Oil Debris Analysis For Condition Monitoring of An IC Engine

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org International Engineering Research Journal (IERJ) Special Issue Page 1194-1196, June 2016, ISSN 2395-1621

Oil Debris Analysis for Condition Monitoring of

an IC Engine
V.T. Didake, #2D. H. Burande
PG Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sinhgad
2 College of Engineering, Pune, India, Pin code: 411041
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, India, Pin code: 41104

Abstract: Condition monitoring is a process of monitoring one or more parameters from the machine, such that a
significant change in these parameters can give information about the machine health. Condition of the IC engine
could be done by gaining the information based on engine oil debris analysis. Breakdown of an IC Engine is
unpredictable and regular maintenance of it would totally depend on mileage or duration of time the system had
been used. The objective of this dissertation work is to determine actual wear conditions in IC engine by studying
all the debris particles suspended in oil sample. The effectiveness of wear debris analysis in condition monitoring
will be studied for machinery maintenance. Wear debris analysis is a method of predicting the health of machine
in a non-intrusive manner by studying wear particles present in lubricating oil.

Keywords: wear debris analysis, condition monitoring, ESEM, EDS.

1. INTRODUCTION contamination and wear debris analysis. Condition

monitoring of machinery through analysis of wear
Since development of the world getting progressively, debris is now extensively applied as a tool in diagnostic
there is growing involvement in the studies of technology. Wear debris analysis is a method of
condition of machineries components. Greater predicting the health of machine in a non-intrusive
machineries in industry are growing faster than their manner by studying wear particles present in
operator. In this situation, growing importance of lubricating oil.
predictive maintenance led us to the development of
large number of machine condition monitoring 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
techniques. The internal mechanical parts which
widely contribute to major breakdown in engines, On Isa et al. [1] presents the ferrographic analysis of wear
the other hand, lubricants are another factor to be particles contained in used lubricant oil samples that
considered as to ensure the performances of engines collected from the engines, gearboxes and generators
are within optimum operating conditions. Any of a commercial marine ship. Flash point, viscosity
unscheduled breakdown can increase the maintenance measurement, ferrography analysis and energy
cost, and can cause human casualty. Therefore to dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) had been employed to
minimize any unscheduled breakdowns, a proper extract the relevant information about the physical
maintenance strategy and condition monitoring condition of used oil and the wear situation of the parts
systems be essential to detect faults in the early stages from generator, gearbox and main engine. Their study
and offer attentive notification to notify the operator. showed that the application of wear debris analysis
The capabilities of Condition Monitoring Systems and ferrography in particular is an effective means to
provided that if it has been conducted correctly it can identify and respond to maintenance requirements of
extend the life duration of the engines. These could also marine ships machineries.
reduce the maintenance expenditure and avoid Ebersbach et al. [2] investigated the effectiveness of
disastrous breakdown to the engines. combining both vibration analysis and wear debris
Importance of predictive maintenance leads to the analysis in incorporated machine condition monitoring
development of a large amount of machine condition maintenance program. A series of studies was
monitoring techniques. Vibration and oil analysis be conducted on a spur gearbox test rig. The information
the two different methods in determining mechanicals provided by wear debris analysis was compared with
failures into common components of machines, such as vibration analysis spectrum in order to enumerate the
engines, gearboxes and generators. As it is difficult to usefulness of vibration analysis and wear debris
monitor wear conditions by measuring vibration analysis in predicting and diagnosing machinery
because of its complex sources, multi phasic failures. They discussed the use of mathematical
interference and low frequency, due to that oil analysis approach for wear debris analysis, facilitated by the
becomes the main method for monitoring various use of a laser scanning confocal microscope (LSCM).
machinery parts. Oil analysis can be categorized into The co-relation between wear debris and vibration
three fluids analysis methods that are property, fluid analysis techniques is discussed, and the usefulness of
www.ierjournal.org International Engineering Research Journal (IERJ) Special Issue Page 1194-1196, June 2016, ISSN 2395-1621

mathematical descriptors for wear debris analysis is Collection of oil samples

evaluated. from selected engines
Peng et al. [3] had given the co-relation of vibration
analysis and wear debris analysis. An investigational
test rig consists of worm gearbox driven by means of Dilution of measured oil
electric motor was set up to inspect the co-relation of samples using dilution agent
both the techniques under different wear conditions.
Oil sample and vibration information were collected
regular intervals. Wear debris analysis includes the Filtration of diluted samples
by proper filtration method
study of particle size distribution and no. of particles,
the inspection of particle morphology and types to find
out possible wear mechanism and analysis of chemical
Obtaining wear debris from
composition to assess wear sources. Fault revealing in filtered samples
the vibration signature is compared with particle
analysis. The results from this paper have given more
understanding on the dependent and independent role Analysis of wear debris using
of vibration analysis and wear debris analysis in EDX and ESEM
machine condition monitoring and defect
R.K. Upadhyay [4] monitored used CH415W40 engine On basis of result find wear modes
oil under bichromatic microscope to observe the and wear mechanism in engine
contamination and surfaces wear. According to the
observation, rubbing, cutting, fatigue, corrosion, Fig.1 Flow chart of methodology
abrasive and scuffing wear modes were observed.
Allison et al. [5] explained wear debris analysis is an 4. EXPERIMENTATION
effective technique designed for determining wear
modes and observing failure progression in this A lubricant flow in engine is shown in Figure 2, and will
manner provides extensive lead times for maintenance contain filters for cleaning the lubrication oil of debris. If,
remediation. Applications utilizing this technology has the debris particles we want to monitor is absorbed by
seen significant success along with early warning on the filter and restricted to pass, we must monitor the
disastrous failure, improved operational uptime, wear particles at a point in the flow-line between the
extended intervals between scheduled repair, machine operating point and the filter. If the debris
decreased maintenance costs, etc. Packaging and particles flow through the filter, then the position of
automating the procedure allows this technology to debris monitoring point is not critical. However, even
become a repeatable and reproducible condition- small debris particles will not be certainly to pass
monitoring tool which can be used in any laboratory or throughout the filter and it is normally desirable to
easily employed for in-service maintenance support for monitor at the point shown in following figure.
at-line condition estimation.


In this research work the effectiveness of wear debris

analysis for condition monitoring will be studied for
machinery maintenance. Preliminary investigations
will be carried out on oil sample from engines of
selected vehicles to find their wear rate. Different
engines from different manufacturers will be selected.
These engines will comprise similar age and
performing under the same type of services.
Spectrometric and microscopic measurements will be
carried out in engine oil analysis laboratory. Wear Fig.2 block diagram of lubricant flow system of a
debris analysis will include the study of debris particle typical engine
number and particle size distribution, the examination
of particle morphology and types is used to determine All the oil samples are taken at the point shown in
possible wear modes and wear condition. above fig.2. First samples are taken at specific time
Methodology used for this work is shown in interval of operation, up to maximum run of selected
following flow chart. According to following flow chart engine. Then different engines from different
experiment will be carried out. manufacturers performing same operation and having
similar age are selected to compare their wear rate.
www.ierjournal.org International Engineering Research Journal (IERJ) Special Issue Page 1194-1196, June 2016, ISSN 2395-1621

All the collected samples are then diluted using n- 5. CONCLUSION

Hexane as dilution agent. Then it is filtered using
whatman filter paper. As a result of filtration, required The studies have shown that the analysis of wear
wear debris is collected in filter paper. The filtration debris is important tool to detect critical stages of
process is carried with set up as shown in following accelerated wear that results in costly and dangerous
figure. component failures. With the information regarding
size, pattern and composition of wear particle the
sources of wear can be identified.
The main advantage of this wear debris analysis for
condition monitoring of IC engine is that, the oil
samples can be taken from machines which are still in
operation, instead of dismantling the machines to study
and analyses of the surface damages in it.


[1] M.C. Isaa, N.H.N. Yusoffa, HasrilNaina, MohdSubhi

Din Yatia, M.M. Muhammada, IrwanMohd Nora, (2013),
Ferrographic analysis of wear particles of various
machinery systems of a commercial marine ship, The
Malaysian International Tribology Conference 2013,
Fig.3 Image of experimental set up for filtration MITC2013,Vol-68, pp.345 – 351
process [2] S. Ebersbach, Z. Peng, N.J. Kessissoglou, (2006), The
investigation of the condition and faults of a spur
To collect this debris first filter papers are dried. To gearbox using vibration and wear debris analysis
obtain wear particles these filter papers are then techniques, Wear, Vol-260, pp.16–24
burned on crucible to get ash less powder of it. The [3] Z. Peng, N. Kessissoglou, (2003), An integrated
powder with debris particles is shown in following approach to fault diagnosis of machinery using wear
figure. debris and vibration analysis, Wear, Vol-255, pp.1221–
[4] R.K. Upadhyay, (2013), Microscopic technique to
determine various wear modes of used engine oil.
Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure, 1, pp. 111–
[5] Allison M. Toms Æ Karen Cassidy, (2008), Filter
Debris Analysis for Aircraft Engine and Gearbox Health
Management, J Fail. Anal.andPreven. Vol.-8, pp.183–187

Fig.4 Image of debris particles after burning

The samples of debris in the powdered form will be

tested in laboratory. As studied in literature survey
and by referring different Oil Analysis Handbooks, it is
found that for testing of concentration and
composition of debris in the samples Energy
Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (EDS) should be used;
and for microscopic inspection of size and
morphological analysis Environmental Scanning
Electron Microscope (ESEM) should be used.
The testing work mentioned above is within the
process with the help of and at SAIF, IIT Bombay.
Based on the result obtained from this analysis
diagnosis of engine condition will be done.

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