RTL SDR Blog V3 Datasheet
RTL SDR Blog V3 Datasheet
RTL SDR Blog V3 Datasheet
The RTL-SDR Blog V3 is an improved RTL-SDR dongle. RTL-SDR dongles were originally designed for DVB-T
HDTV reception, but they were found by hardware hackers to be useful as a general purpose SDR. The
standard dongles are okay for DVB-T reception, but are just barely suitable for SDR users/experimenters.
The RTL-SDR Blog V3 was redesigned with SDR user needs in mind, instead of DVB-T HDTV users who
typically have more relaxed requirements.
Basic Information
• Bandwidth: Up to 2.4 MHz stable.
• ADC: RTL2832U 8-bits
• Frequency Range: 500 kHz – 1766 MHz (500 kHz – 24 MHz in direct sampling mode)
• Typical Input Impedance: 50 Ohms
• Typical Current Draw: 270 – 280 mA
Single board PCs like the Raspberry Pi, Odroid, C.H.I.P are also supported with most command line apps.
RTL-SDR V3 Improvements over generic models
The V3 uses a 1PPM TCXO for excellent frequency stability. The temperature drift is around 0.5 – 1 PPM,
and the initial offset is 0 – 2 PPM. This means that the signal will not drift on the spectrum as the dongle
or ambient temperature changes. Also, the frequency offset will be close to zero. Standard dongles have
a PPM offset of up to 100PPM, and tend to drift a lot. Using a TCXO solves these problems.
SMA Connector
Typical RTL-SDR dongles use a relatively obscure MCX RF connector. The V3 uses commonly used SMA
connectors, so it is easy to obtain adapters, connectors and antennas for the unit. SMA connectors also
last longer.
Aluminium Enclosure
Unlike standard RTL-SDR’s, the V3 comes standard with an aluminium enclosure. The enclosure has two
purposes. The first is to help block any RF interference from entering through the PCB. The second is to
act as a heatsink to the PCB.
The V3 also uses a larger ground plane on the middle layers of the PCB which also helps with heat
R820T2 Chip
Older RTL-SDR units used the R820T chip. There is a newer R820T2 which has slightly better
manufacturing tolerances. The R820T2 is produced in a factory with higher quality silicon which allows for
more reliable chips. A side effect of the better silicon is overall slightly better and more stable sensitivity
across manufacturing runs compared to the R820T, and less PLL lock problems at L-band frequencies.
This bias tee is great for powering a remote LNA (like Adams PSA5043+ based LNA4ALL) or something like
the SpyVerter upconverter.
Bias Tee Warning: The bias tee thermal fuse or LDO could be damaged if you short circuit the bias tee for
long periods of time. Before turning on the bias tee, ensure the circuit to be powered is not shorted, or
that the RTL-SDR is not connected to a DC shorted antenna!
Long USB cables tend to drop the 5V USB voltage down to lower levels. Below about 4V the AMS1117
stops working. The LDO used in the V3 works almost down to 3.3V.
Of course, with low voltages from long USB cable, the bias tee will be unable to put out 4.5V. At low
voltages the bias tee LDO will revert to a non-filtered voltage slightly under the supply.
The V3 also adds a USB common mode choke on the USB data lines to reduce USB noise, adds SMD
ferrite chokes on the PCB power lines, and uses a lower noise LDO.
The V3 has direct sampling mode implemented in hardware already, so no hardware mods are required
to listen to HF via direct sampling.
To split the HF signal out at the SMA connector, a diplexer tuned to 25 MHz is used. A 10dB buffer
preamp sits after the diplexer which helps to boost the signal and overcome losses in the subsequent
filter and impedance transformer. After the preamp is a 24 MHz low pass filter and then an impedance
matching and single to double ended transformer. The addition of the preamp, filter and transformer
ensures good direct sampling performance.
The result is that 500 kHz to about 24 MHz can be received in direct sampling mode.
Direct sampling could be more sensitive than using an upconverter, but dynamic won’t be as good as with
an upconverter. It can overload easily if you have strong signals since there is no gain control. And you
will see aliasing of signals mirrored around 14.4 MHz due to the Nyquist theorm. But direct sampling
mode should at least give the majority of users a decent taste of what’s on HF. If you then find HF
interesting, then you can consider upgrading to an upconverter like the SpyVerter (the SpyVerter is the
only upconverter we know of that is compatible with our bias tee for easy operation, other upconverters
require external power).
If you search on YouTube for “RTL-SDR V3”, you will find several videos showing what you can get in
direct sampling mode. Most people are surprised at how good it can be, but also many users will need a
broadcast AM filter to reduce overloading. We sell a suitable broadcast AM filter on our store www.rtl-
Feature Information
Feature 1: Direct Sampling HF Mode
This feature allows you to listen to HF signals between about 500 kHz to 28.8 MHz.
To use direct sampling mode first connect an appropriate HF antenna to the SMA antenna port (this is the
same port where you connect your VHF/UHF antenna).
In SDR# select the Q-branch in the configure menu (the cog icon next to the play button). (If it is greyed
out make sure you stop the SDR first, by clicking the stop button in SDR#)
Other software like HDSDR and GQRX can also support direct sampling. It may entail setting a device
string, and for the Q-branch, the value should be 2. In GQRX the device string would be
“rtl=0,direct_samp=2” (without the quotes). Make sure that there is no space after the comma.
To go back to listening to frequencies above 28.8 MHz remember to change the sampling mode back to
“Quadrature Sampling”.
Note that this feature makes use of direct sampling and so aliasing will occur. The RTL-SDR samples at
28.8 MHz, thus you may see mirrors of strong signals from 0 – 14.4 MHz while tuning to 14.4 – 28.8 MHz
and the other way around as well. If these images cause problems, then to remove them you will need to
use a low pass filter for 0 – 14.4 MHz, and a high pass filter for 14.4 – 28.8 MHz. Either that or you can
simply filter your exact band of interest.
WARNING: Before using the bias tee please ensure that you understand that you should not use this
option when the dongle is connected directly to a DC short circuited antenna. Although the bias tee
circuit is dual protected against accidental shorts with a PTC automatically resetting fuse and overcurrent
protection on the LDO, short circuiting the bias tee for an extended period (hours) could damage the LDO
or fuse permanently. Only use it while connected to an actual powered device, like an LNA, active
antenna or the SpyVerter.
To make things clearer: DC Short Antenna -> LNA -> Coax -> V3(bias tee on) is fine. What’s not good and
makes no sense anyway is DC Short Antenna -> Coax -> V3(bias tee on). DC Short Antenna -> Coax ->
V3(bias tee off) is fine.
1. Download and extract all the files in the zip file downloadable at
https://github.com/rtlsdrblog/rtl-sdr/releases/tag/v1.1 into a folder on your PC. It contains two
batch files that can be run.
2. Next make sure that all SDR software like SDR#/HDSDR/SDR-Console etc is fully closed. If there is
another program accessing the RTL-SDR the bias tee software will not run.
3. Run the biastee_on.bat file to turn the bias tee on. It will run and open a CMD prompt that will
briefly say “Found Rafael Micro R820T Tuner”. The CMD prompt will close soon after upon
The bias tee is now on. To turn it off repeat steps 2 & 3, but instead run the biastee_off.bat batch file.
Alternatively, simply disconnect and then reconnect the SDR to turn the bias tee off.
If you have multiple dongles connected you’ll need to edit the batch file to specify what dongle’s bias tee
you want to activate. Open the bat file with any text editor, like Notepad, and add the dongle selector “-
d” flag. For example, to activate the bias tee on the dongle that was plugged in second you’d need to
change it to “rtl_biast -b 1 -d 1”.
If you get a Smart Screen message, click on More Info, and then on Run Anyway. Also note that some
versions of Windows may fail to run batch files due to misconfiguration or aggressive antivirus software.
If you cannot fix these problems with Windows or your antivirus, run the command manually on the CMD
To run it manually on the CMD line first browse to the directory where the bias tee software is stored
using “cd” (e.g. cd C:\SDR\bias_tee_folder), and then run:
ON: rtl_biast -b 1
OFF: rtl_biast -b 0
In Linux or MacOS download the source from git, compile it the same way you do the regular RTL-SDR
drivers, and then run ./rtl_biast -b 1 to turn the bias tee on and ./rtl_biast -b 0 to turn the bias tee off.
The procedure is:
If you want to be able to run the bias tee program from anywhere on the command line you can also run
“sudo make install”.
If you have trouble running the bias tee use a multimeter to check if there is 4.5V at the SMA port, and
that your powered device is actually capable of receiving power. Remember that not all LNA’s can accept
bias tee power. We recommend Adam 9A4QV’s LNA4ALL, as you can order this from his store with the
bias tee power option enabled.
Feature 3: Selectable Clock & Expansion Headers
This is for advanced users who need to daisy chain clocks together for coherent experiments, or need to
access other ports. You can either bridge the clock selector the directly with a solder bridge, or solder on
a 1.27mm 2×2 header pin jumper.
The first position allows you to output the dongles clock to the CLK pads. The second position allows you
to input an external clock.
An example of CLK daisy chaining is shown below. One dongles TCXO is connected to two other dongles
who have disconnected clocks.
LF Improvement / Bias Tee Disable Mod
If you want to improve the performance at LF/MW and do not require the bias tee, then you can
remove the bias tee inductor at L13. Of course, remember that if you are really interested in VLF/LF, then
it might be a better idea to use a VLF/LF compatible upconverter like the SpyVerter, which can be
powered by the bias tee on the dongle. Obviously if you remove the bias tee inductor, the bias tee will no
longer function, and so you’d have to power the SpyVerter externally via a USB cable.