G1 Group 1C
G1 Group 1C
G1 Group 1C
KNS 2601
This lab report is about the Shear Strength of soil. The shear strength is most important
property of soil. Shear strength depends on interation between particles and shear failure
occur when particles slides over each other due to excessive shearing process. In the
laboratory, the shear strength of soil is conducted using four types of experiment. The
experiment are Unconfined Compression Shear test, Vane Shear test, Unconsolidated
Undrained Triaxial test and Direct Shear Stress test. Each equipment has different loading
capacity to applied to the sample. Apart from that, it also can test the sample on different
condition for example unconsolidated, consolidated, drained or undrained. Each test has its
own procedure to obtain the shear strength of the sample. For this experiment, we are using
the disturbed white clay as our sample. Disturbed soil is the soil that we obtain from in-situ
site and sieve it inside 0.03mm sieve tray. While doing the experiment, there is no change in
pore water pressure. Thus, we can obtain the moisture content loss of the sample by oven
dried the sample for 24 hours. It is important to understand behaviour and analyse the
property of soil. The shear resistance in cohesion less soil is of friction alone and in other
soils is result of both friction and cohesion.
Unconfined compression test is conducted to determine shear strength at failure of the sample.
Soil must have sufficient shear strength to resist shear stresses that develop during loading
(Kumar, 2005). This test can only be conducted on undisturbed or remoulded cohesive soils.
Because sands and gravel cannot stand without lateral support, so this test cannot be conducted
on coarse-grained soils. This test is conducted by applying axial load on the sample. By applying
axial load to the sample, the strength of the sample is determined and the strain-stress is obtain.
We can obtain various parameters of soil due to unconfined compression test such as unconfined
compressive strength, sensitivity of soil and shear parameters of the soil. In unconfined
compression test, there will be no pore water lost from the sample. The sample will remain
saturated during test without any changes in the volume, water content and void ratio.
The unconfined compressive strength is defined as the ratio of the failure of the load to the cross
sectional area of the soil sample that is not subjected to any lateral pressure.
Strain =
Compressive stress =
= x 100%
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
- the unconfined compressive strength of a white clay using the Unconfined Compression
- the strength differences between fully and partially saturated white clay.
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
1. Bucket
2. Mixing container
3. Scooper
4. Weight balance
5. 3 tin cans
6. Distilled water
1. An estimated amount of white clay was scooped and placed in the mixing container.
2. Distilled water was slowly added to the white clay to saturate the soil until it reached a state
where it can be moulded.
3. The white clay mixture was then formed into a cylindrical-liked shaped in order to reshaped
it into the desired dimension which is 38mm in diameter and 76mm in length.
4. It is then placed on the soil trimmer to reshape the white clay mixture. To achieve the
desired length, the specimen was then trimmed with a string.
5. The first specimen in the desired dimension was mark as specimen 1, which is in a fully
saturated condition.
6. Two (2) more specimen was prepared the same as specimen 1. These two specimen were
then marked as specimen 2 and specimen 3 respectively. The 3 specimen was then weighted
on the weight balance.
7. Specimen 2 and 3 were placed into the oven for 10 and 30 minutes respectively to reduce the
water content in the mixture.
8. Specimen 1 was placed in the centre of the digital tritest 50 load frame to undergo the
compression test.
9. As the maximum value on the dial gauge is 13mm, the reading on the digital tritest machine
was taken every 0.2mm. Dial gauge reading was also stopped when the needle in digital
tritest turns anti-clockwise, indicating that the specimen has undergone failure. The
specimen was then removed from the machine.
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
10. The specimen was then placed inside the over to be dried for 24 hours to remove the water
11. Procedure 8 till 10 was then performed for specimen 2 and specimen 3 after they have been
taken out of the oven.
Sample 1 2 3
Condition Fully saturated Dried after 10 Dried after 30
minutes into the minutes into the
oven oven
Mass of saturated 150 166 152
Mass of soil/dry 104 122 135
Mass of water(g) 46 44 17
Specific gravity,Gs 1.74 1.93 1.76
Water 44.23 36.10 12.59
Void ratio, e 0.770 0.696 0.222
Bulk 1.418 1.549 1.622
Degree of 99.97 100.00 99.95
saturation, Sr
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
1. 2.
3. 4.
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
The graph shows the relationship between compressive stress and the unit strain. It required
more strength for the compressive stress on sample 3 than on sample 1 and 2. This is because
sample 3 has less water content compare to sample 1 and 2. These three samples did not have the
maximum compressive strength. This is because these samples are too soft when it is mixed with
water. So, the reading of compression dial reading is stop taken when it reach 15% strain. When
the sample reaches 15% strain, the compressive stress for sample 1, 2 and 3 is 11.626 kPa,
42.860 kPa and 388.437 kPa. By drawing the mohr coulomb, the shear stress can be obtained.
The shear stress for sample 1, 2 and 3 is 11.626 kPa, 21.43 kPa and 355.691 kPa. The result
show that sample 1 and 2 are bending while sample 3 was cracked.
Error may occur due to the setting up of sample on the unconfined compression test machine.
When the sample is not place vertically on the machine, it will cause error to the compression
strength reading. Apart from that, the gauge needs to set up properly in order for it to work
properly. Common errors that usually happen is when taking the reading. The dial gauge needs
to be properly monitored in order to prevent error from occurring.
In conclusion, by performing the unconfined compressive strength test, the compressive strength
of each sample was determined. From the graphs, as the strain increases, the compressive
strength of the sample will increase. The highest compressive strength was the sample which is
the least saturated while the fully saturated had the lowest compressive strength. The moisture
content was the factors that affect the compressive strength in the soil, where as the moisture
content increases, the compressive strength will deceases. It important for the geotechnical
engineer to know the soil strength on site before the construction job is started.
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
Triaxial test are used to discover the compressive strength of soil in three condition
depending on the nature of loading and drainage condition. This three condition are consolidated
undrained test, consolidated drained test and unconsolidated undrained test. For this particular
laboratory experiment, the main focus is on unconsolidated undrained test where the soil
specimens are not consolidated and drainage is not allowed either during application of confining
pressure in a triaxial chamber or shearing. The saturated soil specimen is placed inside the
chamber after being prepped and is then axially loaded at a constant rate of axial deformation.
The compressive strength of the soil specimen is determined in terms of the total stress where the
resulting strength depends on the pressure developed in the pore fluid when the load is applied.
The parameters that will be calculated from the result of the experiment are axial strain,
corrected area of the specimen, deviator stress on the specimen, principle stress ratio and the
Mohr’s circle.
Axial strain, =
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
Corrected area, Ac =
(σ1 – σ3) =
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
- shear strength parameters of undisturbed (or remoulded) soil specimen in the triaxial
compression apparatus by conducting unconsolidated undrained(UU) test without any
changes in pore pressure.
1. Triaxial cell with transparent chamber capable of resisting internal fluid pressure of
2. A hydraulic pressure apparatus for applying and maintaining the desired fluid
pressure in the cell together with the necessary control valves and pressure dials.
3. Compression machine, capable of applying axial compression to the specimen at
conventional speed.
4. A loading frame, in which the load is applied by yoke; acting through a proving ring,
which used to measure the load. The frame is operated at a constant rate by a small
electric motor.
5. Dial gauge to measure axial compression accurate to 0.01mm.
6. For sample preparation:
3.8cm internal diameter and 7.6cm long sample tubes.
Trimming knife, wire saw-meter straight edge.
Seamless rubber membrane.
An open-ended cylindrical section former, 3.8cm inside diameter, fitted with a
small rubber tube in its side.
“O” rings.
Moisture content determination can.
A balance of 250g capacity and accurate to 0.01g.
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
1. An estimated amount of white clay was scooped and placed in the mixing container.
Distilled water was slowly added to the white clay to saturate the soil until it reached a
state where it can be moulded.
2. The white clay mixture was then formed into a cylindrical-liked shaped in order to
reshaped it into the desired dimension which is 38mm in diameter and 76mm in length.
3. It is then placed on the soil trimmer to reshape the white clay mixture. To achieve the
desired length, the specimen was then trimmed with a string.
4. The sample is put inside the seamless rubber membrane without any air bubble inside the
rubber. Then, the seanless rubber membrane is install inside the triaxial machine.
5. The pedestal was covered in the triaxial cell with a solid end cap (drainage valve was
closed). The specimen assembly was placed centrally on the pedestal. The cell was
assembled with the loading arm initially clear of the top of the specimen, and was then
placed in the loading machine.
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
6. The operating fluid in the cell was admitted and the pressure was raised to 100kPa. The
loading machine was adjusted to bring the loading ram a short distance away from the set
on the top cap of the specimen.
7. The initial reading to the load measuring gauge and the initial reading of the dial
measuring axial compression was taken and recorded.
8. The compression force was applied at a constant rate of axial compression. The
simultaneous reading of load and deformation dials was taken to define the stress-strain
9. The test was continued until an axial strain of about 15% reached.
10. The specimen was unloaded and the cell fluid was drained off. The cell was dismantled
and the specimen was taken out. The rubber membrane was removed and the mode of
failure was recorded.
11. The specimen was weighed and put into the oven for 24 hour to measure the moisture
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
Moisture Loss 12 g
Container Mass 42 g
–( - )
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
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KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
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KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
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KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
= (3.143)(0.038)2/4
=1.134 x 10-3 m2
= (1.134 x 10-3)(0.076)
= 8.619 x 10-5 m3
x 100%
x 100%
= 10.26 %
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
When ΔL = 0.2mm
From equation 1,
Strain =
When ΔL = 0.2mm
From equation 2,
Corrected Area, AC =
AC = = 1.134 x 10-3 m2
From equation 3,
From equation 4,
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
From equation 5,
σ1/σ3 = = 1.0264
In Triaxial Shear Test of Unconsolidated Undrained (UU), the test sample is not allowed to
drain. The sample is compressed within a constant pressure which is 100kN/m2. During shear
stage, the soil is loaded axially in compression. According to Dr. Mesut Pervizpour (2014),
failure plane not predetermined and control of stress states are possible in Traxial test. Primary
parameters can be obtained from the Traxial test include the angle of friction(υ), cohesion(c),
and undrained shear strength(Cu). The soil is partially saturated, unconsolidated and sheared, that
make it response and to be observed under the condition.
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
By observing on figure 1, it shows that the deviator stress increases slowly at the beginning
of the shearing and increased rapidly at strain of 0.02%, and the soil reached it maximum
deviator stress of 110.4521 kN at strain 0.142105%. Next, the soil sample was sheared to failure
and the reading started decreasing. The diameter of the Mohr’s circle was obtained by taking the
maximum deviator stress as shown.
Referring to figure 2, the graph shows that as the principle stress ratio increased, the strain
increased. The strain started increasing in the beginning with ratio of 1.4340 and strain of 2%
and the graph become more constant at the ratio 1.808 and strain of 10%. With the pressure of
100kPa, the final strain can be obtained from the test was 19.7%.
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
Mohr’s circle for this test was generated by the computer software as shown in figure 3.
From the observation of the graph, there is no cohesion for the sample. The failure sheared
stress, tf, of the sample specimen is equal to the undrained shear strength, Cu which also equal to
the radius of the Mohr’s circle. Based on the Mohr’s circle that been plotted above, the failure
sheared stress, tc or Su is 55.22605 kN/m2.
1 During moulding of the soil sample, it must done properly and carefully to avoid and
prevent the cell water from penetrating the pores of the soil.
2. Air bubbles must be avoided in the triaxial test machine to prevent compressible
condition in the experiment.
In conclusion, the shear strength parameters of the soil with unconsolidated undrained state
can be determined. Even though the partially saturated sample is not drained in the triaxial
machine, it still received the stress from 100 kN/m2 pressure of water. It shows that the soil that
is not drained still received horizontal stress. The result shows that the sample is bending when
vertical load is applied. Mean that the sample was too soft. Failure occur when the reading
deviator stress start to decrease. This is because the sample already reaches it maximum strength.
When it reaches the maximum strength it tended to bend the sample.
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
The vane shear test is a method used by the geotechnical engineer to estimate the undrained
shear strength of fully saturated clays without disturbance. Even though the vane shear test
commonly used in in-situ testing, it can also be carried out in the laboratory. Water is the factor
that made the soil formation possible. When there is too much water, the soil would not be able
to stand on its own. So, water will affects the shear strength of the soil. When the saturated soil is
compacted together in the vane, it will act as the in-situ soil on earth ground. The saturated soil
would be dig by the high tensile steel rod that consists of four stainless steel blades that fixed at
90º to each other. The shear strength of soil can be determined by rotating the Vane Geometry
which had a spring that connected with torque from the specimen surface at a standard rate of 0.1
degrees per second. The peak torque will be determined when the angular displacement scale is
split away.
Torque = Ts + Te
Ts = moment of shear resistance force on the side of the cylindrical failure surface
Te = moment of shear resistance force at the two ends of the cylindrical failure surface
By replacing the above equation with the test parameters, the undrained shear strength is solve
by using this formula:
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
1. The soil type to be tested was choose and checked so that the sample’s cohesive and suitable
for Vane Shear Strength determination by the shear vane. The one that very sandy or brittle
are unsuitable.
2. The soft clay to be tested may include tube samples 38mm (1 ½ in) or 115mm (4 ¼in) or
soil in glass sampling jars or Proctor molds. The clamping attachment will hold the soil
container vertically below the vane shaft.
3. The soil surface should be trimmed so as to permit the vane to be lowered into the soil to a
depth sufficient to ensure that shearing would take place on the horizontal edges of the vane
without movement of the soil sample surface. The specimen of the soil sample was prepared
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
by mixing it with distilled water and pressed into the mould using spatula and ensured to be
evenly compressed.
4. The vane head and vane blade must be checked so that both clean and dry, and that the
pointer is free to move and does not stick at any position on the head.
5. The vane blade was picked the correct size and is not bent, worn or damaged. Checked also
the vane blade shaft is not bent or damaged. To avoid from damaging the spring, it was
important to make sure the vane blade and the vane head was fitted.
6. The shear vane must be hold in perpendicular position to the soil surface and the vane blade
being pushed into the soil to a depth at least twice the length of the vane blade, actually there
was marking line on the vane blade. Usually by using the marking line on the vane blade
was sufficient to ensure that shearing will take place on the vertical edges of the vane blade
without movement of the disturbed soil surface. The depth of vane embedment should not
exceed the length of the vane blade shaft.
7. Avoid any excessive sideways movement when pushing the vane into the soil. The test shall
be regarded as finished when the vane was unable to be pushed into the soil to the required
8. With the vane in position, the torque was applied to the vane at a rate that should not exceed
0.1 deg/s. This rate will normally give a time to failure of from 2 to 5 min. In very soft clays
the time to failure may be longer. The maximum torque with motorized apparatus was
recorded. Record values of spring and vane deflection at intervals of 15 s or less as needed
to prepare torque or strength curves. Immediately repeat the vane test to determine the
remolded vane shear strength. After the test select a representative portion of the sample for
a water content determination.
9. The vane pointer was checked at the correct starting position on the vane head.
10. Hold the vane head in one hand (or both hands) clear of the pointer and rotate the vane head
at a uniform rate of one revolution per minute i.e. slowly. This can be checked against the
second hand of a watch. Do not load the spring beyond the maximum value on the dial or
the calibration chart, otherwise the spring could be damaged.
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
11. If the soil shears radially without the presence of normal shear failure, either when inserting
the vane blade or during the test, then the soil is possibly too brittle or hard or too coarse
grained for an accurate test.
12. A small sample was taken, put into the container, weighed and put into oven. The moisture
content was calculated after 24 hours.
13. Dismantle the vane rods, clean and dry the vane blade, wipe the vane head and replace it in
its carrying box together with the calibration chart when the test have completed. It is
important to dismantle the vane blade from the vane head using both spanners to avoid
damaging the spring.
Spring Number =3
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
Sample 1 2 3
Mass of saturated 35 32 37
soil, g
Mass of water, g 3 2 2
Sample 1 2 3
Initial Reading, o 0 0 0
Final Reading, o 29 34 60
Differences, 29 34 60
o o
final- initial
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
D H D3
D H D3
D H D3
( ) ( ) ( )
2 6 2 6 2 6
= 0.0884 N/m2
= 0.1023 N/m2 = 0.1773 N/m2
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
The shear strength of the soil sample is determined by rotating the vane geometry that has a
spring indicating the torque from surface of the specimen at a standard rate of 0.1 degree per
second. Based on the result, the average shear strength of the clay sample is 0.1227 N/m2 with
the average moisture content of 6.74%. Referring to table below, the undrained shear strength of
the soil sample is very soft.
Water is known for a natural lubricant for soil as well as moisturising it, so more water was
added to prepare sample 2 to allow it to move easily. This is because as the moisture content
increase, the soil cohesion will decrease causes by the greater distance separation of the soil
particles, as stated by Richard (1988). The soil molecular bond is weakens by the increase of the
soil moisture content, which will result in decreases the cohesive force of the soil particles.
Richard (1988) also stated that intermolecular bond between the absorbed water surrounding
each grain causes the increase of the cohesion. Thus, the value of cohesion will depends with the
amount of the water content.
The moisture content of sample 1 is higher than that of sample 2, and the moisture content of
sample 2 is higher than that of sample 3. Looking at the experimental results, it is given when the
moisture content of a certain sample value is high, the measured torque value will be low and
vice versa. This is because the usage of water in the soil will reduce the torque if no condition is
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
used (Davidson. Howard, Jacobs, Pintabona, and Zernich, 2014). The peak shear strength on a
cylindrical surface failure is related to the peak torque by a constant. (Vane Shear Test, n.d). To
support this theory, the torque value of sample 1 is 0.058 Nm and it has the highest value of
moisture content in all three samples, while the torque value of sample 2 is 0.067 Nm and its
moisture content is slightly lower than that of sample 1. Same goes with sample 3, it shows that
it has the smallest value of moisture content and the value for its torque is the highest with 0.116
Nm. Because of the presence of water in the soil, it softens the sample. Hence causing the torque
to decrease which is leading the shear failure and also making the shear strength of the soil
specimen decreases.
There are a lot of factors that can affect the results of the vane shear test such as, the rate of
rotation of the vane, the type of soil specimen used and the friction between soil and the torque
rod. For example, when the vane is rotated too hastily, the soil sheared too rapidly and will
results in the increase of the strength measurement. Furthermore, presence of friction between
torque rod and the soil will cause the measured torque to include a component of resistance and
it will affect the strength measurement and calculation. Also, if the test is done in disturbed soil,
the structure of the soil will easily breaks, which will decrease the strength measurement. In a
nutshell, vane shear test is most suitable to be conducted on soft and medium stiff clay. It is also
useful to analyse the undrained shear strength especially the one with a low shear strength that is
less than 0.3kg/ which cannot be conducted by triaxial or unconfined tests.
1. Apply with constant speed when rotating the torque to eliminate the occurrence of errors
2. The mould should be tightened properly so it does not move when the vane is rotated.
3. The soil must be mix properly to reduce the errors in measurement
4. The sample must be compacted nicely to avoid the air from trapped in the sample which
then will disturb the accuracy of the results.
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
From the results that were obtained throughout this experiment, it can be concluded that the soil
sample that were used can be categories as very soft based on the table that was supplied in
discussion. The average shear strength that was calculated was 0.1225 with an average moisture
content of 6.74%. The result on the three soil sample were consistent with the theory where the
higher the water content is, the lower the torque value and as a result, lowers down the shear
strength of the soil sample. As this is a disturbed soil sample prepared in the laboratory, vane
shear test is suited to find the parameters needed to determine the shear strength of given soil
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
Shear box is a test to determine the shear strength of soils. The test is carried out on either
undisturbed samples or remoulded samples. To facilitate the remoulding purpose, a fully
saturated soil sample is compacted at in a compaction mould. This test is not suitable to
determine the stress-strain properties of soils. This apparatus contains a copper box, horizontally
in the middle of the soil sample. A porous disc can be placed on the back if necessary to allow
the sample to drain. The size of the sample is of 60mm x 60mm. But to test granular materials
such as gravel or rocky clay, a larger box will be needed, which is a size of 300mm x 300mm.
The strength of a soil depends on its resistance to shearing stresses. It is made up of basically the
components which are frictional that is due to friction between individual particles and cohesive
that is due to adhesion between the soil particles.
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
τf = c + σf tan ø
τf = c’ + σ’f tan ø’
σ'f = σf - uf
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
- the shear strength parameters of the tested soil specimen by carrying it out at different
moisture contents.
- the shear strength at failure.
1. The soil specimen was prepared early on where it was placed in water to be saturated for 24
2. The soil specimen was the placed in a shear box. Vertical load was the applied on the
3. The machine was turned on. The soil will shear until failure occurs. The horizontal force
recorded was then measured.
4. The test was ended at 15% horizontal strain regardless the peak was identified or not.
5. Step 2 until 4 were repeated with 20kPa, 40kPa, and 80kPa of vertical force.
6. Moisture cans were first weighed then a sample of the specimen after test were placed on it.
7. The moisture cans were placed into the oven to be dried for 24 hours to determine the
moisture content.
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
Sample 1 2 3
Condition Fully saturated Fully saturated Fully saturated
Normal load applied 20 40 80
Height of sample (cm) 2.306 2.6 2.461
Length of sample 6 6 6
Width of sample (cm) 6 6 6
Area of sample (cm2) 36 36 36
Volume of sample 83.016 93.6 88.596
(cm )
Horizontal and 0.01mm/div 0.01mm/div 0.01mm/div
vertical gauge factor
Provision ring (PR) 0.002mm/div 0.002mm/div 0.002mm/div
Provision ring (PR) 1.449kN/mm 1.449kN/mm 1.449kN/mm
gauge factor
Settlement height 1.58mm 3.00mm 4.89mm
Table 1: Information of test
Sample 1 2 3
Mass of saturated 8 7 9
Mass of soil/dry 4 5 7
Mass of water(g) 2 2 2
Water content, w(%) 50 40 28.57
Table 2: The density of soil sample for normal applied load 20kPa, 40kPa and 80kPa
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
Strain Proving Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Corrected Shear Shear Vertical
division ring displaceme strain gauge displacem strain Area Load Stress strain
reading nt reading ent (m2) (kN) (kN/m2) (%)
(div) (mm) (div)
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
0.4987 0.0355
5.2 4 0.066667 0.15 0.0015 1.97 x105 2 11.592 326.3514
0.5343 0.0354
420 5
4.8 4.2 0.07 0.16 0.0016 2.11 x10 96 12.1716 342.9006
0.5936 0.0354
4.8 4.4 0.073333 0.16 0.0016 2.11 x105 72 12.7512 359.4723
0.5936 0.0354
4.8 4.6 0.076667 0.17 0.0017 2.24 x105 48 13.3308 376.0664
0.5936 0.0354
4.8 4.8 0.08 0.18 0.0018 2.37 x105 24 13.9104 392.6829
500 0.5936
4.8 5 0.083333 0.18 0.0018 2.37 x105 0.0354 14.49 409.322
0.6529 0.0353
5.2 5.2 0.086667 0.19 0.0019 0.000025 76 15.0696 425.9837
0.6528 0.0353
5.2 5.4 0.09 0.2 0.002 2.63 x105 52 15.6492 442.668
0.6884 0.0353
5 5.6 0.093333 0.2 0.002 2.63 x105 28 16.2288 459.375
0.7121 0.0353
5.2 5.8 0.096667 0.2 0.002 2.63 x105 04 16.8084 476.1047
0.7121 0.0352
5.2 6 0.1 0.21 0.0021 2.76 x105 8 17.388 492.8571
0.7120 0.0352
4.8 6.2 0.103333 0.21 0.0021 2.76 x105 56 17.9676 509.6324
0.7357 0.0352
5.2 6.4 0.106667 0.21 0.0021 2.76 x105 32 18.5472 526.4305
0.7713 0.0352
5.8 6.6 0.11 0.21 0.0021 2.76 x105 08 19.1268 543.2515
0.8306 0.0351
5.2 6.8 0.113333 0.21 0.0021 2.76 x105 84 19.7064 560.0955
0.8305 0.0351
5.2 7 0.116667 0.21 0.0021 2.76 x105 6 20.286 576.9625
0.8305 0.0351
5.8 7.2 0.12 0.21 0.0021 2.76 x105 36 20.8656 593.8525
0.8542 0.0351
6 7.4 0.123333 0.21 0.0021 2.76 x105 12 21.4452 610.7656
0.8897 0.0350
5.8 7.6 0.126667 0.22 0.0022 2.89 x105 88 22.0248 627.7018
0.9253 0.0350
5.5 7.8 0.13 0.23 0.0023 3.03 x105 64 22.6044 644.6612
0.9489 0.0350
5.2 8 0.133333 0.24 0.0024 3.16 x105 4 23.184 661.6438
820 0.0350
5 8.2 0.136667 0.24 0.0024 3.16 x105 16 23.7636 678.6498
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
1.0081 0.0349
5 8.4 0.14 0.24 0.0024 3.16 x105 92 24.3432 695.679
Strain Proving Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Corrected Shear Shear Vertical
division ring displaceme strain gauge displacem strain Area Load Stress strain
reading nt reading ent (m2) (kN) (kN/m2) (%)
(div) (mm) (div)
4.2 0.2 0.003333 0.02 0.0002 x106 0.035976 0.5796 16.11074 0.02
40 6.5 0.4 0.006667 0.04 0.0004 5.26 x10 0.035952 1.1592 32.24299 0.04
60 10 0.6 0.01 0.05 0.0005 6.58 x10 0.035928 1.7388 48.39679 0.05
80 9 0.8 0.013333 0.05 0.0005 6.58 x10 0.035904 2.3184 64.57219 0.05
100 5.5 1 0.016667 0.21 0.0021 2.76 x10 0.03588 2.898 80.76923 0.21
120 7.5 1.2 0.02 0.35 0.0035 4.61 x10 0.035856 3.4776 96.98795 0.35
140 9 1.4 0.023333 0.38 0.0038 0.00005 0.035832 4.0572 113.2284 0.38
160 10 1.6 0.026667 0.42 0.0042 5.53 x105 0.035808 4.6368 129.4906 0.42
180 9.8 1.8 0.03 0.5 0.005 6.58 x10 0.035784 5.2164 145.7746 0.5
200 9 2 0.033333 0.53 0.0053 6.97 x10 0.03576 5.796 162.0805 0.53
220 11.5 2.2 0.036667 0.56 0.0056 7.37 x10 0.035736 6.3756 178.4083 0.56
240 11 2.4 0.04 0.59 0.0059 7.76 x10 0.035712 6.9552 194.7581 0.59
260 12 2.6 0.043333 0.62 0.0062 8.16 x10 0.035688 7.5348 211.1298 0.62
280 11.5 2.8 0.046667 0.63 0.0063 8.29 x10 0.035664 8.1144 227.5236 0.63
300 11.5 3 0.05 0.65 0.0065 8.55 x10 0.03564 8.694 243.9394 0.65
320 8 3.2 0.053333 0.77 0.0077 0.000101 0.035616 9.2736 260.3774 0.77
240 8 2.4 0.04 0.82 0.0082 0.000108 0.035712 6.9552 194.7581 0.82
11 3.6 0.06 0.85 0.0085 0.000112 0.035568 8 293.3198 0.85
10 3.8 0.063333 0.91 0.0091 0.00012 0.035544 4 309.8244 0.91
400 9 4 0.066667 0.97 0.0097 0.000128 0.03552 11.592 326.3514 0.97
10.2 4.2 0.07 1.03 0.0103 0.000136 0.035496 6 342.9006 1.03
10 4.4 0.073333 1.05 0.0105 0.000138 0.035472 2 359.4723 1.05
10 4.6 0.076667 1.09 0.0109 0.000143 0.035448 8 376.0664 1.09
9 4.8 0.08 1.15 0.0115 0.000151 0.035424 4 392.6829 1.15
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
500 9.2 5 0.083333 1.2 0.012 0.000158 0.0354 14.49 409.322 1.2
10 5.2 0.086667 1.23 0.0123 0.000162 0.035376 6 425.9837 1.23
9 5.4 0.09 1.3 0.013 0.000171 0.035352 2 442.668 1.3
9 5.6 0.093333 1.32 0.0132 0.000174 0.035328 8 459.375 1.32
10 5.8 0.096667 1.34 0.0134 0.000176 0.035304 4 476.1047 1.34
600 12.2 6 0.1 1.35 0.0135 0.000178 0.03528 17.388 492.8571 1.35
11 6.2 0.103333 1.36 0.0136 0.000179 0.035256 6 509.6324 1.36
9.5 6.4 0.106667 1.38 0.0138 0.000182 0.035232 2 526.4305 1.38
12 6.6 0.11 1.4 0.014 0.000184 0.035208 8 543.2515 1.4
12.5 6.8 0.113333 1.42 0.0142 0.000187 0.035184 4 560.0955 1.42
700 11 7 0.116667 1.47 0.0147 0.000193 0.03516 20.286 576.9625 1.47
10.5 7.2 0.12 1.48 0.0148 0.000195 0.035136 6 593.8525 1.48
13 7.4 0.123333 1.5 0.015 0.000197 0.035112 2 610.7656 1.5
12 7.6 0.126667 1.51 0.0151 0.000199 0.035088 8 627.7018 1.51
15 7.8 0.13 1.52 0.0152 0.0002 0.035064 4 644.6612 1.52
800 15 8 0.133333 1.52 0.0152 0.0002 0.03504 23.184 661.6438 1.52
13 8.2 0.136667 1.53 0.0153 0.000201 0.035016 6 678.6498 1.53
14 8.4 0.14 1.54 0.0154 0.000203 0.034992 2 695.679 1.54
14.2 8.6 0.143333 1.55 0.0155 0.000204 0.034968 8 712.7316 1.55
14 8.8 0.146667 1.55 0.0155 0.000204 0.034944 4 729.8077 1.55
900 14 9 0.15 1.57 0.0157 0.000207 0.03492 26.082 746.9072 1.57
13.5 8.2 0.136667 1.59 0.0159 0.000209 0.035016 6 678.6498 1.59
13 9.4 0.156667 1.6 0.016 0.000211 0.034872 2 781.1769 1.6
960 27.820
13.5 9.6 0.16 1.61 0.0161 0.000212 0.034848 8 798.3471 1.61
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
13 9.8 0.163333 1.61 0.0161 0.000212 0.034824 4 815.541 1.61
12.5 10 0.166667 1.62 0.0162 0.000213 0.0348 28.98 832.7586 1.62
13 10.2 0.17 1.63 0.0163 0.000214 0.034776 6 850 1.63
14 10.4 0.173333 1.63 0.0163 0.000214 0.034752 2 867.2652 1.63
13 10.6 0.176667 1.64 0.0164 0.000216 0.034728 8 884.5543 1.64
11 10.8 0.18 1.65 0.0165 0.000217 0.034704 4 901.8672 1.65
1100 14 11 0.183333 1.66 0.0166 0.000218 0.03468 31.878 919.2042 1.66
15.5 11.2 0.186667 1.67 0.0167 0.00022 0.034656 6 936.5651 1.67
14.5 11.4 0.19 1.68 0.0168 0.000221 0.034632 2 953.9501 1.68
14 11.6 0.193333 1.68 0.0168 0.000221 0.034608 8 971.3592 1.68
13.5 11.8 0.196667 1.68 0.0168 0.000221 0.034584 4 988.7925 1.68
1200 13 12 0.2 1.69 0.0169 0.000222 0.03456 34.776 1006.25 1.69
Strain Proving Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Corrected Shear Shear Vertical
division ring displaceme strain gauge displacem strain Area Load Stress strain
reading nt reading ent (m2) (kN) (kN/m2) (%)
(div) (mm) (div)
12 0.2 0.003333 0.15 0.0015 x105 0.035976 0.5796 16.11074 0.15
40 14 0.4 0.006667 0.2 0.002 2.63 x10 0.035952 1.1592 32.24299 0.2
60 14 0.6 0.01 0.27 0.0027 3.55 x10 0.035928 1.7388 48.39679 0.27
80 13.5 0.8 0.013333 0.3 0.003 3.95 x10 0.035904 2.3184 64.57219 0.3
100 12 1 0.016667 0.34 0.0034 4.47 x10 0.03588 2.898 80.76923 0.34
120 12 1.2 0.02 0.41 0.0041 5.39 x10 0.035856 3.4776 96.98795 0.41
140 15 1.4 0.023333 0.45 0.0045 5.92 x10 0.035832 4.0572 113.2284 0.45
160 15 1.6 0.026667 0.5 0.005 6.58 x10 0.035808 4.6368 129.4906 0.5
180 14 1.8 0.03 0.54 0.0054 7.11 x10 0.035784 5.2164 145.7746 0.54
200 5
17 2 0.033333 0.6 0.006 7.89 x10 0.03576 5.796 162.0805 0.6
220 17 2.2 0.036667 0.64 0.0064 8.42 x10 0.035736 6.3756 178.4083 0.64
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
240 17 2.4 0.04 0.69 0.0069 9.08 x105 0.035712 6.9552 194.7581 0.69
260 17 2.6 0.043333 0.73 0.0073 9.61 x10 0.035688 7.5348 211.1298 0.73
280 18 2.8 0.046667 0.79 0.0079 0.000104 0.035664 8.1144 227.5236 0.79
300 17 3 0.05 0.84 0.0084 0.000111 0.03564 8.694 243.9394 0.84
320 17 3.2 0.053333 0.86 0.0086 0.000113 0.035616 9.2736 260.3774 0.86
240 19 2.4 0.04 0.89 0.0089 0.000117 0.035712 6.9552 194.7581 0.89
18 3.6 0.06 0.92 0.0092 0.000121 0.035568 8 293.3198 0.92
19 3.8 0.063333 0.95 0.0095 0.000125 0.035544 4 309.8244 0.95
400 18 4 0.066667 0.99 0.0099 0.00013 0.03552 11.592 326.3514 0.99
17 4.2 0.07 1.03 0.0103 0.000136 0.035496 6 342.9006 1.03
17 4.4 0.073333 1.07 0.0107 0.000141 0.035472 2 359.4723 1.07
15.5 4.6 0.076667 1.1 0.011 0.000145 0.035448 8 376.0664 1.1
15.5 4.8 0.08 1.13 0.0113 0.000149 0.035424 4 392.6829 1.13
18 5 0.083333 1.17 0.0117 0.000154 0.0354 14.49 409.322 1.17
18 5.2 0.086667 1.18 0.0118 0.000155 0.035376 6 425.9837 1.18
16.5 5.4 0.09 1.21 0.0121 0.000159 0.035352 2 442.668 1.21
18 5.6 0.093333 1.23 0.0123 0.000162 0.035328 8 459.375 1.23
18 5.8 0.096667 1.25 0.0125 0.000164 0.035304 4 476.1047 1.25
600 19 6 0.1 1.27 0.0127 0.000167 0.03528 17.388 492.8571 1.27
18 6.2 0.103333 1.29 0.0129 0.00017 0.035256 6 509.6324 1.29
18 6.4 0.106667 1.31 0.0131 0.000172 0.035232 2 526.4305 1.31
19 6.6 0.11 1.33 0.0133 0.000175 0.035208 8 543.2515 1.33
19.5 6.8 0.113333 1.35 0.0135 0.000178 0.035184 4 560.0955 1.35
700 21 7 0.116667 1.37 0.0137 0.00018 0.03516 20.286 576.9625 1.37
21 7.2 0.12 1.39 0.0139 0.000183 0.035136 6 593.8525 1.39
21 7.4 0.123333 1.41 0.0141 0.000186 0.035112 2 610.7656 1.41
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
18 7.6 0.126667 1.44 0.0144 0.000189 0.035088 8 627.7018 1.44
780 22.604
21 7.8 0.13 1.46 0.0146 0.000192 0.035064 4 644.6612 1.46
800 19 8 0.133333 1.47 0.0147 0.000193 0.03504 23.184 661.6438 1.47
22 8.2 0.136667 1.49 0.0149 0.000196 0.035016 6 678.6498 1.49
21 8.4 0.14 1.51 0.0151 0.000199 0.034992 2 695.679 1.51
22 8.6 0.143333 1.53 0.0153 0.000201 0.034968 8 712.7316 1.53
22 8.8 0.146667 1.55 0.0155 0.000204 0.034944 4 729.8077 1.55
900 22 9 0.15 1.57 0.0157 0.000207 0.03492 26.082 746.9072 1.57
21 8.2 0.136667 1.59 0.0159 0.000209 0.035016 6 678.6498 1.59
21 9.4 0.156667 1.61 0.0161 0.000212 0.034872 2 781.1769 1.61
21 9.6 0.16 1.63 0.0163 0.000214 0.034848 8 798.3471 1.63
22 9.8 0.163333 1.65 0.0165 0.000217 0.034824 4 815.541 1.65
1000 22 10 0.166667 1.66 0.0166 0.000218 0.0348 28.98 832.7586 1.66
22 10.2 0.17 1.68 0.0168 0.000221 0.034776 6 850 1.68
20 10.4 0.173333 1.69 0.0169 0.000222 0.034752 2 867.2652 1.69
1060 30.718
24 10.6 0.176667 1.71 0.0171 0.000225 0.034728 8 884.5543 1.71
23 10.8 0.18 1.73 0.0173 0.000228 0.034704 4 901.8672 1.73
1100 22 11 0.183333 1.74 0.0174 0.000229 0.03468 31.878 919.2042 1.74
23 11.2 0.186667 1.75 0.0175 0.00023 0.034656 6 936.5651 1.75
23 11.4 0.19 1.77 0.0177 0.000233 0.034632 2 953.9501 1.77
24 11.6 0.193333 1.78 0.0178 0.000234 0.034608 8 971.3592 1.78
22 11.8 0.196667 1.8 0.018 0.000237 0.034584 4 988.7925 1.8
1200 21 12 0.2 1.81 0.0181 0.000238 0.03456 34.776 1006.25 1.81
22 12.2 0.203333 1.83 0.0183 0.000241 0.034536 6 1023.732 1.83
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
24 12.4 0.206667 1.84 0.0184 0.000242 0.034512 2 1041.238 1.84
21 12.6 0.21 1.85 0.0185 0.000243 0.034488 8 1058.768 1.85
1300 24 13 0.216667 1.87 0.0187 0.000246 0.03444 37.674 1093.902 1.87
25 13.2 0.22 1.88 0.0188 0.000247 0.034416 6 1111.506 1.88
1340 38.833
25 13.4 0.223333 1.89 0.0189 0.000249 0.034392 2 1129.135 1.89
25 13.8 0.23 1.91 0.0191 0.000251 0.034344 4 1164.465 1.91
1400 25 14 0.233333 1.92 0.0192 0.000253 0.03432 40.572 1182.168 1.92
27 14.2 0.236667 1.93 0.0193 0.000254 0.034296 6 1199.895 1.93
26 14.4 0.24 1.95 0.0195 0.000257 0.034272 2 1217.647 1.95
23 14.6 0.243333 1.96 0.0196 0.000258 0.034248 8 1235.424 1.96
24 14.8 0.246667 1.97 0.0197 0.000259 0.034224 4 1253.226 1.97
1500 26 15 0.25 1.99 0.0199 0.000262 0.0342 43.47 1271.053 1.99
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
= 20 x 0.01mm
= 0.2 mm =
= 0.00333
= 0.01 x 0.01mm
= 0.0001 mm =
= 1.32 x 10-6
( )
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
(kPa) Peak
σ1 = 20 kPa p = 24.34 kPa
σ2 = 40 kPa p = 1006.25 kPa
σ3 = 80 kPa p = 1271.053 kPa
Gradient Gradient
p = 27.86 σ1 + Cp
When σ1 = 20 ; p = 24.34 kPa
24.34 = 27.86(20) + Cp
Cp = – 532.86
y = 27.86x – 532.86
tan p = 27.86
p = 87.94°
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
From the graph of shear stress against horizontal strain, the peak for sample 1, 2, and 3 are 24.34
kPa, 1006.25 kPa, and 1291.053 kPa. By using the axial load and peak for the shear stress, the
equation for the graph of shear stress against horizontal strain can be obtained. The settlement of
the sample depend on the load apply on top of the sample. Thus, the water content will affect the
amount of settlement value on the sample. On this experiment, we has proved that the more
water content the more settlement occur. When the load applied was 20 kPa, 40 kPa, and 80 kPa,
the settlement height was 1.58 mm, 3.00 mm and 4.89 mm. When the load applied increased, the
amount of water inside the sample decreases. This experiment being conducted by applying the
vertical and horizontal stress on the sample inside the shear box. By determining the vertical and
horizontal stress, we can obtained the shear strength at failure, ( f’). Shear strength at failure is
equal to undrained shear strength, (Su).
The sample is not settled completely. ( the vertical gauge reading still not stop)
When the sample already being put into the mould and submerged into the shear box, it was
found that the setting up of the axial vertical gauge still not stopping. By this, it would be effect
the value of the settlement while tabulating the data into the table.
The loading pad is not properly put inside the shear box.
The shear box with sample is not fully filled with water
The sample is not fully saturated when it is put inside the shear box
Reading error when the process recording the data into the table prepared.
This kind of error always happen in almost every laboratory test such as overlooked the reading
because of the not consistency of the increment of the reading. Sometimes this incidents can
happen because of the attraction from the other source that coming from the surrounding and
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
made the data reader overlooked the reading. Other cases also occur when tabulating the data
into the table such as wrongly put the value into the table column. Beside, reading error also can
happen when the calculation process like wrongly used of formulae.
Depending with the actual duration of the test, the experiment should be carried out with longer
period of time if want to get the good result. With the limited time of laboratory time, we failed
to manage the analysis process about the experiment that have been conduct. And if the problem
occurs, there was no time to repeat the laboratory test or redo the test. Besides, with limited time,
the test that is being conducted need to more time for the settlement to get the accurate results. It
only took us at least 30-45 minutes to complete a sample so error will occur.
In conclusion, the experiments that have been conducted on white clay are presented to show
the influence of the boundary conditions on the experiment measurement. Data of the loading in
the test show that a symmetrical direct shear test arrangement is preferable although there was
some error in our experiment. Direct shear test is an effective method for measurement of the
plane strain at stress level tested. The measured sample corresponds closely with the minimum
value with respect to strength anisotrophy. This experiment actually give us the peak and
residual stress of the sample. With this, we are able to form a graph which has linear line of peak
and residual stress of the sample.
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
In conclusion, the shear strength parameter of the soil can be determined using four
different experiment. It is important to know the shear strength of soil. This is because the
construction of building, damns or road need to consider the earth retaining structure and
foundation shear strength of soil.
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
4. Skempton, A. W. (1985). Residual strength of clays in landslides, folded strata and the
laboratory; Géotechnique. Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 3-8.
5. Venkatramaiah, C. (2006). Geotechnical Engineering. (3rd.ed). Daryaganj, New
6. Whitman, R. V., and Healy, K. A. (1962). Shear strength of sands during rapid loading. J.
Soil Mech. Found. Div., 88(SM2), 99–132.
7. Craig, R.F.. (2004). Craig’s soil mechanics (7th ed.). New York, NY: Spon Press
8. Day, R. W. (2001). Soil Testing Manual: Procedures, Classification Data, and Sampling
Practices. New York, McGraw-Hill Publication.
9. Som, N. N., & Das, S. C. (2003). Theory and practice of foundation design. PHI
Learning Pvt. Ltd., pp 19-2.
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
KNS 2601 Civil Engineering Laboratory 4
Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak