Session 1: Understanding Rice Self Sufficiency From Both Sides of The Rice Market
Session 1: Understanding Rice Self Sufficiency From Both Sides of The Rice Market
Session 1: Understanding Rice Self Sufficiency From Both Sides of The Rice Market
Note: Grouping of participants were pre-determined and allocated for both groups where
Strictly follow 10 minute country presentations on policy and practices on rice self
sufficiency issues.
• Key government policies/programs on rice self-sufficiency, food security and rice trade
What are the concerns and challenges of rice self-sufficiency of the different ASEAN
member countries?
What are the steps needed or preparations for these rice self-sufficiency initiatives?
What are the prospective strategies going forward and beyond 2015?
Ppt. rss in Indonesia. General performance of rice industry. 5 yrs product increased 3.5%/yr.
2013 increase expevted to 20m tons. Targets 2014. Paddy 75,70m ton or rice surplus of 10m
tons. Strategies undertaken.
Malaysia perspective-rss level
Alihgnd with l.a.p. 2011-2020 focusing on increasing efficiency along value chainto ensure
productivity, competitivess. Rice harve3sted area
Trend in rice yield
Impo5rtee tice det3rmined by market, no price leve3ls. But local rice –ceiling price set by govt.
Rice imports1.3m but dropped.
Natl agrofood policy 2011-20
Programs to enhance productivfity. Use of highj quality Seeds/new varieties, upgrading
irrigation, infrastructure, encourage farmers to practice gap.
Ppt by nfa administrator orlan calayag. 84% fils dependent on rice.
4m rice farmers, 100k grains businessmen
Food staples sufficiency 2011-16 under agriculture dept. key challenges – populatn and
consumoption-1 need to feed rapisdly growing pop with rising per capita demand. 2 need to
raise productivity by producing more with less.II. geographical setting only 14% of land area
devoted to rice production. Iii. Weahyer pattern/climate change – natural calamities impact. Iv.
Ke challenges promote pp to involve private sector in attaining goals/
Strateguesw – 1 increase prod and compeitiveness – expansion of irrigation, conduct
adaptability tests of hybrids, distribute farm machineries, threshers, postharveswt facilities,
establish farmer fi9eld schools.
Strategy 2 engance econ incentives – market reforms, credit provision to small farmers, expand
insiurance coverage
Nfa mandated to gradually increase palay production
Strategy 3 – manage food staple consumption – onsumption of unpoliwshed rice, eat other
staples, advocacy of reswponsible consumption of rice3 o reduce food wastage (restaurants –
offer rice in half servings)
Fss path 2011-16 25m tonws taqrget 2016
rsslevel target
da targeting exports of heirloom, colored rice. We just want to let u know humble effort to
balance trade.
Indonesia q: malysia-explain how rice preice is determined by market while local price
determined bu govt. is there a subsidy policy for local rice? Malaysia – imported rice much
higher price to encourage eating local rice. No rice susbsidy for local rice.no75% consumptiojn-
local rice. Only 25% for imported rice consumption.
Current policies of diff govts to prepare for 1 economic community by 2015.
Phils-landede cost of imported rice 18/kilo compsred to buying price 17/kilo. Converting paddy is
double the cost. Long time-suipport farmers with inputs, but we are now looking at helping
farmers with infra projects. As farmer4sw have aqbility to buy farm inputs but hard to set up
irrigation projects.
Malaysia-trying to improve production in 2013, by 2020-increase rice prudection. For fs purpose,
we are trying to increase rice production.
From among the presenters, are there clear delineatede lands protected or agricuyloture and
what’%? I didn’t see that as a swtraytgey presented by presenters.
Indonesia-rule thatevery district has to determine certain conserved land decided by district
govt. seed and breeding, Ingra, resource (didn’t answer question), agri financing for agr9i devt.
Malaysia-land for agri increased (minh).
Phils-wto member. We are not against free trade but takes time to prepare for 2015, rice
pruction cost higher in phils than other countries. If we won’t be able to help farmers, theyl go to
cities and add to problems for govt. we don’t have crystal ball to foresee crisis. Exporting
countries don’t export rice but farmers don’t plant, we need to push lower cost of rice production
we have to be readey.