Oil Debris Analysis For Condition Monitoring of An IC Engine
Oil Debris Analysis For Condition Monitoring of An IC Engine
Oil Debris Analysis For Condition Monitoring of An IC Engine
org International Engineering Research Journal (IERJ) Special Issue Page 1194-1196, June 2016, ISSN 2395-1621
Abstract: Condition monitoring is a process of monitoring one or more parameters from the machine, such that a
significant change in these parameters can give information about the machine health. Condition of the IC engine
could be done by gaining the information based on engine oil debris analysis. Breakdown of an IC Engine is
unpredictable and regular maintenance of it would totally depend on mileage or duration of time the system had
been used. The objective of this dissertation work is to determine actual wear conditions in IC engine by studying
all the debris particles suspended in oil sample. The effectiveness of wear debris analysis in condition monitoring
will be studied for machinery maintenance. Wear debris analysis is a method of predicting the health of machine
in a non-intrusive manner by studying wear particles present in lubricating oil.