Apologetics: Other Syllogisms: Presented by Eric Douma
Apologetics: Other Syllogisms: Presented by Eric Douma
Apologetics: Other Syllogisms: Presented by Eric Douma
Hypothetical Syllogisms
1. Modus Ponens = Affirming the Antecedent
2. Modus Tollens = Denying the Consequent
Hypothetical Syllogisms
Example: If Jesus is God, then we should worship Him.
Jesus is God.
Therefore, we should worship Him.
Symbolic Language:
1. G W
2. G
3. . . . W
Hypothetical Syllogisms
Modus Tollens = Denying the Consequent
If humans are perfect, then they do not need a Savior.
They do not (not) need a Savior.
Therefore, humans are not perfect.
1. P -S
2. --S
3. ... - P
If Bill is at work, then he will not be at the beach.
Hypothetical Syllogism Fallacies
Denying the Antecedent “If….”
Affirming the Consequent “then….”
Hypothetical Fallacies
Example: Denying the Antecedent
1. If Jesus is not human, then He is God.
2. Jesus is not (not) human.
3. Therefore, Jesus is not God.
1. If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then we are lost in our sin.
2. It is not the case that Christ did not rise from the dead.
3. We are not lost in our sins.
Hypothetical Syllogism Examples
1. If evolution is true, then the second law of thermodynamics is
2. But the second law of thermodynamics is not wrong.
3. Evolution is not true.
1. If Y then M (Y M)
2. Y (Y)
3. Therefore M (. . M )
• 2nd Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ,
(then) he is a new creature…
• Bill is a new creature.
• Therefore, Bill is in Christ.
Fallacy! People often make assertions about radical life
changing events through various religious
• Bi-conditional allows for the affirming or the denial of
either the antecedent or the consequent.
• If and only if anyone is in Christ, (then) he is a new
Disjunctive Syllogisms
Either Jesus is the way of salvation, or there are other
There are no other ways of salvation. (John 14:6)
( Acts 4:12)
Therefore, Jesus is the only way of salvation.
Disjunctive Fallacies
How not to do it!
Bertrand Russell:
1. Life was caused by either evolution or by God.
2. Life was caused by evolution.
3. Therefore, God is not necessary.
Disjunctive Syllogism Examples
1. Either God exists, or He doesn’t exist.
2. It is not the case that He doesn’t exist.
3. God exists.
Summary Of Hypothetical
And Disjunctive Syllogisms
Valid Deductions: Fallacies:
Hypothetical Syllogisms Hypothetical Syllogisms
If…., then…. If…., then….
• Affirm the antecedent • Denying the antecedent
• Deny the consequent • Affirming the consequent
Dilemmas force people to choose between two options,
and therefore makes them realize the consequence of
their ideas.
Fallacies: Same as
1. (E G) . (-E -L)
hypothetical syllogisms.
2. E v –E
. 1. Denying Antecedent
3. . . G v –L
2. Affirming the Consequent
Pascal’s Wager:
If God exists, I have everything to gain.
And if God does not exist, I have nothing to lose.
Either God exists or He does not exist.
Therefore, I have either everything to gain or nothing to lose.
Avoiding Dilemmas
1. Go between the horns.
You come up with a third option not listed in
the minor premise.
2. Take the dilemma by the horns
You take issue with the major premise itself. Are both “if –then”
propositions really true? Do both consequents really flow from
their antecedents?
3. Counter Dilemma
You can offer your own dilemma (ideally using the same terms)
and show a different conclusion.
If you trust Christ, then you will go to heaven.
And if you don’t trust Christ, then you will go to hell.
But, either you trust in Christ, or you don’t.
So either you go to heaven or you go to hell.
Let’s take this dilemma by the horns and take issue with the
major premise.
Russell has misunderstood the law of causality!
Counter Dilemma
If the universe was eternal, then you would not need a creator.
And if the universe was not eternal, then you would need a
Either the universe is eternal, or it is not eternal.
Therefore either you don’t need a creator or you need a creator.
(U - C) . (-U C)
U v –U
-C v C
We Can Prove God Exists!
Everything is an illusion
The only other
The universe self created itself
options are both
Something or Someone
must be eternal: Ex
nihilo nihil fit = out of
nothing, nothing comes!
1. All who have faith in Jesus are saved. Invalid- illicit major
2. Sharon does not have faith in Jesus. (major term is dist. in
3. Sharon is not saved. conclusion, but not in
the premises.)
Answers From Home Work Night Two
1. No P is Q.
2. Some S is P. Valid
3. Some S is not Q.