the parameter the same way? Go ahead:
in C as returning an array. Listing 5.4 shows a
C doesn't care. But what happens if you call strlower
reworked version of our last sample program that does
again, in another place, with a string that is 80
just that.
characters long? Do you define the parameter with an
The return statement sure looks like it's returning
index of 40, or 80? Sensibilities could be offended
an array, but then, it looked like we were passing an
either way. In general, you might just pick some
array as a parameter, too, when in fact we were passing
number to represent the size of an array parameter and
the address of the array. The main function shows why
stick with it, since you really can't tell in advance how
the string functions return a pointer to the array they
large the array will be, anyway.
change, too, instead of just changing the parameter. In
Of course, you might be wondering how much
this program, we can use printf to print the value
space C is using for this array. Keep in mind, though,
returned by the function. Of course, the string has also
that the parameter isn't really an array at all – it is a
been changed, as you saw in the last section.
pointer to an array, so the pointer is the same size no
matter how big the array is. The space for the array is
Problem 5.8. The strlower function changes the string
allocated somewhere else.
you pass it. In some cases, we don't want to do
All of this may seem a bit odd, but it gives quite a
that. Create a function that prints the lowercase
bit of power to C that doesn't exist in some other
equivalent of the string without changing the string
languages. The function we just defined can, in fact, be
you pass to the function.
called with strings of several different lengths. You
can't do that in Pascal. The trade off is that Pascal has
The program you create will have one serious
checks to prevent array overflows. You have to be
drawback compared to the programs that change
more careful in C, since C doesn't do that kind of
the string. What is the drawback?
checking, but the reward is that you can do some things
in C that can't be done in Pascal.
While the standard C libraries don't have a function The string.h and ctype.h Libraries
to convert a string to all uppercase or lowercase, they
The standard C library is large and powerful. In
do have functions to convert characters from lowercase
to uppercase, called tolower and toupper. The sample fact, it is so large that we won't get a chance to cover all
of the functions in the C library, nor do most C
program uses tolower to convert the characters in the
programmers know all of them. It isn't important that
array to lowercase characters. Both functions take a
you remember all of them, either, but you should have a

Listing 5.4

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

char *strlower (char str[1])

/* Convert a string to lowercase */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* str - string to convert */

unsigned i; /* array index */

i = 0;
while (str[i] != 0) {
str[i] = tolower(str[i]);
return str;

void main(void)

/* Main program. */

char string[40];

strcpy(string, "Apples are red, aren't they?\n");


good idea of what is available, and a general idea of One thing you should notice about the table is that
how to find descriptions of the functions when you there are often several ways of doing the same thing. In
need to. In the long run, it will save you quite a bit of all of these situations, the actual functions differ a bit.
work. You have already seen some examples of this: strcpy
The tables below give you a quick summary of the and strncpy, for example, both copy a string into
functions in string.h and ctype.h, the string and another string array, but they each have different
character libraries we have used in this lesson. You options for doing so.
know all that you need to to use any of these functions, This may sound like a make-work exercise, but it
and you know enough to understand the descriptions of really isn't. C is a big language, with a huge library, so
them. Read through the list of functions and pick out a very few people ever learn it completely. If you know
couple that interest you. Make sure you can find them how your reference manual is laid out, and basically
in the ORCA/C reference manual, or whatever C where everything is, there's a good chance that you'll
reference manual you happen to prefer. You might grab it to look up a function like strcpy when you need
even want to try a couple of them in a real program. to. If you are not familiar with your manual, you might
avoid it – and your C programs will be larger, less
efficient, and perhaps have more bugs than they would
if you had used the reference manual.


c2pstr (ORCA/C specific.) Convert a C string to a p-string.

memchr Find a byte.
memcmp Compare memory.
memcpy Copy memory.
memmove Copy memory.
memset Set memory to a value.
p2cstr (ORCA/C specific.) Convert a p-string to a C string.
strcat Concatenate strings.
strchr Find a character.
strcmp Compare strings.
strcpy Copy a string.
strcspn Scan for one of a set of characters.
strerror Return a run-time error message.
strlen Find the length of a string.
strncat Concatenate strings.
strncmp Compare strings.
strpbrk Scan for one of a set of characters.
strpos Find a character.
strrchr Find a character.
strrpbrk Scan for one of a set of characters.
strrpos Find a character.
strspn Scan for one of a set of characters.
strstr Find one string in another.
strtok Break a string into tokens.


isalnum Is the character alpha-numeric?

isalpha In the character alphabetic?
isascii In the character in the ASCII character set?
iscntrl In the character a control character?
iscsym In the character one that can appear in a C symbol?
iscsymf In the character one that can appear as the first character in a C symbol?
isdigit In the character a digit?
isgraph In the character a graphic character?
islower In the character lowercase?
isodigit In the character an octal digit?
isprint In the character a printing character?
ispunct In the character a punctuation character?
isspace In the character a whitespace character?
isupper In the character uppercase?
isxdigit In the character a hexadecimal digit?
toascii Convert the character to ASCII.
toint Convert a digit to an integer value.
tolower Convert a character to lowercase.
toupper Convert a character to uppercase.
_tolower Convert a character to lowercase.
_toupper Convert a character to uppercase.

Lesson Five
Solutions to Problems

Solution to problem 5.1.

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)

printf("%c\n", 65);

Solution to problem 5.2.

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)

unsigned row, col;
unsigned ch;

ch = 32;
for (row = 0; row <= 5; ++row) {
for (col = 0; col <= 15; ++col) {
if (ch != 127)
printf("%c", ch);

Solution to problem 5.3.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void main(void)

char string[10];

strcpy(string, "\n");

printf("The \\n character is %d.\n", string[0]);

printf("The null character is %d.\n", string[1]);

Solution to problem 5.4.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void main(void)

char format[10];

strcpy(format, "%c\n");

printf(format, 65);
format[1] = 'd';
printf(format, 65);

Solution to problem 5.5.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void main(void)

printf("strcmp returns %d if the first string is less than the second.\n",
strcmp("apple", "orange"));
printf("strcmp returns %d if the first string is greater than the second.\n",
strcmp("orange", "apple"));
printf("strncmp returns %d if the first string is less than the second.\n",
strncmp("apple", "orange", 10));
printf("strncmp returns %d if the first string is greater than the
strncmp("orange", "apple", 10));

Solution to problem 5.6.

s1 s2
b. "50" "200" 1
c. "Mike" "Michael" 1
d. "Apple" "Apple" 0
e. " space" "space" -1
f. "happy" "Happy" 1

Solution to problem 5.7.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

void strupper (char str[1])

/* Convert a string to uppercase */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* str - string to convert */

unsigned i; /* array index */

i = 0;
while (str[i] != 0) {
str[i] = toupper(str[i]);

void main(void)

/* Main program. */

char shortString[20], longString[30];

strcpy(shortString, "Short Test.\n");

strcpy(longString, "A somewhat longer string.\n");

Solution to problem 5.8.
The drawback in this program is that there is a maximum length beyond which the program cannot convert a
string. In the solution, the longest string that can be handled is 79 characters. You could certainly extend this value,
but using this technique, there will always be some maximum string length. The other versions of the subroutines
were limited only by the size of the index variable, and even that could have been turned into a long value, so that
the subroutines would only be limited by available memory.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

char *strlower (char str[1])

/* Convert a string to lowercase */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* str - string to convert */

unsigned i; /* array index */
char str2[80]; /* string to return */

i = 0;
while (str[i] != 0) {
str2[i] = tolower(str[i]);
str2[i] = 0;
return str2;

void main(void)

/* Main program. */

char string[40];

strcpy(string, "Apples are red, aren't they?\n");


Lesson Six
More About Arrays
index value
The Shell Sort ---> 0 6
1 43
There are a few basic tasks that show up over and 2 1
over when you are writing real programs. One of these 3 6
is sorting. If you use a program to keep track of your
Christmas list, for example, you might want to sort the In this case, 6 is smaller than 43, so we do nothing.
list by zip code so the Post office will let you send the Moving on, we check the next element.
Christmas cards out by bulk mail. If you want to check
your Christmas list to see who's been naughty and nice, index value
though, and are trying to find E. Scrooge, you may 0 6
want the same list sorted alphabetically by name. This
---> 1 43
kind of information is often stored in an array, the new
2 1
way of organizing information you learned in the last
lesson. In this section, you will learn how to sort an 3 6
array so you can do things like put a mailing list in zip
code order. This time, 1 is smaller than 43, so we exchange the
There are many ways to sort an array; each has its values in the second and third spots, ending up with this
advantages and disadvantages. You will learn about array:
other ways to sort an array later in the course, but we
will start out now with one of the classic sorting index value
methods. While there are faster ways to sort large 0 6
arrays, the shell sort is very easy to understand, very ---> 1 1
easy to implement, and actually works better on short 2 43
arrays than the more complicated sorts you will learn 3 6
The idea behind the shell sort is very simple. You Checking the third element, we find that 6 is also
start by scanning the array from front to back. At each smaller than 43, so we again make a swap.
step, you look to see if the value that comes after the
current one in the array is smaller than the current array index value
element. If it is, you change them and continue 0 6
scanning. As an example, we will sort the following 1 1
array by hand. ---> 2 6
3 43
index value
0 6 We don't check the last element of the array, since there
1 43 is nothing that follows it.
2 1 At this point, we have successfully moved 43 to the
3 6 last spot in the array, where it belongs, but the array is
still not completely sorted. To sort the array
We start off with the first array element, and check completely, we need to keep track of whether or not we
to see if the value is smaller than the value in the swapped any array entries. If we didn't need to swap
second element of the array. (The arrow shows which any entries, then the array is sorted. If we did swap two
element of the array we are working on.) of the array elements, though, we need to make another
pass over the array. Our second pass makes one swap,
moving 1 to the first array element.

index value arrays. While we are sorting the array, one of the
0 1 things we need to keep track of is whether or not we
1 6 have swapped any entries in the array. If we have, we
2 6 need to make another pass through the array; if we have
3 43 not swapped any entries, the sort is complete, and we
can stop. The normal way to do this in C is to set an int
Notice that we only want to swap elements of the or unsigned value to 0 before you start through the
array if the next element is actually less than the one we loop, then set it to 1 (or some other non-zero value) if
are inspecting. If we swap elements when the values you make a swap. You can then test this value directly
are equal, we would loop over our sample array over in C's do-while loop, since C treats an integer value of 0
and over, swapping 6 with itself on each pass. as false, and any non-zero integer value as true. That's
Before diving into an example program that shows a pretty powerful concept, and we'll look at it more
an actual sort, let's take a moment to examine one new closely in a moment.
concept that we will use that has nothing to do with

Listing 6.1

/* This program reads in an array of up to 100 float numbers. It */

/* then sorts the array, and prints the numbers in order. Numbers */
/* are read until a zero is found. */

#include <stdio.h>

#define MAX 100 /* max # of floats to sort */

float numbers[MAX]; /* array to sort */

unsigned num; /* # of numbers actually read */

void ReadEm (void)

/* Read the list of numbers. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* numbers - array of numbers read */
/* num - number of numbers read */

float rval; /* number read from the keyboard */

num = 0;
do {
scanf(" %f", &rval);
if (rval != 0.0) {
numbers[num] = rval;
while (rval != 0.0);

void Sort (void)

/* Sort the list of numbers. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* numbers - array of numbers read */
/* num - number of numbers read */

float temp; /* temp variable; used for swapping */
unsigned swap; /* has a swap occurred? */
unsigned i; /* loop variable */

do { /* loop until the array is sorted */

swap = 0; /* no swaps, yet */
for (i = 0; i < num-1; ++i) { /* check each element but the last */
/* if a swap is needed then... */
if (numbers[i+1] < numbers[i]) {
swap = 1; /* note that there was a swap */
temp = numbers[i]; /* swap the entries */
numbers[i] = numbers[i+1];
numbers[i+1] = temp;
while (swap);

void WriteEm (void)

/* Write the list of numbers. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* numbers - array of numbers read */
/* num - number of numbers read */

unsigned i; /* loop variable */

for (i = 0; i < num; ++i)

printf("%f\n", numbers[i]);

void main (void)

/* main program */

ReadEm(); /* read the list of numbers */
Sort(); /* sort the numbers */
WriteEm(); /* write the list of numbers */

Listing 6.1 is your first sort, so it is well worth your in fact, less than 4, C returns a non-zero value (1 in
time to study how it works carefully with the debugger. most implementations of C, including ORCA/C), and if
Bring up the variables window while you are in the Sort a is greater than or equal to 4, the result is zero. In C,
subroutine, and display the first five entries or so. then, 0 is false, and anything else is true.
(Remember, you can click on the arrows to show the While the values are just integers, programmers
global variables while you are in a subroutine, and to often refer to expressions that are returning a true or
switch back to the local variables to monitor the temp false result as boolean expressions. To make things a
and swap variables.) Try the program with a list of five little more obvious in the program, you may also see
numbers that are the same. Try a list of five numbers definitions like
that are already sorted. You might also try the values
from the sorting example we worked at the start of this #define BOOLEAN int
section; the values will be handled internally as real #define FALSE 0
numbers, but as you learned in lesson 3, the scanf #define TRUE 1
function can read an integer and convert it to a real
number. in a C program. This just gives you a slightly more
mnemonic way of dealing with integers that are being
Problem 6.1. As you learned in the last lesson, the used as boolean values; it's a mental crutch, like
comparison operators can work on characters as comments, that makes the program a little easier to read
well as they can on integers or real numbers. Use and understand.
this fact to modify the Reverse sample from lesson Now we can put some of these ideas together to
5 so it will sort the characters, rather than printing rapidly expand what we can do with the C language.
them in reverse order. For example,

Problem 6.2. The sample program from this section numbers[i+1] < numbers[i]
sorts an array so that the smallest number comes
first. Sometimes we want the largest number first. is a boolean expression, returning an integer value, so
Change the sample to it sorts the values with the we can assign it to an integer variable. If less is an int
larges first, proceeding to the smallest. variable, then the assignment

Boolean Values less = numbers[i+1] < numbers[i];

In the sort sample, you got a first look at the way C works perfectly well in C. Also, as you saw briefly in
actually deals with values that are either true or false, the sort sample, you can use this int variable, or any
something programmers call boolean values. In C, other integer, for that matter, as the condition in a do-
boolean values are handled using integers. When you while loop, while loop, or if statement.
test to see if a is less than 4 with the statement Unless it is an election year, most people wouldn't
think that it makes much sense to add true to false, or
if (a < 4) subtract true from true. (Since C handles boolean
... values as integers, though, you can actually do this in
C, but good programmers tend not to do this sort of
C is actually comparing a to 4, and returning an integer thing.) On the other hand, it makes perfect sense to ask
result, just as a+4 would return an integer result. If a is, if rich and thin are true, or if tall or slim is true. It also
makes sense to say that something is not false. These As with math operators, boolean operators use
easy to understand concepts give rise to three operators operator precedence to determine the order they are
that work on integers in a way that is consistent with applied to the arguments. The ! operator has the
the way we think about true and false. These operators highest precedence, and is applied first. Next comes
are || (logical or), && (logical and) and ! (logical &&, followed by ||. The precedence of the operators,
negation, often thought of as not). Note that the or and their relationship with the other operators, can be
operator is two | characters, not one, and the and found in the ORCA/C reference manual, or any other
operator is two & characters, not one. It is very good C reference manual.
important that you remember to use || and &&, since C Frankly, though, I don't recommend that you
also has & and | operators that do something else. The depend on precedence when you are writing boolean
single-character operators, & and |, are called bitwise expressions. Most people who are familiar with
operators. You will learn about these later. programming languages or algebra are not surprised
Like the familiar math operators +, -, * and /, the (which, as you now know, means they are unsurprised)
&& and || operators work on two values. These values to find out that
can actually be just about any type you have learned so
far – any type, in fact, except for an array or a function. 1+2*3
To be more specific, the types can be any of the signed
or unsigned integers, float, double, char, or even a is 7, rather than 9. On the other hand, there is no
pointer. Each of these values is treated as false if it is 0 general agreement on what
(0.0 for float and double, and NULL for pointers), and
true if it is not zero. The && operator (and operator) truth || beauty && justice
returns true if both of the operands are true. This is the
same way we use the word and in the English language means. For that reason, I would recommend using
when we are talking about logical consequences. For parenthesis in your boolean expressions, even when
example, I will drive a Porsche if I get rich and if my they are not technically necessary, as a form of
wife says it's OK. If either condition is not met, there is comment. With the parenthesis in the expression, it is
grave doubt about my future as a street racer, at least in easy for anyone to read the expression and see what you
a Porsche. The || operator (or operator) also works the mean.
way we use the word or in the English language. For In addition to &&, || and !, there are six other
example, Dan Quale will be president if he is elected in hybrid operators you are already familiar with that take
an election or if George Bush dies in office. Both the numeric arguments and return a boolean result. The
&& and || operators return an int value that is 0 if the result of these operators can be used in an expression
result is false, and non-zero if the result is true. anywhere an int variable can be used, and, like the other
Expressing these concepts in C, we get: boolean operators, the result is a zero for false, and
some non-zero value for true. The operators, of course,
getAPorsche = rich && wifeApproves; are the six comparison operators:
presidentQuale =
QualeElected || BushDies; < > <= >= != ==

The ! operator (not operator) is the boolean form of I mentioned that ORCA/C, like most C compilers,
negation. It returns the opposite of the argument. will return 1 for the result of a boolean operator if the
Again, it works just like the word not is used in result is true, but you may have noticed that I was very
English, and again, it also works on any of the types careful to say "0 for false, and non-zero for true" in all
that the && or || operators support. I'm sure you have of the places where I described the result of a boolean
heard someone say, "that is not true!" Well, in C, as in operator. This is one of those places that separates the
English, not true is the same as false. For example, !a good C programmers from the not-so-good
will be 0 if a started out as non-zero, and it will be some programmers, and one of the reasons why C programs
non-zero value if a started out as zero. The not operator are only portable if you work at it a bit. While ANSI C
is very handy in conditions. requires a value of 1 for true, not all compilers are
ANSI compilers. Historically, the value -1 has also
if (!rich) been used a lot for true. In good programs, you should
printf("Keep the Datsun.\n"); handle boolean values the same way C does: 0 is false,
and anything else is true.

Problem 6.3. Back in lesson 3, we used two do-while anything that you can define as a variable. Putting
loops to choose a random number, like this: these ideas together, it is easy to create a program that
can sort an array of names, rather than an array of
do numbers. For example, a string that can hold up to 10
do characters is defined in C as
value = rand();
while (value <= 0); char str[11];
while (value > 100);
To define an array of 20 strings, each of which is
While this was a good way to learn a little about able to hold 10 characters, we just add another array
nested do-while loops, it is terrible C. subscript before the first:

Use what you now know about boolean char strings[20][11];

expressions to combine the two do-while loops into
a single do-while loop. With this accomplished, You can access either the strings or the individual
write a program that selects and prints ten random characters, depending on how many subscripts you
integers in the range 1 to 100. specify. For example, to compare the third string in the
array to "Mike", you could use
Problem 6.4. The printf library function doesn't have a
way to write a boolean value as true or false. Write strcmp(strings[2], "Mike");
a function called PrintBool that will print the string
false if you pass it a zero, and true if you pass To print the fourth character of the second string, you
anything but a zero. Test your function by calling would use
it with the values 0, 1, and -1.
printf("%c", strings[1][3]);
Arrays of Arrays
These ideas are put to use in the program shown in
So far, we have looked at arrays of integers, arrays listing 6.2. With these simple additions to your
of reals, and arrays of characters, but you can actually knowledge of arrays, there isn't anything really new
define an array of any type in C, even an array of about the program, but you should certainly take the
arrays. For example, as the following program shows, time to use the debugger for a closer look at it. The
we can have an array of strings, which is actually an first problem in this section will give you some things
array of arrays of characters. to try.
This may seem a bit complicated at first, but the
idea is actually very simple and very powerful at the
same time. C allows you to have an array of absolutely

Listing 6.2

/* This program reads in an array of up to 100 strings, each of */

/* which can have up to 100 characters. It then sorts the array, */
/* and prints the numbers in order. */
/* */
/* Strings consist of whitespace separated words. Once you have */
/* typed all of the words you want to sort, enter the string "#". */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MAX 100 /* max # of strings to sort */

#define SIZE 100 /* max size of a string */

char strings[MAX][SIZE+1]; /* strings to sort */
unsigned num; /* # of strings actually read */

void ReadEm (void)

/* Read the list of strings. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* strings - array of strings read */
/* num - number of strings read */

char sval[SIZE+1]; /* string read from keyboard */

num = 0;
do {
scanf("%s", sval);
if (strcmp(sval, "#")) {
strcpy(strings[num], sval);
while (strcmp(sval, "#"));

void Sort (void)

/* Sort the strings */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* strings - array of strings to sort */
/* num - number of strings in the array */

char temp[SIZE+1]; /* temp variable; used for swapping */
unsigned swap; /* has a swap occurred? */
unsigned i; /* loop variable */

do { /* loop until the array is sorted */

swap = 0; /* no swaps, yet */
for (i = 0; i < num-1; ++i) { /* check each element but the last */
/* if a swap is needed then... */
if (strcmp(strings[i+1], strings[i]) < 0) {
swap = 1; /* note that there was a swap */
strcpy(temp, strings[i]); /* swap the entries */
strcpy(strings[i], strings[i+1]);
strcpy(strings[i+1], temp);

while (swap);

void WriteEm (void)

/* Write the list of strings. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* strings - array of strings read */
/* num - number of strings read */

unsigned i; /* loop variable */

for (i = 0; i < num; ++i)

printf("%s\n", strings[i]);

void main (void)

/* Main program */

ReadEm(); /* read the list of strings */
Sort(); /* sort the strings */
WriteEm(); /* write the list of strings */

program and thinking about what it will do before

Problem 6.5. Try to apply the rules for comparing you start writing it. In addition, plan on reading
strings to sort the following array of strings by this problem at least twice: once to get an idea
hand. After you give it your best shot, use the about what is going on, and once more to fill in the
sample program to sort the strings. If you were details.
wrong, review the rules until you understand why.
Just in case you grew up somewhere where this
Ran game wasn't played, or you grew up long enough
Mike ago that your little grey cells have dumped the
123 rules of the game in favor of more recent
Run information, we'll start off by giving the rules of
microphone the game.
Hangman is a word guessing game. When the
game starts, you are told how many letters are in
Problem 6.6. In this problem, you will develop a the word. The computer will tell you this by
program to play the game Hangman. This is a hard displaying one dash for every letter in the word.
problem, easily the hardest so far in this course, You then guess a character. If the character is in
and you should expect to take quite a bit of time on the word, you are told where. If the letter appears
it. You will need to spend some time planning the

more than one time in the word, you are told about of the array to false (0). The proper use of
all of the places where the character appears, not this array is central to getting your
just the first. The computer game will show you program to work, so we will take a closer
the positions by writing the word after each guess, look at it.
showing any characters you have guessed
correctly, and displaying a dash for any you still To understand how the found array is
have not guessed. used, let's play a short game of hangman,
using the word "oops". The word will be
If the character you guess is not in the word, your in an array of strings called words, and we
player gets one step closer to a meeting with Jack will assume that the particular word we
Ketch. On the first wrong guess, your head is in want has an index of w. We'll also
the noose. The second wrong guess adds a body to assume that we have already called strlen
the figure. The next four wrong guesses add two to find out how long the word is, and
arms and two legs. After six wrong guesses, the saved the result: in our example, though,
game ends with the character hung. we'll gloss over this by just dealing with
the first four elements of word[w] and
Your program will be developed in stages. I found. Once found is initialized, then, our
suggest that you write the program and get it to arrays look like this:
work after each of the following steps, rather than
trying to write the entire program all at once. found[0] = 0 word[w][0] = 'o'
found[1] = 0 word[w][1] = 'o'
1. Start your program with a procedure that fills found[2] = 0 word[w][2] = 'p'
in the array of words that the player can guess. found[3] = 0 word[w][3] = 's'
The array should be declared globally. Use a
#define to declare a constant called Let's say the player guesses 'p'. We would
MAXWORDS to indicate how many words scan the array, setting found[2] to 1,
are in the array. Another global constant indicating that the character has been
called MAXCHARS tells how many found. If the player guesses a letter that is
characters can be in each word. Add a not in the array, like 'e', we do nothing. If
subroutine to print the array and run the the player guesses a letter like 'o' that is in
program. The subroutine to print the array is the array more than one time, we set all of
only used to check the results so far; once you the corresponding elements of found to
are sure that you are filling the array correctly, the proper value; in this case, found[0]
remove the subroutine that prints the array. and found[1] would be set to 1.
2. Create a subroutine that asks for a random b. Declare a variable called wrong, and
number seed, and use it to initialize the initialize it to zero. This variable is used
random number generator by calling the to keep track of how many wrong guesses
srand() function. Add the RandomValue the player has made.
subroutine from lesson 4 to your program.
Test your work so far by calling RandomValue c. Declare a variable called done, which you
with a maximum value of MAXWORDS, and initialize to 0 (false). This variable
printing the corresponding word in the word controls a do-while loop that you should
list. create; this is where the action takes place.
The do-while loop should loop until the
3. Add a new subroutine that plays hangman. done variable is set to true.
You can try this on your own, or follow this
basic outline: d. Choose a word, using the same ideas
developed in the last step.
a. Declare an array of integers called found
that is MAXCHARS long. You will use e. At the start of the do-while loop, print the
this array to keep track of which word. You will loop over the array
characters have actually been found by the containing the word, printing the letter in
player. Start by initializing each element the word if the corresponding element of

the found array is true, and printing a '-' Before we go any further, though, I want to stop
character if it is false. The effect is to the panic rising in those of you who don't like math. It's
print one character for each character in only fair to point out to those who do like math, or at
the word the player is trying to guess. If least, who have learned some math and deal with it
the player has already correctly guessed from time to time, how to do the math in C. If you
the letter, you print it; if not, you print a '-' don't know trigonometry, and don't really care, then
as a place holder. don't worry too much about this section. Go ahead and
read it to get an idea what we are talking about, but if
f. Get a character from the player. Scan the you don't know what a sine is, it isn't that important to
string to see if the character is in the word your understanding of the programming portions of the
the player is trying to guess. If so, you next three sections.
need to set the proper elements of the In all of the samples and problems in the rest of
found array to indicate that the character this lesson, all of the math will be done for you. If you
has been found. If not, you need to understand it, great. If not, treat it as a pure
increment the variable wrong. programming problem, and just implement the
equations you are given.
g. Scan your found array to see if there are Trigonometry is the algebra of angles. For
any more characters to find. If not, the example, you can use trigonometry to figure out how
game is over: print the word, along with a tall a building is based on how far away from the
congratulatory statement, and set done to building you are, and what the angle is between the
true so the program will drop out of the ground and the top of the building. (Assuming, of
loop. course, that the building is straight and the ground
h. If you incremented wrong, you need to When most of us think of angles, we think in terms
print some sort of message. Do this with of degrees. Ninety degrees, for example, is a right
a series of if statements: if wrong is one, angle, or the angle between the sides of a box. A full
print something like "<ch> is not in the circle is 360 degrees. Unfortunately, C uses radians to
word: your head is in the noose!" and deal with angles, not degrees. The reason for this is
move on. If wrong is 6, the game is over. tied up in the way the basic trigonometry functions are
Print something like "Sorry, Jack Ketch calculated; it's not really important to know why C uses
got you!" followed by the correct word, radians, only to remember that it does. In radians, a full
then set done to true so you drop out of circle is 2π radians, or about 6.28319 radians. A right
the loop. angle (90 degrees) is π/2 radians, or about 1.57080
4. Add a loop in your main program that lets the One of the first things we must do, then, is figure
player play more than one time by asking if out how to convert from the degrees of every day life to
they want to continue whenever the program the radians used by C, and back again. To convert from
returns from the subroutine written in step 3. degrees to radians, we can multiply by π, and divide by
Do this by creating a function called 180. The opposite operation converts back. The
PlayAgain that asks the player if he wants to following two subroutines package these ideas neatly;
play another game, and returns true (non-zero) we can use them in our programs to do all of our
or false (zero), as appropriate. Use boolean conversions.
expressions to handle character responses of
'y', 'Y', 'n', or 'N'. float DtoR(float degrees)

Trigonometry Functions /* Convert from degrees to */

/* radians. */
In the next section, we are going to put arrays to
use by looking at how objects are rotated in the {
graphics window. In the process, we will be making
return 0.01745329 * degrees;
use of some trigonometry functions. Trigonometry is
complicated enough by itself. Tossing it at you with no
warning in the process of talking about arrays seems a
bit unfair, so we will discuss the trigonometry now.

float RtoD(float radians)

/* Convert from radians to */ void main(void)

/* degrees. */
/* main program */
return radians * 57.295780; {
} float distance; /* distance to */
/*building */
The basic trigonometry functions are sine, cosine, float angle; /* angle between */
tangent, and the inverses of these functions, arcsine, /* base & top */
arccosine, and arctangent. C gives you these functions,
calling them sin, cos, tan, asin, acos and atan. There is
even a special, two-argument form of the arctangent
printf("This program finds "
function that can handle the entire unit circle, rather
"the height of\n"
than the 180 degrees you are limited to by a single
argument. All of the functions are defined in the "a building. You must supply"
math.h header file, which has quite a few other " the\n"
trigonometric, logarithmic, and general use functions "distance to the building and"
besides these basic ones. "the\n"
The sin, cos and tan functions accept an angle, "angle between the base and"
expressed in radians, as the argument. They return the " top of\n"
sine, cosine or tangent of the argument. The following "the building (in degrees)."
program makes use of the tan function to determine the "\n\ndistance=");
height of a building. The program assumes that the scanf(" %f", &distance);
building is straight (it would not work on some
buildings in Pizza, Italy), and that the observer is an the
scanf(" %f", &angle);
same height as the bottom of the building. This
assumption means that there is a right angle between printf("height = %f\n",
the side of the building and the line from the person tan(DtoR(angle))*distance);
who measures the angle and the base of the building. }
The distance to the building is the distance from the
person measuring the angle. There is one new programming trick shown here:
I have used the same idea in a hand-held calculator in C, you can actually create a big string by coding a
to find the approximate altitude reached by a model number of short strings one right after the other. The
rocket, so you can see that there are some extremely first printf statement shows this. You can use this idea
important applications awaiting this program! as I have, to fit long strings into a limited amount of
space, or you can use the idea to break a number of
/* Find the height of a */ lines up on separate lines of your program while still
/* building. */ making your program efficient. After all, it takes time
to call the printf function, and by creating this long
string, we only have to call printf once, instead of one
#include <stdio.h>
time for each line.
#include <math.h> The legal range for the trigonometry functions, as
well as the range of values returned, has more to do
float DtoR(float degrees) with mathematics than with programming, so we won't
go into them here. You can check the C reference
/* Convert from degrees to */ manual for details.
/* radians. */
Converting Types
return 0.01745329 * degrees; As you start to use float values more and more, you
} will occasionally come across situations where you
need to convert from one type to another. The next

section presents one of these situations, so we are going
to take a moment to look at type conversions now. For There are three relatively common reasons for
example, you may have a float value, and want to using a type cast to convert between number types, as
convert it to an integer. For the most part, C does this well as a few other reasons for type casts of other types
sort of thing for you automatically. For example, if f is you will run across later. The first situation is to
a float variable, i is an integer variable, and l is a long prevent a number overflow. As an example, let's
variable, then all of these assignments are legal: assume you are going to multiply two int values, and
store the results in a long value. If you write the
i = f; program like this:
f = l;
l = i; l = i*j;
i = l;
the program will work fine if the result is small
What C does in each of these cases is about what enough to fit in an integer, but C is doing an int
you would expect and hope. When you assign an multiply, so if i contained 10000, and j contained 10,
integer value to another integer that is a different size, the answer would not be correct. Casting one of the
C quietly converts the integer from one type to another. integers to a long, like this:
If you assign a long integer to an integer, and the long
integer is too big to fit in an integer, C can't do the l = i * (long) j;
conversion, but it does still do the assignment, lopping
off part of the larger number. This can be a bit of a gives an entirely different result. This time, j is
problem, but like all aspects of C, it is just something converted to a long value, and since one of the values is
you have to be aware of, and check for if there is a long, C uses a long multiply.
possibility of a mistake. You might remember a problem from lesson 3,
When you assign an integer – long or normal sized where you compared the speed of float math with the
– to a float value, C does an exact conversion, assuming speed of int math, and found out how much faster
that is possible. There are a few cases, of course, where integer calculations can be performed. This is the
it is not possible. For example, if you convert a long second reason to use type casting: to force the
value of 123456789 to a float value, you will loose the conversion from a float type to an int type quickly, so
last two digits, since float numbers are only accurate to that the resulting calculations are also quicker. For
seven significant figures. example,
When C converts a float value to a long or int
value, the float value is rounded to the integer closest to i = ((int) f) / 10;
the float value. Assigning 1.2 to an int would set the int
to 1, while assigning 1.7 to an int would set it to 2. is faster than letting C do the calculation with no
Again, of the number is too large to fit in the variable, guidance. In this statement, the float value f is
the result is not valid. converted to an integer right away, then an integer
In most situations, you can just let C take care of divide is used. Without the type cast, you would get the
these details for you. There are a few programming same answer, but it would take longer, since a floating-
situations, though, when you want to force the point divide would be performed, and the result
conversion for yourself. In these situations, you can converted to an integer. This isn't always the correct
use a type cast. A type cast is coded as a type, enclosed thing to do, of course, since not all calculations give the
in parenthesis, appearing right before a value, like this: same answer when you use integer calculations, but the
trick is worth keeping in mind for the situations where
(type) value it does work. If you need some extra convincing, refer
back to lesson 3 and check out the execution times
Type casts convert values using the same rules that C again.
uses when you assign one type of value to another type Finally, we come to the situation you will face in
of variable. the next section. The toolbox .h files define the tool
For example, to convert a float value to an integer, calls using K&R parameters, as discussed at the end of
so you can print it using the %d conversion lesson 4. As a result, you must make sure that you pass
specification, you would write this: exactly the type of parameters the toolbox calls expect.
If you calculate a coordinate for the graphics screen
printf("%d\n", (int) f); using float variables, for example, these values must be

converted to int values before being used as parameters
to the familiar graphics calls MoveTo and LineTo. If x
and y are float variables, this would be the correct way
to plot a point at x, y:

MoveTo ((int)x, (int)y); angle

LineTo ((int)x, (int)y);

Rotation point

Over the past three lessons, you have learned a data

type – character – and two powerful new concepts –
arrays and subroutines. You also learned a powerful
programming idea, the sort. In this section, we are
going to put some of those new ideas to use to develop Figure 6.1: How a Point is Rotated
an equally powerful idea for dealing with pictures:
rotation. Rotation is a very powerful concept in Once we know the coordinates of the point and the
graphics programs. Using rotation, you can create angle, we can figure out where the new point is using
beautiful spiral shapes, draw circles, spin a shape, or these formulas, shown here in C:
flip characters around to a new orientation.
The method we will use to rotate an object is to newX = oldX*cos(angle) + oldY*sin(angle);
rotate each of the points in the object individually. In newY = oldY*cos(angle) - oldX*sin(angle);
fact, we use a separate formula to calculate the new
horizontal coordinate and vertical coordinate. If you Of course, this would be pretty worthless if we
know enough trigonometry to figure out why the could only rotate a point around the top left corner of
following formulas work, it might be fun for you to the graphics window. What we really want to do is to
work them out for yourself. If you are curious, but be able to rotate the point around some other point we
don't already know how to get the formulas on your provide the rotation subroutine. Just to make it easier
own, there are many fine books on computer graphics to talk about what we are doing, we will call the point
that can point you in the right direction. Deriving the we want to rotate P, and the point we want to rotate P
formulas is a bit beyond the scope of this course, around O. To rotate the point, then, we can subtract O
though. from each of the points. This effectively moves O to
Of course, even if you don't know why the math the origin, and P to a place that is in the same direction
works, it is important for you to be able to picture what and at the same distance from O that it was when we
the subroutine does. Basically, to rotate and object, we started. Since O is now the origin, we can rotate the
rotate each of the points in the object. To understand point, then move them back to their new locations by
how a point is rotated, imagine that we attach the point adding O to each point again. In the actual subroutine,
to the origin with a rigid rod. (The origin is the place in we don't really need to move the original point around,
the graphics window where both the horizontal and but the idea is the same.
vertical coordinates are zero. In all of our programs, There is one last problem that we have to deal with
that is the top left corner of the graphics window.) We to rotate an object. As you have already found out, a
will let the point move, and we will let the rod spin pixel on the Apple IIGS graphics screen is taller than it
around the origin, but the rod keeps the point exactly is wide. We are going to deal with this important issue
the same distance from the origin no matter where we by keeping track of our object using real variables in a
move the point. Spinning the point completely around perfect, imaginary graphics window where moving one
the origin would move the point in a circle. unit horizontally looks the same as moving one unit
To rotate the point, then, we need to know where vertically. We will use two constants, XSCALE and
the point is, and what angle we should rotate the point YSCALE, to convert one of our perfect points to the
through. coordinate system used in the graphics window. Of
course, we also need to convert the real number to an
integer, something C will not do for us automatically.
These ideas are (finally!) put to use in the program
in listing 6.3, which spins a square in the graphics

Step 1: Move the Points Step 2: Rotate Step 3: Move Them Back

Figure 6.2: Rotating About An Arbitrary Point

Listing 6.3

/* Rotate a square in the graphics window. */

/* */
/* This program makes use of two constants, */
/* XSCALE and YSCALE, to decide how to convert */
/* from the real numbers used to represent the */
/* points of the cube into the integer */
/* coordinates used by QuickDraw. These values */
/* will convert from inches to pixels in 640 */
/* mode on a 12" monitor. */

#include <quickdraw.h>
#include <math.h>

#define XSCALE 86 /* x conversion factor */

#define YSCALE 33 /* y conversion factor */
#define pi 3.1415927 /* circumference of a circle */

void InitGraphics (void)

/* Standard graphics initialization */

SetPenMode(0); /* pen mode = copy */
SetSolidPenPat(0); /* pen color = black */
SetPenSize(3,1); /* use a square pen */

void Rotate (float *x, float *y, float angle, float ox, float oy)

/* Rotate the point x,y about ox,oy through */

/* the angle given. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* x,y - point to rotate */
/* angle - angle to rotate (in radians) */
/* ox,oy - point to rotate around */

float cosAngle,sinAngle; /* sin and cos of angle */
float nx; /* new x */

*x -= ox; /* move the point */

*y -= oy;
cosAngle = cos(angle); /* this takes time - save the results */
sinAngle = sin(angle);
nx = *x * cosAngle + *y * sinAngle; /* rotate the point */
*y = *y * cosAngle - *x * sinAngle;
*x = nx+ox; /* move the point back */
*y = *y+oy;

void RotateSquare (float x[4], float y[4])

/* Rotate the square 9 degrees */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* x,y - coordinates of square */

unsigned i; /* loop variable */

for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)

Rotate(&x[i], &y[i], pi/20.0, 1.5, 1.5);

void DrawSquare (int color, float x[4], float y[4])

/* Draw the square */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* color - color to draw */
/* x,y - coordinates of the square */

SetSolidPenPat(color); /* set the pen color */
/* draw the square */
MoveTo((int) (x[0]*XSCALE), (int) (y[0]*YSCALE));
LineTo((int) (x[1]*XSCALE), (int) (y[1]*YSCALE));
LineTo((int) (x[2]*XSCALE), (int) (y[2]*YSCALE));
LineTo((int) (x[3]*XSCALE), (int) (y[3]*YSCALE));
LineTo((int) (x[0]*XSCALE), (int) (y[0]*YSCALE));

void main(void)

/* Main program */

float x[4],y[4],oldX[4],oldY[4]; /* points in the square */
unsigned i,j; /* loop variables */

InitGraphics(); /* set up the graphics window */

x[0] = 1.0; y[0] = 1.0; /* initialize the square */
x[1] = 2.0; y[1] = 1.0;
x[2] = 2.0; y[2] = 2.0;
x[3] = 1.0; y[3] = 2.0;
DrawSquare(0, x, y); /* draw the square */

for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {

for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { /* save the current location */
oldX[j] = x[j];
oldY[j] = y[j];
RotateSquare(x, y); /* rotate */
DrawSquare(3, oldX, oldY); /* erase the old square */
DrawSquare(0, x, y); /* draw the square */

When I was taking Physics classes, one of the Well, in a way they were right, of course. From a
things instructors used to delight in doing was to start a few basic principals, we learned to do some amazing
one semester course by writing a few equations on the things. The same thing happens in C. You already
board. "There," they would say. "That's all you need to know all of the basic principals involved in this
learn this semester." program, but some of them are being put to very new

uses. Let's step through them and explain what is cx, cy The location of the center of the circle, in
happening. inches. The location is measured from the
First, this program is another good example of top left corner of the graphics window.
using subroutines to organize and simplify a program. Use the scaling mechanism shown in the
For example, we have packaged the idea of drawing sample program to convert from inches to
and rotating a square into subroutines. We have also screen coordinates.
reused our InitGraphics function to get ready to draw to radius The radius of the circle, in inches. The
the graphics window. radius is the distance from the center of
One of the things you see in the main program that the circle to the edge.
is a little new is two assignment statements on one line. color The color of the circle.

x[0] = 1.0; y[0] = 1.0; The following pseudo-code outlines the steps you
x[1] = 2.0; y[1] = 1.0; must take. Note that the pseudo-code assumes that
x[2] = 2.0; y[2] = 2.0; moveto and lineto will work with real coordinates.
x[3] = 1.0; y[3] = 2.0; Naturally, you need to scale the coordinates and
convert them to integers using the methods shown
While tastes vary among programmers, there are many in the sample.
people who find that putting two statements on the
same line like this can make a program easier to read. x = cx;
In this program, the organization shows more clearly y = cy+radius;
that points are being set up, not just two separate arrays. moveto(x,y);
for (i = 1; i <= 40; ++i) {
Problem 6.7. The sample program rotated a square Rotate(x,y,pi/20.0,1.5,1.5);
about its center, erasing the old square as it went. lineto(x,y);
This animated the square, giving a low-quality }
movie of a moving square.
Use this function to draw a green circle. The
One of the surprising things about computers is center should be at 1.5, 1.5, and the radius should
that they can be used to create computer art. With be 0.5.
just a few small changes, the sample program can
create a very pretty picture. Problem 6.9. You can quickly convert the function
from the last problem to draw a star, rather than a
Change the program so that it rotates about the circle. Change the function to draw a five pointed
point 1.25, 1.25 instead of 1.5, 1.5. This will give star, with the points of the star on the edges of the
the square an off-center rotation. Remove the code old circle. To do this, start with a point at (2.0, 0.5)
that erases the old square, and increase the loop and rotate it around the point at the top of the
counter from 10 to 40 so the square rotates through circle. You will need to rotate the point four times,
a complete circle. Finally, change the color from by an angle of pi*2.0/5.0, which is one-fifth of a
black to green to purple as the square is drawn. circle. Next, draw lines from point-to-point to
form the star, using the same method you use to
Getting rid of the animation will also let you clean draw a five-pointed star by hand.
up the loop in the main program. In particular, you
should eliminate the oldX and oldY variables. Test this procedure with a program that draws a
purple star with a center at 1.5, 1.5, and a radius of
Problem 6.8. Rotation can be used to create some very 0.5.
interesting shapes. One simple one is a circle.
Instead of rotating a square, you can rotate an
individual point. Then, by connecting the points,
you can draw a circle.

Create a function that draws a circle using this

method. The function should accept four

Lesson Six
Solutions to Problems

Solution to problem 6.1.

/* This program reads in a string, sorts the characters, and */
/* writes the string back to the shell window. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MAX 255 /* max length of a string */

char inString[MAX]; /* input string */

char outString[MAX]; /* output string */

void Sort (void)

/* Sort the characters in a string */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* inString - string to sort */
/* outString - sorted string */

unsigned swap; /* has a swap occurred? */
unsigned i; /* loop variable */
unsigned index; /* length of the reversed string */
char temp; /* used to swap entries */

strcpy(outString,inString); /* make a copy of the string */

index = strlen(outString); /* get the length */
do { /* loop until the array is sorted */
swap = 0; /* no swaps, yet */
for (i = 0; i < index-1; ++i) { /* check each element but the last */
/* if a swap is needed then... */
if (outString[i+1] < outString[i]) {
swap = 1; /* note that there was a swap */
temp = outString[i]; /* swap the entries */
outString[i] = outString[i+1];
outString[i+1] = temp;
while (swap);

void main (void)

/* main program */

printf("String :");
scanf("%s", inString);
printf("Sorted: %s\n", outString);

Solution to problem 6.2.

/* This program reads in an array of up to 100 float numbers. It */
/* then sorts the array, and prints the numbers in reverse order. */
/* Numbers are read until a zero is found. */

#include <stdio.h>

#define MAX 100 /* max # of floats to sort */

float numbers[MAX]; /* array to sort */

unsigned num; /* # of numbers actually read */

void ReadEm (void)

/* Read the list of numbers. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* numbers - array of numbers read */
/* num - number of numbers read */

float rval; /* number read from the keyboard */

num = 0;
do {
scanf(" %f", &rval);
if (rval != 0.0) {
numbers[num] = rval;
while (rval != 0.0);

void Sort (void)

/* Sort the list of numbers. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* numbers - array of numbers read */
/* num - number of numbers read */

float temp; /* temp variable; used for swapping */
unsigned swap; /* has a swap occurred? */
unsigned i; /* loop variable */

do { /* loop until the array is sorted */

swap = 0; /* no swaps, yet */
for (i = 0; i < num-1; ++i) { /* check each element but the last */
/* if a swap is needed then... */
if (numbers[i+1] > numbers[i]) {
swap = 1; /* note that there was a swap */
temp = numbers[i]; /* swap the entries */
numbers[i] = numbers[i+1];
numbers[i+1] = temp;
while (swap);

void WriteEm (void)

/* Write the list of numbers. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* numbers - array of numbers read */
/* num - number of numbers read */

unsigned i; /* loop variable */

for (i = 0; i < num; ++i)

printf("%f\n", numbers[i]);

void main (void)

/* main program */

ReadEm(); /* read the list of numbers */
Sort(); /* sort the numbers */
WriteEm(); /* write the list of numbers */

Solution to problem 6.3.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define NUM 10 /* # of integers to print */

unsigned RandomValue (unsigned max)

/* Return a pseudo-random number in the range 1..max. */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* max - largest number to return */

int value;

value = rand();
while ((value <= 0) || (value > max));
return value;

void main(void)

/* Main program. */

unsigned i;

srand(1234); /* initialize the random number generator */

for (i = 0; i < NUM; ++i) /* print NUM random integers */
printf("%d\n", RandomValue(100));

Solution to problem 6.4.
/* Test a function that prints boolean values */

#include <stdio.h>

void PrintBool (int bool)

/* Print a boolean string */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* bool - boolean value */

if (bool)

void main(void)

/* Main program. */

PrintBool(-1); printf("\n");
PrintBool( 0); printf("\n");
PrintBool( 1); printf("\n");

Solution to problem 6.5.

The list will be sorted to this order:


Solution to problem 6.6.
Part 1

/* Hangman */
/* */
/* This program plays the game of Hangman. When the */
/* game starts, you are given a word to guess. The */
/* program displays one dash for each letter in the */
/* word. You guess a letter. If the letter is in the */
/* word, the computer prints the word with all letters */
/* you have guessed correctly shown in their correct */
/* positions. If you do not guess the word, you move */
/* one step closer to being hung. After six wrong */
/* guesses, you loose. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MAXWORDS 10 /* possible words */

#define MAXCHARS 8 /* number of characters in each word */

char words[MAXWORDS][MAXCHARS+1]; /* word array */

void FillArray (void)

/* Fill the word array. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* words - word array */

strcpy(words[0], "computer");
strcpy(words[1], "whale");
strcpy(words[2], "megabyte");
strcpy(words[3], "modem");
strcpy(words[4], "chip");
strcpy(words[5], "online");
strcpy(words[6], "disk");
strcpy(words[7], "monitor");
strcpy(words[8], "window");
strcpy(words[9], "keyboard");

void PrintArray (void)

/* Print the word array */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* words - word array */

unsigned i; /* loop variable */

for (i = 0; i < MAXWORDS; ++i)

printf("%s\n", words[i]);

void main (void)

/* Main program */

FillArray(); /* fill the word array */
PrintArray(); /* print the word array */

Part 2

/* Hangman */
/* */
/* This program plays the game of Hangman. When the */
/* game starts, you are given a word to guess. The */
/* program displays one dash for each letter in the */
/* word. You guess a letter. If the letter is in the */
/* word, the computer prints the word with all letters */
/* you have guessed correctly shown in their correct */
/* positions. If you do not guess the word, you move */
/* one step closer to being hung. After six wrong */
/* guesses, you loose. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAXWORDS 10 /* possible words */

#define MAXCHARS 8 /* number of characters in each word */

char words[MAXWORDS][MAXCHARS+1]; /* word array */

void FillArray (void)

/* Fill the word array. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* words - word array */

strcpy(words[0], "computer");
strcpy(words[1], "whale");
strcpy(words[2], "megabyte");
strcpy(words[3], "modem");
strcpy(words[4], "chip");
strcpy(words[5], "online");
strcpy(words[6], "disk");
strcpy(words[7], "monitor");
strcpy(words[8], "window");
strcpy(words[9], "keyboard");

void GetSeed (void)

/* Initialize the random number generator */

int val; /* seed value */

printf("Please enter a random number seed:");

scanf(" %d", &val);

unsigned RandomValue (unsigned max)

/* Return a pseudo-random number in the range 1..max. */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* max - largest number to return */
/* color - interior color of the rectangle */

return rand() % max + 1;

void main (void)

/* Main program */

FillArray(); /* fill the word array */
GetSeed(); /* initialize the random number generator */

printf("%s\n", words[RandomValue(MAXWORDS)-1]); /* write a random word */


Part 3

/* Hangman */
/* */
/* This program plays the game of Hangman. When the */
/* game starts, you are given a word to guess. The */
/* program displays one dash for each letter in the */
/* word. You guess a letter. If the letter is in the */
/* word, the computer prints the word with all letters */
/* you have guessed correctly shown in their correct */
/* positions. If you do not guess the word, you move */
/* one step closer to being hung. After six wrong */
/* guesses, you loose. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAXWORDS 10 /* possible words */

#define MAXCHARS 8 /* number of characters in each word */

char words[MAXWORDS][MAXCHARS+1]; /* word array */

void FillArray (void)

/* Fill the word array. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* words - word array */

strcpy(words[0], "computer");
strcpy(words[1], "whale");
strcpy(words[2], "megabyte");
strcpy(words[3], "modem");
strcpy(words[4], "chip");
strcpy(words[5], "online");
strcpy(words[6], "disk");
strcpy(words[7], "monitor");
strcpy(words[8], "window");
strcpy(words[9], "keyboard");

void GetSeed (void)

/* Initialize the random number generator */

int val; /* seed value */

printf("Please enter a random number seed:");

scanf(" %d", &val);

unsigned RandomValue (unsigned max)

/* Return a pseudo-random number in the range 1..max. */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* max - largest number to return */
/* color - interior color of the rectangle */

return rand() % max + 1;

void Play (void)

/* Play a game of hangman. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* words - word array */

int allFound; /* used to test for unknown chars */
char ch; /* character from player */
int done; /* is the game over? */
char found[MAXCHARS]; /* characters found by player */
unsigned len; /* length of word; for efficiency */
unsigned i; /* loop variable */
int inString; /* is ch in the string? */
char word[MAXCHARS+1]; /* word to guess */
int wrong; /* number of wrong guesses */

for (i = 0; i < MAXCHARS; ++i) /* no letters guessed, so far */

found[i] = 0;
wrong = 0; /* no wrong guesses, yet */
done = 0; /* the game is not over, yet */
/* pick a word */
strcpy(word, words[RandomValue(MAXWORDS)]);
len = strlen(word); /* record the length of the word */
do {
printf("\nThe word is: \""); /* write the word */
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
if (found[i])
printf("%c", word[i]);
printf("\"\nGuess a character:"); /* get the player's choice */
scanf(" %c", &ch);
inString = 0; /* see if ch is in the string */
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
if (word[i] == ch) {
found[i] = 1;
inString = 1;
if (inString) /* handle a correct guess */
printf("%c is in the string.\n", ch);

else { /* handle an incorrect guess */

printf("%c is not in the string.\n", ch);
++wrong; /* one more wrong answer... */
printf("Your "); /* tell the player how they are doing */
if (wrong == 1)
else if (wrong == 2)

else if (wrong == 3)
printf("left arm");
else if (wrong == 4)
printf("right arm");
else if (wrong == 5)
printf("left leg");
else /* if (wrong == 6) */
printf("right leg");
printf(" is now in the noose!\n");

if (wrong == 6) { /* see if the player is hung */

printf("\n\nSorry, Jack Ketch got you!\nThe word was \"%s\".\n",
done = 1;
allFound = 1; /* check for unknown characters */
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
if (!found[i])
allFound = 0;
if (allFound) { /* see if the player got the word */
printf("You got it! The word is \"%s\".\n", word);
done = 1;
while (!done);

void main (void)

/* Main program */

FillArray(); /* fill the word array */
GetSeed(); /* initialize the random number generator */
Play(); /* play a game */

Part 4

/* Hangman */
/* */
/* This program plays the game of Hangman. When the */
/* game starts, you are given a word to guess. The */
/* program displays one dash for each letter in the */
/* word. You guess a letter. If the letter is in the */
/* word, the computer prints the word with all letters */
/* you have guessed correctly shown in their correct */
/* positions. If you do not guess the word, you move */
/* one step closer to being hung. After six wrong */
/* guesses, you loose. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAXWORDS 10 /* possible words */

#define MAXCHARS 8 /* number of characters in each word */

char words[MAXWORDS][MAXCHARS+1]; /* word array */

void FillArray (void)

/* Fill the word array. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* words - word array */

strcpy(words[0], "computer");
strcpy(words[1], "whale");
strcpy(words[2], "megabyte");
strcpy(words[3], "modem");
strcpy(words[4], "chip");
strcpy(words[5], "online");
strcpy(words[6], "disk");
strcpy(words[7], "monitor");
strcpy(words[8], "window");
strcpy(words[9], "keyboard");

void GetSeed (void)

/* Initialize the random number generator */

int val; /* seed value */

printf("Please enter a random number seed:");

scanf(" %d", &val);

unsigned RandomValue (unsigned max)

/* Return a pseudo-random number in the range 1..max. */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* max - largest number to return */
/* color - interior color of the rectangle */

return rand() % max + 1;

void Play (void)

/* Play a game of hangman. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* words - word array */

int allFound; /* used to test for unknown chars */
char ch; /* character from player */
int done; /* is the game over? */
char found[MAXCHARS]; /* characters found by player */
unsigned len; /* length of word; for efficiency */
unsigned i; /* loop variable */
int inString; /* is ch in the string? */
char word[MAXCHARS+1]; /* word to guess */
int wrong; /* number of wrong guesses */

for (i = 0; i < MAXCHARS; ++i) /* no letters guessed, so far */
found[i] = 0;
wrong = 0; /* no wrong guesses, yet */
done = 0; /* the game is not over, yet */
/* pick a word */
strcpy(word, words[RandomValue(MAXWORDS)]);
len = strlen(word); /* record the length of the word */
do {
printf("\nThe word is: \""); /* write the word */
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
if (found[i])
printf("%c", word[i]);
printf("\"\nGuess a character:"); /* get the player's choice */
scanf(" %c", &ch);
inString = 0; /* see if ch is in the string */
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
if (word[i] == ch) {
found[i] = 1;
inString = 1;
if (inString) /* handle a correct guess */
printf("%c is in the string.\n", ch);

else { /* handle an incorrect guess */

printf("%c is not in the string.\n", ch);
++wrong; /* one more wrong answer... */
printf("Your "); /* tell the player how they are doing */
if (wrong == 1)
else if (wrong == 2)
else if (wrong == 3)
printf("left arm");
else if (wrong == 4)
printf("right arm");
else if (wrong == 5)
printf("left leg");
else /* if (wrong == 6) */
printf("right leg");
printf(" is now in the noose!\n");

if (wrong == 6) { /* see if the player is hung */
printf("\n\nSorry, Jack Ketch got you!\nThe word was \"%s\".\n",
done = 1;
allFound = 1; /* check for unknown characters */
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
if (!found[i])
allFound = 0;
if (allFound) { /* see if the player got the word */
printf("You got it! The word is \"%s\".\n", word);
done = 1;
while (!done);

int PlayAgain (void)

/* See if the player wants to play another game. */

/* */
/* Returns: */
/* True to play again, false to quit. */

char ch; /* player's response */

do {
printf("Would you like to play again (y or n)?");
scanf(" %c", &ch);
while ((ch != 'y') && (ch != 'Y') && (ch != 'n') && (ch != 'N'));
return (ch == 'y') || (ch == 'Y');

void main (void)

/* Main program */

FillArray(); /* fill the word array */
GetSeed(); /* initialize the random number generator */
Play(); /* play a game */
while (PlayAgain()); /* loop if he wants to play again */

Solution to problem 6.7.
/* Use rotation to draw a "flower" */

#include <quickdraw.h>
#include <math.h>

#define XSCALE 86 /* x conversion factor */

#define YSCALE 33 /* y conversion factor */
#define pi 3.1415927 /* circumference of a circle */

void InitGraphics (void)

/* Standard graphics initialization */

SetPenMode(0); /* pen mode = copy */
SetSolidPenPat(0); /* pen color = black */
SetPenSize(3,1); /* use a square pen */

void Rotate (float *x, float *y, float angle, float ox, float oy)

/* Rotate the point x,y about ox,oy through */

/* the angle given. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* x,y - point to rotate */
/* angle - angle to rotate (in radians) */
/* ox,oy - point to rotate around */

float cosAngle,sinAngle; /* sin and cos of angle */
float nx; /* new x */

*x -= ox; /* move the point */

*y -= oy;
cosAngle = cos(angle); /* this takes time - save the results */
sinAngle = sin(angle);
nx = *x * cosAngle + *y * sinAngle; /* rotate the point */
*y = *y * cosAngle - *x * sinAngle;
*x = nx+ox; /* move the point back */
*y = *y+oy;

void RotateSquare (float x[4], float y[4])

/* Rotate the square 9 degrees */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* x,y - coordinates of square */

unsigned i; /* loop variable */

for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)

Rotate(&x[i], &y[i], pi/20.0, 1.25, 1.25);

void DrawSquare (int color, float x[4], float y[4])

/* Draw the square */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* color - color to draw */
/* x,y - coordinates of the square */

SetSolidPenPat(color); /* set the pen color */
/* draw the square */
MoveTo((int) (x[0]*XSCALE), (int) (y[0]*YSCALE));
LineTo((int) (x[1]*XSCALE), (int) (y[1]*YSCALE));
LineTo((int) (x[2]*XSCALE), (int) (y[2]*YSCALE));
LineTo((int) (x[3]*XSCALE), (int) (y[3]*YSCALE));
LineTo((int) (x[0]*XSCALE), (int) (y[0]*YSCALE));

void main(void)

/* Main program */

float x[4],y[4],oldX[4],oldY[4]; /* points in the square */
unsigned i,j; /* loop variables */
unsigned color;

InitGraphics(); /* set up the graphics window */

x[0] = 1.0; y[0] = 1.0; /* initialize the square */
x[1] = 2.0; y[1] = 1.0;
x[2] = 2.0; y[2] = 2.0;
x[3] = 1.0; y[3] = 2.0;
color = 0; /* draw the square */
DrawSquare(color, x, y);

for (i = 0; i < 40; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { /* save the current location */
oldX[j] = x[j];
oldY[j] = y[j];
RotateSquare(x, y); /* rotate */
color = (color + 1) % 3; /* draw the square */
DrawSquare(color, x, y);

Solution to problem 6.8.

/* Create a circle using rotation */

#include <quickdraw.h>
#include <math.h>

#define XSCALE 86 /* x conversion factor */

#define YSCALE 33 /* y conversion factor */
#define pi 3.1415927 /* circumference of a circle */

void InitGraphics (void)

/* Standard graphics initialization */

SetPenMode(0); /* pen mode = copy */
SetSolidPenPat(0); /* pen color = black */
SetPenSize(3,1); /* use a square pen */

void Rotate (float *x, float *y, float angle, float ox, float oy)

/* Rotate the point x,y about ox,oy through */

/* the angle given. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* x,y - point to rotate */
/* angle - angle to rotate (in radians) */
/* ox,oy - point to rotate around */

float cosAngle,sinAngle; /* sin and cos of angle */
float nx; /* new x */

*x -= ox; /* move the point */

*y -= oy;
cosAngle = cos(angle); /* this takes time - save the results */
sinAngle = sin(angle);
nx = *x * cosAngle + *y * sinAngle; /* rotate the point */
*y = *y * cosAngle - *x * sinAngle;
*x = nx+ox; /* move the point back */
*y = *y+oy;

void DrawCircle (float cx, float cy, float radius, int color)

/* Draw a circle */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* color - color to draw */
/* cx,cy - center of the circle */
/* radius - radius of the circle */

float x,y; /* point on the circle */
unsigned i; /* loop variable */

SetSolidPenPat(color); /* set the pen color */

x = cx; /* set the initial coordinates */
y = cy+radius;
/* move to the initial point */
MoveTo((int) (x*XSCALE), (int) (y*YSCALE));
for (i = 0; i < 40; ++i) { /* draw the circle */
Rotate(&x, &y, pi/20.0, cx, cy);
LineTo((int) (x*XSCALE), (int) (y*YSCALE));

void main(void)

/* Main program */

InitGraphics(); /* set up the graphics window */

DrawCircle(1.5, 1.5, 0.5, 2); /* draw the circle */


Solution to problem 6.9.

/* Create a star using rotation */

#include <quickdraw.h>
#include <math.h>

#define XSCALE 86 /* x conversion factor */

#define YSCALE 33 /* y conversion factor */
#define pi 3.1415927 /* circumference of a circle */

void InitGraphics (void)

/* Standard graphics initialization */

SetPenMode(0); /* pen mode = copy */
SetSolidPenPat(0); /* pen color = black */
SetPenSize(3,1); /* use a square pen */

void Rotate (float *x, float *y, float angle, float ox, float oy)

/* Rotate the point x,y about ox,oy through */

/* the angle given. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* x,y - point to rotate */
/* angle - angle to rotate (in radians) */
/* ox,oy - point to rotate around */

float cosAngle,sinAngle; /* sin and cos of angle */
float nx; /* new x */

*x -= ox; /* move the point */

*y -= oy;
cosAngle = cos(angle); /* this takes time - save the results */
sinAngle = sin(angle);
nx = *x * cosAngle + *y * sinAngle; /* rotate the point */
*y = *y * cosAngle - *x * sinAngle;
*x = nx+ox; /* move the point back */
*y = *y+oy;

void DrawStar (float cx, float cy, float radius, int color)

/* Draw a star */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* color - color to draw */
/* cx,cy - center of the star */
/* radius - distance from the center to a point */

int h[5],v[5]; /* points of the star; QD coordinates */
float x,y; /* point on the circle */
unsigned i; /* loop variable */

SetSolidPenPat(color); /* set the pen color */

x = cx; /* set the top point */
y = cy-radius;
h[0] = (int) (x*XSCALE); /* convert it to screen coordinates */
v[0] = (int) (y*YSCALE);
for (i = 1; i < 5; ++i) { /* find the other 4 points */
Rotate(&x, &y, pi*2.0/5.0, cx, cy);
h[i] = (int) (x*XSCALE);
v[i] = (int) (y*YSCALE);
MoveTo(h[2], v[2]); /* draw the star */
LineTo(h[0], v[0]);
LineTo(h[3], v[3]);
LineTo(h[1], v[1]);
LineTo(h[4], v[4]);
LineTo(h[2], v[2]);

void main(void)

/* Main program */

InitGraphics(); /* set up the graphics window */

DrawStar(1.5, 1.5, 0.5, 1); /* draw the star */


Lesson Seven
In the last lesson, you learned that C uses integers
Defining Types to hold boolean values. (Boolean values are true or
false, represented in C as non-zero numbers and zero,
You have already learned about several different respectively.) In some strongly typed languages, there
types of variables. So far, we have used character, is a whole separate type for boolean variables, even
integer, and float variables. While you probably didn't though the computer stores them as integers. In C,
think about it at the time, int, float, unsigned long, and where character variables are really just a short form of
so forth are all types. In fact, every variable in your C an integer, you would not expect to see a separate type
program has a type, although what C means by a type for boolean variables, but your programs may still be
may not be exactly what you expect. To see how the C easier to read if you use boolean for the type of a
language thinks of a type, let's look at a variable variable. The first typedef allows you to do just that, by
declaration that looks a lot like some you have defined defining a new type, called boolean. With this typedef
yourself: in place, you can define boolean variables, arrays of
boolean variables, and so forth, just like you define
char ch, str[40]; variables with any other type. For example, you can
define the variable done, which we used as a loop
As you know, this line declares two variables, ch and terminator in an earlier program, like this:
str. The type of ch is easy enough; it is char. The type
of str, though, is slightly more complicated. The type boolean done;
of string is array of char. Technically, you might say
that it is an array of 40 char variables, but the fact that Underneath it all, done is still an unsigned integer,
the array has 40 elements in only important to the C and any C compiler would create exactly the same
compiler in a few places. When the compiler reserves program if you defined it that way. On the other hand,
space for str in memory, for example, it needs to know when you look at the declaration of done, you can tell a
how many characters are in the array so it can reserve little more about the variable and what it is used for.
the right amount of space. In other cases, the C You can tell at a glance, for example, that done is used
language treats an array with 40 characters the same to hold a true or false value.
way it treats an array with 4 characters or 400 Our second type is even more useful in many
characters. As you have already learned from bitter respects, because it gives us something new, not just a
experience, it is up to you to make sure your program new name for something that already exists. After the
doesn't index past the end of the array. second typedef, string becomes a new type, just like
Defining an array this way is pretty clear, but you boolean, but this time it defines an array of 80
will soon start to use more complicated types. To use characters. With this type, we can define things like
them effectively, and still write programs that are easy
to read (which also tends to make them easier to debug, string name, friends[47];
and less likely to have bugs in the first place), it helps
to use something called a typedef that actually lets you With these more complicated types, you have to
define a new type that you can use the same way you pay attention to keep track of the type of an individual
use char or unsigned long. A typedef looks a lot like a variable. In one sense, the type of name is string, but as
variable declaration. In fact, the only real difference far as C is concerned, the type of name is array of char.
between the way you create a type and the way you The second variable, friends, is an array of array of
create a variable is that a type starts with the reserved char. Like the arrays of arrays you have already
word typedef. Here's a couple of examples to get defined, you can specify a string by using one subscript,
started with: or an individual character by listing both subscripts.
The reason that types are important, and how you
typedef unsigned boolean; should use them in your programs, is something you
typedef char string[80]; shouldn't expect to understand from reading a few
paragraphs in a lesson. Instead, you are going to learn
about types the same way you have learned about for

loops, if statements, && operators, and so forth: by thursday, friday,
seeing them in sample programs, and using them in saturday};
your own programs. Gradually, over the next few
lessons, I hope you will start to see just why types are The integer values associated with each of the
so important, and why they truly make a language like enumerated names start with zero, and increase by one
Pascal, C, or Ada enormously more useful for real with each name. For example,
programming than the older, virtually typeless
languages like FORTRAN and BASIC. It is the printf("%d %d\n", sunday,
concept of types, and the ability to freely define them, teusday);
along with the idea of structures and pointers that
makes C such a good choice as a programming is perfectly legal, and will print 0 and 2.
language. While you can define an int or unsigned variable to
hold the various weekdays, it is considered good form
Problem 7.1. The sample program at the end of lesson to define variables that are of the same type as the
6 used an array of four float variables to keep track enumeration, like this:
of the sides of a square. Modify this program by
using a typedef to define a new type, called square, enum weekDay dayOff, thanksgiving;
and declare the variables with this new type.
This brings up a subtle, but very important point. You
Enumerations have defined a new type, but the name of the type is not
weekDay; the type is enum weekDay.
In many older programming languages, like Values can be assigned to the variables just like
BASIC and FORTRAN, the only type you can define is they are assigned to the variables you are familiar with.
an array. Arrays and the types that are built into the
language are all you can use. This isn't a criticism of thanksgiving = thursday;
those two languages. They were designed to let
scientists and engineers write programs to deal with
While it is legal in C to assign an integer value to
mathematical equations, and they do that very well. C,
an enum variable, and to assign an enum constant (like
though, is designed for a broader range of programming
thursday) to an int or unsigned variable, doing so is
jobs, so dealing with numbers and arrays of numbers
considered very poor form. You may occasionally
just isn't enough. C lets you define a wide range of
write programs that make use of the fact that
complicated types to express your ideas in a more
enumerations are, in fact, integers, just as you
natural way. The first of these that we will look at is
occasionally make use of the fact that characters are
the enumeration.
integers (by comparing or incrementing them, for
An enumeration consists of one or more named
example), but your programs will be a lot easier to read
items. These names become the values that can be
and understand if you keep your enumerations separate
assigned to to any variable you could assign an integer
from your integers.
to; in fact, the enumeration names are really just
To get a good grasp on how enumerations can be
another way of specifying an integer. For example, you
used, we will use a deck of cards as an example. There
can define an enumeration of weekdays for a calendar
are a lot of new concepts in the program in listing 7.1;
program like this:
these will be explained in detail in the next few
enum weekDay {sunday, monday,
teusday, wednesday,

Listing 7.1

/* This program shuffles a deck of cards, then prints the */

/* results. */
/* */
/* The deck of cards is represented by a pair of arrays. Each */
/* array has one position for each of the 52 cards in a */
/* standard deck of playing cards. One array gives the value */
/* of the card (see the value enumeration), while the other */
/* gives the suit (see the suit enumeration). */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* suits of cards */
enum suit {spades, diamonds, clubs, hearts};
/* face value of cards */
enum value {two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
jack, queen, king, ace};

enum suit suitDeck[52]; /* these two arrays define */

enum value valueDeck[52]; /* a deck of cards */

unsigned RandomValue (unsigned max)

/* Return a pseudo-random number in the range 1..max. */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* max - largest number to return */
/* color - interior color of the rectangle */

return rand() % max + 1;

void InitializeDeck (enum suit suits[52], enum value values[52])

/* Fills in the values to define a sorted deck of cards */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* suits - array of the card suits */
/* values - array of the card values */

unsigned i; /* loop variable */

for (i = 0; i < 13; ++i) { /* initialize the suit array */
suits[i] = spades;
suits[i+13] = diamonds;
suits[i+26] = clubs;
suits[i+39] = hearts;

values[0] = two; /* initialize the first suit */

values[1] = three;
values[2] = four;
values[3] = five;
values[4] = six;
values[5] = seven;
values[6] = eight;
values[7] = nine;
values[8] = ten;
values[9] = jack;
values[10] = queen;
values[11] = king;
values[12] = ace;
for (i = 13; i < 52; ++i) /* copy the first suit to the */
values[i] = values[i-13]; /* remaining suits */

void Shuffle (enum suit suits[52], enum value values[52])

/* Shuffles the deck of cards */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* suits - array of the card suits */
/* values - array of the card values */

unsigned i; /* loop variable */
unsigned j; /* card to swap with current card */
enum value tvalue; /* temp value; used for swap */
enum suit tsuit; /* temp suit; used for swap */

for (i = 0; i < 52-1; ++i) {

j = RandomValue(52 - i) + i - 1;
tsuit = suits[i];
suits[i] = suits[j];
suits[j] = tsuit;
tvalue = values[i];
values[i] = values[j];
values[j] = tvalue;

void PrintValue (enum value v)

/* Print the value of a card */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* v - value of the card */

if (v == two)
else if (v == three)
else if (v == four)
else if (v == five)
else if (v == six)
else if (v == seven)
else if (v == eight)
else if (v == nine)
else if (v == ten)
else if (v == jack)
else if (v == queen)
else if (v == king)
else if (v == ace)

void PrintSuit (enum suit s)

/* Print the suit of a card */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* s - suit of the card */

if (s == spades)
else if (s == diamonds)

else if (s == clubs)
else if (s == hearts)

void PrintDeck (enum suit suits[52], enum value values[52])

/* Prints the cards in order */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* suits - array of the card suits */
/* values - array of the card values */

unsigned i; /* loop variable */

for (i = 0; i < 52; ++i) {

printf(" of ");

void main (void)

/* Main program */

srand(1234); /* initialize the random number generator */
InitializeDeck(suitDeck, valueDeck);/* get a new (sorted) deck of cards */
Shuffle(suitDeck, valueDeck); /* shuffle the deck */
PrintDeck(suitDeck, valueDeck); /* print the shuffled deck */

Right at the top of the program, you see the types If you are asked to shuffle a deck of cards and print the
and variables that we are using to represent a deck of results, it might seem to be a difficult task. Stated that
cards. Instead of using numbers to represent the cards, way, it is. To write the program, though, we just break
we can actually use the natural name of the value of the this complicated task up into three simple tasks. First,
card and the suit of the card. There is a problem, we set up the arrays, filling in the array values with a
though. As with the square in the last lesson, where sorted deck of cards. This is initializing a deck of
each point on the square required two coordinates (x cards. It's the same thing you would do to play a game
and y), each card in the deck of cards needs a value and of cards in real life: open the box of cards. Next, we
a suit. We solve the problem the same way, by using shuffle the cards. Finally, we deal them, printing the
two parallel arrays, one of which holds the suit of the cards to the shell window. It is these three natural steps
card, while the other holds the face value of the card. that you find in the body of the program:
The next thing I want you to notice about this
program is how, once again, we are using subroutines
to break a complicated task up into several simple tasks.

InitializeDeck(suitDeck, how a program works. What we will do is to use this
valueDeck); algorithm to sort a short deck of cards, tracing through
Shuffle(suitDeck, valueDeck); what happens by hand. In our example, though, instead
PrintDeck(suitDeck, valueDeck); of shuffling 52 cards, we will shuffle 6, and instead of
using a random number generator, we'll use a standard,
From a programming standpoint, there is nothing six-sided die.
new in the InitializeDeck or Shuffle functions. All of To start the thought experiment, take a sheet of
the statements and concepts have been dealt with paper and tear it into six roughly equal pieces,
before. The arithmetic in Shuffle is a bit involved, numbering these 1 to 6. Lay these out on the table, like
though, so we will look at the function in detail. this:

for (i = 0; i < 52-1; ++i) {

j = RandomValue(52 - i) + i-1; 1 2 3 4 5 6
tsuit = suits[i];
suits[i] = suits[j];
suits[j] = tsuit; To shuffle the deck, we'll roll the dice to generate
tvalue = values[i]; random numbers. We'll do this one time for each card
values[i] = values[j]; except the last one, starting with the first card. Just in
values[j] = tvalue; case you don't have a die handy, I used a short program
} to generate some appropriate random numbers. The
first one is a four, so we'll switch the first card with the
one four cards later (card number 4), with this result:
The idea is to shuffle the deck of cards, choosing
each card randomly. To do this, we step through the
deck of cards using the for loop. On each step, we want
to pick one of the cards from the remaining ones, and 4 2 3 1 5 6
swap it with the card in the current spot. Comparing
this to a real deck of cards, what we are doing is
picking a card at random from the deck, and placing it The next step is to move on to the second card.
in a new pile. We then pick another card randomly This time, my handy little program gives me a 1. This
from the deck and place it on top of the first card in the is an interesting case: we don't do anything at all, and
pile, and so forth. simply move on. "But wait," you say, "the card should
To pick the card, we need to choose a card from be switched with something!" It was, in a sense: it was
the remaining ones. The first time, when i is 0, we switched with itself. This may seem a bit odd, but if
want to pick from 52 cards. The next time, when i is 1, you think about it, there is always a chance that a
we want to pick from 52-1 cards, and so forth. This particular card will end up in its original place when
explains the parameter to the RandomValue call. you shuffle a deck of cards. In fact, the chances are
The card we pick must come from the remainder of pretty good that at least one card ends up back in its
the deck. When i is 0, Random will return a value from original location.
1 to 52, but we need a value from 0 to 51, since we are Moving on to the third card, our electronic die
using the value as an array index. After subtracting 1 to comes up with 3, so we switch the third card with card
convert to an array index (remember, i is 0), we swap 5, ending up with this:
the card with the current card, and continue on. When i
is 1, Random is returning a value from 1 to 51. In this
case, adding i and subtracting 1 leave the value
unchanged, so we pick a card from the remainder of the
4 2 5 1 3 6
deck, leaving out the first card. The process continues
through the rest of the deck.
Reading the explanation may not make much Next we get a 2, so we switch the fourth card with
sense. This is pretty common the first time you see a the one right after it. In this case, we're switching the 1
new algorithm (a fancy way of saying a new process for card with the 3 card. They've both been moved before,
doing something). To get a better handle on this but that doesn't hurt anything.
program, we'll do something that you will find yourself
doing over and over: trying something in real-life to see

You then draw the first two cards from the deck,
4 2 5 3 1 6 using a variation on the PrintDeck function to print
the values of the cards. Next, ask for a bet from
the player. If the bet is negative, stop the game and
print the amount of money the player has.
Finally, we get to the fifth card, which is the last Otherwise, draw another card and print its value.
one we will switch. This time, though, the computer Compare the new card to the first two. If its value
popped off with a 6, which we can't use. Our program lies between them, add the appropriate amount to
will need a way to make sure that the numbers we get the player's pile; otherwise, subtract the amount.
aren't too big, since we don't want to step past the end Print the results and continue.
of an array in a C program. In our case, we just roll
again – and Murphy strikes, giving a 3, which is about You should not allow the player to bet more money
as useful as the 6. Finally, the computer coughs up a 2, that he has.
and we switch the last two cards.
If the player's pot goes to zero, stop the game.

4 2 5 3 6 1 Reshuffle the deck after 17 hands. Seventeen

hands will use 51 cards from the deck, so another
hand would use more cards than you have.
The result is a reasonably well-shuffled deck of six
cards. You can also see why we only switched five of Structures Store More than One
the cards, instead of six: there's nothing to swap the last Type
card with, anyway, so there is no use in taking the time
to do it. Programs are written to manipulate information of
This, in a nutshell, is what the program does, only one sort or another. We have already found two places
it uses math to do it instead of using a human to keep where the information we were dealing with consisted
track of which card is next, or a die to see what cards to of more than one piece of information representing a
switch. With this though experiment complete, go back single item. The most recent example was our card
and take another look at the program: you should be playing games, where a card had a suit and a value. We
able to figure out what it does, now, since it is doing the had to use two parallel arrays to keep track of a deck of
same thing you just finished doing. cards. This, to say the least, is messy, confusing, and
makes a program hard to read.
Problem 7.2. Acey Ducey is a card game played I wouldn't say things like that, of course, unless C
between two players. Your task is to write a had an elegant way to solve the problem. What we
program that will play the game. need is a way to declare a variable that is made up of
more than one thing. Unlike arrays, though, we don't
The game is very simple. The computer starts by want to force each thing to be the same type: we want
drawing two cards from the deck. You have to to be able to put any type we want into the variable. In
decide if the next card will have a value between C, we do this with structures.
the first two. A tie does not count. For example, if Structures are declared a lot like enumerations.
the two cards are the two of diamonds and the ten Let's take a look at an example to see how they are
of clubs, the ten of hearts does not lie between the actually declared, then discuss the example in detail.
other two. If you think the next card will be
between the first two, you place a bet. If not, you struct card {
can pass by placing a bet of zero. If you are right, enum suit s;
you get back double the bet. If you are wrong, you
enum value v;
loose the bet.
Your program should start by giving you 50
dollars. It should ask for a random number seed, Like an enumeration, a structure creates a new
type, but also like an enumeration, the name of the
then initialize and shuffle the deck, as the sample
structure is not, itself, a type. In the structure we just
program did.
defined, the type is struct card, not card. To define a
variable of this type, we would do something like this:

struct card deck[52]; You can handle even more complicated situations
by building expressions up from the basic rules you
Again, just as with enumerations, the contents of already know. To get at the value of a card in the deck
the structure are surrounded by brackets. Inside of the of cards that we defined as an array of card structures,
brackets is a series of variable declarations, just like you have to access an element of a structure that is in an
those you would use to declare variables anywhere else. array of structures. The first thing you have to name,
These variables can be literally any type of variable you then, is the array. We'll call it deck.
like, including enumerations, as shown, or even another
structure. deck
When you use a struct variable, you can do almost
anything with it that you would do with any other Next, you want a specific card within the array, so you
variable. For example, you can assign one structure to name the card by giving an array index.
another, pass a structure to a function, return a structure
as the result of a function, declare arrays of structures, deck[i]
or use structures within another structure. There are
limits, though. You can't add two structures together, Finally, you want a field within the structure. We'll
or do any other math operation on a structure. You also assume you are after the value field. You end up with
can't print a structure with printf, nor can you read a this:
structure from the keyboard. There are also some limits
on structures that don't appear in other parts of C. deck[i].v
Structures are strongly typed, so you can't assign one
structure to another unless they are the same type of Since the resulting type is value, you can use this
structure, and you can't pass a structure as a parameter anywhere you could use a value variable. You can
to a function that is expecting some other type of assign a value to it, assign it to another value, or pass it
structure. as a parameter, for example. So, from simple concepts
One of the things you need to be able to do, of you already know, you can build up very complicated
course, is to use and set the various variables that are expressions.
inside of the structure. You need a way to specify
which field (variables inside a structure are called Problem 7.3. Modify the card shuffling sample to use
fields) of the structure you want to access, just as we records. Define a card and a deck of cards as we
specify which element of an array we want with an have done in this section. Change the various
index. With structures, we use the name of the struct functions so you can pass an individual deck of
variable, followed by a dot, and the name of the cards, rather than two separate arrays.
variable within the structure. If we define myCard as a
card, like this: Defining Variables Right Away with
struct card myCard; struct and enum
C is a pretty flexible language. If you look at what
we can assign values to the structure, test the structure,
you have been doing, you may notice that the definition
and so forth, using the methods we have already
of an enumeration or structure, and the declaration of a
learned, and by specifying the individual field of the
variable for one of them, look a lot alike. You may also
structure using the dot operator. The examples below
have noticed by trial and error that you can mix struct
show how this is done.
and enum definitions with variable declarations,
defining an enum, then a variable, then another enum,
myCard.s = diamonds;
for example. It turns out that you can combine them,
myCard.v = ace;
too. Instead of defining an enumeration and then
declaring a variable, like this:
if ((myCard.v >= jack)
&& (myCard.v <= king)) enum weekDay {sunday, monday,
printf("face card\n"); teusday, wednesday,
thursday, friday,
PrintCard(myCard.s, myCard.v); saturday};

enum weekDay dayOff, thanksgiving; the structure entirely, creating a nameless structure, but
defining a type that you can use, instead. This
you could put them together, like this: statement defines a type called card; the type is a
structure containing two enum variables, but the
enum weekDay {sunday, monday, structure itself has no name.
teusday, wednesday,
thursday, friday, typedef struct {
saturday} enum suit s;
dayOff, thanksgiving; enum value v;
} card;
I personally think this makes a program a bit harder
to read, but we can put this ability to very good use in While this last form is probably closest to the way
combination with typedef, as you will see in the next other languages use structures, the form with card
section. defined both as a structure and as a type is more
common among C programmers, so that is how we will
Using typedef with struct and enum define structures and enumerations in the sample
programs and solutions.
I've tried to make the point that the name of a struct
or enum is not, by itself, a type. This is an important Problem 7.4. Try these ideas out by writing a short
concept, since, if you forget to say struct or enum at just program that defines an enumeration for the days of the
the right place, you drive the compiler nuts. The week, but declare the enumeration as both an enum
compiler, in turn, spits error messages at you instead of name and as a type. Put the enumeration to use by
creating a useful program, and you get frustrated. writing a function that will print a the day you pass it;
Well, you wouldn't be alone. As it turns out, in other words, if you pass the enum value sunday, your
though, there is a surprising convention that you can function should write the string "Sunday" using a printf
use to get around this problem. You probably know by statement. Test your function using a loop in the main
now that the C compiler doesn't like it if you define two function to print each of the days in the week.
variables that have the same name. As it happens, Naturally, the loop variable and the parameter to your
though, the C language has several different classes of function that prints the day of the week should both be
variables, called overloading classes. Within certain declared as the enumeration type, not using enum or as
limits, you can actually use the same name for two an integer.
different purposes. In general, that's a rotten idea, but
in the case of a struct or enum definition, it comes in The switch Statement
handy. To see how, let's redefine our first enum and
struct using typedef. As with the other types you have While this lesson has dealt with types, you may
defined with typedef, defining a struct or enum type have noticed a few places where our new fountain of
looks just like a variable declaration, but with a typedef types makes coding a bit more cumbersome. With all
out front. of these new types, there were a couple of placed where
we had to evaluate a long series of if statements. A
typedef struct card { good example is the PrintValue subroutine, which we
enum suit s; used to print the face value of a card.
enum value v;
} card;

At this point, though, card is both the name of a

structure and a new type. You can still use struct card
to define variables, but you can also use card as a type,
which is a lot easier, and more natural.

card deck[52];

If the idea of having card declared twice offends

your sensibilities, you can also leave off the name of

void PrintValue (enum value v) void PrintValue (enum value v)

/* Print the value of a card */ /* Print the value of a card */

/* */ /* */
/* Parameters: */ /* Parameters: */
/* v - value of the card */ /* v - value of the card */

{ {
if (v == two) switch (v) {
printf("two"); case two: printf("two");
else if (v == three) break;
printf("three"); case three: printf("three");
else if (v == four) break;
printf("four"); case four: printf("four");
else if (v == five) break;
printf("five"); case five: printf("five");
else if (v == six) break;
printf("six"); case six: printf("six");
else if (v == seven) break;
printf("seven"); case seven: printf("seven");
else if (v == eight) break;
printf("eight"); case eight: printf("eight");
else if (v == nine) break;
printf("nine"); case nine: printf("nine");
else if (v == ten) break;
printf("ten"); case ten: printf("ten");
else if (v == jack) break;
printf("jack"); case jack: printf("jack");
else if (v == queen) break;
printf("queen"); case queen: printf("queen");
else if (v == king) break;
printf("king"); case king: printf("king");
else if (v == ace) break;
printf("ace"); case ace: printf("ace");
} break;
It's pretty hard to read this subroutine. In }
particular, it is very hard to see at a glance if we left out
a check for seven. Not only that, the compiler has to There is another new thing in the switch statement
generate an enormous number of machine language that you probably noticed, but to understand why it is
instructions to do all of the if checks, making the there, you need to know a little more about how the
program large and slow. switch statement works. We'll use this short program to
C has a special statement, called the switch explore the details of the switch statement:
statement, that is used in situations like this. The
switch statement is like a multiple branch. You give it
an expression that can be any integer type, including
char or enum, and then list the various values the
expression can take on, followed by a colon, and the
statement to execute. After evaluating the condition,
the switch statement jumps to something called a case
label, which must appear in the statement (usually a
compound statement) that follows the switch condition.
Using a switch statement, the PrintValue function

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h>

void main (void) void main (void)

{ {
unsigned i; unsigned i;

for (i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) { for (i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {

switch (i) { switch (i) {
case 1: printf("*"); case 1: printf("*");
case 2: printf("**"); break;
case 3: printf("***"); case 2: printf("**");
case 4: printf("****"); break;
case 5: printf("*****"); case 3: printf("***");
} break;
printf("\n"); case 4: printf("****");
} break;
} case 5: printf("*****");
A simple look at this program might lead you to printf("\n");
believe that it would print this: }
** This time, right after each printf, the program hits a
*** break statement. The break statement tells the compiler
**** to get out of the switch statement right away.
***** If you look closely at the program, you may notice
that there is no break statement right after the last printf
After all, the idea behind the switch statement is to statement. If you were to put one in, it would not cause
evaluate the switch condition, and branch to the any harm, but the program ends up doing the same
appropriate line in the switch statement. Try running it, thing either way. In one case, the break statement
though. What really gets printed is this: jumps out of the switch; without the break statement,
the program falls through the end of the switch
*************** statement. Either way, the program ends up executing
************** the printf that writes the \n character as the next
************ statement.
********* In some compilers, the program will be a tiny bit
shorter and faster if you leave out that last break, while
other compilers will create the same program either
way. Even if the compiler happens to create a slightly
To see why, fire up the debugger, and trace through
less efficient program, though, the difference is rarely
the program. The first loop tells the whole story.
important. You may want to put a break after every
When i is 1, the program does, in fact, execute the
series of statements in the switch statement, just as an
printf that prints a single * character, but then it
anti-bug habit. Frankly, I do.
continues right on, executing the next four printf
If there is a label for the switch value, it is easy to
statements, too.
see what the switch statement does, but what if there
Now add break statements after each printf
isn't? What if, for example, you looped from 1 to 6 in
statement, like this, and try the program again. Once
the sample program, instead of 1 to 5? If this happens,
again, be sure you try the debugger.
the program bypasses all of the statements in the switch
statement, almost as if a break were executed right

There are sometimes situations in a program where
you want to handle a few cases, but not all. There are
also many situations when it makes sense to have a
default handler. In this situation, you can use a special
switch statement label called default. It looks just like
the other switch statement labels, but statement after the
default label is executed whenever no other label is
matched. It's a lot like an else at the end of a long
series of if-else statements. The following example,
coded both as a series of if statements and as a switch
statement, shows how the default label is used.

for (i = 1; i < 10; ++i)

if (i == 1)
else if (i == 2)
else if (i == 3)
printf("%dth\n", i);

for (i = 1; i < 10; ++i)

switch (i) {
case 1: printf("1st\n");
case 2: printf("2nd\n");
case 3: printf("3rd\n");
default: printf("%dth\n",

Problem 7.5. Change the card shuffle sample to use

switch statements instead of repeated if statements.

Problem 7.6. The fact that you have to remember to

put a break statement after each and every series of
statements in a switch loop has caused endless
bugs down though the ages, but the way C's switch
statement works can be put to good use, too.
Rewrite the simple sample from this section that
prints a series of asterisks on separate lines so that
it still prints one, then two, and so forth asterisks,
but figure out a way to do it without break
statements. The idea you discover can
occasionally save you a lot of code in a C program.

Lesson Seven
Solutions to Problems

Solution to problem 7.1.

/* Rotate a square in the graphics window. */
/* */
/* This program makes use of two constants, */
/* XSCALE and YSCALE, to decide how to convert */
/* from the real numbers used to represent the */
/* points of the cube into the integer */
/* coordinates used by QuickDraw. These values */
/* will convert from inches to pixels in 640 */
/* mode on a 12" monitor. */

#include <quickdraw.h>
#include <math.h>

#define XSCALE 86 /* x conversion factor */

#define YSCALE 33 /* y conversion factor */
#define pi 3.1415927 /* circumference of a circle */

typedef float square[4]; /* type for a square */

void InitGraphics (void)

/* Standard graphics initialization */

SetPenMode(0); /* pen mode = copy */
SetSolidPenPat(0); /* pen color = black */
SetPenSize(3,1); /* use a square pen */

void Rotate (float *x, float *y, float angle, float ox, float oy)

/* Rotate the point x,y about ox,oy through */

/* the angle given. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* x,y - point to rotate */
/* angle - angle to rotate (in radians) */
/* ox,oy - point to rotate around */

float cosAngle,sinAngle; /* sin and cos of angle */
float nx; /* new x */

*x -= ox; /* move the point */

*y -= oy;
cosAngle = cos(angle); /* this takes time - save the results */
sinAngle = sin(angle);
nx = *x * cosAngle + *y * sinAngle; /* rotate the point */
*y = *y * cosAngle - *x * sinAngle;
*x = nx+ox; /* move the point back */
*y = *y+oy;

void RotateSquare (square x, square y)

/* Rotate the square 9 degrees */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* x,y - coordinates of square */

unsigned i; /* loop variable */

for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)

Rotate(&x[i], &y[i], pi/20.0, 1.5, 1.5);

void DrawSquare (int color, square x, square y)

/* Draw the square */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* color - color to draw */
/* x,y - coordinates of the square */

SetSolidPenPat(color); /* set the pen color */
/* draw the square */
MoveTo((int) (x[0]*XSCALE), (int) (y[0]*YSCALE));
LineTo((int) (x[1]*XSCALE), (int) (y[1]*YSCALE));
LineTo((int) (x[2]*XSCALE), (int) (y[2]*YSCALE));
LineTo((int) (x[3]*XSCALE), (int) (y[3]*YSCALE));
LineTo((int) (x[0]*XSCALE), (int) (y[0]*YSCALE));

void main(void)

/* Main program */

square x,y,oldX,oldY; /* points in the square */
unsigned i,j; /* loop variables */

InitGraphics(); /* set up the graphics window */

x[0] = 1.0; y[0] = 1.0; /* initialize the square */
x[1] = 2.0; y[1] = 1.0;
x[2] = 2.0; y[2] = 2.0;
x[3] = 1.0; y[3] = 2.0;
DrawSquare(0, x, y); /* draw the square */

for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {

for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { /* save the current location */
oldX[j] = x[j];
oldY[j] = y[j];
RotateSquare(x, y); /* rotate */
DrawSquare(3, oldX, oldY); /* erase the old square */
DrawSquare(0, x, y); /* draw the square */

Solution to problem 7.2.

/* This program plays Acey Ducey */
/* */
/* Acey Ducey is a card game played, in this case, between the */
/* computer and the human. The computer draws and displays two */
/* cards. The player then decides how much to bet, and a third */
/* card is drawn. If it is between the first two, the player */
/* wins, and gets back double the bet. If it is not between */
/* the two cards, the computer wins, and the player looses the */
/* bet. The game continues until the player looses all of his */
/* money, or until the player signals the end of the game with */
/* a negative bet. */
/* */
/* The deck of cards is represented by a pair of arrays. Each */
/* array has one position for each of the 52 cards in a */
/* standard deck of playing cards. One array gives the value */
/* of the card (see the value enumeration), while the other */
/* gives the suit (see the suit enumeration). */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* suits of cards */
enum suit {spades, diamonds, clubs, hearts};
/* face value of cards */
enum value {two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
jack, queen, king, ace};

typedef unsigned boolean; /* set up boolean logic */

#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0

typedef enum suit suitDeck[52]; /* these two arrays define */

typedef enum value valueDeck[52]; /* a deck of cards */

suitDeck suits; /* our deck of cards */

valueDeck values;
boolean done; /* is the game over? */
unsigned hands; /* # of hands played from the deck */
float money; /* amount of money left */
unsigned nextCard; /* next card in the deck */

unsigned RandomValue (unsigned max)

/* Return a pseudo-random number in the range 1..max. */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* max - largest number to return */
/* color - interior color of the rectangle */

return rand() % max + 1;

void InitializeDeck (suitDeck suits, valueDeck values)

/* Fills in the values to define a sorted deck of cards */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* suits - array of the card suits */
/* values - array of the card values */

unsigned i; /* loop variable */

for (i = 0; i < 13; ++i) { /* initialize the suit array */
suits[i] = spades;
suits[i+13] = diamonds;
suits[i+26] = clubs;
suits[i+39] = hearts;

values[0] = two; /* initialize the first suit */

values[1] = three;
values[2] = four;
values[3] = five;
values[4] = six;
values[5] = seven;
values[6] = eight;
values[7] = nine;
values[8] = ten;
values[9] = jack;
values[10] = queen;
values[11] = king;
values[12] = ace;
for (i = 13; i < 52; ++i) /* copy the first suit to the */
values[i] = values[i-13]; /* remaining suits */

void Shuffle(suitDeck suits, valueDeck values)

/* Shuffles the deck of cards */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* suits - array of the card suits */
/* values - array of the card values */

unsigned i; /* loop variable */
unsigned j; /* card to swap with current card */
enum value tvalue; /* temp value; for swap */
enum suit tsuit; /* temp suit; for swap */

for (i = 0; i < 52-1; ++i) {

j = RandomValue(52 - i) + i - 1;
tvalue = values[i];
values[i] = values[j];
values[j] = tvalue;
tsuit = suits[i];
suits[i] = suits[j];
suits[j] = tsuit;

void PrintValue (enum value v)

/* Print the value of a card */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* v - value of the card */

if (v == two)
else if (v == three)
else if (v == four)
else if (v == five)
else if (v == six)
else if (v == seven)
else if (v == eight)
else if (v == nine)
else if (v == ten)
else if (v == jack)
else if (v == queen)
else if (v == king)
else if (v == ace)

void PrintSuit (enum suit s)

/* Print the suit of a card */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* s - suit of the card */

if (s == spades)
else if (s == diamonds)
else if (s == clubs)
else if (s == hearts)

void PrintCard (enum suit s, enum value v)

/* Print a card */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* s - suit */
/* v - values */

printf(" of ");

void PlayHand (void)

/* Play one hand of Acey Ducey. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* done - game over flag */
/* money - amount of money the player has */
/* nextCard - next card to draw from the deck */
/* suits,values - deck of cards */

float bet; /* player's bet */
enum value v1,v2,v3; /* value of the three cards */

printf("\nI draw:\n");
v1 = values[nextCard]; /* draw the first card */
PrintCard(suits[nextCard], v1);
v2 = values[nextCard]; /* draw the second card */
PrintCard(suits[nextCard], v2);

if (v2 < v1) { /* sort the values */
v3 = v2;
v2 = v1;
v1 = v3;
do { /* get the bet */
printf("You have %.2f left.\nYour bet:", money);
scanf(" %f", &bet);
if (bet < 0.0)
done = TRUE;
else if (bet > money)
printf("Sorry, you don't have that much.\n");
while (bet > money);
if (! done) {
v3 = values[nextCard]; /* draw the third card */
printf("Your card is:\n");
PrintCard(suits[nextCard], v3);
if ((v1 < v3) && (v3 < v2)) {
money += bet; /* player wins */
printf("You win!\n");
else {
money -= bet; /* player looses */
printf("Sorry, you loose.\n");
if (money <= 0.0) { /* see if he's broke */
printf("You are out of money. So long!\n");
done = TRUE;

void GetSeed (void)

/* Initialize the random number generator */

int i; /* integer from keyboard */

printf("Please enter a number from\n1000 to 30000:");

scanf(" %d", &i);

void main (void)

/* Main program */

money = 50.0; /* player starts with $50 */
GetSeed(); /* initialize the random number generator */

InitializeDeck(suits, values); /* get a new (sorted) deck of cards */

hands = 17; /* this forces an immediate shuffle */
done = FALSE; /* not done, yet */
do {
if (hands = 17) { /* reshuffle after 17 hands */
Shuffle(suits, values); /* shuffle the deck */
hands = 0; /* no hands played from the deck */
nextCard = 1; /* next card to draw */
PlayHand(); /* play one hand of Acey Ducey */
++hands; /* update the # of hands played */
while (!done);

Solution to problem 7.3.

/* This program shuffles a deck of cards, then prints the */
/* results. */
/* */
/* The deck of cards is represented by a pair of arrays. Each */
/* array has one position for each of the 52 cards in a */
/* standard deck of playing cards. One array gives the value */
/* of the card (see the value enumeration), while the other */
/* gives the suit (see the suit enumeration). */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* suits of cards */
enum suit {spades, diamonds, clubs, hearts};
/* face value of cards */
enum value {two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
jack, queen, king, ace};

struct card { /* one card in a deck */

enum value v;
enum suit s;

struct card deck[52]; /* our deck of cards */

unsigned RandomValue (unsigned max)

/* Return a pseudo-random number in the range 1..max. */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* max - largest number to return */
/* color - interior color of the rectangle */

return rand() % max + 1;

void InitializeDeck (struct card deck[52])

/* Fills in the values to define a sorted deck of cards */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* deck - array of cards */

unsigned i; /* loop variable */

for (i = 0; i < 13; ++i) { /* initialize the suit array */

deck[i].s = spades;
deck[i+13].s = diamonds;
deck[i+26].s = clubs;
deck[i+39].s = hearts;

deck[0].v = two; /* initialize the first suit */

deck[1].v = three;
deck[2].v = four;
deck[3].v = five;
deck[4].v = six;
deck[5].v = seven;
deck[6].v = eight;
deck[7].v = nine;
deck[8].v = ten;
deck[9].v = jack;
deck[10].v = queen;
deck[11].v = king;
deck[12].v = ace;
for (i = 13; i < 52; ++i) /* copy the first suit to the */
deck[i].v = deck[i-13].v; /* remaining suits */

void Shuffle(struct card deck[52])

/* Shuffles the deck of cards */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* deck - array of cards */

unsigned i; /* loop variable */
unsigned j; /* card to swap with current card */
struct card tcard; /* temp card; for swap */

for (i = 0; i < 52-1; ++i) {

j = RandomValue(52 - i) + i - 1;
tcard = deck[i];
deck[i] = deck[j];
deck[j] = tcard;

void PrintValue (enum value v)

/* Print the value of a card */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* v - value of the card */

if (v == two)
else if (v == three)
else if (v == four)
else if (v == five)
else if (v == six)
else if (v == seven)
else if (v == eight)
else if (v == nine)
else if (v == ten)
else if (v == jack)
else if (v == queen)

else if (v == king)
else if (v == ace)

void PrintSuit (enum suit s)

/* Print the suit of a card */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* s - suit of the card */

if (s == spades)
else if (s == diamonds)
else if (s == clubs)
else if (s == hearts)

void PrintDeck (struct card deck[52])

/* Prints the cards in order */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* deck - array of cards */

unsigned i; /* loop variable */

for (i = 0; i < 52; ++i) {

printf(" of ");

void main (void)

/* Main program */

srand(1234); /* initialize the random number generator */
InitializeDeck(deck); /* get a new (sorted) deck of cards */
Shuffle(deck); /* shuffle the deck */
PrintDeck(deck); /* print the shuffled deck */

Solution to problem 7.4.

/* This program demonstrates typedef used with enum */

#include <stdio.h>

typedef enum weekDay {

sunday, monday, teusday, wednesday, thursday,
friday, saturday
} weekDay;

void PrintDay (weekDay day)

/* Print the day of the week */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* day - day of the week */

if (day == sunday)
else if (day == monday)
else if (day == teusday)
else if (day == wednesday)
else if (day == thursday)
else if (day == friday)
else if (day == saturday)

void main(void)

weekDay day;

for (day = sunday; day <= saturday; ++day) {


Solution to problem 7.5.

/* This program shuffles a deck of cards, then prints the */
/* results. */
/* */
/* The deck of cards is represented by a pair of arrays. Each */
/* array has one position for each of the 52 cards in a */
/* standard deck of playing cards. One array gives the value */
/* of the card (see the value enumeration), while the other */
/* gives the suit (see the suit enumeration). */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* suits of cards */
enum suit {spades, diamonds, clubs, hearts};
/* face value of cards */
enum value {two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
jack, queen, king, ace};

enum suit suitDeck[52]; /* these two arrays define */

enum value valueDeck[52]; /* a deck of cards */

unsigned RandomValue (unsigned max)

/* Return a pseudo-random number in the range 1..max. */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* max - largest number to return */
/* color - interior color of the rectangle */

return rand() % max + 1;

void InitializeDeck (enum suit suits[52], enum value values[52])

/* Fills in the values to define a sorted deck of cards */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* suits - array of the card suits */
/* values - array of the card values */

unsigned i; /* loop variable */

for (i = 0; i < 13; ++i) { /* initialize the suit array */

suits[i] = spades;
suits[i+13] = diamonds;
suits[i+26] = clubs;
suits[i+39] = hearts;

values[0] = two; /* initialize the first suit */

values[1] = three;
values[2] = four;
values[3] = five;
values[4] = six;
values[5] = seven;
values[6] = eight;
values[7] = nine;
values[8] = ten;
values[9] = jack;
values[10] = queen;
values[11] = king;
values[12] = ace;
for (i = 13; i < 52; ++i) /* copy the first suit to the */
values[i] = values[i-13]; /* remaining suits */

void Shuffle (enum suit suits[52], enum value values[52])

/* Shuffles the deck of cards */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* suits - array of the card suits */
/* values - array of the card values */

unsigned i; /* loop variable */
unsigned j; /* card to swap with current card */
enum value tvalue; /* temp value; used for swap */
enum suit tsuit; /* temp suit; used for swap */

for (i = 0; i < 52-1; ++i) {
j = RandomValue(52 - i) + i - 1;
tsuit = suits[i];
suits[i] = suits[j];
suits[j] = tsuit;
tvalue = values[i];
values[i] = values[j];
values[j] = tvalue;

void PrintValue (enum value v)

/* Print the value of a card */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* v - value of the card */

switch (v) {
case two: printf("two");
case three: printf("three");
case four: printf("four");
case five: printf("five");
case six: printf("six");
case seven: printf("seven");
case eight: printf("eight");
case nine: printf("nine");
case ten: printf("ten");
case jack: printf("jack");
case queen: printf("queen");
case king: printf("king");
case ace: printf("ace");

void PrintSuit (enum suit s)

/* Print the suit of a card */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* s - suit of the card */

switch (s) {
case spades: printf("spades");
case diamonds: printf("diamonds");
case clubs: printf("clubs");
case hearts: printf("hearts");

void PrintDeck (enum suit suits[52], enum value values[52])

/* Prints the cards in order */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* suits - array of the card suits */
/* values - array of the card values */

unsigned i; /* loop variable */

for (i = 0; i < 52; ++i) {

printf(" of ");

void main (void)

/* Main program */

srand(1234); /* initialize the random number generator */
InitializeDeck(suitDeck, valueDeck);/* get a new (sorted) deck of cards */
Shuffle(suitDeck, valueDeck); /* shuffle the deck */
PrintDeck(suitDeck, valueDeck); /* print the shuffled deck */


Solution to problem 7.6.

/* Demonstrates that leaving out the break statement */
/* can occasionally result in shorter programs. */

#include <stdio.h>

void main (void)

unsigned i;

for (i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {

switch (i) {
case 5: printf("*");
case 4: printf("*");
case 3: printf("*");
case 2: printf("*");
case 1: printf("*");

Lesson Eight
Pointers and Lists
even how much will be allocated, you need some way
What is a Pointer? of keeping track of the memory. That is one of the
most common uses for the pointer, a data type you have
By now, you have used two very powerful already seen used to pass variables to functions. A
techniques to organize information in C. Arrays are use pointer points to a memory location. In terms of the C
to handle a large amount of information when all of the program, a pointer points to a variable. The variable
pieces are the same type, while structures are used to can be a simple variable, like an integer or a floating-
collect different kinds of information into a single point number; a structure; an array; or even another
variable. pointer. In short, a pointer can point to a variable of
While these types are very powerful, there is one absolutely any type.
situation they do not handle well. In many programs, I don't want to scare you off, but pointers tend to
you don't know in advance how many pieces of give beginners a lot of trouble. Part of the reason
information you need to deal with. For example, a people have trouble with pointers is that the idea of
program to manage a mailing list may have a few dynamically allocated memory is foreign to those of
hundred entries when one person uses it, but several you who cut your teeth on BASIC. If pointers are a
thousand for another person. One solution is to allocate new concept for you, you should expect it to take some
an array that will be big enough to hold some maximum time before you become comfortable with them.
number, and leave it at that. Of course, that presents a Another factor is that pointers have their own operator,
problem, too. If one person has a computer with 1.25M the * operator, which is easy to confuse with the
of memory, they may be able to handle a mailing list multiplication operator. A lot of people get confused
with 7000 or 8000 entries. Unfortunately, the program by this operator, which controls when you are dealing
would be to large to run on a computer with 768K, and with a pointer, and when you are dealing with the thing
would not make effective use of all of the memory in a it is pointing to. Finally, there is a bit of magic about
2M machine. pointers in a high-level language. The other data types
Of course, you may not ever intend to write a we have dealt with were definite, fixed structures. You
commercial application. On your own machine, you could get a handle on what they do, and how they work.
know how much memory you have, right? Well, that From a language like C, there are some mysteries to
could be true, but fixed size arrays present other how pointers work, since the language takes care of a
problems. Many programs have to handle more than lot of details. It is only from assembly language that
one kind of data at the same time. For example, an you really see how pointers work – and, if you ever
adventure game might need one array for handling the learn enough assembly language to learn how pointers
rooms in a castle, and another array for keeping track of work, you will probably follow in the footsteps of the
the various inhabitants. You can try to make effective vast majority of programmers, and return to a language
use of memory by guessing in advance how big each like C that handles all of those mucky details for you!
array needs to be, but if you guess wrong, you could A realistic example of how pointers and dynamic
overflow one array while there is still plenty of room in memory are used in a real program is well beyond what
the other. you are likely to understand at this point, so some of the
In all of these situations, the problem is that you first few examples will seem very simplistic and
know there is a lot of memory out there, but you don't contrived. You will look at them and wonder why we
always know, in advance, how much memory is are using pointers at all, when you can easily see better
available or exactly what you will need to use it for ways to write the program without a pointer. Well, you
when the program runs. The amount of memory used are right, but we will use some simple programs to get
by an array or structure is determined when the used to the mechanics of pointers. By the end of the
program is written, and cannot be changed without lesson, though, you will be dealing with data structures
recompiling the program. What we need is a way to that you could not handle with arrays. In the next few
ask for a chunk of memory while the program is lessons, we will start doing things with pointers that are
running. Programmers call this dynamically allocated very difficult to do with arrays. In some cases, in C at
memory. Since the compiler doesn't know where the least, some of the things we will do can't be done any
memory will be when you compile the program, or other way than by the use of pointers.

Pointers are Variables, Too! there; you've done that sort of thing dozens of times.
The next line, though, assigns the integer j to the value
You have already had one brief look at pointers, pointed to by ip. Keep in mind that we are not
back when we discussed how to use them to pass a assigning a value to the variable ip, we are assigning a
value to a function in such a way that the function could value to the variable pointed at by the variable ip.
change the variable we passed. In that case, though, That's what the * operator does for us; it tells the
you only defined a pointer as a parameter. It turns out compiler that we want the value pointed at, not the
that you can use the same idea to declare pointers as pointer.
either global or local variables. No matter where you The next line,
define a pointer, though, and no matter what it points
to, the general mechanism is the same: you put an * i = *ip;
character right before the name of the variable. The
variable is then a pointer to the type that it would have uses the same idea to assign the value pointed to by
been without the * character in place. For example, to ip to the variable i. Finally, the value of i is printed.
define a pointer to a char, you could use the declaration The value should be 4.
Unfortunately, this program has a very, very
char *cptr; serious flaw. In is a very common error in programs
that use pointers. In fact, it is one of the most common
A pointer is a strange, hybrid type. The type of the causes of crashes on the Apple IIGS, in any kind of
variable cptr is pointer to char, and a pointer is a very program. Did you catch the flaw?
real thing, so you can set a pointer to point to a variable, What does ip point to?
set a pointer to point to some dynamically allocated What if ip points to the location in memory that
piece of memory, set a pointer to point to nothing in turns on your floppy disk drive? The disk drive would
particular, or even set a pointer to point to the same start to spin.
thing as some other pointer. In all of these cases, you What if ip happens to point to memory allocated by
use the name of the pointer, just as you would use the the GS/OS operating system that holds a block of a data
name of a variable to set or access the variable. In the file? When you save the file, it will have some garbage
end, though, you will want to get at the thing the information in it.
pointer points to, not the pointer itself. To do that, you What if ip points into the middle of your program?
put the * character right before the variable name, just Your program may crash.
as you did when the pointer was declared. Any time the What if ip points to the locations PRIZM is using
* comes before the variable name, C will load or store to store the characters in your source file? You will see
to the value the pointer points at, not to the pointer garbage in the file.
itself. Worst of all, what if ip points to some memory that
For example, the assignments shown in the isn't being used for anything? You might think the
following program are legal, although the program program works, and pass it around to friends. It could
itself has some problems. (Do not run this program!) then do all of these nasty things to their computer.
This, of course, is not a good way to keep friends.
#include <stdio.h>
Allocating and Deallocating Memory
void main(void)
In short, pointers are no good without a way to get
some memory for them to point to. You have used the
address operator in the past to set the value of a pointer,
int i, j, *ip; but we need to learn a new way to set up a pointer,
now. The C standard library gives us a function called
j = 4; malloc to get some new memory. When you are
*ip = j; finished with the memory, the function free can be used
i = *ip; to get rid of the memory. Both functions are declared
printf("%d\n", i); in the header file stdlib.h, but you have to be careful
} here: some older C compilers declare malloc in other
header files, and a few don't declare it at all. If you are
Let's step through the program, looking at what it is moving your program from system to system, you need
doing. First, we assign the value 4 to j. Nothing is new to be sure you read the documentation for each

compiler to see how malloc is implemented in the other which is an unsigned integer big enough to hold a
compilers. If the compiler follows the ANSI C pointer value. In ORCA/C, this means the integer is an
standard, though, malloc and free will be in stdlib.h. unsigned long, not an unsigned int. The main place this
We can change our program from the last section comes up is when you want to print the result of the
into a safe one using these function. This program is sizeof function: many people try to use the %d
one you can run! conversion specifier to do this, and that is simply not
correct, since the %d conversion specifier is only valid
#include <stdio.h> with two-byte values in ORCA/C. Instead, you need to
#include <stdlib.h> use the %ld conversion specifier. On other compilers,
though, this could be different.
void main (void) The malloc function performs some advanced
magic and, after the call, two bytes of memory have
int i, j, *ip; How malloc and free Work

ip = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int)); The process used to allocate and deallocate

j = 4; dynamic memory is a bit involved, and has nothing
*ip = j; in particular to do with the way you write your C
program, but it is interesting.
i = *ip;
One of the basic parts of the Apple IIGS
printf("%d\n", i);
operating system is the memory manager. The
free(ip); memory manager is responsible for finding free
} memory and giving it to the various programs in the
computer. Even if your program is the only one you
When this program runs, it starts by making a call think is running, it turns out that many other
to malloc. This simple call shows a lot of new programs are calling the memory manager to get
concepts, so we need to stop and spend some time memory, too. The GS/OS disk operating system
looking at it closely. The malloc function needs to calls the memory manager, as do many of the
know how much memory you want, in bytes. Since toolkits. PRIZM is calling the memory manager to
you are allocating a pointer to an integer, you need to get space for your program. Many desk accessories
allocate two bytes, but the size of an integer can vary call the memory manager. Some of them may even
from one C compiler to another. Worse yet, later you install interrupt handlers, which can be running while
will be allocating memory for structures, and it can be your program is doing something else.
pretty easy to make a mistake on the size of a structure, When you call malloc for the first time, the
even if you know your compiler well. C solves this program makes a call to the memory manager to get
problem with a special operator called sizeof. The a 4K block of memory. This memory is then
sizeof operator returns the size of any type in the same subdivided into smaller and smaller pieces, dividing
units malloc uses (bytes, in our case). If you move this the block in half each time, until the program gets a
program to another compiler that uses a different size of chunk of memory of about the right size. In our
integer, it will still work, because the new compiler's program you need two bytes to hold the integer, and
sizeof function will know how big integers are in that the library subroutine allocating the memory needs
implementation. four bytes to keep track of all of the small pointers,
The sizeof operator is something that has changed so a total of eight bytes is actually taken from the 4K
a bit over the years, so it is also something you should chunk of memory. (Remember, the number of bytes
be careful of if you are moving your programs between will be a power of two.) This method tends to waste
computers or typing in C programs from another book. a few bytes of memory now and then, but it turns out
In older implementations of C, the value returned by that it is very fast. It has some other technical
sizeof was generally an int or unsigned value. The advantages, too, that we won't go into here.
problem with this is that you could never use sizeof on When you call free at the end of the program, the
a really big structure or array, since this effectively small block of memory is deallocated. Since it was
limits the value returned by sizeof to 64K-1 on most the only piece of memory being used in the 4K block,
computers, and as you know, you have a lot more the 4K block is also returned to the memory
memory at your disposal on the Apple IIGS. In ANSI manager, where it can be reused by other programs.
C implementations, the value returned is of type size_t,

been obtained. The exact process involved in getting to the value pointed at by the pointer, and use the
this memory is a bit involved, and not particularly pointer with the * operator in the printf call.
important to you, the C programmer. If you are
curious, the sidebar gives an overview of the process. Problem 8.2. You can, of course, use *ip anywhere
In any case, this memory is safe. It belongs to your that you could use an integer variable. Making use
program, and no other correctly written program will of that fact, write a program to add two numbers
disturb it. The type of the pointer that is returned is and print the result. The only variables you should
then cast to the type of the pointer we want, just to keep define are three pointers, ip, jp, and kp. Be sure
things neat. This isn't actually required in ORCA/C, and allocate memory for all of them using malloc,
but neatness never hurts, and this type cast may be then assign 4 to the first, and 6 to the second. Add
necessary in other implementations of C. To cast one the two values together and save them at *kp, then
pointer to another type, you just put the type in print the result. Be sure and follow your mother's
parenthesis in front of the pointer value. advice, and clean up after yourself by calling free
Just before the program ends, you see a call to free. to deallocate the memory areas reserved by the
This function goes through a complicated mechanism calls to malloc.
that gets rid of the two bytes of memory. After calling
free, the memory does not belong to your program Linked Lists
anymore. It could be reused within 1/60th of a second
by an interrupt routine, such as the software that So far, all of our programs have used a pointer to a
controls the mouse and keyboard in PRIZM. Even if it single variable. That's about as useful as your mother
isn't reused, because of the process used to allocate and on a hot date. A simple variable is easier to use, takes
deallocate memory, the location ip points to doesn't less space, produces a smaller program, the resulting
contain 4, anymore. In short, once you call free, the program runs faster, and there is no chance of stepping
memory isn't yours anymore, and you should not access on someone else's memory because you forgot to use
or change the value pointed at by ip. malloc to allocate the memory. We used arrays to
This is a very short program, but it is worth typing organize a fixed number of values into a data structure
it in and running it through the debugger. Start the that was easier to use. The equivalent for a pointer is
program in step mode and bring up the variables one of the many forms of a linked list.
window. Go ahead and enter i and j if you like, but be Basically, a linked list is a series of connected
sure and enter ip. This will show you the value of the structures. Each of the structures in the linked list
pointer itself. Like all variables declared at the program contains, among other things, a pointer. The pointer
level in ORCA/C, it starts with a value of zero. The points to another structure in the list. A single pointer
value is displayed in hexadecimal notation, but it is still variable in the program points to the first structure in
zero. Now add ip^ to the variables window. (In the the linked list.
variables window, you look at the value of a pointer by For our first look at a linked list, we will create a
placing a ^ after the name, instead of a * before the list of integers. The structure, then, must have a pointer
name. The effect is the same.) The debugger will to the next record, and an integer. It looks like this:
display the value being pointed to by ip. Again, the
important point is that ip is a variable, but the value you typedef struct listElement {
really want to see and make use of is what it points to. struct listElement *next;
That, as you know, is *ip, or, to the debugger, ip^. int i;
Stepping through the program, you can see malloc
} listElement;
allocate new memory, and you can see the assignment
setting the value being pointed to. Free doesn't change
the value of ip, but you will see the value of ip^ change. listElement *list, *temp;

Problem 8.1. A pointer can point to any variable type. With these definitions, we can start to create a
Use that fact to change the program shown in this linked list. For each element in the list, we will need to
section to allocate a pointer to a floating-point call malloc to get space for a new record, and then place
number. Assign the value 1.2 to the location a value into the integer, like this:
pointed to by the pointer, and print the result. Do
all of this without an intermediate floating-point temp = (listElement *)
variable; in other words, assign the value directly malloc(sizeof listElement);
(*temp).i = 4;

this point. There may not be any, or there may be
The assignment that places a 4 in the integer several thousand. The beauty of the linked list, though,
variable looks a bit odd. You might not think about is that we don't have to know! It doesn't matter at all
putting parenthesis in a C expression to tell the how many things are already in the linked list.
compiler in what order to apply the * and . operators, The second line assigns temp to list. The first thing
but it actually does work. As with the other examples in the list, at this point, is our new record. Our record
of * and . that you have seen, the * operator applied to contains an integer variable with a value of 4, and a
temp tells the compiler to look at the thing temp points pointer to the rest of the list.
to, not the pointer temp. Applying the . operator and The next thing we need to learn is how to take
the variable name i, you are telling the compiler to look something out of the list. Let's say that we want to
at a variable i, contained within a struct pointed at by remove the first item. Basically, then, we reverse the
the pointer temp. That's a mouthful, but if you look at process of putting a record into the list, like this:
it closely and apply the old principals you already know
one after the other, it makes some sense. temp = list;
The assignment is, however, a bit confusing, not to list = temp->next;
mention hard to type, and it turns out that you need to
do this sort of thing a lot in real programs. C has There is one more detail that we need to deal with
another operator, ->, which does the job of the * and . before we can use these ideas to write a program. So
operators put together, and makes the line a little easier far, we have ignored the issue of the end of the list.
to read at the same time: How do we know when we get to the end of the list?
We could keep a counter, but actually, there is a better
temp->i = 4; way. It involves the use of a predefined pointer
constant called NULL, defined in stddef.h. NULL has
The -> operator, used instead of the . operator, tells the a type of void *, which means a pointer to some
compiler that the variable temp is a pointer to a unspecified object, and so is type compatible with any
structure, rather than a structure, and to do the right pointer. You can set a pointer to NULL or compare a
things on its own. pointer to NULL. By convention, NULL is used to
At this point, we have a dynamically allocated mean that the pointer doesn't point to anything, and that
record with an integer value in it. The pointer in the is how we mark the end of our list. By initializing list
record still does not point to anything. The next step is to NULL at the start of the program, and checking to
to add this record to the list of records that the variable see if list is NULL before removing an item from the
list points to. list, we can tell when there is nothing in the list.

temp->next = list; Stacks

list = temp;
Using what we now know about linked lists, we
On the first line, we are assigning a value to the can create our first program, shown in listing 8.1.
pointer in our new record. The value we are assigning
is list; list points to the first element currently in the list.
We really don't know how many things are in the list at

Listing 8.1

/* This program reads in a list of integers, and then prints */

/* them in reverse order. The program stops when a zero value */
/* is read. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>

typedef struct listElement {
struct listElement *next;
int i;
} listElement;

listElement *list;

void GetList (void)

/* Read a list from the keyboard. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* list - pointer to the head of the list */

int i; /* variable read from the keyboard */
listElement *temp; /* work pointer */

list = NULL; /* initialize the list pointer */

do {
scanf(" %d", &i); /* read a value */
if (i != 0) { /* if not at the end of the list... */
/* allocate a structure */
temp = (listElement *) malloc (sizeof(listElement));
temp->i = i; /* place i in the structure */
temp->next = list; /* put the structure in the list */
list = temp;
while (i != 0);

void PrintList (void)

/* Print a list. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* list - pointer to the head of the list */

listElement *temp; /* work pointer */

while (list != NULL) {

temp = list; /* remove an item from the list */
list = temp->next;
printf("%d\n", temp->i); /* write the value */
free(temp); /* free the memory */


void main (void)

GetList(); /* read a list */
PrintList(); /* print a list */

We have already talked about all of the ideas in of plates. You pile the list elements up on top of one
this program, this is just the first time you have seen another. To get one back, you pull the top record off of
them all in one place. Looking through the program, the stack.
the first step is to get a list of numbers. GetList does Just as a footnote, I should warn you about
this, reading numbers using familiar methods until you terminology buffs. Many high school teachers, a few
enter 0. For each number, GetList allocates a new college professors, and even an occasional book author
structure, saves the number in the structure, and puts figure that the way to become a good programmer is to
the structure in the list. learn a bunch of arcane words. It is true that you need
PrintList loops for as long as there are entries left some new words, like dynamically allocated memory,
in the list. Each time through the loop, the top structure to describe new concepts, but these terminology buffs
in the list is removed from the list, the value is printed, want you to know that a stack is called a LIFO data
and the memory used by the structure is dumped. structure, for Last In, First Out. Let's face it, they write
Notice how the PrintList procedure cleans up after the tests, so you better know the term if you want to get
itself. The memory used by every record is carefully a good grade in a class. Be warned, though: if you
disposed of after we are finished with the record. This walk up to a group of programmers at a conference and
is an important step in a program that uses dynamic start babbling about LIFO data structures, you will find
memory. If you forget to dispose of some of the a wide gap forming around you. A few people will
memory in a few places, the memory areas will glance at your shirt pocket, looking for the pencil
eventually fill up, and there won't be any unused holder, or examine the thickness of your glasses. In
memory for the malloc calls. real life, these things are called stacks.
It is very important to understand exactly how this Stacks are a very flexible data structure, used in a
program works, since the ideas used in this program wide variety of applications. A stack is appropriate any
form the basis for many of the fundamental techniques time you need to collect a large amount of information,
in modern programming practice. Stop now, and type especially if you don't particularly care in what order
in the program. Run the program with the following you use the information, or for the occasional case
input: when you want to handle the most recent piece of
information first. Stacks are used in such diverse
1 2 3 4 0 applications as burglar alarms, data bases, mailing lists,
operating systems, and arcade games.
The program responds with this: There are many variations on the basic ideas
covered in this section. Some of these are explored in
4 the problems. I highly recommend that you work both
3 of these problems.
Problem 8.3. Many applications require you to process
the information in a list from back to front. In
some cases, you know this in advance, and a
This may not have been exactly what you expected.
slightly different form of a list is used, called a
What happened is this: when the program creates the
queue. That situation is covered in the next
list, each new element is added on top of the old list.
section. In other cases, though, you may not know
As the program retrieves records from the list, the last
that the list needs to be reversed in advance, or you
one added is removed first. This mechanism is called a
may need to process the list in both orders in
stack. The common analogy is to think of it like a stack

different parts of the program. In a case like that, want to add them to the end of the list. In a sense, the
you need to be able to reverse the list. structures are lined up, and processed on a first-come,
first served basis. The terminology freaks call a queue
Reversing a list is really quite easy. To do it, you a FIFO list, for First In, First Out, but again, don't
use two lists. The new list starts out empty. You embarrass yourself in a crowd by talking about stuff
then loop through the old list, just like we do in the like that.
PrintList procedure, but instead of printing the There are three basic ways to form a queue. If all
value and disposing of the record, you add the of the information is read in first, then processed, you
record to the new list. could just use the simple stack to read the data, then
reverse the order of the list, like we did in problem 8.3.
Change the sample program from this section by In many programming situations, though, you read
adding a new function called ReverseList that some data, process a little bit, read some more, and so
reverses the list. Use this function to reverse the forth. In those cases, you need to build the list in the
list before it is printed. proper order.
One way to build a queue is to keep a second
Problem 8.4. In some applications, we read in a list, pointer, which we will call last. This pointer starts at
then scan the list repeatedly, looking for structures NULL, like the pointer that points to the first member
with certain characteristics. For example, in a of the list. When we add the first element to the list, the
burglar alarm, we might use one function to add pointer last is set to the value of the new pointer. The
new alarms to a list. Another might repeatedly next pointer in the new structure is always set to NULL.
scan the list, looking for fires. If no fires were From then on, we add a new structure by setting the
found, the list could be rechecked for broken next pointer in the structure pointed to by last to point
windows, and so on. to the new structure, and then set last to point to the
new structure. In C code, then, we set the list up like
Implement this idea in our sample program by this:
counting the number of times a particular number
appears in the list. Scan the list, incrementing a list = NULL;
counter in an array when you find a value in the last = NULL;
range 1 to 5, and ignoring all other entries. Print a
table of the results. To add a record to the end of the list, we check to
see if the structure is the first one in the list. If so, we
Try this program at least two times. The first time, set both last and list to point to the new record. If not,
enter zero immediately. The second time, use this we chain the record to the end of the list.
if (list == NULL) {
1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 4 5 5 0 list = temp;
last = temp;
The results should be one one, two twos, and so }
else {
Hint: To scan a list, set a pointer to the head of the last->next = temp;
list. Use a while loop to loop until this pointer is last = temp;
NULL. At the end of the while loop, set the }
pointer to the next record, like this:
Of course, since both branches of the if statement
temp = temp->next; assign temp to last, we can make the program shorter,
and still do the same thing, by pulling the assignment
outside of the if statement, like this:
Another commonly used form of a list is the queue. if (list == NULL)
A queue looks just like a stack, but it is formed list = temp;
differently. A queue is used when you want to process else
information in the same order it is read, so instead of last->next = temp;
adding new records to the beginning of the list, you last = temp;

We also don't actually make use of last before it is One interesting point about this program is that we
assigned a value for the first time, so setting it to NULL aren't using free to dispose of the memory we allocate.
when we initialize the list is also unnecessary. In this rare case, that does no harm, since the operating
system will free the memory once the program stops
Problem 8.5. Change the GetList procedure from the running.
sample in the last section so it forms a queue
instead of a stack. Use the mechanism described in The & Operator Returns an Address
this section to do it.
It may have struck you as a little odd that we went
Running Out Of Memory through all of those contortions with malloc to allocate
space for an integer value when you already know how
What happens if you ask for more memory, but to create an integer by simply declaring it. Well, the
none is available? If this happens, malloc returns biggest reason was to prepare you for using malloc to
NULL instead of a pointer to the new memory. You create lists, but as it turns out, you can actually get the
can – and should – check for this possibility in your address of a normal variable, and use that address to set
program, and handle the situation if it arises. Here's a the pointer. The method used is exactly the same as
sample program that allocates chunks of 10,000 bytes when you pass the address of a variable as a parameter
of memory at a time. It will give you some idea about to functions like scanf. &i, for example, is the address
how much memory you actually have available when of i, and you can use this to set a pointer.
your program runs, and give you a good example of
handling an out of memory situation, too. Of course, Problem 8.6. The very first sample program in this
the amount of memory you have available can change section was:
due to a number of factors. The memory you can
allocate will go up if you add more memory, make any #include <stdio.h>
RAM disk smaller, or run the program from the Finder
or text shell instead of from the desktop development void main(void)
environment. The amount of memory you can allocate
can go up or down as the version of the operating {
system or compiler change, and even as you add, delete,
int i, j, *ip;
or change the desk accessories you use.

#include <stdio.h> j = 4;
#include <stdlib.h> *ip = j;
#include <stddef.h> i = *ip;
printf("%d\n", i);
void main (void) }

Change this program by setting ip to point to j,

rather than setting the value ip points to to the
unsigned count; value of j, then run the program. Be sure to use the
int *p; debugger to see what is happening.

count = 0; The Special Relationship Between

do {
Pointers and Arrays
p = (int *) malloc (10000); In C, there is a very close relationship between
++count; arrays and pointers. In fact, if a is an array of integers,
} the type of a in an expression isn't really array at all – it
while (p != NULL); is a pointer! Let's use a simple program to get a first
printf("%d 10000 byte areas" look at how this works.
" allocated.\n", count-1);

#include <stdio.h> gracefully, too. When you add one to a pointer, the
result is a pointer to the next item of the same type after
void main (void) the original pointer!

{ #include <stdio.h>
int a[2], *ip;
void main (void)
a[0] = 4;
ip = a; {
printf("%d\n", *ip); int a[5], *ip, i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
The first line is simple enough – it assigns 4 to the a[i] = i+1;
first element of the array. The next line is where the
neat stuff happens. Here, we assign a to ip. What does ip = a;
this mean? Well, since a is an array of integers, C treats i = 0;
it as a pointer to an integer in this case, and ip ends up for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
pointing to the first element of the array a. When you printf("%d\n", *ip);
print *ip, the value printed is 4 – the same value you ++ip;
placed at the start of the array. }
It is this special relationship that we put to use a
few lessons back to pass an array as a parameter to a
function. C didn't really pass the array at all – instead,
This program shows how this ability is used most
C passed a pointer to the first element in the array.
often in C. You see, it takes a fair amount of time to
The relationship works the other way around, too.
calculate the location of a value in an array, like a[4]. It
You can actually use an array subscript after a pointer
takes even longer if the array is subscripted multiple
to access the value the pointer points to. For example,
times, like a[i][j][k]. This sort of multiple indexing
you can look at the value ip points to using *ip, as you
may seem a bit strange, but it comes up a lot in some
normally would, or by using ip[0], which means exactly
kinds of engineering programs. While it takes a long
the same thing in C. That's why you were able to use
time to compute array indices, though, incrementing the
array subscripts inside of the subroutine to access
value of a pointer is a very fast operation by
values in the array that C passed as a pointer. You can
comparison, and accessing the value a pointer points to
even index past the value ip currently points to; ip[1] is
is also a very fast operation. In short, you can use this
the integer after the one *ip points to, for example.
idea of pointer math to create some very short, fast
programs in C – programs whose speed is much greater
Problem 8.7. Use the idea that array indexes can be
than a similar program in other high-level languages.
used with a pointer to modify the sample program
Let's explore this concept further by writing a
from this section. Start by declaring an array with
function that will work like strcmp, but will do a case
three values, and set these values to 1, 2 and 3.
insensitive compare – i.e., one where the characters 'A'
Next, set a pointer to the first element of the array.
and 'a' are treated as being equal. Using arrays, our
Finally, print the values in the array by indexing 0,
function looks like this:
1 and 2 past the pointer.

Pointer Math
The fact that arrays and pointers enjoy such a close
relationship in C becomes a powerful new
programming technique when combined with another
factor. You can actually do some math with pointers in
C, too. The math is limited to the things that make
sense with a pointer, which basically means that you
can add or subtract an integer value, or increment or
decrement a pointer. C handles all of this very

int strcmp2 (char str1[1], int strcmp2 (char *p1, char *p2)
char str2[1])
{ while ((*p1 != 0) && (*p2 != 0))
unsigned i; {
if (toupper(*p1) !=
i = 0; toupper(*p2)) {
while ((str1[i] != 0) if (toupper(*p1) <
&& (str2[i] != 0)) { toupper(*p2))
if (toupper(str1[i]) != return -1;
toupper(str2[i])) { return 1;
if (toupper(str1[i]) < }
toupper(str2[i])) ++p1;
return -1; ++p2;
return 1; }
} if (*p1 != 0)
++i; return 1;
} if (*p2 != 0)
if (str1[i] != 0) return -1;
return 1; return 0;
if (str2[i] != 0) }
return -1;
return 0; This seems a little shorter, and in fact, it is faster,
} too. We'll continue to refine this program, using our
knowledge of C to continue improving on the size and,
This subroutine has one distinct advantage: you can as it turns out, the speed of this subroutine. This
see the rules that strcmp uses to compare strings layed process of iterative refinement of a subroutine is a very
out very clearly. The subroutine scans the strings, common one. The next step is to recognize that, in C, 0
checking to see if it has reached the null character in is false and anything else is true, so all of those
either string, and stopping if it has. Assuming both comparisons to 0 are really unnecessary.
strings still have characters, the subroutine enters the
while loop, and checks to see if the uppercase
equivalent of these character is the same; if not, it
checks to see which is smaller, and returns -1 or 1, as
appropriate. If the characters match, the subroutine
increments i and continues on to the next position in the
Assuming the end of one or the other string is
reached without finding a mismatch, the subroutine
drops out of the do loop, and checks to see if one string
is shorter than the other. If so, an appropriate value is
returned. If not, the strings are the same, and a 0 is
C doesn't care if you declare the parameters to this
function as arrays, as we have done, or pointers: the
compiler will let you call the function with the same
sort of arguments either way. Using this fact, we can
convert this subroutine to use pointers instead of arrays.
The first effect is that we no longer need the variable i.

int strcmp2 (char *p1, char *p2)
a. A string constant.
{ b. A character array.
while (*p1 && *p2) c. A pointer to a character. (The pointer can be
initialized to point to the character array.)
if (toupper(*p1) !=
toupper(*p2)) {
if (toupper(*p1) <
return -1;
return 1;
if (*p1)
return 1;
if (*p2)
return -1;
return 0;

We could carry this process even further, but it

would take some ideas about the C language that you
haven't seen yet. In any case, the process can be taken
to the point where the subroutine is very efficient, but
also very hard to follow. (Maybe you think this is
already true!) This brings up an interesting
philosophical point. In many cases, like the sample
programs in this course, it is very important that
programs be easy to follow and understand. This helps
a lot when you are debugging a program, too. In other
situations, you need to milk as much speed as possible
from your computer, and that sometimes means going
over code again and again to make it smaller and more
efficient. The result may be very difficult for anyone,
even yourself, to decipher later. Some people will get
stuck in one more or the other. A teacher, for example,
might get stuck in the "write it clearly" mode, while a
professional programmer writing tight animation code
in C might get caught up in obscure techniques to cut a
few percent from the execution time, producing
unreadable code. I hope you can be flexible enough to
see that both views are correct, and both have a place.
My advice is to start by writing clear, easy to
understand subroutines. If the program is too slow, go
back and change individual subroutines that are taking
up too much time to get more efficiency.

Problem 8.8. Write a short program to test the last

version of strcmp2. Write your program so that it
passes each of the following at least one time:

Lesson Eight
Solutions to Problems

Solution to problem 8.1.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void main (void)

float *fp;

fp = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float));

*fp = 1.2;
printf("%f\n", *fp);

Solution to problem 8.2.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void main (void)

int *ip, *jp, *kp;

ip = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int));

jp = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int));
kp = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int));

*ip = 4;
*jp = 6;
*kp = *ip + *jp;

printf("%d\n", *kp);


Solution to problem 8.3.
/* This program reads in a list of integers, and then prints */
/* them. The program stops when a zero value is read. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>

typedef struct listElement {

struct listElement *next;
int i;
} listElement;

listElement *list;

void GetList (void)

/* Read a list from the keyboard. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* list - pointer to the head of the list */

int i; /* variable read from the keyboard */
listElement *temp; /* work pointer */

list = NULL; /* initialize the list pointer */

do {
scanf(" %d", &i); /* read a value */
if (i != 0) { /* if not at the end of the list... */
/* allocate a structure */
temp = (listElement *) malloc (sizeof(listElement));
temp->i = i; /* place i in the structure */
temp->next = list; /* put the record in the list */
list = temp;
while (i != 0);

void ReverseList (void)

/* Reverse a list */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* list - pointer to the head of the list */

listElement *temp; /* work pointer */
listElement *nlist; /* new list pointer */

nlist = NULL; /* start out with an empty list */

while (list != NULL) {

temp = list; /* remove an item from the list */
list = temp->next;
temp->next = nlist; /* add it to the new list */
nlist = temp;
list = nlist; /* switch to the new list */

void PrintList (void)

/* Print a list. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* list - pointer to the head of the list */

listElement *temp; /* work pointer */

while (list != NULL) {

temp = list; /* remove an item from the list */
list = temp->next;
printf("%d\n", temp->i); /* write the value */
free(temp); /* free the memory */

void main (void)

GetList(); /* read a list */
ReverseList(); /* reverse the list */
PrintList(); /* print a list */

Solution to problem 8.4.
/* This program reads in a list of integers, then scans the */
/* list, printing the number of times each of the integers 1 to */
/* 5 appear in the list. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>

typedef struct listElement {

struct listElement *next;
int i;
} listElement;

listElement *list;

void GetList (void)

/* Read a list from the keyboard. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* list - pointer to the head of the list */

int i; /* variable read from the keyboard */
listElement *temp; /* work pointer */

list = NULL; /* initialize the list pointer */

do {
scanf(" %d", &i); /* read a value */
if (i != 0) { /* if not at the end of the list... */
/* allocate a structure */
temp = (listElement *) malloc (sizeof(listElement));
temp->i = i; /* place i in the structure */
temp->next = list; /* put the record in the list */
list = temp;
while (i != 0);

void CountList (void)

/* Count the elements in the list */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* list - pointer to the head of the list */

listElement *temp; /* work pointer */
unsigned counts[5]; /* array of frequency counts */
unsigned i; /* loop counter */

for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) /* initialize the array */

counts[i] = 0;
temp = list; /* do the count */
while (temp != NULL) {
if ((temp->i >= 1) && (temp->i <= 5))
++counts[temp->i - 1];
temp = temp->next;
for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) /* print the results */
printf("%8d%8d\n", i+1, counts[i]);

void main (void)

GetList(); /* read a list */
CountList(); /* count the items in the list */

Solution to problem 8.5.

/* This program reads in a list of integers, placing them in a */
/* queue, then prints the numbers in the resulting linked list. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>

typedef struct listElement {

struct listElement *next;
int i;
} listElement;

listElement *list;

void GetList (void)

/* Read a list from the keyboard. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* list - pointer to the head of the list */

int i; /* variable read from the keyboard */
listElement *temp; /* work pointer */
listElement *last; /* ptr to the end of the list */

list = NULL; /* initialize the list pointer */

last = NULL; /* no end item, yet */

do {
scanf(" %d", &i); /* read a value */
if (i != 0) { /* if not at the end of the list... */
/* allocate a structure */
temp = (listElement *) malloc (sizeof(listElement));
temp->i = i; /* record the value */
temp->next = NULL; /* nothing comes after it */
if (list == NULL) /* add the struct to the list */
list = temp;
last->next = temp;
last = temp; /* record the new end of list */
while (i != 0);

void PrintList (void)

/* Print a list. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* list - pointer to the head of the list */

listElement *temp; /* work pointer */

while (list != NULL) {

temp = list; /* remove an item from the list */
list = temp->next;
printf("%d\n", temp->i); /* write the value */
free(temp); /* free the memory */

void main (void)

GetList(); /* read a list */
PrintList(); /* print a list */

Solution to problem 8.6.

#include <stdio.h>

void main (void)

int i, j, *ip;

j = 4;
ip = &j;
i = *ip;
printf("%d\n", i);

Solution to problem 8.7.

#include <stdio.h>

void main (void)

int a[3], *ip;

a[0] = 1;
a[1] = 2;
a[2] = 3;
ip = a;
printf("%d\n%d\n%d\n", ip[0], ip[1], ip[2]);

Solution to problem 8.8.
/* Test strcmp2 */

#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int strcmp2 (char *p1, char *p2)

while (*p1 && *p2)
if (toupper(*p1) !=
toupper(*p2)) {
if (toupper(*p1) <
return -1;
return 1;
if (*p1)
return 1;
if (*p2)
return -1;
return 0;

void main (void)

char string1[20], *cp;

strcpy(string1, "HO");
cp = string1;

printf("%d %d\n", 1, strcmp2("ho", "HI"));

printf("%d %d\n", -1, strcmp2("hi", string1));
printf("%d %d\n", 0, strcmp2("ho", cp));
printf("%d %d\n", 1, strcmp2("hoh", "HO"));
printf("%d %d\n", -1, strcmp2("ho", "HOH"));

Lesson Nine

The Nature of Files in C What is a File?

A lot of fun and useful programs never save a file The way we normally think of files, a file is
to disk or read from a disk file. Arcade games, some basically a collection of information stored somewhere.
adventure games, many scientific and engineering For floppy disks and hard disks, which is what we will
calculations, and all of the programs you have written deal with in this lesson, that definition fits very well.
so far in this course all read data from the keyboard, or As I mentioned a moment ago, though, the file access
do calculations based on internal values. On the other functions in C use a looser definition of the term. With
hand, the vast majority of programs do read and write this looser definition, a file becomes a place that you
disk files. Spread sheets, word processors, data base can send information to, or a place that you can get
programs, many games, ORCA/C itself – all of these information from. You can't always read what you
programs read and write files. This lesson introduces write, nor can you always back up and read something a
files as used in the C language. second time. In fact, some files can be read, but not
C has an enormous variety of different ways to deal written to, and other can be written to, but not read.
with disk files, all of which are accessed through Two good examples of this are stdin and stdout, two
functions defined in the stdio.h header file you already files that you have been using all along without
use for reading the keyboard and writing information to realizing it. The file stdin is the standard input device –
the shell window. The functions you will learn are in our case, the keyboard. You can read the keyboard,
actually designed to work with a wide variety of output but you can't back up and reread a line if you missed
devices. For example, the fprintf function works almost something. Of course, you can't write to the keyboard;
exactly like the printf function you are used to, but it that just doesn't make any sense. stdout is the standard
writes to a file. With the proper device drivers installed output device. If you are using the PRIZM desktop
in the operating system, the fprintf function could also development environment, the standard output device is
be used to write to modems, printers, the shell window, the shell window; from the text development
or even tape drives. There is also an fscanf function environment, the standard output device is the text
that can be used to read from files. In other words, one screen. Once again, it is easy to see why you can write
of the methods for accessing files is going to look very to the stdout file, but you can't read from it.
similar to the way you access the keyboard and shell
window. In fact, C can even treat the keyboard and The Four Basic Operations
shell window as a file.
Some of the functions in stdio.h will seem a little As you deal with files, there are basically four
dated on the Apple IIGS. The rewind function is a operations that you will learn. There are a lot of
good example: it was included in the library from the different functions defined in stdio.h, but most of them
early days of C programming, when the most common do one of these four basic operations. Before you can
form of mass storage was the tape drive, not the floppy read from a file or write to a file, you must open it.
disk. With all of these functions lying around, stdio.h is Opening a file, then, is the first of the four basic
a very large (and very capable) library. We won't even operations. Opening a file is a lot like opening a file
try to cover all of these features of stdio.h; instead, we folder in a file cabinet: it tells C to find the file, creating
will concentrate on a few of the basic functions that are a new one in some circumstances, and to get the file
useful for general purpose file input and output. As you ready for reading, writing, or both. Once you open a
read this lesson, though, I would recommend that you file, you will either read from it or write to it; these are
keep the ORCA/C reference manual handy, and refer to the second and third of the basic operations. Finally,
it often to learn about functions that we are not when you are finished with a file, you need to close it.
covering, and to read about the many features that we This cleans up, taking care of any operating system
won't cover in some of the functions we do use. dependent tasks needed to get the file ready for the next
program that will open the file.

File Variables
Once you have written everything you need to
The four basic operations are scattered across a write, you close the file using fclose. The fclose
number of different function calls. In our first few function takes a single parameter, the file variable to
examples, we will use fopen to open a file, fprintf and close. Once you close the file you cannot write to it
fscanf to write to and read from a file, and fclose to with fprintf.
close the file when we are finished with it. C can, of
course, deal with more than one open file at a time, so fclose(f);
we need a way to tell all of these functions exactly what
file we want the function to work on. This is done with Putting these ideas together, we can create a small
a file variable, defined like this: program to write the integers 1 to 10 to disk, like this:

FILE *f; /* Write some numbers to a */

/* file. */
The type FILE is defined in stdio.h; file variables
are always a pointer to this type. There is nothing #include <stdio.h>
special about the variable name. You pick it just like
you would for any other variable. void main(void)

Writing to a File {
FILE *f;
In theory, files can be of any length. Basically, that
int i;
means that there is no fixed limit to the number of
things you can put in a file. Of course, there's no free
lunch. The information you stuff into a file has to be f = fopen("myfile", "w");
saved somewhere. In the case of the Apple IIGS, it is for (i = 1; i <= 10; ++i)
saved on one of the devices GS/OS handles. This is fprintf(f, "%d\n", i);
usually a floppy disk or hard disk, but it can also be a fclose(f);
network, a printer, a tape drive, or anything else that }
GS/OS recognizes.
To write a value to a file, you need to open the file Type this program in and run it. The file the
for output. This is done with the fopen function. For a program creates is a standard text file; there is nothing
file variable f, the fopen call looks like this: special about it at all. You can use the Open command
from the File menu to open the file, just as you would
f = fopen("myfile", "w"); open any text file. When you do that, you will see the
numbers 1 to 10, on separate lines, just like you would
The two parameters to fopen are the file name if you ran the same program with printf to write the
(myfile in this case) and a flags string that tells fopen values to the shell window.
what the characteristics are for the file (in this case, "w"
tells fopen to open the file for output). As we go on Problem 9.1. The fprintf function has all of the
through the lesson, you will see more and more options formatting abilities you have learned for printf.
for the flags. You can also find a complete description Use this fact to create a set of multiplication tables
in the ORCA/C reference manual, listed under the showing values up to 10x10. The numbers 1 to 10
description of fopen. The fopen function returns a should appear across the top of the table, while 1 to
pointer to a file variable it creates, which, of course, 10 also label the rows. Use the _ and | characters
you need to store in the file variable f for the file calls to put dividing lines along the top and left sides of
you will make to write to the file and close the file. the table, as shown in the sample output. The
To write to the file, you use the function fprintf. results should be saved in a file called multable.
The fprintf function is almost identical to printf; the
only difference is that you pass a new parameter right
before the format string. The new parameter, of course,
is the file variable.

fprintf(f, "%d\n", i);

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 fixed files size, this program adapts automatically to the
________________________________________ size of the file. It does this by using the value returned
1 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
by fscanf. When you use fscanf, it returns the number
2 | 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
3 | 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
of things it reads and formats – in our example, this
4 | 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 would normally be 1, since fscanf is trying to read one
5 | 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 integer. If fscanf runs into some other character, like a
6 | 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 q, it will return 0, since it could not read an integer. If
7 | 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 fscanf tries to read a number, though, and sees that
8 | 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 there are no more characters in the file at all, it returns a
9 | 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90
value that is equal to the constant EOF; this constant is
10 | 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
defined in stdio.h. By checking the value returned by
fscanf to see if it is EOF, the program can skip printing
Reading from a File the value, then drop out of the do loop.
Reading a file is just as easy. To read from a file,
Problem 9.2. The fscanf function has all of the
you first have to open it for input. You do this with the
formatting abilities you have learned for scanf.
fopen function, just as you did when you wrote a file.
Use this fact to write a program that reads strings
The only difference is that you use a flags string of "r"
from a file, rather than integers. As with the
instead of "w". The following program reads the file of
sample program, you should echo the strings to the
ten integers you created in the last section, writing the
shell window.
values that are read to the shell window. Be sure you
have already run the program from the last section to
The file name is just a string, so you can read it in
create myfile before you run this program, since we
just like any other string. In this program, ask the
haven't dealt with error checking yet!
user for the file name.
/* Read some numbers from a */
Try your program on two files, the file of integers
/* file. */ you created in the last section, and the source for
your solution to this problem. The result should
#include <stdio.h> tell you a lot about how fscanf breaks characters up
into strings.
void main(void)
Problem 9.3. At this point, you have the tools to merge
{ two files. The basic method is simple: you open
FILE *f; one file for input and another for output. You read
int i, num; values from one file, writing them to the other,
until you get to the end of the first file.
f = fopen("myfile", "r");
Start by writing a program that writes the integers 1
do { to 10 to a file called FILE1.
num = fscanf(f, "%d", &i);
if (num == 1) Write a second program to create a second file,
printf("%d\n", i); called FILE2, that contains the integers 11 to 20.
while (num != EOF); Write a third program, to read FILE1, writing it to
fclose(f); a file called FILE3. It should then read FILE2,
} adding the contents of FILE2 to FILE3. The
program should not depend on knowing the length
When we wrote the file, we knew exactly how of either file.
many numbers we were going to write. We could write
this program to read in the same number of numbers, The portion of the program that opens a file for
but then we would have to change both programs to input, reads the file, writes to the output file, and
read a file of a different size. In addition, in many real- closes the input file should be encapsulated in a
world programming situations, you don't know in function that takes the name of a file as its only
advance how big a file is, so instead of relying on a input. The output file variable should be a global

variable. Open the output file once, before calling files are named, what a path name is, and so forth, feel
the function that will copy the contents of a file to free to skip to the next section.
the output file, and close the output file once just I will assume that you are already familiar enough
before the program stops. with your computer to move around using a desktop
program like the Finder. In the Finder, the first thing
Check your work by editing file3. It should you see on the desktop is a list of the disks, lined up
contain the numbers 1 to 20. along the right-hand side of the screen. Below each
disk is a name. To give the name of a disk in a C
The process of combining two files, or adding program, you use exactly the same name, but you start
information to an existing file, is a very common it off with a slash character. For example, the disk
one. It is used by text editors to combine files, data where the C compiler is located is called ORCA.C. In a
bases to add records, and adventure games to add file name, you would type
new characters.
File Names
Double-click on the disk icon and the Finder will
The file names we have been using for our C open a window showing the various files and folders.
programs have been pretty simple. As with any name, For example, one of the folders is called SAMPLES. If
there are some rules you must follow in choosing a file you want to look at a file in the samples folder, you add
name. There is a problem, though: as you know, C is the name of the folder to the disk name, separating the
used on many different computers, and unfortunately, two with another slash, like this:
the way you pick a file name differs from computer to
computer. If you are trying to write programs that will /ORCA.C/SAMPLES
run on several different computers, this is something
you will have to keep in mind. On the Apple IIGS, file If the folder contains other folders, you can repeat
names obey the following rules: this process, adding the new folder name to the name
you have already accumulated.
1. A file name starts with an alphabetic character. Eventually, you will get to the right folder, and you
2. The remainder of the file name is made up of will see the file you want to read. Let's assume that you
alphabetic characters, numeric digits, and want to read the file BULLSEYE.CC from the samples
periods. folder. Once again, you tack the file name onto the
3. A file name must have at least one character, names you already have, using a slash to separate the
and no more than 15 characters. file name from the name of the disk and folder.
4. GS/OS does not distinguish between
uppercase characters and lowercase characters. /ORCA.C/SAMPLES/BULLSEYE.CC
In other words, the file names MYFILE,
MyFile and myfile all refer to the same file on The result is called a full path name. It specifies
disk. exactly what file you want to read or write.
In our examples, we just gave a file name. Of
Directories, Path Names and Folders course, the computer still writes to a specific place on
the disk. When you leave off the name of the disk and
You may have bought your Apple IIGS because it any folders, the file name is added to a default directory
has that wonderful, easy to use desktop interface that called prefix 0, also called the default prefix. In a
Apple is famous for, but unlike the Macintosh, you can desktop program, you set the default prefix by using
own an Apple IIGS for less than the price of a car, and one of the file related commands, like open. When you
still get color. If so, good choice. You may not ever click on the disk button, it changes the default prefix to
want to deal with icky text-based systems like those the name of a new disk. Opening a folder on the disk
found on the hard-to-use IBM PC and its cousins. adds the name of the folder to the default prefix.
Good choice, again. Unfortunately, when you are Closing a folder, of course, removes the name of the
programming, you still have to deal with files using folder from the default prefix. The computer
names – you can't "point and click" inside of a program. remembers this location, and uses it for all files that
This section gives you a brief overview of how those only have a file name. That's why, for example, your
names work, in terms of the icons and folders you are executable program usually shows up in the same folder
used to in desktop programs. If you already know how as the source file. Since you probably just loaded or

saved the source file, the default prefix is the folder the files ORCALIB and SYSLIB, and a folder
where the source file is located, and the compiler saves called ORCACDEFS. Close the BULLSEYE.CC
the executable program in the same place. The files window, and, without changing the default prefix,
created by the sample programs showed up in the same edit the file again.
folder, too.
Finally, if you want to get at a file in a folder that is Reading Text Files One Line at a
located in the default prefix, you can use a partial path
name. For example, if the default prefix is the
ORCA.C disk, and you want to access the
You already know the basics of reading and
BULLSYS.CC file, you can use
writing files, but there are a lot of variations on the
basic theme. In the rest of this lesson, we will look at a
variety of different programming situations that use
files or formatted input and output, learning how to
The process of forming names for the fopen process information a little more effectively. The first
command, then, is fairly simple. To get at a file in the thing we need to cover is a way to read a file a line at a
default prefix, just use the file name. If the file is in a time.
folder in the default prefix, give the name of the folder, Of course, you have already learned how to read
followed by the file name, using a slash to separate the strings with scanf, and the same idea will work with
two. If you need to give the name of the disk, too, start fscanf, but when you use the %s conversion specifier,
off with a slash and the name of the disk, then add the the scan functions treat a string as a blank-delimited
folders and file names, again separated by slashes. string, not as a line of text. For example, if you use
If this is new to you, the best thing to do is to scanf or fscanf to read the line
practice. The easiest way to practice is with the CAT,
EDIT and PREFIX commands, which you can use from
How, now, brown cow.
the shell window. The PREFIX command sets the
default prefix. To set the default prefix to /ORCA.C,
they will return four strings, not one. (The four strings
for example, you would use
will be "How,", "now,", "brown" and "cow.".)
To get around this problem, we need a new and
prefix /orca.c
very peculiar conversion specifier, []. The bracket
conversion specifier tells C to read characters as long as
The CAT command catalogs the current prefix, the characters being read match one of the characters
showing you what files and folders are there. Folders inside of the brackets. For example, we could read the
are marked with a file type of DIR in the second entire line above with this scanf call:
Finally, the EDIT command is another way to open
scanf("%[How, nbrc.]", string);
a source window. The command
where string is an array of char. scanf will read
edit /orca.c/samples/bullseye.cc
characters until it gets to the \n that marks the end of the
line. (The \n character marks the end of input lines in
will open a new window and read in the file. Unlike C, just as you write an \n character at the end of a line
the Open command from the File menu, though, the with printf.)
EDIT command does not change the current prefix. Of course, this is pretty useless for our purposes,
since you have no idea what characters might actually
Problem 9.4. Move to the shell window, and use the appear in a given input line. We can solve this trifling
PREFIX command to set the current prefix to difficulty by using the ^ character right after the [
/ORCA.C/SAMPLES. Verify that you did it right character, which tells scanf to read all characters except
by using this command to open the those that follow the ^ character. The new call looks
BULLSEYE.CC program: like this:

edit bullseye.cc scanf("%[^\n]", string);

Move to the libraries folder using the prefix Only one difficulty remains. This call to scanf
command. Use the CAT command to make sure reads up to the \n character, but it does not read the \n
you are in the right spot. If you are, you will see character itself. If you are reading more then one line,
you will need to skip the \n character so that the next If you don't see the problem, don't feel too bad.
call to scanf will start with the first character of the next Most of the time, the program works just fine. What
line. The completed call to scanf looks like this: happens, though, if some user types in a line that is 90
characters long? (Ever notice how user is a four-letter
scanf("%[^\n]%*1[\n]", string); word for most programmers? Frustration, I guess.)
The answer is that, in all likelihood, the program will
Some of that new conversion specifier you can crash, since the string array is only large enough to hold
pick up on right away from what you have learned so 80 characters in the string. We need some way to
far. A conversion specifier of %[\n] would scan for a \n prevent crashes like this, and the way to do it is with a
character, but by itself, this presents a problem, since maximum length field. Just as we use a 1 to tell scanf
the file might have several blank lines after the one you to read at most one line feed, we can also use a value to
are reading, and you don't want to skip them. Putting a tell scanf the maximum number of characters we want
1 in the conversion specifier, so that you have %1[\n], to read and place in the array, like this:
tells scanf to read at most 1 character. The * is a store
suppressor. In this case, you know you will read a \n scanf("%80[^\n]%*1[\n]", string);
character, and you don't want to waste the time and
space to create a dummy char variable and store the \n This idea is the basis for bullet-proof input in C.
in the variable. By placing the * after the %, you are By limiting the number of characters the program will
telling scanf to read the \n from the file, but not to store read, you can prevent an array overflow and the
it anywhere. sometimes disastrous after-effects. If the user types
more characters than allowed, scanf simply stops. Of
Problem 9.5. Write a simple program to echo a file to course, that means you are no longer guaranteed that
the screen. Your program should start by asking the next character will be a \n character, so some
for a file name, then use the name it reads as the adjustments need to be made in the way you read lines.
name supplied to fopen. Read the file one line at a One good way to handle this situation is to check to see
time using fscanf and the format string you just if you read the maximum number of characters. If so,
learned about, writing the lines using printf. you can process the characters so far, then go back and
read more of the line, without reading the \n character.
Problem 9.6. Write a program that asks for a file Another way to handle the situation is to artificially
name. The program should open the file for input, break long lines up into several smaller lines; this might
read lines from the file, convert the characters to be a good choice for a program that will write the
uppercase, and write them to the shell window. Be results to the screen, anyway. Finally, you might want
sure and test your program! One way to do this is to just stop and print an error message.
to create an uppercase only version of the program Another problem with scanning input occurs when
itself. you expect one thing, like a number, and get something
else, like a character. So far, the solution is to stop the
Bullet-proof Input program and start over. That's fine for you when you
are learning to program, but in a good program that
What's wrong with this program? others will use, you need to handle things a bit better.
A popular way to do this is to read the line, as we just
#include <stdio.h> did, and use yet another form of scanf to read the
characters, called sscanf. Like fscanf, the difference
void main(void) between sscanf and the scanf function you already
know about is simply where sscanf takes the characters
from. In this case, the characters are read from an input
string, which is the first parameter you specify.
char string[81]; Naturally, this input string can be the string you just
read as a whole line from the keyboard or a file, using
printf("String:"); one of the other forms of the scanf function.
scanf("%[^\n]%*1[\n]", string); You need one other piece of information to turn all
printf("%s\n", string); of this into a genuinely flexible way to read and process
} text input, and that is a new conversion specifier for
scanf, called %n. This conversion specifier is a bit of
an oddball, in that no characters are read from the input

stream. Instead, scanf expects a pointer to an integer in /* process the numbers */
the parameter list, and stores the number of characters if (num != EOF) {
read so far. This can be used to tell you whether any done = FALSE;
characters were read at all, and if so, how far you need i = 0;
to skip into the string to find the start of the next
do {
numch = 0;
Nothing helps firm up arcane details like the ones
we've been discussing like an example, so let's stop startch = 0;
now and look at a program that puts all of these ideas sscanf(&string[i],
together. This program will perform a fairly simple " %n%d%n",
task, but it will do it very, very well. All our program &startch, &val,
does is read integer values from a file. The thing that &numch);
distinguishes this program from all of the others we if (numch <= startch) {
have written in the past is that it can detect and recover if (i ==
from absolutely any kind of error, some of which we strlen(string))
haven't even talked about before now. done = TRUE;
else {
#include <stdio.h> fprintf(stderr,
#include <string.h> "Invalid: %s\n",
#define BOOLEAN unsigned return -1;
#define TRUE 1 }
#define FALSE 0 }
else {
int main(void) printf("%d\n", val);
i += numch;
{ }
char string[81]; }
BOOLEAN done; while (!done);
int num, i, startch, numch, val; }
FILE *f; }
while (num != EOF);
/* open the file */
f = fopen("myfile", "r"); if (fclose(f) == EOF) {
if (f == NULL) { fprintf(stdout,
fprintf(stderr, "Could not close myfile");
"Could not open myfile\n"); return -1;
return -1; }
} return 0;
do {
/* read a line */ The first difference pops up right away. When you
num = fscanf(f, learned to use fopen to open a file for input, I
"%80[^\n]%*1[\n]", string); mentioned that you should be sure the file actually
if (strlen(string) == 80) { existed, since your program was not checking for
fprintf(stderr, errors. Well, here's how to check for errors:
"Line too long.");
return -1;

f = fopen("myfile", "r"); Once a line is read, another do loop scans the lines
if (f == NULL) { for numbers. There are a lot of things that can go
fprintf(stderr, wrong, so the logic to handle all of the various cases is
"Could not open myfile\n"); pretty involved. Here's the loop that reads the numbers
from the line:
return -1;
done = FALSE;
When the fopen function opens a file, it returns a file i = 0;
pointer; if it can't open the file, it returns NULL. If you do {
want to get fancy, you can even look at the global numch = 0;
variable errno to get some idea as to why the file could startch = 0;
not be opened, but we won't go into exactly how this is sscanf(&string[i],
done in the course. If you would like to explore this " %n%d%n",
idea, read about errno and perror in the ORCA/C &startch, &val, &numch);
reference manual. if (numch <= startch) {
Assuming an error is found, an error message is if (i == strlen(string))
printed. That's no surprise, but using fprintf with the done = TRUE;
file name stderr presents something new. In C, there
else {
are two ways to write to the shell window: you can
write to stdout (as printf does, by default) or you can fprintf(stderr,
write to stderr. The reason for the second output file is "Invalid: %s\n",
because you can redirect the output from a text program &string[i]);
when you run the program from the shell window. return -1;
Redirected output is a very powerful idea; it lets you }
trap any characters that would have been written to the }
shell window in another file without making any else {
change to the program. The problem is that you want to printf("%d\n", val);
see any error messages printed by the program, so C i += numch;
gives you a second way to print text by writing it to }
stderr. Even when output is redirected, the characters
written to stderr still show up in the shell window.
while (!done);
Even if you don't use the text shell, and don't quite
grasp why all of this is important, you should get in the
The idea behind this loop is to scan a text line that
habit of writing error messages to stderr.
is supposed to contain only numbers. The program will
If an error occurs, we also want to quit. We do that
work if the line is blank, but it will stop with an error if
by returning right away from the program, passing back
anything except a number appears on a line. To handle
a value of -1. It turns out that main is allowed to return
this situation, we use sscanf to scan the string, along
an integer, and in text programs, it is a good idea to do
with the new conversion specifier that was mentioned a
that. When your program finishes normally, you should
while back, %n. Instead, %d writes the number of
return a zero; if it fails, you should return some non-
characters that have been read so far to an integer. The
zero value, generally -1. The reason for this is again
tied up in the way the text shell works, and again, you
don't really have to worry about it unless you will be
writing new commands and utilities for the shell. As sscanf(&string[i],
with stderr, the important point is to remember that you " %n%d%n",
can return an error code from main, in case you start &startch, &val, &numch);
writing utilities later.
The heart of the program is the do loop that do the bulk of the work. The initial whitespace tells
actually processes the lines once the file is open. This scanf to skip over any whitespace that comes before the
do loop starts off by reading a line using the techniques number. We then use %d to store the starting index of
we discussed right before the program. In this example, the characters that we will read in startch; read the
we use an extra character to detect lines that are too number, placing it in val; and record the number of
long, and if we find one, we again quit with an error. characters read in numch. If the line contained a
numeric value, numch would be larger than startch, and

the if condition right after the sscanf call would test If you have problems, you can call on the most
false, so we would drop down to the else clause, print patient helper in the world: your computer. The
the number, remember where we need to start to scan debugger can be used to step through the actual
for the next number, and loop. If numch and startch are program.
the same, we have skipped some whitespace and
arrived at the end of the line. 1
This explains everything except the lines 2 3
numch = 0; 5 stop
startch = 0; 6

and the fact that the if statement checks to see if numch Since this is a pen and paper exercise, there is no
is less than or equal to startch, not simply equal to. The solution given in the solutions. You will know if
reason is tied up in the fact that sscanf stops scanning if you did it right!
it hits an error or the end of the line. If sscanf hits the
end of the line right away, as would happen if we read
Binary Files
an integer, then looped, but found nothing else in the
line, then startch, val and numch will not be set at all. So far, we have been creating text files that could
In this situation, the program recovers nicely, since be edited with an editor. This is a good way to get
numch and startch are preset to 0, and therefore test as familiar with file handling in C, since you already know
equal. If startch is read, though, and we the hit a non- how to use printf and scanf. It also has the advantage
numeric character, like a q, numch will not be set at all. that you can edit the file you create to see exactly what
In that case, startch will be greater than numch, but we your program did. Finally, in many programs, text files
have not read a number. are also what you want to create.
Once we reach the end of the line, the if condition On the other hand, not all files on your computer
will test true, and we drop through for one final check: are text files, and there are some very good reasons for
we make sure that we reached the end of the line, and this. If you stop and think about it, you already know
didn't just hit a bad character. one of the biggest reasons: space. After all, when you
The last section closes the file, again checking for use fprintf to write a floating-point number, you could
errors. Assuming there are no errors, the program get something like
returns 0, which tells the shell that no errors were
found. 3.1416e00
As a footnote, I would like to point out that there is
an equivalent to sscanf for the printing family of
This number is 9 characters long, with each character
functions, called sprintf, which you can use to format
taking up one byte of space in the file. Variables of
text just as you do with printf, but place the text in a
type float, though, only take up four bytes. The first
string instead of writing it to a file. While we won't use
reason to use a binary file instead of a text file, then, is
this function in the course, it is often useful in toolbox
that binary files often take up less room on disk.
programming, where you might want to format some
Something you may not know is that converting a
information before using one of the toolbox calls to
number from the internal format used by the computer
write the string to a graphics window or use the
to characters, or converting from characters to the
formatted string in a dialog.
internal format, takes a lot of time. There are about ten
to twenty floating-point operations, as well as several
Problem 9.7. The program you just looked at is fairly
integer operations, involved in converting a floating-
short, but it is very involved. To make sure you
point number from one format to the other. If you write
understand exactly what it does, step through the
the four bytes that are used internally to represent a
program by hand with the following input. To step
floating-point number, though, no conversion is
through the program, actually write down the
involved at all. The same argument holds for integers,
names of the variables on a sheet of paper, and
although the difference in speed is not as great as it is
"play computer," stepping through line-by-line
with floating-point numbers. Speed is the second
keeping track of what the variables are. This will
reason to use binary files instead of text files.
take some time, but you will see very clearly how
The last reason to use a binary file is convenience.
the program works.
You already know that you can't use printf to write
some kinds of data, like structures or arrays (other than

string, of course). Using binary files, you can write loaded into the editor like a text file. When you open
structures or arrays directly to a file, and read them the file to read it in the second program, you can also
back from a file. put the b in the string, but fopen actually ignores the
To investigate binary file, we'll use two short character in this case. You can open any file type you
sample programs, one of which writes a file containing like for input.
10 float values, while the other reads the same file and The biggest difference between the way we handle
echoes it to the shell window. text files and binary files, though, is the way we read
and write information. Instead of fprintf, which formats
/* create a binary file */ information, creating strings, we use fwrite. The fwrite
function writes a series of bytes directly from memory
#include <stdio.h> to the disk file. The first parameter is the address of the
first of the bytes to write; in our case, we pass the
void main(void) address of the floating-point value we are writing to
disk. The next parameter is the number of bytes to
write; using sizeof is the best way to find out what this
value is. The third parameter is the number of things to
float x; write. If you were writing an array of ten float values,
FILE *f; you could still pass the size of a single float value, and
then pass 10 as the second parameter. For writing an
f = fopen("myfile", "wb"); entire array, it might make just as much sense to pass
for (x = 1.0; x <= 10.0; ++x) the size of the array, and then pass 1 (which does the
fwrite(&x, sizeof(x), 1, f); same thing), but this feature does come in handy when
fclose(f); you want to write part of an array, instead of the whole
} thing. Finally, you pass the file variable for the file you
want to write the bytes to.
The second program shows that fread works pretty
much the same way. It uses the same parameters, in the
/* read a binary file */
same order, to do the same thing, but fread reads values
from an open file instead of writing values to the file.
#include <stdio.h> Making all of the parameters the same is a great aid in
remembering the functions.
void main(void)
Problem 9.8. Create a binary file with an array of 12
{ integer values, 1 to 12. In this program, fill in an
float x; array first, then write the array with a single fwrite
FILE *f; call.
int num;
Write another program to read the same file. In the
second program, use an array of integer values that
f = fopen("myfile", "rb");
can hold 5 integers at a time, and use a single fread
do {
statement to read in up to 5 integers. Keep track of
num = fread(&x, sizeof(x), 1, the value returned by fread to decide how many
f); elements of the array to write and when to drop out
if (num) of the read loop.
printf("%f\n", x);
} Random Access
while (num);
fclose(f); Let's say you have a file with five numbers, 1, 2, 3,
} 3, and 5. Of course, we want a file with a 4 in the
fourth spot. On a short file like this one, we could just
When you create a file with fopen, tacking a b onto read the entire file into an array or linked list, make any
the w in the flags string tells fopen that you want to changes we want, and write the modified file. If you
create a binary file, rather than a text file. The resulting know you have enough memory to work on the file that
file has a file type of BIN, and, of course, it cannot be way, it's a good choice in any language.

Of course, in real life, we may not have enough Problem 9.9. Test the update program by writing a
memory to handle a file. It isn't uncommon to work program to create a file with the five integers
with a mailing list with several thousand entries, for
example. A reasonable sized record for handling the 1 2 3 3 5
entries would be about 100 bytes long. A 10,000
person mailing list, then, would take 1,000,000 bytes, Create a second program that can read this file,
which is more free memory than you are likely to find printing the values to the shell window. Run the
on most Apple IIGS computers. In a situation like that, new program once to make sure the file has the
you really want to open the file for both input and values you wrote. Next, run the sample program to
output, and you want to be able to skip around in the update the file. Finally, run the update program
file. That way, you can skip to a particular entry, read again to check to make sure the file has been
the entry, and write the change back to the disk. changed properly.
So far, we have always used the fopen function to
open a file for either input or output, but you can also
open a file for both. To open a file for input and output,
you use a flag of a, rather than r or w. Of course, you
can still use this flag in conjunction with b to open a
binary file instead of a text file.

f = fopen("myfile", "ab");

When you open a file for input and output, fopen

will open an existing file if there is one, setting up
things so you will read the first value from the file, or
write over the first value if you start writing right away.
If the file doesn't already exist, a new one is created.
To skip around in the file, you use the fseek
function. To skip to the fourth entry in a file with
integer values, you would use:

fseek(f, sizeof(int)*3, 0);

Putting these two techniques together, it is a simple

matter to change a file. The following program resets
the fourth element of a file called NUMBERS to 4,
making the change discussed above.

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)

FILE *f;
int i;

f = fopen("numbers", "ab");
if (f == NULL) return;
fseek(f, sizeof(int)*3, 0);
i = 4;
fwrite(&i, sizeof(int), 1, f);

Lesson Nine
Solutions to Problems

Solution to problem 9.1.

/* Generate 10x10 multiplication tables */

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)

FILE *f;
int i,j;

f = fopen("multable", "w");
fprintf(f, " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10\n"
" ________________________________________\n");
for (i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) {
fprintf(f, "%3d |", i);
for (j = 1; j <= 10; ++j)
fprintf(f, "%4d", i*j);
fprintf(f, "\n");

Solution to problem 9.2.

/* Read a file and break it into strings */

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)

FILE *f; /* file variable */
char str[100]; /* file name and input string */
int num; /* value returned by fscanf */

/* get a file name and open the file */

printf("File name:");
scanf("%s", str);
f = fopen(str, "r");

/* read strings from the file, echoing to the shell window */

do {
num = fscanf(f, "%s", str);

if (num == 1)
printf("%s\n", str);
while (num != EOF);

/* close the file */


Solution to problem 9.3.

Program 1: create file1.

/* Write 1 to 10 to file1 */

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)

FILE *f;
int i;

f = fopen("file1", "w");
for (i = 1; i <= 10; ++i)
fprintf(f, "%d\n", i);

Program 2: create file2.

/* Write 11 to 20 to file2 */

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)

FILE *f;
int i;

f = fopen("file2", "w");
for (i = 11; i <= 20; ++i)
fprintf(f, "%d\n", i);

Program 3: merge the files.

/* Merge two files to create a third file */

#include <stdio.h>

FILE *outFile; /* output file variable */

/* Add the contents of a file to outFile */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* name - input file name */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* outFile - output file (opened for output) */

void AddFile (char name[1])

FILE *inFile; /* input file variable */
int i; /* value read from the file */
int num; /* # items read */

inFile = fopen(name, "r"); /* open the file */

do { /* read & echo the file */
num = fscanf(inFile, "%d", &i);
if (num == 1)
fprintf(outFile, "%d\n", i);
while (num != EOF);
fclose(inFile); /* close the file */

/* main program */

void main(void)

outFile = fopen("file3", "w"); /* open the output file */
AddFile("file1"); /* copy in the contents of file1 */
AddFile("file2"); /* copy in the contents of file2 */
fclose(outFile); /* close the output file */

Solution to problem 9.4.
The commands needed are:

prefix /orca.c/samples
edit bullseye.cc
prefix /orca.c/libraries
edit /orca.c/samples/bullseye.cc

Solution to problem 9.5.

/* Echo a file to the screen */

#include <stdio.h>

void main (void)

FILE *f; /* input file variable */
char line[100]; /* input string */
int num; /* # of inputs */

printf("File name:"); /* open the file */

scanf("%s", line);
f = fopen(line, "r");

do {
num = fscanf(f, "%[^\n]%*1[\n]", line); /* read a line */
if (num != EOF) /* print the line */
printf("%s\n", line);
while (num != EOF);

fclose(f); /* close the file */


Solution to problem 9.6.
/* Convert a file to uppercase */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

void main (void)

FILE *f; /* input file variable */
char line[100]; /* input string */
int num; /* # of inputs */
int i; /* loop variable */

printf("File name:"); /* open the file */

scanf("%s", line);
f = fopen(line, "r");

do {
num = fscanf(f, "%[^\n]%*1[\n]", line); /* read a line */
for (i = 0; i < strlen(line); ++i) /* convert to uppercase */
line[i] = toupper(line[i]);
if (num != EOF) /* print the line */
printf("%s\n", line);
while (num != EOF);

fclose(f); /* close the file */


Solution to problem 9.8.

Program 1: create the file.

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)

int a[12]; /* array to write */
int i; /* loop variable */
FILE *f; /* file variable */

f = fopen("myfile", "wb"); /* open the file */

for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) /* fill the array */
a[i] = i+1;
fwrite(a, sizeof(int), 12, f); /* write the array */
fclose(f); /* close the array */

Program 2: read the file.

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)

int a[5]; /* array to write */
int i; /* loop variable */
FILE *f; /* file variable */
int num; /* # items read */

f = fopen("myfile", "rb"); /* open the file */

do {
num = fread(a, sizeof(int), 5, f); /* read up to 5 values */
if (num) {
for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) /* print the values read */
printf("%d\n", a[i]);
while (num);
fclose(f); /* close the file */

Solution to problem 9.9.

Program 1: create the test file.

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)

FILE *f; /* file variable */
int i; /* loop variable */
int a[5]; /* array of values */

f = fopen("numbers", "wb"); /* open the file */

for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) /* set up the array */
a[i] = i+1;
a[3] = 3;
fwrite(a, sizeof(int), 5, f); /* write the array */
fclose(f); /* close the file */

Program 2: read the file.

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)

FILE *f; /* file variable */
int i; /* loop variable */
int a[5]; /* array of values */

f = fopen("numbers", "rb"); /* open the file */

fread(a, sizeof(int), 5, f); /* read the array */
for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) /* write the array */
printf("%d\n", a[i]);
fclose(f); /* close the file */

Lesson Ten
Miscellaneous Useful Stuff
programmers rarely, if ever, use. Writing numbers in
A Look at this Lesson other bases is a good example: for some kinds of
toolbox programming, and many bit or byte
As you have probably gathered by now, this course manipulation programs, the ability to write a number in
is organized around presenting the principles of a new base is very handy, yet for many other kinds of
programming, not just teaching you the C language. In programs, you just don't need the feature. Finally,
the first few lessons, the emphasis was on teaching you some of the sections expand on features you have
enough about the C language and the ORCA already seen briefly, filling you in on the details. The
development environment so you could write simple descriptions of the break statement (which you used to
programs. Gradually the emphasis shifted, so that the get out of the switch statement) is one good example.
last few lessons have concentrated on specific In short, this lesson and the next one are a
programming goals and ideas that are common in many miscellaneous collection of features of the C language.
programs, presenting the parts of the C language that Some are neat, some you just need to know about in
were needed to accomplish these tasks. Starting with case you run across them in a book or magazine, and
Lesson 13, we will shift completely over to learning some may seem very useful to you, and worthless to
about programming concepts and techniques. You will someone else taking the course. In any case, this lesson
have learned as much of the C language as this course will certainly give you some of the flavor of the C
will teach you, and the emphasis will instead be on language as it is used by experienced programmers.
learning how to use the C language you already know
to solve common programming problems. Number Bases
C is a big language, though, and there are many
other details about the language that have not been Most people who deal with numbers at all are very
covered in this course. The purpose of this lesson and familiar with what mathematicians call the decimal
the next one is to give you a quick tour of some of the number system, or base 10. The reason, of course, is
parts of the language that have not been used in the right in front of you: you probably have 10 fingers.
course so far. You will see many of these features used Computers, on the other hand, have one "finger":
in the lessons that follow, but for various reasons, it is a everything they do is based on internal switches. As a
good idea to stop and cover these parts of the C result, computers do math using what mathematicians
language here, so we can concentrate on the call binary arithmetic, where there are only two digits, 0
programming later, and not on the mechanics of a few and 1. When you want to write the number after 9,
new features of the C language. which is the largest one you can represent with a single
Some of the features you will see described in this digit in base 10, you write a 1 followed by a zero: the 1
lesson and the next one are key parts of the C language is in the tens column, and the zero in the ones column.
that you will find used over and over. Initializers, The same thing happens in base two. To write one, you
which let you assign an initial value to a variable when write 1. One is the largest available digit, so to write
it is defined, are a good example. The only reason you two in binary, we write 10.
haven't seen them so far is that it would have Binary math quickly becomes tedious, both for us
interrupted some of the thought process in the early and for the computer. Because of the way computers
lessons, when the emphasis was on developing an are built, we rarely deal with individual bits; instead,
orderly flow in the programs, and because you need to we group bits together to form bytes. In the very early
know more about storage classes (the various ways days of computers, there were two common sizes for a
variables are stored) before you could understand when byte: six bits and eight bits. Other sizes have also been
it is appropriate to use initializers, and when it is a tried, but these two have a direct impact on the C
waste of time. Other features of the language are rarely language. With a little work, you can convince yourself
used. The goto statement is a great example of this: that you can represent 64 distinct values with 6 bits, and
there is only one situation in C that I can thing of when 256 distinct values with 8 bits. We could, of course,
the goto statement should be used, and even then, there develop numbering systems for base 64 and base 256 to
are ways to avoid it. There are some features that are deal with this situation, but that gets cumbersome for
very useful in some kinds of programs, but which some another reason: you would have to learn either 64 or

256 different symbols to represent a number. In both are using hexadecimal notation, you start the number
cases, the way we really deal with the values of a byte with the characters 0x. The 'x' can be either an
is to split the byte up into two pieces, popularly called uppercase or lowercase letter, and you can use either
nibbles. The competing size for the nibbles is 3 bits for case for the digits that are represented by a letter, too. I
a 6 bit byte, which allows up to 8 values to be tend to use a lowercase x, and uppercase letters for the
represented by one nibble; and 4 bits for an 8 bit byte, digits, just to keep them straight. This convention is
which allows up to 16 values to be represented by one common, but certainly not universal.
nibble. Here's our sample program again, this time with a
Finally, we get to the point: as you would expect, hexadecimal value. See if you can figure out the value
and as you already know from experience, C lets you before running the program. Remember, the rightmost
code numbers as decimal values. For example, column is the 1's column, the next column to the left
will be the 16's column, the next one is the 256's
printf("%d\n", 12); column, and so on.

prints 12. I expect you would be rather shocked if it #include <stdio.h>

printed anything else. Try this program, though:
void main(void)
#include <stdio.h>
void main(void) printf("%d\n", 0xBAD);
printf("%d\n", 012); The answer is B*256 + A*16 + D, or 11*256 +
} 10*16 + 13, which is 2989.
When you read a number with scanf using the %d
The only change we made was to put a leading 0 in conversion specifier, it expects a decimal value. Scanf
front of the number, something you probably wouldn't has another conversion specifier called %i which can
expect to make a difference. In all of the common handle octal and hexadecimal values, though. It works
programming languages except C, it doesn't make a just like %d, but, like the C compiler, it treats numbers
difference, but C will print the value 10. that start with a 0 as octal numbers, and numbers that
To understand why, we have to go back to the early start with 0x as hexadecimal numbers. The printf
days of C, when it was used to develop a fledgling function also has two conversion specifiers, %o and
operating system known as UNIX on a small DEC %x, which allow you to print octal or hexadecimal
computer. DEC computers happen to print the values values directly to the screen. Problem 10.1 explores
of bytes in three bit groups (even 8 bit bytes, strangely these conversion specifiers.
enough), and the authors of C undoubtedly wanted an
easy way to represent numbers the way they were used Problem 10.1. Read about the %o and %x conversion
to representing them. They arrived at the convention of specifiers for printf, and the %i conversion
using a leading zero to tell the computer that a number specifier for scanf in your ORCA/C reference
was in base 8, rather than base 10. In base 8, 012 is 1*8 manual. Use what you learn to write a simple base
+ 2, just as 12 in base 10 is 1*10 + 2. Adding up the conversion program. You program should accept
values of the digits, you can see that 012 is, in fact, 10. long integer values from the keyboard in decimal,
This peculiar way of representing base 8 numbers is the octal, or hexadecimal notation, and print the
reason that you were warned back at the start of the number in all three bases. It should loop until the
course not to start numbers with a zero digit! person using the program enters 0.
Most modern general purpose computers, and
virtually all desktop computers, put eight bits in a byte. Test your program by converting the following
The natural way to deal with eight bits in a byte is to numbers to all three bases:
use base 16, or hexadecimal notation. Of course, you
need six extra digits to represent the values 10 to 15, a. 100000
since all of these values become a single digit in b. 0xBAD
hexadecimal notation. For once, everyone arrived at a c. 0xBAD0
single solution: the letter A is used to represent 10, B d. 012
for 11, and so forth. In C, to tell the compiler that you e. 01

f. 010 binary decimal hexadecimal
g. 0100
0000 0 0
The Bitwise And Operation & 0000 0 0
0000 0 0
In the last section, we mentioned again that your
computer's memory is made up of a series of bytes, 0000 0 0
with 8 bits grouped together to form each of the bytes. & 0001 1 1
Advanced programmers and people writing programs to
0000 0 0
deal directly with hardware often need to deal with
these bits individually. C has a series of four bit
manipulation operators that make this possible. In the 0001 1 1
next few sections, we'll explore these bit manipulation & 0000 0 0
operators. 0000 0 0
Bit manipulation is a fairly advanced topic for a
beginning programming course. If you have already 0001 1 1
learned how to manipulate bits in another language, & 0001 1 1
these sections may seem a bit slow to you, but if you 0001 1 1
have never seen bit manipulation before, these sections
will be challenging. While you should certainly take a In this example, the & operator does exactly the
crack at the information you find here, you won't use same thing as the && operator, but in reality, it is only
the bit manipulation operations much in the rest of the working on a single bit. This is a very handy table,
course. If some of the information doesn't sink in right though, because it shows exactly how the & operator
away, you won't be lost in the other lessons. works: in any given bit position, if both bits are 1, the
Bit manipulation operators perform the same bit in the answer is also 1. If either bit is zero, though,
logical operations you already know, plus one new one. the answer is 0, too.
You already know the && and || operators, used to test The same ideas that you saw in that example apply
two logical values to see if they are both true (the and to the other bit positions, as these examples show.
operator, &&) or to see if either is true (the or operator,
||). The first two of the bit manipulation operators binary decimal hexadecimal
correspond directly to these two logical operators. The
operators are & and |; they are called the bitwise and 0011 3 3
operator and the bitwise or operator. & 1010 10 A
When you use the && operator, it tests two
0010 2 2
integers, returning 1 if both of the integers are true, and
0 if either or both of the integers are false. The bitwise
1100 12 C
and operator does something similar, but it does it with
the individual bits in the number. To see how this & 1010 10 A
works, we'll try a few examples with four-bit values, 1000 8 8
specified in binary. In the last section, you saw how to
convert from one number base to another, but this may The four bits we have been working with so far
be new to you, so the values are also shown in represent a single hexadecimal digit, which is one-half
hexadecimal and decimal notation, too. of a byte. An int variable is made up of two bytes in
For the first example, we'll look at how the & ORCA/C, and it must be at least two bytes long in all
operator works when the numbers are either 0000 or other ANSI implementations of C. In other words, an
0001. int (or an unsigned int, which is the same size) is made
up of four hexadecimal digits. Here's a short program
that will extend the operations we were just doing to a
full four hexadecimal digits.

#include <stdio.h> notation. This table will be very handy in the
sections that deal with bit manipulation!
void main(void)
Problem 10.4. Testing individual bits can be used for a
number of programming tricks. One of these tricks
is a quick test to see if a number is negative or
int a,b;
positive. The piece of information you need to
make this work is that negative numbers always
a = 0x3C3C; have the most significant bit set, so anding the
b = 0xAAAA; number with 0x8000 will always yield a non-zero
printf("%04X & %04X = %04X\n", number for negative numbers, and 0 for positive
a, b, a&b); numbers.
Use this trick to implement a function that returns
When you run this program, the result is 2828. true if a number is negative, and false if it is
Take a close look at the last example, and match up the positive. Test your program with inputs of 1, 0, -1,
digits in the numbers used in the program. Do you see -32767 and 32767.
a pattern? You can find the result by hand by anding
the hexadecimal digits, using the results from anding While mathematicians treat 0 as a number that is
individual digits in the example. neither negative or positive, programmers treat 0 as
The & operator can also be used with char a positive number.
variables, which are really just another form of int
variable as far as the & operator is concerned, or with This trick depends on a particular internal number
long or unsigned long variables, which work the same representation called two's complement notation.
way but give you eight digits to play with instead of Most modern digital computers use two's
four. The & operator cannot be used with float complement notation, but technically, it is possible
variables. The same thing is true for all of the other that this programming trick will not work with
bitwise operators we will explore. some implementations of C. It is also possible that
int values will be larger than two bytes, which
Problem 10.2. In the sample program, the conversion would mean that the value of 0x8000 would have
specifier used was %04X. What do the 0 and 4 do? to be changed on some machines for this trick to
(Hint: each of these digits has a special meaning. work.
You can either experiment with the program to find
out what they do, or look up the printf function in The Bitwise Or Operator
the ORCA/C reference manual.)
Just as the & operator is a bit-by-bit
Problem 10.3. The & operator is often used as a mask implementation of the && operator, the | bitwise or
to detect the presence of individual bits. You can operator is a bitwise implementation of the || logical or
use this idea to write a function that writes numbers operator. The | operator works across the bit, setting
in binary format. each bit in the answer to 1 if either of the corresponding
bits in the operands were 1, and setting the bit in the
Your function should take an integer parameter and answer to 0 if both of the corresponding bits in the
print the integer as a binary number, printing all 16 operands were 0. To see how this works, let's take
bits. Making use of the fact that C treats any non- another look at the same example we used in the last
zero value as true, you can write one digit like this: section to explore the & operator. This also gives you a
good way to compare the two operators.
if (num & 0x8000)

Use this function to create a table showing the

values 0 to 15 in binary, hexadecimal and decimal

binary decimal hexadecimal The Bitwise Exclusive Or Operator
0011 3 3 The bitwise exclusive or operator is ^. There is no
| 1010 10 A corresponding logical operator for the bitwise exclusive
1011 11 B or operator, which returns 0 if both input bits are the
same, and 1 if the bits are different, as shown in this
1100 12 C example:
| 1010 10 A
1110 14 E binary decimal hexadecimal

You saw one of the most common uses of the & 0011 3 3
operator in the problems from the last section, namely ^ 1010 10 A
to detect if certain bits are set. One of the main uses of 1001 9 9
the bitwise or operator is to set a bit. The problems will
look at one of the many practical uses of this idea. 1100 12 C
^ 1010 10 A
Problem 10.5. In the last section, we used a small 0110 6 6
program to test the & operator with the operands
0x3C3C and 0xAAAA. Rewrite this program so it This operator is used to change individual bits
reads two hexadecimal values and prints the result within an integer. That's sort of an odd thing to do in
of anding the values with the bitwise and operator, most programming situations, but it turns out that there
and oring the values with the bitwise or operator. are some interesting applications for this operator. One
Test the program with several values, including use you can put it to is a simple checksum that detects
0x3C3C and 0xAAAA. when a file has been changed. Listing 10.1 shows a
program that performs a checksum on a text file.
Problem 10.6. If you look closely at the ASCII The program works by flipping bits in a seemingly
character set, you will find that the values of each random manner. The result of running the program on
of the lowercase alphabetic characters is exactly 32 a single file is always the same, though. If you change
greater than the value of the corresponding even one byte in the file, the result will be different.
uppercase character. For example, the value of 'A' While it is possible to change a file around and get the
is 65, and the value of 'a' is 77, which is 32 greater same checksum, it is fairly unlikely, especially if the
than 65. As it turns out, 32 in hexadecimal is files are close. To see the program in action, try
0x0020, which has exactly one bit set. In other running it on a test file that you have saved to disk, then
words, you can convert from uppercase to change a single character in the file and run the
lowercase by setting the sixth bit, counting from program again. Be sure you save the file to disk before
the right, and you can do that by oring the you run the program, since your program can't read the
lowercase character with the value 0x0020. contents of a window directly.
This sort of checksum is far from foolproof, but it
Use this idea to write your own version of the does have some useful applications. One is to check to
tolower function. Your function should be called see if files in memory have been stomped on. Another
lower; it should take a char parameter and return a is to see if you have typed a file into memory correctly:
char result. If the input is an uppercase letter, your if you have a checksum for the original file, you can
function should return the lowercase equivalent. If generate a checksum for your file and see if they differ.
the input is not an uppercase letter, your function
should return the same value it was passed. Problem 10.7. Write a program that reads two
integers, computes the exclusive or, and writes the
Test your function by passing the following values, result. Try this program with the inputs 0x1234
and printing both the input and output: and 0xFFFF. Try it again with the result of the
first run of the program and 0xFFFF again. What
A a U 4 { is the result? Why?

Problem 10.8. One of the more interesting applications

I have ever come across for the exclusive or
operator is to write a file encryption program. The
idea behind a file encryption program is to encode as the seed for the random number generator. To
a file so that no one can read it. The file is encrypt the file, the bytes are read from the input
encrypted with the aid of a password, which is also file and exclusive ored with the values generated
needed to read the file again: without the password, by the random number generator, then written to
the information in the file is useless. the output file.

An easy way to encrypt a file is to use a random Decrypting the file is surprisingly easy: you just
number generator like the one you have used in C run the same program again, using the same
simulations to generate a string of random password. The reason this works is that exclusive
numbers, and exclusive or the random numbers oring one value with another value two times gives
with the bytes in a file. A pseudo-random number you back the original number, whatever it was, as
generator produces the same sequence of numbers you saw in problem 10.7.
if it is given the same seed, so the password is used

Listing 10.1

/* compute a checksum for a file */

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)

FILE *f; /* input file variable */
char name[100]; /* input string */
int checkSum; /* checksum value */
int byte; /* value read from the file */

printf("File name:"); /* open the file */

scanf("%99s", name);
f = fopen(name, "r");
if (f == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open %s.\n", name);
return -1;

checkSum = 0; /* start with a zero checksum

do { /* XOR all bytes in the file
byte = fgetc(f);
if (byte != EOF)
checkSum = checkSum ^ byte;
while (byte != EOF);
printf("The checksum is %d.\n", checkSum); /* print the checksum */

fclose(f); /* close the file */

return 0;

Write a program that will ask for an input file Create a function that initializes an int pointer to
name, an output file name, and a numeric 0xE12000, which just happens to be the address of
password. Use the password as the seed to C's the graphics screen on the Apple IIGS. You will
random number generator, then encrypt the input have to cast the integer to a pointer type, of course.
file, writing the bytes to the output file. When you The graphics screen consists of 200 rows of 640
test your program, the editor will give you some pixels, with each pixel using two bytes. A little
sort of error when you try to load the file, but you math shows that each row consists of 160 bytes, or
can move to the shell window and type the file 80 integers, and that the entire screen uses 16000
with the type command, like this: integers. Fortunately, on the Apple IIGS, these
bytes are all in a row. Your function should use
type myfile the bitwise negation operator to reverse the bits at
the location your pointer points to, storing the bits
where myfile is the name of the encrypted file. back in the original spot. With this accomplished,
Running the encryption program again with a increment the pointer to advance to the next
different password should give you back a garbage integer. Do this 16000 times in a for loop.
file, but you should be able to decrypt the file by
using the original password. In your main program, call your function, then use
a for loop to pause for a while, and call it again.
Hint: Even though the files involved are text files, The results can be pretty entertaining.
you don't want to use fscanf and fprintf, since these
text input and output functions do some With debug code on, the program takes a fair
conversions to the values they read and write. amount of time to flip the screen. Try it again with
Instead, use fread and fwrite, which do not do any debug code turned off.
conversions of values. To make the program
faster, you can also read more than one character at Escape Sequences
a time with fread – the solution reads 64 characters
at a time. You've been using escape sequences all along in
your C programs, but you heard the name so long ago
This encryption routine is good enough to stump that it might be a good idea to review what they are.
most people, but someone who is good at breaking Escape sequences are C's way of putting characters into
codes would not have much trouble with it. In a character or string constant that can't normally be
other words, if you want to protect some private typed from the keyboard. The most common example
letters from you boss/spouse/parents, go for it, but is the newline character which you use in printf to move
if you are trying to hide something from the to the start of a new line, and which you read from
National Security Agency, this won't slow them scanf when the user types a RETURN character, or
down much. when you get to the end of a line in a text file.
Internally, the newline character is coded as the number
The Bitwise Negation Operator 10; to get the newline character in a character constant
or string, you type \n.
The bitwise negation operator, ~, returns the There are a lot of other characters that can't be
opposite of the bits in the input value. Like the logical typed from the keyboard that are still used fairly
negation operator !, the bitwise negation operator works frequently, especially in text programs, that also have
on a single operand. escape sequences. Table 10.1 shows a complete list of
the standard C escape sequences, plus \p, which is
binary decimal hexadecimal unique to Apple-based implementations of C.

~ 1010 10 A
0101 5 5

Problem 10.9. The bitwise negation operator is

sometimes used in graphics applications to reverse
images on the screen. We'll write a simple
program to do just that.

escape seq. value meaning string, so that the toolbox will recognize the string as a
a 7 bell p-string. The string still has a null terminator (which
b 8 back space the tools ignore), so you can still use standard C
f 12 form feed functions to manipulate the string. If you are doing this
n 10 new line kind of programming, you might also want to look up
p -- p-string the c2pstr and p2cstr functions, two non-standard
r 13 carriage return functions that are also common in Apple based C
t 9 tab compilers. They help you switch between these two
v 11 vertical tab string formats.
\ 92 \ character The last four escape sequences are needed to
' 96 ' character overcome the syntax of the C language. You need \\ to
" 34 " character put a \ character into a character or string constant,
? 63 ? character since a single \ signals the start of an escape sequence.
The \' escape sequence is needed in character constants
Table 10.1: Escape Sequences so that the C compiler doesn't think the ' character
marks the end of the constant, while \" is needed in
Many if these escape sequences are only used from string constants for the same reason. The \? escape
text programming environments like the one you can sequence is needed because of trigraphs, a rather odd
get to by quitting the desktop development feature of the C language that lets you enter characters
environment. In that environment, \a beeps the warning like [ from old keyboards that don't have the character.
sound, \b moves back one character, \f moves the cursor All you really have to remember is that you can't put
to the top left corner of the screen and clears the screen, two ? characters in a row without causing problems. If
\r moves to the start of the current line, and \v moves up you need two ? characters in a string, use \?. "Say
one line. All of these except \r are ignored in the shell what\?\?" is one example.
window, and even in the text environment, tabs (\t) are While these escape sequences cover the most
ignored, although some printers will do something with commonly needed special characters, there are others
the tab key. Even \n is ignored by most of the tools in you may need for peculiar situations. For example,
the Apple IIGS toolbox. In short, how these characters many printers use the escape character, whose value is
are used depends to some extent on where the text is 27, to start special command codes to tell the printer to
being written to. In a text environment, virtually all of do something, like switch to 17 characters per inch.
these characters have some use, but in graphics You can code any character as an escape sequence by
programming environments, many of the old techniques following the \ character with a one to three digit octal
for dealing with text and a cursor simply don't make value for the number. The value 27 is 033 in octal, so
sense anymore. you could use \033 or \33 to get an escape character.
The \p escape sequence is a little odd. There are Be careful, though: C will use three digits if they are
two common string formats in use on microcomputers, there! If you want to follow the escape character with
the so-called p-string and the c-string. C-strings are the the character 0, you need to use "\0330", not "\330".
null-terminated character sequences you have been The second form gets forced into a single character,
using with C all along; they consist of a sequence of since C compilers always grab all three digits when
characters followed by a zero value. P-strings are they are there.
handled a little differently. A p-string starts with a one For those of you who, like myself, find
byte number that gives the size of the string, followed hexadecimal to be the natural base for dealing with all
by the characters. The advantage of p-strings is that numbers, and find octal to be even more peculiar than
they can hold any character value, including a character decimal, you can also code numeric escape sequences
with a value of 0. The advantage of c-strings is that with one to three hex digits by following the \ character
they are not limited to 255 characters by the value the with an x, then the digits, like this: "\x01B".
length byte can hold.
For the most part, you can ignore p-strings in C Problem 10.10. Write a program that will print the
programs, but Apple's toolbox uses p-strings following lines to the shell window:
extensively. Many calls accept p-strings, with no
corresponding call to accept a c-string. The \p escape a. Huh???
sequence helps you in these situations. When you use a b. C uses \n for the end of a line.
\p as the first character in a string constant, the first c. I said, "Quote me!"
character position is filled in with the length of the

Problem 10.11. Try to decode this string the way people now think that the goto statement is evil. We'll
printf would, then check your work using a C look at this issue again after dealing with two
program: statements, break and continue, which are actually
extensions of the concept of the goto statement.
4\0401\054\x0202\x2c\x20\x33\x2e\n" Problem 10.12. The while loop, for loop, and do-while
loop in C are all fairly sophisticated statements.
The goto Statement They make programs easier to write and read, but
they are also, technically, not needed. In very early
One of the most infrequently used statements in programming languages, and even today in
good C programs is the goto statement. Basically, a assembly language, you would do the same thing
goto statement is a jump. The program moves to the that these statements do with conditional checks
destination of the goto, and starts executing with that like C's if statement and goto statements.
statement. The following program gives a very simple
example of this idea. To get a feel for the goto statement, as well as to
gain some appreciation for how much work C does
#include <stdio.h> for you, rewrite this loop using if statements and
goto statements:
void main(void)
for (i = 1, i <= 10; ++i)
goto there;
printf("This gets skipped.\n");
The break Statement
there: You saw the break statement briefly back when we
printf("This gets printed.\n"); looked at the switch statement. The break statement
} was used to leave the switch statement.

As you can see, there isn't much to a goto switch (i) {

statement. In fact, all there is is the reserved word goto, case 1: printf("*\n");
followed by a label. The label tells the compiler where break;
to go to; a corresponding label must appear somewhere
case 2: printf("**\n");
in the function, followed by a colon.
Give the program a try, especially if you aren't sure
exactly what will happen. This is a great chance to use case 3: printf("***\n");
the step-and-trace debugger, again. break;
People who learned to program in BASIC or }
FORTRAN generally leaned heavily on the goto
statement, since those languages don't have the rich You can do exactly the same thing with a goto
flow of control statements that C does. In fact, for the statement, like this:
most part, people who learn these languages first tend
to overuse gotos, often creating what is known as switch (i) {
spaghetti code. As structured programming languages case 1: printf("*\n");
and structured programming techniques came into style, goto out;
there was a strong backlash against this practice. Many case 2: printf("**\n");
people got to the point where they associated the so- goto out;
called goto-less programming with structured case 3: printf("***\n");
programming. In one sense, this was a good idea:
goto out;
overuse of goto statements can make a program very
hard to read. Experience shows that programs that are
hard to read are often disorganized and buggy, and bugs out:
(which exist in all programs) are harder to track down
and eliminate in programs that are hard to read. You can come up with a lot of reasons for using
Unfortunately, this backlash went overboard. Many break instead of goto in this situation, and they are all
good. I would, in fact, strongly encourage the use of
break instead of goto. The point of this example is ptr = names;
basically to show you exactly how the break statement while (ptr != NULL) {
works, with all of the secrecy removed. The break if (strcmp(ptr->name, name)
statement, as it turns out, is just a goto statement that == 0)
jumps out of a loop without the need of a label.
The switch statement is the most common place for
ptr = ptr->next;
using the break statement in C, but there are others.
Occasionally, you need to get out of a do loop, while }
loop, or for loop early. The break statement can be if (ptr == NULL)
used to leave all of these loops, not just a switch printf("false\n");
statement. A good example of a case where you would else
want to use a break statement in a loop is when you are printf("true: \"%s\"\n",
searching a linked list for a particular item. As a simple name);
example, let's assume that you want to scan a list of
names to see if a particular name exists. This problem Occasionally, the true goto statement is actually a
is a very common one in programming: the list could better choice than the break statement, and keeping in
be a list of names in a customer database, a list of mind that the break statement is really just a goto will
commands that an adventure game recognizes, a help you realize when this is true. While our search has
dictionary in a spelling checker, or a list of variables in been improved a lot, the if test after leaving the loop is
a C program. If the name is in the list, you want to technically redundant – after all, we knew in the loop
print true. If the name is not in the list, you want to whether the value we were looking for had been found.
print false. By making use of this information when it is available,
The most obvious way to write a test of this sort is we can avoid the if statement altogether:
to loop over the list, testing each element, like this:
ptr = names;
ptr = names; while (ptr != NULL) {
found = NULL; if (strcmp(ptr->name, name)
while (ptr != NULL) { == 0) {
if (strcmp(ptr->name, name) printf("true: \"%s\"\n",
== 0) name);
found = ptr; goto out;
ptr = ptr->next; }
} ptr = ptr->next;
if (found == NULL) }
printf("false\n"); printf("false\n");
else out:
printf("true: \"%s\"\n",
name); Whether or not you use a goto statement in a
situation like this is really a matter of taste. In general,
This will work, all right, but it takes way too much I would not use a goto statement here; I would use the
time. This algorithm will look at each and every second form of the loop, with the break statement to
element of the list, even if it has already found the one exit early. The if check is not very time consuming,
we need. On average, though, we only need to look at and it is a little easier to follow what is going on. If the
half of the elements in the list before we find the right loop appeared inside another loop, or in some other
one. If there are ten names in a program's list of inputs, very time-critical place in the program, though, I would
the speed won't be an issue, but if you are searching certainly take that into account, and might pick the goto
through a list of 30,000 words in a dictionary, the statement to save every bit of time I could.
difference is very important. Here's a complete sample program, shown in
A break statement, though, can give us the listing 10.2, that uses the goto statement to exit a loop
performance we need by leaving the loop as soon as a early. It reads a list of names, stopping when you enter
matching name is found. It also gets rid of the need for a blank string. You can then ask if a name is in the list.
the found variable. The program stops if you enter the string "-".

The goto to exit the loop is exactly what we were
showing with the small code fragments. There is
nothing new there, but you do get a chance to see the
idea in a complete program.

Listing 10.2

/* This program reads a list of names from the keyboard, */

/* stopping when you enter the string -. These names are stored */
/* in the linked list names. The program then asks you to enter */
/* a name, and scans the list. If the name is in the list, the */
/* program prints the name. If not, false is printed. Again, */
/* this process repeats until you enter the string -. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define NAMELENGTH 20 /* max length of a name */

typedef struct nameType { /* element of the name list */

struct nameType *next;
char name[NAMELENGTH+1];
*namePtr; /* name pointer type */

namePtr names; /* list of names */

/* Read a list of names from the keyboard */

void ReadList (void)

namePtr ptr; /* new name */
char name[NAMELENGTH+1]; /* name read from keyboard */

names = NULL; /* no names so far */

do {
printf("Name:"); /* get a name */
scanf("%20s", name);
if (strcmp(name, "-") != 0) {
ptr = (namePtr) malloc(sizeof(nameType));/* get a new name record */
ptr->next = names; /* add the record to the list */
names = ptr;
strcpy(ptr->name, name); /* put the name in the record */
while (strcmp(name, "-") != 0);

/* Test to see if names are in the list */

void Test (void)

namePtr ptr; /* used to trace the list */
char name[NAMELENGTH+1]; /* name read from keyboard */

do {
printf("Name to find:"); /* get a name */
scanf("%20s", name);
if (strcmp(name, "-") == 0) /* quit if no name is given */
ptr = names; /* scan for the name */
while (ptr != NULL) {
if (strcmp(ptr->name, name) == 0) /* name found -> write it */
printf("true: \"%s\"\n", name);
goto out;
ptr = ptr->next;
printf("false\n"); /* name not found */
out: ;
while (1); /* loop forever */

/* Main program */

void main (void)



Problem 10.13. In the text, I said that the loop this problem you will write a program that will
demonstrate the idea with a simulation.
ptr = names;
found = NULL; Your program should be based on the sample
while (ptr != NULL) { program from the text. Start by replacing ReadList
if (strcmp(ptr->name, name) with a function that builds a list of characters, one
== 0) for each letter in the alphabet. To do this, you will
need to change the nameType struct so it has a
found = ptr;
character, rather than a pointer and a string. Test
ptr = ptr->next; your program after doing this to make sure you
} have everything correct up to this point.
if (found == NULL)
printf("false\n"); Next, change the Test procedure so that it uses
else RandomValue to create random characters, instead
printf("true: \"%s\"\n", of asking for a character from the keyboard. Use a
name); for loop to look for a character COUNT times,
where COUNT is a constant defined at the top of
looped all the way through the list each time. the program. For test purposes, set COUNT to 5.
That's fairly easy to see. Computer scientists
would say that the algorithm has a run-time of The last step in developing the program is to
order n, where n is the length of the list. They change the Test procedure one last time. Instead of
write this as a big O, meaning order, then the order printing whether or not the name is found, use a
in parenthesis, like this: O(n). counter to see how many compares you have to do
before finding the correct element of the list. This
I also said that the search with a break statement, counter should be declared globally, and it will
need to be a long integer, rather than a standard
ptr = names; integer. After calling ReadList and Test, the main
while (ptr != NULL) { program should print the average number of
if (strcmp(ptr->name, name) searches (the total number of searches divided by
== 0)
With the program in place and debugged, change
ptr = ptr->next; count to 10,000 to get a fair sample size, turn
} debug off so you won't have to wait all day, and
if (ptr == NULL) run your simulation.
else Theoretically, the average number of compares per
printf("true: \"%s\"\n", search should be 13.5. How close were you?
The break Statement in Nested
only had to scan half of the list, on average. Loops
Computer scientists would say that this algorithm
has a typical run-time of order n/2, written O(n/2). As we said in the last section, the break statement
can be used to exit a while loop, do loop, for loop, or
The reason computer scientists invented this case statement. What happens, though, when you break
strange way of talking is that you can see at a from a loop that is imbedded inside of another loop?
glance that the second version of the search works To find out, let's try breaking from the inside of a for
twice as fast as the first. Or does it? If you have a loop nested within another for loop:
knack for mathematics, you might want to try to
prove it. While we technically won't prove it, in #include <stdio.h>

There is one situation that arises occasionally in C
void main(void) where the goto statement is undeniably necessary.
Exiting early from a loop is a tremendous time-saver, as
{ you saw in problem 10.13. In fact, there are many
cases where you can save even more time with a
int i,j;
judiciously placed early exit. On the other hand, you
also just saw that a break can only exit one loop – if
for (i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) { that loop is imbedded inside of another loop, and you
for (j = 1; j <= 10; ++j) { need to get out of both of them, you need to revert to a
printf("%3d", i*10+j); goto statement.
if (i == j) I have tried to make the point that there is nothing
break; inherently bad about the goto statement, but if you find
} yourself using the goto statement very often, you
printf(" ---\n"); should stop and recall that the bad reputation of the
} goto statement comes from the fact that it is often
} overused and improperly used, not from any inherent
fault in the statement itself. If you have a background
The first thing to notice is that the break is actually in BASIC or FORTRAN, you may be especially prone
imbedded in an if statement that is inside of two for to overusing the goto statement. To break these bad
loops. The if statement, of course, has no effect on the habits, I would urge you to avoid the goto statement
way the break statement works. When you run the entirely, with the exception of exiting nested loops, for
program, it prints 11 on the first line, then skips to a at least six months. That way, you will be forced to
new line, where it prints 21 and 22. Obviously, the stop and think about how to organize your programs
break statement itself will leave the inside for loop, but logically around well-organized flow of control, and not
it only exits one of the loops. In other words, replacing jump haphazardly from one place to another. After
the break statement with a goto statement, it works like your "training" period, you will be able to look back
this: and realize just how rarely you really need to use the
goto statement.
#include <stdio.h>
The continue Statement
void main(void)
By now, you might be thinking that the C language
just goes on and on, and you'll never see the end. Take
{ heart: you're getting there! The very last of the
int i,j; executable C statements is the continue statement, a
close relative of break. Like break, the continue
for (i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) { statement can be used inside of a do loop, while loop,
for (j = 1; j <= 10; ++j) { or for loop, but unlike break, the continue statement
printf("%3d", i*10+j); cannot be used from inside of a switch statement. Of
if (i == j) course, if the switch statement itself is inside of one of
goto out; the loops, you can still use continue, just as you were
} able to use a break statement that was imbedded in an if
out: printf(" ---\n"); statement, as long as the if statement was inside of a
The continue statement is also a form of a goto
statement. Instead of jumping out of the loop, though,
the continue statement jumps to the end of the loop, so
To goto or Not to goto that the loop keeps going. As a quick example, let's
look at a simple program that uses the continue
The reason we haven't used the goto statement isn't statement to skip odd integers.
because it is bad, or has no use. The reason we haven't
used the goto statement is because it isn't needed as #include <stdio.h>
much in C as it is in languages that do not have if-then-
else statements, while loops, do loops, switch
void main(void)
statements, break statements, and so on.
{ for (i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) {
int i; if (i & 1)
goto loop;
for (i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) { printf("%d\n", i);
if (i & 1) loop: ;
continue; }
printf("%d\n", i); }
} The loop label would always appear right before
the } character that closes the loop.
The way that we detected odd numbers is itself a As with the break statement, if two loops are
bit odd, so lets stop and take a quick look at that imbedded inside of each other, the continue statement
technique in passing. Writing a few numbers in both applies to the innermost loop.
decimal and binary, you can quickly see a pattern

decimal binary
1 000001
2 000010
3 000011
4 000100
5 000101
6 000110
7 000111
8 001000
9 001001
10 001010

As you can see, all of the odd values have a

rightmost bit of one. Thinking about how binary
numbers are formed, this makes sense: after all, the
rightmost column is the one's column. To detect odd
numbers, then, we need to see when the rightmost bit is
1. We can do that using the & operator, which you saw
earlier. Anding a number with 1 will zero any bits
except the 1 bit. If the number is odd, the result will be
1, and for even numbers, we will end up with 0. Since
0 is used as false in C, and anything else is true, the
statement "if (i & 1) ..." will execute the continue
statement for odd numbers, skipping it for even
Getting back to the continue statement itself, you
probably already see how it works, but here's the same
program with a goto statement, so you can see what is
happening a bit easier:

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)

int i;

Lesson Ten
Solutions to Problems

Solution to problem 10.1.

/* Simple base conversion program. Enter a number */
/* in decimal (no leading 0), octal (leading */
/* zero), or hexadecimal (leading 0x), and the */
/* program will echo the value back in all three */
/* bases. Enter 0 in any base to quit. */

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)

long val;

do {
printf("\nValue: "); /* write the prompt */
val = 0L; /* default (in case of error) */
scanf("%li", &val); /* read the value */
printf("Decimal : %ld\n", val); /* print the value */
printf("Octal : 0%lo\n", val);
printf("Hexadecimal: 0x%lX\n", val);
while (val);

Solution to problem 10.2.

The 0 in the conversion specifier %04X tells printf to use leading zeros to fill out the number if there aren't
enough digits to fill the entire field width. The 4 is the field width. So, for example, if the value to print is 0x12,
printf will print "0012". With a conversion specifier of %0X, printf would not need to fill out the field width, so it
would print "12", while with a conversion specifier of %4X, printf would print " 12".
Normally, when a number follows the % character, it is used as a field width, so you might think the 0 would
become part of the field width. The reason there is no confusion is because the leading zero is not used for anything
anyway, so removing it does not effect the field width. Of course, a field width of 0 doesn't make sense, so there is
never a need to use just a 0 for the field width.

Solution to problem 10.3.
/* Print a hex-binary-decimal conversion table. */

#include <stdio.h>

/* Print an integer as a 16 digit binary number */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* val - value to print */

void PrintBin (int val)

if (val & 0x8000)
if (val & 0x4000)
if (val & 0x2000)
if (val & 0x1000)
if (val & 0x0800)
if (val & 0x0400)
if (val & 0x0200)
if (val & 0x0100)
if (val & 0x0080)

if (val & 0x0040)
if (val & 0x0020)
if (val & 0x0010)
if (val & 0x0008)
if (val & 0x0004)
if (val & 0x0002)
if (val & 0x0001)

/* Main program */

void main(void)

int i; /* loop variable */

printf("dec hex binary\n"); /* print the header */

printf("--- --- ------\n");
for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { /* print the values */
printf("%3d 0x%X ", i, i);

Solution to problem 10.4.
/* Print a hex-binary-decimal conversion table. */

#include <stdio.h>

/* Test a number to see if it is negative */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* val - number to test */

int IsNegative (int val)

return val & 0x8000;

/* Main program */

void main(void)

if (IsNegative(1))
printf("1 is negative.\n");
printf("1 is positive.\n");
if (IsNegative(0))
printf("0 is negative.\n");
printf("0 is positive.\n");
if (IsNegative(-1))
printf("-1 is negative.\n");
printf("-1 is positive.\n");
if (IsNegative(-32767))
printf("-32767 is negative.\n");
printf("-32767 is positive.\n");
if (IsNegative(32767))
printf("32767 is negative.\n");
printf("32767 is positive.\n");

Solution to problem 10.5.
#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)

int a,b;

a = 0x3C3C;
b = 0xAAAA;
printf("%04X & %04X = %04X\n", a, b, a&b);
printf("%04X | %04X = %04X\n", a, b, a|b);

Solution to problem 10.6.

/* My own tolower function. */

#include <stdio.h>

/* Return the lowercase equivalent of the input. */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* ch - character to convert */
/* */
/* Returns: Lowercase equivalent of ch */

char lower (char ch)

if ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z'))
ch = ch | 0x0020;
return ch;

/* Main program. */

void main(void)

printf("The lowercase equivalent of %c is %c.\n", 'A', lower('A'));
printf("The lowercase equivalent of %c is %c.\n", 'a', lower('a'));
printf("The lowercase equivalent of %c is %c.\n", 'U', lower('U'));
printf("The lowercase equivalent of %c is %c.\n", '4', lower('4'));
printf("The lowercase equivalent of %c is %c.\n", '{', lower('{'));

Solution to problem 10.7.
/* Read two integers, then write the exclusive or of */
/* the integers. */

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)

int a,b;

printf("First value: ");

scanf("%i", &a);
printf("Second value: ");
scanf("%i", &b);
printf("0x%04X ^ 0x%04X = 0x%04X\n", a, b, a^b);

The first time you run the program, the inputs are 0x1234 and 0xFFFF. Expressing these values as binary
numbers, you get 0001001000110100 for 0x1234, and 1111111111111111 for 0xFFFF. Exclusive oring these two
numbers reverses all of the bits in the first value, since all of the bits in the second value are set. The result is
0xEDCB, which, in binary, is 1110110111001011. Doing the operation again with the result of the first run and
0xFFFF, you reverse the same bits back to their original values, so the result is 0x1234. If you run the program with
0xEDCB and 0x1234, the result will be 0xFFFF.

Solution to problem 10.8.

/* Encrypt or decrypt a text file. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define BUFFSIZE 64 /* size of the character buffer */

int main(void)

char ch[BUFFSIZE]; /* character from the file */
int numCh; /* # of characters read */
int i; /* loop variable */
char name[81]; /* file name */
int password; /* password value */
FILE *inFile, *outFile; /* file variables */

printf("File to encrypt: "); /* open the input file */

scanf("%80s", name);
inFile = fopen(name, "r");
if (inFile == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open %s.\n", name);
return -1;
printf("Output file : "); /* open the output file */
scanf("%80s", name);
outFile = fopen(name, "w");
if (outFile == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open %s.\n", name);
return -1;
printf("Password : "); /* get the password */
scanf("%d", &password);
srand(password); /* use it to set up rand() */

do { /* encrypt/decrypt the file */

numCh = fread(ch, sizeof(char), BUFFSIZE, inFile);
if (numCh > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < numCh; ++i)
ch[i] = ch[i] ^ rand();
fwrite(ch, sizeof(char), numCh, outFile);
while (1);

fclose(inFile); /* close the files */

return 0;

Solution to problem 10.9.

/* Invert the graphics screen */

void InvertScreen(void)

/* Invert all of the bits on the graphics screen */

int *ptr; /* graphics screen pointer */
int count; /* loop counter */

ptr = (int *) 0xE12000;

for (count = 0; count < 16000; ++count) {
*ptr = ~*ptr;

void main(void)

int loop;

for (loop = 1; loop <= 100; ++loop)

Solution to problem 10.10.

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)

printf("C uses \\n for the end of a line.\n");
printf("I said, \"Quote me!\"\n");

Solution to problem 10.11.

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)


Solution to problem 10.12.

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)

int i;

i = 1;
printf ("%d\n", i);
if (i <= 10) goto top;

Solution to problem 10.13.

/* Find the average number of compares needed to find a character */

/* from a list of characters that make up the alphabet. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define NAMELENGTH 20 /* max length of a name */

#define COUNT 10000 /* number of tests */

typedef struct listType { /* element of the list */

struct listType *next;
char ch;
*listPtr; /* list pointer type */

long compares; /* # of compares done */

listPtr list; /* ptr to the first element */

/* Build a list of characters */

void BuildList (void)

listPtr ptr; /* new list element */
char ch; /* character for the list */

list = NULL; /* no elements so far */

for (ch = 'a'; ch <= 'z'; ++ch) {

ptr = (listPtr) malloc(sizeof(listType)); /* get a new list record */
ptr->next = list; /* add the record to the list */
list = ptr;
ptr->ch = ch; /* put the char in the struct */

/* Check the list */

void Test (void)

listPtr ptr; /* used to trace the list */
char ch; /* character to test for */
int i; /* loop counter */

srand(23456); /* initialize rand() */

for (i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) {

ch = (rand() %26) + 'a'; /* create a character */
ptr = list; /* scan for the character */
while (ptr != NULL) {
++compares; /* update the # of compares */
if (ptr->ch == ch) /* found -> exit loop */
ptr = ptr->next;

/* Main program */

void main (void)

compares = 0;
printf("The average # of compares was %.2f.\n", ((float)compares)/COUNT);

Lesson Eleven
More Miscellaneous Useful Stuff
exactly what you expect it to: print 4 for u.i, then print
Unions 1.2 for u.f and print the value of u.i a second time.
Of course, when you run this program as is, it does
Unions are a rather peculiar data type that is used something different. The first time u.i is printed, you
to overlay two different variables, causing them to use get 4, just as you expect. When u.f is printed, you also
the same memory. There are some good reasons to do get 1.2, just as you expect. In a union, though,
this, and we will get to those gradually, but we'll start variables overlay each other, using the same memory.
off by exploring how you create unions, and exactly In this program, when we store a value in u.f, we wipe
what they do, with a simple example. out the value in u.i, so the second time this program
Type in this program and run it. We'll talk about prints u.i, the value is changed.
what it does in a moment. One reason for using unions is to save space. In a
struct that has an int variable and a float variable, each
#include <stdio.h> struct needs six bytes (two for the int and four for the
float). In this union, the union variable u only uses four
void main(void) bytes: the size of the union is the same as the size of the
largest variable. By cleverly combining unions and
structures, you can create programs that use a lot less
space than programs that only use structures.
union int_float { Listing 11.1 shows one use of unions. In this
int i; example, we create and then animate 10 shapes. The
float f; shapes can be squares, triangles, or stars. Each of the
} u; shapes does a random walk across the screen, moving
one pixel in a random direction on each cycle through
u.i = 4; the program.
printf("u.i = %d\n", u.i); To animate the shapes, we need to keep track of
u.f = 1.2; what kind of a shape it is, and the coordinates for the
printf("u.f = %f\n", u.f); shape. Since each shape has a different number of
printf("u.i = %d\n", u.i); points, we use a union to overlay various structures.
The variable kind is used to keep track of what sort of
information is in the union. Each of the shapes has a
color, so, rather than put the color in the union and
As you can see, a union looks a lot like a struct. In
recreating it several times, we put the union inside of a
fact, all of the rules you have learned so far that apply
struct. This is a very common technique for mixing
to structures also apply to unions. You define union
information that is consistent across several different
types the same way that you define struct types; you get
kinds of things with information that varies from entry
at variables inside of a union with the . operator, just
to entry.
like you do with a struct; and you use the -> operator to
Animation is pretty slow with debug code on, so
access variables imbedded in a pointer to a union,
once you get the program to work, try it with debug off.
again, just as you do with structures. In fact, if you
replace the union in this program with struct, it will do

Listing 11.1

/* Do a random walk with 10 random shapes */

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <quickdraw.h>

#define NUMSHAPES 10 /* # of shapes to animate */

#define WALKLENGTH 100 /* # of "steps" in the walk */

#define MAXX 316 /* size of the graphics screen */

#define MAXY 83

typedef enum shapeKind {triangle, square, star} shapeKind;

typedef struct shapeType { /* information about one shape */

int color; /* color */
shapeKind kind; /* kind of shape */
union {
struct { /* points for a triangle */
int x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3;
} t;
struct { /* points for a square */
int x1,x2,x3,x4,y1,y2,y3,y4;
} s;
struct { /* points for a star */
int x1,x2,x3,x4,x5;
int y1,y2,y3,y4,y5;
} p;
} coord;
} shapeType;

shapeType shapes[NUMSHAPES]; /* current array of shapes */

shapeType oldShapes[NUMSHAPES]; /* shapes in last position */

void InitGraphics (void)

/* Standard graphics initialization. */

SetPenMode(2); /* pen mode = xor */
SetPenSize(3,1); /* use a square pen */

void DrawShape (shapeType s)

/* This subroutine draws one of the shapes on the screen. */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* s - shape to draw */

SetSolidPenPat(s.color); /* set the pen color for the shape */

switch (s.kind) {

case triangle: /* draw a triangle */

MoveTo(s.coord.t.x1, s.coord.t.y1);
LineTo(s.coord.t.x2, s.coord.t.y2);
LineTo(s.coord.t.x3, s.coord.t.y3);
LineTo(s.coord.t.x1, s.coord.t.y1);

case square: /* draw a square */

MoveTo(s.coord.s.x1, s.coord.s.y1);
LineTo(s.coord.s.x2, s.coord.s.y2);
LineTo(s.coord.s.x4, s.coord.s.y4);
LineTo(s.coord.s.x3, s.coord.s.y3);
LineTo(s.coord.s.x1, s.coord.s.y1);

case star: /* draw a star */

MoveTo(s.coord.p.x1, s.coord.p.y1);
LineTo(s.coord.p.x2, s.coord.p.y2);
LineTo(s.coord.p.x3, s.coord.p.y3);
LineTo(s.coord.p.x4, s.coord.p.y4);
LineTo(s.coord.p.x5, s.coord.p.y5);
LineTo(s.coord.p.x1, s.coord.p.y1);

void CreateShape (shapeType *s)

/* This subroutine creates a shape. The color and initial */

/* position of the shape are chosen randomly. The size of the */
/* shape is based on pre-computed values. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* s - shape to create */

int cx,cy; /* center point for the shape */

s->color = rand() % 3 + 1; /* get a color */
cx = rand() % (MAXX - 38) + 19; /* get the center position, */
cy = rand() % (MAXY - 16) + 8; /* picking the points so the */
/* shape is in the window */

switch (rand() % 3) { /* set the initial positions */

case 0: /* set up a triangle */
s->kind = triangle;
s->coord.t.x1 = cx-19;
s->coord.t.y1 = cy+4;
s->coord.t.x2 = cx;
s->coord.t.y2 = cy-8;
s->coord.t.x3 = cx+19;
s->coord.t.y3 = cy+4;

case 1: /* set up a square */

s->kind = square;
s->coord.s.x1 = cx-15;
s->coord.s.y1 = cy-6;
s->coord.s.x2 = cx+15;
s->coord.s.y2 = cy-6;
s->coord.s.x3 = cx-15;
s->coord.s.y3 = cy+6;
s->coord.s.x4 = cx+15;
s->coord.s.y4 = cy+6;

case 2: /* set up a star */

s->kind = star;
s->coord.p.x1 = cx-13;
s->coord.p.y1 = cy+7;
s->coord.p.x2 = cx;
s->coord.p.y2 = cy-8;
s->coord.p.x3 = cx+13;
s->coord.p.y3 = cy+7;
s->coord.p.x4 = cx-21;
s->coord.p.y4 = cy-3;
s->coord.p.x5 = cx+21;
s->coord.p.y5 = cy-3;

void UpdateShape (shapeType *s)

/* This subroutine moves a shape across the screen in a random */

/* walk. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* s - shape to update */

int dx,dy; /* movement direction */

dx = rand() % 3 - 1; /* get the walk direction */

dy = rand() % 3 - 1;

switch (s->kind) { /* make sure we don't walk off of */

/* the screen, then update the */
/* position */
case triangle: /* check a triangle */
if (dx == -1)
if (s->coord.t.x1 < 1)
dx = 0;
if (dx == 1)
if (s->coord.t.x3 >= MAXX)
dx = 0;
if (dy == -1)
if (s->coord.t.y2 < 1)
dy = 0;
if (dy == 1)
if (s->coord.t.y3 >= MAXY)
dy = 0;
s->coord.t.x1 = s->coord.t.x1+dx; /* update a triangle */
s->coord.t.y1 = s->coord.t.y1+dy;
s->coord.t.x2 = s->coord.t.x2+dx;
s->coord.t.y2 = s->coord.t.y2+dy;
s->coord.t.x3 = s->coord.t.x3+dx;
s->coord.t.y3 = s->coord.t.y3+dy;

case square: /* check a square */

if (dx == -1)
if (s->coord.s.x1 < 1)
dx = 0;
if (dx == 1)
if (s->coord.s.x2 >= MAXX)
dx = 0;
if (dy == -1)
if (s->coord.s.y1 < 1)
dy = 0;
if (dy == 1)
if (s->coord.s.y3 >= MAXY)

dy = 0;
s->coord.s.x1 = s->coord.s.x1+dx; /* update a square */
s->coord.s.y1 = s->coord.s.y1+dy;
s->coord.s.x2 = s->coord.s.x2+dx;
s->coord.s.y2 = s->coord.s.y2+dy;
s->coord.s.x3 = s->coord.s.x3+dx;
s->coord.s.y3 = s->coord.s.y3+dy;
s->coord.s.x4 = s->coord.s.x4+dx;
s->coord.s.y4 = s->coord.s.y4+dy;

case star: /* check a star */

if (dx == -1)
if (s->coord.p.x4 < 1)
dx = 0;
if (dx == 1)
if (s->coord.p.x5 >= MAXX)
dx = 0;
if (dy == -1)
if (s->coord.p.y2 < 1)
dy = 0;
if (dy == 1)
if (s->coord.p.y1 >= MAXY)
dy = 0;
s->coord.p.x1 = s->coord.p.x1+dx; /* update a star */
s->coord.p.y1 = s->coord.p.y1+dy;
s->coord.p.x2 = s->coord.p.x2+dx;
s->coord.p.y2 = s->coord.p.y2+dy;
s->coord.p.x3 = s->coord.p.x3+dx;
s->coord.p.y3 = s->coord.p.y3+dy;
s->coord.p.x4 = s->coord.p.x4+dx;
s->coord.p.y4 = s->coord.p.y4+dy;
s->coord.p.x5 = s->coord.p.x5+dx;
s->coord.p.y5 = s->coord.p.y5+dy;

void main(void)

/* main program */

int i,j; /* loop variables */

InitGraphics(); /* set up the graphics window */

srand(6289); /* initialize rand() */

for (i = 0; i < NUMSHAPES; ++i) { /* set up and draw the initial shapes */


for (i = 0; i < WALKLENGTH; ++i) { /* do the random walk */

for (j = 0; j < NUMSHAPES; ++j) { /* move the shapes */
oldShapes[j] = shapes[j];
for (j = 0; j < NUMSHAPES; ++j) { /* redraw the shapes */

Problem 11.1. One common use of unions takes

advantage of the fact that the variables in the union Separate Compilation
overlap. This fact can be used to examine the
values of a complicated variable type. Of course, The programs you are writing in this course are
programs that do this are not portable. small compared to some of the programs that people
regularly write in C. In programs that are several
One thing that happens over and over in the thousand lines long, organizing the program so you can
toolbox is to extract the least significant 16 bits find things and keep one part of the program from
from a long integer, or the most significant 16 bits. interfering with another part becomes a very serious
You can do this with math operations if you are problem. In C, the most popular way to organize these
very careful, but it is much easier and faster to do it large programs is to break them up into smaller pieces.
with a union. Each of the pieces is responsible for a particular
function or small group of functions within the
Define a union that consists of a long integer and a program.
structure containing two integers. As you know, an To see how this might be done, take a look at the
integer variable requires two bytes of storage, PRIZM desktop development system you are using.
while a long variable requires four bytes of storage, PRIZM is a large program, and, in fact, it is broken up
so the union puts the two integers in the same into several parts. The part of the system that you use
memory as the long integer, giving you a way to most often is the editor. This is actually separated into
save a long value and then extract the integer parts. two different files. One of the files is responsible for
keeping track of the keys you type and how you use the
Write a program that reads long integers from the mouse. It figures out what you want to do, then calls
keyboard, looping until a 0 is entered. Save this the second part, which manages the internal buffers that
value in the union, then write the two integers. hold text and print this text to the screen. Yet another
part handles the printer, while still another part
Experiment with this program a bit. What you implements the debugger. PRIZM actually consists of
should find is that for values up to 32767, the even more individual pieces than those described here,
program prints the same value you entered for the but you get the idea.
least significant integer (the first one), then a zero To see how C handles separate compilation, we
for the most significant integer (the second one). will take one of our old programs and split it up into
As the numbers get larger, you start to fill in the two pieces. Here's one of the very first programs we
sign bit, so the first integer is written as a negative wrote that used functions:
number. Finally, when the numbers exceed 65535,
values start to show up in the second integer.

Listing 11.2

/* Draw three rectangles */

#include <quickdraw.h>

void Rectangle (int left, int right, int top, int bottom, int color)

/* This subroutine draws a colored rectangle and outlines it */

/* in black. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* left,right,top,bottom - edges of the rectangle */
/* color - interior color of the rectangle */

unsigned i; /* loop variable */

SetSolidPenPat(color); /* draw a rectangle */

for (i = top+1; i <= bottom-1; ++i) {
SetSolidPenPat(0); /* outline it in black */

void InitGraphics(void)

/* Standard graphics initialization. */

SetPenMode(0); /* pen mode = copy */
SetSolidPenPat(0); /* pen color = black */
SetPenSize(3,1); /* use a square pen */

void main(void)

InitGraphics(); /* set up for graphics */
Rectangle(10,250,10,60,0); /* draw a black rectangle */
Rectangle(220,270,30,50,1); /* draw a green rectangle */
Rectangle(50,300,40,80,2); /* draw a purple rectangle */

In a huge program, one of the things we might
want to do is separate all of the functions that deal with link main graph keep=main
graphics into a separately compiled module. There are
several advantages to this: the individual files we need You can use the same name for the executable
to edit are smaller and more manageable; we only need program, as we just did, or use a different one. The
to include quickdraw.h one time, so if we change the order of the files is important: you need to give the
part of the program that doesn't use the graphics screen, linker the name of the file that has the function main in
the compiler won't have to waste time recompiling it first. The order of any other files is unimportant.
quickdraw.h; and if the program is moved to another Now that you have created a program, you can run
computer that handles graphics differently, all of our it by typing the name of the file, main.
graphics routines are in one place, making them easier
to find and change. Problem 11.2. One of the many advantages of separate
Splitting the program into separate files is actually compilation is the amount of compile time it can
pretty easy in this case. The function main goes into save you. You know from experience that it takes
one source file – we'll call it main.cc – and the rest of a long time to compile a program that includes
the program goes into another source file, which we quickdraw.h compared to the time it takes to
will call graph.cc. Compiling the program is a bit compile a program that does not use this header
harder, though. To compile this program, we will move file; now you can avoid that time in many cases.
to the shell window right away, and use shell
commands. On a really large project, it would pay to Change the file main.cc so it draws a fourth
learn the shell's scripting language, so you could create rectangle with this call:
a shell program that would create your program in one
step, but in this example, we'll do it all by hand. Rectangle(55,305,45,85,1);
There are three steps to creating our program. The
first is to compile graph.cc using the shell's compile What commands are needed to create the program?
command. The command looks like this:
Header Files
compile main.cc keep=main
One of the things the compiler has been doing for
This command tells the shell to compile the file you all along is checking to make sure that you call
main.cc, which you just created, and save the output functions correctly. If you define a function as needing
from the compiler in object files that start with the five integer parameters, and then pass two integers, the
name main. The C compiler will actually create two compiler tells you about your mistake.
files, main.root and main.a. For the most part, you can Take a look at the file main.cc from the last
ignore the two files, since the name main is the only section:
one you use.
The next step is to compile the second source file, void main(void)
graph.cc, using the command
compile graph.cc keep=graph
From looking at the shell window as your
programs compile, you may already be aware of Rectangle(220,270,30,50,1);
something called the linker. The linker is a program Rectangle(50,300,40,80,2);
that takes the files created by the compiler and }
combines them with libraries, which contain prewritten
functions like printf, to produce the final program. When the compiler sees this program, it has no way of
Now that you are handling all of the steps of creating knowing whether InitGrapics really needs parameters or
the program on your own, you must use the shell's link not, or if Rectangle really needs five integers. If the
command to get the linker to do its job. You need to program is wrong, the compiler doesn't know it – and
tell the linker the names of the files created by the your program could crash, corrupt memory, or just not
compiler, using the same name you used when you work quite right.
compiled the file, and give it a name for the executable To regain some of the safety we have apparently
program, like this: lost, we need a way to tell the compiler how the

functions are declared. C handles this with something }
called a function declaration: the first part looks just
like the functions you have created all along, but there Just to be sure you understand what was just said,
are no statements. Instead, the function ends with a stop and try it: make the changes, and run the program.
semicolon, telling the compiler that nothing else As you can see, there is a lot more work involved
follows. in creating a program using separate compilation, and
Here are the declarations for our graphics.cc you shouldn't do it lightly. When your programs
module: regularly start to approach 500 lines or so, or when you
find yourself constantly reusing the same subroutines in
void Rectangle (int left, several different programs, it is time to look at separate
int right, compilation. At that point, it would also be a great idea
int top, to find a good book on structured programming
int bottom, techniques to learn some of the tricks and ideas that will
int color); help you write large programs quickly and accurately.

void InitGraphics(void); Storage Classes

One of the things that isn't very obvious from a
You can put these declarations in the file main.cc,
high-level language like C is that there are a lot of ways
and everything would work fine: the compiler would
to set aside space for a variable. In a sense, you have
find the declarations and check the function calls, and if
already seen two of these: you can allocate a variable,
you were to make a mistake, the compiler would catch
either globally or locally, or you can allocate space for
it. The problem is that in a very large program, several
a variable using malloc, and keep track of the variable
different source files might use the functions defined in
with a pointer. It turns out that in most
graph.cc. If you change one of the functions, you want
implementations of C, and ORCA/C is no exception,
to be able to change the function definitions these other
local variables are also allocated a different way than
files use in one place, not hunt through the files, hoping
global variables. The reason for this won't become
you find all of the places you need to change. You
obvious until a little later, when we study recursion, but
might also want a convenient place to find a list of all
the practical implication is something you already know
of the functions in a separately compiled file.
about. To see how this effects us, let's try a short
The traditional way to handle this situation in C is
sample program.
to put the function declarations in a header file. Also
by convention, this file has the same name as the C
source file with the .cc removed, and .h added. For our #include <stdio.h>
example, then, you should save the function
declarations for Rectangle and InitGraphics in a file void test1 (int i)
called graph.h. To get access to the header file, you use
an include in main.cc, just as you would use an include {
to get access to the functions in stdio.h. The only int j;
difference is that file names for standard header files
like stdio.h are enclosed in brackets, while file names if (i)
for your own header files are inclosed in parenthesis. j = i;
Putting in the include statement, main.cc looks like
printf("In test1, i = %d, "
"j = %d\n", i, j);
#include "graph.h"

void main(void)
void test2 (int i)
int j;
if (i)

j = i; {
printf("in test2, i = %d, " auto int j;
"j = %d\n", i, j);
} if (i)
j = i;
printf("in test2, i = %d, "
void main(void) "j = %d\n", i, j);
test1(2); The program will do the same thing, but it takes more
test2(3); typing, and most C programmers don't put the auto in,
test1(0); anyway. The idea of specifying the storage class is
} important, though, since there is another storage class
that you can use, called static. When you use the static
storage class on a local variable, you tell the compiler
Let's start by tracing through this program by hand
that you don't want the variable to come from the stack.
to see what it looks like it will do. On the first call to
In this case, the compiler actually reserves space in
test1, i will be non-zero, so j will be set to 2 (which is
your program for the variable, just like it does for
the value of i), and the program will print
global variables. The net effect is that the program
remembers the values of the variables between function
In test1, i = 2, j = 2
calls, and keeps the various variable values straight.
Going back and changing the variables to static, our test
On the call to test2, pretty much the same thing
program looks like this:
happens. This time, the program prints
#include <stdio.h>
In test2, i = 3, j = 3

On the second call to test1, the parameter i is set to void test1 (int i)
0, so the if condition is false, and j dose not get
assigned a value. You might expect, then, that the {
program would print static int j;

In test1, i = 0, j = 2 if (i)
j = i;
In fact, the value printed for j turns out to be printf("In test1, i = %d, "
something entirely different! To say the least, this is a "j = %d\n", i, j);
bit weird. The reason all of this happens is that space }
for local variables is allocated when the function is
called, not when the program is compiled. There are a
number of advantages to this, most of which make a lot
void test2 (int i)
more sense to compiler writers than to beginning
programmers, but the effect is that the value of j in test1
gets stomped on when test2 runs. The second time {
test1 was called, the local variable j wasn't set at all, so static int j;
the value printed was whatever happened to have been
left in memory by the previous operations. if (i)
In C, variables that are allocated off of the stack j = i;
like this are called auto variables; auto is called the printf("in test2, i = %d, "
storage class of the variable. In fact, you could define "j = %d\n", i, j);
the function test1 like this, telling the compiler the }
storage class explicitly:

void test1 (int i)

void main(void)

Before going much further, let's stop and look at
{ why there are different storage class specifiers for
test1(2); global variables at all. The reason is tied up in the fact
test2(3); that C supports separate compilation, which you saw in
the last section. It is possible for one of the separately
compiled files to use a variable in another file, but that
presents two problems. The first is that C insists that
you define a variable before using it. If you define the
When you run this program, you get the results you
global variable
probably expected originally.
There is another advantage to static variables that
int i;
isn't very obvious. Auto variables are allocated off of
the run-time stack, which has a default size of 8192
in two separate files, you will actually get a link error:
bytes. Due to the way the 65816 (the 65816 is the CPU
the linker, finding two occurrences of the same global
used in the Apple IIGS) and the Apple IIGS are
variable, will give you a duplicate label error. In other
designed, the largest that you can make the stack is
words, this declaration really did two things: it told the
about 32768 bytes long. In other words, if you create a
compiler that the integer variable i exists in the
large array as a local variable, you could fill up all of
program, and it also told the compiler to set aside space
this memory. When you do this, your program will
for the variable. Adding the extern storage class, like
crash. With static variables, the memory doesn't come
from the stack, and you can fill up all of your memory
before you would run out of space. On the off chance
that you did run out of space with a static variable, you extern int i;
would get an error message from the loader, too,
instead of just seeing your program crash. While it tells the compiler something a little different. In this
probably isn't necessary to worry about stack space for case, you are still telling the compiler that the integer
your local scalar variables, if you are declaring large variable i exists in the program, but you are also telling
local arrays, you should keep this in mind. the compiler that some other source file will reserve
There is another storage class that you can use with space for the variable, so the compiler doesn't need to
local variables, called register. Register variables are a do it.
special case of the storage class auto. The register Of course, there is another reasonable way to want
storage class is a hint to the compiler that the variable to handle this situation: it could very well be that you
will be used very frequently, so it should handle the want to have a global variable in both source files
variable as efficiently as possible. Telling the compiler called i, but they have nothing to do with one another.
that all of the variables are register variables is self- In this case, you want to hide your global variable from
defeating. In addition, the ORCA/C compiler (and other source files. That's what the static storage class
many other compilers, too) doesn't do anything with the does. When you define a global variable with a static
register storage class, anyway. Finally, on computers storage class, like this:
where the register storage class would make a
difference, a good compiler will do a better job of static int i;
figuring out how to handle variables than you can. In
short, unless you are sure you are working on a the variable works just like you are used to in the
machine where register variables make a difference, source file where it appears, but it is invisible to all
and you are also sure that the compiler you are using is other source files. The other source files can define a
stupid enough not to do the sensible thing on its own, global variable of the same name with no conflict at all.
there is no point in using the register storage class. Incidentally, functions also have a storage class. In
Global variables can have a storage class specifier, the case of a function, the default storage class is
too, but you can't use auto or register with global extern, which tells the linker that other source files can
variables. With global variables, you can specify a use the function. As with variables, a storage class of
storage class of extern or static. Just to keep things static tells the linker that the function is private to the
interesting, the C language says that the default storage source file it appears in, and that other source files
class for a global variable is extern, but that there is a should not be aware that the function exists. With
slight difference between actually saying that a global functions, though, there is no difference between the
variable is extern, and just leaving the storage class default storage class of extern and specifying extern
specifier off altogether. explicitly, since the compiler has other ways of telling

if you are defining the function: it looks to see if there Run the program to make sure you got all of the
are any statements to compile! storage classes correct. If not, you will get either a
compiler or linker error.
Problem 11.3. In this problem, you will experiment
with the static and extern storage classes a bit in a Initializers
separately compiled program. The point of this
problem is to play with storage classes in a very By now you have written several programs where
short program, though, so we'll just be writing a you declare a variable, then initialize it to something
short program that doesn't do anything really almost right away. C can actually initialize the variable
useful. for you so that you don't have to use two different
statements, as in this program:
This program will consist of three source files,
which we will refer to as main.cc, a.cc, and b.cc. #include <stdio.h>
In main.cc, create the function main, and have it
call a function called loop with two integer void main (void)
variables, 1 and 10, then call doit, like this:
void main(void)
int i = 4;

printf("%d\n", i);
} There are some advantages to initializers besides
just saving some typing, although the exact advantages
In the source file a.cc, define two global variables, may vary from one C compiler to another. One
start and stop. These should have the default advantage that is common in all C programs, though, is
storage class, and be defined as int variables. Also, that an initializer collects the initial value with the
define a function called loop which also has the variable, which is a sort of comment all by itself: it tells
default storage class. This is the function that you the person reading the program that the variable should
called from main.cc; it should set the variable start start at some specific value, and lists the value. This
to the value of its first parameter, and the variable may seem like a pretty minor point, but when you are
end to the value of the second parameter. digging through a 10,000 line program, every little bit
Define the function doit in the source file b.cc. To understand the other advantages and
This function must also have the default storage disadvantages of initializers, you have to keep the
class of extern, since it is called from main.cc. The various storage classes in mind. In the sample program
function doit has a single call to another function you just saw, the variable i has auto extent, which
called loop. This is a different function from the means that it is created when the function is called, and
one that appears in the file a.cc. This loop function goes away when the function returns to the caller.
is only called from doit, and should not conflict Naturally, this means that the variable will have to be
with the function in the source file a.cc, so this initialized each time the function is called. With a
function must be static. The function should loop simple variable like this integer, the compiler generates
from start to stop, printing the integers, like this: exactly the same program if you initialized the variable
with a separate assignment statement, like this:
for (i = start; i <= stop; ++i)
printf("%d\n", i); #include <stdio.h>

Of course, since the function is using the start and

void main (void)
stop variables defined in the source file a.cc, you
also need to define the same variables in the source
file b.cc with a storage class of extern. {
int i;

i = 4;

printf("%d\n", i);
} int a[3] = {1,2,3};

Local static variables and all global variables, on You don't have to initialize all of the values, either. If
the other hand, are allocated space by the compiler, and you only initialize part of an array or struct, the rest of
this space is reserved when your program is loaded into the values are set to 0 for you. For example, if we only
memory. These variables exist until your program initialize two values, like this:
finishes. In these cases, an initialized variable is only
initialized one time. There are both advantages and int a[3] = {1,2};
disadvantages to this. The advantage is that your
program is actually smaller and runs faster if you use an then a[2] (which is the third element of the array –
initializer as compared to initializing the variable with remember?) is set to 0. Finally, you can actually
an assignment statement. The other interesting effect specify the size of an array by initializing it! This is
could be an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on most useful with initialized strings, where you don't
your outlook. Since the variable is only initialized one have to keep track of the number of characters in the
time, if you change the value of the variable in your string. When you use an initializer to set the length of
program, it stays changed. Try to apply these ideas to an array, you just leave out the subscript, like this:
the following program, and predict what it will write.
After you decide what you think it will write, give it a char str[] = "Sample";
You can use expressions in initializers, too. The
#include <stdio.h> rules get a little complicated, but you can almost always
use any expression that evaluates to a constant, like this
int c = 3; one:

void fn(void) #define SIZE 3

int i = 150 - 20*SIZE;
static int a = 1; Problem 11.4. Use an initializer to initialize a char
array to "Hello, world.\n". Set the length of the
int b = 2;
array using the initializer. Print the string with
printf ("%d %d %d\n", a, b, c);
a *= 2; Problem 11.5. An interesting problem from
b *= 2; probability theory makes an interesting graphics
c *= 2; program, too. The problem is called the drunkard's
} walk: you start the drunkard off in the middle of a
roof, and assume that he has an equal probability of
void main (void) moving in any direction. The problem is to figure
out how long, on average, it takes to reach the
{ edge. (In recent and less graphic times, the
problem has also been called the random walk.)
Write a program to implement the drunkard's walk
} in the graphics window. Draw a box that extends
20 steps in each direction away from a staring point
You can initialize any C variable except the that is initialized to x = 150, y = 40, and use the
parameter to a function, regardless of the type of the random number generator to move the point one
variable. Some of the initialization rules for step in a random direction. Do this by animating
complicated types are pretty messy, and we won't get the point, so the old position is erased after the
into them in this introductory course, but a couple of point moves. Stop the program and print the
points are worth mentioning. number of steps after the point reaches the edge of
First, when you initialize an array or struct, you the square. Use initializers and static variables
specify the various values enclosed in braces, like this: wherever appropriate.

Be sure and check your program against the
solution to see if you made the best use of static
variables and initialized variables.

Lesson Eleven
Solutions to Problems

Solution to problem 11.1.

/* Break a long value up into words. */

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)

union { /* union to split a long */
long l;
struct {
int i1, i2;
} i;
} cnv;

do {
printf("long value: "); /* get a long value */
scanf("%ld", &cnv.l);
/* print the components */
printf("least significant word: %d\n", cnv.i.i1);
printf("most significant word : %d\n\n", cnv.i.i2);
while (cnv.l); /* loop if input is not 0 */

Solution to problem 11.2.

The commands needed are:

compile main.cc keep=main

link main graph keep=main

You do not need to recompile graph, since it has not changed since the last compile.

Solution to problem 11.3.


void main(void)



int start, stop;

void loop (int p1, int p2)

start = p1;
stop = p2;


#include <stdio.h>

extern int start, stop;

static void loop (void)

int i;

for (i = start; i <= stop; ++i)

printf("%d\n", i);

void doit(void)


Commands to compile and run the program:

compile main.cc keep=main

compile a.cc keep=a
compile b.cc keep=b
link main a b keep=main

Solution to problem 11.4.

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)

char str[] = "Hello, world.\n";


Solution to problem 11.5.

/* Implement the drunkard's walk */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <quickdraw.h>

#define WIDTH 3 /* width of a pixel */

void main(void)

static unsigned left = 150 - 20*WIDTH; /* dimensions of the walk area */
static unsigned right = 150 + 20*WIDTH;
static unsigned top = 40 - 20;
static unsigned bottom = 40 + 20;

static unsigned x = 150, y = 40; /* starting position */

static tx, ty; /* temp x, y (for animation) */

static int steps = 0; /* # steps taken */

static rval; /* number generated by rand() */

srand(12345); /* initialize rand() */

SetPenSize(3,1); /* set up the graphics screen */
SetSolidPenPat(0); /* plot the initial point */
MoveTo(x, y);
LineTo(x, y);
MoveTo(left, top); /* draw the confining box */
LineTo(right, top);
LineTo(right, bottom);
LineTo(left, bottom);
LineTo(left, top);

do {
tx = x; /* save the current point */
ty = y;
rval = rand() % 3; /* update x */
if (rval == 0)
x -= WIDTH;
else if (rval == 2)
x += WIDTH;
rval = rand() % 3; /* update y */
if (rval == 0)

else if (rval == 2)
SetSolidPenPat(3); /* erase the old point */
MoveTo(tx, ty);
LineTo(tx, ty);
SetSolidPenPat(0); /* draw the new point */
MoveTo(x, y);
LineTo(x, y);
++steps; /* update the step count */
} /* loop if not at the edge */
while ((x != left) && (x != right) && (y != top) && (y != bottom));

printf("The walk took %d steps.\n", steps); /* write the results */


Lesson Twelve
Stand-Alone Programs
initialize QuickDraw before making any graphics calls.
What is a Stand-Alone Program? Initializing tools from C is not particularly easy, so
ORCA/C has a function that will initialize QuickDraw
So far, all of your programs have been executed for you. The function is called startgraph. When you
from the PRIZM desktop programming environment. start a tool, you need to shut it down, too. ORCA/C has
That's fine for developing and testing programs, but a function called endgraph to do that. Both of these are
once the program is finished, you probably want to run declared in orca.h, so you need to put a
it from the Finder, or some other program launcher, just
like you run other programs. If you have tried to do #include <orca.h>
that with one of the programs you have written, you
found that the Finder doesn't think your program is at the start of your program when you are going to use
really a program. these functions.
The reason for this is that there are two basic kinds The startgraph function can actually do one thing
of executable files on the Apple IIGS. (There are also you haven't been able to do from within the
several special forms of executable files.) The two programming environment. The Apple IIGS has two
kinds of executable files are S16 files and EXE files. different graphics resolutions. The PRIZM desktop
S16 files are the kind that the Finder and other program development environment that you have been using
launchers recognize; these are the ones we call stand- runs in a graphics mode that gives you a screen 640
alone programs. You can also run S16 programs from pixels wide, and 200 pixels high. Each of the pixels
ORCA/C, but there is a very important difference can be one of four different colors. This is a convenient
between the way an S16 program is handled, and the mode for programs like PRIZM that need to display
way an EXE program is handled. When ORCA/C runs text. With 640 pixels to play with, PRIZM can display
an S16 program, it runs it the same way the Finder nearly 80 characters on each line. If it weren't for the
does: ORCA/C shuts itself down, then runs the scroll bar, it would actually display a full 80 characters.
program. Once your program finishes, the Apple The other graphics mode has half the number of
IIGS's operating system returns to ORCA/C. When pixels across the width of the text screen; the screen is
ORCA/C runs an EXE program, it does not shut down. 320 pixels by 200 pixels. This just isn't enough room to
Because ORCA/C is still there, you can see your source display text files, but it is great for pictures, because
file, use the debugger, and take advantage of the fact each of the pixels can be any one of 16 colors.
that ORCA/C has already started all of the tools you The startgraph function can set up QuickDraw for
usually need. That makes it a lot easier to write simple either of these two graphics modes. When you call
programs, because you have less to worry about. It also startgraph, you pass a single integer, either 320 or 640.
makes the development process faster, since you don't The number tells the subroutine which graphics mode
have to wait for ORCA/C to shut itself down before to use when it starts QuickDraw. You can use
running the program, and start back up when your startgraph and endgraph from PRIZM while you are
program is finished. That's basically why we have two testing your program. Since PRIZM must use the 640
file types. S16 files can be executed from any by 200 graphics mode, it prevents startgraph from
environment, like the Finder, but EXE files can only be kicking in the 320 by 200 graphics mode. Your
executed from the safety of a programming program will work, but everything will be squashed to
environment. half its normal width, and only four colors will be
Using StartGraph and EndGraph The startgraph function does a couple of other
things that are a bit different than what you are used to:
The simplest kind of stand-alone program that you it clears the graphics screen to black, sets the pen color
can write using ORCA/C is a graphics program. In to white, and sets the pen mode to OR. The reason for
many ways, stand-alone graphics programs are written this is that startgraph was designed for engineers who
just like the graphics programs you have already written wanted to write stand-alone graphics programs without
that run from the graphics window. The first, and most dealing with the desktop programming environment.
important difference, is that a stand-alone program must The black screen, white pen, and drawing mode match

what they are used to on graphics terminals. Since that When you run this program, one of the peculiar
isn't what you are used to, you need to know how to things that happens is that the debugger's menu bar
switch everything back. Our first sample program, vanishes, to be replaced by a blank menu bar with a
shown in listing 12.1, shows you how. Go ahead and foot and a double-arrow. Any time you initialize any
run this like a normal program first; we will talk about tools for yourself (the startgraph function initializes
how to make it a stand-alone program in a moment. QuickDraw) the debugger assumes you are trying to

Listing 12.1

/* Draw an X across the screen */

#include <quickdraw.h>
#include <orca.h>
#include <stdio.h>

/* Standard graphics initialization. */

void InitGraphics (void)

Rect r;

startgraph(640); /* initialize QuickDraw */

SetPenMode(0); /* pen mode = copy */
SetPenSize(3,1); /* use a square pen */
SetSolidPenPat(3); /* paint the screen white */
SetSolidPenPat(0); /* use a black pen */

/* main program */

void main (void)

Rect r; /* size of the graphics area */

InitGraphics(); /* set up the graphics screen */

GetPortRect(&r); /* draw the X */
getchar(); /* wait for the user to press RETURN */
endgraph(); /* shut down QuickDraw */

write a desktop program with its own menu bar, and it from the Finder. In the past, you have turned debug
sets up a new one for you. You can flip back to the code off to get more speed from your program.
debugger's menu bar by clicking on the arrow, or you Forgetting to do it now does a bit more than just
can single step without switching to the debugger's making your program slow!
menu bar by clicking on the foot (to step, of course!). Of course, eventually you will forget. No real
For the most part, you can ignore this situation, since harm is done when the program crashes; you just have
the debugger's menu bar will come back automatically to reboot and start again.
as soon as your program finishes executing. If you The second step is to tell ORCA/C to produce an
would like to know more about what is happening, you S16 file, instead of the EXE file it normally produces.
can refer to the ORCA/C reference manual's description You should only do this after your program has been
of the debugger. written and debugged. To set the file type, pull down
There are a couple of new tool calls in this program the Run menu and select the Link command. The link
which could be useful to you in your own programs, so dialog will show up. In the dialog, you will see a row
we'll stop now and take a look at them. In the of four radio buttons, labeled EXE, S16, CDA and
InitGraphics function, you see the declaration NDA. At the moment, EXE is selected; push S16 to
change the file type. I would also recommend turning
Rect r; off the "Execute after linking" option. With a stand-
alone program, you are better off running it from the
A Rect is a structure defined in the toolbox, and it is Finder. It takes less time to do it that way. Once you
one of the basic structures used by QuickDraw. Inside have made your selections, press Set Options.
this structure, which you can find in the types.h header If you were wondering, the other two file type
file in the ORCACDEFS folder, there are four fields: radio buttons help you create classic desk accessories
h1, h2, v1 and v2. These integer fields mark the left, (CDA) and new desk accessories (NDA). We won't go
right, top and bottom edges of a rectangle on the into these in this course, but your C reference manual
graphics screen. does have a tutorial introduction to writing desk
The InitGraphics function makes use of the accessories. You have enough background now to
rectangle to find the size of the graphics window with write CDAs; you might want to give it a try. Writing
the call NDAs assumes a pretty good knowledge of the toolbox,
though, so you should probably stay away from them
GetPortRect(&r); until you have written a few standard desktop
This call fills in the rectangle with the size of the With all of the changes made, you are ready to
current graphics port. When you run the program from create your first stand-alone program. Use Compile to
ORCA/C, the rectangle is filled in with the size of the Memory, as you always do. Since you turned off the
graphics window, even if you have moved it or changed Execute after Linking option, though, you only create
its size. The way we use the graphics window, the the program; it does not run. Get into the Finder (or
values of h1 and v1 will always be zero, too, so r.h2 is whatever program launcher you usually use to run
the width of the graphics window, and r.v2 is the height commercial programs) and give your program a try!
of the graphics window. Later, when you run this
program as a stand-alone program, this rectangle will Problem 12.1. In the last lesson, there was a fairly
get set to the size of the entire graphics screen. long sample program called RandomWalk.
This information is put to use in the PaintRect call, Convert that program to a stand-alone program.
which fills in the rectangle with the current pen color. While you are at it, switch it to 320 mode. You
This is a fast way to paint the entire graphics screen. will need to cut the X coordinates for all of the
There are two steps involved in making this a shapes in half. In addition, change the colors so
stand-alone program, and both are very important. The the program can select any color from 1 to 15 for
first is to turn off the debugger. The source-level the shapes, instead of 1 to 3.
debugger is a great help when you are trying to debug a
program, but it works by imbedding something called a Desktop Programs
COP vector throughout your program. These COP
vectors work like subroutine calls, telling the debugger Writing full-blown desktop programs with pull-
what to do as your program runs. If you forget to turn down menus, windows, and so forth is something that
debug code off, and leave these COP vectors in your needs a course all to itself, but it is worth pointing out
program, the program will crash when you try to run it that once you know how to create desktop programs,

you make them stand-alone the same way you make a faster that way. We'll make use of this to try mixing
graphics program a stand-alone program. text and graphics without creating a stand-alone
program, at least not yet.
Mixing Text and Graphics There is one interesting thing you have to know
about QuickDraw before we write our first program that
When you are running a program from the puts text on the graphics screen. When you draw text,
development environment, you have a very clear idea QuickDraw can draw it in any of the screen colors.
of where things go. When you use QuickDraw to draw Naturally, that means you need a way to tell
on the screen, the drawings show up in the graphics QuickDraw what colors to use. For the drawing
window. When you use printf or scanf to deal with commands, like LineTo, we use SetSolidPenPat to tell
text, things happen in the shell window. QuickDraw what color to use. For text, there are two
When you write a stand-alone program, though, colors: the color of the characters themselves, and the
things aren't quite that well defined. There isn't a color of the background that the characters appear on.
development system to bring up two separate windows, There are two separate commands to set these colors,
one for text and one for graphics, and keep track of SetBackColor, and SetForeColor. The color numbers
what goes where for you. If you look through the tool are the same as the ones you are used to.
calls that are available from QuickDraw, the font The program in listing 12.2 gives an example of
manager, and so forth, you will find a new set of some of the effects you can get with these colors. Give
commands to draw text on the screen. So what happens it a try as an EXE program.
to printf and scanf? There is one important difference between the way
The answer, fortunately, is that ORCA/C still this program handles the ends of lines and the way most
handles them in stand-alone graphics programs. There of your other programs handled the end of a line. When
is some set-up involved, though. It's done by you are writing to the text screen, the character \n
startgraph, which sets things up for your program so causes the text to shift to the start of the next line. On
that text output calls are converted to calls to the tools the graphics screen, you should use \r, instead, as this
that draw text on the screen. You can read text from program does.
the screen, too. In fact, the only thing you loose is
automatic scrolling. Problem 12.2. Make this a stand-alone program, and
Text is rerouted to the graphics screen anytime you run it. The program will return to the Finder too
use startgraph to start QuickDraw. In the last section, quick to read the screen if you don't put in some
you saw that we can use startgraph in a program sort of pause. Putting a getchar() right before the
without making it a stand-alone program. The last call to EndGraph is a good way to handle this
section probably convinced you that you want to stay in situation. That way, the program doesn't stop until
the development environment while you are working on you press the return key.
a program, too, since the development cycle goes much

Listing 12.2

/* Exploring text mixed with graphics. */

#include <quickdraw.h>
#include <orca.h>
#include <stdio.h>

/* Standard graphics initialization. */

void InitGraphics (void)

Rect r;

startgraph(640); /* initialize QuickDraw */

SetPenMode(0); /* pen mode = copy */
SetPenSize(3,1); /* use a square pen */
SetSolidPenPat(3); /* paint the screen white */
SetSolidPenPat(0); /* use a black pen */

/* main program */

void main (void)

InitGraphics(); /* set up the graphics screen */
SetForeColor(0); /* write some text */
printf("You can get\rsome ");
printf("interesting effects\r");
printf("by mixing text\r");
printf("with graphics!");
endgraph(); /* shut down QuickDraw */

/* Start the text tools for */
Stand-Alone Text Programs /* a stand-alone text program. */

Other than starting and stopping the text tools, void StartText (void)
there is no real trick to writing stand-alone text
programs. Just as with the graphics programs, you have {
to turn off debug code and set the file type to S16,
instead of EXE. The mechanism used to start the text
tools is a bit odd, and involves issues with the toolbox
that are beyond the scope of this course. Rather than SetErrorDevice(1,3L);
try to explain what tools are, what the tool locater is, SetInGlobals(127,0);
and so forth, just so you can initialize and shut down SetInputDevice(1,3L);
one tool, I will simply give you text equivalents for SetOutGlobals(127,0);
startgraph and endgraph, called StartText and EndText. SetOutputDevice(1,3L);
For a stand-alone text program, call StartText at the }
very beginning of your program, and EndText at the
end of your program. /* Shut down the text tools */
Because of the way tools work, you should not call /* for a stand-alone text */
StartText and startgraph in the same program. For a
/* program. */
stand-alone program, you need to pick one screen or the
other. For the same reasons, you must not call
StartText from a program that is not stand-alone. void EndText (void)
Debug your program without the calls to StartText and
EndText, then add the calls when you switch the file {
type to S16. You will also need a TextShutDown();
#include <texttool.h>
Problem 12.3. Pick some text program you have
at the start of your program. written in the course, and make it a stand-alone
program. The solution to this problem uses
hangman, a program you wrote as the solution to
problem 6.6. If you like your solution, or if you
typed in the one we provided, use that program.

Lesson Twelve
Solutions to Problems

Solution to problem 12.1.

/* Do a random walk with 10 random shapes */

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <orca.h>

#include <quickdraw.h>

#define NUMSHAPES 10 /* # of shapes to animate */

#define WALKLENGTH 100 /* # of "steps" in the walk */

#define MAXX 320 /* size of the graphics screen */

#define MAXY 200

typedef enum shapeKind {triangle, square, star} shapeKind;

typedef struct shapeType { /* information about one shape */

int color; /* color */
shapeKind kind; /* kind of shape */
union {
struct { /* points for a triangle */
int x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3;
} t;
struct { /* points for a square */
int x1,x2,x3,x4,y1,y2,y3,y4;
} s;
struct { /* points for a star */
int x1,x2,x3,x4,x5;
int y1,y2,y3,y4,y5;
} p;
} coord;
} shapeType;

shapeType shapes[NUMSHAPES]; /* current array of shapes */

shapeType oldShapes[NUMSHAPES]; /* shapes in last position */

void InitGraphics (void)

/* Standard graphics initialization. */

Rect r; /* graphics screen */

startgraph(320); /* set up the graphics screen */

SetPenMode(0); /* pen mode = copy */
SetPenSize(1,1); /* use a square pen */
SetSolidPenPat(15); /* paint the screen white */
SetPenMode(2); /* pen mode = xor */

void DrawShape (shapeType s)

/* This subroutine draws one of the shapes on the screen. */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* s - shape to draw */

SetSolidPenPat(s.color); /* set the pen color for the shape */

switch (s.kind) {

case triangle: /* draw a triangle */

MoveTo(s.coord.t.x1, s.coord.t.y1);
LineTo(s.coord.t.x2, s.coord.t.y2);
LineTo(s.coord.t.x3, s.coord.t.y3);
LineTo(s.coord.t.x1, s.coord.t.y1);

case square: /* draw a square */

MoveTo(s.coord.s.x1, s.coord.s.y1);
LineTo(s.coord.s.x2, s.coord.s.y2);
LineTo(s.coord.s.x4, s.coord.s.y4);
LineTo(s.coord.s.x3, s.coord.s.y3);
LineTo(s.coord.s.x1, s.coord.s.y1);

case star: /* draw a star */
MoveTo(s.coord.p.x1, s.coord.p.y1);
LineTo(s.coord.p.x2, s.coord.p.y2);
LineTo(s.coord.p.x3, s.coord.p.y3);
LineTo(s.coord.p.x4, s.coord.p.y4);
LineTo(s.coord.p.x5, s.coord.p.y5);
LineTo(s.coord.p.x1, s.coord.p.y1);

void CreateShape (shapeType *s)

/* This subroutine creates a shape. The color and initial */

/* position of the shape are chosen randomly. The size of the */
/* shape is based on pre-computed values. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* s - shape to create */

int cx,cy; /* center point for the shape */

s->color = rand() % 15 + 1; /* get a color */

cx = rand() % (MAXX - 19) + 9; /* get the center position, */
cy = rand() % (MAXY - 8) + 4; /* picking the points so the */
/* shape is in the window */

switch (rand() % 3) { /* set the initial positions */

case 0: /* set up a triangle */
s->kind = triangle;
s->coord.t.x1 = cx-10;
s->coord.t.y1 = cy+4;
s->coord.t.x2 = cx;
s->coord.t.y2 = cy-8;
s->coord.t.x3 = cx+10;
s->coord.t.y3 = cy+4;

case 1: /* set up a square */

s->kind = square;
s->coord.s.x1 = cx-8;
s->coord.s.y1 = cy-6;
s->coord.s.x2 = cx+8;
s->coord.s.y2 = cy-6;
s->coord.s.x3 = cx-8;
s->coord.s.y3 = cy+6;
s->coord.s.x4 = cx+8;
s->coord.s.y4 = cy+6;


case 2: /* set up a star */

s->kind = star;
s->coord.p.x1 = cx-7;
s->coord.p.y1 = cy+7;
s->coord.p.x2 = cx;
s->coord.p.y2 = cy-8;
s->coord.p.x3 = cx+7;
s->coord.p.y3 = cy+7;
s->coord.p.x4 = cx-11;
s->coord.p.y4 = cy-3;
s->coord.p.x5 = cx+11;
s->coord.p.y5 = cy-3;

void UpdateShape (shapeType *s)

/* This subroutine moves a shape across the screen in a random */

/* walk. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* s - shape to update */

int dx,dy; /* movement direction */

dx = rand() % 3 - 1; /* get the walk direction */

dy = rand() % 3 - 1;

switch (s->kind) { /* make sure we don't walk off */

/* of the screen, then update */
/* the position */

case triangle: /* check a triangle */
if (dx == -1)
if (s->coord.t.x1 < 1)
dx = 0;
if (dx == 1)
if (s->coord.t.x3 >= MAXX)
dx = 0;
if (dy == -1)
if (s->coord.t.y2 < 1)
dy = 0;
if (dy == 1)
if (s->coord.t.y3 >= MAXY)
dy = 0;
s->coord.t.x1 = s->coord.t.x1+dx; /* update a triangle */
s->coord.t.y1 = s->coord.t.y1+dy;
s->coord.t.x2 = s->coord.t.x2+dx;
s->coord.t.y2 = s->coord.t.y2+dy;
s->coord.t.x3 = s->coord.t.x3+dx;
s->coord.t.y3 = s->coord.t.y3+dy;

case square: /* check a square */

if (dx == -1)
if (s->coord.s.x1 < 1)
dx = 0;
if (dx == 1)
if (s->coord.s.x2 >= MAXX)
dx = 0;
if (dy == -1)
if (s->coord.s.y1 < 1)
dy = 0;
if (dy == 1)
if (s->coord.s.y3 >= MAXY)
dy = 0;
s->coord.s.x1 = s->coord.s.x1+dx; /* update a square */
s->coord.s.y1 = s->coord.s.y1+dy;
s->coord.s.x2 = s->coord.s.x2+dx;
s->coord.s.y2 = s->coord.s.y2+dy;
s->coord.s.x3 = s->coord.s.x3+dx;
s->coord.s.y3 = s->coord.s.y3+dy;
s->coord.s.x4 = s->coord.s.x4+dx;
s->coord.s.y4 = s->coord.s.y4+dy;

case star: /* check a star */
if (dx == -1)
if (s->coord.p.x4 < 1)
dx = 0;
if (dx == 1)
if (s->coord.p.x5 >= MAXX)
dx = 0;
if (dy == -1)
if (s->coord.p.y2 < 1)
dy = 0;
if (dy == 1)
if (s->coord.p.y1 >= MAXY)
dy = 0;
s->coord.p.x1 = s->coord.p.x1+dx; /* update a star */
s->coord.p.y1 = s->coord.p.y1+dy;
s->coord.p.x2 = s->coord.p.x2+dx;
s->coord.p.y2 = s->coord.p.y2+dy;
s->coord.p.x3 = s->coord.p.x3+dx;
s->coord.p.y3 = s->coord.p.y3+dy;
s->coord.p.x4 = s->coord.p.x4+dx;
s->coord.p.y4 = s->coord.p.y4+dy;
s->coord.p.x5 = s->coord.p.x5+dx;
s->coord.p.y5 = s->coord.p.y5+dy;

void main(void)

/* main program */

int i,j; /* loop variables */

InitGraphics(); /* set up the graphics window */

srand(6289); /* initialize rand() */

for (i = 0; i < NUMSHAPES; ++i) { /* set up and draw the initial shapes */

for (i = 0; i < WALKLENGTH; ++i) { /* do the random walk */
for (j = 0; j < NUMSHAPES; ++j) { /* move the shapes */
oldShapes[j] = shapes[j];
for (j = 0; j < NUMSHAPES; ++j) { /* redraw the shapes */

endgraph(); /* shut down the graphics screen */


Solution to problem 12.2.

/* Exploring text mixed with graphics. */

#include <quickdraw.h>
#include <orca.h>
#include <stdio.h>

/* Standard graphics initialization. */

void InitGraphics (void)

Rect r;

startgraph(640); /* initialize QuickDraw */

SetPenMode(0); /* pen mode = copy */
SetPenSize(3,1); /* use a square pen */
SetSolidPenPat(3); /* paint the screen white */
SetSolidPenPat(0); /* use a black pen */

/* main program */

void main (void)

InitGraphics(); /* set up the graphics screen */
SetForeColor(0); /* write some text */
printf("You can get\rsome ");
printf("interesting effects\r");
printf("by mixing text\r");
printf("with graphics!");
/* wait for the user to press RETURN */
printf("\r\r\rPress RETURN to quit.");
endgraph(); /* shut down QuickDraw */

Solution to problem 12.3.

/* Hangman */
/* */
/* This program plays the game of Hangman. When the */
/* game starts, you are given a word to guess. The */
/* program displays one dash for each letter in the */
/* word. You guess a letter. If the letter is in the */
/* word, the computer prints the word with all letters */
/* you have guessed correctly shown in their correct */
/* positions. If you do not guess the word, you move */
/* one step closer to being hung. After six wrong */
/* guesses, you loose. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <texttool.h>

#define MAXWORDS 10 /* possible words */

#define MAXCHARS 8 /* number of characters in each word */

char words[MAXWORDS][MAXCHARS+1]; /* word array */

void FillArray (void)

/* Fill the word array. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* words - word array */

strcpy(words[0], "computer");
strcpy(words[1], "whale");
strcpy(words[2], "megabyte");
strcpy(words[3], "modem");
strcpy(words[4], "chip");
strcpy(words[5], "online");
strcpy(words[6], "disk");
strcpy(words[7], "monitor");
strcpy(words[8], "window");
strcpy(words[9], "keyboard");

void GetSeed (void)

/* Initialize the random number generator */

int val; /* seed value */

printf("Please enter a random number seed:");

scanf(" %d", &val);

unsigned RandomValue (unsigned max)

/* Return a pseudo-random number in the range 1..max. */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* max - largest number to return */
/* color - interior color of the rectangle */

return rand() % max + 1;

void Play (void)

/* Play a game of hangman. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* words - word array */

int allFound; /* used to test for unknown chars */
char ch; /* character from player */
int done; /* is the game over? */
char found[MAXCHARS]; /* characters found by player */
unsigned len; /* length of word; for efficiency */
unsigned i; /* loop variable */
int inString; /* is ch in the string? */
char word[MAXCHARS+1]; /* word to guess */
int wrong; /* number of wrong guesses */

for (i = 0; i < MAXCHARS; ++i) /* no letters guessed, so far */

found[i] = 0;
wrong = 0; /* no wrong guesses, yet */
done = 0; /* the game is not over, yet */
/* pick a word */
strcpy(word, words[RandomValue(MAXWORDS)]);
len = strlen(word); /* record the length of the word */
do {
printf("\nThe word is: \""); /* write the word */
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
if (found[i])
printf("%c", word[i]);
printf("\"\nGuess a character:"); /* get the player's choice */
scanf(" %c", &ch);
inString = 0; /* see if ch is in the string */
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
if (word[i] == ch) {
found[i] = 1;
inString = 1;
if (inString) /* handle a correct guess */
printf("%c is in the string.\n", ch);

else { /* handle an incorrect guess */
printf("%c is not in the string.\n", ch);
++wrong; /* one more wrong answer... */
printf("Your "); /* tell the player how they are doing */
if (wrong == 1)
else if (wrong == 2)
else if (wrong == 3)
printf("left arm");
else if (wrong == 4)
printf("right arm");
else if (wrong == 5)
printf("left leg");
else /* if (wrong == 6) */
printf("right leg");
printf(" is now in the noose!\n");

if (wrong == 6) { /* see if the player is hung */

printf("\n\nSorry, Jack Ketch got you!\nThe word was \"%s\".\n",
done = 1;
allFound = 1; /* check for unknown characters */
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
if (!found[i])
allFound = 0;
if (allFound) { /* see if the player got the word */
printf("You got it! The word is \"%s\".\n", word);
done = 1;
while (!done);

int PlayAgain (void)

/* See if the player wants to play another game. */

/* */
/* Returns: */
/* True to play again, false to quit. */

char ch; /* player's response */

do {
printf("Would you like to play again (y or n)?");
scanf(" %c", &ch);
while ((ch != 'y') && (ch != 'Y') && (ch != 'n') && (ch != 'N'));
return (ch == 'y') || (ch == 'Y');

void StartText (void)

/* Start the text tools for a stand-alone text */

/* program. */

SetErrGlobals(127, 0);
SetErrorDevice(1, 3L);
SetInGlobals(127, 0);
SetInputDevice(1, 3L);
SetOutGlobals(127, 0);
SetOutputDevice(1, 3L);

void EndText (void)

/* Shut down the text tools for a stand-alone text */

/* program. */


void main (void)

/* Main program */

StartText(); /* start the text toolbox */
FillArray(); /* fill the word array */
GetSeed(); /* initialize the random number generator */
Play(); /* play a game */
while (PlayAgain()); /* loop if he wants to play again */
EndText(); /* shut down the text tool set */

Lesson Thirteen
Scanning Text
a problem. In the algorithm books, you won't generally
The Course of the Course find any complete programs at all.

This lesson, and the three that follow, mark a Manipulating Text
changing point in the Learn to Program course. Instead
of springing it on you with no warning, I thought it In today's world of graphically based computers, it
would be best to stop and look at what we have done so might seem that manipulating text just isn't important
far, and what is left. anymore. As it turns out, though, that simply isn't true.
The first twelve lessons were concerned primarily Stop and think about it for a moment. The editor you
with teaching you the mechanics of programming. In use to type in programs manipulates text. The dialogs
those lessons, you learned most of the features of C. you use to enter search strings handle text. The C
While we used a number of real programs to illustrate compiler that creates programs starts with a text file.
the features of the C language, and frequently discussed From word processors to spread sheets to adventure
principals of good programming practice, crafting a games, text is still the most common way to store
program was not the primary topic. information in a computer, so programs still have to
It turns out that a few tasks turn up repeatedly in manipulate text. That means that, as a programmer,
many different kinds of programs. The next four you should know some of the basic techniques used to
lessons deal with some of these basic techniques. In the deal with text.
process, you will get a chance to hone your Programs that deal with text generally divide the
programming skills. task up into well-defined subtasks. These are called
Because the nature of the material is changing, we scanning, parsing, and semantics. A compiler is a
will also change our approach a bit. In the first part of classic example of a program that manipulates text, so
the course, the text was laced with complete programs we will start by looking at each of these tasks from the
to illustrate the basic ideas. As the topics have standpoint of a C compiler. Later, we will see how
changed, we have gradually moved away from that many other programs use these same ideas.
technique. Starting with this lesson, we will abandon it Scanning, also called lexical analysis, is the
almost completely. Instead, we will talk about the process of collecting characters from the text and
concepts behind a particular algorithm. Many times, forming the characters into words. It's not that hard to
complete subroutines will be shown. The problems, for do, but the idea is a very powerful one. As a quick
the most part, will involve using these ideas to create example, let's look at a simple C program, and see how
complete programs. As always, the solutions are given, a scanner would break it up into words.
so if you get stuck you can always refer to the complete
solution. #include <stdio.h>
There are a number of reasons for changing to this
approach. One is that you know how to create a void main(void)
program, now, but you still need lots of practice to get
really good at it. Another is that we will be able to {
cover a lot more material this way. Finally, when the
printf("Hello, world.\n");
course is over, I want you to know how to read
intermediate computer science books – the kind of
books that teach you about data structures, compiler
theory, animation, and so on. Most of these books also It is tempting to look at this program as a collection
give algorithms. If you are used to learning about of characters, but if you stop and think about it for a
programming methods by studying algorithms when minute, that isn't the way you read it. Instead of
you see these books for the first time, you will get a lot individual letters, you group the program into words.
more out of them. I think it is better to learn to read an Compilers do the same thing. The scanner is
algorithm in a setting like this course, when complete responsible for reading the characters and forming
programs are at least provided as part of the solution to words from the characters. These words are called
tokens. The main driver for the compiler never even
looks at the characters. Instead, it calls a subroutine,
which we will call GetToken, that reads characters until To solve the first problem, we will use a bit of
a complete word is formed, then returns a single value trivia. The longest word in the English language is
that indicates what the word is. The scanner would antidisestablishmentarianism. It has 28 characters. If
break our short sample program down into reserved we allow 29 characters in a word, then, we can hold any
words and reserved symbols, like void and ); constants, legitimate word in the English language. (We need 29
like the string written by printf; and identifiers, like characters instead of 28 so that we will have room for
main. In the case of the identifiers, the scanner also an erroneous character at the end of an otherwise
returns a string variable with the name of the identifier. legitimate 28 character word.) Anything else must be
For constants, it returns the value of the constant. misspelled. In the scanner for our spelling checker, we
Scanner's aren't limited to compilers. Virtually any will collect up to 29 characters, and return those
program that deals with words uses a scanner of some characters. Any other characters will be ignored.
sort. Spelling checkers, text adventure games, and even The second problem can be solved in a variety of
some advanced database programs that accept English- ways. For a spelling checker, though, we will use a
like questions are just a few of the programs that use a particularly simple one. When we get to the end of the
scanner. file, we will return a null string.
The next step in the process is called parsing. The All of this can be expressed in a very short
parser looks at a sequence of tokens to see if they fit subroutine called GetToken.
certain preconceived patters. For example, the C
compiler knows that void starts a function, and that this void GetToken(void)
should be followed by a symbol. Compilers, grammar
checkers and adventure games are all examples of /* Read a word from the source file */
programs that use parsers. /* */
The last step is called semantic analysis. That's a /* Variables: */
fancy way of saying that the program figures out what /* f - source file */
the words mean. In the case of a compiler, semantic /* token - string read */
analysis is when the compiler decides what machine
code instructions will do what you want the program to {
do. In an adventure game, semantic analysis is when /* length of the string */
the game decides that "I want to go north" means that int len = 0;
the character should be moved from his current location
to another location. /* skip to the first character */
while ((! isalpha(ch)) && (ch != EOF))
ch = fgetc(f);
Building a Simple Scanner
/* read the word */
The first step in writing a scanner is to decide, in
while ((ch != EOF) && (isalpha(ch))) {
very precise terms, what we mean by a token. In the
if (len < MAXLENGTH-1) {
case of a spelling checker, we could define a token as
token[len] = ch;
any stream of characters that starts with a letter, and
contains only letters. Any other characters, such as
punctuation marks or numbers, can be ignored, since
ch = fgetc(f);
you can't misspell a number or a comma. You can }
misuse them, of course, but not misspell them. A C
compiler can't afford to skip commas or numbers, but it /* set the null terminator */
can skip comments, spaces, and end of line marks. In token[len] = (char) 0;
other words, one of the jobs of the scanner is to skip }
characters that are not relevant to the main program.
Let's start with a scanner for a spelling checker. Take a close look at how the subroutine works.
We will skip characters until we get to an alphabetic Think it through by writing the values of len, ch and
character, then collect the characters into a string until token on a sheet of paper, and tracing through the
we get to a non-alphabetic character. There are two subroutine by hand for a short text sample. Make sure
problems that have to be dealt with. The first is how to you understand how it meets our basic requirements to
know how big a word can be, while the second is how collect words, skip unneeded characters, return a null
to tell the main program that there are no more words. string at the end of the file, and handle words longer
than MAXLENGTH. (Naturally, MAXLENGTH is a

constant; it is defined in the main part of the program. will also keep track of how many times the word
For this program, MAXLENGTH is set to 30 instead of appeared in the file. The Insert procedure shows how
29, leaving space for the terminating null character.) this is done. It uses a structure called symbolStruct,
which defines a single entry in the symbol table. This
Problem 13.1. Write a program based on GetToken struct is defined globally, so that we can also use a
that will scan a text file and write a list of the global variable to point to the first element of the linked
words in the file, one word per line. As a test, try list. The structure looks like this:
the program on the source code for the program
itself. typedef struct symbolStruct {
struct symbolStruct *next;
Testing a program for unusual conditions is a very int count;
important part of the programming process. In this char symbol[MAXLENGTH];
program, the unusual condition is a word that is too }
long. One way to test for a word that is too long is
with a special test file, but there is another way,
too. Since the maximum length of a word is a
constant, you can change the constant to 8, or some typedef symbolStruct *symbolPtr;
other small value, and try the program again. Use
this method to make sure your program handles The function that actually inserts a value into the
words longer than MAXLENGTH correctly. symbol table is shown in listing 13.1.

Problem 13.2. Using GetToken and Insert, create a

Symbol Tables program that will count the number of words in a
One way to write a spelling checker is to collect file, and print the number of times each word
each word and search for it in a dictionary. Depending appears in the file.
on how the spelling checker works, if you find a word
that is not in the dictionary, you could print it, display it Parsing
and let the user correct or accept it, or save it and print a
list of words later. This approach works pretty well for At one time or another, you have probably played
interactive spelling checkers. Not so long ago, though, one of the adventure games that lets you type text
spelling checkers were generally not built right into commands. Did you ever wonder how they worked?
word processors. Instead, they were separate programs. Some of them can recognize all of these sentences, and
In this kind of spelling checker, instead of looking up a in each case they will move the character to the north:
word as soon as it is found, the words are saved in a
linked list. Only one copy of each word is saved. After Go north.
the entire document has been scanned, each word is Run to the north.
looked up in the dictionary. This drastically cuts the I want to move north, now.
number of times the program needs to look up a word. North is the direction that I
As a result, the spelling checker is a lot faster than one would like to go.
that looks up each word when it is read from the source
file. Many of these programs are pretty small, so they
This list of words has a name: it is called a symbol can't be doing anything particularly difficult. How do
table. Finding words in a symbol table is such a they work?
common task that an enormous amount of effort has There is one surprisingly simple way to create a
gone into finding very fast ways to look up a word. program that can recognize and act on all of these
We'll look at some of these later. For now, though, we commands. It involves building a verb and subject
will use a linked list. table. Look carefully at the sentences. In each of our
To keep things simple, we generally don't put a examples, there is a verb that indicates you want to
word in a symbol table in the GetToken subroutine. move, like go or run. There is also a direction, north.
Instead, the main program repeatedly calls GetToken, The simple parsers used in the adventure games scan a
then another subroutine which we will call Insert. sentence, looking for a verb and subject the program
Insert creates the symbol table. recognizes. All of the other words are simply
In most real programs, we put more than just the discarded. The parser returns the verb and subject, and
symbol itself in the symbol table. In our program, we the program takes some action.

Listing 13.1

void Insert (void)

/* Insert a word in the symbol table */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* token - symbol */
/* table - pointer to the first element in the symbol */
/* table */

symbolPtr ptr; /* work pointer */
int len; /* length of the string */

ptr = table; /* see if the symbol already exists */

while (ptr != NULL) {
if (strcmp(ptr->symbol, token) == 0) {
++ptr->count; /* yes -> update the count and exit */
ptr = ptr->next;
/* no -> create a new entry */
ptr = (symbolPtr) malloc(sizeof(symbolStruct));
ptr->next = table;
table = ptr;
ptr->count = 1;
strcpy(ptr->symbol, token);

Games aren't the only place this method is used. Let's put these ideas to work in a simple parser to
The same basic idea is used in a program called Eliza, move a spot around on the screen. The parser is shown
the first computer psychologist. This simple in listing 13.2. We are creating a simple robotic control
demonstration program is surprisingly effective at language to move an object around. It would be natural
giving almost human-like responses, yet it is only a few for a person to use a variety of words to describe a
dozen lines long. An even more direct application of direction, and a variety of words to describe movement.
this technology is found in some database query For movement, our parser will recognize go and move.
programs written for people who don't normally use For directions, it will recognize left, right, up, down,
computers. For example, you might type north, south, east and west. It is the parser's job to
make things easy for the main program, so it will report
Where can I find information only one value for each direction. We also need a way
about Kansas and wheat crops? to quit, so we will add the verb quit to the parser. Quit
does not have a subject; it simply means that we are
The database program scans the line, finding just a finished. Stop will also be recognized as another form
few relevant words. The verb is find. There are two of quit. Our parser assumes that the scanner is
subjects, Kansas and wheat, separated by a boolean converting all characters to uppercase, and that the
operator, and. The database program scans its list of scanner reads and processes one line at a time, rather
articles and books, looking for all of the ones that have than an entire file. In the GetAction subroutine that
both Kansas and wheat in the list of key words. does the parsing, pay special attention to how none and
nada are used to indicate that nothing has been found

yet. These "empty" values simplify the program quite a

Listing 13.2

/* command subjects */
typedef enum {none, up, down, left, right} subjectType;
typedef enum {nada, go, stop} verbType; /* commands */

void GetAction (void)

/* Find out what the player wants to do */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* verb - action to take */
/* subject - what we do the action to or with */

int done = 0; /* loop exit variable */

do {
scanf("%255[^\n]%*1[\n]", cline); /* get a line */
lineIndex = 0;
verb = nada; /* start with no subject,verb */
subject = none;
do {
GetToken(); /* get a token */
/* handle a subject */
if ((strcmp(token, "NORTH") == 0)
|| (strcmp(token, "UP") == 0))
subject = up;
else if ((strcmp(token, "SOUTH") == 0)
|| (strcmp(token, "DOWN") == 0))
subject = down;
else if ((strcmp(token, "EAST") == 0)
|| (strcmp(token, "RIGHT") == 0))
subject = right;
else if ((strcmp(token, "WEST") == 0)
|| (strcmp(token, "LEFT") == 0))
subject = left;
/* handle a verb */
else if ((strcmp(token, "QUIT") == 0)
|| (strcmp(token, "STOP") == 0))
verb = stop;
else if ((strcmp(token, "GO") == 0)
|| (strcmp(token, "MOVE") == 0))
verb = go;
while (strlen(token));

switch (verb) { /* make sure the input is consistent */
case nada:
printf("Please tell me what to do (go or stop).\n");

case stop:
done = 1;

case go:
if (subject == none)
printf("Please tell me which way to go.\n");
done = 1;
while (!done);

This is a simple example of a parser. As the

number of subjects and verbs increases, the number of do
rules that are used to combine them also goes up. Some GetAction();
subjects will apply only to certain verbs. In our if (verb == go) {
program, we have an example of a verb, quit, that DrawPoint(x,y,3);
doesn't even have a subject. Some programs also allow switch (subject) {
subjects with no verb. For example, the adventure
case up:
game Zork lets you type north, with no verb, to move
north. As the possibilities grow, programmers start to y -= MOVEY;
use other techniques besides writing if statements for break;
each possibility. Arrays can be used for moderate case down:
numbers of subjects and verbs. You index into the y += MOVEY;
array by the subject and verb to find out which break;
subroutine to call. For even more complex programs, case left:
techniques for writing rule-based programs can be used. x -= MOVEX;
In short, this subroutine gives you some basic ideas you break;
can use to write a program that reads text. If you will case right:
be writing large programs using these ideas, though, x += MOVEX;
you should spend some time looking at the more
advanced techniques before starting your program.
Problem 13.3. Write a program to move a spot in the DrawPoint(x,y,0);
graphics window. The program should use a }
modified form of the GetToken parser that reads }
characters from a line, instead of a file. GetToken while (verb != stop);
should also uppercase all of the characters in a
token. DrawPoint, of course, is the subroutine that
actually draws the spot you are moving. You pass
With these changes in mind, the business end of the location and color of the spot. MOVEX and
the main program should include a main loop that MOVEY are constants that tell how far to move the
looks like this: spot.

Be sure you remember to initialize x and y, and
draw the initial spot, before the program starts.

Lesson Thirteen
Solutions to Problems

Solution to problem 13.1.

/* Write the words in a file */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#define MAXLENGTH 30 /* length of a word */

#define FNAME "prob.13.1.cc" /* file name to scan */

char token[MAXLENGTH]; /* last word read */

char ch = ' '; /* last character read */
FILE *f; /* source file */

void GetToken(void)

/* Read a word from the source file */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* f - source file */
/* token - string read */

int len = 0; /* length of the string */

while ((! isalpha(ch)) && (ch != EOF)) /* skip to the first character */
ch = fgetc(f);
while ((ch != EOF) && (isalpha(ch))) { /* read the word */
if (len < MAXLENGTH-1) {
token[len] = ch;
ch = fgetc(f);
token[len] = (char) 0; /* set the null terminator */

void main(void)

/* main program */

f = fopen(FNAME, "r"); /* open the file */
if (f == NULL) {
printf("Could not open %s.\n", FNAME);
do { /* scan the file */
if (strlen(token))
printf("%s\n", token);
while (strlen(token));
fclose(f); /* close the file */

Solution to problem 13.2.

/* Write the number of times a word occurs in a file */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#define MAXLENGTH 30 /* length of a word */

#define FNAME "prob.13.2.cc" /* file name to scan */

typedef struct symbolStruct { /* symbol table entry */

struct symbolStruct *next; /* ptr to next entry */
int count; /* # of occurrences */
char symbol[MAXLENGTH]; /* symbol */

typedef symbolStruct *symbolPtr; /* ptr to a symbol table entry */

char token[MAXLENGTH]; /* last word read */

char ch = ' '; /* last character read */
symbolPtr table = NULL; /* the symbol table */
FILE *f; /* source file */

void GetToken(void)

/* Read a word from the source file */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* f - source file */
/* token - string read */

int len = 0; /* length of the string */

while ((! isalpha(ch)) && (ch != EOF)) /* skip to the first character */
ch = fgetc(f);
while ((ch != EOF) && (isalpha(ch))) { /* read the word */
if (len < MAXLENGTH-1) {
token[len] = ch;
ch = fgetc(f);
token[len] = (char) 0; /* set the null terminator */

void Insert (void)

/* Insert a word in the symbol table */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* token - symbol */
/* table - pointer to the first element in the symbol */
/* table */

symbolPtr ptr; /* work pointer */
int len; /* length of the string */

ptr = table; /* see if the symbol already exists */

while (ptr != NULL) {
if (strcmp(ptr->symbol, token) == 0) {
++ptr->count; /* yes -> update the count and exit */
ptr = ptr->next;

/* no -> create a new entry */
ptr = (symbolPtr) malloc(sizeof(symbolStruct));
ptr->next = table;
table = ptr;
ptr->count = 1;
strcpy(ptr->symbol, token);

void PrintSymbols (void)

/* Print the symbol table */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* table - pointer to the first element in the symbol */
/* table */

symbolPtr ptr; /* work pointer */

ptr = table;
while (ptr != NULL) {
printf("%10d %s\n", ptr->count, ptr->symbol);
ptr = ptr->next;

void main(void)

/* main program */

f = fopen(FNAME, "r"); /* open the file */
if (f == NULL) {
printf("Could not open %s.\n", FNAME);
do { /* scan the file */
if (strlen(token))
while (strlen(token));
PrintSymbols(); /* print the symbol table */
fclose(f); /* close the file */

Solution to problem 13.3.
/* Move a "robot" around on the graphics screen */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <quickdraw.h>

#define MAXLENGTH 10 /* length of a word */

#define MAXLINE 256 /* max length of a line */
#define MOVEX 30 /* distance of one move */
#define MOVEY 10

/* command subjects */
typedef enum {none, up, down, left, right} subjectType;
typedef enum {nada, go, stop} verbType; /* commands */

char cline[MAXLINE]; /* command line */

int lineIndex; /* index of next char in line */
char token[MAXLENGTH]; /* last word read */

subjectType subject; /* subject of the last command */

verbType verb; /* verb of the last command */

void GetToken(void)

/* Read a word from the command line */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* f - source file */
/* cline - source line */
/* lineIndex - index to next char in source line */

int len = 0; /* length of the string */

/* skip to the first character */

while ((! isalpha(cline[lineIndex])) && (lineIndex <= strlen(cline)))
/* read the word */
while ((lineIndex <= strlen(cline)) && (isalpha(cline[lineIndex]))) {
if (len < MAXLENGTH-1) {
token[len] = toupper(cline[lineIndex]);

token[len] = (char) 0; /* set the null terminator */

void GetAction (void)

/* Find out what the player wants to do */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* verb - action to take */
/* subject - what we do the action to or with */

int done = 0; /* loop exit variable */

do {
scanf("%255[^\n]%*1[\n]", cline); /* get a line */
lineIndex = 0;
verb = nada; /* start with no subject,verb */
subject = none;
do {
GetToken(); /* get a token */
/* handle a subject */
if ((strcmp(token, "NORTH") == 0)
|| (strcmp(token, "UP") == 0))
subject = up;
else if ((strcmp(token, "SOUTH") == 0)
|| (strcmp(token, "DOWN") == 0))
subject = down;
else if ((strcmp(token, "EAST") == 0)
|| (strcmp(token, "RIGHT") == 0))
subject = right;
else if ((strcmp(token, "WEST") == 0)
|| (strcmp(token, "LEFT") == 0))
subject = left;
/* handle a verb */
else if ((strcmp(token, "QUIT") == 0)
|| (strcmp(token, "STOP") == 0))
verb = stop;
else if ((strcmp(token, "GO") == 0)
|| (strcmp(token, "MOVE") == 0))
verb = go;
while (strlen(token));

switch (verb) { /* make sure the input is consistent */
case nada:
printf("Please tell me what to do (go or stop).\n");

case stop:
done = 1;

case go:
if (subject == none)
printf("Please tell me which way to go.\n");
done = 1;
while (!done);

void DrawPoint (int x, int y, int color)

/* Draw the robot */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* x,y - position of the robot */
/* color - robot color */


void main(void)

/* main program */

int x = 60, y = 20; /* position of the robot */

DrawPoint(x, y, 0);
do {
GetAction(); /* find out what we are supposed to do */
if (verb == go) { /* if it is a movement then move */
DrawPoint(x, y, 3); /* erase the old robot */
switch (subject) { /* move the robot */
case up: y -= MOVEY;
case down: y += MOVEY;
case left: x -= MOVEX;
case right: x += MOVEX;
DrawPoint(x, y ,0); /* draw the robot in the new spot */
while (verb != stop);

Lesson Fourteen
Stepping through the program, the first thing that
A Quick Look at Recursion happens is Mult gets called with x = 4 and y = 5. After
testing to see if y is zero, the subroutine executes this
By now, you are well acquainted with defining and statement:
calling functions. An interesting point about functions
that we haven't talked about, and that you may not have return Mult(x, y-1) + x;
noticed, is that a function can call itself. After all, the
definition of the function comes before the statements, This statement returns x*y, but it does it in a rather
so the function has been defined. The ability of a strange way. If you think about it, you know that x*y is
function to call itself opens up a whole new concept in the same thing as x*(y-1)+x; for example, 4*5 is the
programming, called recursion. same thing as 4*4+4. The program is using the fact to
We will start our look at recursion using a simple gradually make the problem simpler. It calls itself to
example. The purpose of this first section is to tell you find out what 4*4 is, and then adds 4 and returns the
about the mechanics of recursion. You will learn a answer.
little about stack frames, and use the debugger to Try running the program again, but this time, when
investigate how stack frames work. With the you get into the subroutine, use the debugger to display
mechanics out of the way, we will look at recursion as a x and y; the debugger will show 4 and 5, respectively.
problem solving technique, solving the classic problem Continue to single step through the program until the
of the Towers of Hanoi. We will then combine function calls itself again. The values for x and y
recursion with a simple scanner, like the ones you wrote vanish from the variables window. Enter them again.
in the last lesson, to create a recursive descent This time, the debugger shows that the values are 4 and
expression evaluator. 4, instead of 4 and 5.
The reason that the variable names disappeared
How Functions Call Themselves when Mult called itself is because a new stack frame
was created. A stack frame is a piece of dynamically
Let's start by looking at a short program. This allocated memory that the program reserves each time a
program multiplies two positive integers. function is called; the stack frame contains all of the
auto variables in the function. This memory has a few
#include <stdio.h> housekeeping values that tell the compiler who to return
to, as well as the parameters that are passed, and any
int Mult (int x, int y) locally declared variables. When Mult calls itself, a
new stack frame is created. As with the first time the
function is called, you need to tell the compiler which
variables you want to look at.
if (y) A very crucial point is that the old stack frame still
return Mult(x, y-1) + x; exists. In the old stack frame, y has a value of 5. To
return 0; see the old stack frame, click on the up arrow in the
} variables window.
You can continue this process, single stepping
void main(void) through the subroutine until the final call, when y is set
to 0. At this point, there are a total of six stack frames
{ for the Mult function, each with a different value of y.
printf("%d\n", Mult(4,5)); Still, nothing has been returned. This time, though, the
} function does something different. Instead of calling
itself again, the function returns 0. After returning, x is
Let's face it, that's a pretty weird looking program. added to the zero that is returned, and the function
To understand how it works, we will start by tracing returns again. This continues until the original stack
through the program. It would be a great idea to fire up frame is reached. At that point, the function returns the
the debugger and follow along on the computer. result of 20.

The crucial point to remember is that we don't try to
Problem 14.1. The example showed you how to do a trace through the morass of function calls to see what
multiplication using recursion. Basically, the x*(y-1) will give us: we recognize that if the function
program made use of the fact that, when n is any returns the correct value for one terminal case, in our
number greater than 0, m*n gives the same result example when y = 0, and that if it returns the correct
as m*(n-1)+m. You can find the exponent of a answer for x and y, assuming that x*(y-1) is done
number the same way. For example, 2^3 (2 raised correctly, that it must return the correct answer all of
to the power 3) is 8, or 2*2*2. This is the same as the time. Mathematicians call this a proof by induction.
(2^2)*2. Change the program so it calculates an A good way to keep this in mind is to remember
exponent, given two integers as input. Use it to that any recursive subroutine must satisfy two
verify that 5^4 is 625. As with the addition conditions to work. First, it has to have a way to stop.
example, be sure and step through the program In the case of the multiply subroutine, we stopped when
with the debugger. y reached zero. Second, each call must move you
closer to the stopping place than you were when the
Recursion is a Way of Thinking subroutine was called. In our multiply subroutine, any
call that was made with y greater than 0 reduced y.
Looking at all of those stack frames, I don't think it Let's put these ideas to work to solve a classic
will be hard to convince you that you can't think about puzzle, the Towers of Hanoi. This is a puzzle that
recursion the same way you think about if statements, quickly befuddles anyone who tries to solve it
do loops, and so forth. You will get so tangled up the iteratively, the way you have been writing programs up
the details of keeping track of all of the stack frames until this lesson. The puzzle starts with six disks, all of
that you will forget what you are trying to accomplish. a different size, sitting on one of three pegs, like this:
You may start to think that anyone that understands
recursion must have a mind that would have made
Einstein envious. I've watched a number of beginning
programmers who would agree as they struggled with
recursion, trying to analyze all of those stack frames,
and keep track of all of those variables. It reminds me The object is to move all of the disks from the left-hand
of the time I opened the course outline for Classical peg to the right-hand peg. On each turn, you can move
Mechanics in college and saw, on the front page of the only one disk. The only other restriction is that you can
outline, in the middle of the page, boldfaced, the never cover one disk with a larger disk. Stop and try
following quote: "Any problem, no matter how this before going on. You can cut the six disks from
difficult, can be made still more difficult by looking at pieces of paper, and stack them on your desk instead of
it in the right way." using pegs.
No kidding. So, did you solve the puzzle iteratively? Even if
Once you understand that stack frames exist, and you didn't make any mistakes, it takes 63 different
that they hold different copies of the variables, you moves to solve the puzzle. Can you keep that many
should never trace through a recursive subroutine, moves straight in your head? If so, you have a better
trying to follow the stack frames, again. If you do, you mind than mine.
are simply thinking about the problem the wrong way. The way to solve the puzzle is to turn it around.
Instead, think about a piece of the problem, not the Instead of trying to move the top disk, you have to
whole thing. Instead of thinking about the multiply as a realize that the real problem is to move the bottom disk!
series of function calls, look at what happens on any The goal is to move the top five disks from the first peg
particular call. For the multiply function, there are two to the second, like this:
possibilities: either y is zero, or it is not. As you know,
zero multiplied by any other number is still zero, so we
know it is correct for the function to return zero if y is
zero. If y is not zero, we apply a simple rule: x*y is
the same as x*(y-1) + x. So, what is x*(y-1)? We don't
know. More important, we don't care. The rule works
all of the time, so we truly don't have to worry about The next step is to move the bottom disk to the third
what x*(y-1) is; a call to a correct multiply routine peg.
gives us that answer. With the answer to x*(y-1) in
hand, we add x and return the correct answer for x*y.

Problem 14.3. Recursion can be used to process a
linked list in reverse order. To see this idea in
action, write a program that builds a linked list,
stuffing the numbers 1 to 10 in the records, like
The last step is to move the pile of five disks from the this:
second peg to the third.
for (i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) {
ptr = (listPtr)
ptr->next = list;
ptr->value = i;
Expressing this as a C function, we get something list = ptr;
like this: }

void Tower (int fromPeg, Next, write a recursive function that prints the
int toPeg, values in the list. On each call, the recursive
int sparePeg, function should return if the pointer that is passed
int count); to it is NULL. If the pointer is not NULL, the
function should call itself, then print the current
value, like this:
if (count) {
Tower(fromPeg, sparePeg,
printf("%d\n", ptr->value);
toPeg, count-1);
Move(fromPeg, toPeg); After you write the program, reverse the last two
Tower(sparePeg, toPeg, statements, and run it again. This time, the
fromPeg, count-1); program prints the numbers in reverse order. Make
} sure you understand why, tracing a few iterations
} with the debugger if you need to.

Move, of course, is a subroutine that takes the top disk A Practical Application of Recursion
from one peg and places it on another. We could
represent the different pegs as three arrays, one for each In the last lesson, we looked briefly at scanners and
peg, with six spots in each array. Each spot could be parsers. One of the easiest kind of parser to implement
empty, or it might have one of the disks. is called a recursive descent parser. To see how
The important thing to recognize is that we haven't recursion can be used in a parser, we will solve a
worried about how to move five disks from the first peg problem that had computer scientists stumped for a long
to the second. We know that if we can move six disks time back in the early days of computing, when they
by first moving the top five, then moving the bottom were trying to write the first compilers. The problem is
disk, and finally moving the top five disks again, that to solve a mathematically expressed equation.
we can use exactly the same idea to move the five For example, you know that
disks. After all, to move five disks, we start by moving
four of them to the spare peg, then we move the bottom (4+5)*(1+2)
disk, and finally we move the four disks to the correct
peg. To move four disks... well, you get the idea. is evaluated by adding the terms in parenthesis first,
Eventually, we end up with the trivial problem of then doing the multiply. How can we write a program
moving one disk. that can do this? It's not an idle problem: over the years
I have been asked to write a number of programs that
Problem 14.2. Write a program that solves the Towers had to solve an equation like this one. The problem
of Hanoi problem. Draw the disks in the graphics doesn't just crop up in computer languages, either. You
window as they are moved around by the call to need to solve equations in math programs that graph
Move. functions, in spread sheets, and even in some databases.

To see how to solve this problem, we will write a value = Factor();
simple expression evaluator that can add, subtract, while ((token == add)
multiply and divide. It will accept integer numbers and || (token == subtract)) {
parenthesis. Just as in algebra and C, add and subtract operation = token;
will have the same precedence, and multiply and divide
will have the same precedence, but multiply and divide
newValue = Factor();
have a higher precedence than add or subtract.
To get a grasp on how the expression evaluator will if (operation == add)
work, let's look at this expression: value += newValue;
4*5 + 9/2 - 6 value -= newValue;
To solve this expression by hand, we would first scan return value;
through, doing all of the multiply and divide operations, }
leaving only numbers and the add and subtract
operations. Let's trace through this function with our sample
20 + 4 - 6
20 + 4 - 6
This equation can be solved by working from left to
right, adding and subtracting each new value to the old to see how it works. When the function is called, the
value. Thinking recursively, we can solve this equation main program has already called GetToken, so the
by calling a function to do all of the stuff besides global variable token already has a value. It is holding
addition and subtraction, then checking to see if there is an integer whose value is 20. So far, the function
an add or subtract operation, and finally looping. In Factor doesn't have to do much. It just checks to be
true recursive style, not to mention structured sure that token is an integer value, returns the value,
programming style, we won't worry about how the and reads in the next token. When we get to the start of
subroutine that does the multiplies and divides works. the while loop, then, value is 20. The + character has
Instead, we solve the smaller problem. Here is our been read, and token has been set to add.
solution, a function that calls another function, Factor, At the start of the while loop, we save the operation
to read numbers, do multiplication, and handle in a variable called, surprisingly enough, operation, and
parenthesis, does the adds and subtracts that are left read the next number. If there is an operation, there
over, and returns the result. Our function assumes that must be a number after it. We'll trust Factor to flag an
the main program calls GetToken one time to collect error if the number is missing. We then call Factor to
the first token from the input line before Expression is get the next number, skipping the number token in the
called; this is a very common technique in recursive process, and do the operation. At the end of the while
descent parsers. loop, value is 24, and token is subtract. One more pass
through the while loop finishes off the expression, and
int Expression (void) we return a final value of 30.
The next step is to handle multiplication and
{ division. That's no trick, really. They work the same
int value, newValue; way addition and subtraction do! In this case, we will
tokenType operation; call a function called Term to handle numbers and
parenthesis. Everything else is an echo of the function
that handles addition and subtraction.

int Factor (void)

int value, newValue;
tokenType operation;

value = Term();
while ((token == multiply) Take a close look at the error message that is
|| (token == divide)) { printed if Term finds an opening parenthesis, but no
operation = token; closing parenthesis. Does it look familiar? If not, you
might glance through the list of error messages at the
end of the ORCA/C manual. Now you know where
newValue = Term();
those error messages come from!
if (operation == multiply) There is one minor detail that you need to deal with
value *= newValue; at this point. Looking at our functions, you can see that
else Expression calls Factor, so it is natural to put Factor
value /= newValue; before Expression so the compiler can check our
} parameter lists. Factor calls Term, so term should go
return value; before Factor. Term calls Expression, so... oops.
} The problem, of course, is that you can't put these
functions in any order where each function is declared
Trace through our sample equation before it is used. To solve this problem, we use exactly
the same technique that we used with separate
4*5 + 9/2 - 6 compilation: we declare the function Expression before
the function Factor, like this:
to see how Factor works, and how Factor and
Expression work together to make sure the operations int Expression (void);
are done in the correct order. For this short example,
keeping track of the global variables term and token on but we still put the body of the Expression function
a piece of paper should work out well. after Factor and Term. That way, the compiler can
The last step is to write the subroutine that handles check to be sure Expression is called correctly in Term,
numbers. There is one other thing that can appear at and it can even check to be sure the parameters for the
this point, though, and that is a parenthesis. Term function definition (the place we put the statements)
handles that particular problem by calling Expression to match the parameters for the function declaration (the
evaluate whatever appears between the parenthesis! line you just saw).
Expression can then call Factor, which will call Term,
and so forth. This recursive call is what allows our Problem 14.4. Write a program to evaluate an
expression handler to handle very complex equations. expression and write the value. Your program
should handle addition, subtraction, multiplication,
int Term (void) division, and parenthesis. All operations should be
on integers.
Your program should start by prompting the user
int val;
for an expression. It should then call GetToken to
fetch the first token from the line, followed by a
if (token == integer) { call to Expression to evaluate the expression. The
val = tokenValue; program should loop repeatedly, reading new
GetToken(); expressions, until the line typed by the user is a
} null string.
else if (token == lparen) {
GetToken(); While the text did not cover writing the GetToken
val = Expression(); subroutine, all of the concepts were covered in the
if (token == rparen) last lesson. Try to write GetToken on your own; if
GetToken(); you get stuck, refer to the solution.
printf(") expected\n");
return val;

Lesson Fourteen
Solutions to Problems

Solution to problem 14.1.

#include <stdio.h>

int Exp (int x, int y)

if (y)
return Exp(x, y-1) * x;
return 1;

void main(void)

printf("%d\n", Exp(5,4));

Solution to problem 14.2.

/* Graphic solution to the Towers of Hanoi puzzle. */

#include <quickdraw.h>

#define DISKS 6 /* # of disks to move */

typedef int peg[DISKS]; /* one peg, with contents */

peg pegs[3]; /* all three pegs */

void DrawDisk (int disk, int peg, int height, int color)

/* Draw a disk on the screen */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* disk - disk (i.e. size) to draw */
/* peg - peg to draw the disk on */
/* height - distance from the bottom of the pile */
/* color - color to draw the disk */

int x,y; /* position of the center of the disk */

x = peg*80 + 40; /* find the position */

y = 50 - height*4;
SetSolidPenPat(color); /* set the pen color */
MoveTo(x - disk*5, y); /* draw the disk */
LineTo(x + disk*5, y);

void Move (int fromPeg, int toPeg)

/* Move a disk */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* fromPeg - peg to move the disk from */
/* toPeg - peg to move the disk to */

int i; /* peg array index */
int disk; /* disk being moved */

i = DISKS-1; /* find the disk to move */

while (pegs[fromPeg][i] == 0)
disk = pegs[fromPeg][i]; /* remove the disk */
pegs[fromPeg][i] = 0;
DrawDisk(disk, fromPeg, i, 3); /* erase the disk */
i = 0; /* find the new spot for the disk */
while (pegs[toPeg][i] != 0)
pegs[toPeg][i] = disk; /* place the disk on the peg */
DrawDisk(disk, toPeg, i, 0); /* draw the disk */

void Tower(int fromPeg, int toPeg, int sparePeg, int count)

/* Move count pegs from peg # fromPeg to peg # toPeg */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* fromPeg - peg to move the disks from */
/* toPeg - peg to move the disks to */
/* sparePeg - unused peg */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* pegs - the current content of each peg */

if (count) {
Tower(fromPeg, sparePeg, toPeg, count-1);
Move(fromPeg, toPeg);
Tower(sparePeg, toPeg, fromPeg, count-1);

void main (void)

/* main program */

int i; /* loop variable */

SetPenMode(0); /* initialize the graphics pen */

for (i = 0; i < DISKS; ++i) { /* set up the game */
pegs[0][i] = DISKS-i+1;
pegs[1][i] = 0;
pegs[2][i] = 0;
DrawDisk(pegs[0][i], 0, i, 0);
Tower(0, 2, 1, DISKS); /* move the disks */

Solution to problem 14.3.

/* Use recursion to reverse the elements in a linked list */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct listStruct { /* element in the list */

struct listStruct *next;
int value;

void Print (listPtr ptr)

/* Print the values in the list in reverse order */

if (ptr != NULL) {
printf("%d\n", ptr->value);

void main (void)

/* main program */

int i; /* loop variable */
listPtr list; /* the list */
listPtr ptr; /* work pointer */

for (i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) { /* create the list */

ptr = (listPtr) malloc(sizeof(listStruct));
ptr->next = list;
ptr->value = i;
list = ptr;
Print(list); /* print the list */

Solution to problem 14.4.

/* A simple, recursive descent expression evaluator. This */
/* program handles +, -, * and /, as well as parenthesis. All */
/* operations are integer operations. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

typedef enum tokenType /* tokens in an expression */


char ch; /* last char read by GetCh */

int index; /* index into str */
char str[81]; /* string read from the keyboard */
tokenType token; /* last token read */
int tokenValue; /* value of last integer token */

void GetCh (void)

/* Read the next character from str */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* ch - char read; 0 if at the end of the string */
/* index - index into str */
/* str - string to read the character from */

if (index >= strlen(str))
ch = 0;
else {
ch = str[index];

void GetToken (void)

/* Read a token from the input string */

while (ch == ' ') /* skip to the first real character */
if (ch == 0) { /* handle an end of line */
token = eol;
if (ch == '+') { /* handle add */
token = add;
if (ch == '-') { /* handle subtract */
token = subtract;
if (ch == '*') { /* handle multiply */
token = multiply;

if (ch == '/') { /* handle divide */
token = divide;
if (ch == '(') { /* handle ( */
token = lparen;
if (ch == ')') { /* handle ) */
token = rparen;
if (isdigit(ch)) { /* handle a number */
token = integer;
tokenValue = 0;
while (isdigit(ch)) {
tokenValue = tokenValue*10 + ch-'0';
/* handle bad input */
printf("\"%c\" is an illegal character.\n", ch);
token = eol;

int Expression (void); /* forward dec. of expression */

int Term (void)

/* Handle a number or parenthesis */

int val; /* integer value */

if (token == integer) { /* handle an integer */

val = tokenValue;

else if (token == lparen) {
GetToken(); /* skip the ( */
val = Expression(); /* evaluate the expression */
if (token == rparen) /* skip the ) */
printf(") expected\n");
return val; /* return the value */

int Factor (void)

/* Do multiplies and divides */

int value, newValue; /* values from Term */
tokenType operation; /* type of the operation */

value = Term(); /* get the first value */

while ((token == multiply) || (token == divide)) {
operation = token; /* skip the operation */
newValue = Term(); /* get the second value */
if (operation == multiply) /* do the operation */
value *= newValue;
value /= newValue;
return value; /* return the result */

int Expression (void)

/* Evaluate an expression */

int value, newValue; /* values from Factor */
tokenType operation; /* type of the operation */

value = Factor(); /* get the first value */

while ((token == add) || (token == subtract)) {
operation = token; /* skip the operation */
newValue = Factor(); /* get the second value */
if (operation == add) /* do the operation */
value += newValue;
value -= newValue;
return value; /* return the result */

void main (void)

/* main program */

do {
printf("Expression: ");
scanf("%80[^\n]%*1[\n]", str);
if (strlen(str)) {
ch = ' ';
index = 0;
printf("The value is %d\n\n", Expression());
while (strlen(str));

Lesson Fifteen
do {
Sorting swap = 0;
for (i = 0; i < SIZE-1; ++i)
Way back in Lesson 5, you got your first look at a if (nums[i] > nums[i+1]) {
sort. Sorting is a pretty common topic in programming temp = nums[i];
courses for a number of reasons. First, there are many nums[i] = nums[i+1];
places in real programs where you need to sort some
nums[i+1] = temp;
information. In some cases, it is pretty obvious that a
swap = 1;
sort is needed. For example, you may have sorted a
database to put a list of people in alphabetical order. }
You may have sorted the same database to put the list }
in zip code order to get ready for a mass mailing. In while (swap);
other cases, the fact that something is being sorted is
not so obvious, but sorts are none-the-less used. For When we start to worry about how efficient a sort
example, the link editor that creates executable is, we usually look at how many times we have to
programs from your object files can create a sorted list compare the numbers, since that is often the most time-
of the symbols that appear in your program. A card consuming operation. Let's trace through this routine
playing game may sort a deck of cards. for a short example, and find out how efficient it is.
Another reason sorts are a popular topic is because We'll use a size of 5, with starting numbers of 5, 4, 3, 2
sorting is a topic that people have spent enough time on and 1, in that order. You should follow along with a
to understand fairly well. Computer scientists who deal pencil and paper, writing down the values of variables,
with the efficiency of algorithms have studied sorts for executing this algorithm by hand, and counting the
a long time. In the process, they have compiled a rather operations on your own.
impressive list of different ways to sort information. The first time through the loop, we do four
compares, and four swaps. The numbers in the array
The Shell Sort are ordered like this after the first time through the
The shell sort is one of several basic sorting
methods that are easy to implement, easy to understand, 4 3 2 1 5
and reasonably efficient for small amounts of
information. In the shell sort, you loop over the We still have to do four compares each time through the
information to be sorted, swapping entries if they are loop. After the next loop, and four more compares, the
out of order. If you make a swap, you also set a flag to array looks like this:
remind you that you found entries that were out of
order. In that case, you will need to make another pass 3 2 1 4 5
over the data to make sure it is in the right order. You
keep doing this until you make a pass over the data This process continues until the numbers are
without finding anything that is out of order. If you are sorted. We have to do one extra pass after all of the
a little fuzzy about the details, refer back to Lesson 5, numbers are sorted, since we keep going until swap
where this sort was first performed. Here's a simple stays false. Here are the numbers in the array, along
version of the sort that sorts an array of SIZE numbers, with the total number of compares we have performed,
where SIZE is a constant or variable telling how many up to and including this time through the loop:
entries are in the array.
2 1 3 4 5 12
1 2 3 4 5 16
1 2 3 4 5 20

While we won't go through a formal mathematical

proof, by trying a few cases, you can probably convince

yourself that if you are sorting n things, and the Try this method to find the typical run time for the
numbers start out in reverse order, the number of shell sort. Modify the program from problem 15.1
compares will be n*(n-1). Starting with the array in so it uses a random number generator to fill the
reverse order is the worst possible situation for this sort, array with values between 1 and the size of the
so we call this the worst case run time. array. To keep things simple, allow duplicates. In
In a sense, it is pretty unfair to judge anything by other words, you don't have to check to be sure that
the worst case. This is especially true in computer the random number generator returns each possible
science, since it turns out that in many situations, the value once; it is fine if the array has some
typical run time for an algorithm is very different than duplicates. Do this 100 times, and average the
the worst case run time. In fact, there are many number of compares. Find the values for arrays
situations where the algorithm that has the best worst with 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 elements.
case run time is not the one with the best typical run
time. On the other hand, you do need to know the Quick Sort
worst case time, too, since you may be planning a
program that is very time critical. In other words, it There are several ways of sorting information that
pays to know as much about algorithms and their are a little faster than the shell sort, but these generally
efficiency as you can take the time to learn. You may still have a run time that is proportional to n*n, or
end up picking one method of sorting in one program, something pretty close to n*n, like the n*(n-1) that we
and a different method in another. found for the shell sort. There are also some sorts that
For most algorithms you are likely to need, you have a typical run time proportional to n*log(n)/log(2).
will be able to find the worst case run time in published To see what this means, let's stop and think about a
books. What if you can't find out about the algorithm fairly common sorting problem, sorting a mailing list to
from a book? Or, what if you find the algorithm, but zip-code order. There are a variety of mailing lists that
they don't tell you the typical run time, only the worst come in a variety of sizes, but it isn't uncommon to
case run time? Well, you've already seen one way to have 100,000 names in a mailing list. Sorting 100,000
find the worst case run time, by tracing through the names using the shell sort has a worst case run time of
program by hand. You could also do the same thing by 100,000*(100,000-1), or 9,999,900,000 compares. To
machine, of course. While this doesn't give you a say the least, doing nearly ten billion compares takes
mathematical proof, counting the operations does give some serious computer time, especially if you are
you a good handle on the run time of an algorithm. comparing floating-point numbers, or worse yet,
You can use the same idea to find the typical run time. strings. The faster sorts that work in n*log(n)/log(2)
These ideas are expanded on in the problems. time, though, would do the same thing using 1,660,964
compares, which is over 6000 times faster!
Problem 15.1. Write a program that creates an array of The most popular of the fast sorts is a recursive
integers in reverse order, like the array we looked sort called quick sort. Quick sort uses a divide and
at in the example in this section. Be sure and use a conquer technique. On each step, a pivot value is
constant for the size of the array. Sort the array picked. Picking a good pivot value is something of a
using the algorithm shown, but add a counter than fine art, and it is a very important step. In most cases,
counts the number of compares. Print this value. the middle value is a good choice for the pivot value.
For example, if you are sorting an array with indices
Run this program with arrays that have 2, 3, 4, 5, from 1 to 100, you would use the 50th element as the
and 10 values. Do all of the numbers match the pivot value. The routine then moves anything smaller
value n*(n-1)? than the pivot value to the left of the pivot, and
anything larger than the pivot value to the right of the
Problem 15.2. Finding the typical run time for an pivot. The recursive step comes next: the quick sort
algorithm is a lot like finding the worst case run procedure calls itself, passing the part of the array to the
time, like you did in problem 15.1. If you have left of the pivot, then makes another recursive call to
some actual samples of numbers you plan to sort, sort the right half of the array.
you can use the samples to find the typical run Understanding how this works is pretty tricky, so
time. Another way is to use a simulation, filling let's get used to it slowly. Type in the following
the arrays with random values several times, then program and make sure it works. It uses quick sort to
averaging the run time for the various sorts. sort a small array with ten values.

Listing 15.1

/* A sample of quick sort. */

#include <stdio.h>

#define SIZE 10 /* size of the array to sort */

int a[SIZE]; /* array to sort */

void Fill (void)

/* Fill an array */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* a - array to fill */

int i; /* loop variable */

for (i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)

a[i] = SIZE-i;

void Sort (int left, int right)

/* Sort an array */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* left - leftmost part of the array to sort */
/* right - rightmost part of the array to sort */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* a - array to sort */

int i,j; /* array indices */
int pivot; /* pivot value */
int temp; /* used to swap values */

if (right > left) { /* quit if there is only 1 element */

i = (left-1) + ((right-left+1) / 2); /* find the pivot index */
pivot = a[i]; /* put the pivot at the end */
a[i] = a[right]; /* (remember the pivot, too) */
a[right] = pivot;
i = left; /* set up the start indices */
j = right-1;

while (i != j) { /* partition the array */
while ((a[i] <= pivot) && (i != j))
while ((a[j] >= pivot) && (i != j))
temp = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = temp;
if (a[i] < pivot) /* find the pivot insert point */
temp = a[i]; /* replace the pivot */
a[i] = a[right];
a[right] = temp;
Sort(left, i-1); /* sort to the left of the pivot */
Sort(i+1, right); /* sort to the right of the pivot */

void Print (void)

/* Print the array */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* a - array to print */

int i;

for (i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)

printf("%d\n", a[i]);

void main (void)

/* main program */

Sort(0, SIZE-1);

We will use the debugger to see how this program the call to sort, bring up the variables window and type
works. Type it in, then run the program once to make in a[0], a[1], and so forth, so that you can see all of the
sure it is typed in correctly. Now single-step into the values in the array. You will have to resize the
program, and step through the Fill function. Just before variables window to see all ten values at one time.

For our first look at the Sort function, we will not working their way towards the middle until they meet
worry too much about how each statement works. (which means we are finished) or they hit a value that is
Instead, let's look closely at what happens on the whole. in the wrong spot. If a value is found that is out of
The Sort function is really divided into four distinct place, it is swapped with another value that is out of
steps: place on the other end of the array. Step through the
procedure, watching how this happens. Here's a
1. Find a pivot value. summary of what happens to the array; you should see
2. Put everything smaller than the pivot to the left the same thing in the debugger:
of the pivot value, and everything larger than
the pivot value to the right of the pivot. 10 9 8 7 1 5 4 3 2 6
3. Sort the values to the left of the pivot. 2 9 8 7 1 5 4 3 10 6
4. Sort the values to the right of the pivot. 2 3 8 7 1 5 4 9 10 6
2 3 4 7 1 5 8 9 10 6
This is a classic example of recursion as we saw it 2 3 4 5 1 7 8 9 10 6
in the last lesson. To understand quick sort, it is very
important to look at what happens on one step, not
When we drop out of the while loop, we are almost
worrying about how we "sort everything to the left of
done. All of the values that are less than the pivot of 6
the pivot."
are in the first 5 elements of the array, while all of the
The first few lines of the function find the pivot
values that are larger than the pivot are in the 4 array
value and move it to the right-hand side of the array,
elements that follow. The only value that is out of
where it is out of the way:
place is the pivot itself. The lines right after the while
loop put the pivot value in place. After the pivot is in
i = (left-1) place, the array looks like this:
+ ((right-left+1) / 2);
pivot = a[i]; 2 3 4 5 1 6 8 9 10 7
a[i] = a[right];
a[right] = pivot; At this point, the pivot is in the right place. The values
to the left of the pivot need to be sorted, but they have
It may seem strange to go to all of the work to pluck a nothing to do with the values to the right of the pivot.
pivot from the middle of the array and move it to the The values to the right of the pivot also need to be
right-hand side of the array, but there really is a good sorted, but they have nothing to do with the values to
reason to do this. The algorithm to shuffle the values the left of the pivot.
smaller than the pivot to the left, and the values larger Let's face it: quick sort is quite a bit more
than the pivot to the right, is a lot simpler and faster if complicated than the shell sort. Why is it faster? After
we move the pivot value out of the way. It might seem all, if you count the compares in the while loop that
like a good idea to simply use the right-hand value for partitions the array, we still end up with about n
the pivot, then. It turns out that this is a rotten idea. If compares. The trick, though, is that quick sort doesn't
you pick the right-hand value for the pivot, and start have to go through its main loop as many times as the
with a sorted array, quick sort gives the worst shell sort does. In this example, we've divided the
performance possible. In practice, picking the middle problem in half. Thinking about that in terms of the
element of the array for the pivot works very well. shell sort, where the worst case sort time is n*(n-1), you
Getting back to the debugger, step into the Sort can see what an advantage this is. If we are sorting 100
function. You will have to click on the up arrow key in values with the shell sort, the worst case run time is
the variables window to get the array back. Step 100*(100-1), or 9900. If we sort 2 arrays, each with 50
through the lines that choose a pivot; the array will end elements, though, the run time is proportional to
up looking like this: 2*(50*(50-1)), or 4900. You can see that the savings
would mount up pretty quickly, since quick sort would
10 9 8 7 1 5 4 3 2 6 divide the 50 element arrays in half, too.

The next step is to shuffle through the array, Problem 15.3. How many times does the Sort function
moving any value smaller than the pivot to the left end get called in the example shown in this section?
of the array, and any value larger than the pivot to the (Hint: put a counter in the Sort function and run
right of the array. To do this, we use two array indices, the program.)
i and j. They start at opposite ends of the array,

Problem 15.4. Find the typical run time for quick sort As a programmer, you need a practical way to
for arrays that have 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 elements. Use compare algorithms in a real setting. ORCA/C has a
the same method that you used in problem 15.2. tool called a profiler which can help you do this. There
Count the compares of values in the array, but don't are several different kinds of profilers, but basically, all
count the compares of array indices. There are of them tell you how long it takes to actually run a
three places in the subroutine where you will need particular subroutine. The profiler in ORCA/C uses a
to increment the counter: inside each of the short Monte-Carlo technique. What that means is that the
while loops, and right after you exit the large while profiler does a random sample. Every 60th of a second,
loop. the profiler looks to see which subroutine it is in. A
counter is incremented for that subroutine. After the
How do these values compare to the ones you program finishes, the profiler prints the counters for
found in problem 15.2? each subroutine. It also prints the number of times each
subroutine was called, and the amount of time spent in
How Fast Are They? each subroutine as a percentage of the overall time to
run the program.
All of this mathematical gobbledy-goop about Like any statistical technique, the profiler gives the
theoretical efficiency may be making your head spin. It best answers when you give it a lot of information. In
can also be taken too far. There are a surprising the case of the profiler, this means letting the program
number of people running around with a degree in run for a long time. For example, the results will be
computer science who will tell you that quick sort is more accurate if you run a subroutine 100 times than if
always faster than a shell sort. Even in theory, this you run the subroutine one time.
simply isn't true. There are some rare cases where the Using the profiler is very easy. Pull down the
shell sort will outperform the quick sort, if the values in Debug menu and select Profile, then run the program
the array happen to be placed just right. like you normally would. Be sure you leave debug
On average, though, quick sort seems like it should code on – the profiler works with the debugger to time
work better than the shell sort. It turns out that this isn't your program.
quite true. The shell sort has one advantage over quick
sort: it is simpler. Recursive functions calls take some Problem 15.5. Put the shell sort function and the quick
time; far more time than looping through a while loop. sort function into the same program, and write a
There are also a lot of compares and tests in the Sort main program that will call each of these functions
function that aren't needed in the shell sort. It turns out to sort a copy of the same array. Be sure you use a
that the shell sort is actually faster than quick sort for constant to represent the size of the array. Use a
small arrays. Some sophisticated sorting subroutines loop in the mail program to repeat the process 10
take advantage of this fact by using quick sort to sort times, and use a random-number generator to
the array until it is divided into small chunks, then create a new array on each of the 10 loops.
using the shell sort, or one of its close relatives, to sort
the small pieces. Use the profiler to find the size of the array that
This is where practice meets theory. A computer will give roughly equal performance for the shell
scientist who really understands his topic knows all of sort and quick sort. For example, if you try an
this, of course. The theoretical run times are very array with 3 elements, you will find that the shell
important, but it is also important to keep the overhead sort is faster. (You can see this by looking at the
in mind. Unfortunately, while a computer scientist can counter printed by the profiler for each subroutine.)
use mathematical proofs to find the theoretical run time For an array with 25 elements, quick sort is faster.
for an algorithm, there is no easy way to predict the Vary the size of the array until they take about the
actual run time. That depends on a lot of variables, like same amount of time.
how efficient subroutine calls are (they are more
efficient compared to loops on an Apple IIGS, for Would the results be the same if the array used real
example, than on an IBM 370 mainframe, which does values instead of integer values in the array? What
not have a stack), what kind of information you are about strings? What does this tell you about
comparing (integer compares are much faster than theoretical run time?
string compares), and how long it takes to swap
elements of the array (for arrays of structures, the swap
may take longer than the compare!).

Quick Sort Can Fail! deeper. As you saw in problem 15.5, the shell sort is
also more efficient than quick sort for small arrays, so
One little point has been ignored up to now. Quick you can also use the shell sort if the array is small,
sort is very fast, especially for large arrays. Quick sort increasing the overall speed of the sort!
is a little tougher to implement, but you can modify the
Sort function from this lesson fairly easily. The big Problem 15.6. Modify Sort so it uses a shell sort if the
problem with quick sort is that it doesn't always work. number of array elements to sort is smaller than
This may come as quite a shock to you. After all, SHELLSIZE, a constant in your Sort function. Use
you stepped through the Sort function fairly carefully. the results of problem 15.5 to choose a value for
You saw how it worked. How could it fail? SHELLSIZE. Also, add a new parameter to Sort, a
The answer is that there is nothing wrong with the counter that is set to 1 when Sort is called from the
basic idea behind quick sort. Quick sort will always main program. Inside Sort, increment this value,
work unless it runs out of memory. You see, every and pass the new value when Sort is called
time you make a function call, your program uses a recursively. This counter will always be the
small amount of memory from the stack. The stack is recursion depth. (If you don't see why, implement
limited in size. By default, programs written in the subroutine anyway, and then use the debugger
ORCA/C have an 8192 byte stack. You can use the to see how count works.) Use the shell sort if the
stacksize pragma to increase this to about 32K; the counter exceeds MAXDEPTH, a constant you
exact amount depends on which program launcher you define. A good value for MAXDEPTH is 100.
use, what desk accessories you have installed, and what
version of the operating system you are using. Sorting Summary
In ORCA/C 1.1, every function call uses 19 byes
from the stack frame. If you call a function several Sorting has given you your first real taste of
times from a loop, the function uses the same 19 bytes writing efficient programs. You can start to see some
each time you call it, but if a function calls itself of the trade-offs that you will have to make when you
recursively, each recursive call uses a new chunk of write programs, as well as some of the techniques you
memory. You also have to add the space used by the can use to see the impact of these trade-offs.
parameters and local variables. In the case of the Sort You probably know that this lesson has only
function, there are 2 parameters and 4 local variables. scratched the surface of sorting. Complete books –
They use an additional 12 bytes of stack space, so that long ones, at that – have been written on the topic of
each call uses 31 bytes. The program has also used sorting. The methods covered in this lesson will work
some stack space before Sort is called for the first time. in almost any programming situation you are likely to
For a variety of reasons, there is no good way to tell in come across, but if you are ever writing a program that
advance exactly how much stack space will be used. is doing a lot of sorting, it would pay to dig into some
With the default stack size of 8K, and the Sort function books to learn about some of the other sorting methods.
we have used in this lesson, it is easy to see that the
Sort function cannot safely recur more than 264 levels
deep. In practice, the value is a little smaller.
If Sort happens to hit a worst-case situation, it will
recur as deep as the size of the array. In the best case,
Sort will recur ln(n)/ln(2) levels deep, where n is the
size of the array. This happens when Sort splits the
array exactly in half on each call.
All of this points out that you really have to
understand not only the advantages of a particular
algorithm, but its disadvantages as well. Any algorithm
has to be viewed with a critical eye. Quick sort is a lot
faster than the shell sort for large arrays, but the shell
sort never fails.
Fortunately, there is a solution to this mess. You
can use a counter to keep track of how deep you have
recurred in the Sort function. If you exceed a preset
limit, you can use a shell sort to sort the piece of the
array that you are working on, rather than recurring

Lesson Fifteen
Solutions to Problems

Solution to problem 15.1.

By changing the value of the constant size in the following program, you can find out how many compares the
program does for various sized arrays. All of the values do, in fact, match the formula n*(n-1). The values are:

size number of compares

2 2
3 6
4 12
5 20
10 90

/* Count the compares needed to sort a reverse-order array with */

/* a shell sort. */

#include <stdio.h>

#define SIZE 2 /* size of the array to sort */

int count = 0; /* number of compares */

int a[SIZE]; /* array to sort */

void Sort (void)

/* Sort an array */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* a - array to sort */

int i; /* loop variable/array index */
int swap; /* was a value swapped? */
int temp; /* temp; used for swapping */

do {
swap = 0;
for (i = 0; i < SIZE-1; ++i) {
if (a[i] > a[i+1]) {
temp = a[i];
a[i] = a[i+1];
a[i+1] = temp;
swap = 1;
while (swap);

void Fill (void)

/* Fill an array */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* a - array to fill */

int i; /* loop variable */

for (i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)

a[i] = SIZE-i;

void main (void)

/* main program */

printf("There were %d compares.\n", count);
printf("n*(n-1) is %d\n", SIZE*(SIZE-1));

Solution to problem 15.2.

By changing the value of the constant size in the following program, you can find the average number of
compares the program does for various sized arrays when the arrays are filled with random values. The results are:

size number of compares
2 1.22
3 3.46
4 7.83
5 12.08
10 65.16

/* Count the compares needed to sort a pseudo-random array with */

/* a shell sort. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define SIZE 2 /* size of the array to sort */

#define TRIALS 100 /* number of trial runs */

int count = 0; /* number of compares */

int a[SIZE]; /* array to sort */

void Sort (void)

/* Sort an array */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* a - array to sort */

int i; /* loop variable/array index */
int swap; /* was a value swapped? */
int temp; /* temp; used for swapping */

do {
swap = 0;
for (i = 0; i < SIZE-1; ++i) {
if (a[i] > a[i+1]) {
temp = a[i];
a[i] = a[i+1];
a[i+1] = temp;
swap = 1;
while (swap);

void Fill (void)

/* Fill an array */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* a - array to fill */

int i; /* loop variable */

for (i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)

a[i] = rand() % SIZE;

void main (void)

/* main program */

int i; /* loop variable */

srand(2345); /* initialize the random number generator */

for (i = 0; i < TRIALS; ++i) { /* do the trial runs */
/* print the results */
printf("The average number of compares is %.2f.\n",

Solution to problem 15.3.

The quick sort subroutine is called 13 times.

/* Determine how many times Sort is called */

#include <stdio.h>

#define SIZE 10 /* size of the array to sort */

int a[SIZE]; /* array to sort */

int count = 0; /* number of calls */

void Fill (void)

/* Fill an array */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* a - array to fill */

int i; /* loop variable */

for (i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)

a[i] = SIZE-i;

void Sort (int left, int right)

/* Sort an array */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* left - leftmost part of the array to sort */
/* right - rightmost part of the array to sort */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* a - array to sort */

int i,j; /* array indices */
int pivot; /* pivot value */
int temp; /* used to swap values */

++count; /* update the counter */

if (right > left) { /* quit if there is only 1 element */
i = (left-1) + ((right-left+1) / 2); /* find the pivot index */
pivot = a[i]; /* put the pivot at the end */
a[i] = a[right]; /* (remember the pivot, too) */
a[right] = pivot;
i = left; /* set up the start indices */
j = right-1;
while (i != j) { /* partition the array */
while ((a[i] <= pivot) && (i != j))
while ((a[j] >= pivot) && (i != j))
temp = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = temp;
if (a[i] < pivot) /* find the pivot insert point */

temp = a[i]; /* replace the pivot */
a[i] = a[right];
a[right] = temp;
Sort(left, i-1); /* sort to the left of the pivot */
Sort(i+1, right); /* sort to the right of the pivot */

void Print (void)

/* Print the array */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* a - array to print */

int i;

for (i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)

printf("%d\n", a[i]);

void main (void)

/* main program */

Sort(0, SIZE-1);
printf("Sort is called %d times.\n", count);

Solution to problem 15.4.

By changing the value of the constant size in the following program, you can find out the average number of
compares the program does for various sized arrays when the arrays are filled with random values. The table below
shows the results for both this program and the earlier problem that examined the shell sort.

size shell sort quick sort

2 1.22 1.00
3 3.46 4.72
4 7.83 8.56
5 12.08 12.77
10 65.16 39.61

/* Check to see how many compares are needed by a typical quicksort */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define SIZE 10 /* size of the array to sort */

#define TRIALS 100 /* number of trial runs */

int a[SIZE]; /* array to sort */

int count = 0; /* number of array element compares */

void Fill (void)

/* Fill an array */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* a - array to fill */

int i; /* loop variable */

for (i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)

a[i] = rand() % SIZE;

void Sort (int left, int right)

/* Sort an array */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* left - leftmost part of the array to sort */
/* right - rightmost part of the array to sort */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* a - array to sort */

int i,j; /* array indices */
int pivot; /* pivot value */
int temp; /* used to swap values */

if (right > left) { /* quit if there is only 1 element */

i = (left-1) + ((right-left+1) / 2); /* find the pivot index */
pivot = a[i]; /* put the pivot at the end */
a[i] = a[right]; /* (remember the pivot, too) */
a[right] = pivot;
i = left; /* set up the start indices */
j = right-1;

while (i != j) { /* partition the array */
while ((a[i] <= pivot) && (i != j)) {
while ((a[j] >= pivot) && (i != j)) {
temp = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = temp;
if (a[i] < pivot) /* find the pivot insert point */
temp = a[i]; /* replace the pivot */
a[i] = a[right];
a[right] = temp;
Sort(left, i-1); /* sort to the left of the pivot */
Sort(i+1, right); /* sort to the right of the pivot */

void main (void)

/* main program */

int i; /* loop variable */

srand(2345); /* initialize the random number generator */

for (i = 0; i < TRIALS; ++i) { /* do the trial runs */
Sort(0, SIZE-1);
/* print the results */
printf("The average number of compares is %.2f.\n",

Solution to problem 15.5.
The shell sort and quick sort require almost exactly the same amount of time when the array has 19 elements.
Naturally, the speed of a compare and the time it takes to copy the values from one place in the array to another
impact this number. By changing the array to an array of float, instead of an array of integer, the break-even point
changes from 19 elements to 13 elements.

/* Compare the time for a quick sort to the time for a shell */
/* sort. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define SIZE 10 /* size of the array to sort */

#define TRIALS 10 /* number of trial runs */

int a[SIZE], b[SIZE]; /* array(s) to sort */

void Fill (void)

/* Fill two arrays */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* a,b - arrays to fill */

int i; /* loop variable */

for (i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {

a[i] = rand() % SIZE;
b[i] = a[i];

void ShellSort (void)

/* Sort an array */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* b - array to sort */

int i; /* loop variable/array index */
int swap; /* was a value swapped? */
int temp; /* temp; used for swapping */

do {
swap = 0;
for (i = 0; i < SIZE-1; ++i) {
if (b[i] > b[i+1]) {
temp = b[i];
b[i] = b[i+1];
b[i+1] = temp;
swap = 1;
while (swap);

void QuickSort (int left, int right)

/* Sort an array */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* left - leftmost part of the array to sort */
/* right - rightmost part of the array to sort */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* a - array to sort */

int i,j; /* array indices */
int pivot; /* pivot value */
int temp; /* used to swap values */

if (right > left) { /* quit if there is only 1 element */

i = (left-1) + ((right-left+1) / 2); /* find the pivot index */
pivot = a[i]; /* put the pivot at the end */
a[i] = a[right]; /* (remember the pivot, too) */
a[right] = pivot;
i = left; /* set up the start indices */
j = right-1;
while (i != j) { /* partition the array */
while ((a[i] <= pivot) && (i != j))
while ((a[j] >= pivot) && (i != j))
temp = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = temp;
if (a[i] < pivot) /* find the pivot insert point */

temp = a[i]; /* replace the pivot */
a[i] = a[right];
a[right] = temp;
QuickSort(left, i-1); /* sort to the left of the pivot */
QuickSort(i+1, right); /* sort to the right of the pivot */

void main (void)

/* main program */

int i; /* loop variable */

srand(2345); /* initialize the random number generator */

for (i = 0; i < TRIALS; ++i) { /* do the trial runs */
QuickSort(0, SIZE-1);

Solution to problem 15.6.

/* A better sort than QuickSort */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define SIZE 100 /* size of the array to sort */

int a[SIZE]; /* array to sort */

void Fill (void)

/* Fill an array */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* a - array to fill */

int i; /* loop variable */

for (i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)

a[i] = rand() % SIZE;

void Sort (int left, int right, int depth)

/* Sort an array */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* left - leftmost part of the array to sort */
/* right - rightmost part of the array to sort */
/* depth - recursion depth */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* a - array to sort */

#define SHELLSIZE 19 /* when a quick sort becomes faster */

#define MAXDEPTH 100 /* max recursion depth */
int i,j; /* array indices */
int pivot; /* pivot value */
int swap; /* was a value swapped? */
int temp; /* used to swap values */

if (((right - left) < SHELLSIZE) || (depth > MAXDEPTH)) {

do { /* do a shell sort */
swap = 0;
for (i = left; i < right; ++i) {
if (a[i] > a[i+1]) {
temp = a[i];
a[i] = a[i+1];
a[i+1] = temp;
swap = 1;
while (swap);
else { /* do a quick sort */
if (right > left) { /* quit if there is only 1 element */
i = (left-1) + ((right-left+1) / 2); /* find the pivot index */
pivot = a[i]; /* put the pivot at the end */
a[i] = a[right]; /* (remember the pivot, too) */
a[right] = pivot;
i = left; /* set up the start indices */
j = right-1;

while (i != j) { /* partition the array */
while ((a[i] <= pivot) && (i != j))
while ((a[j] >= pivot) && (i != j))
temp = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = temp;
if (a[i] < pivot) /* find the pivot insert point */
temp = a[i]; /* replace the pivot */
a[i] = a[right];
a[right] = temp;
Sort(left, i-1, depth+1); /* sort to the left of the pivot */
Sort(i+1, right, depth+1); /* sort to the right of the pivot */

void Print (void)

/* Print the array */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* a - array to print */

int i;

for (i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {

printf("%4d", a[i]);
if ((i % 8) == 7)

void main (void)

/* main program */

srand(2345); /* initialize rand() */
Fill(); /* fill the array */
Sort(0, SIZE-1, 1); /* sort the array */
Print(); /* print the array */

Lesson Sixteen
Searches and Trees
you can use a sequential search to look for something in
Storing and Accessing Information a file or array, too. To look for a numeric value in an
array of structures, a sequential search would look like
The title for this lesson is "Searches and Trees," this:
but a more down-to-earth description would be "better
ways to store and find information." Why is this i = 1;
important? Why should the last topic of an found = 0;
introductory programming course be this one, when do {
there are so many more? if (a[i].age == 40)
To answer that, let's step back from the trees a bit found = 1;
and look at the forest. Computers are used for a lot of
things, but desktop computers are used most often to
display information, make calculations, or store and
retrieve information. That's a pretty broad statement, }
but I think it is true. Spread sheets and engineering while ((!found)
calculations are obviously applications where we make && (i != maxIndex));
calculations. Spread sheets, data bases and spelling
checkers are examples of applications where one goal is On average, you will have to look through half of
to store or retrieve information. Word processors, page the information to find the record you want. If the
layout programs, paint programs, and some database record doesn't exist – if, for example, you are looking
programs display information. What about an for someone who is 40, but there are no 40 year olds in
adventure game, though? Most adventure games are your data base – you will always scan the entire list. A
really databases inside, concerned with storing and sequential search, then, has a typical run time of O(n/2)
retrieving information about the adventure world. A if the item you are looking for is found, and a worst
chess program is calculation intensive. The list goes on case run time of O(n), where n is the number of things
and on. to look at.
You already know a few basic ways to store and
access information. You have used arrays when you The Binary Search
knew how much information would be stored in
advance, or when you could put a reasonable limit on The sequential search is a very common kind of
the amount of information that would be stored. You search to implement, and it is often the best kind of
have used linked lists when the fixed size of an array search to use. In some cases, though, you know more
created problems. You have even used files when the about the information you are searching. For example,
information had to be written to disk. one common thing that you might know is that the
This lesson concentrates on two basic themes. If information is sorted in some kind of order. If you are
the information is stored in an array, linked list, or disk looking for a man named Smith, for example, you may
file, how can you find it quickly? And, what are some have ordered your data base so that all of the people are
better ways to store the information so you can find it listed in alphabetical order. If you are looking for
even quicker? hospital patients using a Social Security Number, you
may be searching a database that is sorted by Social
Sequential Searches Security Numbers.
When you are searching a list of items that is
If you have an array, linked list, or file, the sorted, and you know in advance how many things are
simplest way to find a particular piece of information is in the array, there is a much better way of finding the
to start at the beginning and scan through the data information than scanning the array sequentially. The
structure until you find the entry you want. This is "better way" is called a binary search. The binary
called a sequential search, and it is nothing new to you. search is basically a divide and conquer method, just
You used a sequential search in Lesson 10 to look for a like quick sort. Binary searches are usually not
particular name in a linked list of strings. Of course, implemented with recursion, though.

The idea behind a binary search is to start be forth. Test your search by looking for all of
checking the middle value, rather than the first value. the even numbers from 2 to 200. Make sure
To see how this works, let's assume we are looking for
the number 44 in an array of 100 things. The array is
the search works when values are not found
very simple: each value is the same as its index, so by passing it 0, 202, and 101.
a[44] is 44. We'll start by looking at the middle value,
a[50]. The value is 50, which is too large. Since the A Cross Reference Program for C
array is sorted, we know that the value we are looking
for must be in the portion of the array from a[1] to A binary search is an extremely efficient way of
a[49], assuming it exists at all. We split the array in looking for a particular piece of information, but it does
half again, and so forth. The table below shows our have one drawback. While it works well for arrays, it is
progress. impossible to implement an efficient binary search for a
linked list, simply because you can't hop into the
index value result middle of the linked list.
50 50 too big The two most common ways of searching records
25 25 too small in dynamically allocated memory are called binary trees
37 37 too small and hash tables. Both of these methods use a different
43 43 too small way of organizing information to make the search
46 46 too big faster. We're going to use a C cross reference program
44 44 match to look at binary trees. The purpose of this lesson isn't
really to make you write a C cross reference program,
This divide and conquer search is extremely so this section gives you one to start with. This C cross
powerful. Its worst case run time is O(ln(n)/ln(2)). For reference program uses a linked list for the symbol
our sample of 100 items, a few seconds with a table.
calculator gives the value of 6.64, which tells us that the There are two things that the cross reference
search will always succeed after no more than 7 program will do that are new to you, so lets start by
compares. That's a big improvement over the going over these new techniques in short programs.
sequential sort, with a typical run time for the same One of the things that we have always done so far is to
array of 50 – the binary search is 7 times faster. The prompt the user for a file name. That works, but if you
larger the array, the bigger the difference, too. For an will be using a program a lot, it isn't the easiest way to
array with 100,000 values, the sequential search will get a file name. Our cross reference program will be a
look at an average of 50,000 values. The binary search shell program that reads a file name from the command
will only need to look at 17 values! For an array with line. To run the program, you will move to the shell
100,000 elements, the binary search is nearly 3,000 window, and type the name of the program, followed
times faster. by the name of the file to process. The C language has
While there are many twists on the sequential a way to do this – when you run a C program from the
search and binary search, these two basic ideas are at shell window, the function main actually gets passed
the core of many searches in real programs. Whenever two parameters in a very special way, so that if you
the information you need to search is in no particular ignore the parameters, nothing bad happens. The two
order, or is in a linked list, the sequential search is a parameters are argc, an integer that tells you how many
good choice. If the information is sorted, the binary parameters were passed; and argv, an array of pointers
search is the best choice. Most other searching methods to strings. The things you type in the shell window,
depend on organizing the information better to start including the name of the program itself, are broken up
with. into tokens, splitting the command line wherever a
space appears. The number of tokens are passed in
Problem 16.1. Develop a binary search argc, while the array argv contains pointers to the
strings, with one extra pointer set to NULL to mark the
algorithm, and test in on a simple array. The
end of the list.
search should be implemented as a function Here's a simple program showing how it's done.
that returns the index into the array if the The program even asks for a file name if the user
value you pass it is found, and -1 if it is not. forgets to give one.
Use an array of 100 integers, with each array
element containing an even number. For
example, a[0] would be 2, a[1] is 4, and so
/* read a file name */ code. You can't use the debugger with a program that
you run from the shell window. With the debug code
#include <stdio.h> off, compile the program the way you always do. I
called my program FNAME.CC; if you used a different
char fName[65]; name, you will need to substitute your program's name
/* file name */ in the instructions that follow. Click on the shell
char *fNamePtr; window, and type
/* pointer to the file name */
fname myfile
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
and press the RETURN key. The program will print
{ the name of the file. Try it again, but don't give the
if (argc < 2) { program a file name. This time, the program, will ask
printf("File to cross reference: "); for a file name. Finally, put some extra stuff on the end
fNamePtr = fName;
of the line, like this:
scanf("%64s", fName);
if (strlen(fName) == 0)
fname myfile junk
return -1;
else {
The program still prints the file name, but this time it
if (argc > 2)
also prints a warning that there were some extra
printf("Extra input ignored.\n"); characters on the command line, and these were
fNamePtr = argv[1]; ignored.
} It doesn't take much to turn this into a program that
reads a file and echoes it to the shell window. That's
printf("File name = '%s'\n", fNamePtr); something you have done before, but never in a way
} that your program looked like a command in the shell
window, where you just type the name of the program
You can run this program just like you do any and the file to echo. Listing 16.1 shows the program
other program. If you do, it will stop and ask for a file after its next step of development, reading and echoing
name, just like all of your other programs have. To run the file.
it from the shell window, start by turning off debug

Listing 16.1

/* Read a file and echo it to the console */

#include <stdio.h>

char fName[65]; /* file name */

FILE *f; /* file variable */
char *fNamePtr; /* pointer to the file name */

int main (int argc, char *argv[])

char ch; /* character from the file */

if (argc < 2) { /* get a file name */

printf("File to cross reference: ");
fNamePtr = fName;
scanf("%64s", fName);
if (strlen(fName) == 0)

return -1;
else {
if (argc > 2)
printf("Extra input ignored.\n");
fNamePtr = argv[1];

f = fopen(fNamePtr, "r"); /* open the file */

if (f == NULL) {
printf("Could not open %s.\n", fNamePtr);
return -1;
do { /* echo the file */
ch = fgetc(f);
if (ch != EOF)
while (ch != EOF);
fclose(f); /* close the file */
return 0; /* return with no error */

The last step is to tie all of this together into a C table itself and the line numbers are simple linked lists,
cross reference generator. This program uses the same this is the first time you have seen a linked list where
scanning techniques that we discussed back in Lesson each element of the linked list point to yet another
13, although a few new features have been added to linked list. There are no new concepts involved in
handle comments and to keep track of line numbers. creating linked lists this way, but the details are
Once a token is found, the program searches for the interesting enough to make it worth looking at the
token in a symbol table that is a simple linked list. If program carefully.
the token does not exist, the search routine creates a If you have time, you might want to try writing this
new entry in the symbol table. Finally, the program program on your own before typing in the version you
places the line number where the token was found in a see in listing 16.2.
linked list in the symbol table. While both the symbol

Listing 16.2

/* XREF */
/* */
/* This program generates a cross reference of a C program, */
/* showing where any symbol is used. To use XREF, start by */
/* selecting the shell window. Type */
/* */
/* xref filename */
/* */
/* where filename is the name of the program you want to cross- */
/* reference. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define symbolLength 80 /* max length of a symbol */

char fName[65]; /* file name */

FILE *f; /* file variable */
char *fNamePtr; /* pointer to the file name */

typedef struct lineStruct { /* line number list */

struct lineStruct *next;
int number;
lineStruct, *linePtr;

typedef struct symbolStruct { /* symbol table entry */

struct symbolStruct *next;
char symbol[symbolLength+1];
linePtr lines;
symbolStruct, *symbolPtr;

symbolPtr symbols = NULL; /* symbol table */

int lineNumber = 1; /* current line number */
char ch = ' '; /* current character */
char token[symbolLength+1]; /* current token */
int tokenLine; /* line number at start of token */

void GetCh (void)

/* Read a character from the file */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* ch - character read */
/* lineNumber - current line number */

ch = fgetc(f);
if (ch == '\n')

void SkipComment (void)

/* Skip comments in the program */

do {
if (ch == '*') {
if (ch == '/')
while (ch != EOF);

void NextCh (void)

/* Get the next character from the file, skipping comments */

GetCh(); /* get the next character */
if (ch == '/') { /* skip comments */
if (ch == '*') {

void GetToken (void)

/* Read a word from the source file */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* lineNumber - current line number */
/* token - string read */
/* tokenLine - line number at the start of the token */

int len = 0; /* length of the token */

if (ch != EOF) {
/* skip to the next token */
while ((!iscsymf(ch)) && (ch != EOF))
tokenLine = lineNumber; /* record the line number */
/* record the token */
while (iscsym(ch) && (ch != EOF)) {
if (len < symbolLength) {
token[len] = ch;

token[len] = (char) 0; /* mark the end of the string */

void Insert (void)

/* Insert a symbol use in the symbol table. If the symbol does */

/* not exist, create a new entry. */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* tokenLine - line number at the start of the token */
/* token - symbol to insert */
/* symbols - pointer to the first entry in the symbol table */

linePtr lPtr; /* current line number pointer */
symbolPtr sPtr; /* current symbol pointer */

sPtr = symbols; /* try to find the symbol */

while (sPtr != NULL) {
if (strcmp(token, sPtr->symbol) == 0)
goto make;
sPtr = sPtr->next;
/* none exists: create a new entry */
sPtr = (symbolPtr) malloc(sizeof(symbolStruct));
sPtr->next = symbols;
symbols = sPtr;
strcpy(sPtr->symbol, token);
sPtr->lines = NULL;
/* enter the line number */
lPtr = (linePtr) malloc(sizeof(lineStruct));
lPtr->next = sPtr->lines;
sPtr->lines = lPtr;
lPtr->number = tokenLine;

void PrintNumber (linePtr nPtr)

/* Recursively print the line numbers in reverse order */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* nPtr - pointer to the remainder of the line number list */

if (nPtr != NULL) {
printf("%d ", nPtr->number);

void PrintSymbols (void)

/* Print the symbols found and line numbers */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* symbols - pointer to the first entry in the symbol table */

symbolPtr sPtr; /* current symbol pointer */

sPtr = symbols;
while (sPtr != NULL) {
printf("%16s ", sPtr->symbol);
sPtr = sPtr->next;

int main (int argc, char *argv[])

/* Main program */

if (argc < 2) { /* get a file name */
printf("File to cross reference: ");
fNamePtr = fName;
scanf("%64s", fName);
if (strlen(fName) == 0)
return -1;
else {
if (argc > 2)
printf("Extra input ignored.\n");
fNamePtr = argv[1];

f = fopen(fNamePtr, "r"); /* open the file */

if (f == NULL) {
printf("Could not open %s.\n", fNamePtr);
return -1;


do { /* collect the symbols in the file */

if (strlen(token))
while (strlen(token));
PrintSymbols(); /* print the symbol table */

fclose(f); /* close the file */

return 0; /* return with no error */

There are a couple of problems with the C cross entry. If the entry doesn't exist, the program scans
reference program you just tried. The most subtle through the entire list. A binary tree is another way of
problem is that it is a lot slower than it could be, simply handling dynamically allocated records that essentially
because it takes so darn long to deal with a sequential does the same thing for linked lists that the binary
linked list. This is the main problem we will try to search did for searches. At each level, the tree divides
solve in the next section. The program is even slower if the search in half.
you forget to turn off debug code after the program is The way this works is to include two pointers to
finished. The most obvious problem, though, is that the another structure in each structure, rather than one. In a
symbols are printed in the reverse order of when they linked list, each record has a pointer we have called
are first seen in the program. It would be a lot more next that points to the next structure in the list. In a
convenient if they were printed in alphabetical order. binary tree, each structure has two pointers, which we
We will take care of this problem as a side effect of will call left and right. If we look at a particular
getting rid of the linked list. The last problem is that structure, and the one we want is "smaller" that the one
any sequence of alphanumeric characters is treated as a we are looking at, we follow the left link. If the one we
symbol. Your program reports all of the places where want is "larger" than the one we are looking at, we
you used the reserved word void, for example. That follow the right link.
one you will solve yourself a bit later, as one of the To see how this works, we'll use a few short
problems. programs. The first task is to learn to add a new item to
a binary tree. This is a little harder than it was for a
The Binary Tree linked list, but the same basic ideas are involved. The
program in listing 16.3 reads strings from the keyboard
The major problem with a sequential search of a and adds them to a binary tree.
linked list is the same as the major problem with a
sequential search of an array: the program has to scan
through an average of half of the list to find a particular

Listing 16.3

/* Create a binary tree from keyboard strings */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct treeStruct { /* tree entry */

struct treeStruct *left, *right;
char str[20];

treeStruct, *treePtr;

treePtr tree = NULL; /* top of the tree */

void Add (treePtr *ptr, treePtr rec)

/* Add a record to the tree */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* ptr - next node in the tree */
/* rec - record to add to the tree */

int cmp; /* result of strcmp */

if (*ptr == NULL)
*ptr = rec;
else {
cmp = strcmp(rec->str, (*ptr)->str);
if (cmp < 0)
Add(&((*ptr)->left), rec);
else if (cmp > 0)
Add(&((*ptr)->right), rec);

void main (void)

/* Main program */

char str[20]; /* work string */
treePtr tPtr; /* work pointer */

do {
printf("string: "); /* get a string */
scanf("%19[^\n]%*1[\n]", str);
if (strlen(str)) {
/* create a new record */
tPtr = (treePtr) malloc(sizeof(treeStruct));
tPtr->left = NULL;
tPtr->right = NULL;
strcpy(tPtr->str, str);
Add(&tree, tPtr); /* add it to the tree */
while (strlen(str)); /* loop until no string is given */


Looking at this program, one of the first things you problem, where we conceptually moved an entire pile
might notice is that we are using a recursive subroutine of disks, rather than thinking about the problem as
again. Just as with any situation where recursion is moving individual disks. The same idea cropped up
useful, we can look at the tree as a piecemeal problem. when we used recursion for quick sort, where the
Let's look at an example to see how this will work. As subroutine split the problem in half and called itself to
an example, let's place four states in the tree. We'll use solve each half. Here we see the same idea again: Add
Main, Oregon, Texas and Colorado for our states. Main decides which half of the tree is the important part, then
is simple: we create a new record, set left and right to calls itself, precessing the appropriate half of the tree as
NULL, record the string, and call Add. The procedure a new tree.
Add sees that *ptr is NULL, and records rec there. The The next state to add is Texas, which makes two
effect on the global variables is to assign tPtr to tree, so recursive calls, getting tacked onto the tree as the right
tree now points to the first record in our list, Main. child of Oregon. Follow through the code, writing the
Symbolically, we write the tree like this: steps down on paper if necessary, to see how this is
Well, there isn't much there, yet, so our meager tree \
doesn't look very impressive. Adding Oregon shapes \
things up a bit, though. This time, when we call Add, Oregon
the function sees that ptr is not NULL, and checks to \
see if Oregon is less than Main. It isn't, so it moves on \
to the next check to be sure that Oregon is greater than
Main. It is, but let's stop for a moment and consider
what would happen if it wasn't. The only way a name
The last state is Colorado. Since Colorado is less
could fail both checks is if it matched the name in ptr-
than Main, it is added as the left child of Main. Our
>str exactly. The series of checks, then, prevent
final tree looks like this:
duplicates. You can have duplicates in a binary tree,
but your search has to take it into account if you do.
We don't need them. Main
At this point, Add calls itself, passing ptr->right as / \
the new top of the tree. ptr->right is NULL, so rec is / \
added as the so-called "right child" of Main. It makes Colorado Oregon
as much sense to call Oregon a branch of Main, but for \
historical reasons, we refer to Oregon as the right child \
of Main, and Main as the parent of Oregon. Our tree Texas
looks like this, now:
By now, you may have noticed one of the problems
Main with binary trees. To keep the search time to a
\ minimum, you want the tree to be balanced. What that
\ means is that, when you start at the top, the top element
Oregon of the tree is also the middle element, so that the
compare splits the tree in half. In this example, if we
Notice how recursion handled the problem of had started with Colorado, adding the states in
tracing the tree fairly neatly. Once we decided that the alphabetical order, we would have ended up with a
top node existed, and which way to go, we called Add pretty poor excuse for a tree:
again, treating ptr->right as a brand-new tree, which in
a sense it is. If you recall, when recursion was first
introduced, I said that the way to think about recursion
was to think about one part of the problem at a time.
We used that method to solve the Tower of Hanoi

Colorado else
\ return ptr;
\ }
This is one of those subroutines that you might
struggle for a long time to come up with on your own,
but is so simple that once you see it, it is easy to
Oregon understand and remember. Trace through the
\ subroutine, looking for Oregon and Indiana if you aren't
\ sure how it works.
Texas Finally, we come to a subject that impacts directly
on our cross-reference program. Using a method called
You can add a new structure to the tree and shuffle recursive tree traversal, we can write a very simple
the tree around at the same time to make sure it stays subroutine that will trace through the tree, doing
balanced. We won't cover how, since it involves some something in order. In our case, we want to print the
fairly advanced pointer manipulation. In practical symbols found in the C program. Here's a simple print
situations, it also isn't necessary to create a perfectly subroutine that prints the states in our example
balanced tree. If structures are added to the tree in a program; the subroutine in the C cross reference
fairly random manner, the savings of using a tree program will have exactly the same structure.
instead of a linked list are still enormous. Whether the
extra effort involved in balancing the tree is worth the void Print (treePtr ptr)
time depends on how often the tree will be searched and
how random the structures are. In our application, they /* Print a tree */
are fairly random. /* */
Searching a binary tree is pretty trivial once you /* Parameters: */
know how to create one. After all, adding a new /* ptr - next node in the tree */
structure to the tree searches the tree as a side effect!
Here's a function, based on the Add function, that will {
search the tree, returning a pointer to the correct if (ptr != NULL) {
structure, or NULL if the structure does not exist: Print(ptr->left);
printf("%s\n", ptr->str);
treePtr Search (treePtr ptr, char Print(ptr->right);
str[20]) }
/* Search the tree for a structure */
/* */ Notice how, once again, recursion simplifies the
/* Parameters: */ problem. At any particular place in the tree, we need to
/* ptr - next node in the tree */ print all of the names that come before the one we are
/* str - value to search for */ working on first, so we call Print to do that. Next, we
/* */ need to print the structure we are working on. Finally,
/* Returns: */ we print all of the names that come after the one we just
/* Pointer to the matching */ printed. The initial check to make sure ptr is not NULL
/* structure; NULL if the */ keeps us from stepping off of the "end" of the tree.
/* structure does not exist. */
Problem 16.2. Add the print subroutine to the binary
{ tree sample program. Try the program with a
int cmp; /* result of string compare */ variety of names, using the debugger to see how
the program works if you are not sure, yet.
if (ptr == NULL)
return NULL; Problem 16.3. Change the XREF program so it builds
cmp = strcmp(rec->str, str); a binary tree for the symbol table instead of a
if (cmp < 0) linked list. The easy way to do this is to use the
return Search(ptr->left, rec); Insert subroutine to insert each symbol in the
else if (cmp > 0) program into the symbol table. Because of the way
return Search(ptr->right, rec); the insert subroutine is written, if the symbol

already exists, a new symbol is not created. You
then call the Search subroutine to find the correct
entry in the symbol table (which must exist, since
you just created one if there wasn't one already),
and enter the appropriate line number.

A more challenging, and more efficient way to

implement the program is to combine the Search
and Insert subroutines, creating a function that
returns a pointer to the correct entry in the symbol
table, creating one if one did not already exist.
This is the method the solution uses.

In either case, printing the symbol table is a simple

matter of modifying the Print subroutine from the

Problem 16.4. Add a new check to the XREF program

that checks to see if the symbol just found is a
reserved word in C. You can find a list of the
reserved words in your C reference manual.

An easy way to handle reserved words is to add a

new flag to each symbol table entry that tells if the
entry is a reserved word. If you find a reserved
word, you skip adding the line number to the line
number list. When printing the symbol table, you
again skip reserved words.

Creating the reserved word list in the first place is a

little tedious. You will need a subroutine that calls
Insert for each of the reserved words. There is an
optimum order to add the reserved words. See if
you can figure it out by thinking about the way
trees are created, referring to the example where
the names of four states were entered into a tree.

Lesson Sixteen
Solutions to Problems

Solution to problem 16.1.

/* Implement a binary search */

#include <stdio.h>

#define SIZE 100 /* size of the array */

int a[SIZE]; /* array to search */

int Find (int val)

/* Find the index of a matching array element */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* val - value to find */
/* */
/* Returns: */
/* Returns the array index of the matching array value. */
/* If there are no matching array values, -1 is returned. */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* a - array to search */

int left,right,middle; /* array indices */

left = 0;
right = SIZE-1;
do {
middle = (left+right) / 2;
if (val < a[middle])
right = middle-1;
left = middle+1;
while ((val != a[middle]) && (left <= right));
if (val == a[middle])
return middle;
return -1;

void Fill (void)

/* Fill the array */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* a - array to search */

int i; /* loop index */

for (i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)

a[i] = (i+1)*2;

void Test (void)

/* Test the Find procedure */

int i; /* loop index */

for (i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) /* check to be sure each value can be found */
if (a[Find((i+1)*2)] != (i+1)*2)
printf("Failed to find %d\n", i*2);
if (Find(0) != -1) /* check to be sure missing values are not found */
printf("Reported \"found\" for Find(0)\n");
if (Find(101) != -1)
printf("Reported \"found\" for Find(101)\n");
if (Find(202) != -1)
printf("Reported \"found\" for Find(202)\n");

void main (void)

/* main program */

Fill(); /* fill the array */
Test(); /* test the Find procedure */

Solution to problem 16.2.

/* Create a binary tree from keyboard strings */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct treeStruct { /* tree entry */
struct treeStruct *left, *right;
char str[20];
treeStruct, *treePtr;

treePtr tree = NULL; /* top of the tree */

void Add (treePtr *ptr, treePtr rec)

/* Add a record to the tree */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* ptr - next node in the tree */
/* rec - record to add to the tree */

int cmp; /* result of strcmp */

if (*ptr == NULL)
*ptr = rec;
else {
cmp = strcmp(rec->str, (*ptr)->str);
if (cmp < 0)
Add(&((*ptr)->left), rec);
else if (cmp > 0)
Add(&((*ptr)->right), rec);

void Print (treePtr ptr)

/* Print a tree */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* ptr - next node in the tree */

if (ptr != NULL) {
printf("%s\n", ptr->str);

void main (void)

/* Main program */

char str[20]; /* work string */
treePtr tPtr; /* work pointer */

do {
printf("string: "); /* get a string */
scanf("%19[^\n]%*1[\n]", str);
if (strlen(str)) {
/* create a new record */
tPtr = (treePtr) malloc(sizeof(treeStruct));
tPtr->left = NULL;
tPtr->right = NULL;
strcpy(tPtr->str, str);
Add(&tree, tPtr); /* add it to the tree */
while (strlen(str)); /* loop until no string is given */
Print(tree); /* print the tree in order */

Solution to problem 16.3.

/* XREF */
/* */
/* This program generates a cross reference of a C program, */
/* showing where any symbol is used. To use XREF, start by */
/* selecting the shell window. Type */
/* */
/* xref filename */
/* */
/* where filename is the name of the program you want to cross- */
/* reference. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define symbolLength 80 /* max length of a symbol */

char fName[65]; /* file name */

FILE *f; /* file variable */
char *fNamePtr; /* pointer to the file name */

typedef struct lineStruct { /* line number list */
struct lineStruct *next;
int number;
lineStruct, *linePtr;

typedef struct symbolStruct { /* symbol table entry */

struct symbolStruct *left, *right;
char symbol[symbolLength+1];
linePtr lines;
symbolStruct, *symbolPtr;

symbolPtr symbols = NULL; /* symbol table */

int lineNumber = 1; /* current line number */
char ch = ' '; /* current character */
char token[symbolLength+1]; /* current token */
int tokenLine; /* line number at start of token */

void GetCh (void)

/* Read a character from the file */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* ch - character read */
/* lineNumber - current line number */

ch = fgetc(f);
if (ch == '\n')

void SkipComment (void)

/* Skip comments in the program */

do {
if (ch == '*') {
if (ch == '/')
while (ch != EOF);

void NextCh (void)

/* Get the next character from the file, skipping comments */

GetCh(); /* get the next character */
if (ch == '/') { /* skip comments */
if (ch == '*') {

void GetToken (void)

/* Read a word from the source file */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* lineNumber - current line number */
/* token - string read */
/* tokenLine - line number at the start of the token */

int len = 0; /* length of the token */

if (ch != EOF) {
/* skip to the next token */
while ((!iscsymf(ch)) && (ch != EOF))
tokenLine = lineNumber; /* record the line number */
/* record the token */
while (iscsym(ch) && (ch != EOF)) {
if (len < symbolLength) {
token[len] = ch;
token[len] = (char) 0; /* mark the end of the string */

void AddUse (symbolPtr ptr)

/* Add a line number to the symbol table entry */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* ptr - symbol table entry to update */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* tokenLine - line number at the start of the token */

linePtr lPtr; /* current line number pointer */

lPtr = (linePtr) malloc(sizeof(lineStruct));

lPtr->next = ptr->lines;
ptr->lines = lPtr;
lPtr->number = tokenLine;

void Insert (symbolPtr *ptr)

/* Insert a symbol use in the symbol table. If the symbol does */

/* not exist, create a new entry. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* ptr - pointer to the top node of the tree */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* token - symbol to insert */

symbolPtr sPtr; /* work pointer */
int cmp; /* result of strcmp */

if (*ptr == NULL) { /* no entry: create one */

sPtr = (symbolPtr) malloc(sizeof(symbolStruct));
sPtr->left = NULL;
sPtr->right = NULL;
strcpy(sPtr->symbol, token);
sPtr->lines = NULL;
*ptr = sPtr; /* add it to the tree */
AddUse(sPtr); /* mark the line number */
else {
cmp = strcmp(token, (*ptr)->symbol);
if (cmp < 0)
Insert(&((*ptr)->left)); /* follow the left link */
else if (cmp > 0)
Insert(&((*ptr)->right)); /* follow the right link */
AddUse(*ptr); /* found an existing entry */

void PrintNumber (linePtr nPtr)

/* Recursively print the line numbers in reverse order */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* nPtr - pointer to the remainder of the line number list */

if (nPtr != NULL) {
printf("%d ", nPtr->number);

void PrintSymbols (symbolPtr ptr)

/* Print the symbols found and line numbers */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* ptr - pointer to the next node in the symbol table */

if (ptr != NULL) {
PrintSymbols(ptr->left); /* print symbols to the left */
printf("%16s ", ptr->symbol); /* print this symbol */
PrintSymbols(ptr->right); /* print symbols to the right */

int main (int argc, char *argv[])

/* Main program */

if (argc < 2) { /* get a file name */
printf("File to cross reference: ");
fNamePtr = fName;
scanf("%64s", fName);
if (strlen(fName) == 0)
return -1;
else {
if (argc > 2)
printf("Extra input ignored.\n");
fNamePtr = argv[1];

f = fopen(fNamePtr, "r"); /* open the file */

if (f == NULL) {
printf("Could not open %s.\n", fNamePtr);
return -1;

do { /* collect the symbols in the file */
if (strlen(token))
while (strlen(token));
PrintSymbols(symbols); /* print the symbol table */

fclose(f); /* close the file */

return 0; /* return with no error */

Solution to problem 16.4.

/* XREF */
/* */
/* This program generates a cross reference of a C program, */
/* showing where any symbol is used. To use XREF, start by */
/* selecting the shell window. Type */
/* */
/* xref filename */
/* */
/* where filename is the name of the program you want to cross- */
/* reference. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define symbolLength 80 /* max length of a symbol */

char fName[65]; /* file name */

FILE *f; /* file variable */
char *fNamePtr; /* pointer to the file name */

typedef struct lineStruct { /* line number list */

struct lineStruct *next;
int number;
lineStruct, *linePtr;

typedef struct symbolStruct { /* symbol table entry */

struct symbolStruct *left, *right;
char symbol[symbolLength+1];
int reserved;
linePtr lines;
symbolStruct, *symbolPtr;

symbolPtr symbols = NULL; /* symbol table */
int lineNumber = 1; /* current line number */
char ch = ' '; /* current character */
char token[symbolLength+1]; /* current token */
int tokenLine; /* line number at start of token */

void GetCh (void)

/* Read a character from the file */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* ch - character read */
/* lineNumber - current line number */

ch = fgetc(f);
if (ch == '\n')

void SkipComment (void)

/* Skip comments in the program */

do {
if (ch == '*') {
if (ch == '/')
while (ch != EOF);

void NextCh (void)

/* Get the next character from the file, skipping comments */

GetCh(); /* get the next character */
if (ch == '/') { /* skip comments */
if (ch == '*') {

void GetToken (void)

/* Read a word from the source file */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* lineNumber - current line number */
/* token - string read */
/* tokenLine - line number at the start of the token */

int len = 0; /* length of the token */

if (ch != EOF) {
/* skip to the next token */
while ((!iscsymf(ch)) && (ch != EOF))
tokenLine = lineNumber; /* record the line number */
/* record the token */
while (iscsym(ch) && (ch != EOF)) {
if (len < symbolLength) {
token[len] = ch;
token[len] = (char) 0; /* mark the end of the string */

void AddUse (symbolPtr ptr)

/* Add a line number to the symbol table entry */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* ptr - symbol table entry to update */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* tokenLine - line number at the start of the token */

linePtr lPtr; /* current line number pointer */

lPtr = (linePtr) malloc(sizeof(lineStruct));

lPtr->next = ptr->lines;
ptr->lines = lPtr;
lPtr->number = tokenLine;

void Insert (symbolPtr *ptr, int reserved)

/* Insert a symbol use in the symbol table. If the symbol does */

/* not exist, create a new entry. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* ptr - pointer to the top node of the tree */
/* reserved - is this a reserved word? */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* token - symbol to insert */

symbolPtr sPtr; /* work pointer */
int cmp; /* result of strcmp */

if (*ptr == NULL) { /* no entry: create one */

sPtr = (symbolPtr) malloc(sizeof(symbolStruct));
sPtr->left = NULL;
sPtr->right = NULL;
strcpy(sPtr->symbol, token);
sPtr->reserved = reserved;
sPtr->lines = NULL;
*ptr = sPtr; /* add it to the tree */
if (!reserved) /* mark the line number */

else {
cmp = strcmp(token, (*ptr)->symbol);
if (cmp < 0)
Insert(&((*ptr)->left), reserved); /* follow the left link */
else if (cmp > 0)
Insert(&((*ptr)->right), reserved); /* follow the right link */
else if (!(*ptr)->reserved)
AddUse(*ptr); /* found an existing entry */

void PrintNumber (linePtr nPtr)

/* Recursively print the line numbers in reverse order */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* nPtr - pointer to the remainder of the line number list */

if (nPtr != NULL) {
printf("%d ", nPtr->number);

void PrintSymbols (symbolPtr ptr)

/* Print the symbols found and line numbers */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* ptr - pointer to the next node in the symbol table */

if (ptr != NULL) {
PrintSymbols(ptr->left); /* print symbols to the left */
if (!ptr->reserved) {
printf("%16s ", ptr->symbol); /* print this symbol */
PrintSymbols(ptr->right); /* print symbols to the right */

void ReservedWords (void)

/* Add the C reserved words to the symbol table */

strcpy(token, "if"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "default"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "case"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "asm"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "auto"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "break"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "comp"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "char"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "continue"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "const"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "extended"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "double"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "do"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "enum"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "else"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "float"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "extern"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "goto"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "for"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "sizeof"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "register"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "int"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "inline"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "pascal"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "long"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "segment"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "return"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "signed"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "short"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "union"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "struct"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "static"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "typedef"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "switch"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "void"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "unsigned"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "while"); Insert(&symbols, 1);
strcpy(token, "volatile"); Insert(&symbols, 1);

int main (int argc, char *argv[])

/* Main program */

if (argc < 2) { /* get a file name */
printf("File to cross reference: ");
fNamePtr = fName;
scanf("%64s", fName);
if (strlen(fName) == 0)
return -1;
else {
if (argc > 2)
printf("Extra input ignored.\n");
fNamePtr = argv[1];

f = fopen(fNamePtr, "r"); /* open the file */

if (f == NULL) {
printf("Could not open %s.\n", fNamePtr);
return -1;

ReservedWords(); /* add the reserved words */

do { /* collect the symbols in the file */
if (strlen(token))
Insert(&symbols, 0);
while (strlen(token));
PrintSymbols(symbols); /* print the symbol table */

fclose(f); /* close the file */

return 0; /* return with no error */

Lesson Seventeen
A Project: Developing a Break-Out Game
to serve the need of some person or group of people.
Designing a Program The first step in designing a program is to decide who
those people are, and what they really want in a
There is a basic difference between how you write program. Before you decide on your first algorithm,
a large program, and how you write a small one. So before you write your first line of code, you need to
far, every program you have written in this course has decide what the program does, who the program does it
been a small one. I know, some of them have seemed for, and what they want the program to do.
large, but they are really small compared to what Our program is a simple arcade game called Break
experienced programmers can write, even in a single Out. It's been around since the dawn of time – in
week. Because the programs are so small, it is quite computer terms, that was about 1970 or so. When the
possible that you can keep all of the details about the game starts, there are several rows of bricks along the
program in your head at one time. That makes it hard top of the screen. Along the bottom is a paddle; it
to understand why I stress commenting, breaking shows up as a line about an inch wide. A ball drops
programs down into pieces with subroutines, or even a from the vicinity of the bricks; the object is to move the
consistent indenting style. For programs under 500 mouse to hit the ball, sending it back up to the bricks.
lines or so, these issues are rarely important. I can tell Each time the ball hits a brick, the brick goes away, and
you from experience, though, that structured the payer's score goes up. If all of the bricks get
programming is crucial when you set out to write a knocked out, a new set of bricks appear, one row closer
10,000 line program. to the bottom of the screen. If the player misses a ball,
This lesson exists for one simple reason: to give it vanishes, and a new ball drops from the screen. We
you at least one hands-on look at how a real program is will start the player with three balls, and add one more
developed. While the program we will write in this each time all of the bricks are knocked off of the screen.
lesson is not large compared to most commercial This may seem like a pretty simple game, and it is.
programs, it is enormous compared to anything you It can also be very addicting. I have spent hours
have written so far. Writing this program gives you a playing Break Out when there were other things to do.
chance to see, first hand, how the techniques of Even my kids enjoy it – when I give them a chance to
structured programming and good style can help to play!
develop a program. You will also see how a program The first step in designing the program is to make
develops iteratively, and how to use the techniques of sure you can visualize the screen, and what will happen
top-down and bottom-up design when writing a at each step of the program. For a graphics program
program. like this one, a simple, rough sketch is a great aid. Grab
There is only one problem in this lesson. The a pencil and paper, and draw a large rectangle to
problem is to write a game. The text of the lesson represent the screen. Along the top, draw six rows of
concentrates more on the thought process that you need bricks. These should be in the top quarter of the screen,
to go through to develop the program than on the details and there should be a gap above the bricks.
of coding. As you go, though, you should be writing There are two things a player will want to keep
the game. A complete listing is, of course, given in the track of while the game is being played: the current
solution to the lesson. score, and the number of balls he has left. We'll put
these along the bottom of the screen, in the left and
The User: That's Who We Write For right corner. Right above this text information is where
the paddle will be. It is a simple line.
Absolutely the first step, and the one most often While the game is being played, the only action the
neglected by programmers, engineers, and virtually player can take is to move the mouse back and forth,
every other member of a skilled profession, is to step which in turn moves the paddle back and forth on the
back and realize why we are writing a program in the screen. Sketch the paddle just above the text that gives
first place. The program is being written for someone the score and number of balls.
to use. Whether we are writing an arcade game, The program itself, of course, is doing a bit more.
creating the code to run a pacemaker, or simulating the In addition to tracking the progress of the mouse, the
rise and fall of the Roman Empire, the program exists program is moving the ball across the screen. There are

several things that can happen to the ball. Outlining An important point to remember here is that
these cases clearly now is pretty easy, especially if you the ball can hit a brick from the bottom, the
imagine the ball bouncing around on your sketch. If top, or even from the side. For example, if the
you look at the outline, below, of what the ball does, player pokes a hole in the bricks, the ball can
you can probably visualize what the code to handle the whiz through at an angle, and start bouncing
ball will look like, too, in terms of the if statements that off of the top of the screen and the top of the
will be needed. Here's a table that describes the various highest row of bricks. If the ball doesn't make
things that can happen as the ball moves around the it all the way through the hole, it could hit a
screen. brick on the side. We need to make sure that
our ball can bounce in an appropriate
1. If the ball hits the paddle, it will rebound direction, regardless of which side of the brick
toward the top of the screen. The paddle is it hits.
restricted to a row along the bottom of the
screen, so we can check to see if the ball has Now that we know how the action part of the game
hit the paddle by checking the Y coordinate is played, we need to back up and figure out how to
(the Y coordinate is the vertical position) of start the game. While a game is being played, the
the ball. If it matches the Y coordinate of the player will eventually miss a ball. When that happens,
paddle, we can check to see if the ball has hit it would be nice to give the guy a chance to catch his
the paddle by comparing the X coordinate (the breath. One way to do this is to print a message on the
horizontal position) of the ball with the left screen and wait for the player to press the mouse
and right edges of the paddle. button. We'll try that first, and see how it works in our
Something that makes the game a lot more When the game starts, and after each game is
interesting is to add some spin to the paddle. played, we need to print some sort of message. They
If the ball hits the center of the paddle, we will player will need two options: playing a game or
bounce it straight back up. If the ball hits a quitting. One way to handle this is to write a couple of
little to one side, we can send it off at a small text messages on the screen, with lines around the
angle. If the ball hits near the edge of the messages to make them look like buttons. We will let
paddle, we send it back up at a steep angle. In the person move the same arrow cursor that you are
all cases, we send the ball back up. The thing used to around the screen. When the player presses the
we are changing is the velocity of the ball in mouse button, the program will check to see if the
the y direction. You can probably visualize arrow is inside one of our boxes; if so, the program will
how this will work on paper; later we will either quit or start a game, depending on which box the
work through the details of how to make it arrow is in.
happen in the computer. You may notice that this planning process has left
out a lot of details. For example, we haven't decided
2. The next case is if the ball reaches the paddle what all of the text messages will be. You don't know
row, but does not hit the paddle. In other how to move the mouse, or how to make an arrow
words, the player missed. In that case, the ball cursor move around the screen. We haven't decided
vanishes, and we go back to the starting point. exactly how big the bricks will be, or where they will
be placed.
3. The ball could hit the left, right, or top of the Some of these details are important at this point,
screen. In that case, we bounce the ball back and some are best left until later. How to deal with the
toward the middle. We actually wrote a mouse is important: how it is done will shape the design
sample program to do this once, a long time of the program. That means we need to do a little
ago. research, and possibly develop a few subroutines before
we really start the program. What text we write on the
4. The ball could hit a brick. In that case, we do screen, how big the bricks and paddle are, and exactly
several things. First, we erase the brick. where they go doesn't matter. You can jot down some
Second, we update the score, adding some ideas now, or just wait until you are working on that
points for eliminating the brick. Finally, the part of the program. The exact size and position of the
ball bounces back. bricks is sure to be something we change as the
program develops. We'll try several possibilities, and
pick the one that works best. In short, the thing to be

sure of right now is that you know how to do all of the do {
things, like moving the mouse, that you will need to do. event = GetNextEvent(
The details can, and in some cases must, be left until EVENTMASK,
the program starts to take shape. &myevent);
Laying the Groundwork MovePaddle();
The first step in developing the program is to learn
while (balls != 0);
how to do the things we don't already know how to do.
The obvious thing, in this case, is to learn to read and
handle the mouse. This is also the stage of The event manager returns a boolean flag that tells
development where you might hit the books. For us whether an event occurred. We don't really care: in
example, if you are writing an astronomy program, this our game, the player can click on the button, pound on
is the time to dig through books to find the appropriate the keyboard, or whatever, and the program will ignore
formulas. It's a good time to find out what star data him. The only thing that is important to us is where the
bases are available, too, and what format they come in. mouse is. The position of the mouse is returned in
For our program we need to know how Apple IIGS myevent, which is a structure with a type of
programs deal with the mouse, and how we go about EventRecord. You need to include event.h, the event
using those abilities. The way this is done is tied up in manager's header file, in your program to use
the concept of an event loop. GetNextEvent; event.h also pulls in the correct header
To understand what an event loop is, and what it file to define EventRecord.
has to do with a mouse, let's start by thinking about When you are learning about a new structure, it is a
how our program might work. Basically, while the good idea to actually look at the source code for the
game is running, the program needs to do two things: toolbox interface files to see how the structure is
move the ball, handling anything that might happen if defined. Here is the definition for an event record:
the ball hits something, and move the paddle as the
player moves the mouse. The way we do this is to loop struct EventRecord {
over basic calls to subroutines until the ball missed the int what;
paddle, something like this: long message;
long when;
do { Point where;
MoveBall(); int modifiers;
MovePaddle(); }
while (balls != 0); Most of these fields are of no interest to us at the
moment, although we will use a couple more later. The
In the language of the Apple IIGS, this is very, very what field is filled in with a number that indicates what
close to being an even loop. The idea of an event loop kind of an event occurred. There is one number for a
is to loop, waiting for something to happen. We start key press, another for pressing on the mouse button,
the loop with a call to the event manager to get the next still another for letting up on the mouse button, and so
event. An event is basically something the player did. on. We will use this field later, when we try to decide
It could be pressing a mouse button, pressing a key, or if the player has clicked on a mouse button.
clicking in a menu bar. It can also be a null event, The meaning of the message field varies,
which is a fancy way of saying nothing happened. No depending on what kind of event occurs. For a key
matter what kind of event has occurred, though, the press, for example, this field tells what key was pressed.
event manager fills in a record and passes some The when field is a primitive timer. The Apple
information back to us. The important part of that IIGS keeps track of how many 1/60ths of a second have
information, from our standpoint, is the current position elapsed since the event manager was started; the value
of the mouse. In a nutshell, that's how we read the is returned in this field. This is a good way to decide if
mouse. It only takes a tiny change to turn the main a certain amount of time has passed.
loop we just wrote into an Apple IIGS event loop that The field we are really interested in at the moment
reads the location of the mouse for us each time through is the where field. This field is actually a structure
the loop. itself. The structure is a point, which is a structure used
by the toolbox to hold both an x and y position at the

same time. The event manager fills in this field with graphics programs in the graphics window. The event
the current position of the mouse. As you move the manager returns the position of the mouse on the
mouse across your desktop, the Apple IIGS keeps track screen, not it's position within our window.
of it, changing the position. The position is reported as Fortunately, there is a simple call called
a point on the screen; it ranges from 0 to 640 GlobalToLocal, defined in quickdraw.h, that will
horizontally, and 0 to 200 vertically. If you start the change the values of a point so they are given in
event manager in the 320 graphics mode, the position relation to the current window, rather than the screen as
for the mouse is adjusted so that the horizontal position a whole.
varies from 0 to 320. In other words, a lot of work is Putting all of this together, the sample program in
being done to keep things simple for you. listing 17.1 moves a paddle back and forth in the
The modifiers field contains still more information graphics window. Naturally, we have to start the event
about the particular event that the event manager is manager. This program gives an adaptation of the
reporting. graphics startup code from lesson 12 that also starts the
If you check the EventRecord structure in event.h, event manager. The only other new call is GetPortRect,
you will find a couple of differences between that defined in quickdraw.h, while fills in a rectangle that
structure and the one shown here. The structure in tells you how big the graphics window is. This lets the
event.h uses types of Word and LongWord for int and program adapt to whatever size you set the graphics
long; these are just macros that replace int and long. window to, instead of assuming some fixed size. The
You will also find some other fields after the modifiers rectangle itself is yet another toolbox structure that
field; these are used by other tool calls besides contains the top, bottom, left and right coordinates of
GetNextEvent which share the EventRecord structure the window you are drawing in – or the entire graphics
with GetNextEvent. Since they are not filled in by screen if your program is not using the window
GetNextEvent, we won't worry about them in our manager.
There is one minor complication that we will have
to deal with. We are used to writing and debugging

Listing 17.1

/* Move a paddle in the graphics window */

#include <quickdraw.h>
#include <event.h>
#include <memory.h>

#include <orca.h>

#define EVENTMASK 0x0F6E /* GetNextEvent event mask */

#define SIZE 640 /* graphics mode */

EventRecord myevent; /* current event record */

int maxX; /* max X distance the paddle can travel */
int paddlePosition = 0; /* current X position of the paddle */
Rect screen; /* port rectangle */

void StartTools (void)

/* Start the tools */

handle memory; /* memory returned by NewHandle */
Rect r; /* screen size */

startgraph(SIZE); /* initialize QuickDraw */

SetPenMode(2); /* pen mode = xor */
SetPenSize(1,1); /* use a square pen */
SetSolidPenPat(15); /* paint the screen white */
SetSolidPenPat(0); /* use a black pen */
memory = NewHandle(256L,userid(),0xC015,0L); /* start up the event mgr */
EMStartUp((int) *memory, 0, 0, SIZE, 0, 200, userid());
FlushEvents(0xFFFF, 0);

void ShutDownTools (void)

/* Shut down the tools */


void DrawPaddle (int position, int color)

/* Draw the paddle */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* position - position to draw the paddle */
/* color - color of the paddle */

#define WIDTH 70 /* width of the paddle */

#define HEIGHT 3 /* height of the paddle */
int y; /* position of the paddle on the screen */

SetPenSize(WIDTH,HEIGHT); /* set the pen to draw the entire paddle */

SetSolidPenPat(color); /* set the paddle color */
SetPenMode(0); /* use copy mode */
if (position+WIDTH > maxX) /* make sure we don't go off of the screen */
position = maxX-WIDTH;

if (position < 0)
position = 0;
y = screen.v2-12; /* find the paddle's y position */
MoveTo(position,y); /* draw the paddle */

void MovePaddle (void)

/* Track and move the paddle */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* paddlePosition - position of the paddle */
/* myevent - last event returned by GetNextEvent */

/* convert the point to our window */

/* if the mouse moved, move the paddle */

if (myevent.where.h != paddlePosition) {
paddlePosition = myevent.where.h;

void main (void)

/* Main program */

int event; /* event flag; returned by GetNextEvent */

StartTools(); /* start the tools */

GetPortRect(&screen); /* set the limit on the paddle */
maxX = screen.h2;
DrawPaddle(paddlePosition,0); /* draw the initial paddle */

do { /* event loop */
event = GetNextEvent(EVENTMASK, &myevent);
while (!event);

ShutDownTools(); /* shut down the tools */


There are a couple of new things in this program game, so we wrote the paddle movement subroutines.
that deserve special attention. First off, the hardest As it turns out, we can use these same subroutines, with
thing about initializing a tool by making direct calls to a few changes in the constants that control the size and
the Apple IIGS toolbox is getting the direct page position of the paddle, in our game. Programmers have
memory so many of the tools need. That is one of the a name for this: it is called bottom-up design.
main reasons that ORCA/C has built-in calls to help The idea behind bottom-up design is to look at a
you initialize the tools. In this program, we need to program, or any problem, and break it down into small
start the event manager, but we don't want to start any parts. We then do the parts individually, and assemble
of the other desktop tools that startdesk would initialize. the finished parts to get a complete program. When the
While we won't go into details about the tools in this parts are well-defined, like moving a paddle, this
course, the example in this program showing how to technique works very well. We can write and test good
start the event manager can be used as a model for sized chunks of the program in small test programs,
starting other tools. If you like, you can look up the finding problems and making sure the individual pieces
calls used in the Apple IIGS Technical Reference work the way we want them to. That way, when we put
Manual to see what was done and why. For the the piece in the program, it is probably going to work
purposes of this course, though, we'll treat the code to fine. And, since we used a small test program to
start the event manager as a black box: something you develop it, we don't have to recompile the entire
can use without understanding it in detail. program each time we make a small change to our
There is a new animation trick in this program that piece. Even more important, if there is a bug, there is a
I want you to notice, too. The MovePaddle procedure lot less code to search through to find the problem.
has a check to see if the mouse has moved. If the If you have been around programming circles,
mouse has not moved, the paddle is not redrawn. There though, you have probably heard about top-down
is a very good reason to make this check. Without it, if design. This is just the opposite of bottom-up design:
you leave the mouse in one place, the paddle will instead of breaking the problem down into pieces, and
flicker slightly as it is continuously erased and redrawn. working on the individual pieces, we organize the
You don't notice this flicker as much when the paddle is problem, and write the main part of the program. Any
moving, but it is very annoying when the paddle is pieces are put in the program as empty subroutines, or
standing still. maybe as a subroutine that just has a message telling
Finally, we took a cheap way of exiting the loop. that it was called. These dummy subroutines are called
GetNextEvent returns a boolean value that tells us if stubs. We then write and test the pieces, one after the
some event has taken place. Moving the mouse isn't other, until the program is finished. The process of
considered to be an event, so we can move the mouse writing the pieces is called stepwise refinement.
(and hence the paddle) back and forth to test the So which is better? Actually, that's the wrong
program. As soon as we click the mouse button or question. It's like asking if a hammer or a saw is a
press a key, though, the event manager reports the better tool; the answer depends on what you are doing.
event, and we drop out of the do-while loop. Later, our In most large programs, we use both methods. In fact,
checks will get more sophisticated, but this easy we have already used both in this lesson. We started
mechanism lets us work on parts of the program with a top-down design, laying out the basic goals of
without putting a lot of effort into things that will the program. We didn't get far before we discovered
change. This basic idea of simplifying tasks and that there were some things – namely, reading the
leaving work for a later time is a very powerful mouse – that we needed to learn how to do. We
technique. It allows you to concentrate on a researched this problem, and in the process wrote some
manageable sized part of the program. subroutines that we will need in our finished game.
Next, we will return to the top-down design method,
Bottom-Up Design Verses Top-Down writing the shell of the program and gradually refining
Design Here are some rules of thumb to help you choose
between the two methods. Like all rules of thumb, an
If you stop and think about it for a moment, we just
experienced programmer will be able to point out
wrote a program to move a paddle across the screen.
exceptions. These are guidelines, not hard and fast
"Of course we did," you say. "We are writing a break-
out game." True, but there was a method to our
madness. After all, we were really trying to learn how
1. Always start your design process from the
the mouse was used. On the other hand, we know we
viewpoint of the user. The only way to
will need to move a paddle across the screen for our

effectively do this is to use the top-down handle this stub, we will add a while loop around the
design method. game's event loop, like this:

2. While you are doing the initial program while (PlayAGame())

design, look for general themes that apply to do {
many problems of the kind you are about to event = GetNextEvent(
solve. These are often good targets for EVENTMASK,
bottom-up design. For example, if you are
about to write a program to manipulate
matrices, you could develop a matrix inversion
subroutine that can be used in your program }
before starting on the main part of the while (event);
program. If you will be writing an arcade
game, it might be wise to develop the This brings up an interesting point, though: does
animation routines before you start. our stub return true or false? It needs to return true so
we can play a game. We need a way for it to return
3. Once any low-level subroutines are developed, false, though, so we can get out of our program. We
return to the top-down design approach. Write will solve this problem with some simple "throw-away"
the main program with stubs. Gradually fill in code. This is code that we know doesn't work like we
the stubs until the program is finished, adding want the final program to work, but does the job well
your low-level routines developed in step 2 as enough that we can concentrate on other parts of the
needed. program for a while. For this stub, add a static variable,
and initialize it to true. PlayAGame should return the
4. Always skip step 2 if you can. Unless there is value of the static variable, but set it to false. That way,
a clear reason for developing a subroutine PlayAGame returns true the first time it is called, but
before you start on the main program, it is false the second time.
probably a good idea to implement it as a stub,
and fill it in later. The reason is simple: it is void PlayAGame (void)
very easy to miss a detail in your initial design
pass that could be very important when the {
subroutine is written. If you develop the static int play = 1;
program from the top down, these kinds of int ret;
details are obvious by the time you get to the
point where you are writing the subroutine. ret = play;
play = 0;
Starting the Program return ret;
Now that we have finished the basic design,
researched the things we didn't know about, and written
It's embarrassing to finish a program and have dead
the low-level routines that we wanted to write, it is time
variables around. When I add dummy variables or
to start on the program itself. The program that we
dummy code to a program, I always mark it with a
used to test the paddle movements is actually a very
comment that looks like this:
good place to start. After all, the paddle does move in
the window already!
/* <<<>>> */
The first step, then, is to flesh out the sample,
putting in stubs for the various subroutines we will need
This makes it easy to go back later and search for
later. One stub will be the subroutine that writes a
dummy code. That way, with one search, I can make
message on the screen, and gives the player a chance to
sure that there is no dummy code or any unused
quit or play a game. We can call this stub PlayAGame,
variables left in the program.
and make it return an integer result. This stub will
In the event loop we need to move the ball and
handle all of the details of putting the message on the
handle the various situations that pop up when the ball
screen and figuring out if the player wants to play a
hits something. Add another stub called MoveBall to
game or quit. If the player wants to quit, the function
your event loop. We will need some way of stopping
will return false; otherwise it will return true. To
the game before it is finished. MoveBall is where the

check will eventually be done, so we will put the want to leave the arrow on the screen for now, to make
dummy check in MoveBall now. We know this is it easier to use the debugger, but eventually you will
where the check will eventually be, since MoveBall is want to add a call to HideCursor, right after the
where we will test to see if we missed the paddle. If so, InitCursor call. HideCursor, which also has no
and if there are no more balls left, the game is over. parameters, makes the arrow invisible. When we add
For now, we will test the last event returned by code to the program that allows the player to click on a
GetNextEvent to see if the mouse button was released, mouse button, you will want to make the arrow show
like this: up again. ShowCursor does this. Like the other two
cursor calls, ShowCursor does not have any parameters.
if (myevent.what == mouseUpEvt) Before moving on, there is one more topic we need
balls = 0; to deal with. The finished program will be a stand-
alone graphics program, of course. In lesson 12,
This is the first time we have checked the mouse. though, you found out that it is best to work within the
There are two basic mouse events, mouseDownEvt and programming environment as long as you can. How
mouseUpEvt. The first is when the mouse button is can we test the program without leaving the
pressed down, while the second is when the mouse programming environment? The answer involves some
button is let up. Generally, we wait until the mouse is tool calls that let you manipulate the size and location
released before performing the action, so this code of a window. It turns out that the graphics window is
waits for a mouse up event. Don't forget to change the the current port while your program is running under
exit condition for the event loop at the same time! In PRIZM. Using this fact, the subroutine ExpandGraph,
the paddle program, the event loop stops when an event shown in listing 17.2, expands the graphics window to
occurs. In our game, it should stop when balls = 0. the full size of the screen, and brings it to the front, so it
We need to draw the initial screen when we start. is drawn over all of the other windows. ShrinkGraph
Add one last stub right after the call to PlayAGame, returns the graphics window to a reasonable size. If
called InitScreen. InitScreen should start by filling the you are using the debugger while your program runs,
entire screen with a black background. Naturally, you you may want to leave out the call to BringToFront.
should go into the startup code for the tools and remove That way, the source code window will remain visible
the lines that fill the initial, black screen with a white while you play the game. The bricks, ball and paddle
background! Finally, move the initial code that draws will move behind the source code window, making it a
the paddle and sets paddlePosition into this subroutine. bit hard to play the game, but at least you will be able to
One of the things you are used to seeing in a see the source code. Also, when you return from the
desktop program is an arrow that moves across the program, you will need to click on the program window
screen when the mouse moves. This arrow is to make it the front window. The menu bar will remind
something you have to initialize. Right after the tools you to do this, since many menu items are not available
are started, you should put a call to InitCursor in your when the graphics window is the front window.
program. Add these to your program as throw-away code.
These subroutines use tool calls defined in the window
InitCursor(); manager header file, so you will need to add window.h
to the list of tool header files you include. Stop now,
This can be done anytime after QuickDraw is and get your entire program to work with the stubs.
started. It is pretty annoying, though, to have an arrow
on the screen while we are moving a paddle. You may

Listing 17.2

void ExpandGraph (void)

/* Expand the graphics window to full screen */

/* <<<>>> */
MoveWindow(0, 0, GetPort()); /* move the window to the top left corner */
SetMaxGrow(640, 200, GetPort()); /* let the window get this big */
SizeWindow(640, 200, GetPort()); /* make the window this big */
BringToFront(GetPort()); /* bring the graph window to front */

void ShrinkGraph (void)

/* Put the graphics window back in the corner */

/* <<<>>> */
MoveWindow(320, 115, GetPort()); /* move graph back to the corner */
SizeWindow(320, 85, GetPort()); /* make the window a reasonable size */

we leave two blank lines between each row of bricks,

Drawing the Bricks and make each brick six pixels high, we end up using
48 rows of pixels. Along with the 8 blank pixels, this
The next step is to draw the initial bricks. There gives us 56 pixels at the top of the screen, which is
are several things that we need to do to handle the about right.
bricks. Up until now, we have ignored the details, but Stop now and write the subroutine to draw the
at this point it is time to stop and think through the original set of six rows of bricks on the screen. For
issues carefully. Putting a word to it, this is stepwise consistency with the solution, call the subroutine
refinement. What we are doing is to design a mini- DrawBricks; it should be called from InitScreen. I used
program just like we would design a complete program. a global variable called brickY to decide how high the
The mini-program we will write in this section draws a bricks are. That way, as the game progresses and the
row of bricks on the screen, and initializes some tables bricks get lower, I only had to change one global value
for later use by other parts of the program. before calling DrawBricks. Of course, you need to
The program starts with six rows of bricks on the choose some colors for the bricks. In my program, I
screen. We will use a total of 16 bricks in each row. made all of the bricks in a single row the same color,
There are four things we will need to know about these and used a black line along the right edge of each brick
bricks: their color, where they are, how many points to separate the bricks.
they are worth, and whether they have been knocked Assigning the values to the bricks is somewhat a
out yet. matter of personal taste, of course. All of the bricks in
Let's start by deciding where the bricks will be. a particular row should have the same value. The
The first step is to decide how big each brick will be. bricks in the bottom row should be worth the least, and
The screen is 640 pixels wide, so if we want 16 bricks the bricks in the top row should be worth the most. If
per row, each one will be 40 pixels wide. The six rows the player is skillful enough to move on to the next
of bricks should appear near the top of the screen, say level of play by knocking out all of the bricks, the rows
in the top 60 or so pixels. We want some blank space at move down. Since it is harder to knock out the bricks
the top to give the ball some room to rebound, too. at the lower level, they should be worth more, too.
We'll allow 8 pixels before the top of the first brick. If There are several ways to handle all of these factors.

You could create an array that holds the point values for blank rows of pixels separating the bricks? How do I
each row, with different point values for each level, like know the point values I assigned to the bricks will give
this: a playable game?
The answer is, I don't. I made some reasonable
#define ROWS 6 guesses. If you ask a dozen experienced programmers
#define LEVELS 16 to make the same choices, you would come up with
several different values for each variable. At this point,
int points[ROWS][[LEVELS]; though, we can see the bricks on the screen. We can
study them, taking a moment to decide if the bricks are
I picked 16 as the maximum number of levels here; the right size, the right proportion, and the right color.
we may need to vary that later. This scheme gives you If not, now is the time to make some changes. And
a lot of flexibility when assigning point values to the since you used constants to isolate things like the
bricks, but it is pretty complicated, and it will take a lot number of rows and the size of bricks, it is easy to go
of code to fill in the array. I finally decided on a back and make the changes.
simpler mechanism. On level 1, the bottom row of What? You didn't use constants? Well, you
bricks is worth 10 points, and each higher row is worth should. That was one of those silly little rules of thumb
5 more points. On level 2, the bottom row is worth 15 I pointed out a long time ago. Now, developing a large
points, while each higher row is still worth 5 additional program where you need to make fine adjustments to
points. This mechanism is so simple that I can use a your program, you can start to see some of the value in
formula to find the value of a brick, assuming I know that silly rule.
the row and playing level. The formula I came up with
is Drawing the Score and Balls
points = (row+level)*5; The next step is to draw the score and number of
balls on the screen. This is pretty easy: just use
This is so simple that I don't need to initialize anything MoveTo to set the pen position, SetForeColor and
in DrawBricks; I just jot the formula down for later use. SetBackColor to choose appropriate colors for the
The last step is to initialize an array that keeps letters, and write the scores. I used the following
track of whether a brick has been knocked out or not. strings and positions, putting green letters near the
This array will be used when we are tracking the ball. bottom of the screen.
When the ball is in the area where the bricks are
located, we will calculate the row and column number SetBackColor(0);
of the brick it is starting to hit. The row and column SetForeColor(2);
number can then be used to index into the brick array. MoveTo(0,190);
If the brick exists, we know that we have to remove it, printf("Score:");
and rebound the ball. DrawBricks is responsible for MoveTo(560,190);
drawing the initial rows of bricks on the screen, so it printf("Balls:");
seems like a good place to initialize the array to true.
The array looks like this: The score and number of balls must be updated
throughout the game, so I put the code to write these
#define ROWS 6 numbers in two subroutines, called WriteScore and
#define COLUMNS 16 WriteBalls. By writing a few extra blanks after the
numeric score, I made sure that any old text was erased.
int stillThere[ROWS][COLUMNS]; You will also need to move the paddle up a bit.
Since we used constants to set the paddle position, this
Put the code into DrawBricks to initialize all of the is an easy thing to do. I raised the paddle to 16 pixels
elements of this array to true, then test your program to above the bottom of the screen.
make sure everything works. Go ahead and get the program working up to this
A lot of the decisions in this lesson probably point.
seemed arbitrary, and you are wondering how I made
them. How do I know, for example, that we want 6 Bouncing the Ball
rows of bricks, with 16 bricks in each row? How do I
know that the bricks should be 6 pixels thick, with two We have a complete playing field now. The next
step is to actually start the ball moving. You have
written code to bounce a ball before; now is the time to matter how fast the computer is, the game will always
add the same bouncing ball to our program. run at the same speed.
The ball should start just below the bottom row of To use the when field as a timer, we start be
bricks, and head down and to the side. If you move it recording the value of the when field in a global
down two pixels and over four pixels with each variable just as the ball starts to move. We can then
movement, it will have a good angle, without being too check the timer, making sure that a certain amount of
steep. The horizontal position that it starts at, and the time has elapsed since the last time the ball was moved.
direction of the initial angle, should be chosen at The best place to do this is in our main event loop,
random. which now looks like this:
In the past, our simulations have used a fixed
random number seed, or asked for a seed from the user. do {
Neither option seems right for the break out game. If GetNextEvent(EVENTMASK,
we use a fixed seed, the first ball will always come &myevent);
from the same place and the same direction. If we ask timer =
for a seed, the player can cheat. We have a pretty good
choice for a seed in this program, though. The when
if (timer > PAUSE) {
field of the event record is the number of heartbeats
since we started the event manager. This number will MoveBall();
rarely be the same when we start the game, since the lastWhen += PAUSE;
player has to click the mouse to start. (Well, not yet, }
but he will before we are finished.) In fact, for our MovePaddle();
purpose, the when field itself is suitably random! Here }
is how I chose the position and direction of the ball: while (balls);

if (event.when & 0x0001) Looking at this loop, what we are doing is to wait
dx = -4; until at least PAUSE heartbeats have occurred before
else we call MoveBall. We then update the value of
dx = 4; lastWhen, but note that we add PAUSE, rather than
x = event.when % 640; recording myevent.when. This will keep the ball
movement smooth, even if some spot in our program
In effect, I have used a tiny part of the when field takes up a bit too much time. Of course, you must pick
to decide if the ball should head to the left or right when a value for PAUSE, which should be declared as a
it starts. The last line uses the when field again to set constant. Start with any value you like, and try hitting
the initial horizontal position of the ball. the ball with the paddle. Adjust PAUSE until you like
If you try your program now, the ball will be the way the game works.
moving pretty slow. You need to turn debug code off
to test the program's playability. The ball will still The Bricks
move too slow; that's something we'll take care of later.
It turns out that QuickDraw isn't quick enough; in the We have gradually built up to the point where we
640 drawing mode, the paddle and ball can't be drawn can almost play a game. The last step is to keep track
quickly enough for a playable game. Later, we will of when we hit the bricks, removing them when this
correct this problem by switching to 320 graphics happens.
mode. There is a more serious problem, though. The In order to lower the bricks each time the screen is
ball moves noticeably slower when you move the cleared, you have to record the position of some row of
paddle. This is because there is more work to do when bricks in a global variable; in this program, I recorded
the paddle is moved. The way to handle this problem is the bottom of the lowest row of bricks. After the screen
to put the game on a regular timer. We can do that by is cleared, you can add 8 to this value, and redraw the
checking the when field, and only moving the ball after bricks. This value is also the key to determining if we
the field changes by some fixed amount. This also have hit a brick.
solves one other problem that plagues many arcade The first step is to decide if we are even near the
games. You may have seen some games that run too bricks, and if so, which row of bricks we are near. To
fast when they are played on a computer with an figure out how to do this, I will assume that you have
accelerator card. By fixing the speed of the game to the defined the variables and constants shown in listing
when field, which is updated 60 times per second no 17.3. If they have different names in your program,

you will have to adjust the names used here. If these There is a lot packed into these few lines, so let's
variables and constants don't exist in your program – if take a moment to look them over carefully. The first if
you are using hard-coded values, for example – now is check makes sure that the ball has at least reached the
a good time to repent. Go back and make the values first row of bricks; this gets us out of the subroutine
constants. quickly if the ball is below the bricks and simplifies the
The only value that may seem a little curious is rest of the calculations, all at the same time. The next
spacing. We will need to calculate the pixel position line calculates the row that the ball is in, returning a
for the various rows. To do that, we need to know the value greater than the constant ROWS if the ball is
distance from the bottom of one row to the bottom of above all of the rows. To see how it works, let's plug in
the next row. SPACING is that value. It is the sum of a few sample numbers. When the game starts, brickY
the thickness of the brick, and the number of rows of is set to 56. As the ball approaches the bricks from
black pixels that separate each row of bricks. below, the value of y decreases steadily. The first if
Using these values, we can quickly decide if we check returns right away until y drops below the value
have hit a brick by calculating the row and column of brickY, so the first value we have to worry about is
number for the ball. when y is 56. The value of brickY-y is 0, so the value
of row gets set to 0. We have reached the first row of
if (y > brickY) bricks, which we have labeled row 0. Try values of y
return; for 46, 48, and 50 to convince yourself that the formula
row = (brickY-y) / SPACING; returns the right value as the ball passes from the first
dispY = (brickY-y) % SPACING; row of bricks to the second.
if ((row < ROWS) The next line calculates dispY, which is the
distance, in pixels, from the bottom of the row. It is 0 if
&& (dispY <= THICKNESS) {
the ball is on the bottom of the row, THICKNESS if the
column = x / WIDTH; ball is at the top of the brick, and greater than
dispX = x % WIDTH ; THICKNESS if the ball is in the gap right above the
if (stillThere[row][column]) { brick, but before the start of the next row. We use this
/* <<<remove the brick>>> */ value twice, once to decide if we are in the gap between
/* <<<add in the score>>> */ rows (in which case we didn't really hit a brick, after
if (dispY == THICKNESS) all), and again to see if we hit the top or bottom of a
/* <<<hit from above>>> */ brick.
else if (dispY == 0) Figuring out the column number uses the same
/* <<<hit from below>>> */ ideas, but is simpler because the leftmost column of
else if (dispX < (WIDTH / 2)) bricks starts when x=0.
After checking to make sure the brick is still there,
/* <<<hit from left>>> */

Listing 17.3

#define ROWS 6 /* # of rows of bricks */

#define COLUMNS 16 /* # of columns of bricks */
#define THICKNESS 6 /* thickness of a brick */
#define WIDTH 40 /* width of a brick */
#define SPACING 8 /* # of pixels between rows */

int x,y; /* ball position */

int dx,dy; /* ball velocity */
int brickY; /* position of the bottom of the lowest brick */

else we drop into a series of if checks that decide which side

/* <<<hit from right>>> */ of the brick we hit. Since the ball moves up and down
} two pixels at a time, and all of our program carefully
} aligns things to even pixel boundaries, it is easy to
check for a hit from above or below: dispY is equal to 0

at the bottom of the brick, and THICKNESS at the top. Once you have written all of the code, test your
If we hit a corner, the program counts it as a hit from program.
above or below. Checking for a hit from the left or
right is tougher, though. The ball moves sideways at a Labarski's Rule of Cybernetic
variable rate, depending on the spin on the ball from the
last time it hit the paddle. To check for a hit from the
side, then, we need to allow for the possibility that the
Yup. The rule is, "There's always one more bug."
ball skipped right over the edge of the brick, imbedding
(For more enlightenment when the chips get you down,
itself in the side of the brick. Since we already know
refer to "Murphy's Law, and Other Reasons Why
the ball has, in fact, hit the brick, we can make this
Things Go Wrong.")
check by looking to see if the ball is in the left or right
There is at least one bug in your program at the
half of the brick.
moment. Maybe you caught it. If so, great. The point,
When I started filling in the stubs for this
though, is that in a large program you are going to
subroutine, I realized that you do exactly the same thing
overlook things. That's why you develop the program
if the ball hits the top or the bottom of the brick. In
in small steps, making adjustments as you go.
both cases, the vertical velocity is reversed. The same
You have probably already decided that a 1 pixel
was true if the hit was from the left or right: the
by 1 pixel ball is too small, and adjusted it. If you play
horizontal velocity gets reversed in both cases.
the game for a while, though, you will eventually end
Keeping an eye out for this sort of simplification is an
up with the ball skimming along beside a brick, not
important part of programming. It simplifies this
quite touching it. When the animation routine erases
particular algorithm a great deal. Once I was finished,
the ball by redrawing it in black, part of the brick gets
the test looked like this:
erased, too.
There are really two problems here. The first can
if (y > brickY)
be fixed by changing the way you animate the ball.
return; Back in the sample program where we did a random
row = (brickY-y) / SPACING; walk with a variety of shapes, like stars, triangles and
dispY = (brickY-y) % SPACING; squares, you saw a new drawing mode called XOR
if ((row < ROWS) mode. In this drawing mode, drawing an object twice
&& (dispY <= THICKNESS) { erases it, since it is drawn by inverting pixels, not
column = x / WIDTH; copying them to the screen. For example, you could lay
dispX = x % WIDTH ; out a series of 10 by 10 pennies, face up. XOR drawing
if (stillThere[row][column]) { mode is like flipping a penny over, showing tails. To
/* <<<remove the brick>>> */ erase the pixel, you flip it back - the same operation you
used to draw it in the first place. By changing the ball
/* <<<add in the score>>> */
so it is drawn in XOR mode, you will no longer erase
if ((dispY == THICKNESS)
parts of a brick that you skim over.
|| (dispY == 0)) The second problem is that the player will expect
dy = -dy; the brick to go away if the ball comes in contact with it.
else Our routine to check to see if a brick has been hit
dx = -dx; checks to see if the center of the ball hit the brick.
} That's fine for a direct hit, but doesn't account for the
} grazing hits that we are seeing in the game. You can
handle this situation in one of several ways. The one I
It's pretty straight-forward to fill in the stubs left in like is to modify the ball movement algorithm so that, if
this routine, so I will let you do that. I did encapsulate the ball hits the space left by a brick that has already
the functions of removing a brick and adding in the new been removed, you check to the left or right, like this:
score into a subroutine, since they did involve a bit of
code. You can remove the brick by drawing a black if (y > brickY)
rectangle over the brick, and setting the proper spot in return;
stillThere to false. Adding the proper value to the score row = (brickY-y) / SPACING;
is accomplished using the formula developed a few dispY = (brickY-y) % SPACING;
pages back. Don't forget to write the new score to the if ((row < ROWS)
screen! && (dispY <= THICKNESS) {
column = x / WIDTH;

dispX = x % WIDTH ; want to check to be sure that the basic ideas work
if (stillThere[row][column]) { before spending a lot of time on little details. This is
HitBrick(row,column); the algorithmic equivalent of a stub. You know what
if ((dispY == THICKNESS) the detail is, but you ignore it for a while so you can
|| (dispY == 0)) concentrate on the overall structure of the algorithm.
dy = -dy; Once the basics work, you go back and fill in the
else details.
dx = -dx;
} Filling in the Last Stubs
else if ((dispY == 0)
|| (dispY == THICKNESS)) The program is almost finished. All that is left is
if (dispX == 0) { to write the messages that control the start of the game,
if (stillThere[row][column-1]) and missing a ball.
Let's do the last one first, since it is the easiest.
When the player misses the ball, it would be heartless
dy = -dy;
to toss the next one down right away, as you no doubt
know by now! Instead, you need to stop and print a
message, then wait for a mouse click. Start by writing a
else if (dispX == WIDTH)
message in the middle of the screen, like this:
if (stillThere[row][column+1])
HitBrick(row,column+1); MoveTo(300,100);
dy = -dy; printf(
} "Click for the next ball");
The next step is to wait for the mouse to be clicked and
Making the check this way presents a common let back up. This is a pretty easy check.
problem, though. We can end up checking column
number -1 or column number COLUMNS, neither of do
which actually exists in the array we have defined. GetNextEvent(EVENTMASK,
Rather than adding even more complicated if checks to &myevent);
the program, most programmers will simply extend the while (myevent.what
array by one column in each direction, so that it goes != mouseUpEvt);
from 0 to COLUMNS+1, rather than 0 to COLUMNS-
1. The leftmost and rightmost columns represent two This loop keeps going until the player pushes the mouse
fake columns which are not actually on the screen; button, then releases it.
these are initialized to false, so that the algorithm never When the game starts, or when a game is finished,
reports that a brick has been hit. This is the way the you need to print two choices on the screen. For one
solution handles the situation. Of course, if you use this choice, use the message, "Play a Game". For the other
method, you need to adjust all of the places that you choice, use "Quit". Use MoveTo and LineTo to draw
have used the array stillThere, since the column boxes around these choices. I think it looks best if both
numbers have changed; the leftmost column on the boxes are the same size. With the messages drawn, you
screen used to be represented by stillThere[row][0], and can use a loop very much like the last one to wait for a
is now stillThere[row][1], and so on. mouse click. This time, though, you want to make sure
You might ask why I didn't point out these factors the click occurred in one of the buttons you have
when the original code was written. The reason was to drawn. Write a function that returns 0 if the click was
make a point. In any large program, you will forget not in a button or if the mouse was not released, 1 if the
some detail. If your program is logically laid out, if click was in the "play a game" button, and 2 if the click
constants have been defined, and if the program is was in the "quit" button. Your loop now looks like this:
commented well, it is usually very easy to go back and
handle the special case. If you are not following the
basic rules of structured programming, though, going
back and making the change can be frightful.
In fact, programmers often leave out details like
this on purpose. In a complex algorithm, you might

do { Sure, you're right – but a lot more people will be happy
GetNextEvent(EVENTMASK, if you make the change. Finally, make a last pass
&myevent); through the source code for the program itself, tidying
MovePaddle(); things up and looking for internal improvements. This
is an especially important step if you are not satisfied
with the speed of the program.
while (WhichButton() == 0);

The only other thing that can happen – rare though Ruffles and Flourishes
it may be – is that the player might knock out all of the
Well, a few weeks ago, you couldn't spell recursive
bricks. You can check for that when you erase a brick.
tree traversal, and now you know what it is. Not bad.
To make the check quickly, you should use a global
Let me be the first to congratulate you on joining the
variable that is set to the number of bricks when they
ranks of real programmers, who do it with bytes and
are first drawn. After that, if a brick gets hit, you can
simply subtract 1 from the value and check to see if the
Of course, as I have pointed out so many times that
value is zero. If so, you need to update the playing
you may be sick of hearing it, programming is a skill.
level, redraw all of the bricks, add one ball to the balls
Like all skills, the more you practice, the easier it gets.
that the player has, and wait for the player to click on
There are also a lot more things to learn about
the mouse before continuing.
programming. Where you go from here depends on
your own interests.
Tidy Up ORCA/C conforms to the ANSI standard. With the
exception of a few features that deal specifically with
The program is finished now, but some clean up is
the Apple IIGS, all of the things you have learned in
still left over. Scan through the program, making sure
this course will work on any ANSI standard C, and on
all of the stubs are filled in. Remove the throw-away
most other Cs, too. The reverse is also important: any
code we put in to expand the graphics window, and
book that uses ANSI C will work with ORCA/C. If you
change the program to an S16 application. Try it out to
would like to learn more about programming, there are
make sure everything still works as expected.
many fine books that meet this requirement. The best
Unless you have an accelerator card, the program is
way to find books that fit your needs and interests is to
still a little too slow. To correct this problem, convert
visit a well-stocked bookstore and browse for a few
the program from the 640 graphics mode to the 320
graphics mode. If you have faithfully used constants
If you would like to learn to program the toolbox,
throughout your program, it will be fairly easy to scan
writing desktop programs with pull down menus and so
through the program to make the appropriate changes.
forth, you need to study books that are specific to the
With these changes made, the program should be a very
Apple IIGS. First and foremost are the three volumes
playable breakout game. If you like, you can also add
of the Apple IIGS Toolbox Reference Manual, written
the line
by Apple's staff of programmers and published by
Addison-Wesley. There are no good introductory
#pragma optimize 9
books for learning to program the toolbox that use C.
To learn the toolbox, I would suggest reading the front
before the first function in your program to kick in the sections of the chapters in the reference manuals,
most useful of ORCA/C's compiler optimizations, reading magazine articles, and asking a lot of questions
speeding up the program a little more. on one of the major on-line services, like America
At this point, many programmers have the Online or GEnie.
tendency to sit back, claiming the program is finished. Whatever you decide to do from here, I hope you
Nonsense. It's about half to two-thirds there. The next enjoyed the course, and learned a few things along the
step is to play the game for a while, adjusting the way. Once again, congratulations on completing the
various features. I made a number of changes to the course!
colors used in the program at this point. Once you are
satisfied, ask a friend to play the game, and really listen
to what he says. Don't be offended if he doesn't like
something. Instead, write it down and keep it in mind.
If you disagree, ask a few other people. If it turns out
that everyone in the world but you makes the wrong
choice, you might want to change the program, anyway.
Lesson Seventeen
The Complete Game
/* This program plays the game of break-out, a classic arcade */
/* game. */

#pragma optimize 9

#include <quickdraw.h>
#include <event.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <window.h>

#include <orca.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#define EVENTMASK 0x0F6E /* GetNextEvent event mask */

#define SIZE 320 /* graphics mode */
#define LETTERY 2 /* height of letters for score, ball count */
#define PAUSE 1 /* 60ths of a sec. to pause */

EventRecord myevent; /* current event record */

Rect screen; /* port rectangle */
int score; /* current score */
long lastWhen; /* event timer */

/* the paddle */
#define PADDLECOLOR 15 /* paddle color */
#define PADDLEHEIGHT 3 /* paddle height */
#define PADDLEWIDTH 35 /* paddle width */
#define PADDLEY 184 /* y position of the paddle */
#define EASY 2 /* x velocity for easy spin */
#define HARD 3 /* x velocity for hard spin */

#define AREA1 7 /* sensitive areas of the paddle */

#define AREA2 14
#define AREA3 21
#define AREA4 28

int maxX; /* max X distance the paddle can travel */

int paddlePosition; /* current X position of the paddle */

/* the bricks */
#define COLUMNS 16 /* # of bricks in a row */
#define ROWS 6 /* # of rows of bricks */
#define SPACING 8 /* spacing of the rows */
#define STARTHEIGHT 56 /* starting distance to bottom of bricks */
#define THICKNESS 6 /* thickness of a brick */
#define WIDTH 20 /* width of a brick */

int brickY; /* disp to the bottom row of bricks */

int level; /* playing level */
int numBricks; /* # of bricks visible */
int stillThere[ROWS][COLUMNS+2]; /* brick array */

/* the ball */
#define BALLCOLOR 15 /* ball color */
#define BALLHEIGHT 3 /* ball height; should be odd */
#define BALLWIDTH 3 /* ball width; should be odd */
#define BALLDX (BALLWIDTH/2) /* half width of ball */
#define BALLDY (BALLHEIGHT/2) /* half height of ball */
#define SPEED 2 /* vertical ball speed */

int balls; /* # of balls left */

int dx,dy; /* speed of the ball */
int x,y; /* position of the ball */

/* button sizes */
#define LEFT 110
#define RIGHT 210
#define TOP1 90
#define BOTTOM1 101
#define TOP2 105
#define BOTTOM2 116


void StartTools (void)

/* Start the tools */

handle memory; /* memory returned by NewHandle */

startgraph(SIZE); /* initialize QuickDraw */

memory = NewHandle(256L,userid(),0xC015,0L); /* start up the event mgr */
EMStartUp((int) *memory, 0, 0, SIZE, 0, 200, userid());
FlushEvents(0xFFFF, 0);

void ShutDownTools (void)

/* Shut down the tools */


void DrawPaddle (int position, int color)

/* Draw the paddle */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* position - position to draw the paddle */
/* color - color of the paddle */

int y; /* position of the paddle on the screen */

/* set the pen to draw the entire paddle */

SetSolidPenPat(color); /* set the paddle color */
SetPenMode(0); /* use copy mode */
MoveTo(position,PADDLEY); /* draw the paddle */

void MovePaddle (void)

/* Track and move the paddle */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* paddlePosition - position of the paddle */
/* myevent - last event returned by GetNextEvent */

/* convert the point to our window */

/* make sure we don't go off of the screen */

if (myevent.where.h+PADDLEWIDTH > maxX)
myevent.where.h = maxX-PADDLEWIDTH;

/* if the mouse moved, move the paddle */
if (myevent.where.h != paddlePosition) {
paddlePosition = myevent.where.h;
DrawPaddle(paddlePosition, PADDLECOLOR);

void DrawBrick (int row, int column, int color)

/* Draw a brick on the screen */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* row,column - brick to draw */
/* color - color of the brick */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* brickY - distance to the bottom of the bricks */

Rect r; /* brick's rectangle */

SetPenMode(0); /* get ready to draw */

r.h1 = column*WIDTH; /* set up the brick's rectangle */
r.h2 = r.h1+WIDTH;
r.v2 = brickY - row*SPACING;
r.v1 = r.v2-THICKNESS;
PaintRect(&r); /* draw the brick */
SetSolidPenPat(0); /* draw a line to separate the bricks */
MoveTo(r.h2-1, r.v1);
LineTo(r.h2-1, r.v2);

void DrawBricks (void)

/* Draw a set of bricks */

int colors[ROWS]; /* brick colors */
int column; /* loop variable */
int row; /* loop variable */
Rect r; /* brick rectangle */

numBricks = ROWS*COLUMNS; /* set the brick count */

colors[0] = 7; /* fill in the brick color array */
colors[1] = 6;
colors[2] = 9;
colors[3] = 10;
colors[4] = 13;
colors[5] = 12;
for (row = 0; row < ROWS; ++row) { /* draw the bricks */
for (column = 0; column < COLUMNS; ++column) {
DrawBrick(row, column, colors[row]);
stillThere[row][column+1] = 1;
stillThere[row][0] = 0;
stillThere[row][COLUMNS+1] = 0;

void WriteBalls (void)

/* Draw the number of balls left */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* balls - number of balls left */

#define BALLX 290

printf("%d ", balls);

void WriteScore (void)

/* Draw the current score */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* score - score to draw */

#define SCOREX 50

printf("%d ", score);

void DrawBall (void)

/* Draw a ball at the current position */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* x,y: ball position */
/* */
/* Note: This procedure is used to draw an initial ball or */
/* to erase one after a ball is missed. MoveBall uses */
/* its own method, which is faster when the ball is */
/* being animated. */


void StartBall (void)

/* Start a ball */
/* */
/* Variables: */
/* x,y - position of the ball */
/* dx,dy - speed of the ball */

if (myevent.when & 0x0001) /* set the speed, position */
dx = -EASY;
dx = EASY;
x = myevent.when % screen.h2;
dy = SPEED;
y = brickY + 4;

DrawBall(); /* draw the ball */

GetNextEvent(EVENTMASK, &myevent); /* set the timer */

lastWhen = myevent.when;

void WaitForClick (void)

/* Pause until the player is ready for a ball */

static Rect r = {90, 0, 100, 320}; /* used to erase the message */

MoveTo(65,100); /* write the message */

printf("Click for the next ball");
do { /* wait for the click */
GetNextEvent(EVENTMASK, &myevent);
while (myevent.what != mouseUpEvt);

void HitBrick (int row, int column)

/* Handle a hit brick */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* row,column - brick that was hit */

Rect ball; /* ball rectangle */

stillThere[row][column+1] = 0; /* remove the brick */

ball.h1 = x-BALLDX; /* erase the ball */
ball.h2 = ball.h1+BALLWIDTH;
ball.v1 = y-BALLDY;
ball.v2 = ball.v1+BALLHEIGHT;
DrawBrick(row, column, 0); /* erase the brick */
SetPenMode(2); /* redraw the ball */
score += (row+1+level)*5; /* add in the score */
--numBricks; /* see if they are all gone */
if (numBricks == 0) {
brickY += SPACING;
GetNextEvent(EVENTMASK, &myevent); /* reset the timer */
lastWhen = myevent.when;

void CheckBricks (void)

/* Move the ball. */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* x,y - position of the ball */
/* numBricks - # of bricks left */

int row,column; /* brick row,column */
int dispX,dispY; /* position along the brick */

if (y > brickY) /* quit now if we are below the bricks */

row = (brickY-y) / SPACING; /* find the vertical brick values */
dispY = (brickY-y) % SPACING;
if ((row < ROWS) && (dispY <= THICKNESS)) {
column = x / WIDTH; /* find the horizontal brick values */
dispX = x % WIDTH;
/* check for a hit */
if (stillThere[row][column+1]) {
if ((dispY == 0) || (dispY == THICKNESS))
dy = -dy;
dx = -dx;
else if ((dispY == 0) || (dispY == THICKNESS))
if (dispX == 0) {
if (stillThere[row][column]) {
dy = -dy;
else if (dispX == WIDTH)
if (stillThere[row][column+2]) {
dy = -dy;

void GetANewBall (Rect *oldBall)

/* Missed; get a new ball */

/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* oldBall - ptr to MoveBall's old ball position */

--balls; /* reduce the number of balls */
if (balls) {
PaintRect(oldBall); /* erase the old ball */
WaitForClick(); /* wait until the player is ready */
StartBall(); /* start a new ball */
oldBall->h1 = x-BALLDX; /* form its rectangle */
oldBall->h2 = oldBall->h1+BALLWIDTH;
oldBall->v1 = y-BALLDY;
oldBall->v2 = oldBall->v1+BALLHEIGHT;

void MoveBall (void)

/* Move the ball */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* x,y - position of the ball */
/* dx,dy - speed of the ball */

Rect oldBall, newBall; /* ball rectangles */
int px; /* disp of ball on paddle surface */

SetPenMode(2); /* get ready to draw */

oldBall.h1 = x-BALLDX; /* form the old ball rectangle */
oldBall.h2 = oldBall.h1+BALLWIDTH;
oldBall.v1 = y-BALLDY;
oldBall.v2 = oldBall.v1+BALLHEIGHT;
x += dx; /* move the ball */
if (x < 0) {
x = 0;
dx = -dx;
else if (x > screen.h2) {
x = screen.h2;
dx = -dx;
y += dy;

if (y < 0) {
y = 0;
dy = -dy;
else if (y >= PADDLEY) {
if ((x < paddlePosition) || (x > paddlePosition+PADDLEWIDTH))
else {
px = x-paddlePosition;
if (px < AREA1)
dx = -HARD;
else if (px < AREA2)
dx = -EASY;
else if (px < AREA3)
dx = 0;
else if (px < AREA4)
dx = EASY;
dx = HARD;
dy = -dy;
newBall.h1 = x-BALLDX; /* form the new ball rectangle */
newBall.h2 = newBall.h1+BALLWIDTH;
newBall.v1 = y-BALLDY;
newBall.v2 = newBall.v1+BALLHEIGHT;
PaintRect(&newBall); /* draw the ball in the new spot */
PaintRect(&oldBall); /* erase the old ball */

int WhichButton (void)

/* See which button the mouse is in */

/* */
/* Variables: */
/* myevent.where - location of mouse at mouseup */
/* myevent.what - kind of event */

int result = 0; /* value to return */

if (myevent.what == mouseUpEvt)
if (myevent.where.h >= LEFT)
if (myevent.where.h <= RIGHT)
if (myevent.where.v >= TOP1)
if (myevent.where.v <= BOTTOM2)
if (myevent.where.v <= BOTTOM1)
result = 1;
else if (myevent.where.v >= TOP2)
result = 2;
return result;

int PlayAGame (void)

/* See if the player wants to play a game or quit. */

/* */
/* Returns: True to play a game, else false. */

Rect r; /* rect inclosing the buttons */

MoveTo(LEFT+10, BOTTOM1-2); /* draw the messages */

printf("Play a Game");
SetSolidPenPat(14); /* draw the button outlines */

ShowCursor(); /* wait for a click in a button */
do {
GetNextEvent(EVENTMASK, &myevent);
while (WhichButton() == 0);
r.h1 = LEFT; /* erase the messages */
r.h2 = RIGHT;
r.v1 = TOP1;
r.v2 = BOTTOM2;
return WhichButton() == 1; /* set the return value */

void InitScreen (void)

/* Draw the initial screen */

SetSolidPenPat(0); /* erase the old screen contents */
brickY = STARTHEIGHT; /* draw the initial set of bricks */
paddlePosition = 0; /* draw the initial paddle */
balls = 3; /* give the player 3 balls */
level = 1; /* play level = 1 */
SetForeColor(11); /* draw the initial score, ball count */
MoveTo(0, LETTERY);
MoveTo(240, LETTERY);
score = 0;

void main (void)

/* Main program */

int time; /* timer */

StartTools(); /* start the tools */

InitCursor(); /* set up the cursor */
GetPortRect(&screen); /* set the limit on the paddle */
maxX = screen.h2;
InitScreen(); /* give them something to look at */

while (PlayAGame()) {
InitScreen(); /* set up the screen */
StartBall(); /* start a ball */
do { /* event loop */
GetNextEvent(EVENTMASK, &myevent);
time = myevent.when - lastWhen;
if (time > PAUSE) {
lastWhen += PAUSE;
while (balls);
DrawBall(); /* erase the last ball */

ShutDownTools(); /* shut down the tools */



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