Skilled providers can save newborns suffering from asphyxia through simple resuscitation methods. Asphyxia accounts for 20% of newborn deaths and is often caused by complications during labor and delivery. While some risk factors can be identified, over half of asphyxiated newborns show no prior risks. Therefore, providers must be prepared to resuscitate any baby. Basic steps include clearing the airway and giving breaths with an ambu bag. With proper training, most providers can perform this lifesaving intervention.
Skilled providers can save newborns suffering from asphyxia through simple resuscitation methods. Asphyxia accounts for 20% of newborn deaths and is often caused by complications during labor and delivery. While some risk factors can be identified, over half of asphyxiated newborns show no prior risks. Therefore, providers must be prepared to resuscitate any baby. Basic steps include clearing the airway and giving breaths with an ambu bag. With proper training, most providers can perform this lifesaving intervention.
Skilled providers can save newborns suffering from asphyxia through simple resuscitation methods. Asphyxia accounts for 20% of newborn deaths and is often caused by complications during labor and delivery. While some risk factors can be identified, over half of asphyxiated newborns show no prior risks. Therefore, providers must be prepared to resuscitate any baby. Basic steps include clearing the airway and giving breaths with an ambu bag. With proper training, most providers can perform this lifesaving intervention.
Skilled providers can save newborns suffering from asphyxia through simple resuscitation methods. Asphyxia accounts for 20% of newborn deaths and is often caused by complications during labor and delivery. While some risk factors can be identified, over half of asphyxiated newborns show no prior risks. Therefore, providers must be prepared to resuscitate any baby. Basic steps include clearing the airway and giving breaths with an ambu bag. With proper training, most providers can perform this lifesaving intervention.
Skilled providers who are trained in simple resuscitation methods can make a real difference in saving newborns with asphyxia. Newborn asphyxia, the inability of a newborn to • Immediately after birth: Infection or preterm initiate and sustain breathing at birth, is one of the newborn leading causes of newborn deaths in developing countries. According to the World Health Organization, Some conditions, such as high blood pressure and 4 to 9 million cases of newborn asphyxia occur infections (such as HIV and syphilis), may cause Because up to half each year, accounting for about 20 percent of all complications at any point before, during or after of all newborns who need resuscitation newborn deaths. More than a million newborns labor and childbirth. have no identifiable who survive asphyxia at birth develop long-lasting risk factors before problems such as cerebral palsy, mental retardation, Women who experience any of these complications birth, providers and speaking, hearing, visual and learning disabilities. may be at greater risk of having a baby with should be prepared respiratory distress at birth. However, because up to resuscitate every baby. Often caused by health conditions in the mother to half of all newborns who need resuscitation have or complications during labor or childbirth, newborn no identifiable risk factors before birth, providers asphyxia is treatable if women and their newborns should be prepared to resuscitate every baby. receive skilled healthcare during labor and childbirth. Although asphyxia can sometimes be predicted Basic, effective resuscitation can save the majority during labor, it is often not discovered until a baby of newborns who develop asphyxia. Many babies is born. in the developing world who suffer from birth asphyxia do not receive resuscitative care, however, The incidence of newborn asphyxia is highest in in part because their families do not have access developing countries because women in low-resource to skilled providers who know how to use simple settings are more likely to experience predisposing resuscitation methods and equipment. circumstances such as poor health before and during their pregnancy, complications during pregnancy, Recognizing that a skilled provider can make the labor or childbirth, and lack of access to skilled difference in saving the life of a newborn in distress, healthcare. the Maternal and Neonatal Health (MNH) Program advocates the presence of a skilled provider at every Detecting Birth Asphyxia: birth and promotes and provides training in simple, The Role of the Skilled Provider low-cost methods for detecting and treating newborn The presence of a skilled provider during labor asphyxia. and childbirth significantly increases rates of infant survival in the developing world. Skilled providers Causes and Predisposing Factors can use simple techniques to monitor labor and Newborn asphyxia can be caused by conditions that evaluate the health of the woman and the newborn occur before, during or immediately after labor and before, during and after the birth. childbirth, including the following: Following the recommendation of the World Health • Before labor: Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia, Organization, the MNH Program supports the use infection, bleeding of the partograph during labor for all women. The • During labor and childbirth: Premature or partograph is a simple chart that providers use to prolonged labor, malpresentation (abnormal fetal monitor and record the progress of labor and to position), general anesthesia during a cesarean identify the need for additional care. Using a section, bleeding partograph can significantly decrease the likelihood of prolonged labor and other complications that The Role of Care during Pregnancy can lead to newborn asphyxia. To help promote overall health and the early detection of conditions that may lead to birth asphyxia, the As part of the process of monitoring labor, providers MNH Program advocates that all women receive should monitor and record the fetal heart rate. focused antenatal care from a skilled provider. Monitoring the fetal heart rate, especially during the Focused antenatal care consists of interventions second stage of labor, can help diagnose fetal distress aimed at preventing and detecting problems such as and signal the need for intrapartum intervention or anemia and pre-eclampsia that may contribute to postpartum resuscitation of the newborn. A fetal other serious complications during pregnancy and heart rate that is very slow or very rapid suggests childbirth. that the fetus is in distress and may need further intervention. While antenatal care will not necessarily prevent newborn asphyxia, it can help to ensure that both the Newborn Resuscitation: mother and her baby are as healthy as possible at A Simple, Effective Approach the time of birth. Antenatal care visits also provide A simple self-inflating bag and small mask can be an ideal opportunity for providers to counsel used to resuscitate most newborns with asphyxia. women about issues related to birth preparedness In most cases, any skilled provider who is trained and complication readiness, including danger signs in good resuscitation skills and who continues to during pregnancy and labor and the importance of maintain those skills can easily perform the procedure. seeking care from a skilled provider at birth. Women More complex procedures, such as intubation and should be encouraged to plan to give birth where the use of oxygen, are needed only in about 10 resuscitative care is immediately available. percent of cases of birth asphyxia, when the newborn’s prognosis is very poor. MNH Program Activities The MNH Program promotes these approaches to Providers should quickly assess the newborn’s detecting and treating newborn asphyxia through its condition at birth and take immediate action if dissemination of clinical guidelines manuals, such as the baby appears to be in distress. Following the Managing Complications in Pregnancy and Childbirth and guidelines outlined in the Managing Complications in Management of Newborn Problems (forthcoming from For more information Pregnancy and Childbirth manual (published by the the World Health Organization and JHPIEGO with about the MNH World Health Organization in 2000), the MNH BASICS), and through its clinical training for Program visit our Program recommends that resuscitation be started healthcare providers. website: if a baby does not cry or breathe at all or is gasping after birth. While keeping the baby wrapped for MNH Program clinical training participants learn warmth, the provider should use a simple suction to make a rapid assessment of a baby’s condition This publication was made tube to gently suction the baby’s nose and mouth, at birth and to provide the appropriate response. possible through support taking care not to introduce the tube deep into the Providers learn that, as long as a baby is crying and provided by the Office of Health and Nutrition, Center throat. Then the mask should be placed over the breathing normally, they should avoid any manipulation, for Population, Health and baby’s nose and mouth, and air should be squeezed such as routine suctioning, which may cause trauma Nutrition, Bureau for Global from the self-inflating bag through the mask and or introduce infection. If a baby is distressed and Programs, Field Support and Research, U.S. Agency for into the baby’s lungs. needs resuscitation, however, the use of the simple International Development, suction tube and neonatal mask and bag can make under the terms of Award No. The MNH Program does not promote approaches a real difference in saving the baby’s life. HRN-A-00-98-00043-00. to resuscitation that are not supported by clinical The opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and evidence. Techniques such as slapping or hanging The MNH Program promotes this approach to do not necessarily reflect the an infant by the heels, although commonly used, managing newborn asphyxia because it can be views of the U.S. Agency for may be traumatic for babies. Another common implemented safely and effectively by all levels of International Development. practice, the use of sodium bicarbonate, also providers and because the equipment needed for remains unsupported by clinical evidence and may resuscitation is minimal and the procedure is simple. be harmful to a newborn. The approach reflects the Program’s focus on low- technology solutions that are effective and that can be sustained in areas with few resources.