ME211 Thermodynamics - Final Exam (Spring 2016)
ME211 Thermodynamics - Final Exam (Spring 2016)
ME211 Thermodynamics - Final Exam (Spring 2016)
2016 June 16th, 10:30 am – 12:10 pm (total 4 problems during 100 minutes)
[1] (25-points, 5-points in each) Discuss the “Second law of thermodynamics” in the following sub-topics. You
may discuss the expressions, definitions, equations, and interpretations. Do not forget about the applicable
conditions and limitations. Missing essential points may lead to the partial credit. Language of English or
Korean is acceptable. (30 to 50 words are expected in each topic.) (a) Kelvin-Plank and Clausius statements. (b)
Carnot cycle and Carnot efficiency. (c) Clausius inequality. (d) Definition of entropy. (e) The increase of
entropy principle.
[2] (25-points) Water/steam in a piston-cylinder that was initially at 100 ℃ and 5 MPa is to be heated to 300 ℃
at constant pressure in an internally reversible process (no irreversibility except heat transfer). The external heat
source is maintained at the constant temperature of 400 ℃. (a) (5-points) By determining the major state points,
draw the process on a T-s diagram; (b) (5-points) Determine the work performed per unit mass of water/steam
that this piston produced. (c) (5-points) Determine the heat transferred per unit mass of water/steam in the
process. (d) (10-points) Determine the total entropy generation per unit mass of water/steam.
[3] (25-points) A modified Brayton cycle is analyzed based on the cold air standard assumption, and it has a
maximum pressure ratio of 16. The compressor inlet temperature was 300 K, and the inlet temperatures of
both turbines were 1200 K, and the pressure ratio of each turbine was 4. (Cp=1 kJ/kgK, specific heat ratio
(a) (6-points) Draw P-v diagram and T-s diagram of
this system.
(b) (4-points) Determine the temperatures at 2, 4, and
(c) (5-points) Determine the required mass flow rate
of air for a net power output of 10 MW in the case
of a reversible system.
(d) (5-points) Determine the efficiency of the
reversible power system.
(e) (5-points) The isentropic efficiencies were 90% for the compressor, 80% for the turbine-1, and 70% for the
turbine-2. What was the efficiency of this system?
** R-134a Tables