Rca Sop
Rca Sop
Rca Sop
Objective :- To have a systematic procedure and guidelines for the Root cause failure
analysis of plant equipments, process, quality, safety & Environment problems and Monitoring of its
Corrective and preventive actions. And controlling of the documents related to it.
RCFA to be done for all breakdowns leading to production loss as per below given details
Effectiveness of RCA
To declare a RCA is effective below is the criteria
No of Failures occurring in a No of Months action to be
month or Quarter observed
1 in a month 3 Declare as effective
2 in a month 4 Declare as effective
1 in a Quarter 6 Declare as effective
Monthly MIS on compliance of preventive and corrective actions taken as per RCFA will be
circulated by respective departments IMS in-charge
Don’t do any changes without proper change control form.
This SOP is a guideline for Root cause failure analysis and monitoring its effectiveness