Roadsafetypresentationbyfaisalayub 160507085655 2
Roadsafetypresentationbyfaisalayub 160507085655 2
Roadsafetypresentationbyfaisalayub 160507085655 2
Road Safety
Made By-
VIII A Roll No.12
What is Road Safety?
Road traffic safety refers to methods and measures for
reducing the risk of a person using the road network for
being killed or seriously injured. The users of a road include
pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, their passengers, and
passengers of on-road public transport, mainly buses and
But due to ignorance of safety on the roads there are
accident happening on the road causing injuries and
Road Accident Statistics
1.More than 1.2 million people are killed in Road Accidents,
worldwide , every year.
∗Traffic signs and road markings are silent speakers to the road
users. Every road user should know the marking and signs on the
road and the meaning there of.
∗Many different traffic signs are to be seen on the roads. They give
advance information about road conditions ahead. Road markings
also give orders, warning or guidance to drivers or riders. Learn the
meaning of these signs and markings and look out for them when
on the road. You will not then be surprised by a bend, a one-way
street or a junction ahead. Good drivers and riders are always
Road Traffic Signs
∗ Cautionary Signs
∗ Informatory Signs
∗ Mandatory Signs:
∗ These signs are used to inform road users of certain laws and
regulations to provide safety and free flow of traffic. These
include all signs which give notice of special obligation,
prohibition or restrictions with which the road user must comply.
The violation of these signs is a legal offence. Some of the signs,
which fall under this category, are provided as follows.
∗ Cautionary Signs:
∗ These signs are used to warn the road users of the existence of
certain hazardous condition either on or adjacent to the
roadway, so that the motorists are cautious and take the desired
action. Some of the signs, which fall under this category, are
provided as follows.
∗ Informatory Signs:
These signs are used to guide road users along routes, inform them
about destination and distance, identify points of geographical
and historical interest and provide other information that will
make the road travel easier, safe and pleasant.
Some Road Safety Tips
∗ Everyone going on the road (especially drivers) must be to the
left and let other vehicles pass on the opposite direction to pass.
∗ Drivers should be in slow speed while turning on the roads.
∗ Take extra precaution while going on the over-crowded roads
and road junctions.
∗ Bikers or people using two wheel vehicles must wear helmets of
superior quality otherwise they should never go on the road
without helmet.
∗ Speed of the vehicles should be within the speed limit and slow
especially in the areas of school, hospital, colony, etc.
∗ Every vehicle on the road should maintain the right distance
among them to avoid collisions and accidents.
∗ Everyone using road should be well aware of the road signs and
must follow rules.
∗ All the road safety rules and regulations must be in mind while
∗ Road safety is very important for people of all
age group to be safe and secure as well as
reduce the number of road accidents and
injury cases. So, everyone should strictly
follow all the rules, regulations and signs of
road traffic lights and remember The Green
Cross Code
∗ 1. First find the safest place to cross
∗ 2. Stop just before you get to the kerb.
∗ 3. Look all around for traffic and listen
∗ 4. If traffic is coming, let it pass
∗ 5. When it is safe, go straight across the road – don’t run
And stop your car at red and go when it is green.
Drive Safe. Cross Safe. And Be Safe
The End ……