Summer 2010 News
Summer 2010 News
Summer 2010 News
Volume 14, Number 1 Summer 2010
Driving to Excess
1000 Friends of Wisconsin 2
Ride, baby, ride. Using transit will help ease our addiction to oil. Transit helps reduce
Staff oil consumption, is much cheaper than driving and it feels good to have a chauffeur
Steve Hiniker, Executive Director drive you to work. Walking and bicycling reduce oil consumption AND will get you in
Barb Kneer, Financial Consultant better shape. Not only is it good for the environment, it’s good for the body.
Kate Morgan, Water Policy Director
Deborah Nemeth, Development Director Save, baby, save. Walking, bicycling and transit will help you save dollars. If you drive 10
Kevin Pomeroy, Planning Director miles a day and pay for parking, your transportation costs you around $20 daily. (Based
on the IRS reimbursable mileage rate of 50 cents a mile and assuming daily parking
charges of $10 a day.) Taking the bus on a monthly pass of $55 reduces your daily cost
Chris Gentile
Jennifer Knight-Johnson
to about $2.50. That $7.50 a day adds up quickly. That means around $150 of savings a
You don’t live near transit? Support Regional Transit Authorities. As soon as RTAs have
a revenue source, transit service in your area will be improved and you can start saving
money. And the planet will be a better place to live.
Our website has daily updates: Steve Hiniker
Check it out!
3 Summer 2010
In the ‘50s, only 300,000 households (or about 8%) were headed
by someone over 65. By 2030,the number of households headed by
people over 65 will have grown to a million - representing 21% of
all households. The most shocking prediction comes from a survey
conducted by Robert Charles Lessor and Company that finds that only
12% of new households will have children - 88% will have no kids.
A closer look shows why transit is not only worth public support but
it is also an essential part of a successful community.
Likewise, “empty nesters” or those households headed by someone
65 or over are more likely to prefer smaller houses or condominiums Transit Saves You $$$
closer to amenities within walking distance. If you live in a community that has transit and currently don’t use it,
you could treat yourself to the bus and have thousands of dollars in
As a society, we have fundamentally failed to address our housing extra cash in a short time. Driving your work commute costs at least
policy. According to Arthur C. Nelson, director of metropolitan 50 cents a mile plus parking costs.
research at the University of Utah, “Suburbia is overbuilt and
yet we will keep on building there. Most policy makers don’t see Transit Promotes Energy Independence
the consequences, and those who do are denying reality.” As our It’s clear that transit saves energy - according to the American Public
changing demographic demands a different landscape, Wisconsin Transit Association, if Americans used transit as much as Europeans
needs to change its housing strategy to meet its future needs. (about 10% of all trips in Europe are via transit compared to about
1% in the U.S.) we would save nearly the equivalent amount of oil that
We’ve already seen how this new demographic is altering we import from Saudi Arabia each year.
neighborhoods through changes in downtown areas. New cc
1000 Friends of Wisconsin 4
Transit Promotes Healthy Lifestyles housing. However, when the cost of transportation is factored in, the
If you use transit, you will walk more. Rather than walking thirty feet “drive to affordability” becomes a myth. Increased costs of hyper-
to your car door, you will walk up to a quarter of a mile to a transit commuting can drive transportation costs higher than the mortgage.
stop. Those footsteps burn calories which help to keep you in better A 30 mile commute can cost more than $8,000 a year after factoring
shape. At a time when obesity is epidemic, we could all use a little in parking to the cost of driving. A far less expensive option is a house
more exercise. in an urbanized area close to transit. In addition to a lower cost of
living, many hours that are lost to commuting can be reclaimed.
Transit Promotes Healthy Neighborhoods
Transit - A Great Investment
Transit depends on compact development with higher density, mixed
As Wisconsin changes to meet a changing population, we need to start
use neighborhoods. These neighborhoods are typically livelier and
making investments for the next generation. We can start with better
have more personal interaction than lower density neighborhoods.
transit. That will save us all money and will help the environment.
Housing values are typically higher and hold their value better in
We need to continue with modern housing that is more convenient
tough economic times.
to nearby destinations. There is a great future for Wisconsin if we
choose to invest wisely.
Transit Fights Sprawl
Many people leave the highly urbanized area to reach more affordable
SE Wisconsin at a Crossroads:
Landmark Transit Legislation Takes Short Detour
Kerry Thomas
Executive Director, Transit NOW
for transit legislation. We successfully increased awareness of the Administration has, however, made it clear that they will not approve
ongoing funding struggles of our local transit systems and the benefits KRM advancing into final engineering and design phase until the
of investing in transit, demonstrated the importance and fiscal sense funding dilemma for buses is resolved. The federal application for
for using a sales tax for transit and removing it from the property tax, the Milwaukee Streetcar project will also be submitted soon.
and heard the collective appeal from a broad spectrum of business,
labor, civic community. We received bipartisan support. Despite There is a clear message coming from every direction in Wisconsin:
the disappointing outcome and an unworkably tight timeframe, we The fight must go on!
almost got there. Eventually, we will get there.”
There has not been an issue in Wisconsin that has built a broader
What’s next? or more active coalition with such a widespread impact on our
communities and economy in a long time. The fight must go on
The next opportunity to pass RTA legislation is during the state for local control of transit funding, for job creation, for keeping
budget process, which begins in January 2011 when a new Governor people connected to opportunity and for creating new economic
will propose a budget and the legislature will take it up through June opportunity and long-term sustainability that our very future rests
2011. upon. Stay tuned!
In the mean time, the KRM Commuter Rail project reaches a major For more information go to:
milestone as a federal New Starts application to get permission to or contact Kerry Thomas at 262-246-6151.
enter preliminary engineering was submitted. The Federal Transit
The input of local experts is critical to the These plans will identify where we can encourage
successful planning efforts of the Southeastern strategic development and redevelopment
Wisconsin Watershed Trust (“Sweetwater”) that protect a community’s water resources
to curb nonpoint water pollution and help such as stream-side buffers or increasing tree
improve the water quality of the rivers and canopy to mitigate stormwater. Street repairs
lakes of southeastern Wisconsin. 1000 Friends and reconstruction can be designed to address
of Wisconsin is an active partner in this multi- stormwater issues.
million dollar effort to revitalize the waters of
the region. With each project we undertake, a specific
group of strategies will be employed to address
The teams drew on their knowledge of the the problem at hand. Through the accumulative
river and which areas were important for recreation, flooding, fish effects of multiple best management practices and Smart Growth
passage, and which businesses were known for their green practices strategies, the plan will advance water quality and protect our water
and where those businesses were located along the river. resources. Land use practices will be key to protecting our rivers and
streams and stem the degradation of our water resources.
Problem areas were identified and included a wide range of activities
on the land ranging from the salting of streets in winter to the use of a
lawn fertilizers and stream channelization.
1000 Friends of Wisconsin 6
Xu Ke (Coco) is an engineer and urban planner at the Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute. In her personal statement,
Coco said that they have recently begun to look at rural areas and the way to adjust their planning patterns to new situations. She has a
keen interest in sustainable development.
Xue Feng (Frank) is the Senior Engineer and Vice Director of the Adminstration Bureau of Urban Planning and Land Resource of Qingpu
District, Shanghai. Frank’s department was charged with developing the area respecting its 6000 year history! The new city has already
become one of the best areas in Shangjai for both air and water quality.
Coco’s Image of Madison the lakeshore and watching boats in the water is a wonderful
Madison is an elegant and pleasant
city and among the top livable cities Many famous architects have works in Madison like Louis Sullivan,
of America. These concepts were Frank Lloyd Wright and Cesar Pelli. With these carefully-protected
well-known before we came here. historical districts and landmark buildings, I can feel people here
are proud of their history and cherish their tradition.
But when we arrived in Madison,
we were still surprised by the The Overture Center designed by Cesar Pelli is my favorite place in
scenery spread before us. In the Madison and I have been there many times. It’s the largest private
most beautiful season of North gift to lucky Madison people. I like the atmosphere there with the
America, Madison showed its well-arranged performances, free shows for kids on Saturday, and
beauty generously with colorful exquisite artworks in the shop. It makes people feel at ease and
leaves, orderly city sights, vigorous accessible to art.
students and interesting activities. As time went by, I got a more
comprehensive concept about the city and I think Madison is a The university is the soul of Madison. It’s the real master of the city
lucky city for its landscape, history, culture and people. and endows it with creativity, vigor, and opportunities. Without those
students and teachers, the city would be ordinary. They change
In a history less than 200 years, Madison has already shaped its the city in every aspect including the way people live, the industry
distinguishing features and unique texture. The downtown area people work for and the activities people engage in.
of Madison is located on the Isthmus which is the essence of
the city along with the three lakes. In this area, the city lays out I had an internship with 1000 Friends of Wisconsin and know
around State Capitol and forms blocks in size of 100×120 meters. many nice people there. In the time I was there, I got a detailed
Government, business and cultural buildings are located in these impression of public participation in Madison. Citizens are willing
blocks and it makes this area the activity center of the city. The to take part in public issues. People do what they believe in and
Capitol dominates the view of this area and arouses the strict height express their opinions frankly. In the Edgewater hotel case, people
control of the city. In the Edgewater hotel case, we can see conflicts showed their concern for their hometown. They love the city, so they
for the control. But this strict control is helpful in preserving the treat it carefully.
historic character of Madison.
Last year, I spent almost 2 months in Madison and witnessed its
Three beautiful lakes and hilly landscape make the city more beauty in fall and cruelty in winter. I love the city and hope one day
attractive. There is a Chinese saying: “Wisdom loves water,” so I can come back and see the beautiful spring and summer and the
Madison is the right setting for the university. Walking along nice people I know.
7 Summer 2010
Gene Roark & Tia Nelson Kevin Pomeroy, Barb Irvin & Kris Euclide
Sheila Cohen & Tia Nelson
A humanitarian, outspoken statesman, and environmental activist, Gaylord Nelson comes to vivid life for young readers in Gaylord
Nelson: Champion for Our Earth. The State Historical Society Press released Sheila Cohen’s book this spring to celebrate the 40th
anniversary of Earth Day. Cohen taught English as a Second Language (ESL) in the Madison Metropolitan School District for 20
years. Upon retirement, she has devoted her time to freelance writing and has now had two books published by the Wisconsin State
Historical Society for their Badger Biography series for youong people.
In recent years, she has become aware and concerned about the growing traffic congestion and urban sprawl which is adversely
affecting Madison. It is for that reason that she gladly accepted the invitation to serve on the Board of Directors of 1000 Friends.
1000 Friends of Wisconsin 8
Annual Report
2009 Highlights
Smart Growth
We continued our work assisting communities that are developing Smart Growth plans. 2009 was especially busy as communities
worked to get their plans completed before the statutory deadline of January 1, 2010. After that date, all communities must approve land
development projects that are consistent with their comprehensive Smart Growth plan.
Greater Milwaukee water Quality ConneCtions 2009
1000 Friends of Wisconsin 10
Steve Hiniker
Executive Director
Legislative Session
Our mission this past legislative session was fairly straightforward: Address shortcomings in the
Comprehensive Planning (Smart Growth) law, help enact legislation that promotes healthy
neighborhoods and pass legislation that enables communities to create Regional Transit Authorities.
We made significant progress in all three categories but were frustrated by last minute shenanigans
in the state senate. (More on that shortly)
Following is a synopsis of legislation affecting our key priorities.
Smart Growth Legislation pedestrian and bicycling related design in standards). Despite this overwhelming
We were able to see our Smart Growth new housing developments. It also creates support from such a diverse group,
repair bill sail through the legislature in the reporting requirements for communities the legislation that implemented these
last week of the session. Our legislation is that are required to have TND ordinances recommendations was opposed by lobbyists
intended to deal with the fact that in 2010, and finally to encourage all communities to representing many of these same groups.
all local development must be consistent adopt TND ordinances.
with the local comprehensive plan. Our bill In the end, a much weakened bill headed for
clarifies what “consistency” means, with an AB 649 - The controversial Clean Energy a vote in the state assembly on the last day of
eye on reducing the potential for litigation Jobs Act, became one of the most hotly the legislative session. There were probably
over “consistency.” We also provided a lobbied bills in the legislature in recent enough votes to move the bill forward
limited number of communities that have years. The Clean Energy Jobs Act was but, in a stunning move, Senate Majority
not completed their Smart Growth plans based on the recommendations of the Leader Russ Decker of Wausau adjourned
by the January deadline the ability to get Governor Global Warming Task Force and the senate before the assembly even had a
an extension – provided that they had not included provisions that would have helped chance to debate the legislation – killing the
received a grant before January 1, 2008. communities build downtowns and create bill and the hopes for a new approach to
jobs in the urban core. The provisions were reduce energy consumption in Wisconsin.
Healthy Neighborhoods developed by a working group that included
Two bills had provisions that helped promote diverse partners such as the road building Regional Transit Authorities
healthy neighborhoods. One of those bills, lobby, auto industry representatives, Wisconsin is the only state in the Midwest that,
SB 314 – a legislative council proposal to freight haulers, municipal representatives, until this year, did not allow municipalities
promote Traditional Design Neighborhoods environmentalists and home builders. to form Regional Transit Authorities that can
(TND) - passed with little opposition. On raise revenues to fund transit operations.
the other hand, AB 649 -the Clean Energy The transportation recommendations The state budget, adopted in June of last
Jobs Act, with stronger provisions, was from the Governor’s Global Warming Task year, granted four regions (Dane County,
killed by industry lobbyists protecting the Force were endorsed by all of the groups the Chippewa Valley, the Bayfield area and
status quo. participating (with the exception that southeastern Wisconsin) the ability to
General Motors opposed the provision that create revenue generating RTAs. However,
SB 314 - The legislative council bill was a would have required Wisconsin to adopt air the southeastern Wisconsin RTA was vetoed
consensus bill that requires the state housing quality standards developed by the state of by Governor Doyle because of a number of
plan to include strategies for encouraging California – the so-called “California Car”
11 Summer 2010
problems with the provisions. Transit System users was sealed. Longer to adopt RTA legislation for southeastern
waits and higher fares for fewer buses is Wisconsin also dealt a significant setback
The RTA is especially important to the certain outcome of the legislature’s for the prospects of the Kenosha-Racine-
Milwaukee, where the system has been inability to pass RTA legislation. The failure Milwaukee (KRM) commuter train.
nationally recognized for exceptional service
but is struggling financially. County Executive
Scott Walker has opposed providing any new
revenues for the Milwaukee Transit System.
The system will have to cut service by more
than one third in 2011 if new revenues are
not found. The RTA would provide those
needed revenues.
When the Senate adjourned prematurely, the
The Pu transit
fate of thousands of the Milwaukee County the
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Smart Growth @ 10
Positioning Communities for the Future
1000 Friends of Wisconsin
John Torinus
Mark Eppli - Professor of Finance Chairman - Serigraph, Inc. Original Smart Growth Coalition Panel
Marquette University
Conference Sponsors
Alliant Energy - Madison Gas & Electric
BT Squared - Godfrey & Kahn - LanDesign - Micheal Best & Friedrich - MSA Professionnal Services
Midwest Environmental Advocates - Wisconsin Energy Conservation Corp - Wisconsin Environmental Initiative
The Nelson Institute - WAPA - WI Alliance of Cities - WI Counties Assoc - League of WI Municipalities - WI Towns Assoc
1000 Friends of Wisconsin 12
By the Numbers
Take a Look!
*RCLCO Survey
Cost of commuting via transit annually: $ 372 (Madison monthly pass at $55 a month)
Cost of commuting 10 miles plus parking annually: $ 4,320 (Madison East Ramp at $180 a month)
Amount saved by transit annually: $ 3,948
Amount of oil that would be saved if Americans rode transit as much as Europeans (10% of all trips):
Approximately the same amount as we import of Saudi Arabia each year, or about 40% of our imports.
Get the latest news, read the best of the blogs, watch videos, follow us on Facebook - we even tweet!
Kevin Pomeroy re-designed our website making it more accessible, attractive and chock full of the latest
Bill Rattunde
Community Shares of Wisconsin Backyard Hero Award
Bill Rattunde is a dedicated volunteer whose efforts have made a huge difference
for 1000 Friends of Wisconsin. His background in architecture and landscape
architecture was critical in forming sustainable land use practices in our Green
Tier Legacy Communities project. Bill’s professional background and his lifelong
commitment to preserving the natural landscape make him the perfect fit for
1000 Friends.
1000 Friends of Wisconsin 14