Accountancy Act of The Philippines
Accountancy Act of The Philippines
Accountancy Act of The Philippines
Accountancy Act of the Philippines or broadly known as Accountancy Act of 2004 states the laws regarding the
practice of accountancy in the Philippines, their duties and responsibilities, the bodies in charge in promulgating the
rules and the manner on how to be a Certified Public Accountant in the Country.
The most frequent asked questions raised by some professionals are on if they can take the said CPA Board exam
even if they are not accounting graduates. So here are some piece from the Republic Act 9298 to answer that
* Basically to be able to take the Philippine CPA Board exam, one must have a degree of Bachelor of Science in
Accountancy. Any individual even though you have graduated already of any course related with acoounting such as
Management Accounting can not take the said examination. Take or pursue Accountancy to become a CPA.
* all of these subjects are learned at school but you can have a review of the mentioned above at any CPA review
Centers all over the country. online review centers or online review are still in process.
*these must not be worried about, for it does not mean that out of 100 questions you must get a 75 for a lot of
instances that the Examinee will lower down their rates. These depends on the overall result of the eminers. well for
sure no one will get perfect as long as leakage is out of the subject.
* well unlike to the nursing board exam result, the agony of waiting the CPA board result is not prolonged for
months. The result will just around a week or so.
* If one will just focus and study, well no one will fail. As early as now, know your priorities. If you want to be an
accountant then act now. read and understand all the theories and double practicing the accounting problems. The
fruits of your labor will follow after.