FI - Datadisk Mobility

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11/13/2017 FI - Datadisk Mobility

Datadisk Mobility
Datadisk mobility is a fictitious company that will be used as a model company to learn the SAP FI/CO module, I will try and use all
features in FI/CO to demonstrate how you configure and use these features. I will be referring back to this page from other sections but
decided to keep it on its own page so that you can print it and use it without having to find the information buried in others sections. This
section will basically follow the sequence of steps of configuring SAP FI/CO for example create company, then organizational units, etc,
the sequences of steps can take a different order and you or your company may have its own sequence of order. The idea of this page is
that if you can configure the SAP system just using the notes below and the odd looking up of the transactions codes then you have a very
good grasp of how to configure the SAP system.

I will tweak and change a few things of this page as time goes by to perhaps include Controlling , Sales and Distribution and Materials
Management, which will include invoices and delivery/dispatch notes, etc to make it feel like a real company but his will take sometime.

Datadisk Mobility

Datadisk Mobility has its headquarters in Florida, USA, and it is in the business of manufacturing and distribution of mobility products,
the consumer products are handled by a company called DD Consumer Products which is based in Florida, it started with manufacturing
and distribution of house fixtures and lighting/security in 1990 and obtained a mobility aids manufacturing company based in Japan in

In 1994 it obtained a mobility vehicle company based in Florida which was renamed to Datadisk transport and then in 1995 obtained a
company in the UK which manufactured lifts (stair and floor) and hoists. You can see how the company is organized in the below diagram
for a SAP point of view.

To summarize what each company produces, its location and currency, see the below table

Client Category Products (All manufacture and distribute) Location Currency

House Fixtures baths, sinks and toilets Florida, USA USD

DD Consumer
Product Lighting and
lighting and security devices Florida, USA USD
DD Security
Mobility Mobility Aids walking aids (walking sticks, walking frames, zimmer frames, etc) Tokyo, Japan JPY
Mobility Vehicles two mobility vehicles a basic model and a deluxe model Florida, USA USD
DD Transport Mobility one model of a stair lift and and one model of a floor lift, a number
Milton Keynes, UK GBP
Stair/Floor lifts of different hoists.

The company addresses are below

Manufacturing and
Company Headquarter Address Manufacturing and Distribution location
Distribution categories
DD Consumer Product 110 Ivy Meadow Park
Orlando 110 Ivy Meadow Park
Florida Orlando
32820 House Fixtures Florida
USA 32820

Lighting and Security 340 Ivy Meadow Park 1/14
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3-7-1 Kasumigaseki
Mobility Aids Tokyo

1374 Ivy Meadow Park

Mobility Vehicles Florida
110 Ivy Meadow Park
DD Transport Florida
32820 200 Industrial Park
USA Middleton
Mobility Stair/floor lifts Milton Keynes
MK10 4RE

I will presume that everyone's default language will be English and all the contacts will be

Credit Control

Datadisk mobility will have three credit control areas DD10, DD13 and DD20, the credit control data will be automatically populated
while creating the master records for new customers, as the system can automatically create the credit master record when at least one of
the fields (risk category, credit representative group or credit limit) is maintained in the relevant credit control area, the initial credit limits
and currencies for Datadisk Mobility is below, initially we will create the credit control areas and then dive into risk management later.

Credit Control Area Credit Limit Currency

DD10 15,000 USD
DD13 940,000 JPY
DD20 10,000 USD

Here is a diagram of the credit control area setup

Business Area's

Datadisk wants to implement business area financial statements for internal reporting, so we will setup the below business areas, we will
try and use meaningful names as you are restricted to only four characters

Business Area Company Codes Description

ELEC DD12, DD21, DD22 Electronics
NELE DD11, DD13 Non-Electronics
FIXT All Company codes of DDCP (DD11, DD12, DD13) Fixture and Fittings
MTRA All company code of DDMT (DD21, DD22) Mobile Transport
SERV All Company Codes After-sales service

A diagram of the above can be seen below 2/14
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For Datadisk mobility we will define several business segments, as per the below table, you can add more if you so wish

Segment Description
10BATHS Baths
11SINKS Sinks
12TOILETS Toilets
21LIGHTOT Lights Others
25ALERTB Security Alarm Basic
26ALERTD Security Alarm Deluxe
30STICKS Walking Sticks
31FRAMES Walking Frames
32ZIMMERS Zimmers Frames
40VEHCB Mobility Vehicle basic
41VEHCD Mobility Vehicle deluxe
50STAIRS Electric Stairs Lifts
51LIFTS Electric Floor Lifts
52HOISTS Hoists

Financial Management Areas

We will create two financial management areas one for each company

Financial Management Area Company Codes Description

DD10 DD11, DD12 , DD13 Financial Management Area for DDCP
DD20 DD21, DD22 Financial Management Area for DDMT

We do not want to track the purchase orders and parked documents as commitments in cash budget management, but we want to track
them as just payment flows. DD Mobility has initially indicated that every business transaction posted in accounting is to be updated
immediately and directly to cash budget management, so that for example when a payment is posted with clearing, the payment appears
immediately in cash budget management, in the expenditure/revenue item in the invoice, the commitment for the invoice is reduce to zero.
However, realizing that such a requirement may result in huge processing load for the system, DD decided to clear such items using batch

Functional Areas

We will create five functional areas as below

Functional Area Description

DD01 General Administration 3/14
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DD02 Sales and Marketing
DD03 Manufacturing and Production
DD04 Research and Development
DD05 Services and Servicing

Controlling Areas

We will create two controlling areas and assign companies DD1000 and DD2000 to these CO areas

Financial Management Area Company Codes Description

DD10 DD11, DD12, DD13 CO area for company DD1000
DD20 DD21, DD22 CO area for company DD2000

Profit Centers

We will create a number of profit centers to reflect its internal management, first a hierarchy structure will be created in the controlling
areas (DD10, DD20), then we will create the profit centers and then assign them to the hierarchy structure and a segment.

Profit Center Top Profit Center Profit Center Segment

Controlling Area Profit Center Description
Level Group Level Group Level assignment


ALARMD Deluxe Alarm 26ALERTD
STICKS Walking Sticks 30STICKS
VEHICLEB Basic Vehicles 40VEHCB
VEHICLED Deluxe Vehicles 41VEHCD

Fiscal Year Variant (FYV)

We will use SAP's standard K4 FYV for each company code

Posting Period Variants (PPV)

First we will create the following five PPV's matching the company code names

DD11 - Posting Period Variant for DD11

DD12 - Posting Period Variant for DD12
DD13 - Posting Period Variant for DD13
DD21 - Posting Period Variant for DD21
DD22 - Posting Period Variant for DD22

Then assign each variant to the appropriate company code, then create the following opening and closing periods for each company code

Variant A From Account To Account From per.1 Year To Period Year From per.2 Year To Period Year AuGr
DD11 +     2 2013 12 2013 13 2013 16 2013  
DD11 A   ZZZZZZZZZZ 2 2013 12 2013 13 2013 16 2013  
DD11 D   ZZZZZZZZZZ 2 2013 12 2013 13 2013 16 2013  
DD11 K   ZZZZZZZZZZ 2 2013 12 2013 13 2013 16 2013  
DD11 S   ZZZZZZZZZZ 2 2013 12 2013 13 2013 16 2013  

Standard Fields 4/14
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We will use SAP standard fields and activate the cost of sales accounting, we will also assign the following functional areas for a number
of G/L accounts, for each of the G/L accounts you will see the detailed control for P&L statement accounts using the functional areas
DD03/DD01, in the real world you would go through each G/L account and assign where needed.

235000 - DD03
236000 - DD03
237000 - DD03
239000 - DD03
240000 - DD01

Customer Fields

We will not be creating any customer fields for Datadisk Mobility, I may revisit this when my SAP experience has grown.

Field Status Variants (FSV)

We will create a FSV called DD00 by copying SAP's FSV 0001, we will also change the following FSG's inside the DD00 FSV

change the business area in FSG G004 ( additional accounts assignment) to required
change the reason code in FSG G005 (payment transactions) to optional
change the payment reference in FSG G005 (payment transactions) to optional


We will use the SAP leading ledger 0L (you can rename the description if you wish), we will create 3 non-leading ledgers

Non-leading ledger Company code Description

D1 DD22 used by UK-based companies
D2 DD13 used by Japanese-based companies
D3 DD11, DD12 and DD21 used by US-based companies

We will need to define the currencies of leading ledger for each company code DD13 and DD22

  DD13 and DD22

Crcy Type 30
Valuation 1 (leave blank if not setup)
ExRate Type M
Srce curr 1
trsDte typ 1

Define the second currency for the non-leading ledgers D1 and D2, the first currency will already be defined and we will also assign a
posting period variant (PPV).

Company Code C2 Crcy 2 PPV

D1 30 USD DD13
D2 30 USD DD22

We will create a ledger group that combines the leading ledger 0L and a non-leading ledger DD3, we can then assign the accounting
principles IAS and US GAAP

Ledger Group Ledgers

DDLG 0L and D3

Now we need to assign the SAP delivered scenarios to each of the non-leading ledgers

Scenario Non-leading Ledgers

D1, D2, D3

We also active the cost of sales 5/14
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Lastly we will create a version for each of the ledgers D1, D2 and D3

version = 100
man Plan = checked
D1, D2 and D3
Integ Planning = checked
description = any thing you like

Parallel Accounting

We will define a real-time variant called DD00 for integration of CO line items with FI, this will be used for all company codes, also the
below will be implemented

All documents irrespective of posting date have to be transferred in real time

Account determination should be carried out during the transfer
All postings across the company codes, business areas, profit centers, functional areas and segments will be enabled.

First define the accounting principles and assign ledger groups, if not already created

Accounting Principle Description Ledger Group

01 Local GAAP D3
60 International Accounting Standards (IAS) 0L
91 Local GAAP - Japan D2
92 Local GAAP - UK D1

Create the below valuation areas

Valuation Area Valuation Method Crcy Type Add curr

01 DEMO Company Code Currency  
60 DEMO Company Code Currency  
90 DEMO Company Code Currency, Group Currency Group Currency
91 DEMO Company Code Currency Group Currency
92 DEMO Company Code Currency Group Currency

Assign the valuation areas to the accounting principle

Valuation Area Accounting Principle

01 01
60 60
90 90
91 91
92 92

Define the variant for real-time integration

var for R-T Integ - DD00

R-Time integ:Active - checked
Acct Deter:Active - checked
Document Type - JE (G/L account posting)
cross-company-code - checked
cross-business-area - checked
cross-functional-area - checked
cross-profit-center - checked
cross-segment - checked

Assign variants for real-time integration to each US company code

Real-Time Variant Company Codes

DD00 DD11, D13, DD22

Chart of Accounts

We will use the CAUS chart of accounts as the operative chart of accounts for all the company codes. In addition the company code in the
UK will use the DDGB chart of accounts (we will copy CAGB), and the Japan company code will use the DDJP chart of accounts (we will 6/14
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copy CAJP) as their country chart of accounts. DD will also use SAP's default group chart of accounts CONS associated with CAUS

Country Chart of Accounts CAUS DDJP DDGB

Company Code DD11 DD12 DD21 DD13 DD22
Operative Chart of Accounts CAUS
Group Chart of Accounts CONS

We will use 8 digit G/L account numbers as of G/L accounts of CAUS for the newly created chart of accounts, the maintenance language
will be EN, cost elements will be created automatically when G/L accounts are created in the SAP system. so we will setup a default cost
element category well before the creation of the G/L account.

Company Code Global Parameters

To finish off the company code global parameters we need to configure the below

configure the country DDJP chart of accounts for DD13 and DDGB chart of accounts for DD22
All company code should use the SAP standard K4 for there FYV
A document entry screen variant which will facilitate country-specific processing of withholding tax for all company codes
use FSV DD00 across all company codes
Each company code will use there own respective PPV
A minimum of 10% will be allowed as the permitted deviation if there is a difference in currency transaction due to exchange rate
If foreign currency items are cleared in local currency (LC) the local currency amount stored in the document is to be used as the
amount to be cleared
All the US based companies will use the workflow variant DDUS to manage the posting and payment release
Negative postings should be allowed so as not to inflate the trail balance
The system should allow splitting an invoice or credit memo final amount

As mentions above we will create a blank workflow variant and then discuss this in more detail in out accounts payable section.

Document Types

Datadisk Mobility will create a new document type JD (Journal entry), we will also make use of user authorization to control closing
postings through document type SX, a reference number is also to be mandatory input for all documents relating to customer/vendor
invoices (DR/KR) and credit memos (DG, KG, RE and RN), we will also use the same document type for document reversals, except if
the number range is external, in such a case a new reversal document type will be created and an internal number will be assigned.

Document Number Ranges

Datadisk Mobility will define internally assigned number intervals (numeric) for most of the document types, except for JD. They will be
year-specific so that you maintain small number intervals for each of the ranges. These number ranges will be created on all company
codes D11, D12, D13, D21 and DD22.

JD external with number range of A100000000 - A199999999

X1 internal with year 2013 with a number range of 9100000000 - 9199999999

Posting Keys

Datadisk Mobility will use the standard SAP supplied posting keys, but if you want to change any you should copy an existing posting and
make changes to the copy, try not to change any of the supplied posting keys, you can also create your own if needed.

Tolerance Groups

Datadisk Mobility will define a number of tolerance groups (including a null tolerance group)

This group will be used by specific employees of US based companies with the following limits

allow posting of documents to a maximum of USD 999,999,999

per document item with a limit of USD 99,999,999
DDUS they can process cash discounts at 3% per line item
a maximum payment difference of 1%
subject to an absolute maximum of USD 50
cash discount adjustment will be USD 10

This group will be used by specific employees of UK based companies with the following limits

allow posting of documents to a maximum of GBP 999,999,999

per document item with a limit of GBP 99,999,999 7/14
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they can process cash discounts at 3% per line item
a maximum payment difference of 1%
subject to an absolute maximum of GBP 25
cash discount adjustment will be GBP 5

This group will be used by specific employees of Japanese based companies with the following limits

allow posting of documents to a maximum of JPY 999,999,999

per document item with a limit of JPY 99,999,999
they can process cash discounts at 3% per line item
a maximum payment difference of 1%
subject to an absolute maximum of JPY 70
cash discount adjustment will be JPY 15

This group will be used by most of employees of DD based companies with the following limits, this applies to USD, GBP and JPY

allow posting of documents to a maximum of 900,000

per document item with a limit of 50,000
Null tolerance group they can process cash discounts at 1% per line item
a maximum payment difference of 0.5%
subject to an absolute maximum of 15
cash discount adjustment will be 5

Texts for Line Items

You can predefine text for line items which save you from having to input the same text for line items, Datadisk Mobility will define the
below text keys

DGD - damaged goods deduction

EMMP - emergency purchase of paper as there is not time to get approval
FRD - freight deduction
MDD - miscellaneous deduction

Default Values

Datadisk Mobility will use the SAP standard supplied default values.

Document Parking

Datadisk Mobility wants all the parked documents to be posted with the system date as the posting date.

Validations and Substitutions

Datadisk Mobility wants to have an additional check in place to make sure that business units for company code D11 are only FIXT and
SERV, we will also create a substitution to change.

Tax on Sales and Purchases

Datadisk Mobility will only configure settings that are relevant for the US, this is because DD uses an external application together with
tax administration at the jurisdiction level. Therefore I will leave you to investigate the tax settings for the UK and Japan. As DD wants the
tax calculation at the jurisdiction level in the US using the popular third party tax application (Vertex) that interfaces with SAP. DD will
select the correct tax procedure for the US as supplied by the system. Similarly SAP's standard procedure will be used for UK-based
company and Japanese based company codes. No custom procedure needs to be defined for any of the DD company codes. We will use the
following tax procedures

US based company codes DD11, DD12, DD21 TAXUSX

GB based company codes DD22 TAXGB
JP based company codes DD13 TAXJP

Tax jurisdiction code identification will be 100% compatible with the external application (Vertex), also tax on sales and purchases (in the
US) is to be calculated on line item basis within MM and FI, so as to pass on material-specific data and to have reporting capability at the
line item level.

Datadisk mobility will be using an external system, so the user should not have to enter the tax amount, however if intervention is required
the system should issue a warning should the tax be entered by the user be different from the amount calculated automatically by the

Tax Tax Condition Relevant to Tax

Details Use
Code Type Type Tax category
O0 A exempted A/R sales tax sales orders, billings and A/R for (customer or material) exempt XR1 to XR6 2 0 or blank 8/14
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exempted A/P input sales PO, Invoice verifications and A/P for (ship-to location or material) exempt
I0 V XP1I to XP6I 2 0 or blank
tax transactions
O1 A A/R sales tax sales orders, billing and A/R XR1 to XR6 0 or blank 0 or blank
XP1I to XP6I 0 1
A/P self-assessment or
U1 V PO, invoice transactions and A/P XP1U to
use tax 0 1

Datadisk Mobility will use the following withholding tax types to support invoice posting

42 1042 Compensation
FE 1099 Federal withholding tax
IC 1099 Independent Contractor status
ST 1099 State withholding tax
EX Exempted from WT

Datadisk Mobility will use the following withholding tax types for payment posting relating to certain government payments (1099-G)

G1 1099G reporting excluding WT (Withholding Tax)

GT 1099G reporting including WT (Withholding Tax)

Datadisk Mobility will the below recipient types for 1042 reporting

Recipient Type Description

01 Individual
02 Corporation
03 Partnership other than a withholding foreign partnership
04 withholding foreign partnership or withholding foreign trust
05 Trust
06 Government or international organization
07 Tax-exempt organization (IRC section 501[a])
08 Private foundation
09 Artist or athlete
10 Estate
11 US branch treated as US person
12 Qualified intermediary
13 Private arrangement intermediary withholding rate pool - general
14 Private arrangement intermediary withholding rate pool - exempt organizations

Datadisk Mobility will create additional withholding tax codes that are not delivered via the country template such as 3A-Crop Insurance
and 3C-Gross proceeds, we will also define new withholding tax codes for calculation, posting and payment of withholding tax on behalf
of a 1099 Vendor (unlike the usual practice where it is reported only to the IRS), by using the withholding tax codes like F1, F2, etc. The
withholding tax codes for 1099-G reporting excluding WT and 1099-G reporting with including WT also must be defined in the system as
per the below table

WT Code Description
01 Rents
02 Royalties
03 Prizes and Awards
04 Federal income tax withheld
05 Fishing boat proceeds
06 Medical and health care payments
07 Non employee compensation
08 Substitute payments (dividends/interest)
09 Payer made a direct sale of $5000 or more
10 Crop insurance proceeds

The table for the 1099G reporting excluding (G1) and 1099G reporting including WT (GT), is below

WT Type WT Code Description

G1 1G Unemployment compensation of $10 or more
(1099G reporting 2G State or local income tax refunds, credits or offsets of $10 or more
excluding WT) 9/14
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5G Other taxable grants of $600 and more
6G Taxable grants administered by a federal, state or local program to provide subsidized energy financing
7G Agriculture subsidy payments
8G State or local income tax refunds, credits or offsets on unincorporated businesses
1G Unemployment compensation of $10 or more, if withholding tax is withheld
2G State or local income tax refunds, credits or offsets of $10 or more, if withholding tax is withheld
GT 5G Other taxable grants of $600 and more, if withholding tax is withheld
(1099G reporting Taxable grants administered by a federal, state or local program to provide subsidized energy financing, if
including WT) 6G
withholding tax is withheld
7G Agriculture subsidy payments, if withholding tax is withheld
8G State or local income tax refunds, credits or offsets on unincorporated businesses, if withholding tax is withheld

Datadisk Mobility wants to have G/L accounts (from 181100 to 181900) which are differentiated by withholding tax types but does not
need these accounts separated according to the tax code for all the third party transactions, there must be a single account (181000) for
self-withholding tax.

Datadisk Mobility certificate numbering for withholding tax is to be configured for Japan and UK only, (in the US the requirement is
fulfilled using TIN, EIN and SSN numbers), so we will configure the withholding certificates numbered for the combination of
withholding tax type and company code for easy monitoring and control.

Datadisk Mobility will use the standard correspondence types that are already available in the standard SAP system

General Ledger Accounting

Datadisk Mobility will use the SAP supplied accounting groups.

Datadisk Mobility will have only one retained earnings account for each of the company codes, G/L account 900000 is to be designated as
the retained earnings accounts (in the chart of accounts area) of the operative chart of accounts.

Datadisk Mobility will create an sample account that can be used to uniformly create G/L account master records for all banks accounts
across all the company codes. We will create data transfer rules with the field status group G032, the exchange rate difference key field
will be configured so that the non-blank value in the sample account can be overwritten after transfer to the new G/L account master

We will have a strict document reversal policy, negative postings should only be allowed in the current period, in all other situations they
should be reversed in the normal way, in which an alternative posting date will be allowed, however reversals relating to accruals and asset
transactions will be allowed negative postings even with alternative posting dates. Remember that if the company code does not allow
negative postings then you will not be able to use negative posting functionality.

We will create a specific interest indicator (L1) that will be used by all company codes while calculating the interest on loads provided to
the staff of datadisk mobility. We can also use the other SAP supplied interest indicators that come defined in the system. The interest
calculation frequency will be six months for all staff loans with the frequency captured in the interest indicator and not in the G/L account
master records, also the the interest settlement will be on the last date of the month. We will use a graduated scale for all staff loans

2% up to 5,000
3% up to 10,000
5% in excess of 10,000

An interest settlement needs to be created when the interest amount calculated is in excess of 10, there will be no interest settlement
created if the payment is produced, payment must be made when due, interest postings are to be made to G/L account 273100 (interest
income) and 220000 (interest expensive).

For all US based company codes, the company code DD11 will act as a central purchasing entity for purchase of common supplies,
including computers, stationary and other consumables. The G/L accounts 145099 (account receivable - other companies adjustment
account) and 165099 (accounts payable - affiliates adjustment account) are to be used as the clearing accounts for this purpose.

We will use the standard document splitting functionality for all company codes with the default characteristics so not to increase the
system load. We need to generate additional financial statements using segment and profit center characteristics. It requires that the zero-
balance check is to be set for them and ensuring that these mandatory filled with a valid value after document splitting. We will also
configure the system to issue an error message if no value is set for the specified field after document splitting. Document splitting should
capitalize the cash discount on asset-related payment invoices, instead of posting the discount to a cash discount account.

Datadisk Mobility wants to have manual accruals for all of its company codes to make it easy and simple to manage the accrual postings,
different accrual types need to be defined for periodic and non-periodic accruals costs, revenue and receivables. There also needs to be a
separate entry for insurance accruals that will cover both periodic and non-periodic entries. We will also prefer to reverse any accruals and
do the corrections by performing the current accruals. 10/14
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We will use a single set of accounts to cover realized exchange rate differences in clearing open items, accordingly we will use the G/L
account 230000 for loss and G/L account for gain for the operative chart of accounts (CAUS). The G/L accounts 230100 and 280100 will
be used for posting valuation loss and gain, for all balance sheet adjustments the G/L account 161099 will be used.

Datadisk Mobility will have an additional criteria besides the default contract number of customer) payment reference to separate clearing
entries related to vendors, in line with this practice of using the same upper-level reference number of a number of payment transactions.

Datadisk Mobility will have the following additional criteria for grouping the open items in automatic clearing, this will help with easier
administration of open-item management.

Customer and vendor accounts - contract number and cost center

G/L accounts - cost center and segment

We will create the following tolerance groups for the G/L accounts

DDGL for selected employees (US based) allowing a tolerance of 10 USD for both debit and credit transactions subject to a
maximum of 1%, for company codes DD13 and DD22 the percentage remains at 1% and the absolute amounts will be 15 JPY and 5
Null tolerance group which will be assigned to most of the employees this will have a maximum tolerance of 1 (in any of the local
currencies) subject to a maximum of 1% in all the company codes.

We will create two separate accounts (expense and revenue) to post the clearing differences, G/L account 230110 will be for the debit and
G/L account 280110 will be for the credit.

Datadisk Mobility will define a number of planning periods as per below

Company Codes From year (period 1) To Year (period 1) From year (period 2) To year (period 2)
DD11 - DD22 1/2013 12/2020 13/2013 16/2020

We will create new distribution key as company code DD13 as sales have been experiencing large seasonal fluctuations with most of the
sales in November (15%), December (20%) and January (20%), so a distribution key will be created for planning in G/L accounting. For
all other company codes we will use the SAP supplied distribution keys.

Datadisk mobility will define adjustment and target accounts for GR/IR clearing

Reconciliation Account Adjustment Account Target Account

191000 191101 191199
191100 191101 191199

Accounts Payable

Datadisk Mobility will use the standard accounts groups, we will also want the payee to be included for dual control as this will cover all
the payment recipients with the "alternate payee" already there in the list of sensitive fields, a number of accounting clerks will also be

The following payment terms will be created for the vendors

DDV0 immediate payment

DDV1 1% discount if paid within 15 days, net 45 days
DDV2 2% discount if paid within 15 days, 1% within 30 days, net 60 days
DDV3 3% discount if paid within 30 days, 1% within 60 days, net 90 days

Workflow variants will be created for each of the currencies (USD, JPY, GBP), each variant will have a upper limit of 50,000 in each
currency beyond which both the posting and payment release will be mandatory. The creator will not be allowed to release for payment, to
enforce dual control.

Three types of release approval groups will be created to coincide with the three risk categories: Low, Medium and High. Also three
release level paths will also be defined so that different amount limits can be later assigned for payment release for each of the release
path-approval group combinations.

Multi-level payment release will be used for all company codes

Release level Amount

Single Release 50,000 to 100,000
Two Level Release 100,000 to 200,000
Three Level Release in excess of 200,000 11/14
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The SAP standard posting keys will be used, the system will propose the block reason "B - blocked for payment" when the payment term
is proposed for the vendor.

Two tolerance groups will be defined

Tolerance Group Description

$100 for gain and $10 for loss but the amount not exceeding 2% for gain and 0.5% for
loss, a maximum of 5 USD can be adjusted in the cash discount.
null (default)
the payment differences for automatic write-off, the amount and percentages will be
$5 and 0.5% for both expense and revenue.

$500 for gain and loss but the amount not exceeding 2%, a maximum of 420 USD can be
adjusted in the cash discount.
DD11 - DD22
the payment differences for automatic write-off, the amount and percentages will be
$5 and 0.5% for both expense and revenue.

Company codes DD11, DD13 and DD22 will make all payment independently, payments will be performed 5 days after they have become
due, payments will also be not be grouped by business area as it will take away the normal and more comprehensive payment grouping by
currency, payment method, bank, etc, we will require covering down payments, down-payments requests, security deposits and re-
discountable bills of exchange in automatic payments for vendors. Down payments, guarantees, security deposits, letters of credit and
payment requests for customers are also included.

We will want to avoid large number of small payments and we don't want to make automatic payments including debit memos if the
amount is less than $5 (DD11, DD12 and DD21), JPY 10 (DD13) and GBP 5 (DD22). The payments will be accumulated to be processed
later when the amount exceeds this amount thresholds.

All line items that fall on the same due date will be grouped into a single payment, payments will be done using check or bank transfer, the
minimum limits for cheques and the limits of a domestic payment whether it should be paid via a bank transfer is also below

Payment Method US ($) Japan (Y) UK (£)

Check 15 50 10
Bank Transfer > 25,000 > 50,000 > 10,000

All oversea payments should be via wire transfers and international bank transfers and there should be no minimum or maximum
payments, the payments should be made using the business partners banks in their own countries. Payments can be made with in other
currencies other than the company code currency. We will split the payment by grouping invoices with the appropriate credit memos for
payments exceeding $10,000 for all US based companies. We don't need this for company codes DD13 and DD22. We will also optimize
the payments using the optimal pair of banks so as to speed up the payment transactions, especially the cross-border ones.

Create any vendors that you wish.

Accounts Receivable

Datadisk Mobility will use the standard account groups, we will also use sensitive fields that are in the system, terms of payment, dunning
procedure and tolerance group to be included for dual control, this will ensure that no one will unnecessarily or accidentally change the
original data.

We will use account group 0099 to create the one-time master records, two records will be used one for domestic one-time customers and
one for international one-time customers and as such there will be two G/L reconciliation accounts defined in the system.

The following payment terms will be created for the customers

DDC0 immediate payment

DDC1 1% discount if paid within 15 days, net 45 days
DDC2 2% discount if paid within 15 days, 1% within 30 days, net 60 days
DDC3 3% discount if paid within 30 days, 1% within 60 days, net 90 days

We already define the tolerance groups in the accounts payable section.

Tolerance Group Description

null (default)
$100 for gain and $10 for loss but the amount not exceeding 2% for gain and 0.5% for
loss, a maximum of 5 USD can be adjusted in the cash discount.

the payment differences for automatic write-off, the amount and percentages will be
$5 and 0.5% for both expense and revenue. 12/14
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$500 for gain and loss but the amount not exceeding 2%, a maximum of 420 USD can be
adjusted in the cash discount.
the payment differences for automatic write-off, the amount and percentages will be
$5 and 0.5% for both expense and revenue.

Payment cards will use the standard ones in the system but you can setup any others that you wish

Datadisk will create the appropriate settings needed for the credit management with regards to reading and creating the A/R summary
during a credit check, the current balance together with a 3 month previous period will arrive at the DSO figures. Each of the credit control
areas the different credit management groups considering whether a customer is domestic or foreign, institutional or regular and large or
others, all possible combinations will need to be defined. Three credit risk categories will be defined low, medium and high in each credit
control area. Five credit representative groups will defined premium customer (general and institutional), main dealer, new customers
(general and institutional), and others (general and institutional).

We will define five day limits (15, 30, 45, 60 and 90 days) in the order to have the intervals 0 -15 days, 16 -30 days, etc.

Two interest indicators will be defined, one will calculate on all open and cleared items but not on the items paid before the due date
(indicator 01), the other that will calculate interest on open and cleared items but will consider items paid before the due date (indicator
04). The bank calendar will be used for interest determination and interest settlement for amounts above $10. A grace period of one day
will be allowed for incoming bank payments.

Five dunning keys will be configured with the fifth denoting the residual items from payment difference using a separate display, the
maximum level will be defined that will be triggered for each key

Dunning Key Max Level Description

1 1 Dunning Level 1
2 2 Dunning Level 2
3 3 Dunning Level 3
4 4 Dunning Level 4
5 Res item out of pmt diff separate display, this will also print separate line items separately

Dunning block keys will also be defined but can add any more if yo wish

Block Description
  Freed for Dunning
B Manual block other reasons
D in dispute
R blocked by invoice verification

A number of dunning forms will need to be define we will copy the SAPScript forms (F150_DUNN_01) delivered by SAP, the last three
characters will identify the country and the dunning level

ZF150DUNN_ML_US1, _UK1, _JP1

ZF150DUNN_ML_US2, _UK2, _JP2
ZF150DUNN_ML_US3, _UK3, _JP3
ZF150DUNN_ML_US4, _UK4, _JP4

Two procedures will be defined for each of the countries, one will be the payment reminder single-level dunning, the other a multi-level
dunning procedure to be used for all others. The multi-level dunning procedure will have a maximum of four dunning levels, with the
dunning level of 15 days in between. A grace period of 5 days will be configured at the account level. A cushion of five days will be
configured for each dunning level 2, 3 and 4 to arrive at the payment deadline. Public holidays will be respected in each country so that the
dunning notice will print the next working if the due date falls on a working day. The whole account balance should be printed even if the
notice is on the lowest dunning level this will include all the open items. No special G/L items are to be included in the dunning scope.
Charges will be applied from dunning level 2 and upwards, with an absolute dunning charges of 10 from amounts 1,000 to 24,999, 15 for
amounts from 25,000 at level 2 and a graduated charging for levels 3 and levels 4 as seen in the below table, the minimum dunning
charges for levels 3 and 4 will be 25 and 50. You will also need to configure the sender details for the dunning forms.

Amount Range Level 3 Dunning charges (%) Level 4 Dunning charges (%)
1000 - 24999 0.10 0.20
25000 - 49999 0.15 0.25
50000 - 99999 0.20 0.30
above 100000 0.25 0.40 13/14
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Five dunning procedures will be created, two for each country

Dunning Procedure Description

DD1U, DD1J, DD1K single-level dunning procedures for each country, U = US, J = Japan and K = UK
DD4U, DD4J, DD4K multi-level dunning procedures for each country, U = US, J = Japan and K = UK

The dunning will be done at the company code level and not at the dunning area level.

Create any customers that you wish. 14/14

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