Triangular Arch Truss
Triangular Arch Truss
Triangular Arch Truss
Winter 2017
I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented
in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required
by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that
are not original to this work.
Table of Contents
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... III
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................ IV
LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................................................................... V
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................... V
CHAPTER ONE .............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 1
1 .2 structural analysis and design software ............................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................. 2
2.1 Truss systems ................................................................................................................................ 2
2.1.1 Planar trusses ............................................................................................................................... 2
2.1.2 Three-dimensional trusses ........................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER THREE .......................................................................................................... 9
3.1 building material ................................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 Disadvantage of steel .......................................................................................................................... 9
CHAPTER FOUR ............................................................................................................ 9
4.1 Modeling of Triangular arch truss ....................................................................................................... 9
CHAPTER FIVE ............................................................................................................ 15
5.1 Analysis of Triangular arch truss ....................................................................................................... 15
CHAPTER SIX .............................................................................................................. 19
6.1 Design of Triangular arch truss ......................................................................................................... 19
CHAPTER SEVEN ........................................................................................................ 21
7.1 Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 21
7.2 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 25
References ................................................................................................................... 25
A truss is a structure comprising one or two triangular units constructed with straight
members, whose ends are connected at joints (nodes). External forces and reactions to
those forces are considered to act only at the nodes and result in axial forces in the
members that are either purely tensile or compressive. Trusses are capable of spanning
much further than solid beams or girder members, with less material.
Trusses can be planar, box or space type. Thus, there is no limit to the forms that can
be created using trusses. In instances of curved geometry, the trusses can be
fabricated to incorporate the curved structure into their span. These trusses can use
curved members for the top and bottom chords, and straight segments for the web
members. Triangular arch trusses are one of these kind which are mainly used in the
structure of bridges and roofs.
In addition to the manner of acting as a truss, triangular arch trusses use arch action to
reduce the bending moments in long-span structures. Essentially, an arch acts as an
inverted cable, so it receives its load mainly in compression although, because of its
rigidity, it must also resist some bending and shear depending upon how it is loaded
and shaped. Triangular arch trusses are almost designed as bending free structures to
eliminate any excessive deflection.
This graduation project is intended to model, analyze and design triangular arch trusses
for an industrial building using SAP2000 computer program subroutines. The thesis
starts with a brief information about SAP2000, truss systems and usage of steel as
building material for trusses. Then, it shows the process of modeling, analyzing and
designing of a canopy step by step. The thesis ends with a model of the skillful structure
with reasonable design results.
Foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Assist. Prof. Dr.
Nildem Tayşi for the continuous support of my graduation project, for her patience,
motivation, and broad knowledge. Her teachings, particularly in structural analysis,
helped me in all the time of doing the project and writing of this thesis.
My earnest thanks also goes to Prof.Dr.Pallab Das, Prof.Dr. Aminul Islam Laskar,
Prof.Dr. A.K. Dey, Prof.Dr.Parthasarathi Choudry, Asst.Prof.Dr.Parbin Sultana,
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nirmali Borthakor, Assoc.Prof.Dr. A.K. Borbhuiya, Assoc.Prof.Dr.Briti
Sundar Sil, Dr.Susmita Gosh, Assoc.Prof.Dr.Bijan Kumar Roy, Research Asst. Upendra
Kumar and all other precious lecturers who have helped me grasp the fundamentals of
engineering so I am able to work on this graduation project at present.
I thank my fellow classmates in University of NIT Silchar : Zarif Noori , Krishneel Sanjay
Ram, Abdul Basir Rahmati , Aryan Farahi, Anurag Anand, Nilutpul Chutiya and all the
rest for all the fun we have had in the last four years. I am grateful to Abdulrziq hakimi, a
graduate student of Civil Engineering, for enlightening me the first glance of the project.
1.1 Introduction
This graduation thesis focuses mainly on using Sap2000 as a structural analysis and
design software to model, analyze and design an industrial building framed with
triangular arch truss supported by steel pipe columns with metal roofing supported by
purlins. The main parts and members of the building are triangular arch trusses,
columns, girders, purlins, metal roofing and joints.
The arch truss used in the building is a triangular space frame truss which its bottom
and top chords are made of steel pipe. Each purlin and column has section made of
steel tube but of course with different dimensions. The girders connecting the columns
are also steel tube.
The building frame consists of seven bents*, or in other words it has totally six bays.
This is going to be built on a 20m x 36m area .So each bay measures 6m and the span
of the arch truss is 36m.The height of each column is 5 m and the radius of the outer
arch is 4m. AISC 360-10 * design code is used for the design requirements of this steel
structural building.
The second part of this chapter will discuss about Sap2000, its purposes and usages.
Chapter 2 will give really good information about truss systems, why and how it is
preferred to be used in the structure of the building. In chapter 3, we will discuss about
steel as a building material in this project. Subsequently, by using Sap2000 we will
show how to model, analyze and design the building in chapter 4, 5 and 5 respectively.
Finally, the thesis will be summarized and concluded in Chapter7.
*The roof truss along with its supporting columns is termed as a bent.
1 .2 structural analysis and design software
SAP2000 is integrated software for structural analysis and design. It is a Finite Element
Analysis program created by CSI Inc. SAP uses the stiffness matrix for its analysis. It is
used primarily by structural engineers for analysis to determine forces, moments, and
displacements. It is especially useful for dynamic analysis of seismically induced
From its 3D object based graphical modeling environment to the wide variety of analysis
and design options completely integrated across one powerful user interface, SAP2000
has proven to be the most integrated, productive and practical general purpose
structural program on the market today.
In SAP2000 ,you can develop a computational building model with different kinds of
materials, cross sectional dimensions of columns, beams, trusses, etc., and then place
different loads on the building model that are needed; after making calculations that go
along with codes, specifications and guidelines that a local building jurisdiction would
use. Next step is to test the model to ensure its survival. SAP2000 is able to give you a
more accurate and precise solution with details than solving the problem by hand.
Although there are countless variations of planar truss types, these diagrams outline
some of the most common ones.. Fabricated from common steel angles and plates,
they represent the least expensive options for fabrication. The top and bottom members
of the trusses are referred to as "chords" and the intermediate steel as "web members".
Under typical loading the top chord will act in compression and the bottom chord in
Beams and joists are intended to accept loads continually along their length ("distributed
loads"). As a result, these members are designed to resist flexural or bending stresses.
Trusses are designed as pin- or hinge-connected structures, with the intention to
transfer loads axially along each member. Hence the members are designed to resist
either pure compression or pure tension, but not bending. Therefore, loads must only be
transferred to the truss at its node, panel points or joints.
Figure 2 Purlins
function of the spanning capabilities of the decking, as the spacing of the purlins will be
directly impacted.
From an architectural perspective, trusses present an enormous design potential for a
building. Where common steel trusses are fabricated from standard sections, the fact
that there is only pure tensile or compressive axial loading implies that the member
selection can be finetuned so as to reflect the nature of the loading. Rods or cables can
be used for tensile members, creating a contrast with the use of sections for
compression members. This presents unique opportunities for designing the
connections between the members in a way to develop an individual architectural
detailing language for the project.
2.1.2 Three-dimensional trusses
Three-dimensional truss systems are used as a means to limit the span requirements of
the structural members that carry the roof or floor loads to the trusses. The added third
dimension of the truss also provides additional lateral stability in situations of long span.
Box-type trusses have a linear span direction. This is very different from a space frame,
which can span freely in multiple directions. As with other truss types, loads must be
transferred at the nodes to ensure that there is only axial loading of the members.
Three-dimensional trusses are typically custom-fabricated for each project. They are
often used in architecturally exposed conditions, so member selection and connection
design are important. As their connections are often geometrically challenging, round
HSS sections are normally used, as it has been found to be simpler to resolve welded
connections for this member type.
The curved triangular trusses that
span across the Dubai Metro
stations have single round HSS
top chords and a pair of round
HSS bottom chords that are
separated by smaller round HSS
web members. The welded joints
combined with the curved steel
help to keep the truss stiff in spite
of a lack of diagonal web
members in the plane of the
The fabric roof of The Bank of America Pavilion in Boston, MA, USA by A-Form
Architecture, is supported by a single three-dimensional trussed arch. The truss can
make use of ground access to assist erection, so it was possible to fabricate the truss
as a series of smaller elements.
Trusses are one of the more versatile framing systems in that they can be used both as
spanning members and as inhabitable spaces. If the depth of the truss is sufficient, it is
possible to plan around the web members to create usable space.
If the basics of connection design strategies and the intentions of framing are well
understood, then it is possible to build upon simple solutions to create an innovative
architectural language of connections in steel.
Figure: The free space in trusses permits to install any type of mechanical or electrical service systems
Steel is the material used in the frame of this industrial building. It is light and economic
for this type of structures. It is also easy to provide required accuracy in metals.
Aluminum is another metal, which can give the same accuracy and it is lighter
compared to steel. However, its modulus of elasticity is around 1/3 of the one that steel
has. Therefore, maximum deflection in the structure may govern the design. To prevent
excessive deflections, higher sections may be required and this may eliminate the
lightness advantage of aluminum. Since steel is cheaper compared to aluminum, using
steel in the structures is generally preferred all around the world. As a result considering
all advantages of steel, we have decided to use steel in this building.
As it was mentioned in the introduction, the building frame consists of seven bents, or in
other words it has totally six bays. This is going to be built on a 20m x 36m area .So
each bay measures 6m and the span of the arch truss is 36m.The height of each
column is 5 m and the radius of the inner and outer arch are 18.2m and 19.4m
The main part of modelling the frame is to sketch out the arch. Since it is very much
easier to draw it in AutoCAD, we will first draw a 2D arch in AutoCAD and then we will
import it into Sap2000 in order to form it into a 3D arch truss by using Duplicate
command. So the modelling can be done partially in AutoCAD.
The modelling is explained in the following steps:
Step 1:
The span of the arch truss is 20.0m.The bottom arch cord’s radius is 18.2m while that of
the top is 19.4m. The bottom chord is divided into 20 equal parts. Knowing the
dimensions of the truss, it is so easy to draw it in AutoCAD. The parts of the truss
should be drawn in different layers in order to be able to define the parts while importing
it into Sap2000.
Figure: The chords are drawn in green and web members are in blue. The brown construction lines are
drawn to show the symmetry of the arch truss.
Make sure that the origin of the coordinate system of the drawing in AutoCAD coincides
with that of Sap2000.So it will be imported exactly within the boundaries of the grid
system. After completing the drawing, it should be saved in dxf file format to be
imported into Sap2000.
Before importing the file, we should define our grid lines. Grid lines are good for not
making any mistakes regarding to the dimensions and location of the members.
Figure: The ordinates of the grid lines can be edited by right clicking on the active windows and selecting
“Edit Grid Data “
Step #3:
After defining the grid data, the file can be imported into sap2000 by selecting the
“import “command from the “file” menu. While importing the file, make sure the units are
in KN,mm,C because the drawing’s dimensions were in millimeter too.
Since the dimensions and origin of the coordinate system of the AutoCAD drawing
coincide with those in Sap2000 so we need to move vertically the arch up exactly 5.0m
in X-Z plane. We can do this easily by using the Move command in the Edit menu.
Figure: The drawing can be moved 5 m in the Z direction.
Step #4:
After positioning the arch truss, we can draw the web members, chords, columns
girders and purlins. Before that, define the cross section of them in terms of the material
and dimensions. In this case we wish to use A992Fy50 type of steel as building
material. The type and preliminary dimensions of parts of the building are as follows:
Web members: steel pipe with 150mm outside diameter and 3mm wall thickness.
Upper and Lower chords: steel pipe with 150mm outside diameter and 3mm wall
Columns: steel pipe 300mm and 5mm wall thickness
Purlins: steel tube section with 80mm outside depth, outside width 40mm, flange
thickness 2mm and web thickness 2mm.
We can do this by following Define > Section properties >Frame sections >Add new
Table 1: The dimensions of parts of the frame in preliminary design
Purlin ( tube) U & L chords and web members ( pipe) Columns &
Girder ( pipe )
outside depth 80mm outside diameter 150mm 300mm
outside width 40mm Wall thickness 3 mm 5mm
flange thickness 2mm
web thickness 2mm
Step #5:
Our aim in this step is to draw the web members on existing webs members drawn in
AutoCAD. After drawing new web members, we should delete the old webs members.
So select all the web members and then unselect all and then select “Draw
Frame/Cable “command to draw web members. After completing the web members,
delete the pre-existing web members by clicking on “Get Previous Selection” and then
delete it consequently.
Step #5:
Draw the columns on the window of “X-Z plane @Y=0”
Step #6:
Delete the existing lower and upper chords and draw new chords using steel pipe with
150mm outside diameter and 3mm wall thickness.
Step #7:
Replicate the upper chord to both left and right side (dy= ±500 mm) and then delete the
chord itself.
Step #8:
Select all the drawn web members and delete them.
Step #9:
Now start to draw the web members in 3D form. In other words, connect the web
members in all three chords (one lower chord and two upper chords)
ht as
set of
s are
at the
lower chord while the bases are connected to each other at the upper chords.
Step #10:
After drawing the 3D of one of the arches, then we can replicate it (dy=6m, number=6)
Step #11:
At x-z plane @ Y=0, select all the joints on the arch and then extrude these joints to
purlins. We can do this by following Edit >Extrude >Extrude points to frames/Cables
(Property for added objects: Purlins, dy=5m, number=7). Since the length of each bay is
6m and distance between chords is 0.5m on each side then the length of each purlin is
5m in y-direction.
Step #12:
Assign the restraints at joints on X-Y plane @ Z=0.
Select the points of the joints and follow Assign >
Joint > Restraints
Step #1:
We have used A992Fy50 type of steel as our building material so far. We can change
the properties of steel by following Define > Materials. (Steel grade A38, min yield
stress=250 kPa, min tensile stress= 300 kPa)
Step #2:
In this step, we can define loads on the structure. To do so follow Define>Load patterns
We can add Dead load, Surcharge (Super dead) Load and Roof live load.
Step #3:
Now we can have our load combinations. Follow Define>Load combinations and then
select Add Default Design Combos and then select Steel Frame Design. Doing so,
UDSTL1 and UDSTL2 will be added.
Step #4:
In this step we wish to draw the girders connecting the columns. We can select ‘steel
column pipe ‘and start to draw the girders on X-Y plane @ Z=5m.
Step #5:
In this step assign the loads on the purlins. To do so select the all the purlins and then
follow Assign> Frame Loads > Distributed. Add a 0.4 kN/m as a Surcharge load in
gravity projected direction. Repeat the procedure for adding 0.7kN/m of roof live load.
Figure: The window can be opened after right clicking on one of the purlins
Step #6:
Let’s start the analysis of the frame in this step. Follow Analyze> Set Analysis Options
and choose Space Frame as our structure to be analyzed. After that, run analysis by
pressing F5. Set the model to ‘Do not run “because we only wish to do a static analysis.
Take your time until the computer is ready to show the analysis result.
Figure: The brief information after running the analysis
Step #7:
After running the analysis you can see the deformed shaped of the structure under any
type of load. Follow Display > Show Deformed Shape. From this window you can select
the load combination or the type of load under which you wish to see the deflection of
the structure. You can watch the behavior of the frame much better under, let’s say
UDSTL2, by clicking on Start Animation.
Step #8:
In this step, we can see the forces and stress on any member of our structure. For
instance, we wish to see forces and moments on a joint under UDSTL2. Follow
Display> show Forces/Stresses > Joints.
In the same way, if we wish to see the axial forces in the members we can follow
Display> Show Forces/Stresses> Frames/Cables/Tendons.
Figure: selecting any member and right clicking on it will show the internal reaction diagrams.
Figure: Diagrams for a column
Step #1:
We need to choose a design code and specifications for our structure. In this case, we
wish to use AISC 360-10 as our design code. To do so follow Design> Steel Frame
Design> View/Revise preferences.
Figure: Design code and specifications
Step #2:
Add the design load combinations by following Design> Steel Frame Design> Select
Design Combos. In this section add UDSTL2 along with UDSTL1.
Step #3:
Follow Design> Steel Frame Design> Start design/Check for structure
Step #4:
We can revise the strength of steel in this step. Since our structure has excessively
deformed, we increase the strength to min yield stress=250 MPa and min tensile
stress= 300 MPa. To do so follow Define > Materials
Step #5:
In this step, we can revise the dimensions of parts of the structure set in the preliminary
design. We can do this by following Define > Section properties >Frame sections
>Modify /Show property
Purlin ( tube) U & L chords and web members ( pipe) Columns &
Girder ( pipe )
outside depth 80mm outside diameter 150mm 300mm
outside width 40mm Wall thickness 2 mm 5mm
flange thickness 1.5mm
web thickness 1.5mm
Table 6.1: The dimensions of parts of the frame in the final design
Step #6:
Follow Design> Steel Frame Design> Start design/Check for structure.
Now clicking on any member will show the results of the analysis.
This thesis is going to be submitted along with results of analysis of members of the
7.1 Summary
The main object of this thesis is to show how to model, analyze and design an arch
truss by using SAP2000. In the beginning of thesis, we discussed about SAP2000 and
its capabilities in analyzing structures. Then, we explained the importance of trusses
and in particular the arch trusses in steel structures. In fact, the combination of an arch
with a truss system gives the building a powerful structural stability and strength to
resist large loads and in turn handle their effects. The building material of trusses, which
is mainly steel, is another advantage of these type of structures. However, there are
some disadvantages of it as well yet it can be partially avoided with a smart and creative
design of structure.
The modeling of our industrial building starts in AutoCAD. After drawing an arch truss
with given dimensions in AutoCAD we can easily import it to SAP2000 in order to
complete the modeling process. The modeling process is explained step by step in
order to show different features of modeling in SAP2000. It should be noted that some
steps are prerequisites for some other upcoming steps of modeling.
The analysis of the building is another task when we are done with modeling. The
analyzing process judges the model of the structure with regard to the dimensions and
quality and its response to assigned loads and reactions in terms of internal reactions
and deflection of the frame. Finally, the final design of the building can be done as soon
as we have the results of the structure. The analysis and design of the building is also
shown in steps. The analysis and design results are prepared in separate sheets so
they can be attached to this thesis. Besides, the soft copy of the project is available in
the following website address:
The model of our industrial building looks like the following figures.
Figure: The view of the building in X-Y plane
Figure: The three dimensional view of the building
Figure: The view of a triangular arch truss: The Triangular shaped elements are connect by three curved chords
in a zigzag form in order to construct a space frame truss of a triangular arch shape.
7.2 Conclusion
Arch truss is one of the most efficient and famous structures in steel structures which is
mainly used in the construction of bridges, industrial buildings, recreational facilities,
sports stadiums, warehouses and light manufacturing plants and so on. It has a broad
range of uses in construction sector.
1. Understanding Steel Design 1st Edition-by Terri Meyer Boake (Author), Vincent
Hui (Illustrator)
2. Structural Analysis (9th Edition) 9th Edition-by Russell C. Hibbeler (Author)
3. Optimum design of double-layer grid systems: comparison with current design
practice using real-life industrial applications, a thesis by Yilmaz Aydincilar
4. A Treatise on Design and Construction of Roofs - by Nathan Clifford Ricker