Declaration of Original Work
Declaration of Original Work
Declaration of Original Work
I declare that the work presented in this project titled “Healthcare Management System”,
submitted to the Institute of Information Technology, University of Dhaka, for the award of
Masters in Information Technology degree, is my original work. I have not plagiarized or
submitted the same work for the award of any other degree. In case this undertaking is found
incorrect, I accept that my degree may be unconditionally withdrawn.
May, 2017
(Md. Nur-E-Arefin)
Letter of Approval
Certified that the work contained in the project titled “Healthcare Management System”, by Md.
Nur-E-Arefin, has been carried out under my supervision and that this work has not been
submitted elsewhere for a degree.
Rayhanur Rahman
University of Dhaka
Healthcare Management System is a platform for providing healthcare related services to the
people. People can search for doctor and get schedule with a click from their house. They can
also see the prescription with this system. The entire manual process is converted online based
with this system. The database of this system will maintain the patient details information as well
as doctor’s information. Doctor can observe the patient health condition, and right treatment for
the patients with the help of this software. Waterfall model is applied to implement this software.
PHP, MySQL, Apache server, HTML, CSS etc. are used to develop this software. Net Beans
IDE, Notepad++ etc tools are used also. Online payment is not currently available in this system
.It does not also include complete hospital management system. In future live chat between
doctor and patient will be developed .The users could subscribe for doctor visit alerts in future.
I am extremely grateful and remain indebted to Almightily ALLAH who has guided me in all
ventures to successfully complete this project.
The project would not be successful without the valuable guidance of Rayhanur Rahman,
lecturer, Institute of Information Technology, University of Dhaka.
My supervisor of the project, who had rendered all sorts of support when required, I am thankful
for him constructive criticism and valuable suggestions, which has benefited me a lot while
implementing the project “Healthcare Management System”. He has been a constant source of
inspiration and motivation for my hard work. He had been co-operative throughout this project
work, through this column; it would be my upmost pleasure to express my warm regards to him
encouragement and co-cooperatives.
I am greatly indebted to all teachers and staffs of the Institute of information Technology for
their kind assistance in accomplishment of this project work.
Sincerely yours
Md. Nur-E-Arefin
List of Figures
Figure No Page
1 8
2 10
3 12
List of Tables
Table of Contents
Contents Page
1. Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
1.2 Project motivation----------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.3 Objectives-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.4 Project Scope---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2. System Study-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
2.1 Background------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
2.2 Existing System------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
2.2.1 Drawbacks of the existing system--------------------------------------- 3
5. Project Description-------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
5.1 Description of the project------------------------------------------------------- 13
5.2 Methodology of the project----------------------------------------------------- 13
5.3 Screenshots of the project------------------------------------------------------- 13
6. Conclusion, Limitations and Future Work---------------------------------------- 16
6.1 Conclusion------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16
6.2 Limitations------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16
6.3 Future Work---------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
7. Bibliography--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
7.1 Books references------------------------------------------------------------------ 17
7.2 Internet references---------------------------------------------------------------- 17
Appendix A---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18